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Development of the Japanese version of the Other as Shamer Scale using Item Response Theory


Abstract and Figures

Objective: External shame reflects a person's anxiety that he or she might be rejected by others. The Other as Shamer Scale (OAS) is a scale for assessing external shame. The Japanese version of the OAS was developed, and its reliability and validity were examined using Item Response Theory (IRT). Results: A survey was conducted with university students (N = 199). Exploratory factor analysis of the results indicated a significantly high factor loading on the first factor, which was identical to the original version of the scale as well as high internal consistency. Moreover, the results confirmed that each item had adequate discrimination and information levels, suggesting that external shame could be discriminated against with high accuracy for a wide range of relatively low and relatively high external shame groups. These results suggest that the OAS could be used to screen external shame as a stress factor and to assess intervention effects.
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Hiramatsuetal. BMC Res Notes (2020) 13:200
Development oftheJapanese version
oftheOther As Shamer Scale using item
response theory
Yoichi Hiramatsu1,2,3*, Kenichi Asano2,4, Yasuhiro Kotera5, Toshihiko Sensui6, Ayumu Endo7, Eiji Shimizu1,8,
Jaskaran Basran9,10 and Ken Goss11
Objective: External shame reflects a person’s anxiety that he or she might be rejected by others. The Other as
Shamer Scale (OAS) is a scale for assessing external shame. The Japanese version of the OAS was developed, and its
reliability and validity were examined using Item Response Theory (IRT).
Results: A survey was conducted with university students (N = 199). Exploratory factor analysis of the results indi‑
cated a significantly high factor loading on the first factor, which was identical to the original version of the scale as
well as high internal consistency. Moreover, the results confirmed that each item had adequate discrimination and
information levels, suggesting that external shame could be discriminated against with high accuracy for a wide
range of relatively low and relatively high external shame groups. These results suggest that the OAS could be used to
screen external shame as a stress factor and to assess intervention effects.
Keywords: Shame, External shame, Item response theory
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Shame can be a social event (e.g., being judged and
shamed in the eyes of others) or a private feeling linked
to our judgments of our feelings, ability to fantasize, and
characteristics. Shame can guide behavior, influence feel-
ings about ourselves, and shape our sense of self-identity
and feelings about our social acceptability and desirabil-
ity [13].
Correlations have been found between shame and
many psychiatric symptoms, such as borderline person-
ality disorders [4], eating disorders [5, 6], anxiety [7],
depression [3, 8, 9], and paranoia [10], among others.
erefore, shame is an essential factor related to mental
According to Gilbert [11], two types of shame exist.
One is “Internal shame,” which is related to the internal
dynamics of the self and how the self judges and feels
about itself [11]. Internal shame relates to the tendency
to attend to negative aspects of the self and to maintain
global self-judgments of the self as bad, inferior, and
flawed [13]. e other type is “external shame,” which is
associated with the following tendencies: being worried
that others would see the self as uninteresting or boring
and, thus, the self would be rejected or excluded from
valuable relationships [11]. External shame has been
defined as shame that arises primarily from the process
of being shamed by others, which is the source of this
type of shame [1, 11].
External shame is caused by the consciousness of oth-
ers, that is, the concept that the self is negatively evalu-
ated by others, which is correlated with depression [12],
one’s body image related to eating disorders [6], and
one’s self-image related to social anxiety disorders [13].
Open Access
BMC Research Notes
1 Research Center for Child Mental Development, Chiba University
Graduate School of Medicine, 1‑8‑1 Inohana, Chuo‑ku, Chiba 260‑8670,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Hiramatsuetal. BMC Res Notes (2020) 13:200
However, in Japan, no standardized scales exist to meas-
ure external shame.
Moreover, the suggestion has been made that most
stress response scales in Japan were developed based on
classical test theory [14]. Classical test theory has a sig-
nificant problem that survey results are highly affected
by the characteristics and quality of the sample because
statistics are defined based on the population [14]. Item
response theory (IRT) is a paradigm for solving this prob-
lem. Different from the reliability coefficient that pre-
viously assessed the mean accuracy of an entire scale,
IRT measurement accuracy is expressed as a function
of characteristic values on a continuous scale that indi-
cates latent traits (θ) and a point at which a measurement
value with high accuracy is indicated about the entire
test as well as being based on each item. erefore, the
appropriateness of each item can be judged from the
perspective of the measurement purpose of the test [15].
Moreover, the practical utility of the scale can be exam-
ined from diverse perspectives.
Based on this information, this study aims to explore
the development of the Japanese version of the OAS to
assess trait shame—especially external shame. e reli-
ability and validity of the OAS were also examined, and
its measurement accuracy was examined using the IRT.
Main text
Responses were collected from university students
(N = 205). Most of the students were majoring in psy-
chology, and some were majoring in another course of
study. Data on 199 participants were used for the analysis
after excluding six participants who did not respond to all
or a part of the questions. Among the 199 participants,
130 (65%) were women, and two had an unknown gen-
der. e age range of the participants was 18 to 36years
(M = 19.68; SD = 1.62).
Japanese version ofOther As Shamer Scale (OAS)
OAS is a self-report instrument composed of 18 items
that assess external shame Goss etal. [16]. Respondents
were asked to indicate the frequency of their feelings and
experiences related to each item on a five-point scale
ranging from 0 (Never) to 4 (Almost Always).
After receiving approval of the original authors, two
experts, including the author, translated the original
version of the scale into Japanese. Two native English
speakers from Crimson Interactive Japan Co., Ltd. con-
ducted the back translation, and the translated sen-
tences were compared with the original English, which
indicated differences in the meaning of certain items.
erefore, the Japanese translation was revised, and the
back-translation was repeated, which confirmed no dif-
ferences in the meaning between the original and the
translated versions of the scale. e English version of
the scale resulting from the back translation was sent
to the two original authors, one of whom pointed out
differences in the meaning of specific items. After sev-
eral discussions with the authors, the Japanese version
of the scale was revised according to the advice of the
original authors, who indicated sufficient consistency
of the scale. Finally, the Japanese version of the OAS
was developed.
Japanese version ofBeck Depression Inventory‑II (BDI‑II)
Construct validity of the Japanese version of the OAS
was examined based on the correlation with depressive
tendencies using the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-
II) developed by Beck etal. [17]. e Japanese version
of BDI-II was developed by Kojima etal. [18] and dem-
onstrates a high degree of validity and reliability as an
assessment scale of depression.
As previously described, previous studies have repeat-
edly demonstrated correlations between the OAS and
depressive symptoms. Allan et al. [19] examined corre-
lations between external shame and depressive tenden-
cies based on correlations between OAS and the Beck
Depression Inventory (BDI), which indicated a high
positive correlation (r = 0.58 to 0.73). is study was also
expected to demonstrate a correlation between OAS and
BDI-II, similar to Allan etal. [19].
A survey was conducted at three universities in Japan
during December 2019. Participants for the present study
were university students taking a psychology course.
Because the survey was conducted in a psychology class-
room, some students were majoring in other subjects.
e survey conducted anonymously for ethical reasons.
Written explanations were provided in advance to par-
ticipants to describe the purpose of the survey, the pro-
tection of their personal information, and the voluntary
nature of their participation. Participants’ response to the
survey was regarded as their consent for participation.
is study was conducted after obtaining the approval of
the ethics committee of Chiba University (No. 3441).
Data analysis was conducted using SPSS Statistics 26.
e Graded Response Model (GRM), which is applica-
ble to multi-item tests, was employed in the IRT analy-
sis because OAS uses a five-point scale. EasyEstGRM
[20] was used for the calculation. We used D = 1.7
as the scale factor for calculating the discrimination
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Hiramatsuetal. BMC Res Notes (2020) 13:200
First, confirmatory factor analysis was conducted
using the principal factor method, which indicates
that the contribution of the first factor was 52.86%
(eigenvalue = 9.72), the second factor was 6.78%
(eigenvalue = 1.22), and the third factor was 5.73% (eigen-
value = 1.03). ese results confirmed that that scale had
a one-factor structure based on the high contribution
ratio of the first factor and the differences in eigenvalues.
Moreover, as a measure of reliability, Cronbach’s α, which
was 0.942, indicated a significantly high internal consist-
ency that was identical to the original version of the scale.
Next, the construct validity of the scale was examined
through a correlation analysis between OAS and BDI-
II, which indicated a high positive correlation (r = 0.57,
p < 0.001) similar to Allan etal. [19].
When conducting the IRT analysis, point-biserial cor-
relation coefficients were calculated, and a one-factor
factor analysis was conducted using polychoric correla-
tion coefficients. e results indicated a range of point-
biserial correlation coefficients from 0.53 to 0.84, which
suggests a strong positive correlation. Moreover, the
results of the one-factor factor analysis using polychoric
correlation coefficients indicated that the eigenvalue of
the first factor was 10.53, of the second factor was 1.26,
and of the third factor was 1.06. e differences in the
eigenvalues suggested a one-factor structure for the scale.
Table1 provides the results of calculating the discrimi-
nation and difficulty parameters of each item using GRM.
Figure1 shows the category response curve of each item,
and Fig.2 shows the test information curve of the entire
scale. e mean discrimination parameter is observed to
be 1.3 (0.70–2.0) with no extreme dispersion, although
Item 4 (0.70) and Item 11 (0.73) had relatively low values
compared with the other items. ese results indicated
that each item had middle or very high discrimination.
e difficulty parameters did not show a significant devi-
ation; b1: 0.52 to 0.3.3, b2: 0.73 to 1.6, b3: 2.1 to
0.65, and b4: 3.0 to 0.71. Moreover, only b1 of Item 11
was relatively high, at 3.3, suggesting a strong tendency
to respond when the item was applicable.
e test information curve expresses a trapezoid shape
confirming that the amount of information was rela-
tively high for the range of latent trait values from 1.8
(error = 0.29) to 2.4 (error = 0.28), shifting toward the
X-axis in a positive direction. e maximum value of
the test information was 27.6 (error = 0.19), which was
achieved when the latent trait value was 1.1.
e results of the IRT analysis that examined the
measurement accuracy of the scale indicated that the
discrimination parameter of each item was included
in the range from 0.70 to 2.0, or no extreme dispersion.
However, Item 4 (0.70) and Item 11 (0.73) had relatively
low values compared with the other items. According to
the discrimination parameter criteria of Baker [21], Items
4 and 11 could be included in the “middle level,” and the
other items could be included in “high” or “very high”
levels. erefore, the discrimination ability of the scale
was considered to have reached a sufficiently adequate
level. In the original version of the scale, the contribution
of Item 11 was also relatively low. Additionally, the dif-
ficulty parameters of Items 4 and 11 shifted toward the
X-axis in a negative direction relative to the other items,
suggesting that the participants tended to score high on
these items. Item 4 consisted of the statement, “I feel
insecure about other’s opinions of me,” which was dif-
ferent from the other items because this item does not
inquire into others’ negative evaluations. Although Item
4 is related to external shame, it might include a broader
meaning of the word shame. Arimitsu [22] suggested that
the functions of the sense of guilt and shame between
Japanese and European or American people reflected no
fundamental differences. In contrast, Matsui et al. [23]
suggested that Japanese junior and senior high school
students had a higher “sense of shame about conformity
with others,” that is, concern about being different from
others, relative to Turkish junior and senior high school
Table 1 Item parameters using the graded response
Item Item parameters
A B1 B2 B3 B4
Item1 1.60 1.68 0.49 0.53 1.54
Item2 1.51 1.38 0.17 0.98 1.68
Item3 0.96 1.12 0.67 2.02 3.00
Item4 0.70 2.64 1.67 0.65 0.71
Item5 1.95 1.24 0.01 0.94 1.56
Item6 2.07 0.85 0.30 1.02 1.64
Item7 1.41 1.38 0.13 0.98 1.66
Item8 1.49 1.26 0.12 0.76 1.39
Item9 1.00 0.52 0.93 2.05 2.46
Item10 0.94 0.80 0.40 1.19 2.08
Item11 0.73 3.25 1.61 0.05 1.60
Item12 1.44 0.65 0.52 1.33 2.12
Item13 1.23 0.60 0.47 1.26 2.12
Item14 1.21 1.04 0.13 0.98 1.80
Item15 1.58 0.81 0.15 0.86 1.58
Item16 1.09 0.57 0.73 1.60 2.31
Item17 1.13 1.17 0.21 0.73 1.72
Item18 1.33 0.55 0.37 0.98 1.71
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Hiramatsuetal. BMC Res Notes (2020) 13:200
students. Cultural differences might have affected the
responses to Item 4.
is study indicated that each item of the Japanese ver-
sion of the OAS has appropriate discrimination ability
and information and could discriminate at high accuracy
external shame in the range from relatively low to moder-
ately high. erefore, using this scale as a screening test
of external shame is possible, as is examining the effects
of interventions for depression, among other disorders.
A limitation of the present study is that the test–retest
reliability was not investigated. One suggestion is that
future studies should examine the test–retest reliability
of the scale to confirm its stability. Additionally, the con-
struct validity of the scale was not sufficiently examined
in this study.
In this study, we conducted a survey with a relatively
small number of students at three universities. A larger,
randomized survey is required in future studies. In addi-
tion, only the gender, age, and major of a participant were
obtained; collecting background information such as eco-
nomic status in greater detail is necessary. e results of
this study should be interpreted with caution considering
the lack of information on participants’ economic status.
Previous studies indicated correlations between exter-
nal shame and depression, as well as various factors that
aggravate mental health, such as “anger.” Future research
should investigate whether the same correlations can be
observed in the Japanese version of the OAS.
OAS: Other as Shamer Scale; IRT: Item response theory; BDI‑II: Beck depression
inventory‑II; GRM: Graded response model.
The back‑translation of the Japanese version of the OAS was provided by
Crimson Interactive Japan Co. Editorial support included statistical writing
provided by TEXT. We would like to thank Editage (http://www.edita
for English language editing.
Authors’ contributions
YH designed and managed the study, performed the statistical analyses,
and drafted the manuscript. KA supervised the overall implementation of
the study. ES supervised the ethics approval and consent to participate. YK
supported the translation of the OAS. JB and KG checked the back‑translation
Fig. 1 Category response curve of each item
Fig. 2 Test information curve of all items
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Hiramatsuetal. BMC Res Notes (2020) 13:200
of the scale and confirmed the consistency of the scale. KA, TS, and AE con‑
ducted the survey. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19K14412. The
funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analyses, decision
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets generated or analyzed during the current study are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
The study was approved by the ethics committee at the Chiba University
Graduate School of Medicine (Reference Number: 3441). Written explanations
were provided to participants in advance on each item related to informed
consent, which describes the purpose of the survey, protection of their
personal information, and the voluntary nature of participation. Participants’
response to the survey was regarded as giving consent for participation.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Research Center for Child Mental Development, Chiba University Gradu‑
ate School of Medicine, 1‑8‑1 Inohana, Chuo‑ku, Chiba 260‑8670, Japan.
2 The Japanese Centre for Compassionate Mind Reserch and Training, Tokyo,
Japan. 3 Komachi Clinical Psychology Office, 2‑11‑1, Minamisaiwai, Nisi‑ku,
Yokohama‑MSBldg, Yokohama, Kanagawa 220‑0005, Japan. 4 Department
of Psychological Counseling, Faculty of psychology, Mejiro University, 4‑31‑1
Nakaochiai, Shinjyuku‑ku, Tokyo 161‑0032, Japan. 5 Human Sciences Research
Centre, University of Darby, Kedleston Road, Derby DE22 1GB, UK. 6 Depart‑
ment of Psychology, Faculty of Human Studies, Saitamagakuen University,
1510, Kizoro, Kawaguchi, Saitama 333‑0831, Japan. 7 Department of Psychol‑
ogy, Faculty of Letters, Komazawa University, 1‑23‑1, Komazawa, Setagaya‑ku,
Tokyo 154‑8525, Japan. 8 Department of Cognitive Behavioral Physiology,
Graduate School of Medicine, 1‑8‑1 Inohana, Chuo‑ku, Chiba 260‑8670, Japan.
9 Centre for Compassion Research and Training,College of Health and Social
Care Research Centre, University of Derby, Derby DE22 1GB, UK. 10 The
Compassionate Mind Foundation, Office 29, Riverside Chambers, Full Street,
Derby DE1 3AF, UK. 11 Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership Trust, Coventry
Eating Disorder Service, Swanswell Point, Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry CV1
4FS, UK.
Received: 13 February 2020 Accepted: 17 March 2020
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... Presently, the most widely used scale for measuring external shame is the Other As Shamer Scale (Allan, Gilbert and Goss, 1994;Saggino et al., 2017;Ferreira et al., 2020;Hiramatsu et al., 2020a;Matos et al., 2015), developed from Cook's (1996) Internal Shame Scale (ISS) (Cook and Nathanson, 1996). Therefore, the focus of the OAS is on beliefs about how "others see/judge me" (Goss, Gilbert, and Allan, 1994 (Goss et al., 1994). ...
... A study conducted in Greek also assessed the item-total correlation and test-retest reliability. It was also applied to examine the internal consistency of the scale and items of OAS (Penderi, Petrogiannis, and McDermott, 2014 (Penderi, Petrogiannis and McDermott, 2014;Saggino et al., 2017;Hiramatsu et al., 2020a). As a result, the scale's robustness in Urdu is preserved. ...
... Present results also revealed good test-retest reliability and item-total correlation in the student sample. The CFA findings for examining and confirming the validity of OAS demonstrated that the instrument could be applied as a unidimensional factor for both samples, similarly to the Japanese and Italian versions of the scale(Saggino et al., 2017;Hiramatsu et al., 2020a). The reliability analysis results indicated that the reliability of the Urdu version of the total scale was acceptable. ...
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Background: Despite the fact that shame is recognized as a significant factor in clinical encounters, it is under-recognized, under-researched, and under-theorized in health prevention, assessment, and cross-cultural contexts. Thus, the current study sought to investigate the psychometric properties of the "Other AS Shamer Scale" in order to assess the risk and proclivities of external shame. Method: The Urdu version was prepared using the standard back-translation method, and the study was conducted from June 2021 to January 2022. The translation and adaptation were completed in four steps: forward translation, adaptation and translation, back translation, committee approach, and cross-language validation. The sample, selected through the purposive sampling method, is comprised of 200 adults (male = 100, female = 100) with an age range of 18– 60 years (M = 28, SD = 5.5) spanning all stages of life. Cronbach's alpha reliability and factorial validity were assessed through confirmatory factor analysis and Pearson correlation analysis. Internal consistency and test–retest reliability (with a 2-week gap between tests) were used to figure out reliability. Results: Preliminary analysis revealed that the instrument had good internal consistency (Urdu OAS α = 0.91; English OAS α = 0.92) as well as test–retest correlation coefficients for 15 days (r = 0.88). All items' factor loading ranged from.69 to.9, indicating the model's overall goodness of fit. Conclusion: Findings suggest that this scale has the potential to be used as a valid, reliable, and cost-effective clinical and research instrument and can help to develop and test indigenous cross-cultural instruments. Keywords: External shame, Other as shamer scale, Cross-cultural validation
... The mental health of Japanese people has been known to be challenging. One factor is their strong shame towards mental health problems (Hiramatsu et al., 2020;Kotera, Van Laethem, et al., 2020). Additionally, it has been found to alter the perception and attitude of Japanese populations towards mental health problems (Kotera, Gilbert, et al., 2019). ...
... The ATMHPS is unique in that it categorises shame into attitudes, external shame, internal shame and reflected shame (Gilbert et al., 2007). Previous scales focused only on internal and external shame, which neglected to incorporate the effects of reflected shame, of which levels are more prevalent within certain cultures and social constructs (Hiramatsu et al., 2021;Hiramatsu et al., 2020). Previous research on Asian female students has demonstrated the need for a tool that also evaluates attitudes and reflected shame (otherwise known as Izzat) (Gilbert et al., 2007). ...
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How a person perceives mental health problems impacts their mental health. Negative attitudes towards mental health problems are associated with shame, leading to poor mental health. Poor mental health is a cause for concern in Japan, especially among healthcare professionals. To date, no established measure exists in the Japanese language. The Attitudes Towards Mental Health Problems Scale (ATMHPS) is a well-used self-report measure employed in many studies, which led to the development of the short form (SATMHPS). We aimed to develop the Japanese version of (S)ATMHPS: J-(S)ATMHPS. Nursing professionals in Japan (n=300) completed J-(S)ATMHPS and J-DASS-21. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the internal consistencies of subscales were calculated. The original seven-factor structure model was replicated in J-SATMHPS. Internal consistencies for all J-(S)ATMHPS subscales were high. All subscales were associated with mental health. J-(S)ATMHPS can be used as a reliable measure for the attitudes towards mental health problems in Japanese.
... The OAS was developed to assess external shame [8]. The Japanese version is composed of 18 items rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 0 to 4, which are similar to the original version [9]. A strong positive correlation was reported between the EISS and the OAS [7]. ...
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Objective: Shame contains external and internal aspects. However, a Japanese language scale for simultaneously assessing both aspects of shame has not been developed to date. This study aimed to standardize the Japanese version of the External and Internal Shame Scale (EISS-J). An online survey was conducted among university students (N = 203) at six universities in Japan (Study 1). A retest questionnaire was sent to the participants by email three weeks after the first survey (Study 2). Study 1 examined the internal consistency, factor structure, and criterion-related validity of the EISS-J, while Study 2 examined its test-retest reliability. Moreover, an additional study was conducted to examine the criterion-related validity of the scale. Results: Study 1 demonstrated the high internal consistency of the EISS-J. Moreover, confirmatory factor analysis indicated a two-factor model: external and internal shame. However, exploratory factor analysis indicated a three-factor structure. Study 2 confirmed the test-retest reliability of the scale. Furthermore, both studies indicated correlations between the EISS-J and fear of compassion, anger, humiliation, depression, anxiety, and stress. In addition, the study established the criterion-related validity of the scale. These results confirmed adequate reliability and validity of the EISS-J.
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Recent research has shown that shame traumatic and central memories not only have an impac on feelings of shame in adulthood but also moderate the impact of shame on depression Although the quality of attachment relationships may be important in structuring sham memories, the research on this topic has been scant. This paper explores the moderato effect of shame memories involving attachment figures vs. shame memories involvin other people on the relationship between shame and depression. 230 participants from th general community population completed the Shame Experiences Interview, assessing sham experiences from childhood and adolescence, and a battery of self-report scales measuring shame traumatic memory, centrality of shame memory, external shame, internal sham and depression. Results revealed that shame memories with attachment figures showe higher correlations with internal shame and depressive symptoms whereas shame memorie involving others presented higher correlations with external shame. Moderator analyse showed that only shame traumatic memory and centrality of shame memory involvin attachment figures moderated the impact of external and internal shame on depression. Th current findings shed light on the importance of the quality of attachment relationships i the structuring of shame traumatic memories and on their impact on psychopathologica symptoms, adding to recent neuroscience research and Gilbert's approach on shame an compassion. Our results emphasize the relevance of addressing shame memories, mainl those that involve attachment figures, particularly when working with patients sufferin from depressive symptoms and/or that find compassion difficult or scary.
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The present study examined the relationship between guilt and shame, and their relationship to mental health. Three hundred twenty-nine Japanese university students answered the Situational Guilt Inventory (SGI), the Situational Shyness Questionnaire (SSQ), and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ). The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used to predict mental health from guilt and shame. It indicated that social activity disorders were negatively predicted from ‘shame-free, pure’ guilt and positively predicted from ‘guilt-free, pure’ shame. SEM also revealed that ‘guilt-free, pure’ shame positively predicted anxiety and sleeplessness. It is suggested that guilt has a socially adaptive function. By contrast, maladaptive behaviors result from shame. The relationship between shame and depressive tendencies were limited to men. Sex differences are discussed in terms of the adaptive functions of shame.
One of the most commonly reported emotions in people seeking psychotherapy is shame, and this emotion has become the subject of intense research and theory over the last 20 years. In Shame: Interpersonal Behavior, Psychopathology, and Culture, Paul Gilbert and Bernice Andrews, together with some of the most eminent figures in the field, examine the effect of shame on social behaviour, social values, and mental states. The text utilizes a multidisciplinary approach, including perspectives from evolutionary and clinical psychology, neurobiology, sociology, and anthropology. In Part I, the authors cover some of the core issues and current controversies concerning shame. Part II explores the role of shame on the development of the infant brain, its evolution, and the relationship between shame as a personal and interpersonal construct and stigma. Part III examines the connection between shame and psychopathology. Here, authors are concerned with outlining how shame can significantly influence the formation, manifestation, and treatment of psychopathology. Finally, Part IV discusses the notion that shame is not only related to internal experiences but also conveys socially shared information about one's status and standing in the community. Shame will be essential reading for clinicians, clinical researchers, and social psychologists. With a focus on shame in the context of social behaviour, the book will also appeal to a wide range of researchers in the fields of sociology, anthropology, and evolutionary psychology.
This study examined the phenomenology of shame experiences from childhood and adolescence in a sample of women with Binge Eating Disorder. Moreover, a path analysis was investigated testing whether the association between shame-related memories which are traumatic and central to identity, and binge eating symptoms' severity, is mediated by current external shame, body image shame and body image cognitive fusion. Participants in this study were 114 patients, who were assessed through the Eating Disorder Examination and the Shame Experiences Interview, and through self-report measures of external shame, body image shame, body image cognitive fusion and binge eating symptoms. Shame experiences where physical appearance was negatively commented or criticized by others were the most frequently recalled. A path analysis showed a good fit between the hypothesised mediational model and the data. The traumatic and centrality qualities of shame-related memories predicted current external shame, especially body image shame. Current shame feelings were associated with body image cognitive fusion, which, in turn, predicted levels of binge eating symptomatology. Findings support the relevance of addressing early shame-related memories and negative affective and self-evaluative experiences, namely related to body image, in the understanding and management of binge eating.
Recently, requests for highly accurate and simple screening tests to measure mental health in the field of student counseling have been increasing. Conventionally, the University Personality Inventory (UPI), the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30), and the K10 (the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale) have been used for this purpose. However, it remains unclear whether there is a common cutoffpoint across these tests, and whether they measure the same constructs. The present study was an attempt to clarify these issues. Participants, university students (TV = 548; 270 men, 278 women), completed the UPI, the GHQ-30, and the K10 in one sitting as part of their orientation as new students. Their responses were analyzed using correlational analysis, factor analysis, and item response theory in order to determine whether the tests consisted of a common measure. The results indicated that the cutoffpoints of these tests were nearly identical, suggesting that they measure the same construct. The UPI was highly accurate for measuring everyday problems, and the GHQ-30, for measurements close to the cutoffpoint. The K10 was able to detect illnesses with a minimal number of items. These results suggest that these 3 tests be optimally utilized on the basis of these characteristics.
This study explored the associations and interactions between social rank (submissive behaviour and social comparison), shame, rumination and depression. 125 undergraduate students completed a battery of self-report questionnaires measuring the research variables. It was found that social rank and shame are highly related and that both shame and social rank are significantly correlated with rumination. A moderator analysis suggested an effect of gender on the relationship between external shame and rumination. A mediational path analysis suggested that rumination partially mediated a link between shame and depression, but shame retained a unique contribution to depression after controlling for rumination.
The relationship between shame measures, in particular the Other As Shamer Scale (OAS), and self-report measures of psychopathology was explored in a non-clinical population. Results indicate that beliefs about negative evaluations by others is associated with measures of clinical relevance. Additionally, shame scales which tap into global negative beliefs, including the OAS, are more strongly associated with measures of psychopathology than scales which focus on shame responses to specific events.
Explores some of the components of shame, with a special focus on shame emotions and cognitions, and shame proneness. The chapter attempts to draw attention to overlapping areas of psychological theory and research; for example, the complexity of the cognition–emotion interface. It is suggested that shame researchers and theorists may be in danger of creating yet another subdivision within psychology with its own key concepts and literature, and with a risk of becoming detached from closely related fields. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)