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Context: Plyometric training promotes a highly effective neuromuscular stimulus to improve running performance. Jumping rope (JR) involves mainly foot muscles and joints, due to the quick rebounds, and it might be considered a type of plyometric training for improving power and stiffness, some of the key factors for endurance-running performance. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of JR during the warm-up routine of amateur endurance runners on jumping performance, reactivity, arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial performance. Methods: Athletes were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 51) or control (n = 45) group. Those from the control group were asked to maintain their training routines, while athletes from the experimental group had to modify their warm-up routines, including JR (2-4 sessions/wk, with a total time of 10-20 min/wk) for 10 weeks. Physical tests were performed before (pretest) and after (posttest) the intervention period and included jumping performance (countermovement-jump, squat-jump, and drop-jump tests), foot-arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial performance. Reactive strength index (RSI) was calculated from a 30-cm drop jump. Results: The 2 × 2 analysis of variance showed significant pre-post differences in all dependent variables (P < .001) for the experimental group. No significant changes were reported in the control group (all P ≥ .05). Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between Δ3-km time trial and ΔRSI (r = -.481; P < .001) and ΔStiffness (r = -.336; P < .01). The linear-regression analysis showed that Δ3-km time trial was associated with ΔRSI and ΔStiffness (R2 = .394; P < .001). Conclusions: Compared with a control warm-up routine prior to endurance-running training, 10 weeks (2-4 times/wk) of JR training, in place of 5 minutes of regular warm-up activities, was effective in improving 3-km time-trial performance, jumping ability, RSI, and arch stiffness in amateur endurance runners. Improvements in RSI and arch stiffness were associated with improvements in 3-km time-trial performance.
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Jump-Rope Training: Improved 3-km Time-Trial Performance
in Endurance Runners via Enhanced Lower-Limb Reactivity
and Foot-Arch Stiffness
Felipe García-Pinillos, Carlos Lago-Fuentes, Pedro A. Latorre-Román, Antonio Pantoja-Vallejo,
and Rodrigo Ramirez-Campillo
Context:Plyometric training promotes a highly effectiveneuromuscular stimulus to improve running performance.Jumping rope
(JR) involves mainly foot muscles and joints, due to the quick rebounds, and it might be considered a type of plyometric training
for improving power and stiffness, some of the key factors for endurance-running performance. Purpose:To determine the
effectiveness of JR during the warm-up routine of amateur endurance runners on jumping performance, reactivity, arch stiffness,
and 3-km time-trial performance. Methods:Athletes were randomly assigned to an experimental (n =51) or control (n =45) group.
Those from the control group were asked to maintain their training routines, while athletes from the experimental group had to
modify their warm-up routines, including JR (24 sessions/wk, with a total time of 1020 min/wk) for 10 weeks. Physical tests
were performed before (pretest) and after (posttest) the intervention period and included jumping performance (countermovement-
jump, squat-jump, and drop-jump tests), foot-arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial performance. Reactive strength index (RSI) was
calculated from a 30-cm drop jump. Results:The 2 ×2 analysis of variance showed signicant prepost differences in all
dependent variables (P<.001) for the experimental group. No signicant changes were reported in the control group (all P.05).
Pearson correlation analysis revealed a signicant relationship between Δ3-km time trial and ΔRSI (r=.481; P<.001) and
ΔStiffness (r=.336; P<.01). The linear-regression analysis showed that Δ3-km time trial was associated with ΔRSI and
ΔStiffness (R
=.394; P<.001). Conclusions:Compared with a control warm-up routine prior to endurance-running training,
10 weeks (24 times/wk) of JR training, in place of 5 minutes of regular warm-up activities, was effective in improving 3-km
time-trial performance, jumping ability, RSI, and arch stiffness in amateur endurance runners. Improvements in RSI and arch
stiffness were associated with improvements in 3-km time-trial performance.
Keywords:rope jumping, running, plyometric exercises, resistance training, stretch reex
The importance of resistance training (RT) for endurance
runners has been extensively demonstrated in the last decade.
This has 2 main goals: maximizing athletic performance (eg,
running economy [RE] or velocity at VO
max [vVO
max]) and
minimizing the risk of injury.
Specically, RT focused on neural
adaptations has been shown as one of the most efcient strategies
for improving sport performance in athletes.
The benets of RT
include improvements also in RE (from 3.0% to 8.1%) through
different mechanisms, such as changes in mechanical efciency,
muscle coordination, or motor recruitment patterns.
these adaptations affect positively to athletic performance, with
some previous studies
reporting improvements in 3- to 5-km
runs after a protocolized RT program. However, endurance runners
still doubt about the advantages of RT
and still think more is
betterby accumulating greater running volumes per week.
reasons for not including RT in their trainings might be the fear of
interference effects, the lack of knowledge, time, equipment and
facilities, or enjoyment.
One of the most frequently studied types of RT in endurance
runners is plyometric training (PT), with or without external loads.
This type of training promotes a highly effective neuromuscular
stimulus. Whereas a traditional heavy RT program induces neural
and hypertrophic adaptations, leading to a dilution of the mito-
chondrial volume density, PT may lead preferentially to adapta-
tions like increased rate of activation of motor units
with the
advantage of requiring reduced physical space, time, and equip-
ment to complete the training sessions.
Furthermore, it produces
improvements in running performance and RE.
For instance,
Berryman et al
compared PT with dynamic weight training in
runners, showing that the former induced a higher efciency in the
energy cost of running. This can be explained because of improve-
ments in motor unit recruitment and synchronization after PT.
However, these PT protocols have shown some limitations such
as not related with running technique (box jumps), an elevated
volume (ie, 2000 jumps in 6 wk), low number of participants, poor
description of PT protocols, among others.
That is, PT can be a
good type of training for endurance runners compared with other
traditional RT, but coaches should be cautious about the afore-
mentioned considerations.
Jumping rope (JR) is a consecutive jump exercise with turning
the rope, involving mainly foot muscles and joints, due to the quick
Therefore, JR might be considered a type of PT for
improving power and stiffness, some of the key factors for
García-Pinillos is with the Dept of Physical Education, Sports and Recreation,
University of La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. Lago-Fuentes is with the Faculty of
Education and Sport Sciences, University of Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain, and the
Faculty of Health Sciences, European University of the Atlantic, Santander, Spain.
Latorre-Román is with the Dept of Corporal Expression, and Pantoja-Vallejo, the
Dept of Pedagogy, University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain. Ramirez-Campillo is with the
Laboratory of Human Performance, Quality of Life and Wellness Research Group,
Dept of Physical Activity Sciences, University of Los Lagos, Osorno, Chile.
Ramirez-Campillo ( is corresponding author.
International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, (Ahead of Print)
© 2020 Human Kinetics, Inc. ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION
endurance running performance.
Furthermore, the rope enables to
combine PT with running technique (eg, skipping, dynamic rope
jumping, unilateral jumps),
reducing the time to achieve both
goals, with a high level of adherence and enjoyment
that can be
used during warm-ups. Therefore, it seems that, compared with
other types of PT as box or hurdle jumps, JR can improve the
athletic performance on endurance runners with low-cost invest-
ments and time efciency.
However, there are few research reports that focus on the
effects of including JR in the warm-up routines of training ses-
For instance, besides the positive effects of PT on
endurance runners,
more than 70% of amateur endurance
runners included only continuous run during warm-ups, using
low-intensity running as the most common strategy.
Related to
this, running exposure has been strongly correlated with overuse
injuries in endurance runners.
Taking this context into account,
low-time cost strategies to improve stiffness and performance have
the potential to be included during warm-ups.
To the authorsknowledge, there are no studies focused
on analyzing the effects of a PT warm-up protocol on amateur
endurance runners. Furthermore, no previous studies exist about
including low-cost strategies to improve athletic performance in
endurance runners. For these reasons, the aim of this study is to
determine the effectiveness of incorporating JR during the warm-
up routine of amateur endurance runners on jumping performance,
reactivity, arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial performance.
A total of 96 amateur endurance runners (51 males and 45 females;
age range: 1840 y) successfully completed the study (Table 1).
Participants met the following inclusion criteria: (1) should be 18
years and older; (2) able to run 10 km in less than 50 minutes;
(3) recreationally trained (35 running sessions per week); (4) not
to be involved in any RT program, including PT; and (5) have not
suffered from any injury within the last 6 months before data
collection. Initially, 105 participants who fullled the inclusion
criteria were selected to participate in this study. To be included in
the nal analyses, each participant needed to complete the training
program and attend prepost assessments. Related to these strict
requirements, 9 participants were excluded from data analysis
(N =96; Figure 1). Participants were randomly assigned to the
experimental group (EG; n =51, women =24) or the control group
(CG; n =45, women =21). A research assistant who was not
involved in the data collection, using random numbers generated
in Microsoft Excel 2016, conducted randomization independently.
After receiving detailed information on the objectives and proce-
dures of the study, each participant signed an informed consent
form, which complied with the ethical standards of the latest
version of the World Medical Associations Declaration of
Helsinki (2013); it was made clear that the participants were
free to leave the study if they were unt. The University of Jaéns
Ethics Committee approved the study.
The study was conducted between January and April 2019. Using a
between-group design (EG and CG), 96 athletes were assessed.
Testing was completed at week 0 (pre) and at week 11 (post) to
monitor changes over the course of a 10-week training program.
Thus, physical tests were performed before (pretest) and after
(posttest) the 10-week intervention period.
Athletes from the CG were asked to maintain their training
routines, whereas athletes from the EG modied their warm-up
routines, but maintained their running routines (see Table 2for
more information about training background of both EG and CG).
Athletes from the EG included JR during their warm-up routines
(ie, just after the running-based exercises in the warm-up, 24
sessions per week, with a total time of 1020 min/wk) for 10
weeks. Since athletes replaced 5 minutes of their habitual warm-
up routines with JR drills, 2 to 4 times per week, the current JR
training was easily incorporated into the regular training sche-
dules of the participants. Before starting the training program
(week 0), the EG participants were instructed with technical key
points about JR. These included (1) rope rotation should be gener-
ated by the wrists with minimal movement of the elbows and
shoulders, (2) jump height should be maximized and ground contact
time should be minimized, and (3) landing should be softened on the
forefoot and with the knees slightly exed. More details about the
10-week JR training program can be checked in Table 3.The
participants from the CG maintained their training plans, whereas
the athletes from EG just changed the content of the warm-up
routines, with no other changes in their training program.
The athletes were instructed to refrain from intense exercise
(ie, score of 15 in the rating of perceived exertion scale of
620) 2 days preceding testing (weeks 0 and 11, pretest and
posttest, respectively). Testing sessions were conducted 3 to 4
days before starting the intervention and 3 to 4 days after nishing
it (pretest and posttest, respectively). They were not allowed to eat
during the hour preceding the test or to consume coffee or other
products containing caffeine during the preceding 3 hours. Pre-
testing and posttesting were conducted at the same time of the day
to avoid the inuence of the circadian rhythm and under similar
environmental conditions (20°C24°C).
Either at pretest or posttest, athletes were tested individually, and
participation involved the execution of 3-km time trial on an outdoor
400-m synthetic track. The elapsed time (in seconds) for the 3-km
running was registered for the subsequent analysis. The only instruc-
tion given to participants was to nishtheraceasfastastheycould.
Before starting the running trial, body height (in centimeters)
and body mass (in kilograms) were determined using a precision
stadiometer and mechanical scale (Seca 222 and 634, respectively;
Seca Corp, Hamburg, Germany). All measurements were taken
with the participants wearing underwear. Also, the arch height and
the arch stiffness of the right foot were assessed. Arch height
Table 1 Descriptive Characteristics of the Participants
Variable EG (n =51) CG (n =45) P
Age, y 27.2 (8.6) 26.1 (6.3) .467
Height, m 1.72 (0.1) 1.71 (0.1) .790
Body mass, kg 66.0 (10.4) 65.7 (9.1) .852
BMI, kg/m
22.3 (2.0) 21.9 (2.2) .472
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CG, control group; EG, experimental
group. Note: Data are presented as mean (SD).
Chi-square test was conducted.
(Ahead of Print)
2García-Pinillos et al
was dened as the height of the dorsum of the foot normalized to
truncated foot length. Truncated foot length was dened as the length
of the foot from the heel cup (most posterior portion of the calcaneus)
to the center of the medial joint space of the rst metatarsal
phalangeal joint.
Arch stiffness, a measure of the amount of
deformation per unit of load, was dened as the change in arch
height index (AHI) due to the increase in load between sitting and
standing conditions. Measurements were taken by a single
Figure 1 CONSORT diagram of the full recruitment and randomization process.
Table 2 Characteristics of the Training Plans of the Participants During 2 Periods
Variable EG (n =51) CG (n =45) P
10 wk before intervention
Number of running sessions per week 4.0 (0.7) 4.1 (0.4) .772
Running volume,
km/wk 41.3 (5.1) 42.4 (6.9) .373
Running volume,
h/wk 4.6 (1.3) 4.7 (1.3) .801
10 wk of intervention
Number of running sessions per week 4.2 (0.6) 4.4 (0.5) .690
Running volume,
km/wk 42.1 (6.5) 40.5 (5.6) .493
Running volume,
h/wk 4.8 (1.1) 4.5 (1.2) .352
Abbreviations: CG, control group; EG, experimental group.
Two periods: (1) 10 weeks before starting the intervention and (2) 10 weeks of intervention.
Warm-up and cooldown
routines are included.
Table 3 Jump-Rope Training Program
per week
Time per
session, min
ratio, s
rpm Type
Total weekly
time, min
12 2 5 30:30 100120 Bilateral 10
34 3 5 30:30 100120 Bilateral 15
56 3 5 30:30 120140 Unilateralalternating 15
78 4 5 30:30 120140 Unilateralalternating 20
910 4 5 40:20 12014 Unilateralalternating 20
(Ahead of Print)
Jump-Rope Training in Endurance Runners 3
investigator using the AHI Measurement System.
Butler et al
reported high intrarater and interrater reliability. Participants were
asked to sit in a height-adjustable chair. Then, the chair was adjusted
to keep knees and hips under a 90° alignment and with slight contact
between plantar foot surface and the measurement platform. A
specially designed platform for undertaking this measurement was
The dorsum of the foot at 50% of total foot length was
measured with a digital caliper. The total foot length was considered
from the most posterior aspect of the calcaneus xed at a heel cup to
the most distal aspect of the longest toe. It was repeated in a bipedal
stance position assuming body weight. Both feet were xed in the
heel cups positioned 15 cm apart. The dorsal arch height difference
was calculated as the difference between dorsal arch in bipedal
standing and in sitting position, known as sit-to-stand difference,
whereas the AHI was calculated as follows
AHI =Dorsum height=Truncated foot length (1)
Based on a previous study,
the arch stiffness was calculated by
assuming a 40% change in load between seating and standing
conditions (that value of change reected the difference between
half the body weight and the weight of the foot +shank) as follows:
Arch stiffness =ð0.40 ×Body massÞ=ðAHI ½seated
AHI ½standingÞ (2)
The average of 3 repeated measurements was computed and used for
subsequent analysis. The static foot posture and foot mobility
measures have reported moderate to good intrarater reliability (in-
traclass correlation coefcient =.81.99) and moderate to good
interrater reliability (intraclass correlation coefcient =.58.99),
After anthropometric and foot measurements, at both pretest
and posttest, the participants performed a standardized warm-up
(ie, mobility, continuous low-intensity running, jumping, and
sprinting bouts) and a battery of jumping tests (squat jump [SJ],
countermovement jump [CMJ], and 30-cm drop jumps [DJ30]).
The participants were unexperienced athletes in terms of plyomet-
ric drills and jumping test. To make sure the execution was correct,
2 familiarization sessions were carried out during the previous
week before testing. The SJ, CMJ, and DJ30 tests were recorded
using the OptoGait system (Microgate, Bolzano, Italy), which has
been previously used in a similar study.
This device measures the
contact time on the oor and the ight time using photoelectric
cells. Flight time was used to calculate the height of the rise using
the bodys center of gravity. Athletes performed 2 trials of every
test, with a 15-second recovery period between them, with the best
trial being used for the statistical analysis. As described by a
previous study,
during SJ, participants were instructed to adopt
aexed knee position (approximately 90°) during 3 seconds before
jumping, whereas during CMJ, no restriction was imposed over the
knee angle achieved before jumping. Jumping tests were executed
with arms akimbo. Takeoff and landing were standardized to full
knee and ankle extension on the same spot. The participants were
instructed to maximize jump height. For the DJ30, participants
were instructed to maximize jump height and minimize ground
contact time after dropping down from a 30-cm drop box.
Reactive strength index (RSI) was calculated as follows:
RSI =Flight time ðmsÞ=Contact time ðmsÞ(3)
Statistical Analysis
Data are presented as group mean values (SDs). After data normality
assumption was veried with the Levene test, analyses of variance
were used to detect differences between study groups in all variables
at pretest and posttest. Measures of dependent variables were
analyzed in separate 2 (groups) ×2 (time [pre, post]) analyses of
variance with repeated measures on time, with Bonferroni-adjusted
α. The magnitude of the differences between values was also
interpreted using the Cohen deffect size (ES) (between-group
differences). ESs are reported as follows: trivial (<0.2), small
(0.20.49), medium (0.50.79), and large (0.8). A Pearson corre-
lation analysis was conducted between changes (Δ; eg, 3-km time
trial at pretest minus 3-km time trial at posttest) experienced in
athletic performance, RSI, and stiffness. Finally, a simple linear
regression analysis was used to determine the association between
the improvement in the 3-km test (dependent variable: Δ3-km time
trial) and the improvements in RSI and arch stiffness (independent
variables: ΔRSI and ΔStiffness) during the intervention. Data anal-
ysis was performed using the SPSS software (version 21; SPSS Inc,
Chicago, IL). Signicance levels were set at α=5%.
No signicant between-group differences (P.05) were found in
age, anthropometric characteristics, and sex distribution at baseline
(before training intervention; Table 1). Table 2presents the char-
acteristics of training plans of athletes from both CG and EG before
starting the 10-week intervention period and during that period, and
no signicant between-group differences were found (all Ps.05).
The effects of the intervention on dependent variables are
displayed in Table 4. The main group ×time effect revealed signi-
cant differences in all variables (P<.001). The post hoc analysis
showed signicant differences in all variables (all Ps<.001, small
ES [arch stiffness, SJ, and 3-km time trial] and moderate ES [CMJ,
DJ30 cm, and RSI]) for the EG, whereas no signicant changes
were reported in the CG (all Ps.05, trivial ES).
A Pearson correlation analysis revealed signicant relation-
ship between Δ3-km time trial and ΔRSI (r=.481; P<.001) and
ΔStiffness (r=.336; P<.01). The linear regression analysis
showed that Δ3-km time trial was associated with ΔRSI and
ΔStiffness (R
=.394; P<.001).
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a 10-
week JR training program, incorporated into the warm-up routines
of amateur endurance runners, on jumping performance, reactivity,
arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial performance. The main ndings
indicate that JR training was effective for the improvement of
jumping performance, reactivity, arch stiffness, and 3-km time-trial
performance. Although previous studies incorporated JR training
as a strategy to improve the physical tness of athletes,
to our
knowledge, this is the rst study to analyze the effects of a JR
training approach in endurance runners. Moreover, the current JR
training approach incorporated an ecological-valid (practical)
approach. In this sense, athletes replaced 5 minutes of their habitual
warm-up routines with JR drills. In addition, the replacement was
applied only 2 to 4 times per week. Therefore, the current JR
training approach was easily incorporated into the regular training
schedules of the participants.
(Ahead of Print)
4García-Pinillos et al
One of the main ndings from the current intervention was the
signicantly greater improvement of 3-km time-trial performance
in the JR training group (3%, ES =0.4) compared with the CG
(1.5%, ES =0.1). Such improvement has been previously reported
in endurance runners, from different tness levels, after PT inter-
and may be related to adaptations in several physiologi-
cal and biomechanical determinants of endurance running
with the most relevant being probably RE.
fact, improvements in RE have been associated with increased RSI
and stiffness,
which is in line with the results obtained in the
current study (ie, Δ3-km time trial was signicantly associated with
ΔRSI and ΔStiffness). Although improvements in neuromuscular
factors presumably mediated the improvement in the 3-km time-
trial performance, the high jumping frequency involved in the
current JR training intervention may have also induced an impor-
tant cardioventilatory stimulation (eg, 90% of VO
with a
potential positive impact on vVO
Future studies may
elucidate if high-frequency JR training, such as the one applied
in this intervention, may contribute to improvements in cardio-
ventilatory parameters (eg, VO
max, VO
peak, or vVO
The relationship between jumping performance and running
endurance performance has been previously established.
In this
regard, an important nding in the current study was the greater
increase of explosive strength performance requiring slow stretch-
shortening cycle (SSC) action (ie, CMJ) and fast SSC action
(ie, DJ30) in the JR training group compared with the CG.
Improved reactivity (ie, DJ30) may be related to increased neural
drive to the agonist muscles, improved intermuscular coordination,
changes in muscle size and/or architecture, changes in single-ber
mechanics, among others.
Such improvements may reduce the
time the athletes foot spends in contact with the ground during
favorably affecting performance during running endur-
ance events.
Another nding from this study was the signicantly greater
improvement of arch stiffness in the JR training group (7.8%)
compared with the CG (0.1%). Such improvement is similar to the
one previously reported for endurance runners after PT.
ments in stiffness at the muscle ber level may occur mainly on
fast-twitch bers.
It may be possible that endurance runners, who
usually have a relatively more developed slow-twitch ber pheno-
had greater ceiling for improvements in their fast-twitch
Although improvements in stiffness have been observed in
previous PT studies, including endurance runners,
others have
found mixed ndings
or not such an improvement.
Part of the
disagreement among studies might be related with the assessment
technique and the structures assessed. Whereas the current work
evaluated arch stiffness, dened as the change in AHI due to the
increase in load between sitting and standing conditions, Spurrs
et al
obtained musculotendinous stiffness of the lower limb
through the oscillation technique by performing an isometric
contraction on an instrumented seated calf raise machine. Likewise,
Fouré et al
focused on passive stiffness of the gastrocnemii
dened as the slope of the lengthtension relationship for the
common range of gastrocnemii length. In this regard, current
results suggest that the assessment of arch stiffness may be a
sensitive measurement technique for stiffness changes in endur-
ance runners.
It seems logical that those improvements in jumping ability
and arch stiffness are linked to improvements in reactivity (ie, RSI
in the current work). Previous studies have revealed a strong
association between those parameters and running perfor-
Current results demonstrated that the JR training group
improved the RSI (13%) when compared with the CG. This index
denotes that per each unit of time the foot is on the ground, greater
jump height (ight time) is achieved, an indirect marker of greater
rate of force development. Additionally, the linear regression
analysis showed that Δ3-km time trial was associated with ΔRSI
and ΔStiffness (R
=.394; P<.001), which reinforces the associa-
tion between lower body stiffness and reactivity with athletic
performance in endurance runners.
Of note, the improvements in jumping performance in the JR
training group were achieved after an intervention with a focus
on jump repetitions with short contact time. In this context, it is
tempting to speculate that the time the athletes foot spends in
contact with the ground during jumps can modulate training-related
adaptations in endurance runners. However, this should be tested in
future studies comparing interventions with different contact times
during the jumps.
Table 4 Effects of a 10-Week Jump-Rope Training Program on Arch Stiffness, Jumping, and 3-km Time-Trial
Performance of Amateur Endurance Runners
Variable Groups
mean (SD)
mean (SD)
Post pre
(group ×time)
Bonferroni post
hoc P(Cohen d)
Arch stiffness
(body mass/AHI units)
EG (n =49) 925.5 (388.7) 997.95 (373.17) 72.4 (7.8) <.001 <.001 (0.23)
CG (n =45) 947.7 (418.8) 949.01 (427.31) 1.33 (0.1) .944 (0.01)
CMJ, cm EG (n =47) 28.59 (5.79) 31.59 (6.01) 3.0 (10.5) <.001 <.001 (0.52)
CG (n =44) 29.46 (7.15) 29.30 (7.07) 0.2 (0.5) .165 (0.01)
Squat jump, cm EG (n =47) 23.72 (3.90) 25.08 (3.76) 1.4 (5.7) <.001 <.001 (0.41)
CG (n =44) 24.75 (5.70) 24.66 (4.35) 0.1 (0.4) .525 (0.02)
DJ30, cm EG (n =47) 25.40 (3.47) 26.84 (3.18) 1.4 (5.7) <.001 <.001 (0.54)
CG (n =44) 26.65 (4.96) 26.76 (4.58) 0.1 (0.4) .193 (0.02)
RSI, ms/ms EG (n =47) 1.92 (0.45) 2.17 (0.42) 0.3 (13.0) <.001 <.001 (0.62)
CG (n =44) 1.91 (0.41) 1.92 (0.41) 0.01 (0.5) .280 (0.03)
3-km time trial, s EG (n =44) 774.6 (79.5) 751.7 (65.8) 22.9 (3.0) <.001 <.001 (0.44)
CG (n =42) 762.1 (87.5) 750.8 (83.6) 11.3 (1.5) .136 (0.12)
Abbreviations: AHI, arch height index; CMJ, countermovement jump; DJ30, 30-cm drop jumps; RSI, reactive strength index.
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Jump-Rope Training in Endurance Runners 5
Practical Applications
The replacement of 5 minutes of regular warm-up routines, 2 to
4 times per week, with JR training drills might be an effective and
safe resource to incorporate into the training schedule of amateur
endurance runners as a time-efcient strategy to improve several
proxies associated with endurance running performance, such as
jumping, RSI, stiffness and, mostly, 3-km time trial. Moreover,
JR training drills are probably related to lower mechanical stress
than other plyometric exercises like drop jumps performed from
high heights. This may help to preservethe musculoskeletal
system from excessive loading, especially before habitual running
When compared with a control warm-up routine previous to
endurance running, 10 weeks (24 times per week) of JR training,
in replacement of 5 minutes of regular warm-up activities, was
effective in improving 3-km time-trial performance, jumping
ability involving concentric (SJ), slow SSC (CMJ), fast SSC
(DJ30), RSI, and arch stiffness in amateur endurance runners.
Moreover, improvements in RSI and arch stiffness were associated
with improvements in 3-km time-trial performance.
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Jump-Rope Training in Endurance Runners 7
... En el caso de los artículos analizados, se observó que principalmente fueron aplicados 3 tipos de programas: entrenamiento de pliometría, entrenamiento de fuerza (con diferentes intensidades) y entrenamiento de pliometría y fuerza conjuntamente. En cuanto a aquellos que utilizaron la pliometría únicamente, en los estudios de García-Pinillos et al. (2020) y Ramírez-Campillo et al. (2014), se observaron mejoras significativas en valoraciones neuromusculares, habilidad de saltos y tiempos de contrarreloj. Además de estas mejoras respecto a los grupos de control, en la intervención de Spurrs et al. (2003) se mejoraron los valores de RE sin variar parámetros de VO2max y LT. ...
... Atendiendo a parámetros de la carga como la intensidad y el volumen de los ejercicios propuestos por los estudios, se observaron desde intervenciones que únicamente utilizaron el peso corporal, hasta otras que se acercaron a la máxima carga externa para realizar los ejercicios. Casi todos los estudios que incluyeron saltos y otros ejercicios pliométricos utilizaron únicamente el peso corporal, sin embargo, existe una progresión de la carga en cuanto a volumen (número de contactos) y densidad en el caso de los artículos de Spurrs et al. (2003) y García-Pinillos et al. (2020). El único estudio que utilizó carga externa en ejercicios pliométricos fue el de Trowell et al. (2022), donde se llegó a cargar con el 30% del peso corporal en CMJ, DJ y Split Squat Jump. ...
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El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática ha sido comparar los diferentes métodos de entrenamiento de fuerza para mejorar el rendimiento en pruebas de entre 800 y 5000 m en atletismo, eventos caracterizados por altos requerimientos de capacidad aeróbica, de fuerza máxima y de potencia. La base de datos Pubmed fue empleada para buscar artículos originales acerca del entrenamiento de fuerza en medio fondistas. Para ello se introdujeron diferentes combinaciones de algunos términos como: “middle distance”, “running performance”, “VO2max”, “running economy”, “resistance training”, “strength training”, “concurrent training” y “plyometric training”. Los artículos cuyas intervenciones fueron evaluadas con test de contrarreloj superiores a 5 km fueron excluidos. Inicialmente se recolectaron 298 artículos, de los cuales 9 fueron seleccionados atendiendo a los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Tras un periodo de intervención con una duración de 6 a 12 semanas, en todos los artículos se observaron mejoras en parámetros fisiológicos y neuromusculares, a excepción de uno. En este estudio se apreció una tendencia a la mejora, aunque los cambios no fueron significativos. Los estudios que mayores mejoras obtuvieron, realizaron entrenamiento de fuerza con cargas del 70 % RM o superior. Además, este entrenamiento de fuerza fue combinado con ejercicios pliométricos realizados sin peso adicional o añadiendo un 30% del peso corporal. En conclusión, combinar el entrenamiento de fuerza a una intensidad del 70%RM o superior a 4-10 repeticiones con entrenamiento pliométrico, parece ser el método más efectivo para optimizar el rendimiento en carreras de medio fondo
... After 10 weeks of jump rope training, the RSI increased by 13%, which was associated with improved performance in the 3 km time trial [42]. In this study, the baseline overall RSI was slightly high at 2.37 because the participants were competitive runners in the 40 cm drop jump. ...
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Long-distance runners are known to be at a high risk of lower limb disorders due to a decline in the function of the intrinsic foot muscles (IFMs). The aim of this study was to examine the effects of toe tube training using elastic tubes. First, a crossover study was conducted with 13 healthy adults in three conditions: tube training, short foot exercise, and control. Changes in the IFMs pre- and post-exercise were confirmed using ultrasound echo. Next, 19 university long-distance runners were randomly divided into two groups (tube training or short foot exercise) and underwent a five-week training intervention. The toe grip strength, toe gap strength, and reactive strength index were measured pre- and post-intervention. In a crossover study, the tube training and short foot exercise showed a significant interaction effect on the abductor hallucis brevis (F = 5.63, p = 0.010, partial η2 = 0.32) and flexor digitorum brevis (F = 15.29, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.56), confirming an immediate effect of tube training and short foot exercise. In an intervention study with runners, no interaction was observed but a main effect of time was found, with both groups showing significant improvements in toe grip strength (F = 25.64, p < 0.001, partial η2 = 0.60), toe gap strength (F = 11.26, p = 0.004, partial η2 = 0.40), and RSI (F = 4.81, p = 0.042, partial η2 = 0.22). Tube training may be an effective alternative for runners who find short foot exercise difficult and want to adjust the exercise load.
... Compared to RT, PT can be relatively easily implemented and is suggested to decrease oxygen cost during running by enhancing the ability to utilize elastic energy, consequently contributing to improvements in running performance (Barnes & Kilding, 2015;Turner et al., 2003). Indeed, a previous study recruiting mostly young recreational runners found that the relative changes in the drop jump index (jump height divided by ground contact time) induced by jump rope training were associated with changes in a 3 km running time (Garcia-Pinillos et al., 2020). Hence, PT can be an effective training modality as an alternative approach to RT, for improving running economy and performance in endurance runners. ...
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The effects of plyometric training (PT) versus resistance training (RT) on running economy and performance are unclear, especially in middle‐aged recreational runners. We examined (1) the efficacy of PT versus RT on running economy and performance in middle‐aged recreational runners and (2) the relationships between the main training outcomes. Twenty middle‐aged recreational runners were randomly allocated to a PT or RT group (n = 10/group). Training was conducted twice/week for 10 weeks combined with daily running. PT included the countermovement jump (CMJ), rebound jump, hurdle hop, and drop jump. RT consisted of leg press, leg curl, and calf raise with 50%–90% of one‐repetition maximum (1RM). Before and after the intervention, 1RM of the three lifting tasks, CMJ and drop jump performances, oxygen cost at 8–12 km/h, and 5 km running time were assessed. PT enhanced 1RM of leg curl only (8.5% and p = 0.007), whereas RT increased 1RM of the three lifting tasks (19.0%–21.1% and p < 0.001). Both groups improved CMJ height (6.4%–8.3% and p = 0.016) and drop jump performance (height: 9.7%–19.4%, p = 0.005, height/contact time: 11.4%–26.3% and p = 0.009) and oxygen cost regardless of running velocity (2.0% and p = 0.001) without significant group differences. However, neither group changed the 5‐km running time (p ≥ 0.259). A significant correlation was found between the changes in calf raise 1RM and oxygen cost (r = −0.477 and p = 0.046) but not between the other measured variables. These results suggest that for middle‐aged recreational runners, PT and RT can similarly improve running economy albeit not necessarily the 5‐km running time, and enhancing plantarflexion strength may particularly contribute to improving running economy.
... Arguably, the novelty of wearable running sensors explains this discrepancy in calculation methods. In this sense, a recent work (18) investigated the effects of rope-jump training on endurance running performance using wearable sensors to estimate LSS from spatiotemporal parameters. The results showed that plyometric-jump training significantly increased LSS and RSI and unveiled a positive correlation between the increase in both factors and improved performance in a 3-km time trial (r 5 20.481; p , 0.001; r 5 20.336; p , 0.01, respectively). ...
Cardiel-Sánchez, S, Rubio-Peirotén, A, Molina-Molina, A, García-Cebadera Gómez, C, Almenar-Arasanz, A, Ráfales-Perucha, A, Roche-Seruendo, LE, and Cartón-Llorente, A. Effects of plyometric training on running biomechanics and jumping ability of U14 athletes. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-Children under the age of 14 years (U14) are particularly susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders because of growth spurts. Plyometric training has been shown to be beneficial for both injury reduction and performance enhancement. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of plyometric training on the jumping ability and running biomechanics of U14 track-and-field athletes. A single-blind randomized controlled trial was conducted. Thirty-five (18 female and 17 male) U14 athletes (age: 12.5 ± 1.2 years; height: 152.3 ± 7.7 cm; body mass: 47.3 ± 6.9 kg) were randomized into experimental and control groups. All subjects completed their usual training for 4 weeks, and those in the intervention group added a low-volume plyometric program twice a week. Preintervention and postintervention assessments included a countermovement jump (CMJ) to determine maximum jump height, 10-second repeated jumps to assess reactive strength index (RSI), and a 3-minute run at 12 km·h-1 to analyze running kinematics contact time, flight time, step length (SL), step frequency (SF), mean power output, vertical spring stiffness, and leg spring stiffness (LSS). The results revealed no main effect of time for any of the variables. A group-by-time interaction was found for RSI (p = 0.045) in the intervention group, whereas a significant increase in LSS was also found after the intervention (p = 0.031). However, no changes in CMJ height or other running parameters were observed. The significance level for the study was set at ρ ≤ 0.05. Plyometric-jump training may improve the stretch-shortening cycle in U14 athletes by increasing RSI and LSS. Athletes and coaches in running-related sports should be aware of these short-term effects when aiming to optimize the energy storage and release mechanism.
... In addition to its relevance to sports rehabilitation [29], this could also be considered as a potential training method. By exercising the runner's arch and inducing changes in arch stiffness, it may contribute to enhancing athletic performance [30], including the muscle power of lower limbs [31] and balance [32,33]. Furthermore, with the potential of increased energy absorption by the foot arch, a raised toe box in running shoes may potentially help reduce the load on lower limb joints, thereby lowering the risk of lower limb injuries for runners [34]. ...
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Background: Long-distance running is popular but associated with a high risk of injuries, particularly toe-related injuries. Limited research has focused on preventive measures, prompting exploration into the efficacy of raised toe box running shoes. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the effect of running shoes with raised toe boxes on preventing toe injuries caused by distance running. Methods: A randomized crossover design involved 25 male marathon runners (height: 1.70 ± 0.02 m, weight: 62.6 + 4.5 kg) wearing both raised toe box (extended by 8 mm along the vertical axis and 3 mm along the sagittal axis) and regular toe box running shoes. Ground reaction force (GRF), in-shoe displacement, and degree of toe deformation (based on the distance change between the toe and the metatarsal head) were collected. Results: Wearing raised toe box shoes resulted in a significant reduction in vertical (p = 0.001) and antero-posterior (p = 0.015) ground reaction forces during the loading phase, with a notable increase in vertical ground reaction force during the toe-off phase (p < 0.001). In-shoe displacement showed significant decreased movement in the forefoot medial (p < 0.001) and rearfoot (medial: p < 0.001, lateral: p < 0.001) and significant increased displacement in the midfoot (medial: p = 0.002, lateral: p < 0.001). Impact severity on the hallux significantly decreased (p < 0.001), while impact on the small toes showed no significant reduction (p = 0.067). Conclusions: Raised toe box running shoes offer an effective means of reducing toe injuries caused by long-distance running.
... However, data on KAMi and HAMi during gait are scarce for healthy individuals devoid of any osteoarthritis history. The ankle-foot-complex mobility is subject to individual variations, including for healthy subjects [13], and can be optimized through specialized training [19]. ...
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Background and Objectives: As technology advances, the method by which learners acquire new skills has also progressed. With the help of the Internet, a wide range of options are available to those interested in enhancing their knowledge and skills. Learners and educators can now take advantage of the benefits of both online and offline teaching. In offline learning, participants have to acquire the content in ways such as watching recorded videos. On the other hand, online education takes place in a virtual platform through connecting to the Internet. In this regard, the current research was conducted to investigate the effect of various types of virtual education, including online, offline, and combined (blended) education, on learning the perceptual-motor skill of jumping rope. Methods: The present study was a semi-experimental one with a practical purpose. In this study, from elementary third-grade female students of Hamedan 2nd district of education, voluntarily 30 students (with a mean height of 129.1 ± 9.87 cm and a mean weight of 29.33 ± 21.88 kg) were selected and randomly assigned to three groups of 10 participants, including online, offline, and combined education. To collect information, a personal characteristics questionnaire, jogging rope test (with content validity and test-retest reliability of 0.89), standard sports rope, and smartphone were used. This research included the stages of introductory, acquisition, and retention. After completing the personal information questionnaire and consent form, the participants first received introductory instruction on the criterion task and obtained the necessary information. Then, they entered the acquisition phase. At this stage, each group was trained separately and based on the national jump roping plan for 4 sessions in online, offline, and combined rope-jumping skill training. After completing the acquisition phase, all participants first took part in the acquisition test, and one week later, they also participated in the retention test to measure the phenomenon of motor learning, and their scores were recorded. To analyze the data, the Shapiro-Wilk test, Levene's test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. Findings: The findings showed that there was a significant difference between the scores obtained by the online and offline and combined and offline groups in both the acquisition and retention tests (p<0.05), in favor of the online and combined groups; this indicated that online and combined education groups performed better than the offline education group both in the acquisition phase and in the retention test. In addition, no significant statistical difference was found between the performance of the online and combined groups in any of the research stages (p>0.05). Conclusion: The results of this research emphasize the importance of using online and combined methods in virtual education conditions to teach perceptual-motor skills to learners. Based on the results, it is suggested to teachers and trainers of motor skills to use online and combined training instead of online training, to teach motor skills in physical education virtual classes of elementary school to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment and motivation to participate in using physical education class.
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Background The running performance of middle-distance and long-distance runners is determined by factors such as maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), velocity at VO2max (vVO2max), maximum metabolic steady state (MMSS), running economy, and sprint capacity. Strength training is a proven strategy for improving running performance in endurance runners. However, the effects of different strength training methods on the determinants of running performance are unclear. Objective The aim of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to compare the effect of different strength training methods (e.g., high load, submaximal load, plyometric, combined) on performance (i.e., time trial and time until exhaustion) and its determinants (i.e., VO2max, vVO2max, MMSS, sprint capacity) in middle-distance and long-distance runners. Methods A systematic search was conducted across electronic databases (Web of Science, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS). The search included articles indexed up to November 2022, using various keywords combined with Boolean operators. The eligibility criteria were: (1) middle- and long-distance runners, without restriction on sex or training/competitive level; (2) application of a strength training method for ≥ 3 weeks, including high load training (≥ 80% of one repetition maximum), submaximal load training (40–79% of one repetition maximum), plyometric training, and combined training (i.e., two or more methods); (3) endurance running training control group under no strength training or under strength training with low loads (< 40% of one repetition maximum); (4) running performance, VO2max, vVO2max, MMSS and/or sprint capacity measured before and after a strength training intervention program; (5) randomized and non-randomized controlled studies. The certainty of evidence was assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach. A random-effects meta-analysis and moderator analysis were performed using Comprehensive meta-analysis (version Results The certainty of the evidence was very low to moderate. The studies included 324 moderately trained, 272 well trained, and 298 highly trained athletes. The strength training programs were between 6 and 40 weeks duration, with one to four intervention sessions per week. High load and combined training methods induced moderate (effect size = − 0.469, p = 0.029) and large effect (effect size = − 1.035, p = 0.036) on running performance, respectively. While plyometric training was not found to have a significant effect (effect size = − 0.210, p = 0.064). None of the training methods improved VO2max, vVO2max, MMSS, or sprint capacity (all p > 0.072). Moderators related to subject (i.e., sex, age, body mass, height, VO2max, performance level, and strength training experience) and intervention (i.e., weeks, sessions per week and total sessions) characteristics had no effect on running performance variables or its determinants (all p > 0.166). Conclusions Strength training with high loads can improve performance (i.e., time trial, time to exhaustion) in middle-distance and long-distance runners. A greater improvement may be obtained when two or more strength training methods (i.e., high load training, submaximal load training and/or plyometric training) are combined, although with trivial effects on VO2max, vVO2max, MMSS, or sprint capacity.
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Background Running economy is defined as the energy demand at submaximal running speed, a key determinant of overall running performance. Strength training can improve running economy, although the magnitude of its effect may depend on factors such as the strength training method and the speed at which running economy is assessed. Aim To compare the effect of different strength training methods (e.g., high loads, plyometric, combined methods) on the running economy in middle- and long-distance runners, over different running speeds, through a systematic review with meta-analysis. Methods A systematic search was conducted across several electronic databases including Web of Science, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, and SCOPUS. Using different keywords and Boolean operators for the search, all articles indexed up to November 2022 were considered for inclusion. In addition, the PICOS criteria were applied: Population: middle- and long-distance runners, without restriction on sex or training/competitive level; Intervention: application of a strength training method for ≥ 3 weeks (i.e., high loads (≥ 80% of one repetition maximum); submaximal loads [40–79% of one repetition maximum); plyometric; isometric; combined methods (i.e., two or more methods); Comparator: control group that performed endurance running training but did not receive strength training or received it with low loads (< 40% of one repetition maximum); Outcome: running economy, measured before and after a strength training intervention programme; Study design: randomized and non-randomized controlled studies. Certainty of evidence was assessed with the GRADE approach. A three-level random-effects meta-analysis and moderator analysis were performed using R software (version 4.2.1). Results The certainty of the evidence was found to be moderate for high load training, submaximal load training, plyometric training and isometric training methods and low for combined methods. The studies included 195 moderately trained, 272 well trained, and 185 highly trained athletes. The strength training programmes were between 6 and 24 weeks’ duration, with one to four sessions executed per week. The high load and combined methods induced small (ES = − 0.266, p = 0.039) and moderate (ES = − 0.426, p = 0.018) improvements in running economy at speeds from 8.64 to 17.85 km/h and 10.00 to 14.45 km/h, respectively. Plyometric training improved running economy at speeds ≤ 12.00 km/h (small effect, ES = − 0.307, p = 0.028, β1 = 0.470, p = 0.017). Compared to control groups, no improvement in running economy (assessed speed: 10.00 to 15.28 and 9.75 to 16.00 km/h, respectively) was noted after either submaximal or isometric strength training (all, p > 0.131). The moderator analyses showed that running speed (β1 = − 0.117, p = 0.027) and VO2max (β1 = − 0.040, p = 0.020) modulated the effect of high load strength training on running economy (i.e., greater improvements at higher speeds and higher VO2max). Conclusions Compared to a control condition, strength training with high loads, plyometric training, and a combination of strength training methods may improve running economy in middle- and long-distance runners. Other methods such as submaximal load training and isometric strength training seem less effective to improve running economy in this population. Of note, the data derived from this systematic review suggest that although both high load training and plyometric training may improve running economy, plyometric training might be effective at lower speeds (i.e., ≤ 12.00 km/h) and high load strength training might be particularly effective in improving running economy (i) in athletes with a high VO2max, and (ii) at high running speeds. Protocol Registration The original protocol was registered ( at the Open Science Framework.
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Context: Drop jumps and high-intensity interval running are relevant training methods to improve explosiveness and endurance performance, respectively. Combined training effects might, however, be achieved by performing interval drop jumping. Purpose: To determine the acute effects of interval drop jumping on oxygen uptake (V̇O2)-index of cardioventilatory/oxidative stimulation level, and peripheral fatigue-a limiting factor of explosiveness. Methods: Thirteen participants performed three 11-min interval-training sessions during which they ran 15 s at 120% of the velocity that elicited maximal V̇O2 (V̇O2-MAX) (ITRUN) or drop-jumped at 7 (ITDJ7) or 9 (ITDJ9) jumps per 15 s, interspersed with 15 s of passive recovery. V̇O2 and the time spent above 90% of V̇O2-MAX (TV̇O2-MAX) were collected. Peripheral fatigue was quantified via preexercise to postexercise changes in evoked potentiated quadriceps twitch (ΔQT). Power output was estimated during ITDJs using optical sensors. Results: All participants reached 90% of V̇O2-MAX or higher during ITRUN and ITDJ9, but only 11 did during ITDJ7. TV̇O2-MAX was not different between ITRUN and ITDJ9 (145±76 vs 141 ± 151 s; P = .92) but was reduced during ITDJ7 (28 ± 26 s; P = .002). Mean ΔQT in ITDJ9 and ITDJ7 were not different (-17% ± 9% vs -14% ± 8%; P = .73) and greater than in ITRUN (-8% ± 7%; P = .001). No alteration in power output was found during ITDJs (37±10 Conclusion: Interval drop jumping at a high work rate stimulated the cardioventilatory and oxidative systems to the same extent as interval running, while the exercise-induced increase in fatigue did not compromise drop-jump performance. Interval drop jumping might be a relevant strategy to get concomitant improvements in endurance and explosive performance.
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Recently, there has been a proliferation of published articles on the effect of plyometric jump training including several review articles and meta-analyses. However, these types of research articles are generally of narrow scope. Furthermore, methodological limitations among studies (e.g., lack of active/passive control groups) prevent the generalization of results and these factors need to be addressed by researchers. On that basis, the aims of this scoping review were to i) characterize the main elements of plyometric jump training studies (e.g., training protocols), and ii) provide future directions for research. From 648 potentially relevant articles, 242 were eligible for inclusion in this review. The main issues identified related to: an insufficient number of studies conducted in females, youths and individual sports (~24.0%, ~37.0% and ~12.0% of overall studies, respectively); insufficient reporting of effect size values and training prescription (~34.0% and ~55.0% of overall studies, respectively); studies missing an active/passive control group and randomization (~40.0% and ~20.0% of overall studies, respectively). Furthermore, plyometric jump training was often combined with other training methods and added to participants' daily training routines (~47.0% and ~39.0% of overall studies, respectively), thus distorting conclusions on its independent effects. Additionally, most studies lasted no longer than 7 weeks. In future, researchers are advised to conduct plyometric training studies of high methodological quality (e.g., randomized controlled trials). More research is needed in females, youth, and individual sports. Finally, the identification of specific dose-response relationships following plyometric training are needed to specifically tailor intervention programs, particularly in the long-term.
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Purpose: To analyse the influence of training exposure and the utility of self-report questionnaires on predicting overuse injuries in adolescent endurance athletes. Methods: 5 adolescent male endurance athletes (15.7 ± 1.4 yr) from a full-time sports academy answered 2 questionnaires (Recovery Cue; RC-q & Oslo Sports Trauma Research questionnaire; OSTRC-q) on a weekly basis for one season (37 wks) in order to detect (1) signs of overtraining and under-recovery (RC-q) and (2) early symptoms of lower limb injuries (OSTRC-q). All overuse injuries were retrospectively analysed in order to detect which variations in the questionnaires in the weeks preceding injury were best associated. Overuse incidence rates were calculated based on training exposure. Results: 73% of injuries were lower limb overuse injuries. The incidence rate for overuse training-related injuries was 10 injuries/1000h. Strong correlations were observed between individual running exposure and overuse injury incidence (r(2)=0.66), number of overuse injuries (r(2)=0.69) and days lost (r(2)=0.66). A change of 20% or more in the RC-q score in the preceding week was associated with 67% of the lower limb overuse injuries. Musculoskeletal symptoms were only detected in advance by the OSTRC-q in 27% of the episodes. Conclusions: Training exposure (specially running exposure) was shown to be related to overuse injuries, suggesting that monitoring training load is a key factor for injury prevention. Worsening scores in the RC-q (but not the OSTRC) may be an indicator of overuse injury in adolescent endurance runners when used longitudinally.
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The purpose of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled trials to determine the effect of strength-training programs on the running economy (RE) of high-level middle- and long-distance runners. Four electronic databases were searched in September 2015 (Pubmed, SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE and CINAHL) for original research articles. After analyzing 699 resultant original articles, studies were included if the following criteria were met: (a) participants were competitive middle- and/or long-distance runners; (b) participants had a VO2max > 60mL·kg-1-·min-1; (c) studies were controlled trials published in peer-reviewed journals; (d) studies analyzed the effects of strength-training programs with a duration greater than 4 weeks; (e) RE was measured before and after the strength-training intervention. Five studies met the inclusion criteria, resulting in a total sample size of 93 competitive, high-level middle- and long-distance runners. Four out of five of the included studies used low to moderate training intensities (40-70% one-repetition maximum), and all of them used low to moderate training volume (2-4 resistance lower-body exercises plus up to 200 jumps and 5-10 short sprints) 2-3 per week for 8-12 weeks. The meta-analyzed effect of strength training programs on RE in high-level middle- and long- distance runners showed a large, beneficial effect (standardized mean difference [95%Confidence Interval] = -1.42 [-2.23, -0.60]). In conclusion, a strength-training program including low to high intensity resistance exercises and plyometric exercises performed 2-3 times per week for 8-12 weeks is an appropriate strategy to improve RE in highly training middle- and long-distance runners.
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General physical practice and multidimensional exercises are essential elements that allow young athletes to enhance their coordinative traits, balance, and strength and power levels, which are linked to the learning soccer-specific skills. Jumping rope is a widely-used and non-specific practical method for the development of athletic conditioning, balance and coordination in several disciplines. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a short-term training protocol including jumping rope (JR) exercises on motor abilities and body balance in young soccer players. Twenty-four preadolescent soccer players were recruited and placed in two different groups. In the Experimental group (EG), children performed JR training at the beginning of the training session. The control group (CG), executed soccer specific drills. Harre circuit test (HCT) and Lower Quarter Y balance test (YBT-LQ) were selected to evaluate participant’s motor ability (e.g. ability to perform rapidly a course with different physical tasks such as somersault and passages above/below obstacles ) and to assess unilateral dynamic lower limb balance after 8 weeks of training. Statistical analysis consisted of paired t-test and mixed analysis of variance scores to determine any significant interactions. Children who performed jumping rope exercises showed a significant decrease of 9% (p < 0.01, ES = 0.50-0.80) in the performance time of HCT. With regard to the CG, no differences were highlighted (p > 0.05, ES = 0.05-0.2) from pre- to post-training. A training-by-group interaction was found for the composite score in both legs (p < 0.05, Part η2 > 0.14). Our findings demonstrated that JR practice within regular soccer training enhanced general motor coordination and balance in preadolescent soccer players. Therefore, the inclusion of JR practice within regular soccer training session should encouraged to improve children’s motor skills.
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This study analyzed the effect of 4 weeks of jumping interval training (JIT), included in endurance training, on neuromuscular and physiological parameters. Eighteen recreational runners, randomized in control and experimental groups, performed 40 min of running at 70% of velocity at peak oxygen uptake, for 3 times per week. Additionally, the experimental group performed the JIT twice per week, which consisted of 4 to 6 bouts of continuous vertical jumps (30 s) with 5-min intervals. Three days before and after the training period, the countermovement (CMJ) and continuous jump (CJ30), isokinetic and isometric evaluation of knee extensors/flexors, progressive maximal exercise, and submaximal constant-load exercise were performed. The JIT provoked improvement in neuromuscular performance, indicated by (i) increased jump height (4.7%; effect size (ES) = 0.99) and power output (≈3.7%; ES ≈ 0.82) of CMJ and rate of torque development of knee extensors in isometric contraction (29.5%; ES = 1.02); (ii) anaerobic power and capacity, represented by the mean of jump height (7.4%; ES = 0.8), and peak power output (PPO) (5.6%; ES = 0.73) of the first jumps of CJ30 and the mean of jump height (10.2%, ES = 1.04) and PPO (9.5%, ES = 1.1), considering all jumps of CJ30; and (iii) aerobic power and capacity, represented by peak oxygen uptake (9.1%, ES = 1.28), velocity at peak oxygen uptake (2.7%, ES = 1.11), and velocity corresponding to the onset of blood lactate accumulation (9.7%, ES = 1.23). These results suggest that the JIT included in traditional endurance training induces moderate to large effects on neuromuscular and physiological parameters.
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Economy, velocity/power at maximal oxygen uptake ([Formula: see text]) and endurance-specific muscle power tests (i.e. maximal anaerobic running velocity; vMART), are now thought to be the best performance predictors in elite endurance athletes. In addition to cardiovascular function, these key performance indicators are believed to be partly dictated by the neuromuscular system. One technique to improve neuromuscular efficiency in athletes is through strength training. The aim of this systematic review was to search the body of scientific literature for original research investigating the effect of strength training on performance indicators in well-trained endurance athletes-specifically economy, [Formula: see text] and muscle power (vMART). A search was performed using the MEDLINE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, SPORTDiscus and Web of Science search engines. Twenty-six studies met the inclusion criteria (athletes had to be trained endurance athletes with ≥6 months endurance training, training ≥6 h per week OR [Formula: see text] ≥50 mL/min/kg, the strength interventions had to be ≥5 weeks in duration, and control groups used). All studies were reviewed using the PEDro scale. The results showed that strength training improved time-trial performance, economy, [Formula: see text] and vMART in competitive endurance athletes. The present research available supports the addition of strength training in an endurance athlete's programme for improved economy, [Formula: see text], muscle power and performance. However, it is evident that further research is needed. Future investigations should include valid strength assessments (i.e. squats, jump squats, drop jumps) through a range of velocities (maximal-strength ↔ strength-speed ↔ speed-strength ↔ reactive-strength), and administer appropriate strength programmes (exercise, load and velocity prescription) over a long-term intervention period (>6 months) for optimal transfer to performance.
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Physical activity is important in both prevention and treatment of many common diseases, but sports injuries can pose serious problems. To determine whether physical activity exercises can reduce sports injuries and perform stratified analyses of strength training, stretching, proprioception and combinations of these, and provide separate acute and overuse injury estimates. PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science and SPORTDiscus were searched and yielded 3462 results. Two independent authors selected relevant randomised, controlled trials and quality assessments were conducted by all authors of this paper using the Cochrane collaboration domain-based quality assessment tool. Twelve studies that neglected to account for clustering effects were adjusted. Quantitative analyses were performed in STATA V.12 and sensitivity analysed by intention-to-treat. Heterogeneity (I(2)) and publication bias (Harbord's small-study effects) were formally tested. 25 trials, including 26 610 participants with 3464 injuries, were analysed. The overall effect estimate on injury prevention was heterogeneous. Stratified exposure analyses proved no beneficial effect for stretching (RR 0.963 (0.846-1.095)), whereas studies with multiple exposures (RR 0.655 (0.520-0.826)), proprioception training (RR 0.550 (0.347-0.869)), and strength training (RR 0.315 (0.207-0.480)) showed a tendency towards increasing effect. Both acute injuries (RR 0.647 (0.502-0.836)) and overuse injuries (RR 0.527 (0.373-0.746)) could be reduced by physical activity programmes. Intention-to-treat sensitivity analyses consistently revealed even more robust effect estimates. Despite a few outlying studies, consistently favourable estimates were obtained for all injury prevention measures except for stretching. Strength training reduced sports injuries to less than 1/3 and overuse injuries could be almost halved.
This study aimed at examining the presence of running-based exercises in the warm-up and cool-down routines for recreational endurance runners and to determine the training volume (i.e. time and distance) orientated to warm-up and cool-down. Recreational endurance runners filled a questionnaire through an online Google Docs, which consisted in 12 items referred to demographic information, athletic performance, training contents, warm-up and cool-down routines. Five level groups were determined according to their personal best in a 10-km trial. Out of 1419 athletes, 80.6% were men and 19.4% were women. On average, participants trained 4.1 ± 1.6 sessions per week, with a weekly mileage of 47.3 ± 17.5 km. The 70.5% of participants always included continuous runs (CR) as a warm-up, with an average duration of ~13 min, with longer duration in higher level groups. Regarding the cool-down routines, 45.7% of the participants always included CR as a cool-down, whereas 43.4% just after high-intensity sessions. On average, participants spend ~7 min for cooling-down, ~3 times per week, with greater volumes (in terms of duration and frequency) in higher level groups. In summary, these data indicate that an average endurance runner spends ~18% of his/her total training time per week warming-up or cooling-down.
To investigate the effects of simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training on physical performance characteristics, 10 experimental (E) and 8 control (C) endurance athletes trained for 9 wk. The total training volume was kept the same in both groups, but 32% of training in E and 3% in C was replaced by explosive-type strength training. A 5-km time trial (5K), running economy (RE), maximal 20-m speed ( V 20 m ), and 5-jump (5J) tests were measured on a track. Maximal anaerobic (MART) and aerobic treadmill running tests were used to determine maximal velocity in the MART ( V MART ) and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙o 2 max ). The 5K time, RE, and V MART improved ( P < 0.05) in E, but no changes were observed in C. V 20 m and 5J increased in E ( P < 0.01) and decreased in C ( P < 0.05).V˙o 2 max increased in C ( P < 0.05), but no changes were observed in E. In the pooled data, the changes in the 5K velocity during 9 wk of training correlated ( P< 0.05) with the changes in RE [O 2 uptake ( r = −0.54)] and V MART ( r = 0.55). In conclusion, the present simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training improved the 5K time in well-trained endurance athletes without changes in theirV˙o 2 max . This improvement was due to improved neuromuscular characteristics that were transferred into improved V MART and running economy.