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Lagos state ambulance service: a performance evaluation


Abstract and Figures

Objectives The mortality rate from road traffic accidents (RTAs) in Nigeria is almost double that of the USA. In Nigeria, the first emergency medical services (EMS) system was established in March 2001, The Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS). The objectives of this study are to (1) determine the burden of RTAs in Lagos, (2) assess RTA call outcomes, and (3) analyze LASAMBUS’s response time and causes for delay.MethodologyWe reviewed completed LASAMBUS intervention forms spanning December 2017 to May 2018. We categorized the call outcomes into five groups: I. Addressed Crash, II. No Crash (False Call), III. Crash Already Addressed, IV. Did Not Respond, and V. Other. We further explored associations between the (1) causes for delay and outcomes and (2) response times and the outcomes.ResultsOverall, we analyzed 1352 intervention forms. We found that LASAMBUS did not address 53% of the RTA calls that they received. Of this, Outcome II. No Crash (False Call) accounted for 26% and Outcome III. Crash Already Addressed accounted for 22%. Self-reported causes for delay were recorded in 180 forms, representing 13.7% of the RTA burden. Traffic congestion accounted for 60% of this distribution.ConclusionLASAMBUS response rates are significantly lower than response rates in high-income countries such as the USA and lead to increased RTA mortality rates. Eliminating causes for delay will improve both LASAMBUS effectiveness and RTA victims’ health outcomes. Changing the public perception of LASAMBUS and standardizing LASAMBUS’ contact information will aid this as well.
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European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (2021) 47:1591–1598
Lagos state ambulance service: aperformance evaluation
ChinmayeeVenkatraman1· AinaOlufemiOdusola2· ChenchitaMalolan1 · OlusegunKola‑Korolo3·
OluwoleOlaomi4· JideIdris3· FiemuE.Nwariaku1
Received: 6 September 2019 / Accepted: 4 February 2020 / Published online: 10 March 2020
© The Author(s) 2020
Objectives The mortality rate from road traffic accidents (RTAs) in Nigeria is almost double that of the USA. In Nigeria,
the first emergency medical services (EMS) system was established in March 2001, The Lagos State Ambulance Service
(LASAMBUS). The objectives of this study are to (1) determine the burden of RTAs in Lagos, (2) assess RTA call outcomes,
and (3) analyze LASAMBUS’s response time and causes for delay.
Methodology We reviewed completed LASAMBUS intervention forms spanning December 2017 to May 2018. We cat-
egorized the call outcomes into five groups: I. Addressed Crash, II. No Crash (False Call), III. Crash Already Addressed,
IV. Did Not Respond, and V. Other. We further explored associations between the (1) causes for delay and outcomes and
(2) response times and the outcomes.
Results Overall, we analyzed 1352 intervention forms. We found that LASAMBUS did not address 53% of the RTA calls
that they received. Of this, Outcome II. No Crash (False Call) accounted for 26% and Outcome III. Crash Already Addressed
accounted for 22%. Self-reported causes for delay were recorded in 180 forms, representing 13.7% of the RTA burden. Traffic
congestion accounted for 60% of this distribution.
Conclusion LASAMBUS response rates are significantly lower than response rates in high-income countries such as the USA
and lead to increased RTA mortality rates. Eliminating causes for delay will improve both LASAMBUS effectiveness and
RTA victims’ health outcomes. Changing the public perception of LASAMBUS and standardizing LASAMBUS’ contact
information will aid this as well.
Keywords Road traffic injuries· Mortality· Nigeria· Emergency medical services· Prehospital care
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (https :// 8-020-01319 -y) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
* Chenchita Malolan
Chinmayee Venkatraman
Aina Olufemi Odusola
Olusegun Kola-Korolo
Oluwole Olaomi
Jide Idris
Fiemu E. Nwariaku
1 Office ofGlobal Health, Department ofSurgery, University
ofTexas Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry Hines
Boulevard, Dallas, TX75390, UnitedStatesofAmerica
2 Department ofCommunity Health & Primary Health Care,
Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, 1—5, Oba
Akinjobi Road, Ikeja,Lagos, Nigeria
3 Lagos State Ministry ofHealth, Block 4, The Lagos State
Government Secretariat Complex, Alausa, Ikeja,Lagos,
4 Department ofSurgery, National Trauma Centre, National
Hospital Abuja, Plot 321, Central Business District, FCT,
Abuja, Nigeria
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1592 C.Venkatraman et al.
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The global prevalence of road traffic accidents (RTAs) and
road traffic injuries (RTIs) is steadily increasing. According
to the World Health Organization, RTAs killed 1.35mil-
lion people in 2018 and injured an additional 50million [1].
RTIs are now the leading cause of death among children
and young adults aged 5–29years, overtaking HIV/AIDS,
diarrheal diseases, and tuberculosis [2]. This burden is dis-
proportionately higher in low- and middle-income coun-
tries (LMICs), with 93% of road traffic fatalities occurring
in these settings [1, 3]. Globally, road traffic fatality rates
are the highest in the African continent at 26.6 deaths per
100,000 [4]. Nigeria has an annual mortality rate of 20.6
deaths per 100,000 people due to RTAs, in comparison to
the USA at 10.8 deaths per 100,000 people and the UK at
2.9 deaths per 100,000 people [5].
Lagos is the most densely populated state in Nigeria
(6710 population per km2), which is more than three times
the population density of New Jersey (1947 population per
km2), the most densely populated state in the USA [6, 7].
Lagos is divided into 20 local government areas (LGAs) and
has an intricate system of road networks managed by vari-
ous levels of government. Trunk A roads are maintained by
the federal government, Trunk B by the state government,
and local roads by the local government with aid from the
state government [8]. Additionally, there are several major
intra- and interstate expressways throughout Lagos. Coor-
dinating infrastructure management within these levels of
government is difficult and often leads to poor road condi-
tions [8]. One major concern is the presence of numerous
potholes across all types of roads, sometimes large enough
to cover more than half the width of the road [9]. In fact, in
2012, 81% of the roads examined in Lagos had more than 100
potholes, resulting in unsafe road conditions [9]. The Lagos
State Public Works Corporation (PWC) is the government
entity “responsible for routine repair and rehabilitation of
road across the state, such that they remain motorable all
year round” [10]. It coordinates road reconstruction across
the state and works with local governments to identify spe-
cific issues. One major issue that it encounters is the weather
in Lagos, specifically the rainy season. The Lagos climate
is generally high in humidity with high temperatures, with
the exception of a rainy season from June to October [11].
Not only does this primarily affect the repairs of potholes
in the roads, but it also creates drainage issues that further
delay these repairs, affecting motor vehicle and pedestrian
travel, RTA rates, RTA response times, and prehospital care
delivery [12].
Emergency medical services (EMS) systems are an
essential part of prehospital management of RTIs. Increased
EMS response times have been proven to be associated with
higher mortality rates in rural communities [13]. The median
urban response time in Africa is 15min (6–120min), which
is more than double the median urban response time in the
USA [14, 15]. Currently in Africa, there are 25 EMS systems
in 16 countries, representing merely 30% of the continent
[15]. West Africa is especially underrepresented with EMS
systems only present in Ghana and Nigeria [15]. Oftentimes,
the lack of a national prehospital trauma care system results
in EMS systems established by state governments or private
corporations. This, in turn, leads to a lack of standardized
prehospital care delivery within the country [16]. In fact,
a majority of these systems only provide ambulance trans-
port services as opposed to both transport and paramedic
services [16]. For example, an EMS system in Imo State is
staffed entirely by volunteers who are not trained to provide
prehospital care [16]. Contrastingly, in Lagos State, the state
government has invested in the Lagos State Ambulance Ser-
vice (LASAMBUS), which is better equipped to attend to
emergency situations [16].
LASAMBUS was established in Lagos in March 2001
as the first EMS system in Nigeria [17]. There are three
main EMS systems in Lagos: LASAMBUS, Lagos State
Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), and Lagos
Response Unit (LRU). LASAMBUS uses standard ambu-
lances and there are currently 25 ambulance stations in the
state. When someone calls for an ambulance in the event
of an RTA or other accidents, the call is received by a call
center in Lagos, which dispatches the ambulance closest
to the crash site. Concurrently, LASAMBUS completes an
intervention form detailing the response from when the call
was received to when it was concluded. LASAMBUS then
transports the RTA victims to a nearby hospital. Lagos has
two main trauma care centers, The Lagos State Accident
and Emergency Centre and the Burns and Trauma Unit at
Gbagada General Hospital. LASAMBUS receives 11,126
calls annually, ranging from trauma cases and general medi-
cal cases to hospital transfers. In 2012, an assessment of
LASAMBUS found that RTAs accounted for the largest
proportion of calls received [17]. Additionally, traffic con-
gestion and community disturbance were listed as causes for
delay that LASAMBUS encountered [17]. The objectives of
this study were to:
1. Determine the burden of RTAs in Lagos State.
2. Assess the RTA call outcomes.
3. Analyze LASAMBUS’s response time and causes for
This is a retrospective, cross-sectional study. We received
completed LASAMBUS intervention forms that were clas-
sified as RTA calls from December 2017 to May 2018 from
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1593Lagos state ambulance service: aperformance evaluation
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the Lagos State Ministry of Health. We omitted 10.1% of
the forms based on our exclusion criteria, which included
any LASAMBUS call that were misclassified as an RTA,
any that were not in the study time frame, or any thatwere
intervention forms in which the first and second pages of
the form did not pertain to the same call scenario (missing
pages, blank pages, etc.). After applying our exclusion cri-
teria, we reviewed 1352 intervention forms.
Electronic supplementary material: Appendix A is a
blank version of the intervention form. We focused our
analyses on the following sections:
Date of Call
Timing of Call
Demographics of the Victim
Distribution of Cases
Intervention and Monitoring
Trauma Prompts
Causes for Delayed Response
Triage Revised Trauma Score
Remarks of the LASAMBUS Crew
To determine the outcomes of the calls received, we
reviewed the “Remarks” section of the forms, which was
written as a narrative. We categorized the responses into
five outcomes:
I. Addressed Crash.
II. No Crash (False Call).
III. Crash Already Addressed.
IV. Did Not Respond.
V. Other.
We further categorized certain outcomes based on com-
mon findings. The forms were hand-written and while we
acknowledge the possibility that forms could have been
illegible, we did not encounter any illegible forms.
An electronic version of the LASAMBUS form was cre-
ated to manage study data using the REDCap electronic
data capture tool [18]. To this form, we added the Out-
comes section, a second Trauma Prompts section, and a
second Causes for Delay section. The latter two sections
were created to account for those forms that had a spe-
cific trauma prompt or cause for delay mentioned in the
“Remarks”, but were not appropriately marked in the
respective sections of the intervention forms. Since we
were able to accurately identify these, we combined the
data from the form along with what should have been
marked initially for both the Trauma Prompts section and
the Causes for Delay section for all subsequent analyses.
Response Time was defined as the difference between when
the call was received and when LASAMBUS arrived at the
RTA site. We encountered some missingness in the data
with regard to our response time analyses. We employed a
pairwise deletion analysis technique to account for those
observations that only had a call received time or a time
when LASAMBUS arrived at the RTA site, for which
we could not calculate a response time. We were able to
successfully calculate a response time in 82.6% of cases.
Stata 15 was used to conduct descriptive statistical analysis
and logistic regression analysis where α = 0.05. Bivariate
analyses were conducted to assess the association between
Causes for Delay and each Outcome. Multivariate regres-
sion analyses evaluated the relationship between significant
Causes for Delay and all Outcomes, and the relationship
between Response Time and all Outcomes.
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s
Institutional Review Board approved this study as non-
regulated research, citing the U.S. Department of Health
& Human Services’ regulation 45 CFR 46.102. The NIH
Partnerships to Develop Injury Research Capacity in Sub-
Saharan Africa grant (5D43TW010463-03) supported this
Fig. 1 Monthly distribution of RTA calls in Lagos State received by
LASAMBUS, December 2017–May 2018
Table 1 Descriptive characteristics of RTAs attended to by LASAM-
BUS, December 2017–May 2018
Total sample
(n = 1352) n
Age (years) (n = 437) 34.0 (3.0–85.0)
Gender (n = 466)
Male 340 (73.0)
Female 126 (27.0)
Response time
“Call received” to “arrived at scene” (minutes) 17.0 (7.0–60.0)
Distribution of outcomes
Outcome I: addressed crash 502 (37.1)
Outcome II: no crash (false call) 351 (26.0)
Outcome III: crash already addressed 293 (21.7)
Outcome IV: did not respond 17 (1.3)
Outcome V: other 189 (14.0)
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1594 C.Venkatraman et al.
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LASAMBUS received 1352 RTA calls between December
2017 and May 2018. Figure1 shows the monthly distribution
of calls received during the study period, with an average of
226 calls per month. Table1 displays the descriptive charac-
teristics of the dataset. The median age of the RTA victims
was 34.0years (SD 12.0) and the majority (73%) were male.
The average response time of each LASAMBUS call was
17.0min (7–60min). We were able to ascertain the outcome
of every call, as there were no illegible forms. LASAMBUS
only addressed 37.1% of the calls that they received (Out-
come I). Outcome II: No Crash (False Call) and Outcome
III: Crash Already Addressed represented almost 50% of
the call outcomes (Fig.2). We found common responses in
these categories that we further coded into subcategories
(Fig.3). Outcome II: No Crash (False Call) defined calls in
which no crash was sighted, with or without witness cor-
roboration. Only 9.4% of the false calls had witness cor-
roboration. Within Outcome III: Crash Already Addressed,
the most common sub-category was “Unknown” (81.9%),
in which the only description LASAMBUS gave was “crash
was already addressed”. This was followed by “Responded
to by Police” (3.1%) and “Self-Evacuated” (2.7%). “Miscel-
laneous” responses for Outcome III included “attended to
by LASEMA” and “attended to by LRU”. Within Outcome
IV: Did Not Respond, “crew was asked to be on standby”
represented 41.4% of the calls. “Miscellaneous” responses
included “no fuel” and “no ambulance available”. Within
Outcome V: Other, “found RTA, no injuries” (36.5%) and
“found RTA, victim already died” (26.5%) accounted for
over half of the responses.
Table2 shows the distribution of self-reported causes
for delay and the Fisher’s exact analyses for Causes for
Delay and all Outcomes. Causes for delay were reported
in 180 forms, representing 13.7% of the RTA burden. Traf-
fic congestion accounted for 60% of the distribution, fol-
lowed by poor description (17.8%) and proximity (7.2%).
Furthermore, traffic congestion (p = 0.001), poor access
(p < 0.0001), and community disturbance (p = 0.016) all had
a significant association with the Outcomes. Table3 shows
the multivariate regression analyses for (1) Traffic Conges-
tion and all Outcomes and (2) Poor Access and all Out-
comes. We did not conduct regression analyses for causes
for delay if the association between the cause for delay and
all outcomes was not significant in the Fisher’s exact analy-
ses or ifthere were less than five observations of a particu-
lar cause for delay, which is not compatible with regression
analysis. For Traffic Congestion, we found a significant
association with Outcome III (p = 0.011) and Outcome IV
(p = 0.026). For Poor Access, we only found a significant
association with Outcome IV (p = 0.001). Table4 shows the
multivariate regression analyses for Response Time and the
Outcomes, which did not yield any significant associations.
Through this study, we identified three key findings:
1. There was variance in the monthly distribution of RTAs
to which LASAMBUS attended.
2. LASAMBUS did not address more than 50% of the RTA
calls they received.
3. There were significant associations between specific
Causes for Delay and Outcomes—a. Poor Access and
Outcome IV: Did Not Respond, b. Traffic Congestion
and Outcome III: Crash Already Addressed and c. Traf-
fic Congestion and Outcome IV: Did Not Respond.
Pre-hospital care management is integral to improving
patient outcomes, particularly victims of RTAs. Previous
studies have shown that mortality rates could be up to 5.5
times higher in RTA victims without pre-hospital care [19].
By characterizing the cases attended to by LASAMBUS,
identifying the outcomes of the calls, and recognizing the
scenarios leading to these outcomes, we are better informed
about the pre-hospital care management that LASAMBUS
A number of our findings were consistent with existing
literature. Our victim population demographics resembled
those reported by the World Health Organization, other stud-
ies in Nigeria, and in other LMICs such as Iran [3, 20, 21].
With regard to the second finding, our study showed that
LASAMBUS attended to less than half of the RTA calls
that it received. Similarly, a 2017 single-institution study
revealed that, of all the RTAs that came into the emergency
department of a tertiary health facility, the Lagos State
Fig. 2 Distribution of outcomes of RTA calls received by LASAM-
BUS, December 2017–May 2018
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1595Lagos state ambulance service: aperformance evaluation
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University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), less than 3% were
brought in by LASAMBUS [22].
The outcomes of the calls that LASAMBUS received
provide insights into the burden of RTAs, notably the
prevalence of false calls and the RTAs that had been
addressed prior to LASAMBUS’ intervention. There is a
dearth of literature concerning false calls in LMICs; how-
ever, they have been identified as a challenge in an EMS
Fig. 3 Distribution of responses within outcomes of RTA calls received by LASAMBUS, December 2017–May 2018
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1596 C.Venkatraman et al.
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study conducted in Ghana [23]. With regard to RTAs that
were already addressed prior to LASAMBUS’ arrival,
findings in other LMICs reinforce the idea that EMS ser-
vices do not account for many of the cases brought into the
hospital [24]. It is important to acknowledge that not all
RTAs resulted in injury and that there were also records in
which the victims had already died prior to LASAMBUS’
Ambiguity around how to contact EMS systems, like
LASAMBUS, can exacerbate the problem. A survey done
in 2017 showed that the majority of the public in Nigeria did
not know the appropriate emergency numbers to call, and
that trust in EMS systems is low [25]. The Lagos State Gov-
ernment website itself lists six different telephone numbers
for LASAMBUS [26]. Furthermore, the existence of other
emergency response systems, such as LASEMA or the LRU,
can confuse both victims of trauma and innocent bystand-
ers who are trying to help. Both of these EMS services also
have multiple associated numbers and are listed ahead of
LASAMBUS in the list of emergency telephone numbers
on the Lagos government website [26]. The uncertainty of
whom to call can result in LASAMBUS not being able to
address the RTA or being delayed in its response. There
has been an attempt to standardize and streamline the pro-
cess with the introduction of an emergency communication
network and call center [25]. However, multiple toll-free
numbers (112, 123, etc.) continue to be advertised, imped-
ing these efforts.
Our median response time from when LASAMBUS
received the call to when they arrived on the scene (17min)
was comparable to the response time of ambulances in
Accra, Ghana and is only 2min longer than the median
urban response time across all African EMS systems [15,
27]. Lower response times have been shown to be associated
with better patient outcomes and higher chances of survival
and is a crucial part of pre-hospital care management [27].
Findings from a study conducted in Spain in 2010 estimated
that a 10min reduction in response time could result in a
33% decrease in mortality rates in RTAs [28]. While fur-
ther analysis into response time did not yield any significant
associations, it is encouraging to note that our response time
is similar to other LMICs in Africa. However, LASAMBUS
has a self-identified goal of 10min, which is 7min faster
than the current median response time, and highlights room
for improvement.
The use of sirens by non-EMS vehicles is a challenge
that LASAMBUS encounters and one that could add to this
disparity. The inappropriate use of sirens, by governmental
or military vehicles can desensitize the public, making them
more likely to ignore LASAMBUS or other EMS vehicle
sirens. Specific rules prohibiting the use of sirens by those
other than emergency professionals can help to alleviate this.
Also, the number of ambulance stations has increased from
18 in 2006 to 25 currently. Continuing to increase the num-
ber of ambulance stations will also decrease response time
by increasing the proximity to RTA sites.
In relation to the third finding, we observed that a sub-
stantial proportion of the causes for delay reported by
LASAMBUS was concerned with the public infrastruc-
ture, namely traffic congestion or poor access to RTA
(65%), both of which were also significantly associated
with specific outcomes. One explanation for these causes
for delay could be the poor state of roads in Lagos. Nar-
row roads, potholes, or inadequate street lighting are all
Table 2 Evaluating the bivariate relationship between each cause for
delay and all outcomes (n = 180)
* p value < 0.05
Cause for delay Distribution (%) Fisher’s exact test
Traffic congestion 108 (60.00) 0.001*
Poor description 32 (17.78) 0.190
Proximity 13 (7.22) 0.226
Poor access 9 (5.00) 0.000*
Faulty ambulance 9 (5.00) 0.100
Community disturbance 4 (2.22) 0.016*
Other 4 (2.22) 0.105
Weather 1 (0.56) 0.629
Table 3 Evaluating multivariate relationship between significant
causes for delay from Table2 and all outcomes
* p value < 0.05
Outcomes Causes for delay, p value
Traffic congestion Poor access
Outcome I: addressed crash Ref
Outcome II: no crash (false call) 0.060 0.784
Outcome III: crash aready
0.011* 0.899
Outcome IV: did not respond 0.026* 0.052
Outcome V: other 0.001* 0.816
Table 4 Evaluating multivariate relationship between response time
and all outcomes
* p value < 0.05
Outcomes Response
time, p
Outcome I: addressed crash Ref
Outcome II: no crash (false call) 0.0925
Outcome III: crash already addressed 0.600
Outcome IV: did not respond 0.380
Outcome V: other 0.185
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1597Lagos state ambulance service: aperformance evaluation
1 3
recorded problems in Lagos and can increase response
time and traffic congestion, and obstruct access to the
RTA [29]. In 2017, the Governor of Lagos outlined road
construction and maintenance as a key priority in the
annual budget [30]. The increasing prevalence of vehicle
breakdowns and the influx of commercial buses and trucks
amplify traffic congestion and its associated consequences
as well [31]. In 2018, the Lagos State Traffic Management
Agency (LASTMA) found that vehicular breakdowns in
Lagos accounted for 70% of the traffic gridlocks in the
state [31]. They theorized that strengthening the relation-
ship between the public and LASTMA officials could more
efficiently and effectively resolve these breakdowns [31].
One limitation of this study was incomplete forms, in
which some fields were left blank. Examples of these fields
include age and LGA. Despite this, we were able to suc-
cessfully identify an outcome for all 1352 forms. In the
future, we hope to link intervention forms to the ambu-
lance points from which they were created and map the
RTAs across LGAs. This will help to provide a more accu-
rate picture of the distribution of RTA outcomes across
Lagos. We are also in the process of exploring the causes
for delay and response times in each LGA to detail specific
points of intervention by LGA and ambulance point. Addi-
tionally, our future efforts will focus on piloting electronic
data collection in high call-volume ambulances. We hope
that this will improve the quality of data collection and
standardize the intake process of LASAMBUS, to better
track and improve victim outcomes.
While the RTA mortality rate in Nigeria is increasing
annually, Lagos is especially affected as one of the most
populous states in Nigeria. LASAMBUS faces various
obstacles in attending RTAs and its current response rate is
alarming, playing a part in the increasing mortality rates.
Focusing attention on reducing the occurrence of false
calls, improving road conditions, and standardizing the
contact methods for LASAMBUS will help to make this
better. To achieve this, a collective effort has to be made
by LASAMBUS, the Lagos Ministry of Health, and the
Lagos Government. Future research on RTA patterns and
victim outcomes by LGA will also help to further under-
stand the circumstances influencing RTA mortality rates.
Acknowledgements This research was supported by the National Insti-
tutes of Health Partnerships to Develop Injury Research Capacity in
Sub-Saharan Africa grant (5D43TW010463-03).
Author contributions Ms. CV, Ms. CM, and Dr. FEN conceptualized
the study, wrote the manuscript, and saw the project to completion. Dr.
AOO, Dr. OK-K, and Dr. JI provided the data (completed Lagos State
Ambulance Service intervention forms) from the Lagos State Ministry
of Health in Nigeria. Dr. OO reviewed and contributed to the text of
the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest Chinmayee Venkatraman, Aina Olufemi Odusola,
Chenchita Malolan, Olusegun Kola-Korolo, Wole Olaomi, Jide Idris,
and Fiemu E. Nwariaku declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
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... (7-60 min.) [24] and a goal to reduce this to 12 min in the nearest future. For obvious reasons, day-time ERTs are usually shorter than night-time ERTs because night-time ambulances operate from within much larger operational area of an entire Divisional Base and therefore cover longer distances to reach potential crash sites compared to the day-time ambulances which operate within much smaller areas defined by the small operational radius of each of five ambulance points. ...
... As previously reported [32, 33], and supported by findings from our data, delays in ambulance dispatch and transit following road crashes and distress calls often prolong Emergency Response Times (ERT) and increase potential for fatalities. At the time of this study LASAMBUS had a median ERT record of 17 minutes [24] which it planned to reduce to 12 min in the near future. ...
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Background Sub-Saharan African countries, Nigeria inclusive, are constrained by grossly limited access to quality pre-hospital trauma care services (PTCS). Findings from pragmatic approaches that explore spatial and temporal trends of past road crashes can inform novel interventions. To improve access to PTCS and reduce burden of road traffic injuries we explored geospatial trends of past emergency responses to road traffic crashes (RTCs) by Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS), assessed efficiency of responses, and outcomes of interventions by local government areas (LGAs) of crash. Methods Using descriptive cross-sectional design and REDcap we explored pre-hospital care data of 1220 crash victims documented on LASAMBUS intervention forms from December 2017 to May 2018. We analyzed trends in days and times of calls, demographics of victims, locations of crashes and causes of delayed emergency responses. Assisted with STATA 16 and ArcGIS pro we conducted descriptive statistics and mapping of crash metrics including spatial and temporal relationships between times of the day, seasons of year, and crash LGA population density versus RTCs incidence. Descriptive analysis and mapping were used to assess relationships between ‘Causes of Delayed response’ and respective crash LGAs, and between Response Times and crash LGAs. Results Incidences of RTCs were highest across peak commuting hours (07:00-12:59 and 13:00-18:59), rainy season and harmattan (foggy) months, and densely populated LGAs. Five urban LGAs accounted for over half of RTCs distributions: Eti-Osa (14.7%), Ikeja (14.4%), Kosofe (9.9%), Ikorodu (9.7%), and Alimosho (6.6%). On intervention forms with a Cause of Delay, Traffic Congestion (60%), and Poor Description (17.8%), had associations with LGA distribution. Two densely populated urban LGAs, Agege and Apapa were significantly associated with Traffic Congestion as a Cause of Delay. LASAMBUS was able to address crash in only 502 (36.8%) of the 1220 interventions. Other notable outcomes include: No Crash (false calls) (26.6%), and Crash Already Addressed (22.17%). Conclusions Geospatial analysis of past road crashes in Lagos state offered key insights into spatial and temporal trends of RTCs across LGAs, and identified operational constraints of state-organized PTCS and factors associated with delayed emergency responses. Findings can inform programmatic interventions to improve trauma care outcomes.
... The provision of EMS in Nigeria is still nascent after different failed attempts by national and state governments at establishing a comprehensive emergency system in the country. This has resulted in inadequate and often delayed medical care for individuals with medical emergencies [16][17][18]. Challenges of EMS include a lack of infrastructure, limited resources, and inadequate training [16]. Although improvements in emergency care in Nigeria will involve strengthening human resources, physical resources, and organization and planning for prehospital care and care in hospitals (which are all supply-driven), there is an even greater need to ensure that the citizens are aware of and utilize these supplies when they are available, especially as communication has been noted as a major driver of an effective EMS system [19]. ...
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Background As part of the Federal Government of Nigeria’s desire to increase medical coverage among the citizenry, the National Emergency Medical Service and Ambulance Scheme (NEMSAS) was set up and piloted in the FCT in 2022. To gauge the progress so far, this study sought to assess the level and determinants of public awareness and utilization of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) among residents of the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in June 2023 among 1177 respondents residing in FCT Abuja at the time of the survey. Data was collected by trained research assistants using an interviewer-administered questionnaire and purposive sampling was adopted. The level of awareness and the socio-demographic determinants of the level of awareness in the FCT were assessed. Logistic regression was used to find predictors of EMS awareness and utilization. Results 57.8% of respondents are aware of EMS, while 42.2% are not. 62.7% are uncertain about the source of information for EMS with only a minority relying on word of mouth (17.7%), traditional media (11.1%), or social media (8.5%). 91.4% have not accessed or utilized EMS via the toll-free emergency line, while only 8.6% reported doing so. There are median EMS awareness and utilization differences across gender, age, location, and employment status of the respondents. Additionally, the multivariate logistic regression showed that age, location, and employment status are significant predictors of EMS awareness and utilization. Males have lower odds of awareness and utilization of EMS compared to females. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between EMS access and utilization (Chi-square = 80.748, p < 0.001). However, awareness did not necessarily translate to utilization. Conclusion The relationship between EMS awareness and utilization and the unmasked predictors in this paper should be factored into the design of interventions to increase access and utilization of EMS in Nigeria.
... 73 The emergency services of Lagos state consist of two trauma centers, which initially had ambulance services available at those centers. 74 However, for greater efficiency, the ambulance services were detached from the trauma centers in March 2001, to exist independently as the Lagos State Ambulance Services ("LASAMBUS"). 75 In a bid to provide a formal and standardized hospital-based EMS they lacked, Lagos State established LASEMS in 1998. ...
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Member States of international treaties that promote the right to health of persons are expected to create an environment where medical care will be available to ill or injured persons, regardless of their age, status, or level of wealth with the expectation that life expectancies will increase, health conditions will improve, and patients will be generally satisfied with services received. This study explores the emergency care system in Nigeria and appraises the extent to which access to emergency services are guaranteed. The existing laws both in Nigeria and internationally are explored to identify gaps and suitable models that would improve the current state of emergency care in Nigeria. The results specify that an Emergency Care Act, which would encompass all aspects of emergency care, as opposed to piecemeal legislation with limited effectiveness, should be adopted. Informal approaches to receiving care can be adopted while efforts are ongoing to establish a formal system. This translates to encouraging good Samaritans to assist distressed persons through legal protection from liability, in addition to training persons and agencies who would act as first responders. Additional efforts must be made in Nigeria to strengthen emergency care systems so that persons with emergency conditions will be promptly treated, thereby enjoying their right to emergency care.
... The FRSC and NEMA have "Bay posts " (ambulance stations) along some major roads in Nigeria, especially in Abuja [3] , with the expectation that the nearest of such posts responds to incidents within its proximity. LASAMBUS uses a similar model, with 25 posts in Lagos state equipped to respond [20] . However, these posts are not sustained over time and are frequently used for commerce by food sellers. ...
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Introduction: Out of Hospital Emergency Care (OHEC) in Nigeria, the most populous country with the highest GDP in Africa, is considered inadequate. A better understanding of the current state of OHEC is essential to address the country's unique challenges and offer potential solutions. Objectives: This paper sought to identify gaps, barriers, and facilitators in implementing an OHEC model in Nigeria and provide recommendations for improvement. Methods: We searched MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase (OVID), CINAHL (EBSCO), and Google Scholar, using combinations of "emergency medical care" ('FRC,' 'PHC,' and 'EMS') OR prehospital care OR emergency training' AND 'Nigeria.' We included papers that described OHEC in Nigeria and were published in English. Of the initial 73 papers, those that met our inclusion criteria and those obtained after examination of reference lists comprised the 20 papers that contributed to our final review. Two authors independently reviewed all the papers, extracted data relevant to our objectives and performed a content analysis. All authors reviewed, discussed, and refined the proposed recommendations. Key recommendations: For OHEC to meet the needs of Nigerians and achieve international standards, the following challenges need to be addressed: harmful cultural practices, inadequate training of citizens in the provision of first aid or of professionals that provide prehospital care, lack of proper infrastructure, poor communication, absent policy, and poor funding. Based on the available literature, this paper proposes key recommendations to improve OHEC with the hope of improving the standards of living. The federal government should provide general oversight, but this will require political will on the part of the country's leadership and the provision of adequate funding.
... 35 Extending previous research using a dataset collected by the LASAMBUS, we found RTIs in Lagos State to be primarily concentrated in urban areas, with an adequate median travel time from RTI to hospital. 12 Geocoding and concordance Using the LASAMBUS dataset, we compared five commonly used and freely available geocoders to one another, judging each on the basis of concordance between their output and those of other geocoders. We further examined the accuracy of geocoded values by comparing calculated travel times from ambulance base stations to RTIs against known travel times, finding that points geocoded and subsequently routed with the Mapbox Directions API are calculated as temporally farther from ambulance base stations than travel times encoded within the dataset would suggest. ...
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While efforts to understand and mitigate road traffic injury (RTI) occurrence have long been underway in high-income countries, similar projects in low/middle-income countries (LMICs) are frequently hindered by institutional and informational obstacles. Technological advances in geospatial analysis provide a pathway to overcome a subset of these barriers, and in doing so enable researchers to create actionable insights in the pursuit of mitigating RTI-associated negative health outcomes. This analysis develops a parallel geocoding workflow to improve investigation of low-fidelity datasets common in LMICs. Subsequently, this workflow is applied to and evaluated on an RTI dataset from Lagos State, Nigeria, minimising positional error in geocoding by incorporating outputs from four commercially available geocoders. The concordance between outputs from these geocoders is evaluated, and spatial visualisations are generated to provide insight into the distribution of RTI occurrence within the analysis region. This study highlights the implications of geospatial data analysis in LMICs facilitated by modern technologies on health resource allocation, and ultimately, patient outcomes.
... The most frequent symptom was shortness of breath in Arentz et al.'s [11] study. In the station assessment study by Venkatraman et al. [12] found "call received" to "arrived at the scene" 17.0 (7.0-60.0) minutes. ...
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doi: 10.4274/globecc.galenos.2022.13008 Objective: The study aims to present calls received at the 112 Emergency Calls Centers in İstanbul. Algorithms were applied to analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) cases. Materials and Methods: Incoming calls at the 112 Emergency Call Centers of the European and Anatolian regions of the metropolitan city of İstanbul were assessed. In the retrospective study, the period under investigation was from March 11 to May 1 of 2020. Results: Patients with suspected severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 pneumonia (n=35,443) were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was found to be 50.6±22.3. Of this total, 16,902 (47.7%) cases were female. Ambulance response times for these cases were reported as 10.2 (7.0-16.3) minutes. In terms of clinical symptoms, 18,958 (53.50%) of the cases had fever, 18,359 (51.86%) had a cough, and 21,121 (59.60%) had shortness of breath. The district with the highest number of cases was Gaziosmanpasa with 1,256 cases, 42.16 people per square meter. Conclusion: Prehospital health services are an important link in the chain of survival. Ambulance services act as a bridge between individuals in the community and hospital care services in cases of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, pandemics. The structural establishment of a robust system to meet the incoming demands, the construction of applicable algorithms, building the optimal infrastructure for ambulances in accordance with the population intensity, will both protect the system and help to improve the quality of health services delivery. Keywords: Command and control centers, prehospital health services, ambulance, pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 pneumonia
... The most frequent symptom was shortness of breath in Arentz et al.'s [11] study. In the station assessment study by Venkatraman et al. [12] found "call received" to "arrived at the scene" 17.0 (7.0-60.0) minutes. ...
Objective: The study aims to present calls received at the 112 Emergency Calls Centers in İstanbul. Algorithms were applied to analyze the demographic and clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) cases. Materials and Methods: Incoming calls at the 112 Emergency Call Centers of the European and Anatolian regions of the metropolitan city of İstanbul were assessed. In the retrospective study, the period under investigation was from March 11 to May 1 of 2020. Results: Patients with suspected severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 pneumonia (n=35,443) were analyzed. The mean age of the patients was found to be 50.6±22.3. Of this total, 16,902 (47.7%) cases were female. Ambulance response times for these cases were reported as 10.2 (7.0-16.3) minutes. In terms of clinical symptoms, 18,958 (53.50%) of the cases had fever, 18,359 (51.86%) had a cough, and 21,121 (59.60%) had shortness of breath. The district with the highest number of cases was Gaziosmanpasa with 1,256 cases, 42.16 people per square meter. Conclusion: Prehospital health services are an important link in the chain of survival. Ambulance services act as a bridge between individuals in the community and hospital care services in cases of disasters such as earthquakes, floods, pandemics. The structural establishment of a robust system to meet the incoming demands, the construction of applicable algorithms, building the optimal infrastructure for ambulances in accordance with the population intensity, will both protect the system and help to improve the quality of health services delivery. Keywords: Command and control centers, prehospital health services, ambulance, pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19 pneumonia
... The established EMS are not without challenges. A performance evaluation of the pioneer EMS, Lagos State Ambulance Service (LASAMBUS) by Venkatraman et al [43] identified some challenges such as public ambiguity in contacting LASAM-BUS (multiple telephone numbers containing eleven characters each), a delayed average response time of 17 min (6-60 min), and greater than 50% of unaddressed RTC calls. ...
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Trauma is a crucial public health problem that has been overlooked by developing countries including Nigeria. It has led to a worsening trauma trend as recent data suggests. The South-West Region of Nigeria remains one of the regions with the most injury prevalence. Since the introduction of the trauma system over half a century ago, regionalised trauma systems have become increasingly effective in changing the dynamics of trauma care and outcomes. However, similar to most developing countries trauma system is yet to be established in any region in Nigeria. This is also met by a lack of a centralised trauma registry, poor implementation of primary prevention practices, an informal prehospital care system, and poorly organised in-hospital care for trauma victims. Reversing these challenges could be a propelling force to the revolution of trauma provision in the region and extension to the nation, Africa, and other developing countries. Nevertheless, the stakeholders such as the government, legislature, Non-Governmental-Organisations, law-enforcement agencies, healthcare institutions, trauma experts, and the public have a huge role.
... 11 19 However, its effectiveness for patient transfer is limited by the traffic congestion and lack of willingness among other commuters to give way to ambulances. 21 Data sources Data were extracted from patient records over 6 months by the in-country research team, all of whom were qualified medical doctors, including consultant obstetricians, resident doctors and medical officers who had clinical BMJ Global Health experience working in the obstetrical units of the hospitals and were familiar with the patient records system in Lagos public health facilities. All team members were trained on using the pretested online data collection tool and ethical procedures guiding the research. ...
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Introduction Prompt access to emergency obstetrical care (EmOC) reduces the risk of maternal mortality. We assessed institutional maternal mortality by distance and travel time for pregnant women with obstetrical emergencies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Methods We conducted a facility-based retrospective cohort study across 24 public hospitals in Lagos. Reviewing case notes of the pregnant women presenting between 1 November 2018 and 30 October 2019, we extracted socio-demographic, travel and obstetrical data. The extracted travel data were exported to Google Maps, where driving distance and travel time data were extracted. Multivariable logistic regression was conducted to determine the relative influence of distance and travel time on maternal death. Findings Of 4181 pregnant women with obstetrical emergencies, 182 (4.4%) resulted in maternal deaths. Among those who died, 60.3% travelled ≤10 km directly from home, and 61.9% arrived at the hospital ≤30 mins. The median distance and travel time to EmOC was 7.6 km (IQR 3.4–18.0) and 26 mins (IQR 12–50). For all women, travelling 10–15 km (2.53, 95% CI 1.27 to 5.03) was significantly associated with maternal death. Stratified by referral, odds remained statistically significant for those travelling 10–15 km in the non-referred group (2.48, 95% CI 1.18 to 5.23) and for travel ≥120 min (7.05, 95% CI 1.10 to 45.32). For those referred, odds became statistically significant at 25–35 km (21.40, 95% CI 1.24 to 36.72) and for journeys requiring travel time from as little as 10–29 min (184.23, 95% CI 5.14 to 608.51). Odds were also significantly higher for women travelling to hospitals in suburban (3.60, 95% CI 1.59 to 8.18) or rural (2.51, 95% CI 1.01 to 6.29) areas. Conclusion Our evidence shows that distance and travel time influence maternal mortality differently for referred women and those who are not. Larger scale research that uses closer-to-reality travel time and distance estimates as we have done, rethinking of global guidelines, and bold actions addressing access gaps, including within the suburbs, will be critical in reducing maternal mortality by 2030.
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Amaç: Acil sağlık hizmetlerinin kesintisiz ve hızlı bir şekilde sunulması hastaların ilk müdahalelerinin en kısa sürede yapılabilmesi için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada Ankara 112 İl Ambulans Servisi’nin son beş yıl içindeki faaliyetleri ve olaya müdahale sürelerini ayrıca 112 çağrı merkezine yapılan başvuruların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bilgiler Ankara İl Sağlık Müdürlüğü acil sağlık otomasyon sistemi (ASOS) üzerinden geçmişe dönük son beş yıl (01.01.2015 - 31.12.2019) olarak taranmıştır. Çalışmada taranan veriler; acil sağlık hizmetindeki çağrı nedenleri ve sonuçları, ambulans hizmetlerinin vakalara ortalama ulaşım süreleri, acil yardım personeli ve ambulans sayıları olarak belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmamızda; Ankara ilinde son 5 yılda acil sağlık hizmeti sunulan toplam 2.036.734 hasta olduğu görüldü. Veriler incelendiğinde yıllara (2015 – 2019) göre vaka kabul sayıları ve vakalara ortalama ulaşım süreleri sırası ile; 2015: 359.686 vaka ortalama 7 dakika (dk) 20 saniye (sn), 2016: 391.057 vaka ortalama 6 dk 34 sn, 2017: 417.155 vaka 6 dk 41 sn, 2018: 421.452 vaka 6 dk 9 sn, 2019: 447.384 vaka 6 dk 12 sn olduğu görülmüştür. Aramaların nedenlerine bakıldığında ise tarama yılından bağımsız olarak birinci sırada “medikal” ikinci sırada ise “sağlık tedbirleri” gelmekteydi. En son sırada gelen çağrı nedeni ise yine tarama yılından bağımsız olarak sırası ile “ex-morga nakil” olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: ASH sunumunda vakalara yapılacak erken müdahaleler hayat kurtarıcı olmaktadır. Yıllar içinde artan popülasyon ve vaka sayısına rağmen acil çağrı merkezlerine yapılan yardım çağrıları sonrası benzer sayıda acil yardım ambulansı ve personeli ile uygun bir koordinasyon sistemi sayesinde kısa tepki süreleri içinde vakalara müdahale gerçekleştirebilmektedir.
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Emergency medical services (EMS) is defined as the system that organizes all aspects of care provided to patients in the pre-hospital or out-of-hospital environment. Hence, EMS is a critical component of the health systems and is necessary to improve outcomes of injuries and other time-sensitive illnesses. Still there exists a substantial need for evidence to improve our understanding of the capacity of such systems as well as their strengths, weaknesses, and priority areas for improvement in low-resource environments. The aim was to develop a tool for assessment of the pre-hospital EMS system using the World Health Organization (WHO) health system framework. Relevant literature search and expert consultation helped identify variables describing system capacity, outputs, and goals of pre-hospital EMS. Those were organized according to the health systems framework, and a multipronged approach is proposed for data collection including use of qualitative and quantitative methods with triangulation of information from important stakeholders, direct observation, and policy document review. The resultant information is expected to provide a holistic picture of the pre-hospital emergency medical services and develop key recommendations for PEMS systems strengthening.
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Background: Every year, about 1.2 million people die through road traffic crashes worldwide. Majority of these deaths occur in Africa where most of their emergency medical services are underdeveloped. In 2004, Ghana established the National Ambulance Council to provide timely and efficient pre-hospital emergency medical care to the sick and injured. Pre-hospital emergency medical service is essential for accident victims since it has the potential of saving lives. The study sought to determine the relationship between pre-hospital trauma survival rate and response time to emergencies and factors associated to pre-hospital trauma survival in Accra, Ghana. Methods: The study was a cross sectional study which reviewed pre-hospital care forms of trauma patients from the fourteen ambulance stations in the Greater Accra region from January to December 2014. Data were extracted from these forms and the response time estimated. Conscious patients who were alert were categorized as responsive under the AVPU scale. The proportion of patients who survived pre-hospital trauma and the time pre-hospital trauma cases were responded to was estimated. Multiple logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine which variables were associated with survival. Results: A total of 652 pre-hospital care forms were reviewed. About 87% survived pre-hospital trauma. The average response time to patients was (16.9 ± 0.7) minutes and the median transportation time of the patient was 82 min. Level of consciousness of a patient and response time of patients transported was found to be significantly associated with pre-hospital trauma survival. Conclusion: There was a high trauma patient survival rate among victims attended to by an NAS. The average response time in Greater Accra region in the 14 ambulance stations is 16.9 min which is not different from the 17 min recorded in 2013 by NAS. Factors that were associated with pre-hospital survival were alertness in the level of consciousness and response time less than 17 min.
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Methods: A survey was conducted between 2013 and 2014 by distributing a detailed EMS system questionnaire to experts in paper and electronic versions. The questionnaire ascertained EMS systems' jurisdiction, operations, finance, clinical care, resources, and regulatory environment. The discovery of respondents with requisite expertise occurred in multiple phases, including snowball sampling, a review of published scientific literature, and a rigorous search of the Internet. Results: The survey response rate was 46%, and data represented 49 of 54 (91%) African countries. Twenty-five EMS systems were identified and distributed among 16 countries (30% of African countries). There was no evidence of EMS systems in 33 (61%) countries. A total of 98,574,731 (8.7%) of the African population were serviced by at least one EMS system in 2012. The leading causes of EMS transport were (in order of decreasing frequency): injury, obstetric, respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal complaints. Nineteen percent of African countries had government-financed EMS systems and 26% had a toll-free public access telephone number. Basic emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and Basic Life Support (BLS)-equipped ambulances were the most common cadre of provider and ambulance level, respectively (84% each). Conclusion: Emergency Medical Services systems exist in one-third of African countries. Injury and obstetric complaints are the leading African prehospital conditions. Only a minority (<9.0%) of Africans have coverage by an EMS system. Most systems were predominantly BLS, government operated, and fee-for-service. Mould-Millman NK , Dixon JM , Sefa N , Yancey A , Hollong BG , Hagahmed M , Ginde AA , Wallis LA . The state of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems in Africa. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017;32(3):1-11.
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Good governance is now recognised in a manner like never before, as a necessary condition for economic growth and poverty reduction. The focus of this paper therefore is to evaluate the effect of urban governance on the condition and provision of infrastructural services including citizens’ perception of service delivery in metropolitan Lagos. The study is a survey research designed to obtain information from Lagos residents on the quality of governance in the city including the extent of stakeholder involvement in decision making. Structured questionnaires were distributed to two groups of 400 and 1040 households respectively. There was also a survey of the impact of road improvement on business premises. Findings from the study indicated that infrastructure provision in Lagos is supply-driven and that poor governance adversely affects business activities and economic development. Demand-side management in infrastructure provision and stakeholder communication and participation are highly recommended.
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Objective To estimate the burden of road traffic injuries and deaths for all road users and among different road user groups in Africa. Methods We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, Global Health, Google Scholar, websites of African road safety agencies and organizations for registry- and population-based studies and reports on road traffic injury and death estimates in Africa, published between 1980 and 2015. Available data for all road users and by road user group were extracted and analysed. We conducted a random-effects meta-analysis and estimated pooled rates of road traffic injuries and deaths. Findings We identified 39 studies from 15 African countries. The estimated pooled rate for road traffic injury was 65.2 per 100 000 population (95% confidence interval, CI: 60.8–69.5) and the death rate was 16.6 per 100 000 population (95% CI: 15.2–18.0). Road traffic injury rates increased from 40.7 per 100 000 population in the 1990s to 92.9 per 100 000 population between 2010 and 2015, while death rates decreased from 19.9 per 100 000 population in the 1990s to 9.3 per 100 000 population between 2010 and 2015. The highest road traffic death rate was among motorized four-wheeler occupants at 5.9 per 100 000 population (95% CI: 4.4–7.4), closely followed by pedestrians at 3.4 per 100 000 population (95% CI: 2.5–4.2). Conclusion The burden of road traffic injury and death is high in Africa. Since registry-based reports underestimate the burden, a systematic collation of road traffic injury and death data is needed to determine the true burden.
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The World Health Organization has estimated that globally almost 1.24 million people die annually on the world's roads. The aim of the study was to assess the attributes of pre-hospital care in road traffic accidents (RTAs) victim brought to the health care establishment and to evaluate the pre-hospital trauma care provided in the rural areas of Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu. A cross-sectional descriptive study of 3 months duration (June 2014 to August 2014) was conducted in the Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Kancheepuram. The method of sampling was universal sampling and all RTA victims satisfying the inclusion criteria were included in the study. During the entire study duration, total 200 RTA victims were included. A pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was used to elicit the desired information after the victims of RTAs are stabilized. Ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Committee prior to the start of the study. Written informed consent was obtained from the study participants (patient/guardian of children) before obtaining any information from them. Data entry and statistical analysis were done using SPSS version 18. Frequency distributions and percentages were computed for all the variables. Majority of the RTA victims 158 (79%) were from the age-group of 15-45 years. Most of the accidents were reported in night time [77 (38.5%)], on week-ends [113 (56.5%)], and involved two-wheelers [153 (76.5%)]. Almost 66 (33%) of the victims were not aware of the existence of emergency ambulance services. Also, only 15 (7.5%) victims were brought to the hospital in the emergency ambulance, of which only 3 victims were accompanied by a doctor. To conclude, the study indicates that a significant proportion of people were unaware about the emergency trauma ambulance services and the existing pre-hospital care services lack in multiple dimensions in a rural area of South India.
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Iran has one of the highest rates of road traffic accidents (RTAs) worldwide. Pre-hospital trauma care can help minimize many instances of traffic-related mortality and morbidity. The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics of pre-hospital care in patients who were injured in RTAs, admitted to hospital. The focus was mainly directed at evaluating pre-hospital trauma care provided in city streets and roads out of the city. This retrospective study was carried out on all trauma patients, transported by the emergency medical service (EMS) system, who were admitted to Kashan Shahid-Beheshti hospital during the period from March 2011 to March 2012. The patients' demographic data, location of accident, damaged organs, mechanism of injury, injury severity, pre-hospital times (response, scene, transport), pre-hospital interventions and outcomes, were extracted from the data registry and analyzed through descriptive statistics using SPSS 18 software. Findings of this study showed that, 75% of RTAs occurred on city streets (n = 1 251). Motor-car accidents were the most frequent mechanism of RTA on city streets (n = 525) (42%), while car rollover was the most frequent mechanism of RTA on roads out of the city (n = 155) (44.4%). The mean pre-hospital time intervals (min); response, scene, and transport for all patients were 6.6 ± 3.1, 10.7 ± 5 and 13 ± 9.8, respectively. The mean pre-hospital time intervals (response, scene, transport) in roads out of the city were higher than those in city streets. There was a significant difference (P = 0.04) in the mortality rates due to RTAs between city streets (n = 46) and roads out of the city (n = 32). In comparison with road traffic accidents on city streets, trauma patients in RTAs on roads out of the city have longer pre-hospital time intervals and more severe injuries; therefore, this group needs more pre-hospital resuscitation interventions.
Emergency medical service (EMS) personnel in the United States respond to an estimated 37 million 911 calls annually, providing care to the sick and injured, but the initial link in the chain of survival includes family, friends, and bystanders.¹ A collaborative effort between emergency care and emergency management experts within the US government recently led to the development of a public education campaign titled Until Help Arrives ( Spearheaded by the US Departments of Homeland Security, Defense, and Health & Human Services, this initiative seeks to empower laypersons to provide care to the ill and injured until EMS personnel arrive. While there is an unavoidable delay between a 911 call and EMS arrival, to our knowledge, no current published data exist to quantify these time frames. This study seeks to describe the interval between receipt of a 911 call and the arrival of the first EMS unit on the scene of a reported emergency in the United States.
Methods: A three-year, retrospective review of road traffic injured patients seen at the Surgical Emergency Room (SER) of the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH), Ikeja, Nigeria, from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2014 was conducted. Parameters extracted from the Institution Trauma Registry included bio-data, date and time of injury, date and time of arrival in SER, host status, type of vehicle involved, and region(s) injured. Information on how patients came to the hospital and outcome in SER also were recorded. Results were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS; IBM Corporation; Armonk, New York USA) version 16. Results: A total of 23,537 patients were seen during the study period. Among them, 16,024 (68.1%) had trauma. Road traffic crashes were responsible in 5,629 (35.0%) of trauma cases. Passengers constituted 42.0% of the injured, followed by pedestrians (34.0%). Four wheelers were the most frequent vehicle type involved (54.0%), followed by motor cycles (30.0%). Regions mainly affected were head and neck (40.0%) and lower limb (29.0%). Less than one-quarter (24.0%) presented to the emergency room within an hour, while one-third arrived between one and six hours following injury. Relatives brought 55.4%, followed by bystanders (21.4%). Only 2.3% had formal prehospital care and were brought to the hospital by LASAMBUS. They also had significantly shorter arrival time. One hundred and nine patients (1.9%) died in the emergency room while 235 bodies were brought in dead. Conclusion: Less than three percent among the victims of road crashes had formal prehospital care and shorter hospital arrival time. Current facilities for emergency prehospital care in Lagos are inadequate and require improvement. Training lay first-responders, who bring the majority of the injured to hospital, in basic first-aid may improve prehospital care in Lagos. Ibrahim NA , Ajani AWO , Mustafa IA , Balogun RA , Oludara MA , Idowu OE , Solagberu BA . Road traffic injury in Lagos, Nigeria: assessing prehospital care. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017;32(4):1-7.
Methods: Data routinely collected by the Ghana NAS from 2004-2014 were described, including: patient demographics, reason for the call, response location, target destination, and ti1mes of service. Additionally, the organizational structure and challenges encountered during the development and maturation of the NAS were reported. Results: In 2004, the NAS piloted operations with 69 newly trained emergency medical technicians (EMTs), nine ambulances, and seven stations. The NAS expanded service delivery with 199 ambulances at 128 stations operated by 1,651 EMTs and 47 administrative and maintenance staff in 2014. In 2004, nine percent of the country was covered by NAS services; in 2014, 81% of Ghana was covered. Health care transfers and roadside responses comprised the majority of services (43%-80% and 10%-57% by year, respectively). Increased mean response time, stable case holding time, and shorter vehicle engaged time reflect greater response ranges due to increased service uptake and improved efficiency of ambulance usage. Specific internal and external challenges with regard to NAS operations also were described. Conclusion: The steady growth of the NAS is evidence of the need for Emergency Medical Services and the effects of sound planning and timely responses to changes in program indicators. The way forward includes further capacity building to increase the number of scene responses, strengthening ties with local health facilities to ensure timely emergency medical care and appropriateness of transfers, assuring a more stable funding stream, and improving public awareness of NAS services. Zakariah A , Stewart BT , Boateng E , Achena C , Tansley G , Mock C . The birth and growth of the National Ambulance Service in Ghana. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2017;32(1):1-11.