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Scalable Auto-Encoders for Gravitational Waves
Detection from Time Series Data
Roberto Corizzoa,b,d,∗, Michelangelo Cecib,d,e, Eftim Zdravevskic, Nathalie
aDepartment of Computer Science, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20016, United States
bDepartment of Computer Science, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Via E. Orabona, 4,
70125 Bari, Italy
cFaculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University,
Rugjer Boshkovik 16, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia
dNational Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics (CINI), Via Volturno, 58, 00185
Roma, Italy
eJoˇzef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Gravitational waves represent a new opportunity to study and interpret phe-
nomena from the universe. In order to efficiently detect and analyze them,
advanced and automatic signal processing and machine learning techniques
could help to support standard tools and techniques. Another challenge re-
lates to the large volume of data collected by the detectors on a daily basis,
which creates a gap between the amount of data generated and effectively
analyzed. In this paper, we propose two approaches involving deep auto-
encoder models to analyze time series collected from Gravitational Waves
detectors and provide a classification label (noise or real signal). The pur-
pose is to discard noisy time series accurately and identify time series that
potentially contain a real phenomenon. Experiments carried out on three
datasets show that the proposed approaches implemented using the Apache
Spark framework, represent a valuable machine learning tool for astrophysi-
∗Corresponding author
Email addresses: - Phone: +1 (202) 849-1080
(Roberto Corizzo), (Michelangelo Ceci), (Eftim Zdravevski), (Nathalie
Preprint submitted to Elsevier March 5, 2020
cal analysis, offering competitive accuracy and scalability performances with
respect to state-of-the-art methods.
1. Introduction
In September 2015, Gravitational Waves (GWs) were observed for the
first time in the universe, following to Albert Einstein’s intuition dated a
hundred years ago, and described in his general theory of relativity.
During the first observation run (O1) of Advanced Laser Interferometer
Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), which took place from September
2015 to January 2016, the first detections of GWs from stellar-mass binary
black holes (BBHs) took place, as documented by Abbott et al. (2016c),
Abbott et al. (2016a), and Abbott et al. (2016b). The second observation
run (O2) started in November 2016, and ended in August 2017, when the
first binary neutron star inspiral was observed by Abbott et al. (2016d) and
Abbott et al. (2018).
GWs are the manifestation of disruptions in spacetime caused by accel-
erating masses, and they represent a totally new opportunity to study and
interpret phenomena from the universe.
For this reason, GWs are attracting increasing interest in the fields of as-
trophysics. The adoption of automatic signal processing and machine learn-
ing techniques could be beneficial for their detection and analysis, and reduce
the effort and the cost of standard approaches such as template matching.
Such techiniques have been investigated by George & Huerta (2018), Zevin
et al. (2017), and Bahaadini et al. (2018a). However, these two tasks (de-
tection and analysis) pose several challenges and require specific expertise,
since the data collected by detectors (interferometers) are in the form of time
series affected by the presence of environmental and instrumental noise. Fig.
1 (left) shows that the strain time series representing real GWs immersed
in noise are impossible to distinguish, even for the human eye, without data
pre-processing. Fig. 1 (right) instead, shows the whitened time series repre-
sentation of the same GWs signal presented in Fig. 1 (left) (ID GW151226).
This implies that, for instance, in order to effectively perform manual
filtering, knowledge about the underlying type of noise present in data is
required, as well as which frequencies could be relevant (or irrelevant) for
the detection of a GW. Additional knowledge is required to perform other
recurrent tasks, such as spectrogram analysis, filtering, and whitening, as
outlined by Cuoco et al. (2001a) and Cuoco et al. (2001b). Moreover, even
though a large volume of data, in terms of petabytes per day, are collected
by detectors, there is a consistent gap between the amount of data generated
and adequately analyzed. This volume requires new automatic and scalable
methods, which are capable of analyzing data in a timely manner, performing
pre-processing and detection tasks that were typically executed manually.
In this paper, we address the challenges related to the GWs detection
process from a machine learning perspective. More specifically, we propose
two approaches involving deep auto-encoder models to analyze time series
collected from detectors and provide a classification label (noise or real sig-
nal). The purpose is to discard noisy time series accurately, and identify
potentially interesting time series that could be manually inspected.
The paper is structured as follows. In Section II, we provide an overview
of related machine learning approaches for GWs detection and anomaly de-
tection. In Section III, we present our proposed method. In Section IV we
describe the datasets and the experimental results obtained in our study.
Finally, Section V concludes the paper.
2. Related Works
The roots of this work are in astrophysical data analysis and in classifica-
tion and anomaly detection of time series data. In the following, we discuss
the related work in both research topics.
2.1. Astrophysical data analysis
In astrophysical data analysis, one of the most difficult challenges is to
work with data in the form of time series characterized by high levels of noise.
Figure 1: (left) Example of a time series containing a GWs signal immersed in LIGO noise
(ID GW151226). Since data are dominated by noise, it is not possible to see the signal
without some signal processing. (right) Whitened time series containing a GWs signal (ID
GW151226) and the best matching template identified in the LIGO search pipeline.
Time-frequency representation of the data is one of the techniques used for
detector characterization purposes and can represent the same information
in a different domain (see Fig. 2). Data whitening, addressed by Cuoco
et al. (2001a) and Cuoco et al. (2001b), is a typical step in astrophysical
data analysis for detection and parameter estimation.
There are techniques which implement the whitening in time domain, as
done by Cuoco et al. (2001a), or in frequency domain, as explained by Biwer
et al. (2019). In frequency domain we can whiten the data by dividing each
point by the noise amplitude spectrum in the Fourier domain. The purpose
of the whitening procedure it to remove all the stationary noise, in order to
possibly reveal weak signals hidden in other bands (see Fig. 2 right). One
additional step is removing high-frequency noise by applying a bandpass filter
to the data. In Fig. 2, a Butterworth bandpass filter has been applied to
filter signal frequencies below 43Hz and above 300Hz. More details about
typical signal processing techniques involved in gravitational waves analysis
can be found in a study conducted by Allen & Romano (1999).
Data analysis for GWs requires to perform different tasks, such as noise
removal, anomaly detection, and classification, which can all be performed
applying machine learning techniques. In the remainder of the paper, we
mainly discuss approaches that solve the classification task, which is the
main objective of the present study.
In the GW literature, classification algorithms are either used to distin-
guish real signal from noise or to identify glitches1. In both cases, we can
distinguish methods that work on spectrogram data (images) and methods
that work directly on time series data.
Focusing on methods that work on spectrogram data, one of the tasks ad-
dressed in Gravity Spy by Zevin et al. (2017) and Bahaadini et al. (2018a) was
to accurately classify glitches using convolutional neural networks, in order to
subsequently avoid false positive gravitational wave detections. Supervised
convolutional neural networks for glitch classification were also addressed by
Razzano & Cuoco (2018) and Gabbard et al. (2018a). In their approaches,
the network is trained via transfer learning, and used as a feature extrac-
tor for unsupervised clustering methods to discover new classes of glitches
based on their morphology. A multi-view deep convolutional neural network
for glitch classification was proposed by Bahaadini et al. (2017). The model
1Glitches are transient and non-Gaussian disturbances that mimic GWs morphology.
Figure 2: A raw spectrogram representation of the event GW150914 (top) and its whitened
version (bottom). In the whitened version it is possible to clearly identify the gravitational
wave corresponding to the event BBH (binary black hole mergers). These representations
are extracted following the LOSC event tutorial (see
exploits four different time durations available for each glitch, from 0.5 to 4
seconds. Bahaadini et al. (2018b) focused on learning discriminative embed-
ding functions for feature extraction. The task is domain adaptation, using
a labeled set of glitch classes as a source domain and a pool of unlabeled
glitch samples as a target domain (glitch classes).
The proposed methods are capable of obtaining nearly perfect classifica-
tion accuracy, although data are represented in the form of cleaned spectro-
grams, that is, images in which glitches are clearly visible, thanks to manual
operations such as filtering for spectral lines removal, whitening, and so forth.
In Fig. 2, the left part shows a raw spectrogram, while the right part shows
a GW emerging after bandpass filtering and whitening operations. In this
figure, it looks clear that, with no such pre-processing, any phenomenon is
not clearly visible in the raw data representation.
However, assuming that human-intensive pre-processing operations are
always feasible is a simplistic assumption, since detectors continuously col-
lect data in the form of strain time series that include noise, and a clas-
sification is required in real-time. In this paper, we address the problem of
working directly on strain data, and we assess model performance in different
Shifting the focus to methods that work on time series data, noise clas-
sification approaches were proposed by Powell et al. (2017) and Mukherjee
et al. (2010), who applied feature extraction techniques to data. In partic-
ular, principal component analysis and wavelet transform were considered
to extract coefficients that are used as features to train a machine learning
classifier. Convolutional neural networks for detection and parameter estima-
tion were proposed by George & Huerta (2018) and Gabbard et al. (2018b),
who performed experiments on datasets of waveform templates revealed that
the proposed model is capable of obtaining similar performances compared
to matched-filtering while being far more computationally efficient. A fully
convolutional neural network architecture with dilated kernels that works
directly on time series strain data to identify simulated GWs signals was
proposed by Gebhard et al. (2017). A different approach was proposed by
Shen et al. (2017), where a denoising auto-encoder based on sequence-to-
sequence bi-directional Long-Short-Term-Memory recurrent neural networks
is investigated. This work shows the superior effectiveness of auto-encoders
trained on Gaussian noise, to extract cleaned GW signals from noisy time
series collected on a single LIGO detector.
2.2. Classification and anomaly detection from time series data
Methods for time series classification can be divided into three main cat-
egories according to Xing et al. (2010): feature-based, distance-based and
model-based. Feature-based methods transform time series into a feature
vector which can be processed by conventional classification methods, such
as decision trees, neural networks or Support Vector Machines. Bagnall et al.
(2017) performed an extensive experimental study with methods in this cat-
egory on a large number of datasets, showing that ensemble methods, such
as Random Forest, obtain the best overall performance.
Distance-based methods work by defining a distance function to mea-
sure the similarity between a pair of time series and exploit such a distance
function for classification. The k-Nearest Neighbor classifier (kNN) falls into
this category. Finally, model-based methods adopt generative models, such
as Naive Bayes or Hidden Markov Models (HMM), which assume that such
underlying models generate the time series of a class.
Supervised time series classification methods are suitable when the avail-
able data consists of fully labeled training and test data sets. Common
approaches in the literature for this task are based on neural networks and
support vector machines, as outlined by Goldstein & Uchida (2016).
Unlike them, unsupervised methods present a great potential in many
real-world domains and tasks in which data labels are not available. This
problem is particularly important in the context of data streams since the
classification is required in the same moment data are received. In particular,
the study by Japkowicz (2001) demonstrated that when the data analyzed
belongs to two classes, the binary classification task can be reformulated
as an unsupervised anomaly detection task. In this case, the purpose is to
discriminate among two classes by analyzing data over time and detecting if
the current behavior is as expected (normal) or it deviates from the expected
distribution (anomaly).
In the anomaly detection task, Chandola et al. (2009) classified anoma-
lies in three general classes: point, contextual, and collective anomalies. This
paper focuses on collective anomalies, that is, a collection of data points with
respect to the entire time series analyzed, that are anomalies. The concep-
tualization of anomaly is clearly related to the specific task and problem
addressed, and is related to its data structure.
In this context, different studies in recent literature, conducted by Na-
jafabadi et al. (2015), Zhou & Paffenroth (2017), Principi et al. (2019), Chen
et al. (2019), and Corizzo et al. (2019) demonstrated the high performance of
auto-encoders. The success of auto-encoders is also theoretically motivated
by their inherent ability to learn representations with a low reconstruction
error, by means of non-linear combinations of input characteristics, as ex-
plained by Y. Bengio et al. (2009).
2.3. Contribution
The reconstruction-based modeling capabilities of auto-encoders and their
recognized potential in solving tasks such as data denoising, as shown by Shen
et al. (2017), anomaly detection, as shown by Corizzo et al. (2019); Principi
et al. (2019); An & Cho (2015); Zhou & Paffenroth (2017); Khan & Taati
(2017) and feature extraction, as shown by Corizzo et al. (2019); Masci et al.
(2011) with time series data, make them valid candidates for the analysis of
astrophysical data, collected in the form of time series characterized by high
levels of noise.
Following this analysis, our paper proposes two approaches (one unsu-
pervised and one supervised) involving auto-encoder models in combination
with classification models. Our aim is to analyze time series and classify
them as noise or real signals (e.g., glitches).
The main reason that led us to prefer classification over a denoising ap-
proach is that, in this way, we can perform automatic analysis of data con-
tinuously observed in form of time series, and enable astro physicians and
data scientists to focus only on potentially interesting time series and further
process only them with already established methods. On the other hand,
a denoising approach would still require manual intervention in order to fil-
ter out time series related to empty signals, and maintain time series that
contain significant signals.
More specifically, the machine learning approaches for GWs detection we
propose are able to: i) detect GWs automatically, directly from time series
data; ii) recognize as many noise types as possible, being robust to unseen
data from different distributions; iii) efficiently scale as the volume of data
increases, with a distributed implementation that exploits the Apache Spark
Differently from the approaches by Zevin et al. (2017), Bahaadini et al.
(2018a), Razzano & Cuoco (2018), Gabbard et al. (2018a), Bahaadini et al.
(2017) and Bahaadini et al. (2018b) described above, our approaches do
not require any pre-processing step, such as the generation of spectrograms,
filtering and whitening, to be performed on data collected by detectors.
From a model perspective, approaches based on auto-encoders were pro-
posed by Shen et al. (2017), but applied for the denoising task. Focusing on
the classification task, the most similar works with respect to our proposal
are those proposed by George & Huerta (2018) and Gebhard et al. (2017).
However, the focus in the work by George & Huerta (2018) and Gebhard et al.
(2017) is on a supervised approach based on convolutional neural networks,
whereas in this paper we propose two different approaches (unsupervised and
supervised) for GWs detection based on auto-encoder neural networks, and
we compare their performances, also with convolutional neural networks.
Another significant difference with respect to the study carried out by
Gebhard et al. (2017) is that we do not analyze simulated waveforms, but real
annotated GWs events, whereas Gebhard et al. (2017) simulated waveforms
are injected in time series recorded from Hanford and Livingstone detectors.
Finally, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that proposes
auto-encoders for GWs classification on time series data. Moreover, on the
contrary of existing works, we tackle the issue of processing and analyzing
the high-volume of data collected by detectors. From this perspective, our
effort consists in the proposal of a distributed implementation in the Apache
Spark framework that is capable of processing large-scale data efficiently.
Although model architectures based on convolutional neural networks and
recurrent neural networks are typically more suitable for data including tem-
poral information, this implies in a higher model complexity, which results in
a higher training time. With the aim to provide a valid tradeoff between ac-
curacy and scalability, we concentrate on a simpler model, i.e. autoencoders,
since they can be efficiently trained in a distributed manner on a cluster of
computational nodes.
3. Method
In this section, we describe the two proposed approaches for GWs de-
tection in time series. The first approach exploits auto-encoder models to
classify strain time series data with an unsupervised anomaly detection strat-
egy, whereas the second one uses auto-encoders for feature extraction and
performs supervised classification.
3.1. Time series classification via anomaly detection (AE)
In this approach, we adopt auto-encoders as in Y. Bengio et al. (2009),
motivated by their recognized effectiveness when learning to reconstruct a
specific input data representation with high accuracy, as demonstrated by
Najafabadi et al. (2015), and for their potential in terms of feature extrac-
tion capabilities, as shown by Hinton & Salakhutdinov (2006). This feature
has been used in the literature for anomaly detection, as shown by Japkowicz
(2001) and Zhou & Paffenroth (2017), by analyzing the reconstruction error.
The approach consists in training the auto-encoder with one-class data. Af-
terward, for a new data instance at prediction time, if a high reconstruction
error of the auto-encoder is observed, then this data instance is assumed to
belong to a different data distribution than that associated to training data.
When this situation happens, the new data instance is labeled as an anomaly,
i.e. a data instance that potentially contain a real GWs signal. The rationale
of this approach is that we can train an auto-encoder with data representing
different types of noise (i.e., the negative class, also regarded as the nor-
mal class) which are abundant, in contrast to few GWs signals observed so
far, and classify unseen time series by evaluating their reconstruction error
given by the auto-encoder model. Typically, noise is continuously observed,
whereas GW signals appear in a limited time frame of a time series. Ac-
cording to the anomaly detection setting, a time series classified as anomaly
corresponds to a time series that contains a real GWs signal.
Each auto-encoder has an encoding function γand a decoding function
δ. The goal of the auto-encoder is the following:
γ:X → F , δ :F → X ,
γ, δ = arg min
γ,δ kX−δ(γ(X))k2,(1)
where Xis the data input space (each instance is representing a time series),
and Fis the encoding space (features learned by the auto-encoder).
The functions γand δare chosen to be parametric and differentiable
with respect to a distance function. In this way, the parameters of the en-
coding and decoding functions can be optimized in order to minimize the
reconstruction loss.
The learning process for an auto-encoder takes place via backpropagation.
The process results in a first layer trained with raw data, which extracts new
vectors of reduced dimensionality, by means of the activation function of the
hidden neurons.
The architecture can consist of multiple hidden layers. In the case of two
hidden layers, the output of the second hidden layer will be a second level
encoding of the input data. The final layer of the auto-encoder is a layer
Input H1 H2 H3 Output
Embedding features
encode encode decode decode
Figure 3: Feature extraction process performed using the encoding function of the trained
of the same size of input data and provides the reconstruction of the input.
When the purpose is classification, usually only the encoding part is used,
and the autoencoder is solely used for initialization, as shown in Fig. 3.
In the AE approach described in this subsection, the final layer of the
architecture has the same number of neurons as the input layer, such that
the decoding stage can be used to reconstruct time series. Instead, the AE-
FE approach presented in the following subsection solely uses the encoding
stage to extract features that are in turn exploited by classification models.
With one hidden layer, the encoding stage of an auto-encoder takes the in-
put x∈Rd=Xand maps it to an hidden representation z∈Rp=F, where
σis a sigmoid or a rectified linear unit activation function, Wis a weight
matrix, and bis a bias vector:
z=σ(Wx +b).(2)
The decoding stage reconstructs xfrom zas:
Noise ts
Unlabeled ts
Figure 4: Workflow of the AE proposed method. Negative class time series (red) are
exploited to train an auto-encoder model that accurately reconstructs noisy time series.
At prediction time, a new time series of unknown class (yellow) is provided as input to
the model, and the prediction class is returned, depending on the reconstruction error
such that the following loss is minimized:
L2(x,x0) = kx−x0k2=kx−σ0(W0(σ(Wx +b)) + b0)k2.(4)
Each time the auto-encoder is trained using training data, a threshold
representing the maximum allowed distance is calculated. This threshold
allows to define an upper bound to decide whether a data instance can be
assumed to belong to the noise data distribution, or not. More precisely,
when a data instance presents a reconstruction error that exceeds the defined
threshold, it is classified as non-noise (real GW time series). Otherwise, it
will be classified as noise. The flow of this method of classification is shown
in Fig. 4.
It is important to stress that a valid decision on the threshold must take
into account the data distribution of reconstruction errors. In order to take
into account possible changes of such distribution over time (i.e, concept
drift), we recalculate the threshold each time the auto-encoder is trained as:
[e+f·σe], following a one-tailed sigma rule as described by Pukelsheim
(1994), where fis the factor allowed for the standard deviation, eis the
average reconstruction error of training instances and σeis the standard
deviation of such errors.
This mechanism allows us to avoid defining the threshold manually, which
could lead to a degradation in performance over time, due to changes in the
data distribution. Specifying the threshold in terms of number of standard
deviations from the mean, allows us to calculate the actual reconstruction
error threshold automatically from training data, based on its error distribu-
tion. In general, the threshold selection is an open problem that is tackled
in different ways in the literature and has a significant impact on the perfor-
mance of the anomaly detection task, as shown by An & Cho (2015), Khan
& Taati (2017), Bontemps et al. (2016) and Clark et al. (2018).
Although the reconstruction error approach for anomaly detection has
been already used in past literature, it was, to the best of our knowledge,
never applied in the context of GWs. Moreover, one of the significant draw-
backs of this approach is that it requires an accurate estimation of the thresh-
old. Therefore, by estimating it automatically, we solve this issue, also taking
into account possible changes in the learned distribution.
3.2. Feature extraction with supervised classification (AE-FE)
In deep neural networks, hidden layers represent latent structures that in-
corporate newly extracted features that are increasingly abstract. Therefore,
the entire set of hidden layers can be seen as a feature hierarchy with an in-
creasing degree of complexity. Gehring et al. (2013), Masci et al. (2011) and
Bertsekas (2019) have shown that deep auto-encoders preserve the feature
extraction capability of traditional auto-encoders, thus allowing to extract
a low-dimensional embedding feature space, as done in works by Hinton &
Salakhutdinov (2006) and Japkowicz et al. (2000).
In this approach, we exploit auto-encoders exclusively for feature extrac-
tion. For such purpose, we define the hidden layers with a lower number of
neurons, and they represent a new feature space with reduced dimensionality
for input data, also called bottleneck features.
The feature extraction process extracts features recurring to the encoding
function of the previously trained auto-encoder. More specifically, consider-
ing an auto-encoder architecture composed by one or two hidden layers, the
encoding process transforms the input data feature space F, with |F|fea-
tures, in a new feature space H1of dimensionality |H1| |F|. A second
encoding stage allows to obtain a new feature space H2of dimensionality
|H2| |H1|.
Adopting auto-encoders for feature extraction allows us to extract a new
embedding feature space that describes data at a higher level of abstrac-
tion, and with a reduced dimensionality compared to the original input fea-
ture space. The primary goal of this process is to mitigate the collinearity
phenomenon between features, as done by Corizzo et al. (2019) and, as a
consequence, improve its reliability for learning tasks. More details on the
collinearity phenomenon can be found in studies by Mason & Perreault Jr
(1991) and Belsley et al. (1980). Once the features have been extracted, they
can be exploited by a prediction model to perform classification in the new
feature space.
In the proposed method, we adopt different methods as prediction mod-
els, taking place to different alternatives of the algorithm. We define a suf-
fix in the method name to identify the selected classifier. For example,
when Gradient-Boosted Trees (GBTs) are selected as a prediction model,
the resulting method is identified as AE-GBT. GBTs are an ensemble-based
method that trains decision trees iteratively, by minimizing a loss function,
and following a boosting process, as described by Li et al. (2017). The en-
semble improves iteratively by predicting target values at each iteration, and
relabeling the dataset according to a specific loss function, in order to fa-
cilitate an improvement of the next decision tree, taking into account weak
predictions made in the past. In this way, GBTs are able to reduce the loss
function after each training iteration. One important benefit provided by
GBTs is to be able to model non-linear interactions between independent
and dependent variables.
Our motivation to include GBTs in our selection of algorithms stands in
their demonstrated high performance in predictive modeling and forecast-
ing tasks, as shown in the studies by Ganjisaffar et al. (2011) and Chen &
Guestrin (2016). Zieba et al. (2016) and Ceci et al. (2017) obtained high
performance in bankruptcy prediction and energy forecasting applications,
respectively. Alternative classification algorithms used in our work include
Logistic Regression (AE-LR), ExtraTrees (AE-ERT), Random Forest (AE-
RF), XGBoost (AE-XGB) and Support Vector Machines (AE-SVM). In the
experimental results, we refer to the AE-FE method using the notation of
the specific classification algorithm selected for the classification step (i.e.
The distributed GBTs implementation used in this work is that available
in the Apache Spark Mllib library2.
Although the most common approach for classification consists in the
adoption of a final classification layer to the auto-encoder model, this choice
requires a two-step optimization process: the first for the auto-encoder train-
ing, based on the reconstruction loss, and the second for the classification
model, based on the classification loss. Since our main focus in this paper
is to provide high accuracy and scalability at the same time, we preferred
the adoption of traditional machine learning methods for the classification
step, after observing that they are capable to achieve a high predictive accu-
racy while requiring a lower training time compared to the aforementioned
The feature extraction step is represented in Fig. 3, while the AE-FE
approach is represented in Fig. 5. From this figure it is possible to understand
an essential aspect of our approach: supervised models are trained on features
extracted by auto-encoders, even on data representing different classes. In
fact, even if the auto-encoder has been trained on time series of the negative
class (noise), it extracts features also for time series of the positive class,
assuming that some labeled data for the positive class is available. The
rationale is that, since GWs signals are immersed in noise, and thus resemble
the morphology of the noise, the encoded representation of the extracted
features allows to highlight important patterns that result crucial for the
classification step. In this way, the supervised model learns to discriminate
classes based on the difference in the encoded vector representation extracted
by the auto-encoder.
4. Experiments
In this section, we describe the datasets and the experimental results
obtained in our study, with the two proposed approaches: time series classi-
fication via anomaly detection (AE) and feature extraction with supervised
classification (AE-FE).
Extract Features
Train Classifier
Extract Features
Noise ts
Unlabeled ts
Figure 5: Workflow of the AE-FE proposed method. Negative class time series (red) are
exploited to train an auto-encoder model that accurately reconstructs noisy time series.
The auto-encoder encodes both negative class (red) and positive class (green) time series
and the resulting representation is used to train a classifier. At prediction time, a new
time series of unknown class (yellow) is provided to the classification model, which returns
its prediction.
4.1. Data description
In this paper, we analyze time series data representing the gravitational
strain collected by detectors, that is, the fractional changes in the lengths
along the two axes (x-arm and y-arm cavities):
h(t) = ∆Ly−∆Lx
GWs raw data are also available in the hdf5 data format3. This tree-like
format contains the following three files:
•meta: various metadata describing the time series observed, the de-
tector, etc;
•quality: information about the quality of the data collected;
•strain: the actual time series collected by the detector.
In particular, our dataset includes positive class time series related to four
published gravitational wave discoveries (GW150914, LVT151012, GW151226,
and GW170104) detected from LIGO interferometers, as described by Acer-
nese et al. (2015) and Aasi et al. (2015) , all of which are short-duration BBH
(Binary Black Hole) events4. Time series of 1 and 3 seconds are collected
at a sample rate of 4096 Hz, which leads to time series of 4096 and 12288
elements, respectively. Each event presents four time series, representing the
data strain collected at H1 (Hanford) and L1 (Livingstone) interferometers,
and their corresponding whitened version, following to pre-processing steps.
Inspired by Shen et al. (2017) and George et al. (2017), we perform data
augmentation to enhance the size of the dataset. In particular, time series
are shifted in time by an offset in seconds o∈ {−0.25,−0.125,0.125,0.25}.
This augmentation leads, for each time granularity, to 20 time series for each
event, and a total of 80 time series.
In order to learn from noise and generalize over different types of noise, the
dataset also includes negative class time series, corresponding to 70 different
types of noise, generated (and simulated) by the PyCBC Python library,
specialized for GWs data generation5. This library has been extensively
used in the literature by Nielsen et al. (2019), Nitz et al. (2017), Usman
et al. (2016) and Gebhard et al. (2017) to generate reliable GWs data for
Alternatively, we extract real gravitational noise located in the near prox-
imity (3-15 seconds) of real GWs events directly from the related time series
Time series are then normalized using min-max normalization.
In the end, three datasets are created:
•GW1: It contains positive class and negative class time series as ex-
plained above.
•GW2: Time series for the negative class correspond to those in GW1,
whereas time series for the positive class Pare obtained blending
whitened signals time series Wwith the different noisy time series
N, at different noise rates (α= 0.1,0.25,0.50), using an element-
wise weighted average approach. Therefore, given a combination of
a whitened time series w∈Wand a noisy time series n∈N, the
following formula is applied for each element iin order to obtain the
resulting time series p:
p[i] = (1 −α)·w[t] + α·n[t].(6)
•GW3: Time series for the positive class correspond to those in GW1.
For the negative class, the time series are obtained by sampling gravita-
tional noise in the near proximity (3-15 seconds) of the events GW170729,
GW170809, GW170817, GW170608, GW170814, GW170818, and GW170823.
We intentionally included noise located very closely to the events, in or-
der to perform a more realistic evaluation. In fact, the 3-second buffer
around an event is meant to make sure that no traces of the GW event
are included in the noise data.
•GW4: In order to perform scalability experiments on a larger sized
dataset, we propose an additional dataset obtained replicating all neg-
ative class time series of 1 sec. length (4096 feature values) available
from the GW1 dataset multiple times, resulting in up to 50.000 time
series. In the replication process, we simulate the presence of new time
series belonging to the same data distribution of the original ones.
An overview on the datasets used is described in Table 1 and Table 2.
Depending on the learning approach used, time series are used for one-class
learning on the negative class and anomaly detection on newly arriving data
(AE approach), or for feature extraction and subsequent supervised classi-
fication on both classes (AE-FE approach). The three datasets involved in
our analysis (GW1, GW2, GW3) are ordered by difficulty, that is, from the
simplest to the most challenging. Since GW4 is a larger scaled version of
GW1, it is exploited exclusively for scalability experiments (see Section 4.4).
4.2. Experimental setup
For the two approaches, we consider different configurations, in terms of
model architectures for the auto-encoder (1 or 2 hidden layers for encoding
and 1 or 2 hidden layers for decoding, respectively). In the case of one hidden
layer, the number of hidden units is set to 512 or 1024. In the case of two
hidden layers, the number of hidden units is set to 512 for the first layer, and
256 for the second layer, or to 1024 for the first layer, and 512 for the second
A 5-fold cross-validation scheme was used in the experiments on the GW1
and GW2 dataset. In the GW3 dataset, the split generation procedure is iter-
ative and it selected at each fold all the representations of one specific signal
(i.e., a GW event) as test set, and all the remaining signals as training set.
This choice guarantees that all the representations of the same signal are ei-
ther in the training set or in the test set. Since the signals in the positive class
are four, the experimental setup relates to a 4-fold cross-validation scheme.
In other words, this is a leave-one-subject-out cross-validation scheme where
a subject refers to a GW event signal.
Considering that the time series analyzed are collected at a 4096 Hz sam-
ple rate, 512 hidden units correspond to 1
8of the 1-second time series length,
Table 1: Overview of the datasets used in the experiments. All variants of GW2 with
varying noise rates present the same characteristics.
Dataset Class Number of Length of Length of
time series time series time series
(1 sec.) (3 sec.)
GW1 / GW2 Signal 80 4096 12288
GW1 / GW2 Noise 70 4096 12288
GW3 Signal 104 4096 12288
GW3 Noise 92 4096 12288
GW4 Noise 50,000 4096 NA
Table 2: Gravitational waves events considered in the GW1, GW2 and GW3 datasets,
and their Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) observed at the interferometers.
Event Signal-to-Noise
ID Ratio (SNR)
GW150914 24
LVT151012 9.7
GW151226 13
GW170104 13
Table 3: Sensitivity study on the threshold fand its impact on classification performance
for the AE approach on all datasets with time series length of 1 second. The model
architecture adopted consists of one hidden layer with 512 units. Best results in terms of
F-Score are marked in bold.
Dataset Threshold fPrecision Recall F-Score
GW1 1.5 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933
GW1 3.0 0.8641 0.6600 0.6934
GW1 4.5 0.9558 0.5200 0.6400
GW2 (N=0.1) 1.5 0.9761 0.9733 0.9734
GW2 (N=0.1) 3.0 0.9190 0.4400 0.5950
GW2 (N=0.1) 4.5 1 0.4666 0.6363
GW2 (N=0.25) 1.5 0.8902 0.7066 0.7471
GW2 (N=0.25) 3.0 0.9190 0.4400 0.5950
GW2 (N=0.25) 4.5 1 0.4666 0.6363
GW2 (N=0.5) 1.5 0.8786 0.4933 0.5993
GW2 (N=0.5) 3.0 0.9190 0.4400 0.5950
GW2 (N=0.5) 4.5 1 0.4666 0.6363
GW3 1.5 1.0 0.4285 0.6000
GW3 3.0 1.0 0.4285 0.6000
GW3 4.5 1.0 0.4285 0.6000
or 1
24 of the 3 seconds time series length. Accordingly, 1024 hidden units
correspond to 1
4of the 1-second time series length, or 1
12 of the 3 seconds
time series length.
The auto-encoder training procedure takes place with the LBFGS op-
timizer, which follows the minimization of the reconstruction error using
training data (non-anomaly instances), stops if the maximum number of it-
erations is reached (500) or a stopping criterion is reached (tol < 10e−5). In
particular, the tolerance criterion allows for early stopping if the algorithm
is unable to reduce the training error by a specified tolerance at a certain
In detection mode, we set the factor for the standard deviation to f= 1.5.
This choice is motivated by a preliminary sensitivity study on the impact of
different threshold values on the classification performance (see Table 3). In
fact, the best classification results are obtained with f= 1.5. There is only
one case in which f= 1.5 does not reveal the best performance in terms of
F-Score (GW2 dataset with noise N=0.5), but even in this circumstance it
is still capable to achieve the best performance in terms of Recall.
Regarding the feature extraction approach, the features obtained are ex-
ploited by different classifiers. Specifically, we perform experiments with Lo-
gistic Regression (AE-LR), Gradient-Boosted Trees (AE-GBT), ExtraTrees
(AE-ERT), Random Forest (AE-RF), XGBoost (AE-XGB) and Support Vec-
tor Machines (AE-SVM).
We compared our approach with one-dimensional convolutional neural
networks. In the experiments, we refer to this method as Conv1D.
For all methods, we perform hyperparameter selection via grid search (see
Lameski et al. (2015)). A summary of the configurations used are summarized
in Table 4.
The selected values for the grid search are motivated by studies in the lit-
erature that provide specific heuristics. Specifically, Bengio (2012) observed
that a valid default value for the batch size is 32, and other powers of 2 are
feasible candidates. For learning rate, the author suggests to start from a
default value of 0.01 and experiment with a decreasing factor (negative power
of 10), considering 10−6as extremely minimum value. Regarding dropout6,
the study by Srivastava et al. (2014) shows that values below 50% should
be preferred, in order to avoid the removal of too many neurons that would
cause an under-learning phenomenon. The hyperparameters are optimized
according to a nested cross-validation scheme.
Moreover, we performed experiments with Deep Filtering (DF), intro-
duced by George & Huerta (2018), a state-of-the-art method for gravita-
tional waves analysis capable of working directly data in the form of time
series. This method features a deep architecture based on one-dimensional
convolutional neural networks. Specifically, it presents 4 convolution layers
with dilations, filter sizes of 64, 128, 256, and 512 respectively, and 2 fully
connected layers with sizes 128 and 64. More details on the architecture can
be found in the study by George & Huerta (2018).
Our methods are implemented using the Scala programming language, ex-
ploiting Apache Spark as a distributed programming framework, whereas all
competitors methods are implemented using the Python language exploiting
the Keras library (see Chollet et al. (2015)).
Table 5 shows a summary of the best experimental results in terms of F-
Score obtained with the optimal configuration for each method and dataset.
The nonparametric statistical tests performed with the toolkit proposed by
Garc´ıa et al. (2010), are shown in Table 6. Detailed scores of all algorithms
6Dropout, as described by Srivastava et al. (2014) is a regularization technique that
reduces overfitting in neural networks by dropping out units (both hidden and visible).
Methods Parameter Min Max Step Set of values
Conv1D,Conv1D (2) Conv Layers / / / {2}
Activation Function (Conv) / / / {ReLU}
Filters 20 40 20 /
Filter length 3 6 3 /
Max Pooling Layers Size / / / {2}
Dense Layers / / / {(512,256) , (1024,512)}
Activation Function (Output) / / / {Softmax}
Conv1D,Conv1D (2),Learning rate 10−410−1{101}/
Deep Filtering Dropout 0.1 0.3 0.2 /
Batch Size 8 32 8 /
Dense Units 512 1024 512 /
AE Threshold f1.5 4.5 1.5 /
AE,AE-FE Hidden Units 512 1024 512 /
Hidden Layers 1 2 1 /
Max Epochs / / 500 /
tol / / / {10e−5}
AE-LR maxIter / / / {100}
AE-ERT,AE-RF numE stimators / / / {10,100,1000}
AE-GBT maxIter / / / {10}
maxDepth / / / {5}
maxBins / / / {32}
minInstancesP er Node / / / {1}
lossT ype / / / {logistic}
AE-XGB numEstimators / / / {1000}
AE-SVM Kernel Type / / / {RBF}
C 1 100 101/
Gamma 0.0001 0.1 101/
Table 4: Summary of hyperparameter configurations for all methods.
on each dataset and different configurations are presented in Appendix in
Table 7, Table 8, Table 9, Table 10, and Table 11.
4.3. Accuracy results
Table 7 reports results in terms of Precision, Recall and F-score for the
two proposed approaches (AE and AE-FE), for two implementations of one-
dimensional convolutional neural networks (Conv1D), and for Deep Filtering
(DF) with the GW1 dataset.
Common perception is that, in astrophysical data analysis, a higher Recall
should be preferred compared to a higher Precision. Under this assumption,
a better coverage in the detection of real GW would be obtained at the cost
of a higher number of False Positives, that should be subsequently discarded
manually. However, a perfect Recall performance could be obtained by a
model that systematically predicts the positive class. Moreover, all collected
gravitational data is being stored permanently, so retrospective processing
of historical data, and potentially detecting missed events is still possible.
Therefore, having a non-perfect Recall is acceptable. On the other hand,
the results of detection of GW with the proposed methods could be used
by astronomers as feedback on what to focus on. Consequently, they could
decide to modify the positioning of a telescope system in order to observe
a potential phenomenon (e.g., a source of GWs). This could be a costly
operation, therefore the cost of false positives could be devastating, hence
the importance of the Precision. Therefore, a tradeoff between Precision and
Recall is necessary, also in order to avoid a too expensive manual intervention
in filtering False Positives. This motivates the adoption of the F-Score as
a reference metric to compare all approaches, since it provides a balance
between Precision and Recall.
The results show that both the proposed approaches can obtain very high
accuracy, classifying noise and real GWs time series effectively. Concerning
the AE approach, once the auto-encoder has been trained with time series
representing different types of noise, the detection approach based on recon-
struction error with automatic threshold estimation can discriminate effec-
tively unseen time series between noise and GWs. Moreover, there is no sig-
nificant difference between the different auto-encoder architectures in terms
of the predictive accuracy obtained. The same consideration holds when com-
paring AE, AE-FE, and Conv1D, which obtain similar results. Overall, the
best results in terms of F-Score are obtained by AE-FE. However, it is impor-
tant to stress that the AE approach assumes no prior knowledge about the
data distribution of the positive class, representing GWs phenomena, and it
provides classification solely based on the reconstruction error of unseen time
series. This feature is particularly useful considering that, currently, very few
time series representing GWs phenomena have been observed and validated,
and a supervised approach considering the two classes might be subject to
degradation. In this case, the detection of unseen phenomena might result
in difficulty, whereas it could still be performed accurately relying on the
reconstruction error approach.
Dataset Optimal Conv1D Conv1D (2) Deep AE AE-LR AE-GBT AE-ERT AE-RF AE-XGB AE-SVM
Configuration Filtering
GW1 Time series length (s) 1 1 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3
Hidden layers 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Neurons 512 512-256 128-64 1024 512 512 512 512 512 512
F-Score 0.9933 0.9932 0.9932 0.9934 0.9933 1 1 1 1 1
GW2 Time series length (s) 1 1 3 1 or 3 3 1 3 1 or 3 1 3
(N=10%) Hidden layers 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Neurons 512 512-256 128-64 512 512 512 512 512 512 512
F-Score 0.9797 0.9796 0.7205 0.9735 0.9933 0.9933 0.9933 0.9933 0.9933 0.9933
GW2 Time series length (s) 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 3 3 3
(N=25%) Hidden layers 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
Neurons 512 1024-512 128-64 512-256 512 1024 1024 512 1024 512
F-Score 0.939 0.9796 0.85 0.7469 0.973 0.9933 0.9798 0.9821 0.9709 0.9888
GW2 Time series length (s) 1 1 or 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
(N=50%) Hidden layers 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Neurons 1024 512-256 128-64 512 1024 512-256 1024 512 1024 512
F-Score 0.847 0.9659 0.6782 0.6021 0.946 0.9866 0.9595 0.9597 0.9463 0.9798
GW3 Time series length 1 sec 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3
Hidden layers 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
Neurons 1024 512-256 128-64 512 1024 512-256 1024 1024 512 1024
F-Score 0.5889 0.5522 0.4155 0.6388 0.7797 0.6559 0.7947 0.7877 0.8194 0.7934
Table 5: Summary of experimental results in terms of F-Score obtained with the optimal configuration for each method and
dataset. The best F-Score obtained for each dataset is marked in bold. In cases where more than one configuration obtained
the same optimal performance, we report the simplest configuration in terms of model architecture (least number of hidden
layers and neurons). The number of hidden layers and neurons for Conv1D, Conv1D (2) and Deep Filtering (DF) refer to their
final dense layers.
Table 6: Average Rankings of the algorithms (Friedman). The lowest ranking is marked
in bold. Algorithm Ranking
Conv1D 8.643
Conv1D (2) 6.725
Deep Filtering 9.062
AE 7.474
AE-LR 5.200
AE-GBT 3.843
AE-ERT 3.075
AE-RF 3.150
AE-XGB 5.312
AE-SVM 2.512
Table 8, Table 9, and Table 10 report the results obtained with the GW2
dataset, with noise levels of 10%, 25% and 50%, respectively. The results
show that AE and AE-FE are still comparable when the noise rate is 10%,
whereas the performances of AE and Conv1D start degrading. The difference
in terms of F-Score between AE-FE and the competitor methods appears
more consistent in this dataset, compared to the GW1 dataset. These results
further confirm the fact that AE-FE is the best approach.
The degradation of AE is particularly visible in terms of Recall, while
Precision is still relatively high. This behavior means that the AE model
still returns the correct class when it returns a prediction for the positive
class, but it misses the recognition of positive class time series (i.e., the
noise is impacting the model in terms of an increase in the number of false
This result was expected since, in the GW2 dataset, positive class time
series are obtained by contaminating whitened signals with the same noise
distribution learned by the auto-encoder (AE approach). In particular, the
strong perturbation leads the distributions of real GWs signals and noise
to get closer. This perturbation also leads to a significant reduction of the
differences in terms of reconstruction error among time series of different
classes. Therefore, the reconstruction error threshold learned for the AE
approach results no longer accurate when used to distinguish between the
two classes. On the other hand, the AE-FE approach maintains optimal
performance, also when noise increases: the model is capable of learning
accurately the mapping between variations in features values extracted via
Method (GW1 dat aset)
1 second 3 seconds
Method (GW3 dat aset)
1 second 3 seconds
(a) (b)
Figure 6: Summary of experimental results with the GW1 (a) and GW3 (b) datasets for
all considered methods with time series of length 1 second and 3 seconds. The bar charts
show the best F-Score obtained by each method selecting its best performing configuration.
Method (GW2 dat aset)
Noise=0.1, 1 second Noise=0.1, 3 seconds Noise=0.25, 1 second Noise=0.25, 3 seconds Noise=0.5, 1 second Noise=0.5, 3 seconds
Figure 7: Summary of experimental results with the GW2 dataset for all considered
methods with time series of length 1 second and 3 seconds, and noise levels 0.1, 0.25 and
0.5. The bar chart shows the best F-Score obtained by each method selecting its best
performing configuration.
Figure 8: Nemenyi post-hoc critical distance diagram. If the distance between methods
is less than the critical distance (at p-value = 0.05), there is no statistically significant
difference between them.
the auto-encoder and the corresponding class, even when they are small,
thanks to the positively labeled time series used during the training phase of
gradient-boosted trees.
Another consideration regarding the AE approach is that its performance
appears in some cases worse when it processes time series of 3 seconds. One
explanation of this result is that, especially in presence of a high noise rate,
the contribution of the noise in terms of high reconstruction error is con-
sistent, whereas the contribution of the signal appears negligible, since it
represents a fraction of the overall duration of the time series. This aspect
implies that the classification task is more challenging with time series of 3
seconds. On the other hand, the convolutional filters of the Deep Filtering
method perform better with longer time series, although the overall classifi-
cation result is still much worse than our proposed approaches.
It is also possible to observe that the AE approach appears in some cases
worse when the network size increases in terms of neurons or layers. This
result implies that, for the particular model and optimization algorithm we
adopted, larger-sized networks have a better likelihood to propagate data
noise at further layers, resulting in a less accurate classification performance,
whereas smaller-sized networks appear more capable to reduce noise prop-
agation and extract a more compact and reliable data representation that
results in more accurate classifications.
Table 11 reports the results obtained with the GW3 dataset. It is possible
to observe a further degradation in the performance of all methods, deriving
from the increased complexity of the task. However, AE-FE still appears to
be the best approach, with satisfactory classification performance in terms
of F-Score.
A summary of experimental results obtained for all methods considered
and with all datasets is shown in Figure 6 and 7. The bar charts show the
best F-Score obtained by each method selecting its best performing config-
uration. It is noteworthy that, even if the competitor methods analyzed
in our study utilize directly time series of the two classes, and are free to
learn characteristics of both noise and GWs, they exhibit lower classification
In order to statistically validate the results obtained, in Table 12 we
report the p-values of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests. The results show
that, overall, both the proposed AE and AE-FE significantly outperform the
competitor methods, and that AE-FE significantly outperforms AE.
Although AE-FE results appear favorable, it is noteworthy that the AE-
FE approach is based on the assumption that the distribution of positive class
phenomena is known since, differently from the AE approach, it requires data
of both classes during the training phase. This assumption holds also for the
Conv1D and the Deep Filtering methods.
However, this assumption might be too strong in the context of GWs
analysis, since it is not always possible to know the morphology of the ex-
pected phenomena, given the current limited knowledge based on a small
number of verified phenomena. In this perspective, the AE approach could
be a valid alternative to AE-FE. In fact, the results obtained, which are gen-
erally in favor of the AE-FE approach, might represent a scenario that may
be more or less realistic, depending on the context.
Additional nonparametric statistical tests performed with the toolkit pro-
posed by Garc´ıa et al. (2010), are shown in Table 6. In order to statistically
confirm the results obtained, we used the Friedman test with the Nemenyi
post-hoc test at α= 0.05. In Figure 8, we depict the result of the test, which
shows that the methods exploiting our proposed feature extraction approach
significantly outperform other methods.
4.4. Scalability results
In order to assess the execution performance of our distributed imple-
mentation, we performed scalability experiments on CPUs.
Considering that the analytic task we address is computationally and
memory intensive, depending on the amount of data required for training, the
purpose is to evaluate if our method is capable of scaling with increasing data
size, and with an increasing number of CPUs. Moreover, we are interested in
measuring the advantage in terms of running time for a distributed execution,
with respect to a local execution of the method (i.e., running on a single
The focus of the experiment is on the AE approach, which trains auto-
encoders and constitutes the core of our contribution in terms of code im-
plementation. In fact, AE-FE is a combination of the AE approach with
classification models that are available as stable implementations in different
machine learning libraries and frameworks.
As explained in Section 4, our experiments are performed on the GW4
dataset, obtained replicating all negative class time series of 1 sec. length
(4096 feature values) available from the GW1 dataset multiple times, result-
ing in up to 50.000 time series. In the replication process, we simulate the
presence of new time series belonging to the same data distribution of the
original ones. For this purpose, for each time series selected randomly from
the original dataset, the new time series is obtained by introducing, at most,
1% perturbation of each element of the time series. This choice was neces-
sary in order to avoid full replication of time series, which could result in an
unrealistically fast convergence of the loss function.
In the experiments, we adopted two Spark cluster configurations on Mi-
crosoft Azure HDInsight cloud infrastructure7.
For the local setting, we adopt a configuration with 2 D12 head nodes,
and one worker node of the same instance type (D12).
A D12 instance is equipped with four cores and 28 GB of RAM, whereas
a D13 instance has eight cores and 56 GB of RAM, and a D14 instance has
16 cores and 112 GB RAM.
The first cluster configuration consists of 2 D12 head nodes and 4 D13
worker nodes. This cluster presents a scale factor of 8 compared to the local
The second cluster configuration consists of 2 D12 head nodes and 8 D14
worker nodes. This cluster presents a scale factor of 16 compared to the local
counterpart and a scale factor of 2 compared to the first cluster configuration.
For all cluster sizes and dataset sizes, we evaluated different configurations
for the Spark job, including the number of executors (4, 8, 16), the number of
executor cores (4, 8 and 16) and the executor memory (4 GB, 8 GB, 16 GB,
and 32 GB). We argue that in a real-life deployment scenario the data volume
to be collected and analyzed per time unit is known upfront, considering that
the sample rate of the detectors is predefined. Therefore, configuring cluster
parameters to the expected data volume is a possible choice.
0100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Trai nin g dura tion (m inu tes)
Minutes of processed data
Local Di stributed (1) Distribu ted (2)
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Speedu p factor
Minutes of processed data
Speedup (1) Speedu p ( 2)
020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Time Fraction
Minutes of processed data
Distribu ted (1) Di stributed (2)
Figure 9: Scalability results in terms of execution time (left), speedup (right), and time
fraction between distributed and local executions (bottom) for the AE approach, obtained
with two cluster configurations. The two curves (1) and (2) refer to the different Spark
cluster configurations on Azure HDInsight.
Fig. 9 shows the results in terms of execution time (left) and the speedup
factor (right) observed with the best parameter values on the two clusters.
The speedup graph does not contain the last point, related to 50.000 time
816 24 32 40 48 56 64
Trai nin g dur atio n (min ute s)
Number of worker CPUs
16.67 minutes of p rocessed data 83.33 minu tes of processed data
166.7 minutes of p rocessed data 833.33 minu tes of processed data
Figure 10: Scalability results in terms of execution time with a varying number of CPUs:
8 - Local, 32 - Distributed (1), 64 - Distributed (2). The missing point of the last series
in the graph (833.33 minutes of processed data) denotes that the Local configuration with
8 worker CPUs could not complete the training process successfully due to an excessive
memory and CPU overhead.
series, since the local execution could not be completed successfully due to
an excessive memory and CPU overhead. Fig. 10 presents a different per-
spective in terms of execution time with a varying number of worker CPUs
and different amounts of processed data.
Overall, it is possible to observe that the proposed implementation is
capable of scaling linearly as data increases. Moreover, the speedup fac-
tor obtained with the distributed execution is consistently high, and it still
increases with the addition of worker cores, considering the improvement ob-
tained by cluster configuration. This performance confirms that our approach
benefits from a cluster environment and scales well with large datasets.
4.5. Availability
The distributed implementation of the proposed approaches and the datasets
are available to replicate the experiments at the following link:
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we proposed two approaches to perform unsupervised and
supervised GWs detection directly from strain data collected in the form of
time series, that require no manual effort in pre-processing and noise removal
The results have shown that both approaches AE and AE-FE outper-
form one-dimensional convolutional neural networks and the Deep Filtering
method. Moreover, AE is best suited when no prior knowledge is available
about the data distribution of GWs phenomena. This assumption is quite
realistic, given the current scarce availability of labeled time series represent-
ing verified phenomena. In such case, the models, trained using different
types of noise, are sensitive to deviations from such data distributions, and
therefore they are capable of detecting potentially interesting signals hidden
in noisy time series, that may correspond to real phenomena.
On the other hand, when knowledge about real GWs phenomena rep-
resenting the positive class is available, the AE-FE approach, that involves
classification models learned using features extracted from an auto-encoder,
outperforms the AE approach. Specifically, this method obtains the best
detection performance when a phenomenon, already observed in the past,
appears again in a newly observed time series. Additional experiments in
the presence of varying noise rates introduced in time series of whitened sig-
nals highlighted that the AE approach starts to degrade significantly when
noise reaches 25% of the signal (or more), while the AE-FE approach is more
robust to noise.
However, the AE-FE approach assumes the availability of positive time
series in order to train a supervised classifier on data for two classes. Re-
alistically, we assume that its near perfect predictive performance obtained
in our experiments, is also subject to degradation over time, in the case in
which the morphology of GWs changes significantly in newly observed time
series never seen before.
The proposed approaches implemented exploiting the Apache Spark frame-
work primitives, also exhibit good scalability performances when operating
with large-scale data and, therefore, are particularly suited for analytic tasks
involving GWs time series, that are produced at a high volume.
For future work, we aim to extend our study addressing the glitch classifi-
cation task with time series data. Moreover, we aim to investigate alternative
neural network architectures, specifically optimized for the detection task.
This article/publication is based upon work from COST Action CA17137
”A network for Gravitational Waves, Geophysics and Machine Learning”,
supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).
We also acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Education, Univer-
sities and Research (MIUR) through the project ComESto - Community
Energy Storage: Gestione Aggregata di Sistemi dAccumulo dellEnergia in
Power Cloud (Grant No. ARS01 01259) and the PON Ricerca e Innovazione
2014–2020 project “CLOSE – Close to the Earth” (ARS01 001413), funded
by the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research (MIUR).
The author affiliated with the Faculty of Computer Science and Engi-
neering, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University acknowledges its support for
the work on this project.
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Appendix: Additional experimental results
Table 7: Experimental results with the GW1 dataset for the proposed methods (AE, AE-
FE), considering different model architectures, noise rates and time series lengths. Best
results in terms of F-Score are marked in bold. Time series length
Method 1 sec 3 secs
Conv1D optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9933 0.5474 0.6928 0.5960
1024 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9933 0.5541 0.6928 0.6019
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.8474 0.8928 0.8628
1024 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.2533 0.500 0.3360
Conv1D (2) optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.5541 0.6928 0.6019
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.5533 0.7000 0.6027
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.8407 0.8928 0.8569
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932 0.6888 0.7857 0.7196
Deep Filtering optimized Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
0.6888 0.7857 0.7196 0.9941 0.9928 0.9932
Proposed method (AE) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933 0.9824 0.9800 0.9801
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9737 0.9400 0.9444 0.9823 0.9800 0.9801
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9934 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-LR) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9889 0.9857 0.9864 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9889 0.9857 0.9864 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-GBT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 1 1 11 1 1
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933 1 1 1
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933 0.9937 0.9933 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9938 0.9933 0.9933 1 1 1
Proposed method (AE-ERT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 1 1 11 1 1
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
Proposed method (AE-RF) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
Proposed method (AE-XGB) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9875 0.9866 0.9866 1 1 1
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9875 0.9866 0.9866 1 1 1
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-SVM) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 1 1 1
Table 8: Experimental results with the GW2 dataset (noise rate: 10%) for the proposed
methods (AE, AE-FE), considering different model architectures, noise rates and time
series lengths. Best results in terms of F-Score are marked in bold.
Noise rate Time series length
10% 1 sec 3 secs
Conv1D optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.9830 0.9786 0.9797 0.8355 0.8857 0.8501
1024 dense units 0.5375 0.6786 0.5822 0.5363 0.6786 0.5824
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.8297 0.8786 0.8433 0.5230 0.6786 0.5706
1024 dense units 0.8349 0.8857 0.8502 0.6874 0.7928 0.7205
Conv1D (2) optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.8474 0.8928 0.8628
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9783 0.9714 0.9726 0.8363 0.8785 0.8492
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.9783 0.9714 0.9726
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796
Deep Filtering optimized Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
0.6492 0.7000 0.6109 0.6874 0.7928 0.7205
Proposed method (AE) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9302 0.9000 0.9038 0.9699 0.9666 0.9668
Proposed method (AE-LR) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9712 0.9643 0.9662 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9771 0.9714 0.9730 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9601 0.9500 0.9526 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9824 0.9786 0.9798 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-GBT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9937 0.9933 0.9933 0.9814 0.9800 0.9800
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9866 0.9866 0.9866 0.9875 0.9866 0.9867
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9805 0.9800 0.9800 0.9714 0.9666 0.9668
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9751 0.9733 0.9734 0.9814 0.9800 0.9800
Proposed method (AE-ERT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9824 0.9786 0.9798 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9830 0.9786 0.9797 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9882 0.9857 0.9865 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9882 0.9857 0.9865 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-RF) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9882 0.9857 0.9865 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9882 0.9857 0.9865 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Proposed method (AE-XGB) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9675 0.9670 0.9666
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9680 0.9661 0.9664 0.9755 0.9723 0.9730
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9667 0.9607 0.9596 0.9882 0.9857 0.9865
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9665 0.9670 0.9665 0.9866 0.9866 0.9866
Proposed method (AE-SVM) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9875 0.9866 0.9866 0.9941 0.9929 0.9933
Table 9: Experimental results with the GW2 dataset (noise rate: 25%) for the proposed
methods (AE, AE-FE), considering different model architectures, noise rates and time
series lengths. Best results in terms of F-Score are marked in bold.
Noise rate Time series length
25% 1 sec 3 secs
Conv1D optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.8783 0.7964 0.7505 0.6842 0.7786 0.7126
1024 dense units 0.7833 0.7991 0.7391 0.5311 0.6750 0.5760
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.9530 0.9411 0.9390 0.6698 0.7741 0.7005
1024 dense units 0.8355 0.8857 0.8501 0.5533 0.700 0.6027
Conv1D (2) optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9312 0.8848 0.8565 0.9718 0.9642 0.9661
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.7007 0.7928 0.7323
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.9783 0.9714 0.9726
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9830 0.9785 0.9796 0.5249 0.6714 0.5695
Deep Filtering optimized Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
0.6896 0.7785 0.7188 0.8355 0.8857 0.8500
Proposed method (AE) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.8903 0.7067 0.7471 0.9051 0.6066 0.6846
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.8974 0.7000 0.7469 0.8936 0.5866 0.6688
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.8828 0.6466 0.6987 0.9031 0.6133 0.6884
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9105 0.6600 0.7260 0.9031 0.6133 0.6884
Proposed method (AE-LR) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9541 0.9408 0.9430 0.9765 0.9717 0.9730
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9510 0.9420 0.9435 0.9679 0.9661 0.9665
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9451 0.9318 0.9342 0.9743 0.9693 0.9707
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9538 0.9464 0.9482 0.9666 0.9631 0.9641
Proposed method (AE-GBT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9759 0.9733 0.9733 0.9762 0.9733 0.9735
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9626 0.9600 0.9600 0.9876 0.9866 0.9867
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9937 0.9933 0.9933 0.9742 0.9733 0.9733
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9514 0.9466 0.9470 0.9546 0.9533 0.9533
Proposed method (AE-ERT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9669 0.9598 0.9617 0.9828 0.9786 0.9797
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9564 0.9488 0.9503 0.9790 0.9771 0.9776
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9683 0.9595 0.9615 0.9826 0.9786 0.9798
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9620 0.9557 0.9572 0.9615 0.9595 0.9598
Proposed method (AE-RF) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9769 0.9714 0.9730 0.9838 0.9813 0.9821
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9548 0.9494 0.9505 0.9745 0.9726 0.9731
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9744 0.9693 0.9708 0.9820 0.9789 0.9798
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9595 0.9536 0.9550 0.9572 0.9551 0.9553
Proposed method (AE-XGB) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9622 0.9592 0.9597 0.9546 0.9533 0.9530
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9282 0.9262 0.9260 0.9548 0.9524 0.9529
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9594 0.9551 0.9552 0.9723 0.9702 0.9709
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9321 0.9304 0.9306 0.9503 0.9494 0.9487
Proposed method (AE-SVM) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9832 0.9815 0.9821 0.9902 0.9881 0.9888
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9536 0.9473 0.9482 0.9745 0.9726 0.9731
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9832 0.9815 0.9821 0.9863 0.9833 0.9843
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9586 0.9542 0.9551 0.9701 0.9682 0.9687
Table 10: Experimental results with the GW2 dataset (noise rate: 50%) for the proposed
methods (AE, AE-FE), considering different model architectures, noise rates and time
series lengths. Best results in terms of F-Score are marked in bold.
Noise rate Time series length
50% 1 sec 3 secs
Conv1D optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.5982 0.5303 0.3962 0.6081 0.6920 0.6102
1024 dense units 0.2898 0.4991 0.3334 0.5274 0.6643 0.5682
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.8491 0.7884 0.7493 0.3822 0.5857 0.4469
1024 dense units 0.8330 0.8786 0.8470 0.2467 0.500 0.3300
Conv1D (2) optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.9724 0.9642 0.9659 0.9724 0.9642 0.9659
1024 - 512 dense units 0.9483 0.9339 0.9319 0.6357 0.6991 0.5974
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.8308 0.8785 0.8430 0.8422 0.8857 0.8559
1024 - 512 dense units 0.8229 0.8651 0.8358 0.6783 0.7714 0.7058
Deep Filtering optimized Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
0.5200 0.6428 0.5427 0.7490 0.7419 0.6782
Proposed method (AE) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.8787 0.4933 0.5994 0.8759 0.5000 0.6021
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.8787 0.4933 0.5994 0.8759 0.5000 0.6021
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.8787 0.4933 0.5994 0.8759 0.5000 0.6021
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.8787 0.4933 0.5994 0.8759 0.5000 0.6021
Proposed method (AE-LR) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9310 0.9080 0.9101 0.9466 0.9366 0.9392
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9098 0.8973 0.8983 0.9279 0.9259 0.9263
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9198 0.9027 0.9043 0.9518 0.9438 0.9460
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9265 0.9170 0.9188 0.9284 0.9250 0.9261
Proposed method (AE-GBT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9511 0.9466 0.9468 0.9814 0.9800 0.9800
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9628 0.9600 0.9602 0.9875 0.9866 0.9866
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9743 0.97333 0.9734 0.9552 0.9466 0.9474
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.8916 0.8800 0.8809 0.9813 0.9800 0.9800
Proposed method (AE-ERT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9471 0.9366 0.9390 0.9601 0.9500 0.9526
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9223 0.9098 0.9116 0.9556 0.9518 0.9530
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9512 0.9357 0.9384 0.9654 0.9571 0.9595
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9341 0.9232 0.9254 0.9296 0.9259 0.9263
Proposed method (AE-RF) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9601 0.9500 0.9526 0.9631 0.9580 0.9597
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9265 0.9170 0.9188 0.9420 0.9384 0.9395
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9526 0.9438 0.9460 0.9578 0.9509 0.9528
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9341 0.9232 0.9254 0.9237 0.9196 0.9196
Proposed method (AE-XGB) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9228 0.9188 0.9195 0.9288 0.9259 0.9259
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.8900 0.8848 0.8852 0.9150 0.9116 0.9127
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9307 0.9241 0.9259 0.9479 0.9455 0.9463
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.8884 0.8848 0.8856 0.9095 0.9071 0.9063
Proposed method (AE-SVM) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.9613 0.9589 0.9597 0.9824 0.9786 0.9798
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.9200 0.9098 0.9121 0.9345 0.9321 0.9329
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9613 0.9589 0.9597 0.9765 0.9714 0.9731
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.9321 0.9241 0.9257 0.9377 0.9313 0.9327
Table 11: Experimental results with the GW3 dataset for the proposed methods (AE,
AE-FE), considering different model architectures and time series lengths. Best results in
terms of F-Score are marked in bold. Time series length
Method 1 sec 3 secs
Conv1D optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.5553 0.6135 0.5622 0.2500 0.5000 0.3330
1024 dense units 0.4948 0.5395 0.4884 0.2653 0.5000 0.3466
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 dense units 0.5671 0.5374 0.5202 0.5668 0.5608 0.4975
1024 dense units 0.6145 0.5972 0.5889 0.5069 0.5791 0.5061
Conv1D (2) optimized
Dropout: 0.1 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.5264 0.5652 0.4566 0.6027 0.5702 0.5522
1024 - 512 dense units 0.7059 0.5940 0.5463 0.4250 0.4966 0.3898
Dropout: 0.3 Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
512 - 256 dense units 0.5390 0.5499 0.4869 0.6764 0.6262 0.6096
1024 - 512 dense units 0.5372 0.5700 0.5211 0.5576 0.5976 0.5521
Deep Filtering optimized Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
0.3344 0.5020 0.3911 0.3704 0.5344 0.4155
Proposed method (AE) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 1 0.4693 0.6388 0.9474 0.4897 0.6292
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.7782 0.4285 0.5409 0.7954 0.4183 0.5375
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.9793 0.4693 0.6302 0.8994 0.4744 0.6040
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.8818 0.4489 0.5854 0.8897 0.4285 0.5590
Proposed method (AE-LR) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.6836 0.6764 0.6744 0.7935 0.7597 0.7629
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.6945 0.6819 0.6795 0.6458 0.6194 0.5881
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.6290 0.6597 0.6342 0.7984 0.7778 0.7797
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.5936 0.6181 0.5866 0.7744 0.7583 0.7607
Proposed method (AE-GBT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.6828 0.6020 0.6256 0.6125 0.5663 0.5789
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.6139 0.5867 0.5925 0.6800 0.6479 0.6559
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.6687 0.6020 0.6192 0.6910 0.6173 0.6353
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.6630 0.6428 0.6464 0.6917 0.6326 0.6481
Proposed method (AE-ERT) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.7065 0.6931 0.6938 0.8130 0.7771 0.7805
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.7161 0.7104 0.7090 0.6847 0.6181 0.5804
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.7243 0.7139 0.7144 0.8266 0.7917 0.7947
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.7054 0.6875 0.6855 0.7482 0.7375 0.7355
Proposed method (AE-RF) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.7112 0.7042 0.7021 0.7846 0.7597 0.7598
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.7203 0.7208 0.7160 0.6697 0.6111 0.5730
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.7203 0.7111 0.7106 0.8167 0.7875 0.7877
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.6963 0.6806 0.6809 0.7444 0.7361 0.7345
Proposed method (AE-XGB) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.6970 0.6972 0.6918 0.8236 0.8194 0.8194
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.6969 0.6931 0.6916 0.6456 0.6083 0.5806
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.7031 0.6972 0.6969 0.8177 0.8069 0.8063
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.6820 0.6750 0.6684 0.7077 0.6986 0.6980
Proposed method (AE-SVM) Precision Recall F-Score Precision Recall F-Score
1 hidden layer - 512 units 0.7040 0.6917 0.6932 0.7776 0.7653 0.7666
2 hidden layers - 512 units 0.7063 0.7028 0.7021 0.6723 0.6375 0.6105
1 hidden layer - 1024 units 0.6234 0.6639 0.6354 0.8176 0.7917 0.7934
2 hidden layers - 1024 units 0.6737 0.6486 0.6403 0.7869 0.7653 0.7683
Table 12: Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tests (all datasets). Bold: improvement is statistically
significant when the p-value is smaller than 0.01.
Pairwise comparison p-value winner
RMSE criterion
Conv1D vs AE 4.54E-06 AE
Conv1D (2) vs AE 9.80E-02 Conv1D (2)
Deep Filtering vs AE 1.82E-06 AE
Conv1D vs AE-LR 1.18E-13 AE-LR
Conv1D (2) vs AE-LR 1.21E-06 AE-LR
AE vs AE-LR 5.26E-12 AE-LR
Deep Filtering vs AE-LR 7.85E-15 AE-LR
Conv1D vs AE-GBT 2.46E-14 AE-GBT
Conv1D (2) vs AE-GBT 3.87E-10 AE-GBT
AE vs AE-GBT 1.27E-11 AE-GBT
Deep Filtering vs AE-GBT 7.85E-15 AE-GBT
Conv1D vs AE-ERT 3.61E-14 AE-ERT
Conv1D (2) vs AE-ERT 1.97E-09 AE-ERT
AE vs AE-ERT 4.06E-14 AE-ERT
Deep Filtering vs AE-ERT 7.85E-15 AE-ERT
Conv1D vs AE-RF 3.61E-14 AE-RF
Conv1D (2) vs AE-RF 3.99E-10 AE-RF
AE vs AE-RF 8.74E-14 AE-RF
Deep Filtering vs AE-RF 7.85E-15 AE-RF
Conv1D vs AE-XGB 3.93E-14 AE-XGB
Conv1D (2) vs AE-XGB 7.99E-06 AE-XGB
AE vs AE-XGB 2.02E-12 AE-XGB
Deep Filtering vs AE-XGB 7.85E-15 AE-XGB
Conv1D vs AE-SVM 3.61E-14 AE-SVM
Conv1D (2) vs AE-SVM 1.45E-11 AE-SVM
AE vs AE-SVM 4.06E-14 AE-SVM
Deep Filtering vs AE-SVM 7.85E-15 AE-SVM