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The employment landscape and LIS education in Pakistan: challenges and prospects


Abstract and Figures

Purpose This study aims to explore the current and future employment opportunities for library and information science (LIS) graduates. It identifies future employers and emerging competitors in the information landscape. The strategies that may be used to respond to and capture the future job market are also presented for LIS schools in the light of the study findings. Design/methodology/approach The qualitative approach coupled with the interview technique was used for collecting insight into the phenomena. Face-to-face and telephonic semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 faculty members (professors, associate professors and assistant professors) from 8 LIS departments. A thematic analysis approach was used to analyze the data to present the participants’ opinions regarding various aspects of the job market in the country. Findings It was found that the job market was still traditional (library) and would continue to be so for the next five to seven years. However, the findings also indicated the emergence of a non-traditional job market in the country. New job titles and functions relevant to the emerging job sector other than libraries in the information environment were noted. Originality/value Findings may have a direct impact on the future orientation, survival and sustainability of LIS programs in the country. The study may inform curriculum revision and updating efforts to make it more relevant and responsive to future needs.
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The employment landscape and
LIS education in Pakistan:
challenges and prospects
Amara Malik and Kanwal Ameen
Department of Information Management, University of the Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan
Purpose This study aims to explore the current and future employment opportunities for library and
information science (LIS) graduates. It identies future employers and emerging competitors in the
information landscape. The strategies that may be used to respond to and capture the future job market are
also presented for LIS schools in the light of the study ndings.
Design/methodology/approach The qualitative approach coupled with the interview technique was
used for collecting insight into the phenomena. Face-to-face and telephonic semi-structured interviews were
conducted with 17 faculty members (professors, associate professors and assistant professors) from 8 LIS
departments. A thematic analysis approach was used to analyze the data to present the participantsopinions
regarding various aspects of the job marketin the country.
Findings It was found that the jobmarket was still traditional (library) and would continue to be so for the
next ve to seven years. However, the ndings also indicated the emergence of a non-traditional job marketin
the country. New job titles and functions relevant to the emerging job sector other than libraries in the
information environment were noted.
Originality/value Findings may have a direct impact on the future orientation, survival and
sustainability of LIS programs in the country. The study may inform curriculum revision and updating
efforts to make it more relevant and responsive to future needs.
Keywords Pakistan, Employment, Emerging job market, Job market, LIS curriculum,
LIS programs
Paper type Research paper
The information profession has been witnessing an increasing range and diversity of
employment opportunities since the past couple of decades. The emergence of the
information economy has offered new job avenues, which are not necessarily limited to
libraries. Literature suggests an increasing trend of employment opportunities for librarians
growing and diversifying in non-traditional contexts including consulting companies,
corporations and governments departments (Wise et al., 2011). Even in a traditional library
context, a signicant portion of LIS graduates are employed in new information roles such
as digital librarians, metadata professionals or web content managers (Casarosa et al.,2009;
Wise et al.,2011) The emergent market constitutes a potential growth area for LIS schools.
This is already reected in the expansion and diversication of the LIS programs toward
broader information landscape. They aimed at educating graduates not only for traditional
libraries but also for new career paths in non-library settings (Weech, 2015). As the
education programs are largely responsible for providing a well-equipped and trained
workforce with relevant knowledge and skills, it is imperative to develop a clear
understanding of the current marketplace, to identify the actual and potential future
landscape and
LIS education
Received 2 December2019
Revised 10 February2020
Accepted 19 February2020
Global Knowledge, Memory and
© Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/GKMC-11-2019-0146
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
employers and competitors. Succinctly put, the understanding of the job market will provide
a road map to LIS schools for the futuredirection of their programs.
Literature review
Historically, LIS education has been preparing professionals for employment in areas such
as librarianship, information management, archives and records management. However, in
this technological era, modern librarianship is a profession with a diversity of opportunities
and challenges. Increasingly converged professional and changing employment landscape
has led to new information roles and responsibilities in public and private sectors across the
globe. The information society has ensured the presence of information roles everywhere.
Consequently, an expanded job market for professionals is emerging. An increasing ratio of
the graduates is performing new roles in traditional and non-traditional settings (Cherry
et al.,2011; Genoni and Smith, 2005; Johnson, 1998;Partridge et al.,2011). The broadening
employment landscape has implications for preparing future information professionals (IPs)
(Ocholla and Shongwe, 2013;Partridge et al.,2011;Tedd, 2008).
The literature reported a wide range of new job avenues in electronic media, telecom,
NGOs, business industry and banks with new job titles and functions such as information
manager, records manager, information ofcer, information analyst, information specialist
data manager, web content manager and knowledge manager (Ocholla and Shongwe, 2013;
Partridge et al., 2011;Tedd, 2008;Wise et al., 2013).
A study by Orme (2008) in the UK revealed an increasing demand for IPs in business
content management,web management and other information management sectors.
Partridge et al. (2011) reported the ndings of the workforce sub-study by collecting data
from 467 job advertisements, an online survey from 370 employees and interviews of 9
employers. The results revealed that the traditional public sector libraries were the major
employer in Australia. Furthermore, the study highlighted the potential diversity of LIS
careers emerging in a wide variety of information contexts including information
architecture, records management, information and knowledge management, data analysis
and design. A study by Kennan et al. (2006) revealed a change in job patterns and
employersexpectations in Australia. Yu and Davis (2007) identied the need for reforms in
academic program structure and curricula contents to grab future job opportunities.
Ocholla and Bothma (2007) reported rapidly growing career opportunities in emerging
settings other than libraries in Africa. In another study, Ocholla and Shongwe (2013) noted
increasing number of new job titles (e.g. chief information ofcer, information specialist,
knowledge manager, etc.) and avenues in public and private sector from 2009 to 2012.
Various studies showed the changing education and training needs of information
professionals and the failure of the curricula to cope up with them in Africa (Chikonzo et al.,
2014;Edegbo, 2011;Okello-Obura and Kigongo-Bukenya, 2011).
In far east Asia (Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Korea), a trend of
changing the job market was noted (Miwa, 2006). In Singapore, auspicious emerging
opportunities in information-intensive job sectors were reported instead of traditional
library jobs by Khoo (2004). The LIS job market largely determines the type of knowledge
and skills needed for the professionals. The dynamic nature of the profession has been
leading to the broadening of the job market and transformation of functions in traditional
and non-traditional settings, which demand a combination of professional, technological and
personal skills. Harvey and Higgins (2003) called this situation for LIS educators as
walking in a tightropeto accommodate the demands. New roles and responsibilities are
being created for information professionals (IPs) by reinventing traditional positions and
creating new job roles with required skill sets that are missing in LIS programs (Wise et al.,
In Pakistan, a number of studies on LIS education highlighted the deciencies in
curriculum and its implementation (Ahmad and Mahmood, 2011;Ameen, 2006,2007,2013;
Warriach et al.,2016). Some studies reviewed the LIS curriculum and competencies needed
for librarians by involving stakeholders from employers, alumni and senior professionals
(Mahmood, 2002,2012;Mahmood and Shaque, 2012) while others explored the nature of
the job market, job title, needed qualication and skills through content analysis of job
advertisements (Ansari, 2012;Mustafa and Ansari, 2012). Mahmood (2012) developed a list
of requisite competencies of academic librarians from literature, got it validated from chief
librarian then compared these competencies with LIS curricula and identied serious gaps
between the two. Warraich and Ameen (2011) analyzed the opinions of senior and young LIS
professionals regarding the needed employability skills and made a comparison of their
presence in the curricula of LIS school at the Punjab University of Punjab. Implementation
of the curricula was the main problem identied in the study.
The above mentioned studies generally called for reforms in academic programs and
curriculum to meet the needs of the changing paradigm of the profession in the country.
However, no study was found about the nature of the future job market and how LIS schools
should respond to it. The faculty being a key stakeholder plays a vital role in preparing
future professionals by creating and implementing curriculum, contributing to research and
identifying future trends. The present study explores their views regarding the future
employment landscape in the country and the prospects of preparing the students for such
roles and functions.
The study aims to:
explore the current and future job market avenues and trends in Pakistan;
identify the competitors of the future job market; and
suggest strategies for LIS schools to capture the future job market.
Research design
The qualitative approach was considered suitable for collecting views, experiences and
insights on the above mentioned objectives. A semi-structured form of the interview was
used to collect in-depth qualitative data developing an interview guide (Appendix)
comprising the topics to be covered. Data were collected from LIS faculty members of eight
LIS schools. The faculty members were selected using a purposive sampling technique with
the aim to pick information-rich casesfor the study. The faculty members were considered
as a good source of knowledge regarding LIS education in Pakistan. More often, they are a
part of various institutionsselection boards in the public and private sectors. They
frequently interact with the employers as subject specialists during job interviews of the LIS
graduates. Being teachers, they are well aware of the various course contents being taught
at LIS schools and skills being inculcating among students. They also actively publish and
present their research at national and international forums, which enable them to become
aware of new trends and development in the profession. This unique combination as a
subject specialist, teacher and researcher positions enables them to offer a novel perspective
on the job market, professional development of the librarians and promising areas to be
covered in the curriculum. After careful consideration, faculty members from the pool of
landscape and
LIS education
professors, associate professors and assistant professors were selected for the interviews.
Face-to-face and telephonic interviews were conducted with 17 faculty members, who
agreed to make themselves available.
Prior to conducting interviews, telephone calls were made to request them to take part in
the study. On having acceptance and xed time, the interview guide with a formal letter
requesting participation was sent via e-mail. The participants were provided with a choice
to speak in English or Urdu to avoidlanguage barriers in getting their real insight.
Data analysis
The interviews were transcribed from a digital recording. The process was carefully done
by listening to the audio recordings again and again. As most of the interviews were
conducted in Urdu or bilingual language (Urdu and English), intervieweesquotes
were translated from Urdu to English with the consultation of the English language expert.
The principal author belonged to the same country and being a faculty member since the
past six years was also familiar with teaching and subject jargon. The participants also
talked bilingually, hence the researcher did not face any difculty in English translation.
Nevertheless, the process was carefully done.
Thematic analysis
A thematic approach was used to analyze interview transcripts. This analysis method is
extensively used in a qualitative approach due to its exibility for identifying, analyzing
and reporting patterns (themes) within data. Braun and Clarke (2006) stated that thematic
analysis is a method for identifying, analyzing and reporting patterns (themes) within data
(p. 79). The themes represent something important in data. It is a popular method with
thematic freedom. The study applied this method as it enabled the researcher to nd out
meanings of realities.Moreover, the interview guide used for conducting interviews was
also based on the themes that emerged from the literature. Other approaches such as
interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) or grounded theory were not considered for
the analysis due to their unsuitability with the research design. IPA is an approach to
qualitative research with an idiographic focus.
It aims to oer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given
phenomenon. Usually these phenomena relate to experiences of personal signicance, such as a
major life event, or the development of an important relationship. It has its theoretical origins in
phenomenology (Reid et al., 2005, p. 20).
The grounded theory approach usually involves the construction of theory through the
analysis of data (Charmaz, 2006).
After reading the interview guide and each interview transcript several times, a list of
codes or code sheet was developed. The coded data was entered into Nvivo 11; however, the
rst round of coding occurred on transcripts. The codes developed from the interview guide
and the rst couple of interviews worked as a base for the remaining interview transcripts.
The additional codes, which emerged inductively from the data were also added as needed.
The analysis of qualitative data provided the perceptions of the respondents about issues,
challenges and prospects of the current and future LIS job market, employers and emerging
competitors in the e-environment. The strategies to capture the present and the prospective
job market are also presented.
Demographic information of participants
There were 13 male and 4 female interview participants. Among them, two were professors,
six associate professors while the remaining were assistant professors. At the time of data
collection in 2018, there were only three professors and six associate professors in all the
nine LIS schools of the country. A major chunk of the LIS faculty members was assistant
professors and lecturers. A diversity and maturity with regards to participantsage and
experience can be observed in Table I.
Employment issues
The respondents talked about the prevailing and emerging employment issues in the
country. The pointed out issues were categorized and presented in Figure 1.
Prevailing issues
The absence of service structure that leads to the inconsistency of designations, grades and
required qualications was the major issue mentioned by the respondents. There is
confusion in public as well as in private sector over designation, scale and required
Certain instances were mentioned where jobs requiring professional qualication had
been advertised in para-professional grade and vice versa. Several cases were shared where
the graduates initially accepted para-professional jobs due to such confusion. The
interviewees believed that the absence of service structure in the country had led to such
confusion for the professionals and employers. A small cadre of librarians was another
reason for the absence of proper service structure.
Except some large universities and a few public libraries in the country, frequently there is one
librarian, who is managing all. So, small cadre itself is a reason [absence of service structure]
(R 12).
The salary package was considered more important for job satisfaction than designation or
job title. The job market was regarded as generally good but not the salary packages. The
Table I.
information of the
Male 13
Female 4
Professor 2
Associate Professor 6
Assistant Professor 9
Age range
30-40 4
41-50 7
51-60 6
Up to 10 3
11-20 6
21-30 6
31 and above 2
landscape and
LIS education
observations were shared where the graduates were getting very nominal salary packages.
Other reasons for job dissatisfaction included a monotonous work routine, limited career
growth and professional advancement.
Most of the respondents talked about the low social prole of the profession in society. A
few mentioned that the society did not acknowledge the value and worth of libraries and
quoted the grievances frequently mentioned by the librarians regarding lack of due respect
and recognition in the society.
On the other hand, a majority of the respondents (11 out of 17) claimed that it was more of
a phenomenon created by the librarians themselves as respect and recognition does not
come with grades and scales. Respect is not associated with grades or designations. It
comes with services rendered to users(R4).
Furthermore, the professions low status was considered as a global phenomenon,
prevailing all over the world, even in the developed world where libraries are well
Emerging issues
A few respondents also pointed out the saturation in the job market. It was shared by some
faculty members that their graduates were facing difculty in getting suitable jobs due to
increased competition within and outside of the discipline and a lack of jobs in the
government sector. They predicted that in future this situation would further exacerbate.
Overall graduatesproduction has increased in the country as more and more institutes are
now involved in LIS education.(R12). Graduates of other disciplines such as IT,
management and mass communication are occupying our job sector(R9).
The scarcity of jobs specically available in the government sector was another
reason for job saturation. For the past several years, jobs in the government sector have
not been announced while several seats of librarian and teaching cadre were lying
vacant in the government sector. Furthermore, many vacant seats were abolished
lately, which indicated little interest in the government in recruiting librarians. It was
shared that sometimes graduates had to accept paraprofessional jobs due to job
Figure 1.
Employment issues
Job Saturaon due to Increased
within LIS discipline e.g.
increased number of LIS
Emerging competors from
other disciplines e.g. IT,
computer science,
Lack of jobs in government
Lack of uniformity in service
Inconsistency in job
designaon, pay scale and
required qualificaon
small cadre
Lack of job sasfacon
low salary packages & social
Current and future job market
The respondents were asked to identify the current and future job market trends in terms of
potential employers and competitors. Almost all the respondents rmly believed that the job
market was expanding. They mentioned that new opportunities were emerging in
traditional and non-traditional settings of the public and private sectors. The respondents
opinions are categorized into two clusters:
(1) Library job sector; and
(2) Non-library job sector.
Library job sector
Considering local circumstances, almost all the interviewees believed that the libraries were
a major job market and would continue to be so for the next ve to seven years. They
substantiated their views by mentioning that most of their graduates were still getting jobs
usually in the libraries.
Our job market is still traditional libraries (R9).
Within the traditional library sector, academic institutions were declared a big job avenue.
Academic libraries especially universities, private schools and colleges were considered as
major employers and would continue to be for the foreseeable future. A few respondents
further added that within the academic institutions, school library media centers would
prove to be a huge job pool in the future as it was the most neglected one in the past.
However, they wanted the implementation of the school registration conditions in terms of a
well-equipped library with a professional librarian.
The available job opportunities of the college sector were categorized into two cadres,
namely, librarians and academics. Several seats in the librarian cadre were lying vacant for
the years in government colleges while new colleges were also opening in both the public
and private sectors. It was further added that if the idea of introducing LIS subjects at the
intermediate and bachelor level got matured in the country, it would also create more job
opportunities for the graduates.
Non-library job sector
An analysis of the provided responses also indicated a changing future employability
landscape of the profession. The mentioned emerging non-library job settings included
managing archives and records, information and data centers in various sectors such as
telecom, media industry, NGOs, business industry and banks. A few opportunities were
already there. However, an increase in such opportunities was anticipated in the future. A
few even predicted that in future every organization would be a potential employer with the
transformation of local society into a knowledge economy; information experts would be
needed everywhere. Consequently, the non-traditional job sector other than libraries would
emerge. These positions might be titled as an archivist, records managers, information or
data manager, etc.
Our job market is expanding (R13).
Another interviewee also stated the same, A few job opportunities are emerging in
information and data centers of business and media industry. I hope in future they will
increase(R16). NGO sector is another emerging sector where information professionals
landscape and
LIS education
will be needed(R3). Every industry will be our potential employer when our society
completely transformed into information society(R7) (Figure 2).
Competitors in emerging job market
The respondents believed that professionals with IT knowledge and skills from computer
science, information systems design and software development would be the major
competitors as the tremendous impact of ICTs has transformed the functions and working
patterns of the organizations. The professionals from the disciplines such as history,
sociology, statistics, management and mass media would-be competitors. In response to the
question, How to compete them, they mainly talked about inculcating analytical, IT and
interpersonal skills along with professional skills.
Prospects for capturing the job market
The respondents were in favor of capturing job avenues both in traditional and emerging
non-traditional settings. During the discussion, almost all the respondents proposed the
possible ways for the said purpose (Figure 3). Their suggestions are presented under the
following headings.
Uniformity in service structure for professional and para-professional
All the respondents urged for uniformity in the service structure. Approved service
structure should be formally conveyed to the employers and other departments involved in
the recruitment process of the professionals such as Federal Public Service Commission
(FPSC) and Provincial Public Service Commissions (PPCs). A Masters degree was
recommended to be considered as a professional degree for entry-level jobs. The participants
were further asked who would be responsible to get the service structure approved across
Figure 2.
Future LIS job
Tradional Employers
Academic instuons
(School, college, university
inEducaon Sector
Emerging Employers
Data & informaon, archives &
records centers in NGOs, media,
business, telecom & banking
Figure 3.
Prospects for
retaining and
enhancing the job
Prospects for Retaining &
Enhancing Job Market
Uniformity in service structure
for professionals & para-
Markeng of the graduates’ skills
by developing liaison with
emerging employers
Compability analysis of
curriculum & graduates’ skills with
Job market
Curriculum expansion through
muldisciplinary approach
the country. In total, 14 out of 17 interviewees were of the view that the national association
(Pakistan Library Association) should come forward and play its role for the uniformity of
service structure in the country. A few faculty members thought that the departments
should take a lead to get approved a service structure for their graduates.
Compatibility analysis of curriculum, graduatesskills with job market
In total, 13 of 17 respondents proposed a systematic and comprehensive compatibility
analysis of the curriculum and graduatesskills with the current job market. Such exercise
would enhance their understanding of the employersneeds and expectations and identify
gaps in the LIS curriculum and the graduatesskills. It is evident from the following
comments of the respondents: we should try to understand their [employers] needs and
develop such skills in our graduates(R16); we should identify the needs of every sector to
produce multi-skills graduates who are information identier, evaluator, organizer presenter
and interpreter and above all able to deliver customized services(R6).
Conducting a SWOT analysis of the graduates, curriculum and job market would
denitely help to understand not only the job market but also ways to respond efciently.
Involving alumni, professionals and employers to get know about the job market needs was
We should conduct a need analysis of the job market or have informed feedback of employers to
identify their needs and required graduatesskills that should be inculcated among our students
Curriculum expansion
Almost all the respondents strongly emphasized the idea of broadening the intellectual
domain of the profession to capture the emerging job market in non-traditional settings.
They realized that the job market with the traditional skills set was not very impressive.
They rmly believed that:
If we are teaching them (students) only traditional things obviously they will get traditional jobs.
If we want to expand our job market we have to think out of librarianship (N14).
They thought that the value of information professionals had increased than ever before
with the realization of information as competitive edge.They called to think out of the box
and capture the opportunities produced by the information society. They proposed to
expand the curriculum with an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach for
developing competitive skills among graduates. They also proposed to offer specializations
such as data science, research data management, scientometrics, information visualization,
informatics to secure better jobs in the emerging information environment.
With the emergence of the information management era, libraries are not becoming extinct but to
target only libraries is not a wise decision. We have to explore such sectors where information is
needed and managed and luckily information is needed everywhere (N12).
While talking about the increased need of information professionals in the emerging
information society another interviewee also believed that our (LIS departments) focus,
nature of programs, faculty and curriculum will determine our potential employers in
emerging information environment(N7).
The respondents also unfolded the importance of preparing graduates with multiple and
dynamic skills (including IT and interpersonal skills) for expanding the job landscape in the
emerging information society of the country.
landscape and
LIS education
In a knowledge society, every sector has jobs for us. However, it is a challenge to capture
the job market by understanding its needs and preparing graduates according to it. We have
to offer specialized courses. We should develop a needs-based curriculum (N6).
If we imbed ICTS in our programs, curriculum we will have more jobs opportunities (N 5).
We cant compete until we develop IT skills in our students (N 3).
As IT skills were considered as major competitive skills, the respondents emphasized
incorporating an advanced level of IT components into the curriculum. However, a few
respondents took a practical stance in this regard. They thought that IT competence should
be according to market needs anddemands.
LIS schools, employers and alumni should be integrated into one system. If our
curriculum is very high tech but not required in the market, it is of no use (N7).
Marketing of the graduatesskill set
A number of the respondents also believed that the graduates, by and large, possessed the
required skills and competencies. They felt the need of creating awareness among
employers in this regard. They were of the view that employers of the emerging job sector
were unaware of the graduatesskills. They (employers) do not know what types of
services our graduates can offer to them. They are also unaware of their skills and
We do not know what we know and we are not aware of what we are doing. We are not
aware how to market what we are doing(N 2). At this point one respondent further added
to inform and educate the graduates about the jobs in non-traditional settings.
We have skills. Need is to market them, to make people aware about studentsskills and
also sensitize student about such jobs opportunities(N13).
Another respondent proposed that strategies should be developed to make them
(employers) aware that we can help them in meeting their information needs(1). Many
teachers thought that departments should work between the product and job market. They
further explained some strategies for creating awareness and developing liaisons with the
job market. They indorsed to organize seminars, workshops and other social events such as
job fairs to make both parties (employers and the departments) familiar with each other. The
participants were in favor of developing liaison with both present and potential employers.
They assumed that such collaboration would keep both parties informed about each others
needs. They further added that such collaboration should be developed on serious nodes
categorically with NGOs, textile industry,banks and education sector.
We should have to collaborate with our employers and various stakeholders in public
and private sector(N3). They thought of developing a formal and informed system to create
a liaison between the department and the job market.
They believed that liaison with industry would enhance LIS educationists
understanding of employersspecic needs. Liaison with industry means to understand the
market demands and their employment needs in terms of skills set that our student should
be equipped with them(N 13).
Simultaneously, they showed their concerns regarding the absence of any consortium or
collaboration of the departments with job market. They further added that academics were
doing research in isolation. While employers were also unaware of the academic research
and potential capability of providing solution for the information needs through developing
effective and efcient information systems. As a respondent commented, there is no such
evidence where we have taken some industry issue as an academic research project or any
PhD or MPHIL research that is sponsored by industry(N13). Another teacher stated that
we are conducting research on market needs. However, there is a need to integrate it with
industry. We have to develop liaison with them(N8).
They also discussed other reasons including the lack of time, awareness and interest on
the part of both parties behind this situation.
The ndings of the study establish that traditional library settings are still a major
avenue and will continue to be so for the next ve to seven years in the local
perspective. Furthermore, from traditional settings, academic libraries are the major
employer due to growth of schools, colleges and universities in the country both in
public and privates sector since the past decade. With the emergence of the private
sector, education industry is growing and the number of schools, colleges and
universities are increasing. Warriach et al. (2016, p. 426) also declared academic
libraries as the main job market in both public and private sectors. Furthermore, the
private sector seemed to be a growing employer of LIS graduates, rather than public
libraries in the country. This can be safely attributed to the limited number of public
libraries, their poor condition and the lack of government interest in building new ones
as reported by Warraich and Ameen (2011).
Job saturation that is emerging particularly in the Punjab and Baluchistan provinces can
be safely attributed to the increased competition within the discipline as the overall number
of LIS departments has increased particularly in the Punjab province where three
departments are well-established in public sector, while two are newly established in the
private sector. Moreover, the commencement of evening programs along with regular ones
producing a large number of graduates every year. The emergence of competitors with IT
knowledge and skills from computer science, information systems design and software
development has further intensied the situation. Other factors are a lack of jobs in the
government sector and low job satisfaction (i.e. low social status and low salary packages).
Ahmad and Mahmood (2011) also reported about the job saturation in the same provinces
where graduates were faced with job adjustment problems.
The lack of uniformity in service structure is a local problem, while low social status is a
global one. A uniformed 4-tier service structure, recently approved in the Punjab province
can be adopted in the whole country to avoid confusion in the job market.
Job market expansion in the future with new opportunities emerging in traditional and
non-traditional settings of public and private sectors indicate a changing future
employability landscape of the profession in the country. The emerging non-traditional job
settings other than libraries may include archives and records departments, information and
data centers in various sectors such as telecom, media industry, NGOs, business industry
and banks. The ndings of the present study also projected the proliferation of such
opportunities in the future. In addition, new roles are also emerging even in the traditional
job sector.
The appearance of more and more scholarly communication in digital formats, the
tremendous impact of ICTs on the functions and working patterns of the libraries make a
clear sense of professionals with IT knowledge and skills. As IT skills are indispensable for
the current and future information professionals for providing effective and efcient
services, professionals from computer science, information systems design and software
development were identied as major competitors in the emerging non-traditional market.
A systematic and comprehensive analysis of the graduates, curriculum and job market is
proposed to enhance the understanding of current nature and future prospects of the job
landscape and
LIS education
market and employersexpectations regarding the graduatesskills. Such a survey will also
inform about the level of curriculum compatibility with the market needs. Warriach
et al. (2016) recommended that periodic alumni and employee surveys should be
conducted to understand the changing dynamics of the job market and preparing the
graduates accordingly. Admission criteria for programs of any level should be based on
sound principles relating to manpower requirements in the country. The number of
quality students intake should be given due importance keeping in view the needs of
the job market to avoid unemployment and job saturation. Furthermore, seminars,
workshops and other social events such as job fares were declared important for
marketing the graduatesskills. Such collaboration would keep both parties informed
about each others needs and characteristics. A study conducted by Miwa (2006) also
highlighted the need for marketing the abilities of the graduates in the information and
knowledge management sector.
Amasters degree was considered essential for an entry-level professional job.
Partridge et al. (2011) report that in Australia, market forces have already determined
the masters degree as the preferred level to awardforLISprofessionals,andthisis
reected in the declining demand for undergraduate programs in Australia. In the USA
and the UK, a mastersdegreeisthemainstreamqualication level (Um and Feather,
The ndings regarding the job market support the idea of capturing the emerging
job market in non-traditional settings by expanding the LIS horizons. A job market
with the traditional skills set is not very impressive and associated with low salary
packages and low social status. The departments have to think outside the box and
capture the opportunities produced by the information society. Curriculum expansion
with an inter and multidisciplinary approach for developing competitive and generic
skills among graduates is a workable idea. Offering specializations and need-based
courses to secure an expanding job landscape in the emerging information society of
the country is also effective in this regard. Inclusion of modern IT concepts such as web
programming, software development, and application of information systems and
development of customized information systems should be geared to equip graduates
with competitive skills for securing jobs in the future. The inclusion of advanced IT
courses is the pressing demand from employers as well. The results of the present study
are in line with previous studies, which emphasized on expanding the intellectual
domain of the profession and focus on ICT oriented contents for grabbing future
employment opportunities (Hallam et al.,2004;Johnson, 1998;Marshall et al., 2001;
Miwa, 2006;Okello-Obura and Kigongo-Bukenya, 2011;Pettigrew and Durrance, 2001;
Raju, 2004).
Pakistan is considered as an emerging information society where the role of the
profession is obviously more valued and important. There is a low ratio of jobs
currently available in the non-traditional sector. However, it can be predicted that in
future information roles will be needed everywhere. Consequently, the non-traditional
job sector other than libraries will emerge robustly. LIS schools have to open their
wings to capture the emerging job sector by reorienting academic programs, offering
specializations, redesigning their curriculum, hiring relevant faculty and expanding the
scope of teaching programs.
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Further reading
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Qarshi A.H. (Eds), Library Education in Pakistan: Past, Present and Future, PULSAA, Lahore,
pp. 3-10.
Mahmood, K. (2003), A comparison between needed competencies of academic librarians and LIS
curricula in Pakistan,The Electronic Library, Vol. 21 No. 2, pp. 27-43.
Appendix. Interview guide
Current job market and employment issues.
Future job market avenues and trends (potential employers).
Competitors in information market place.
Potential threats posed by competitors.
Strategies of LIS school to capture job market.
Corresponding author
Amara Malik can be contacted at:
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... In a later study, Malik and Ameen (2021) interviewed 17 faculty members selected from 8 Pakistani LIS schools. They found that the job market is evolving, and librarians need to learn communication and employability skills in the changing market because the old curricula and traditional library services no longer exist in more developed countries. ...
... A study by Hussain (2020) has further emphasized the use of IT and modern technologies, such as social networking, to meet the market demands of patrons. The current findings reinforce the assertion by Malik and Ameen (2021) that various communication channels such as social media, outreach programs, newsletters and other initiatives should be launched to enable librarians to showcase the value and relevance of library services. The current research also corroborates the study of Ekeruche and Echedom (2023), who reported that communication skills are useful for librarians, particularly for conveying ideas and information within an organization. ...
... Improved communication skills also have the potential to favourably impact upon employability prospects among current Pakistani academic librarians; these have generally been described as poor (Malik and Ameen, 2021). According to their research, librarians need to acquire employability skills, which include communication, in a rapidly changing job market. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to measure the current levels of awareness of communication skills among academic librarians in degree-awarding institutions of Pakistan and to identify barriers that libraries, with the support of organizational stakeholders, could target to enhance adoption and / or improvement of these skills. Design/methodology/approach Quantitative research design, based on a Web-based survey method, used a questionnaire as the data collection tool for librarians used in degree-awarding institutions in Pakistan. After incorporating feedback from experts in the field, the questionnaire link was shared with a sample population of n = 400 academic librarians in Pakistan, using simple random sampling. The data was coded in Microsoft Excel and exported to SPSS v 26 for analysis. Findings Overall, the findings underscore a consistent and moderate to high level of awareness by this cohort of basic library communication skills and their associated benefits. The level of agreement as to the principal barriers to these skills aligns with previous research results over the past decade and therefore underlines the need to prioritize the development of appropriate solutions. Research limitations/implications Further research is indicated to investigate the major factors contributing to the principal barriers identified in the current study. Practical implications The study recommends that librarians work with relevant stakeholders to identify strategies to enhance their personal and interpersonal communication skills and to address current barriers to upskilling. Originality/value The study could serve as a foundation for any future research and policy frameworks to enhance employability and communication skills among librarians in Pakistan.
... seek to empower youngsters with freelancing and e-commerce competencies; nonetheless, considerable obstacles remain, especially in rural areas. Restricted access to digital resources, subpar internet connection, and insufficient infrastructure intensify the digital divide, hindering rural students' engagement in the digital economy (Malik & Ameen, 2021). Previous studies support integrating sophisticated technologies like AI, IoT, and blockchain into vocational training, which are notable deficiencies in Pakistan's educational system (Huda, 2023;Jamil, 2021). ...
... seek to enhance digital literacy and entrepreneurial competencies, enabling youngsters access to global markets via freelancing and e-commerce (A. Malik & Ameen, 2021). Nonetheless, budget constraints, obsolete technology, and insufficient governance impede the extensive efficacy of these projects (Rehman et al., 2015;Yousaf et al., 2022). ...
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Skill development is pivotal to Pakistan’s economic and social transformation, addressing human capital challenges. This systematic literature review synthesizes findings from 38 peer-reviewed studies conducted between 2015 and 2024 to evaluate Pakistan’s existing policies and practices. Findings reveal myriad barriers in Pakistan’s vocational education ecosystem, including outdated curricula, weak industry-academia collaboration, and governance inefficiencies, disproportionately affecting vulnerable rural populations. Programs like the National Skills Strategy (NSS) and Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) aim to align education with labor market demands, but financial constraints and governance inefficiencies hinder implementation. Due to infrastructural inadequacies, digital literacy and entrepreneurial education programs face implementation challenges. The study advocates for experiential learning modalities and inclusive policies to dismantle socio-cultural barriers. Comparisons with global models such as Germany’s dual education system and Singapore’s SkillsFuture initiative illustrate opportunities to modernize Pakistan’s TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) framework. Policy recommendations emphasize the need for strategic investments in digital infrastructure to modernize curricula, foster industry partnerships, and integrate cutting-edge technologies aligning TVET with Industry 4.0, fostering public-private partnerships, and promoting gender-inclusive strategies to enhance workforce readiness and economic competitiveness. These reforms align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 4 and 8, offering a pathway for Pakistan to enhance workforce readiness, foster economic competitiveness, and promote equitable socioeconomic development.
... In Kenya, for instance, those with higher education are more likely to secure full-time positions, while those with lower educational qualifications often face part-time or informal work (Awiti et al., 2019). Similarly, in Pakistan, the lack of job opportunities for graduates, particularly in rural areas, often results in underemployment, where many are relegated to part-time or contract-based jobs (Malik & Ameen, 2021). In Chile, although higher education can secure full-time employment, a significant portion of the population, especially in rural areas, remains employed in part-time or contract-based jobs with less security (Espinoza, 2024). ...
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This study investigates the relationship between education and labor market outcomes across various countries, focusing on the ways educational systems shape employment opportunities, job quality, and income levels. Through the analysis of educational factors such as attainment levels, institutional types, training participation, and certifications, the research examines how disparities in access to quality education contribute to unequal labor market participation, particularly among marginalized populations. It also highlights successful strategies from different nations that align education with workforce demands to promote economic equity and growth. The findings reveal that higher educational attainment is strongly associated with better employment prospects, reduced unemployment, and higher income, as evidenced in Germany's robust vocational training programs and Kenya's efforts to improve opportunities for women. However, persistent gaps in educational access and quality, particularly in rural areas and underserved communities, continue to limit equitable labor market outcomes, as seen in countries like Nigeria and Mexico. Programs such as Germany's dual education system and certifications provided by TESDA in the Philippines demonstrate the potential of aligning education with industry needs to enhance employability and address skill mismatches. This study underscores the importance of improving access to quality education, fostering vocational training and apprenticeship opportunities, and addressing systemic inequities to create inclusive and resilient labor markets. By implementing these strategies, countries can harness the potential of education to foster long-term economic growth and address global inequality.
... "The essence of library practicum is to let the students go through a variety of tasks and learning experiences in a range of library operations such as acquisition, cataloging, circulation, public services and the like. It provides students an opportunity to apply the theoretical learning of the classroom in real-world settings" (Malik & Ameen, 2010). It is essential for students, as it allows them to recognise the essential competencies they will need to function in a professional environment, as well as to identify the developed and undeveloped skills from their academic training, that are important in a work environment. ...
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A professional practice is a type of internship, a practicum, that encompasses a supervised hands-on training experience for students to develop and identify the core and enabling competencies required in a professional environment. It also allows them to identify the developed and underdeveloped skills that are important in the labour environment while still undergoing an academic training. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to determine the core and enabling competencies required and developed by the students coursing the Library and Information Science Programme at Universidad Tecnologica Metropolitana during their professional practices carried out from 2019 through 2021. To this end, a questionnaire with open and closed-ended questions was used as data collection instrument. It was applied to a sample of 64 graduates from this Programme, out of a universe of 70 students in addition to a focus group to delve deeper into the answers obtained. The results established that both core and enabling competencies had been relevant in their professional practice. The most relevant core competencies were those related to information and knowledge services; information analysis and data retrieval; and organisation of data, information and knowledge assets meanwhile the most relevant enabling competencies were communication, teamwork and adaptability.
... Providing staff training and professional development opportunities for librarians is essential to meeting the changing needs of patrons. Malik and Ameen (2021) highlighted that the need for a strong LIS education system in Pakistan to provide librarians with the necessary skills and training to meet the challenges they face. Bouaamri et al. (2022) described that ongoing training and development opportunities can help librarians stay up-to-date with new technologies and emerging trends in library services. ...
Purpose In the digital age, public libraries are facing numerous challenges, and the Balochistan public libraries are no exception. This study aimed to identify current digital trends adopted by the public libraries in Balochistan and to find out about challenges and potential solutions regarding digital trends from library users. Design/methodology/approach A quantitative study was carried out and data were collected through the survey method, employing a structured questionnaire. The target population consisted of 17,953 users of 17 public libraries in Balochistan. A sample of 510 users both male and female was selected by using random sampling technique from the target population. Findings The analysis revealed that patrons of public libraries are dissatisfied with the services offered, as they now require access to new digital trends such as fast Internet, download facilities, unlimited content on numerous resources, Wi-Fi, online reference services, universal accessibility and user-friendly interfaces. Unfortunately, public libraries in Balochistan are still lagging in terms of development. The study recommended that public libraries in Balochistan should develop and implement digital services, increase access to digital resources, hire professional librarians, professional development and collaborate with other libraries. Originality/value The study’s findings can assist in improving public library services and granting patrons access to current information and resources in Balochisthan and other developing countries. This study’s originality stems from its use of a quantitative survey approach to gather data from 17 public libraries in Balochisthan and provide a comprehensive view of the digital challenges they face. The study’s focus on digital tendencies is relevant in today’s world, where technology is rapidly changing the way, we access and consume information.
... In this sense, an emergent job market constitutes a potential growth area for LIS schools. Understanding this will provide a roadmap to LIS schools for the future direction of their programmes (Malik and Ameen, 2021). Furthermore, as noted by Peekhaus (2021), the faculty in LIS schools are relatively engaged in OA matters, so LIS scholars should be at the forefront of efforts to expand openness to their teaching. ...
... To achieve this goal, vocational institutions need to prepare such graduates who can meet the demands of the current job market. Recently, the demand for skilled manpower has also increased, as a result, skill development of people in Asia has been the major focus (Malik & Ameen, 2021;Murtaza & Hui, 2021). ...
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Service-learning is an emerging teaching and learning approach. It promises numerous academic outcomes for students, teachers, and communities. However, findings of previous studies are mixed and inconclusive about the service-learning outcomes in terms of gender, ethnicity and type of courses. The existing studies have mostly been conducted in general education field. There is insufficient evidence about its outcomes for students of vocational education. Hence, further investigation is warranted to assess its contributions for students of vocational education. This study investigated the impact of service-learning on course-based outcomes of students in vocational education. Using a survey approach, data were collected from 100 students who happened to attend a service-learning course in vocational training institutes of Punjab, Pakistan. Factor analysis was computed for instrument validation. Descriptive statistics and ANOVA were calculated under inferential statistics to analyze the collected data. The results showed a mixed effect of service-learning on course outcomes of students in terms of gender. The students showed better improvement in mastery of course work content but did not demonstrate significant work related to team skills enhancement. Future research is recommended to validate the results of this study in other contexts for further understanding the contributions of service-learning regarding course-based outcomes.
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Purpose: Not only in Pakistan but also internationally, the discipline of library and information science (LIS) has experienced major changes in recent years. A move in the emphasis of LIS study towards subjects related to digital resources, information management, and information literacy has resulted from the development of digital technologies and the internet, which have drastically changed how we access, use, and spread information. This study was designed and conducted to assess the new trends in the LIS research work in Pakistan. Design/methodology/approach: To collect relevant data and to obtain the set objectives, a literature review and questionnaire-based surveys were carried out across different universities in Pakistan. Surveys involved professional librarians and faculty members of different cadres from 17 universities in Pakistan that are offering LIS educational and research programs. The collected data was then analyzed to understand different trends in LIS education in Pakistan. Findings: The findings of our study revealed that the use of social media for information exchange and dissemination is one of the most recent developments in LIS study in Pakistan. Libraries and information workers are increasingly utilizing social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to market their offerings, interact with users, and create professional groups. Social media can be used to increase information literacy, encourage lifelong learning, and better information availability, according to researchers who are looking into this possibility. The creation and acceptance of open access (OA) publishing is another significant movement in LIS study in Pakistan. The goal of open-access publication is to make research results readily accessible and usable online. This is regarded as a significant move in the direction of democratizing knowledge and fostering fair access to information. Researchers in Pakistan are looking into how open-access publication affects academic communication and how it can help create a more available and equitable information environment. In addition to these trends, there is also an increasing interest in subjects such as digital archiving, data administration, and information security. Pakistani researchers are looking into the best practices to follow, | Khan et al., 2024 | Page 889 the tools and technologies that can be used to guarantee data protection, and how digital preservation can be accomplished. Originality/value: previously, different studies have been conducted about different aspects of LIS education in Pakistan. Most of those studies used the secondary data for their research. Here in this study we not only made a deep dive into the literature archives about the current trends of LIS education in Pakistan but also conducted questionnaire and interview surveys across 17 different universities of Pakistan that are offering LIS educational and research programs. Based on our findings we presented some recommendations. Besides this, we also gave new insights and directions for LIS research in Pakistan.
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Розглянуто визначальні ознаки сучасної концепції змісту освіти з бібліотекознавства та інформаційних наук, що реалізується в закордонних закладах освіти. Означено особливості змісту навчання за фаховими освітніми програмами в закордонних освітніх закладах, визначено найбільш затребувані компетентності й результати навчання студентів. Освітні програми реалізують навчальні заклади на рівні бакалаврату і магістратури у структурі університетів, бібліотечних та інформаційних шкіл, форм післядипломної освіти. Для них властива неоднорідність, що зумовлено соціально-економічним, політичним розвитком у різних країнах. До визначальних тенденцій навчальної роботи з бібліотекознавства та інформаційних наук належить: якість освіти за програмами оцінюється залежно від відповідності міжнародним і національним стандартам; наукова, навчальна, практична сфери потребують наближення, адаптації та задоволення прагматичних потреб різних галузей суспільного життя з широким використанням інформаційних, інформаційно-аналітичних технологій. Найвищим рівнем продуктивності відрізняються дослідження щодо проблематики компетентностей та результатів навчання студентів. Компетентності фахівців з управління інформацією формують комплекс таких навчальних дисциплін, як аналітичне програмування, інтелектуальний аналіз даних, аналіз тексту та аналітика, цифрове збереження. Дисципліни з організації інформації й пошуку інформації концептуально пов’язані із задоволенням інформаційних потреб споживачів.
Purpose Covid-19 pandemic created a series of challenges for all professions, and libraries and library professionals were not spared. This study aims to attempt to analyze how qualified library professionals in India responded to the pandemic period and seeks their opinion on their preference for the job sector, activities and the challenges they faced during the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on a quantitative survey method using simple random sampling technique. A structured Google forms questionnaire was used to collect the data. In total, 169 qualified professionals, working in different LIS areas, and a few nonworking professionals participated in the survey. The data were collected and analyzed using MS Excel, and statistical tests were done. Findings The major challenges include lack of proper equipment and official digital records, comfortable work environment, poor internet connection and over work load. Majority wish to work in the government rather than the private sector. The participants believe that Covid has affected employment opportunities. Despite the challenges, library professionals are satisfied with the profession and were actively engaged in the learning process. Research limitations/implications The challenges faced by the LIS profession during the post Covid era should be examined by professional bodies and organizations and should ensure extensive human resources development in different LIS sectors and stress the need to implement better services to society with a better digital experience. Originality/value The study explores how qualified library professionals from India have coped with the Covid pandemic and seeks to identify challenges in post-Covid LIS employment. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first of its kind concerning work reflections of library professionals in India since the pandemic.
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The purpose of the study is to discover the status of the job market for library professionals in Sindh Province, Pakistan, and to examine the job titles used in advertisements. Content analysis was applied to discover the status of the job market. LIS professional vacancies from 2004 to 2008 in four leading newspapers were analysed. There were 282 announcements during that time. Findings of the study reveal a lack of consistency in job titles. Academic librarianship predominated in the LIS job market during those years. Most of the job titles do not address the requirements of the job market. This paper is the first study done in Pakistan. It is recommended that library professionals, library associations, and LIS departments to design a uniform descriptive nomenclature and help the provincial government understand the importance and necessity of LIS professionals in national development.
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This paper reports on the results of a survey of destinations for students from librarianship and records management courses at Curtin University of Technology for the period 1998–2002. The survey includes the type of work currently being undertaken by graduates, the security of tenure in their position, the level of professionalism in their employment, and their general employment history since completing their qualifying course. Further data records respondents’ perceptions of the importance of their qualification in gaining their current employment, the relationship between the skills acquired during the course and their employment, and their general level of satisfaction with the course. The results are compared with similar data previously recorded for the graduating classes of 1988–1992 and 1993–1997.
In the USA and Canada, there has been considerable effort on the part of program providers of professional degrees in Library and Information Science to expand job opportunities for graduates of their programs beyond the traditional placement in libraries. This has led to the development of specializations in topics such as Data Curation and Data Analysis. In other cases, new degrees in Information Management and Knowledge Management have been developed and offered in the effort of improving job placement results of graduates. Expanding placement opportunities for graduates of programs educating information professionals is often referred to as developing alternative career opportunities to the traditional jobs for information professionals in libraries and related organizations such as archives and museums. Such programs often focus on the broader term information and promote education and research for the information professions beyond the traditional LIS professions in libraries and related institutions. A number of schools no longer offer LIS degrees, but offer degrees in Information instead. This paper examines the patterns of name changes found in degrees and programs in schools with American Library Association accredited programs and presents an analysis of the reported impact on alternative and/or new career opportunities on the graduates specifically with Information Management degrees. Suggestions are made for further research needed to determine the success of these new degrees as well as issues related to the relevance of accreditation of programs by the American Library Association in the context of the changes taking place in LIS education.
The issue of what constitutes or should constitute the 'core' in library and/or information science (LIS) education and training is one that is frequently debated. This article reviews literature related to this matter and cites findings from an empirical study conducted in South African on library and/or information science education and training. The literature reviewed as well as findings in the study suggest that while it is possible to identify certain knowledge and skill components as being appropriate for the core library and/or information science curriculum for a first-level LIS qualification, it is difficult to be precise about what exactly constitutes or should constitute the core in library and/or information science education and training. This core is continuously evolving, as the information environment to which LIS education and training programmes need to respond is also in a state of flux.
The study was an assessment of changing needs of information professionals in Zimbabwe. Results from this study were aimed at informing library and information science curricula of professional development initiatives of information professionals. The data for the study was collected using semi-structured interviews. During data analysis, participants were grouped according to qualifications, as well as experience. This was done to map the influence of work experience and qualifications on the needs of information professionals. Results from the study showed that the needs of information professionals are changing and that the current curricula in Zimbabwe are failing to cope with the changes.
Reported here are preliminary results of a study undertaken for the KALIPER project. Respondents from the participating schools described their experiences of curriculum change, including the sources of pressure to initiate change, the nature of the change process, and the outcomes. The findings suggest that, although there are some common pressures affecting all the schools, curricula have evolved in a variety of ways in different settings. Factors influencing the schools include, among other things, the image of library and information science (LIS) on campus, the multidisciplinary nature of information as an intellectual domain, the variety of backgrounds of faculty members, competition to control the educational turf within the domain of information, and the role of the library profession vis-à-vis other fields within the domain.
The KALIPER project (1998-2000) was a comprehensive study of library and information science (LIS) curricula conducted by twenty scholars from different programs. The study involved several phases and drew participation from schools throughout the United States and Canada. In the introductory article of this special KALIPER theme issue of JELIS we provide an overview of the project and share its major findings.
This paper examines the curricula of library and information science education in Nigeria with a view of determining its present state of content of its courses offered and how it affects the present graduates produced in the universities with respect to the labour market for librarians in this age of computerisation / digitisation. The curricula of three universities as well as National Universities Commission (NUC) minimum standards for university library and information science schools provided the needed data. The result shows that there are ICT courses in the curricula but not covering some courses taught and the personnel are not readily available for the proper implementation of the good curricula developed.