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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2020; 8(2): 619-623
E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2020; 8(2): 619-623
© 2020 JEZS
Received: 25-01-2020
Accepted: 27-02-2020
Hamadullah Bhatti
Department of Zoology, Shah
Abdul Latif University Khairpur
Mirs Sindh, Pakistan
Waheed Ali Panhwar
Department of Zoology, Shah
Abdul Latif University Khairpur
Mirs Sindh, Pakistan
Syed Ahmed Zia
National Insect Museum,
National Agricultural Research
Center, Islamabad, Pakistan
Corresponding Author:
Hamadullah Bhatti
Department of Zoology, Shah
Abdul Latif University Khairpur
Mirs Sindh, Pakistan
Study on the dragonfly (Anisoptera: Odonata)
fauna of district Larkana Sindh, Pakistan
Hamadullah Bhatti, Waheed Ali Panhwar and Syed Ahmed Zia
A detailed odonatological field investigations were carried out to capture the dragonfly fauna of Larkana
district, during March 2018 to October 2018 from various sites. Total of 215 samples recognized into 09
species under 05 genera pertaining to two families. The family Libellulidae was found most dominant
with record of 08 species pertaining to 4 genera while family Aeshnidae was recorded with single
species. Family Libellulidae showed its wide diversity and over all percentage of Libellulidae was
recorded significantly highest (81.39%) and lowest that of family Aeshnidae (18.60%). Beside this,
identification keys were also provided for easily isolation of families and genera.
Keywords: Odonata, identification keys, diversity, biological control, Larkana
1. Introduction
Order Odonata comprises dragonflies that are regarded as famous as a biocontrol agents. The
body of odonates is longer and cylindrical in structure. They possess large compound eyes
with shorter antennae and longer wings. As dragonflies pass their early life in water, most of
them live in fresh water, whereas, some of them are able to survive in sea water. Most of the
species are particular for some habitats such as deserts and alpines [1]. Odonates are most often
supposed as the bio indicators in many parts of the world, usually in temperate regions. These
insects moniter environment and possess a good position in the environment [2]. They are used
in daily life as a delicious dish, cooked in coconut oil and is served [3]. Dragonflies are
valuable for medicinal purposes due to fact that people from some countries make medicines
from them [5]. Dragonflies are the active predators, during nymphal stage mostly feed on the
larvaes of different invertebrates such as, the larvae of Mollusca, Platyhelminthes, crustaceans
and annelids. Adult dragonflies too prey on variety of insects. So, Odonates are well known
predators in both stages, nymphal and adult stage as well [4]. Larvae of Odonata also prey on
larvae of insects including larvae of mosquito. A heed should be paid to conserve them as
these make an important role in biodiversity, some species of dragonflies are going to extinct
rapidly These are biologically important for research on them, specially in the field of their
behavior and ecology As dragonflies are usually found flying on stagnant marshy water, so,
these may also be understood as the bio-indicator of water quality. As dragonflies actively take
part in biological control by eating larvae of most of the lethal parasites, whose larvae pass
their developmental stage in water. Therefore, dragonflies are helpful in controlling the
diseases such as, dengue fever, filariasis and malaria [6-9].
Class Insecta also contain one of the oldest order of Pterygote namely Odonata. Order Odonata
is relatively small group of winged insects that contain about 5680 species [10] Some parts of
the country like South East, have not been investigated well in detail. Most of the parts of Iran
witness the poor performance and investigation on dragonflies except some parts, such as,
Tehran and coastal area of Caspian [11]. Dragonflies and damselflies are relatively similar, and
are the most well-known and significant active predators of an aquatic fauna and may occupy
the top position in predation. Odonates are the important bio indicators of an ecosystem [12].
The aquatic nature of larvae and terrestrial form of an adult dragonfly and their relation in an
aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem with numerous populations, their useful role in an ecosystem
showing the multidimensional importance of Odonates as builders structural and functional
parts of an ecosystem and diversified characters may be used to assess the quality and nature
of an environment. The large body size of an adult provides comfortable way to study and
report on taxonomy. Human activities cause disturbances in the habitat of dragonflies [12]. Lot
of work has been done on odonatan fauna from different areas
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of Pakistan by [13-25] but no attention has been paid to the
present study area. Therefore, it was felt necessary to
investigate the odonatan fauna of this area.
2. Materials and Methods
The study material was collected during March to October
2018 from the district Larkana, Sindh. Larkana is the
important district of Sindh province because the famous
civilization of the world Mohen jo Daro of Indus Valley
Civilization. Mohen jo Daro is also the famous archeological
site that dates back to more than 5000 years old civilization.
District Larkana is situated in the north and west of the upper
Sindh. Indus river that is the largest and historic river of the
Pakistan also flow from here. It comprises the 7423 sq km
with total population of 1524391 according to 2018 census.
Formerly Larkana was known as the Chandka. Climatic
conditions vary depending on the seasons. Winter is mild cool
whereas, Summer is very hot as temperature culminates up to
53 degree centigrade. Larkana is the fourth largest city of
Sindh, also known as the Eden of Sindh. The captured
dragonflies were killed in a jar containing chloroform. Killed
dragonflies were pinned, recorded the area and date, the body
parts were set on the stretching boards. After all the samples
were labelled and preserved properly in in the collection
boxes. Naphthalene balls were kept in the collection boxes
along with preserved samples to save them from the attack of
pests. The captured dragonflies were observed under the bi-
ocular microscope for identification. For identification at
species level identification keys and the already preserved
dragonflies at Entomological lab of Zoology Department
Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur were also followed.
Names and synonyms were given according to already
reported species from Pakistan. The identified dragonflies
were kept at the Entomological lab of Zoology department
Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur [26].
3. Results and Discussion
Order Odonata comprises dragonflies that are regarded as
famous as a biocontrol agents. They are found in stagnant and
running water. The body of odonates is longer and cylindrical
in structure. They possess large compound eyes with shorter
antennae and longer wings. As dragonflies pass their early life
in water, most of them live in fresh water, whereas, some of
them are able to survive in sea water. Most of the species are
particular for some habitats such as deserts and alpines [1]. A
detailed field investigations were carried out to capture the
dragonfly fauna of Larkana district, during March 2018 to
October 2018 from various sites. Total of 215 samples
recognized into 09 species under 05 genera pertaining to two
families. The family Libellulidae was found most dominant
with record of 08 species pertaining to 4 genera while family
Aeshnidae was recorded with single species. The family
Libellulidae includes the major numbers of species as
compare to Aeshnidae. The species were Orthetrum sabina,
Orthetrum chrysis, Orthetrum cancellatum, Orthetrum
pruinosum neglectum, Acisoma panorpoides, Pantla
flevescens, Crocothemis nigriforns, Crocothertumis servilia,
and Anax imperator. Family Libellulidae showed its wide
diversity and over all percentage of Libellulidae was recorded
significantly highest (81.39%) and lowest that of family
Aeshnidae (18.60%) (Figure 2, 3 & 4, Table.1). Beside this,
identification keys were also provided for easily isolation of
families and genera. Yousaf [27] captured and recognized 6
subfamilies, 24 genera with 64 species and subspecies of
dragonflies from different localities of Pakistan. Kumar and
Prasad [28] surveyed Western-Himalaya and reported 162
species of dragonflies. Kanth [29] while surveying Azad
Jammu and Kashmir reported 22 genera with 39 species of
dragonflies. Sahito et al. [30] reported Anax parthenope from
Sukkur division. At the present Anax imperator is first time
captured and reported from district Larkana. Panhwar and
Lakhiar [31] gave description of Crocothertumis servilia from
district badin. Present study agree with description given by
them. Lakhiar et al. [32] stated that the dragonfly fauna of
Sindh is quiet diverse and should be explore for the
confirmation and presence of species. This study agree with
their statement. Beside this taxonomic keys and distributional
of families is provided from the district Larkana. Hopefully,
this study will contribute in the odonatological field.
Fig 1: Map of District Larkana
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Table 1: Showing No. & Percentage specimens of families of dragonfly found in District Larkana
No. of Specimen (n=215)
Percentage (%)
Taxonomic keys for dragonflies families found in District Larkana
Eyes very broadly joined. Thorax is metallic crossing the dorsal side of head. Fore &
Hind wings with numerous discoidal cell of the similar size.
Eyes widely separated. Th thorax is not metallic and not crossing the dorsal side of
head. Fore & Hind wings with socks shaped loops from anal side.
Key to genera of family Libellulidae & Aeshinidae found in District Larkana
Body cylindrical in shape, slim with small size.
Acisoma Rambur, 1842
Body medium size, elongated shape broad in their body structure.
Orthetrum Newman, 1833
Abdomen shorter as compared with hind wings. While hind wings broader at base.
Pantala Hagen, 1861
Abdomen not shorter. While hind wings slim at its base sliglty broader at apex.
Reddish color of body. Amber yellowish spots present at base of wings.
Crocothemis Brauer, 1868
Brownish color of the body. Remarkable coloration of wings, with slight indigo color at base.
Anax Leach, 1815
4. Conclusion
Present study concludes the discovery of 09 species of
dragonflies pertaining to 05 genera into 02 families. Beside
this, the survey was conducted during the March 2018 to
October 2018 from Larkana district of Sindh. In addition to
this, the family Libellulidae includes the major numbers of
species as compare to Aeshnidae.
5. Recommendations
Morphological features are still the primary tools for
identification but molecular techniques could be
practiced for accurate systematic placement of Odonata
Farmers should be taught through seminars about the role
of Odonata as biocontrol agents.
Efforts should be carried out for their mass Rearing and
Steps should be taken to use odonates larvae in control of
Odonata of Sindh should be further explored.
6. Acknowledgments
The authors are highly thankful to Mr. Kashif and Insect
collectors who have helped in supplementation of the
dragonfly material for this study.
7. References
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