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Abstract and Figures

This study investigated the silver nanoparticles synthesis by biological method using Bacillus licheniformis extracts was successfully applied for the determination of quantitative biodegradation of malathion pesticide, which found in diverse water samples. Structural and morphological analysis of silver bio nanoparticles studied following Zeta potential, AFM, FTIR and HPLC analysis. The silver bio nanoparticles were stable in zeta potential which recorded of -32.22mV. The size and diameter of the nanoparticles were evaluated in average 144nm as displayed via Atomic Force Microscope. The Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was conducted to determine the various functional groups in the silver bio nanoparticles. The biodegradation of malathion by using silver bio nanoparticles was determined quantitatively using HPLC techniques, which began during seven days. We consider that this strategy has technological potential in the biodegradation of malathion pesticide contaminated water through green biosynthesis.
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Biodegradution of malathion pesticide by using Silver bionanoparticles of
Bacillus licheniformis extracts
Marwah Th. Alnuaimi*, Noor T. Hamdan**, Esam Abdalraheem*, Zahraa
Zahraw Aljanabi***
*Ministry of Science& Technology/ Directorate of Environment and Water,
**Biology Department, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University,
***Environmental Research Centre, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.,,
This study investigated the silver nanoparticles synthesis by biological
method using Bacillus licheniformis extracts was successfully applied for the
determination and quantitative dismissal of Malathion pesticide, which found in diverse
water samples. Structural and morphological analysis of silver bio nanoparticles studied
following Zeta potential, AFM, FTIR and HPLC analysis. The silver bio nanoparticles
were stable in zeta potential which recorded of -32.22mV. The size and diameter of the
nanoparticles were evaluated in average 144 nm as displayed via Atomic Force
Microscope. The Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was conducted to determine
the various functional groups in the silver bio nanoparticles. The biodegradation of
Malathion by using silver bio nanoparticles was determined quantitatively using HPLC
techniques, which began during seven days. We consider that this strategy has
technological potential in the biodegradation of Malathion pesticide contaminated
water through Green biosynthesis.
Keywords: Silver nanoparticles, Green biosynthesis, Bacillus licheniformis,
Malathion, AFM, FTIR, HPLC and Zeta potential.
Currently among of the organophosphorus pesticides calculated more than 36 %
of the total world market (1). Malathion refers to reduce of household and farming
insects. Numerous reports have revealed to the Malathion contaminates soil, water and
aquatic ecosystems (1). In addition to produce different kind of disorders such as
anemia, child leukemia, kidney disaster and human birth defects, as a result it can
remain in human body for a long time (2).Therefore, The degradation process of
pesticides through malathion takes a large space of interest in ecosystem in the world
wide (3).
The biosynthesis of nanoparticles has great attention in the last ten years ago due
to their intrinsic benefits such as ultrafine size, high surface area to volume ratio,
optical, electrical, magnetic as well as catalytic and thermal features (4). Silver
nanoparticles (SNPs) is termed as a silver mineral ranging between 10-100 nm. They
entranced the attention of researchers in different fields everywhere the world due to
the unique chemical and physical features and they are generally introducing in many
application such as in medicine, horticulture, habitat remediation, food technology as
well as management of water (5).
An array of physical and chemical methods are used for the synthesis of
nanoparticles, In spite of that often are highly-priced and involve the use of risky
chemicals, which ultimately limits potential uses of the nanoparticles. Therefore, there
is growing interest to develop clean, nontoxic, environmentally and economically
viable methods for synthesis of nanoparticles produced by mechanisms of biological
origin. Consequently, biological procedure of nanoparticles has been explored. That
meaning it,s employing microorganisms provide advantages over more traditional
chemical and physical methods because the synthesis techniques use nontoxic and
environment-friendly agents, reactions appear at room temperature or lower, and the
approach demands little or no input of energy (6).
However, not many studies have been carried out on silver bio nanparticles
in the degradation of the malathion pesticide in water. Hence, a detailed study has been
carried out to estimate the degradation potential of the malathion via silver bio
nanoparticle and the critical evaluation of the results are presented in this research.
Material and Methods
The local bacterial isolate Bacillus licheniformis was obtained from the department of
plant protection , Faculty of agriculture / Baghdad university which identified by the
same department.
Malathion: Technical grade malathion was obtained from Ministry Of Agriculture
AgNO3: AgNO3 was obtained from" Sigma Aldrich" company (St. Louis, USA) and
media get from "Oxoid" (UK).
Nutrient broth; Nutrient agar were obtained from Hi media, India.
Synthesis of silver bio nanoparticle (Ag NO3)
Preparation AgNO3 solution
The preparation of AgNO3 solution(1mM) consistued of: 16.987g of AgNO3 was added
to 100ml of distilled water and one mole of this solution poured then in to 1000ml of
distilled water to make 1mM solution.The AgNO3 solution stored in dark room due to
have the photosensitive. Therefore, their solution were prepared in an amber bottle for
further analysis. These B.licheniformis isolate were thus applied to further enormous
production by using optimized fermentation media and then grown in their media for
72 h at 36°C. The Extraction and washing of biomass from B.licheniformis culture.
Firatly, their culture was centrifuged at 150rpm for 15min to obtain the biomass which
was used as a starting material for the production of nanoparticles. After that, the
biomass washed twice with NaCl solution(0.5%) and then washed with TE buffer and
distilled water (once each). Finally, it then completed in 3 ml of injection water(7). The
washed biomass(1ml) was added in to 99ml of 1mM silver nitrate solution in the flask
and was neutralized the pH 8.5 by NaOH. After that, the flask then put in a horizontal
shaking water bath at 36°C,150rpm for 72 h in dark room. The occurrence of yellowish
brown colour in flask was be a sign of production of AgNO3. After that. The mixture
solution was transported in to dish for drying. Finally, these dried particles composed
was used in further characterization (8).
Silver bio nanoparticles (AgNO3) Characterization:
The supernatant of bacterial isolate containing synthesized silver bio nanoparticles
was applied in the characterization as mentioned below:
1. Zeta potential
The synthesized nanoparticles stability was evalutated in terms of zeta potential via
the zeta potential analyzer ranging from -160 mV to +160 mV, and the data was plotted
as graph (9,10).
2. Atomic Forced Microscopy (AFM)
The sample of thin film of nanoparticles was placed on a glass slide by adding 100
μl of the sample on the slide, and then waited to dry for 5 min. The slides were then
checked using the AFM (11).
3. Fourier transform infrared spectrometer ( FT-IR)
The FT-IR analysis was performed with silver nanoparticles and malation solution
were evaluted at the range of 500-4000 cm=1 region and at 8 cm-1 of a resolution using
Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (Shimadzu). The sample containing
synthesized silver nanoparticles (1 mg) was incorporated with KBr (300 mg) to make
a hydraulic pellet press and then analyzed in a FTIR spectroscopy. The occurance of
the peaks noted to the functional groups in particles synthesized (12).
4. HPLC analysis
Twenty gram of sample containing synthesized particles was added to the mixture
consisting of 20µL D.W and 50ml acetone in the flask, after that transported to rotary
shaker at 150rpm for 2h .Then, mixture filter rewashing by acetone three times and
filtrate was collected to the evaporate acetone solution in the flask. The residual
material was carried to the separating funnel composing of equal volume of the
supernatant dichloromethane. The organic layer of the dichloromethane was collected
and allowed to dry via rotary evaporator at 30 °C. Dried residue material was added to
1 ml acetonitrite and was filtrated in 0.45 filter. Then, subjected to HPLC analysis.
Results and Discussion
1. Zeta potential
The results of zeta potential values of the synthesised nanoparticles was 32.22mV
for AgNPs (fig. 1).
Zeta,potential is a key pointer,of the stability and steadiness, of colloidal nanomaterial. The
size,of the zeta potential indicates the,degree of electrostatic,repulsion between,similarly
charged particles . For molecules and particles that are small,enough,a high zeta potential,will
give stability and steadiness, i.e., the solution,will resist aggregation. When,the potential,is
small, attractive,forces may,exceed Therefore, colloids materials with elevated zeta potential
(positive or negative) are electrically stabilized while colloids materials with low zeta potential
Trend to flocculate or coagulate (13,14). Generally, the zeta potential of the nanoparticles
should be either highest than +30 mV or lower than -30 mV (15,16). So from this
results, showed stability while the rest nanoparticles were very near from normal
stability range.
This finding is agree with (12), he found the zeta potential of green synthesized
AgNPs -31.10 ± 0.42 mV with Bacillus Subtilis. The Zeta potential distributed with
range of -18.9mV indicated the stable in nature of AgNPs synthesized using Bacillus
thuringiensisextract (17).
Figure (1): The zeta potential value of AgNPs.
2. AFM
The results of AFM analysis showed both the two dimensional and three dimensional
view of silver bio nanoparticles they were spherical in shape, single or in aggregates,
AFM analysis were also showed that the average size of particles 133nm .On the
another hand, the different diameters of AgNPs appeared starting from 1 to 300nm and
the high average size range of the AgNPs diameter was 62 nm (fig. 2).
Singh was reported (18) that the silver particle identifying by atomic force
microscope was irregular polygon in shape and calculated of average size range of the
silver particls diameter was to be 69.9 nm.
a. 2-D profile of AgNPs Agglomeration (5x5um).
b. 3-D profile of AgNPs Agglomeration .
c. AgNPs average size range.
Figure (2): (a) AFM image showed two dimintional of AgNPs. (b) AFM image showed three dimintional of AgNPs.
(c) Showed coloumn AFM digram of size range of
FTIR measurements were evaluted to identify the potential the functional groups in
the sample.The FTIR spectra of biomolcules of nanoparticles demonstrated eleven
distinct peaks, reporting 547.78, 609.51, 1087.85, 1238.30, 1392.61,1446.61, 1546.91,
1651.07, 2931.80, 3309.85, 3414.00 cm-1 as indicated in figure(3).The peak at 547.78
cm-1 mentions to C-Br stretch while the peak at 609.51 cm-1 correspond to C-H bend
stretch vibration of acetylenic.The vibrations observed at 1087.85 cm-1 may be
indicative of C-O-C stretch. The peak at 1238.30 cm-1,which is characteristic of C-O
stretch. The 1392.61 cm-1 refers to C-H stretch. The crest of the curve at 1446.61 cm-
1 and 1546.91 cm-1 were revealed to C=C stretch. The tip of the curve at 1651.07 cm-1
was assigned to the C=C vibration of alkenyl. The peaks at 2931.80 and 3309.85
cm-1 were predicted to O  H stretch vibration of carboxylic acid. Finally, the peak at
3414.00 cm-1 observed to N  H stretch vibration of amine.
These peaks mentioned above were diminished in the treated sample of the malation
but some peaks were appeared to 1384.89, 1512.19, 1639.49, 3444.87 and 3502.73 cm-
1 which were assigned to C-H, C=C, C=O, O-H and O-H stretch respectively as
observed in fig 4.
The biochemical interaction between Ag+ and protein molecules was presented
using FTIR to measure to the of silver ions to atom reduction . Thease interactions were
studied by (12).
Figure (3): The FTIR spectra of Bacilluslicheniformis extracts.
Figure (4): The FTIR spectra of Silver bionanoparticles of Bacillus licheniformis
During degradation of malathion by Silver bionanoparticles of
Bacilluslicheniformis extract The remaining malathion was accounted using HPLC for
7 days in liquid culture.
The results revealed that the AgNPs of Bacilluslicheniformis extract is extremely
efficient in degrading malathion which reported of 90% for 7days of the treatment
whrease in control diminished in the degradation of malathion.
Results observed that the consumption of malathion was significantly rising in
treatment sample 1 as compared to 2 and 3, as seen in figures (5, 6,7,8). The rate of
degradation of malathion was increased with time in all treatments rather than standard
especially in sample 1 was significantly higher after 7days of incubation.
AgNPs interaction with malathion in solution leads annihilation of malathion without
formation above harmful products.
The results of (19) indicated the potential of Bacillus licheniformis enzymes used
as biodegrader in the bioremediation of malathion-contaminated soil.
Figure 5 : HPLC chart of standard malathion
Figure 6 : HPLC chart of concentration of sample 1 after 7 days incubation.
Figure 7: HPLC chart of concentration of sample 2 after 7 days incubation.
Figure 8 : HPLC chart of concentration of sample 3 after 7 days incubation.
Based on the results and discussion , it has been reported that Silver bionanoparticles
of Bacilluslicheniformis extracts can be used for the removal of the malathion
contaminated water in the areas where the malathion pesticide contamination is
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... Green synthesis silver nanoparticles preparation. Prepared by dropwise five ml of Rhus coriaria L fruit aqueous and ethanol extracts severally over the 100 mM silver nitrate (AgNO3) solution, then filtered after 24 hours and centrifuged, the final colloid samples were kept in dark vials 16 . ...
... 7 -scanning electron microscopy (SEM) 23 . 8-Silver nanoparticle concentration detection using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) 16 . ...
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Multidrug-resistant bacteria have contributed to a rise in morbidity and death from microbial infections, making it more difficult to treat illnesses caused by resistant pathogenic bacteria. There is a growing interest in using nanoparticles as biomaterials around the globe. Nanoparticles might become a crucial, feasible therapeutic alternative for treating infections resistant to several drugs. Currently, they are recognized as feasible alternatives or additions to conventional antimicrobials. Nanotechnology focuses on developing eco-friendly methods for producing nanoparticles. The current work aims to generate a quick, ecologically friendly approach for synthesizing silver nanoparticles utilizing aqueous and alcohol sumac plant extracts. These silver nanoparticles appear synthesized and capped by sumac extract bioactive components. FTIR, XRD, SEM, AAS, EDX, AFM, and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to determine the nanoparticle structure, shape, and optical properties. Within 15 minutes, the AgNPs had formed. The aqueous and alcoholic sumac extracts resulted in silver nanoparticles with an average particle size of 43.82 nm and 39.55 nm, respectively. Against the multi-drug-resistant clinical isolates, silver nanoparticles from both extracts had good antibacterial activity (Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterococcus faecalis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Also, these nanoparticles had an inhibitory effect on the productivity of the biofilm virulence factor. For this study with highly significant differences (P≤0.01). Keywords: Silver nanoparticles, Green synthesis, Rhus coriaria L., Sumac, antibacterial activity, antibiofilm activity; multidrug-resistant bacteria.
... In 100 ml of deionized water (DW), 16.98 g of silver nitrate was dissolved. Then, 1 ml of the prepared AgNO 3 solution was added to another 1000 ml of DW to obtain a 1 mM solution (Alnuaimi et al 12 ). ...
... To obtain a clear supernatant, the mixture was centrifuged (10 min, 10000 rpm, 4°C), resulting in a colloid preparation which was kept in dark vials. The color change of the solution was monitored for five days (Alnuaimi et al 12 ). ...
... In 100 ml of deionized water (DW), 16.98 g of silver nitrate was dissolved. Then, 1 ml of the prepared AgNO 3 solution was added to another 1000 ml of DW to obtain a 1 mM solution (Alnuaimi et al 12 ). ...
... To obtain a clear supernatant, the mixture was centrifuged (10 min, 10000 rpm, 4°C), resulting in a colloid preparation which was kept in dark vials. The color change of the solution was monitored for five days (Alnuaimi et al 12 ). ...
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Citation: Al-Hayanni HSA, Alnuaimi MT, AL-Lami RA, Zaboon SM. Antibacterial Effect of Silver Nanoparticles Prepared from Sophora flavescens Root Aqueous Extracts against Multidrug-resistance Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License which permits unrestricted use, sharing, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Al-Hayanni et al. | Article 8029 Abstract Green synthesis of metal nanoparticles (NPs) from plant extracts has attracted significant interest in modern medicine. therefore, this study prepared an aqueous extract of Sophora flavescens roots, which are used in folk medicine to treat several diseases, including bacterial infections. in addition, silver NPs (AgNPs) were synthesized from root extract using the green synthesis method. the NPs were diagnosed using modern methods. Additionally, the antibacterial activity of the root aqueous extract and AgNPs aqueous preparation (at concentrations of 7% and 9%, respectively) was examined against selected isolates of multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. the results indicated that both the plant extract and NP preparations inhibited pathogenic bacterial isolates.
... The preparation was done according to (20) with some modification. One hundred mls of extract was dripped into (900 ml) of silver nitrate solution, with stirred at 800 rpm at 25°C for 30 minutes. ...
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Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) is a neglected tropical illness and a rising, uncontrolled disease, according to the World Health Organization. A green nanoparticle-based approach to treating Cutaneous Leishmaniasis has been developed recently thanks to advancements in nanotechnology. We could not locate any studies on the anti-leishmanial effects of biologically manufactured silver nanoparticles (green-AgNPs), which utilize curcuma longa plant roots as a reducing agent for silver ions, despite the fact that there are numerous studies based on green nanoparticles against Leishmania parasites ,but it is the first time in this work in vitro anti-leishmanial effects of AgNPs were examined on Leishmania tropica promastigote and their efficacies were compared with pentostam. In general, the characterization of the prepared silver nanoparticles was performed by UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-rays diffraction, scanning electron microscope(SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR). Five concentrations of NPs (100, 200, 400, 600, and 800 μg/ml) were used to study their effect on Leishmania tropica cultures in vitro. Each concentration displayed remarkable anti-leishmanial activity against Leishmania tropica promastigotes in vitro. However, a concentration of (400 µg/ml) displayed superior inhibitory effect on growth of parasites about the rest of the other concentrations where the rate of inhibition was the percentage 51.4±3.4 after 24 hours. At 48 hour and 72 hour, average percentage of parasite inhibition was 63.3±12.11 and 72.41±1.11, respectively. The outcomes were remarkably similar to the reference medicine (pentostam). As for the lowest inhibition among the rest of the concentrations, it was the concentration (800 µg/ml), where the average percentage of inhibition reached 37.8±6.02, 55.92±3.72, and 64.61±1.63 after 24, 48, and 72 hours, respectively. RESUMEN. La leishmaniasis cutánea (CL) es una enfermedad tropical desatendida y en aumento y sin control , según la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Recientemente se ha desarrollado un enfoque ecológico ba-sado en nanopartículas para tratar la leishmaniasis cutánea gracias a los avances en nanotecnología. No he-mos podido localizar ningún estudio sobre los efectos antileishmania de las nanopartículas de plata fabrica-das biológicamente (AgNP verdes), que utilizan las raíces de la planta curcuma longa como agente reductor de iones de plata, a pesar de que existen numerosos estudios basados en nanopartículas verdes contra Parási-tos de Leishmania, pero es la primera vez en este trabajo que se examinaron los efectos antileishmanianos in vitro de las AgNP en el promastigote de Leishmania tropica y se compararon sus eficacias con el pentostam. En general, la caracterización de las nanopartículas de plata preparadas se realizó mediante espectroscopia UV-Vis, difracción de rayos X, microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM) y espectroscopia infrarroja por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR). Se utilizaron cinco concentraciones de NP (100, 200, 400, 600 y 800 μg/ml) para estudiar su efecto en cultivos de Leishmania tropica in vitro. Cada concentración mostró una notable actividad antileishmania contra los promastigotes de Leishmania tropica in vitro. Sin embargo, una con-centración de (400 µg/ml) mostró un efecto inhibidor superior sobre el crecimiento de parásitos respecto al resto de las otras concentraciones donde la tasa de inhibición fue del porcentaje de 51,4 ± 3,4 después de 24 horas. A las 48 horas y 72 horas, el porcentaje promedio de inhibición parasitaria fue de 63,3±12,11 y 72,41±1,11, respectivamente. Los resultados fueron notablemente similares a los del medicamento de refe-rencia (pentostam). En cuanto a la menor inhibición entre el resto de concentraciones, fue la concentración (800 µg/ml), donde el porcentaje promedio de inhibición alcanzó 37,8±6,02, 55,92±3,72 y 64,61±1,63 des-pués de 24, 48 y 72 horas. , respectivamente.
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Abstract Objective: To explore the possibility of treating serratia marcescens with an antibiotic-resistant mixture containing silver nanoparticles. Method: The experimental study was conducted at the Bacteriology Laboratory of Ibn Al-Baladi Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, from December 2021 to April 2022, and comprised human urine samples, a wound sample from local chickens, and respiratory secretionsfrom pigeons. The isolates were kept on a brain-heart infusion medium with glycerol. Their response to antibiotics with different concentrations of 9% and 7% silver nanoparticles were checked. To optimise factors for the effect of silver nanoparticles, incubation time, temperature and silver nitrate concentration were the three parameters used. Disc diffusion method was used to evaluate the antibacterial activity of silver nitrate against serratia. The inhibitory zone developed was measured. Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute’s guidelines were followed. Result: Optimal silver nitrate concentration was 9%, and 37°C temperature and incubation time 24h was needed for silver nanoparticle production. Silver nanoparticle had 100% antibacterial activity. Conclusion: Nanoparticles were found to have the potential to become a viable therapeutic option. Keywords: Silver nitrate, Serratia marcescens, Nanoparticles, Temperature, Biocompatible, Silver, Anti-infective.
Silver (Ag) is one of the most significant metallic nanomaterials that has been widely preferred in a range of biomedical subjects (antibacterial, antifungal, anticancer, antioxidant, and cardioprotective agent). Moreover, its unmatched application in magnetic devices, drug-delivery, and optoelectronics is attributed to innovative physic-chemical and biological assets which further altered with the modulation on the nanoscale. In the area of material sciences, nanotechnology explores a variety of different methods for the fabrication of silver nanoparticles. Conventional methods (chemical, physical and spectroscopical approaches) used for the fabrication of silver nanoparticles are associated with certain limitations of toxicity and energy consumption. Henceforth, to fulfill the increasing demands of the unceasingly growing population, we need to explore advanced practices i.e., green technology (friendly with our environment, minimum operating cost, and highly competent) for nanoparticle biosynthesis. Keeping all this in mind, numerous green approaches have been published for Ag-nanoparticles fabrication. In this chapter, we have summarized plant-meditated methods that utilized extract of different parts of plants (leaves, flower, and seed). Phytochemicalscontain polyphenols (reducing and capping agents) and established synthesis showed a great impact on the performance of Ag-nanoparticles for effectual medical and engineering concerns.
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(1) Background: There is a growing need for the development of new methods for the synthesis of nanoparticles. The interest in such particles has raised concerns about the environmental safety of their production methods; (2) Objectives: The current methods of nanoparticle production are often expensive and employ chemicals that are potentially harmful to the environment, which calls for the development of "greener" protocols. Herein we describe the synthesis of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) using plant extracts, which offers an alternative, efficient, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly method to produce well-defined geometries of nanoparticles; (3) Methods: The phytochemicals present in the aqueous leaf extract acted as an effective reducing agent. The generated AuNPs were characterized by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Scanning electron microscope (SEM), and Atomic Force microscopy (AFM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV-visible spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA); (4) Results and Conclusions: The prepared nanoparticles were found to be biocompatible and exhibited no antimicrobial or antifungal effect, deeming the particles safe for various applications in nanomedicine. TGA analysis revealed that biomolecules, which were present in the plant extract, capped the nanoparticles and acted as stabilizing agents.
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Dengue is a viral illness that is spread by a female mosquito Aedes aegypti. The occurrence of dengue has increased about 30 times. Half of the world’s population is endangered by this disease as statistics provide a data of 50-million cases reported annually, while currently the disease is endemic in more than 100 countries. It can be controlled by number of ways but most preferred and environmental friendly method is biological control. For this purpose, Silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesizing by using Bacillus thuringiensis. The Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) property of synthesized nanoparticle was studied by UV-Vis spectroscopy and the peak of the spectra was found to be at 420 nm. The XRD study gives results that the nanoparticle form in the process is crystalline in nature. The larvicidal activity of silver nanoparticles concludes that the silver nanoparticles show significant larvicidal activity against Dengue vector A. aegypti. The biosafety analysis proved Bt-AgNPs safe for other biological species.
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Nanotechnology is a multidisciplinary field evolved within past few decades and playing substantial role in environment, industry, agriculture and pharmacology. Integration of nanotechnology and biotechnology has led to the foundation of nanomedicine. It has provided novel breakthroughs in cure of various ailments and disorders, drug delivery systems, detection and diagnostics of different diseases. However, use of microbially synthesized nanoparticles in health and medicine is still limited. This article highlights the green approach of nanomaterials synthesis using microbes and current status of their applications in biomedical field.
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In recent decades, nanoparticles research has garnered a lot of interest, especially in finding more effective ways for their synthesis. This study aims to investigate the chemical mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using silver salt and tri-sodium citrate as the reducing agent. Processing parameters were statistically optimized in order to produce high yield AgNPs and optimization were analyzed using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Based on AgNPs yield production, analyzed using UV-vis spectrophotometer in the range of 350 to 420nm, results show that out of the three parameters tested (AgNO3 and tri-sodium citrate concentrations and stirring time), all factors except stirring time contributed significantly to the production. Synthesized AgNPs at optimized condition (absorbance 0.9 AU at 420nm wavelength) were then characterized using TEM and UV-vis analysis.
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: Malathion, a well-known organophosphate pesticide, has been used in agriculture over the last two decades for controlling pests of economically important crops. In the present study, a single bacterium, ML-1, was isolated by soilenrichment technique and identified as Bacillus licheniformis on the basis of the 16S rRNA technique. The bacterium was grown in carbon-free minimal salt medium (MSM) and was found to be very efficient in utilizing malathion as the sole source of carbon. Biodegradation experiments were performed in MSM without carbon source to determine the malathion degradation by the selected strain, and the residues of malathion were determined quantitatively using HPLC techniques. Bacillus licheniformis showed very promising results and efficiently consumed malathion as the sole carbon source via malathion carboxylesterase (MCE), and about 78% malathion was degraded within 5 days. The carboxylesterase activity was determined by using crude extract while using malathion as substrate, and the residues were determined by HPLC. It has been found that the MCE hydrolyzed 87% malathion within 96 h of incubation. Characterization of crude MCE revealed that the enzyme is robust in nature in terms of organic solvents, as it was found to be stable in various concentrations of ethanol and acetonitrile. Similarly, and it can work in a wide pH and temperature range. The results of this study highlighted the potential of Bacillus licheniformis strain ML-1 as a biodegrader that can be used for the bioremediation of malathion-contaminated soil
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Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have received tremendous attention due to their significant antimicrobial properties. Large numbers of reports are available on the physical, chemical, and biological syntheses of colloidal AgNPs. Since there is a great need to develop ecofriendly and sustainable methods, biological systems like bacteria, fungi, and plants are being employed to synthesize these nanoparticles. The present review focuses specifically on bacteria-mediated synthesis of AgNPs, its mechanism, and applications. Bacterial synthesis of extra- and intracellular AgNPs has been reported using biomass, supernatant, cell-free extract, and derived components. The extracellular mode of synthesis is preferred over the intracellular mode owing to easy recovery of nanoparticles. Silver-resistant genes, c-type cytochromes, peptides, cellular enzymes like nitrate reductase, and reducing cofactors play significant roles in AgNP synthesis in bacteria. Organic materials released by bacteria act as natural capping and stabilizing agents for AgNPs, thereby preventing their aggregation and providing stability for a longer time. Regulation over reaction conditions has been suggested to control the morphology, dispersion, and yield of nanoparticles. Bacterial AgNPs have anticancer and antioxidant properties. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity of AgNPs in combination with antibiotics signifies their importance in combating the multidrug-resistant pathogenic microorganisms. Multiple microbicidal mechanisms exhibited by AgNPs, depending upon their size and shape, make them very promising as novel nanoantibiotics.
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_____________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of selenium and silver biogenic nanoparticles and further characterize them. The bacterial colony isolated from coal mine sample was found to reduce selenium and silver ions to their elemental forms respectively. Under experimental conditions, the isolated bacterium was capable of synthesising these nanoparticles which was indicated by the change in the colour of the medium to red for selenium and brown for silver. The effectiveness of these nanoparticles were tested against four clinical pathogens Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Staphylococcus aureus. The nanoparticles synthesised were then characterized by X-Ray diffraction analysis, Atomic Force Microscopy, UV-Vis analysis and Transmission Electron Microscopy. The sizes of these nanoparticles were also calibrated.
This study is the first dealt with the use of brown macroalgae Cystoseira baccata (CB) extracts in obtaining gold nanoparticles (Au@CB) through an eco-friendly, fast, one-pot synthetic route. The formation of spherical, stable, polycrystalline nanoparticles with mean diameter of 8.4 ± 2.2 nm was demonstrated by UV–vis spectroscopy, TEM, HRTEM, STEM and zeta potential measurements. The extract appears to act as a protective agent where the particles are embedded, keeping them separated, avoiding aggregation and coalescence. The EELS and EDS analyses confirmed the elemental composition of the extract and nanoparticles. Moreover, the functional group of biomolecules present in CB and Au@CB were characterized by FTIR. The effects of CB extract and Au@CB were tested in vitro on the colon cancer cell lines HT-29 and Caco-2, as well as on normal primary neonatal dermal fibroblast cell line PCS-201-010. Results show a stronger cytotoxic effect against HT-29 than that on Caco-2; interestingly, a lack of toxicity on PCS-201-010 was obtained. Finally, the apoptotic activity was determined; Au@CB is able to induce apo-ptosis activation by the extrinsic and mitochondrial pathway in our CRC in vitro model. These encouraging results suggest that Au@CB has a significant potential for the treatment of colon rectal cancer.
Hexagonal and spherical silver nanoparticles were prepared by in situ and green synthesis using sun light as reducing agent with assistance newly prepared cationic surfactant which act also as capping agents. The silver nanoparticles formation was investigated using UV-vis spectrophotometer, transmission electron microscope (TEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and FTIR. The results showed formation uniform, well arrangement hexagonal and spherical shapes. Increasing hydrophobic chain length increase the stability and amount of AgNPS. Both prepared surfactants and surfactants capping silver nanoparticles showed high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.