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Detecting critical slowing down in high-
dimensional epidemiological systems
Tobias BrettID
*, Marco Ajelli
, Quan-Hui LiuID
, Mary G. Krauland
, John
J. GrefenstetteID
, Willem G. van Panhuis
, Alessandro Vespignani
, John
M. DrakeID
, Pejman RohaniID
1Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States of America, 2Center for the
Ecology of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, United States of America,
3Laboratory for the Modeling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems, Northeastern University, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States of America, 4Bruno Kessler Foundation, Trento, Italy, 5College of Computer
Science, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 6University of Pittsburgh, Department of Health Policy and
Management, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 7University of Pittsburgh, Department of
Epidemiology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 8University of Pittsburgh, Department of
Biomedical Informatics, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States of America, 9ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy,
10 Department of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia,Athens,
Georgia, United States of America
Despite medical advances, the emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases continue
to pose a public health threat. Low-dimensional epidemiological models predict that epidemic
transitions are preceded by the phenomenon of critical slowing down (CSD). This has raised
the possibility of anticipating disease (re-)emergence using CSD-based early-warning signals
(EWS), which are statistical moments estimated from time series data. For EWS to be useful
at detecting future (re-)emergence, CSD needs to be a generic (model-independent) feature
of epidemiological dynamics irrespective of system complexity. Currently, it is unclear whether
the predictions of CSD—derived from simple, low-dimensional systems—pertain to real sys-
tems, which are high-dimensional. To assess the generality of CSD, we carried out a simula-
tion study of a hierarchy of models, with increasing structural complexity and dimensionality,
for a measles-like infectious disease. Our five models included: i) a nonseasonal homoge-
neous Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered (SEIR) model, ii) a homogeneous SEIR
model with seasonality in transmission, iii) an age-structured SEIR model, iv) a multiplex net-
work-based model (Mplex) and v) an agent-based simulator (FRED). All models were para-
meterised to have a herd-immunity immunization threshold of around 90% coverage, and
underwent a linear decrease in vaccine uptake, from 92% to 70% over 15 years. We found
evidence of CSD prior to disease re-emergence in all models. We also evaluated the perfor-
mance of seven EWS: the autocorrelation, coefficient of variation, index of dispersion, kurto-
sis, mean, skewness, variance. Performance was scored using the Area Under the ROC
Curve (AUC) statistic. The best performing EWS were the mean and variance, with AUC >
0.75 one year before the estimated transition time. These two, along with the autocorrelation
and index of dispersion, are promising candidate EWS for detecting disease emergence.
PLOS Computational Biology | March 9, 2020 1 / 19
Citation: Brett T, Ajelli M, Liu Q-H, Krauland MG,
Grefenstette JJ, van Panhuis WG, et al. (2020)
Detecting critical slowing down in high-
dimensional epidemiological systems. PLoS
Comput Biol 16(3): e1007679.
Editor: Virginia E. Pitzer, Yale School of Public
Received: June 4, 2019
Accepted: January 23, 2020
Published: March 9, 2020
Copyright: ©2020 Brett et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All data files and code
to reproduce analysis are available from the
Zenodo database (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3663086).
Funding: TB, JMD, and PR received funding from
the National Institute of General Medical Sciences
of the National Institutes of Health (https://www., Award Number U01GM110744).
MA and AV acknowledge support from the Models
of Infectious Disease Agent Study, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences Grant
U54GM111274. Q-HL acknowledges the support
Author summary
Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, such as Ebola and measles, present urgent
public health challenges and threaten the progress made towards eliminating the global
burden of disease. Consequently, a crucial activity in modern epidemiology is developing
methods of anticipating (re-)emerging disease outbreaks. Early-warning signals (EWS)
are a proposed method for detecting disease (re-)emergence, based on critical slowing
down (CSD), a dynamical phenomenon present in systems approaching transition points.
The presence of CSD preceding disease (re-)emergence has been comprehensively dem-
onstrated in a range of low-dimensional epidemiological models. For EWS to be useful,
however, CSD needs to be a generic feature of (re-)emerging disease transmission dynam-
ics, rather than being limited to specific models. To assess the generality of CSD, we car-
ried out a simulation study of a hierarchy of models of a re-emerging measles-like
infectious disease. We found that CSD is present in the dynamics of all the models studied,
supporting its generality. In addition, we studied seven candidate EWS, and found that
four are strong candidates for use in monitoring systems to detect disease (re-)emergence.
Critical slowing down (CSD) is a dynamical feature of systems approaching phase transitions,
and has been investigated both theoretically [1–7] and experimentally [8–14] across the natural
sciences. As the transition is approached, the stability of the systems’ equilibrium weakens,
causing an increasing persistence of perturbations away from the equilibrium (the eponymous
“slowing down”) [4]. The ubiquity of CSD has led to suggestions that the phenomenon may be
exploited to develop mechanism-independent methods of anticipating impending transitions
[5]. This has spurred the examination of various summary statistics that can detect the pres-
ence of CSD in time series data and may serve as early-warning signals (EWS) [5–7,9–14].
Anticipating the emergence of novel pathogens (such as H7N9 avian influenza virus [15]) and
the re-emergence of historically controlled infectious diseases (such as measles [16]) is an
urgent problem for global public health [17,18], to which EWS are potentially well suited
The key parameter that influences the threat posed by a (re-)emerging pathogen is the effec-
tive reproductive number, R
, defined as the number of secondary cases a typical infectious
individual causes [19]. R
can increase via multiple mechanisms, including changes in contact
rates [20] and population immune profile [21,22], environmental variation such as climate
change [23], pathogen evolution (leading to evasion of immunity [24,25] and host adaptation
[26]), and declining vaccine uptake [16]. As R
increases the transmission dynamics undergo
a phase transition (Fig 1a). Below the epidemic threshold, R
= 1, there is limited secondary
transmission of the disease, however above the threshold large-scale epidemics and endemicity
become possible (Fig 1b). The existence of CSD as R
approaches 1 has been comprehensively
demonstrated in a range in low-dimensional epidemiological models (see for instance Fig 1c),
including those with: seasonality in transmission [27], imperfectly reported data [28,29],
declining vaccine uptake [6] and vector-borne transmission [30]. One gap where the presence
of CSD has not been demonstrated is in high-dimensional epidemiological models. For the
purposes of this paper, we define a high-dimensional model as one possessing a large number
of state variables (this is in contrast to dynamical definitions of dimensionality, which may be
lower due to a separation of dynamical time-scales [31] or weak coupling between state vari-
ables [32]). By sacrificing analytical tractability, high-dimensional models are designed to
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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from the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities. JJG received funding from the
National Institute of General Medical Sciences of
the National Institutes of Health Award Number
2U54GM08849106. The funders had no role in
study design, data collection and analysis, decision
to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: I have read the journal’s
policy and the authors of this manuscript have the
following competing interests: JJG is a principal in
Epistemix Inc., which has been licensed by the
University of Pittsburgh to develop commercial
applications of the FRED modeling technology
mentioned in this study.
provide a more realistic representation of the actual transmission dynamics of disease in
nature [33–36] and thus serve as a bridge between low-dimensional models and the real world.
The aims of this paper are to i) ascertain whether CSD is present in high-dimensional epi-
demiological models and ii) evaluate the performance of a range of EWS at detecting (re-)
emergence. We studied five different transmission models, of varying dimensionality and
structure (Fig 2). Three models were variants of the Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered
(SEIR) model, a canonical model of mathematical epidemiology: the basic nonseasonal SEIR
model, the SEIR model with seasonality, and an age-structured SEIR model which has assorta-
tive mixing between age groups. In addition we considered i) a multiplex contact network
model parameterised using socio-demographic data (referred to in this paper as the Mplex
model) [37] and ii) FRED (A Framework for Reconstructing Epidemiological Dynamics), an
agent-based modeling system [35]. We simulated a comparable re-emergence scenario with
each model and, from the resulting time series, calculated seven candidate EWS (the autocor-
relation, coefficient of variation, index of dispersion, kurtosis, mean, skewness and variance)
previously proposed in the literature [28]. To assess whether the epidemic transition was
Fig 1. Example simulation of disease re-emergence using the nonseasonal SEIR model. Parameters were set to
mimic transmission of a measles-like disease in a population of 10
individuals, see Methods for model details and the
full parameterization. a) The simulation was initialised above the herd immunity threshold, with 92% vaccine
coverage. Starting in year 0, vaccine uptake of new born individuals drops linearly from 92% to 70% over 15 years. As
vaccine uptake drops, R
increases, crossing the critical threshold R
= 1 shortly after 15 years. b) After the herd
immunity threshold is crossed large outbreaks become possible, and endemicity is reestablished. c) Increases in early-
warning signals (autocorrelation shown) precede the epidemic transition, enabling possible forewarning.
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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preceded by CSD and detectable EWS, we first estimated the time of emergence (when R
1) for each model by fitting a Poisson transmission model using Bayesian MCMC. The pres-
ence of CSD prior to re-emergence was then established by inspecting the autocorrelation at
lag 1 month. We assessed the operational performance of EWS, finding that four out of seven
EWS (the autocorrelation, index of dispersion, mean and variance) are credible candidates for
detecting disease re-emergence.
Simulated time series
Representative simulated time series of monthly cases using each model are shown in Fig 3
(for experiment design and model details see Methods). During the herd immunity era (vac-
cine coverage at 95%, t<0 years), monthly incidence was low in all models, with averages
ranging from 1.42 cases for the age-structured SEIR model to 3.74 cases for FRED.
As vaccine coverage dropped (via a linear decrease in vaccine uptake from 95% to 70% over
15 years), incidence gradually rose until herd immunity was lost, and there was a transition to
large outbreaks. We refer to the time of this transition as the time of emergence. Both the time
of emergence and the outbreak dynamics after the transition varied among models. The non-
seasonal and seasonal SEIR model both had long multi-year outbreaks, whereas all other mod-
els had more intense, short-lived epidemics.
Time of emergence
In Fig 4a we show the effective reproductive number, R
(t), and time of emergence, Δ, for the
nonseasonal SEIR model. After fitting the Poisson transmission model to all 100 time series
(see Methods), the maximum a posteriori (MAP) for the time of emergence is ^
D¼15:59 years
after vaccination started decreasing. The posterior density for Δis sharply peaked, with a 95%
credible interval (CI) of [14.92, 15.95]. The MAP lies within 4 months of the true time of emer-
gence, Δ= 15.3 years.
Fig 2. Representation of the trade off between tractability and realism in model construction. Models are
positioned along the axis based on the relative complexity of the model, as determined by the number of state variables
(the dimensionality) and model structure (the interactions between state variables). The nonseasonal SEIR model is the
simplest model, with the FRED and Mplex models being the most complex. Simpler models lend themselves to
mathematical analysis, while sacrificing realism. More complex models better represent reality, at the expense of
analytical tractability.
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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The remaining models have no analytical solution for Δ; the posterior densities
j¼1Þafter fitting the Poisson transmission model are shown in Fig 4b. The MAP esti-
mates of ^
Dand Ri
eff are summarised in Table 1. Including seasonality in the SEIR model results
in a bimodal posterior density (Fig 4b) with the MAP ( ^
D¼14:20 years) roughly 1 year before
that of the nonseasonal SEIR model. For the age-structured SEIR model, ^
D¼12:28 years. The
posterior density is more sharply peaked around the MAP. The agent-based simulator FRED
has the earliest time of emergence, ^
D¼9:61 years, whereas the Mplex model has an interme-
diary time of emergence, ^
D¼13:63 years. The posterior densities for both models are less
sharply peaked than the age-structured SEIR model.
Detection of critical slowing down
As a theoretical benchmark, the autocorrelation of the Birth-Death-Immigration (BDI) pro-
cess (see Methods) using a parameterization matched to the simulated SEIR model is shown in
Fig 5a. As R
!1, the autocorrelation increases and approaches 1, indicative of CSD.
For the five models studied in this paper (Fig 5b–5f) we also saw an increasing trend in the
autocorrelation for 0<t<^
D. Unlike for the BDI process, the autocorrelation did not reach 1
at the transition in any of these models, due to the effects of susceptible depletion and the
speed of emergence [7]. Models with a faster speed of emergence (such as FRED, Fig 5e) had a
lower autocorrelation at the time of emergence. The observed increase in autocorrelation for
all models studied supports the hypothesis that CSD is a generic feature of epidemiological
dynamics approaching the epidemic transition.
Fig 3. Example simulated time series of monthly cases for the five models (panels a–e). Each model was
parameterised to have a herd immunity threshold around 90% vaccine coverage, and experienced the same decrease in
vaccine coverage over the same time span as Fig 1a. Qualitatively, we see that the effect of declining vaccine coverage is
model-structure dependent. For the time series shown, the time to the first major outbreak varies between 10 years for
FRED (panel d) to 18 years for the nonseasonal SEIR model (panel a).
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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Performance at detecting disease emergence
Fig 6a shows the variance calculated using an exponentially weighted moving average for the
Mplex model. Probability densities for the variance during the period −5<t<0 years (null
period) and at the time points t= 10, 12, 14 years are shown in Fig 6b. As coverage dropped,
the average over 100 realizations and the 95% confidence interval both shifted to higher values
and the overlap of the null (−5<t<0 years) and test distributions decreased.
The decrease in distribution overlap is reflected in the Receiver Operator Characteristics
(ROC) curve (for details see Methods). As tincreased, the ROC curve moved towards the top
left corner (Fig 6c) implying emergence became easier to detect using the variance. For all
models the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) rose from 0.5 (uninformative classifier) after
vaccine uptake started declining (Fig 6d). The AUC through time for the remaining EWS are
presented in S1 Fig.
Performance at detecting emergence depended on both the EWS and the model. AUC val-
ues one year before the estimated time of emergence are summarised for each combination of
EWS and model in Fig 7.
Most EWS consistently increased before the transition (indicated by a “+” in Fig 7). The
exceptions were the coefficient of variation, kurtosis and skewness. For the coefficient of varia-
tion and kurtosis, one model (FRED) had AUC >0.5 one year before the transition, whereas
the remaining four models had AUC <0.5. For the skewness, two models (FRED and the age-
Fig 4. Estimating of time of emergence from case reports data. a) The Poisson transmission model assumes R
is a
piecewise linear function of time, with a quadratic increase from Reff ¼Ri
eff at t= 0 to R
= 1 at t=Δ. The time of
emergence, Δ, is estimated from the simulated data using Bayesian MCMC (see Methods). b) Final posterior density of
the time of emergence. The MAP values of ^
Dfor each model are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Estimates of the time to emergence (Δ; in years) and initial reproductive number (Ri
eff ) for each model
(MAP point estimate and 95% credible interval).
Model ΔRi
MAP 95% CI MAP 95% CI
Nonseasonal SEIR 15.59 [14.92, 15.95] 0.79 [0.77, 0.80]
Seasonal SEIR 14.20 [13.78, 15.47] 0.78 [0.76, 0.79]
Age-structured SEIR 12.28 [11.83, 12.67] 0.75 [0.73, 0.76]
FRED 9.61 [8.68, 10.30] 0.89 [0.88, 0.90]
Mplex 13.63 [12.67, 14.44] 0.81 [0.79, 0.82]
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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structured SEIR model) had AUC >0.5. The inconsistency in the trends of these three EWS
prior to the epidemic transition make them poor indicators of emergence.
For the other EWS (the mean, variance, index of dispersion and autocorrelation), perfor-
mance was generally similar for each model. Using any of these EWS, emergence was easiest to
detect in the nonseasonal SEIR model (which had the latest time of emergence), however there
was no consistent order for the remaining models. Performance was generally slightly higher
for the mean and variance (with AUC values ranging from 0.75 to 0.83) than for the autocorre-
lation and index of dispersion (AUC ranging from 0.67 to 0.81).
Our quantification of EWS performance is sensitive to i) the estimated time of emergence
and ii) the lead time before the transition (chosen to be 1 year in Fig 7). Sensitivity to both
these factors can be inferred from S1 Fig. For the four reliable EWS, the AUC rises with time
after year 0 (when vaccine uptake started decreasing), as expected. The faster the change in
AUC, the greater the sensitivity to both the estimate of the time of emergence and the lead
time relative to the time of emergence. FRED, which has the earliest time of emergence, has
the fastest rate of increase in AUC. For the remaining models, the rate of increase in AUC is
Research into critical slowing down and EWS preceding emerging disease outbreaks has, up to
this point, focused on low-dimensional models that can be studied analytically [6,7]. In for-
mulating these models, a large number of simplifying assumptions are made, leaving open the
question of whether CSD and EWS are unique to simple models, or are a more generic feature
of epidemiological dynamics. In this paper, we addressed this question by studying five models
with very different structures: two well-mixed models (the seasonal and nonseasonal SEIR
Fig 5. The autocorrelation at lag one month through time. a) Theoretical benchmark using the BDI process, given
by Eq 11. b-f) Estimates for the autocorrelation calculated for each month from the ensemble of realisations. MAP
estimates of the time of emergence, ^
D, are indicated by dashed vertical lines. For all models, the autocorrelation
increases as the time of emergence is approached, indicative of CSD.
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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model), an age-structured SEIR model with age-dependent contact rates, the Mplex model
which explicitly modelled a contact network of schools and households, and FRED which sim-
ulates a synthetic population of interacting agents. We used each of these models to simulate
the transmission dynamics of a measles-like vaccine preventable disease that was re-emerging
due to declining vaccine uptake.
The first aim of this paper was to ascertain whether CSD was present in high-dimensional
epidemiological models prior to the epidemic transition R
= 1. We detected CSD in all mod-
els before the critical transition. The observed ubiquity of CSD suggests it is intrinsic to re-
emerging disease dynamics. In simple terms, we expect this is due to all of our models (and
also infectious disease transmission in nature) sharing a common causal relationship: as vacci-
nation coverage drops towards the herd-immunity threshold, the probability of longer chains
of transmission increases. As explained in a previous study [7], this forms the dynamical basis
for CSD in low-dimensional epidemiological models. Our study demonstrates that the addi-
tional dynamical complexities introduced in high-dimensional models do not serve to mask
[38] or negate [39] the existence of CSD. Model structure did, however, have an impact on the
Fig 6. Performance of the variance at detecting emergence. a) Variance for the Mplex model calculated using an
exponentially weighted moving window with a half life of 3 years. Mean and 95% credible interval calculated using 100
realizations. b) Test (green) and null (grey) probability densities for the variance. Probability densities found using
kernel density estimation (see Methods). Null probability density calculated using all data points in the interval −5<
t<0 years. Test probability densities shown for t= 10, 12, 14 years. c) ROC curves for the variance for the Mplex
model shown for 2 year intervals. d) Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) through time for the variance for each model.
Vertical lines indicate the time of emergence.
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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time of emergence (the lag between vaccine coverage starting to decline and the effective
reproductive number R
reaching unity).
The second aim was to evaluate the performance of a range of EWS, which we quantified
using the AUC statistic. For most EWS (the autocorrelation, index of dispersion, mean and
variance), performance increased as the time of emergence was approached. Performance of
the other three EWS (the skewness, kurtosis and coefficient of variation) did not have a consis-
tent relationship with time; whether the AUC for these three EWS increased or decreased
prior to the transition was found to be model-dependent. These findings corroborate those of
a previous study into the detectability of emergence using imperfect data [28], confirming that
these three are, in isolation, unreliable EWS. Overall, the best performing EWS were the mean
and variance, with AUC >0.75 one year before the transition for all models. These two, along
with the autocorrelation and index of dispersion, are promising candidate EWS for detecting
disease emergence.
We focused in this study on the impact of dimensionality and model structure on the
detectability of re-emergence, considering models in which the interactions between individu-
als were clustered in various ways (e.g. by age, school, neighborhood). However, to simplify
the comparison, we did not consider social clustering of vaccine status—i.e. in the models
studied, all new born individuals had an identical probability of receiving the vaccine. One fac-
tor that has been clearly implicated in recent measles outbreaks in high-vaccination countries
is that unvaccinated individuals tend to be socially clustered [40]. As vaccine uptake declines,
these clusters will change in size and composition, which can lead to different re-emergent
Fig 7. Summary of the AUC values one year before the transition. a–g) AUC values for each model for the EWS
indicated in the panel. The + (−) symbols next to each bar indicate that the AUC is greater (less) than 0.5.
Detecting critical slowing down in high-dimensional epidemiological systems
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dynamics [41]. Investigating whether CSD is present in settings with heterogeneous vaccine
uptake, and what the impacts are for potential early-warning, is an pressing topic for further
There are many mechanisms that can drive disease (re-)emergence. Here, we have concen-
trated only on declining vaccine uptake, however CSD is theoretically predicted to be indepen-
dent of the mechanism causing R
to increase. One particularly challenging mechanism of
emergence that warrants further study are changes in the population structure itself [42]. For
instance, rapid increases in population density and connectivity in West and Central Africa
have been suggested to enhance the risk of emerging disease outbreaks such as Ebola [43].
High-dimensional models may play a key role in understanding these changing risks and EWS
in monitoring them.
Our findings confirm that CSD is present in high-dimensional models, bridging a key gap
between previous theoretical results for low-dimensional systems and the real world. Our
results add further support to the hypothesis that CSD is a generic feature of (re-)emerging epi-
demiological dynamics driven by increases in R
, and that the epidemic transition is preceded
by detectable EWS. Developing detection methods that operationalise EWS and can inform
public health bodies presents a clear future step.
Experiment design
To investigate the generality of CSD, we studied five transmission models with very varied
structures undergoing the same epidemic transition: the loss of herd immunity in a population
due to declining vaccine uptake. To provide a meaningful comparison, where possible all five
models were assigned identical epidemiological and demographic parameters.
For all models, infection followed an SEIR-type sequence: upon infection susceptible (S)
individuals enter a latent non-infectious stage (E), followed by an infectious stage (I), followed
by eventual recovery (R). The mean latent period and infectious period are set to values appro-
priate for measles, 1/ρ= 8 days and 1/γ= 5 days, respectively [44]. We assume that infection is
non-virulent (i.e. all individuals recover) and confers perfect life-long immunity. In each of the
models, presence of the pathogen in the population was maintained by individuals contracting
the infection from external sources (referred to as importation). In a fully susceptible popula-
tion, on average one importation occurred per week, z= 1 week
. The per capita rate of
importation is given by the ratio z/N
where N
is the population size, and was uniform for all
susceptible individuals. All models output weekly cases reports over the interval t=−10 to
t= 40 years. We assumed perfect reporting (i.e. case reports equal the true number of weekly
All models bar FRED had a mean population size N
= 10
, a per capita annual birth rate of
0.013 and mean life expectancy of 75 years. The values for FRED were similar, matching those
of Allegheny county, PA, USA (see below), specifically: N
= 1.2 ×10
, a per capita annual
birth rate of 0.011 and mean life expectancy of about 78 years.
The primary difference between the models was in the structure of the populations, i.e. in
the dynamics of contacts between individuals. It is these contacts that facilitate disease trans-
mission from infectious to susceptible individuals, with a probability given by the pathogens
transmissibility. The details of the contact structures for each model are described in the fol-
lowing sections. While the contact structure varied widely between models, the basic repro-
ductive number R
(the average number of secondary cases an infectious individual causes in a
fully susceptible population) was set to be roughly the same for all models to ensure compara-
bility of results.
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The models were driven through the epidemic transition via the same decline in vaccine
uptake. The probability that a new born individual receives the vaccine v(t) decreased linearly
from 0.92 to 0.70 over 15 years, starting in year 0. We assumed immunised individuals receive
a perfect vaccine (i.e. with no primary vaccine failure, leakiness or waning of immunity [45])
at birth. By tuning the pathogen’s transmissibility, we fixed the herd immunity immunization
threshold of each model to be around 90% coverage (in line with R
10). All models were
therefore initialised above the herd immunity threshold. The timing of the epidemic transition
depended on the details of the model structure (see below).
Our models all incorporated the effects of demographic stochasticity [46], hence we exam-
ined 100 realizations for each.
Nonseasonal SEIR model. The first model considered was the nonseasonal SEIR model
with birth and death. The model included the effects of demographic stochasticity, modeling
the transmission dynamics as a discrete sequence of jumps between states [44,46]. Simulations
were performed using the Next-Reaction Method (NRM) algorithm [47]. Unvaccinated indi-
viduals were born with rate {1 −v(t)}αN
. All individuals died with per capita rate α, meaning
individuals had a Type II (exponential) survivorship curve. We set the mean life expectancy to
be 1/α= 75 years. The SEIR model has exact solutions for the basic reproductive number and
herd immunity threshold [44], we used these to set the transmissibility of the pathogen β(t) =
, ensuring that R
= 10 and the herd immunity threshold was at 90% vaccine coverage.
A summary of the transition rates and effects of the SEIR model are listed in Table 2.
Seasonal SEIR model. The seasonal SEIR model is identical in all respects to the nonsea-
sonal SEIR model, apart from seasonality in the transmission term, with βvarying over the
course of a year dependent on whether schools were open or closed. Using the dates for term
times in England listed in [48], the transmission rate was β(t) = β
on days when schools
were shut and β(t) = β
l/(1 −l) when schools were open. The amplitude of seasonality was
= 0.3 (appropriate for measles [44]). The parameter l= 0.26 is a normalization constant, and
is equal to the fraction of days schools were shut.
Age-structured SEIR model. The Age-structured SEIR model used contact rate data
from the POLYMOD study [49] to model disease transmission in a population with age-assor-
tative mixing. The model included effects of demographic stochasticity, and was implemented
as a discrete time Euler-multinomial process [48]. The simulation time step was set to one day.
The survivorship curve was assumed to be a step function (Type I), with all mortality occur-
ring at age 75 years. The birth rate was fixed to give a constant population size of N
= 10
viduals, meaning all ages classes i= 1, . . ., 75 consisted of N
/75 individuals.
Table 2. Transitions of the SEIR process model. At the beginning of each aggregation period the number of new
cases, C, is reset to 0.
Name (ΔS,ΔE,ΔI,ΔR,ΔC) Propensity
unvaccinated birth (1, 0, 0, 0, 0) α{1 −v(t)}N
vaccinated birth (0, 0, 0, 1, 0) αv(t)N
death of S(−1, 0, 0, 0, 0) αS
death of E(0, −1, 0, 0, 0) αE
death of I(0, 0, −1, 0, 0) αI
death of R(0, 0, 0, −1, 0) αR
importation (−1, 1, 0, 0, 0) zS/N
transmission (−1, 1, 0, 0, 0) β(t)SI/N
becoming infectious (0, −1, 1, 0, 0) ρI
recovery (0, 0, −1, 1, 1) γI
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The force of infection experienced by a susceptible individual in age class iwas
where z/N
is the per capita importation rate, β
(t) is the transmission probability, K
is the
rate an individual of age class icontacts individuals in age class jand I
is the number of infec-
tious individuals in age class j. If either ior jwere of school age (5-15 years old) then the trans-
mission rate β
(t) was subject to the same term time forcing as the seasonal SEIR model,
otherwise it is constant β
. The transmission coefficient β
was set to give an R
= 10 (cal-
culated using the next-generation matrix [50]), matching the SEIR model.
The contact matrix K
was derived from the POLYMOD matrix for Great Britain
(Table S8.3 of [49]) via two steps. First, the POLYMOD matrix, with elements Q
, was sym-
metrised to correct for reciprocity via [48]
Qa;b¼ ðNaQa;bþNbQb;aÞ=2Na;ð2Þ
where aand blabel the age categories of the POLYMOD matrix (14 5-year increments ranging
from 0–70 and 70+). Second, the contact matrix K
was constructed from
where a
and b
label the age categories of the POLYMOD matrix that iand jrespectively
belong to. Given the flat population profile from ages 0 to 75, Nai¼5=75 and Ni=Nai¼1=5
for all i= 0. . ., 75.
FRED model. FRED is an open-source agent-based simulator that simulates disease trans-
mission in synthetic populations [35]. The simulator is designed to capture the spatial and
demographic heterogeneities of a specific population by constructing a synthetic population
matched to census data for a given geographic region [51]. We used the pre-constructed syn-
thetic population for Allegheny county (Pittsburgh), Pennsylvania, USA [35].
FRED explicitly represents each individual in the population as an agent, who each have a
record of demographic traits (e.g. age, employment status, family income), health status (e.g.
vaccine status, infectivity) and locations of social activity (e.g. household, school, workplace).
FRED implements demographic dynamics, with individuals born, aging, and dying according
to the synthetic population’s birth rates and age-specific mortality rates [35]. Infection status
follows the SEIR pattern, as used in the other models studied in this paper. At each time step
(fixed to one day) infectious agents visit the various locations of social activity and can trans-
mit the infection to other agents also present. Transmission is only possible between agents
present at the same location, and occurs with a probability dependent on the ages of the two
agents. Transmission is seasonal, with schools closed during the summer holidays and on
weekends, and most workers do not attend workplaces at the weekend. The transmissibility of
the pathogen was tuned to ensure a similar herd immunity threshold to the SEIR model.
A complete description of the simulator is beyond the scope of this paper, we refer the
reader to [35] and the FRED documentation, available online at https://fred.publichealth.pitt.
edu. All FRED configuration parameters necessary to reproduce the results of this paper are
listed in S1 Table.
Mplex model. The Mplex model [37] simulated disease transmission on a multiplex net-
work consisting of three layers (the household, school, and community layers), following the
SEIR scheme adopted by the other models presented in this work. The multiplex network
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comprises of about 10
nodes and was constructed using Italian socio-demographic data [52].
A brief description of the model is presented here, with a full description provided in S1 Text.
Each individual in the population was represented by a unique node in the network. Indi-
viduals were assigned an age, resolved in years and days. At each simulation time step (corre-
sponding to 1 day), three demographic events were simulated [53]: i) individuals could die
with a probability given by the age-specific daily mortality rate of the Italian population; ii) for
each deceased individual a newborn individual was introduced to the population, guaranteeing
that the population size remains constant and at a demographic equilibrium; iii) the age of all
(alive) individuals was increased by 1 day. Once per year, school-age individuals were reas-
signed to a school appropriate for their age. In addition to the demographic process, at each
time step of the simulation the Mplex model simulated disease transmission dynamics. During
regular school days, the transmission can occur in each of the three layers, while during the
summer holidays no transmission at school is possible. Layer-specific weights regulating the
transmission process in each layer were estimated from the Italian time-use data by assuming
that the transmission probability is proportional to the time spent in contact with other indi-
viduals [54]. The latent period, the infectious period, and the case importation rate were the
same as for the other models. The transmission rate was set to obtain R
= 10.
Estimating the time of emergence
To establish whether CSD was present prior the epidemic transition, we needed to determine
the timing of the epidemic transition, i.e. the time at which R
= 1. For the nonseasonal SEIR
model, an analytical expression exists for R
(t) allowing the time of emergence to be found
algebraically. For higher-dimensional models with seasonality we found the time of emergence
by fitting a Poisson transmission model using Bayesian MCMC.
Poisson transmission model. The Poisson transmission model is a one-dimensional
non-Markovian Poisson process that models the number of new cases through time, based on
the renewal equation [55]. Versions of this model have been used to model the transmission of
Ebola [36,56] and Influenza [37].
The model assumes that the number of new cases at time step t+δ, denoted C
, follows a
Poisson distribution C
) with rate parameter
lt¼dReff ðtÞX
where R
(t) is the effective reproductive number, ϕ(t−s) is the infectiousness kernel and ηis
the rate cases are imported. The infectiousness kernel ϕ(t−s) is given by
ðtsÞ ¼ Rtsþd
where χ(t0) is the probability that an individual is infectious t0after infection. We assumed
exponentially distributed latent and infectious periods, giving
wðt0Þ ¼ r
where ρand γare the rates of the latent and infectious period distributions, respectively.
Cases stemming from external importation occur with rate weighted by the fraction of the
population susceptible, initially η= (1 −v(0))z. As vaccination decreases the importation rate
will rise, however this increase is much less relative to the increase in secondary transmission.
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To reduce the number of parameters estimated by MCMC, we therefore fixed the importation
rate at the initial value.
The effective reproductive number was modeled using the piecewise function
Reff ðtÞ ¼
eff if t<0;
eff þ ð1Ri
eff Þt
if 0t<D;
1if D;
where vaccine uptake starts to decreased at time t= 0. The parameter controls the curvature
of R
(t). The analytical solution for susceptible replenishment in the nonseasonal SEIR model
with declining vaccine uptake can be well-approximated by a quadratic function, therefore we
set = 2. The two model parameters which required estimation were the time of emergence, Δ,
and the initial reproductive number Ri
eff .
Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The two unknown parameters (Ri
eff and Δ) were
estimated by sequentially fitting the Poisson transmission model to each simulated realisation
using Bayesian MCMC. Each time series was of weekly case reports (i.e. δ= 1 week) between
=−10 years and T= 40 years. Using the Poisson transmission model, the probability of
observing a time series C¼ fCtgT
PðCjYÞ ¼ Y
where PðCtþdjfCsgt
s¼t0Þis a Poisson distribution with rate parameter given in Eq 4 and
Y¼ fD;Ri
eff g. We assumed that before t=t
there are no cases, for t
0 this has negligible
effect on parameter estimates.
By applying Bayes’ rule iteratively, the joint posterior density for the parameters, given the
first isimulated time series, is
j¼1Þ / PðCijYÞqiðYÞ;ð9Þ
where C
= {C
is the i-th time series of cases and P(C
|Θ) is given in Eq 8. For i2, the prior
is equal to the preceding posterior qi¼pi1ðYjfCjgi1
j¼1Þ. We assumed the initial prior, q
, was
uniform for Δ2(0, T] years and Ri
eff 2 ½0;1Þ.
We generated 30000 samples from the posterior by running Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with
the No-U-Turn Sampler [57] implemented in the python package pymc3 [58]. We then con-
structed a smoothed posterior distribution from the samples using Gaussian kernel density
estimation [59]. This smoothed posterior was then fed back into the MCMC algorithm as the
subsequent prior, and the procedure was repeated.
We obtained point estimates ^
Y¼ f^
eff gfrom the maximum a posteriori of the final pos-
terior given all M= 100 time series,
Y¼arg max
Critical slowing down and early-warning signals
Critical slowing down. In a previous theoretical study using the Birth-Death-Immigra-
tion (BDI) process, a simple transmission model that ignores any effects of susceptible deple-
tion, the presence of CSD was shown using the autocorrelation [7]. For a subcritical (R
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disease, the BDI process can be solved to give an expression for the autocorrelation in the
number of individuals infected at lag δ[2,7],
ACðdÞ ¼ e ð1Reff Þgd:ð11Þ
As R
increases the autocorrelation also increases, approaching one as R
!1. The increase
in the autocorrelation is caused by the increasing persistence of perturbations that defines
CSD [6,7]. In line with this theoretical result, we took an increasing trend in the autocorrela-
tion prior to the epidemic transition as evidence for the presence of CSD. Using 100 simulated
time series, we numerically calculated the autocorrelation at lag one month through time for
each model.
Estimating EWS. A range of EWS have been proposed to anticipate dynamical transitions
[5–7,10,28,30]. We considered seven: the autocorrelation (at lag 1 month), coefficient of vari-
ation, index of dispersion, kurtosis, mean, skewness and variance. EWS were calculated for
each simulated time series of case counts. Prior to calculating the EWS we grouped the weekly
counts into 4-weekly counts, as a previous study into EWS using imperfect data found that
this resulted in more robust performance [28].
Each EWS was calculated longitudinally from a single realization using a moving window
estimator [6,7]. We chose to use exponentially weighted moving averages; for example the
estimator for the mean is
and for the variance is
The decay rate is specified by the half-life t
= ln(2)/κ. We set t
= 39 4-week intervals,
which is approximately 3 years. The estimators for the remaining EWS were constructed simi-
larly, and are shown in Table 3.
Quantifying performance using the AUC statistic
Following a previous study [28], we scored performance using the Area Under the ROC Curve
(AUC) statistic, which quantifies how successfully a particular EWS classifies whether or not a
disease is approaching an epidemic transition [60].
The Reciever Operator Characteristics (ROC) curve is a parametric plot of the sensitivity
and specificity of a classification method as a function of the detection threshold [60]. As
null (not emerging) data we took all EWS values in the interval −5<t<0 years, i.e. immedi-
ately before vaccine uptake started dropping and the pathogen started re-emerging. The test
data were then the EWS values for t>0 years. We calculated the ROC and AUC using data
for each time point separately, to show how the detectability of emergence changes with
The AUC statistic quantifies the overlap of test and null distributions, and may be inter-
preted as the probability that the EWS at time tfrom a randomly chosen realisation is higher
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than a randomly chosen value from the null interval −5<t<0 years, AUC = P(τ
An AUC = 0.5 implies that an observed EWS value conveys no information about whether
or not the disease is re-emerging. An AUC greater than (less than) 0.5 implies that test values
are typically larger (smaller) than null values. Given AUC values further from 0.5 imply better
performance, and some EWS may increase or decrease as the transition is approached, we
compared performance using the absolute distance |AUC −0.5|. Performance is maximised if
|AUC −0.5| = 0.5. We also calculated the sign of (AUC −0.5), to see whether an EWS consis-
tently increased/decreased for all models and times.
Supporting information
S1 Text. Description of the Mplex model.
S1 Fig. Area under the ROC curve (AUC) through time. a–g) AUC through time for each
model for the EWS indicated in the panel. Vertical lines indicate the estimated time of emer-
S1 Table. List of model parameters for FRED.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Tobias Brett, John M. Drake, Pejman Rohani.
Data curation: Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli, Quan-Hui Liu, Mary G. Krauland, Willem G. van
Panhuis, Alessandro Vespignani.
Funding acquisition: John M. Drake, Pejman Rohani.
Investigation: Tobias Brett.
Methodology: Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli, John M. Drake, Pejman Rohani.
Software: Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli, Quan-Hui Liu, Mary G. Krauland, John J. Grefenstette.
Table 3. List of early-warning signals and estimators.
EWS Estimator
Mean ^mt¼P
Variance ^s2
Coefficient of variation d
Index of dispersion d
Skewness d
Kurtosis d
Autocorrelation at lag δc
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Supervision: John J. Grefenstette, Willem G. van Panhuis, Alessandro Vespignani, John M.
Drake, Pejman Rohani.
Validation: Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli.
Visualization: Tobias Brett.
Writing – original draft: Tobias Brett.
Writing – review & editing: Tobias Brett, Marco Ajelli, Quan-Hui Liu, Mary G. Krauland,
John J. Grefenstette, Willem G. van Panhuis, Alessandro Vespignani, John M. Drake, Pej-
man Rohani.
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