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Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes


Abstract and Figures

The superhero universe has always been an attraction in the world of film industry. The birth of superhuman ideas has made people increasingly interested in taking the storyline. This research is a literature study on the existence of a new world in Indonesian cinema that takes the theme of Indonesia's superhero universe competes against the universe of American superheroes. The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and American superhero films in order to understand the complete concept of depicting Indonesian superheroes in the process of switching from comics to films comparing with the same concepts in American superheroes. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method by comparing films from the Indonesian superhero universe namely Bumilangit Cinematic Universe and Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic Universe compared to the American superhero universe namely Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Cinematic Universe. The results obtained that there were some similarities in the process of character formation in each of the heroes that were created, this could be described with similarity in multiple personalities before and after becoming superheroes, costumes worn, storylines and special effects produced in the film. There were fundamental differences that were seen in the background of Indonesian culture that was different from the concept of American culture. Indonesian superheroes also highlighted Pencak Silat as the original identity and characteristics of Indonesia. This research concluded that a story with a superhero concept had the same story pattern such as a person with a superhero alter ego and deep with heroic storyline even though they were presented by different countries.
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EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of
modern Indonesian superheroes:
Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and
American superheroes
1Deswandito Dwi Saptanto*, 1Maya Kurnia Dewi
1English Literature Department, Universitas Ngudi Waluyo, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
The superhero universe has always been an attraction in the world of film
industry. The birth of superhuman ideas has made people increasingly
interested in taking the storyline. This research is a literature study on the
existence of a new world in Indonesian cinema that takes the theme of
Indonesia's superhero universe competes against the universe of American
superheroes. The purpose of this study is to compare Indonesian and
American superhero films in order to understand the complete concept of
depicting Indonesian superheroes in the process of switching from comics to
films comparing with the same concepts in American superheroes. This
study employed a descriptive qualitative method by comparing films from
the Indonesian superhero universe namely Bumilangit Cinematic Universe
and Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic Universe compared to the American
superhero universe namely Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Cinematic
Universe. The results obtained that there were some similarities in the
process of character formation in each of the heroes that were created, this
could be described with similarity in multiple personalities before and after
becoming superheroes, costumes worn, storylines and special effects
produced in the film. There were fundamental differences that were seen in
the background of Indonesian culture that was different from the concept of
American culture. Indonesian superheroes also highlighted Pencak Silat as
the original identity and characteristics of Indonesia. This research
concluded that a story with a superhero concept had the same story pattern
such as a person with a superhero alter ego and deep with heroic storyline
even though they were presented by different countries.
Keywords: Indonesian superheroes; American superheroes; comparison,
Received: Revised: Accepted: Published:
10 January 2020 22 January 2020 28 January 2020 29 February 2020
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
The journey of the concept of superhuman ideas that originated from legends
and myths has been transformed into a popular culture that develops in
society. The concept of humans who have superhuman abilities above the
average human being is not something that is formed from a simple and
instant idea. The process of creating a work is certainly based on the
background of social criticism about the political issues that were happening
at the time the work was created. Howe in Damono (1978) states that an
author must involve himself in political upheaval, without this, the work
created will feel bland. Adereth in Damono (1978) also strengthened Howe's
statement by presenting the idea of literature engagee (literature involved), this
matter means that there is involvement of literature and writers in politics and
ideology. The influence of political ideology is the implementation of modern
ideology on literature. Adereth explained that good literature engagee is only
placing politics as a background in the process of creating a work.
The process of creating a super hero begins with the existence of
legendary stories and ancient myths that formed in society. This belief is about
the birth of humans who received the gift of strength from the gods. The
influence of ancient mythology and legends in this hero-themed paradigm
created a new superhero comic called Superman in June 1938 (Robb, 2014).
Superman was a heroic symbol that was needed by the American people at
that time because of the Great Depression which had made economic, social
and environmental stability worse for a decade since 1929 due to the fall of the
stock market in New York. American society needs a super hero who is able to
give enthusiasm to rise from adversity and have great optimism to make
America rise again (Johnson, 2012). A year after Detective Comics (DC Comics)
successfully created Superman, Marvel through Carlos Burgo also successfully
created a superhero character named Human Torch (Lee, 2011).
The creation of this superhero is a representation of the author's
message to comic readers or directors to film viewers to become more patriotic
and heroic to their country. The presence of Captain America in comics created
by Jack Kirby, Wonder Woman created by William Moulton Marston and many
more superheroes is very thick with an aura of patriotism and heroism
towards America. These superheroes create a new spirit for all Americans that
they already have superheroes they are very proud of.
The political and ideological factors underlying the process of creating a
work in America, the concept of American ideology has also had a strong
influence on the creation of superhero characters in Indonesia. The power of
western influence is called the Americanization concept and has become a
popular culture in comic and film industries. Williams in Strinati (2009)
explains that popular culture is a culture that is actually created by people for
their own interests. A form of work that is made to be liked by others and then
shifted to a work that is liked by many people. Huxley in Strinati (2009) also
explained that the concept of Americanization made him filled with a sense of
optimism and excitement after a visit to America. He expressed the pleasure of
seeing towers, buildings and other interesting things in America which
resulted in the interpretation of his first view as a symbol of American interest
in knowledge rather than superstition. American films are able to show a hero
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
who is more free and not limited by class boundaries so that it is more
democratic (White, 1986).
The same concept was born in Indonesia, some artists in this country
have created superhero comics that are very well known and became a trend
in the 1960s to 1980. Some legendary comic artists who managed to create
the fictional characters, such as Harya Suraminata or more familiarly called
Hasmi, he created a native Indonesian super hero, called Gundala Putra Petir,
Widodo Noor Slamet created Godam, R.A Kosasih created human characters
descended from gods from his puppet comics called Gatotkaca and Sri Asih,
then Ahmad Thoriq, who introduced the Indonesian super hero inspired by
Madura-theme called Caroq, and a super hero by Hans Jaladara called Panji
This research is a literature study that focuses on the comparison of
Indonesian superhero multiverse and American superhero multiverse through
things that have similarities in the background, story ideas and concepts of
nationalism. Furthermore, the discussion also focused on the complexity and
similarity of the superhero character in the multiverse of Indonesian
superheroes and American superheroes. This research uses a qualitative
descriptive method with a comparative literary approach.
Qualitative research
The phrase qualitative methodology refers in the broadest sense to research
that produces descriptive data people's own written or spoken words and
observable behavior. Qualitative researchers are concerned with the meaning
of people attach to things in their lives (Taylor et al., 2016). That statement
explains that the qualitative method is a research method that produces data
that can describe a human behavior and attitude that has a certain meaning
that can be learned. The main focus of a researcher on research using
qualitative descriptive methods is the meaning of people attaching to things in
their lives. Central to the phenomenological perspective and hence qualitative
research is understanding people from their own frames of reference and
experiencing reality as they experience it (Corbin & Strauss, 2008).
This research uses descriptive qualitative method on objects that has
undergone a process of transformation from the realm of comics to the film
industry. The process of transferring this object is not an easy thing, because
it certainly requires high precision in the process of transitioning the
embodiment of characters from comics to the film. Patricia Levy (2017)
explains that this approach allows us to build a robust understanding of a
topic, unpacking the meanings people ascribe to their lives to activities,
situations, circumstances, people, and objects.
Comparative literature
Damono (2009) explains that comparative literature is an approach in the
science of literature that does not produce new or separate theories anymore.
The interesting thing that this approach has is the flexibility of its application
with any theory in a study of literary objects according to the object and
purpose of the research. The basic concept of comparative literature is the
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
principle of comparing two or more works of literature. Remak in Damono
(2009) provides a more detailed view of comparative literature, Literary studies
outside the boundaries of a country and studies of the correlation between
literature and other fields of science and beliefs such as art (for example,
painting, sculpture, building art, and music), philosophy, history and social
science (eg: politics economics, sociology), science, religion and others. In
summary, comparative literature compares one country's literature with
another country's literature and compares literature with other fields as a
whole expression of life.
Based on Remak's view, it can be concluded that comparative literature
has two tendencies, literature must be compared with literature and literature
can be compared with the arts and even other disciplines. Comparative
literature does not only focus on literature within a single country, but can
transcend national and state boundaries to get a better understanding of
trends and movements occurring in various nations and countries (Damono,
Original, borrow, traditions
The rapid development of information technology has produced old or new
literary works that are directly or indirectly affected by the existence of other
works. Various influences have merged into the process of creating a work so
as to produce new works as a form of popular culture. The term 'influence'
must be interpreted broadly, not merely as a process of imitation so as to
produce a new literary work based on an existing literary work. The concept of
influence has a broad spectrum, ranging from borrow to traditions, because
writers have a tendency to borrow, directly or indirectly (Damono, 2009)
The objects of this research are heroes in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe
and heroes in Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic Universe compare to American
heroes from Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Comics Cinematic Universe.
The selection of research objects are based on the considerations that there
are many differences and similarities. The differences include the comparation
of Indonesian superheroes and American superhero multiverse. The
similarities lay on the concept of suit, the concept of league of heroes, the
concept of massive battle between heroes from multiverse dimensions and
also the imitation of Indonesian superheroes to American Heroes.
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
Here are the examples of concept of original, borrow, traditions in the
work of fiction:
The concept of combining various superheroes in a story such as that
created by Marvel in Secret Wars (1985) and Civil Wars (2006-2007) had been
done by Indonesian comic artists during the heyday of Indonesian comics
around 1960-1980s. Several superhero characters from America (Marvel and
DC Comics) got combined together with Superhero characters from Indonesia.
They were involved in a fierce battle in the Gundala Putra Petir comic entitled
Bentrok Jago-Jago Dunia. This form of crossover was a common thing for
Indonesian comic artists in the 1960-1980 era. This was done because the
interest of Indonesian people towards western culture was very strong, so the
step of combining the characters of superheroes from America and Indonesia
was an effective strategy of Indonesian comic artists to attract the interest of
their readers.
The concept of 'borrowing' superhero characters from Western culture
has been very clearly demonstrated by the character creation of Laba-Laba
Merah (first appeared in 1969) which was actually inspired by a Marvel
character named Spider-Man (first appeared in August,1962). This is a
tangible manifestation of the process of 'borrowing' the creation of American
comic artists who was later combined into the culture of Indonesian society.
The success of the Laba-Laba Merah had been running for several series but it
had to be stopped because of constraints with copyright. It was undeniable
that some of the superheroes that appeared in the series of Brutal and
Bentrok Jago-Jago Dunia had similar concept, characteristics and storyline to
Marvel and DC Comics.
Figure 1: The depiction of a crossover between Indonesian superheroes and
American superheroes in the 1970s in some of the Gundala Putera Petir
comics by Hasmi
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
Sampling technique
The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling.
A. Gundala Compares to American Heroes:
1. Gundala was chosen as the research sample based on the following
The Gundala Movie has been released in Indonesia
Gundala in Bumilangit Cinematic Universe has similarity to
Storm in Marvel Cinematic Universe and The Flash in DC
Cinematic Universe
2. Storm was chosen as the research sample based on the power to
manipulate weather, such as thunder, lightning, wind and rain over
vast area.
3. The Flash was chosen as the research sample based on the power of
electricity and lightning manipulation, speed forces which creates him
to gain a speed, reflexes, agility, endurance and strength.
B. Gatotkaca Compares to American Heroes:
1. Gatokaca was chosen as the research sample based on the following
Gatotkaca’s trailer has been released in Indonesia.
Gatotkaca in Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic Universe has
similarity to Thor in Marvel and Shazam in DC Comics
2. Thor was chosen as the research sample based on the power of
releasing deadly blazing thunder, superhuman strength, speed,
agility, durability, and immunity to most diseases.
3. Shazam was chosen as the research sample based on the power of
physical and magical invulnerability, able to fly, enhanced mental
perception, control over and emission of magic lightning.
Figure 2: the concept of original, borrow and traditions of Labah-Labah Merah by
Kus Bram in the 1969s which is inspired by Spiderman from Marvel Universe
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
Comparison of Indonesian super heroes multiverse with American super
heroes multiverse
Superhero universe is not only a simple matter created by the author, but its
existence is very vast and complicated. A super hero is not necessarily in the
same universe as other super heroes. As in the description of an American
fantasy adventure story that classifies the characters in the story into four
main elements of the fantasy creature class, called humans, elves, dwarfs, and
wizards. The existence of superheroes also has different class classifications
and universes. This can be explained by the existence of an American
superheroes universe which divides its characterization into complex universe
The characterizations complexity in a detailed classification of heroes
class is also the same in the process of creating Indonesian superheroes. The
following is a comparative table of character groupings according to the races
or classes that exist in the universe of American super heroes and super
villains aligned with the concepts of Indonesian super heroes and super
villains in the world of comics and films.
Table 1. Characters classification according to the universe of superheroes
Multiverse of Marvel
Extended Universe
of DC
Jagat Bumilangit
Jagad Satria Dewa
The Celestials:
The oldest beings from
the cosmic entity with
the humanoid shape
and countless power.
This race is
extraterrestrial races
that their existence
since the birth of the
universe until this day.
Ex: Ego, Eson The
Searcher, Knowhere,
The Quintessence:
A group of all
powerful beings from
the universe. Their
existence is to
control the universe
and as the guardians
of eternity.
Ex: Zeus, Shazam,
Highfather, Phantom
A multidimensional
cosmic creature spread
in a vast multiverse.
They are believed to
have countless power
and intellegence.
Ex: Kree, Skrull,
Ronan The Accuser,
Draxx, Rocket
Raccoon, Nebula.
A multidimensional
cosmic creature in a
vast universe. They
are believed to have
countless power and
Ex: Superman,
Supergirl, Martian
Manhunter, Miss
Martian, General Zod
A multidimensional
cosmic creature in a
vast universe. They
are believed to have
countless power and
Ex: Godam and
Xrephus from Covox,
Aquanus from Planet
Gods/ Deities:
The powerful beings in
Marvel Universe that
are adapted from the
Norse Mythology. They
live in other
Ex: One above all, Old
Gods, New Gods, Gods
They were Gods from
universe, who
originated from
various mythologies.
Their existence is to
control the balance of
the universe.
The extraordinary
beings from different
dimension of this
universe, called
‘Kahyangan’. They
have superpower
ability to protect
The overpower beings
from another
dimension of this
universe. Their
superpower abilities
are far beyond
human’s power. They
come to protect the
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
by Race.
Ex: Darkseid,
Steppenwolf, Mister
Ex: Sri Asih.
earth and destroy
supervillain in this
Ex: Gatotkaca,
Yudhistira, Bima,
Nakula Sadewa,
The intelligent
inhabitants of earth,
but humans have
short lifespans and
Ex: Nick Fury, Natasha
Romanoff, Scott Lang
The race that evolved
on the planet Earth.
They are generally
considered an odd
and intelligent
Ex: Bruce Wayne,
Detective Gordon.
The race that dwells
planet earth. They
are intelligent and
weak. Humans do
not have superpower
Ex: Ridwan Bahri
The race that dwells
planet earth. They
are intelligent and
weak. Humans do
not have superpower
Human beings that
possessed a genetic
trait called X-Gene.
This genetic mutation
caused by the X-Gene
makes someone to be a
superhuman. It is
believed that this
transfomation is the
next stage of human
Ex: Wolverine,
Cyclops, Nightcrawler,
The Thing, Deadpool,
Magneto, Gambit,
Human beings that
has extraordinary
power that their
abilities are beyond
the limit of normal
human. They have
extra power which
comes from genetic
variant called
metagene inside their
Ex:Poison Ivy,
Beastboy, Black
Canary, Killer Croc,
Firestorm, Braniac
Human beings that
has superpower
ability because of the
accident of an
experiment. The
ability of
strength can also be
obtained from hard
training over the
Ex: Gundala,
Pangeran Mlaar,
Merpati, Dewi Api,
Camar, Ghani
Zulham, Pengkor, Si
Buta dari Gua
The powerful demonic
beings from the
mystical dark
Ex: Dormammu,
Malekith, Mephisto,
The powerful
demonic beings from
the mystical dark
Balthazar, Lucifer.
A powerful mystical
creature from
different dimension.
Their existence is to
help someone who
has the sacred object
or destroy the
human beings.
Ex: Jin Kartubi. Nyi
Nara Sati Si Siluman
Buaya Putih, Demit,
The powerful
demonic beings from
the mystical dark
Ex: Buto Ijo,
By referring to the table above, we can see a number of significant
differences and these are based on the cultural and mythological differences
found in each origin of the work created. With the complexity of the universe
described in the comparative table above, it can be concluded that the two
cultures (Indonesian and American) have their respective characteristics that
underlie the making of the fiction.
Marvel emphasizes more complex stories from different superheroes in
multiverse and all of these universes can correlate each other. The Marvel
Cinematic Universe has a variety of characters based on science, magic,
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
sophisticated equipment and the complexity of the interconnected plot. DC
Cinematic Universe has a pattern that is almost similar in the concept of the
Marvel universe, but the characters in the DC Cinematic Universe have more
typical of heroes who have outstanding strength and have abilities like gods.
Gundala as a superhero in Bumilangit universe is a representation of a
humanist hero that represents an ordinary person who work as a security
guard and he cannot stand with the social injustice around him (Gundala in
Joko Anwar’s version). He does not show over power strength but the dark and
harsh background of life is the main trigger for this Indonesian superhero
story. What distinguishes and attracts from the universe of Indonesian
superhero is the concept of the story that emphasizes Indonesia's local
wisdom, this is indicated by the statement of Gundala film producer, Wicky V.
Olindo and Gundala director, Joko Anwar at the Toronto International Film
Festival 2019 that "The thing you must know in our universe, there are no
scientists or aliens coming from different planets, so you will have this kind of
villains and it is very rooted to Indonesian Mythology." that the Bumilangit
universe has a focus on battles with creatures in Indonesian mythology, such
as ‘siluman’, ‘demit’ and ‘setan’.
Gatotkaca, as a new superhero figure from the universe Jagad Satria
Dewa, emphasizes the aspect of the javanese puppet world which is packaged
in a modern form. The concept used is the figure of a God who is far from
superhuman power. The battle of the gods is illustrated by a modern urban
The complexity and similarity of superhero characters in the Indonesian
multiverse superheroes and American superheroes.
The complexity and similarity of these super heroes can be a coincidence,
accidental or an adaptation of the work of existing superheroes. These two
Indonesian superheroes who have different universes have similar concepts
and ideas from the characters of American superheroes. This can be
illustrated through the explanation below:
Table 2. Characters powers similarity between Indonesian superheroes and American
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
The similarities that appear in the Gundala’s character of Bumilangit
cinematic universe with The Flash in the DC Cinematic Universe are not a
coincidence, but there is a concept of 'borrow' which is a form of adaptation
from the work that had already been created. Gundala is a character created
by Hasmi. he explained that the creation of Gundala was inspired by a
Javanese spiritual figure, Ki Ageng Selo, who had the ability to catch lightning.
Gundala is also combined with Hasmi's interest in The Flash character from
DC Comics, therefore the costume worn by Gundala is very similar to the
character of The Flash. The Gundala (remake version) costume at Bumilangit
Cinematic Universe was designed in Indonesia and was made by a company in
Los Angeles who also made superhero costumes Daredevil and Watchmen. The
power of Storm in Marvel Cinematic Universe has the same pattern with
Gundala, but in this case these both heroes have similarity as a superhuman.
The pictures below show the transition process of the Gundala character
from the initial concept to the most modern concept:
Figure 7. Initial Concept of
Gundala by Hasmi
Figure 8.1st Gundala Movie in
by Lilik Sudjio
EduLite Journal of English Education, Literature, and Culture
Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2020, pp. 136-147
E-ISSN: 2528-4479, P-ISSN: 2477-5304
On the other hand, Gatotkaca shown in the released trailer is very thick
with gothic and dark elements. It can be seen through the costumes worn and
the vehicle that he drives almost bears the same description of Ghost Rider in
the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The two superheroes, Gundala and Gatotkaca,
have martial arts abilities based on Pencak Silat combat skills. Through this
matter, local wisdom holds a very strong role in the story of Indonesia's
These two pictures below are a comparison of the initial concept of R.A.
Kosasih's Gatotkaca with the modern concept by Charles Gozali:
The differences in the concept of Indonesian and American author's story
ideas have been seen through the character grouping between the versions of
the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Cinematic Universe compared to
the Bumilangit Cinematic Universe and Jagad Satria Dewa Cinematic
Universe. The existence of ‘siluman’, demit and ‘jin’ who act as the main
villains of Indonesian superheroes have shown a significant difference in the
universe of Indonesian superheroes. This is certainly inversely proportional to
the concepts and ideas of American author stories that are more focused on
science, sophisticated equipment and the existence of aliens.
Original concepts, borrow and traditions that appear in the creation of
Indonesian superheroes are a form of development of modern literature. The
author makes a story based on historical background, politics or interest in
the work of others. This mutual borrowing process has created a superhero
character that has a strong side of Indonesian culture but is also influenced
by western culture. Gundala and Gatotkaca that are made in this film version
emphasize Indonesian mythology, but the concept of cultivation and storyline
are made more modern and sophisticated. The similarity between Indonesian
Figure 10. Initial Concept
of Gatotkaca by R.A
Figure 11. Modern Concept of
Gatotkaca by Charles Gozali
Saptanto, D.D., & Dewi, M.K. (2020). Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian
superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes. EduLite: Journal of English
Education, Literature, and Culture, 5 (1), 136-147. DOI: 5.1. 136-147
superheroes and American superheroes in the realm of character and costume
characterization is a form of Americanization in the Indonesian film industry.
The writer would like to thank the participants who have helped in data
collection. Also, the writer would like to state that this research was conducted
to prove that the concept of original, borrow and traditions had taken place in
the formation of a work of fiction in Indonesia. This creative process cannot be
separated from the creation of previous works, this is done to follow market
tastes and trends when the work is made.
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... Loftis' paper employs the idea of superhero that indicates such similarity to this paper, yet the difference is located in the perspective of moral consideration used in this particular paper. The second writing is composed by D. D. Saptanto and M. K. Dewi in 2020 entitled Gundala and Gatotkaca in the concept of modern Indonesian superheroes: Comparative analysis of the Indonesian and American superheroes (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). This paper critically compares narrative and cultural factors between Indonesian and American superheroes. ...
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This paper exposes collateral damage as representation of moral disengagement in the three superhero films of Black Adam, Captain America: The First Avenger, and Man of Steel. Iconography in superhero film represents ambivalent moral justifications. The superheroes must do everything to ‘save’ the world though it is done by embracing evil, destroying surroundings, or using cunning strategies. Any collateral damage in moral disengagement is considered necessary in order to destroy the source of the problem. The superheroes must do everything to save the day though he/she has to kill, to abuse his/her power, and even be ignorant only to focus on bigger things by sacrificing petty things. As the analysis, the moral disengagement is shown through recurring iconography of superheroes who kill other people and destroy the surrounding. The three superhero films indicate that the actions of the superheroes are only focusing on their own moral values. Collateral damage is considered not only as side effect of superheroes’ action, but also as reflection of their moral disengagement. In conclusion, the values that superheroes hold is universal, but actually, those destroy particular matters. Their moral doings are not totally true, but those are justified as one.
... verse" (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020) They create a universe where all the superheroes and traditional folklore characters come together and engage in action-packed fantasy movies to capture the attention of younger audiences. The comparative study has been completed, and several novel insights have been obtained from each criterion. ...
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Traditional folklore has experienced a decline in interest from generation to generation, leaving a significant question as to why younger generations are losing their interest in traditional tales. Despite the positive effects of traditional folklore on readers, this phenomenon calls for investigation. This study employs a descriptive-comparative preliminary investigation to address the decrease in interest in traditional folklore. Firstly, the present study aims to investigate the underlying reasons for the observed decline in the popularity of traditional folklore. Secondly, the study endeavors to comprehend the efforts undertaken by researchers and artists to counteract this waning interest. The previously identified determining factors will serve as guiding criteria to address the second research question. The ultimate outcome of this study will provide a comprehensive summary of the factors associated with the diminished appeal of traditional folklore among the younger generation, as well as the diverse attempts made by artists and researchers to rejuvenate this cultural heritage. Keywords: traditional; folklore; storytelling; descriptive study
... The collected data are then classified based on each type of addressee terms, and explanations are given based on the context. Context plays an important role in the elaboration as it will give a fuller and clearer understanding of data (Oki, 2018;Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). As a starting point, the understanding of the Banyumas people is a good context. ...
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The research aimed to explain the addressee term found in Babad Banjoemas Wirjaatmadjan from a sociolinguistic point of view. This chronicle employed various kinds of addressee terms in Banyumas society. The method used is descriptive qualitative as it analyzed the variety of addressee terms and the social context of their use in a chronicle. The research results show five classifications of addressee terms found in Babad Banjoemas Wirjaatmadjan. They are (1) addressee terms that are related to the Dutch military, (2) addressee terms that are related to the position in the Indonesian government, (3) addressee terms that are related to descendants, (4) addressee term that is related to an object or thing, and (5) addressee term that is related to religion. These addressee terms are influenced by social factors such as the position in government (superior or inferior) and the aristocratic descendant.
... Superhero merupakan salah satu bentuk dari Popular Culture, dimana merepresentasikan isu sosial, politik dan ideologi keadaan negara America saat itu dalam bentuk tokoh mitologis manusia super yang memiliki kekuatan yang beragam. Konsep (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). ...
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Film Indonesia yang diproduksi lokal memiliki perkembangan yang signifikan, didasari oleh perkembangan bioskop lokal yang dapat memudahkan penonton mengakses film layar lebar. Selain itu media online juga menjadi sarana yang sangat memudahkan penonton dapat menjangkau karya film lokal. Salah satu tema film yang menarik penonton adalah tema superhero. Dibandingkan film superhero Hollywood, bagaimana posisi film superhero Indonesia. Penelitian ini akan melihat perkembangan film superhero Indonesia dalam studi terhadap sinematografi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan secara kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi kasus film Gundala tahun 1981 dan 2019. Data film akan dilakukan studi terhadap alat konseptual sinematografi dengan observasi perbandingan, sehingga dapat diketahui perkembangan film superhero Indonesia.
... Lalu ada cameo Sri Asih, salah satu jagoan super dari era legenda serta Ki Wilawuk, yang merupakan musuh utama bagi para jagoan super Narasi adalah dunia naratif yang dilihat oleh penonton. Hiper-narasi adalah "menciptakan ruang naratif yang luas dan terperinci, yang hanya sebagian kecil yang langsung terlihat atau ditemukan dalam teks, tetapi tampaknya beroperasi sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip logika internal dan ekstensi" (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020), di mana narasi tentang latar belakang Pengkor beserta anak buah setianya diceritakan di media dan platform lain. Bumilangit kemudian menerbitkan mediamedia lainnya yang dapat memperkuat atau menjadi salah satu sumber bagi audience mendapatkan konten maupun informasi baru. ...
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Tahun 1960-1970 merupakan era keemasan cergam klasik Indonesia, ada banyak superhero Indonesia yang lahir pada cergam tersebut seperti Sri Asih, Godam, dan Gundala Putra Petir. Tetapi cergam Indonesia mengalami stagnasi dan penurunan jumlah pembaca, sampai pada tahun 2003, penerbit Bumilangit merestorasi cergam klasik superhero Indonesia. Dalam perjalanannya Bumilangit berhasil mengakuisisi dan mendapatkan hak komersial dari 1000 lebih karakter superhero cergam klasik Indonesia. Seluruh karakter tersebut direstorasi dan dikumpulkan dalam satu semesta (kanon) yang disebut Jagat Bumilangit. Salah satu karakter yang mengalami perubahan dari narasinya adalah Gundala. Metode penelitian yang dipakai adalah deskriptif kualitatif untuk mendapatkan data-data yang akan diolah untuk disederhanakan ke dalam satu bentuk model transmedia. Dimana penelitian ini menitikberatkan pada hubungan karakter Gundala dengan storyworld-nya yaitu Jagat Bumilangit, serta hubungan Gundala dan karakter lainnya sehingga membantu memperkuat storyworld dari Jagat Bumilangit dan juga bagaimana pengembangan content strategy karakter Gundala ke dalam multiplatform melalui pendekatan narrative braid dan transmedia storyworld. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pengembangan semesta narasi (storyworld) dalam Jagat Bumilangit merupakan sesuatu yang menyegarkan bagi dunia superhero Indonesia. Tetapi tetap diperlukan konsistensi dalam menjaga narasi tersebut dalam ruang yang dapat dipercayai oleh audience dalam mempelajari dan mencari konten asli lainnya yang lebih kohesif dan mampu memperkaya perbendaharaan data mereka tentang Gundala beserta semesta Jagat Bumilangit tidak hanya dari film layar lebarnya semata. Kata Kunci: bumilangit; gundala; cergam; transmedia; storyworld.
... Context becomes influential in the discussion as it gives related information regarding the meaning of a sign (Oki, 2018). A superhero in one context may differ from other superheroes in other contexts (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). ...
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This research tried to reveal the denotative and connotative meaning of Raden Joko Kaiman in Banyumas culture. Historically, Banyumas regency was founded by Raden Joko Kaiman in 1582. As the founding father of Banyumas regency, Raden Joko Kaiman could be semiotically interpreted as a superhero in the context of Banyumas. Based on Barthes, anything could be a sign. Raden Joko Kaiman in Barthes’ semiotic perspective could function as a sign since this figure could have both denotative and connotative meanings. Barthes’ semiotic theory investigated the process of reading signs and their interpretation by different cultures or societies. Barthes considered sign as both signifier the physical form of the sign as people perceived it through their sense and signified the interpreted meaning. This research was conducted using qualitative research since it collected reliable data and information through reading, comparing, and analyzing text by relating them to Banyumas context. There are four denotative meanings carried by this sign, namely, the son of Raden Harya Banyak Sosro, the godson of Kiai Mranggi, the son-in-law of Adipati Wargautama, and being Adipati Mrapat. Connotatively, Raden Joko Kaiman is interpreted as courage, strong moral codes, tolerance towards pain, and a great sense of responsibility.
... The concept of superhuman ideas originated from legends and myths has been transformed into a popular culture that develops in society (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). From these stories of heroism (superhuman) since ancient times, the two countries' performing arts have been adorned. ...
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The research aimed to compare a movie with the theme of heroes from Indonesia and China that must contain messages in seeing heroes, hero images, ideology, and even heroic culture the two countries. It explored 20 Indonesian and Chinese films with comparative literary perspectives related to the theme of heroism. The focuses of this research were (1) how could the image of the hero created by the film provide a view of each country’s people’s culture, (2) could the movies provided more detailed information on the policies of each country, (3) how could films strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and China. The approach used in this research was the comparative literary theory of the symbol of heroism that appears in Chinese and Indonesian films. The method used in this research was to use qualitative methods with a comparative literature perspective. The data source from the dialogue in the film “Merah Putih”, “Gie”, “Susi Susanti”, “Soekarno”, “Tanah Surga Katanya”, “3 Srikandi”, “Laskar Pemimpi”, “Guru Bangsa”, “Soegija”, “Jenderal Soedirman”, 攀登者 (The Climbers), 中国机长 (The Captain), 红海行动 (Operation Red Sea), 烈火英雄 (The Bravest),战狼 1 (Wolf Warrior 1), 战狼 2 (Wolf Warrior 2), 建国大业 (The Founding of A Republic), 建党大业 (Beginning of The Great Revival), 建军大业 (The Founding of An Army), 叶问 (IP Man). The data analysis technique used were (1) determining variables, (2) classification, (3) analysis, (4) conclusions. The results show that the symbols of heroism in Indonesian and Chinese films have similarities to the fight against colonialism, injustice, and class. The theme of heroism in the two countries’ films has striking differences, such as Chinese films are more concerned with collective characters’ obligations and interests, the film does not have an element of humor, the theme emphasizes conflicts with other countries. While Indonesia highlights individual characters’ views, movies still include comedy and emphasize domestic problems.
... The present study employed a qualitative research approach, and the content or document analysis as the research design. Qualitative studies are concerned with the principles of people's life configurations to issues (Saptanto & Dewi, 2020). Related to qualitative research, Glaser and Strauss (2017) stated that there are a great number of possible methods in dealing with qualitative research, such as case studies, document analysis, phenomenological studies, ethnography, or grounded theory research. ...
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Nowadays, information can be conveyed not only through words, but also through images. An image is also a form of one-way communication because, through an image, people can convey the meaning. This study aimed to describe Anies Baswedan�s political cartoons on his first 100 days as a governor. This study employed a qualitative research approach, and the content or document analysis as the research design. The researchers collected and analyzed the data dealing with the relationship between the utterances and Anies� cartoons on his first 100 days as Jakarta�s governor. In analyzing the data, some steps were taken: first, categorizing the sign into icon, symbol, index using a typology of signs; second, interpreting the meaning of the political cartoons; last, drawing conclusions based on the result of the analysis. The study found that the signs in those political cartoons had powerful meanings to convey the aspiration of Indonesian people freely towards Anies� government. Also, the fact that the cartoons were in the forms of images eased the readers in understanding the meanings behind them, and the political cartoons deal with the relationship between visual and verbal signs of cartoons because it will be helpful for the researchers to know about events depicted in those cartoons.The study also offers some potential use of cartoons for language teaching, even though the challenges of employing them are evident.
Widely renown for his work and publications on qualitative and mixed methods research, John W. Creswell recently published the third edition of Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. The book is structured around 2 parts and 10 chapters that mirror the main stages of development of a research project. Although a plethora of books covering research design exist, this book is especially interesting because it very simply and clearly discusses the subject, mainly bringing useful comparisons between qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches that aid the researcher in planning a research endeavour. While Creswell's book covers the essential questions and concerns enabling the operation-alization of a research project, it furthermore addresses issues that, to our knowledge, having read many books on the subject, are scarcely found elsewhere. These issues are presented in the first part of the book under the heading Preliminary Considerations and include an overview of the main uses and modes of presentation of the review of the literature in a research protocol or report, as well as the use of theory. As an example, in Chapter 3 entitled Use of Theory, Creswell explicitly discusses the roles of theory that differ according to the types of research design (e.g. theory generation, theory verification), acknowledging that there are many possible variations within each research approach. Hence, this expanded and restructured edition of John Creswell's Research Design is a user-friendly and rich scientific resource, and appears as a must for any researcher wanting to tackle the indispensable subject of research design by contrasting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches.
Introducción a las principales teorías de la cultura popular, cuyo autor presenta una apreciación crítica de las formas en que dichos planteamientos han tratado de entender y evaluar las culturas populares en las sociedades modernas. Entre las ideas, teorías y corrientes de pensamiento revisadas se encuentran la cultura de masas, la Escuela de Frankfurt y la industria cultural, la semiótica y el estructuralismo, el marxismo, el feminismo, el postmodernismo y el populismo cultural. Dominic Strinati explica cómo Adorno, Barthes, Althusser y Hebdige, entre otros teóricos, han encarado el estudio de fenómenos que van del jazz a la americanización de la cultura británica, del cine de Hollywood a las series televisuales, de las revistas para adolescentes a las novelas de espías.
Sosiologi sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas
  • S D Damono
Damono, S.D. (1978). Sosiologi sastra: Sebuah Pengantar Ringkas. Jakarta: P3B Depdikbud.
Super history: Comic book superheroes and American society, 1938 to the Present
  • J K Johnson
Johnson, J.K. (2012). Super history: Comic book superheroes and American society, 1938 to the Present. United States of America: McFarland & Company, Inc.
Mutants and mystics: Science fiction, superhero comics and the paranormal
  • J J Kripal
Kripal, J.J. (2011). Mutants and mystics: Science fiction, superhero comics and the paranormal. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Stan Lee's: How to write comics
  • S Lee
Lee, S. (2011). Stan Lee's: How to write comics. New York: Watson-Guptill Publications.
A brief history of superheroes
  • B J Robb
Robb, B.J. (2014). A brief history of superheroes. Philadelphia: Running Press Book Publisher.
Movie wars: How Hollywood and the media limit what films we can see. Chicago: A Capella Books
  • J Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum, J. (2000). Movie wars: How Hollywood and the media limit what films we can see. Chicago: A Capella Books.