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Machine learning based fog computing assisted data-driven approach for early lameness detection in dairy cattle

  • Walton Institute of Information and Communication Systems Science

Abstract and Figures

Timely lameness detection is one of the major and costliest health problems in dairy cattle that farmers and practitioners haven't yet solved adequately. The primary reason behind this is the high initial setup costs, complex equipment and lack of multi-vendor interoperability in currently available solutions. On the other hand, human observation based solutions relying on visual inspections are prone to late detection with possible human error, and are not scalable. This poses a concern with increasing herd sizes, as prolonged or undetected lameness severely compromises cows' health and welfare, and ultimately affects the milk productivity of the farm. To tackle this, we have developed an end-to-end IoT application that leverages advanced machine learning and data analytics techniques to monitor the cattle in real-time and identify lame cattle at an early stage. The proposed approach has been validated on a real world smart dairy farm setup consisting of a dairy herd of 150 cows in Waterford, Ireland. Using long-range pedometers specifically designed for use in dairy cattle, we monitor the activity of each cow in the herd. The accelerometric data from these sensors is aggregated at the fog node to form a time series of behavioral activities, which are further analyzed in the cloud. Our hybrid clustering and classification model identifies each cow as either Active, Normal or Dormant, and further, Lame or Non-Lame. The detected lameness anomalies are further sent to farmer's mobile device by way of push notifications. The results indicate that we can detect lameness 3 days before it can be visually captured by the farmer with an overall accuracy of 87%. This means that the animal can either be isolated or treated immediately to avoid any further effects of lameness. Moreover, with fog based computational assistance in the setup, we see an 84% reduction in amount of data transferred to the cloud as compared to the conventional cloud based approach.
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Computers and Electronics in Agriculture
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Machine learning based fog computing assisted data-driven approach for
early lameness detection in dairy cattle
Mohit Taneja
, John Byabazaire
, Nikita Jalodia
, Alan Davy
, Cristian Olariu
Paul Malone
Emerging Networks Laboratory, Telecommunications Software and Systems Group, Department of Computing and Mathematics, School of Science and Computing,
Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland
CONNECT- Centre for Future Networks and Communications, Dublin, Ireland
Innovation Exchange, Dublin, IBM, Ireland
Smart dairy farming
Fog computing
Internet of Things (IoT)
Cloud computing
Smart farm
Data analytics
Machine learning
Timely lameness detection is one of the major and costliest health problems in dairy cattle that farmers and
practitioners haven't yet solved adequately. The primary reason behind this is the high initial setup costs,
complex equipment and lack of multi-vendor interoperability in currently available solutions. On the other hand,
human observation based solutions relying on visual inspections are prone to late detection with possible human
error, and are not scalable. This poses a concern with increasing herd sizes, as prolonged or undetected lameness
severely compromises cows' health and welfare, and ultimately affects the milk productivity of the farm. To
tackle this, we have developed an end-to-end IoT application that leverages advanced machine learning and data
analytics techniques to monitor the cattle in real-time and identify lame cattle at an early stage.
The proposed approach has been validated on a real world smart dairy farm setup consisting of a dairy herd of
150 cows in Waterford, Ireland. Using long-range pedometers specifically designed for use in dairy cattle, we
monitor the activity of each cow in the herd. The accelerometric data from these sensors is aggregated at the fog
node to form a time series of behavioral activities, which are further analyzed in the cloud. Our hybrid clustering
and classification model identifies each cow as either Active, Normal or Dormant, and further, Lame or Non-
Lame. The detected lameness anomalies are further sent to farmer's mobile device by way of push notifications.
The results indicate that we can detect lameness 3 days before it can be visually captured by the farmer with an
overall accuracy of 87%. This means that the animal can either be isolated or treated immediately to avoid any
further effects of lameness. Moreover, with fog based computational assistance in the setup, we see an 84%
reduction in amount of data transferred to the cloud as compared to the conventional cloud based approach.
1. Introduction
Internet of things (IoT), fog computing, cloud computing and data
driven techniques together offer a great opportunity for verticals such
as the dairy industry to increase productivity by getting actionable in-
sights to improve farming practices, thereby increasing efficiency and
yield. There has been active initiation and movement in the agricultural
domain to move towards tech-enabled smart solutions to improve
farming practices, and increase productivity and yield. The concept of
Smart Dairy Farming is no longer just a futuristic concept, and has
started to materialize as different fields such as machine learning have
found a practical applications in this domain.
Timely detection of lameness is a big problem in the dairy industry
which farmers are not yet able to adequately solve. It is one of the
factors for reduced performance on many dairy farms, at least through
reduced reproductive efficiency, milk production and increased culling
(Chapinal et al., 2009). Lameness is considered to be the third disease of
economic importance in dairy cows after reduced fertility and mastitis
(Van Nuffel et al., 2015). An all-encompassing definition of lameness
includes any abnormality which causes a cow to change the way that
she walks, and can be caused by a range of foot and leg conditions,
themselves caused by disease, management or environmental factors
(AHDB, 2016). Prevention, early detection and treatment of lameness is
therefore important to reduce these negative effects of lameness in
Received 16 September 2019; Received in revised form 6 February 2020; Accepted 8 February 2020
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Taneja), (J. Byabazaire), (N. Jalodia), (A. Davy), (C. Olariu), (P. Malone).
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
0168-1699/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
dairy cows (Alsaaod et al., 2015; Poursaberi et al., 2011). Early de-
tection of disease allows farmers to intervene earlier, leading to pre-
vention of antibiotic administration and improvement in the milk yield,
and savings on veterinary treatment for their herd.
With the increasing global demands of agricultural and dairy pro-
duce, the scale of farming and livestock management is only set to in-
crease. To increase the productivity on a dairy farm, farmers generally
look towards the following two:
1. Control welfare related issues like lameness
2. Increase the number of accurate estrus detection, so as to increase
the size of the herd for further profitability.
The latter has been adequately addressed. In fact, there are major
industry partnerships like Fujitsu partnering with Microsoft to provide a
SaaS (Software as a Service) for accurate estrus detection powered by
Microsoft's Azure and Analytics (Meet the connected cow; Hadoop,
2015). So, the next major problem to be solved in smart dairy farming is
the ability to accurately and timely detection of lameness.
Our work is motivated by the following facts:
Manual human observation based solutions for lameness detection
are susceptible to human error and are not scalable as the size of the
farm increases.
Few of the existing solutions (discussed in the next section) require
the equipment in use for detection to be placed in a controlled po-
sition, and the cows need to be constrained to walk through them.
Guiding the cows to walk in a controlled manner and presence of a
human being leads to bias in the measurement because of stoic nature
of cows; as they will try to hide their weakness and pain compared to
measurements made during normal routine without the presence of a
Although there are existing wearable sensor based cloud centric and
isolated offline solutions, they suffer from the issue of multi-vendor
interoperability and vendor-lock in, which has been detailed in the next
section. Therefore, there is still a need for further automation and ad-
vanced machine learning based solution that:
Monitors the animals everywhere they are – either in the fields
grazing, during milking, or lying down in the shed.
Is Population Agnostic – takes into account individual animal be-
Is Environment Agnostic – takes into account variations in weather
and environment.
In this article, we present an end-to-end IoT application that le-
verages threshold based clustering and machine learning classification
to detect lameness in dairy cattle. The application automatically mea-
sures and gathers activity data (lying time, step count and swaps per
hour) continuously, so that cows can be monitored daily. Furthermore,
the clustering technique employed ensures that the models dynamically
adjust depending on farm and weather conditions, and automatically
selects a custom learning model for that cluster.
Our contribution and core novelty of the work presented is sum-
marized as follows:
1. Although the existence of clusters in herds have been used before in
cattle behaviours (Stephenson and Bailey, 2017), this study is the
first to use cluster specific model for lameness detection as opposed
to a one-size-fits-all solution.
2. The technique used to form animal profiles eliminates the effects of
external factors like weather, location and farm conditions. This
study is the first to offer an early lameness detection service that is
population and environment agnostic.
3. The study is the first to propose a feedback based re-training based
on the inputs of the human in the loop, who could be an agricultural
expert or farmer.
4. The study is amongst one of the few to apply modern AI (Artificial
Intelligence) techniques to detect lameness in dairy cattle.
5. The methods are deployed in practice and real data has been col-
lected. The proposed approach has been validated in a real-world
IoT deployment in a Smart Dairy farm setup with a full herd of 150
dairy cows.
The paper has been further structured as follows: 2 presents the
literature review, background, state-of-the-art and motivation, 3 pre-
sents the experimental setup, system architecture and application de-
sign, 4 presents materials, methods and machine learning model de-
veloped, 5 presents discussion of the results, and finally 6 and 7 present
the conclusion, Ongoing and future work respectively.
2. Literature Review, background and motivation
2.1. Lameness in dairy cattle: geographical variance and associated costs
The prevalence of lameness has been reported differently in dif-
ferent regions and states. Ger reported that on an average Irish farm, 20
in every 100 cows will be affected by lameness in a given year. In the
United States authors in (Cook, 2003) and (Espejo et al., 2006) reported
a mean lameness prevalence of 25%, whereas in California and the
northeastern United States, overall lameness prevalence was estimated
to be 34% and 63%, respectively (von Keyserlingk et al., 2012). British
and German studies reported a lameness prevalence of 37% and 48%
(Whay et al., 2003; Barker et al., 2010), whereas a prevalence of 16%
was reported in the Netherlands (Amory et al., 2006). In our experi-
mental deployment on a herd of 150 cows in Ireland, 26 cases of la-
meness were recorded during July to December 2017. Further up by the
end of the experiment in April 2018, a total of 32 cases were recorded
Lameness can be classified into three main categories: solar ulcers,
digital disease (white line abscess, foreign bodies in the sole, and
pricked or punctured sole), and inter digital disease (lesions of the skin
between claws and heel including foul in the foot, inter digital fibroma
and dermatitis). More than 65% of cases of lameness are said to be
caused by diseases (Foditsch et al., 2016). Other causes include injuries
to the upper skeleton or major muscles, septic joints and injection site
Lameness has many negative effects, including reduction in feed
intake, reduction in milk production (mainly due to withdrawal due to
antibiotics usage) and weight loss. It therefore has a drastic effect on the
performance of a dairy farm. Lameness is mostly detected at advanced
stage and thus requires immediate and often costly treatment. Once an
animal becomes lame, it can take several weeks to recover. Lameness
thus represents a significant cost to dairy farmers in terms of time, fi-
nancial expenditure for veterinary calls, medication and treatment, and
also for loss in production. Table 1 (Ger) summarizes the costs estimates
for each type of lameness.
2.2. Existing approaches for lameness detection
2.2.1. Pressure plate/load cell
In these solutions, the main aim is to investigate how the weight is
Table 1
Costs associated with each type of lameness.
Type of lameness Digital Inter digital Solar ulcer Average case
Prevalence (%) 45 35 20
Total cost of a single case
(in €) 282.85 136.12 504.58 275.26
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
distributed across the legs of the animal as it walks through a marked
area. Neveux et al. (2006) studied the use of a platform outside the
automatic milking system to measure the weight distribution of cows
while standing on different surfaces. Chapinal et al. (2010) and Pastell
et al. (2010) later adjusted the experimental setup to measure lameness
and hoof lesions.
The drawbacks of such solutions may not be only the costs of new
and complex equipment but also other technical concerns. For example,
Pastell et al. (2010) suggested that a cow may suffer pain when
walking, which is not as obvious when the cow is standing still. In this
setup, the cow must be guided or must be standing in controlled posi-
tion. Because cows are stoic in nature, this will affect the measurements
and alter the results.
2.2.2. Image processing techniques
This category studies the use of image processing techniques to
analyse the posture of the animal as it walks through a milking parlour.
Poursaberi et al. (2010) proposed a method based on detecting the arc
of back posture and fitting a circle through selected points on the spine
line of a cow as it walks. Viazzi et al. (2013) further studied the idea
and an algorithm based on Body Movement Pattern was tested under
farm conditions. Further study on this method shows that there remain
challenges on real farm conditions. For example, changing lighting
conditions cause noise and shadows in the images that impede extrac-
tion of the back posture, or continuous background changes that in-
terfere with cow segmentation from the images. Some of these chal-
lenges were explored by Poursaberi et al. (2009), Van Hertem et al.
(2013) and Viazzi et al. (2014).
2.2.3. Activity based techniques
Here, techniques use accelerometers (2D and 3D) and pedometers to
record movement patterns of the animal. This data is then used to build
the daily activities of the cow, e.g. walking, lying down. Munksgaard
et al. (2006) proposed the use of sensors that measure acceleration in
different dimensions to automatically monitor activity (standing and
lying behaviour) of cows. Their results indicate excellent accuracy be-
tween the sensor data attached to the legs of the cows and observations
for lying and standing (0.99), activity (0.89), and number of steps
(0.84). Chapinal et al. (2011) used five 3D accelerometers on cows, one
on each limb, and concluded a single device attached to one of the legs
appeared to be sufficient to measure the walking speed of cows, which
was associated with locomotion scores. In other studies accelerometers
were mounted on a hind leg of 348 cows in 401 lactations on four
commercial farms (Thorup et al., 2015). Since then, a vast number of
studies have used accelerometers to measure dairy cow activity and
behaviour (Alsaaod et al., 2012; Yunta et al., 2012; O'Driscoll et al.,
2008; Blackie et al., 2011).
2.3. IoT, fog computing and data analytics in agriculture domain
There have been proposed systems in industry (Ag, 2017; Ireland,
2017; Boumatic, 2017) as well in academia (Taylor et al., 2013; Chen
et al., 2014; Wark et al., 2009; Brewster et al., 2017) for animal health
management in dairy farms. Authors in (Al-Fuqaha et al., 2015) provide
a detailed survey of IoT enabling technologies that can offer automa-
tion, data aggregation and protocol adaptation in the wide field of IoT.
They also present the required integration of IoT with emerging tech-
nologies such as data analytics and fog computing. Another survey in
(Rutten et al., 2013) identifies a serious lack of analytics and in-
telligence in existing smart dairy farming systems, thus leading to gaps
between the desired requirement of the system and proposed solutions.
It articulates the pressing requirement of intelligence to be present on
the premises, in the on-farm systems. As a consequence, attention is
being drawn towards designing systems with intelligence and data
analytics capability being present on premises (Shi et al., 2016), and
utilizing fog computing comes to shore with those objectives in mind.
Authors in (Muangprathub et al., 2019) present the need of data
driven movement in agriculture in order to improve crop yields, im-
prove quality, and reduce costs. Another recent survey by authors in
(Jukan et al., 2017) identifies the lack of interoperability provided by
such systems, and the need of developing an integrated system com-
bining edge, fog and cloud to provide application and services. The
authors here also identify that technology solutions with no con-
sideration of interoperability results in vendor lock-in, which not only
hinders innovation, but also results in higher costs for the farmer/user.
Authors in (Caria et al., 2017) present the use of Raspberry Pis as
edge devices which are further connected with the cloud to demon-
strate a smart farm computing systems for animal welfare monitoring.
Authors demonstrated that a low-cost and open computing and sensing
system can effectively monitor multiple parameters related to animal
welfare. While animal welfare remains a broad concept, their paper
shows that many parameters relevant to various stakeholders can be
measured, collected, evaluated and shared, opening up new possibilities
to improve animal welfare and foster high-tech innovations in this
The authors in (Hsu et al., 2018) propose the use of fog computing
for innovative service creations for existing cloud based agriculture
system. By means of simulation, the authors demonstrate that fog
computing presents a unique capability for a creative IoT platform
adoption in agriculture with existing cloud support. Quite recently,
authors in (Zamora-Izquierdo and Santa, 2019) describe the design,
development and evaluation of a system that covers extreme precision
agriculture requirements by using automation, IoT technologies, and
edge and cloud computing through virtualisation.
2.4. How is the proposed system novel as compared to the existing ones?
Although most farms are equipped with some kind of estrus detec-
tion system (Miiaková et al., 2018) which is based on accelerometers,
lameness detection systems based on the same have not been successful.
This is because of vendor lock-in. Each of the system would require its
own hardware. Worth mentioning is the insight in the review by Van De
Gucht et al. (2017) that farmers who already had an estrus detection
system were willing to have an add-on for lameness detection. All the
current systems lack this kind of integration. Another assumption made
by all the current solutions is that all the animals will get lame the same
way. To put this into context, consider a farm in Ireland – there are two
main seasons, summer and winter. During summer, the animals stay in
the field and graze freely, while during the winter the animals are kept
in house. In both cases the activity levels of the animals are different.
Interestingly, as the activity levels are low during winter considering
the animals stay indoors rather than having much outdoor activity, the
entire herd's activity pattern will be closer to that of a lame animal
during the summer. Therefore, a learning model should be able to
consider such external factors.
In a review by authors in (Van Nuffel et al., 2015) about automatic
lameness detection, some suggestions were made. One of these was the
need for automatic and continuous measurement of the parameters.
This is because most solutions available require the animals to be
guided one way or another. The other suggestion was the need for
custom solutions, systems that need less space or those that can be
included in the existing farm infrastructure (Van Nuffel et al., 2015).
The presented work differs from the existing sensor based system
solutions by offering following advantages:
Sensor agnostic: The model is built to take in activity data from any
kind of sensor used to monitor activity of the animal. This among
other thing will reduce the initial installation costs if a farm already
has a system in place.
Avoids vendor lock-in: Design, creation and development of services
following a microservices based application design principles to
tackle the problem of vendor lock-in and to support multi-vendor
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
Multiple end-users: Since our system is designed as a service, this
makes it easy to integrate with the existing systems. The end user
therefore could be a farmer with an existing system or even an agri-
tech service provider who wants to provide more services to their
One of the primary limitations of the previously proposed systems is
that they follow the technique to process and analyse previously col-
lected data and perform only cloud based analytics without leveraging
and efficiently utilizing the resources (Taneja and Davy, 2016) avail-
able on the farm along the things-to-cloud continuum (Taneja and
Davy, 2017), moreover such techniques are not always suitable for real-
time tracking and monitoring of dynamic entities such as dairy cows.
The gaps with the existing research is that either it has been developed
out of the agricultural context, or addresses the issue of analytics and
control in isolation; this has also been identified as key limitations by
authors in (Zheleva et al., 2017).
While there has been a movement towards data-driven agriculture
in recent times for sustainable and productive growth, there is still a
void when it comes to leveraging emerging paradigms such as fog
computing, and applying innovating machine learning models to solve
a specific problem in the dairy sector. Most of the articles in literature
present results based on simulated experiments, and those which come
from real world deployment are mostly agriculture based, and rarely
based on dairy farming. Further, only some of them have a machine
learning element to automate their approach. However, to the best of
our knowledge, no prior work focuses on providing an end-to-end IoT
solution integrating edge, fog and cloud intelligence specifically in case
of smart dairy farming IoT settings.
We position our work as an answer to the issues mentioned above,
thus bridging the gap, and providing an innovative way that integrates
edge, fog, cloud computing and machine learning to provide a solution
specifically in case of smart dairy farming in an IoT setup. The novelty
of the proposed model comes from the standpoint that it has been
specifically designed and developed to address a specific vertical of the
IoT ecosystem i.e., dairy farming, and within that to address a specific
problem related to animal welfare i.e., detecting lameness at an early
stage before the clinical signs of it appear, with a microservices oriented
design making it multi-vendor interoperable.
3. Experimental setup – smart dairy farm setup: real world test-
bed deployment
As part of the experiment, the trial
was conducted on a local dairy
farm with a full dairy herd of 150 cows in Waterford, Ireland. Amongst
the available options for the sensors/wearables available for livestock
monitoring, we used commercially available radio based Long Range
Pedometer (433 MHz, ISM band, LRP — ENGS Systems
, Israel) in our
deployment. These pedometers were attached to the front leg of cows in
the herd, as shown in Fig. 1.
3.1. Architecture design and system overview
The overall architecture of the test-bed is shown in Fig. 2. As shown
in Fig. 2, the Receiver is the master unit which sends the received data
to the communication unit (RS485 to USB) through wired connection,
which in turn then sends it to the gateway (a PC form factor device in
our case, which acts as controller and fog node. The configuration
is Intel®Core™ 3rd Generation i7-3540 M CPU @ 3.00 GHz, 16.0 GB
RAM, 500 GB Local Storage) through wired connection via USB inter-
face. The fog node consists of a local database which stores all the data
from the sensors before it is preprocessed. The collected raw data is
then preprocessed and aggregated at fog node to form behavioural
activities, and summed to form daily time series. In this study, we used
three behavioural activities (step count, lying time, swaps) for the
analysis with their description below:
1. Step count: This is the number of steps an animal makes.
Fig. 1. Long Range Pedometer (LRP) attached as a part of the experiment to the
front leg of the cows.
Fig. 2. Overall architecture of the test-bed and system overview.
The ethical approval for the experimentation was taken from Research
Ethics Committee of Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland prior to the
deployment in July 2017.
Note that our results presented in Taneja et al. (2019a) suggest that the
system is fully capable to run with fog node of lower computational power
(footnote continued)
without compromising on quality of service. The results on resource utilization
at fog node and discussion on platform performance on using fog node with low
level computational power, and system resilience has been discussed in greater
detail in our work available at Taneja et al. (2019a).
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
2. Lying time: The number of hours an animal spends lying down.
3. Swaps: This is the number of times an animal moves from lying
down to standing up.
We used Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) (MQTT,
2017) as the connectivity protocol between fog node and cloud (service
instances running on IBM Cloud) in our deployment setting. MQTT is an
open-source protocol originally invented and developed by IBM
(Getting to know MQTT, 2017). It is a lightweight publish-subscriber
model based protocol designed on top of the TCP/IP stack. It is speci-
fically targeted for remote location connectivity with characteristically
unreliable network environments such as high delays and low band-
width (Lee and Kim, 2013), which is one of the issues in remote farm
based deployments such as ours. Hence, we chose MQTT as the con-
nectivity protocol in our deployment.
The MQTT architecture comprises of two functional components,
namely MQTT clients (such as publishers and subscribers) and MQTT
broker (for mediating messages between publishers and subscribers). In
our setup these components are as follows:
MQTT Publisher: Script running on fog node (i.e., local PC at farm)
MQTT Broker: IBM Watson IoT Platform (as a service on IBM
MQTT Subscriber: Application designed and hosted on IBM Cloud
Thus, the data from fog node after pre-processing, aggregation and
classification as described above and shown in Figs. 2 and 3is streamed
to IBM Waston IoT platform using MQTT, the IBM Watson IoT platform
receives all these messages, and the MQTT subscriber listening to the
events of this broker picks up all the data and stores it in Cloudant
NoSQL JSON Database at IBM Cloud.
3.2. Designing and developing an IoT based software system: objectives and
Building an IoT application is an intricate process involving end-to-
end components, each of which is adapted to the use case being ad-
dressed. Generally speaking, an end-to-end IoT solution towards a
smart scenario involves the following steps:
Connecting the Unconnected: This step involves the installation of
sensors on physical entities such as objects (both static or in mo-
tion), remote infrastructure or living entities towards achieving a
specified objective such as monitoring.
Data Acquisition: This involves attaining the sensor data and
transferring it to the data analytics platform(s) to achieve actionable
insights for better decision making. This becomes a critical problem
in scenarios such as ours, wherein a farm location has little or no
Internet connectivity.
Architecting, Integrating and Management: This crucial phase
involves key decisions on the software architecture and design
principles to be used during development of the system. Once
finalized, the next step is to integrate, optimize and manage the
computing system thus built, which is usually an ongoing process.
Data Analytics: Once the data is at the desired platform (be it fog or
cloud), this part involves figuring out how to analyze the data to get
the desired information to achieve the specified objective, given the
We also had the same objectives in mind while developing the ap-
plication in our scenario, the first three of these objectives have been
explained above and further below in this section, and the data ana-
lytics objective has been explained in greater detail in the next section.
The end-to-end data and work flow of the developed application has
been presented in Fig. 3. The primary challenge is to design an end to
end IoT solution to meet the specified objective given the highly vari-
able, harsh and resource constrained environment in a smart dairy
farming setting. This includes making the system resilient and fault
tolerant to cope up with the variable farm environments, including
weather-based network outages and connectivity issues because of re-
mote location of the farm. A detailed discussion on test-bed deployment
challenges, technical challenges faced during deployment and devel-
opment, and critical decisions made, was presented in Taneja et al.
The use of fog computing brings efficiency and sustainability to the
overall IoT solution being proposed. In most cases, farms are located in
remote locations and can suffer from phases of low or no Internet/
network connectivity. In such adverse connectivity scenarios it becomes
ideal to process the data locally as much as possible and send the ag-
gregated or partial outputs over the internet to the cloud for further
enhanced analytical results. In view of this we design our solution
utilizing fog computing which aims to bring computation capabilities
closer to the source of data. The fog computing based approach leads to
effective utilization of limited available resources (Taneja and Davy,
2017) and also leads to significant reduction in the amount of the data
being transferred to the cloud.
3.3. Offline-first model for mobile application design
Farms are usually located in geographically remote locations facing
constrained network connectivity. Most of the IoT deployments in such
settings are faced with limited cellular coverage. Existing solutions are
mostly cloud based or completely offline. This limits the farmers' ability
to interact with the application anytime and anywhere. The system
developed in this study has an offline enabled strategy via the mobile
application and cloud dashboard. Fig. 4 shows the data flow of the
offline enabled design approach.
Once the model produces notifications, these are sent to the farmer's
mobile device as push notifications. On board the application is a
PouchDB (Pouch, 2019) database which synchronizes with the cloudant
database in IBM cloud using a REST API whenever a connection is es-
tablished. The application in general helps to achieve the following
Fig. 3. Work flow and data flow in the test-bed deployment.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
Push notifications: Whether on WiFi or limited cellular network, or
whether the application is open or not, these will go through each
time the status of the farm changes.
Data annotation: During the training process, this feature was used
by the human operator to annotate the data. In our case, this was
done weekly by an agricultural science student.
Feedback to improve model learning: When a notification is gen-
erated, the farmer has the option of confirming if the identified cow
is actually lame, or tag it as a false alarm or even report a missed
alert. All this information is sent back to the model to improve its
3.4. Microservices based application flow for multi-vendor interoperability
Unlike the existing systems that are based on a monolithic design
approach, the application designed in this study follows a microservices
(Balalaie et al., 2016) based approach for design, creation and de-
ployment. The aim is to make the developed system as Application/
Software as a Service', which can be used by the service providers to
integrate with their existing systems. For example, an agri-tech com-
pany could be a service provider for any other solution such as mastitis
detection, who wants to expand their system or integrate any of the
services such as lameness or heat detection into their system. A visual
representation of such a possible integration is presented in the Fig. 5.
Feature engineering layer as shown in the Fig. 5 ensures that data is
transformed to output only the required features and also reject those
that cannot be engineered to form the required features for a desired
service; for example Lameness Detection and Heat Detection Service
expects lying time, step count and swaps but a service provider might
have activity counter instead of step count and (Stand up + Liedown)
instead of swaps.
It is important to note that this layer will be different for each
service provider since the underlying sensor technology might be dif-
ferent. This in turn makes the developed system sensor agnostic. The
output from the feature engineering layer is then passed to the access
layer, which includes both mobile and web components. This then goes
through a REST API which in turn calls the desired service.
Fig. 4. Mobile application developed specifically considering the needs of the farmer, including an offline first strategy. The figure presents data and notification flow
in the developed mobile application.
Fig. 5. Microservices based application flow for integration of services from
different service providers.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
4. Materials, methods and machine learning model description
4.1. Data
The data from the sensors is sent via the receiver to the fog node,
where it is pre-processed and aggregated into three behavioural activ-
ities—(1) Step count, (2) Lying time, and (3) Swaps. The choice of these
3 features is guided by literature study, which indicates that they are
among the best predictors of a lame cow, or one transitioning to la-
meness (Thorup et al., 2015). The data is then summed to form daily
time series. Out of 150 cows used in the trial, only 146 cows were used
in the analysis. Only data from July to December 2017 was included in
this analysis. During this period, 26 animals were reported as lame
(cows were checked for lameness by either the agricultural science
student or by the farmer). Because the number of lame animals was
small, splitting the data into training and testing folds was made in a
such a way that atleast 75% of the lame animals was put in the training
fold and the rest in the testing fold. This was a challenge as the dataset
was imbalanced, but because this was a live experiment, we hoped to
re-train the models after sometime. The performance on both the
training and testing are reported in a later section.
Fig. 6 gives a quick overview of the end-to-end pipeline of the de-
veloped solution illustrating: (1) data collection from sensors, (2) ob-
servation of the herd by an animal expert for locomotion scoring, (3)
translating the human observer's expertise into a machine learning
based system leading to early detection of lameness in dairy cattle.
Table 2 presents the locomotion scoring scale system used by the
agricultural science student during animal observation.
4.2. Machine learning model and data analytics
4.2.1. Cow profiling
In order to build robust profiles that are distinguishable by the
learning model, it is important to understand how each test profile
(lame and non-lame) relates to the rest of the herd. The most common
approach would be to compare the activity level of lame and non-lame
Fig. 6. A diagrammatic representation of the end-to-end pipeline of the developed solution illustrating: (1) data collection from sensors, (2) observation of animals by
an animal expert to give locomotion score, (3) translating the human observer's expertise into a machine learning based system leading to early detection of lameness
in cattle.
Table 2
Locomotion scoring scale system used by the agricultural science student while
observing cows.
Fig. 7. Comparing the Mean and Median of the various Animal Activities.
Fig. 8. Relationship between herd mean and cow activity for cow 2346.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
animals and investigate how these deviate from the mean of the entire
herd. However, the mean can be affected by a single value being too
high or low compared to the rest of the sample. This is why a median is
sometimes taken as a better measure. Fig. 7 compares the mean and
median of the herd. The results show that these almost trace out each
other for all the three activities; lying time, step count and swaps. This
is one of the features of a normal distribution, and therefore it would
not matter whether the mean or median is used. Thus, we decided to
use herd mean in our analysis.
Authors in (Stephenson and Bailey, 2017) have argued that animals
grazing within the same pasture can influence the movement, grazing
locations, and activities of other animals randomly, with attraction, or
with avoidance; therefore most of the animals will have their activity
levels equal to the herd mean. For this reason and the one discussed
above, the herd mean was used as the baseline and any deviation from
such behaviour due to lameness will be classified as an anomaly. It is
also important to note that this will eliminate the effects of external
factors as these will be affecting the whole herd and only leave the
individual effects of lameness on the cow.
We further define the Lame Activity Region (LAR) and the Normal
Activity Region (NAR) as shown in Fig. 8. Once a cow is identified as
lame, we compare the herd mean for all the activities to that cow's
activities and define a region
>d D d
1 2
, where
is the day the ac-
tivity starts to deviate from the herd activity mean,
is the day that
cow is identified as lame. As lameness is a transition, we ascertain that
the cow will remain lame after that until it's out of its lameness cycle.
is the entire duration between
and the days after
until the cow is
out of its lameness cycle. It's the whole duration between
to the last
day when the cow was still lame. The values of
, and
will vary
for each cow as some may have longer lameness cycles than others, and
also depending on when the cow is identified as lame. This is motivated
by the fact that lameness is a transition from normal behaviour to la-
meness and back, it will probably start before it is seen and even con-
tinue after treatment until the cow becomes normal again. Once we
define the LAR, the rest of the graph is treated as the NAR.
Normal Profile,
To form the normal profile, we define a small window
NAR for each of the normal cows and calculate mean absolute deviation
for a given period of time.
H C| |
m i
is the herd mean,
is the cow activity and
is the
window size of NAR.
Lame Profile
To form the lame profile, we define a small window
within LAR
for each of the lame cows and calculate mean absolute deviation
for a given period of time.
H C| |
m i
is the herd mean,
is the cow activity and
is the
window size of LAR.
The process is repeated for all the lame and non-lame cows. The
results of this are plotted in a density distribution plot as shown in
Fig. 9.
Relationship between individual cows, Normal (Non-Lame) and Lame
To test the viability of the profiles, randomly chosen cows that have
at least been identified as lame at some point during the experiment
were used (these were not used to form the profiles above). The goal
was to go back in time and see how these relate to the constructed
profiles before they get lame, when they are lame and when they
transition back to normal behaviour. Using Eq. (3), we define a window
(the optimal number of days were chosen after a repetitive
process) starting at the beginning of the experiment when the cow is not
lame. We then slide through time as we calculate the Average Deviation
(AD) within each
for each of the cows, and for each of the activity.
m i
is the herd mean within
is the cow activity.
This is repeated as we slide the window. The results of this are plotted
as density distribution and compared with Fig. 9.
The three graphs (a, b and c) for both Figs. 10 and 11 show periods
of transition from normal to lameness for the two cows 2463 and 1469.
Fig. 9. Density distribution plot comparing the Normal and Lame profiles.
Fig. 10. Comparing the distribution of cow 2463 against the normal and lame
profile at three different stages.
Fig. 11. Comparing the distribution of cow 1469 against the normal and lame
profile at three different stages.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
In Figs. 10(a) and 11(a), both animals are non-lame and the distribu-
tions relate to the Normal cows profile distribution. In Figs. 10(b) and
11(b) the distribution starts to shift to the right. Fig. 10(b) has two
peaks. One relates more to the normal profile and the other to the lame
profile. Fig. 11(b) on the other hand has one peak and this is mid way
between both the normal and the lame profile. This kind of behaviour is
justifiable because lameness is a transition. Perhaps this could be the
best stage for the system to identify early lameness. Finally in Fig. 10(c)
and 11(c), the distributions overlap with the lame profile distribution. It
is important to note, even at this stage lameness is not yet visually
detectable by the farmer for both cows.
4.2.2. Clustering
From the above, it was discovered that not all animals behaved the
same way. For example, some animals had their activity levels (step
count, lying time and swaps) tracing out the herd mean, others with
activity levels always higher than the herd mean and, the other cate-
gory always lower than the herd mean. It's also important to note that
even when they became lame they had different activity levels de-
pending on which category they belonged to. Therefore the clustering
model is based on this observation. We set thresholds, and based on this
we form three clusters.
To define a cluster, we define a window of size
days, and calculate
MAD (Mean Absolute Deviation) between the cow activity and the herd
mean for all the three activities.
| |
m i
is the herd mean within a defined window,
is the cow
activity for activity
is the window size. We varied the values of
while testing the accuracy of the classification model and concluded
that 14 days would be the optimal number of days to define a cluster.
Based on MAD, we defined a threshold
. Now based on this threshold,
and the following criterion, we define three clusters. If any two of the
activity levels are below a certain threshold, then that animal is as-
signed into one of the below clusters:
These are animals in the herd that have activity levels always higher
than the herd mean. These have the mean deviation of any two of the
activities is greater than threshold
These are animals in the herd that have activity levels always tra-
cing out the herd mean. These have the mean deviation of any two of
the activities is less than
but great or equal to zero.
These are animals in the herd that have activity levels always lower
than the herd mean. These have the mean deviation of any two of the
activities less than zero.
The threshold was carefully chosen by a repetitive evaluation pro-
cess, and was set to 1.7. The results presented in next section have been
derived with
value equals to 1.7. It’s also important to note that these
clusters are dynamic, i.e., the animals keep changing the clusters they
belong to. This can be caused by many factors like age and weather. So
it is the role of the clustering model to keep regrouping the animals
before selecting the appropriate classification model for that cluster
(the best amount of time to re-cluster was found to be two weeks i.e.,
14 days). Table 3 shows the distribution of the clusters as of writing of
this article. The total number used to build clusters was 146 as three of
the animals were eliminated due other health related issues and one
animal lost the tag during the experiment.
4.2.3. Classification
Classification algorithms are a family of machine learning algo-
rithms that output a discrete value. The output variables are sometimes
called labels or categories. These kind of problems always require the
examples be classified into two or more classes. Classification problems
with two labels are called binary classification problems while those
with more than two are called multi-class. We formulated our problem
as a binary class problem with Lame being the positive class and Non-
lame as the negative class. In general, to solve these kind of tasks, the
learning model is usually tasked to produce a function
f R n: {1, ..., }
is the number of labels. For example, let
X Y{ , }
denote the data
set (feature, label), and the parameters, where:
= =X
x x x
x x x
Lying Steps Swaps
Lying Steps Swaps
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
· · ·
n n n nn n
11 12 13
1 2 3 12 3
= =Y
Non Lame
=y f x( )
, an input depicted by vector
will be assigned to a
class label identified by
. It is important to note that there are other
variants of functions
. For example
might output a probability dis-
tribution as opposed to a class label. At the time of writing, the feature
was made up 3 columns. Each of the columns is a feature.
These were chosen because most literature suggests that they more
representative of an animal transitioning to lameness or one that is
already lame. The vector
consists of labels
, where 0 indicates
non-lame and 1 otherwise. Fig. 12 shows the overall work flow and data
flow of training and testing of the designed model.
5. Results, evaluation and discussion
A brief demo-video of the developed system is available at Taneja
et al. (2018a). Our initial work on age-based clustering of cows com-
bined with data analytics to detect anomalies in their behaviour, and
microservices based application design for integration of different ser-
vices has been presented in Taneja et al., 2019a; Byabazaire et al.,
2019; Taneja et al., 2018b respectively.
5.1. Rationale behind clustering
In a study about association patterns of visually observed cattle,
Stephenson et al. (2016) concluded that herds with 40 or less cows did
not exhibit preferential or avoidance associations. This means that they
lived together as a single group. In contrast, larger herd sizes (53–240
cows) tended to form associations with other cows stronger than what
you would expect by chance. Therefore, the clustering step is only re-
levant to large herd sizes. Needless to mention, automated lameness
solutions are meant for large herd sizes as it is assumed that for small
ones, the farmer can visually inspect and keep track of the cows' welfare
easily. We compared the results of a one-size-fits-all model and a cluster
specific models. Overall, cluster specific models reduced the classifi-
cation error by 8% as compared to a one-size-fits-all model without
clustering. For example, Fig. 13 shows an animal that was confirmed as
lame from 03/12/2017 to 15/12/2017. The activity clustering based
normal cluster model could correctly identify all the days the animal
was lame, which has been illustrated in Fig. 13 using the highlighted
red box. However, the one-size-fits-all model could only pick up some
days as shown by the red points within the highlighted red box in
Fig. 13.
Table 3
Distribution of the clusters.
Active Normal Dormant
25 109 12
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
5.2. Early lameness detection assessment
The problem was formulated as a binary classification problem with
Lame as being the positive class and Non-lame as the negative class.
These are denoted as (
) for the negative class and (
) for the positive
class in the model diagram presented in Fig. 12. The training process
reported in this study is unique from the previous approaches because it
has a feedback loop added. After model validation, an agricultural ex-
pert or farmer re-annotates training data to improve the model accu-
Please note that once the activity based clustering (Section 4.2.2) is
done, and LAR and NAR have been defined (cow profiling – Section
4.2.1), we then calculate the euclidean distance between all the points
on the herd-mean curve and cow activity curve within each of these
regions. This gives us two sets
, where
are the values from
NAR and
are the values from LAR, and these form the two classes that
are used in machine learning element of the developed system. These
two sets (
) are fed into a K-NN machine learning classification
We experimented on a number of sklearn (Pedregosa et al., 2011)
classification algorithms ranging from Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Random Forest (RF), K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) and Decision Trees.
We selected K-NN classification algorithm, as it was best balanced in
terms of accuracy and early lameness detection window as shown in
Tables 4 and 5.
It is also important to note that although a different model was
trained and built for each of the three clusters (i.e., three classification
models – one for each cluster), results reported (performance and ac-
curacy) in this study are only for the normal cluster. This is because it
was not possible to efficiently evaluate the other two clusters as testing
data in these was very small (i.e., imbalanced for a proper evaluation).
This has a number of parameters that should be fine-tuned in order
to achieve the desired results. Among these, we evaluated different K-
values (2–5), which is the number of neighbours to consider while as-
signing the nearest class. We set the distance metric to minkowski. The
highest accuracy was obtained with
although this was over fitting
the data. Table 5 presents the accuracy of detection with different K-
values, and also the length of the early detection window.
Optimal results were obtained at
which gave an accuracy of
87% with 3 days before the visual signs could be seen. In all, the normal
cluster model had a sensitivity of 89.7% and specificity of 72.5%.
Fig. 12. Designed hybrid machine learning model and work flow illustrating the steps in process of data collection, clustering, transformation, classification, training,
evaluation and production mode.
Fig. 13. Animal confirmed as lame between 03/12/2017 and 15/12/2017 but
could not be correctly identified by a one-size-fits-all model. The highlighted
red box shows that using activity clustering based normal cluster in the de-
signed machine learning model, the system was able to detect animal as lame
on 03/12/2017 i.e., starting of the highlighted red box; whereas the one-size-
fits-all system was able to pick only some days, shown as red points in the
figure. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Table 4
Lameness detection accuracy of the developed system.
Classification Model Accuracy (in %) Number of days before the visual
signs of lameness appears
Random Forest 91 1
K-Nearest Neighbors (K-
87 3
Table 5
Different K-values, accuracy of the developed system and early detection
window size.
K-value Accuracy (in %) Number of days before the visual signs of lameness
2 91 1
3 89 2
4 87 3
5 81 1
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
Fig. 15 shows some of the correct detections. One particular cow was
confirmed as lame between 16/10/2017 and 25/10/2017 and the
model could correctly classify all the days as shown by the red points in
Fig. 15.
Fig. 14 shows two cases where the model was able to detect a cow
being lame 3 days before its visual clues were available to the farmer.
The highlighted blue box shows the day when it was visually detected
by the farmer or animal expert, and the start of the red points shows
when the model detected the cow to be lame, and highlighted box
shows the number of days for which the visual sign didn't appear to be
seen by the farmer or animal expert.
5.3. Reduction in data transfer: fog-cloud data reduction
Among the downsides of the existing approaches is that they are
either fully cloud-centric in nature, i.e., all the data is sent to the cloud
Fig. 14. Early detection of lameness by the developed model and late observation by farmer.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
for processing and analysis; or have just farm premises based system
which limits the accuracy and intelligence (Rutten et al., 2013) of such
systems as there are no dynamic and frequent updates.
In this work, we focused on the reduction of data exchanged be-
tween fog node and the cloud. We leveraged and utilized fog archi-
tecture in our work and were able to reduce data exchange between fog
and cloud node from 10.1 MB to 1.61 MB on daily basis. Fig. 16 shows
an 84% reduction in the amount of data that would otherwise have
streamed to the cloud throughout the day. This aspect of data reduction
becomes even more crucial while scaling up the farm and the herd, as
the amount of data collected and streamed would then rapidly increase.
6. Conclusion
Our results suggest that building custom models for small groups of
animals in the herd that share similar features within the herd improves
the accuracy of the lameness detection as opposed to a one-size fits all
approach. This approach becomes more important and practically vi-
able with increase in size of the herd. Insights from our real world
deployment suggest that activity based cluster specific models reduce
the classification error of lameness detection by 8% as opposed to a one-
size-fits-all approach. Using these clusters to then identify the anoma-
lies in animal behaviour gives a better early detection. In our case,
feeding the resultant cluster in K-NN (K-Nearest Neighbours) based
classification models gives an accuracy of 87% with an early detection
of 3 days window before any visual or clinical sign of lameness appears.
It is because of this carefully blended design of clustering and classifi-
cation model that results in a hybrid model for early lameness detection
in dairy cattle.
Further, the fog-based computational assistance enables the in-
telligent processing of data closer to the source, thereby leading to an
84% reduction in the amount of data transfer to cloud. Another key
lesson learned is that any of the edge/fog/cloud resources of the overall
architecture if considered in isolation would not be able to manage the
developed IoT application, without compromising on functionalities or
performance. And thus a careful coordination of edge, fog and cloud
components is required as presented in this work.
7. Ongoing and future work
To further validate the proposed approach for early lameness de-
tection, we are expanding the work undertaken to date through the
execution of a use case in the IoF2020 project
named MELD
. The
MELD project is building and expanding upon this existing work, and
integrating it into the IoF2020 dairy farming technology trials with
deployments in Portugal, Israel and South Africa. It aims to leverage
sensor technologies from two different vendors on a combined total of
approximately 1000 cattle, consisting of both beef and dairy.
In future work we also intend to investigate a more robust clustering
technique as the current one is only based on threshold. Also, we plan
to evaluate the other cluster models. Further, in context of efficient in-
network resource utilization and increasing system resilience, one of
the possible directions of future work is to look into distributed learning
(Konecný et al.) and distributed data analytics (Taneja et al., 2019c;
Chang et al., 2017) based approaches in such real-world IoT based
Once the developed technology has been validated on a number of
farms with different geographical and environmental settings, the goal
is to roll out the technology to the vendors' customer base as an added
feature through licensing.
CRediT authorship contribution statement
Mohit Taneja: Investigation, Software, Methodology, Data cura-
tion, Writing - original draft, Formal analysis, Validation. John
Byabazaire: Investigation, Software, Methodology, Data curation,
Formal analysis, Validation. Nikita Jalodia: Methodology, Writing -
review & editing, Visualization. Alan Davy: Supervision, Funding ac-
quisition, Conceptualization. Cristian Olariu: Resources, Formal ana-
lysis, Supervision. Paul Malone: Writing - review & editing, Project
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
ence the work reported in this paper.
This work has emanated from research conducted with the financial
support of Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) and is co-funded under the
European Regional Development Fund under Grant Number 13/RC/
2077. Mohit Taneja is also supported by CISCO Research Gift Fund.
Fig. 15. Red points indicating lameness anomalies identified by the normal
cluster model for cow ID 1988. (For interpretation of the references to colour in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 16. Daily reduction in the amount of data between the fog node and the
Internet of Food & Farm 2020,
MELD stands for Machine Learning based Early Lameness Detection in Beef
and Dairy Cattle.
The collected data from the existing real-world deployment is available to
be shared with the academic research community upon request.
M. Taneja, et al. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
The future work (MELD) is funded through the IoF2020 which has
received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement no. 731884.
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Mohit Taneja is currently working as a software research
engineer, and also as a PhD researcher with Emerging
Networks Laboratory at Telecommunications Software and
Systems Group of Waterford Institute of Technology,
Ireland. He joined them in 2015 as a Masters Student as a
part of the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) funded
CONNECT Research Centre. He was a part of the SFI-
CONNECT-IBM project termed SmartHerd, which has now
been extended with follow-on IoF2020 project termed
MELD, which is a project to detect early stage lameness in
cattle with the help of technology. His research focuses on
fog computing support for Internet of Things applications.
His current research interests include Fog and Cloud
Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Distributed Systems,
and Distributed Data Analytics. He received his Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
and Engineering from The LNM Institute of Information Technology, Jaipur, India in
John Byabazaire is currently a PhD student in school of
computer science, University College Dublin working on
IoT systems for data collection in precision agriculture.
Before that, John pursed a MSc in Computer Science from
Waterford Institute of Technology and due to graduate. He
received his BSc in Computer Science from Gulu University
in 2013. Alongside his current PhD study, John continues to
research e-learning for low bandwidth environments,
Software Defined Networking, Network Function
Virtualization, and Remote Sensing, IoT (Internet of Things)
and Fog Analytics.
Nikita Jalodia is a PhD Researcher in the Department of
Computing and Mathematics at the Emerging Networks Lab
Research Unit in Telecommunications Software and
Systems Group, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland.
She is working as a part of the Science Foundation Ireland
funded CONNECT Research Centre for Future Networks and
Communications, and her research is based in Deep
Learning and Neural Networks, NFV, Fog Computing and
IoT. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Computer
Science and Engineering from The LNM Institute of
Information Technology, Jaipur, India in 2017, with an
additional diploma specialization in Big Data and Analytics
with IBM.
Alan Davy received the B.Sc. (with Hons.) degree in ap-
plied computing and the Ph.D. degree from the Waterford
Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland, in 2002 and
2008, respectively. Since 2002, he has been with the
Telecommunications Software and Systems Group, origin-
ally as a student and then, since 2008, as a Post-Doctoral
Researcher. In 2010, he was with IIT Madras, India, as an
Assistant Professor, lecturing in network management sys-
tems. He was a recipient of the Marie Curie International
Mobility Fellowship in 2010, which brought him to work at
the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya for two years. He is
currently Head of Department of Computing and
Mathematics in School of Science and Computing at
Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), Waterford,
Ireland. Previously, he was Research Unit Manager of the Emerging Networks Laboratory
with the Telecommunications Software Systems Group of WIT. He is coordinator of a
number of national and EU projects such as TERAPOD. His current research interests
include Virtualised Telecom Networks, Fog and Cloud Computing, Molecular
Communications and TeraHertz Communication.
M. Taneja, et al.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
Cristian Olariu received his B.Eng. degree in 2008 from
the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications,
Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, and his
Ph.D. degree in 2013 WIT in VoIP over wireless and cellular
networks. He was a research engineer with the Innovation
Exchange, IBM Ireland, and is currently a research scientist
with the Huawei Research Centre, Ireland. His interests are
in computer networks optimisation, applied predictive
modelling, anomaly detection, root cause analysis, deep
neural nets, machine learning and AI.
Paul Malone graduated from Waterford Institute of
Technology with a 1st class honours degree in 1998 and
completed a research MSc in 2001. Paul has worked on
researching technologies and techniques related to IT se-
curity in the areas of distributed trust and reputation
management and privacy and data protection controls. Paul
is currently coordinating an Agri-Tech use case sub-project
of the H2020 project applying machine learning
technologies in detecting early stage lameness in cattle.
M. Taneja, et al.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 171 (2020) 105286
... These technologies not only improve efficiency but also enable more consistent management practices and better animal welfare. Advanced data analytics and predictive modeling allow dairy farmers to make data-driven decisions regarding herd management, feed optimization, disease prevention, and resource allocation (Taneja et al., 2020). Supply chain digitalization can significantly enhance business performance (Wang and Prajogo, 2024) and enhance agility . ...
... These technologies reduce labor requirements and ensure more consistent management practices, leading to better animal welfare and reduced operational risks. The study emphasized the role of advanced data analytics and predictive modeling techniques in making data-driven decisions for herd management, feed optimization, disease prevention, and resource allocation (Taneja et al., 2020). By leveraging historical data and predictive algorithms, farmers can anticipate challenges and mitigate risks more effectively, optimizing performance and minimizing potential disruptions. ...
Full-text available
Purpose Supply chain risk (SCR) has been extensively explored in various sectors, yet there is a notable scarcity of SCR studies in the dairy industry. This study aims to identify the primary and distinctive risks in the dairy supply chain (DSC), propose a typological model for SCR, highlight challenges specific to the DSC and offer mitigation strategies. Design/methodology/approach We employ a systematic literature review to collect and review relevant research articles published between 2010 and 2019 to identify the main risks and mitigation strategies associated with the DSC, enabling the construction of a typological model of DSC risks. Findings Results of the systematic review of the SCR literature show that the main DSC risks include on-farm risk (e.g. risks originating from the farming system), off-farm risk (e.g. supply risk, demand risk and manufacturing risk) and inherent SCR (e.g. logistics risk, information risk and financial risk). Notably, we find that the farming system plays a key role in today’s agricultural supply chain operations, indicating the importance of considering on-farm risk in the entire DSC. Additionally, mitigation strategies are located in response to the identified DSC risks by the typology of DSC risks. Originality/value This paper is the first attempt to develop a typological model of SCR for the dairy industry by a systematic literature review. The findings contribute to providing a comprehensive understanding of DSC risks by bridging the gap of ignoring the on-farm risks of the DSC in the existing literature. The typology may serve as a guide in practice to develop mitigation strategies in response to DSC risks.
... En Irlanda, se desarrolló un sistema IoT que combina fog computing y ML para la detección temprana de cojera en vacas lecheras [69]. En el ámbito de la ganadería de precisión, el fog computing permitió procesar los datos de sensores de actividad, posición y signos vitales en un servidor local cercano a la granja, lo que redujo la latencia y evitó la transmisión masiva de datos a un centro remoto. ...
... Mejorar la especificidad de los modelos es clave para su adopción en granjas a gran escala. Por último, el sistema basado en fog computing del estudio [69] requiere configuraciones específicas de cada granja, lo que limita su precisión en lugares sin calibración previa. Además, su implementación enfrenta desafíos en áreas con conectividad limitada, afectando su escalabilidad en regiones rurales. ...
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La detección temprana y la predicción de enfermedades en el ganado son esenciales para garantizar la salud y el bienestar de los animales, mejorar la productividad y reducir las pérdidas económicas. En este contexto, el Machine Learning (ML), un avance prominente dentro de la inteligencia artificial emerge como una herramienta revolucionaria para transformar el proceso de identificación y manejo de enfermedades en los animales. Esta tecnología permite desarrollar algoritmos complejos capaces de analizar grandes volúmenes de datos clínicos y ambientales, identificando patrones de alerta temprana en síntomas y comportamientos asociados a enfermedades. A través de modelos predictivos, el ML evalúa factores de riesgo y estima la probabilidad de aparición de enfermedades, lo que mejora significativamente la precisión diagnóstica y la efectividad de los tratamientos. Este artículo revisa de manera exhaustiva el uso de ML en la producción ganadera, abordando aplicaciones, modelos y técnicas de vanguardia para la detección y manejo sanitario del ganado, y plantea oportunidades para una gestión ganadera más eficiente y ética, considerando además los desafíos éticos y de privacidad inherentes a la implementación de estas tecnologías
... These IoT technologies are intended to monitor animal behavior and health, maximize milk supply, and optimize resource utilization (Rutten & et al., 2018, Yeates, 2017, Langer & et al., 2024. It has been demonstrated that these technologies are more accurate at detecting lameness than farmers are (Taneja & et al., 2020) and as a result, they could serve as a valuable source of information for farmers, veterinarians, and farm consultants alike regarding the health of their animals (Rojo-Gimeno & et al., 2019, Langer & et al., 2024. ...
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Drought management in agriculture is of critical importance not only for the conservation of water resources but also for ensuring the continuity of sustainable agricultural production. Traditional water management methods are proving inadequate in the face of rapid climate change and increasing drought events, which highlights the growing need for innovative water management strategies (Mishra and Singh, 2010). In this context, water harvesting emerges as a significant strategy for evaluating alternative water resources and reducing the dependency of agricultural production on water
... In the conditions of modern cattle breeding, therapeutic and prophylactic agents for external and parenteral use, used in the treatment of diseases of the fingers and hooves of cattle, are not always effective enough [8][9][10][11][12]. The most effective and easy to implement means of group prevention of limb diseases are hoof baths with disinfectant solutions. ...
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This paper presents the results of substantiation of the component composition of the medicinal product «DB» for dry hoof baths for the treatment and prevention of infectious and non-infectious diseases of the distal extremities of cattle. The selection of the most optimal composition was carried out based on the results of studying the adsorption activity of 13 experimental samples and determining the minimum bactericidal (fungicidal) concentration of 10 experimental samples. The maximum adsorption and antimicrobial activity of the sample, which includes bentonite, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate, polyvinyl alcohol, perlite, camphor oil and sodium benzenesulfochloramide (called «DB») is shown. The tests showed that the composition of «DB» is the most optimal combination of the substances used, which complemented each other, leading to increased adsorption, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. The developed means for dry hoof baths installed in places where animals are driven will be most effective in the initial (maceration, microtrauma, fresh wounds, etc.) and middle stages of infectious diseases of the distal extremities, which will significantly reduce the incidence and development of severe infectious forms of diseases. In this regard, the introduction of this means into the technology of cattle breeding will reduce labor costs for the prevention and treatment of cattle, will contribute to an increase in the period of economic use of animals, a decrease in the development of antibiotic resistance of pathogenic microorganisms and an increase in the profitability of cattle breeding as a whole.
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Digital dermatitis (DD) is a common foot disease that can cause lameness, decreased milk production and fertility decline in cows. The prediction and early detection of DD can positively impact animal welfare and profitability of the dairy industry. This study applies deep learning-based computer vision techniques for early onset detection and prediction of DD using infrared thermography (IRT) data. We investigated the role of various inputs for these tasks, including thermal images of cow feet, statistical color features extracted from IRT images, and manually registered temperature values. Our models achieved performances of above 81% accuracy on DD detection on ‘day 0’ (first appearance of clinical signs), and above 70% accuracy prediction of DD two days prior to the first appearance of clinical signs. Moreover, current findings indicate that the use of IRT images in conjunction with AI based predictors show real potential for developing future real-time automated tools to monitoring DD in dairy cows.
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The edge of the network plays a vital role in an IoT system, serving as an optimal site to perform operation on data before transmitting it over the network. We present the fog specific decomposition of multivariate linear regression as the predictive analytic model in our work using Statistical Query Model and Summation Form. The decomposition method used is not the contribution, but applying the decomposition method to the analytics model to run in a distributed manner in fog enabled IoT deployments is the contribution. What is novel is the decomposition made on a fog based distributed setting. To test the performance, our proposed approach has been applied to a real-world dataset and evaluated using a fog computing testbed. The proposed method avoids sending raw data to the cloud, and offers balanced computation in the infrastructure. The results show an 80% reduction in amount of data transferred to the cloud using the proposed fog based distributed data analytics approach as compared to the conventional cloud based approach. Furthermore, by adopting the proposed distributed approach, we observed a 98% drop in the time taken to arrive to the final result as compared to the cloud centric approach. We also present the results on quality of analytics solution obtained in both approaches, and they suggest that fog based distributed analytics approach can serve as equally as the traditional cloud centric approach.
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The oestrus is defined as a complex of physiological signs and changes of behavior occurring immediately before the ovulation. It is the period of sexual receptivity of the cow and this period characterized by, typical cow behaviour which is standing when mounted by a bull or companion cow. Cow indicates this willingness by a slight arching of the back and immobility when approached. The bovine estrus cycle averages 20 days in heifers and 21 days in cows, but the fluctuations in the cycle length is laying between 18 and 25 days. As a result of this progress often only 50 % of the estrus cycles are recognized, and it is extremely hard to find all cows on heat. We state a few methods for estrus detection such as visual observation, locomotion activity and rumination time measurement and other. © 2008 Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry Brno. All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
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Fog computing, the distribution of computing resources closer to the end devices along the cloud-to-things continuum, is recently emerging as an architecture for scaling of the Internet of Things (IoT) sensor networking applications. Fog computing requires novel computing program decompositions for heterogeneous hierarchical settings. To evaluate these new decompositions, we designed, developed, and instrumented a fog computing testbed that includes cloud computing and computing gateway execution points collaborating to finish complex data analytics operations. In this interactive demonstration we present one fog-specific algorithmic decomposition we recently examined and adapted for fog computing: a multi-execution point linear regression decomposition that jointly optimizes operation latency, quality, and costs. The demonstration highlights the role fog computing can play in future sensor networking architectures, and highlights some of the challenges of creating computing program decompositions for these architectures. An annotated video of the demonstration is available at [5].
The Internet of Things (IoT) is about connecting people, processes, data, and things, and is changing the way we monitor and interact with things. An active incorporation of information and communication technology coupled with sophisticated data analytics approaches has the potential to transform some of the oldest industries in the world, including dairy farming. It presents a great opportunity for verticals such as the dairy industry to increase productivity by getting actionable insights to improve farming practices, thereby increasing efficiency and yield. Dairy farms have all the constraints of a modern business -- they have a fixed production capacity, a herd to manage, expensive farm labor, and other varied farm-related processes to take care of. In this technology-driven era farmers look for assistance from smart solutions to increase profitability and to help manage their farms well. We present an end-to-end IoT application system with fog assistance and cloud support that analyzes data generated from wearables on cows' feet to detect anomalies in animal behavior that relate to illness such as lameness. The solution leverages behavioral analytics to generate early alerts toward the animals' well being, thus assisting the farmer in livestock monitoring. This in turn also helps in increasing productivity and milk yield by identifying potential diseases early on. The project specializes in detecting lameness in dairy cattle at an early stage, before visible signs appear to the farmer or an animal expert. Our trial results in a real-world smart dairy farm setup, consisting of a dairy herd of 150 cows in Ireland, demonstrate that the designed system delivers a lameness detection alert up to three days in advance of manual observation.
In this paper, we propose developing a system optimally watering agricultural crops based on a wireless sensor network. This work aimed to design and develop a control system using node sensors in the crop field with data management via smartphone and a web application. The three components are hardware, web application, and mobile application. The first component was designed and implemented in control box hardware connected to collect data on the crops. Soil moisture sensors are used to monitor the field, connecting to the control box. The second component is a web-based application that was designed and implemented to manipulate the details of crop data and field information. This component applied data mining to analyze the data for predicting suitable temperature, humidity, and soil moisture for optimal future management of crops growth. The final component is mainly used to control crop watering through a mobile application in a smartphone. This allows either automatic or manual control by the user. The automatic control uses data from soil moisture sensors for watering. However, the user can opt for manual control of watering the crops in the functional control mode. The system can send notifications through LINE API for the LINE application. The system was implemented and tested in Makhamtia District, Suratthani Province, Thailand. The results showed the implementation to be useful in agriculture. The moisture content of the soil was maintained appropriately for vegetable growth, reducing costs and increasing agricultural productivity. Moreover, this work represents driving agriculture through digital innovation.
Conference Paper
Lameness is a big problem in the dairy industry, farmers are not yet able to adequately solve it because of the high initial setup costs and complex equipment in currently available solutions, and as a result, we propose an end-to-end IoT application that leverages advanced machine learning and data analytics techniques to identify lame dairy cattle. As part of a real world trial in Waterford, Ireland, 150 dairy cows were each fitted with a long range pedometer. The mobility data from the sensors attached to the front leg of each cow is aggregated at the fog node to form time series of behavioral activities (e.g. step count, lying time and swaps per hour). These are analyzed in the cloud and lameness anomalies are sent to farmer's mobile device using push notifications. The application and model automatically measure and can gather data continuously such that cows can be monitored daily. This means there is no need for herding the cows, furthermore the clustering technique employed proposes a new approach of having a different model for subsets of animals with similar activity levels as opposed to a one size fits all approach. It also ensures that the custom models dynamically adjust as weather and farm condition change as the application scales. The initial results indicate that we can predict lameness 3 days before it can be visually captured by the farmer with an overall accuracy of 87%. This means that the animal can either be isolated or treated immediately to avoid any further effects of lameness.
Precision Agriculture (PA), as the integration of information, communication and control technologies in agriculture, is growing day by day. The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing paradigms offer advances to enhance PA connectivity. Nevertheless, their usage in this field is usually limited to specific scenarios of high cost, and they are not adapted to semi-arid conditions, or do not cover all PA management in an efficient way. For this reason, we propose a flexible platform able to cope with soilless culture needs in full recirculation greenhouses using moderately saline water. It is based on exchangeable low-cost hardware and supported by a three-tier open source software platform at local, edge and cloud planes. At the local plane, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) interact with crop devices to gather data and perform real-time atomic control actions. The edge plane of the platform is in charge of monitoring and managing main PA tasks near the access network to increase system reliability against network access failures. Finally, the cloud platform collects current and past records and hosts data analytics modules in a FIWARE deployment. IoT protocols like Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) or Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) are used to communicate with CPS, while Next Generation Service Interface (NGSI) is employed for southbound and northbound access to the cloud. The system has been completely instantiated in a real prototype in frames of the EU DrainUse project, allowing the control of a real hydroponic closed system through managing software for final farmers connected to the platform.
The innovative service process is a process that uses newly developed technologies to improve the current service models. The study proposes a creative service process based on the cloud computing platform of the Internet of Things and it can be used to improve the integration of the current cloud-to-physical networking and to improve the computing speed of the Internet of Things. In the past, most of the computing technologies focused on high-speed computing in cloud computing or remote operations of a single object. If a service requires cloud or fog resources that can make device use of high-speed computing in the cloud and a single point of operation integration on the object side, it will be able to quickly increase in the process of collaboration, the required data will be moved back and forth between Cloud and Fog, speeding up the cloud computing integration schedule. This research uses innovative platform technology to be applied to the cloud agriculture platform. Through cloud integration, it can be applied to large-area data collection and analysis, allowing farmland with limited network information resources to be integrated and automated, including agricultural monitoring automation, pest management image analysis and monitoring, which can be used to solve the predicament of large-area automation construction.
The technologies associated with the Internet of Things have great potential for application in the domain of food and agriculture, especially in view of the societal and environmental challenges faced by this sector. From farm to fork, IoT technologies could transform the sector, contributing to food safety, and the reduction of agricultural inputs and food waste. A major step toward greater uptake of these technologies will be the execution of IoT-based large-scale pilots (LSPs) in the entire supply chain. This article outlines the challenges and constraints that an LSP deployment of IoT in this domain must consider. Sectoral and technological challenges are described in order to identify a set of technological and agrifood requirements. An architecture based on a system of systems approach is briefly presented, the importance of addressing the interoperability challenges faced by this sector is highlighted, and we elaborate on requirements for new business models, security, privacy, and data governance. A description of the technologies and solutions involved in designing pilots for four agrifood domains (dairy, fruit, arable, meat and vegetable supply chain) is eventually provided. In conclusion, it is noted that for IoT to be successful in this domain, a significant change of culture is needed.