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Damage by squirrels to cocoa pods

  • Universidad Sur del Lago Jesus María Semprum, UNESUR

Abstract and Figures

We studied the magnitude of the damage caused by squirrels (Sciurus granatensis) as function of the length, color and ripeness of cocoa pods in 39 farms belonging to three municipalities at Merida State, Venezuela. No statistically significant differences (p>0,05) were found for the length of damaged pods as compared to the length of the pods without damage. However, the magnitude of damage differs (p<0,05) according to the four color categories of the pods being detected a preference by the yellow and green pods which belong to the variety of Cacao known as Criollo of thinner and softer bark and with higher sugar content in the mucilage. In the same way, it was found that the magnitude of damage differs between ripe pods compared to unripe ones. The damage was greater in mature pods because they are more detectable by squirrels and have greater nutritional value.
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ISSN 2477-9458
SCIURUS GRANATENSIS
Misael Molina y Jesús Briceño.....................................................................................
      
Mauricio García.........................................................................................................
            
Vol.52, N0 3, Diciembre 2018
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en
función de la longitud, color y madurez de mazorcas de
Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Misael Molina y Jesús Briceño3
   
lia. 2   3
   Sciurus granatensis) en fun
   
Palabras Clave
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 157
Magnitude of damage by squirrels (Sciurus granatensis) as
function of length, color and ripeness of cocoa pods at the
Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Sciurus granatensis)
Key Words
Theobroma cacao L.
et al
 
       
    
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
 
et al
niliasis por Moniliophthora roreri,    Phytophthora
palmivoraBotryodiplodia theobromae 
Sciurus granatensis , Sciuridae) es se
   
  
et al.
por Sciurus gambianus y Fanisciurus sp.     Pa-
raxerus poensis, Potoxerus stangeri, Myosciurus pumilio, Heliosciurus rufobrachium
y Funisciurus leucogenis Funambulus tristiatus y F.
palmarum et alSciurus va-
riegatoides 
et al. 
S. granatensis. 
et al. 
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 159
 
          
al        et
al   
et al. 
Materiales y métodos
Área de estudio
 
No.  
 
 
cia I.
   
   
San Rafael. 
   
 
   
 
   
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
 
   
La Escondi
   
El Silencio. 
   
   
La Hedionda.    
    
    
San Isidro.    
    
    
Apure.    
    
    
La Esperan
   
Las Tres
   
 
   
San Isidro. 
   
 
   
 
   
 
   
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 161
 
   
Mi Herencia. 
   
Trinidad I.
   
Trinidad II.
   
La Florida. 
   
La Trinidad. 
   
San Rafael. 
   
 
   
 
   
La Esperan
   
La Esperan
   
El Rosal. 
   
   
 
   
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
Figura 1.
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 163
Recolección y procesamiento de los datos
    
 
  
      
     
 
         
Análisis estadísticos
Relación entre la magnitud del daño y la longitud de la mazorca
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
Relación entre la magnitud del daño y el color de la mazorca
      
Relación entre el grado de madurez de la mazorca y la magnitud del daño
Resultados y Discusión
Longitud de la mazorca y magnitud del daño
por Mollineau et al.
Color de la mazorca y nivel de daño
 
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 165
Fig. 2. 
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
          
con el de Mollineau et al. 
S. granatensis y el color de
Fig. 6.            
   
  
 
 
et al.
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 167
   
et al
     
 Microcebus ravelobensis y M. murinus       
et al. 
la Ardilla Callosciurus nlaysonii
 S. granatensis  
granatensis 
Grado de madurez y magnitud del daño
     
 
        
Magnitud del daño por ardillas (Sciurus granatensis) en función de la longitud, color y
madurez de mazorcas de Cacao de la Cordillera de Mérida, Venezuela.
Molina y Briceño.
    
 
. 
Literatura citada
        
Sciurus aestuans
ATTANASI, A.
BOAITEY, A. 
.Sciurus granatensis
.Theobroma cacao
Sciurus granatensis   
 
JIMÉNEZ, E
  .        
LINARES, O.
Sciurus granat-
ensisTheobroma cacao
Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas
Vol. 52. Nº 3, Septiembre - Diciembre 2018, Pp. 156-169 169
. Sciurus variegatoides
 
Theobroma cacao
       
SINGLETON, G. R.   
           
  
da. Ed.
Esta revista fue editada en formato digital y publicada
en diciembre de 2018, por el Fondo Editorial Serbiluz,
Universidad del Zulia. Maracaibo-Venezuela
Vol.52 Nº 3___________
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El presente trabajo analiza la perspectiva intercultural de género en la Radio Comunitaria de URACCAN, en el recinto Bluefields, desde el abordaje y transmisión de los diferentes programas. El enfoque del estudio es cualitativo, con una metodología acción-participante en una estrategia articulada de tal forma que permitió generar saberes desde la visión de sabias y sabios quienes desde sus conocimientos y experiencias forjaron el debate propuesto. Entre los principales resultados, se consigue constatar que en Bluefields, se debe incidir de manera constante, en despejar las barreras y asegurar la participación de las mujeres en ámbitos donde tradicionalmente ha sido excluida. La perspectiva intercultural de género reconoce que la condición de subordinación de la mujer, se reproduce en la esfera pública producto de relaciones de poder imperantes, prácticas discriminatorias y ausencia de oportunidades. Finalmente, el estudio analiza el ejercicio de la interculturalidad y el género desde la radio con un llamado de la audiencia a no permitir que la emisora se convierta en un medio comercial, al contrario, que lo comunitario se fortalezca y que la radio sea de la comunidad y para la comunidad.
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Foraging sites are important for the survival of animals. Individuals cue on characteristics of the forest that offer enough food resources and also provide safety. During June and July of 2009 and 2010, we studied northern and southern Amazon red squirrels (Sciurus igniventris, S. spadiceus) to determine what forest characteristics were associated with feeding sites. We examined habitat use at three levels: vegetation community where feeding sign was located, site characteristics of the forest immediately surrounding the feeding sign, and the tree exhibiting feeding sign. We measured the site characteristics inside a 10-m radius circular plot, the physical characteristics of the tree exhibiting feeding sign, and the same variables at random locations for comparison. Because there is lack of knowledge about these squirrels, we also conducted focal observations to study their behavior. Squirrels use mainly high and low restinga and selected Astrocaryum and Attalea palm trees that were taller and larger compared with random locations. Squirrels used all vertical strata of the forest, and the main behaviors observed were travel and forage. Behaviors occurred similarly across the day but differed by vertical strata. Although squirrels used vegetation communities different than available and selected for tree characteristics, site characteristics did not appear to be important in contrast with other tree squirrel species.
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In order to determine the structure of an understory bird community from a cacao plantation and its importance as habitat for bird conservation, four sampling sessions with 12 mist-nets (600 h-nets) were carried out in a cacao farm, settled in a riparian forest at the outskirts of Henri Pittier National Park, Cumboto, Venezuela. The structure of the bird understory assemblage (54 species) was compared with that of nine natural sites sampled with similar effort in northern Venezuela. Species richness was lower than in other riparian forests, but was higher than in other habitat types, what is attributed to the ecotone role played by the crop. The proportions of common, rare or migratory species were similar to natural understories. The cacao plantation resulted as the unique wooded lowland habitat where the endemic species Sternoclyta cyanopectus (Trochilidae) occurs. Although various families and feeding guilds were similar, their relative abundances differed. The understory was dominated by the Trochilidae family with 268 captures (60.4% of the total), a value not found in any other understory previously studied in Venezuela. As a consequence, the nectarivores-insectivores were the dominant feeding guild. Likewise, the Formicariidae family was absent and the Furnariidae were poorly represented in this environment. On the other hand, the agricultural character of this understory has supported families such as the Cracidae, Columbidae and Psittacidae with a cinegetic value, but hunting activities appear to have a low impact on the local avifauna. Due to the important number of species found in the understory, including migratory and endemic birds, cacao plantations are outlined as a valuable environments for local and intercontinental avifauna, mainly for the nectarivoresinsectivores, as well as occasional resources for local settlers.
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Animals and fruiting plants are involved in a complex set of interactions, with animals relying on fruiting trees as food resources, and fruiting trees relying on animals for seed dispersal. This interdependence shapes fruit signals such as colour and odour, to increase fruit detectability, and animal sensory systems, such as colour vision and olfaction to facilitate food identification and selection. Despite the ecological and evolutionary importance of plant-animal interactions for shaping animal sensory adaptations and plant characteristics, the details of the relationship are poorly understood. Here we examine the role of fruit chromaticity, luminance and odour on seed dispersal by mouse lemurs. We show that both fruit colour and odour significantly predict fruit consumption and seed dispersal by Microcebus ravelobensis and M. murinus. Our study is the first to quantify and examine the role of bimodal fruit signals on seed dispersal in light of the sensory abilities of the disperser.
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Feeding habits of the squirrel Sciurus variegatoides (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. Food items consumed by the squirrel Sciurus variegatoides atrirufus were determi- ned in an agricultural setting in the Nicoya Península (9º47' N, 84º56' W), Costa Rica, where two life zones (Premontane Moist Forest Basal Belt Transition, and Tropical Dry Forest) predominate. By analyzing the gut contents of 120 squirrels, from February 1987 through January 1988, it was determined that coconut (Cocos nucifera), indian almond (Terminalia catappa) and flamboyant (Delonix regia) were the most common dietary items. There were differences in food consumption according to age: adults preferred coconut, whereas young individuals preferred almond. This finding can be explained in terms of fruit characteristics, as well as tree architecture and accessibility for squirrels; almendro trees provide higher protection and a more accessible food resource, so that it was better used by young individuals. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54(2): 681-686. Epub 2006 Jun 01.
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We describe the foraging behaviour of the Brazilian squirrelSciurus aestuans Linnaeus, 1776 in a natural free-living population, in an area with a high concentration of palm fruitsSyagrus romanzoffiana (Chamisso) Glassman. Our objective was to investigate if the abundance ofS. romanzoffiana fruits, an important food item for squirrels, temporally influenced the foraging behaviour of this population. The observations were carried out over an eight-month (April–November 2001) period. Fruiting phenology ofS. romanzoffiana was also monitored. The most consumed food item for this period was the fruit ofS. romanzoffiana (70%), followed by foods of human origin (14%). The percentage of time spent feeding increased in September, and the time spent travelling declined in September, October and November, when females were observed showing evidence of reproductive activity. At the same timeS. romanzoffiana fruits become available. The consumption of human items illustrates the opportunistic feeding habit of these squirrels, but variations in foraging behaviour detected probably were more strongly related to availability ofS. romanzoffiana fruits.
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Nutritional ecology has been linked to crop raiding behavior in a number of wildlife taxa. Here our goal is to explore the role nutrition plays in cacao crop raiding by Tonkean macaques Macaca tonkeana in Sulawesi, Indonesia. From June - Sept. 2008 we collected fruit samples from 13 species known to be important Tonkean macaque foods and compared their nutritional value to that of cacao Theobroma cacao, an important cash crop in Sulawesi. Cacao pulp was significantly lower in protein, but lower in dietary fiber, and higher in digestible carbohydrates and energy content compared to forest fruits. These findings, combined with the fact that cacao fruits are spatially concentrated and available throughout the year, likely explain why Tonkean macaques are attracted to this cultivated resource. We use these data along with published feeding ecology data to propose strategies to minimize human-macaque conflict. Namely, we recommend the deliberate protection of Elmerillila tsiampaccca, Ficus spp. and Arenga pinnata, fruit species known to be regularly consumed and of considerable nutritional value. We also identify the A. pinnata palm as a potential buffer resource to curb cacao crop raiding by macaques. Cacao is a hard-to-process food because the pods have a thick outer skin that encases the seeds and pulp. Aren palm fruit, although lower in digestibility, is easier-to-process, higher in protein, and also available year round. In addition, because the palm has considerable cultural and economic significance for local people, the strategy of planting Aren palm in a buffer corridor is likely to garner local community support [Current Zoology 59 (2): 160-169, 2013].
This updated 2nd edition, two decades after the publication of the first edition, combines information from the latest scientific research on rodent pests and their control. It includes 19 chapters discussing: the natural history of rodents and preadaptations to pestilence; commensal rodents; rodents in agriculture and forestry; rodents as carriers of disease; non-chemical and non-lethal chemical control methods, with special reference to food stores; chemical control methods; laboratory evaluation of rodenticides; field evaluation of rodenticides; resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides; damage assessment and damage surveys; rodent control in protection of humans and animal health; rodent control in temperate field crops and forestry; rodent control in tropical field crops; sociology and communication of rodent management in Developing Countries; ethics in rodent control; environmental impacts of rodenticides; monitoring rodenticide residues in wildlife; rodent control and island conservation; and rodent control 20 years since the publication of the first edition. This book is essential reading for all those involved in rodent pest control, including researchers, conservationists, practitioners and public health specialists.