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First record of the genus Beierochelifer
(Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae) from north-western
Authors: Nassirkhani, Mahrad, and Doustaresharaf, Mojtaba
Source: Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters, 59(1) : 30-
Published By: Arachnologische Gesellschaft e.V.
URL: https://doi.org/10.30963/aramit5905
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Arachnologische Mitteilungen / Arachnology Letters 59: 30-34 Karlsruhe, April 2020
e pseudoscorpion genus Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977 is
distributed mostly in the Mediterranean region, but – less fre-
quently – was also recorded in the Middle East and its adja-
cent areas. Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) currently
contains two subspecies: B. p. peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929),
which was originally described from Greece and subsequently
reported from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Italy and Slovakia, and B.
p. jonicus (Beier, 1932), known from Greece, Spain and Tur-
key (Harvey 2013, Krajčovičová & Christophoryová 2017,
Hernández-Corral et al. 2018).
Brief descriptions and drawings of the pedipalp and tar-
sus I of this species were presented by Beier (1929, 1932,
1963), Dashdamirov & Schawaller (1992) and Petrov (2004)
for the specimens collected from Greece, Azerbaijan and Bul-
garia. In addition, the only known gure of the statumen con-
volutum of B. p. jonicus was drawn by Mahnert (1977) based
on males from Greece. Recently, Krajčovičová & Christo-
phoryová (2017) provided a short description of B. p. pelo-
ponnesiacus based on two males from Slovakia. e authors
gured the pedipalpal segments, details of the pleural mem-
brane, and tarsus I and IV. Moreover, Hernández-Corral et
al. (2018) prepared a description of B. p. jonicus based on the
adults from Spain, but did not provide any illustrations.
According to Beier (1963), the subspecies of B. pelopon-
nesiacus can only be separated by small morphometric die-
rences between the pedipalpal segments. erefore the deter-
mination of the subspecies is rather dicult and unreliable. In
this contribution, the specimens from Iran are considered at
the specic level. e illustrations presented here depict males
recently found in Iran. e presented locality is thus the eas-
ternmost record of the known species range.
A total of seven genera of the family Cheliferidae Risso,
1827 have been reported from Iran including the present stu-
dy (Beier 1951, 1971, Mahnert 1974, Schawaller 1983, Jud-
son 1990, Nassirkhani & Takalloo zade 2012, 2013a, 2013b,
Nassirkhani & Shoushtari 2014, 2015, Nassirkhani et al.
2016). An identication key to these genera for recognizing
the males is provided, together with the provincial distribu-
tion of the cheliferid species in Iran (Fig. 1).
Material and methods
e specimens were found in soil and litter at a depth of
6–10 cm. ey were collected by sieving samples, and re-
moved by hand with the thin needle of a hypodermic syringe.
ey were permanently mounted in Swann’s uid, examined
with an Olympus CH-2 compound microscope, illustrated
with a drawing tube attached to the microscope, and mea-
sured by an ocular graticule. Photographs were made using
a digital camera (Canon PC1468). All measurements are
expressed in millimetres; the given ratios are length/width
for individual articles and the length/width for legs; when
two articles are compared, the ratio is the length/length in-
dex. Morphological terminology and measurements follow
Chamberlin (1931), Harvey (1992), Harvey et al. (2012) and
Judson (2007). Terminology for chelal lyrissures follows
Zaragoza (2017). Coordinates are given in the Geodetic Sys-
tem WGS 84. e specimens are deposited in Collection of
Acarology Laboratory, Islamic Azad University of Arak, Iran
First record of the genus Beierochelifer (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae)
from north-western Iran
Mahrad Nassirkhani & Mojtaba Mohammad Doustaresharaf
doi: 10.30963/aramit5905
Abstract. Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) is recorded from Iran for the rst time. The species is briey described and its dia-
gnostic characters are illustrated. Furthermore, a key for recognizing males of the genera of the family Cheliferidae Risso, 1827 reported
from Iran is provided.
Keywords: Arachnida, distribution, identication key, Middle East, taxonomy
Zusammenfassung. Erster Nachweis der Gattung Beierochelifer (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae) aus den Nordwesten Irans. Bei-
erochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) wird erstmals für den Iran nachgewiesen. Die Art wird kurz beschrieben und ihre diagnostischen
Merkmale werden abgebildet. Zusätzlich wird ein Schlüssel für die Gattungen der Familie Cheliferidae Risso, 1827 im Iran erstellt.
Mahrad NASSIRKHANI, Entomology Department, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, Islamic Azad University, Arak branch, Arak, Iran;
E-mail: greenarticialturfgrass@gmail.com
Mojtaba Mohammad DOUSTARESHARAF, Department of Plant Protections, Faculty
of Agriculture, University of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran;
E-mail: mojtaba.doostar@gmail.com
Academic editor: Theo Blick
submitted 25.6.2019, accepted 11.2.2020, online 6.3.2020
dat = dorsal accessory tooth
ddp = dorso-distal projection
ds = discal seta
fa = retrolateral lyrissure of
xed chelal nger,
fb = dorso-retrolateral
lyrissure of xed chelal
fd = dorso-distal lyrissure
of xed chelal nger
L = length
ls = lateral seta
ma1 = retrolateral lyrissures
ma2 of movable
ma3 chelal nger
ms = median seta
sdt = serrate dorsal teeth
sc = statumen convolutum
se = sensillum
T = tactile seta
W = width
eb = external basal
esb = external sub-basal
est = external sub-terminal
et = external terminal
ib = internal basal
isb = internal sub-basal
ist = internal sub-terminal
it = internal terminal
t = terminal
st = sub-terminal
sb = sub-basal
b = basal
Trichobothriotaxy as in Chamberlin (1931):
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Beierochelifer from Iran 31
Family Cheliferidae Risso, 1827
Genus Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977
Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) (Figs 2-16)
Material examined. IRAN: East Azerbaijan, Asheghlou,
Arasbaran Jungles, soil and litter, 39.05278°N, 46.77611°E,
308 m a.s.l., 27. Jun. 2017, 4 )); leg. M. M. Doustaresharaf.
Description (males). Dierences between the specimens (if
present) in square brackets.
Carapace (Fig. 2): 1.05–1.12× longer than broad.
Tergites: I–II and IX–XI partially divided, III–VIII divided
[in one specimen: I and XI not completely divided, II–X di-
vided; in one specimen: I–X divided, XI partially divided]; in
addition to marginal setae, discal setae present on some of he-
mitergites (Fig. 3), hemitergites I–III with setae arranged in
one row, and hemitergites IV–X with one lateral, one median,
and one discal setae [in one specimen: hemitergites I–II with
setae arranged in one row, III–V with one lateral seta, VI–VII
with one lateral and one discal setae, and VIII–X with one
lateral, one medial and one discal setae; in one specimen: he-
mitergites I–III with uniserrate setae, IV–VII with one lateral
and one discal setae, and VIII–X with one lateral, one median,
and one discal setae]; X without tactile setae [in one speci-
men: hemitergite X with two slightly long and nely dentate
setae]; XI with 2 long tactile setae [in one specimen: tergite
XI with 4 long tactile setae]; chaetotaxy: 11–13: 10–14: 12:
12–15: 12–16: 13–16: 13–15: 13–16: 12–15: 13–16: 1T8T1–
2T1T3T2T2: 2.
Sternites: internal genitalia and chaetotaxy of opercula as in
Figs 4–6; chaetotaxy: 36–44: (0)21–29(0): (1)8–9(1): 12–13:
13–14: 12–14: 12–14: 15–16: 13–14: 2T4T2–2T7T2: 2.
Chelicera: hand with 5 setae, b and sb denticulate, the other
setae smooth (Fig. 7); rallum with 3 blades, distalmost blade
laterally denticulate, median blade with a few (1–2) lateral
denticulations and proximalmost blade smooth (Fig. 8) [in
one specimen, proximalmost blade with some lateral denti-
culations (Fig. 9)].
Fig. 1: Distribution of the Cheliferidae Risso, 1827 species reported from Iran (according to Iranian provinces): (1) Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier,
1929); (2) Dactylochelifer brachialis Beier, 1952; (3) Dactylochelifer gracilis Beier, 1951; (4) Dactylochelifer intermedius Redikorzev, 1949; (5) Dactylochelifer
kussariensis (Daday, 1889); (6) Dactylochelifer latreillii (Leach, 1817); (7) Dactylochelifer mrciaki Krumpál, 1984; (8) Dactylochelifer spasskyi Redikorzev, 1949;
(9) Ellingsenius fulleri (Hewitt & Godfrey, 1929); (10) Gobichelifer chelanops (Redikorzev, 1922); (11) Hysterochelifer afghanicus Beier, 1966; (12) Rhacochelifer
melanopygus (Redikorzev, 1949); (13) Strobilochelifer spinipalpis (Redikorzev, 1918) (Beier 1951, 1971, Mahnert 1974, Schawaller 1983, Judson 1990, Nas-
sirkhani & Takalloo zade 2012, 2013a, 2013b, Nassirkhani & Shoushtari 2014, 2015, Nassirkhani et al. 2016, present study)
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32 M. Nassirkhani & M. M. Doustaresharaf
Figs 2–16: Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929), ): 2. carapace, dorsal view (some setae magnied, right half showing granulation pattern, left half
showing chaetotaxy, position of furrows and lyrissure); 3. left hemitergites III–IV, dorsal view; 4. right coxae and sternites II–III, ventral view; 5. internal
genitalia, in part; 6. statumen convolutum, magnied (microscopic picture); 7. left chelicera, dorsal view; 8. rallum, magnied (showing proximalmost
blade smooth); 9. rallum, magnied (showing proximalmost blade denticulate); 10. right pedipalp (chela omitted), dorsal view (one seta magnied); 11.
right chela, dorsal view (some setae magnied); 12. right chela, retrolateral view; 13. tibia and tarsus I, retrolateral view; 14. posterior claw of tarsus I,
magnied; 15. distal part of tarsus I, retrolateral view (microscopic picture); 16. tarsus IV, retrolateral view. See Material and methods for abbreviations
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Beierochelifer from Iran 33
Pedipalps: granulation pattern as in Figs 10–11; trochanter
1.50–1.73×; femur 2.32–2.61×; patella with short and stout
pedicel (L = 0.25–0.27 mm), 2.16–2.21×; Chela with pedicel
3.60–3.86×, without pedicel 3.32–3.57×; hand with pedicel
2.22–2.28×, without pedicel 1.95–2.04×; hand (with pedicel)
1.32–1.39× longer than movable nger; hand (without pedi-
cel) 1.14–1.23× longer than movable nger; trichobothrio-
taxy as in Figs 11-12.
Legs: coxal chaetotaxy: 8:7–8:7–8:18–19; sub-terminal setae
simple; aroliae shorter than claws. Leg I: femur 1.61–1.69×;
patella 2.26–2.35×; patella 1.35–1.38× longer than femur; ti-
bia 2.44–2.55×; tarsus 2.10–2.27× [in one specimen 2.40×];
claws asymmetric, posterior claw with a dorsal accessory
tooth, which bears some serrate dorsal teeth with dierent
sizes (Figs 13-15). Leg IV: femur 1.60–1.75×; patella 2.62–
2.84×; femur + patella 3.06–3.39×; tibia 3.70–3.89×; tarsus
with a tactile seta situated distinctly distal to middle of the
segment (T = 0.64–0.67), 3.69–3.85×; claws symmetric and
smooth (Fig. 16).
Measurements (mm): Body length: 3.75–4.07. Carapace:
1.10–1.15/0.97–1.05. Pedipalp: trochanter 0.58–0.60/0.34–
0.40; femur 1.00–1.10/0.39–0.44; patella 0.93–0.98/0.43–
0.46; chela (with pedicel) 1.62–1.72/0.42–0.46; chela (with-
out pedicel) 1.50–1.57; hand (with pedicel) L. 0.96–1.02;
hand (without pedicel) L. 0.86–0.89; movable nger L. 0.71–
0.77. Leg I: femur 0.37–0.39/0.23; patella 0.50–0.54/0.22–
0.23; tibia 0.44–0.46/0.18; tarsus 0.40–0.41/0.17–0.19. Leg
IV: femur 0.32–0.35/0.20–0.21; patella 0.84–0.88/0.31–0.32;
femur + patella 0.98–1.05; tibia 0.74–0.75/0.19–0.20; tarsus
Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) can be easily se-
parated from B. anatolicus (Beier, 1949) from Turkey and
Greece, and from B. georoyi Heurtault, 1981 from France
on the basis of the shape of the male tarsus I and the mor-
phometric characteristics. In B. anatolicus, the male tarsus I
has no dorso-distal projection (see Beier 1965: g. 11). In B.
georoyi, the dorso-distal projection of the male tarsus I is not
conspicuous and not clearly protruded (see Heurtault 1981:
g. 5). Comparatively, the male tarsus I of B. peloponnesiacus
bears a very robust and prominent dorso-distal projection (see
Beier 1929: g. 11B, 1932: gs 287, 289, 1963: gs 299-300,
Krajčovičová & Christophoryová 2017: g. 5, present study:
Fig. 13).
Moreover, B. peloponnesiacus is clearly larger than the
other Beierochelifer species, e.g. the pedipalpal femur length
is 0.77–1.00 mm, the patellal length is 0.71–0.95 mm, and
length of the movable chelal nger is 0.54–0.69 mm for B. pe-
loponnesiacus (Petrov 2004, Krajčovičová & Christophoryová
2017, Hernández-Corral et al. 2018), while these are 0.59–
0.69 mm, 0.54–0.65 mm, and 0.38–0.44 mm for B. anatoli-
cus and B. georoyi respectively (Beier 1949, Heurtault 1981,
Petrov 2004). e newly collected specimens from Iran are
slightly larger than the specimens of B. peloponnesiacus pre-
viously recorded from dierent localities, e.g. the pedipalpal
femur length is 1.00–1.10 mm, and the length of the movable
chelal nger is 0.71–0.77 mm.
Noticeably, the granulation pattern of the pediplap is dif-
ferent between the specimens studied before under B. pelo-
ponnesiacus. e pedipalpal trochanter and femur are entirely,
and the patella is partly, granulated and the chela is comple-
tely smooth in the specimens from Bulgaria (judging from
Petrov 2004: g. 9). e pedipalpal segments, even the chelal
ngers, are entirely granulated in B. a. peloponnesiacus from
Azerbaijan (judging from Dashdamirov & Schawaller 1992:
g. 13D). Moreover, both surfaces of the pedipalpal femur
and the prolateral surface of the patella and the chelal hand
are granulated in the specimens from Spain (Petrov 2004,
Hernández-Corral et al. 2018). In the newly collected spe-
cimens from Iran, only the retrolateral surface of each pedi-
palpal segment is partially, and the chelal ngers are entirely
smooth. e other parts of the pedipalp are distinctly granu-
lated (Figs 11–12).
e other important regional dierence between the spe-
cimens is the shape of the statumen convolutum of the male
internal genitalia, e.g. it has apically a shallow incision in the
specimens from Greece (see Mahnert 1977: g. 12a), where-
as it is apically rounded and without any notch in the newly
found specimens from Iran (Figs 5–6).
e position of the trichobothrium isb varies within the
species, e.g. isb is located at the same level as it in the adults
from southern and the male from western Greece (see Bei-
er 1932: gs 286, 288), while it is located proximal to it in
the female from western Greece (see Beier 1932: g. 288),
the female from Azerbaijan (see Dashdamirov & Schawaller
1992: g. 13D), and the newly collected males from Iran (Figs
Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus can be mostly found un-
der bark of Quercus spp. and Platanus sp. (Petrov 2004,
Krajčovičová & Christophoryová 2017), and it was rarely
collected from litter or tree hollows of Quercus spp., Q. cer-
ris L. and Q. pyrenaica Willd (Petrov 2004, Krajčovičová &
Christophoryová 2017, Hernández-Corral et al. 2018). Here-
in, the males were collected from soil and litter consisting of
leaf and wood pieces of Quercus macranthera Fisch. & Mey. ex
Hohen. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.
Key to the genera of the family Cheliferidae Risso, 1827
recorded from Iran (males)
Many cheliferids can only be identied with certainty at the
generic or specic level according to the male characters.
erefore, the present key is provided for recognizing males
of the cheliferid genera from Iran.
1. Statumen convolutum with a deep apical recess and a scle-
rotized rod in the middle of this indentation [tribe Cheli-
ferini Risso, 1827] .............................. 2
– Statumen convolutum apically rounded, not deeply indent-
ed, and without sclerotized rod [tribe Dactylocheliferini
Beier, 1932] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2. Pedipalpal femur and patella with large and conspicuous
conical keels ...............Strobilochelifer Beier, 1932
– Pedipalpal femur and patella without large conical keels .
...................Hysterochelifer Chamberlin, 1932
3. Movable chelal nger with 3 trichobothria . . . . . . . . . . . .
...................... Ellingsenius Chamberlin, 1932
– Movable chelal nger with 4 trichobothria . . . . . . . . . . . 4
4. Sub-terminal setae of pedal tarsus I–IV simple ....... 5
– Sub-terminal setae of pedal tarsus I–IV denticulate .....
..........................Rhacochelifer Beier, 1932
5. Coxal sac present in coxae IV; tarsus IV without a tactile
seta ..................... Dactylochelifer Beier, 1932
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34 M. Nassirkhani & M. M. Doustaresharaf
– Coxal sac absent in coxae IV; tarsus IV with a long/slightly
long tactile seta ................................ 6
6. Claws of tarsus I asymmetric, one claw with a large smooth
ventral accessory tooth; all setae on cheliceral hand simple
.........................Gobichelifer Krumpál, 1979
– Claws of tarsus I asymmetric, one claw with a large dorsal
accessory tooth plus some small teeth on its outer edge; b
and sb on cheliceral hand denticulate ................
....................... Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977
e authors wish to thank Dr. Reza Vafai Shoushtari (IAUA) for his
support and Mr. Mahmoud Nassirkhani for his assistance.
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