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Papel de la nutrición en la recuperación del jugador de baloncesto The role of nutrition in the recovery of a basketball player


Abstract and Figures

Papel de la nutrición en la recuperación del jugador de baloncesto The role of nutrition in the recovery of a basketball player RESUMEN Introducción: son escasos los trabajos que ofrecen una solución práctica a los requerimientos nutricionales del baloncesto actual. Este trabajo ofrece una propuesta teórico-práctica, basada en una revisión de la literatura de la última década. Objetivos: analizar la fatiga que produce un partido de baloncesto y ofrecer una solución práctica para acelerar la recuperación por medio de la alimentación. Métodos: búsqueda bibliográfica en la base de datos PubMed de revisiones bibliográficas de los últimos 15 años y artículos originales de los últimos 5 años. Resultados: el tipo de nutriente y los suplementos alimenticios, así como la cantidad y el momento de su ingesta, son variables fundamentales para acelerar la recuperación. Conclusiones: la alimentación antes, durante y después de un partido o de una sesión de entrenamiento exigente es fundamental para la rápida recuperación del jugador. Palabras clave: Nutrición. Recuperación. Baloncesto. Hidratos de carbono. Proteínas. Suplementos nutricionales. ABSTRACT Introduction: very few works offer a practical solution to understand
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Papel de la nutrición en la
recuperación del jugador de
The role of nutrition in the
recovery of a basketball player
REV 2577
Papel de la nutrición en la recuperación del jugador de
   ! "  # $"#%&
Correspondencia:   &   
Introducción:       9  ;      !
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Objetivos: ;
Métodos: <;      )" 
Resultados: ** >
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Conclusiones:   *!     =  
Palabras clave: (!&  +!&  @&  A  
Objectives,                
*  C      
Results:  *  
; *&
Conclusions,    *  8
Keywords: (& +& @&& )&
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Depleción de sustratos energéticos o acumulación de
diferentes productos de desecho
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Lugar de aparición de la fatiga
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Necesidades energéticas
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Reposición de glucógeno: cantidad, momento y ritmo de la
reposición de carbohidratos
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Primeras 2 horas de recuperación
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Entre las 2 y 4 horas de recuperación
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Más allá de las 4 horas de recuperación
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Reparación del tejido muscular: cantidad, momento y ritmo de
la reposición de proteínas
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LUGAR: Pista/Vestuario/Zona de prensa
DESAYUNO: 1 bol de leche semidesnatada (250 ml) con avena (50 g), 1 plátano (200 g) y un puñado de nueces (30 g).
Dos tostadas de pan blanco (80 g) con medio tomate (80 g), medio aguacate (50 g) y 2 lonchas de jamón de York (30 g).
COMIDA: pan blanco (80 g), arroz cocido (75 g) con verduras (ej.: 100 g de guisantes, 2 zanahorias medianas), pechuga
de pollo a la plancha (140 g) con 2 patatas (medianas) al horno de guarnición, 1 kiwi, 1 mandarina.
CENA: Pan blanco (80 g), brócoli (250 g) con patata (2 medianas), bacalao a la plancha (150 g) con guarnición de
pimientos (50 g), dulce de membrillo (30 g) con queso fresco (100 g) y nueces (30 g), 1 plátano mediano.
ALMUERZO: (pre/post entrenamiento): 1 gel deportivo, 2 mandarinas, 2 yogures pequeños bebibles, 4 tortitas de arroz
(50 g), agua.
MERIENDA: (pre/post entrenamiento): 1 barrita de alto contenido en proteína, 500 ml de bebida deportiva, 1 manzana, 30
g de anacardos.
Continuar con la reposición de glucógeno y
reparación del daño muscular, asegurando ~150
g de CHO (si CHO > 1 g/kg, aportar 0,2-0,3 g/kg
de proteína de alto valor biológico).
DESAYUNO: tostadas de pan blanco (80 g) con revuelto de 2 huevos, queso en lonchas bajo en grasa
(30 g), pechuga de pavo en lonchas (30 g), 2 tostadas de pan de molde (80 g) con tomate natural (150
g), 1 vaso de zumo de fruta (ej.: manzana, uva y limón)
COMIDA: pan blanco (80 g), 1 plato hondo de pasta cocida (300 g) con pisto (75 g de calabacín, 75 g
de cebolla, 75 g de pimiento rojo), carne guisada (100 g de ternera, 100 g de champiñones), 2
mandarinas, arroz con leche (125 g).
CENA: pan blanco (80 g), ensalada de lechuga (100 g) y patata (2 medianas), merluza al horno (150 g)
con guarnición de tomate natural (150 g), macedonia de tres frutas con 250 g de yogur de tipo griego.
ALMUERZO (pre/post entrenamiento): 500 ml de bebida deportiva, 1 plátano mediano (200 g), 1 puñado
de nueces (30 g), 2 yogures bebibles pequeños, 1 barrita de alto contenido en proteína.
MERIENDA (pre/post entrenamiento): 2 mandarinas, batido de proteína de suero de leche (15 g)
disuelto en leche semidesnatada (200 ml), 2 rebanadas de pan de molde untadas con mermelada, un
puñado uvas pasas (20 g).
Reposición de glucógeno muscular y
hepático asegurando ~100 g de CHO en
forma líquida. Comenzar reparación
tisular y frenar el catabolismo proteico
asegurando 20-25 g de proteína. LUGAR: Casa
LUGAR: Si se cena en el hotel/casa
LUGAR: Si se cena en el bus
PACK DE RECUPERACIÓN: 500 ml de bebida deportiva, 20 g de suplemento de proteína
disuelto en 200 ml de leche entera, 1 plátano grande, 1 barrita deportiva
Completar recuperación con alimentos
de la dieta asegurando
~500-800 g de CHO y aportar 1,4-1,7
g/kg de proteína.
CENA: 80 gramos de pan blanco, 1 bol (250 g) de ensalada de pasta, salmón a la plancha (75 g) con puré
de patata (50 g), macedonia de tres frutas con yogur tipo griego (200 g).
EJEMPLO 1 tipo PICNIC: Bocadillo (20 cm) de jamón, 1 botellín de bebida deportiva, 2 mandarinas, 1
plátano, 1 unidad comercial de arroz con leche, 1 bolsita de anacardos, 1 botellín de agua.
EJEMPLO 2 tipo PICNIC: 1 bol (80 g) de arroz tres delicias, 1 botellín de bebida deportiva, 1 sándwich de
pan de molde untado con mermelada, 1 bolsita con tres frutas peladas.
... It is well known that CHO plays a key role in sports performance and fueling team sports such as basketball [8,37,78], promoting recovery [5,79] and regulating training adaptations [18,80]. There is a widespread variety of CHO-rich foods (rice, pasta, bread, fruits and vegetables, etc.), but the amount, type, timing and frequency of ingestion are critical concerns for sports nutrition [78][79][80][81] to prepare and recover athletes for the work required [18]. ...
... The provision of PRO to retain muscle degradation and enhance reparation is strongly underpinned and established as a fundamental pillar in sports nutrition [83][84][85]. Some food sources of dietary PRO are meat, fish and seafood, eggs, dairy products, nuts, legumes and beans, and isolated forms of PRO can be used when appetite is suppressed (after high intensity exercise) or to achieve a high protein intake in the diet [8]. Our review supports that ingesting bolus from~25 g PRO supplement immediately prior to exercise, and before bedtime, has a short-term positive effect on recovery markers (hemoglobin, red blood cell count, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume). ...
... As basketball players normally train indoors, their exposition to the sun is limited [87]. This fact becomes especially critical for black players who are at higher risk of having insufficient plasma levels of this VIT [8] and in all athletes, during the winter months, when the human body has its lowest levels of VIT D. Thus, future studies should analyze deeply this topic and take into account emergent new basketball modalities such as 3 × 3 where the game can be played outdoors. ...
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Using nutritional supplements is a widespread strategy among basketball players to ensure the appropriate provision of energy and nutrients to avoid certain complaints. Particularly in bas-ketball, there is no consensus on the type, quantity or form of use in which these supplements should be administered. Therefore, the main aim of this systematic review is to highlight the ergo-nutritional aids that may be effective in basketball. A structured search was carried out following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA®) guidelines in the Medline/PubMed and Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases until 31 December 2021; no year restriction was applied to the search strategy. There were no filters applied to the basketball players’ level, gender, race, or age to increase the power of the analysis. The results of this systematic review have shown that the effective dose of caffeine to enhance anaerobic performance and the feeling of vigorousness and energy ranges from 3 to 6 mg·kg−1, showing more positive effects when is supplemented 60–75 min before exercise in the morning and in test-based task. On the other hand, vitamin E (ranging from 200 to 268 mg), vitamin D (10,000 IU) and EPA (2g) may have a potential role in recovery and wellness. The primary limitation of this study is the scarcity of studies related to nutritional supplementation in basketball players. However, a major strength is that this is the first systematic review describing what er-go-nutritional aids may be specifically helpful for basketball. Despite the need for future studies, certain nutritional supplements may have promising advantages for basketball (long-term sup-plementation of nitrates for recovery), whereas others (β-alanine, sodium bicarbonate, and acute nitrate supplementation) might theoretically be regarded as not interesting for basketball, or even not recommended by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as bovine colostrum.
... It is a dynamic and constantly evolving game that has undergone numerous modifications since James Naismith created it in 1891 [3]. The changes introduced during the last decade significantly impacted the game, morphing it into a faster and more spectacular sport [4], and increasing the physical, psychological and physiological demands on the players [5,6]. Furthermore, the number of games played in professional basketball has increased considerably [7,8]. ...
... Moreover, the type of nutrient, knowledge and management of the timing and amount of intake is critical [39]. Likewise, sports nutrition must respond to the specific mechanisms that generate fatigue [4] and the fatigue profiles generated by each playing position, particularly in team sports [40]. In this sense, our study found no significant differences in the theoretical knowledge of nutrients among categories, obtaining an average score for the 3 groups of 5.25 out of 10 maximum total points. ...
... The research conducted by our research group found that some sports supplements could be of interest for health [50], while others, due to their proven ergogenic effect, could be beneficial for sports performance [51][52][53]. The availability of complex supplementation makes it necessary for the basketball players to tailor their supplementation menus individually [54], selecting those that are genuinely beneficial for their practice [4], and considering their own individual parameters based on their feels and preferences [55]. Particularly important are those related to the sex variable, since most of the published studies have been performed among men [51], and exhaustive research is needed on the female population that considers their physiological peculiarities, mainly hormonal [52]. ...
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Basketball is a team sport, with many fans and practitioners worldwide from all ages and levels. In all cases, players accumulate high levels of fatigue, and there is also limited time to recover between games or practices. In particular, nutrition plays a key role in optimizing performance and recovery. However, it is typical to observe erroneous nutritional behaviors among basketball players. It has been theorized that these behaviors are influenced by habits acquired based on the indi-vidual's knowledge. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to conduct a descriptive research of the sports nutrition knowledge and practices in a sample of Spanish basketball players, from athletes under 18 years old (n = 69) to nonprofessional (n = 14) and professional adult players (n = 21). The sample was comprised of 49 men and 55 women. This was a transversal, cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study. All participants (n = 104) completed an anonymous online survey in order to analyze their sports nutrition knowledge and practices. In view of the obtained results, we can conclude that the knowledge of sport-specific nutrition in players under 18 years old, as well as non-professional and professional adult basketball players, is insufficient through all the categories and levels. The lack of professional support and time management difficulties were identified as some of the main barriers.
... Although anaerobic metabolism is quantitatively much lower than aerobic metabolism, it is decisive in phases of high/maximal speed running. In this situation of high physiological demand (Gualdi-Russo & Zaccagni, 2001) 12) , marked by an insufficient supply of oxygen to the muscle, anaerobic metabolism (anaerobic glycolysis) represents an essential means of maintaining ATP resynthesis, for which it is essential to have a well-supplied storage of glycogen (Escribano-Ott & Ibáñez-Santos, 2020) 14) . A study of the types of actions performed by players during basketball games using video analysis and global positioning technology with accelerometers and gyroscopes puts the energy expenditure of a basketball game at least 8 metabolic rate (MET) (Scribbans et al., 2015) 15) units, with players performing between 750 and 2,750 individual actions of an explosive nature (Gualdi-Russo & Zaccagni, 2001) 12) . ...
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Basketball is a popular team sport worldwide. Nutrition is one of the key aspects for the optimization of performance and subsequent recovery. Female athletes have unique nutritional requirements as a result of daily training and competition, in addition to the specific demands of gender-related physiological changes. However, inadequate, or erroneous nutritional behaviours are commonly observed. Thus, the aim of our work is to provide concise nutritional recommendations for female basketball players. Based on a review of the literature, there is limited evidence that comprehensively assesses health attributes as well as behaviours, habits, and nutritional knowledge of physical activity by gender in basketball players. Recent research highlights the need for nutritional strategies to develop tools to help manage energy deficiency in women’s sports. We suggest that individual adjustment of dietary energy value is the key factor in the physical performance of female basketball players; information that could be used to optimize the training process and health maintenance. The recommended intake for athletes involved in moderate levels of training, such as elite basketball players (2-3 h/day for 5-6 times/week), is 50-80 kcal·(kg·day)⁻¹, with specific recommendations of 1.6-1.8 g·(kg·day)⁻¹ protein. For physically active women, it is recommended that 1.2-2 g·(kg·day)⁻¹ of protein be consumed, with fat intake of 20-35% of total kilocalories and 5-8 g·(kg·day)⁻¹ of carbohydrate to adequately meet performance demands.
Conference Paper
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La nutrición deportiva es una ciencia relativamente nueva que ha crecido exponencialmente debido a su papel fundamental en el rendimiento deportivo y la salud. Los resultados de esta ciencia suponen una valiosa información para elaborar estrategias de recuperación tras el ejercicio, y de preparación antes del siguiente esfuerzo, representando una clara ventaja competitiva. En el caso del baloncesto, son fundamentales, ya que además de la propia fatiga que genera el deporte, el tiempo de recuperación existente entre partidos y entrenamientos es muy limitado, pudiendo haber hasta tres partidos en una misma semana. A pesar del conocimiento teórico que evidencia el papel de la nutrición en el baloncesto, es habitual observar que jugadores y jugadoras no se adhieren a estas recomendaciones, desarrollando comportamientos y hábitos inadecuados. Entre otros riesgos, los jugadores y jugadoras se exponen a que su alimentación no sea óptima, ni en calidad ni en cantidad, dificultando el aporte de energía, macronutrientes y micronutrientes. Cuando este estado deficitario en energía (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports, RED´s) se mantiene durante largo tiempo, pueden ocurrir graves consecuencias fisiológicas, que en el caso de la mujer deportista tienen un impacto mayor sobre el rendimiento deportivo y la salud. Además, el crecimiento exponencial del deporte femenino en general y del baloncesto en particular, ha generado un aumento en el número de entrenamientos y competiciones por lo que estas demandas son cada vez más elevadas y el riesgo de no cubrirlas es por tanto mayor. El principal desencadenante de estas consecuencias adversas es no aportar suficiente energía con la alimentación, desembocando en una cascada de alteraciones hormonales (RED´s). Para reconocer estas respuestas antes de que se agraven, existen métodos de evaluación sencillos de aplicar como la medición del peso. Además, la comunidad científica sostiene que la educación nutricional representa una solución para prevenir evitar esta falta energética. Sin embargo, la falta de recursos económicos en el baloncesto femenino dificulta que estas intervenciones se lleven a cabo por un profesional de la nutrición, por lo que son las propias jugadoras las que con frecuencia deben realizar estos cuidados y ser autónomas en su educación nutricional. Ante el riesgo de que no puedan realizarlos de manera correcta, este trabajo pretende describir en una submuestra de jugadoras de baloncesto, los conocimientos de nutrición deportiva, así como otras variables fisiológicas (apetito, saciedad) y comportamentales (preocupación del peso, control de peso) que puedan influir en un aporte óptimo de energía.
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Controversy exists about the maximum amount of protein that can be utilized for lean tissue-building purposes in a single meal for those involved in regimented resistance training. It has been proposed that muscle protein synthesis is maximized in young adults with an intake of ~ 20–25 g of a high-quality protein; anything above this amount is believed to be oxidized for energy or transaminated to form urea and other organic acids. However, these findings are specific to the provision of fast-digesting proteins without the addition of other macronutrients. Consumption of slower-acting protein sources, particularly when consumed in combination with other macronutrients, would delay absorption and thus conceivably enhance the utilization of the constituent amino acids. The purpose of this paper was twofold: 1) to objectively review the literature in an effort to determine an upper anabolic threshold for per-meal protein intake; 2) draw relevant conclusions based on the current data so as to elucidate guidelines for per-meal daily protein distribution to optimize lean tissue accretion. Both acute and long-term studies on the topic were evaluated and their findings placed into context with respect to per-meal utilization of protein and the associated implications to distribution of protein feedings across the course of a day. The preponderance of data indicate that while consumption of higher protein doses (> 20 g) results in greater AA oxidation, this is not the fate for all the additional ingested AAs as some are utilized for tissue-building purposes. Based on the current evidence, we conclude that to maximize anabolism one should consume protein at a target intake of 0.4 g/kg/meal across a minimum of four meals in order to reach a minimum of 1.6 g/kg/day. Using the upper daily intake of 2.2 g/kg/day reported in the literature spread out over the same four meals would necessitate a maximum of 0.55 g/kg/meal.
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Background: Basketball is a popular, court-based team sport that has been extensively studied over the last decade. Objective: The purpose of this article was to provide a systematic review regarding the activity demands and physiological responses experienced during basketball match-play according to playing period, playing position, playing level, geographical location, and sex. Methods: The electronic database search of relevant articles published prior to 30 September 2016 was performed with PubMed, MEDLINE, ERIC, Google Scholar, SCIndex, and ScienceDirect. Studies that measured activity demands and/or physiological responses during basketball match-play were included. Results: Following screening, 25 articles remained for review. During live playing time across 40-min matches, male and female basketball players travel 5-6 km at average physiological intensities above lactate threshold and 85% of maximal heart rate. Temporal comparisons show a reduction in vigorous activities in the fourth quarter, likely contributing to lower blood lactate concentrations and heart rate (HR) responses evident towards the end of matches. Guards tend to perform a higher percentage of live playing time sprinting and performing high-intensity shuffling compared with forwards and centers. Guards also perform less standing and walking during match-play compared with forwards and centers. Variations in activity demands likely account for the higher blood lactate concentrations and HR responses observed for guards compared to forwards and centers. Further, higher level players perform a greater intermittent workload than lower level players. Moreover, geographical differences may exist in the activity demands (distance and frequency) and physiological responses between Australian, African and European basketball players, whereby Australian players sustain greater workloads. While activity demands and physiological data vary across playing positions, playing levels, and geographical locations, male and female players competing at the same level experience similar demands. Conclusion: The current results provide a detailed description of the specific requirements placed on basketball players during match-play according to playing period, playing level, playing position, geographical location, and sex, which may be useful in the development of individualized basketball training drills.
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This study examined the effects of mental fatigue and additional corridor and pitch sector lines on players' physical and tactical performances during soccer small-sided games. Twelve youth players performed four Gk+6vs6+Gk small-sided games. Prior to the game, one team performed a motor coordination task to induce mental fatigue, while the other one performed a control task. A repeated measures design allowed to compare players' performances across four conditions: (a) with mental fatigue against opponents without mental fatigue in a normal pitch (MEN), (b) with mental fatigue on a pitch with additional reference lines (#MEN); (c) without mental fatigue against mentally fatigued opponents on a normal pitch (CTR); and (d) without mental fatigue on a pitch with reference lines (#CTR). Player's physical performance was assessed by the distance covered per minute and the number of accelerations and decelerations (0.5–3.0 m/s²; > −3.0 m/s²). Positional data was used to determine individual (spatial exploration index, time synchronized in longitudinal and lateral directions) and team-related variables (length, width, speed of dispersion and contraction). Unclear effects were found for the physical activity measures in most of the conditions. There was a small decrease in time spent laterally synchronized and a moderate decrease in the contraction speed when MEN compared to the CTR. Also, there was a small decrease in the time spent longitudinally synchronized during the #MEN condition compared to MEN. The results showed that mental fatigue affects the ability to use environmental information and players' positioning, while the additional reference lines may have enhanced the use of less relevant information to guide their actions during the #MEN condition. Overall, coaches could manipulate the mental fatigue and reference lines to induce variability and adaptation in young soccer players' behavior.
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Whilst there are various avenues for performance improvement within collegiate American football (AF), there is no comprehensive evaluation of the collective array of resources around performance, physical conditioning and injury and training/game characteristics to guide future research and inform practitioners. Accordingly, the aim of the present review was to provide a current examination of these areas within collegiate AF. Recent studies show that there is a wide range of body compositions and strength characteristics between players, which appear to be influenced by playing position, level of play, training history/programming and time of season. Collectively, game demands may require a combination of upper and lower body strength and power production, rapid acceleration (positive and negative), change of direction, high-running speed, high intensity and repetitive collisions and muscular strength endurance. These may be affected by the timing of, and between, plays and/or coaching style. AF players appear to possess limited nutrition and hydration practices, which may be disadvantageous to performance. AF injuries appear due to a multitude of factors: strength, movement quality, and previous injury whilst there is also potential for extrinsic factors such as playing surface type, travel, time of season, playing position and training load. Future proof of concept studies are required to determine the quantification of game demands with regards to game style, type of opposition and key performance indicators. Moreover, more research is required to understand the efficacy of recovery and nutrition interventions. Finally, the assessment of the relationship between external/internal load constructs and injury risk is warranted.
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It is becoming increasingly clear that adaptations, initiated by exercise, can be amplified or reduced by nutrition. Various methods have been discussed to optimize training adaptations and some of these methods have been subject to extensive study. To date, most methods have focused on skeletal muscle, but it is important to note that training effects also include adaptations in other tissues (e.g., brain, vasculature), improvements in the absorptive capacity of the intestine, increases in tolerance to dehydration, and other effects that have received less attention in the literature. The purpose of this review is to define the concept of periodized nutrition (also referred to as nutritional training) and summarize the wide variety of methods available to athletes. The reader is referred to several other recent review articles that have discussed aspects of periodized nutrition in much more detail with primarily a focus on adaptations in the muscle. The purpose of this review is not to discuss the literature in great detail but to clearly define the concept and to give a complete overview of the methods available, with an emphasis on adaptations that are not in the muscle. Whilst there is good evidence for some methods, other proposed methods are mere theories that remain to be tested. ‘Periodized nutrition’ refers to the strategic combined use of exercise training and nutrition, or nutrition only, with the overall aim to obtain adaptations that support exercise performance. The term nutritional training is sometimes used to describe the same methods and these terms can be used interchangeably. In this review, an overview is given of some of the most common methods of periodized nutrition including ‘training low’ and ‘training high’, and training with low- and high-carbohydrate availability, respectively. ‘Training low’ in particular has received considerable attention and several variations of ‘train low’ have been proposed. ‘Training-low’ studies have generally shown beneficial effects in terms of signaling and transcription, but to date, few studies have been able to show any effects on performance. In addition to ‘train low’ and ‘train high’, methods have been developed to ‘train the gut’, train hypohydrated (to reduce the negative effects of dehydration), and train with various supplements that may increase the training adaptations longer term. Which of these methods should be used depends on the specific goals of the individual and there is no method (or diet) that will address all needs of an individual in all situations. Therefore, appropriate practical application lies in the optimal combination of different nutritional training methods. Some of these methods have already found their way into training practices of athletes, even though evidence for their efficacy is sometimes scarce at best. Many pragmatic questions remain unanswered and another goal of this review is to identify some of the remaining questions that may have great practical relevance and should be the focus of future research.
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Despite over 50 years of research, the field of sports nutrition continues to grow at a rapid rate. Whilst the traditional research focus was one that centred on strategies to maximize competition performance, emerging data in the last decade has demonstrated how both macronutrient and micronutrient availability can play a prominent role in regulating those cell signalling pathways that modulate skeletal muscle adaptations to endurance and resistance training. Nonetheless, in the context of exercise performance, it is clear that carbohydrate (but not fat) still remains king and that carefully chosen ergogenic aids (e.g. caffeine, creatine, sodium bicarbonate, beta-alanine, nitrates) can all promote performance in the correct exercise setting. In relation to exercise training, however, it is now thought that strategic periods of reduced carbohydrate and elevated dietary protein intake may enhance training adaptations whereas high carbohydrate availability and antioxidant supplementation may actually attenuate training adaptation. Emerging evidence also suggests that vitamin D may play a regulatory role in muscle regeneration and subsequent hypertrophy following damaging forms of exercise. Finally, novel compounds (albeit largely examined in rodent models) such as epicatechins, nicotinamide riboside, resveratrol, β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate, phosphatidic acid and ursolic acid may also promote or attenuate skeletal muscle adaptations to endurance and strength training. When taken together, it is clear that sports nutrition is very much at the heart of the Olympic motto, Citius, Altius, Fortius (faster, higher, stronger).
The purpose of the present study was to define the maximal lactate steady state (MLSSmeas) in high-level male basketball players and to compare it with the lactate turnpoint (LTP) and the respective point derived form a prediction method (MLSScal). Twelve high-level basketball players underwent one maximal and several submaximal tests on a treadmill on different days where MLSS and LTP were measured. MLSSmeas was observed at 75% of the maximal treadmill speed, at 77% of VO2max, at 88% of HRmax and at [La⁻] of 3.7 mmol.l⁻¹. No differences were observed between MLSSmeas and LTP in any of the measured variables. A good agreement was observed between MLSSmeas and LTP, as well as between MLSSmeas and MLSScal. Therefore, LTP and MLSScal are offered as acceptable approaches to predict MLSS, but not all the indices used to define MLSS presents high agreement between the methods used.
The study aimed to describe and compare the external training load, monitored using microtechnology, with the internal training load, expressed as the session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE), in elite male basketball training sessions. Thirteen professional basketball players participated in this study (age=25.7±3.3 years; body height=199.2±10.7 cm; body mass=96.6±9.4 kg). All players belonged to the same team, competing in two leagues, ACB and the Euroleague, in the 2016/2017 season. The variables assessed within the external motion analysis included: Player Load (PL), acceleration and deceleration (ACC/DEC), jumps (JUMP), and changes of direction (CoD). The internal demands were registered using the sRPE method. Pearson product-moment correlations were used to determine relationships between the variables. A significant correlation was observed between the external load variables and sRPE (range r=0.71–0.93). Additionally, the sRPE variable showed a high correlation with the total PL, ACC, DEC, and CoD. The contrary was observed with respect to the relationship between sRPE and JUMP variables: the correlation was higher for the high band and lower for the total number of jumps. With respect to the external load variables, a stronger correlation was found between PL and the total number of ACC, DEC and COD than the same variables within the high band. The only contrary finding was the correlation between PL and JUMP variables, which showed a stronger correlation for hJUMP. Tri-axial accelerometry technology and the sRPE method serve as valuable tools for monitoring the training load in basketball. Even though the two methods exhibit a strong correlation, some variation exists, likely due to frequent static movements (i.e., isometric muscle contractions) that accelerometers are not able to detect. Finally, it is suggested that both methods are to be used complementary, when possible, in order to design and control the training process as effectively as possible.
Objectives: Injury management is critical in the National Basketball Association (NBA), as players experience a wide variety of injuries. Recently, it has been suggested that game schedules, such as back-to-back games and four games in five days, increase the risk of injuries in the NBA. The aim of this study was to examine the association between game schedules and player injuries in the NBA. Design: Descriptive epidemiology study. Methods: The present study analyzed game injuries and game schedules in the 2012-13 through 2014-15 regular seasons. Game injuries by game schedules and players' profiles were examined using an exact binomial test, the Fisher's exact test and the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test. A Poisson regression analysis was performed to predict the number of game injuries sustained by each player from game schedules and injured players' profiles. Results: There were a total of 681 cases of game injuries sustained by 280 different players during the three years (total N=1443 players). Playing back-to-back games or playing four games in five days alone was not associated with an increased rate of game injuries, whereas a significant positive association was found between game injuries and playing away from home (p<0.05). Playing back-to-back games and away games were significant predictors of frequent game injuries (p<0.05). Conclusions: Game schedules could be one factor that impacts the risk of game injuries in the NBA. The findings could be useful for designing optimal game schedules in the NBA as well as helping NBA teams make adjustments to minimize game injuries.