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International Journal of Chemical Studies 2020; 8(2): 358-368
P-ISSN: 2349–8528
E-ISSN: 2321–4902
IJCS 2020; 8(1): 358-368
© 2020 IJCS
Received: 04-01-2020
Accepted: 08-02-2020
Sahil Kamboj
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Neeraj Gupta
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Julie D Bandral
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Garima Gandotra
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Nadira Anjum
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Corresponding Author:
Sahil Kamboj
Division of Food Science and
Technology, SKUAST-J,
Chatha, Punjab, India
Food safety and hygiene: A review
Sahil Kamboj, Neeraj Gupta, Julie D Bandral, Garima Gandotra and
Nadira Anjum
Food hygiene are the conditions and measures necessary to certify the safety of food from production to
consumption. Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting, processing,
storage, distribution, transportation and preparation. WHO (1984) has defined food hygiene as all
conditions and measures that are required during production, processing, storage, distribution and
preparation of food to ensure that it is safe, wholesome and fit for human consumption. Lack of requisite
food hygiene can lead to foodborne diseases and death of the consumer. Foodborne illness has been
associated with improper storage or reheating (50%), food stored inappropriately (45%) and cross-
contamination (39%). The increased numbers of people eating out have caused the emergence of food
borne illness due to unhygienic preparation and lack of knowledge of personal hygiene. These contributory
factors are due to a lack of food hygiene awareness or implementation. Hazard analysis and critical control
points, or HACCP is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, and
physical hazards in production processes that can cause the finished product to be unsafe and designs
measures to reduce these risks to a safe level. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United
States Department of Agriculture (USDA) require mandatory HACCP programs for juice and meat as an
effective approach to food safety and protecting public health. Food hygiene training is therefore crucial
in food safety and is an essential part of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) concept. Food
hygiene and safety usually refer to contamination with ‘microorganisms’ or ‘microbes’. All over the world
people are seriously affected every day by diseases that are caused by consuming unhygienic and unsafe
food. Good hygienic practices (GHP) to prevent and control foodborne diseases. Foodborne diseases result
from eating foods that contain infectious or toxic substances. The term ‘food hygiene’ refers particularly
to the practices that prevent microbial contamination of food at all points along the chain from farm to
table. Food safety is a closely related but broader concept that means food is free from all possible
contaminants and hazards. In practice both terms may be used interchangeably. HACCP implementation
in a food business requires the recognition of hazards and their control. Therefore, a major challenge in the
food industry is to motivate food handlers to apply what they have learnt regarding food hygiene.
Keywords: Food hygiene, safety, foodborne disease, HACCP, GHP, food quality
Food hygiene is the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from
production to consumption. It is a fundamental requirement of any food process that the food
produced should be safe for consumption. Food safety is a basic need but there is a danger that
it may be overlooked in the development of effective and efficient processes. Food safety
remains a critical issue with outbreaks of foodborne illness resulting in substantial costs to
individuals, the food industry and the economy (Kaferstein, Motarjemi, & Bettcher, 1997) [29].
Within England and Wales the number of food poisoning notifications rose steadily from
approximately 15,000 cases in the early 1980s to a peak of over 60,000 cases in 1996 (Wheeler
et al., 1999) [50].Unsafe food has been a human health problem since history was first recorded,
and many food safety problems encountered today are not new. Although governments all over
the world are doing their best to improve the safety of the food supply, the occurrence of food-
borne disease remains a significant health issue in both developed and developing countries.
Food can become contaminated at any point during slaughtering or harvesting, processing,
storage, distribution, transportation and preparation. Proper food preparation can prevent most
food borne diseases (Five keys to safer food manual). More than 200 known diseases are
transmitted through food. (Mead et al., 1985) [44]. Recent years have seen a reversal in this trend
but food poisoning remains a high priority for the public and government (Parliamentary
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Office of Science & Technology, 2003). Mishandling of food
plays a significant role in the occurrence of foodborne illness.
Improper food handling may be implicated in 97% of all
foodborne illness associated with catering outlets (Howes,
McEwen, GriYths, & Harris, 1996) [26].
The chances of food contamination and cross contamination
become higher especially in the lower socio-economic classes
due to unsatisfactory environmental conditions, poor personal
hygiene, poor quality and insufficient water supplies,
unhygienic preparation storage and feeding of foods. (Khan
Hameed, 1997; UNICEF, 2000) [30, 47]. Food safety hazards are
contaminants that may cause a food product to be unsafe for
production. Lack of adequate food hygiene can lead to food
borne diseases and death of the consumer. Contaminated food
presents one of the most common cause and major contributor
to gastrointestinal illness (e.g. acute diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
and abdominal pain), compromised nutritional status and less
resistance to disease and loss of productivity in the world today
(Jacob, 1989) [27]. To a large extent gastrointestinal illness
resulting from food contamination can be prevented if safe
food-hygiene practices are followed at various stages of food
purchase, storage, preparation and consumption (Mathee et al.,
2004) [35].
The World Health Organization (WHO) has long been aware
of the need to educate food handlers about their responsibilities
for food safety. In the early 1990s, WHO developed the Ten
Golden Rules for Safe Food Preparation and introduced the
Five Keys to Safer Food in 2001. Recognizing the importance
of safe food in human health WHO has selected the theme of
Food Safety for the World Health Day 2015 with the objective
of ensuring safety of food from farm to plate(Subba Rao GM
et al., 2007) [46].
Food contamination during food processing
The food processing steps are shown in (Fig 1) The presence
of unwanted materials such as dust and particles during the
manufacturing and transportation time is called contamination.
The term contaminants include any unwanted matter that is
found in the product. These contaminants affect the quality of
the product or the process. It has been demonstrated that food
contamination, either from microbiological or chemical origin,
is the highest concern for consumers. Sample treatment
devices, such as micro extraction techniques able to remove the
matrix interferences and to concentrate the analyses from the
sample, have been developed and proposed as powerful tools
for food analysis. But the task of identifying the contaminants,
either those coming from the food production, the food
processing or the packaging is still a challenge. The
information about the likely contaminants coming from each
step of the food processing is essential. In the following
paragraphs the description of the main contaminants in each
step, how to control them and how to prevent or diminish them
from the food are discussed. This information is essential to
identify the origin of the contaminants in the final food.
Fig 1: Steps of Food Processing
1. External raw food contamination
Industrial growth, advances in the use of agrochemicals, or the
urban activities can contribute to the presence of food
contaminants. An important focus of food contaminants is the
use of fertilizers and pesticides, since they can cause health
problems if they are consumed by humans. Some studies
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detected pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables (Kobayashi,
Otsuka, & Tamura, 2011) [31] and also some derivatives with
also adverse effects, such as metabolites from organochlorine
pesticides have been found in fatty food (Chung & Chen, 2011)
[12]. Heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and arsenic,
recognized as toxic (ATSRD, 2011) [1], can be present in air,
soil, and water (Zukowska & Biziuk, 2008) [52] and therefore
they can be transferred to foodstuff. The analysis of heavy
metals has been performed in several foodstuffs such as honey,
spinach, potatoes, fish and tea. The major techniques employed
for heavy metal analysis are flame atomic absorption
spectrometry (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption
spectrometry (GFAAS), cold vapor atomic absorption
spectrometry (CVAAS), inductively coupled plasma atomic
emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), and inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Several methods have
been developed for determining antibiotic residues in foodstuff
such as meat, eggs (Donkor, Newman, & Tay, 2011) [19] or
milk, such as using the microbial inhibition plate test (Koenen-
Dierick et al., 1995) [32] or by liquid chromatography methods
(Freitas, Paim, & Silva, 2014) [23].
2. Contamination during food transport
Food contamination can also take place during transportation.
It can be cause by from vehicle exhausts of petrol and diesel or
because a cross contamination in the vehicle used for food
transportation. This cross-contamination can create a serious
risk for food safety. In 1999, a major illness in the European
Economic Community was attributed to fungicide-
contaminated pallets used for transportation and storage of
food packaging materials. Long distance transport ship has
been also several times affected by cross contamination from
chemicals used for disinfection or from other sources (Nerín,
Canellas, Romero, & Rodríguez, 2007) [41]. The study carried
out by (Nerín et al., 2007) [42] is a good example of the
contamination of food by permeation of naphthalene, methyl
bromide, toluene, ethyl benzene and ortho par a xylenes
through a theoretical high barrier material.
3. Contamination caused by cleaning processes
Cleaning and disinfecting during food processing eliminate the
presence of possible microorganisms and therefore, they are
crucial to reduce food contamination. Chemicals used as
cleaners or disinfectants must be appropriate for food contact
surfaces and need to be accepted by the legislation. Products
such as glass cleaners or some metal cleaners can't be used
because they might leave unsafe residues. The addition of
sanitizers in quantities far above permitted levels could leave
some residual concentration on treated materials or food even
in minimum processed fruits and vegetables, and therefore, to
quantify the residual chemicals present in the food is important
in order to certify that they have been completely removed.
Some common surfactants are quaternary ammonium
compounds such as dodecyl-trimethyl-ammoniumchloride and
nonionic surfactants such as stearyl alcohol ethoxylate. Factors
affecting its elimination from different materials surfaces, such
as rinsing time or water temperature (Helmschrott & Wildbrett,
1985) [25]. These compounds are commonly analyzed by liquid
chromatography mass spectrometry (Vidal, Vega, Lopez, &
Frenich, 2004) (Li & Brownawell, 2009) [48, 34].Problems
related to residues coming from cleaning agents and
disinfectants used in surfaces of food handling equipment and
its transference to food that has been in contact with such
surfaces have been discussed by several authors (Naegeli &
Kuepper, 2006) [38].
4. Contamination due to heating steps
The use of high cooking temperatures in combination with
external factors, can lead to the formation of toxic compounds,
which can have a deleterious effect on the food quality and
safety. Certain toxics compounds (e.g., acrylamide,
nitrosamines chloropropanols, furanes or PAHs) can be formed
in foods during their processing, such as during heating,
baking, roasting, grilling, canning, hydrolysis or fermentation.
Frying is by far the cooking process that can act as a generator
of a wide variety of toxic compounds into the food. Flavor
substances are produced by reactions of oxidized frying oil
with proteins and other sulfur and nitrogen substances in the
food. Various compounds are released from the food into
frying oil, enhancing discoloration or off-flavors. Pigments
present in frying oil may also be adsorbed on the surface of
fried food. A recent report from EFSA [13] says that the mean
exposure to 3-monochloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) was <1
mg/kg b.w. per day in most population groups (EFSA, 2011)
[20]. 3-MCPD can have other origins, it can be formed during
the acid hydrolysis of wheat, soybean and other vegetable
protein products (Johansson & J_agerstad, 1993) [28] and it can
also migrate from epichlorohydrin resins used for humidity
protection in paper and cellulose materials often employed for
sausages casings. Acrylamide and its precursors are also
important contaminants coming from heating processes.
Certain processing contaminants, such as nitrosamines, can be
formed by interaction of natural food components with food
additives during heating. Nitrosodimethylamine has been
detected in certain foods as a result of the direct-fire drying or
roasting processes. Nitrosamine formation during vapor or
boiling cookings (which implies lower temperatures, 100oC)
are lower than the amount formed during frying, roasting or
grill cooking. They can be measured by different
methodologies, colorimetric and spectroscopic methods
following gas or liquid chromatography or as a total N-nitroso
group, by measurement of chemically released nitric oxide.
Gas chromatography (GC) coupled to the specific thermal
energy analyzer detector (TEA) is the most suitable, sensitive
and widely used analytical method to detect volatile
nitrosamines (Byun et al., 2004). Other processing
contaminants formed during heating include polycyclic
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), present in grilled and smoked
products, ethyl carbamate and other products or furan
derivatives present in a variety of heat-treated foods, especially
coffee and canned/jarred food. Furan contributes to the off
flavor of the food and can be formed from a variety of
precursors, like ascorbic acid, carbohydrates degradation,
amino acids degradation as well as oxidation of fatty acids. The
production of mutagens is much lower in absence of fat. Model
mixtures containing Maillard precursors such as glycine,
glucose and creatinine were heated in contact with iron salts
and fats. As result, substituted imidazoquinoxalines were
identified among the mutagenic products (Freedman, 1999).
The reaction was enhanced by oxidized fats and iron salts, and
it was not inhibited by tocopherol. Some mutagenic activity of
frying fats is also due to nitrogen-free lipid-hydroperoxide
decomposition products and it is independent from the fried
substrate. Microwave heating is becoming an increasingly used
process for heating foodstuffs in home and in some industrial
sectors. A common characteristic of the microwaving cooking
is that the food is cooked in the packaging material (wrapping
film, container) in the microwave oven (Nerín, Fernandez,
Domeno, Salafranca, 2003). Such microwavable packaging
materials include plastics, paperboard and composites, which
during microwave cooking many of their components (i.e.,
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plasticizers, antioxidants, monomers, stabilizers, etc) can
migrate from the package into the food. This results in a
decrease of food quality and food safety (Ehlert, Beumer, &
Groot, 2008) [21]. Microwaves can also increase the diffusion
rates, cause degradation of migrants or polymer, or cause hot
spots, which would increase the migration to higher levels than
those expected from the bulk heating temperature (Nerin,
Acosta, & Rubio, 2002) [39].
5. Food packaging
Food packaging provides many advantages such as physical
protection, barrier protection and it also allows a better food
preservation that will increase the shelf life of the product. The
direct or indirect contact between the food and the packaging
material can end up the transference of these substances from
the packaging to food, in a phenomenon called migration
(Catala & Gavara, 2002) [11]. Migrants can pose a health risk
for consumers if they have a toxic effect. To protect the
consumers, there is a strict legislation in FDA, Europe,
Mercosur, Australia and Euroasia as well as in many countries
to avoid the contamination from the materials and articles to
the food in contact with them. In Europe, food packaging
materials must comply with the framework Regulation (EC)
No 1935/2004 on materials and articles intended to come into
contact with food (European-Commission, 2004) and with
Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006 on good manufacturing
practice (European-Commission, 2006). migration from plastic
food contact materials must fulfill the Regulation EU/10/2011
from the European Commission (European-Commission,
2011). Any compound with a molecular mass lower than 1000
amu can migrate and cross the polymeric or paper layers, arrive
at the food and be dissolved in it. When metallic cans are used
for food packaging, corrosion phenomena in the metallic
surface of the can could produce a migration of metallic ions to
food, such as iron or tin (Buculei, Gutt, Sonia, Adriana, &
Constantinescu, 2012) [8]. Minor by-products from the
manufacture of epoxy resins, such as bisphenol A, bisphenol A
diglycidyl ether (BADGE) or cyclo-di- BADGE among others
can migrate to food (Cabado et al., 2008) [10]. Another common
material used in marmalades, jams, vegetables, beans or sauces
packaging is glass. In this case, migration comes from the
metallic lids used for closing the glass jars. Epoxidized soybean
oil (ESBO) is one of the additives used as plasticizer in PVC
and its migration to food has been reported by several authors
(Pedersen et al., 2008). Paper and board are commonly used
for packaging dry food, such as flour or sugar, or products such
as rice, cereals or frozen food. Migration from paperboard
additives or from printing inks to foodstuff can take place. The
most recycled packaging material and the use of recycled
materials can produce food contamination of substances such
as mineral oils or plasticizers coming either from printing inks
or adhesives (Nerin, Contin, & Asensio, 2007) [43]. Typical
polymers used in food packaging materials are polyethylene
(PE), high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyethylene
terephthalate (PET), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polystyrene
(PS) and polycarbonate (PC). Migration from inks has been
also widely studied, specially migration of photo initiators such
as benzophenone (BP) or 2-isopropylthioxanthone (ITX)
coming from UV curable inks (Sanches-Silva et al., 2009) [45].
More recently migration from components coming from
printing inks as a result of set-off transference has been
reported (Margarita Aznar, Domeno, Nerin, & Bosetti, 2015)
[2]. Plastic recycled materials have also special relevance, as
they could contain chemical compounds coming from the
previously packaged food, substances resulting from the
misuse of the packaging by the consumer or intrinsic
contaminants from the recycling process (chemical additives)
(Bayer, 2002) [4]. The substances intentionally added to food
packaging materials, non-intentionally added substance
(NIAS) can also migrate to food and can have also adverse
effects. Degradation processes of the polymer itself due to high
temperatures or high irradiation energies that take place during
polymer manufacturing (Dabrowska, Borcz, & Nawrocki,
2003) [17], and also from degradation processes of polymer
additives (Burman & Albertsson, 2005) [9]. NIAS can also
come from impurities present in the raw materials.
6. Contamination during food storage
Food storage conditions are key parameters in food quality and
safety. Proper storage extends the shelf life of food, which
depends on the food type, packaging and storage conditions,
particularly temperature and humidity. Organoleptic changes
should not occur during food storage and therefore packaging
materials used for long term storage should exhibit very good
barrier properties. Moisture can lead to the breakdown of some
packaging materials (e.g., paper degradation and metal
rusting). The optimal range of temperature is the cool to
moderate range, between 4 and 210C. Direct sunlight can speed
deterioration both on the food and on the packaging.
Depending on the barrier properties the transference of
compounds through the packaging material will be different as
was demonstrated (Nerín et al., 2007) [42].
Food safety hazard
Food safety hazards are contaminants that may cause a food
product to be unsafe for production. Hazards are defined by
Codex 1997[22] as follows: “Hazard: a biological, chemical or
physical agent in, or condition of, food with the potential to
cause an adverse health effect”. Hazards may enter a food
product from its ingredients or may contaminate during
processing or handling. It is important to understand the likely
hazards that might be encountered in the chosen ingredient
types, or that might be present in the processing environment.
This allows the development team to identify the best ways to
control these hazards, either by preventing their entry to the
process, destroying them or reducing the contamination to a
level. It is no longer process a food safety risk. This
information on likely hazards and proposed control options
should link with the prerequisite good manufacturing practice
programs and HACCP systems to ensure everyday control is
established in the manufacturing operation.
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Table 1: Types of Hazard
Ways to maintain food safety and hygiene
1. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
2. Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure (SSOP).
3. Good Hygiene Practices (GHP).
4. Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP).
1. Good manufacturing practices (GMP)
GMP have existed since the 1970s, but were formalized in
different countries only in the mid-1990s (Bennet and Steed,
1999) [5]. GMP are actions applied to the production of food,
drug, and medical equipment production. GMP are based upon
four points: exclusion, removal of undesirable and foreign
matter, inhibition, and destruction of undesirable
microorganisms. The elements that make up GMP are: the
facility and its surroundings, the staff, cleaning and sanitization
processes; equipment and utensils; processes and controls; and
storage and distribution. Analysis and control of these elements
by the GMP program aim at the production of high-quality
foodstuffs GMP are one of the ways to control foodborne
diseases. Industries that have adopted GMP programs obtained
the following results, among others: better quality of
foodstuffs; safer products; decreased incidence of consumer
complaints; better, more agreeable, cleaner and safer working
environment; greater employee motivation and productivity;
and improved psychological conditions (Cruz et al., 2006) [15].
The implementation of GMPs is a continual process based
upon the management of the PDCA (plan, do, check, and act)
cycle. GMP implementation can be divided into four steps:
performing the initial diagnosis; elaborating the roadmap;
addressing non conformities; and reevaluating the corrective
measures. Initial diagnosis and reevaluation of corrective
measures are usually carried out by inspection of the facilities
using a checklist based upon the GMP regulations of the
country. Roadmaps can be generated after inspection, while the
implementation of corrective measures often requires the
decision on priority areas, depending upon the availability of
resources and efforts in the company (Dias et al., 2012) [18].
Periodic inspections performed by official agencies or
company internal controls are able to determine these priority
2. Sanitation standard operating procedure (SSOP)
SSOP are written procedures developed and implemented in a
facility to prevent direct contamination or adulteration of the
products. SSOP include a complete description of the specific
activities required to maintain utensils and equipment free of
pathogenic microorganisms and minimal deteriorating
microbiota, preventing the contamination of foodstuffs that get
in contact with these utensils and equipment (Cruz et al., 2006)
[15]. The facility is required to maintain these written procedures
on file, and these must be available to regulating or government
bodies upon request. The following central directives of SSOP
have been determined considering the potential sources of
contamination: cross-contamination from raw to cooked
products (e.g., surface contact with contaminated foods);
contact of product with nonpotable water (e.g., condensation
on exposed products) or other unsafe substances; contact with
nonfood substances (e.g., pesticides); contact with airborne
substances; diseases or inadequate hygiene of handlers; foreign
matter; and pest control. In a recent report by (Cunha et al.,
2015) [16], higher levels of stress and anxiety as well as lower
knowledge scores on food-safety issues were found among
food handlers who did not participate in food-safety trainings,
suggesting that training is able to improve knowledge and
possibly empower food handlers at the same time, increasing
their self-efficacy and reducing anxiety and stress levels.
3. Good hygiene practices
Good hygiene practices (GHP) are the procedures and practices
undertaken with the use of best practice principles (British
Retail Consortium, 2011). European Commission (EC)
Regulation No 852/2004, defines food hygiene as the measures
and conditions necessary to control hazards and to ensure
fitness for human consumption of a food stuff taking into
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account its final use (EU, 2004). GHP are generally called the
prerequisite measures upon which other Food Safety and
Quality Management Systems are built. They include an
exhaustive list of measures and among them is staff personal
hygiene and training. Food hygiene training is a legislative
requirement (Food Standards Agency, 2009) that ensures that
safety practices are used and maintained in food preparation
environment. lack of success in hygiene training were methods
used, demographics of trainees and their preparedness to learn,
lack of supervision after training, absence of refresher
programmes and lack of resources to implement knowledge
gained in areas with economic challenges (Gilling et al2001)
[24]. Feglo et al. (2004) recommended training and surveillance
to be paramount in areas where due to cost, the establishment
and designing of acceptable infrastructure and utilities could
take ages to ensue. Feglo and Sakyi (2012) equally highlighted
the importance of hygiene training in the food industry.
4. Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points (HACCP)
It is a systematic set of activities used to control food
production in order to ensure food safety and prevent changes
in foodstuffs. The system is based upon the use of control
practices in given production steps where there is a greater
probability of occurrence of health hazards. The prerequisite
programs for HACCP implementation in food industries are
GMP and SSOP, which involve several aspects of the food
industry, such as physical structure and maintenance, water
supply, personal hygiene, pest control, sanitization techniques
and equipment, calibration of instruments, and quality control
of raw material and ingredients, among others (Barendz, 1998).
Prerequisite Programs (PRPs) provide a hygienic foundation
for the HACCP system (NACMCF, 1997) by enabling
environmental conditions that are favorable for the production
of safe food (CFIA, 1998). the system is applied to all steps of
the food chain, from the production of raw material to the final
product, including aspects related to consumer demands, such
as processed products that do not have negative effects on their
health (World Health Organization, 1997) [51]. Key milestones
included the publication of guidance by the International
Commission on Microbial Specifications for Foods (ICMSF)
in 1988 (ICMSF, 1988). The HACCP system uses
predetermined concepts and terms that include, according to
Bryan (1992) [6].
Hazard: Unacceptable biological, physical, or chemical
contamination that renders food inadequate for
Risk: Estimated probability of the occurrence of a hazard.
Critical control point (CCP): Production step where
preventive measures are applied in order to maintain the
given product under control, and to eliminate, prevent, or
reduce risks to the health of the consumer.
Critical limit: Value or attribute determined for each
variable related to a critical point. Noncompliance leads to
risks to consumer health. Critical limits are determined by
guidelines or legal standards, specialized literature,
practical expertise, previous surveys, internal company
regulations, and other sources.
Corrective action: Immediate and specific actions to be put
into place when noncompliance with critical limits occur.
Validation: Use of supplementary tests or review of
monitoring records to determine if the HACCP system is
functioning according to the plan.
Decision tree: Logical sequence used to determine if a raw
material, ingredient, or process step is a CPP for a given
According to the World Health Organization (1997) [51], there
are seven basic principles that should be followed for HACCP
implementation and the logic system for the application of
HACCP, according to the Codex Alimentarius (Food and
Agriculture Organization, 1997) [22], has 12 steps that start
before these seven principles and involve them as the
implementation of the system progresses, as follows:
Fig 2: Steps of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
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1. Assemble the HACCP team
HACCP uses multidisciplinary teams to ensure that decisions
about food safety hazards and their control are taken by people
with the correct blend of knowledge, skills and experience to
collectively understand the risks to consumer health and how
these can be minimized. This multidisciplinary aspect of the
HACCP team is believed to be one of the most powerful
strengths of HACCP. The essential expertise within the
HACCP team includes:
Understanding of the process operations, ingredients, and
products on site.
Knowledge and experience of the equipment, how it works
to achieve process conditions, and the likely failure modes.
Understanding of the likely hazards and appropriate
control mechanisms, including product design safety
criteria, process controls, including how to validate all the
necessary control requirements.
Knowledge experience of HACCP principle and
HACCP team leader needs to be appointed and a scribe or
administrator identified. For a HACCP team to work
effectively, all team members need to understand the
application of HACCP principles. For best results, the whole
team should be trained using a practical training intervention
that covers both theory and application of HACCP. it is
important that the HACCP study process is guided by the team
members with the best knowledge of HACCP Principles
(Wallace et al., 2012) [49].
2. Describe product/process
This step considers information both about the product(s) and
the process and helps HACCP team members to understand the
background to the operations. It forms a useful introduction to
the HACCP plan and can also be used as a training tool for new
personnel and briefing aid for internal or third-party auditors or
regulatory inspectors.
The product/process description should include
Main ingredient groups to be used or “work-in-progress”
(WIP) inputs to process modules;
Main processes and how materials are prepared/handled;
Production environment and equipment layout;
Hazard types to be considered, if known;
Key control measures available through formulation,
processes, and prerequisites;
Packaging/wrapping if appropriate to scope of study;
Safe product design characteristics.
In foodservice operations it is also normal practice to group all
the different menu/food items into like process groups at this
stage, as this will help in developing process flow diagrams.
3. Identify Intended Use
Itinclude product abuse, for example, improper storage
temperatures, or consumption of the product in different ways
from those originally envisaged, for example, the consumption
of raw cookie dough. Different consumer groups may have
varying susceptibilities to the potential hazards, for example,
the elderly, young children, or immune compromised
individuals. it must be emphasized that all products should be
safe for all consumers. Intended use and consumer group
information is usually included as part of the product and
process description record (from step 2). In many cases it will
be important to provide information to the consumer about how
to handle, store, and prepare (including cooking, as
appropriate) the food item safely and this can be derived once
the intended use and potential misuse of the product are
4. Construct process flow diagrams
A process flow diagram outlines all the process activities in the
operation being studied. The purpose of the process flow
diagram is to document the process and provide a foundation
for the hazard analysis (step 5). To produce a flow diagram it
is necessary to separate the process into a series of steps. In the
context of HACCP the word “step” refers not only to obvious
processing operations but also to all stages that the product
goes through, for example, incoming raw materials, storage.
The diagram should progress logically and relate to how the
product is actually produced, and should contain enough detail
to allow an understanding of the process and for a thorough
hazard analysis to be performed. A common error in HACCP
is to list the names of the process equipment rather than the
process activity and to miss out transfer steps. This often results
in an incomplete process flow diagram, which makes the
process difficult to follow and if the diagram is incomplete then
so too is the hazard analysis. The most commonly used type of
flow diagram for use in HACCP studies shows ingredients or
groups of ingredients along the top of the page through to the
end point with the finished product(s) at the bottom.
5. Confirm accuracy of process flow diagrams
Since the process flow diagram will be used as a tool to
structure the hazard analysis, it is important to check and con-
firm that it is correct. This is done by following through the
processing activities in the process area and comparing the
documented diagram with what is actually happening, noting
any changes necessary, and making sure that all variations, for
example, on different shifts, are covered. This exercise is
normally done by members of the HACCP team or production
personnel. The completed process flow diagram should then be
signed off and dated as valid and it is important to make sure
that this is done before the hazard analysis commences.
6. Conduct a hazard analysis
Using the process flow diagram(s), the HACCP team considers
each process activity in turn and lists any potential hazards that
might occur, then performs an analysis to identify the
significant hazards and suitable control measures. A number of
key HACCP terms are introduced at this stage and these are
defined by Codex (2009). the use of Hazard Analysis Charts
(Mortimore and Wallace, 2013) [37], which help structure the
hazard analysis, allowing HACCP teams to record the
important aspects with respect to potential hazard
identification, reasoning, and decision-making regarding
significance and determination of appropriate control actions.
Determination of control measures can include an evaluation
of the measures currently in place but it is important to decide
whether these are strong enough or if additional control is
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International Journal of Chemical Studies
Table 2: Level of Likelihood Occurrence
7. Determine critical control points
Critical control points (CCPs) are the points in the process
where the significant hazards must be controlled. The Codex
CCP decision tree is a useful tool that is widely used by
HACCP teams. hazard analysis, it is very useful to keep a
record of the team’s discussions and justification of the
decisions for future reference and this is normally done using a
CCP decision record.
8. Establish critical limits for each CCP
HACCP Principle 3 involves setting critical limits, which are
the safety limits that must be achieved for each CCP to ensure
that the food will be safe. If the process operates beyond the
critical limits then products made will be potentially unsafe.
Critical limits are expressed as absolute values (never a range)
that define the barrier between “safe” and “potentially unsafe.”
Critical limits must be measurable and must be established for
all CCPs Codex (2009). The difference between critical limits
and operational limits is that operational limits are set at
“tighter” parameters than required for safety, thus providing a
buffer zone for process management by indicating if a CCP is
moving out of control, that is, moving toward the critical limit.
9. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
Once the critical limits (and operational limits, if used) have
been established, a monitoring system is needed for ongoing
measurement of the CCPs. This needs to be able to demonstrate
that the CCPs are working effectively.
Monitoring: The act of conducting a planned sequence of
observations or measurements of control parameters to assess
a CCP is under control (Codex, 2009). Each monitoring
activity should have a person (often called a CCP monitor) who
is allocated to perform the monitoring task, record the results
and take any necessary actions. In manufacturing, monitoring
is usually done by production line personnel who are involved
in operating the processes where the CCPs are located. The
ideal situation is to have continuous monitoring systems linked
to alarm and action systems.
10. Establish corrective actions
When monitoring shows that there is a deviation from a defined
critical limit, corrective action needs to be taken. Corrective
action procedures and responsibility need to be identified by
the HACCP team during the HACCP study such that they can
be implemented by the appropriate operations personnel if
deviation occurs. Specific actions are needed that will handle
potentially unsafe product and bring the process back under
control without delay. The effectiveness of the proposed
corrective action plan needs to be verified and challenged since
this is the last defense mechanism protecting the consumer
from receiving potentially unsafe product should a CCP fail.
11. Establish verification procedures
Verification requires that procedures are developed to confirm
that the HACCP system can and is working effectively. There
are actually two different types of confirmation required-
validation and verification. These are separate and different
activities and both are defined by Codex (2009).
Validation: Obtaining evidence that the elements of the
HACCP plan are effective.
Verification: The application of methods, procedures, tests, and
other evaluations, in addition to monitoring, to determine
compliance with the HACCP plan.
12. Establish Documentation and Record-Keeping
The HACCP plan will form a key part of the documentation,
outlining the CCPs and their management procedures (critical
limits, monitoring, and corrective action). It demonstrating the
validity of the approach and decisions to external auditors.
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Fig 3: Steps to HACCP implementation. Wallace, C.A., Sperber, W.H., Mortimore, S.E., 2011
Maintenance and archiving of HACCP records is therefore an
important element of effective HACCP. Records may be kept
as paper archives, however increasingly companies are turning
toward computerized record-keeping systems.
Ongoing reinforcement of the hygiene messages in the
workplace is essential if desired food handling practices are to
be sustained. Improvement in food hygiene practices can also
be fostered by provision of a physical and social environment
which supports the application of appropriate food handling
behaviors. Training activities closely associated with such an
environment would be more appropriate than food hygiene
courses which operate in settings divorced from the workplace
and use solely knowledge-based assessment techniques.
Reliable work site evaluation techniques should also be
introduced taking account of the fact that knowledge alone
does not lead to changes in food handling practices. Good
baseline data will be necessary for comparative purposes.
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