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39 проб донных песчаных отложений, отобранных в восточной части Калининградского залива. На основании гранулометрического анализа составлена схема распределения песков. Показано, что они распространены вдоль берегов залива до глубин 2,5-3,0 м. В основном они представлены средними и мелкими песками. Наиболее распространенными песками являются мелкие (0,250-0,125 мм) пески. Это преимущественно современные, хорошо отмытые полевошпатово-кварцевые образования светло-серых оттенков. Содержание преобладающей фракции в их составе колеблется в диапазоне от 36 до 71 %, они также характеризуются хорошей сортированностью (So в среднем составляет 1,6) и отсутствием илистых и глинистых частиц. На поверхности дна в районе распространения средних песков повсеместно развита тонкая окисленная пленка, свидетельствующая о хорошей аэрации придонного слоя. Содержание СаСо 3 составляет в песках в среднем около 1 %, а органического углерода около 0,5 %. Основным минералом песчаных отложений является кварц (75-85 %), а второстепенными компонентами-калиевые полевые шпаты, глауконит, гранаты, обломки пород. Ключевые слова: Калининградский залив, донные отложения, гранулометрический состав Bottom sediments are an integrating indicator of sedimentation and environmental conditions. Therefore, the use of their lithological characteristics to assess the state of aquatic ecosystems and the degree of anthropogenic load on them is quite reasonable. Particularly important are the data on the granulometric composition of precipitation, i.e., on the percentage of a particular fraction. Precisely on the size composition of precipitation depends on their ability to accumulate various pollutants. Therefore, the study of sand deposits, as the least susceptible to such accumulation, is of particular importance in reservoirs with intensive economic use. They are the necessary and most affordable building material, convenient pastures and spawning grounds for fish, their distribution areas are the least polluted and, therefore, attractive as recreational facilities. The paper presents the results of the study of 39 samples of bottom sand deposits selected in the Eastern part of the Kaliningrad Bay. On the basis of the grain size analysis the scheme of distribution of sands is made. It is shown that they are distributed along the shores of the Bay to depths of 2.5-3.0 m. they are mainly represented by medium and fine sands. The most common sands are small (0.250-0.125 mm) sands. These are predominantly modern, well-washed feldspar-quartz formations of light gray shades. The content of the predominant fraction in their composition ranges from 36 to 71 %, they are also characterized by good sorting (So on average 1.6) and the absence of silty and clay particles. A thin oxidized film is everywhere developed on the bottom surface in the area of medium sand distribution, indicating a good aeration of the bottom layer.The content of CaCO3 in the sands averages about 1 %, and organic carbon about 0.5 %. The main mineral of sand deposits is quartz (75-85 %), and minor components are potassium feldspar, glauconite, pomegranates, rock fragments.
        
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 
   
    
   
    
   
   
  
    
   
    
  
    
     
    
     
   
   
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   
     
    
    
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    
     
    
   
    
   
    
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   
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   
    
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 
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      
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     
   
    
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    
    
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   
     
     
 
   
     
     
   
    
   
    
    
    
     
   
   
    
    
    
    
  
    
   
   
    
    
   
  
   
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    
  
   
    
    
   
      
   
    
     
    
 
   
   
     
   
 
   
     
  
    
    
   
        
     
    
    
   
    
     
    
   
 
    
    
     
   
    
    
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    
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    
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   
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 
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    
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   
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    
   
 
      
   
      
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        
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