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Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3): 916-923, 2020
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080324
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence
Ability and Teacher Efficacy
Sabina Valente1,*, Augusta Veiga-Branco2, Hugo Rebelo1, Abílio Afonso Lourenço3,
Ana Maria Cristóvão1
1Center for Research in Education and Psychology, University of Évora, Portugal
2Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Research in Education and Community Intervention, Portugal
3Psychology and Education Research of Center School Group Alexandre Herculano, Portugal
Received December 12, 2019; Revised January 16, 2020; Accepted February 6, 2020
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Emotional intelligence and self-efficacy are
considered two of the most fundamental teachers’
characteristics to create positive effects on students.
Recent research on teacher efficacy has turned from a
focus on mastery of content area and lesson plan
development to the identification of teacher beliefs and
the emotional self-regulation required for teaching and
student learning. The purpose of this research was
examined whether emotional intelligence abilities
influence teacher efficacy. The relationship between
teacher gender, length of teaching experience and
academic formation with emotional intelligence abilities is
also analyzed. The sample comprised 634 Portuguese
school teachers. Data sources included the Emotional
Skills and Competence Questionnaire for Teachers, and
the Teacher Efficacy in Classroom Management and
Discipline Scale. The findings, using structural equation
modeling, showed that school teachers with greater skills
at perceiving, understanding, expressing, classifying,
managing and regulating emotions demonstrated greater
levels of teacher efficacy. Therefore teachers’ emotional
intelligence abilities positively influence teacher efficacy.
Having teachers who are apt to perceive and manage
emotions will be salutary for the personal development of
students, as well as for structuring a positive and
self-regulating learning environment. So the results
support the teachers’ emotional intelligence ability to job
performance, and add to literature suggesting that to
succeed in the complex and demanding school setting,
teachers must develop the necessary emotional skills for
enhancing their efficacy. This research contributes to the
importance of being created in the teachers’ academic
training, the emotional education discipline.
Keywords Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Efficacy,
School teachers
1. Introduction
Teaching is an emotional activity, with teachers’ work
comprising a significant emotional workload, both in that
it requires sensitivity and knowledge about how to
manage and regulate emotions, both teachers and those of
their students, to facilitate and optimize the quality of
interpersonal relationships [1]. Therefore, emotional
intelligence (EI) is an emerging topic of education
research since emotional relationships between teachers
and students are the more important part of the teaching
and learning process.
Recent research on teacher efficacy has turned from a
focus on mastery of content area and lesson plan
development to the identification of teacher beliefs and
the emotional self-regulation required for teaching and
student learning [2]. Also, Iskandar, Majzub, and
Mahmud [3] have pointed out that teachers’ EI is highly
relevant to their efficacy and to improve their performance.
The literature supports the need to integrate emotional
literacy into teacher training [4, 5, 6, 7].
A vast amount of research has documented positive
associations between EI and teacher efficacy [8, 9, 10, 11],
demonstrating that EI plays an important role in teacher
efficacy. Starting from this foundation, this work focuses
specifically on the influence of EI (the ability to perceive,
understand, express, classify, manage and regulate
emotions) on teacher efficacy. Teachers’ personal and
professional characteristics are also relevant in explaining
their EI levels [7].
This is an exploratory study that analyzes how gender,
teaching experience, and academic preparation influence
EI ability, and, in turn, how EI ability relates to teacher
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3): 916-923, 2020
efficacy. The following research question guided the
investigation: “What is the relationship between EI ability
and teacher efficacy?”
2. Review on Literature
2.1. Teachers' Emotional Intelligence
EI is the set of operations that processes and enhances
emotions and it involves abstract thinking and problem
solving [12]. The authors proposed a four-part,
hierarchical model of EI includes four abilities: (a)
emotional perception (in oneself and others); (b)
emotional integration (use of emotions as a basis for
cognitive reasoning); (c) understanding emotions (to
identify why and how emotions are generated); and (d)
emotion management (self-control, understanding one’s
feelings, and openness to growth). [12, pp.10] define EI as
“...the ability to perceive accurately, appraise, and express
emotion; the ability to access and/or generate feelings
when they facilitate thought; the ability to understand
emotion and emotional knowledge; and the ability to
regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual
The relationship between EI and work performance has
been identified in several educational contexts [3, 5, 7, 13].
The teachers' role in modern-day Portugal is highly
challenging. Heavy workloads and time pressure are
compounded by student discipline problems and a variety
of pressures from school administrators, parents, and
society as a whole. Meanwhile, since one of the most
essential features of being a teacher and teaching is the
emotional relationships that teachers have with their
students, EI has been receiving increasing attention from
educational researchers. Teaching and learning are not
merely concerned with knowledge, cognition, and skill.
They are also emotional practices [9].
Variables such as gender, teaching experience, and
academic formation influence school teachers EI [7].
Studies have shown that women generally score higher on
EI measures than men [14, 15]. Also, teachers with more
advanced degrees (e.g., Ph.D.) tend to have higher EI
levels [16]. Research has also revealed, however, that
length of teaching experience tends to correlate negatively
with school teacher EI [7, 16].
Many studies have shown that EI is vital for school
teachers’ work performance and personal interactions [17].
It has been shown to correlate, for example, with all the
following factors: well-being, job and life satisfaction [13];
teacher-student relationships, stress-tolerance and
teaching satisfaction [18]; burnout prevention [19];
student satisfaction [20]; emotional labor strategies,
teaching satisfaction, and the teaching and learning
process [21]; and with classroom conflict management [7].
So, Mérida-López et al. [6] have concluded that school
teachers with higher EI scores showed greater coping
resilience and higher work engagement levels.
Besides, some researches have demonstrated a positive
link between EI and teacher efficacy [1, 8, 9, 11]. In sum,
teacher EI also affects the way they think and develop
efficacy beliefs about teaching.
2.2. Teacher Efficacy
For Gibson and Dembo [22] personal teaching efficacy
consists of teacher beliefs that they master suitable
teaching techniques and can help students learn, achieve
more, do better than usual, and increase retention, among
other skills. Besides, teacher efficacy is defined as
teachers’ beliefs about their ability to bring about ideal
outcomes of student engagement and academic work,
even among those students who may be problematic or
indifferent [23]. Moreover, Bandura [24] defines
self-efficacy as an individual’s belief in their ability to
organize and execute necessary courses of action to
perform a specific task. In this view, self-efficacy strongly
affects the choices people make, the energy they expend,
and their determination in the face of challenge. Bandura
then extends this concept to apply to teachers’ perceptions
of their skills in achieving their educational objectives,
such as facilitating learning and encouraging student
Teacher efficacy is a significant personal resource when
teachers are faced with their professional demands. Thus,
some research has looked into teacher efficacy as an
important construct in teacher education. Studies have
reported positive associations between teacher efficacy
and myriad factors, including professional performance
and personal well-being at work [25]; teaching practices,
enthusiasm, commitment, and in-class teaching behavior
[26, 27, 28, 29]; and job satisfaction [30]. Moreover,
teachers with a greater sense of efficacy also exhibit better
performance with classroom management and discipline
[31] and greater determination with hostile students [22].
Besides, teachers with high efficacy beliefs manage
negative affective experiences better than those with low
efficacy beliefs who may experience greater levels of
anxiety [9].
Based on this literature, the following hypotheses were
formed: Hypothesis 1: A positive and statistically
significant relationship is predicted between gender and
EI abilities; Hypothesis 2: A positive and statistically
significant relationship is predicted between academic
formation and EI abilities; Hypothesis 3: A negative and
statistically significant relationship is expected between
teaching experience and EI abilities; Hypothesis 4: A
positive and statistically significant relationship is
expected between teachers’ capacity to perceive and
understand emotions and their ability to manage and
regulate emotions; Hypothesis 5: A positive and
statistically significant relationship is predicted between
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Ability and Teacher Efficacy
teachers’ ability for expressing and classifying emotions
and their ability to manage and regulate emotions; and
Hypothesis 6: A positive and statistically significant
relationship is expected between EI abilities and teacher
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Participants
A convenience sample was collected, consisting of 634
school teachers (5th to 12th grades), working in Portuguese
public schools. 69.2% of the participants were women. Of
these, 3.0% had a bachelor's degree, 76.3% held a
post-graduate degree, 19.9% had a master’s, and 1.7% a
doctorate. Regarding teaching experience, 7.3% had less
than ten years’ teaching experience, 27.6% between 10
and 20 years, 42.1% between 21 to 30 years, and 23.0%
had more than 30 years of teaching experience.
3.2. Measures
The Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire
for Teachers (ESCQ-T) [32], adapted and validated from
the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire
(ESCQ) [33], was used to collect data about teachers’
perceptions about their EI ability. A 6-point Likert scale
was used, scored from 1 (never) to 6 (always). ESCQ-T
includes 45 items distributed among three subscales: (a)
Perceive and understand emotions, 15 items (e.g., When I
see how a student feels, I usually know what has
happened to him.); (b) Express and classify emotions, 14
items (e.g., I can express my emotions well); and (c)
Manage and regulate emotions, 16 items (e.g., I can stay
in a good mood even if something unpleasant happens in
the classroom). The Cronbach’s α for the current sample
had an adequate value of .90.
The Teacher Efficacy in Classroom Management and
Discipline Scale (TECMDS) [31] was also applied, as
adapted from Gibson and Dembo [22]. It comprises
36-items, rated on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1
(strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), and measuring
three subscales: (a) Personal teacher efficacy; (b) External
influences; and (c) Classroom management efficacy and
discipline. For this study, only the personal teacher
efficacy was measure applied. It is made up of seven
items (α = .79) (e.g., If one of my students cannot perform
an activity, I can accurately evaluate the correct level of
3.3. Procedures
All the research procedures received approval from the
General Directorate of Education from the Ministry of
Education, the researchers’ institution’s ethics committee,
school directors, and teachers. Researchers administered
the instruments, in groups of 15-20 teachers, during a
session lasting from 30 minutes, in the school, during
2019. Teachers were informed about the research
objective. The conventional ethical and deontological
procedures were followed, especially regarding data
confidentiality and participants’ written consent to
participate. Of all 650 surveys, 97.5% of teachers agreed
to participate with the research, and only 2.46% were not
filled in due to a lack of teacher availability. No missing
data were recorded since all participants completed the
questionnaires, and all the data were considered valid.
3.4. Data Analysis
The data was analyzed using SPSS/AMOS 25 [33].
Descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation tests, and the
Structural Equation Models (SEM) [34] were used. The
Hoelter index [35] indicates the sufficiency of a sample
size to be able to properly adjust the model and must be
equal to or greater than 200 to indicate that the model
closely represents the sample data. Pearson's r correlation
tested the relationships between model variables.
For the descriptive data corresponding to variables
included in SEM, the criteria used eliminated from
consideration any asymmetry values greater than two or
kurtosis scores higher than seven [36].
4. Results and Discussion
After data collection, a path analysis model was tested
regarding the associated constructs and dimensions (cf.
Figure 1).
Figure 1 specifies the hypothesized model for the 634
teachers. The overall goodness of fit are very robust [(χ2=
6.235; p= .182; χ2/g.l. = 1.559; GFI = .997; AGFI = .980;
CFI = .984; TLI = .914; RMSEA = .030 (LO/.000 –
HI/.072)], confirming that the model represents relations
among the existing variables in our empirical matrix. The
Hoelter index values were also adjusted [CN = 964 (.05)
and 1348 (.01)].
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3): 916-923, 2020
Figure 1. Structural equation model (n = 634)
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics Corresponding to the Studied Variables
Teaching experience
Academic training
Perceive and understand emotions
Express and classify emotions
Manage and regulate emotions
Teacher efficacy
Note. SD = Standard Deviation; Min.= Minimum; Max.= Maximum.
Table 1 displays the descriptive data corresponding to
variables included in SEM. The criteria established are
that asymmetry values greater than two and kurtosis
higher than seven should not be considered. In this sample,
none of the variables approximated these limits, so the
estimation of the model fit was carried out.
In answering the general questions presented above,
from the analysis of Table 2 and Figure 1, it can be seen
that the hypotheses were confirmed and all were found to
be statistically significant. Thus, women showed better
results in all EI abilities, namely, positive correlations
were found with the ability to perceive and understand
emotions (β= .16; p<.001), express and classify emotions
(β=. 11, p<.05), and to manage and regulate emotions (β
= .09; p<.05).
About teaching experience, teachers with more
experience had shown to have less ability for perceiving
and understanding emotions (β= -.12; p<.01), less ability
to express and classify emotions (β= -.11; p< .01), and
fewer ability to manage and regulate emotions (β= -.08; p
Concerning academic formation, teachers with higher
educational levels revealed higher EI in all dimensions.
Particularly regarding the ability to perceive and
understand emotions (β= .11; p< .01), to express and
classify them (β= .08; p< .05), and to manage and
regulate, as well (β= .16; p<.001). These relationships
were positive and statistically significant.
When looking into the relationships between the
dimensions of the two constructs, it can be seen that
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Ability and Teacher Efficacy
teachers with greater efficacy consistently scored higher
for perceiving and understanding (β= .09; p< .05), as
well as having greater ability at expressing and classifying
(β= .14; p<. 001), and at managing and regulating
emotions (β= .08; p<.05).
Table 2. Covariance Structure Contrast Hypothesized for the Sample
Gender → PUE
Gender → ECE
Gender → MRE
Teaching experience → PUE
Teaching experience → ECE
Teaching experience → MRE
Academic formation → PUE
Academic formation → ECE
Academic formation → MRE
Teaching experience ↔
Academic formation
Teaching experience ↔ Gender
Academic formation ↔ Gender
Note. PUE = Perceive and Understand Emotions; ECE = Express and
Classify Emotions; MRE = Manage and Regulate Emotions; TE =
Teacher efficacy; EVnS = Estimated Values not Standardized; SEV =
Standardized Estimated Values; EE = Estimated Errors; p= significance
level; *** = p< .001
Teachers with greater ability for perceiving and
understanding (β= .11; p< .001), expressing and
classifying emotions (β= .08; p< .05) also showed a
statistically significant greater ability to manage and
regulate emotions.
Regarding exogenous variables, it is worth pointing out
that the women had less teaching experience (β= -.02; p
<.05) and lower levels of academic formation (β= -.08; p
<. 05).
Moreover, a negative and statistically significant
relationship appeared between years of teaching
experience and academic qualifications (β=-.14; p<.01)
(c.f. Table 2).
The multiple square correlations revealed that the
exogenous variables, gender, teaching experience, and
academic formation, accounted for approximately 5%
(η2=.049) of the ability to perceive and understand
emotions, 3% (η2=.030) was related to expressing and
classifying emotions while managing and regulating
emotions had a value close to 8% (η2=.083).
Teacher efficacy was explained indirectly by the
exogenous variables and directly by EI variables in
approximately 4% (η2=.037).
An analysis of Pearson's rcorrelation between the
variables also revealed that the ability to both perceive
and understand emotions and to manage and regulate them
were the only dimensions associated with all the others.
Although the associations were low or very low, between
r=-.079* and r=.182** (r<.200 indicates a very low; and
between .200-.399 low), they were statistically significant,
which indicates some cohesion between the variables
under study. No statistically significant associations were
found between teacher efficacy and gender or academic
4.1. Discussion
The main results of this research showed a positive
correlation between EI abilities and teacher efficacy
among Portuguese school teachers. They supported the
hypotheses and provided empirical support for the
theoretical link between these two constructs. Gender,
length of teaching experience, and academic formation
were also related to EI abilities.
In line with other studies [14, 15], a positive correlation
also arose between gender and teacher EI, with the EI
abilities being greater in women than men (Hypothesis 1).
This finding provides empirical support for a gender
difference in EI abilities. In so far as academic formation
is concerned, the results indicated that teachers’ with
higher levels of training displayed the greatest levels in all
three EI abilities (Hypothesis 2), which seconds previous
research on Portuguese teachers [16]. The results also
showed that teachers with greater amounts of teaching
experience measured the lowest levels of EI abilities
(Hypothesis 3). These results echo other studies of the
Portuguese context [7, 16] that have identified that
teachers are currently practicing their profession in a
society marked by disequilibrium of multiple causes,
including high levels of stress in the educational process,
which destabilizes teachers as fatigue accumulates
throughout their professional life.
Teachers with greater ability to perceive and understand
emotions and to express and classify them demonstrated a
greater ability to manage and regulate emotions
(Hypothesis 4 and 5).
The ability to perceive and understand emotions, and to
express and classify them is personal abilities that impose
a systematic introspection, through the identification and
interpretation of emotional states. Two fundamental
processes are involved: the recognition and understanding
of one’s own emotions and those of others. If teachers do
not identify emotions that students feel and express,
especially if they contribute to the teachers’ discomfort,
nothing can be done to change them. A positive example
is when a teacher perceives annoyance on students’ faces
and goes on to change the rhythm of the class or to give a
more understandable explanation. At a more complex
level, teachers with high capacity for emotional perception
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8(3): 916-923, 2020
are those who perceive and are aware of the students’ state
of mind, knowing when and how to intervene, being able
to identify the discrepancy between what the students may
be feeling or thinking and what they say. This ability to
differentiate discrepancies between students’ verbal
behavior and their expressions allows teachers to realize
that, even if a student initially claims that nothing has
happened, it might not be entirely true. The teacher may
then offer to speak to the student and to listen to them to
provide support and understanding [34].
Besides, the ability to manage and regulate emotions is
considered higher-order ability and to achieve it, one must
master the previous skills. In other words, the ability to
moderate and manage one’s emotional reactions in intense
situations, positive or negative, is the hardest to reach and
to wield with mastery. When teachers manage to regulate
and manage their own emotions, they often manage to
modify not only their feelings but those of the students
[34]. This ability is the key to teacher performance since
teachers must be able to manage their emotions in intense
situations with students. The study confirmed that
teachers’ ability to perceive and understand emotions and
to express and classify them influences their ability to
manage and regulate emotions, while it is, in turn, vital for
teacher success in educational settings, both in the
interpersonal and professional domains.
Considering the relationships between the two
constructs, teachers better skilled at perceiving and
understanding emotions as well as expressing and
classifying, managing and regulating them reveal higher
levels of teacher efficacy (Hypothesis 6). This relationship
is positive and statistically significant and it supports
previous findings linking EI with higher levels of teacher
efficacy [1, 8, 9, 11]. Emotionally intelligent teachers
have the skills to perceive their students beyond their
behaviors and results. They are efficacious as they know
how to support their classroom and their students,
producing an effective teaching and learning process. In
other words, teachers with high levels of EI ability are
likely to develop a positive rapport with their students, to
improve the teaching process, which, in turn, has a
positive impact on students’ learning and achievement.
Therefore, how emotions are understood, reflected, and
managed may hold promise for effective teaching, and for
maximizing students’ academic performance.
This study has limitations. The use of self-response
questionnaires may have led participants to respond
according to what they consider socially desirable.
Moreover, the sample size limits the generalization of
results. Future studies should look at this issue, using
larger and more diversified samples with a wider range of
levels of education and geographic location. Another
limitation was that the teachers in the study were mostly
women, limiting the variability of the sample. However,
this reveals the reality of Portuguese schools, where
women teachers exist in a much higher percentage than
men [37].
A practical implication of these findings would suggest
the need to make alterations to teacher training. Training
programs should, therefore, be provided to teachers and
teacher candidates to improve their skills. This training
would also equip them to better face professional
challenges and enhance their effectiveness. However, in
Portugal, the factors that count in terms of the awarding of
teaching jobs and promotions are primarily those of years’
of teaching experience and evaluation of academic
formation. These characteristics are vital, yet insufficient.
It should be noted that Portuguese teacher academic
formation does not yet value EI ability. Also, several
studies have emphasized the significance of developing
teachers’ EI [4, 5, 6, 7].
5. Conclusions
The results showed positive relationships between EI
abilities and teacher efficacy. Furthermore, they specify
how teachers perceive and express their emotions and how
they internalize their ability to regulate emotion affects
their praxis, by way of their understanding of teacher
Having teachers who are apt to perceive and manage
the factors associated with their daily school activity will
be salutary for the personal development of students, as
well as for structuring a positive and self-regulating
learning environment. It should also be pointed out that
our results suggest that EI, i.e. the ability to perceive,
understand, express, classify, manage and regulate
emotions, all positively influence teacher efficacy. Given
the challenging school context, it is expected that this
framework of successive constructions and
reconstructions will lead to the design of educational
practice that will enable a redoubled commitment to this
important endeavor.
Teachers skilled in perceiving and understanding
emotions easily perceive their students’ emotional state
and can adapt their behavior and to change class activity
when they perceive that the students are distracted. They
have the sensitivity to criticize a more vulnerable student,
to rearrange the classroom and to separate the students
who are likely to cause the most friction [34]. Thus,
teachers with more EI ability know suitable teaching
techniques and can help students learn, to achieve more,
to surpass themselves.
Future investigations into EI ability and teacher
efficacy should be carried out to identify other personal,
instructional and motivational variables to widen the
range of variables under study. Longitudinal studies
would be equally useful for verifying any potential
variability in the results. Moreover, a qualitative
methodology might uncover additional factors related to
this interconnection between the variables under study,
The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence Ability and Teacher Efficacy
namely to deepen our understanding of the meanings
attributed to teachers’ perceptions and problems.
Finally, this study highlights the importance of teacher
EI ability proactively and constructively. It is hoped these
results will contribute to building up a knowledge base
that might help practitioners better understand the
emotional environment in which they work and which
might foster change in pedagogical practices. Therefore,
given the conclusions of this research, it is suggested that
emotional education training should be introduced into the
teachers’ academic formation.
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