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Can habitat prediction models contribute to the restoration and conservation of the threatened treeAbies pinsapo Boiss. in Southern Spain?

  • Agresta S. Coop
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Abstract and Figures

We examined the association between habitat variables and the relative impacts of topographic microclimates as a valuable tool for restoration and conservation of Abies pinsapo in southern Spain. We used presence–absence data from A. pinsapo and 79 environmental variables and biomod species distribution models to describe the current and future species habitat across the Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park (southern Spain). A. pinsapo habitat was most strongly associated with microtopographic (solar incidence) and temperature variables, indicating climate-driven changes in microhabitat use. Most of the temperature variation among the study site was attributable to topographic microclimates rather than regional temperature differences, such that differences in microhabitat associations occurred principally between north- and south-facing slopes within the same region. The current potential distribution suggests that around 8.7% (56.44 km2) of the study area is highly suitable for A. pinsapo, with 9.7% (62.84 km2) being moderately suitable. Under different global circulation models and climate change scenarios, the net decrease in suitable habitat is predicted to be 93% of the current distribution by 2040, disappearing altogether by 2099. Our findings also show a sharp reduction of potential restoration areas (1.8% of the current areas). Microclimatic variation generated by the topography offers the microclimate-driven locations of habitat suitability which could shape species’ distribution restoration actions and their responses to environmental change. The approach presented here can provide a rapid assessment of the future conservation status of other important forest tree species in Spain, improving our understanding of the vulnerability of endangered species under climate change, and can be an effective tool for biodiversity conservation, restoration, and management.
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New Forests (2021) 52:89–112
1 3
Can habitat prediction models contribute
totherestoration andconservation ofthethreatened
tree Abies pinsapo Boiss. inSouthern Spain?
R.M.NavarroCerrillo, etal.[full author details at the end of the article]
Received: 15 November 2019 / Accepted: 21 February 2020 / Published online: 27 February 2020
© Springer Nature B.V. 2020
We examined the association between habitat variables and the relative impacts of topo-
graphic microclimates as a valuable tool for restoration and conservation of Abies pinsapo
in southern Spain. We used presence–absence data from A. pinsapo and 79 environmental
variables and biomod species distribution models to describe the current and future species
habitat across the Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park (southern Spain). A. pinsapo habi-
tat was most strongly associated with microtopographic (solar incidence) and temperature
variables, indicating climate-driven changes in microhabitat use. Most of the tempera-
ture variation among the study site was attributable to topographic microclimates rather
than regional temperature differences, such that differences in microhabitat associations
occurred principally between north- and south-facing slopes within the same region. The
current potential distribution suggests that around 8.7% (56.44 km2) of the study area is
highly suitable for A. pinsapo, with 9.7% (62.84km2) being moderately suitable. Under
different global circulation models and climate change scenarios, the net decrease in suit-
able habitat is predicted to be 93% of the current distribution by 2040, disappearing alto-
gether by 2099. Our findings also show a sharp reduction of potential restoration areas
(1.8% of the current areas). Microclimatic variation generated by the topography offers the
microclimate-driven locations of habitat suitability which could shape species’ distribution
restoration actions and their responses to environmental change. The approach presented
here can provide a rapid assessment of the future conservation status of other important
forest tree species in Spain, improving our understanding of the vulnerability of endan-
gered species under climate change, and can be an effective tool for biodiversity conserva-
tion, restoration, and management.
Keywords Conservation· Habitat suitability· Mediterranean forests· Pinsapo fir·
Restoration ecology· Threatened species
R. M. Navarro Cerrillo and J. Duque-Lazo contributed equally to this work.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https ://
6-020-09784 -4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... They present numerical methods to analyze the relationships between observed in-situ species occurrences and their environmental and geographical parameters (Elith and Leathwick, 2009;Flores-Tolentino et al., 2019). Recently, they have been widely applied to calculate spatially explicit estimates of species environmental compatibility (Flores-Tolentino et al., 2019;Navarro Cerrillo et al., 2021). ...
... Field surveys could be conducted to select environmental factors to reflect the habitat conditions of the target species and the influence of anthropogenic factors and disturbance. For future studies at the local scale, data on soils, vegetation, topography and land use could be recruited by the model (Rovzar et al., 2016;Navarro Cerrillo et al., 2021). ...
Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, with edible and medicinal values, is a key shrub species in south China's forest understory. It maintains ecological balance, soil and water conservation, and biodiversity in the widely degraded mountain ecosystems. The distribution and population of R. tomentosa have shrunk recently due to anthropogenic impacts. At present, wild communities of R. tomentosa are rare in China's low-altitude areas. A comprehensive understanding of its current and future spatial patterns vis-à-vis changing climatic conditions can inform co-management for economic use and conservation. Based on 213 validated distribution records and nine selected environmental variables, the potential biogeographical range of R. tomentosa in China was predicted by Maxent and QGIS modeling under current and three future climate-change scenarios. The limiting factors for distribution were evaluated by Jackknife, per cent contribution and permutation importance. We found that the present actual biogeographical range was concentrated in tropical and south-subtropical China with some extensions to mid-subtropical east and southwest China, with the main occurrence in the core range of Guangdong, Guangxi, and Hainan provinces. The modeling results indicated temperature as the clinching determinant of distribution patterns, including the minimum temperature of coldest month, mean temperature of warmest quarter, and temperature seasonality. Moisture was a necessary but not critical secondary factor. Under future climate-change scenarios, habitats with excellent suitability index will expand and shift towards southwest China and high-altitude areas. The findings provide science-based evidence to adjust management and conservation plans in response to climate change protect and use R. tomentosa in suitability habitats.
... However, the clear decrease in growth in the older trees in comparison with the rather stable growth trends of younger trees indicated similar drought-induced sensitivity during the last decades, when A. pinsapo experienced a decrease on the annual TRW growth. The growth decrease during this recent period coincided with increasing drought anomalies, i.e., increasingly dry conditions [38] that may lead to the local extinction of A. pinsapo from part of its current distribution and its substitution by more tolerant species [39]. ...
... Additionally, the downward trend of the resistance (Rt) and resilience (Rs) in young and old trees is a relevant finding; it indicates a cumulative effect of droughts on their capacity to respond to consecutive droughts. Increasing the sensitivity of A. pinsapo stands to drought may suggest that they will become increasingly vulnerable to drought-triggered tree mortality in the coming decades [18,39]. ...
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Systematic forest networks of health monitoring have been established to follow changes in tree vigor and mortality. These networks often lack long-term growth data, but they could be complemented with tree ring data, since both defoliation and radial growth are proxies of changes in tree vigor. For instance, a severe water shortage should reduce growth and increase tree defoliation in drought-prone areas. However, the effects of climatic stress and drought on growth and defoliation could also depend on tree age. To address these issues, we compared growth and defoliation data with recent climate variability and drought severity in Abies pinsapo old and young trees sampled in Southern Spain, where a systematic health network (Andalucía Permanent Plot Network) was established. Our aims were: (i) to assess the growth sensitivity of old and young A. pinsapo trees and (ii) to test if relative changes in radial growth were related with recent defoliation, for instance, after severe droughts. We also computed the resilience indices to quantify how old and young trees recovered growth after recent droughts. Wet-cool conditions during the prior autumn and the current early summer improved the growth of old trees, whereas late-spring wet conditions enhanced the growth of young trees. Old trees were more sensitive to wet and sunny conditions in the early summer than young trees. Old and young trees were more responsive to the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index drought index of June–July and July–August calculated at short (one–three months) and mid (three–six months) time scales, respectively. Old trees presented a higher resistance to a severe drought in 1995 than young trees. A positive association was found between stand defoliation and relative growth. Combining monitoring and tree ring networks is useful for the detection of early warning signals of dieback in similar drought-prone forests.
... The presence of more potential suitable habitats for J. phoenicea by increasing the value of the aridity index, i.e., more humid climate and more soil clay content, could explain its extensive distribution in the West-Mediterranean region compared to the East-Mediterranean region. The sensitive response of J. phoenicea to aridity determines its probability of occurrence by previous studies such as 54 . Besides, the presence of high soil clay content help in more retention of water and support the growth of the plants for a long time compared to sandy or rocky soil that is predominant in many areas of J. phoenicea in the eastern Mediterranean countries 25,47 . ...
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Juniperus phoenicea is a medicinal conifer tree species distributed mainly in the Mediterranean region, and it is IUCN Red Listed species, locally threatened due to arid conditions and seed over-collection for medicinal purposes, particularly in the East-Mediterranean region. Several studies have addressed the potential distribution of J. phoenicea using bioclimatic and topographic variables at a local or global scale, but little is known about the role of soil and human influences as potential drivers. Therefore, our objectives were to determine the most influential predictor factors and their relative importance that might be limiting the regeneration of J. phoenicea, in addition, identifying the most suitable areas which could be assumed as priority conservation areas. We used ensemble models for species distribution modelling. Our findings revealed that aridity, temperature seasonality, and clay content are the most important factors limiting the potential distribution of J. phoenicea. Potentially suitable areas of the output maps, in which J. phoenicea populations degraded, could be assumed as decision-support tool reforestation planning. Other suitable areas, where there was no previous tree cover are a promising tool for afforestation and conservation planning. Finally, conservation actions are needed for natural habitats, particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions, which are highly threatened by global warming.
... Because of the interactions and effects of multiple factors, the historical patterns of species distribution and migration become more complicated among species [26,70]. Complex topography and greater microclimatic variation also affected historical distribution of certain species [90]. L. oblata grows on steep slopes near the tops of mountains, which are characterized unique habitat. ...
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Climate change is an important driver of biodiversity patterns and species distributions, understanding how organisms respond to climate change will shed light on the conservation of endangered species. In this study, we modeled the distributional dynamics of a critically endangered montane shrub Lonicera oblata in response to climate change under different periods by building a comprehensive habitat suitability model considering the effects of soil and vegetation conditions. Our results indicated that the current suitable habitats for L. oblata are located scarcely in North China. Historical modeling indicated that L. oblata achieved its maximum potential distribution in the last interglacial period which covered southwest China, while its distribution area decreased for almost 50% during the last glacial maximum. It further contracted during the middle Holocene to a distribution resembling the current pattern. Future modeling showed that the suitable habitats of L. oblata contracted dramatically, and populations were fragmentedly distributed in these areas. As a whole, the distribution of L. oblata showed significant migration northward in latitude but no altitudinal shift. Several mountains in North China may provide future stable climatic areas for L. oblata, particularly, the intersections between the Taihang and Yan mountains. Our study strongly suggested that the endangered montane shrub L. oblata are sensitive to climate change, and the results provide new insights into the conservation of it and other endangered species.
... Additionally, an excessive simplification of the variables included in the model may mean that the selected variables limit their ecological interpretation (e.g., over-importance of the edaphic variables in our case). One possible way to avoid this problem is by making models that progressively include the set of environmental variables to interpret their importance step by step (see, for example [79]). ...
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Eucalyptus grandis and E. dunnii have high productive potential in the South of Brazil, Uruguay, and central Argentina. This is based on the similarity of the climate and soil of these areas, which form an eco-region called Campos. However, previous results show that these species have differences in their distribution caused by the prioritization of Uruguayan soils for forestry, explained by the particular conditions of each site. In this study, the site variables (climate, soil, and topography) that better explain the distribution of both species were identified, and prediction models of current and future distribution were adjusted for different climate change scenarios (years 2050 and 2070). The distribution of E. grandis was associated with soil parameters, whereas for E. dunnii a greater effect of the climatic variables was observed. The ensemble biomod2 model was the most precise with regard to predicting the habitat for both species with respect to the simple models evaluated. For E. dunnii, the average values of the AUC, Kappa, and TSS index were 0.98, 0.88, and 0.77, respectively. For E. grandis, their values were 0.97, 0.86, and 0.80, respectively. In the projections of climatic change, the distribution of E. grandis occurrence remains practically unchanged, even in the scenarios of temperature increase. However, current distribution of E. dunnii shows high susceptibility in a scenario of increased temperature, to the point that most of the area currently planted may be at risk. Our results might be useful to political government and foresters for decision making in terms of future planted areas.
Algeria is distinguished by its geographical and climatic diversity, which contains a varied flora and endemic species, being recognized as one of the biodiversity hot-spots of the Mediterranean region. Among its endemic species, the renowned Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) is particularly notable as it exclusively grows in the Atlas Mountains. Classified as endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, because of its endemism and also because dramatic declining populations over the past four decades. Forecasting the potential impact of climate change on the distribution of this species might help in devising effective conservation strategies. Under this backdrop, this study aimed to simulate the current distribution of suitable habitat for C. atlantica in Algeria and investigate the influence of climate change on its distribution range by the years 2050, 2070 and 2090. The distribution was modeled using Maximum Entropy (Maxent) based on locality information of 103 occurrence sites of the species and nine different environmental variables. The model showed that annual mean temperature and elevation were the most important environmental factors affecting the distribution of C. atlantica in Algeria. Currently, the total suitable habitats for this species, including both medium and high suitability habitats, cover a total area of 1837 km2, yet its distribution is relatively narrow and fragmented. This area would obviously decrease under all future climate change scenarios, shifting northwestward and to higher elevations, where conditions conducive to the species’ expansion will exist. Our results showed that at lower elevations and latitudes the species is highly prone to the effects of climate change, and they are confronted with an augmented risk of extinction across diverse climatic scenarios. This research provides valuable information for the more effective conservation and sustainable management of C. atlantica in the face of climate change challenges.
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Acute and early symptoms of forest dieback linked to climate warming and drought episodes have been reported for relict Abies pinsapo Boiss. fir forests from Southern Spain, particularly at their lower ecotone. Satellite, orthoimages, and field data were used to assess forest decline, tree mortality, and gap formation and recolonization in the lower half of the altitudinal range of A. pinsapo forests (850-1550 m) for the last 36 years (1985-2020). Field surveys were carried out in 2003 and in 2020 to characterize changes in stand canopy structure and mortality rates across the altitudinal range. Time series of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) at the end of the dry season (derived from Landsat 5 and 7 imagery) were used for a Dynamic Factor Analysis to detect common trends across altitudinal bands and topographic solar incidence gradients (SI). Historical canopy cover changes were analyzed through aerial orthoimages classification. Here we show that extensive decline and mortality contrast to the almost steady alive basal area for 17 years, as well as the rising photosynthetic activity derived from NDVI since the mid-2000s and an increase in the forest canopy cover in the late years at mid and high altitudes. We hypothesized that these results suggest an unexpected resilience in A. pinsapo forests to climate change-induced dieback, that might be promoted by compensation mechanisms such as (i) recruitment of new A. pinsapo individuals; (ii) facilitative effects on such recruitment mediated by revegetation with other species; and (iii) a ‘release effect’ in which surviving trees can thrive with fewer resource competition. Future research is needed to understand these compensation mechanisms and their scope in future climate change scenarios.
Variations in temperature and rainfall patterns due to climate change will lead to alterations in the potential habitat of species. This change will affect the interactions between species, being more evident in vulnerable species with fragmented habitat. This study aims to test the importance of abiotic and biotic factors determining the niche of threatened species in mountainous conifer forests. We used as study case the endangered Abies pinsapo in Southern Spain to understand its co-occurrence patterns in relation to the distribution and habitat suitability of key competing species. We estimated the intensity of interactions in relation to environmental gradients and development stage by single and joint species distribution models using a Bayesian approach in combination with niche overlap metric methods. Average temperature of the coldest month and precipitation were key variables shaping the current distribution of A. pinsapo. The ensemble potential distribution of the species showed very high overlap with the distribution of A. pinsapo. The joint species distribution model showed a potential negative interaction between A. pinsapo and the adults of Q. faginea and P. halepensis and positively with Juniperus species. A. pinsapo populations located at the low elevation distribution area are the most vulnerable, ultimately triggering a shift towards higher altitudes in a context of climate change. This abiotic stress will be exacerbated by competition dynamics of competing species from lower altitudes. This likely shift is shared by other mountain conifer species, with a success in survival limited by the availability of suitable area at higher altitudes.
Forest ecosystems are increasingly exposed to the combined pressure of climate change and attacks by pests and pathogens. These stress factors can threaten already vulnerable species triggering dieback and rising defoliation and mortality rates. To characterize abiotic (drought, climate warmings) and biotic (pathogens) risks and their spatiotemporal patterns we quantified the recent loss of vitality for the endangered and relict Abies pinsapo forests from Andalusia, south-eastern Spain. Abies pinsapo is an iconic Mediterranean fir showing a high vulnerability to drought stress and also to several pests (Cryphalus numidicus) and root rot fungi (Armillaria mellea). We analyzed a monitoring network dataset of radial growth, defoliation and mortality from 2001 to 2017 including 1025 trees situated in three major mountain ranges (Sierra de Grazalema, Sierra de las Nieves, and Sierra Bermeja). We fitted several statistical models to determine the main drivers of changes in defoliation, a proxy of tree vigor, and mortality. Defoliation and mortality rates were much higher towards the East of the study area, mirroring the gradient from Atlantic to Mediterranean climatic conditions. In the most affected stands tree defoliation increased in response to a combination of long and severe droughts, with attacks by the beetle C. numidicus. Mortality rates increased in response to a higher defoliation rate, a lower relative radial-growth rate, long and severe droughts and a higher incidence of A. mellea. Our findings illustrate the value of monitoring networks recording changes in forest health to quantify and forecast future vulnerability of threatened tree species.
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Current knowledge of climate change effects on forest ecology and species conservation should be linked to understanding of the past-time. Abies pinsapoforests constitute a model of an endangered ecosystem, highly vulnerable to ongoing warming, whose populations have been declining for centuries, while the drivers of this local depletion trend remain poorly understood. We hypothesized that long-term disturbances, both human- and natural-induced, have shaped A. pinsapo forests, contributing to these decline processes. Until today, studies using fossil pollen record to identify past climate impacts and land-use changes on A. pinsapo populations have not been done. Here, we investigate forests’ dynamics since the late Holocene (1180 cal. AD to present) in Southern Iberian Peninsula from a fossil pollen record by comparing the results obtained with climate fluctuations and land-uses changes. The pollen sequence shows a phase of stability during the Islamic Period (~1180–1400 cal. AD; ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’), followed by increasing degradation at Christian Period concurrent with ‘Little Ice Age’ (LIA) (ca. 1487–1530 cal. AD). The Modern Period (1530–1800 cal. AD; LIA) is linked to intensive forest management, related to the naval industry. Afterwards, a progressive reduction is recorded during the Contemporary Age period (‘Industrial Period’) until ‘Recent Warming’. In short, historical severe forest management coupled with increasing aridity since LIA appear to influence A. pinsapo forest current species composition and poor structural diversity. These disturbances might be limiting the resilience of A. pinsapo forests under a climate change scenario. A selected forest management could promote a more complex forest structure. Keywords: charcoal, endangered species, forest management, fossil pollen record, human-use legacy, past climate, pinsapo fir
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Demand for models in biodiversity assessments is rising, but which models are adequate for the task? We propose a set of best-practice standards and detailed guidelines enabling scoring of studies based on species distribution models for use in biodiversity assessments. We reviewed and scored 400 modeling studies over the past 20 years using the proposed standards and guidelines. We detected low model adequacy overall, but with a marked tendency of improvement over time in model building and, to a lesser degree, in biological data and model evaluation. We argue that implementation of agreed-upon standards for models in biodiversity assessments would promote transparency and repeatability, eventually leading to higher quality of the models and the inferences used in assessments. We encourage broad community participation toward the expansion and ongoing development of the proposed standards and guidelines.
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Changing climatic conditions add a measure of uncertainty to sustainable forest management in forest ecosystems of the southern United States. Increasing temperatures and decreasing patterns of precipitation especially in the Mid-South suggest that water stress, drought, and changing patterns of natural disturbance events will challenge managers in the twenty-first century. Efforts to manage southern forest stands in the face of changing climatic conditions will require a diversity of approaches including tactics to promote genetic diversity in natural and planted stands, encouragement of species diversity as new stands develop, and considering ways to promote diverse stand structures that encourage recruitment of new age cohorts within stands on a regular basis. With predicted changes in climatic conditions, forest ecosystems across the South will respond in different ways, depending upon whether or not they are currently being managed. Unmanaged stands will change in unpredictable ways that reflect the absence of management. But in managed stands, silvicultural treatments are available for foresters to apply to respond and adapt to maintain productive forests adapted to those changing conditions. Finally, one approach often advocated to deal with this uncertainty is a strategy for assisted migration, in which species are established in locations beyond their current range, where predicted climatic conditions are likely to occur at some point in the future within which those species will survive. This is basically an exercise in artificial regeneration, but will likely be more complicated than simply planting a few exotic seedlings and hoping for the best. The technical and practical challenges of planting species at the margins or beyond their natural range include a lack of research support especially for species not commonly planted in the region. Moreover, planting is costly, and because of that, intensive practices are more likely on institutional and government lands rather than family forests. In the end, all of these concepts fall within the practice of silviculture, and are tactics with which the profession is familiar.
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We used Species Distribution Modeling to predict the probability of Iberian pine (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii [Dunal] Franco) occurrences in southern Spain in response to environmental variables and to forecast the effects of climate change on their predicted geographical distribution. The ensemble mod-eling approach "biomod2" was used, together with present Iberian pine data, to predict the current potential distribution based on bioclimatic explanatory variables (200 m resolution) and to forecast future suitability by studying three periods (2040, 2070, and 2100), considering the Global Circulation Models BCM2, CNCM3, and ECHAM5, and the regional model EGMAM, for different scenarios (SRAB1, SRA2, SRB1). Model evaluation was performed using Kappa, True Skills Statistic (TSS), and Area Under the Curve (AUC) values. The bio-mod2 approach highlighted the average number of days with a minimum temperature equal to or below 0°C, annual precipitation, and aridity index as the most important variables to describe the P. nigra occurrence probability. Model performances were generally satisfactory and the highest AUC values and high stability of the results were given by GAM and GLM, but MaxEnt and the SRE model were scarcely accurate according to all our statistics. The ensemble Species Distribution Modeling of P. nigra in Andalusia predicted the highest probability of species occurrence in the eastern areas, Sierra de Ca-zorla being the area with the highest occurrence of P. nigra in Andalusia. In the future habitat, the general probability of P. nigra occurrence in Andalusia will decrease widely; the species is expected to lose habitat suitability at moderate altitudes and its occurrence probability will have decreased by nearly 70% on average by 2100, affected by the selected scenario. Populations in Sierra de Cazorla are those most suitable for P. nigra growth, even under the most pessimistic scenarios. It is likely that the natural southern populations of P. nigra will be very sensitive to changes in climate.
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Tras la retirada de los hielos glaciares del Cuaternario, los abetos se replegaron hacia el norte o ascendieron en altitud hacia las montañas. Escindido del tronco común del abeto primigenio, Abies pinsapo persiste como especie relicta y endémica de la Serranía de Ronda, y una de las reliquias más meridionales de la aciculisilva. En este trabajo, desarrollamos un ensamblaje de modelos de nicho ecológico del pinsapo calibrados con datos actuales y proyectados hasta el horizonte 2100 según los escenarios previstos por el IPCC (AR5) regionalizados para el área de estudio. Nuestros modelos estimaron una drástica reducción de la distribución potencial de la especie en el área de estudio, incluso la desaparición del espacio ecológico del pinsapo en el peor de los escenarios.
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RESUMEN: El pinsapo es una reliquia botánica del Terciario que persiste en un singular ecosistema de montaña. Es una especie endémica e insólita en el paisaje andaluz, por lo que se halla muy protegida y es objeto de una estrategia de conservación activa que pretende mitigar los efectos negativos del cambio global. En este artículo utilizamos 180 imágenes del sensor MODIS para desarrollar un análisis interanual y de tendencia estacional del NDVI promedio mensual, desde 2002 hasta 2016, de las superficies cubiertas por pinsapos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se ha producido un incremento generalizado del NDVI en las masas forestales con presencia del pinsapo. La tendencia fue significativa en casi todos los tipos de formaciones y grados de cobertura. Esto sugiere una regeneración de los pinsapares en el marco de la estrategia de conservación activa. Sin embargo, detectamos un adelanto del Green up, hecho que podría estar relacionado con el calentamiento global. ABSTRACT: The Spanish fir is a botanical relic of the Tertiary that persists in a singular mountain ecosystem. This fir is an endemic species that is unusual in the Andalusian landscape, so it is strongly protected with a pro-active conservation management that seeks to mitigate the negative effects of global change. In this paper, we analysed the Spanish fir forests based on time series analysis of 15 years of MODIS images. First, we generated a monthly frequency series of 180 images, from January 2002 to December 2016, and then we applied an interannual and seasonal trend analysis by using monthly average of NDVI. The results showed positive trends of NDVI in the Spanish fir forests. The trend was significant in almost all types of tree cover density and forest types of Spanish fir. This suggests that the current pro-active conservation management program favours the regeneration of these forests. However, we found an earlier start of Green up, that could be related to global warming.
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The PREDICTS project (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) has collated ecological survey data from hundreds of published biodiversity comparisons of sites facing different land-use and related pressures, and used the resulting taxonomically and geographically broad database (abundance and occurrence data for over 50,000 species and over 30,000 sites in nearly 100 countries) to develop global biodiversity models, indicators, and projections. After outlining the science and science-policy gaps that motivated PREDICTS, this review discusses the key design decisions that helped it to achieve its objectives. In particular, we discuss basing models on a large, taxonomically, and geographically representative database, so that they may be applicable to biodiversity more broadly; space-for-time substitution, which allows estimation of pressure-state models without the need for representative time-series data; and collation of raw data rather than statistical results, greatly expanding the range of response variables that can be modelled. The heterogeneity of data in the PREDICTS database has presented a range of modelling challenges: we discuss these with a focus on our implementation of the Biodiversity Intactness Index, an indicator with considerable policy potential but which had not previously been estimated from primary biodiversity data. We then summarise the findings from analyses of how land use and related pressures affect local (α) diversity and spatial turnover (β diversity), and how these effects are mediated by ecological attributes of species. We discuss the relevance of our findings for policy, before ending with some directions of ongoing and possible future research.
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El pinsapo es un árbol endémico de la península Ibérica. Tiene su origen a finales del Terciario en el contexto de especiación de los abetos circum-mediterráneos. Sus poblaciones se localizan en la Serranía de Ronda. En este artículo abordamos un análisis del nicho ecológico del pinsapo: a partir de un muestreo sistemático, relacionamos registros de presencia y ausencia de la especie con un conjunto de variables ambientales explicativas. Ajustamos un modelo estadístico causal y generamos distintos modelos de distribución potencial basados en diferentes métodos predictivos. En el muestreo diseñado, hallamos registros de presencia entre los 700 y los 1700 metros sobre el nivel del mar, excepcionalmente fuera de este rango, siendo especialmente abundantes en torno a los 1200 m, con pendientes entre moderadas y escarpadas que promediaron el 35,22 %. Es un organismo claramente umbrófilo: más del 70 % de los registros aparecieron en laderas orientadas hacia el norte. El pinsapo siempre apareció en lugares con precipitaciones anuales por encima de los 800 mm, generalmente entre 1000 y 1200 mm. El nicho ecológico fundamental del pinsapo pudo ser explicado empleando tan sólo tres predictores no autocorrelacionados con datos sobre precipitaciones, temperaturas e incidencia solar. En concreto, el modelo de regresión logística ajustado con datos de presencia y ausencia alcanzó una R2 de McFadden = 0,95, una Especificidad = 0,98, una Sensibilidad = 0,98 y un TSS = 0,97. Los resultados de la modelización de la distribución potencial calibrados con diferentes algoritmos (BIOCLIM, DOMAIN, MARS, FDA, CART, RANDOM FOREST) y datos de entrada (presencia, presencia/ausencia, presencia/background), arrojaron una mayor capacidad discriminante de los algoritmos netamente predictivos, como RANDOM FOREST (AUC = 0,97; COR= 0,86) y MARS (AUC = 0,98; COR= 0,84), tanto con registros de presencia/ausencia como con registros de presencia/background. Por el contrario, los métodos descriptivos ofrecieron una peor capacidad discriminante, caso de BIOCLIM (AUC = 0,93; COR= 0,63). Finalmente, el modelo de consenso logró capturar la tendencia central de los modelos individuales ofreciendo una predicción espacial más consistente.
Since the mid-20th century, trees in the Andalusian oak dehesa and forests have exhibited stress that often ends in the death of the tree. These events have been associated with Phytophthora cinnamomi, a soil-borne root pathogen, which causes root rot, bark cankers, decay and mortality – known as oak decline. Phytophthora cinnamomi is most virulent under high ambient temperatures combined with moist soils, i.e., in Mediterranean areas. We used presence/absence point locations of the Andalusian Network for Damage Monitoring in Forest Ecosystems (RED SEDA) pathogen survey and four categories of environmental variables – meteorological, edaphic, topographic and tree cover – to accurately predict Phytophthora cinnamomi current and future potential distribution within Andalusia, for a range of climate change scenarios, using ensemble species distribution models (SDMs). We assessed which categories of environmental variables explained the distribution of the pathogen, obtained accurate predictions for the current potential distribution of Phytophthora cinnamomi (AUC > 0.95, TSS > 0.70, Kappa > 0.65) and forecasted its future potential distribution. Subsequently, we classified the sites of the pathogen survey within the RED SEDA network in three zones according to the already-recorded presence of the pathogen and the current and future predicted probability of occurrence. Finally, we suggested phytosanitary management strategies for each zone.
Intensive afforestation programmes were developed in Spain during the end of the 20 th century and the beginning of the 21st, under the European Economic Community‘s (EEC) agricultural reforestation directives. However, these afforestations were performed without considering future climate change scenarios and now these areas have to cope with more-severe climatic conditions. We used ensemble Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to study the future stability of cork oak (Quercus suber L.) plantations established in Andalusia between 1993 and 2000. We used presence/absence data from the national forest inventory and RED SEDA Network, together with survival rate data from 2008 for cork oak afforestations planted between 1993 and 2000, to forecast the potential optimal distribution of cork oak and to model the distribution of the survival rate of cork oak afforestations. We evaluated the change over time of the volume overlap of the environmental space between the potential distribution and the afforestations. The ensemble modelling approach gave highly-accurate results for the current potential distribution of cork oak in Andalusia (AUC = 0.943, TSS = 0.718, Kappa = 0.718) and moderately-accurate estimations of the distribution of the survival rate of cork oak afforestations in Andalusia (RMSE = 0.290). We found that 10% of the cork oak afforestations planted between 1993 and 2000 were established in the optimal area of occurrence of cork oak (probability of presence above 70%) and presented an acceptable survival rate (>50%); also, the volume of the environmental space defined by cork oak afforestation decreased over time. We have confirmed the potential of SDMs to predict the distribution of the survival rate of cork oak afforestations and to assess their future stability. In the worst scenario, 3% of the cork oak afforestations would withstand climate change.