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Physiatric Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Sher-E-Bangla Medical College


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper limb. Diagnosis of CTS was rare before middle of the nineteenth century but in recent years it continues to be made with increasing frequency by the virtue of wide spread public awareness and highly specific diagnostic tests. Individuals engaged in repetitive works which involves flexion and extension of the wrist, strong grip or exposure to vibration are particularly at risk of developing the disease. It is now accounted amongst the common work related claimed disabilities in our country.
KYAMC Journal  Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020
Review Article
Physiatric Management of Carpal
Tunnel Syndrome
Md. Israt Hasan1, Mohammed Emran2, Fatema Newaz3, Md. Atiquzzaman4, Tawfiq Morshed5,
Amitav Banik6, A B M Zafar Sadeque7, Shaila Sharmin8.
1. Medical Officer, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kurmitola General hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, KwajaYunus Ali Medical College, Sirajganj, Bangladesh.
3. Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kumudini Womens Medical College, Tangail, Bangladesh.
4. Medical Officer, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kurmitola General hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
5. Registrar, Department of Orthopedics, Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Shahid Sheikh Abu Nasser Specialized Hospital, Khulna, Bangladesh
8. Consultant, Nrayangonj Diabetic Hospital, Narayangonj, Bangladesh.
Correspondent: Md. Israt Hasan, Medical Officer, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka,
Bangladesh. Mobile:+8801711-222912, E-mail:
CTS, the most common focal peripheral neuropathy, results
from compression of the median nerve at the wrist.1 The most
common finding in CTS is an increased carpal tunnel
pressure.2 It used to be unclear whether this was due to a
reduction of the size of the carpal tunnel or an increase of its
content, but several authors have stated that the increase in
volume is caused by a non-inflammatory synovial fibrosis of
the connective tissue within the carpal tunnel.3 The syndrome
affects an estimated 3 percent of adult Americans and is
approximately three times more common in women than in
men.4 Patients complains of paresthesia in the hand along the
distribution of the median nerve and often pain radiates to the
arm. The syndrome intensified at night and the patient tries to
get relief by shaking the hand in the air.
CTS have some special synonyms. They are:
n Tardy median nerve palsy5
n Acroparesthesia6
n Median neuritis
n Median thenar neuritis
n Occupational median neuritis
n Thenar neural atrophy
Historical Background
Sir James Paget first described the symptoms of CTS in 1854
and in 1911 Ramsey Hunt described this neuropathy.7 Phalen
wrote several article on CTS since 1950.8
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy of the upper limb. Diagnosis of
CTS was rare before middle of the nineteenth century but in recent years it continues to be made with
increasing frequency by the virtue of wide spread public awareness and highly specific diagnostic tests.
Individuals engaged in repetitive works which involves flexion and extension of the wrist, strong grip or
exposure to vibration are particularly at risk of developing the disease. It is now accounted amongst the
common work related claimed disabilities in our country.
Keywords: CTS, Physiatric Management.
Date of received: 13.06.2019.
Date of acceptance: 25.11.2019. KYAMC Journal. 2020;10(4): 206-210 .
KYAMC Journal  Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020
Incidence and Epidemiology
A recent study shows that the mean annual crude incidence
was 329 cases per 100,000 person-years, and the standardized
incidence was 276. The sex-specific incidences were 139 for
men and 506 for women. The mean annual incidence for men
increased moderately but significantly during the study period,
whereas that for women remained constant. The age-specific
incidence for women increased gradually with age, reaching a
peak between 50 and 59 years, after which it declined. In men,
there was a bimodal distribution with peaks between 50 and 59
years and between 70 and 79 years. Rural and industrial areas
had higher crude and age- and sex-specific incidences than did
urban areas.9
Anatomy and Etiology
The carpal tunnel consists of the flexor tendons and the
median nerve. These structures are surrounded by the sub-
synovial connective tissue (SSCT), which consists of multiple
layers of fibrous tissue that are interconnected by collagenous
fibers.10,11,12 Guimberteau reported that blood and lymphatic
vessels, which irrigate the tendons, are also present in the
SSCT.13 The SSCT is surrounded by a radial and ulnar
bursa.14,15,16,17,18,19 A non-inflammatory synovial fibrosis of the
connective tissue is the most common finding in carpal tunnel
syndrome.20,21,22,23 but the reason why this fibrosis develops
remains unclear.
CTS is the classic example of a chronic compression
neuropathy. The entrapment neuropathy combines phenomena
of compression and traction. Nerve compression and
traction may cause disorders of the intra neural
microcirculation, lesions in the myelin sheath and the axon,
as well as alterations in the supporting connective tissue.
The entrapment of a peripheral nerve occurs as a result
of its passage through an anatomical compartment that
has become too tight, resulting in altered function within the
nerve and dysfunction/damage of the nerve from the site
of compression and beyond.24 The pathophysiology of CTS
is complex and results from interactions of many mechanisms
like increased carpal tunnel pressure25, Median nerve
microcirculation injury26, Median nerve connective tissue
alteration27 ,28 synovial tissue hypertrophy29,30 has been
n Fullness of the wrist
n Poor dexterity of the fingers and droping of items
nParesthesia and numbness of the fingers and nocturnal
n Pain worsening at night which is relived by shaking the hand
in the air.31
Clinical Findings
The median nerve is accessible in front of the wrist flexion
crease and behind the long palmar tendon or in the middle of
the wrist.
n Tinel sign: The sensitivity is between 26 and 79% and the
specificity is between 40 and 100%.32
n Phalen sign: The sensitivity is between 67 and 83% and the
specificity is between 47 and 100%.32,33
n Paley and Mc Murphy test: the sign is positive if manual
pressure close to the median nerve (between 1 and 2 cm
proximally to the wrist flexion crease) triggers pain or
paresthesia. The sensitivity is 89% and the specificity is
n Compression test with wrist flexed: pressure is applied
using two fingers on the median region of the carpal tunnel,
with the wrist flexed at 60°, elbow extended and forearm
supinated. The test is positive if paresthesia appears in the area
of the median nerve. Tetro et al. found sensitivity of 82% and
specificity of 99%.31
The diagnosis of CTS is based on the history and physical
examination. Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) is recognized as
the diagnostic standard for it.35 NCS considered positive when
the median nerve sensory latency exceeds the standard radial
and ulnar nerve sensory latency by more than 0.4 millisecond.
MRI of wrist proves both sensitive and specific in detecting
Non surgical management with rehabilitation of the affected
condition in the department of Physical Medicine and
Rehabilitation is popularly known as Physiatric management.
A trial of physiatric or conservative management can be
pursued after diagnosis.38,39
A) Drug management
1) NSAIDs: NSAID have little effect in relieving the
symptoms and night pain but are recommended as primary
treatment by some authors.40,41
2) Diuretics: Chang et al found that Trichlorthiazide 2mg daily
for 4 weeks is less effective than NSAIDs and Prednisolone.42
3) Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6 is effective in selected cases of
CTS and help in relieving symptoms earlier.43
4) Oral Steroid: A significant improvement shown by using
prednisolone 25 mg/day with two and four weeks of
B) Interventional Physiatry
Corticosteroid injections are used frequently to treat CTS as it
is considered to be both safe and effective for short term
management.46 Pathology specimens from carpal tunnel
release have revealed chronic synovial inflammation, and it is
suggested that corticosteroid injections are effective by
decreasing the swelling of the flexor synovialis. A common
belief is that corticosteroid injections can relieve the early
symptoms of CTS.47 Intra lesional corticosteroid injection
improves VAS scores and Boston carpal tunnel
questionnaire (BCTQ) either the symptom severity or
functional capacity for mild to moderate CTS.48
KYAMC Journal  Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020
Ultrasound-guided hydrodissection has recently been proposed
to treat nerve entrapment. Hydrodissection leads to improved
nerve mobility, greater reduction in symptoms, or decreased
recurrence rate in comparison with regular ultrasound-guided
C) Physical Modalities
Iontophoresis is a method of transdermal administration of
ionized drugs in which electrically charged molecules are
propelled through the skin by an external electrical field.52
Advantages of steroid iontophoresis include being painless,
noninvasive, sterile and providing local and little systemic
concentration of the drug.52
Therapeutic ultrasound is a modality that produces acoustical
high-frequency vibrations with both thermal and non thermal
effects.53 Deep, pulsed ultrasound over the carpal tunnel for 15
min for 20 treatments decreases pain and paresthesia
symptoms, reduces sensory loss, and improves median nerve
conduction and strength when compared with sham
D) Therapeutic Splinting
Splinting is a relatively inexpensive, non operative treatment
for CTS. As CTS has been associated with forceful, repetitive
hand and wrist activities, one purpose of splinting is to
minimize motion at the wrist and subsequently decrease
symptoms of pain and/or numbness.57,58 Splinting is helpful for
the common symptom of nocturnal paresthesias by limiting
prolonged periods of excessive wrist flexion or extension
during sleep. Positions of wrist flexion and extension causes
increased pressure within the carpal tunnel, similar to the
findings of increased pressure in the carpal tunnel with CTS,
and is associated with changes in nerve structure.59.60 Neutral
wrist position results in lower carpal tunnel pressures
compared with flexion or extension. 61,62
E) Exercise
Mobilization exercises (e.g., tendon gliding and nerve gliding)
are commonly employed for symptoms of CTS and are felt to
improve axonal transport and nerve conduction.63 Tendon and
nerve gliding exercises may maximize the relative excursion
of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel and the excursion of
the flexor tendons relative to one another.64
F) Acupuncture
Acupuncture may be useful as an adjunct treatment or an
acceptable alternative for managing CTS.65
G) Activities of daily living (ADL)
Changing the workstation and design of tools to eliminate the
stimuli for cumulative trauma can be both preventive and
H) Occupationat therapy
Job modification decreases the incidence of CTS.66
CTS is a frequent genesis of pain and impairment throughout
the population. Nonsurgical interventions are regularly used
for CTS and include medications, splinting, exercises,
modalities and alternative therapies. Although there is no
absolute satisfactory conservative management available at
present, trials suggest that physiatric management which
encompasses pharmacological, non-pharmacological and
rehabilitation aspects seems to offer clear advantages over
surgical options.
We would like to thank our esteemed institutions and our
collegues for their support.
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KYAMC Journal  Vol. 10, No.4, January 2020
Full-text available
Short case of Carpal tunnel syndrome
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The study aimed to compare the effects of intralesional steroid injection and ultrasound therapy for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. A total 130 patients divided into 2 groups: a) One group (n=65) received intralesional corticosteroid injection along with wrist splint, exercise, naproxen sodium 500 mg tablet and omeprazole 20 mg capsule twice daily for 2 weeks; b) Another group received (n=65) ultrasound therapy (10 min/day, 3 days/week for 4 weeks) along with Wrist splint for 4 weeks, exercises for 4 weeks, naproxen sodium 500 mg tablet and omeprazole 20 mg capsule twice daily for 2 weeks. The patients were followed-up 2 weekly for 4 weeks. The visual analogue score, symptom severity scores and functional status scores were significantly improved within each group at week 2 (p<0.05) and week 4 (p<0.05) except for the symptom severity score at (p>0.05). The improvement in symptom severity scores and functional status scores in the intralesional steroid group was more than in the ultrasound therapy group after 4 weeks.
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The objective of this study is to evaluate the degree of symptom improvement and the change of electrophysiological and ultrasonographic findings after sonographically guided local steroid injection using an in-plane ulnar approach in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Seventy-five cases of 44 patients diagnosed with CTS were included and evaluated at baseline and at 4 and 12 weeks after injection. All patients received injection with 40 mg of triamcinolone mixed with 1 mL of 1% lidocaine into the carpal tunnel using an in-plane Ultrasound (US)-guided ulnar approach, out-plane US-guided approach, and blind injection. For clinical evaluation, we used the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ) and electrophysiological tests. The ultrasonographic findings were also evaluated with regard to cross-sectional area and the flattening ratio of the median nerve. Subjective symptoms measured by BCTQ and median nerve conduction parameters showed significant improvement at 4 weeks in the in-plane ulnar approach group compared with the out-plane ulnar approach and blind injection. This improvement was still observed at 12 weeks. The flattening ratio and cross-sectional area of the median nerve showed a more significant decrease with the in-plane ulnar approach than with the out-plane ulnar approach and blind injection (P < 0.05). US-guided local steroid injection using an in-plane ulnar approach in the CTS may be more effective than out-plane or blind injection.
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To assess the efficacy of ultrasound treatment for mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Randomised, double blind, "sham" controlled trial with assessments at baseline, after 2 weeks' and 7 weeks' treatment, and at a follow up assessment 6 months later (8 months after baseline evaluation). Outpatient clinic of a university department of physical medicine and rehabilitation in Vienna. 45 patients with mild to moderate bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome as verified by electroneurography. 20 sessions of ultrasound (active) treatment (1 MHz, 1.0 W/cm2, pulsed mode 1:4, 15 minutes per session) applied to the area over the carpal tunnel of one wrist, and indistinguishable sham ultrasound treatment applied to the other. The first 10 treatments were performed daily (5 sessions/week); 10 further treatments were twice weekly for 5 weeks. Score of subjective symptom ratings assessed by visual analogue scale; electroneurographic measures (for example, motor distal latency and sensory antidromic nerve conduction velocity). Improvement was significantly more pronounced in actively treated than in sham treated wrists for both subjective symptoms (P < 0.001, paired t test) and electroneurographic variables (motor distal latency P < 0.001, paired t test; sensory antidromic nerve conduction velocity P < 0.001, paired t test). Effects were sustained at 6 months' follow up. Results suggest there are satisfying short to medium term effects due to ultrasound treatment in patients with mild to moderate idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome. Findings need to be confirmed, and ultrasound treatment will have to be compared with standard conservative and invasive treatment options.
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Scleroderma is associated with intractable hand pain from vasospasm, digital ischemia, tenosynovitis, and nerve entrapment. This study investigated the effect of hydrodissection of the carpal tunnel followed by corticosteroid injection for the painful scleroderma hand. Twenty-six consecutive subjects [12 with painful scleroderma hand and 14 with rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome (RA/CTS)] underwent sonographically observed carpal tunnel hydrodissection with 3 ml of 1% lidocaine administered with a 25-gauge 1-in. needle on a 3-ml RPD mechanical syringe (reciprocating procedure device). After hydrodissection, a syringe exchange was performed, and 80 mg of triamcinolone acetonide was injected. Baseline pain, procedural pain, pain at outcome, responders, therapeutic duration, and reinjection interval were determined. Hydrodissection and injection with corticosteroid significantly reduced pain scores by 67% in scleroderma (p < 0.001) and by 47% in RA/CT (p < 0.001). Scleroderma and RA/CTS were similar in outcome measures: injection pain (p = 0.47), pain scores at outcome (p = 0.13), responders (scleroderma, 83.3%; RA/CTS, 57.1%, p = 0.15), pain at 6 months (p = 0.15), and therapeutic duration (p = 0.07). Scleroderma patients responded better in time to next injection (scleroderma, 8.5 ± 3.0 months; RA/CTS, 5.2 ± 3.1 months, p = 0.03). Reduced Raynaud's attacks and healing of digital ulcers occurred in 83% of subjects. There were no complications. Hydrodissection with lidocaine followed by injection of triamcinolone reduces pain and vasomotor changes in the scleroderma hand. The mechanism may be a combination of hydrodissection-mediated mechanical freeing of entrapped arteries, nerves, and tendinous structures and corticosteroid-induced reduction of inflammatory vasospasm.
Direct pressure over the median nerve at the mouth of the carpal tunnel reproduces the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in affected wrists after 15 seconds to two minutes. In normal wrists, it takes 15 to 20 minutes before median nerve symptoms are produced. The test is based on the concept of increasing the pressure on an already compromised median nerve. This test has been found to be useful in clinical practice both as an ancillary test and as an alternative to the Phalen's test, which cannot be done reliably in painful or stiff wrists.
Objective: Carpal tunnel syndrome, caused by compression of the median nerve deep to the flexor retinaculum, is the most common entrapment neuropathy. Most patients are initially treated with conservative measures such as splinting. When conservative measures fail, interventional techniques are considered the next step. Many studies have appeared comparing open surgical flexor retinaculum release to blind injections of corticosteroids into the carpal tunnel, but neither technique has proven superior to the other. Advantages of injection are: lower level of invasiveness, faster recovery, and ease of the technique. Occasional failures and complications occur with all techniques. Method: We have been using an ultrasoundguided procedure of percutaneous hydrodissection of the median nerve away from the deep surface of the flexor retinaculum, followed by fenestration of the flexor retinaculum along a path parallel to the long axis of the arm, starting from the level of the distal part of the capitate bone and progressing proximally to the level of the radio-lunate joint, the intent being to lower the pressure exerted by the flexor retinaculum on the nerve. We have treated a series of 44 wrists in 34 patients who had electrically-proven carpal tunnel syndrome, using this technique of hydrodissection and fenestration, performed using standard injection equipment and an ultrasound system. All patients had typical carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, and presented to us for interventional treatment after conservative measures had failed. No patient had had previous surgery, and two had had blind carpal tunnel steroid injections, without hydrodissection or fenestration. Outcomes were defined as: Excellent-all symptoms resolved, Fair-some residual symptoms, or return of symptoms, but improved compared to prior to procedure, Failure-required open surgical release. First follow-up periods after procedure ranged from 3-60 weeks, averaging 32 weeks. Second follow up periods varied from 25-96 weeks, averaging 63 weeks. Patients were contacted by telephone, or seen in follow-up in clinic, to determine outcomes. Results: Excellent at first followup, lost to second followup--two wrists, too little time to judge second followup---0ne wrist Excellent at first followup and second followup-19 wrists Excellent at first followup, fair at second followup--9 wrists Fair at first followup and second followup- five wrists Fair at first followup, lost to second followup--one wrist Fair at first followup, to little time to judge second followup--2 wrists Failure-5 wrists No complications were encountered. Conclusion: Ultrasound-guided hydrodissection and fenestration is a viable, easy, relatively non-invasive therapy for carpal tunnel syndrome that can result in prolonged symptom relief, and may be a way to postpone, or even obviate the need for, open release.
Key features identifying typical signs, symptoms and history of disorders demonstrating adverse mechanical tension of the nervous system are addressed. An approach to “musculoskeletal pain” embracing a broader outlook to all possible sources of presenting symptoms is highlighted as the “component concept”. The treatment principles of presentations showing signs of adverse mechanical tension of the nervous system are outlined, and clarified by many clinical examples. © 1989, The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy. All rights reserved.
Every nerve must have the capacity to adapt to different positions by passive movement relative to the surrounding tissue. This capacity is provided by a gliding apparatus around the nerve trunk. There is another level of gliding provided by the interfascicular epineurium which allows the fascicles to glide against one another. The clinical significance of the gliding apparatus in the context of external and internal neurolysis and nerve repair is discussed. An explanation is offered for the occurrence of the so-called meander-like deformity of fascicles, seen in nerve entrapment syndromes. © 1990 Société d'Édition de L'Association d'Enseignement Médical des Hôpitaux de Paris.