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A Plyometric Warm-Up Protocol Improves Running Economy in Recreational Endurance Athletes

Frontiers in Physiology

Abstract and Figures

This study explored the impact of two differing warm-up protocols (involving either resistance exercises or plyometric exercises) on running economy (RE) in healthy recreationally active participants. Twelve healthy university students [three males, nine females, age 20 ± 2 years, maximal oxygen uptake (38.4 ± 6.4 ml min–1 kg–1)] who performed less than 5 h per week of endurance exercise volunteered to participant in this study. All participants completed three different warm-up protocols (control, plyometric, and resistance warm-up) in a counterbalanced crossover design with trials separated by 48 h, using a Latin-square arrangement. Dependent variables measured in this study were RE at four running velocities (7, 8, 9, and 10 km h–1), maximal oxygen uptake; heart rate; respiratory exchange rate; expired ventilation; perceived race readiness; rating of perceived exertion, time to exhaustion and leg stiffness. The primary finding of this study was that the plyometric warm-up improved RE compared to the control warm-up (6.2% at 7 km h–1, ES = 0.355, 9.1% at 8 km h–1, ES = 0.513, 4.5% at 9 km h–1, ES = 0.346, and 4.4% at 10 km h–1, ES = 0.463). There was no statistically significant difference in VO2 between control and resistance warm-up conditions at any velocity. There were also no statistically significant differences between conditions in other metabolic and pulmonary gas exchange variables; time to exhaustion; perceived race readiness and maximal oxygen uptake. However, leg stiffness increased by 20% (P = 0.039, ES = 0.90) following the plyometric warm-up and was correlated with the improved RE at a velocity of 8 km h–1 (r = 0.475, P = 0.041). No significant differences in RE were found between the control and resistance warm-up protocols. In comparison with the control warm-up protocol, an acute plyometric warm-up protocol can improve RE in healthy adults.
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fphys-11-00197 March 10, 2020 Time: 20:22 # 1
published: 12 March 2020
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00197
Edited by:
Francis Degache,
MotionLab, Switzerland
Reviewed by:
Jason Moran,
University of Essex, United Kingdom
Xin Ye,
The University of Mississippi,
United States
Liang Yu
Benedict Duncan
Specialty section:
This article was submitted to
Exercise Physiology,
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Frontiers in Physiology
Received: 01 November 2019
Accepted: 20 February 2020
Published: 12 March 2020
Wei C, Yu L, Duncan B and
Renfree A (2020) A Plyometric
Warm-Up Protocol Improves Running
Economy in Recreational Endurance
Athletes. Front. Physiol. 11:197.
doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00197
A Plyometric Warm-Up Protocol
Improves Running Economy in
Recreational Endurance Athletes
ChenGuang Wei1, Liang Yu1*, Benedict Duncan2*and Andrew Renfree2
1School of Sport Science, Beijing Sport University, Beijing, China, 2School of Sport and Exercise Science, University
of Worcester, Worcester, United Kingdom
This study explored the impact of two differing warm-up protocols (involving either
resistance exercises or plyometric exercises) on running economy (RE) in healthy
recreationally active participants. Twelve healthy university students [three males, nine
females, age 20 ±2 years, maximal oxygen uptake (38.4 ±6.4 ml min1kg1)] who
performed less than 5 h per week of endurance exercise volunteered to participant in this
study. All participants completed three different warm-up protocols (control, plyometric,
and resistance warm-up) in a counterbalanced crossover design with trials separated
by 48 h, using a Latin-square arrangement. Dependent variables measured in this study
were RE at four running velocities (7, 8, 9, and 10 km h1), maximal oxygen uptake;
heart rate; respiratory exchange rate; expired ventilation; perceived race readiness;
rating of perceived exertion, time to exhaustion and leg stiffness. The primary finding
of this study was that the plyometric warm-up improved RE compared to the control
warm-up (6.2% at 7 km h1, ES = 0.355, 9.1% at 8 km h1, ES = 0.513, 4.5% at
9 km h1, ES = 0.346, and 4.4% at 10 km h1, ES = 0.463). There was no statistically
significant difference in VO2between control and resistance warm-up conditions at any
velocity. There were also no statistically significant differences between conditions in
other metabolic and pulmonary gas exchange variables; time to exhaustion; perceived
race readiness and maximal oxygen uptake. However, leg stiffness increased by 20%
(P= 0.039, ES = 0.90) following the plyometric warm-up and was correlated with the
improved RE at a velocity of 8 km h1(r= 0.475, P= 0.041). No significant differences
in RE were found between the control and resistance warm-up protocols. In comparison
with the control warm-up protocol, an acute plyometric warm-up protocol can improve
RE in healthy adults.
Keywords: plyometric, resistance, warm-up, leg stiffness, post-activation potentiation, running economy
Abbreviations: ANOVA, analysis of variance ES effect size; BMI, body mass index; HR, heart rate; LSD, least-significance
difference; LT, lactate threshold; PAP, post-activation potentiation; RE, running economy; RER, respiratory exchange rate;
RPE, rating of perceive exertion; SD, standard deviation; VE, expired ventilation; VO2, oxygen uptake; VO2max, maximal
oxygen uptake.
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
Distance running performance is determined by three major
physiological variables; VO2max ; lactate threshold (LT) and
running economy (RE) (Coyle, 1995). VO2max refers to the
maximal volume of oxygen that the individual can uptake and
utilize per minute, and is one of the key determinants of
superior endurance running performance (Bassett and Howley,
2000). However, it is not possible to predict endurance running
performance using VO2max alone because VO2 max only sets
the upper limits for the endurance performance (Costill et al.,
1973;Nummela et al., 2006) and does not take into account
the extent to which an athlete is able to utilize their maximal
aerobic power. Therefore, despite having similar endurance
performance abilities, runners may display wide variation in
VO2max values, indicating that other factors play a major role
in determining exercise performance. LT is generally defined
as the absolute workload above which blood lactate levels rise
exponentially during incremental exercises (Weltman, 1995).
However, elite endurance runners may have similar values in
the above variables ranging from 68.2 ml min1kg1to
84.1 ml min1kg1in VO2max , and from 80% VO2max to
85% VO2max in LT, respectively (Sjodin and Svedenhag, 1985;
Bassett and Howley, 2000;Barnes and Kilding, 2015). It is
therefore evident that endurance performance is influenced by
other variables. RE is defined as the energy demand for a given
velocity of submaximal running, and is measured via steady-state
oxygen uptake (Saunders et al., 2006;Barnes and Kilding, 2015).
Previous research (Daniels and Daniels, 1992) indicated that
improvements in RE may result in superior running performance
due to a reduced energetic cost at submaximal intensities, even
amongst athletes with similar VO2max values, suggesting that to
some extent it may be possible to compensate for limitations in
VO2max with superior RE capabilities.
Running economy is complex and multifactorial, and
is related to biomechanical, metabolic, neuromuscular, and
cardiorespiratory factors (Barnes and Kilding, 2015). One of the
primary determinants of RE is leg stiffness (Arampatzis et al.,
2006;Barnes and Kilding, 2015;Barnes et al., 2015). Stiffness can
be defined as the resistance of an object or body to deformation
and is calculated as the ratio of force to length (Blickhan, 1989).
Dalleau et al. (1998) demonstrated that RE is associated with
the stiffness of the propulsive leg, with greater stiffness eliciting
the best RE. Additionally, Arampatzis et al. (2006) corroborated
this finding by separating 28 distance runners into 3 groups
according to RE and found the runners who had the highest leg
stiffness displayed the best RE. The potential mechanism for these
observations may be the redistribution of muscular output within
the lower extremities and increased energy storage while running
(Avela and Komi, 1998).
Active warm-up is one of the most commonly used
warm-up techniques in endurance athletes as it can induce
specific cardiovascular and metabolic changes that are beneficial
to endurance running performance (Bishop, 2003). It is
acknowledged that post-activation potentiation (PAP) can be
induced by the pre-activation of skeletal muscles through heavy
exercises, which is beneficial to performance in weightlifting,
running and sprinting activities (Hodgson and Docherty, 2005).
Barnes et al. (2015) explored the acute influence of a resistance
intervention on RE and running performance in highly trained
endurance runners by incorporating 20% body mass weighted
vest strides as a part of the warm-up protocol. This intervention
was found to enhance RE (6.0 ±1.6%) and running performance,
and regression analysis found that increased leg stiffness (r= 0.88)
was one of the potential mechanisms of improved RE.
In addition to resistance exercises, numerous studies have
also explored the effects of plyometric training on RE and
running performance (Turner et al., 2003;Saunders et al.,
2006;Bílý et al., 2017;Giovanelli et al., 2017;Marcello et al.,
2017). Plyometric training utilizes the stretch-shortening cycle
whereby a stretch of the muscle is immediately followed by
a rapid muscle action (Rimmer and Sleivert, 2000). Such an
action can be induced through a combination of eccentric and
concentric exercises, and can be used to enhance the capability of
muscles to produce power by exaggerating the stretch-shortening
cycle. It includes various exercises such as bounding, jumping,
and hopping (Lundin, 1985;Turner et al., 2003). Previous
research has demonstrated that short-term plyometric training
could enhance RE and running performance in elite endurance
athletes. Blagrove et al. (2019) found that just six repetitions of a
depth jump (a single set of plyometric training) could produce
a moderate improvement (3.7%, effect size: 0.67) in RE in
national standard male endurance runners, a similar magnitude
of enhancement in RE to that achieved with a 6–14 weeks’
plyometric intervention. Barnes and Kilding (2015) hypothesized
that changes in neuromuscular characteristics are associated
with the improved RE following the plyometric intervention.
Similarly, Cornu et al. (1997) and Spurrs et al. (2003) found that
the improved RE is accompanied by an increase in leg stiffness,
which allows muscles to store and utilize elastic energy more
efficiently, resulting in less energy consumption while running.
Essentially, endurance runners would be able to produce greater
propulsion with the same or less energy consumption, which can
improve RE and running performance.
Based on previous studies, it is suggested that the beneficial
influences of resistance training and plyometric training on
RE and running performance may be derived from the PAP
effect and/or increased leg stiffness. However, there no study
has explored the effectiveness of the two warm-up protocols
on RE in healthy adult recreational athletes. Therefore, the
purpose of this study is to determine whether acute resistance
and plyometric warm-up protocols can improve RE in healthy
adults. It was hypothesized that, compared with a control warm-
up, the plyometric and resistance warm-up protocols would
contribute to larger improvements in RE and leg stiffness
without significant changes in other metabolic and pulmonary
gas exchange indicators, RPE, perceived race readiness, time to
exhaustion, or VO2max .
Twelve healthy university students (three males, nine
females, age 20 ±2 years; body mass 58.8 ±8.5 kg; body
height 165.8 ±7.6 cm; BMI 21.3 ±2.1 kg m2; VO2max
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
TABLE 1 | Subjects characteristics (N= 12, 9 females, 3 males).
Characteristics Mean ±SD
Age (year) 20.25 ±2.3
Body mass (kg) 58.8 ±8.5
Body height (cm) 165.8 ±7.6
BMI (kg m2) 21.3 ±2.1
Body fat percentage (%) 25.5 ±6.4
VO2max (ml min1kg1) 38.6 ±6.3
Training time (h week1)<5
38.6 ±6.3 ml min1kg1; body fat percentage 25.5 ±6.4%)
volunteered to participate in this study (Table 1). All participants
were (1) free from any cardiovascular and neurological diseases,
and were not suffering from any musculoskeletal injuries;
(2) were not participating in systematic endurance training, and
had a total exercise load of less than 5 h per week. All participants
provided written informed consent prior to participation in any
of the experimental procedures that had received prior ethical
approval at the University of Worcester.
Participants completed three experimental sessions (control,
plyometric, and resistance warm-up) in a counterbalanced
crossover design, using a Latin-square arrangement, with trials
separated by 48 h. An initial visit was used to familiarize
participants with testing equipment and procedures. Participants
were instructed to perform no strenuous exercise within the 48 h
prior to testing in order to avoid fatigue and delayed muscle
soreness. They were also instructed to refrain from caffeine
and alcohol consumption in the 24 h prior to testing, and to
avoid the consumption of food in the 3 h prior to each testing
session. All the tests were conducted in a laboratory with similar
temperature and humidity (21.6 ±1.4C, 48 ±5%), and at the
same time of the day for each subject to avoid any influences of
the circadian rhythm.
In the control and resistance conditions, participants
performed a 10-min self-paced jog on a motorized treadmill
followed by six, 10 s strides with or without extra load with a
1-min rest period between each on treadmill. The velocity of
strides during the first condition was controlled by participants,
and the velocity was recorded and repeated in the next condition.
In the resistance condition, subjects performed the strides whilst
wearing a weighted vest equal to 20% of body mass (Barnes
et al., 2015). The warm-up procedure was followed by a 10-min
recovery, then followed by five maximal continuous straight-leg
jumps for the determination of leg stiffness. At the end of the rest
following warm-up, perceived race readiness for each subject was
determined. Participants then performed the running tests on a
motorized treadmill.
During the plyometric intervention, subjects performed 2 ×8
squat jumps, 2 ×8 scissor jumps, and 2 ×8 double leg bounds
(2 sets of 8 repetitions) as a part of warm-up, and had 60 s to
recover between each set. Prior to the intervention, participants
were shown the technique to be used during jumping through use
of three videos. In the squat jumps, participants were required to
start with feet wide and chest up, to squat low so that thighs were
parallel with the ground, then drive their arms up and push off the
floor. In the scissor jumps, participants were requested to stand
with one leg in front and one leg behind, maintain a right angle
between thigh and calf, then drive their arms up and push off the
floor whilst reversing leg positions. In the double leg bounds, the
participants commenced from the same starting position as in
the squat jumps. However, they then jumped forward as far as
possible with the arms up. The total amount of time spent in each
of the three warm-up protocols was recorded. Participants were
instructed to wear the same pair of running shoes during the three
tests. The full experimental protocol is illustrated in Figure 1.
Anthropometric Characteristics Measurement
Body height and body mass were measured using a Seca 213
Stadiometer (Seca, United Kingdom) and Sartorius Combics
scales (Bovenden, Germany). A Bodystat (Isle of Man, British
Isles) device was used to measure body fat percentage through
two electrodes positioned on the participants’ right hand
and foot joints.
5-Jump Plyometric Test
Participants conducted five maximal continuous straight-leg
jumps on a force plate (Watertown, MA, United States). They
were requested to keep the legs as straight as possible throughout
jumping and to try to obtain the maximum height on each jump
with the contact time kept as fast as possible. Leg stiffness was
calculated as the relative power (N kg1) divided by the vertical
displacement (m) measured during the 5-jump plyometric test
(Morin et al., 2005). The leg stiffness was calculated using the
following formula: Kleg =Fmax ·1L1(Fmax means the maximal
ground reaction force during the contact; 1L refers to the peak
displacement of the leg spring (Morin et al., 2005). The peak value
was selected for the subsequent data analysis.
Perceived Race Readiness
At the end of rest following the three warm-up protocols,
participants were inquired “how effectively do you think the
warm-up was in preparation for racing?” and requested to rate
their readiness from 1 (not effective at all) to 10 (extremely
effective) (Ingham et al., 2013).
Running Test and Incremental Test
Initial velocity was 7 km h1and increased by 1 km h1
every 3 min up to 10 km h1. The gradient of the motorized
treadmill was set at 1% to simulate the air resistance that athletes
experience on an outdoor track (Jones and Doust, 1996). During
the incremental test, at 10 km h1, the gradient increased by 2.5%
every 2 min until exhaustion. HR and pulmonary gas-exchange
indicators were measured continuously with a Polar H7 heart
rate monitor (Polar, United Kingdom) and Cortex Metalyzer
(Cranlea, United Kingdom). The VO2, HR, VE, and RER were
averaged over the last minute of each running velocity. VO2max
was determined to have been achieved when two of three criteria
were achieved (1) RER >1.1; (2) VO2reached a plateau or
decreased slowly in the final stage of the test; (3) HR attained over
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
FIGURE 1 | Experimental protocol.
90% of the age predicted maximum (maximal HR = 220 - age)
(Buckley et al., 2015). RPE was obtained using the Borg Category
(6–20) scale (Borg, 1998) in the final 30 s at each velocity.
Normality of data was assessed using the Shapiro–Wilk test prior
to analysis. A two-way repeated measures ANOVA (analysis
of variance) was used to analyze the differences in each
variable within-subject factor: warm-up conditions (control,
plyometric, and resistance warm-up protocols); within-subject
factor: different velocities (7, 8, 9, and 10 km h1). A two-
way repeated measures ANOVA followed by least significant
difference (LSD) post hoc test and simple effects analysis where
appropriate, were used to analyze the pairwise comparisons.
Perceived race readiness, leg stiffness, and time to exhaustion
within three warm-up interventions were assessed with one-
way ANOVA. The magnitude of differences in key dependent
variables were presented as effect sizes using the following criteria
0.2–0.5 small; 0.5–0.8 moderate; >0.8 large (Cohen, 1988).
A Pearson correlation was used to assess the relationship between
changes in leg stiffness and VO2(RE). Statistical analyses were
performed using SPSS.24. All data is presented as Mean ±SD,
and statistical significance was accepted at P<0.05.
There were interaction effects between the three warm-up
protocols and four running velocities for VO2[F(6,66) = 2.365,
P= 0.040], while there were no interaction effects for VE
[F(2.52,27.70) = 0.257, P= 0.823], HR [F(2.49,27.46) = 0.618,
P= 0.581], RER [F(1.46,16.12) = 2.045, P= 0.169] or
RPE [F(6,66) = 1.548, P= 0.215]. In addition, none of
the three warm-up protocols had any main effects on
VE[F(2,22) = 0.591, P= 0.562], HR [F(2,22) = 1.723,
P= 0.202], RER [F(1.247,13.715) = 0.006, P= 0.966] or
RPE [F(2,22) = 1.069, P= 0.360].
Effect of Running Velocity on VO2
VO2increased with increased velocity (control warm-up
protocol: F= (3,33) = 119.109, P<0.01; Plyometric warm-up
protocol: F= (3,33) = 60.682, P<0.01; Resistance warm-up
protocol: F= (3,33) = 241.410, P<0.01). Values for VO2
following each warm-up protocol and at each running velocity
are presented in Table 2.
Effect of Warm-Up Protocol on VO2
In comparison with the control warm-up protocol, at
7 km h1, VO2was lower in the plyometric condition
[control: 26.75 ±2.66 ml min1kg1; plyometric:
25.08 ±2.39 ml min1kg1(F(2,22) = 3.368, P= 0.032,
ES = 0.355)]. There was no significant difference in VO2
between the control and resistance exercise conditions
[26 ±2.69 ml min1kg1(F(2,22) = 3.368, P= 0.202,
ES = 0.144)]. Individual values and Mean ±SD for VO2at the
velocity of 7 km h1within the three protocols are displayed
in Figure 2A.
Similarly, at all velocities, VO2was significantly lower
following the plyometric warm-up protocol compared to
the control condition: 30.08 ±3.42 ml min1kg1to
27.33 ±4.30 ml min1kg1, [F(2,22) = 8.781, P= 0.006,
ES = 0.513] (8 km h1), 33.58 ±3.61 ml min1kg1to
32.08 ±2.61 ml min1kg1, [F(2,22) = 4.287, P= 0.034,
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
TABLE 2 | The effects of four running velocities on VO2following the control, plyometric, and resistance warm-up protocols.
Pvalues within
Interventions 7 km h18 km h19 km h110 km h14 velocities
Control warm-up 26.75 ±2.667 30.08 ±3.423** 33.58 ±3.605** 36.08 ±3.630** <0.01
Plyometric warm-up 25.08 ±2.39 27.33 ±4.29** 32.08 ±2.61** 34.50 ±3.55** <0.01
Resistance warm-up 26.00 ±2.70 30.67 ±3.34** 33.83 ±3.83** 36.42 ±3.58** <0.01
Significant difference (**P <0.01) from 7 km h1.
FIGURE 2 | Individual values and Mean ±SD for VO2at the velocity of 7 km h-1(A),8kmh-1(B),9kmh-1(C), and 10 km h-1(D) within three warm-up protocols.
Significant difference (P<0.05, ∗∗P<0.01) from control warm-up.
ES = 0.346] (9 km h1) and 36.08 ±3.63 ml min1kg1
to 34.50 ±3.55 ml min1kg1, [F(2,22) = 4.653, P= 0.010,
ES = 0.463] (10 km h1), respectively. However, no statistically
significant differences were found in VO2between control
and resistance warm-up protocols (P= 0.570, ES = 0.030) at
10 km h1. Individual values and Mean ±SD for VO2at the
velocity of 8, 9, and 10 km h1within three warm-up protocols
are shown in Figures 2B–D.
Effect of Warm-Up Protocol on
Perceived Race Readiness, Leg Stiffness
and Time to Exhaustion
No statistical significant changes were found in perceived
race readiness or time to exhaustion between the
warm-up protocols. Leg stiffness showed significant
increases following the plyometric and resistance warm-
up protocols, increasing from 18.59 ±4.50 kN m1to
22.38 ±3.91 kN m1,F(2,33) = 3.754, P= 0.039, ES = 0.541
and 23.08 ±4.51 kN m1,F(2,33) = 3.754, P= 0.016,
ES = 0.765 (Table 3). Individual values and Mean ±SD for
leg stiffness following the three warm-up protocols are shown
in Figure 3.
TABLE 3 | Influence of 3 protocols of warm-up on leg stiffness, perceived race
readiness, and time to exhaustion.
Plyometric Resistance
Indicators Control warm-up warm-up
Leg stiffness 18.59 ±4.50 22.38 ±3.91* 23.08 ±4.51*
Perceived race 4.67 ±1.37 5.08 ±1.62 5.00 ±2.00
Time to exhaustion 14.09 ±2.50 14.09 ±2.39 14.43 ±2.60
Significant difference (*P <0.05) from control warm-up.
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
FIGURE 3 | Individual values and Mean ±SD for leg stiffness within three
warm-up protocols. Significant difference (P<0.05) from control warm-up.
Correlations Between Changes in VO2
and Changes in Leg Stiffness at Each
Running Velocity Following the
Plyometric Warm-Up Protocol
No statistically significant correlations were found between
changes in VO2and changes in leg stiffness at velocities of
7 km h1(r= 0.058, P= 0.185), 9 km h1(r= 0.226, P= 0.057), or
10 km h1(r= 0.050, P= 0.187) following the plyometric warm-
up protocol. However, increased leg stiffness was moderately
correlated with improved RE at 8 km h1(r= 0.475, P= 0.041).
In addition, no statistically significant correlations were found
between changes in VO2and changes in leg stiffness at velocities
of 7 km h1(r= -0.154, P= 0.063), 8 km h1(r= -0.226,
P= 0.057), 9 km h1(r= -0.050, P= 0.187), or 10 km h1
(r= -0.080, P= 0.198) following the resistance warm-up protocol.
This study investigated the influences of plyometric and
resistance warm-up protocols on RE in healthy adults. The
primary finding of this study was that a plyometric warm-
up can improve RE (6.2% at the velocity of 7 km h1,
ES = 0.355, 9.1% at the velocity of 8 km h1, ES = 0.513,
4.5% at the velocity of 9 km h1, ES = 0.346, and
4.4% at the velocity of 10 km h1, ES = 0.463) with
no statistically significant changes in other metabolic and
pulmonary gas exchange indicators, RPE, time to exhaustion,
perceived race readiness or VO2max in comparison to a
control protocol. However, no significant differences were
found in RE at any velocity between the control and
resistance protocols even though the leg stiffness showed a
significant increase (24%, ES = 0.765) following the resistance
warm-up intervention.
Numerous studies have explored the influence of chronic
(ranging from 4 to 14 weeks) plyometric and/or resistance
training interventions on RE and running performance
(Spurrs et al., 2003;Guglielmo et al., 2009;Berryman et al.,
2010). Balsalobre-Fernández et al. (2016) suggested it is
optimal and practical for highly trained endurance athletes
to perform 8–12 weeks’ low to high intensity resistance and
plyometric training, with a frequency of 2–3 sessions per
week, for the purpose of enhancing RE. In contrast, few
studies have explored the acute effects of plyometric and
resistance warm-up protocols on RE in healthy adults and
endurance athletes. Even though an enhancement in RE
was found in the present study following the plyometric
warm-up, it is unclear whether the improvement can
be translated to competitive endurance athletes using
the same protocol.
In comparison with the control warm-up, leg stiffness
increased by 20% (P= 0.039, ES = 0.541) and 24% (P= 0.016,
ES = 0.765) following plyometric and resistance warm-up
protocols, respectively. Significant correlations between changes
in RE and changes in leg stiffness following the plyometric warm-
up intervention were found at 8 km h1only. Previous research
has found improved RE and increased leg stiffness following
plyometric and resistance interventions (Millet et al., 2002;
Spurrs et al., 2003;Barnes et al., 2015;Moore, 2016). However,
in the present study, only two participants demonstrated
improvements in RE following the resistance warm-up protocol.
One possibility is that the exercise intensities utilized in the
present study were inappropriate for the purpose of inducing
any PAP effect. Resistance exercise can induce PAP, which
may have beneficial effects on RE and running performance
by increasing the phosphorylation of myosin regulatory light
chains and Ca2+sensitivity in striated muscles (MacIntosh,
2010;Boullosa et al., 2018). However, fatigue and PAP effect
can exist in the body at the same time (Rassier and Macintosh,
2000), and is dependent not only ntraining protocols, but
also the individual’s fitness level (Hamada et al., 2000). In
the present study, a 20% body mass weighted vest was used,
because this loading had previously been demonstrated to
increase leg stiffness and improve RE in more well trained
runners (Barnes et al., 2015). Given the difference in training
status of the experimental participants, a possible reason why
the resistance warm-up produced no change in RE in our
study may be that the 20% body mass weighted vest was
inappropriate for inducing a PAP effect in this population. If
the load was too heavy, then the negative effects of fatigue
on RE may have counteracted any beneficial influences of
a PAP effect on RE and running performance. Alternatively,
it may simply be the case that the protocol utilized was
insufficient to produce any PAP effect in the first place.
Given the data available to us, we are unable to determine
if the absence of benefit of the resistance protocol resulted
from inability to induce PAP, or resultant fatigue. However,
it is noteworthy that excessive fatigue was not apparent
during testing itself and it that there were no differences in
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Wei et al. Plyometric Warm-Up and Running Economy
perceived race readiness between conditions, which may be
expected to be the case if the vest was indeed too heavy.
Additionally, it may also suggest that leg stiffness is not the only
factor of influencing RE.
Running economy was improved at all running velocities
following the plyometric warm-up protocol. However, increased
leg stiffness was only moderately (r= 0.475, P= 0.041) correlated
with improved RE at 8 km h1, and not at other velocities.
This may suggest that improved leg stiffness was not the only
factor responsible for the enhanced RE following the plyometric
warm-up. PAP effects have previously been demonstrated to be
induced through the pre-activation of skeletal muscles through
heavy exercises (Hodgson and Docherty, 2005), and Blagrove
et al. (2019) found that just six repetitions of a depth jump
produced moderate improvements in RE in national standard
male endurance runners through inducing a PAP effect. PAP
effects can increase phosphorylation of myosin regulation light
chains and Ca2+sensitivity in striated muscle (Boullosa et al.,
2018), leading to an increased rate of force development, and
peak tension through an increased number of cross-bridges
formed (MacIntosh, 2010). These neuromuscular adaptations
may allow runners to maintain a constant running velocity with a
relative low energy cost (Blagrove et al., 2018). In addition, any
PAP effects induced by a plyometric warm-up may potentiate
the recruitment of type I muscle fibers, thereby postponing the
activation of less efficient type II muscle fibers and reducing
energy consumption during running (Schumann et al., 2016).
Moreover, elastic energy induced by a plyometric warm-up can be
stored in the tendons and skeletal muscles, making an extensive
contribution to propulsion (Anderson, 1996). This may reduce
ground contact times, and is likely to further reduce energy
consumption (improve the RE) during endurance exercise. The
above mechanisms may explain the improved RE following
the plyometric warm-up protocol. However, we acknowledge
that in the present study, PAP effects were not specifically
measured, meaning our ability to fully explain the underpinning
mechanisms responsible for the observed effects on RE and
performance is limited.
Limitations to the current study include (1) Total time for the
three warm-up interventions were slightly different, being 16 min
for the control condition, 16 min for the resistance condition
and an average of 16.34 min (ranging from 15.22 to 17.3 min)
for plyometric condition. (2) As described above, the possible
reason of resistance warm-up inducing no change in RE in this
present study may be the unsuitable intensity, leading to fatigue
in participants. However, no measure of fatigue was made during
the study. (3) Even though enhancement in RE was found in
present study following the plyometric warm-up, it is unclear
whether the improvement can be translated to the competitive
endurance athletes using the same plyometric warm-up protocol.
Therefore, the present study suggests that more attention should
be paid to explore the optimal intensity of resistance training
using weighed vest by monitoring some fatigue and PAP effect
related indicators, and also explore the beneficial effects of acute
plyometric warm-up on RE and running performance in elite
endurance athletes.
In conclusion, the primary finding of this study was plyometric
warm-up can improve RE (6.2% at 7 km h1, ES = 0.355, 9.1%
at 8 km h1, ES = 0.513, 4.5% at 9 km h1, ES = 0.346 and
4.4% at 10 km h1, ES = 0.463) (Supplementary Datasheet 1).
However, no statistical significant changes in other metabolic
and pulmonary gas exchange indicators, time to exhaustion,
perceived race readiness, and VO2max were found in comparison
with the control and resistance warm-up protocols. In addition
to this, increased leg stiffness following the plyometric warm-
up protocol was related to the improved RE at the velocity
of 8 km h1(r= 0.475, P= 0.041) in healthy adults. Future
studies should endeavor to elucidate the effect of plyometric
warm-up protocols on RE and running performance in elite
endurance runners.
All datasets generated for this study are available on request to the
corresponding author.
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and
approved by the Ethical Committee of the University of
Worcester, United Kingdom. All participants provided informed
consent prior to participation in experimental procedures.
CW, BD, LY, and AR were involved in study design and data
interpretation. CW collected and analyzed the data. All authors
approved the final version of manuscript.
This study was supported by a grant from the International
Cooperation Research Project of Beijing Sport University
(No. 2018GJ012).
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
online at:
Frontiers in Physiology | 7March 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 197
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Conflict of Interest: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
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Frontiers in Physiology | 8March 2020 | Volume 11 | Article 197
... Despite differences in the related mechanisms (Bishop, 2003b;Blazevich & Babault, 2019;Faulkner et al., 2013;McGowan et al., 2015), both general (Andrade et al., 2015;Bishop, 2003a;Pagaduan et al., 2012) and specific warm-ups (Seitz & Haff, 2016;Krzysztofik & Wilk, 2020;Tobin & Delahunt, 2014), specifically using plyometric exercises, may improve power performance. Furthermore, although the improvement in long-term and intermediate maximal effort performance is more frequently reported when a general warm-up is performed (Bishop, 2003a;Grodjinovsky & Magel, 1970), this improvement has also been suggested for specific warm-ups (aiming to promote PAPE) (Blagrove et al., 2019;Boullosa et al., 2018;Low et al., 2019;Wei et al., 2020). Therefore, with the objective of helping coaches and practitioners understand and choose the PCE, the aim of the current study was to analyze and compare the effects of two different active warm-up strategies; one general and another specific, performed using plyometric exercises, on power and running performance in healthy adult men. ...
... Therefore, a possible explanation for the results found could be the high volume of plyometric exercises performed. Although a plyometric warm-up protocol with a similar volume (3 plyometric exercises; 2 x 8 repetitions; total volume of 48 jumps) increased leg stiffness and running economy of healthy adult recreational athletes (Wei et al., 2020), this dose of PCE could be high for the sample included in the present study (physically active healthy men). In other studies with endurance runners (~6 drop jumps (Blagrove et al., 2019) and with adult professional soccer players (2 repetitions of a maximal vertical jump (Brink et al., 2022), lower training loads applied during the warm-up were sufficient to improve running economy (Blagrove et al., 2019) and vertical jump performance (Brink et al., 2022). ...
... Although the oxygen consumption was not reported in the present study, we believe that the time (6 minutes) and intensity (exertion of 2-3 on 0-10 Borg scale), could be appropriate to improve baseline oxygen consumption (Bishop, 2003a). The effect of plyometric exercise performed during the warm-up to improve running performance parameters has also been reported previously (Blagrove et al., 2019;Boullosa et al., 2018Boullosa et al., , 2020Low et al., 2019;Wei et al., 2020). For example, Blagrove et al., (2019) found that 6 drop jumps were sufficient to improve the running economy of junior endurance runners. ...
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The current study aimed to analyze and compare the effects of two different active warm-up strategies (general warm-up vs. specific warm-up using plyometric exercises), on power and running performance. Nine healthy adult males, age 29.89 ± 6.99 years, weight 79.59 ± 7.66 kg, and height 175.22 ± 7.17 cm, participated in two sessions in a random order in a crossover format. After familiarization with the experimental procedures and with countermovement jump (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ), participants were randomly assigned to general (GW) or specific (using plyometric exercises - PW) warm-up protocols prior to a 1,000 meter running exercise. CMJ and SJ tests were performed before and after the warm-up protocols and the jump height was computed. The time to perform the 1,000 meter running exercise was reported. The main results showed an effect for time (p < .01), but not an interaction (p = .19) or condition effect (p = .56) for CMJ. The SJ showed time (p < .01) and interaction effects (p < .05), but no condition effect (p = .62). Paired comparisons showed that SJ increased post GW (p < .01) compared to pre, but did not change post PW (p = .36). No difference was found in running time when the two warm-up strategies were compared (p = .66). In conclusion, the general warm-up promoted a pronounced improvement in the subsequent power test, but no differences were found between the general and specific warm-ups on performance in the subsequent running exercise. The results of this study should be analyzed with some caution, and when using PW to improve performance, it should be individualized with adequate volume
... Additionally, plyometric exercises effectively produce acute improvements in countermovement jump and sprint performance [19]. They may even offer similar benefits compared to high-loaded resistance exercises when used as conditioning activities by recreational athletes before running [20]. Determining the best interaction between the conditioning stimulus and rest period is a determined factor in PAPE responses [21]. ...
... However, after 2 min of rest, the emergence of a potentiation effect becomes increasingly evident, suggesting that a longer recovery interval is necessary to obtain the desired performance enhancement. While systematic strength training for jumping events may lead to resistance against muscle fatigue [19,20], the present findings suggest that the 2 min rest period following eccentric half-squats is not sufficient to induce PAPE. Since subsequent power production and performance depend on the balance between potentiation and fatigue, one explanation for the lack of improvement could be the higher level of fatigue compared to the potentiating effect of the conditioning activity. ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate effect of post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) induced by the eccentric half-squat exercise on vertical jump performance in male jumpers. The jumping height, peak power, and work were measured and evaluated in twenty male jumpers (age: 21.2 ± 1.7 years, height: 191.1 ± 3.3 cm, body mass: 81.56 ± 7.3 kg) who participated in the national championship last year. Participants performed five eccentric half-squats at 85% of their one-repetition maximum (1 RM), with a knee angle below 90 • , followed by immediate and 2 min delayed jump assessments using the Squat Jump (SJ) and Countermovement Jump (CMJ) tests. Results showed that this specific PAPE protocol did not significantly improve jump performance for the SJ (Height: ES = 0.613, p = 0.462, Work: ES = 0.124, p = 0.231, Power: ES = 0.382, p = 0.125) or CMJ (Height: ES = 0.523, p = 0.368, Work ecc: ES = 0.133, p = 0.505 (only main effect time p < 0.05), Work con: ES = 0.114, p = 0.101, Power ecc: ES = 0.134, p = 0.177, Power con: ES = 0.182, p = 0.195, Leg stiffness: ES = 0.095, p = 0.358) tests. Factors such as stimulus specificity, rest intervals, muscle length, and the balance between potentiation and fatigue may explain these results. This study highlights the complexity of PAPE responses and suggests that a single set of eccentric squats with a short rest may not improve jump performance in male jumpers. Further research is required to optimize the interplay between conditioning stimuli and rest periods to maximize PAPE effects in athletic performance enhancement.
... The performance in the acceleration part depends on the reaction time, and the level of strength, and power produced by the athlete during the acceleration (Lloyd et al., 2016). Within this scope, it has been shown that, when running, the stiffness of the muscle-tendon complex plays a significant role in the strength production rate (Clegg & Harrison, 2005;Wei et al., 2020). In addition, previous research (Barquero-Jiménez & Salazar-Rojas, 2020) suggested that plyometric exercises facilitate the transition of the nervous-muscular system from eccentric contraction to concentric contraction. ...
... In this context, it has been demonstrated that plyometrics is an important prerequisite for an efficient COD speed performance (Asadi et al., 2016;Barquero-Jiménez & Salazar-Rojas, 2020;Slimani et al., 2017). Particularly, the high-intensity plyometric condition is a dynamic form of plyometric exercise that involves both vertical and horizontal fast stretch-shortening cycle actions (Lees et al., 2004;Wei et al., 2020). Furthermore, neural adaptations and enhancement of motor-unit recruitment are mechanisms that can lead to an improvement in the COD tests (Aagaard et al., 2002;Young et al., 2015). ...
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This study aimed to determine the acute effects of high-intensity forward-backward and low-intensity side-to-side plyometric jumps performed following the warm-up on sprint (5, 10, and 15 m) and change-of-direction (COD) (T-half test and repeated T-half tests) performance in youth volleyball players. After a familiarization week, 30 male volleyball players (age = 12.04 ± 1.03 years) performed three randomized conditions (no-plyometrics, high-intensity plyometrics, and low-intensity plyometrics) in three sessions. In a within-subject design, three sets of six repetitions of forward-backward 30-cm hurdle jumps (high-intensity) and side-to-side 20-cm hurdle jumps (low-intensity) were completed. Sprint and COD were tested after each of the conditions with a 2-min rest. A significant effect of the plyometric condition was observed on sprint ( p < .001, range: .56–.70) and COD ( p < .01, ), but not on repeated COD. More specifically, the high-intensity plyometric condition exhibited significantly better results compared with the low-intensity plyometric (Cohen’s d range: 0.73–1.21) and control conditions (Cohen’s d range: 0.91–2.21). Due to the importance of speed and COD in volleyball, these results suggest that young volleyball players may benefit from high-intensity forward-backward plyometric protocols following the warm-up to improve subsequent performance.
... The first conditioning activity included performing one set of 3RM back squats with ~90% 1RM load [8]. The second conditioning activity included performing ballistic jump exercises, i.e., squat jumps, scissor jumps, and double leg bounds [14]. Following each experimental condition, the participants performed the SJFT after an approximately eight-minute rest period [15]. ...
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This study aimed to examine the acute effects of squat and ballistic jump exercises during warm-ups on judo-specific performance in young male judokas. Using a randomized crossover design , 10 sub-junior male judokas (age: 12.9 ± 0.7 years) completed three conditions: a controlled warm-up with only judo-specific exercises and two experimental warm-ups including either a three-repetition maximum (RM) back squat (with ~90% 1RM load) or ballistic jumps (squat jumps, scissor jumps, and double-leg bounds) in addition to judo-specific warm-ups. Following each warm-up condition, participants performed the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), with heart rate measured immediately and one minute post-test. Handgrip strength and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded after the SJFT. Both squat and ballistic jump exercises significantly improved judo-specific performance compared to the control condition, with large effect sizes (ESs). The number of throws in set 2 (p = 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.65, large ES), total throws (p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.70, large ES), and the SJFT index (p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.65, large ES) all showed significant improvements. Regarding the throw in set 2, significant improvements were observed after both squat (p = 0.003, Hedge's g = 1.78, large ES) and ballistic jump exercises (p = 0.010, Hedge's g = 1.44, large ES) compared to the control condition. Similarly, total throws were significantly higher in the squat (p = 0.003, Hedge's g = 1.51, large ES) and ballistic jump (p < 0.001, Hedge's g = 1.37, large ES) conditions compared to the control condition. Furthermore, the SJFT index showed notable improvements following squat (p = 0.010, Hedge's g = 0.80, moderate ES) and ballistic jump (p < 0.001, Hedge's g = 0.90, moderate ES) conditions compared to control conditions. However, squat exercises led to a significant reduction in right-hand grip strength (p < 0.001, ηp 2 = 0.58, large ES) [p = 0.008, Hedge's g = 0.19, trivial ES for squat vs. control; p = 0.014, Hedge's g = 0.23, small ES for squat vs. ballistic jump], with no differences observed in left-hand grip strength or RPE scores (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the integration of squat and ballistic jump exercises into warm-up protocols has been shown to significantly improve judo-specific performance in young male judokas without eliciting an increase in RPE values. However , careful consideration should be given when incorporating squat exercises, as they may lead to localized handgrip fatigue (reduced grip strength due to muscle exhaustion), which could affect performance in grip-dependent techniques. Citation: Baruah, J.; Kharel, A.; Hina, M.; Ceylan, H.İ.; Raul-Ioan, M.; Thapa, R.K. Acute Effects of Squat and Ballistic Jump Exercises on Judo-Specific Performance, Handgrip Strength, and Perceived Exertion in Young Male Judokas.
... Which increases vo2 max and ATP production. So, in the main set of exercises, we can reduce individuals' exertion levels [42] . Smith indicated that the general purpose of a pre-exercise warm-up is to increase muscle and tendon suppleness, stimulate blood flow to the periphery, increase muscle temperature, and enhance free, coordinated movement. ...
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Background: Football is the most popular contact sport worldwide. The nature of the game calls for excellent performance from numerous motor components. In order to condition the athletes and get them ready for the complex micro-movements that are taking place at the motor neuron level. Football players are more likely to get an injury as a result of vigorous training drills and intensive on-field action. Warming up is essential for injury prevention and increase performance. Many different types of warm-ups are used but needs to find a proper protocol. This study focused to find out the effect of RAMP warm-up on speed, agility and endurance for competitive preparation in football players. Aim: The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of RAMP warm-up on Speed, agility and endurance in football players. Objective: To measure the duration of speed for football players by using the 30-meter sprint test. To measure the duration of agility for football players by using the agility t-test. To measure the score of endurance for football players by using the yoyo endurance. Method: 50 Football players were selected as per inclusion and exclusion Criteria. The procedure was explained to the player and written informed consent was taken. Participants were randomly allocated into 2 groups (Experimental group and control group) by using the cheat method. The outcome measures like speed, agility, and endurance were measured by a 30-meter sprint test, Agility t-test and yoyo endurance test respectively before and after the intervention. In the Experimental Group, RAMP warm-up was carried out for 4 weeks. Control Group traditional warm-up was carried out for 4 weeks. Result: The data's normality was checked using the Shapiro-Wilk test, which showed that the data were parametric. The outcomes were analyzed by using paired t-test for intra-group analysis and independent t-test for intergroup analysis. In intra group, there was a significant improvement in the 30-meter sprint test, agility t-test and yoyo endurance test. In intergroup experimental group showed significant improvement in functional performance. The RAMP warm up found to be effective in improving speed (p=0.001, t=11.041), agility (p=0.001, t=10.155) and endurance (p=0.002, t=4.180). Conclusion: The present study concluded that RAMP Warm up showed significant improvement in the 30-meter sprint test, agility t-test and yoyo endurance test.
... These neuromuscular adaptations likely enable runners to sustain a consistent running pace with relatively lower energy expenditure. [25] During a warm-up, the pre-load is elevated, causing a greater volume of blood to flow into the lungs, ultimately enhancing gaseous exchange at the tissue level. This improved exchange of gases leads to an increase in variables like VO 2 max and ATP production. ...
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A bstract Background Football demands mastery of diverse motor skills, emphasizing intricate micro-movements. Effective warm-up protocols, such as raise, activate, mobilize, and potentiate (RAMP), are crucial for injury prevention and performance enhancement. RAMP systematically elevates heart rate, activates muscles, mobilizes joints, and potentiates neuromuscular systems. Its structured approach optimally prepares athletes for intensive training and on-field activities. Aim This study aims to evaluate the effect of RAMP warm-up on speed, agility, and endurance in male football players. Materials and Methods Fifty football players meeting specific criteria were chosen, briefed on study procedures, and provided written consent. They were randomly assigned to either a 4-week RAMP warm-up or a traditional warm-up group. Speed, agility, and endurance were assessed before and after the intervention using diverse tests. Result Statistical tests included paired t tests for intra-group and independent t tests for inter-group comparisons. Intra-group analysis showed notable improvements in the 30-m sprint, agility t test, and Yo-Yo endurance. Between-group analysis indicated significant enhancements in functional performance for the RAMP warm-up group. Specifically, RAMP warm-up was effective in improving speed ( P = 0.001), agility ( P = 0.001), and endurance ( P = 0.002). Conclusion The study demonstrated that the RAMP warm-up effectively improved the speed, agility, and endurance of football players, highlighting its potential as a valuable addition to training programs.
... Additionally, plyometric exercises effectively produce acute improvements in countermovement jump and sprint performance [11]. They may even offer similar benefits compared to high-loaded resistance exercises when used as conditioning activities by recreational athletes before running [12]. Determining the best interaction between conditioning stimulus and rest period is a determined factor in PAPE responses [13]. ...
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) induced by eccentric half-squat exercise on vertical jump performance in male jumpers. The jumping height, peak power, and work were measured and evaluated in twenty male jumpers. Participants performed five eccentric half-squats at 85% of their one-repetition maximum (1 RM), with a knee angle below 90°, followed by immediate and 2min delayed jump assessments using Squat Jump (SJ) and Countermovement Jump (CMJ) tests. Results showed that this specific PAPE protocol did not significantly improve jump performance for both SJ and CMJ tests. Factors such as stimulus specificity, rest intervals, muscle length, and the balance between potentiation and fatigue may explain these results. The study highlights the complexity of PAPE responses and suggests that a single set of eccentric squats with a short rest may not improve jump performance in male jumpers. Further research is required to optimize the interplay between conditioning stimulus and rest periods to maximize PAPE effects in athletic performance enhancement.
PURPOSE: This study aimed to observe whether applying jogging, WBV, and PWU as warm-up exercises positively affected the neurophysiological responses and physical fitness measurements in elite indoor and winter sports athletes.METHODS: Elite bobsleigh (n = 4, height; 180.2±2.93, weight; 93.5±2.41) and squash (n = 5, height; 177.8±2.86, weight; 77.8±4.21) athletes were recruited. To verify the effect of the treatment, the whole body vibration (WBV), plyometric (PWU), and jogging treatment were performed for 10 minutes each week. Lactic acid, nerve conduction velocity (pre, post, 3 minutes, 5 minutes), and isokinetic test of three velocity (60, 180, 240°/sec) were measured.RESULTS: There were significant differences between control, WBV, and PWU in lactic acid after the 3 min test (χ2 = 9.036, p = .021), and WBV and PWU showed higher lactic acid than control. Nerve conduction velocity was different between control and PWU after the 3 min test (χ2 = 8.242, p = .041), and PWU showed faster conduction velocity than control. Isokinetic strength was found to be different between control and PWU (χ2 = 8.799, p = .032), and PWU showed higher average power than control.CONCLUSIONS: It is considered that plyometric is a suitable warm-up exercise that can be easily applied according to harsh space and weather changes. Additionally, the test should be conducted in more sports.
Purpose Narrative reviews have suggested that post-activation induced by warm-up routines is effective to increase endurance exercise performance in real-world scenarios. However, systematic reviews with meta-analysis (SRMA) rather than narrative ones are required to provide an up-to-date summary of the evidence and provide directions for practical decisions. Therefore, we systematically reviewed peer-reviewed and gray literature to determine the certainty of evidence and the relative effects of post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) in endurance exercises. Methods The effects of PAPE on endurance performance were meta-analyzed as a standardized mean difference (SMD) from control conditions within a random-effects model considering polled data and subgroups (PAPE strategies, endurance test modalities, and VO 2MAX -based endurance level). Results Eligible studies (n = 35) showed a high risk of bias due to methodological flaws in randomization and blinding procedures. A meta-analysis including 57 comparisons (432 participants) revealed a significant, but very small PAPE effect on endurance performance (Z = 2.49; SMD = 0.15 – very small; 95% CI 0.03 to 0.28) due to exceptional effect sizes reported by two studies (SMD of 2.85 and 2.14). We also observed that neither PAPE strategies nor endurance test modalities or VO 2MAX -based endurance levels influenced the PAPE effects on endurance performance. Meta-regression showed that PAPE effects were neither correlated with the time interval between conditioning routines and endurance exercise, nor with endurance exercise duration. We found a very low certainty of evidence that PAPE potentiates endurance performance. Conclusions Based on the analyses of bias and certainty of evidence, we found no support to recommend PAPE strategies to improve endurance exercise performance. Significant, but very small PAPE effects on endurance performance were due to two exceptional effect sizes.
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Endurance sport performance is influenced by many factors, such as motor economies. In this research we focused on running and cycling economies. Twenty-eight first year students of Faculty of Sport science of Masaryk University (age 20.29 ± 0.94 years, height 182.32 ± 7.98 cm, weight 76.98 ± 10.03 kg) were purposively selected to participate as subjects. The test subjects were randomized into experimental group (n = 17) and control group (n = 11). Pre-test and post-test were taken on RE and CE. The PI protocol was eight weeks, twice a week, eight sets per day, and ten repetitions per set. The results showed that short-term plyometric training using depth jump had no significant effect on RE when running at 10 and 12 km.h–1. Likewise there was no significant effect on CE using strain of 1.5–1 and 2–1. From the point of view of practical use we do not recommend apply analogous plyometric training using declared running speed and cycling intensity.
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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of a 12-week home-based strength, explosive and plyometric (SEP) training on the cost of running (Cr) in well-trained ultra-marathoners and to assess the main mechanical parameters affecting changes in Cr. Twenty-five male runners (38.2 ± 7.1 years; body mass index: 23.0 ± 1.1 kg·m(-2); V˙O2max: 55.4 ± 4.0 mlO2·kg(-1)·min(-1)) were divided into an exercise (EG = 13) and control group (CG = 12). Before and after a 12-week SEP training, Cr, spring-mass model parameters at four speeds (8, 10, 12, 14 km·h(-1)) were calculated and maximal muscle power (MMP) of the lower limbs was measured. In EG, Cr decreased significantly (p < .05) at all tested running speeds (-6.4 ± 6.5% at 8 km·h(-1); -3.5 ± 5.3% at 10 km·h(-1); -4.0 ± 5.5% at 12 km·h(-1); -3.2 ± 4.5% at 14 km·h(-1)), contact time (tc) increased at 8, 10 and 12 km·h(-1) by mean +4.4 ± 0.1% and ta decreased by -25.6 ± 0.1% at 8 km·h(-1) (p < .05). Further, inverse relationships between changes in Cr and MMP at 10 (p = .013; r = -0.67) and 12 km·h(-1) (p < .001; r = -0.86) were shown. Conversely, no differences were detected in the CG in any of the studied parameters. Thus, 12-week SEP training programme lower the Cr in well-trained ultra-marathoners at submaximal speeds. Increased tc and an inverse relationship between changes in Cr and changes in MMP could be in part explain the decreased Cr. Thus, adding at least three sessions per week of SEP exercises in the normal endurance-training programme may decrease the Cr.
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Running economy (RE) has a strong relationship with running performance, and modifiable running biomechanics are a determining factor of RE. The purposes of this review were to (1) examine the intrinsic and extrinsic modifiable biomechanical factors affecting RE; (2) assess training-induced changes in RE and running biomechanics; (3) evaluate whether an economical running technique can be recommended and; (4) discuss potential areas for future research. Based on current evidence, the intrinsic factors that appeared beneficial for RE were using a preferred stride length range, which allows for stride length deviations up to 3 % shorter than preferred stride length; lower vertical oscillation; greater leg stiffness; low lower limb moment of inertia; less leg extension at toe-off; larger stride angles; alignment of the ground reaction force and leg axis during propulsion; maintaining arm swing; low thigh antagonist–agonist muscular coactivation; and low activation of lower limb muscles during propulsion. Extrinsic factors associated with a better RE were a firm, compliant shoe–surface interaction and being barefoot or wearing lightweight shoes. Several other modifiable biomechanical factors presented inconsistent relationships with RE. Running biomechanics during ground contact appeared to play an important role, specifically those during propulsion. Therefore, this phase has the strongest direct links with RE. Recurring methodological problems exist within the literature, such as cross-comparisons, assessing variables in isolation, and acute to short-term interventions. Therefore, recommending a general economical running technique should be approached with caution. Future work should focus on interdisciplinary longitudinal investigations combining RE, kinematics, kinetics, and neuromuscular and anatomical aspects, as well as applying a synergistic approach to understanding the role of kinetics.
Objectives: To determine the effect of performing depth jumps (DJ) pre-exercise on running economy (RE) and time to exhaustion (TTE) at the speed associated with maximal oxygen uptake (sV˙O2max) in a group of high-performing junior middle-distance runners. Design: Randomized crossover study. Methods: Seventeen national- and international-standard male distance runners (17.6±1.2years, 63.4±6.3kg, 1.76±0.06m, 70.7±5.2mLkg-1min-1) completed two trials. Following a 5min warm-up at 60% V˙O2max, participants performed a 5min run at 20%Δ below oxygen uptake corresponding with lactate turn-point to determine pre-intervention RE. Participants then completed either six DJ from a box equivalent to their best counter-movement jump (CMJ) or a control condition (C) involving body weight quarter squats. After a 10min passive recovery, another 5min sub-maximal run was performed followed by a run to exhaustion at sV˙O2max. Results: Compared to the C trial, DJ produced moderate improvements (-3.7%, 95% confidence interval for effect size: 0.25-1.09) in RE, which within the context of minimal detectable change is considered possibly beneficial. Differences in TTE and other physiological variables were most likely trivial (ES: <0.2). Individual responses were small, however a partial correlation revealed a moderate relationship (r=-0.55, p=0.028) between change in RE and CMJ height. Conclusions: The inclusion of a set of six DJ in the warm-up routine of a well-trained young male middle-distance runner is likely to provide a moderate improvement in RE.
While there is strong support of the usefulness of post-activation potentiation (PAP) phenomenon in power demanding sports, the role that PAP could play in endurance sports has received less attention. The aim of this review is to present evidence for a better understanding of PAP in endurance athletes; and to discuss the physiological basis and methodological aspects necessary for better practices and designing further studies. A search for relevant articles on PAP and endurance trained athletes was carried out using Medline and ISI Web of Knowledge databases. Twenty-two studies were included in the review. The current evidence suggests the possible influence of PAP for performance enhancement after appropriate conditioning activities during warm up. Evaluation of PAP responses during testing, training and competition may be also important for athletes monitoring. There are many unresolved questions about the optimum load parameters for benefiting from PAP in both training and competition; and the role that PAP may exert for optimal performance while interacting with central and peripheral factors associated with muscle fatigue. Further studies should elucidate the association between PAP responses and long-term adaptations in endurance athletes.
The warm-up is an integral component of a middle- and long-distance athlete's pre-performance routine. The use of a loaded conditioning activity (LCA), which elicits a post-activation potentiation (PAP) response to acutely enhance explosive power performance, is well-researched. A similar approach incorporated into the warm-up of a middle- or long-distance athlete potentially provides a novel strategy to augment performance. Mechanisms that underpin a PAP response, relating to acute adjustments within the neuromuscular system, should theoretically improve middle- and long-distance performance via improvements in sub-maximal force-generating ability. Attempts to enhance middle- and long-distance related outcomes using a LCA have been used in several recent studies. Results suggest benefits to performance may exist in well-trained middle- and long-distance athletes by including high-intensity resistance training (1-5 repetition maximum) or adding load to the sport skill itself during the latter part of warm-ups. Early stages of performance appear to benefit most, and it is likely that recovery (5-10 min) also plays an important role following a LCA. Future research should consider how priming activity, designed to enhance the V[Combining Dot Above]O2 kinetic response, and a LCA may interact to affect performance, and how different LCA's might benefit various modes and durations of middle- and long-distance exercise.
Results regarding the acute effects of plyometric and resistance training (PRT) on running economy (RE) are conflicting. Eight male collegiate distance runners (21 ± 1 years, 62.5 ± 7.8 ml/kg/min V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak) completed V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak and 1 repetition maximum (1RM) testing. Seven days later, subjects completed a 12 minute RE test at 60% and 80% V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak, followed by a PRT protocol or a rested condition of equal duration (CON). The PRT protocol consisted of 3 sets of 5 repetitions at 85% 1RM for barbell squats, Romanian deadlifts, and barbell lunges; the same volume was utilized for resisted lateral lunges, box jumps, and depth jumps. Subjects completed another RE test immediately following the treatments as well as 24 hours later. Subjects followed an identical protocol six days later with condition assignment reversed. RE was determined by both relative V[Combining Dot Above]O2 (ml/kg/min) as well as energy expenditure (kcal/min). There was a significant (p < 0.05) between-trial increase in V[Combining Dot Above]O2 (37.1 ± 4.2 ml/kg/min PRT vs. 35.5 ± 3.9 ml/kg/min CON) and energy expenditure (11.4 ± 1.3 kcal/min PRT vs. 11.0 ± 1.4 kcal/min CON) immediately post-PRT at 60% V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak, but no significant changes were observed at 80% V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak. Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was significantly (p < 0.05) reduced 24 hours post-PRT (0.93 ± 0.0) as compared to the CON trial (0.96 ± 0.0) at 80% V[Combining Dot Above]O2 peak. Results indicate that high intensity PRT may acutely impair RE in aerobically trained individuals at a moderate running intensity, but that the attenuation lasts less than 24 hours in duration.
This study examined neuromuscular adaptations in recreational endurance runners during 24 weeks of same-session combined endurance and strength training (E+S, n=13) vs. endurance training only (E, n=14). Endurance training was similar in the 2 groups (4-6x/week). Additional maximal and explosive strength training was performed in E+S always after incremental endurance running sessions (35-45 min, 65-85% HRmax). Maximal dynamic leg press strength remained statistically unaltered in E+S but decreased in E at week 24 (-5±5%, p=0.014, btw-groups at week 12 and 24, p=0.014 and 0.011). Isometric leg press and unilateral knee extension force, EMG of knee extensors and voluntary activation remained statistically unaltered in E+S and E. The changes in muscle cross-sectional (CSA) differed between the 2 groups after 12 (E+S+6±8%, E -5±6%, p<0.001) and 24 (E+S+7±7%, E -6±5%, p<0.001) weeks. 1 000 m running time determined during an incremental field test decreased in E+S and E after 12 (-7±3%, p<0.001 and -8±5%, p=0.001) and 24 (-9±5%, p=0.001 and -13±5%, p<0.001) weeks. Strength training performed always after an endurance running session did not lead to increased maximal strength, CSA, EMG or voluntary activation. This possibly contributed to the finding of no endurance performance benefits in E+S compared to E. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.