Conference Paper

Evaluation des risques liés aux variations spatiotemporelles de la pluviométrie au Sahel

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RESUME : Dans les vastes zones pastorales du Niger et du Mali, caractérisées par un déficit chronique en eau, les activités d'élevage sont extrêmement vulnérables aux variations des précipitations. La survie du cheptel y est intimement liée à la disponibilité en eau et en ressources fourragères. Depuis 1999, Action Contre la Faim Ŕ Espagne travaille sur un système d'information géographique intégrant les ressources hydrauliques, le mouvement des populations et la répartition spatiale et quantitative des pâturages dans l'objectif de fournir un outil d'aide à la gestion de l'activité pastorale et d'identification, de localisation et de prévention des risques de crise alimentaire. La télédétection à moyenne résolution représente un outil rapide, disponible pour l'ensemble des territoires et guère onéreux d'estimation de la quantité de biomasse produite en fin d'hivernage. Ces outils d'alerte ayant fait leurs preuves lors de la crise alimentaire de 2004-2005, le défi est désormais leur passation aux systèmes de surveillances des pays concernés.

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... Sur le terrain, les actions mises en oeuvre dans le cadre du renforcement des dispositifs SAP concernent le suivi de la vulnérabilité pastorale pour la définition de réponses appropriées à ces groupes de population dans la sous-région ouest-africaine. ACF, en partenariat avec les ministères de l'élevage du Mali, du Niger et du Burkina Faso, et les associations d'éleveurs au Sénégal, a développé un système d'alerte précoce pastorale utilisant des données de télédétection satellitaire, des enquêtes de terrain, en tenant compte des connaissances, des pratiques locales et des traditions (Orenstein, 2017a ;Ham et Fillol, 2012 ;Ham et al., 2011 ;Bastide et al., 2008 ;Fillol et al., 2008 ;Métais, 2007). Des indicateurs adaptés issus de la télédétection spatiale, utilisant des traitements pour extraire l'information statistique et le ciblage géographique, ont été élaborés en vue d'appuyer la prise de décision à une échelle d'analyse régionale permettant de considérer de larges espaces et ayant l'avantage de donner une visualisation synthétique de la vulnérabilité à l'échelle sous-régionale (Ham et Fillol, 2012). ...
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L’élevage pastoral au Sahel est extrêmement dépendant des irrégularités climatiques, et particulièrement de la qualité de la saison des pluies qui conditionne la repousse des pâturages et le remplissage des points d’eau. Les éleveurs nomades et transhumants adaptent leurs stratégies de déplacement à l’état et à la disponibilité de ces ressources. Les outils de suivi de la sécurité alimentaire de ces territoires pastoraux doivent donc intégrer, en plus des données spatialisées sur la biomasse, des informations sur ces mouvements pastoraux et sur les facteurs qui les conditionnent. Pour accompagner les systèmes d’alerte locaux au Sahel, l’organisation non gouvernementale Action contre la Faim propose un modèle de vulnérabilité pastorale basé sur des données satellitaires acquises en temps réel et sur la connaissance des pratiques pastorales. Ce modèle permet d’alimenter en informations un système d’alerte précoce en identifiant les zones d’intérêt pastoral déficitaires en ressources plusieurs mois avant la période de soudure potentiellement problématique. La confrontation avec l’information concomitante collectée sur le terrain par des relais sentinelles permet une surveillance de la situation pastorale, contribuant au développement des infrastructures ou au déploiement de l’aide humanitaire.
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One of the aims of the EU funded project Long-term regional effects of climate change on European forests: impact assessment and consequences for carbon budgets (LTEEF-II, ENV4-CT97-0577) is to quantify the fluxes of carbon and water between vegetation (forests) and atmosphere and to assess the carbon balance of forests in Europe.This paper presents the results of the application of the C-Fix model within the frame of part of the objectives of the LTEEF-II project, as defined for the European continental scale.A description of the C-Fix model is presented in the first part of this paper. C-Fix is a Monteith type parametric model driven by temperature, radiation and fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR), the last variable derived by processing NOAA/AVHRR data of 1997 acquired over Europe as well as VEGETATION (VGT) data for the same region for the period 1998–1999. In a second part of the paper, the main results obtained are described, e.g. net ecosystem fluxes for forest, calculated locally for the Euroflux CO2 measurement sites as well as for the whole continent. The model simulations were evaluated with eddy covariance measurements of NEP performed during 1997 at the Euroflux sites. Moreover, a comparison between NEP determined with NOAA/AVHRR data, opposed to NEP simulations based on VGT data is performed. A difference up to 20% is obtained between both data sets. Finally A C-Fix estimate of total European vegetation NEP obtained with NOAA/AVHRR data for 1997 is 2.70±32% Pg C, (P=1015 g, % is 95% confidence limit). This estimate decreases to 2.15±43% Pg C when VGT data for the period April 1998–March 1999 are used. The total forest NEP for Europe, however, is estimated at 0.735 Pg C for 1997. Along a North–South transect at 13° east, through Europe a clear increase in NEP and the other basic carbon mass fluxes GPP and NPP is modelled from northern to southern latitudes. Moreover, along this transect the values simulated with C-Fix for NEP corresponds well with the eddy covariance NEP estimates for the Euroflux sites.
In thermodynamic terms, ecosystems are machines supplied with energy from an external source, usually the sun. When the input of energy to an ecosystem is exactly equal to its total output of energy, the state of equilibrium which exists is a special case of the First Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law is relevant too. It implies that in every spontaneous process, physical or chemical, the production of 'useful' energy, which could be harnessed in a form such as mechanical work, must be accompanied by a simultaneous 'waste' of heat. No biological system can break or evade this law. The heat produced by a respiring cell is an inescapable component of cellular metabolism, the cost which Nature has to pay for creating biological order out of physical chaos in the environment of plants and animals. Dividing the useful energy of a thermodynamic process by the total energy involved gives a figure for the efficiency of the process, and this procedure has been widely used to analyse the flow of energy in ecosystems. For example, the efficiency with which a stand of plants produces dry matter by photosynthesis can be defined as the ratio of chemical energy stored in the assimilates to radiant energy absorbed by foliage during the period of assimilation. The choice of absorbed energy as a base for calculating efficiency is convenient but arbitrary. To derive an efficiency depending on the environment of a particular site as well as oil the nature of the vegetation, dry matter production can be related to the receipt of solar energy at the top of the earth's atmosphere. This exercise was attempted by Professor William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, in 1852. 'The author estimates the mechanical value of the solar heat which, were none of it absorbed by the atmosphere, would fall annually on each square foot of land, at 530 000 000 foot pounds; and infers that probably a good deal more, 1/1000 of the solar heat, which actually falls on growing plants, is converted into mechanical effect.' Outside the earth's atmosphere, a surface kept at right angles to the sun's rays receives energy at a mean rate of 1360 W m-2 or 1f36 kJ m-2 s-1, a figure known as the solar constant. As the energy stored by plants is about 17 kJ per gram of dry matter, the solar constant is equivalent to the production of dry matter at a rate of about 1 g m-2 every 12 s, 7 kg m-2 per day, or 2 6 t m-2 year-'. The annual yield of agricultural crops ranges from a maximum of 30-60 t ha-' in field experiments to less than I t ha-' in some forms of subsistence farming. When these rates are expressed as a fraction of the integrated solar constant, the efficiencies of agricultural systems lie between 0-2 and 0 004%, a range including Kelvin's estimate of 0-1%. Conventional estimates of efficiency in terms of the amount of solar radiation incident at the earth's surface provide ecologists and agronomists with a method for comparing plant productivity under different systems of land use and management and in different * Opening paper read at IBP/UNESCO Meeting on Productivity of Tropical Ecosystems, Makerere University, Uganda, September 1970.
The influence of pixel heterogeneity, background, atmospheric and bidirectional effects on the relationship between fraction of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the photosynthesizing tissue in a canopy (FAPAR) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is investigated using a three-dimensional model of radiation transfer. Top of the canopy (TOC) NDVI and FAPAR increase with ground cover and plant leaf area. Their functional response to leaf orientation, solar zenith angle and atmospheric optical depth is similar. For instance, planophile canopies (mostly horizontal leaves) have a higher FAPAR and TOC NDVI than erectophile canopies (mostly erect leaves). However, FAPAR and TOC NDVI respond differently to other parameters such as soil reflectance and leaf optical properties. For example, an increase in soil reflectance increases FAPAR but decreases TOC NDVI. Atmospheric and bidirectional effects confound the interpretation of top of the atmosphere (TOA) NDVI. The transmissivity of NDVI, defined as the ratio TOA/TOC NDVI, decreases with increasing atmospheric turbidity and solar zenith angle. Sensing about the nadir directions under clear sky conditions and moderate solar incidence angles can result in transmissivities as high as 0.8. There are sufficient causal grounds for relating FAPAR to NDVI. The relationship is independent of pixel heterogeneity, parameterized here with ground cover, plant leaf area, and variations in leaf orientation and optical properties. On the other hand, the relationship is sensitive to background, atmospheric, and bidirectional effects. A simple linear model relating FAPAR to TOC NDVI is proposed, and its validity is discussed.
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Elevage, Environnement et Développement (LEAD) et le Groupement d'Intérêt