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Usage of Social Networking Tools by Rural Youth in Transfer of Technology - An Overview



The utilization of social media tools is an integral part of rural youth lives today. Over some time utilization of social media has been changed the attention of rural youth. The development of rural youths on social media has reached at a different level, without social media, every individual of rural youth cannot think about the direction of their respective growth and futures. The research studies on the utilization of social media conducted across the world by different authors and review extensively for drawing constructive inference for future study and reference. The development of rural youth on social media is now leading to addiction. The major sources and several studies reported that it is widely accepted the overutilization of social media has a profound negative influence on the rural youths. This study highlights the main purposes of utilizing social media by rural youth and to attempt have been made to find out the time spent on surfing the various social networking sites. This study focuses on the major and the positive and negative effects of utilizing social media on the life of rural youths.
*Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics &
38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
ISSN: 2320-7027
Usage of Social Networking Tools by Rural Youth in
Transfer of Technology - An Overview
P. Radhakrishnan
, N. Sriram
and N. Manivannan
Institute of Agriculture, Vamban, Pudukkottai - District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Salem - District, Tamil Nadu, India.
NPRC, Pudukkottai - District, Tamil Nadu, India.
Authors’ contributions
This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author PR designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. Author
NS managed the overall analyses of the study. Author NM managed the review of literature searches.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Article Information
DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2020/v38i230309
(1) Abiar Rahman, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
(1) Romer C. Castillo, Batangas State University, Philippines.
(2) M. Hlynka, University of Windsor, Canada.
Complete Peer review History:
Received 02 January 2020
Accepted 08 March 2020
Published 17 March 2020
The utilization of social media tools is an integral part of rural youth lives today. Over some time
utilization of social media has been changed the attention of rural youth. The development of rural
youths on social media has reached at a different level, without social media, every individual of
rural youth cannot think about the direction of their respective growth and futures. The research
studies on the utilization of social media conducted across the world by different authors and
review extensively for drawing constructive inference for future study and reference. The
development of rural youth on social media is now leading to addiction. The major sources and
several studies reported that it is widely accepted the overutilization of social media has a profound
negative influence on the rural youths. This study highlights the main purposes of utilizing social
media by rural youth and to attempt have been made to find out the time spent on surfing the
various social networking sites. This study focuses on the major and the positive and negative
effects of utilizing social media on the life of rural youths.
Review Article
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
Keywords: Rural youths; Whatsapp; Facebook; Twitter; impact of social media.
Social media tool is a significant discussion
among the rural youth in which they create,
innovate, diffuse, share exchange their
perceptions, intuitions and attitudes, views of
virtual communities networking sites. The social
networking sites have been drastically increased
in the participation and allow the youths to keep
in touch with friends, family members, relatives
and society peoples. Even though social media is
changing the way in which youth interact with
others through social networking sites. Youths
are always connected with the people are more
isolated and creating new ethnocentrism. Ten
years ago rural youth might have only been in
touch with friends and peer groups, when
hanging out at college, school meeting up in
town and cities. Now the juncture is rural youth
can be touch through instant message, social
network, online games by using various social
media tools. Rural youths are growing up in a
constantly connected with the society, especially
rural youths are always having plenty of hope for
their forthcoming lives in order changing the
society people attitudes, perception, psychology
and culture etc.
Nowadays, online world is a realistic one. It
will reveal the meaning for the rural youth who
use it and increase physical and virtual
common platform. But, when technology is
developed, you cannot always predict how
young people will use it. Often rural youths
are involved in multi-faced activities and
technologies by using various social media tools.
The impact of social media is not
homogeneously speared across all rural youth.
Some young people lack direct, regular
access to the search engine. Others might
have literacy skills issues which prevent them
from participating fully in the mainstream
social media circle. However, social media will
bring gradual changes in the rural society.
Realizing the importance of social media
utilization across the world, the paper attempted
to review the studies related to social media
usages conducted by different authors and
drawn conclusions. The review paper is
presenting the various author's views about the
social media based on their research studies
which will be very benefited for future reference
and future study in Information and
Communication Technology in agriculture and
allied sectors.
Rivers [1] opines that mass media is emphasized
on entertainment now and ignores the
information aspect. But he also argues that social
media have an important role in modern
democratic society as the main bridge of
communication. The population relies on the
news media as the main source of information
and on the basis of which they form their
opinions and voting decision makings. He viewed
that any selection of messages in the mass
media will thus have a profound effect on the
entire society. The life and death of each
newspaper and TV station is at stake here when
the income from advertising and sponsoring is
proportional to the number of readers or viewers.
The printed media have problems competing with
electronic media as sources of news papers. To
survive, they are increasingly turning to other
strategies such as entertainment, recreations,
scandal-mongering and spreading fear and
spending fewer resources on serious researching
of news. This is not only about the survival of the
fittest of the news media; it is also about cultural
selection and political selection. The news media
are the most important channels for the
propagation of culture, ideas, and opinions. Most
opinion formation takes place when people sit
and watch news and debates on television.
Analyzing the cultural selection in the electronic
information society, we find that an important part
of the selection lies in the choice between TV
channels. The electronic media are first and
foremost communication device. It is a relaxation
machine, and the viewer wants to be entertained.
The faces on the screen are not chosen for their
opinions but for their entertainment value. TV
stations do not compete on ideologies but on
sense impressions. An extreme example is
music videos, satiated with fast-changing sense
impressions in sound as well as in pictures. He
argued that media influences the people’s
opinions. People tend to selectively read what
they already agree with and to rationalize their
preformed opinions in the face of contrary
arguments. Experimental evidence seems to
indicate that the mass media have little power to
change people's attitudes on issues for which
they already have formed a strong perception,
but they have a profound influence when it
comes to setting the agenda and priming people
on new issues. The way an issue is framed
determines how it is discussed, which causes a
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
social problem is blamed on, and which of the
possible remedial measures are entered into the
Raghvan [2] opines that mass media impacts the
youth in almost every field. He also focused on
the positive and negative impact of media. He
presented a survey of the origin and growth of
the mass media in India, as part of the country's
political economy, before and after
independence. It is a critical assessment of the
present media scene including the findings of the
first-ever country-wide survey of the social
effects of the media, especially TV, conducted by
the Centre for Media Studies during 1994-95;
and recommended future that includes in the
case of Akasvani and Doordarshan. He
concluded that media is very useful in providing
information to the public.
Luhmann [3] opines that the role of mass media
in the construction of social reality is so immense
that people have started living in their virtual
world. He argued that the system of mass media
is a set of recursive, self-referential programs of
communication, whose functions are not
determined by the external values of truthfulness,
objectivity, or knowledge, nor by specific social
interests or political directives. Rather, he
contends that the system of mass media is
regulated by the internal code information, which
enables the system to select its information
(news) from its own environment and to
communicate this information in accordance with
its own reflexive criteria. Despite its self-
referential quality, he describes the mass media
as one of the key cognitive systems of modern
society, by means of which society constructs the
illusion of its own reality. The reality of mass
media, he argues, allows societies to process
information without destabilizing social roles or
overburdening social actors.
Rampal [4] opines that media influences the
youth in many ways .The east access to
international media leads to the diffusion of
cultural values and ideas.Now the Indian youth is
also watching the Hollywood movies and
accessing the videos which has got American
content and due to which the Indian youth gets
influenced by it and starts adopting these values
and culture. He argues that the easy access to
technology and media has created a digital
divide in the society.
Jain [5] opines that mediazation influences
positively or negatively on the life styles of youth
in particular and changes the norms, values and
role structures of society. She also viewed that
issues of modernization, gender-issues, nation-
building, socio cultural dimensions in family
welfare and violence against women and aged
are also under the impact of globalization.
Various factors which influence the degree of
modernization such as educational, economic
factors, mass-media etc. have been co-related
with the aspirations in the light of organization
role stress and job satisfaction. She concluded
that in order to face new challenges and to adapt
to the uses of new technology, one needs to get
involved in active learning and creativity in a new
form which also requires mechanisms to seek
avenues for voluntarism and intergenerational
Subrahmanyam [6] suggests that youth spending
on data services represents almost 50.00
percent of all mobile spending in most mature
markets. Not only are youth the early adopters of
most new technologies, they are also among the
more sophisticated users of it as well.
Knight [7] in the article explains that according to
ratings, in 2003, teens were most likely to visit
icon sites for instant messaging. The most
popular sites then were Original Icons. com
(77%) and (76%). Today (in
2006) the most popular sites are
(68%) and (67%). Both of these
sites offer social networking tools. The older
generation is also visiting these sites, according
to com Score. More than half of the visitors to
popular MySpace were 35 and over. For
marketers, this is a good thing. A new report from
Compete indicates that social networkers, no
matter their age, are creating their own e-
commerce system. According to the report, those
on social networking sites have more
discretionary income, shop online more and pay
less attention to traditional media. That is a host
of potential customers just waiting to be tapped
Boyd Danah [8] says that gender appears to
influence participation on social network sites.
Younger boys are more likely to participate than
younger girls (46% vs. 44%) but older girls are
far more likely to participate than older boys
(70% vs. 57%). Older boys are twice as likely to
use the sites to flirt and slightly more likely to use
the sites to meet new people than girls of their
age. Older girls are far more likely to use these
sites to communicate with friends they see in
person than younger people or boys of their age.
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
Tynes [9] indicated that sacrificing the
educational and psychosocial benefits of online
social environments indicates that online
socialization through networks like Face book are
more beneficial to the development of
adolescents than they are harmful or dangerous.
Lenhart [10] in adolescent social networking, said
that in the past five years social networking has
“rocketed from a niche activity into a
phenomenon that engages tens of millions of
Internet users. The study proposes that online
social networking profiles posted by adolescents
contain intimate, candid, and observable self-
disclosure and peer interaction that can be
analyzed creating an overall picture of
adolescent behaviour, highlighting specific areas
needing additional research, and addressing
implications for parental monitoring and
intervention. Lehnhart and Madden state that
fifty-five percent of teenagers use and create
online social networking profiles. They opine that
with more than half of teenage Internet users
interacting online, the concept of blogging is a
salient research topic investigating what
adolescents are blogging about, how they are
socially interacting, and what potential effects
this phenomena may have on other dimensions
of their lives.
Larsen [11] based on the empirical data, says
that both genders seek the acknowledgement
they get from having their looks commented on,
but the girls are more preoccupied with what kind
of comments they get and whom they come
from. In general, it is very important that the
comments come from friends and people they
know, rather than strangers. This indicates that
photo comments are not just about having ones
outer looks valued and acknowledged (identity
construction), but also about practising and
maintaining friendships.
Wintour [12] indicated that the human mind says
that social networking sites, such as Face book
and whatsapp are putting attention span in
Valkenburg PM and J. Peter. [13] have
discussed the state of the literature on the
consequences of online communication
technologies for adolescents’ social
connectedness and wellbeing. Authors have
observed that adolescents are spending more
time on social media than adults. Through this
study, authors have first explained the reasons
for diverging of recent studies from past studies.
Authors have discussed on a viable hypothesis
to explain the recent findings and discussed on
some contingent factors that may deserve
special attention for future study.
Lenhart [14] reveals that the share of adult
Internet users who have a profile on an online
social network site has more than quadrupled in
the past four years – from 8% in 2005 to 35%
now, according to the Pew Internet & American
Life Projects December 2008 tracking survey.
While media coverage and policy attention focus
heavily on how children and youth use social
network sites, adults still make up the bulk of the
users of these websites. Adults make up a larger
portion of the US population than teens, which is
why the 35% number represents a larger number
of users than the 65% of online teens who also
use online social networks. Still, younger online
adults are much more likely than their older
counterparts to use social networks, with 75% of
adults (18-24) using these networks, compared
to just 7% of adults 65 and older. At its core, the
use of online social networks is still a
phenomenon of the young.
Salkowitz [15] opines that three forces are
reshaping the world of the 21st century: youth,
ICT and entrepreneurship, and he believes these
intertwined forces will have some impact in the
western world, he expects them to completely
remake business in less developed nations with
populations that skew toward youth, including
India, Vietnam, Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana,
Mexico and Columbia. Tech-savvy twenty-
something's with mobile devices in hand will
figure out ways to serve base-of-the pyramid
markets. He identifies an exciting new trend in
global business and introduces us to a fresh
young cast of entrepreneurs whose ideas are
changing the world. It's a wake-up call for the old
guard, a how-to manual for forward-thinking
organizations, and a call to arms for the new. He
shows how tiny start-ups in India, Brazil and
other nations whose populations trend young are
building online businesses on investment
shoestrings, collaborating with others in their
cohort (often across borders) and creating
innovative approaches to maximize minimal
Kirsh [16] opines that media plays an important
role in development. He thinks that media
consoles such as T.V. video games, computers
should not be there in children's bedroom
because it keeps the children occupied. Media
also impacts the academics of children. Media
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
impacts the youth and children negatively. Media
plays an extensive role in an individual’s daily
life. Right from the second we wake up till you go
to bed after saying goodnight to our wife, kid,
parents, siblings or friends, we are surrounded in
a world built just for us by the media. With the
advent of advanced technology, there has been
a drastic shift from the telegraph, and then the
radio, newspapers, magazines and now to the
most widely used- the internet.
Choudhary [17] opines that media especially
electronic media (TV) has a major role in daily
lives of the people. The viewing can entertain the
young and old alike for great amounts of time.
Along with entertainment,the media is used to
inform society. But he argues that today the TV
channels and newspapers are making fast
money by cashing on the news in the wrong way.
In the race to bring more popular and to make
money they have broken all the limits media
must follow while serving to build a healthy
environment. He argued that media has got a
vital role in moulding a good society as for as
youth is concerned they tend grabbing the
dialogues, actions etc. aired or published through
the media. So the media must aware of this fact
media should always try to side with the truth. He
concluded that media is the biggest tool to bring
awareness in the society, either it be social,
political or economical.
Haryal [18] opines that humans have now started
getting so weird, that people find it comfortable
exchanging messages, writing on walls,
scrapping on walls and chatting on social
networking sites rather than meeting up people
or even calling someone. The ‘virtual world’ is
changing reality at a fast pace. He talks about
the influence of social media on politics,
journalism, recruitment etc. He believes that
each time you update your status message or
tweet; it creates an impression about you and
forms an image in the mind of the reader. This is
a continuous process and slowly but steadily
‘perceptions’ emerge or get modified or change
about a person or a firm by the way their social
media presence is executed.
Sisira Neti [19] the impact of social media and
the advancement in technology on the Study
Abroad Experience states that social media
supports for social interaction, using highly
accessible and scalable publishing techniques.
Social media uses web-based technologies to
turn communication into interactive dialogues.
Social media is the medium to socialize. Social
media quickly disseminate knowledge and
information to a huge number of users. They
allow creation and exchange of user-generated
content. Face book, Twitter, Hi5 and other social
networking sites are collectively referred social
media. Social media represents low-cost tools
that are used to combine technology and social
interaction with the use of words.
Wanajak [20] has differentiated between normal
daily social media / Internet use behaviours and
addictive behaviours'. Author has also highlights
the impacts of those behaviours that may signify
maladaptive use. The main aims of the study are,
to generate a consensus definitions and
diagnostic criteria of internet addiction from the
literature. Through this study, author has also
identified the prevalence of Internet addiction
among secondary school students between aged
from 11 to 19 years old and identified the
important factors that may influence internet use
among secondary school students. The author
has also highlighted the potential intervention
strategies which help to minimize the harm of
Internet addiction. Through the study author has
found that the amount of time spent on the
Internet is related to gender, having Internet
access at home, using the Internet alone. It is
also observed that Internet addiction is directly
correlated with the amount of time spent on the
using of social media and Internet per week, with
addictive spending on average 29 hours per
week for social media.
Soumya Dutta [21] social Responsibility of Media
and Indian Democracy states that mass media
have influenced human life in the present century
in different forms. They have provided
information and entertainment to people across
countries. Print media, being the leader over a
considerable period of time has now got stiff
competition from Television media, which is
responsible for many of the social changes. The
main public interest criteria that the media need
to consider include freedom of publication,
plurality in media ownership, diversity in
information, culture and opinion, support for the
democratic political system, support for public
order and security of the state, universal reach,
quality of information and culture disseminated to
the public, respect for human rights and avoiding
harm to individuals and the society. Informing the
citizens about the developments in the society
and helping them to make informed choices,
media assists democracy to function in its true
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
Hendrick [22] provides a comprehensive and
scholarly analysis of social media while
combining both the implementation and the effect
of social media in various environments,
including educational settings, politics, legal and
ethical issues. All chapters constitute original
research while using various research
methodologies for analyzing and presenting
significant information about social media.
Sharma [23] opines that the blend of traditional
folk media and electronic media can play a
reinforcing role and fulfill specific development
objective. She concentrated mainly on the
traditional folk media in rural development. He
viewed that use of folk media in its full potential
would bring socio-economic change in society.
Saxena [24] opines that conventional media is
heavily dependent on capital and technology,
which has created space for alternate media. He
viewed that video can be used as a tool for
community development.Film can be the forum
for portraying the real face for Indian women. He
analyzed the effect on media content on the
development of various segments of society i.e.,
children, youth and women. He argued that the
role of media in formal and non-formal education
and also contributes to women empowerment,
even touching upon the issue of empowerment of
fisherwomen. He also emphasized that media,
particularly new media, social media and mobile
media could contribute significantly to formal and
non-formal education. Media trends and
technologies toward education have also been
Steiner [25] states that myriad of existing
platforms for social media varies in purpose,
intended audience and popularity. Frequently
mentioned among them in this study are
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube. For
instance, a writing-focused course included a
lecture on the importance of social media
platforms, like Twitter. It was accompanied by an
exercise where we were expected to write tweets
in a breaking news style. In another course, the
professor set up a Face book page used to share
videos as well as provide updates about the
class. Being in classes and listening to panels
and conferences that incorporated social media
or that encouraged this kind of incorporation
made her wonder how other schools approached
the apparatus and how it was being integrated
into their programs, curricula and online
Murthy [26] opines that Twitter has become a
household name, and plays an important role in
national elections, natural disasters, and political
movements, as well as for what some malign as
narcissistic “chatter.” He takes a critical step
back from popular discourse and media
coverage of Twitter, to present the first balanced,
scholarly engagement of this popular medium.
Murthy not only discusses Twitter’s role in our
political, economic, and social lives, but also
draws a historical line between the telegraph and
Twitter to reflect on changes in social
communication over time. He examines Twitter
as an emergent global communications medium
and provides a theoretical framework for
students, scholars, and tweeters to reflect
critically on the impact of Twitter and the
contemporary media environment. He used
various case studies including citizen journalism,
health, and national disasters. He concluded that
twitter has numerous benefits such as it helps in
staying connected with the world, people are
informed about what is happening in the world.
Athique [27] opines that rapid growth in the
Indian media industries and the vibrancy of
India's popular culture is making a working
understanding of the Indian scene a prerequisite
for any serious study of media in the twenty-first
century. As one of the largest and most
influential emerging economies in the world
today, India now plays a crucial role in any
serious discussion of social and economic
change taking place at the global level. As new
commercial and political alignments take shape
in the face of new global circumstances, thinkers
and decision-makers are inexorably drawn
towards the reality of a new India being forged in
the technological and cultural flux of global media
Geert [28] opines that new media has reached
the second phase of maturation, after WikiLeaks
and the Arab Spring demonstrated the politically
crucial dimension of the Internet. This political
shift is accompanied by growing criticism over
corporations such as Facebook or Google, and a
general concern about Net Neutrality and
regulation of the Internet. In his words, “the
friction-free days of a 'multi-stakeholder'
governance [of the Internet] are now over," and
what comes next is a confusing struggle for the
definition of the technological foundations of our
society. He presented a comprehensive review of
the state of the art of Net Criticism. He viewed
that the main problems of social media are
psychological confusion due to information
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
overload, pervasive surveillance, impoverishment
and fragmentation of public conversation,
commoditization of social life, power
concentration in tech companies, and so on.
Therefore, now that we have realized that the
present state of social media is going in the
opposite direction of the “public sphere” dreamed
up by Habermas, and that complex mechanisms
of governance are operating behind the walls
and platforms of our virtual accounts, it is time to
organize criticism constructively, a way that is to
find solutions and search for alternatives. He
advocated a common effort to build and
strengthen a humanistic perspective in the
understanding and design of new media, in a
context where pragmatic techno-scientific
approaches neglect social reasoning in favour of
economic interests and libertarian positions. To
such an end, we need to recover from the
shocking flow of information produced by the
real-time paradigm, to overcome the rush of
trying to catch up with the latest trend, and to
regain the analytical and reflexive space that
allows us to capture the main features of Net
culture. He insisted that we need to focus on
searching for central, key elements to develop
strategic concepts that resist the rapid rhythm of
changes. These central concepts should not be
only analytical, but also performative in that they
enable political, cultural, and social initiatives.
Ruddock [29] discusses how and why youth
media studies matter, how it should be studied,
and what we can learn from the findings. He
offers a fascinating introduction to how media
defines the identities and social imaginations of
young people. The result is a systematic guide to
how the notion of media influences 'works' when
daily life compels young people to act out their
relationships through media content and
Buckingham [30] opines that the impact of
globalization on youth culture is enormous, he
provided a timely reappraisal of youth cultures in
contemporary times. He argued that youth
culture is the way adolescents live, and the
norms, values, and practices they share. Culture
is the shared symbolic systems, and processes
of maintaining and transforming those systems.
Youth culture differs from the culture of older
Gurusamy [31] have examined the influence of
social networking sites on interpersonal
relationships of college students. Authors have
also constructed a profile which focused on the
students’ usage pattern of social networking
sites. Through this study, authors have explained
the concept of social networking sites and social
network through a sociological perspective.
Authors have found that the usage of social
networking sites has effects on the interpersonal
relationship of college students, especially with
their members of family, friends and teachers.
Authors have also observed that, due to the
availability of social networking sites, the
communication between students and their
family members, between students and friends
has increased. In this research study, usage
pattern, the purpose of usage of social
networking, time spend, preferred social
networking etc., have been focused on keeping
the scientific research base. This study provides
an outlook for investigating the technological
implications of society in the domain of sociology.
Jesu Kulandairaj [32] said that social media
supports interaction among people in which they
create share or exchange information and ideas
in virtual communities and networks, it depends
on mobile and web-based technologies to create
highly interactive platforms. They introduce
substantial and pervasive changes to
communication between organizations,
communities, and individuals, the increased use
of the Internet as a new tool in communication
has changed the way people interact. Recently, a
new means of online communication has
emerged with its own set of idiosyncrasies. This
new communication style occurs through the use
of social networking site.
Bhargava and Rani [33] have opined that the
influence of social websites can be good on
students if there is a closer look at the real
impact of social media. Authors have further
opined that several social media websites are
now a day’s continuously distracting adolescent
students from their educational career. Through,
the study authors have observed that adolescent
students are emphasizing on social media sites
which are a complete wastage of time. Through
this study, authors have focused on the impacts
of social media on Indian education, students
and impacts on adolescents' life. Authors have
further described that how social media
networking websites are addictive and harmful
for Indian rural youth and adolescents. Authors
have concluded that addiction of social media
could extinct the future of Indian youth and it had
a very bad effect on education. Authors have
recommended to the parents that, parents should
regularly check their children’s activities on social
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
media network and do not let them overuse of
social network websites.
P Thirumoorthi, C Ramesh Kumar [34] states
that the networking sites have made it possible
for us to chat with friends who live in distant
places as well as share with them pictures and
videos of whatever we are up to instantly. Today,
it is very hard to find a teenager who doesn't
have a Yahoo, a Gmail, a Face book, or a Twitter
account which help them to keep in touch with
their friends, to express or share what they have
in mind and to use for school-related purposes.
No doubt, these sites are of great help in the
youth's daily life. Also, there are many potential
benefits in social networking sites. These sites
can provide opportunities for new relationships
as well as strengthening existing relationships,
whether the friends are closer home or across
the world.
Tarek A. El-Badawy and Yasmin Hashem [35] in
their opinion the younger generation discussed in
this research paper are school students between
the ages of 12 to 19 years old. A few of the
platforms they use are Face book, You Tube,
Google, and many others that will be discussed
in the findings of this research. The younger
generation is the individuals that will lead our
world in the future, they must be well educated to
be able to impact this world and make Egypt a
better country on the road to success. The study
conducted about the different things they are
exposed to, that may affect them negatively or
positively. Their research aims to assess the
frequency at which the students are social
networking, and whether it has any effect on their
academic performance.
Blair [36] opines that advancements in
communication and leisure technologies over the
past decade have radically transformed the role
of technology in the lives of youth. Around the
globe, children and adolescents are often seen
as being the first to embrace new technologies,
such as new forms of social media. Having a cell
phone, once regarded as an adult technology,
has become a necessity within youth culture in
many societies. Even video games, once limited
to stand-alone computers, have become a venue
for social gatherings of youth. The rapid pace of
technological advancement has brought about
profound changes in the very nature of childhood
and adolescence. His work examines the role of
technology in the lives of adolescents and youth.
Nerone [37] opines that media has a particular
task to perform in governance especially in
democracies. He believed that the media person
should make democratic government possible by
making information available to people, who then
discuss it and make up their mind and vote.
Media represents the public opinion and public
opinion is important in governance and media is
important because the people who run the things
accept the fact that they have to answer to a
universal supervising intelligence represented by
media persons. He also argued that due to
media involvement in almost each and every
aspect of the lives of the people the primary
relation no more exist now. Media has led to time
and space distanciation because of which
relations with those who are distant are more
close and the people who are near are more
distant. He concluded that though media acts as
a watch dog in the democratic society. But in a
networked society, weak ties are more important
than strong ties. Strong ties are like those which
you share with your family, ties that are durable
and built up out of more than one shared interest.
Traditional democratic theory assumed that
citizens would have relatively strong ties in the
political community. They would share not just
membership in the state, but also a set of values,
religious beliefs, public space and local
resources and so forth. All of these things
become increasingly voluntary and personal in
the age of mobile privatization.
This paper intends to focus on the consequences
of the social media on rural youth. This paper will
also try to define social media, how the social
network services in various platforms that have
succeeded in this scenario. It is important,
however, to define social media to not restrict the
field only to social networking sites provided
through the internet via Face book, Whatsapp,
twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Tik Tok etc., But
it also diminishes the work done by many Non-
Governmental Organization which have
programs which also utilize the same idea of
networking as face book, whatsapp, instagram
and twitter. There also is a need to know the
precise definition of social media, as it can also
be looked at from a different perspective. The
definition of social media has changed over a
period of time, has broadened and explained by
many people’s through various perspectives.
Though most of the youths, speaking on a
majority scale, believe that social media
networks is linked heavily with social networking
sites, blogging, various internet forums etc. This
paper will look at the coverage of broader aspect
of social networking sites where its definition isn’t
restricted to only a few platforms. Every media
which as to be interact with the public at various
el, SHG, NGO, radio and television, all the
mass contact methods are having more social
responsibility. This responsibility is very essential
in nature as it affects the development of the
society by large means of the peoples. Thus, the
media cannot shirk
from this social responsibility
and making all the prominent media networks as
the social media networks. The mass media
(radio, television, newspaper and magazines) are
indispensable, enabling citizens to have their
voices heard and opinions expressed. T
essence of mass media should be involve the
citizens in decisions making regarding
development plans of activities and to spread the
knowledge, skill, attitude of these decisions to
various parts.
The usage of social media in rural youth in India
has g
rowing up cent percent in the past
scenarios. More than 75.00 percentage of rural
youths using the internet to access the Twitter,
Face book, Whatsapp and Instagram. Accessing
the social media is one of the foremost significant
Fig. 1. Usage of social networking tools
Table.1. Usage of social networking sites
S. no
Social network
Hours / Minutes
1. Whatsapp 1-
3 hrs
2. Face book 2 -
3. Instagram 2 -
4. Twitter 1-
2 hrs
5. Tik Tok 1 -
6 Linkedin
30 mins.
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020
; Article no.AJAEES
of social networking sites where its definition isn’t
restricted to only a few platforms. Every media
which as to be interact with the public at various
el, SHG, NGO, radio and television, all the
mass contact methods are having more social
responsibility. This responsibility is very essential
in nature as it affects the development of the
society by large means of the peoples. Thus, the
from this social responsibility
and making all the prominent media networks as
the social media networks. The mass media
(radio, television, newspaper and magazines) are
indispensable, enabling citizens to have their
voices heard and opinions expressed. T
essence of mass media should be involve the
citizens in decisions making regarding
development plans of activities and to spread the
knowledge, skill, attitude of these decisions to
The usage of social media in rural youth in India
rowing up cent percent in the past
scenarios. More than 75.00 percentage of rural
youths using the internet to access the Twitter,
Face book, Whatsapp and Instagram. Accessing
the social media is one of the foremost significant
phenomena for rural youths t
o access the
internet. In fact many youths accessing the
internet for the first time, social media was the
prime and peculiar reason. Across India there
are 143 million users of social media. Urban
areas witnessed a growth of 35.00 percentage
with 118 mill
ion users as of April 2015. On the
other side, the number rural areas 25 million.
Whatsapp and instagram emerged the leading
social media tools with 96.00 percentage of
urban users assessing it, followed by face book
(80.00 percentage), Twitter (62.00 perc
Instagram (43.00 percentage) and LinkedIn
(25.00 percentage). The largest segment of
users was college going students (34.00
percentage) followed by young men (27.00
percentage) and school children constitute
(12.00 percentage). The world / univer
technology and social media play a pivotal role in
developing rural societies in our country. Social
networking refers to the web based tools and
various multimedia that allow for the users to
access personally, formally, informally, create,
share, c
ollect, innovate, process, retrieve and
exchange the information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks sites in this scenario.
Fig. 1. Usage of social networking tools
Table.1. Usage of social networking sites
Percentage (N = 120)*
44 36.66
3hrs 29 24.16
hrs 19 15.83
13 10.84
hrs 11 9.17
4 3.34
Multiple Response *
; Article no.AJAEES
o access the
internet. In fact many youths accessing the
internet for the first time, social media was the
prime and peculiar reason. Across India there
are 143 million users of social media. Urban
areas witnessed a growth of 35.00 percentage
ion users as of April 2015. On the
other side, the number rural areas 25 million.
Whatsapp and instagram emerged the leading
social media tools with 96.00 percentage of
urban users assessing it, followed by face book
(80.00 percentage), Twitter (62.00 perc
Instagram (43.00 percentage) and LinkedIn
(25.00 percentage). The largest segment of
users was college going students (34.00
percentage) followed by young men (27.00
percentage) and school children constitute
(12.00 percentage). The world / univer
se of
technology and social media play a pivotal role in
developing rural societies in our country. Social
networking refers to the web based tools and
various multimedia that allow for the users to
access personally, formally, informally, create,
ollect, innovate, process, retrieve and
exchange the information and ideas in virtual
communities and networks sites in this scenario.
Percentage (N = 120)*
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
Face book Twitter
My space
BlogsYou tube
Tik Tok
Fig.2 Basic forms of social networking
Table. 2. Activities learning / teaching / sharing of social
networking sites
S. no Features Numbers Percentage (N=120)*
1. Online games 115 95.83
2. Chatting 112 93.33
3. Recreational activities 109 90.83
4. Friends network 101 84.16
5. E mail 92 76.66
6. Education 84 70.00
7. Profile setting 72 60.00
8. Photography 61 50.83
9. Problem solving 53 44.16
10. Business 46 38.33
11. Real life 41 34.16
12. Online shopping 32 26.66
13. Politics 24 20.00
14. Surfing internet 20 16.66
15. Social discussion 17 14.16
16. Easy to access others profile 11 9.16
Multiple Response *
The honest information is almost usage of the
social media users are already accessing the
their mobile phones with the expected to
gradually increase the mobile numbers of
users accessing the social media networking
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
1. World Wide Connectivity
Nowadays peoples are connected with the social
media updating the information and uploading
the photograph. No matter if you are searching
for a former college roommate, your first grade
teacher, or an international friend, no easier or
faster way to make a connection exists than
social media. Although Face book, Twitter and
LinkedIn are probably the most well known social
networking communities, new websites are
popping up regularly that let people connect and
interact over the web.
2. Commonality of Interest
Everyone wants to access the social media
networking sites. When you opt to participate in a
social network community, you can pick and
choose individuals whose likes and dislikes are
similar to yours and build your network around
those commonalities. Commonality interest is
depends upon the each every individual of the
their lives.
3. Real Time Information Sharing
The plenty of social networking sites incorporate
an instant messaging feature, which lets people
exchange information and communication in real
time via a chat. This is a great feature for
teachers to use to facilitate classroom
discussions because it lets them utilize the vast
store of information available on the web. This
can be a great time saver for the teacher. Since
students no longer need to visit a library to
conduct the research.
4. Targeted Advertising
Nowadays adverting the product or advertising
the activity is pivotal role of in this society.
Whether you are non-profit organization that
needs to get the word out about an upcoming
fundraiser or a business owner marketing a new
product or service, there's no better way than
social media to get your message in front of
millions of people 24/7.
5. Increased News Cycle Speed
Undoubtedly, social networking has evolved
revolutionized the speed of the news cycle. Most
news organizations now rely on social media
sites to collect and share information. Social
media especially twitter is steadily becoming a
mainstream source for breaking news. Today an
individual can know, in real time, what is
happening throughout the universe.
6. Trusted Referrals
Review sites such as search engines Google
reviews, even, orkut, Face book have become a
popular social media source of information for
consumers and peoples. These sites create
platform for social individual proof looking at
input from other consumers about the value of a
product or service. Over 90.00 percent of
consumers today use social review sites when
making a decision on a buying a product or hiring
a service.
7. Professional Growth
Foundations growth of the each and every
individual of life is significant traits. In this context
most of the peoples wants to live their life in
pompous way and make income lucrative
manner. Not only are there many groups for
people to discuss their interests but there have
been a huge growth in chat rooms, forums and
groups focused on professional growth. Today
you can find a group that focuses on just about
any profession or educational pursuit and seek
out help from others around the globe.
8. Increase the Human Interaction
Communication play a major role of human
beings and animal life it starts from sender and
end with receiver by using various channel
medium of life. While many decry the more
negative personal aspects of social networking, it
has been a huge source of connection to other
people for those who have more difficulty with
face-to-face interaction.
9. Benefits for Non-Profits
Non-profit charities, educational associations and
even political groups have found that social
networking is a powerful tool for getting one's
message out. You can build up exposure and
support for a cause through social media,
especially if a video or news story goes viral.
This has helped many organizations and
institutions with small budgets to reach mass
audiences they never would have been able to
afford to before and bring in higher dollar
donations and members to their associations.
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
1. Backlash
A joke among friends is one thing but a joke with
the world at large is much different. When
potentially offensive content is posted online, the
amount of feedback can be excessive and is
often brutal. This is particularly true with highly
opinionated subjects like politics and religion.
2. Cyber Bullying and Crimes against
Use of social networks may expose individuals to
other forms of harassment or even inappropriate
contact. This can be especially true for teens and
younger children. Many cases we were recoded
the cyber crime in India. Still it is happening and
it is very embarrassing moments and we need to
mitigate the such a kind of activities for future.
3. Risks of Fraud or Identity Theft
Whether you like it or not, the information you
post on the Internet is available to almost anyone
who is clever enough to access it. Most thieves
need just a few vital pieces of personal
information to make your life a nightmare.
4. Time Waster
Business insider reports that social media is the
most popular use of the Internet surpassing
email and smart phones and other mobile
devices seem to be the driving force behind this
trend since 60.00 percent of the traffic is from a
mobile source. The Global Web Index poll shows
that 28.00 percent of the time spent online is on
social networks. With these type of numbers,
some of the time spent on social media occurs at
work. When these visits are for non-work related
activity, it can cost companies money through
lost productivity. A report on Forbes states that
89.00 percent of responders admitted to wasting
time on social media while at work.
5. Corporate Invasion of Privacy
Social networking invites major corporations to
invade your privacy and sell your personal
information. Even though corporate companies
are providing appreciable employment
opportunities for the peoples. Sometimes it is
tragedy to the peoples mind set because of the
heavy workload and minimal salary offering.
6. Fake News
One unfortunate use of social media that has
come up with public influence policy with
information that may be doctored or outright
false. This can be done by actors within the
United States such as political parties as well as
foreign governments. It also can be used by
corporations to generate interest or controversy
over a product or service that may be based
entirely on fake information. A study by the Pew
Research Center found that 60.00 percent of
adults who get their news information from social
media shared stories that were false on their
social media accounts.
7. Decrease in Civil Behavior
Learning behaviour of the individual is essential
component of the peoples. Some time your
attitude and behaviour change your self activity,
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, job satisfaction.
With the rise in tensions among different
segments of the population in the last few years,
some say exacerbated by social media, there
appears to be a trend toward more uncivil
behavior online which is bleeding into the public
square. Even a former Face book executive has
decried the negative aspects of social media
which are ripping apart the social fabric of how
society works.
8. Depression and Loneliness
Many people got more disappointment due to the
social media networking sites. When they are
surfing the internet. Once, people desires cannot
be fulfilled in various aspect of life, it will be
becoming more anxiety and depression of the
peoples. while social media can be wonderful for
keeping in touch with friends and families, it can
also have the opposite effect for many people.
Research has found a link between increases in
loneliness, depression and anxiety and social
media use and limiting one's social media use
each day can actually help alleviate these
Social networking sites provide many new
knowledge, skills, sympathy,empathy and
attitude of the peoples depends upon the various
situation. It will provide the many solution for the
Radhakrishnan et al.; AJAEES, 38(2): 44-57, 2020; Article no.AJAEES.55351
numerous problems. The above discussion
probably honest information but still it is need to
change the peoples mind thought. By reviewing
the previous studies related to social media
utilization, it is conducted that social media
networks has without a doubt changed the lives
of the rural youth. As far as agriculture many
opportunities to the youths farmers and made the
process of selling the crop easy through online
programs which have resulted in the removal of
middlemen. There are many success stories in
field of health care as well. Rural politics is the
area where social media networks hasn’t
reached to the required potential. But there still
remains a lot of room for improvement for social
networking services as with better technology,
the connectivity of these places should improve
and provide the economic opportunity to take
benefits from the system. Social Media can help
provide that, media which cares for a well-
integrated society and believes in having social
responsibility. Services like Face book, Twitter,
Whatsapp, Instagram, Linkedin and Tik Tok
provide a mass reach, but of a population which
can afford to have the required technology to
avail the service but can help connect the large
population. The requirement is of the necessary
social networking technology from which these
platforms can be accessed. Once accessed, it is
important that social media doesn’t influence the
people in a way that alienates them from the real
potential of these platforms. The people can
utilize the platform for their propensity and future
Authors have declared that no competing
interests exist.
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License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Peer-review history:
The peer review history for this paper can be accessed here:
... It has been established that young farmers are more likely to adopt innovations (Balasha and Fyama, 2020;Issoufou et al., 2017). Moreover, they are nowadays more accustomed to the use of new communication technologies (Radhakrishnan et al., 2020;Yang et al., 2021). Public policy aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural practices for young market gardeners, based on new communication technologies, is therefore likely to be effective under these conditions. ...
Full-text available
This study characterizes market gardening in Houet province in order to determine the various categories of market gardening farms based on specific socioeconomic variables, as well as to analyze the main factors influencing their economic performance. Using principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical ascending classification, the main factors influencing the economic situation of the market garden farms in Houet were analyzed through the interrelationships between the variables considered. Findings revealed four clusters of vegetable farms with different socioeconomic features depending on the farming environment (urban, peri-urban and rural). In the same vein, the results showed that market gardeners in urban areas have the best economic performance. With the regard to the durability of the production, results showed that the majority of market gardeners (95%) have a conventional production method and often use in an uncontrolled way chemical pesticides, as well as mineral fertilizers that some combine with organic amendments.
... From the study, it was also analyzed that social media should also be used for the health and medication sector. Radhakrishnan et al., (2020) in the research Usage of Social Networking Tools by Rural Youth in Transfer of Technology-An Overview explained that social media tools integration is highly seen in the lives of rural youth. It is observed that for future decisions also rural youth is dependent on social media. ...
Social media is a need of the new era which is a popular means. This source has positive as well as negative effects on society. This medium of entertainment which is regarded as a gift to mankind is not a common source everywhere. The tech-savvy world has developed into a new notion and has reached 5G connections at some places however, on the other side some places still lack internet connectivity and are unaware of the usage of social media which still is a concern. Taking a look at the picture of the multicultural country that is India one would gain different instances. In this country majority of the population resides in villages and as a result, the social media has not penetrated deep into every area. Where at one point it is considered as a benefit to build connections, expand the business and spread awareness on the other side it is counted as a source of distraction, a medium of dependence and a source that results in mental and emotional disturbance. Thus, the present paper gives a critical view of the social media app preference of rural students in India.
... Radhakrishnan [40] reported that more than 75 percentage of rural youths using the internet to access the Twitter, Face book, Whatsapp and Instagram. Accessing the social media is one of the foremost significant phenomena for rural youths to access the internet. ...
Mobile phones have established itself in the rural areas and are becoming quite popular both with farmer and farm women. These powerful electronic machines that were a farmer’s dream earlier have become a reality as the farmer’s can immediately make use of them to address their field problems and other farm difficulties. The Government gifted Kisan Call Centres (KCC) are functioning the all over India which give answers to the farmer queries in local languages to this toll free number 1800-180-1551. Grameen Phone is a commercial operation providing cellular services in both urban and rural areas of India, with approximately 40,000 customers. A pilot programme of Grameen Phone, through the Grameen Bank and a wholly owned subsidiary called Grameen Telecom, is enabling women members of the Grameen Bank’s revolving credit system to retail cellular phone services in rural areas. This instrument is more than a means of communication and it is being used as a weapon for empowerment and fight poverty. Mobile advisory system have been developed and utilized for transfer of agricultural technologies for sustainable development across the world. The findings of the different mobile based studies conducted across the world have reviewed and presented for replicating the suitable models in similar situation for effective dissemination of the technologies. It is concluded that mobile platform is only tool to reach the last mile connectivity especially in rural areas for delivering need based technologies in time.
Full-text available
Today, it is crucial to determine the impact of social media on the academic performance of students. Technology is booming rapidly from year to year, and the younger generations are the ones caught in this rapid change. Questionnaires were distributed through Facebook and E-mails, to find out whether students academic performance is impacted by social media or not. The findings demonstrate that there is no relationship between social media and academic performance; this is clearly projected in their overall grade average.
Full-text available
The role of media in a democratic system has been widely debated. India has the largest democracy in the world and media has a powerful presence in the country. In recent times Indian media has been subject to a lot of criticism for the manner in which they have disregarded their obligation to social responsibility. Dangerous business practices in the field of media have affected the fabric of Indian democracy. Big industrial conglomerates in the business of media have threatened the existence of pluralistic viewpoints. Post liberalisation, transnational media organisations have spread their wings in the Indian market with their own global interests. This has happened at the cost of an Indian media which was initially thought to be an agent of ushering in social change through developmental programs directed at the non privileged and marginalised sections of the society. Though media has at times successfully played the role of a watchdog of the government functionaries and has also aided in participatory communication, a lot still needs to be done.
The prelims comprise: Half-Title Page Dedication Page Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments Half-Title Page Dedication Page Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments
Internet addiction (IA) is a relatively new field of academic inquiry. Empirical studies suggest that IA, like other well researched addictive behaviours, has an effect on many aspects of a person‟s life, including academic/work performance, relationships, and physical and mental health (Goldberg, 1996; Young, 1996, 1998). Evidence of IA has been suggested by the findings that some Internet users spend increasingly longer periods of time online and experience withdrawal symptoms when offline. Those preoccupied with Internet-related activities may neglect exercise, family and social activities (Kim et al., 2010; Nalwa & Anand, 2003; Seo, Kang, & Yom, 2009; S. Yang & Tung, 2007; Young, 1998, 2004). Problems arising from excessive Internet use have been documented worldwide, including in Thailand where the use of the Internet has increased noticeably (National Statistical Office, 2008a, 2008b, 2010). It is a particularly common problem among students, as demonstrated in several international studies (Ko, Yen, Yen, Lin, & Yang, 2007; Konstantinos, Evaggelia, Dimitrios, Odysseas, & Nikiforos, 2008; Lam, Peng, Mai, & Ing 2009; Lee et al., 2007; Niemz, Griffiths, & Banyard, 2005; Thomas & Martin, 2010; Zboralski et al., 2009). However, few researchers have investigated IA and its impacts on Thai secondary school students. This thesis fills a gap in the international IA literature by developing a consensus definition and diagnostic criteria of IA, investigating the prevalence of IA among Thai secondary school students, as well as conducting an exploration of the impacts of IA on these students and their prevalence.
Adolescents are currently the defining users of the Internet. They spend more time online than adults do, and they use the Internet for social interaction more often than adults do. This article discusses the state of the literature on the consequences of online communication technologies (e.g., instant messaging) for adolescents' social connectedness and well-being. Whereas several studies in the 1990s suggested that Internet use is detrimental, recent studies tend to report opposite effects. We first explain why the results of more recent studies diverge from those of earlier studies. Then, we discuss a viable hypothesis to explain the recent findings: the Internet-enhanced self-disclosure hypothesis. Finally, we discuss some contingent factors that may deserve special attention in future research.
In The Reality of the Mass Media, Luhmann extends his theory of social systems—applied in his earlier works to the economy, the political system, art, religion, the sciences, and law—to an examination of the role of mass media in the construction of social reality. Luhmann argues that the system of mass media is a set of recursive, self-referential programs of communication, whose functions are not determined by the external values of truthfulness, objectivity, or knowledge, nor by specific social interests or political directives. Rather, he contends that the system of mass media is regulated by the internal code information/noninformation, which enables the system to select its information (news) from its own environment and to communicate this information in accordance with its own reflexive criteria. Despite its self-referential quality, Luhmann describes the mass media as one of the key cognitive systems of modern society, by means of which society constructs the illusion of its own reality. The reality of mass media, he argues, allows societies to process information without destabilizing social roles or overburdening social actors. It forms a broad reservoir (memory) of options for the future coordination of action, and it provides parameters for the stabilization of political reproduction of society, as it produces a continuous self-description of the world around which modern society can orient itself. In his discussion of mass media, Luhmann elaborates a theory of communication in which communication is seen not as the act of a particular consciousness, nor the medium of integrative social norms, but merely the technical codes through which systemic operations arrange and perpetuate themselves.
Social effects of mass media in India
  • N S Raghvan
Raghvan NS. Social effects of mass media in India. New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House; 1966.
Media, sex, violenc, drugs and the global village. England: Rowman and Little Field Publishers
  • K Rampal
Rampal K. Media, sex, violenc, drugs and the global village. England: Rowman and Little Field Publishers; 2001.