
The effect of acupressure therapy on the improvement of breast milk production in postpartum mothers

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Objective Acupressure therapy is a traditional therapy from China where one of the treatments is used to increase milk production in postpartum mothers by doing massage at acupoints points CV17, ST18 and SI1 usually only using fingers or blunt objects that do not injure the body surface, which can provide a suppressing effect so that more acceptable and tolerated by patients. Method The research used was quasi-experiment with pre-post test control group design, which was conducted in the working area of health centre (puskesmas) Pasar wajo sub-district of Buton district with a sample of 70, consisting of 35 intervention groups and 35 control groups. Results The group that was not given acupressure had a non-significant increase in breast milk production while them given acupressure had a significant increase. Conclusion Acupressure at the point of CV18, ST17, SI1 with a frequency of 3 times a week for three weeks can increase breastmilk production in postpartum mothers.

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... Merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi kurang lancarnya produksi ASI. Teknik ini dapat membantu memaksimalkan reseptor prolaktin dan oksitosin, dan menghasilkan efek melalui beberapa mekanisme berbeda (Ahmad et al., 2020). Fennel oil (Foeniculum vulgare) merupakan minyak atsiri yang memiliki kandungan anethole. ...
... Menurut penelitian sebelumnya bahwa melakukan akupresure pada ibu menyusui pada titik pusat di dada Pc 6, Ki 23, St 18, ST 15, ST 16, dan Li 4 selama 30 menit sebanyak 2 kali dalam sehari dapat membantu ibu merasa rileks dan secara fisiologis merangsang pengeluaran ASI (Parwati et al., 2017). Juga didukung penemuan bahwa terapi akupresur pada titik spesifik ST18, SI1, dan ST17 sebanyak tiga kali seminggu selama tiga minggu terbukti meningkatkan produksi ASI, menurut hasil penelitian oleh Sulymbona et al. (2020). Dalam Teknik akupresure terdapat titik-titik acupoint yang dapat digunakan untuk enstimulasi pengeluaran hormon prolactin. ...
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Breastfeeding is a crucial process that requires adequate milk production to ensure the baby's health and growth. However, mothers may face difficulty in breastfeeding after giving birth due to insufficient milk production. To address this problem, intervention can be done through a combination of acupressure techniques and aromatherapy using essential fennel oil. This approach has been proven effective in increasing breast milk production and making the process smoother for the mother. The study aimed to determine the effect of acupressure and fennel oil aromatherapy in increasing breast milk volume. The research design was a quasi-experiment with a pretest and posttest group design. The study involved 30 breastfeeding mothers who met the inclusion criteria and were divided into two groups using purposive sampling. The results showed that there was a significant increase in breast milk production after providing acupressure techniques and fennel oil aromatherapy. The acupressure technique helped release oxytocin, which is essential in increasing breast milk production. Moreover, providing fennel oil aromatherapy during the acupressure process can help the mother become more relaxed and increase breast milk production. Therefore, we recommend that midwives use acupressure techniques and fennel oil aromatherapy as complementary therapies to help increase breast milk production and ensure a healthy breastfeeding experience for mothers and their babies.
... One of the reasons a mother stops breastfeeding her baby is inadequate breast milk. A study conducted by Sulymbona et al., 38 found that acupressure can increase breast milk production in postpartum mothers. The study included 70 postpartum mothers, 35 in an intervention group and 35 in a control group. ...
... Endorphins are useful for reducing pain, affecting memory and mood, which can then increase the prolactin hormone. 38 ...
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Objective:This narrative review discusses several studies that demonstrated the effect of self-care acupressure, especially on maternal-health problems in antenatal, labor, and postpartum times, as well as the mechanism of acupressure, the points used, and treatment strategies to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program in the health sector. Methods: PubMed and Google Scholar were searched for randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews/ meta-analyses from the date of their inception to February 2022. Results: The 14 studies that were included showed the possibility that acupressure could have a positive impact on maternal health. This self-care can be the main alternative in overcoming the gap in solving health problems in the world. Conclusions: Self-care acupressure at various acupoints has been shown to be feasible to reduce problems during antenatal, labor, and postpartum times. Additional research on the use of acupressure during pregnancy and cross-sectional collaboration to increase the awareness of acupressure techniques are needed.
... The phytosterol components of moringa, also known as moringa oleifera, have a lactagogue action, which aids in boosting the production of breast milk. Consequently, postpartum moms can utilize moringa as a meal element [17]. ...
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Breastfeeding is very influential on infants’ and child’s growth. Survey result in 2018 mentioning the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is 68.74% in Indonesia and 64.19% in Central Java. Some factors caused breastfeeding obstructions are breast milk didn’t ooze and small quantity of the ooze. Breast milk obstruction caused due lack of oxytocin and prolactin hormone stimulation. This can be cured by giving moringa leaves and oxytocin massage. The study's goal is to examine breast milk production after a combination oxytocin massage with moringa leaves and soy milk. The research design is quasi-experimental with a post-test only control group, and the data analysis design is an independent T-test. Population of this study is postpartum mothers in Central Java. With 83 total samples in Salatiga, Semarang, Grobogan, Rembang, Blora, Kendal and Demak. The group combined with moringa leaves, has 1,183.24 grams difference weight before and after treatment, estimated 185.21 ml volume of breast milk. The group combined with soy milk, has 1,088.04 grams difference weight before and after treatment, with 170.31 ml estimated of breast milk volume. The difference baby's weight from two combination groups was 95.2 grams with a p-value of 0.108. Conclusion of the study is the difference is not significant. The weight gain of infants in the oxytocin massage combination with moringa leaves group was higher than soy milk combination. Recommendation of moringa leaves can be offer for postpartum mother to increase the ooze of breast milk production.
... Non-invasi metode yang digunakan adalah penekanan pada titik-titik akupunktur tanpa menggunakan jarum, biasanya hanya menggunakan jari atau benda tumpul benda yang tidak melukai permukaan tubuh, yang dapat mengerahkan efek penekan sehingga lebih dapat diterima dan ditoleransi oleh pasien daripada akupunktur menggunakan jarum. Titik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI adalah titik akupunktur CV17, ST18 dan SI1(Sulymbona, et al., 2020).Akupresur juga merupakan cara pijat yang berlatar belakang akupunktur atau juga bisa disebut akupunktur tidak memakai jarum. Akupresur merupakan penyembuhan dengan cara pijat memijat pada titik-titik tertentu, ilmu akupresur sudah ada sejak dari 500 tahun yang lalu tepatnya berasal dari Tionghoa.Akupresur yaitu salah satu jenis perawatan kesehatan secara tradisional, Keterampilan yang dipakai dengan melakukan teknik penekanan pada permukaan tubuh pada titik-titik akupunktur yang telah disesuaikan dengan jari, atau bagian tubuh lain dan juga dengan alat bantu yang berujung tumpul dan memiliki tujuan perawatan kesehatan. ...
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Dengan mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, akhirnya buku yang berjudul "Entrepreneurship dalam Pelayanan Kebidanan" ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan hasil dari dedikasi dan usaha keras untuk menggabungkan dua bidang yang sangat penting, yaitu kebidanan dan entrepreneurship, dengan harapan dapat memberikan wawasan baru dan inspirasi bagi para pembaca, khususnya para bidan dan praktisi kesehatan. Dalam perkembangan dunia kesehatan saat ini, bidan tidak hanya dituntut untuk memiliki keterampilan klinis yang baik, tetapi juga kemampuan untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan layanan kebidanan yang berkelanjutan dan berkualitas tinggi. Oleh karena itu, konsep entrepreneurship menjadi sangat relevan dan penting. Buku ini dirancang untuk memberikan panduan praktis, teori yang mendalam, serta contoh-contoh nyata dari praktik entrepreneurship dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik moral maupun material, dalam proses penulisan dan penyusunan buku ini. Ucapan terima kasih khusus saya sampaikan kepada keluarga, kolega, dan semua rekan di dunia x | Enterpreneurship dalam Pelayanan Kebidanan kebidanan yang telah berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan mereka. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi dan panduan bagi para bidan dan praktisi kesehatan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan mereka, serta mampu memotivasi mereka untuk berinovasi dan berwirausaha dalam bidang kebidanan. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat dan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi dunia kesehatan, khususnya dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Selamat membaca dan semoga mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari buku ini
... Non-invasi metode yang digunakan adalah penekanan pada titik-titik akupunktur tanpa menggunakan jarum, biasanya hanya menggunakan jari atau benda tumpul benda yang tidak melukai permukaan tubuh, yang dapat mengerahkan efek penekan sehingga lebih dapat diterima dan ditoleransi oleh pasien daripada akupunktur menggunakan jarum. Titik yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI adalah titik akupunktur CV17, ST18 dan SI1(Sulymbona, et al., 2020).Akupresur juga merupakan cara pijat yang berlatar belakang akupunktur atau juga bisa disebut akupunktur tidak memakai jarum. Akupresur merupakan penyembuhan dengan cara pijat memijat pada titik-titik tertentu, ilmu akupresur sudah ada sejak dari 500 tahun yang lalu tepatnya berasal dari Tionghoa.Akupresur yaitu salah satu jenis perawatan kesehatan secara tradisional, Keterampilan yang dipakai dengan melakukan teknik penekanan pada permukaan tubuh pada titik-titik akupunktur yang telah disesuaikan dengan jari, atau bagian tubuh lain dan juga dengan alat bantu yang berujung tumpul dan memiliki tujuan perawatan kesehatan. ...
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Dengan mengucapkan syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, akhirnya buku yang berjudul "Entrepreneurship dalam Pelayanan Kebidanan" ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini merupakan hasil dari dedikasi dan usaha keras untuk menggabungkan dua bidang yang sangat penting, yaitu kebidanan dan entrepreneurship, dengan harapan dapat memberikan wawasan baru dan inspirasi bagi para pembaca, khususnya para bidan dan praktisi kesehatan. Dalam perkembangan dunia kesehatan saat ini, bidan tidak hanya dituntut untuk memiliki keterampilan klinis yang baik, tetapi juga kemampuan untuk mengelola dan mengembangkan layanan kebidanan yang berkelanjutan dan berkualitas tinggi. Oleh karena itu, konsep entrepreneurship menjadi sangat relevan dan penting. Buku ini dirancang untuk memberikan panduan praktis, teori yang mendalam, serta contoh-contoh nyata dari praktik entrepreneurship dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik moral maupun material, dalam proses penulisan dan penyusunan buku ini. Ucapan terima kasih khusus saya sampaikan kepada keluarga, kolega, dan semua rekan di dunia x | Enterpreneurship dalam Pelayanan Kebidanan kebidanan yang telah berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan mereka. Kami berharap buku ini dapat menjadi sumber inspirasi dan panduan bagi para bidan dan praktisi kesehatan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan mereka, serta mampu memotivasi mereka untuk berinovasi dan berwirausaha dalam bidang kebidanan. Semoga buku ini bermanfaat dan dapat memberikan kontribusi positif bagi dunia kesehatan, khususnya dalam pelayanan kebidanan. Selamat membaca dan semoga mendapatkan banyak manfaat dari buku ini.
... The prevalence of complementary services used by postpartum mothers in Malaysia is 85% (27). The response of postpartum women regarding the complementary services used is good and really helps provide comfort, attachment to their partner, relaxation and fitness (27)(28)(29)(30)(31)(32)(33)(34). Studies conducted in the United States have found that routine screening for postpartum mothers in health facilities is screening for postpartum depression (35). ...
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A psychological problem that is commonly experienced but ignored is baby blues and then leads to postpartum depression. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of practicing yoga and facial acupressure on the incidence of baby blues and postpartum depression in Bali.The research design was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest without control group. The intervention group was divided into three different intervention groups. Interventions include yoga, facial acupressure, and a combination of yoga and facial acupressure. The total number of samples involved was 81 pregnant women in the third trimester from the end to 4 weeks postpartum. The research was carried out from July to October 2023, carried out at three public health centers or Puskesmasin Bali. There was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest baby blues screening scores (p-value <0.05) in the group of subjects who were given yoga intervention. However, significant differences were seen in Edinburgh Depression Postpartum Score (EDPS)(p<0.05).The influence of yoga and facial acupressure on baby blues and EDPS scores was found to have a significant effect (p<0.002 and p<0.001).The results of the correlation analysis between husband's support and EDPS scores show that the higher the husband's support is negatively correlated with the respondent's depression score(r=0.714-0.8334). Efforts are needed to increase knowledge and awareness of husbands and families regarding the signs of baby blues and postpartum depression through real activities in classes for pregnant women and home visits.
... Intervensi akupresur dapat dilakukan juga dengan melakukan pemijatan pada titik-titik tertentu di permukaan tubuh sesuai dengan titik akupunktur (Sulymbona et al., 2020). Metode non-invasif yang digunakan adalah penekanan pada titik-titik akupunktur tanpa menggunakan jarum. ...
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Tujuan: Tujuan dari literature review ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi terapi non-farmakologi untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu post-partum. Metode: Pencarian publikasi menggunakan 4 database yaitu: PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, dan Proquest. Kriteria inklusi penelitian ini adalah sampel ibu menyusui, artikel merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan desain RCT atau quasi-experimental, intervensi non farmakologi untuk meningkatkan produksi susu, menggunakan bahasa Inggris, full text, dan setting waktu 10 tahun terakhir (2012-2022). Adapun kriteria eksklusi yang digunakan yaitu artikel tidak berbahasa Inggris pada abstrak, artikel merupakan proceeding, skripsi, thesis, editorial, dan buku, serta tidak melibatkan ibu menyusui atu ibu post-partum pada penelitiannya. Hasil: Hasil pencarian didapatkan 8 artikel yang sesuai. Intervensi terapi akupresur, terapi relaksasi, dan pemberian teh herbal dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui atau ibu post-partum. Kesimpulan: Dari delapan artikel tersebut menyatakan bahwa intervensi akupresur, terapi relaksasi, dan pemberian teh herbal efektif dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI pada ibu menyusui atau ibu post-partum.
... It has been reported that foot reflexology increases breast milk production in mothers of preterm infants (Mirzaie, Mohammad-Alizadeh-Charandabi, Goljarian, Mirghafourvand, & Hosseini, 2018) and that manipulation of Tui Na post-partum may also increase milk production (Zheng, Yi, Ping, & Wang, 2012). Acupressure has been shown to increase the amount of breast milk produced after childbirth (Ahmad, Usman, Sinrang, Alasiry, & Bahar, 2020; Sulymbona et al., 2020). ...
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Exclusive breastfeeding is essential for human infants' physical and mental development. However, breastfeeding problems can hamper this low quantity of breast milk. This study aimed to evaluate the benefits of Marmet breast massage for increasing the amount of breast milk in post-partum mothers. This is an experimental study design. The subjects of 100 breastfeeding mothers were randomly assigned to two groups; a control group (which received standard breast care massage) and the treatment group (who received the Marmet technique breast massage). Although there were no significant differences in the rate of change over time between the Marmet technique group and the control group (p-value>0.05), there was an increase in breastfeeding fluency scores in the Marmet technique group. The Marmet breast massage technique increased milk production in term infants at a rate comparable to usual breast massage. Therefore, this technique could be used to improve exclusive breastfeeding rates, including for mothers with nipple abnormalities.
... One of the advantages of using acupressure is low cost, ease of learning, and non-invasive [10]. Acupressure therapy gives a signal to the pituitary to produce the hormones prolactin and oxytocin in the body so that milk production is smooth and the mother is successful in the breastfeeding process [11,12]. ...
The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Aceh Besar regency is a serious problem for child survival. One of the non-morphological natural methods that can be used to help expedite milk production is acupressure points for lactation therapy. Acupressure points for lactation therapy are one of the solutions to overcome the uneven production of breast milk. Acupressure points for lactation therapy help maximize prolactin and oxytocin receptors and minimize side effects from delayed breastfeeding by the baby. This research method is quasi-experimental with a pre-test and post-test research design. This research was conducted at the Midwives' Independent Practice in Aceh Besar Regency from April to October 2022. The population in this study were primiparous mothers who gave birth at the Independent Midwife Practice (PMB) in Aceh Besar Regency. The total sample of 60 respondents consisted of the intervention group of 30 respondents and the control group of 30 respondents. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate with T-Test Dependent and T-Test Independent. The results showed that there was a significant difference in milk production before and after giving acupressure therapy to breastfeeding mothers with a p-value of 0.000. There is a significant difference in breastfeeding success before and after giving routine care to breastfeeding mothers p-value 0.000. Complementary Therapy Acupressure Points For Lactation is effective in helping to facilitate breastfeeding and increase milk production in primiparous mothers in Aceh Besar Regency.
... The average weight gain in the treatment group was 3254 grams higher than the control 3150 grams. This is in line with Sulymbona's research (2020) that giving acupressure points CV 18, ST 17, and SI1 to postpartum mothers 3 times a week can increase breast milk production(16). ST18 and SI1 usually only using fingers or blunt objects that do not injure the body surface, which can provide a suppressing effect so that more acceptable and tolerated by patients. Breast milk production is influenced by the working mechanism of the oxytocin hormone and prolactin hormone, through the mechanism of let-down reflex and nipple sucking reflex done by the baby(17). ...
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p> Background: Breast milk production and secretion are affected by the prolactin reflex and let-down reflex. One of the problems to increase breast milk production is by rolling massage and ST-18 acupressure. ST-18 point (Ru Gen) is located lateral to the breast, 4 fingers below the nipple, and can increase blood circulation which can stimulate the alveolus to contract so that breast milk is secreted towards the nipple A previous study stated that postpartum mothers were given puerperal exercise and acupressure on the second, fourth, and seventh days after giving birth both increased milk production, but the acupressure group was higher than the postpartum exercise group Objectives : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of rolling massage and ST-18 acupressure on breast milk production and fundal height decrease of postpartum women. Methods: This study was an quasi experimental study. The study design was Randomized Control Group with Pre-Test and Post-Test. The population were all postpartum women in the Community Health Centers in Semarang who were assigned to 16 respondents in the treatment group and 16 respondents in the control group, collected by cluster random sampling. After obtaining consent from the respondents, the researchers began to make the pre-test on the fundal height and breast milk production in the treatment group and the control group, then post-test after 3 days of treatment. Data were analyzed by Independent t test and Mann Whitney test. Results: Characteristics of respondents in both groups showed that most of respondents aged 27.9 years, were primiparous women and had good nutritional status. The mean of increase in breast milk production were assessed from infant weight gain before and after treatment from 3117.8 grams to 3254 grams. There was a difference in breast milk production in the treatment and control group with the p value of 0.0001, and there was no difference in the decrease in fundal height in the two groups ( p value=3.91), however the decrease in fundal height in the treatment group was faster than the control group which was 3.91 cm. Conclusions : The need for midwives to provide midwifery care to postpartum women in a holistic and comprehensive manner, for example in the form of rolling massage and acupressure on ST-18 point.</em
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Objective: This study was conducted to examine the effect of yoga practice during pregnancy on sexual function and body image. Methods: This study was planned as a randomized controlled single-blind trial. The study was performed with 140 pregnant women randomized in a pregnancy outpatient clinic of a hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, between March and September 2021. Two groups (A: yoga group and B: routine hospital care) were included in this study. The Personal Information Form, Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), and Body Exposure During Sexual Activity Questionnaire (BESAQ) were used to collect the data. Results: The groups were homogeneously distributed, except for age and income status. The mean score of the Female Sexual Function Index in the yoga group was significantly higher in the post-test (24.71 ± 3.48) compared to the pre-test (22.95 ± 4.14) (t:-3.142; p: 0.002). In the control group, there was no difference between the pre-test (24.82 ± 6.15) and post-test (25.79 ± 2.47) mean scores of the Female Sexual Function Index (t:-1.351; p: 0.181). There was no significant difference between the groups’ pre-test and post-test mean BESAQ scores (Z = - 0.670, p = 0.503; Z = -0.225, p = 0.822, respectively). No correlation was found between thepre-test and post-test scores of the FSFI and BESAQ (r = -0.105; p = 0.218; r = -0.099; p =0.244). Conclusion: Yoga can have a positive effect on sexual function during pregnancy. However, the effect of yoga on body image during sexual function has not been observed. Clinical Trial ID: “NCT04764838′′ Keywords: BESAQ, Body image, Pregnant, Sexual function, Yoga
The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Aceh in 2021 is recorded at 66.6 percent which is still below the national target of 80 percent. One of the causes of low breastfeeding is experiencing non-smooth milk expenditure which causes anxiety for the mother. One effort that can be used to increase milk production is using the acupressure technique. The method used for individual assistance is to make home visits to postpartum mothers who experience non-fluent breastfeeding. The activity begins with an assessment of mothers' perceptions about breastfeeding, counseling about the breastfeeding process and teaching acupressure to increase milk production. The results of the activity after providing assistance 2-5 times to 10 postpartum mothers, 100% experienced smooth breastfeeding. as many as 6 people (60%) experienced smooth breastfeeding on the third day, 30 percent on the fourth day and the last 10 percent on the fifth day. After carrying out individual assistance which began with an assessment of the mother's perception of breastfeeding, counseling on the breastfeeding process and teaching acupressure to increase milk production, the results obtained were 100% of postpartum mothers could perform acupressure and express breastfeeding for postpartum mothersfluent.
Purpose: To assess the effects of acupressure on lactation. Methods: A literature search was conducted via Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Embase, and PubMed using keyword search terms acupuncture, Tuina and breastfeeding, human lactation or human milk and excluded auricular. Inclusion criteria were articles in English with no restriction on publication date. We included acupuncture as well as acupressure to ensure that relevant articles were not missed. Results: After duplicates were removed, our initial search yielded 217 articles. Using the PRISMA checklist (Liberati et al., 2009), six articles met inclusion criteria (five research studies, one case study). Preliminary evidence suggests acupressure offers a promising and inexpensive method of enhancing secretory activation following cesarean and vaginal term and late preterm births, specifically when performed at acupoints CV 17, ST 18, and SI 1. Clinical implications: Human milk is the optimal source of infant nutrition. Concern of low milk supply is most often cited as the cause for early supplementation with formula as well as early cessation of breastfeeding. Acupressure may be helpful in improving milk supply in early postpartum, but more research on acupressure and lactation is warranted.
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Exclusive breastfeeding or more properly called exclusive breastfeeding. The reality in the field shows the production and ejection of breast milk is a bit of a constraint in breastfeeding. One solution to overcome the insufficiency of breast milk production is through techniques acupressure points for lactation. This study aimed to determine the effect of mother's milk production with acupressure point for lactation intervention in the work area of Muaro Paiti sub-district Kapur IX Lima Puluh Kota Regency 2018. A quasi-experimental design with control group pretest-posttest design. The study was conducted in the working area of Muaro Paiti Community Health Center in April 2018. The population was breastfeeding mother in the work area of Muaro Paiti health center which was 118 people, with purposive sampling of 16 people. Processing and data analysis is done computerized. Univariate results revealed the average production of breast milk before acupressure point for lactation intervention in breastfeeding mothers was 67,9 ml and after intervention 85.7 ml. Bivariate results have the effect of acupressure point for lactation intervention on maternal breastmilk production in the work area of Muaro Paiti District Health Center Kapur IX Lima Puluh Kota Regency 2018 (p = 0,0005). It is expected that health workers should be able to teach acupressure point for lactation techniques in breastfeeding mothers to increase milk production for mothers with breastfeeding production
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Introduction: Breastfeeding is the adaptation process experienced by postpartum mothers. If she has assisted carlier in breastfeeding, the mothers will succeed to continue breastfeeding. In reality milk ejection very little on the fi rst days after birth is a constraint in early breastfeeding. Acupressure points for lactation can increase milk production, help maximize prolactin and oxytocin receptors and minimize the side effects of delaying in the breastfeeding process. The objective of this study was to prove the difference effect of Acupressure Points for lactation and oxytocin massage to increase milk production and comfort on postpartum mothers. Method: This study used a quasy-experiment design with pre-post test design with control group. The sample of this study was recruited using consecutive sampling, consist of 27 mother postpartum primiparous, divided into 3 groups. Comfort was measured with GCQ, and milk production measured with Weighing Test. Data measured before and after the intervention, and analyzed by ANOVA with α = 0.05. Results: The results showed there was a signifi cant difference in comfort between the Acupressure Points for Lactation, oxytocin massage and control group (p = 0.035). and there was a a signifi cant difference in milk production between the Acupressure Points for Lactation, oxytocin massage and Control group (p = 0013). Analysis and Discussion: Conclusion, Acupressure Points for Lactation effective to increase comfort and milk production in postpartum mothers in Kediri District Hospital. This technique should be used as an alternative intervention in treatment of postpartum mothers. Nurses need to teach these techniques to postpartum mothers to be more independent in reduxing the problem of lactation. Keywords: acupressure points for lactation, comfort, Milk Production
Introduction: Breastfeeding is the adaptation process experienced by postpartum mothers. If she has assisted carlier in breastfeeding, the mothers will succeed to continue breastfeeding. In reality milk ejection very little on the fi rst days after birth is a constraint in early breastfeeding. Acupressure points for lactation can increase milk production, help maximize prolactin and oxytocin receptors and minimize the side effects of delaying in the breastfeeding process. The objective of this study was to prove the difference effect of Acupressure Points for lactation and oxytocin massage to increase milk production and comfort on postpartum mothers. Methods: This study used a quasy-experiment design with pre-post test design with control group. The sample of this study was recruited using consecutive sampling, consist of 27 mother postpartum primiparous, divided into 3 groups. Comfort was measured with GCQ, and milk production measured with Weighing Test. Data measured before and after the intervention, and analyzed by ANOVA with α = 0.05.Results: The results showed there was a signifi cant difference in comfort between the Acupressure Points for Lactation, oxytocin massage and control group (p = 0.035). and there was a a signifi cant difference in milk production between the Acupressure Points for Lactation, oxytocin massage and Control group (p = 0013). Conclusion: Acupressure Points for Lactation effective to increase comfort and milk production in postpartum mothers in Kediri District Hospital. This technique should be used as an alternative intervention in treatment of postpartum mothers. Nurses need to teach these techniques to postpartum mothers to be more independent in reduxing the problem of lactation.
Acupuncture and acupressure, 2 modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine, are based on reducing pain and symptoms of disease through balancing yin and yang. Acupuncture and acupressure have been used in China for reduction of labor pain, labor augmentation, and other intrapartum indications for more than 2 millennia. This article presents a review of the current literature that has addressed the effects of acupuncture and acupressure on intrapartum events. Studies of acupuncture have demonstrated that acupuncture may reduce labor pain, the use of pharmacologic agents, the use of forceps and vacuum-assisted births, and the length of labor. Studies that examined the effect of acupuncture on labor that is induced or augmented for premature rupture of membranes have found that acupuncture may increase the degree of cervical ripening but does not reduce the amount of oxytocin or epidural analgesia administration, nor does it shorten length of induced labor. Acupressure may reduce labor pain and labor duration, but acupressure has not been found to increase cervical ripening or induce labor. There are insufficient studies about acupuncture and acupressure and their effects on labor at this time, and there is need for further research. Areas of uncertainty include efficacy, optimal point selection, best techniques, and length of time for point stimulation.
Breastfeeding/breastmilk feeding of infants in neonatal units is vital to the preservation of short- and long-term health, but rates are very low in many neonatal units internationally. The aim of this review was to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical, public health and health promotion interventions that may promote or inhibit breastfeeding/breastmilk feeding for infants admitted to neonatal units. Systematic review with narrative synthesis. Studies were identified from structured searches of 19 electronic databases from inception to February 2008; hand searching of bibliographies; Advisory Group members helped identify additional sources. Inclusion criteria: controlled studies of interventions intended to increase breastfeeding/feeding with breastmilk that reported breastmilk feeding outcomes and included infants admitted to neonatal units, their mothers, families and caregivers. Data were extracted and appraised for quality using standard processes. Study selection, data extraction and quality assessment were independently checked. Study heterogeneity prevented meta-analysis. Forty-eight studies were identified, mainly measuring short-term outcomes of single interventions in stable infants. We report here a sub-set of 21 studies addressing interventions tested in at least one good-quality or more than one moderate-quality study. Effective interventions identified included kangaroo skin-to-skin contact, simultaneous milk expression, peer support in hospital and community, multidisciplinary staff training, and Unicef Baby Friendly accreditation of the associated maternity hospital. Breastfeeding/breastmilk feeding is promoted by close, continuing skin-to-skin contact between mother and infant, effective breastmilk expression, peer support in hospital and community, and staff training. Evidence gaps include health outcomes and costs of intervening with less clinically stable infants, and maternal health and well-being. Effects of public health and policy interventions and the organization of neonatal services remain unclear. Infant feeding in neonatal units should be included in public health surveillance and policy development; relevant definitions are proposed.
Acupressure on the "extra 1" point decreases bispectral index (BIS) values and stress. We investigated the BIS, melatonin, beta-endorphin, and verbal stress score values before, after 10 min of acupressure application on the extra 1 point, on a sham point, after no acupressure, and 1 h after completion of each intervention in 12 volunteers. The BIS and verbal stress score values were decreased after acupressure on the extra 1 point (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.008, respectively), but melatonin and beta-endorphin did not change. Acupressure on the extra 1 point has no effect on melatonin and beta-endorphin levels.