
Type specimens of vascular plants in the herbarium of the National Institute of Biological Resources (KB) of the Republic of Korea

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The article provides information on type specimens of 33 species (94 sheets) of vascular plants, kept in the herbarium of the National Institute of Biological Resources (KB) of the Republic of Korea. Most of the type specimens in KB were donated by the Herbaria of Ajou University (AJOU), Chonbuk National University (JNU), Chungbuk National University (CBU), Hallym University (HHU), Korea Plant Research Institute (KPRI), Seoul National University (SNU), and others in recent years. For all specimens, the type category is indicated. There were 15 sheets for holotypes, 57 sheets for isotypes, and 22 sheets for paratypes. There were seven species of Pteridophytes, 22 species of Dicotyledons, and four species of Monocotyledons. The most represented genera in the 33 species are Corydalis (seven species) and Isoetes (four species). The type specimens examined in this article belong to the taxa described by Korean botanists, Byoung-Un Oh, Byoung-Yoon Lee, Byung-Yun Sun, Chong-Wook Park, Hong-Keun Choi, Young-Dong Kim, and others.

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... nov. (Fig. 1) (Jang et al., 2020. Accordingly, there is a possibility that the original materials do not currently exist. ...
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Aster magnus Y. N. Lee & C. S. Kim, originally described from Jeju-do, Korea in 1998, was not validly published because two gatherings were simultaneously indicated as types in the protologue. The name is validated here by designating one new collection kept in Andong National University herbarium (ANH) as the holotype
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A replacement name Neoscirpus dioicus Y.N.Lee & Y.C.Oh (2006b: 25) was published for the illegitimate Scripus dioicus Y.N.Lee & Y.C.Oh (2006a: 614), a name that applies to an endemic sedge occurring in limestone areas of the Gangwon-do Province, Republic of Korea (Park et al. 2016, Chung et al. 2017). According to recent molecular phylogenetic studies, this species should be transferred to the genus Trichophorum Persoon (1805: 69) (e.g., Muasya et al. 2009, Jung & Choi 2010b, 2011a, 2011b). Recently, by rediscovering type materials of S. dioicus at Korea National Arboretum (KH; herbarium acronyms according to Thiers 2019+), one of them has been designated as a lectotype (Son et al. 2019), and the nomenclatural issues related to that name seems to be resolved.
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As part of an ongoing project promoted by the Korea National Arboretum, aimed at tracing the original materials used to describe vascular plant taxa in Korea, we detected problems with the typification of Neoscirpus dioicus Y.N.Lee & Y.C.Oh (2006b: 25) and some nomenclatural issues related to that name.
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BackgroundA new species, Begonia myanmarica, was discovered from Myanmar and herein documented. Characterized by a single developed wing in the ovary/fruit, this species would be assigned to sect. Monopteron (sensu Doorenbos et al. in The sections of Begonia including descriptions, keys and species lists: studies in Begoniaceae VI. Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, 1998) that is known by B. griffithiana and B. nepalensis from the Himalaya. To confirm its sectional assignment, we conducted morphological, phylogenetic and cytological studies. ResultsMorphological observations indicated that B. myanmarica was distinguishable from the two known species of sect. Monopteron by the leaf shape and size, 1-locular ovary, parietal placentation and chromosome number. Molecular phylogenetic analysis using nrITS sequences showed that B. myanmarica was not allied with the clade of sect. Monopteron, though both were nested within sect. Platycentrum-sect. Sphenanthera clade. Conclusions Studies of morphology, molecular phylogenetics and cytology support the recognition of the new species, Begonia myanmarica, which is fully described and illustrated. Our results also indicate that B. myanmarica is not closely related to species previously assigned to sect. Monopteron, suggesting that the fruit morphology of a single developed wing in the ovary/fruit characterizing sect. Monopteron is homoplasious.
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Impatiens bokorensis, a new species of family Balsaminaceae from Phnum Bokor National Park in southwestern orbicular-obovate dorsal petal, shorter pedicels and larger seeds.
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Cissus erecta, a new endemic species of Vitaceae from Myanmar, is described and illustrated. The species is similar to C. aubertiana in habit, but it is readily distinguished by its less deeply lobed leaves with serrate margins, persistent stipules, and larger berries. This species is also similar to C. woodrowii in leaf shape, but it is distinguished by having herbaceous habit, leaves with serrate margin, greenish and persistent stipules, compound umbel, and larger globose berries.
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A new species, Melampyrum koreanum K.-J. Kim & S.-M. Yun, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to M. roseum Maxim. in general habit, but the new species has a corolla tube and style up to 3 cm long. The new species occurs on one of the islands of the southern Korean peninsula.
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A new species of Eranthis (Ranunculaceae), E. pungdoensis B.U. Oh is described from Pung-do, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do in Korea. The new species is distinct from E. byunsanensis, its closely relative species, in having broad funnelform petals, 2.5-3.7 mm long, 2.4-3.5 mm wide and restricted distributional area.
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A new species of Corydalis L. (Fumariaceae), C. alata was discovered in Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk- do in Korea and is described and illustrated here. The newly described species C. alata is distinct from the closely-related species C. maculata by having tubers with whitish inner surface, sagittate base of the lower outer petals, and smaller seeds.
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Herein is described a new species of Rorippa (R. apetala, Brassicaceae) discovered on the River Seom-gang in Wonju-si, Gangwon-do, Korea. The new species is distinct from the closely-related species, R. palustris and R. globosa, by having adventitious buds on the surface of rhizome-type roots during the fruiting season, usually absent or rarely 1-4, if present then atrophy petals, obpandurate fruits, and seeds usually empty or rarely 1-2 per locule. The key to these species is provided.
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Sonerila bokorense, a new species of Melastomataceae from Cambodia, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to S. calophylla, but it is distinguished by having aggregated tubercles, narrower leaves, and glandular trichomes on the pedicels, hypanthium, mid-veins of abaxial petals, and capsules.
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A new species belonging to Lycopodiaceae Mirb. Huperzia Bernh. s.l. is described and illustrated: Huperzia jejuensis B.-Y. Sun & J. Lim. H. jejuensis has been considered conspecific with H. integrifolia (Matsuda) B. {\emptyset}llg. ex. Z. Satou, but it is clearly distinguished by the characteristics of linear-lanceolate leaves with parallel margins from the base to the mid-part, minute dentate margins from the mid-part to the end of the leaf, and cuspidate gemma apex. Because the habitat of the new species was confined to Jeju Island, `jejuensis` was chosen as the specific epithet of the scientific name of the new taxon.
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Sun, B.‐Y., Kim, M. H., Kim, C. H. & Park, C.‐W.: Mankyua ( Ophioglossaceae ): a new fern genus from Cheju Island, Korea. ‐ Taxon 50: 1019–1024. 2001. ‐ ISSN 0040–0262. Mankyua chejuense gen. & sp. nov. (Ophioglossaceae) is described from a lowland swampy area of Cheju Island off the south coast of the Korean Peninsula. The diagnostic characters include: (1) ternately divided compound trophophore; (2) linear and fleshy sporophore branched at base; and (3) creeping rhizome with proliferous roots. The new fern is somewhat morphologically related to Helminthostachys and Ophioglossum , but distinct enough to merit generic status.
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Chrysosplenium aureobracteatum Y. I. Kim & Y. D. Kim (Saxifragaceae) is described as a new species from Gangwon Province in central Korea. The new taxonomic entity, which was uncovered previously by molecular systematic study, resembles C. sphaerospermum Maxim. but is readily distinguishable by its golden bracteal leaves and by the long internodal distances of the distal leaf pairs on sterile branches such that leaf pairs are not clustered. Further, the two species exhibit clear differences in their seed coat morphology, which is considered an important diagnostic character in the genus.
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A new species of Apiaceae, Angelica reflexa from Daeamsan, Gangwon-do province, Korea is described and illustrated. This new species is closely related to A. genuflexa Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, having such characters as leaf rachis and petiolules refracted strongly, but distinguished from the latter by its regularly serrated leaf margins, glabrous on abaxial leaf veins, and two vittae on the commissural face of the mericarp.
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A new species, Zabelia densipila M.-P. Hong, Y.-C. Kim & B.Y. Lee (Linnaeaceae) is described from Gangwon-do, Korea and illustrated. The new taxon resembles Z. biflora (Turcz.) Makino, but it can be distinguished by its different flowering seasons, ovaries with densely long-pilose hairs, and sequence differences in nuclear ribosomal DNA and chloroplast DNA coding regions.
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An undescribed species of Isoe¨ tes (Isoe¨taceae) was found during a floristic survey in Lao PDR. This Laotian species is distinctive enough to identify it as a separate species from the related taxon I. coromandelina by its megaspore characteristics, polyhedral shape, large tubercules on proximal and distal surfaces, and the uniform size. We propose I. laosiensis as a new species from South East Asia (Laos).
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Asterchusanensis is described and illustrated, and compared with its most closely related species,A. pseudoglehni andA. spathulifolius. This new species differs markedly from the latter two by its unequal inner and outer phyllaries, pubescent stem, leaves, and corolla tube, and ray florets partly in two series.
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We present a revised classification for extant ferns, with emphasis on ordinal and familial ranks, and a synopsis of included genera. Our classification reflects recently published phylogenetic hypotheses based on both morphological and molecular data. Within our new classification, we recognize four monophyletic classes, 11 monophyletic orders, and 37 families, 32 of which are strongly supported as monophyletic. One new family, Cibotiaceae Korall, is described. The phylogenetic affinities of a few genera in the order Polypodiales are unclear and their familial placements are therefore tentative. Alphabetical lists of accepted genera (including common synonyms), families, orders, and taxa of higher rank are provided.
Zostera geojeensis, a new species from Geojedo Island located on the south coast of Korea, is described and compared with othe rrelated species of Zostera. It is very similar to Z. caespitosa Miki in having congested internodes of rhizomes but differes from that by having obtuse or cuspidate and transparent leaf margins at apices.
A new species of fern, Phegopteris koreana (Thelypteiidaeeae), was collected from Southern Korea and is described here. Phegopteris koreana is most similar to P. decursive-pinnata morphologically; however, the new species consistently shows discontinuous morphological gaps from the latter in the shape of the fronds, pinnae, and ultimate segments, venation pattern ill ultimate segments, tufted trichomes in the sori, and spore wall sculpturing.
Two new species, Calanthe insularis S.H.Oh, H.J.Suh & C.-W.Park and Calanthe rubra S.H.Oh, H.J.Suh & C.-W.Park, are described, illustrated, and compared with closely related species. Calanthe insularis, distributed in the southwestern region of Korea and Tsushima Island in Japan, is morphologically similar to C. aristulifera and C. striata, but it is distinguished from the last two species in its creamy yellow and pale orange-yellow flowers, arcuate spur as long as the lip, pale orange-yellow pedicels, and green ovary with pale green ridges. Calanthe rubra, from Gageodo Island, Korea, is similar to C. striata and C. insularis, but differs from them in its much smaller flowers with purplish red sepals and petals and the white spur.
Orobanche filicicola, invalidly named by Nakai, is nomenclaturally validated. It is related to O. pycnostachya and O. amurensis but differs markedly from them by its corolla color, style pu-bescence, and overall small size. The scientific name Orobanche filicicola first ap-peared in Nakai (1952) as a nomen nudum for an endemic Korean species; it was omitted from The Bibliography of Eastern Asiatic Botany (Merrill & Walker, 1938; Walker, 1960) and was not men-tioned in the Festschrift in memory of Professor Na-kai (Nakai, 1943) and his posthumous manuscripts (e.g., have not considered the taxonomic identity of O. filicicola. Plants corresponding to O. filicicola Nakai were re-collected at the above locality, and its distinctiveness confirmed. Its nomenclatural val-idation is therefore necessary before the revision of the genus Orobanche L. in Korea. Orobanche filicicola Nakai ex Hyun, Lim & Shin, sp. nov. TYPE: Korea. Chunnam: ca. 1 km N of the Office of National Parks Authority at Mt. Baikyang, along roadside, running par-allel with the Hwangryong River, Changsung Gun, 4 June 1999. J-O Hyun 1999 (holotype, SNU; isotypes, AJOU, SNU). Figure 1.
We name and describe two new species,Isoetes jejuensis and I.hallasanensis, from Jeju Island, South Korea. These taxa are compared with related species in East Asia, including I.coreana andI. sinensis. The rugulate megaspore ornamentation ofI. jejuensis differs from those otherIsoetes species. Furthermore,I. hallasanensis varies fromI. asiatica in its microspore ornamentation and chromosome number, although both species have an echinate megaspore ornamentation. These new species are tetraploid (2n = 44), whereasI. coreana is hexaploid (2n = 66).
Here we describe a new species ofCorydalis sectCorydalis (Fumariaceae), namely C.hirtipes B.U. Oh et J.G. Kim. This species, from the central part of Korea, is clearly distinguished from other species of sectCorydalis by its simple, unicellular hairs that are densely distributed on the stems, peduncles, and petioles. It is also distinctive from its close relative C.albipetala in having ternate leaves, lobate or parted leaflets, dentate or cleft bracts, and broad, fusiform fruits.
Trichophorum dioicum J. Jung & H. K. Choi (Cyperaceae) was observed growing on limestone cliffs within a government-protected area, from Gangwon-do, South Korea. Morphological characteristics of the new species, such as the reduced leaf blade and the single spikelet at the culm terminus, correspond to Trichophorum Pers., a sister genus among Scirpus L. s.l. Previous molecular analysis of the chloroplast rbcL gene and ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA supported the identity of this new endemic species as a member of Trichophorum.
This specimen was transferred to KB from SNU. The isotypes are preserved at SNU and KNHU. The names of the collectors differ between the labels of the holotype specimen
  • Note
Note. This specimen was transferred to KB from SNU. The isotypes are preserved at SNU and KNHU. The names of the collectors differ between the labels of the holotype specimen (H.-K.Choi & S.M.Lee) and the protologue (Y.H.Chung & H.-K.Choi). We recorded label information of the holotype specimen. According to Art. 9.2 ICN (Turland et al.
These specimens were transferred to KB from AJOU
  • Note
Note. These specimens were transferred to KB from AJOU.
A new genus and a new species of Cyperaceae
  • Y N Lee
  • Y C Oh
Lee, Y.N. & Oh, Y.C. (2006) A new genus and a new species of Cyperaceae. Bulletin of Korea Plant Research 6: 24-30.
A new species of Coridalis sect
  • B U Oh
Oh, B.U. (1996) A new species of Coridalis sect. Corydalis from Korea: C. albipetala B. Oh. Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy 26: 213-217.
International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen
  • N J Turland
  • J H Wiersema
  • F R Barrie
  • W Greuter
  • D L Hawksworth
  • P S Herendeen
  • S Knapp
  • W.-H Kusber
  • D.-Z Li
  • K Marhold
  • T W May
  • J Mcneill
  • A M Monro
  • J Prado
  • M Price
Turland, N.J., Wiersema, J.H., Barrie, F.R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D.L., Herendeen, P.S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T.W., McNeill, J., Monro, A.M., Prado, J., Price, M.J. & Smith, G.F. (Eds.) (2018) International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159: 1-254.