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High-dose intravenous vitamin C treatment for COVID-19

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COVID-19 pneumonia seems to be a lung injury caused by the hyperactivation immune effector cells. High-dose vitamin C may result in immunosuppression at the level of these effectors. Therefore, intravenous high-dose vitamin C could be safe and beneficial choice of treatment in the early stages of COVID-19.
High-dose intravenous
vitamin C treatment for
(a mechanistic approach)
Adnan EROL, MD.
Erol Project Development House for the disorders of energy metabolism
Silivri-Istanbul, Turkey
Key words: Sars-CoV-2; Covid-19; Vitamin-C; GAPDH; Macrophage
COVID-19 pneumonia seems to be a lung injury caused by the hyperactivation immune
effector cells. High-dose vitamin C may result in immunosuppression at the level of these
effectors. Therefore, intravenous high-dose vitamin C could be safe and beneficial choice
of treatment in the early stages of COVID-19.
The two-time Nobel Prize-winning chemist Linus Pauling regarded vitamin C almost
as a panacea; therefore, he claimed that high doses vitamin C could combat a host of illnesses,
including cancer. He further believed that vitamin C would make the flu disappear completely
off the face of the earth.
Coronaviruses (CoVs) are large, enveloped, and positive sense RNA viruses that
infect a broad range of vertebrates and cause disease of medical and veterinary significance.
Human respiratory corona viruses have been known since the 1960s to circulate worldwide
and to cause respiratory infection with rather mild symptoms, suggesting that they are well-
adapted to the human host. However, zoonotic coronaviruses, such as severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), can
cause severe respiratory tract infection with high mortality [1].
Pulmonary pathology during severe coronavirus infection
Primary cell types found in the lower respiratory tract are alveolar epithelial cells and
alveolar macrophages (AMs). AMs are not only susceptible to infections, but also release a
significant amount infectious virus. Pathological examinations of samples obtained from
patients who died of SARS revealed diffuse alveolar damage, accompanied by prominent
hyperplasia of pulmonary epithelial cells and presentation of activated alveolar and interstitial
macrophages. Strikingly, these pulmonary manifestations were usually found after clearance
of viremia and in the absence of other opportunistic infections. Therefore, local inflammatory
responses due to excessive host immune response could result in alveolar damage [2].
In a murine model of SARS infection, fast and robust virus replication accompanied
by a delayed type I IFN (interferon) response. Accordingly, type I IFN expression was barely
detectable in most cell types. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are a notable exception. They
utilize TLR7 (toll-like receptor-7) to sense viral nucleic acids and can induce robust type I
IFN expression following coronavirus infection. The extremely rapid replication of SARS-
CoV together with the upcoming, but delayed, type I IFN response caused extensive lung
inflammation. This was accompanied by influx of inflammatory monocyte-macrophages,
which are attracted by inflammatory mediators. Furthermore, macrophages themselves
additionally produced high levels of inflammatory mediators through type I IFN stimulation,
resulting in further macrophage influx in a pathological feedback loop. Altogether, massive
accumulation of pathogenic inflammatory macrophages increased the severity of SARS.
Moreover, type I IFN-induced immune dysregulation enforce apoptosis of T cells, which
would normally promote virus clearance, resulting in reduced numbers of virus-specific CD8
and CD4 T cells [1, 3].
Activation of effector immune cells
The rapid kinetics of SARS-CoV replication and relative delay in type I IFN
signaling may promote inflammatory M1 macrophage accumulation suggesting that targeted
antagonism of this pathway would improve outcomes in patients with severe coronavirus
infections [2]. Notably, the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) behaves more like SARS-
CoV; accordingly it was named as SARS-CoV-2, progressing rapidly with acute respiratory
distress syndrome (ARDS) and septic shock, which were eventually followed by multiple
organ failure due to virus-induced cytokine storm in the body [4].
In response to infection macrophages must react rapidly with a substantial pro-
inflammatory burst to kill microorganisms and to recruit additional immune cells to infection
site. A sharp increase in the rate of glycolysis is closely associated with inflammatory
phenotype in macrophages. Activated macrophages and effector T lymphocytes are shifted to
the high glycolytic rate and high glucose uptake, even under oxygen-rich conditions, which is
called as “Warburg effect”, upon immune activation, similar to cancer cells. Warburg effect is
associated with diverse cellular processes, such as angiogenesis, hypoxia, polarization of
macrophages, and activation of T cells. This phenomenon is intimately linked to several
disorders, including sepsis, autoimmune diseases and cancer [5].
Another interesting aspect of glycolysis induction in activated immune cells is the
role of the glycolytic enzyme, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). It has
been shown that GAPDH binds to the IFNγ coding mRNA, repressing its translation.
However, GAPDH dissociates from IFNγ mRNA, allowing to its translation, upon glycolysis
activation [6]. In addition, due to the glycolytic pathway stimulation in activated immune
cells, their TCA becomes disrupted. Therefore, an accumulation of certain metabolites,
including succinate, occurs. Succinate, in turn, may increase hypoxia-inducible factor-
dependent activation of target genes, such as IL-1β and GLUT1 [7]. Glucose transporter,
GLUT1, is required for the metabolic reprogramming, activation, and expansion of effector
lymphocytes and M1 macrophages [7, 8].
Interaction between macrophages and alveolar epithelial type II (ATII) cells
Type I IFNs (type I interferons) produced by almost all type of cells play a vital role
in host defense against viral infection and cancer immunosurveillance. In response to viral
products pattern recognition receptors, such as retinoic-acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like
receptors (RLRs) transmit downstream signaling pathway to trigger type I IFN production in
alveolar epithelial cells. Upon sensing cytosolic viral RNAs RLRs undergo conformational
changes, oligomerization, and exposure of the CARD domains to recruit a signaling adaptor
called mitochondrial antiviral-signaling (MAVS) protein. The transmembrane (TM) domain
of MAVS is necessary for its mitochondrial outer membrane localization. Once activated,
MAVS develop a functional prion-like structure at mitochondria, leading to the
phosphorylation of IRF3 and subsequent transcription and type I IFNs [9].
Activated macrophages produce large amounts of lactate, which are exported by
MCT4 [5]. Alveolar epithelial cells import lactate, creating a lactate shuttle between
macrophages and ATII cells, and use it as substrate for mitochondrial oxidative energy (ATP)
production [10]. In ATII cells, Lactate inhibits MAVS mitochondrial localization, RLR-
MAVS association, and MAVS aggregation and downstream signaling activation by binding
to the TM domain of MAVS. Thus, macrophage released lactate may attenuate host innate
immune response through decreasing type I IFN production for viral clearance [9].
Proposed mechanism of action of high-dose vitamin C in immune effector cells
Vitamin C is known as an essential anti-oxidant and enzymatic co-factor for
physiological reactions, such as hormone production, collagen synthesis, and immune
potentiation. Humans are unable to synthesize vitamin C; therefore, they must acquire vitamin
C from dietary sources [11]. Vitamin C is transported across cellular membranes by sodium
vitamin C co-transporter (SVCT). In addition, vitamin C spontaneously oxidizes both
intracellularly and extracellularly to its biologically inactive form, dehydroascorbate (DHA)
[11, 12]. DHA is unstable at physiological pH and, unless it is reduced back to vitamin C by
glutathione (GSH), it may irreversibly be hydrolyzed. Therefore, DHA is reduced to vitamin
C after import at the expense of GSH, thioredoxin, and NADPH (reduced nicotinamide
adenine dinucleotide phosphate). Consequently, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
increases inside the activated immune cells (similar to cancer cells) due to the reduction of
ROS scavenging systems involving redox couples, such as NADPH/NADP+ and GSH/GSSG
(glutathione disulfide). Therefore, high-dose vitamin C, unlike the general assumption, acts as
a pro-oxidant in a cell type-dependent manner [12].
Sepsis is characterized by systemic inflammation, increased oxidative stress, insulin
resistance, and peripheral hypoxia. Remarkably, severe sepsis resulted in a ~43-fold increase
in GAPDH expression [13]. GAPDH is a redox-sensitive enzyme that can become rate-
limiting when glycolysis upregulated in the setting of Warburg effect, as it is in both cancer
cells [12] and activated immune cells. In addition to oxidizing and inhibiting GAPDH, the
elevated ROS may also lead to the DNA damage and the activation of poly(ADP-ribose)
polymerase (PARP). PARP activation leads to the NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
consumption following vitamin C treatment. Significantly, NAD+ is required for the
enzymatic activity of GAPDH as a co-factor; therefore, the decrease in NAD+ further
diminishes GAPDH enzymatic activity. Altogether, high-dose vitamin C-induced GAPDH
inhibition decreases the generation of ATP and pyruvate that induces an energetic crisis
(Figure), ultimately leading to cell death [11, 12]. In other words, GAPDH inhibition may
lead to the loss of activity of immune effector cells and related immunosuppression. These
results provide a mechanistic rationale for exploring the therapeutic use of vitamin C to
prevent inflammatory hyperactivation in myeloid and lymphoid cells.
Intravenous high-dose vitamin C treatment for 2019-nCoV disease
The results of meta-analyses have been demonstrated that intravenous (IV) high-dose
vitamin C treatment has significant benefits in the treatment of sepsis and septic shock. Sepsis
is a life-threatening organ dysfunction syndrome triggered by a disrupting host systemic
inflammatory reaction to the pathogenetic microorganisms and their products. ARDS,
devastating and mostly lethal condition, is also easily developed in patients with systemic
inflammatory response, such as sepsis [14].
Rolipram, a typical phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor, can inhibit TNFα production in
activated macrophages and restrain acute inflammatory response. Rolipram was suggested as
a novel drug treatment for sepsis and septic shock due to its potent immunosuppressive effects
[15]. By analogy, the beneficial effects of intravenous high-dose vitamin C in sepsis and
septic shock are most likely due to its immunosuppressive effects.
While immune effector cells are dependent on glycolysis for their bioenergetic
functions, lung epithelial cells use mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation to produce ATP.
Therefore, high-dose vitamin C treatment acts as a prooxidant for immune cells, but as an
antioxidant for lung epithelial cells. Furthermore, vitamin c treatment may protect innate
immunity of ATII through the inhibition of the lactate secretion, produced by the activated
immune cells.
In connection with the prooxidant role of vitamin C, which requires
pharmacological (millimolar) rather than physiological (micromolar) concentrations,
reevaluating the high-dose infusion of vitamin C would be a timely choice for the COVID-19-
related ARDS. Altogether, patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized with the
breathing difficulty and abnormal biomarkers seem to be candidate for a short period of high
dose intravenous vitamin C treatment in the early periods of the disease. However, the
concern that may arise with high-dose vitamin c treatment is osmotic cell death of immune
cells, but not apoptosis, which could generate a local inflammation in alveolar medium.
Therefore, IV glucocorticoid treatment must be added to attenuate the possible inflammatory
complications of high-dose vitamin c treatment. Previously experienced and comparably well-
tolerated treatment regimen for high-dose intravenous vitamin C could be the administration
of 50 mg/ per kilogram body weight every 6 hours for 4 days [14] with a glucose restriction.
In addition, hydrocortisone 50 mg IV every 6 hours for 7 days must be added to fight against
therapy-induced inflammation. Vitamin C when used as a parenteral agent in high doses may
act pleiotropically as a prooxidant to attenuate pro-inflammatory mediator expression,
improving alveolar fluid clearance, and to act as an antioxidant to improve epithelial cell
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Vitamin C
Vitamin C
Activated effector Immune cell
Glucose versus DHA
competitive transport from
Vitamin C
Alveolar epithelial cell
... Treatment with high-dose vitamin C functions as an antioxidant for lung epithelial cells as well as a pro-oxidant for immune cells. 8 Vitamin C's pro-oxidant function necessitates pharmacological (millimolar) concentrations as opposed to physiological (micromolar) ones. A potential issue with administering high-dose vitamin C for pneumonia treatment is that it causes osmotic cell death of immune cells instead of apoptosis, which may cause localized inflammation in the alveoli. ...
... 9 When vitamin C is taken in large quantities, it functions as an antioxidant or pro-oxidant depending on the kind of cell and the surrounding conditions. 8 This illustrates vitamin C's versatility as a diverse, multifunctional metabolic regulator. Ascorbic Acid's Antiviral Mechanisms of Action Direct systems: When taken in medicinal levels, ascorbic acid's redox capacity damages the viral capsid. ...
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p class="MsoNormal"> There isn't a COVID-19 vaccination or particular antiviral drug available yet. In order to preserve lives and stop the disease's spread, a readily available, efficient, and secure therapy is desperately needed. Acute respiratory distress syndrome plays a major role in COVID-19 death rates. The characteristic of acute respiratory distress syndrome is markedly elevated oxidative stress brought on by a fast release of free radicals and cytokines (cytokine storm), which can result in organ failure, cellular damage, and even death. We describe a case where the patient responded well to early administration of high dose intravenous vitamin C in addition to other nutrients and drugs. </p
... It has been found that individuals who are healthy and well-nourished have an increase in their quality of life and have stronger immune systems when combatting diseases. It is very important to keep the immune system as strong as possible as a precaution against COVID-19 [6]. It is recommended that employees obtain good nutrition and when necessary, take nutritional supplements, such as vitamin-mineral supplements, and prebiotics and probiotics to allow them to maintain their hectic working schedules. ...
... It is thought that vitamin C, known as an immune system enhancer, may be particularly protective against COVID-19 [12]. It is known that this protection is due to the antioxidant properties of vitamin C [6]. It has been reported that vitamin C supplementation is protective against viral infections as it strengthens a person's immunity. ...
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Aim: This study was conducted to determine nutritional changes in the working environment of resident physicians before and during the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods: Resident physicians working at Prof. Dr. Cemil Taşçıoğlu City Hospital and who agreed to participate were included in the study. Data were collected using an online questionnaire method developed by the researchers for determining demographic characteristics and nutritional changes in the study participants. Results were analyzed with the SPSS statistical program. Results: The COVID-19 outbreak affected the nutritional status of 82.2% of the resident physicians. The rate of physicians trying to eat a healthy diet during the pandemic was 79.1%. However, the number of physicians who increased their consumption of fruits and vegetables during the epidemic was 58.2%. During the pandemic, water consumption of the resident physicians was evaluated, and a 51.1% decrease in water consumption was found. While 78.3% of the physicians slept 6–8 hours per night before the pandemic, this rate decreased to 56.6% during the pandemic while the number of physicians who slept for 1 to 5 hours increased to 38% during the Covid-19 outbreak. A significant relationship between sleep duration before and during the pandemic was found (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The Covid-19 outbreak has greatly and continues to affect the living standards of resident physicians. During the study period, it was observed that the diet and sleep patterns of resident physicians who worked in an intense environment had been disrupted.
... Vitamin C is an important aspect in improving immunity, for children, adults, or even elderly people. Water-soluble vitamins have important benefits in treating sepsis and septic shock, a critical condition, induced by inflammation [85,86]. Vitamin C protects the organism as a pro-oxidant for immune cells, antioxidant for lung epithelial cells, and fights immunosuppressive states [85,86]. ...
... Water-soluble vitamins have important benefits in treating sepsis and septic shock, a critical condition, induced by inflammation [85,86]. Vitamin C protects the organism as a pro-oxidant for immune cells, antioxidant for lung epithelial cells, and fights immunosuppressive states [85,86]. Foods that contain vitamin C are oranges, bilberry, papaya, guava, kiwi, kale, beetroots, spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli [87]. ...
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The massive expansion of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has urged countries to introduce lockdowns and set restrictive actions worldwide. The focus of the studies was to determine how COVID-19 induces damage to the lungs in order to find an alternative or adjuvant therapy that could lead to preventing COVID-19 or at least ameliorating it. This paper aims to survey the literature and provide new insights into behavioral and dietary habits that could influence the prevention of COVID-19. Maintaining an adequate mental health status, sleep, and taking moderate exercise are often disrupted in the conditions of lockdown and are followed by weakened immunity. Mediterranean and vegetarian diets are superior to other eating patterns in terms of immunity boosting and fighting COVID-19. Our study showed how adequate hydration, green tea intake, and supplementation with vitamins D, C, and E can increase our chances of avoiding the infection and even help us sleep better. Another focus of the research was on determining what level of hygiene really increases one’s chances of not contracting SARS-CoV-2, but this seems a little counter-intuitive at first. Since an immunocompromised state is a familiar predisposing factor for all contagious diseases, maintaining healthy behavioral and dietary habits could be a crucial step in boosting immunity and preventing COVID-19.
... Vitamin C is another micronutrient involved in boosting immunity in people of all ages. It possesses antioxidant properties and protects the immune cells from pro-oxidants and lung epithelial cells from antioxidants 176 . Vitamin C helps in the repair of all the body tissues 177 . ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) posed a serious threat to human health worldwide. The death toll was immense in many countries, irrespective of their advanced healthcare system. Post-COVID complications are equally challenging. It was realized that a single method to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and related outbreaks is not adequate; rather, an integrated approach which includes spreading awareness and educating masses about the disease, development of antiviral drugs and other safer drugs for symptomatic treatment of the disease, and mass vaccination is needed to manage such pandemic. Plants used in traditional medicine systems contain diverse secondary metabolites. These have been screened against SARS-CoV-2 and have shown effective antiviral activities. Many of the plant products are also useful for symptomatic treatment. The immune-boosting properties of many phytochemicals have been well documented. In this review, the potential of traditional medicinal plants for effective management of the COVID-19 pandemic is presented.
... Vitamin C is another micronutrient involved in boosting immunity in people of all ages. It possesses antioxidant properties and protects the immune cells from pro-oxidants and lung epithelial cells from antioxidants 176 . Vitamin C helps in the repair of all the body tissues 177 . ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) posed a serious threat to human health worldwide. The death toll was immense in many countries, irrespective of their advanced healthcare system. Post-COVID complications are equally challenging. It was realized that a single method to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and related outbreaks is not adequate; rather, an integrated approach which includes spreading awareness and educating masses about the disease, development of antiviral drugs and other safer drugs for symptomatic treatment of the disease, and mass vaccination is needed to manage such pandemic. Plants used in traditional medicine systems contain diverse secondary metabolites. These have been screened against SARS-CoV-2 and have shown effective antiviral activities. Many of the plant products are also useful for symptomatic treatment. The immune-boosting properties of many phytochemicals have been well documented. In this review, the potential of traditional medicinal plants for effective management of the COVID-19 pandemic is presented.
... Vitamin C is the most promising nutrient for upping immunity of all ages of individuals, especially people having common non-communicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetics and hypertension. These patients with NCDs have high oxidative stress and vitamin C aids the body as a pro-oxidant of immune cells, anti-oxidant for respiratory organ animal tissue cells [8]. While individuals having NCDs were more vulnerable to COVID-19 [9], working of vitamin C as an inhibitor scavenges ROS and prevented lipid peroxidation, and macromolecule alkylation, and therefore protects cells from aerophilous stress-induced cellular harm [10]. ...
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COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, expanded worldwide because of its easier transmission process, which emerged as respiratory infections, multi-organ disorders, and asymptomatic effects. Though several vaccines have been invented to prevent the virus affection, still lots of people are affecting from mild to severe Covid. In this study, we mainly focus on the natural ways that helped the patients to cure COVID-19 in the recent post-covid scenario. Our goal is to find the effectiveness of protein-rich foods and physical activities that may reduce the risks and boost immunity to fight off SARS-CoV-2. This study was conducted in Bangladesh and data was collected from 208 cured people through face-to-face interviews, phone calls, and social media. It was found that protein-rich foods such as sea fish, river fishes, pigeon meat, lemon, ceevit, and physical activities such as walking, jogging, and pushing up were associated with a lower recovery period. Males has the higher recovery period after being cured than females.
... Water-soluble vitamins have numerous benefits in treating sepsis, as well as septic shock, which is a deadly disease caused by pathogenic body inflammation. Vitamin C is also an inflammatory oxidant, antioxidant for pulmonary epithelial cells, as well as having immune suppressive activities (Erol, 2020). Vitamin C can reduce infections caused by some viruses and bacteria. ...
Introduction: A novel coronavirus outbreak in China (SARS-CoV-2) which began in December 2019, was proven major threat to global health. However, several results from clinical practices indicate that herbal medicine plays an important role in the prevention of COVID-19, which brings new hope for its treatment. The objective of this study is to check the effectivity of senna (Senna alexandrina Mill.) as an immunity-boosting herb against Covid-19 and several other diseases. Method: The literature search was carried out using scientific databases comprising of Scopus, Science Direct, PubMed, Cochrane Library, Science Hub and Google Scholar, up to May 2020, using the following keywords: "senna", "senna makki", "Senna alexandrina", "senna nutrition value", "senna medicinal effect", "vitamins in senna", "mineral in senna", "bioactive compounds in senna", "laxiary components in senna", "senna against diseases", "senna enhance immunity", "covid_19″, "covid_19 symptoms". The authors also obtained data from primary and secondary sources as well. Result: The results of different studies showed that senna was composed of a wide range of immunity-enhancing bioactive components like antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and laxatives. These bioactive components are effective against COVID-19 and other diseases. Conclusion: Senna has medicinal and nutritional effects on the human body and has a key role in boosting immunity to prevent COVID-19 symptoms. Important nutritional components of senna include antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals that aids in reducing the risk of various diseases and also enhances the immune system.
... A great dose of vitamin C can lead to immunosuppression at the level of these effects. Hence, a high dose of vitamin C intravenously can be a useful and safe choice for management in the primary stages of COVID-19 90 . Among recent immunotherapy treatments include the use of convalescent plasma or immunoglobulin as a choice for those who did not benefit from other treatments to improve the survival rate for SARS patients. ...
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Background: The new virus genome sequencing that causes Covid 19 in China has been diagnosed in the Hubei province of China (accession number MG772933.1). Objectives: The present study highlighted on the genetic diversity of covid-19 and showed the ways for diagnosis, the transmission and the variety of treatment that are used for covid-19. Methods: including Specimens collection nasopharyngeal swab (NP),Oropharyngeal swab (OP), Molecular methods RT-PCR Diagnostic, Serological Methods ELISA technique and rapid antigen tests, Chest X-ray examination. Results: As an outcomes demonstrated that the 5′-end of the genome comprise of orf1ab and orf1a qualities while proteins (S, E, M, and N) are situated in The 3′-end of the genome expansion to eight frill proteins (3a, 3b, p6, 7a, 7b, 8b, 9b, and orf14). Conclusion: It shows that the inherited recombination event at S protein in the RBD territory of "SARS-CoV"-2 may have overhauled its transmission likewise the molecular analysis is the most exactness than different ways and There is no uncommon treatment for covid-19.
... This is the first report on warm cupping of the posterior thorax in combination with routine drugs against COVID-19. Patients with severe COVID-19 often suffer from breathlessness, a dry cough, and chest tightness, which can progress to ARDS and septic shock due to a virus-induced cytokine storm-an overly aggressive immune response [17]. Therefore, any drug or manipulation that promotes the ability of the body to cope with the condition of this cytokine storm and modulate the immune system can be an effective intervention. ...
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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is commonly found in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). As a non-pharmacological treatment of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), cupping has been clinically used for respiratory symptoms. We sequentially identified a series of patients with COVID-19 with ARDS who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Warm cupping of the posterior thorax was performed for seven days. We collected longitudinal severity scores on cough, breathlessness, chest tightness, type of oxygen therapy, and oxygen saturation (SpO2). We hereby report the changes in the severity scores in a series of eight patients who received 21 sessions of cupping in addition to conventional treatments. All patients reported improvement in symptom scores that was matched by an increase in SpO2 by as much as 3.16%. All patients were discharged and did not require the use of a mechanical ventilator. The results suggest that combining cupping with conventional treatment may provide a good prognosis for patients with COVID-19 with ARDS.
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Background and Aims The global Coronavirus‐2 outbreak has emerged as a significant threat to majority of individuals around the world. The most effective solution for addressing this viral outbreak is through vaccination. Simultaneously, the virus's mutation capabilities pose a potential risk to the effectiveness of both vaccines and, in certain instances, newly developed drugs. Conversely, the human body's immune system exhibits a robust ability to combat viral outbreaks with substantial confidence, as evidenced by the ratio of fatalities to affected individuals worldwide. Hence, an alternative strategy to mitigate this pandemic could involve enhancing the immune system's resilience. Methods The research objective of the review is to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the role of inflammation and immunity in COVID‐19. The pertinent literature concerning immune system functions, the impact of inflammation against viruses like SARS‐CoV‐2, and the connection between nutritional interventions, inflammation, and immunity was systematically explored. Results Enhancing immune function involves mitigating the impact of key factors that negatively influence the immune response. Strengthening the immune system against emerging diseases can be achieved through nonpharmaceutical measures such as maintaining a balanced nutrition, engaging in regular exercise, ensuring adequate sleep, and managing stress. Conclusion This review aims to convey the significance of and provide recommendations for immune‐strengthening strategies amidst the ongoing COVID‐19 pandemic.
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Sepsis, a life-threatening organ dysfunction due to a dysregulated host response to infection, is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Decades of research have failed to identify any specific therapeutic targets outside of antibiotics, infectious source elimination, and supportive care. More recently, vitamin C has emerged as a potential therapeutic agent to treat sepsis. Vitamin C has been shown to be deficient in septic patients and the administration of high dose intravenous as opposed to oral vitamin C leads to markedly improved and elevated serum levels. Its physiologic role in sepsis includes attenuating oxidative stress and inflammation, improving vasopressor synthesis, enhancing immune cell function, improving endovascular function, and epigenetic immunologic modifications. Multiple clinical trials have demonstrated the safety of vitamin C and two recent studies have shown promising data on mortality improvement. Currently, larger randomized controlled studies are underway to validate these findings. With further study, vitamin C may become standard of care for the treatment of sepsis, but given its safety profile, current treatment can be justified with compassionate use.
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The Warburg effect, which originally described increased production of lactate in cancer, is associated with diverse cellular processes such as angiogenesis, hypoxia, polarization of macrophages and activation of T cells. This phenomenon is intimately linked to several diseases including neoplasia, sepsis and autoimmune diseases1,2. Lactate, which is converted from pyruvate in tumour cells, is widely known as an energy source and metabolic by-product. However, its non-metabolic functions in physiology and disease remain unknown. Here we show that lactate-derived lactylation of histone lysine residues serves as an epigenetic modification that directly stimulates gene transcription from chromatin. We identify 28 lactylation sites on core histones in human and mouse cells. Hypoxia and bacterial challenges induce the production of lactate by glycolysis, and this acts as a precursor that stimulates histone lactylation. Using M1 macrophages that have been exposed to bacteria as a model system, we show that histone lactylation has different temporal dynamics from acetylation. In the late phase of M1 macrophage polarization, increased histone lactylation induces homeostatic genes that are involved in wound healing, including Arg1. Collectively, our results suggest that an endogenous ‘lactate clock’ in bacterially challenged M1 macrophages turns on gene expression to promote homeostasis. Histone lactylation thus represents an opportunity to improve our understanding of the functions of lactate and its role in diverse pathophysiological conditions, including infection and cancer.
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Over the past century, the notion that vitamin C can be used to treat cancer has generated much controversy. However, new knowledge regarding the pharmacokinetic properties of vitamin C and recent high-profile preclinical studies have revived interest in the utilization of high-dose vitamin C for cancer treatment. Studies have shown that pharmacological vitamin C targets many of the mechanisms that cancer cells utilize for their survival and growth. In this Opinion article, we discuss how vitamin C can target three vulnerabilities many cancer cells share: redox imbalance, epigenetic reprogramming and oxygen-sensing regulation. Although the mechanisms and predictive biomarkers that we discuss need to be validated in well-controlled clinical trials, these new discoveries regarding the anticancer properties of vitamin C are promising to help identify patient populations that may benefit the most from high-dose vitamin C therapy, developing effective combination strategies and improving the overall design of future vitamin C clinical trials for various types of cancer.
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CD4 T cell activation leads to proliferation and differentiation into effector (Teff) or regulatory (Treg) cells that mediate or control immunity. While each subset prefers distinct glycolytic or oxidative metabolic programs in vitro, requirements and mechanisms that control T cell glucose uptake and metabolism in vivo are uncertain. Despite expression of multiple glucose transporters, Glut1 deficiency selectively impaired metabolism and function of thymocytes and Teff. Resting T cells were normal until activated, when Glut1 deficiency prevented increased glucose uptake and glycolysis, growth, proliferation, and decreased Teff survival and differentiation. Importantly, Glut1 deficiency decreased Teff expansion and the ability to induce inflammatory disease in vivo. Treg cells, in contrast, were enriched in vivo and appeared functionally unaffected and able to suppress Teff, irrespective of Glut1 expression. These data show a selective in vivo requirement for Glut1 in metabolic reprogramming of CD4 T cell activation and Teff expansion and survival.
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Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) has long been used as a default reference gene in quantitative mRNA profiling experiments. However, its expression reportedly varies in response to a range of pathophysiological variables (inflammation, oxidative stress, hyperinsulinaemia, hypoxia) which feature prominently in sepsis. We therefore assessed the applicability of using GAPDH as a reference gene for expression studies in sepsis compared to other housekeeping genes (succinate dehydrogenase complex subunit A (SDHA), hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT)-1). Severe sepsis resulted in a 42.4-fold increase in median GAPDH expression (P < 0.001), whereas median HPRT expression was raised more modestly (2.9-fold; P < 0.001), and there was no significant difference in SDHA expression between sepsis and control patients. HPRT was identified by NormFinder to be the most stably expressed single gene. In order to assess the impact of this variability on data interpretation, interleukin (IL)-10 expression was normalised separately to GAPDH and to the geometric mean of HPRT and SDHA. In the former case, there was no significant difference in IL-10 expression between controls and septic patients, whilst in the latter, a significant 8.5-fold increase in median IL-10 expression was noted (P < 0.001). GAPDH is thus an unreliable housekeeping gene for normalising gene expression in sepsis which should be replaced by alternative, validated reference genes.
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Macrophages activated by the Gram-negative bacterial product lipopolysaccharide switch their core metabolism from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis. Here we show that inhibition of glycolysis with 2-deoxyglucose suppresses lipopolysaccharide-induced interleukin-1β but not tumour-necrosis factor-α in mouse macrophages. A comprehensive metabolic map of lipopolysaccharide-activated macrophages shows upregulation of glycolytic and downregulation of mitochondrial genes, which correlates directly with the expression profiles of altered metabolites. Lipopolysaccharide strongly increases the levels of the tricarboxylic-acid cycle intermediate succinate. Glutamine-dependent anerplerosis is the principal source of succinate, although the 'GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) shunt' pathway also has a role. Lipopolysaccharide-induced succinate stabilizes hypoxia-inducible factor-1α, an effect that is inhibited by 2-deoxyglucose, with interleukin-1β as an important target. Lipopolysaccharide also increases succinylation of several proteins. We therefore identify succinate as a metabolite in innate immune signalling, which enhances interleukin-1β production during inflammation.
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Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which is caused by a novel coronavirus (CoV), is a highly communicable disease with the lungs as the major pathological target. Although SARS likely stems from overexuberant host inflammatory responses, the exact mechanism leading to the detrimental outcome in patients remains unknown. Pulmonary macrophages (Mphi), airway epithelium, and dendritic cells (DC) are key cellular elements of the host innate defenses against respiratory infections. While pulmonary Mphi are situated at the luminal epithelial surface, DC reside abundantly underneath the epithelium. Such strategic locations of these cells within the airways make it relevant to investigate their likely impact on SARS pathogenesis subsequent to their interaction with infected lung epithelial cells. To study this, we established highly polarized human lung epithelial Calu-3 cells by using the Transwell culture system. Here we report that supernatants harvested from the apical and basolateral domains of infected Calu-3 cells are potent in modulating the intrinsic functions of Mphi and DC, respectively. They prompted the production of cytokines by both Mphi and DC and selectively induced CD40 and CD86 expression only on DC. However, they compromised the abilities of the DC and Mphi in priming naïve T cells and phagocytosis, respectively. We also identified interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 as key SARS-CoV-induced epithelial cytokines capable of inhibiting the T-cell-priming ability of DC. Taken together, our results provide insights into the molecular and cellular bases of the host antiviral innate immunity within the lungs that eventually lead to an exacerbated inflammatory cascades and severe tissue damage in SARS patients.
In recent years a substantial number of findings have been made in the area of immunometabolism, by which we mean the changes in intracellular metabolic pathways in immune cells that alter their function. Here, we provide a brief refresher course on six of the major metabolic pathways involved (specifically, glycolysis, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, the pentose phosphate pathway, fatty acid oxidation, fatty acid synthesis and amino acid metabolism), giving specific examples of how precise changes in the metabolites of these pathways shape the immune cell response. What is emerging is a complex interplay between metabolic reprogramming and immunity, which is providing an extra dimension to our understanding of the immune system in health and disease.
Highly pathogenic human respiratory coronaviruses cause acute lethal disease characterized by exuberant inflammatory responses and lung damage. However, the factors leading to lung pathology are not well understood. Using mice infected with SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)-CoV, we show that robust virus replication accompanied by delayed type I interferon (IFN-I) signaling orchestrates inflammatory responses and lung immunopathology with diminished survival. IFN-I remains detectable until after virus titers peak, but early IFN-I administration ameliorates immunopathology. This delayed IFN-I signaling promotes the accumulation of pathogenic inflammatory monocyte-macrophages (IMMs), resulting in elevated lung cytokine/chemokine levels, vascular leakage, and impaired virus-specific T cell responses. Genetic ablation of the IFN-αβ receptor (IFNAR) or IMM depletion protects mice from lethal infection, without affecting viral load. These results demonstrate that IFN-I and IMM promote lethal SARS-CoV infection and identify IFN-I and IMMs as potential therapeutic targets in patients infected with pathogenic coronavirus and perhaps other respiratory viruses.
More than half of human colorectal cancers (CRCs) carry either KRAS or BRAF mutations and are often refractory to approved targeted therapies. We found that cultured human CRC cells harboring KRAS or BRAF mutations are selectively killed when exposed to high levels of vitamin C. This effect is due to increased uptake of the oxidized form of vitamin C, dehydroascorbate (DHA), via the GLUT1 glucose transporter. Increased DHA uptake causes oxidative stress as intracellular DHA is reduced to vitamin C, depleting glutathione. Thus, reactive oxygen species accumulate and inactivate glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). Inhibition of GAPDH in highly glycolytic KRAS or BRAF mutant cells leads to an energetic crisis and cell death not seen in KRAS and BRAF wild-type cells. High-dose vitamin C impairs tumor growth in Apc/KrasG12D mutant mice. These results provide a mechanistic rationale for exploring the therapeutic use of vitamin C for CRCs with KRAS or BRAF mutations.