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Business Strategies for Data Monetization: Deriving Insights from Practice


Abstract and Figures

Although increases in available data have inspired companies’ interest in creating and extracting value from it, many lack the insight and guidance to assess the potential data offer. To address this issue, we conduct a systematic literature review to create a universe of 102 real-world cases from diverse industries with regard to the use of data. Based on an analysis of these cases, this paper provides a set of 12 generic strategies for monetizing data, ranging from sole asset sale to strategically opening data and guaranteeing control. This study supports business practice by aggregating the wide range of established approaches of data monetization from practice for operational purposes. It advances theoretical understanding of value capturing from data and suggests important avenues for future work in this emerging field of research.
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15th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik,
March 08-11, 2020, Potsdam, Germany
Business Strategies for Data Monetization:
Deriving Insights from Practice
Julius Baecker1,2, Martin Engert1,2, Matthias Pfaff1,2, and Helmut Krcmar2
1fortiss - Forschungsinstitut des Freistaats Bayern für softwareintensive Systeme
und Services, Munich, Germany,
2Technical University of Munich, Chair for Information Systems, Munich, Germany,
{baecker, engert, pfaff},
Abstract. Although increases in available data have inspired companies
interest in creating and extracting value from it, many lack the insight and
guidance to assess the potential data offer. To address this issue, we conduct a
systematic literature review to create a universe of 102 real-world cases from
diverse industries with regard to the use of data. Based on an analysis of these
cases, this paper provides a set of 12 generic strategies for monetizing data,
ranging from sole asset sale to strategically opening data and guaranteeing
control. This study supports business practice by aggregating the wide range of
established approaches of data monetization from practice for operational
purposes. It advances theoretical understanding of value capturing from data
and suggests important avenues for future work in this emerging field of
Keywords: Data monetization, data-driven business models, big data, data-
driven decision making
1 Introduction
Ever-increasing quantities of available data motivate companies to leverage it for
economic benefit [1, 2]. Data is increasingly regarded as a valuable resource bought
and sold online as an asset [3]. And indeed, the use and monetization of data can be
an actual source of competitive advantage for businesses in the digital economy [4].
As an emerging phenomenon driven by current technological trends in the context of
big data, data monetization gains importance in both research and practice.
Accordingly, the term data monetization has been introduced by prior research in the
field: Najjar and Kettinger define data monetization as converting the intangible value
of data into real value [2]. Similarly, Gartner refers to data monetization as "using
data for quantifiable economic benefit" [5]. For the understanding of this work,
however, we emphasize that real and quantifiable value can occur as both a monetary
value and any other quantifiable economic benefit. For example, data can be
monetized through increased process efficiency or product improvements that rely on
data [4]. The value then becomes real through quantifiable, subsequent effects or
returns, such as reduced costs, repeated purchases and/or increased market share.
Building on the above definitions, we understand a data monetization strategy as a
way an organization pursues to use data for quantifiable economic benefit.
Monetization of data is of growing importance, since it is a critical issue that many
industries face today [6]. Business leaders assign a higher priority to the issue of
monetizing data compared to questions of technical feasibility [7]. So far, however,
companies monetize data only to a very limited extent as shown by a McKinsey
Analytics survey in 2017 [8]. This indicates that many companies struggle to extract
economic value from their data. Indeed, a step towards data monetization can be very
challenging for organizations in practice as its adoption usually requires
organizational changes and technological upgrades [4]. In order to stay competitive,
companies need to assess and prepare their existing business models with regard to
the use of data [1]. Accordingly, for companies it is important to identify the most
promising opportunity to start their data monetization efforts [4].
In contrast to their immense importance for practice, strategies for monetizing data
are an under-investigated topic [6, 9] and data monetization best practices have yet to
be identified [2]. As Najjar/Kettinger and Günther et al. point out, reliable strategies
to support practical efforts are required [2, 10]. Investigating how companies actually
leverage available data to improve their businesses and operations can support
practitioners in overcoming barriers to utilizing data [11]. Consequently, there is a
need for research on data monetization strategies. To address this issue and to deepen
the understanding of companies successfully using data for economic benefits, we
aim at investigating the following research question (RQ): How do organizations
monetize data? In addition, we intend to examine the economic benefits that arise
from different data monetization strategies.
To answer this RQ, this study provides an in-depth analysis of case studies of
different industries, business types, and business sizes to deepen theoretical and
practical understanding of data monetization. Based on a literature review, we created
a set of 102 cases, from which we extracted a comprehensive set of generic
monetization strategies. Since we investigated monetization strategies independent of
volume, variety, and velocity of data, we use the more general term "data" instead of
"big data" in this study, although some of the case studies were presented in the
specific context of "big data". By addressing calls for additional research concerning
implications and strategies of data monetization in companies [1, 2, 10], we aim at
extending previous theoretical findings through an exploratory approach. This
contribution depicts the state of the art in this continuously evolving field of research.
Furthermore, we support practitioners efforts to assess and decide on appropriate
business strategies for data monetization.
2 Related Work
Research on data monetization is tied to closely related topics such as "data-based" or
"data-driven" business models (DDBM). Accordingly, this section summarizes
relevant findings from both fields that have an impact on this study.
Academic literature has rarely discussed data monetization and DDBMs in general, as
both are emerging fields of research [6, 12]. An important part of previous work has
focused on case studies providing detailed insights into different approaches to data
monetization in enterprises. Najjar and Kettinger conduct an in-depth study in the
retail industry [2] analyzing different stages of the companys data monetization
journey. In addition, they discuss in detail how the company benefits from this
strategy. Similarly, Alfaro et al. present insights from BBVA, a global financial
group, pursuing three different data monetization strategies [13]. Further empirical
studies with a focus on the usage of data in enterprises for economic benefit
encompass different domains such as manufacturing [14-16], online platforms [17-
21], aviation [22], start-ups [12], finance [13, 23], open data [24-28] or further (and
mixed) domains and industries [1, 11, 29-38]. They form the basis of this study (as
presented in detail in the next section).
Focusing on theoretical findings with regard to strategies on data monetization,
previous studies propose two frameworks in academic literature. Walker presents four
overarching data strategies, each of them instantiated by underlying approaches for
monetization purposes [39]. These monetization strategies are illustrated in detail
through comprehensive examples for firms. Further, Wixom and Ross introduce three
high-level directions for data monetization as well as corresponding examples from
the business world: improving internal processes, wrapping information around
products and services, and selling information offerings [4]. Likewise, research on
DDBMs provides some studies with relevant findings in the context of strategies for
data monetization. Hartmann et al. [12] review literature in terms of existing
dimensions of business models and derive a framework for DDBMs. They introduce a
definition of a DDBM as a "business model relying on data as a key resource" by
including the following (resulting) business model dimensions within their
framework: data sources, key activities, value proposition, customer segment, revenue
model and cost structure [12]. Schüritz and Satzger investigate five patterns of data-
infused business model innovation [1] examining the influence of data on different
dimensions of a business model. Furthermore, Zolnowski et al. identify business
model transformation patterns of data-driven innovations [36]. Further studies explore
revenue models for data-driven services used by start-ups in detail [40] or focus on
key success factors [33] and capabilities [16] for innovating business models through
digital data streams. Prior work has also suggested the use of business model patterns,
some of which focus on selected aspects of the use of data, such as Data as a Service
and Database Marketing [41]. These patterns however, only contain limited options
for businesses to monetize their data.
Although prior studies as presented above support and advance general understanding
of data monetization, academic literature does not provide a comprehensive and
empirically developed overview of strategies on data monetization so far. Therefore,
based on the initial set of data monetization strategies from Wixom and Ross [4], we
investigate this phenomenon with a method that has not been applied in this context.
For this purpose, we choose a systematic bottom-up approach, turning empirical
results into theoretical evidence to close this gap addressing specific calls for further
research [1, 2, 10]. In answering our research question on this emerging topic, we
provide a structured overview on data monetization strategies to guide and support
decision makers in strategic planning. Furthermore, we add descriptions to each of the
resulting data monetization strategies and reference back to the original cases. Finally,
we investigate specific benefits that arise from applying each strategy in practice.
3 Research Method
To investigate strategies of data monetization, we divided our research approach in
four steps, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Four-step research approach for deriving generic data monetization strategies
First, we reviewed prior literature on empirical studies of data monetization and
DDBMs. In order to find relevant articles, we searched the scientific databases
SCOPUS, IEEE Explore and ACM Digital Library for journals and conference papers
using the term data in conjunction with terms such as monetization, exchange,
value, fee, revenue and pricing and their possible variations. The search
resulted in 499 hits, comprising 37 relevant articles. As selection criteria for our
review, we focused on the following: (1) we only included papers treating at least one
real-world use case. (2) From these, we filtered for papers that provided enough
information on the respective case(s) and the applied data monetization strategies
based on our definition of data monetization. This step borrows from the second step
of case survey methodology as proposed by [42].
In the second step, we created a case base comprising 142 cases described in
relevant articles. To augment the cases and ensure data triangulation [43], we
manually searched for information about the case studys business models and data
monetization approaches. After checking all cases for sufficient information, this
resulted in 102 cases for further consideration. The resulting final case base comprises
an exhaustive overview of cases from multiple industries, such as manufacturing,
finance, tech, travel and telecommunications. Further, it covers companies of different
size, representing a diverse set of SMEs and big companies, but also companies of
different age like start-ups, new tech companies and incumbents. Additionally, the
(1) Literature Review
Search prior work for
articles related to data
Identification of 37
articles in SCOPUS,
IEEE Explore and
ACM Digital Library
(2) Case Base
Identify and document
promising use cases
from relevant literature
Case base comprising
142 use cases in the
context of data
(3) Analysis
Screen and code use
cases individually
102 cases coded
regarding the
underlying strategies
for data monetization
on an individual basis
(4) Generic Strategies
Iterativ ely find
consens us for codes of
Generic data
monetization strategies
from individual codes
cases differ in their underlying business models, ranging from classical linear value
creation to complex multi-sided platforms.
Third, the coding team of three screened all excerpts of cases in the case base and
derived a first set of codes in a bottom-up approach. While inductively analyzing
qualitative data, we borrowed from procedures of grounded theory methodology [44].
Thus, we initially associated about 180 codes to 102 cases. In the next step, we
grouped codes to categories in an axial coding step, while identifying relationships
among codes (Table 1) [44]. Using theoretical memos helped us to account for ideas
during coding [44]. During selective coding, the core categories emerged and the
relevant strategies were identified.
Table 1. Illustration of coding scheme
Excerpt from literature in
case base
Initial Codes
Generic Strategy &
Economic Benefit
Lufthansa uses Big Data to
minimize delays:
Predict network behavior and
departure delays of aircraft
throughout the day, taking into
Reactionary delays, rotation
oriented, and
Weather and congestion at
airports. […]”
Benefits include:
Decreasing financial loss due
to delays, […] [22]
1. Increase Process
2. Decision Support
3. Data Collection
4. Optimize Process
Business Process
Improvement leading to
Cost Reduction
Finally, the individual results were consolidated and a final set of generic data
monetization strategies was derived based on a consensus of the research team.
Within this step, the team aimed at finding a good balance between individuality and
generality of the strategies. As a result, we derived each resulting strategy from at
least three different real-world business cases, corroborating the findings.
Furthermore, we assured the resulting set of strategies represents all monetization
strategies found in our case base.
4 Data Monetization Strategies
This section presents our findings from aggregating, analyzing, and consolidating
business cases of data monetization to answer the RQ posed in the Introduction. An
overview summarizing all strategies is illustrated in in Table 2.
4.1 Asset Sale
In accordance with established findings, our case analysis shows that firms frequently
sold data solely as an asset. However, we identified further differences in the
provision of data sold to third parties. First, data was sold directly to customers,
granting them full control of the asset (Strava [17], Factual [32], Verizon Wireless
[1]). In other cases, such as LinkedIn [19], data could only be accessed and read by
(paying) customers on a query basis, keeping control of the dataset as a whole.
Finally, Gnip [35] and InfoGroup [32] sell data to customers in real-time according to
predefined criteria, mimicking a data-as-a-service strategy.
Economic benefits comprise the creation of new revenue streams and the
extension of the customer base.
4.2 Business Process Improvement
Another promising way to monetize data is to improve or optimize existing (internal)
business processes. Based on our case base, we discovered several different
opportunities for converting data into real business value in the context of business
process improvement. Enterprises used data to increase process efficiency (Lufthansa
[22], Saarstahl AG [1], Thyssenkrupp [16], UPS [34], Suning Commerce Group [15]),
to improve process transparency (Lufthansa [22]), to support information (7-Eleven
Japan [11]]), and to monitor performance (Deutsche Bank [34]). Furthermore, data
was used to improve safety within business processes (UPS [34]).
Economic benefits comprise cost reduction, increase of sales and productivity,
detection of inconsistencies and fraud or decision support.
4.3 Product / Service Innovation
Creating completely new offerings to customers based on data is a strategy companies
apply regularly. This strategy comprises new products and services that are either fed
with data or created newly based on insights from data. For instance, IBM created a
new service around sensors in homes of elderly people to measure basic vitals and
monitor their daily operations [30]. Based on this data, anomalies can be detected and
concerned services notified, reducing assistance costs up to 30 percent [30]. Other
companies use data to create innovative services for customers extending the core
offerings (Netflix [21], DHL [33]), especially in the case of product maintenance
(Siemens [16], Thyssenkrupp [16], Pirelli [14]).
Economic benefits comprise the creation of new revenue streams and new
business segments.
4.4 Product / Service Optimization
Using data to optimize or improve existing offerings is one of the basic strategies
to create value from data. In such cases, businesses might collect data from their
products or services (Pirelli [14]), through additional efforts (Nike+ [17], Haier Group
Corporation [15]), or source it externally, e.g. from third parties (Zara [35]). Products
and services can be improved constantly based on continuous data collection (Ford
[29]). Furthermore, existing (customer) services can be improved by augmenting
customer profile information with external data to improve interactions and decipher
customers' needs (Lufthansa [22]).
Economic benefits comprise the improvement of customer experience, reputation
and increase of sales.
4.5 Data Insights Sale
Selling information / knowledge derived through any processed step of insights
making is a strategy we observed in 17 cases. Insights from data can not only be
derived from analytics (TrendSpottr [12], Asiakastieto [26]), but also from different
ways of visualization, as we found in the cases of Sendify [12], Flo Apps [26] and
Olery [35]. Other examples of this strategy meeting a B2C context abound in
commonly used comparison portals (DealAngel [12], Car Spotter [27]).
Economic benefits comprise the creation of new revenue streams and business
4.6 Contextualization
Strategic use of certain kinds of data can create additional value to customers or
internal processes in specific contexts. Context-related data include, for example,
weather, social media, location-based and domain-specific data. In contrast to
individualization, contextualization does not rely on individual data and profiles, but
focuses on the contextual aspects rather than the distinct or personal. Examples for
contextualization of data to create economic benefits can be found in dynamic and
contextual pricing as confirmed by the cases of the Major League Baseball [29] and
Staples [1]. Walmart in contrast uses contextualized data, to recommend consumers
products that were often bought together [34].
Economic benefits comprise the optimization of prices and increase of sales.
4.7 Individualization
The individualization of certain aspects of a companys value proposition based on
data is another source for generating additional value. This strategy is based on the
use of data, which is linked to certain customer profiles, making it possible to create
value for consumers and businesses on an individual basis. This strategy is often
applied in the area of marketing (Baixing [18], eBay [34]), and especially through
individual recommendations (Amazon [35], Netflix [21], eBay [34]) or personalized
advertisements (Runtastic [17], Facebook [19]). Another possibility is to individualize
product or service offerings to business partners based on individual customer data
(Daimler FleetBoard [1]).
Economic benefits comprise the improvement of customer experience, increase of
sales through personalized marketing or customization of products and services.
Table 2. Data monetization strategies
Short Description
Excerpt from the Case
Economic benefits result from additional
revenue based on provision/sale of data or
from granted access to (own) data.
Strava [17], Factual [32],
Verizon Wireless [1],
LinkedIn [19], Twitter [17]
Value from data is created through
improvement or optimization of internal
business processes.
Lufthansa [22], Saarstahl AG
[1], Thyssenkrupp [16], UPS
[34], Deutsche Bank [34]
Extending the existing range of offerings to
customers with new products or services
based on data.
IBM [30], Rolls Royce
Aircraft [1], DHL [33],
Netflix [29], Siemens [16]
Optimizing existing products or services by
utilizing data.
Ford [29], Lufthansa [22],
Thyssenkrupp [16], Zara
[35], Pirelli [14]
Selling information/knowledge derived
through any processed step of insights
making (analytics, visualization, etc.) based
on data.
Olery [35], Sendify[12],
DealAngel [12], Asiakastieto
Using context-based data to generate
economic benefits.
Major League Baseball [29],
Staples [1], Walmart [34]
Customer linked data is used to
individualize certain aspects of a
companys value proposition on an
individual basis.
eBay [34], Daimler
FleetBoard [1], Netflix [29]
Data is leveraged to create and maintain
lasting relationships with customers.
Rolls Royce Aircraft [1],
Wells Fargo [34], NBC
Universal [11], DHL[33]
Opening (internal) data to business partners
or 3rd parties for value co-creation,
increased visibility or other advantages.
DrugCo (anonymized) [2],
APIbank (anonymized) [23],
Helsingin Sanomat [26]
Data enrichment means any aggregation of
internal or external data sources as well as
further processes of transformation or
cleaning of data for economic benefits.
InfoGroup [32], Gnip [35],
Zara [35], Walmart [34],
DealAngel [12]
Data bartering occurs when (own) data is
exchanged in return for valuable assets
such as tools, services or data.
Asiakastieto [26], Factual
[32], retailers (anonymized)
Data that is derived from the interaction
with customers is monetized by
guaranteeing of not using them or
providing control over the data to the
DuckDuckGo [38], Cozy
[38], Meeco [38], Gigya [20]
4.8 Build and Strengthen Customer Relationship
Firms can leverage data to create and maintain lasting relationships with customers.
For this purpose, firms regularly focus on leveraging data to obtain customer behavior
and customer needs (NBC Universal [11], Lufthansa [22]). Moreover, in many cases
data is used to infuse innovative services and create repeat purchases. For example,
companies bind customers through additional data-based services like efficiency
monitoring (Rolls Royce Aircraft [1]) or ensuring customers the lowest prices by
monitoring competitors (Walmart [34]). If specific or unique data, insights or data-
driven services become essential to a customer's business model, a data -induced
vendor lock-in effect may occur.
Economic benefits comprise the optimization of customer acquisition and
retention strategies, increased customer trust and confidence, enhancement of
customer loyalty and satisfaction and creation of recurring revenue.
4.9 Strategically Opening Data
Strategically opening data to business partners is a promising source of economic
benefits that companies intuitively hesitate to pursue. Companies use this strategy for
granting third-parties and suppliers access to specific parts of their business data
landscape via APIs [2, 23, 26]. Third parties use this data to build additional products
and services or to align their processes to extend value propositions and create
ecosystems and networks.
Economic benefits comprise leveraging business partner capabilities,
enhancement of value co-creation, new partnerships, cost-sharing and increase of
4.10 Data Enrichment
Data enrichment is the aggregation of internal or external data sources as well as any
subsequent processes of transformation or cleansing of data. Aggregating or
transforming data sources already may provide economic value, and represents the
predominant value proposition of several case companies (InfoGroup [32], Gnip
[35]). Consolidating the data landscape is especially useful among large companies by
making important internal data and information directly available to other
departments of the company [2].
In most cases, however, this strategy constitutes an essential and preliminary stage
of further purposes and is therefore frequently combined with other strategies in the
analyzed data set (See 5.1 Combination and hierarchies of data monetization
strategies for a more detailed discussion of this aspect).
Economic benefits comprise the improvement of (internal) value creation,
increase in the availability of data / information or extension and verification of
4.11 Data Bartering
Data bartering occurs when a company exchanges data in return for valuable assets.
Hence, data is used for quantifiable benefits through exchanging them for other data,
insights, tools and services or special deals [11].
Examples include providers of data and analytics that individually grant discounts
based on contributions to the companies database (Factual [32]) or by directly
exchanging data with business partners in finance (Asiakastieto [26]). Furthermore,
data bartering frequently occurs in the retail industry, when point-of-sales data is
bartered, for example, for demographic information or analytics software [11].
Economic benefits comprise the exchanged value in the form of, for example,
tools, services or data.
4.12 Data Privacy and Control Guarantee
From our findings, we derived an emerging strategy for monetizing data that
constitutes a contemporary anti-pattern to existing strategies. Businesses that collect
data from interactions with their customers (frequently B2C) can retrieve economic
benefits from this data by not using it or by granting customers full control over their
Therefore, through guaranteeing privacy and control, recorded customer data is
converted into valuable benefits such as increased customer loyalty or market share.
Cases can be found predominantly within web-based services such as search engines
(DuckDuckGo [38]), private data management tools (Meeco [38]), or customer
identity management platforms (Gigya [20]).
Economic benefits comprise the increase of market share, customer loyalty and
better image and reputation.
5 Discussion
This section discusses further insights from our research and analysis of the case base.
Additional findings include the combination of data monetization strategies and
aspects of giving away data for monetization, which, according to our case base,
happens only in platform ecosystem settings.
5.1 Combination and Hierarchies of Data Monetization Strategies
The monetization strategies presented in Section 4 are not mutually exclusive, but
occurred in different combinations throughout the use cases. A majority of cases
showed a combination of different strategies. Data Enrichment was the strategy we
were able to identify in 46 of the cases. Further, the strategy has been used in
combination with other strategies most often. In many cases, data is enriched initially,
combining different data types, usually from different (i.e., internal and external)
sources. Therefore, building capabilities to collect, store, combine and handle data can
be labelled as a key to monetizing data.
Another aspect we encountered in cases where we identified the combination of
monetization strategies, is a certain hierarchy within the monetization strategies. One
strategy often became the basis for other strategies to be combined with. For further
advancement of the field, future studies may uncover certain archetypes, dominant
combinations or a comprehensive taxonomy of data monetization strategies.
5.2 Openness of Data in Platform Ecosystems
Monetizing data by giving it away for the use by third parties is one strategy we
identified from our case base. We found this strategy mainly in the context of digital
platforms, which use data as a means for value-co-creation and managing platform
complementors. When sharing data with partners, thus opening their digital platforms,
owners seek to stimulate growth in their ecosystems[45, 46]. In this context, data is
also considered a boundary resource, which can enable value generation and capture
within an ecosystem [47]. Further, governance of data within an ecosystem is an issue
that arises when opening proprietary data to third parties. Lee et al. (2018) present a
contingency-based approach for data governance in platform ecosystems, giving
proof that the governance and openness of data relies on a multitude of contingencies
[48]. Platform owners need to consider these contingencies when opening up their
data for future monetization.
6 Future Research
Our findings suggest further studies of data monetization and the use of data to create
and capture additional value. We will outline these avenues in the following.
As mentioned in Section 5.1, the initial set of data monetization strategies found in
this study could be the basis for further theoretical contributions. First, we propose the
development of a well-founded taxonomy for data monetization in companies in order
to structure multiple ways of data monetization. Furthermore, future research could
work on additional factors concerning data monetization strategies such as success or
degree of complexity to support practical adoption on data monetization.
In the case that data is treated as an asset, our analysis showed that there exists a
wide range of different approaches for releasing data to customers and capturing
value. For example, different ways for freemium revenue models occurred, where
mostly the "premium" part differed in multiple ways (e.g., parts of the data or stale
data was free). Future research could tackle this issue by investigating revenue models
on data as an asset in detail.
The issue of data privacy has gained huge attention in recent years. Regulators are
introducing measures to oppose recurring numbers of privacy violations. Specifically,
the European Union and the United States Congress have begun to address these
issues. From the perspective of this work, we expect strategies for data monetization
to focus even more on issues around privacy, ownership and control of data. First,
future work may assess possibilities for new, innovative strategies to monetize data in
the context of data privacy. Second, based on these possibilities, conceptualizing
monetization strategies is an important task for future work.
Due to the case base underlying our study, this paper described data monetization
from a business perspective. Nonetheless, considering the view of private users is also
worthwhile, since some of our derived strategies already touch on this perspective
(e.g., bartering private data for using apps and services or selling private data as an
asset). Future research may investigate the user-centric perspective to derive further
insights as well as interrelations with the company perspective. This research avenue
could further educate users on their possibilities and encourage them to handle and
use their data more purposefully, strengthening users data literacy.
The context of monetizing data by Strategically Opening Data opens promising
paths for future research. Touching on aspects of value co-creation, boundary
resources, and data governance, future work may focus on strategic management of
open data and its implementation. Giving away valuable assets to third parties while
generating additional value creates a natural tension that warrants examination in
more detail. We further encourage researchers to investigate this strategy in the
context of platform growth and the role of opening data to increase participation of
third parties in platform ecosystems. Generally, giving away intellectual property,
such as data within software ecosystems for purposes of increasing adoption yields
abundant opportunities for further investigation.
7 Conclusion
The goal of this paper was to derive generic data monetization strategies that have
proven effective in practice. Drawing upon 102 business cases, we therefore
examined recent approaches and strategies to convert business-related data into
economic benefits, with the goal of creating a reliable representation of the state of
the art in data monetization. Our findings have implications for theory and practice:
First, they support theoretical understanding in this rapidly changing field of research
by providing an empirically developed foundation for data monetization strategies
and their economic benefits. Accordingly, we address recent calls for extending prior
work on the field and propose several starting points for further investigation of the
topic. Second, this study bundles various possibilities to engage in the important issue
of utilizing available data, providing managers an overview of strategic options. In
conclusion, this work offers decision-makers appropriate guidance to take a step
towards monetizing their data resources.
8 Acknowledgments
This research has been supported by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Regional Development and Energy (grant. No. IUK547-001 - BayernCloud).
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... These deliverables can be developed because the Customer Relation Management (CRM) system records historical transaction data from the first application of the customer to the present. Typically, these services or products show processed or aggregated data rather than raw transaction data, as permitted by the utility company [2]. ...
... Cite this article as: W. H. K. Atmaja, H. L. H. S. Warnars, F. L. Gaol, and B. Soewito, "Data Monetization Service Development Using Iterative Lifecycle Framework, Quality Assurance, and Open Web Application Security Project: A Case Study of a Utility Company in Indonesia", CommIT Journal 18 (2), 197-209, 2024. DM is defined as "the use of statistical information or data-processed discoveries that bring quantifiable economic or scientific benefits to a corporation or research center" [2]. Additionally, two main challenges in privacy-protecting DM systems are identified. ...
... The first challenge is providing statistical data without compromising the privacy of an individual [3]. The second challenge is determining how to market data collected from customer interactions by committing not to use the product or giving the customer control over the data [2]. ...
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The research aims to provide Data Monetization (DM) services for an Indonesian utility company as a pilot to generate additional revenue beyond the primary operation. The service is built using an iterative development lifecycle framework and evaluated based on five Quality Goals (QGs), including application and security testing activities. The framework includes methods for processing and modeling electricity usage data, testing application quality, checking infrastructure quality, and ensuring access security for front-end and back-end applications using the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). For data modeling, Support Vector Regression (SVR) is used, and it outperforms Polynomial Regression (PR) and Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) Neural Networks. Furthermore, QG shows strong performance with an Relative Root Mean Squared Error (RRMSE) value < 10%, high forecasting ability with Mean Average Probability Error (MAPE) < 10%, and a near-zero average error rate (Mean Squared Error (MSE)) square using minimal data from four months. The services go through functional and integration test to ensure product quality and application performance, which results in a minimum of 95% service response in throughput, 0.128 seconds for processing 2,000 requests, stability at 300–500 in one second per hour, and 7–21 seconds during peak hours. Additionally, the service passes nine penetration tests and ten vulnerability assessments using the OWASP top 10:2021 category. Based on the comprehensive testing and evaluation results, both the application and the service are considered ready and secured for deployment.
... Najjar and Kettinger (2013) suggested companies can benefit monetarily from the data by selling and exchanging or optimizing their business operations, thereby reducing their overall costs. In this context, data use and monetization can be a real source of competitive advantage for businesses in the digital economy (Baecker et al., 2020;Wixom & Ross, 2017). Gartner (2019) refers to data monetization as a way to use data to achieve a quantifiable economic benefit. ...
... So, to remaining competitive in this scenario, organizations need to adopt strategies to evaluate and prepare their existing business models for data use (Schüritz & Satzger, 2016). Thus, it is essential that organizations identify the most promising opportunities, so they can begin to monetize their data (Baecker et al., 2020;Wixom & Ross, 2017). In addition, organizations can develop data preparation and analytical capabilities aimed at converting the value of extracted data into insights that promote economic benefits (tangible) or value (intangible). ...
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Purpose: This study explores the underexplored field of data monetization and value creation within Information Systems (IS). Despite the growing interest in leveraging data for financial and operational gains, a literature gap exists in systematically examining the interplay between data-related terms such as monetization, value, capabilities, insights, and performance.Design/Methodology/Approach: Conducted as a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), the study analyzed 148 articles from the Scopus database using PRISMA guidelines and the Bibliometrix package. Synthesizing existing knowledge sheds light on trends in major IS journals and challenges faced by organizations in extracting value from their data.Findings: The study reveals influential trends in IS literature on data monetization and uncovers challenges faced by organizations in this domain. Proposing a multidimensional theoretical model, the research integrates information management and data monetization capabilities, contributing to advancing scientific knowledge in IS research.Practical Implications: The study offers actionable strategies for organizations to monetize data effectively, enhance business agility, and improve performance, guiding them toward becoming data-driven.Originality/Value: Contributing to the Theory of Administration within IS research, this study conducts a comprehensive analysis of data monetization, synthesizes literature trends, and proposes an innovative theoretical model integrating information management and data monetization capabilities.
... This is one of the business models we would approach in our architecture to create an ecosystem of related businesses. Data monetization defined by Gartner as "using data for quantifiable economic benefit" can be one of the following strategies as highlighted in [1] along with the adopted organizations: Individualization: Customer data are used to customize the product offering and preferences, enhancing the value proposition by eBay, Daimler or Netflix. ...
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This work presents a private consortium blockchain-based automotive data monetization architecture implementation using the Substrate blockchain framework. Architecture is decentralized where crowd-sourced data from vehicles are collectively auctioned ensuring data privacy and security. Smart Contracts and OffChain worker interactions built along with the blockchain make it interoperable with external systems to send or receive data. The work is deployed in a Kubernetes cloud platform and evaluated on different parameters like throughput, hybrid consensus algorithms AuRa and BABE, along with GRANDPA performance in terms of forks and scalability for increasing node participants. The hybrid consensus algorithms are studied in depth to understand the difference and performance in the separation of block creation by AuRa and BABE followed by chain finalization through the GRANDPA protocol.
... In addition, researchers can illustrate when and how firms must update the business model concerning big data evolution (Sorescu 2017). They should particularly take into account the vital importance of monetization strategies, encompassing issues such as selling anonymized insights, providing data-driven services, and establishing data marketplaces, allowing businesses to extract value beyond internal decision-making from their data-driven approaches (Baecker et al. 2020). Nevertheless, it's essential to highlight data privacy regulations and ethical concerns to maintain a balanced perspective. ...
Digital technologies, which are fundamentally different from traditional technologies, are driving radical changes across all industries, supply chains, consumer preferences, competition, and more. These radical shifts create challenges and opportunities for firms to create and capture value from business model innovation. The challenge goes beyond simply implementing advanced digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and Internet of Things (IoT) to developing business model innovations to create and capture value. Essentially, there is a complementary, mutually reinforcing relationship between digital transformation (DT) and business model innovation (BMI). However, the current understanding of the relationship between DT and BMI remains unclear, despite growing academic interest in this relationship. We endeavor to map the intellectual structure of this emerging research field at the intersection of DT and BMI over a 24-year period (from January 1999 to December 2023). The goal is to harness the fragmented literature, thereby creating a coherent basis for understanding its separate perspectives and issues. Using bibliometric analysis, we identified several key themes around which the extant literature can be organized. We also identified several areas where further research is warranted.
... In recent years, firms' interest in developing and extracting value from data has risen. However, many still need more insight and direction to evaluate the potential data (Baecker et al., 2020). The process of data monetization pertains to the conversion of data into a source of income. ...
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Big data and its potential applications have received much attention in recent years. Thanks to developments in the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing (analytics), analytics, and regulation, we now have access to more data than ever before. The study has focused on leveraging data to enhance present procedures and outcomes and develop better products and commodities. Many methods exist to make money from the data acquired, including new data-based services or selling existing ones. Nobody knows how ubiquitous data monetization is in different companies. This dissertation investigates data monetization, including what it is, how it can be used, and what factors influence it. Given the scarcity of research on data monetization, this dissertation defines the concept in detail. According to the literature review for this dissertation, data monetization refers to the various methods by which data can be sold. A discussion of the barriers to data monetization is also included. According to the conclusions of this dissertation, data monetization is a realistic option for utilizing current data despite being a sporadic and specialized business for most organizations. Various and diverse hurdles impede the development of monetization strategies. According to the research, monetization can positively affect businesses, including enhancing existing offerings and customer and partner connections. This dissertation explains the notion of data monetization and numerous methods for monetizing data. It establishes a new basis for future research into the phenomenon, providing additional examination.
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هدف البحث للتعرف إلى العوامل المؤثرة على تسييل البيانات بوزارة التعليم بالمملكة العربية السعودية. تم استخدام المنهج الوصفي المسحي، وأداة الاستبانة، على عينة من (73) فردا من منسوبي وزارة التعليم ضمن مجتمع الدراسة (وكالة التخطيط – مكتب كفاءة الإنفاق- مكتب إدارة البيانات). وتوصل البحث إلى عدد من النتائج كان من أهمها: حصلت جميع العوامل المؤثرة على تسييل البيانات على درجة موافقة عالية، حيث جاءت في المراتب الأولى: العبارة "ضوابط الأمن وحماية البيانات" ضمن العوامل التقنية والفنية، العبارة "وضوح السياسات والإجراءات المتعلقة بجمع البيانات واستخدامها ومشاركتها" ضمن العوامل الإدارية والتنظيمية والاجتماعية"، توفّر كفاءات مُختصة في تسييل البيانات وتحقيق قيمة منها" ضمن العوامل البشرية، و"معرفة نوع البيانات ذات الطلب في السوق" ضمن العوامل الاقتصادية والتجارية.
Conference Paper
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Open platforms such as Facebook or Android have stimulated innovation and competition across industries. Information systems literature has analyzed platforms from a variety of perspectives. The aim of this paper is to synthesize and integrate extant interdisciplinary research on the concept of platform openness. Towards this end, we conducted a literature review and analyzed the results with deductive and inductive coding approaches. We identified five distinct themes: measurement frameworks, implementation mechanisms, drivers for opening and closing platforms, trade-offs in designing openness, and the impact of changing openness on ecosystems. We propose three avenues for future research: finding the optimal degree of platform openness, integrating perspectives on accessibility and transparency, and analyzing the influence of openness and other factors with configurational theories. This paper contributes to research on platforms by laying out the main themes and perspectives in the research stream of platform openness and by identifying areas for future research.
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Although business model innovation (BMI) is essential to remaining competitive, many firms fail at it. A promising approach is building on reoccurring successful solutions – business model patterns (BMP) – as a blueprint for BMI. However, existing patterns face constraints subject to a high diversity and overlaps among patterns. In addition, literature do not consider relations among BMPs, which limits their potential for BMI. This paper develops a hierarchical taxonomy of BMPs including generalizations and specializations based on inheritance. We conduct a literature review to identify patterns and a cluster analysis to create an inductive structure, followed by a qualitative analysis. The resulting hierarchical taxonomy includes 194 elements. It is the first hierarchical taxonomy of BMPs. The hierarchy addresses the diversity of patterns and overlaps with inheritance. It aids research to structure and understand BMPs. For practice, the taxonomy allows for the application of patterns and supports BMI.
Conference Paper
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Manufacturing is undergoing a period of intense change as a result of advanced smart technologies, such as real-time sensors and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This has paved the way for a new era of digitized manufacturing known as Industry 4.0. It is anticipated that Industry 4.0 will be disruptive enough to present both new opportunities and threats to firms within a new competitive landscape. Manufacturers will be forced to adopt new business models to effectively capture value from the emerging smart technologies. A literature review revealed that few studies have addressed business models for Industry 4.0. Hence, this research addresses: What fundamental principles should companies in the manufacturing industry consider when adopting a data-driven business model? An analysis of four case studies on data-driven business models revealed significant common attributes. Through a SWOT analysis, twelve model principles for implementing a data-driven value capture framework could be identified.
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Purpose This study aims to construct mechanisms of big data-driven business model innovation from the market, strategic and economic perspectives and core logic of business model innovation. Design/methodology/approach The authors applied deductive reasoning and case analysis method on manufacturing firms in China to validate the mechanisms. Findings The authors have developed an integrated framework to deduce the elements of big data-driven business model innovation. The framework comprises three elements: perspectives, business model processes and big data-driven business model innovations. As we apply the framework on to three Chinese companies, it is evident that the mechanisms of business model innovation based on big data is a progressive and dynamic process. Research limitations/implications The case sample is relatively small, which is a typical trade-off in qualitative research. Practical implications A robust infrastructure that seamlessly integrates internet of things, front-end customer systems and back-end production systems is pivotal for companies. The management has to ensure its organization structure, climate and human resources are well prepared for the transformation. Social implications When provided with a convenient crowdsourcing platform to provide feedback and witness their suggestions being implemented, users are more likely to share insights about their use experience. Originality/value Extant studies of big data and business model innovation remain disparate. By adding a new dimension of intellectual and economic resource to the resource-based view, this paper posits an important link between big data and business model innovation. In addition, this study has contributed to the theoretical lens of value by contextualizing the value components of a business model and providing an integrated framework.
Despite the publicity regarding big data and analytics (BDA), the success rate of these projects and strategic value created from them are unclear. Most literature on BDA focuses on how it can be used to enhance tactical organizational capabilities, but very few studies examine its impact on organizational value. Further, we see limited framing of how BDA can create strategic value for the organization. After all, the ultimate success of any BDA project lies in realizing strategic business value, which gives firms a competitive advantage. In this study, we describe the value proposition of BDA by delineating its components. We offer a framing of BDA value by extending existing frameworks of information technology value, then illustrate the framework through BDA applications in practice. The framework is then discussed in terms of its ability to study constructs and relationships that focus on BDA value creation and realization. We also present a problem-oriented view of the framework—where problems in BDA components can give rise to targeted research questions and areas for future study. The framing in this study could help develop a significant research agenda for BDA that can better target research and practice based on effective use of data resources.
Growing demands for privacy and increases in the quantity and variety of consumer data have engendered various business offerings to allow companies, and in some instances consumers, to capitalize on these developments. One such example is the emerging “personal data economy” (PDE) in which companies, such as Datacoup, purchase data directly from individuals. At the opposite end of the spectrum, the “payfor-privacy” (PFP) model requires consumers to pay an additional fee to prevent their data from being collected and mined for advertising purposes. This Article conducts a simultaneous in-depth exploration of the impact of burgeoning PDE and PFP models. It identifies a typology of data-business models, and it uncovers the similarities and tensions between a data market controlled by established companies that have historically collected and mined consumer data for their primary benefit and one in which consumers play a central role in monetizing their own data. The Article makes three claims. First, it contends that PFP models facilitate the transformation of privacy into a tradable product, may engender or worsen unequal access to privacy, and could further enable predatory and discriminatory behavior. Second, while the PDE may allow consumers to regain a semblance of control over their information by enabling them to decide when and with whom to share their data, consumers’ direct transfer or disclosure of personal data to companies for a price or personalized deals creates challenges similar to those found in the PFP context and generates additional concerns associated with innovative monetization techniques. Third, existing frameworks and proposals may not sufficiently ameliorate these concerns. The Article concludes by offering a path forward.
The release of government data in an open format is broadly expected to generate innovation and economic value. However, despite the emerging public notoriety of this issue, literature is still scarce regarding the commercial application of open government data. The main goal of this study is to understand how firms use open government data to create value. More specifically, we aim to identify what types of use are currently in place and which industries are more prominent in exploiting open government data. Building on the analysis of a dataset of 178 firms that use open government data across various industries in the U.S. we find twelve different atomic models. Additionally, our findings suggest that the way in which open government is used to create value is contingent to the firms' activities. Supported by robust empirical data, we anticipate that our research produces practical insights to entrepreneurs as well as firm managers in deriving value from public datasets, and equip government officials with relevant evidence for advocacy and policy-making.
Grounded theory methodology (GTM), with its espoused goal of theory development of novel phenomena, has found broad application in Information Systems (IS) research. To investigate how GTM is applied in IS research and how the research contributions are contingent on those applications, we review 43 GTM-based articles in major IS and related journals. Ten of the articles develop theory. The other 33 articles use GTM to develop models and rich descriptions of new phenomena as their theoretical contribution. We show that each of the three forms is valuable to the IS community. For example, studies that develop theories and models are highly cited in the IS literature. We identify nine GTM procedures that are applied in various combinations to develop the three forms of research contribution. Treating GTM as a portfolio of the nine procedures, we examine the implications for the research contribution of adopting the core GTM procedures compared with a partial portfolio of those procedures.