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Timing of Syenite‐Charnockite Magmatism and Ruby and Sapphire Metamorphism in the Mogok Valley Region, Myanmar


Abstract and Figures

The Mogok metamorphic belt (MMB) extends for over 1,000 km along central Burma from the Andaman Sea to the East Himalayan syntaxis and represents exhumed lower and middle crustal metamorphic rocks of the Sibumasu plate. In the Mogok valley region, the MMB consists of regional high‐grade marbles containing calcite + phlogopite + spinel + apatite ± diopside ± olivine and hosts world class ruby and sapphire gemstones. The coarse‐grained marbles have been intruded by orthopyroxene‐ and clinopyroxene‐bearing charnockite‐syenite sheet‐like intrusions that have skarns around the margins. Syenites range from hornblende‐ to quartz‐bearing and frequently show layering that could be a primary igneous texture or a later metamorphic overprint. Calc‐silicate skarns contain both rubies and blue sapphires with large biotites. Rubies occur in marbles with scapolite, phlogopite, graphite, occasional diopside, and blue apatite. Both marbles and syenites have been intruded by the Miocene Kabaing garnet‐muscovite‐biotite peraluminous leucogranite. New mapping and structural observations combined with U‐Th‐Pb zircon, monazite, and titanite geochronology from syenites, charnockites, leucogranites, meta‐rhyolite‐tuffs, and skarns have revealed a complex multiphase igneous and metamorphic history for the MMB. U‐Pb zircon ages of the charnockite‐syenites fall into three categories, Jurassic (170–168 Ma), latest Cretaceous to early Paleocene (~68‐63 Ma), and late Eocene–Oligocene (44–21 Ma). New ages from five samples suggest that metamorphism in the presence of garnet and melt occurred between ~45 and 24 Ma. U‐Pb titanite ages from the ruby marbles and meta‐skarns at Le Oo mine in the Mogok valley are 21 Ma, similar to titanite ages from an adjacent syenite (22 Ma). U‐Th‐Pb dating shows that all the metamorphic ages are Late Cretaceous–early Miocene and related to the India‐Sibumasu collision.
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Timing of SyeniteCharnockite Magmatism and Ruby
and Sapphire Metamorphism in the Mogok
Valley Region, Myanmar
M. P. Searle
, J. M. Garber
, B. R. Hacker
, Kyi Htun
, N. J. Gardiner
, D. J. Waters
and L. J. Robb
Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford University, Oxford, UK,
Earth Research Institute, University of California, Santa
Barbara, CA, USA,
Now at Department of Geosciences, Penn State University, University Park, PA, USA,
Consultant, Yangon, Myanmar,
Now at School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of StAndrews, Scotland,
Abstract The Mogok metamorphic belt (MMB) extends for over 1,000 km along central Burma from the
Andaman Sea to the East Himalayan syntaxis and represents exhumed lower and middle crustal
metamorphic rocks of the Sibumasu plate. In the Mogok valley region, the MMB consists of regional
highgrade marbles containing calcite + phlogopite + spinel + apatite ± diopside ± olivine and hosts world
class ruby and sapphire gemstones. The coarsegrained marbles have been intruded by orthopyroxeneand
clinopyroxenebearing charnockitesyenite sheetlike intrusions that have skarns around the margins.
Syenites range from hornblendeto quartzbearing and frequently show layering that could be a primary
igneous texture or a later metamorphic overprint. Calcsilicate skarns contain both rubies and blue
sapphires with large biotites. Rubies occur in marbles with scapolite, phlogopite, graphite, occasional
diopside, and blue apatite. Both marbles and syenites have been intruded by the Miocene Kabaing
garnetmuscovitebiotite peraluminous leucogranite. New mapping and structural observations combined
with UThPb zircon, monazite, and titanite geochronology from syenites, charnockites, leucogranites,
metarhyolitetuffs, and skarns have revealed a complex multiphase igneous and metamorphic history for
the MMB. UPb zircon ages of the charnockitesyenites fall into three categories, Jurassic (170168 Ma),
latest Cretaceous to early Paleocene (~6863 Ma), and late EoceneOligocene (4421 Ma). New ages from
ve samples suggest that metamorphism in the presence of garnet and melt occurred between ~45 and 24
Ma. UPb titanite ages from the ruby marbles and metaskarns at Le Oo mine in the Mogok valley are 21 Ma,
similar to titanite ages from an adjacent syenite (22 Ma). UThPb dating shows that all the metamorphic
ages are Late Cretaceousearly Miocene and related to the IndiaSibumasu collision.
1. Introduction
Highgrade granuliteand upper amphibolitefacies marbles form a major part of the Mogok metamorphic
belt (MMB), Myanmar (Burma), stretching the length of northern Myanmar from the East Himalayan syn-
taxis south through the eastern Kachin state and the Mogok region to Mandalay (Figure 1). The Mogok val-
ley in northern Burma (Myanmar) contains some of world's best examples of gemquality spinel, ruby and
sapphire, extracted from upper amphiboliteto granulitefacies marbles in the MMB (Chhibber, 1934a,
1934b; Fermor, 1931; Gordon, 1888; LaTouche, 1913; Middlemiss, 18991900; Myanmar Geosciences
Society, 2012; O'Connor, 1888; Searle & Haq, 1964; Searle et al., 2007, 2017). The marbles are white,
coarsegrained, and contain calcite, phlogopite, graphite, red spinel, diopside, and forsterite. Rare metapeli-
tic rocks contain sillimanite and garnet, and some leucogneisses of possible metavolcanic origin are also pre-
sent. The marbles have been intruded by a series of charnockite and syenite intrusions that have silllike
structures and calcsilicate skarns around the margins. Rare garnetand tourmalinebearing leucogranites
intrude the marbles and are probably related to the 16.8 Ma Kabaing granite intrusion west of Mogok
(Gardiner et al., 2016, 2014; Gardiner, Searle, Robb, et al., 2015).
The age of metamorphism and formation of the rubies and sapphires in Mogok has long been debated. Prior
to any geochronology, the Mogok granulitefacies rocks were thought to be part of the Precambrian base-
ment (Fermor, 1931; Chhibber, 1934a, 1934b). Mitchell et al. (2007) proposed two metamorphic events,
one early Permian and the second Early Jurassic, based on eld relationships in the region south of
©2020. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Key Points:
Rubies and sapphires in
granulitefacies marbles from the
Mogok metamorphic belt,
Myanmar, are spatially associated
with charnockitesyenite silllike
intrusions and surrounding skarns
UThPb LAICPMS dating of
zircon, monazite, and titanite shows
that there were two groups of
charnockitesyenite dates, one
Jurassic in age (170168 Ma) and
one latest Cretaceous to early
Miocene (~6821 Ma)
Regional granulitefacies
metamorphism along the Mogok
metamorphic belt is Late Cretaceous
to Oligocene or early Miocene in age
(~6821 Ma), peaking with
garnetpresent melting between 45
and 21 Ma
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information S1
Table S1
Correspondence to:
M. P. Searle,
Searle, M. P., Garber, J. M., Hacker, B.
R., Htun, K., Gardiner, N. J., Waters, D.
J., & Robb, L. J. (2020). Timing of
syenitecharnockite magmatism and
ruby and sapphire metamorphism in
the Mogok valley region, Myanmar.
Tectonics,39, e2019TC005998. https://
Received 22 NOV 2019
Accepted 28 FEB 2020
Accepted article online 1 MAR 2020
Mandalay. Mitchell et al. (2012) published UPb zircon ages from a variety of igneous rocks along the MMB
south of Mandalay and proposed an Early Cretaceous age of metamorphism, with the main fabricforming
metamorphic event predating the IndiaAsia collision. However, these ages were mainly from diorites and
granites and may not date timing of regional metamorphism. The MMB has a range of biotiteand
hornblendebearing granites, granodiorites, and diorites that are thought to be related to the precollision,
subductionrelated Gangdesetype plutons along the southern margin of Asia, which range in age from
Late Jurassic to early Eocene (Lhasa block; Chung et al., 2005; Gardiner, Searle, Morley, et al., 2015).
D.L. Searle and Haq (1964) rst suggested that metamorphism along the MMB was related to the Cenozoic
Himalayan orogeny. A Himalayan connection was conrmed by preliminary UThPb IDTIMS and
LAICPMS dating of metamorphic monazite, zircon, xenotime, and thorite by M.P. Searle et al. (2007).
These data suggested two main periods of highgrade metamorphism in the MMB around Mandalay: (a) a
Late CretaceousPaleocene event that ended with intrusion of 59 Ma biotite granite dykes, which cut meta-
morphic fabrics at Belin quarry and (b) a late EoceneOligocene main event (at least 3729 Ma, possibly
extending from 47 Ma to 25 Ma), when monazite grew at high temperature, sillimanite + muscovite replaced
andalusite, zircon rims grew at 4743 Ma, and tourmalinebearing leucogranites formed at 45.5 ± 0.6 Ma and
25.5 ± 0.7 Ma (Searle et al., 2007). Metamorphic monazites from rare sillimaniteand andalusitebearing
pelites from Kyaushe (600650 °C; 4.44.9 kbar) revealed a peakmetamorphic age of 29.3 ± 0.5 Ma, and gar-
net + tourmaline leucogranite dykes cutting all earlier fabrics were dated at 24.5 ± 0.3 Ma (Searle et al., 2007).
Until recently, the age of crystallization of the spinel, ruby, and sapphirebearing marbles around the
Figure 1. Regional geological map of Myanmar from Searle et al. (2007).
Mogok valley has not been directly dated. These gems are common in the Mogok valley and hills to the north
but rarely occur along the MMB south and north of Mogok. Thus, the two metamorphic episodes, pre57 Ma
(Paleocene) and 4729 Ma (late EoceneOligocene), proposed by Searle et al. (2007, 2017) apply to the MMB
around Mandalay but not necessarily to the rubyand sapphirebearing marbles in the gems elds of the
Mogok valley farther north. Another question of direct relevance to the genesis of the MMB is why gem qual-
ity ruby and sapphire are localized in the Mogok Valley north of Mandalay and not widely distributed
throughout the belt.
Recently Win et al. (2016) and Thu and Zaw (2017) and Sutherland et al. (2019) reported some preliminary
UPb age data from Mogok rubies. A titanite inclusion in ruby from Thurein Taung gave a UPb date of 32.4
Ma, and subordinate nepheline was also noted as inclusions in the ruby. The adjacent syenite gave a UPb
zircon date of 25 Ma (Thu, 2007; quoted in Sutherland et al., 2019). Also reported is a UPb date of 16.1
Ma in an extremely rare painite (CaZrAl
)) overgrowth on ruby from Wet Loo mine (Thu, 2007).
A zircon inclusion from a ruby collected at Mong Hsu gave a UPb date of 23.9 Ma (Sutherland et al., 2019)
and is interpreted as the age of regional metamorphism. The geological and geochronological evidence
seems to suggest that the MMB was the site of JurassicPaleocene Andeantype granitoiddiorite intrusions
and localized lowpressure metamorphism, but the main hightemperature metamorphic event was
EoceneOligocene and related to the Himalayan orogenic event.
The major ruby and sapphire mines are located mainly in the Mogok valley and the hills to the north
(Fermor, 1934; Chhibber, 1934a, 1934b; Clegg & Iyer, 1953; Searle & Haq, 1964; Themelis, 2008) and are
uncommon to the south of Mogok (Figure 2). Over 1,000 mines in the Mogok valley region produce spinel,
ruby, sapphire, and numerous other gems. The Mogok valley has been closed to foreigners for decades but
reopened in 2012. It remains sporadically closed due to local insurgencies, now from the TNLA
(Palaungarmed ethnic group). Many of the larger ruby and sapphire mines remain offlimits to foreigners,
but smaller locally owned mines are accessible. Recent changes in mining law in Myanmar have released the
signicant acreage to local artisanal miners, resulting in a gem rush of exploration in the Mogok valley area.
Since 2014, we have carried out extensive eld investigations around the Mogok valley and surrounding hills
and visited many of the ruby and sapphire mines in the region. A new geological map of the Mogok valley
area is presented in Figure 3. Dense tropical jungle and thick red laterite soil make geological mapping dif-
cult, and almost all critical contacts are not exposed. We were able to access underground shafts in several
ruby and sapphire mines where continuous exposures made key structural observations possible. This paper
presents new mapping and structural relationships together with new UThPb LAICPMS dating of zircon,
monazite, and titanite that constrain timing of intrusion of the syenitecharnockite intrusions and the age of
metamorphism in the Mogok valley. Field relationships clearly suggest that the distribution of ruby and sap-
phire in the Mogok valley is spatially related to the syenite and charnockite intrusions, but our data suggest a
complex relationship between pluton emplacement, skarn formation, and ruby and sapphire crystallization.
2. Geology of the Mogok Region
The geology of the Mogok valley region was rst mapped and studied by Gordon (1888), O'Connor (1888),
LaTouche (1913), Fermor (1931, Fermor, 1934), BarringtonBrown (1933), BarringtonBrown & Judd (1896),
Kane & Kammerling (1992), and Keller (1983). The most detailed descriptions were made by Chhibber
(1934a, 1934b), and a geological map was published by Clegg and Iyer (1953) and Iyer (1953). In the days
before radiometric age dating, these authors presumedthat the highgrade metamorphic rocks in Mogok were
Archean in age. They also suggested that the rubies in Mogok were formed by contact metamorphism around
large granites such as the Kabaing pluton. However, metamorphism in the Mogok region is of regional extent
(Searle et al., 2007, 2017; Searle & Haq, 1964) and not restricted to contact aureoles around granites.
The Mogok valley area is dominated by an ~10 km wide central zone of thick, coarsegrained calcite + phlo-
gopite + graphite + spinel ± apatitebearing marble that hosts many spinel, ruby, and sapphire mines
(Figure 3). Marbles also contain scapolite, wollastonite, clinopyroxene (diopside), and olivine (forsterite)
indicating granulitefacies conditions of formation. The marbles have been intruded by a large
syenitecharnockite intrusion (Taungmet syenite) with several offshoots, mainly aligned as large sills
(Figure 4a). On Taungmet mountain, the syenites commonly show interlayered felsic and mac bands
(Figure 4b) with small veins of felsic syenite crosscutting the igneous layering (Figure 4c,d).
Coarsegrained orthopyroxenebearing charnockites have igneous textures but are usually interpreted as
granulitefacies rocks (Figure 4e). The Taungmet syenite intrusion is approximately 400 meters thick and
may extend west as far as the Bawlongyi area north of Kyatpyin (Figure 5f), making this one of the
largest alkaline igneous intrusions in Myanmar.
In the western part of the Mogok region around the Htaypying ruby mine, small dykes of orthopyroxene
charnockite intrude Mogok marbles (Figure 5a,b). The surrounding marbles are rich in highquality rubies
and have sapphirebearing skarns around the dyke margins. Further west at Yadarnar kaday kadar mine
next to Kyaukpyathat pagoda hill, a variety of clinopyroxene syenites and orthopyroxenebearing char-
nockites intrude Mogok marble (Figure 5c). The marbles are laden with both rubies and sapphires, and
the margins have extensive metasomatic veining with large biotites (Figure 5d). East of Mogok the
syenitemarble contact is well exposed at Nga Yant (Figure 5e). The syenite shows strong magmatic layering
with interbanded felsic and mac syenites (Figure 5f).
The Le Oo mine site east of Mogok town shows clear eld relationships with a sharp contact between the
Mogok marbles and syenitecharnockite intrusions (Figure 6a). The intrusions vary compositionally
between two pyroxenecharnockites and quartz syenites (Figure 6b). Some show perthitic textures with
Figure 2. (a) Digital elevation model for the Mogok area and (b) geological overlay showing the main structures. Box
shows outline of the Mogok valley region in Figure 3.
Kfeldspar and quartz and a mac constituent consisting of both clinopyroxene and amphibole. Calcsilicate
skarns around the intrusion margins are rich in ruby (Figure 6c,d) and sapphire (Figure 6e). Individual ruby
crystals can reach up to 45 cm (Figure 6f). Pale blue apatites are common across the Mogok marbles and can
reach up to 5 cm length (Figure 6g). Extensive metasomatism along the marble contacts is evident from large
biotites and hydrothermal minerals such as sodalite (Figure 5h).
Highgrade regional metamorphic rocks comprising garnet + sillimanite gneisses and migmatites crop out
to the SE of the Mogok valley but are poorly mapped. The surrounding rocks to the east comprise the
NeoproterozoicCambrian Chaung Magyi Group (Dew et al., 2019), although the nature of its contact with
the Mogok metamorphic rocks is not known. Overlying the Chaung Magyi Group are the CambrianEarly
Ordovician Pangyun Formation quartzites, sandstones, and siltstones and the Bawdwin volcanic series,
which host the large PbZn(CuAgNi) deposits at Bawdwin mine (Gardiner et al., 2017). To the west of
the Mogok valley, a large leucogranite intrusion, the Kabaing granite, dated at 16.8 ± 0.5 Ma (UPb zircon)
intrudes the Mogok marbles and syenites (Gardiner et al., 2016). To the north in the Pyangyuang area
(Bernardmyo; Figures 2 and 3), a large mass of peridotite, including dunite, harzburgite, and
hornblendebearing peridotite, was thought to represent an ophiolitic mantle rock (Searle et al., 2017) but
may instead be a layered ultramac intrusion, possibly related to the adjacent syenite intrusion at
Taungmet (Figure 2). No gabbros, sheeted dykes, or pillow lavas are present at Pyangyuang.
Gemquality peridot (olivine) and enstatite were mined from this massif. Marbles containing abundant
rubies and sapphires crop out in the hills immediately north of the peridotite ridge at Ah Chauk and
HtinShu Taung mines (Figure 3). The northern boundary of the Mogok region is a prominent
northdipping fault showing both normal and dextral fabrics, along the Momeik valley.
The structure of the Mogok valley is difcult to ascertain in detail due to the heavy jungle cover, but regional
marble layers seem to dip consistently at steep angles, 4560° SE. Thus, the garnet + sillimanite gneisses to
the SE are structurally higher, above the Mogok marbles, and the Pyangyuang ultramac intrusion in the
north is structurally beneath the Mogok marbles (Figure 2). It is possible that the entire Mogok massif repre-
sents a giant metamorphic core complex structurally below overlying Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic sedi-
mentary rocks (Figure 2), although this is speculative since the whole area was covered in dense forest
and in need of detailed mapping.
Figure 3. Simplied geological map of the Mogok valley region, also showing locations of samples dated in this study.
2.1. Spinel, Ruby, and SapphireBearing Marbles
Red spinel (MgAl
) is the most common gem mineral in Mogok marbles, frequently forming euhedral
octahedra within coarsegrained marble. Ruby and sapphire (corundum Al
) differ in color only as
dened by their trace contents of iron, titanium, vanadium, and chromium; these phases both occur in
Mogok marbles, with sapphires possibly more abundant in skarns. The presence of diopside and forsterite
in marble requires amphibolite or granulitefacies metamorphic conditions (Bowen, 1940). The highest
grade olivine (forsterite)bearing marbles have the paragenesis Cal + Dol + Fo + Spl + Phl + Amp + Grt
and contain gemquality rubies and sapphires; spinel is not present with ruby or sapphire. Impure marbles
may contain micas (phengite, biotite, and fuchsite), graphite from organic debris, feldspars, and garnet. Pale
blue apatite crystals that reach 5 cm or more in size are present in many Mogok marbles. Calcsilicate rocks
contain Scp + Di + Cal + Qtz + Kfs + Grt + Ttn. Clinohumiteand scapolitebearing assemblages yield high
metamorphic grades at >780810° C and 0.8 GPa (Thu & Enami, 2018). The calcitedolomite
Figure 4. Field relations of the Chaungyi, Taungmet region. (a) View of Mogok town and hills to the north showing
the Taungmet syenite sill and Pyangyuang peridotites in distance. (b) Layered clinopyroxenebearing syenite from
Chaungyi (sample MY 215). (c) Layered mac syenites at Chaungyi (sample MY216). (d) Perthitic feldspathic vein
intruding mac syenite, Chaungyi. (e) Coarsegrained enstatite crystals in charnockite, Chaungyi. (f). Outcrops of syenite
at Bawlon gyi, north of Kyatpyin.
geothermometer also suggests a minimum temperature of 720765° C and a possible equilibrium
temperature up to 780860° C (Thu & Enami, 2018). These temperatures are consistent with
granulitefacies metamorphic conditions, in which decarbonation of buried carbonaterich rocks released
rich uids, while some H
Ouids may also have been associated with acidic igneous melts (Yui
et al., 2008). The presence of uncommon wollastonite (CaSiO
) in some skarns in Mogok indicates high
temperaturelow pressure breakdown of calcite + quartz with the release of CO
Potential protoliths of the Mogok marbles are the thick Permian Fusulinidbearing limestones
(Chhibber, 1934a), which are widespread across SE Asia or the midCretaceous Orbitolinabearing lime-
stones (Clegg, 1941). The NeoproterozoicEarly Cambrian Chaung Magyi Group and the
OrdovicianDevonian argillaceous limestones of the Shan Plateau are probably too muddy to be suitable pro-
toliths for the purer marbles in Mogok. Elevated aluminum content could be a result of specic
aluminumrich, silicapoor source rocks, such as laterites or evaporites. MgO combined with Al
Figure 5. (a) Syenite dyke intruding Mogok marble, Htaypying quarry, north of Kyatpyin. (b) Sharp intrusive contact of
syenite with Mogok marble, Htaypying. (c) Coarsegrained clinopyroxene + amphibole syenite, Yadaney kadey
kadar. (d) Hydrothermal metasomatic biotites along the intrusive contact of syenite in marble, Yadarnar kaday kadar.
(e) Sharp intrusive contact of layered syenite with Mogok marble, Nga Yant, east of Mogok. (f) Layered felsic and mac
syenites, Nga Yant, east of Mogok.
form spinel at low SiO
and CaO activities and corundum formed locally (Sutherland et al., 2019). Spinels are
generally not found together with ruby or sapphire in the eld, suggesting that variable Mg activity in the
marbles may have controlled the occurrence of corundum. Hightemperature uids (CO
and H
O) were
driven off from surrounding skarns and inltrated the marbles possibly during intrusion of the hot, dry
charnockitic magmas. Metasomatic phases such as sodalite and lapis lazuli are common in several Mogok
localities. The close association of charnockites with gem minerals (notably ruby, sapphire, spinel,
cordierite, and sapphirine) has also been noted in the Proterozoic Highland Group of Sri Lanka, where
Figure 6. (a) Syenitemarble contact above Le Oo mine, east of Mogok. (b) Clinopyroxenebearing syenite at Le Oo
ruby mine. (c) Rubybearing calcsilicate skarn, Le Oo mine. (d) Rubies mined from Le Oo marbles. (e) Large
euhedral sapphire crystals from Le Oo mine. (f) Large ruby hosted in Mogok marble. (g) Large pale blue apatite and small
red spinel in Mogok marble. (h) Blue sodalite, a metasomatic product of uids along the syenitemarble contact.
the gems have been related to contact metamorphism around ultrahigh temperature charnockite intrusions
(Rupasinghe & Dissanayake, 1985).
2.2. Pelites
Pelitic rocks containing the assemblage Grt + Bt + Pl + Sil + Qtz ± Crd ± Spl are present but uncommon
along the MMB, making precise PT conditions difcult to ascertain. The metamorphosed pelites, now garnet
+ sillimanite gneisses, are called khondalites in the older literature (Chhibber, 1934a, 1934b). Rare pelites
containing garnet and sillimanite at Kyaushe, south of Mandalay, revealed PT conditions of 600650 °C
and 4.44.9 kbar, and a peakmetamorphic UPb monazite age of 29.3 ± 0.5 Ma (Searle et al., 2007).
Kyanite is uncommon but occurs in the Kyaushe region. Yonemura et al. (2013) obtained PT conditions
of 6.58.7 kbar and 800950 °C from granulitefacies gneisses and also published imprecise UThPb ages
of <50 Ma. Core samples from the LetpanhlaKyitauk Pauk gold mine in the western part of the Mogok
area, adjacent to the Sagaing fault, show extensive garnet + sillimanite migmatites with late cordierite, rock
types that are not exposed in the Mogok valley or in the many quarries south of Mandalay along the MMB.
2.3. Charnockites and Syenites
2.3.1. Denitions
Syenites are dened as coarsegrained, intrusive igneous rocks with essential Kfeldspar, frequently with
perthitic textures and ferromagnesian minerals (biotite, hornblende, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene).
A few syenite bodies have the full range from ultramac jacupirangites (amphibole, pyroxene, and biotite
rocks) to quartz syenites. Syenites are generally associated with anorogenic intraplate intrusions or along
rifted continental margins such as along the East Africa rift system. It is unusual that the differentiated
sequence from alkaline ultramac to quartz syenite occurs in one intrusion, but one example, the
Borralan intrusion in the Moine thrust zone, NW Scotland (Parsons, 1999; Searle, Law, et al., 2010), shows
a similar compositional range. The Borralan intrusion includes an early suite of pyroxenites, nepheline sye-
nites, and pseudoleucitebearing syenites, and a later suite of feldspathic and quartz syenites. It was intruded
into Cambrian sedimentary rocks and Ordovician marbles forming a highgrade contact metamorphic aur-
eole of yellowish brucite and pyroxene marble. The dolomites were metasomatized and intruded as carbo-
natite sheets. The Borralan syenite intrusion thus has many similarities with the Mogok syenites.
Charnockites were originally dened as orthopyroxenebearing (Atype) granitegranodiorites (opdalites),
tonalites (enderbites), or monzogranites (mangerites; Howie, 1955; LeMaitre et al., 2005). They were named
from the tombstone rock on Col. Job Charnock's grave in Calcutta, India (Holland, 1893). Charnockites are
hot (~1,000 °C), dry, granulitefacies quartzofeldspathic rocks with orthopyroxene that can be either igneous
or metamorphic in origin (Frost et al., 2000; Frost & Frost, 2008, 2000; Bhattacharya, 2010). Frost and Frost
(2008) dened charnockite as an Opx(or Fay) bearing granitic rock that is clearly of igneous origin or that
is present as an orthogneiss within a granulite terrane(Frost & Frost, 1987). Charnockites can form by dif-
ferentiation from anhydrous tholeiitic rocks with low water activity and enriched levels of CO
. The process
of charnockitization may be associated with several processes including hightemperature dehydration melt-
ing of mac to intermediate protoliths, inltration of CO
from deep crust levels, and magmatic differentia-
tion above mantle anomalies such as rift zones or continental hot spots. Charnockites, despite having an
igneous origin in many cases, are invariably associated with hightemperature granulitefacies terranes
(Bhattacharya, 2010). Most charnockites are Precambrian in age, with classic examples from south India
and Sri Lanka (Highland Group). Although granulites are widespread in Phanerozoic rocks from a variety
of lower crust tectonic settings (deep levels of calcalkaline batholiths, island arcs, or thickened continental
plateau regions like Tibet), there are only a few possible examples of Phanerozoic charnockites, for example,
in the Coast Ranges of British Columbia, the Variscan Bohemian massif, Czech Republic, and the Variscan
Aracena belt, Spain (Windley, 1981).
Skarns are calciummagnesiumironmanganese aluminum silicate rocks that may also be referred to as
calcsilicate rocks. They are typically formed by metasomatic or hydrothermal alteration of country rocks
by uids, usually only locally around igneous intrusions (contact metamorphism), but in Mogok, the skarn
effects could be of more regional extent.
2.3.2. Mogok Charnockites and Syenites
The Mogok valley shows three or four major charnockitesyenite silllike intrusions into the marble; the lar-
gest, the Taungmet intrusion, forms the high mountain ridge north of Mogok town (Figure 4a). At least two
further sills to the south have been mapped around Dattaw, and at least three sills have been mapped in the
west, north of Kyatpyin (Figure 3). It is not clear from the limited exposures whether these sills are all part of
one major intrusion or whether separate sills have intruded in the same general area. A wide range of alkali
granites, syenites, and charnockites has intruded the MMB. These include hornblenderich melanocratic
syenite, orthopyroxenebearing charnockite, clinopyroxene + hornblendebearing Kfeldspar + plagioclase
syenite, and quartz syenite. Some show compositional layering that may be an original igneous texture;
others also show a tectonic foliation with aligned hornblende indicating a hightemperature fabric superim-
posed on the original igneous rock. In this study, most of the samples from larger sheets are charnockitic,
whereas syenites are dominant in associations with marble and skarn at the mine localities. Rare alkaline
ultramac rocks consisting of amphibole + clinopyroxene + biotite jacupirangites (called urtitein older
literature; Chhibber, 1934a, 1934b) with no feldspar are associated with the deepest levels of the syenite
intrusions. Chhibber (1934a, p. 123) described nepheline in syenites from Chaunggyi; silica undersaturated
melting could result in feldspathoids, such as nepheline replacing albite and leucite replacing orthoclase, but
none of our samples contain nepheline. The map of Clegg and Iyer (1953) also shows several outcrops of
nepheline syenites, but we were unable to conrm this at several localities around Pingu Taung and
Kyauk pyathat (Figure 3).
2.4. Granites and pegmatites
Uncommon leucogranites containing garnet, sillimanite, and tourmaline intrude the marbles and may be
related to the large Kabaing granite intrusion, west of the Mogok valley. The Kabaing leucogranite appears
to be a largescale midcrustal intrusion and differs from the Himalayan leucogranites that are silllike intru-
sions emanating from a thick sillimanite ± cordierite migmatite terrane (Searle, Cottle, et al., 2010). One pos-
sible source could be the sillimanite migmatites known from drill cores in the LetpanhlaKyitauk Pauk gold
mine in the western part of the Mogok area (Figure 2), but other pelitic rocks are extremely rare along the
MMB. A suite of pegmatites associated with the Kabaing granite contains gemquality topaz, quartz, tourma-
line, lepidolite, and aquamarine (e.g., at Sakangyi mine). Kfeldspar augen gneisses are present in the area
south of Mogok (e.g., Kyanikan and Nattaung quarries) and are associated with in situ partial melting to
form tourmaline ± garnet leucogranites (Searle et al., 2007, 2017).
3. Field Relations and UThPb Geochronology
We present UThPb zircon, monazite, and titanite dates and trace elements for 13 samples tied to structural
mapping from across the Mogok valley. These samples are described from three main regions (Figure 3): (a)
the Mogok valley and region to the east, including the Le Oo, Dattaw, and Pein Pyit (Gorkha, Nepali)
rubysapphire mines; (b) the Chaunggyi valley and Taungmet hill, north of the Mogok valley; and (c) the
western part of Mogok, including Baw Lon Ley, Baw Mar, and Yadarnar kaday kadar rubysapphire mines
around Kyatpyin village. Figure 7 is a summary diagram showing the full range of dates and minerals dated
(titanite, zircon, and monazite) from 13 samples across the Mogok region.
3.1. Methodology
We conducted laserablation splitstream inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LASS) measure-
ments on zircon, monazite, and titanite. Mineral zoning was qualitatively assessed in select samples with
cathodoluminescence or Xray maps (measured by EPMA), and UPb dates and trace elements (Table S1
in the supporting information) were measured quantitatively on all samples during LASS. The LASS analy-
tical protocols and datareduction strategies have been presented in earlier papers (e.g., KylanderClark
et al., 2013). In summary, a Photon Machines 193 nm excimer laser and HelEx sample cell were used, and
data were collected on a Nu Plasma or Plasma 3D multicollector ICPMS coupled to an Agilent 7700S quad-
rupole ICPMS. Analyses of NIST 612 glass and basalt standard BHVO2 (Jochum et al., 2005) were inter-
leaved with the unknowns as traceelement reference materials, and wellcharacterized zircon, monazite,
and titanite were interleaved as UThPb reference materials. Data were processed using Iolite (Paton
et al., 2011), which corrects for machine drift and downhole interelement fractionation using reference
material. Most analyses were standard LASS analyses in which all data from a single hole were interpreted
as a single datetrace element pair. Two samples, MY83 and MY164, were also evaluated using depth prol-
ing, in which the downhole variation in dateelement data was treated as spatially signicant.
SEARLE ET AL. 10 of 21
We interpret changes in mineral traceelement signatures in the following ways: (a) an increase/decrease in
Lu/Gd ratio indicates garnet breakdown/growth; (b) an increase/decrease in Eu/Eu* ratio is compatible
with plagioclaserich melt injection/extraction or plagioclase breakdown/growth; (c) an increase/decrease
in Th/U reects recrystallization in the presence of a silicate melt/hydrous uid. Unless otherwise noted,
all dates quoted here for zircon are
Pb intercept dates, and all monazite dates
are concordant
Pb dates. Many of the monazite analyses have a concordant spread in
U/PbTh/Pb ratios that could be the result of Pb loss, mixing during laser ablation, longterm recrystalliza-
tion, or spatially heterogeneous shortterm recrystallization.
3.2. Mogok Valley and Region to the East
The Mogok valley runs NESW between high mountain ridges of Taungmet to the north and the more sub-
dued jungleclad hills toward Pyin Oo Lyin to the south. The valley shows at least 2 km thickness of
coarsegrained, upper amphibolite, or granulitefacies marble that is host to at least six major
rubysapphire mining districts extracting gems from bedrock as well as alluvial deposits (Bawpadan,
Yebu, Le Oo, Dattaw, Onbin, and Pein Pyit). The marbles are intruded by several charnockitesyenite intru-
sions that appear to form silllike structures. Skarns are present around the margins with a concentration of
sapphires as well as large biotite akes. Sample MYLe Oo is from a rubybearing marble from the Le Oo
mine, MY228 is from a coarsegrained clinopyroxenebearing syenite collected in situ immediately above
the alluvial washing pits. Sample MY229 is from a skarn along the syenitemarble contact from the same
mine; it consists of 50% clinopyroxene with Kfeldspar and around 5% quartz. Two further samples
(MY142 and MY144) were collected from the Pein Pyit (also called Nepali Gorkha) rubysapphire mine east
of Le Oo and Mogok. MY142 is a leucocratic rock interbedded within marbles and contains lilaccolored
garnet + plagioclase + Kfeldspar + biotite + apatite. MY144 is a graphitic garnet + biotite + plagioclase
rock, inferred to represent a residual assemblage after loss of partial melt from a metapelite, interbanded
within marbles, one of the more aluminous samples we found in the Mogok valley.
We dated zircon, monazite, and titanite from these samples (Figure 8). Zircon in MY142 comprise tiny euhe-
dral grains, of which the oldest are 111 Ma; this sample could be a tuff that erupted at 111 Ma or a metasedi-
ment deposited after that time. Monazite from this rock is mostly younger and shows a distinct drop in
Eu/Eu* and Lu/Gd from ~78 to 24 Ma, compatible with melt extraction and the crystallization of garnet.
Zircon from MY144 has a large range in concordant dates1.2 Ga to Cretaceoustypical of a
Figure 7. Summary and geologic interpretation of zircon, monazite, and titanite dates presented in this study. Gray bands
emphasize geological events recorded in multiple samples and/or known from elsewhere in the orogen. mmm,meta-
morphism; xlzn,crystallization; w.,with; w/o,without. Solid colors indicate clusters of dates, and faded colors
indicate ranges of concordant dates.
SEARLE ET AL. 11 of 21
Figure 8. Concordia diagrams for UPb and ThPb data, REEdate data, and traceelementdate data from the central and eastern Mogok valley. (left column) cited
dates are either concordia ages (sensu Ludwig) or
Pb intercepts. (center column) REE changes are shown as a function of date.
(right column) Th/U, Eu/Eu*, and Lu/Gd changes over time may result from recrystallization in the presence of a silicate melt/hydrous uid, melt injection/
extraction or plagioclase breakdown/growth, and garnet breakdown/growth, respectively.
SEARLE ET AL. 12 of 21
metasedimentary rock that might have a Cretaceous depositional age. Most of the zircon analyses are 7424
Ma, compatible with metamorphism ending by 24 Ma. Monazite from MY144 mirrors the younger zircon,
with a range from 80 Ma (highY and lowTh cores) to 35 Ma (lowY and highTh rims; Figure S1). Both zir-
con and monazite have weak decreases in Eu/Eu* and increases in Th/U compatible with melting; the
reduction seen in zircon Lu/Gd is suggestive of the growth of garnet, but this signature is absent from mon-
azite. Zircon from MY228 is entirely Cenozoic and of constant composition, compatible with either igneous
or metamorphic parentage. The youngest titanite in MY229 and MYLe Oo is ~22 Ma and certainly meta-
morphic in origin.
3.3. Chaunggyi Valley and TaungMet Hill
This region lies north of the Mogok valley and is dominated by a long, high ridge leading up to
Taungmet summit. The high ridge is composed of a large charnockite intrusion nearly concordant with
the foliation in the surrounding marbles. The southwestern (Injauk valley) and southeastern (Chaunggyi
valley) margins of the charnockitesyenite are intrusive into marbles, with numerous mines along the
contact. The northern contact of the Taungmet charnockitesyenite intrusion is close to the layered ultra-
mac rocks of the Pyangyaung (Bernardmyo) region. Samples MY215, MY216, and MY164 were all
collected from the Taungmet intrusion north of the Chaunggyi valley (Figure 3). MY164 is a clinopyr-
oxene charnockite with perthite and titanite. MY215 is a felsic syenite consisting of Kfeldspar + quartz
+ clinopyroxene. MY216 is a mac syenite (Figure 4b,c). Sample MY83 was collected from a layered
charnockite containing Kfeldspar + plagioclase + quartz + orthopyroxene at the coffee plantation estate
NE of the Injauk road junction (Figure 3). Sample MY138 is a diopside + plagioclase + Kfeldspar +
phlogopite calcsilicate skarn from Chaunggyi collected from the southern margin of the Taungmet
charnockitesyenite intrusion.
The simplest zircon sample is MY138, which gave a range of UPb dates from 44 to 28 Ma and shows mini-
mal variation in Th/U, Lu/Gd, and Eu/Eu* over that time span (Figure 9). These dates are denitively meta-
morphic because the rock is a skarn. The zircon data from the rest of the samples are not as simple to
interpret. All four (MY83, MY164, MY215, and MY216) give broad ranges in UPb dates from ~170 to 22
Ma, with possible clusters of intermediate dates from 68 to 20 Ma (Figures 7 and 9). Most of the dates are
concordant, or nearly so, indicating either small amounts of common Pb, partial resetting, or mechanical
(laser) mixing of zones with distinct dates. That all four samples have a cluster of oldest analyses of ~170
Maobserved exclusively in oscillatory to sectorzoned zircon cores (Figures S2 and S3)indicates that
the dated rocks are of roughly the same age and crystallized at the same time; there might be a range of crys-
tallization ages from 170 to 163 Ma, but dispersion in the data makes this difcult to assess. Th/U decreases
monotonically until ~60 Ma in MY83 and MY164, compatible with metamorphism at that time and then
increases markedly after ~40 Ma, compatible with melting. Some UPb dates arrayed between ~170 and
60 Ma occur in obviously metamict zircon cores (Figures S2 and S3), although many do not; in contrast,
Late Cretaceous (~68 Ma) to Miocene dates (~20 Ma) typically occur in distinct zircon overgrowths. The
youngest dates from each sample always occur in cathodoluminescencebright rims, and the range of mea-
sured dates from these rims (~4020 Ma) are reproducible between spot and depthproling methods applied
to the same samples. Eu/Eu* is relatively invariant in all samples except for MY215, in which a peak at 6040
Ma is compatible with plagioclaserich melt injection. Titanite from MY216 gives a simple intercept date of
19.8 ± 0.4 Ma. In summary, and when considered in light of the geochronology data presented below, this
data set is compatible with ~170 Ma igneous crystallization of the charnockitesyenite intrusions, meta-
morphism beginning at 6540 Ma, and sustained high temperatures through to 20 Ma.
3.4. KyatPyin and Western Mogok Region
This region lies west of Mogok and is centered around the town of Kyatpyin and the Kyaukpyathat golden
pagodas (Figure 3). Numerous ruby and sapphire mines in this region are either within the marble or along
skarn contacts with several syenite sills. We found no corundum gems in the syenite itself, although sap-
phires have been found in syenite elsewhere in the Mogok region (Themelis, 2008). Three main
charnockitesyenite sills are mapped along the transect from Kyatpyin north to Bawmar. The main
rubysapphire mines are at Kyatpyin, Wet Loo, Bawlonlay, Bawlongyi, and Bawmar. Farther west, the
mines at Thurein Taung and Yadarnar kaday kadar (Burmese for millions and billions) produce gem star
sapphires and rubies. Sample MY227 is a syenite from a dyke intruding marble, north of Kyatpyin
SEARLE ET AL. 13 of 21
(Figure 5a). Sample MY122 is a garnet + biotite leucogneiss adjacent to a clinopyroxeneolivine bearing
calcsilicate or skarn, collected from Bawlonlay mine. Sample MY94 is a garnet + sillimanite + biotite
paragneiss that contains Kfeldsparrich leucosomes attributable to partial melting and is one of the few
metapelitic rocks seen in the Mogok valley.
Figure 9. Concordia diagrams for UPb and ThPb data, REEdate data, and traceelementdate data from the Chaunggyi valley and Taungmet hill (cf. Figure 8
caption for additional gure details).
SEARLE ET AL. 14 of 21
We analyzed zircon from MY227 and monazite and zircon from MY94 and MY122 (Figure 10). Zircon in
MY227 is 66.6 ± 1.2 Ma and invariant in REE composition. The Cretaceous date could be an intrusion
age, and the few younger analyses are compatible with subsequent Pb mobilization. Zircon in MY122
gave chiey concordant dates from 151 to ~90 Ma, with a cluster at 124 Ma and little variation in REE
composition. The Jurassic date is likely an intrusion age, and the few younger analyses are compatible
with subsequent Pb mobilization. Monazite from the same sample is signicantly younger, with concor-
dant dates from ~101 to 21 Ma and a clear decrease in Th/U, Eu/Eu*, and Lu/Gd until ~60 Ma. These data
are compatible with metamorphism without garnet prior to 60 Ma and metamorphism in the presence of
garnet since. Monazite from MY94 is similar, with highY cores mantled by lowY rims (Figure S4), and
warrants the same interpretation; however, thin, young, Thrich rims on several grains suggest a late
(~25 Ma) melting event. For this sample, the outermost zircon rim dates have UPb dates similar to the
youngest monazite, revealing that the zircon underwent late metamorphismrelated recrystallization or
rim growth.
Figure 10. Concordia diagrams for UPb and ThPb data, REEdate data, and traceelementdate data from Kyatpyin and the western Mogok region (cf. Figure 8
caption for additional gure details).
SEARLE ET AL. 15 of 21
4. Model for Formation of Spinel, Ruby, and Sapphires in Mogok
Figure 11 is a simplied model showing the structural relationships of the lower and middle crustal rocks
exposed in the Mogok region. Abundant charnockitesyenite magmas intruded from a hot lower crustal
source. Alkaline ultramac rocks (jacupirangites) associated with mac syenites reect an unusual and
extreme alkaline source from the upper mantle. The charnockitesyenites intruded to midcrust levels where
they became silllike intrusions. Heat from the intrusion of hot (>1,0001,200 °C) charnockitesyenites
would likely have produced a contact metamorphic aureole and skarns around the margins.
Magmaticmetasomatic uids desilicied the surrounding country rock forming rst spinel and then corun-
dum. Both rubies and sapphires are regionally distributed and are almost always found close to (within 1
2 km structural thickness) the major syenite intrusions north of the Mogok valley. Sapphire mines appear
to correlate mainly with skarns around the margins of the intrusions.
Although the large Taungmet charnockitesyenite is probably Jurassic in age (170168 Ma), other
charnockitesyenite intrusions around Thurein Taung, Kyauk Pyathat, and Bawmar in the west may be lat-
est Cretaceous to early Miocene (~68 Ma and 4421 Ma). One syenite along the northern margin of the Le Oo
mine, east of Mogok has a UPb zircon crystallization age of 37 Ma (MY228), and a titanite crystallization age
of 21.6 Ma (MY229), similar to the calcsilicate rubybearing skarns at Le Oo mine (22 Ma). UPb geochro-
nology shows that all the metamorphic ages are latest Cretaceous through to Oligoceneearliest
Miocene. The ages from the syenites and charnockites in Mogok are more difcult to interpret, and several
possible scenarios are proposed (see section 5).
Garnetand meltpresent metamorphism occurred between ~45 and 24 Ma in Mogok and is coeval with pre-
vious UThPb metamorphic ages from MMB rocks near Mandalay (Searle et al., 2007, 2017). Systematic
Figure 11. Model for the crustal structure of the Mogok metamorphic belt. Mantle rocks are the Pyangyuang peridotites
(dunites, harzburgites, etc.). Lower crustal rocks comprise the large layered syenite intrusion of Taungmet, Chaungyi,
and several other sills exposed around Dattaw, Le Oo, and Bawpadan, intrusive into Mogok marbles. Ruby (R) and
sapphire (S) mines are spatially associated with the syenite sills and their surrounding skarns. The garnet + sillimanite
gneisses exposed in the mountains south of Mogok structurally overlie the marbles. West of Mogok, a large intrusive
leucogranite, the Kabaing granite, intrudes the ruby marbles and gneisses. Gembearing pegmatites (e.g., Sakangyi
topazquartz pegmatite) emanate from the roof of the Kabaing granite.
SEARLE ET AL. 16 of 21
thermobarometry on the highvariance assemblages sampled in the
Mogok valley area is problematic and has not been attempted.
Moreover, there is very little evidence in the metamorphic assemblages
for multiple events, despite the apparently complex history revealed in
the zircon and monazite ages. Nevertheless, broad constraints can be
placed on the maximum conditions (Figures 12) by phase equilibrium
modelling of bulk compositions for GrtBt leucogneiss (e.g., MY122 and
MY142) and GrtBtSil paragneiss (e.g., MY94), based on observed
mineral proportions in the samples. The location of the solidus places
an important constraint on the peak temperature, given that MY94 is a
migmatitic gneiss and that MY142 shows textural evidence for dehydra-
tion melting of biotite. The solidus curve is calculated for a bulk H
O con-
tent that is dened by the volume proportion of biotite, the only hydrous
mineral in the samples. A further constraint on the GrtBt leucogneiss is
the absence of orthopyroxene, which is predicted to occur at lower pres-
sure and also in meltbearing assemblages through further dehydration
melting of biotite. For the GrtBtSil paragneiss, cordierite is predicted to
occur at lower pressure, and the highP limit is given by the KySil curve.
The extent of each eld also takes into account uncertainty on the esti-
mated bulk composition (cf. Palin et al., 2016). The area of overlap for
the two rock compositions is centered on 7.5 kbar and 750800 °C condi-
tions that are comparable to those determined in granulitefacies
paragneisses by Thu et al. (2017) at localities c. 45 km WSW of the
Mogok valley.
Late garnet + tourmaline leucogranites resulted from widespread
Miocene midcrustal anatexis and intrusion of the Miocene Kabaing
granite with its gembearing pegmatites, and appear to cut fabrics in all
surrounding metamorphic rocks. The age of the Kabaing granite (16.8 ±
0.5 Ma; Gardiner et al., 2016) reects the nal phase of metamorphism
and melting in the Mogok region. The relative lack of largescale foldnappe structures and absence of evi-
dence for Himalayanscale crustal thickening in the MMB may suggest a heat source other than orogenic
thickening and radiogenic heating for the observed upper amphibolitegranulite metamorphism and the for-
mation of corundumbearing marbles. It could be argued that the close spatial association between ruby and
sapphirebearing marbles and the syenitecharnockite intrusions suggest a temporal connection, but the
geochronological data presented here are more complicated and suggest that the alkaline magmatic intru-
sions are only indirectly related to the ruby and sapphire formation.
5. Discussion
Field structural relationships, metamorphism, and UPb geochronology from the Mogok area suggest three
possible tectonic scenarios:
Model 1. All charnockitesyenites in the Mogok region are Jurassic, but only the large Taungmet
Chaunggyi intrusion preserves the original intrusion ages (170163 Ma). The Kyatpyin and Le Oo syenites
and metaskarns do not have Jurassic ages from our data, but later regional granulitefacies metamorphism
during Late CretaceousPaleocene time could have overprinted an earlier intrusion event. Skarns formed
around the syenite intrusions at ~170 Ma but did not necessarily contain ruby or sapphire at that time.
Regional Mogok metamorphism was a Late CretaceousMiocene granuliteamphibolite facies event, and
rubies and sapphires were formed from burial and metamorphism of metaskarns and surrounding marbles.
Model 2. Two or three episodes of charnockitesyenite intrusion could be interpreted from our new UThPb
geochronology data, the Jurassic Taungmet intrusion (170163 Ma), the Kyatpyin syenite (MY227; 67 Ma),
and the Le Oo syenite (MY228; 3728 Ma) with adjacent metaskarns (MY229; 22 Ma). It is quite likely that
there was some chemicalmetasomatic effect of intrusion of these hot magmas into a regional, longlasting
Figure 12. Metamorphic peak PTconditions for gneisses in the Mogok val-
ley area based on calculated phase diagrams (pseudosections) showing sta-
bility elds for assemblages in GrtBt leucogneiss (KfsPlQzBtGrtIlm)
and felsic GrtBtSil paragneiss (KfsQzPlGrtBtSilIlm). Area of overlap is
centered on 775 ± 50 °C, 7.5 ± 1 kbar. Diagram calculated with Theriak/
Domino software (De Capitani & Petrakakis, 2010), using the thermoche-
mical database DS6 of Holland and Powell (2011) and activity models from
White et al. (2007), White, Powell, Holland, et al., 2014, White, Powell, &
Johnson, 2014). Mineral abbreviations follow Whitney and Evans (2010).
SEARLE ET AL. 17 of 21
(ca. 45 m.y.) granulitefacies terrane, such that the occurrence of rubies and sapphires was directly related to
multiple, distinct episodes of skarn formation.
Model 3. The charnockitesyenites were all intruded during the latest CretaceousOligoceneearly Miocene
(between ~68 and 22 Ma) concomitant with regional metamorphic ages from zircon, monazite, and titanite
dates. In this model, the older Jurassic zircon ages from Taungmet to Chaunggyi (170163 Ma) are inter-
preted as inherited from the source and escaped overprinting during later granulitefacies metamorphism.
The exclusively young zircon ages reported by Thu (2007) and Sutherland et al. (2019) support this model.
The Jurassic dates appear to be restricted to the large intrusion at Taungmet and Chaunggyi (MY 83,
MY164, MY215, and MY216). One sample, the Taungmet charnockite (MY 216), has zircon ages at
168, 63, and 26 Ma. The Cretaceous igneous rocks may be part of the transHimalayan Gangdese batholith
in south Tibet and its proposed extension south into Myanmar (Lin et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2017). All these
samples have younger zircons, reecting subsequent hightemperature metamorphism. One syenite sample
from a dyke intruding marble (Figure 5a) at Kyatpyin (MY227) has only younger zircon dates ranging of
4438 Ma. Zircon has a high closure temperature, but in charnockites and syenites, it may not preserve older
inheritance ages due to a combination of diffusive Pb resetting and zircon resorption. If so, the oldest zircon
ages should reect the timing of intrusion.
The main pulse of metamorphism recorded by rocks in the Mogok valley appears to have begun around 60
Ma and extended until titanite crystallization or diffusive Pb closure at 22 Ma. This timing is similar to that
from the MMB to the south around Mandalay (Searle et al., 2007, 2017). The oldest dates may reect regional
contact metamorphism around the transHimalayan batholith. Most of the metamorphic dates and particu-
larly those with traceelement characteristics suggestive of melting, garnet growth, and granulitefacies con-
ditions in the rubyand sapphirebearing skarns around the margins of the charnockite intrusions begin
around ~45 Ma and extend to ~24 Ma. We suggest that this timing records the crystallization of the gem spi-
nels, rubies, and sapphires in Mogok. The thick marble bands around the Dattaw mine north of Mogok have
produced some of the best quality gem rubies and are located between the upper Taungmet
charnockitesyenite intrusion and the lower Le Oo syenite intrusion (Figure 3).
High temperatures were maintained until as late as 16.8 Ma when the Kabaing leucogranite was intruded
into the MMB to the west (Gardiner et al., 2016). Abundant garnet + sillimanite ± cordierite migmatites
are known from drill core samples in the Kyi Tauk Pauk gold mine west of Mogok. At this location, numer-
ous mesothermal goldbearing quartz veins intrude the garnetsillimanite migmatites. These migmatitic
rocks must reect a different, more pelitic source than the Mogok valley region and are of unknown age.
Similar migmatites may be present SE of the Mogok valley (on the road to Mandalay and Pyin Oo Lyin),
but the ages of these rocks are also unknown. Further research combining eld structural mapping with
detailed UThPb geochronology is required to unravel the complex metamorphic and magmatic history
of the region.
6. Conclusions
Granuliteand upper amphibolitefacies marbles occur throughout the MMB that runs for >700 km north
south through central Burma. Spinel, ruby, and sapphire gemstones are common in the Mogok valley region
but are rare outside this area. The ruby and sapphire in the Mogok valley are spatially related to a series of
charnockitesyenite silllike intrusions around the Mogok valley. Gemquality sapphires are related to the
metasomatic calcsilicate skarns around the margins of these charnockitesyenites. The composition range
of charnockites and syenites is broad with both mac and felsic varieties, ranging from ultramac
hornblendepyroxenebiotite rocks through orthopyroxene and clinopyroxenebearing charnockites to
quartz syenites. Four charnockites and syenites from Taungmet and the Chaunggyi valley have UPb zircon
dates spanning 170163 Ma, indicating an earlier Jurassic phase of alkali igneous intrusion in the protolith
rocks. UThPb zircon dates on six charnockitesyenites span 6722 Ma, including four samples from the
Taungmet charnockites that have Jurassic dates, and one (MY227), together with a skarn rock (MY138),
that do not have any Jurassic dates. A single UPb titanite date from a syenite at Le Oo mine in Mogok is
22 Ma similar to a UPb titanite date of 21 Ma from an adjacent rubybearing calcsilicate skarnmarble.
These are broadly coeval with monazite and zircon dates from metasedimentary rocks along the MMB in
the MandalayKyaushe area to the south. A cluster of UPb monazite ages from 97 to 75 Ma are thought
SEARLE ET AL. 18 of 21
to reect the thermal inuence of precollision subductionrelated granitegranodiorite intrusions along the
MMB. UThPb ages of the Mogok metamorphic rocks are all latest Cretaceous to early Miocene, related to
the IndiaAsia (Sibumasu) collision. The MMB continues northward, east of the Putao region along the
MyanmarChina border, toward the East Himalayan syntaxis and beyond, possibly to the basement units
of the Northern Lhasa terrane in SE Tibet (Palin et al., 2014; Searle et al., 2011).
The unusual mineralogy and richness of ruby and sapphire gems in the Mogok area are spatially related to
the ultrahigh temperature dry charnockites, alkali granites, and syenites in the lower crust. UPb geochro-
nology, however, suggests three possible models, (a) that all the charnockites and syenites were Jurassic,
but only the TaungmetChaunggyi intrusion has preserved Jurassic zircons; Late CretaceousOligocene zir-
con and monazite ages reect a regional metamorphic overprint that was synchronous with ruby and sap-
phire formation. (b) Three phases of charnockitesyenite intrusion are recorded in the Middle Jurassic
(170163 Ma), latest CretaceousPaleocene (6863 Ma), and early Eoceneearly Miocene (~4722 Ma), each
of which was associated with ruby and sapphire formation in adjacent skarns. However, only the second and
third phases of intrusion during Late CretaceousOligocene or earliest Miocene time were concomitant with
granulitefacies metamorphism during the later period of intrusion. (c) The charnockites and syenites were
Late Cretaceousearly Miocene in age and related to regional granulitefacies metamorphism. Older Jurassic
zircon ages in the Taungmet syenite would have been inherited from the source or from contamination dur-
ing magmatic transport.
Phanerozoic granulite terranes with charnockites are not common in the world, and multiple phases of
charnockitesyenite intrusion in the same locality seem improbable. Further, because of the high tempera-
tures of intrusion of charnockites (~1,0001,200 °C), zircons are unlikely to preserve any older ages; thus, the
oldest zircon ages from a given sample are probably either intrusive or metamorphic dates but are unlikely to
be inherited. We suggest that the most likely model is that of Jurassic (~170163 Ma) intrusion of syenites
and charnockites that were affected by a regional granulitefacies metamorphism lasting from ~68 to 21
Ma. Rubies and sapphires were formed during this regional metamorphic episode by granulitefacies meta-
morphism of metaskarns and thick marbles.
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We thank the OxfordBurma Aung San
Suu Kyi trust for funding research and
eldwork visits to Myanmar for MS,
NG, and LR. We thank Than Than Nu
and Ney Lin for hospitality in the
University of Mandalay and discussion
on Mogok gems. Thanks to U Than
Naing, mine manager, for access to Le
Oo rubysapphire mine in Mogok;
Aung Moe, mine manager of
Htaypying, for access to Baw lonlay
ruby mine; Htun Lynn Shein
(Myanmar Precious Resources Group)
for permission to access Kyi Tauk Pauk
gold mine; Tin Aung Myint for logistic
help in Mandalay; Thu Htet Aung for
expert offroad driving in Mogok; and
Sam Weatherly and John Cottle for
discussions on syenite petrology and
UThPb geochronology.
Geochronology was funded by UCSB
and NSF grants EAR1348003 and
EAR1551054. We thank Shuguang
Song (Peking University) and an anon-
ymous reviewer for helpful reviews. All
data supporting the conclusions in this
paper are available online at https://
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... Shear sense: L: left-lateral shear sense; R: right-lateral shear sense. References: 1. (Lin et al., 2009); 2. ; 3. (Xu et al., 2012); 4. (Dong & Xu, 2016); 5. (Wang et al., 2006); 6. (Xu et al., 2015); 7. (Chiu et al., 2018); 8. (Akciz et al., 2008); 9. (Zhang et al., 2010); 10. ; 11. (Cao et al., 2011); 12. ; 13. (Liu et al., 2019); 14. ; 15. (Bertrand et al., 2001); 16. (Searle et al., 2020); 17. (Österle et al., 2019); 18. (Lacassin et al., 1997); 19. (Morley et al., 2007); 20. ...
... It contains gneiss, schist, marble, and younger intrusive rocks, and the protolith spanned Precambrian to Late Palaeozoic (Mitchell et al., 2012;Searle et al., 2007). It underwent some high-grade metamorphism during Eocene-Oligocene time (Guo et al., 2021;Lamont et al., 2021;Searle et al., 2020), some of which can reach kyanite and sillimanite grade at 780-850 C (Lamont et al., 2021;Ye Kyaw et al., 2016). The metamorphic temperature is higher than the 39 Ar/ 40 Ar closure temperature, making the 39 Ar/ 40 Ar method will only reveal later cooling, not original timing of deformation (Searle et al., 2007). ...
Continental‐scale shear zones in Indochina record Cenozoic tectonic processes in SE Asia. Previous extrusion models link these shear zones to northward indentation of the Indian continent and conflict with distributed Oligocene conjugate strike‐slip pairs, formed by E‐W‐directed compression (present coordinates). This paper presents evidence of Oligocene shearing along the Mogok Metamorphic Belt in Myanmar, the western boundary of the Indochina block. The Kyanigan quarry at northern Mogok Metamorphic Belt exposes paragneiss, marble and quartzite schist with E‐W striking, which would be dragged from N‐S striking foliations of the main Mogok Metamorphic Belt by right‐lateral shearing of the brittle Sagaing Fault. After restoration, right‐lateral shearing ‘σ’ structures, cored with garnet, in paragneiss in the Kyanigan quarry are consistent with ‘σ’ and ‘δ’ structures in the Moulmein granitic mylonite to the south. U–Pb ages of metamorphic zircon of a sheared paragneiss and a leucogranite, cross‐cutting shear foliation in the Kyanigan quarry, and a biotite ³⁹ Ar‐ ⁴⁰ Ar age of mylonite at Moulmein constrain dextral shearing to 33–25.4 Ma, coeval with other 31–24.5 Ma shear zones in Indochina. The eleven NW‐striking left‐lateral shear zones and N‐S to NE‐striking right‐lateral shear zones define Oligocene conjugate fault patterns in Indochina. After restoration of ~80–45° clockwise rotation, these Oligocene conjugate shear zones, coupled with the anticlinal configuration of the Xuelongshan and Doi Inthanon‐Doi Suthep domes, reflect approximate N–S‐directed shortening. These structures to the north with coeval Myanmar‐Sumatra magmatic arc to the south demonstrate that they correspond to back‐arc contraction during northward subduction of the Indian Ocean. Oligocene continental‐scale intra‐continental shearing may be triggered by syn‐subduction compression in SE Asia.
... The Mogok metamorphic belt lies to the east side of the Sagaing Fault and mainly consists of high-grade metamorphic rocks and granites that document Eocene to early Miocene regional metamorphism and magmatism (e.g. Searle et al., 2007Searle et al., , 2017Searle et al., , 2020. The Sagaing Fault displays brittle deformation within Mogok metamorphic rocks that had been exhumed to the upper crust by the middle Miocene, no deep ductile strike-slip shearing fabrics outcrop (see review in Lamont et al., 2021). ...
... To the north of the West Burma Terrane, Greater India had collided with the northern Shan Plateau area during the Eocene and was causing shortening and regional metamorphism in the Mogok Metamorphics (e.g. Searle et al., 2020;Lamont et al., 2021) and the Tenchong Block. ...
Cenozoic strike-slip faults in Indochina were initially interpreted as related to SE expulsion of rigid blocks of continental crust between narrow, high-displacement strike-slip faults away from the Himalayan Orogen. Revision of this view indicates four main stages of development are present. The main ‘rigid’ block of Indochina actually underwent extensive, widespread Paleogene transpressional deformation during stage 1, involving pervasive strike-slip faulting, folding, structural inversion, sub-horizontal mid-lower crustal shearing, and widespread exhumation of several kilometres. This stage is associated with ∼E-W oriented maximum horizontal stress (SHmax) (modern orientation). The three subsequent stages are: 2) 30–27 Ma transition, with retreat of transpressional deformation to the SE Tibetan Plateau, 3) 27–17 Ma onset of major sinistral displacement on ASRRSZ, 4) <17 Ma-present, diachronous reversal of motion on many faults, and cessation of extension in Thailand rifts. SHmax orientations evolved dominantly to between NE-SW and NW-SE orientations. Stage 4 is strongly linked with growth of the Tibetan Plateau, the modern GPS field, stress state, and geophysically-defined orientations of crustal and mantle flow. Five different strike-slip provinces have been identified for the post 30 Ma period, based on variations in structural style and kinematics caused by interacting factors including: 1) distance from the East Himalayan Syntaxis, 2) strength variations within SE Asian lithosphere, 3) pre-existing crustal fabrics 4) proximity to key regions contributing to the stress-state of SE Asia, 5) crustal and/or mantle flow. Whether the strike-slip faults are a product of a top- or bottom- driven system remains uncertain. Probably, the system is a hybrid.
... At the same time, the Lhasa block recorded high pressure-low temperature kyanite-grade partial melting associated with deformation and crustal thickening at 44-32 Ma ( Figure 9a) Zhang et al., 2010). Further to the east, the Mogok metamorphic belt and Eastern Ophiolite Belt in Myanmar record sillimanite-grade metamorphism between 48 and 22 Ma, which included a phase of granulite facies metamorphism between 43 and 32 Ma (Figure 9a) (Barley et al., 2003;Lamont et al., 2021;Searle et al., 2007Searle et al., , 2017Searle et al., , 2020. ...
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The burial and exhumation of continental crust to and from ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) is an important orogenic process, often interpreted with respect to the onset and/or subduction dynamics of continent‐continent collision. Here, we investigate the timing and significance of UHP metamorphism and exhumation of the Tso Morari complex, North‐West Himalaya. We present new petrochronological analyses of mafic eclogites and their host‐rock gneisses, combining U‐Pb zircon, rutile and xenotime geochronology (high‐precision CA‐ID‐TIMS and high‐spatial resolution LA‐ICP‐MS), garnet element maps, and petrographic observations. Zircon from mafic eclogite have a CA‐ID‐TIMS age of 46.91 ± 0.07 Ma, with REE profiles indicative of growth at eclogite facies conditions. Those ages overlap with zircon rim ages (48.9 ± 1.2 Ma, LA‐ICP‐MS) and xenotime ages (47.4 ± 1.4 Ma; LA‐ICP‐MS) from the hosting Puga gneiss, which grew during breakdown of UHP garnet rims. We argue that peak zircon growth at 47–46 Ma corresponds to the onset of exhumation from UHP conditions. Subsequent exhumation through the rutile closure temperature, is constrained by new dates of 40.4 ± 1.7 and 36.3 ± 3.8 Ma (LA‐ICP‐MS). Overlapping ages from Kaghan imply a coeval time‐frame for the onset of UHP exhumation across the NW Himalaya. Furthermore, our regional synthesis demonstrates a causative link between changes in the subduction dynamics of the India‐Asia collision zone at 47–46 Ma and the resulting mid‐Eocene plate network reorganization. The onset of UHP exhumation therefore provides a tightly constrained time‐stamp significant geodynamic shifts within the orogen and wider plate network.
The past location of the Burma Terrane during the convergence of the Indian and Asia tectonic plates, is key for unraveling the regional geodynamic, paleoenvironmental, and paleobiogeographic history of the eastern edge of the Himalayan orogen. Paleomagnetic data provides the ability to constrain the Burma Terrane location, however, it has been very difficult to find rocks with paleomagnetic records of primary characteristic remanent magnetizations. We present here new paleomagnetic results spanning the Paleocene to late middle Eocene within the Burma Terrane, complementing paleolatitudes previously established from Late Cretaceous intrusive rocks and late middle Eocene sedimentary rocks. Our paleomagnetic data indicate that the Burma Terrane remained at equatorial latitudes during the Paleocene and early Eocene, at a considerable distance from the South Asian margin. In addition, paleomagnetic results from mid to late Eocene sedimentary rocks yield a predominantly north-south orientation of the Burma Terrane over the past 45 million years, showing that it was not part of the northwest-southeast oriented Sundaland margin prior to its collision with India. Our results support collision models involving a Trans-Tethyan subduction system during the Late Cretaceous and early Paleocene. We propose that this system incorporated the Burmese volcanic arc and continental fragments of Argoland before drifting north with India towards Asia. The new paleogeographic model considers a reduced amount of oblique subduction of the Indian Plate below Burma during the Cenozoic. A possible source of sediments filling the thick Myanmar basins from the Gangdese belt during the Eocene supports the hypothesis of an India-Asia collision around ∼50Ma. The new paleogeography supporting the formation of the Myanmar Cretaceous amber on an isolated Trans-Tethyan Arc is also a key element in discussions of the paleobiogeographic evolution of the numerous faunas it contains.
Cratonic peridotites are typically depleted but have overall higher modal orthopyroxene than young oceanic and continental peridotites. The origin of this enrichment remains debatable. Here we focus on a spinel harzburgite block from the Mogok metamorphic belt, Myanmar, presenting major and trace element data for 27 harzburgite samples. Twelve samples are clinopyroxene-free but have high modal orthopyroxene (mostly 25.3–30.4%); The remaining fifteen are clinopyroxene-bearing (<4%), with only 10.8–22.7% orthopyroxene. The clinopyroxene-free samples display higher Mg# (91.8–92.5) than those with clinopyroxene (91.1–92.1). All samples yield a positive correlation between modal orthopyroxene and bulk Mg#, overlapping with the trend defined by refractory cratonic peridotite xenoliths. This correlation is unlikely explained by post-melting metasomatism, mechanical sorting, or serpentinization. Instead, it is consistent with non-pyrolitic, silica-rich mantle melting. Thermodynamic modeling shows that high-pressure melting (~15–35 kbar) of the silica-rich mantle proceeds through an orthopyroxene-forming peritectic reaction, leaving residues with higher Mg# compared to those produced at lower pressures. Our harzburgite samples are compatible with this model, with high-Mg# orthopyroxene-rich samples formed at higher pressures (~20–40 kbar) than the orthopyroxene-poor ones (~10–20 kbar). We suggest that high-Mg# orthopyroxene-rich cratonic peridotites are likely an important component of the primordial cratonic mantle. Their formation might occur through anhydrous extensive melting of the silica-rich mantle at relatively high pressures, corresponding to the elevated potential temperatures characteristic of the Archean mantle. Progressive mantle cooling from the Archean to the present can account for the rarity of young analogues of high-Mg# orthopyroxene-rich cratonic mantle.
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Fluid infiltration into (meta-)carbonate rocks is an important petrologic process that induces metamorphic decarbonation and potential mineralization of metals or nonmetals. The determination of the infiltration time and the compositional features of reactive fluids is essential to understand the mechanism and process of fluid–rock interactions. Zirconolite (ideal formula: CaZrTi2O7) is an important U-bearing accessory mineral that can develop in metasomatized metacarbonate rocks. In this study, we investigate the occurrence, texture, composition, and chronology of various types of zirconolite from fluid-infiltrated reaction zones in dolomite marbles from the Mogok metamorphic belt, Myanmar. Three types of zirconolite are recognized: (1) the first type (Zrl-I) coexists with metasomatic silicate and oxide minerals (forsterite, spinel, phlogopite) and has a homogeneous composition with high contents of UO2 (21.37 wt %–22.82 wt %) and ThO2 (0.84 wt %–1.99 wt %). (2) The second type (Zrl-II) has textural characteristics similar to those of Zrl-I. However, Zrl-II shows a core–rim zonation with a slightly higher UO2 content in the rims (average of 23.5 ± 0.4 wt % (n=8)) than the cores (average of 22.1 ± 0.3 wt % (n=8)). (3) The third type (Zrl-III) typically occurs as coronas around baddeleyite and coexists with polycrystalline quartz. Zrl-III has obviously lower contents of UO2 (0.88 wt %–5.3 wt %) than those of Zrl-I and Zrl-II. All types of zirconolite have relatively low rare earth element (REE) contents (< 480 µg g−1 for ΣREE). Microtextures and compositions of the three zirconolite types, in combination with in situ zirconolite U–Pb dating using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), reveal episodic fluid infiltration and element mobilization in the dolomite marbles. The first-stage infiltration occurred at ∼ 35 Ma, leading to the formation of Mg-rich silicates and oxides and accessory minerals (Zrl-I, baddeleyite, and geikielite). The reactive fluid was characterized by high contents of Zr, Ti, U, and Th. After that, some Zrl-I grains underwent a local fluid-assisted dissolution–precipitation process, which produced a core–rim zonation (i.e., the Zrl-II type). The final stage of fluid infiltration, recorded by the growth of Zrl-III after baddeleyite, took place at ∼ 19 Ma. The infiltrating fluid of this stage had relatively lower U contents and higher SiO2 activities than the first-stage infiltrating fluid. This study illustrates that zirconolite is a powerful mineral that can record repeated episodes (ranging from 35 to 19 Ma) of fluid influx, metasomatic reactions, and Zr–Ti–U mineralization in (meta-)carbonates. This mineral not only provides key information about the timing of fluid flow but also documents the chemical variation in reactive fluids. Thus, zirconolite is expected to play a more important role in characterizing the fluid–carbonate interaction, orogenic CO2 release, and the transfer and deposition of rare metals.
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Based on the marine magnetic anomalies identified in the Argo Abyssal Plain offshore northwestern Australia, the conceptual continent of Argoland must have rifted off in the Late Jurassic (∼155 Ma) and drifted northward towards SE Asia. Intriguingly, in SE Asia there are no intact relics of a major continent such as India, but instead the region displays an intensely deformed, long-lived accretionary orogen that formed during more than 100 million years of oceanic and continental subduction. Within this orogen, there are continental fragments that may represent parts of Argoland. After accretion of these fragments, the orogen was further deformed. We compiled the orogenic architecture and the history of post-accretionary deformation of SE Asia, as well as the architecture and history of the NW Australian passive margin. We identified the Gondwana-derived blocks and mega-units of SW Borneo, Greater Paternoster, East Java, South Sulawesi, West Burma, and Mount Victoria Land as fragments that collectively may represent fragments of Argoland. These fragments are found between sutures with relics of Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic oceanic basins that all pre-date the break-up of Argoland. We systematically restore deformation within SE Asia in the upper plate system above the modern Sunda trench, use this to estimate where Gondwana-derived continental fragments accreted at the Sundaland (Eurasian) margin in the Cretaceous (∼110–85 Ma), and subsequently reconstruct their tectonic transport back to the Australian-Greater Indian margin. Our reconstruction shows that Argoland originated at the northern Australian margin between the Bird’s Head in the east and Wallaby-Zenith Fracture Zone in the west, south of which it bordered Greater India. We show that the lithospheric fragment that broke off northwest Australia in the Late Jurassic consisted of multiple continental fragments and intervening Triassic to Middle Jurassic oceanic basins, which we here call Argopelago. Argoland broke up into Argopelago during the Late Triassic rifting of Lhasa from the northern margin of Gondwana, and consisted of multiple continental fragments that were surrounded by oceanic basins, similar to Zealandia offshore modern east Australia, and the reconstructed history of Greater Adria in the Mediterranean.
Ophiolitic peridotites in Burma (Myanmar) occur along three major tectonic zones, the Kaleymyo–Nagaland suture, Indo-Burman ranges, the Jade Mines belt, and the Tagaung–Mytkyina belt. These belts all show harzburgite–lherzolite–dunite peridotites, but the Hpakan-Taw Maw region (Jade Mines belt) hosts jadeitites including pure jadeite, mawsitsit (chromium-rich jadeite) kosmochlore (chromium-rich clinopyroxene), and albitite. High Na and Al contents of jadeitites require either very unusual Al-rich, Si-poor protoliths, or extensive fluid metasomatism, or both. The Hpakan jadeitites formed by Na-, Al-, (and Si) metasomatic alteration of pyroxenite–wehrlite intrusions into harzburgite–dunite, from widespread fluid alteration. Fluids could have been derived from a mid-Jurassic intermediate pressure subduction event during ophiolite formation and emplacement. In the Indawgyi Lake area, normal ophiolitic peridotites, including harzburgite and dunite with pyroxenite veins, have not been jadeitised. Gabbros related to the Jade Mines ophiolite gave a U-Pb zircon age of 169.71±1.3 Ma (MSWD 2.2), similar timing to the Myitkyina ophiolite (173 Ma) to the east, suggesting that the ophiolite belts were originally continuous. The jade ‘boulders’ in the Uru conglomerate beds at Hpakan have also resulted from normal in-situ serpentinisation weathering processes, followed by limited fluvial mass transport processes along the Uru river. Supplementary material:
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Decades of field and microscope studies and more recent quantitative geo-chemical analyses have resulted in a vast, and sometimes overwhelming, array of nomenclature and terminology associated with igneous rocks. Under the auspices of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), a group of petrologists from around the world has laboured for more than 30 years to collate these terms, gain international agreement on their usage, and reassess the methods by which we categorize and name igneous rocks. This book presents the results of their work and gives a complete classification of igneous rocks based on all the recommendations of the IUGS Sub-commission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks. Revised from the 1st edition (1989), it shows how igneous rocks can be distinguished in the sequence of pyroclastic rocks, carbonatites, melilite-bearing rocks, kalsilite-bearing rocks, kimberlites, lamproites, leucite-bearing rocks, lamprophyres and charnockites. It also demonstrates how the more common plutonic and volcanic rocks that remain can then be categorized using the familiar and widely accepted modal QAPF and chemical TAS classification systems. The glossary of igneous terms has been fully updated since the 1st edition and now includes 1637 entries, of which 316 are recommended by the Subcommission, 312 are regarded as local terms, and 413 are now considered obsolete. Incorporating a comprehensive list of source references for all the terms included in the glossary, this book will be an indispensable reference guide for all geologists studying igneous rocks, either in the field or the laboratory. It presents a standardized and widely accepted naming scheme that will allow geologists to interpret terminology found in the primary literature and provide formal names for rock samples based on petrographic analyses. Work on this book started as long ago as 1958 when Albert Streckeisen was asked to collaborate in revising Paul Niggli's well-known book Tabellen zur Petrographie und zum Gesteinbestimmen (Tables for Petrography and Rock Determination). It was at this point that Streckeisen noted significant problems with all 12 of the classification systems used to identify and name igneous rocks at that time. Rather than propose a 16th system, he chose instead to write a review article outlining the problems inherent in classifying igneous rocks and invited petrologists from around the world to send their comments. In 1970 this lead to the formation of the Subcommission of the Systematics of Igneous Rocks, under the IUGS Commission on Petrology, who published their conclusions in the 1st edition of this book in 1989. The work of this international body has continued to this day, lead by Bruno Zanettin and later by Mike Le Bas. This fully revised 2nd edition has been compiled and edited by Roger Le Maitre, with significant help from a panel of co-contributors.
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Ruby in diverse geological settings leaves petrogenetic clues, in its zoning, inclusions, trace elements and oxygen isotope values. Rock-hosted and isolated crystals are compared from Myanmar, SE Asia, and New South Wales, East Australia. Myanmar ruby typifies metasomatized and metamorphic settings, while East Australian ruby xenocrysts are derived from basalts that tapped underlying fold belts. The respective suites include homogeneous ruby; bi-colored inner (violet blue) and outer (red) zoned ruby; ruby-sapphirine-spinel composites; pink to red grains and multi-zoned crystals of red-pink-white-violet (core to rim). Ruby ages were determined by using U-Pb isotopes in titanite inclusions (Thurein Taung; 32.4 Ma) and zircon inclusions (Mong Hsu; 23.9 Ma) and basalt dating in NSW, >60–40 Ma. Trace element oxide plots suggest marble sources for Thurein Taung and Mong Hsu ruby and ultramafic-mafic sources for Mong Hsu (dark cores). NSW rubies suggest metasomatic (Barrington Tops), ultramafic to mafic (Macquarie River) and metasomatic-magmatic (New England) sources. A previous study showed that Cr/Ga vs. Fe/(V + Ti) plots separate Mong Hsu ruby from other ruby fields, but did not test Mogok ruby. Thurein Taung ruby, tested here, plotted separately to Mong Hsu ruby. A Fe-Ga/Mg diagram splits ruby suites into various fields (Ga/Mg < 3), except for magmatic input into rare Mogok and Australian ruby (Ga/Mg > 6). The diverse results emphasize ruby’s potential for geographic typing.
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Knowledge of Trans-Himalayan tectono-magmatic evolution is critical to understanding the complex pre-collisional history of southern Eurasia active continental margin. It has been proposed that magmatic rocks of the Trans-Himalayan batholith, extending from southern Tibet to Southeast Asia, are now exposed as the Western Myanmar Arc and Central Granite Belt in Myanmar, yet origin, emplacement, and relationships of the two juxtaposed belts remain poorly constrained. In this study, 2D seismic and drilling data for the Western Myanmar Arc, zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotope and whole-rock geochemical data for magmatic rocks from the arc have been applied. Our seismic profiles, borehole stratigraphic sequences and zircon U-Pb data show that a typical arc-basin system was well developed along the western Myanmar continental margin. The magmatic arc has experienced at least three igneous events in the mid-Cretaceous (110–90 Ma), latest Cretaceous-Early Paleocene (69–64.5 Ma) and Eocene (53–38 Ma), as well as three associated uplift processes in the Late Cretaceous, Eocene and Late Oligocene. Whole-rock geochemical characteristics and zircons showing variable but predominately positive εHf(t) values, suggest a significant juvenile mantle source involving a proportion of ancient subducted sediments and juvenile crustal materials for these typical arc-related magmatic rocks. The identification of mid-Cretaceous to Paleogene magmatic rocks having positive εHf(t) values from the Western Myanmar Arc: 1) indicates that the magmatism can be correlated with the Gangdese arc within the Lhasa terrane of the southern Tibetan Plateau; 2) provides evidence for the proximal-derived model that Paleogene sediments in the Central Myanmar Basin were from the Western Myanmar Arc, but were not delivered by the paleo-Yarlung Tsangpo-Irrawaddy river system from the Gangdese arc; and 3) enables a model of eastward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan/Indian oceanic crust to reflect onset of the magmatism at the mid-Cretaceous and a long-existed back-arc extension in western Myanmar.
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The Mogok metamorphic belt in central Myanmar is composed mainly of high-temperature paragneisses, marbles, calc-silicate rocks, and granitoids. The garnet-biotite-plagioclase-sillimanite-quartz and garnet-cordierite- sillimanite-biotite-quartz assemblages and their partial systems suggest pressure-temperature (P-T) conditions of 0.60-0.79 GPa/800-860 °C and 0.65 GPa/820 °C, respectively, for the peak metamorphic stage, and 0.40 GPa/620 °C for the exhumation stage. Ti-in-biotite and Zr-in-rutile geothermometers also indicate metamorphic equilibrium under upper amphibolite- and granulite facies conditions. Comparison of these estimates with previously described P-T conditions suggests that (1) the metamorphic conditions of the Mogok metamorphic belt vary from the lower amphibolite- to granulite facies, (2) metamorphic grade seems to increase from east to west perpendicular to the north-trending extensional direction of the Mogok belt, (3) granulite facies rocks are widespread in the middle segment of the Mogok belt, and (4) the granulite facies rocks were locally re-equilibrated at lower amphibolite facies conditions during the exhumation.
Before the India–Asia collision, Neotethyan subduction gave rise to an Andean-type convergent margin on the southern margin of Asia. To investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of the subduction-related magmatism, we undertook a combined determination of zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotopes of Mesozoic to Paleogene intrusive and volcanic rocks from southern Tibet to Myanmar to characterize the two parallel magmatic belts that have previously been considered separately. One belt extends from the Gangdese Batholith in the Southern Lhasa sub-terrane to the Lohit Batholith, the Sodon Pluton and the Popa–Loimye Arc in the West Burma Block, and the other from the Central Lhasa Plutonic Belt to the Bomi–Chayu Batholith, the Dianxi Batholith and the Shan Scarps Batholith in central Myanmar. The Gangdese belt, as the main arc component, consists typically of I-type granitoids that contain magmatic zircons showing positive ε Hf ( t ) values. In contrast, the Central Lhasa Plutonic Belt belt is dominated by S-type granites in which most zircons show negative ε Hf ( t ) values suggesting the involvement of older continental crust in their petrogenesis. The distinct geochemical characteristics indicate not only distinct tectonic settings of their genesis but also the diverse nature of the crust forming the exotic continental ribbons amalgamated to Asia. Supplementary material: Details of sample locations and analytical results are available at:
We present new constraints on rift basin structure in the northern Malawi Rift from a 3-D compressional velocity model to investigate border fault geometry, accommodation zone structure, and the role of preexisting structures underpinning this rift system. The velocity model uses observations from the first wide-angle refraction study conducted using lake-bottom seismometers in one of the East African great lakes. The Malawi Rift is flanked by basin-bounding border faults and crosses several significant remnant structures, making it an ideal location to investigate the development of normal faults and their associated basins. The 3-D velocity model reveals up to ~5 km of synrift sediments, which smoothly transition from eastward thickening against the Livingstone Fault in the North Basin to westward thickening against the Usisya Fault in the Central Basin. Greater than 4 km of sediment are imaged within the accommodation zone pointing to the early development of the border faults. We use new constraints on synrift sediment thickness to construct displacement profiles for both faults. Both faults accommodate large throws (>7 km) consistent with their significant lengths. The dimensions of these faults are close to or larger than the maximum size predicted by models of fault growth. The presence of an intermediate velocity unit with velocities of 3.75–4.5 km/s is interpreted to represent sediment deposits beneath Lake Malawi from prior rifting in the Permo-Triassic (Karoo) and/or Cretaceous-Paleogene. The distribution of preexisting basins implied by these sediments may help account for changes in intrabasinal faulting and border fault development between the two basins.
The Mogok metamorphic belt of Paleogene age, which records subduction‐ and collision‐related events between the Indian and Eurasian plates, lies along the western margin of the Shan plateau in central Myanmar and continues northwards to the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. Reaction textures of clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages in Mogok granulite facies metacarbonate rocks provide insights into the drastic change of fluid composition during exhumation of the collision zone. Characteristic high‐grade assemblages of marble and calc‐silicate rock are clinohumite +forsterite+spinel+phlogopite+pargasite/edenite+calcite+dolomite, and scapolite+ diopside+anorthite+quartz+calcite, respectively. Calculated petrogenetic grids in CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2‐H2O‐CO2 and subsets of this system were employed to deduce the pressure‐temperature‐fluid evolution of the clinohumite‐ and scapolite‐bearing assemblages. These assemblages suggest higher temperature (> 780–810 °C) and XCO2 [= CO2/(CO2+H2O) > 0.17–0.60] values in the metamorphic fluid for the peak granulite facies stage, assuming a pressure of 0.8 GPa. Calcite grains commonly show exsolution textures with dolomite particles, and their reintegrated compositions yield temperatures of 720–880 °C. Retrograde reactions are mainly characterized by a reaction zone consisting of a dolomite layer and a symplectitic aggregate of tremolite and dolomite grown between clinohumite and calcite in marble, and a replacement texture of scapolite by clinozoisite in calc‐silicate rock. These textures indicate that the retrograde reactions developed under lower temperature (< 620 °C) and XCO2 (< 0.08–0.16) conditions, assuming a pressure of 0.5 GPa. The metacarbonate rocks share metamorphic temperatures similar to the Mogok paragneiss at the peak granulite facies stage. The XCO2 values of the metacarbonate rock at peak metamorphic stage are, however, distinctly higher than those previously deduced from carbonate mineral‐free paragneiss. Primary clinohumite, phlogopite and pargasite/edenite in marble have F‐rich compositions, and scapolite in calc‐silicate rock contains Cl, suggesting a contrast in the halogen compositions of the metamorphic fluids between these two lithologies. The metamorphic fluid compositions were probably buffered within each lithology, and the effective migration of metamorphic fluid, which would have extensively changed the fluid compositions, did not occur during the prograde granulite facies stage throughout the Mogok metamorphic belt. The lower XCO2 conditions of the Mogok metacarbonate rocks during the retrograde stage distinctly contrast with higher XCO2 conditions recorded in metacarbonate rocks from other metamorphic belts of granulite facies. The characteristic low XCO2 conditions were probably due to far‐ranging infiltration of H2O‐dominant fluid throughout the middle segment of the Mogok metamorphic belt under low‐amphibolite facies conditions during the exhumation and hydration stage. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Geological Belts, Plate Boundaries and Mineral Deposits in Myanmar arms readers with a comprehensive overview of the geography, geology, mineral potential and tectonic plate activity of Myanmar. The book focuses on the nature and history of the structural belts and terranes of Myanmar, with particular emphasis on the mineral deposits and their relationship to stratigraphy and structure. The country has a long history of plate tectonic activity, and the most recent plate movements relate to the northward movement of the India plate as it collides with Asia. Both of these are responsible for the earthquakes which frequently occur, making the country a geologically dynamic region. Additionally, Myanmar is rich in mineral and petroleum potential and the site of some of Southeast Asia's largest faults. However, many geoscientists are only recently becoming familiar with Myanmar due to previous political issues. Some of these barriers have been removed and there is emerging international interest in the geology and mineral deposits of Myanmar. This book collates this essential information in one complete resource. Geological Belts, Plate Boundaries and Mineral Deposits in Myanmar is an essential reference for economic geologists, mineralogists, petroleum geologists, and seismologists, as well as geoscience instructors and students taking related coursework. Provides an accessible history of the geological research and mineral exploration and extraction conducted in Myanmar and an overview of its rich mineral resources. Presents the historical and current plate tectonic activity in the region, offering seismologists and geophysicists a guide to Myanmar's structural geology and risk for earthquake activity. Richly illustrated with more than 100 maps, diagrams and photographs to capture the geology of Myanmar and aid in the retention of key concepts. Focuses on the nature and history of the structural belts and terranes of Myanmar.
Myanmar is perhaps one of the world's most prospective but least explored minerals jurisdictions, containing important known deposits of tin, tungsten, copper, gold, zinc, lead, nickel, silver, jade and gemstones. A scarcity of recent geological mapping available in published form, coupled with an unfavourable political climate, has resulted in the fact that, although characterized by several world-class deposits, the nation's mineral resource sector is underdeveloped. As well as representing a potential new search space for a range of commodities, many of Myanmar's known existing mineral deposits remain highly prospective. Myanmar lies at a crucial geologic juncture, immediately south of the Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis, however it remains geologically enigmatic. Its Mesozoic-Recent geological history is dominated by several orogenic events representing the closing of the Tethys Ocean. We present new zircon U-Pb age data related to several styles of mineralization within Myanmar. We outline a tectonic model for Myanmar from the Late Cretaceous onwards, and document nine major mineralization styles representing a range of commodities found within the country. We propose a metallogenetic model that places the genesis of many of these metallotects within the framework of the subduction and suturing of Neo-Tethys and the subsequent Himalayan Orogeny. Temporal overlap of favourable conditions for the formation of particular deposit types during orogenic progression permits the genesis of differing metallotects during the same orogenic event. We suggest the evolution of these favourable conditions and resulting genesis of much of Myanmar's mineral deposits, represents a single, evolving, mineral system: the subduction and suturing of Neo-Tethys.