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Complexity of mixed states in QFT and holography


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A bstract We study the complexity of Gaussian mixed states in a free scalar field theory using the ‘purification complexity’. The latter is defined as the lowest value of the circuit complexity, optimized over all possible purifications of a given mixed state. We argue that the optimal purifications only contain the essential number of ancillary degrees of freedom necessary in order to purify the mixed state. We also introduce the concept of ‘mode-by- mode purifications’ where each mode in the mixed state is purified separately and examine the extent to which such purifications are optimal. We explore the purification complexity for thermal states of a free scalar QFT in any number of dimensions, and for subregions of the vacuum state in two dimensions. We compare our results to those found using the various holographic proposals for the complexity of subregions. We find a number of qualitative similarities between the two in terms of the structure of divergences and the presence of a volume law. We also examine the ‘mutual complexity’ in the various cases studied in this paper.
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... (1.2) This definition is called "purification complexity". Due to the vast possibilities of choosing purifications of a given mixed state, this quantity is difficult to compute even for free theories [28]. Another definition, one that is more in tune with the idea described earlier for pure states, uses a cost function F(ρ, Φ), for instance, a metric on the space of mixed states as introduced above, to quantify the difficulty of applying a quantum channel on the state [29][30][31][32]. ...
... A particular interesting feature of holographic subregion complexity is that it shows a discontinuous jump at phase transition points where the location of the Ryu-Takayanagi surface changes discontinuously [44][45][46]. 6 Qualitative comparisons to computations of subregion complexity in quantum field theories have been reported in [27][28][29]47]. Some similarities between the two quantities have been found although of course a direct match cannot be expected for the non-holographic QFTs studied in these works. ...
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Within the AdS/CFT correspondence, computational complexity for reduced density matrices of holographic conformal field theories has been conjectured to be related to certain geometric observables in the dual gravity theory. We study this conjecture from both the gravity and field theory point of view. Specifically, we consider a measure of complexity associated to the Bures metric on the space of density matrices. We compute this complexity measure for mixed states associated to single intervals in descendant states of the vacuum in 2d CFTs. Moreover, we derive from first principles a geometric observable dual to the Bures metric which is localized in the entanglement wedge of the AdS spacetime associated to the quantum circuit on the boundary. Finally, we compare the Bures metric complexity measure with holographic subregion complexity within the ``complexity=volume'' paradigm for perturbatively small transformations of the vacuum. While there is no exact agreement between these two quantities, we find striking similarities as we vary the target state and interval size, suggesting that these quantities are closely related.
... We distinguish our definition of predictive complexity from the quantum Hamiltonian complexity [10,11], which classifies systems according to complexity classes, and so does not determine a definite complexity value. It is also distinct from the quantum computational or gate complexity [12,13], which is the basis for most work in high-energy physics and gauge/gravity (AdS/CFT) duality [14,15]. In particular, our construction is informationtheoretic and has no dependence on a choice of gates or reference state. ...
... We see from Equations (13), (15) and (16) that H AB and its commutators scale like the boundary of A, which in this one dimensional case, is just fixed to be two lattice points or O(N 0 ) (while H A and H B will generally have O(N) terms). When inserted into the Zassenhaus expansion in Equation (11), these factors may lead to some violation of Equation (8), but this will be suppressed in the limit of a large lattice. ...
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We define predictive states and predictive complexity for quantum systems composed of distinct subsystems. This complexity is a generalization of entanglement entropy. It is inspired by the statistical or forecasting complexity of predictive state analysis of stochastic and complex systems theory but is intrinsically quantum. Predictive states of a subsystem are formed by equivalence classes of state vectors in the exterior Hilbert space that effectively predict the same future behavior of that subsystem for some time. As an illustrative example, we present calculations in the dynamics of an isotropic Heisenberg model spin chain and show that, in comparison to the entanglement entropy, the predictive complexity better signifies dynamically important events, such as magnon collisions. It can also serve as a local order parameter that can distinguish long and short range entanglement.
... Our universe, however, seems to be best described by an early-and late-time phase of accelerated expansion [20], which can be approximated by a de Sitter (dS) instead of an Anti-de Sitter universe. Although the lack of a well-established holographic framework for quantum gravity in dS spacetime restricts the scope of similar studies [21][22][23][24][25], gravitational bulk notions of complexity and chaos in AdS [17,[26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] can be generalized and studied in a time-dependent spacetime environment featuring cosmological horizons, which includes de Sitter as the maximally symmetric example [34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. ...
We study the causal structure of Schwarzschild-de Sitter (SdS), including shock wave perturbations, in D>3D>3 using reflected null ray trajectories, either through the interior black hole or the exterior de Sitter region. Specifically, we compute the quasinormal mode frequencies in the eikonal, high-frequency, limit, by identifying the `critical time', for arbitrary values of the black hole mass. We emphasize the important role of the static sphere proper time normalization and related boundary conditions. The computed critical times indicate the presence of singularities in the late-time, large mass, scalar field correlator in SdS, which should be resolved by introducing complex geodesics consistent with interior black hole and exterior de Sitter effective thermofield double states. In addition we relate the critical time to a diverging holographic complexity observable and compute the `switchback' delay by adding a pair of shock wave perturbations for arbitrary values of the mass of the black hole.
... A particularly natural set of quantities that may be related to the QFI would be the timeevolved circuit complexity [6] and Krylov complexity of the state [56], which naturally involve distance metrics between nearby states. It would be important to come up with a definition of mixed-state complexity that is appropriate for comparison to the subsystem QFI [57][58][59]. ...
We characterize new universal features of the dynamics of chaotic quantum many-body systems, by considering a hypothetical task of "time estimation." Most macroscopic observables in a chaotic system equilibrate to nearly constant late-time values. Intuitively, it should become increasingly difficult to estimate the precise value of time by making measurements on the state. We use a quantity called the Fisher information from quantum metrology to quantify the minimum uncertainty in estimating time. Due to unitarity, the uncertainty in the time estimate does not grow with time if we have access to optimal measurements on the full system. Restricting the measurements to act on a small subsystem or to have low computational complexity leads to results expected from equilibration, where the time uncertainty becomes large at late times. With optimal measurements on a subsystem larger than half of the system, we regain the ability to estimate the time very precisely, even at late times. Hawking's calculation for the reduced density matrix of the black hole radiation in semiclassical gravity contradicts our general predictions for unitary quantum chaotic systems. Hawking's state always has a large uncertainty for attempts to estimate the time using the radiation, whereas our general results imply that the uncertainty should become small after the Page time. This gives a new version of the black hole information loss paradox in terms of the time estimation task. By restricting to simple measurements on the radiation, the time uncertainty becomes large. This indicates from a new perspective that the observations of computationally bounded agents are consistent with the semiclassical effective description of gravity.
... The limit of particular interest occurs when the trace of the extrinsic curvature of the CMC slice diverges, K → ∞. There are two such surfaces, corresponding 20 The definition of quantum complexity in field theories is fraught with inherent ambiguities [79][80][81][82][83], which are believed to correspond to various formulations of holographic complexities. While significant work remains to clarify this mapping, recent work has reinterpreted generalized complexities [84] in terms of Lorentzian threads or 'gatelines' [85][86][87], offering a more intuitive and microscopic interpretation. ...
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Recent work has shown that introducing higher-curvature terms to the Einstein-Hilbert action causes the approach to a space-like singularity to unfold as a sequence of Kasner eons. Each eon is dominated by emergent physics at an energy scale controlled by higher-curvature terms of a given order, transitioning to higher-order eons as the singularity is approached. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we demonstrate that the inclusion of matter dramatically modifies the physics of eons compared to the vacuum case. We illustrate this by considering a family of quasi-topological gravities of arbitrary order minimally coupled to a scalar field. Second, we investigate Kasner eons in the interior of black holes with field theory duals and analyze their imprints on holographic observables. We show that the behavior of the thermal a-function, two-point functions of heavy operators, and holographic complexity can capture distinct signatures of the eons, making them promising tools for diagnosing stringy effects near black hole singularities.
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A bstract Recent work has shown that introducing higher-curvature terms to the Einstein-Hilbert action causes the approach to a space-like singularity to unfold as a sequence of Kasner eons . Each eon is dominated by emergent physics at an energy scale controlled by higher-curvature terms of a given order, transitioning to higher-order eons as the singularity is approached. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we demonstrate that the inclusion of matter dramatically modifies the physics of eons compared to the vacuum case. We illustrate this by considering a family of quasi-topological gravities of arbitrary order minimally coupled to a scalar field. Second, we investigate Kasner eons in the interior of black holes with field theory duals and analyze their imprints on holographic observables. We show that the behavior of the thermal a -function, two-point functions of heavy operators, and holographic complexity can capture distinct signatures of the eons, making them promising tools for diagnosing stringy effects near black hole singularities.
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A bstract In this work, we have studied various mixed state information theoretic quantities for an excited state of Lifshitz spacetime in 3 + 1-dimensions. This geometry is the gravity dual to a class of 2 + 1-dimensional quantum field theories having Lifshitz symmetry. We have holographically calculated mutual information, entanglement wedge cross section, entanglement negativity and mutual complexity for strip like subsystems at the boundary. For this we have used the results of holographic entanglement entropy and complexity present in the literature. We first calculate all of these mentioned quantities for the pure state of Lifshitz spacetime. Then we have moved on to calculate all these quantities for excited state of the Lifshitz spacetime. The gravity dual of excited state of Lifshitz systems in field theory can be obtained by applying constant perturbations along the boundary direction. Further, we would like to mention that for the simplicity of calculation we are only considering results up to the first order in perturbation. The change in the obtained holographic information theoretic quantities are then related to entanglement entropy, entanglement pressure, entanglement chemical potential and charge using the stress tensor complex. These relations are analogous to the first law of entanglement thermodynamics given earlier in the literature. All the calculations are carried out for both values of dynamical scaling exponent ( z ) present in the Lifshitz field theory.
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A bstract According to the pioneering work of Nielsen and collaborators, the length of the minimal geodesic in a geometric realization of a suitable operator space provides a measure of the quantum complexity of an operation. Compared with the original concept of complexity based on the minimal number of gates required to construct the desired operation as a product, this geometrical approach amounts to a more concrete and computable definition, but its evaluation is nontrivial in systems with a high-dimensional Hilbert space. The geometrical formulation can more easily be evaluated by considering the geometry associated with a suitable finite-dimensional group generated by a small number of relevant operators of the system. In this way, the method has been applied in particular to the harmonic oscillator, which is also of interest in the present paper. However, subtle and previously unrecognized issues of group theory can lead to unforeseen complications, motivating a new formulation that remains on the level of the underlying Lie algebras for most of the required steps. Novel insights about complexity can thereby be found in a low-dimensional setting, with the potential of systematic extensions to higher dimensions as well as interactions. Specific examples include the quantum complexity of various target unitary operators associated with a harmonic oscillator, inverted harmonic oscillator, and coupled harmonic oscillators. The generality of this approach is demonstrated by an application to an anharmonic oscillator with a cubic term.
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Nielsen's approach to quantum state complexity relates the minimal number of quantum gates required to prepare a state to the length of geodesics computed with a certain norm on the manifold of unitary transformations. For a bipartite system, we investigate binding complexity, which corresponds to norms in which gates acting on a single subsystem are free of cost. We reduce the problem to the study of geodesics on the manifold of Schmidt coefficients, equipped with an appropriate metric. Binding complexity is closely related to other quantities such as distributed computing and quantum communication complexity, and has a proposed holographic dual in the context of AdS/CFT. For finite dimensional systems with a Riemannian norm, we find an exact relation between binding complexity and the minimal Rényi entropy. We also find analytic results for the most commonly used non-Riemannian norm (the so-called F 1 norm) and provide lower bounds for the associated notion of state complexity ubiquitous in quantum computation and holography. We argue that our results are valid for a large class of penalty factors assigned to generators acting across the subsystems. We demonstrate that our results can be borrowed to study the usual complexity (not-binding) for a single spin for the case of the F 1 norm which was previously lacking from the literature. Finally, we derive bounds for multi-partite binding complexities and the related (continuous) circuit complexity where the circuit contains at most 2 -local interactions.
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Early efforts to understand complexity in field theory have primarily employed a geometric approach based on the concept of circuit complexity in quantum information theory. In a parallel vein, it has been proposed that certain deformations of the Euclidean path integral that prepare a given operator or state may provide an alternative definition, whose connection to the standard notion of complexity is less apparent. In this Letter, we bridge the gap between these two proposals in two-dimensional conformal field theories, by explicitly showing how the latter approach from path integral optimization may be given by a concrete realization within the standard gate counting framework. In particular, we show that, when the background geometry is deformed by a Weyl rescaling, a judicious gate counting allows one to recover the Liouville action as a particular choice within a more general class of cost functions.
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We evaluate finite part of the on-shell action for black brane solutions of Einstein gravity on different subregions of spacetime enclosed by null boundaries. These subregions include the intersection of the Wheeler-DeWitt patch with past/future interior and left/right exterior for a two-sided black brane. Identifying the on-shell action on the exterior regions with subregion complexity, one finds that it obeys the subadditivity condition. This gives an insight to define a new quantity named mutual complexity. We will also consider a certain subregion that is a part of spacetime, which could be causally connected to an operator localized behind/outside the horizon. Taking into account all terms needed to have a diffeomorphism-invariant action with a well-defined variational principle, one observes that the main contribution that results in a nontrivial behavior of the on-shell action comes from joint points where two lightlike boundaries (including the horizon) intersect. A spacelike boundary gives rise to a linear time growth, while we have a classical contribution due to a timelike boundary that is given by the free energy.
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A bstract We explore the two holographic complexity proposals for the case of a 2d boundary CFT with a conformal defect. We focus on a Randall-Sundrum type model of a thin AdS 2 brane embedded in AdS 3 . We find that, using the “complexity=volume” proposal, the presence of the defect generates a logarithmic divergence in the complexity of the full boundary state with a coefficient which is related to the central charge and to the boundary entropy. For the “complexity=action” proposal we find that the logarithmically divergent term in the complexity is not influenced by the presence of the defect. This is the first case in which the results of the two holographic proposals differ so dramatically. We consider also the complexity of the reduced density matrix for subregions enclosing the defect. We explore two bosonic field theory models which include two defects on opposite sides of a periodic domain. We point out that for a compact boson, current free field theory definitions of the complexity would have to be generalized to account for the effect of zero-modes.
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We study holographic subregion complexity, and its possible connection to purification complexity suggested recently by Agón et al. In particular, we study the conjecture that subregion complexity is the purification complexity by considering holographic purifications of a holographic mixed state. We argue that these include states with any amount of coarse-graining consistent with being a purification of the mixed state in question, corresponding holographically to different choices of the cutoff surface. We find that within the complexity = volume and complexity = spacetime volume conjectures, the subregion complexity is equal to the holographic purification complexity. For complexity = action (CA), the subregion complexity seems to provide an upper bound on the holographic purification complexity, though we show cases where this bound is not saturated. One such example is provided by black holes with a large genus behind the horizon, which were studied by Fu et al. As such, one must conclude that these offending geometries are not holographic, that CA must be modified, or else that holographic subregion complexity in CA is not dual to the purification complexity of the corresponding reduced state.
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We explore a conformal field theoretic interpretation of the holographic entanglement of purification, which is defined as the minimal area of the entanglement wedge cross section. We argue that, in AdS3/CFT2, the holographic entanglement of purification agrees with the entanglement entropy for a purified state, obtained from a special Weyl transformation, called path-integral optimizations. By definition, this special purified state has minimal path-integral complexity. We confirm this claim in several examples.
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Motivated by holographic complexity proposals as novel probes of black hole spacetimes, we explore circuit complexity for thermofield double (TFD) states in free scalar quantum field theories using the Nielsen approach. For TFD states at t = 0t=0 , we show that the complexity of formation is proportional to the thermodynamic entropy, in qualitative agreement with holographic complexity proposals. For TFD states at t>0t>0 , we demonstrate that the complexity evolves in time and saturates after a time of the order of the inverse temperature. The latter feature, which is in contrast with the results of holographic proposals, is due to the Gaussian nature of the TFD state of the free bosonic QFT. A novel technical aspect of our work is framing complexity calculations in the language of covariance matrices and the associated symplectic transformations, which provide a natural language for dealing with Gaussian states. Furthermore, for free QFTs in 1+1 dimension, we compare the dynamics of circuit complexity with the time dependence of the entanglement entropy for simple bipartitions of TFDs. We relate our results for the entanglement entropy to previous studies on non-equilibrium entanglement evolution following quenches. We also present a new analytic derivation of a logarithmic contribution due to the zero momentum mode in the limit of vanishing mass for a subsystem containing a single degree of freedom on each side of the TFD and argue why a similar logarithmic growth should be present for larger subsystems.
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A bstract In the past, the study of the divergence structure of the holographic entanglement entropy on singular boundary regions uncovered cut-off independent coefficients. These coefficients were shown to be universal and to encode important field theory data. Inspired by these lessons we study the UV divergences of subregion complexity-action (CA) in a region with corner (kink). We develop a systematic approach to study all the divergence structures, and we emphasize that the counter term that restores reparameterization invariance on the null boundaries plays a crucial role in simplifying the results and rendering them more transparent. We find that a general form of subregion CA contains a part dependent on the null generator normalizations and a part that is independent of them. The former includes a volume contribution as well as an area contribution. We comment on the origin of the area term as entanglement entropy, and point out that its presence constitutes a robust difference between the two prescriptions to calculate subregion complexity (-action vs. -volume). We also find universal log δ divergence associated with the kink feature of the subregion. Similar flat angle limit as the subregion-CV result is obtained.
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We apply the recently developed notion of complexity for field theory to a quantum quench through a critical point in 1+1 dimensions. We begin with a toy model consisting of a quantum harmonic oscillator, and show that complexity exhibits universal scalings in both the slow and fast quench regimes. We then generalize our results to a one-dimensional harmonic chain, and show that preservation of these scaling behaviors in free field theory depends on the choice of norm. Applying our setup to the case of two oscillators, we quantify the complexity of purification associated with a subregion, and demonstrate that complexity is capable of probing features to which the entanglement entropy is insensitive. We find that the complexity of subregions is subadditive, and comment on potential implications for holography.
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A bstract We consider the computation of volumes contained in a spatial slice of AdS 3 in terms of observables in a dual CFT. Our main tool is kinematic space, defined either from the bulk perspective as the space of oriented bulk geodesics, or from the CFT perspective as the space of entangling intervals. We give an explicit formula for the volume of a general region in a spatial slice of AdS 3 as an integral over kinematic space. For the region lying below a geodesic, we show how to write this volume purely in terms of entangling entropies in the dual CFT. This expression is perhaps most interesting in light of the complexity = volume proposal, which posits that complexity of holographic quantum states is computed by bulk volumes. An extension of this idea proposes that the holographic subregion complexity of an interval, defined as the volume under its Ryu-Takayanagi surface, is a measure of the complexity of the corresponding reduced density matrix. If this is true, our results give an explicit relationship between entanglement and subregion complexity in CFT, at least in the vacuum. We further extend many of our results to conical defect and BTZ black hole geometries.
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A bstract The previously proposed “Complexity=Volume” or CV-duality is probed and developed in several directions. We show that the apparent lack of universality for large and small black holes is removed if the volume is measured in units of the maximal time from the horizon to the “final slice” (times Planck area). This also works for spinning black holes. We make use of the conserved “volume current”, associated with a foliation of spacetime by maximal volume slices, whose flux measures their volume. This flux picture suggests that there is a transfer of the complexity from the UV to the IR in holographic CFTs, which is reminiscent of thermalization behavior deduced using holography. It also naturally gives a second law for the complexity when applied at a black hole horizon. We further establish a result supporting the conjecture that a boundary foliation determines a bulk maximal foliation without gaps, establish a global inequality on maximal volumes that can be used to deduce the monotonicity of the complexification rate on a boost-invariant background, and probe CV duality in the settings of multiple quenches, spinning black holes, and Rindler-AdS.