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Abstract and Figures

Sleep disorders are common health problems in industrialized societies and may be caused by underlying health issues. Current methods to assess the quality of sleep are invasive and not suitable for continuous monitoring in real world contexts. We have developed a smart sensing solution for non invasive sleep monitoring specifically conceived for the early identification of pre-clinical sleep disorders and insomnia in the general population. Our prototype, named the Smart-Bed, is a low-cost solution that gathers and processes data on the movement and position of the subject, physiological signals, and environmental parameters. Our tests on the prototype in controlled lab conditions highlighted that the mattress can reliably detect subject’s position/motion, heart rate and breathing activity. It performs well compared to polysomnography and correctly classifies four behavioural conditions (no bed occupancy, wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep), which are the basis for creating an objective sleep quality index.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
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A smart bed for non-obtrusive sleep
analysis in real world context
1Institute of Clinical Physiology, National Research Council, Pisa, Italy
2Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
3Research Centre "E. Piaggio", University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
4Department of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
Corresponding author: Marco Laurino (e-mail:
This research was funded by Regione Toscana through the L.A.I.D. project (POR FESR 2014-2020 - DD3383389/2014 - call 1)
ABSTRACT Sleep disorders are common health problems in industrialized societies and may be caused
by underlying health issues. Current methods to assess the quality of sleep are invasive and not suitable
for continuous monitoring in real world contexts. We have developed a smart sensing solution for non
invasive sleep monitoring specifically conceived for the early identification of pre-clinical sleep disorders
and insomnia in the general population. Our prototype, named the Smart-Bed, is a low-cost solution
that gathers and processes data on the movement and position of the subject, physiological signals, and
environmental parameters. Our tests on the prototype in controlled lab conditions highlighted that the
mattress can reliably detect subject’s position/motion, heart rate and breathing activity. It performs well
compared to polysomnography and correctly classifies four behavioural conditions (no bed occupancy,
wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep), which are the basis for creating an objective sleep quality
INDEX TERMS Accelerometers, piezoresistive devices, physiology, signal analysis, psychology, sleep
monitoring, real world data
Sleep disorders including insomnia are among the most
common health problems in industrialized societies [1]. Poor
sleep quality increases the probability of incidents and ac-
cidents at work or during daily activities [2]. Furthermore,
insomnia correlates with high rates of absenteeism from work
[2]. Compared to people with good sleep quality, insomniacs
visit clinical structures more frequently and use drugs much
more. A large amount of data [3]–[7] indicates that chronic
insomnia increases vulnerability to mental disorders (de-
pression, anxiety, alcoholism), metabolic diseases (diabetes
and dyslipidemia), and cardiovascular diseases (myocardial
infarction and hypertension), as well as neuro-degenerative
disorders (i.e. mild cognitive impairment).
Systematic, preventive, personalized and non-invasive
methods for sleep quality assessment are thus of paramount
importance. Polysomnography is currently the gold-standard
for assessing sleep quality [8], [9], since it estimates the
macrostructure of sleep, i.e. the division of sleep into subse-
quent stereotypical stages [10]. This macrostructure carries
valuable objective information on the quality of sleep, and
in fact is corrupted in sleep disorders [11]. Unfortunately,
polysomnography is highly invasive. The lack of comfort
prevents the subject from sleeping naturally and it does not
provide fully reliable measurements of the quality of sleep in
real life.
To improve on this situation, within the research project
L.A.I.D. (Linking Automation to artificial Intelligence for
revealing sleep Dysfunctions) [12], we developed a smart
sensing solution for non-invasive sleep quality assessment.
In the project, we developed a smart mattress (hereinafter
called Smart-Bed) specifically conceived to assess the quality
of sleep to early identify pre-clinical signs of sleep disorders
and insomnia in the general population. Our Smart-Bed
collects and processes data on the motion and position of
the subject, physiological signals (heart rate and breathing
rate) and environmental parameters (sound intensity, relative
humidity, room temperature and luminosity). The Smart-
Bed is based on a single mattress made by Materassificio
Montalese [13] (the group leader of the L.A.I.D. project) in
VOLUME X, 20xx 1
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
which we integrated a pressure mapping system and a set of
tri-axial accelerometers.
Several non-invasive sensor technologies have been devel-
oped for in-bed monitoring of biomedical parameters, such
as sleeping posture/movements and physiological signals [9],
[14]–[24]. However, no previous work has focused on the
assessment of sleep quality by comparing it with the standard
(i.e. polysomnography).
The existing solutions for non invasive sleep monitoring
are based on pressure mapping systems that extract an image
of the pressure of the subject lying on the mattress. Con-
tact pressures are measured by multiple pressure sensors,
generally with high spatial resolution, using piezoresistive
[15], capacitive [18]–[20], optical [21] or piezoelectric [23]
technologies. The pressure maps are used to detect the sub-
ject’s presence, sleeping posture or movements or to identify
breathing or cardiac activity. Note that the main current
solutions are monomodal and are not able to simultaneously
detect the position/movement, breathing and heart rate. The
WhizPAD pressure mapping system developed by Yu-Wei
Liu et al. [15] detects user movements and breathing activity.
Chang et al. [19], [20] employed a capacitive matrix for
movement and breathing monitoring. The solution by Ko-
rtelainen et al. [23] records the ballistocardiographic signal
and breathing activity during sleep. All the other solutions
detect position and movement only. In addition, most current
solutions are for hospital locations [15], [18], [21], [25]–[27].
None of the previous works reported the classification of the
sleep macrostructure.
In this work, we developed a multimodal sensing system
by combining textile-based pressure mapping and tri-axial
accelerometers to detect position/movement, breathing ac-
tivity and heart rate in a non-obtrusive way. As previously
noted, the main current solutions are monomodal and, to the
best of our knowledge, our Smart-Bed is the only prototype
that can simultaneously detect position/movement, breathing
and heart rate. In addition, our Smart-Bed is specifically
designed as a consumer product for the general population.
In fact, we have designed a low cost solution that is still
able to detect key clinical parameters. More importantly, our
machine learning analysis identifies four behavioural condi-
tions, and differentiates between non-REM and REM phases.
We have thus demonstrated the possibility of identifying the
main sleep macrostructures. To the best of our knowledge,
our mattress is the first of its kind.
We developed the pressure mapping system by using
piezoresistive textile technology inspired by [28], with modi-
fications to reduce the cross-talk between pressure sensors.
We tested the prototype in controlled lab settings on sev-
eral groups of subjects. The results demonstrated that the
Smart-Bed gives a reliable detection of the subject’s po-
sition and movements as well as heart rate and breathing
activity. In addition, the preliminary assessment performed
very promisingly in comparison to polysomnography. In fact,
the mattress signals enabled us to classify four behavioural
conditions that represent the sleep macrostructure.
The results obtained are encouraging and highlight the
technical validity of the Smart-Bed. However, an extensive
validation phase on a high number of heterogeneous subjects
is needed. In fact, we are currently testing a high number
of subjects in order to validate the Smart-Bed as a tool for
reducing socio-economic costs due to sleep disorders and for
increasing individual well-being.
The architecture of the Smart-Bed prototype comprises the
following functional blocks (see Figure 1):
Docking station (DS)
Physiological data collector (PDC)
Environmental data collector (EDC)
Both the PDC and EDC are wired to DS via USB serial
communication interface. The DS is a Microsoft Windows
10 based system with a touchscreen interface. The DS
is equipped with tailored software for: i) managing PDC
and EDC, ii) processing the signals and parameters from
PDC/EDC, iii) storing the collected data, and iv) extracting
the sleep and environmental quality indices. The PDC is a
FIGURE 1. Hardware of functional blocks of the Smart-Bed prototype.
Docking station (DS) is in the red frame, Physiological data collector (PDC) in
the yellow frame and Environmental data collector (EDC) in the green frame.
custom-designed acquisition unit with two different kinds
of sensors: pressure mapping system and three tri-axial ac-
celerometers. The architecture of the sensing components,
the PDC and the EDC were designed by IFC-CNR and Uni-
versity of Pisa. The mattress is made of memory foam and is
produced by Materassificio Montalese S.P.A. (Pistoia, Italy).
The PDC was developed by EB Neuro S.P.A. (Firenze, Italy),
and the EDC and DS by BP Engineering S.P.A. (Carrara,
The PDC is equipped with a pressure mapping system based
on a piezoresistive textile applied onto the foam layer below
the mattress top cover. We designed the pressure mapping
system to detect the distribution of pressures when a subject
is lying on the bed. The pressure signals obtained can be used
to detect the subject’s position and movements and to extract
the subject’s breathing rate. On the basis of an analysis of the
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
literature and prioritizing low complexity, low cost and good
tolerance to external disturbances, we developed a resistive
sensor matrix configuration, similar to the one reported in
[28]. In the design phase, as a compromise between reducing
the overall cost and complexity, we used a relative low num-
ber of sensing areas yet still maintained an acceptable quality
of signals. Considering a single mattress measuring 190x90
cm, we built a pressure sensing textile based on a resistive
matrix of 15x13 uniformly-spaced sensing areas that cover
a surface of 125x75 cm (head and feet are not considered).
Note that most solutions in the literature have a much higher
number of sensors (typically by a factor greater than 10).
Figure 2 shows our solution: the central layer is a pressure
sensing piezoresitive fabric, while the additional two layers
are fabrics with integrated row and column conductors. Row
and column conductors are perpendicular. Two analog mul-
FIGURE 2. Pressure mapping system based on a textile resistive matrix with
13 column conductors and 15 row conductors for a total of 195 sensing areas.
A single sensing area is highlighted in the inset.
tiplexers are used to scan rows (row mux) and columns (col
mux) in order to select all the sensing areas of the resistive
matrix. The row mux sequentially connects each row conduc-
tor to Vcc (3.3V) through a pull-up resistor R1 (2 K). When
a row is selected (i.e. powered), the col mux sequentially
connects each column conductor to a voltage divider stage
(pull down resistor R2, 10K). Each crossing between a row
and a column thus represents a sensing area whose electrical
resistance decreases as the applied pressure increases. For
the pressure-sensing layer, we used the piezoresistive fabric
CARBOTEX 03-82 manufactured by SEFAR AG (Heiden,
Switzerland). The top and bottom layers are made of a
PET fabric (from SEFAR AG) with integrated evenly-spaced
metallic stripes. In our design, the metallic stripes have a 2
cm width and are separated by 3 cm in the top layer (rows)
and 8 cm in the bottom (columns) layer. As described in
[29], this sensing architecture has parasitic resistivity in the
transversal directions due to the surface conductivity of the
pressure-sensing layer. To reduce the cross-talk due to the
parasitic resistivity, we built our prototype by cutting the
piezoresistive layer into strips parallel to the row direction
(around 3.5 cm width). The strips were then sewn onto the
top layer centered on the row conductors. Figure 3 shows
the pressure-sensing matrix prototype. The pressure mapping
FIGURE 3. Prototype of the pressure mapping system.
system provides a 800x600 image in which each pixel value
is related to the pressure applied on the specific point of the
mattress. The pressure image is constructed by a linear spatial
interpolation of the raw output values obtained by the 195
sensing areas to obtain the 800x600 image.
The accelerometers of the PDC were used to extract the
ballistocardiograph (BCG) signal [30] for the unobtrusive
recording of cardiac activity (i.e. heart rate) of the subject
lying on the mattress. For the extraction of the BCG signals,
we selected the micropower digital accelerometer ADXL362
(Analog Device Inc, MA, US). The main specifications of
the ADXL362 are reported in Table 1. The Smart-Bed si-
multaneously collects the signals of the three accelerometers
(a1, a2 and a3) placed in different positions over the pressure
mapping system. As shown in Figure 4, an accelerometer (a1)
was placed in a central area, the others (a2 and a3) in lateral
and contro-lateral sites. We used multiple accelerometers for
two main reasons. Firstly, averaging the signals from dif-
ferent accelerometers reduces the noise and robustly detects
artifacts. Secondly, the multi-site configuration ensures that
at least one of the accelerometers lies below the subject, even
if the subject is not in a central position on the mattress.
The EDC module is based on a Seeeduino V4.2 board, and is
equipped with four sensors that collect the following environ-
mental signals: i) sound intensity, ii) temperature, iii) relative
humidity, and iv) luminosity. All the signals are collected
with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz, except for the sound
intensity which is sampled at 20 Hz (due to the fast dynamics
of environmental noise and snoring events). The collection
TABLE 1. PDC-equipped accelerometer specifications
Specification Value
Number of axes 3
Range ±2g
Supply voltage 3.3 V
Sensitivity 1mg/LSB
Raw data noise level 175µg/Hz (ultralow noise mode)
Bit resolution 12 bits
Sampling frequency 128 Hz
Shape and dimension Circular, diameter 2.2 cm
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
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Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 4. Position and topological configuration of the three accelerometers
(a1, a2 and a3) over the pressure mapping layer.
of all the ECD signals and parameters is synchronized with
respect to the data from the PDC.
We used the collected signals to estimate a binary in-
dex regarding the best environmental conditions for sleep
(environment quality index, EQI), based on data from the
literature. For each environmental parameter, we therefore
assigned optimal sleep value ranges in order to obtain four
environmental criteria:
sound intensity: continuous noise level lower than 35
dB, no more than 45 dB for single noisy events [31],
temperature: minimum temperature of 17Cand maxi-
mum temperature of 28C[33].
relative humidity: between 40% and 60% [33];
luminosity: less than 10 lux [34];
The EQI is evaluated for each night’s sleep and it is set to
1 if all four environmental criteria are satisfied, otherwise to
0 (not optimal environmental conditions).
In addition to the EQI extraction, we hypothesized that
information on sounds such as snoring, environmental noise
due to the subject’s activity, and voices could contain relevant
information on the subject’s state during sleep. We thus
used the recorded sound information as one of the inputs to
classify the behavioural conditions that will be described in
Section II-E. For each 30-second epoch, we therefore calcu-
lated the mean values and variances of the sound intensity
(SIe,S Iv).
The analysis of the PDC data acquired by the Smart-Bed
consists of three main post-processing steps: 1) analysis of
the PDC signals and extraction of physiological (heart rate
and breathing rate) and activity (movement and sleeping
posture) data; 2) automatic classification of the subject’s
behavioural conditions based on the physiological and activ-
ity data extracted including the sound information extracted
from the EDC as described in Section II-D; 3) exploitation
of the classified behavioural conditions to estimate standard
sleep evaluation parameters, which are then condensed into a
global Sleep Quality Index (SQI).
All the algorithms and analysis were performed in Matlab
(R2018b, Natick, Massachusetts: The MathWorks Inc.).
1) Physiological and activity data
To estimate the breathing rate, we employed a frequency
spectrum-based approach. Firstly, we derived the signal av-
eraged over the sensing areas of the pressure matrix (below
the lying subject). Then, we evaluated the average signal
spectrum (Welch periodogram) to detect the maximum peak
of the spectrum in the frequency range 0.1 Hz to 0.35 Hz. In
our hypothesis, the maximum peak is likely to correspond to
respiratory activity.
We estimated the heart rate from the squared modulus of
the grand average raw signal of the three accelerometers. To
remove possible components due to respiratory activity or
movements, the grand average signal was band-passed in the
frequency range of 0.3–20 Hz. We then extracted the heart
rate using a method based on an autocorrelation function
similar to the ones described in [30], [35], [36].
To evaluate the activity data consisting in the position and
motion of the subject on the mattress, we reduced the sensing
area density from 15x13 to 3x3 by topological averaging.
The position feature vector obtained (9 elements) is assigned
by an artificial neural network (ANN) [37] according to
six putative classes: i) not on bed, ii) supine position, iii)
lying on the left side, iv) lying on the right side, v) prone
position and vi) movement. We used a two-layer ANN, the
size of hidden layer was set to 10. For the training process,
we applied a backward propagation algorithm with scaled
conjugate gradient method [38].
Each estimated data sequence (heart rate, breathing rate,
position and movements) is temporally divided into 30-
second epochs in accordance with the clinical standard in
polysomnographic evaluation. For each 30-second epoch,
the mean values and variances of heart rate (HRe,HRv),
breathing rate (BRe,BRv), movements (MVe,M Vv), and
position (P Se,P Sv) were calculated.
2) Behavioural conditions classification
We classified the subjects’ behavioural conditions in 30-
second epochs using the input parameters described in Sec-
tion II-E1 and II-D: HRe,HRv,BRe,BRv,M Ve,M Vv,
P Se,P Sv,SIeand S Iv. We trained a decision tree algorithm
with bootstrap aggregation [39] to assign to each 30-second
epoch one of the following classes: no bed occupancy, wake-
fulness, non-REM sleep and REM sleep. We co-recorded
the Smart-Bed signals and standard polysomnography with
a clinical polysomnographic system in order to estimate
the real behavioural conditions and sleep staging follow-
ing the clinical criteria. The following signals were col-
lected using the standard polysomnographic recordings: elec-
troencephalography, electrocardiography, respiratory airflow,
snoring, electromyography, and oxygen saturation. Based on
polysomnographic data, each sleep recording is staged in 30-
second epochs according to standard clinical criteria [10],
then the sleep staging is used as a reference to train the
decision tree algorithm.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
3) Global Sleep Quality Index
The final step of the sleep quality algorithm was based on
the sleep macro-structure estimated previously. Firstly, the
sleep macro-structure was used to extrapolate the main sleep
time-domain parameters [9], [40], [41] related to each night’s
sleep, such as: sleep efficiency, sleep latency, REM latency,
total sleep time, and wake after sleep onset (WASO). The
SQI was then estimated based on the following partial criteria
pc1= 1 if sleep efficiency > 85%, otherwise it is set to 0
pc2= 1 if sleep latency < 15 min, otherwise it is set to 0
pc3= 1 if 60 min < REM latency < 120 min, otherwise
it is set to 0
pc4= 1 if total sleep time > 7 hours, otherwise it is set
to 0
pc5= 1 if 70 % < ratio between non-REM sleep and
total sleep time < 95%, otherwise it is set to 0
pc6= 1 if WASO < 45 min, otherwise it is set to 0
Finally, the SQI is assessed for each night and defined as:
SQI ranges from 0 (bad sleep) to 6 (good sleep), with an
ordinal scale of seven discrete levels.
To evaluate the estimation of position/movement, breathing
activity and heart rate, we tested the Smart-Bed prototypes
on a group of 15 volunteers (29 to 72 years old, mean=48,4;
8 female/7 male) during wakefulness (signal-testing group).
In these wakefulness tests, during experimental sessions the
subjects were asked to voluntarily modulate their respiratory
activity and change their body position, thus enabling us to
collect different respiratory and postural patterns.
The ANN for the classification of the activity data (Sec-
tion II-E1) was trained with a dataset of 30-second epochs
obtained from six subjects (29 to 59 years old, mean=47,3;
3 female/3 male) during wakefulness (ANN-training group,
with different subjects from the signal-testing group).
The decision tree used to classify the behavioural con-
ditions (Section II-E2) was trained with a dataset acquired
from an additional group (condition-training group) of eight
subjects (26 to 71 years old, mean=54,3;1 female/7 male)
sleeping on the Smart-Bed prototype whilst being recorded
by standard polysomnography (BE LTM, EB Neuro S.p.A.,
Florence Italy). We used the 75% of the epochs for training
and 25% for testing, epochs of training and testing subsets
are not overlapped.
To test the durability and robustness of the Smart-Bed
and to evaluate the SQI and EQI as a function of time, we
collected the Smart-Bed signals from a group (long-testing
group with different subjects from the signal-testing, ANN-
training and condition-training groups) of five subjects (27
to 45 years old, mean=35,2;2 female/3 male) over multiple
continuous days (from 12 to 231 days).
To date, we have developed seven Smart-Bed prototypes to
test the modules’ (DS, PDC and EDC) functionality, sensing
solutions and algorithms. Our estimated cost for our Smart-
Bed prototype is around 1000 euros of which approximately
150 euros is for the pressure-sensing matrix . This cost is low
for a research prototype and could be lowered even further
with a series production (e.g. to the best of our knowledge,
existing solutions like XSENSOR [25], SensorEdge [26] and
BodyTrak [27] are in the range of 5-10k euros).
Figure 5 shows four examples of sleeping postures de-
tected by the pressure mapping system when a subject is
lying on the Smart-Bed (prone, supine, left side, and right
side ). The chest, upper arms and legs are easily recognizable.
In static conditions, the pressure image detects the presence
of the subject on the mattress and his/her sleeping posture.
In dynamic conditions, when the subject moves while lying
on the mattress, the pressure image changes continuously
and this variation can be used to determine the subject’s
movement during sleep.
Figure 6 shows an example of breathing activity estimated
by the Smart-Bed and compared with a ground truth obtained
using a thermistor inserted in a nasal cannula. The reference
signal is based on measuring the temperature during expi-
ration and inspiration and of the air passing in the nasal
cannula. The subjects of the test (signal-testing group) vol-
untarily controlled and modulated their breathing in order
to verify the ability of the Smart-Bed to replay different
breathing rates without a significant delay. As shown in
Figure 6, the estimation of breathing rate extracted from
the Smart-Bed reproduces the reference data well with only
a small delay. The same accuracy was observed in all the
experimental sessions with different subjects and different
voluntarily-modulated respiratory rates.
Figure 7 shows three traces of heart rate estimation com-
pared with the heart rate obtained with reference ECG sig-
nals. The heart rate obtained by our mattress proved to be
very efficient and accurate. The evaluation of the mean heart
rate over the 30-second epoch was very stable and close
to real values. Considering the estimation over one-second
epochs , the estimated heart rate shows a low pass filtering be-
havior, with a loss of high frequency components. However,
the low-pass filtering showed no particular effects using the
30-second epochs for sleep staging and behavioural condition
classification. The estimation of heart rate via Smart-Bed-
BCG was accurate and robust when the subject was not
moving, as during sleep or in relaxed wakefulness before
Figure 8 shows the results of the classification of the
position and motion of the subject on the mattress using
the ANN classifier on the ANN-training group. We obtained
an overall accuracy of about 91.8% and more specifically:
83.9% for not on bed, 83.8% for supine position, 96.4% for
lying on the left side, 94.5% for lying on the right side, 89.3%
for prone position, and 93.1% for movement.
We performed the training and testing of the automatic
VOLUME X, 20xx 5
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 5. Pressure maps measured in four typical sleeping postures: left side, supine, right side and prone.
FIGURE 6. Analysis of respiratory signals related to a subject in a supine
position: time course of breathing rate (Hz) obtained with Smart-Bed (blue
line) and with an estimation of the air-flow in the nasal cannula (reference
breath, red line). The respiratory frequency extracted from the Smart-Bed
accurately reflects the ground truth data.
classifier (decision tree algorithm) of behavioural conditions
on the condition-training group. From the eight nights of
recordings of the condition-training group, we collected a
total of 4761 epochs (i.e. about 40 hours). We removed 1280
artifactual epochs due to the poor EEG signal quality of
the polysomnography. We extracted 581 epochs of no bed
occupancy, 554 epochs of wakefulness, 2193 epochs of non-
REM sleep, and 153 epochs of REM sleep. The classification
performance obtained with the decision tree algorithm was
satisfactory in terms of aim f the classification. The overall
accuracy was about 86%, and specifically (see the confusion
matrix in Figure 9): 99% for "no bed occupancy", 83%
for "wakefulness", 83% for "non-REM sleep", and 79% for
"REM sleep".
Figure 10 reports the variation in estimated heart rate,
breathing rate, motion and behavioural conditions as a func-
tion of time (in epochs) for one subject in the condition-
training group. Within each epoch, the estimated physiologi-
cal and environmental information (see II-E2 section) is used
as input in the automatic classifier to evaluate the related
FIGURE 7. Analysis related to three different subjects: heart rate time course
(with different time lengths) detected by BGC with the Smart-Bed (blue lines)
and simultaneous heart rate signals collected by reference ECG system (red
lines). The estimation is performed with a 1 second time resolution.
behavioural condition. The behavioural condition pattern as-
sesses the sleep macrostructure (sleep staging) of the subject
and can reproduce the hypnogram.
Figure 11 reports the time course of the SQI and EQI for a
subject in the long-testing group, monitored with the Smart-
Bed for 60 days continuously. As regards the environmental
quality, the deviations in environmental parameters from the
optimal ranges are also reported. A comparison of the time
courses suggests that sub-optimal environmental conditions
have contributed to non- fully restorative sleep. However, it
seems that the subject adapted to the environmental condi-
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
FIGURE 8. Confusion matrix related to the performance of the position and
motion classification (ANN algorithm) regarding the ANN-training group, with
six classes: i) not on bed, ii) supine position, iii) lying on the left side, iv) lying
on the right side, v) prone position and vi) movement. The positive predictive
values and false discovery rate are reported.
FIGURE 9. Confusion matrix related to the performance of the behavioural
conditions classification (decision tree algorithm) regarding the
condition-training group, with four classes: no bed occupancy, wakefulness,
non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. The positive predictive values and false
discovery rate are reported.
tions (from day 27), demonstrating an improvement in sleep
quality . During the durability tests, no functional issues, data
FIGURE 10. Physiological signals and behavioural conditions estimated from
the data collected by Smart-Bed for a subject (condition-training group) during
sleep. The estimated data are heart rate (beats per minute, bmp), breathing
rate (bpm) and motion (movement detected or not). The time unit is the epoch
(30 seconds).
losses or hardware faults were reported.
FIGURE 11. Single subject continuously monitored for 60 sleep nights. The
time course of the Sleep Quality Index (SQI, seven-level index) and the
Environmental Quality Index (EQI, dichotomic index) are shown in the upper
and lower panels, respectively. In the lower panel, for each parameter
contributing to EQI, up-pointing red triangles and down-pointing blue triangles
for each day indicate whether the corresponding parameter exceeded or losing
to the optimal range, respectively.
The results of Section III show that our mattress is a valid
unobtrusive solution for detecting physical, physiological,
and environmental parameters.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, our mattress is the
only in-bed solution that can simultaneously detect position
and motion as well as breathing and heart activity. The Whiz-
Pad [15] and the Kinotex [22] were tested for posture/motion
and breathing detection, while the solution developed by
Kortelainen [23] was assessed for breathing and cardiac ac-
VOLUME X, 20xx 7
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
tivity detection (i.e. no static postures due to the piezoelectric
technology). The other examples cited in Section I ( [18]–
[20], [24]) focus on the measurement of a single parameter
(position/movement or a single physiological parameter).
It should also be emphasized that some of the examples in
the literature show a much higher performance with regard
to the spatial resolution of the pressure mapping system.
For example, the XSENSOR pressure mapping system [25],
tested in [18] to prevent ulcers, has 6136 sensing areas (52
rows x 118 columns) that can be scanned at a rate of 1
Hertz. The Smart-Bed pressure mapping system has a smaller
number of sensors by a factor of about 30 (195 vs 6136).
If the objective was to monitor and prevent pressure ulcers,
the lower spatial resolution could be a limitation. However,
for a low-cost prototype suitable for future exploitation as a
consumer product that monitors sleep quality in the general
population, the lower spatial resolution is not a limitation.
In fact, we have demonstrated that the pressure mapping
system with a lower number of elements still leads to a good
evaluation of postural and motion parameters. Many of the
prototypes presented in the literature discussion in Section I
have a higher number of pressure sensing areas by a factor
greater than 10.
In addition, the Smart-Bed, unlike other solutions, is able
to monitor a set of basic environmental parameters (sound
intensity, relative humidity, temperature and luminosity) that
are known to be correlated with sleep quality.
From a technical point of view, we have demonstrated the
robustness of the Smart-Bed prototype which continuously
monitored five subjects for up to 231 days without significant
data losses (data collection and extraction of the SQI and EQI
The most important result obtained with the Smart-Bed is
the classification of the main behavioural conditions charac-
terizing sleep, which is the basis for a robust extraction of an
index used to quantitatively assess sleep quality. To the best
of the authors’ knowledge, the existing smart bed solutions
have not been demonstrated as being capable of classifying
the different behavioural conditions that characterise sleep.
An approach to behavioural assessment based on machine
learning was developed and assessed by Wang et al. in [17]
with the WhizPad prototype [15]. However, in their work the
authors classified only two classes: sleep vs awake. In fact,
the ability to classify four conditions, in particular REM vs
non-REM, is a key feature of the design of our prototype. In
fact, despite the relative low number of sensors, the Smart-
Bed can detect relevant physiological and activity parameters
that are integrated through our machine-learning approach.
Monitoring environmental conditions together with physi-
ological parameters could lead to the development of specific
applications aimed at identifying causes and thus suggesting
solutions to the poor sleep quality. In addition, an integrated
environmental-subjective index of sleep quality is advisable.
In this work, we have described the architecture and prelim-
inary results of an innovative system for non-invasive sleep
monitoring in real world contexts. The proposed system,
developed within the L.A.I.D. research project, is a low-cost
smart mattress (Smart-Bed) capable of recording the sig-
nals related to the physiological (cardio-respiratory activity),
postural (body position and movements) and environmental
(temperature, noise, humidity and luminosity) aspects used
to identify the main stages of wakefulness and sleep and
to estimate a global sleep quality index and environmental
quality index.
Our preliminary tests with the Smart-Bed prototypes
verified the full functionality and robustness of the pro-
posed architecture, both considering the hardware and data-
processing solutions. However, the results presented herein
were obtained from a relatively small number of subjects.
In fact, we are in the process of performing additional in-
depth tests on a higher number of subjects to validate and
improve the prototypes. This will lead to the final version
of the Smart-Bed for the easy and low-cost monitoring of
sleep quality for large populations. Sleep investigations based
on a validated Smart-Bed solution would enable the sleep
macrostructure to be studied in real life. We are also de-
signing a second version of the prototype to improve various
engineering aspects. This includes a wireless connection
between the sensors and a remote data collection hub in
which the data are transmitted when the Smart-Bed detects
that the subject is not present.
Authors would like to thank the L.A.I.D. project industrial
partners: Materassificio Montalese S.P.A, EB Neuro S.P.A
and BP Engineering S.P.A.
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MARCO LAURINO (PhD) obtained his specialist
degree in biomedical engineering at the University
of Pisa in 2009. In 2014, he received the PhD in
Neurosciences and Endocrine-Metabolic Sciences
at the University of Pisa. He is a researcher at
the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the Ital-
ian National Research Council. Currently, his re-
search interests include: i) processing of biomed-
ical signals (e.g. High-density-EEG, ECG, skin
conductance, actigraphy); ii) artificial intelligence
algorithms applied to medicine, iii) study of the cognitive and emotional
aspects in humans through functional neuroimaging techniques; iv) neuro-
stimulation techniques (transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial
current stimulation) applied to psychopathological conditions; v) modelling
of biomedical systems and control algorithms applied to biomedical systems;
vi) development of biomedical technologies in underwater and hyperbaric
environments; vii) telemedicine and Connected Health.
LUCIA ARCARISI is Research fellow at the In-
formation Engineering Department of the Univer-
sity of Pisa. She received the bachelor degree in
Electronic Engineering at University of Palermo
and the Master degree in Biomedical Engineer-
ing at University of Pisa in 2018. She has been
involved in the design of medical devices and
wearable electronic solutions for monitoring and
rehabilitation. She has good skills in rapid proto-
typing, CAD design and Arduino programming.
VOLUME X, 20xx 9
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10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2976194, IEEE Access
Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS
NICOLA CARBONARO (PhD) is assistant Pro-
fessor at the Information Engineering Department
and the Research Center "E. Piaggio" of the Uni-
versity of Pisa. He graduated in Electronic Engi-
neering at the University of Pisa in 2004. In 2010,
he earned a PhD in Information Engineering from
University of Pisa working on the development
of wearable system for human activity classifica-
tion. In 2009, he spent six months as a visiting
researcher at the “Neural Control of Movement”
Laboratory of Arizona State University. His research is mainly focused on
hardware and software development for wearable sensing technology for
physiological and behavioural human monitoring for biomedical applica-
tions. Since 2014, he is chair of the curse of Biosensors of the Biomedical
Engineering Degree of the University of Cagliari. Dr. Carbonaro has collabo-
rated on different research projects both at National and European level and
he has published several papers, contributions to international conferences
and books’ chapters.
medical doctor, psychiatrist and doctor in psychol-
ogy. As full professor of neuroscience at Univer-
sity of Pisa, he is a) Director of the Department
of Surgical, Medical and Molecular Pathology and
Critical Care Medicine; b) Director of the Master
in Neuroscience, Mindfulness and Contemplative
Practices; and c) Director of Clinical Psychology
branch of the Pisa University Hospital. His re-
search activity is mainly devoted to the study of
psychobiological mechanisms of a) sleep functions, b) consciousness and
its related non-ordinary states (i.e. induced by meditation), c) negative
emotions. As P.I. of international research projects on adaptive mental
and somatic reactions to huge stressful conditions, he studied sleep and
consciousness changes in different human experimental models from elite
apnea divers to healthy volunteers simulating the human flight to Mars in
the context of MARS 500 and SIRIUS frameworks projects.
DANILO MENICUCCI (PhD) received the M.S.
degree in Applied Physics and the Ph.D. degree in
Basic Neuroscience from the University of Pisa,
Pisa, Italy. He is currently a Researcher in Psy-
chophysiology with the Department of Surgical,
Medical and Molecular Pathology and Critical
Care Medicine, Pisa. His current research inter-
ests include sleep psychophysiology, cognitive and
emotional modulation of brain, cognitive neuro-
science, and experimental psychology and neuro-
Professor of Bioengineering at the Department of
Information Engineering and the "E.Piaggio" Re-
search Center of the University of Pisa. He gradu-
ated in Electronic Engineering and obtained a PhD
in Bioengineering at the University of Pisa. He is
vice-president of the degree course in Biomedical
Engineering of the University of Pisa where he
holds the courses in Biosensors and Bioelectric
Phenomena. His research activity is focused on
the design and development of wearable multisensory technologies for
measurement and analysis - outside the laboratory and during daily activities
- of posture and human movement and physiological signals. The main
scientific skills range from the development of innovative biomedical sensors
- starting from the physical principle and enabling technology - to system
integration, from signal processing and information to the development of
ICT applications for health monitoring, rehabilitation, robotics and human-
machine interaction. The main scientific interests concern the development
of soft sensors (flexible, e-textiles) for monitoring and analyzing human
movement (upper and lower limbs with particular attention to both phys-
ical and neurological rehabilitation applications), non-invasive biomedical
devices (physiological signals, physical activity, innovative interfaces for
prostheses) and sensory fusion (fusion between physiological signals and
inertial sensors for an accurate classification of human activity, fusion of soft
and inertial sensors to improve movement reconstruction performance by
systems wearable). Much of the research was carried out in the context of na-
tional and international research projects (more than 20 projects of which 12
European) and through numerous scientific collaborations with Universities,
Research Institutes and companies both nationally and internationally. His
research activity has generated more than 100 international contributions.
10 VOLUME X, 20xx
... Studies conducted by Samy et al., Laurino et al., and Kortelainen et al. evaluated the detection rates of their systems considering wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep [13,67,68]. Samy et al. [13] detected the episodes of wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep with 55.9%, 100%, and 38.2% accuracy, respectively. ...
... Samy et al. [13] detected the episodes of wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep with 55.9%, 100%, and 38.2% accuracy, respectively. Laurino et al. [67] reported an accuracy of 83% for detection of the wakefulness episodes, 83% for non-REM sleep and 79% for REM sleep. Laurino et al. [67] also examined the possibility of detecting no bed occupancy, which resulted in an accuracy of 99%. ...
... Laurino et al. [67] reported an accuracy of 83% for detection of the wakefulness episodes, 83% for non-REM sleep and 79% for REM sleep. Laurino et al. [67] also examined the possibility of detecting no bed occupancy, which resulted in an accuracy of 99%. Kortelainen et al. [68] reported an accuracy of 81% for detection of the wakefulness episodes, 75% for non-REM sleep, and 80% for REM sleep. ...
Full-text available
Sleep monitoring has become a prevalent area of research where body position and physiological data, such as heart rate and respiratory rate, are monitored. Numerous critical health problems are associated with poor sleep, such as pressure sore development, sleep disorders, and low sleep quality, which can lead to an increased risk of falls, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity. Current monitoring systems can be costly, laborious, and taxing on hospital resources. This paper reviews the most recent solutions for contactless textile technology in the form of bed sheets or mats to monitor body positions, vital signs, and sleep, both commercially and in the literature. This paper is organized into four categories: body position and movement monitoring, physiological monitoring, sleep monitoring, and commercial products. A detailed performance evaluation was carried out, considering the detection accuracy as well as the sensor types and algorithms used. The areas that need further research and the challenges for each category are discussed in detail.
... (13) Noninvasive systems have also been developed, integrating sensors for position, movement, and environmental data. (14) In neonatal care, smart mattresses using electric potential sensors have been designed to rapidly measure vital signs, thereby improving the speed and accuracy of resuscitation assessments. (15) Building on the diverse designs of smart mattresses, recent advancements in personal health management systems emphasize the integration of smart devices with information systems. ...
... Research has confirmed that the level of vital sign detection using BCG is approaching that of ECG, with synchronized waveforms, though a fixed delay exists due to differences in their generation mechanisms 22,23 . Furthermore, monitoring respiratory signals during sleep is a crucial method for assessing sleep quality and diagnosing sleep disorders [24][25][26] . Existing research indicates that vital sign data collected via ballistocardiography can estimate the occurrence and severity of sleep apnoea [27][28][29] , making it a promising non-invasive tool for evaluating sleep disorders 30 . ...
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To facilitate unobtrusive and continuous sleep monitoring and promote intelligent sleep quality assessment, we present a dataset that includes multiple nights of continuous ballistocardiogram (BCG) data collected using piezoelectric film sensors from 32 subjects in their regular sleep environments. Besides, the referenced heart rate and respiratory data are also recorded by reference sensors to validate the accuracy of the cardiac and respiratory components extracted from the BCG signals. The dataset serves as a foundation for research on unobtrusive vital sign monitoring based on BCG signals, offering data support for the evaluation and optimization of sleep quality.
... Therefore, estimating the expense of a system at an early stage is usually a challenge. Hence, the cost factor was not discussed in detail in the articles, although in one of the publications, the emphasis was put on a low-cost solution, which, however, due to the missing cost calculation, does not provide exact data [46]. For the same reason, no information about certification was provided since the certification process typically occurs at a later stage of development. ...
With the emergence of new sensor technologies, such as fiber optic sensors (FOSs), compared to traditional mechanical sensors, unobtrusive sleep monitoring has been a research focus for decades. This work aims to provide a guide to current bed-based sensor technologies with diverse applications in various settings. We conducted a retrospective literature review, summarizing the state-of-the-art research over the past decade on non-contact bed-based sensor technology in sleep monitoring. We developed a three-category terminology: unobtrusive sensor technology, application, and subject. A total of 263 unique articles were acquired from three databases and screened for relevance, resulting in 21 papers selected for in-depth analysis. The findings revealed eight types of sensors: six mechanical sensors (pressure, accelerometer, piezoelectric, load cell, electromechanical film (EMFI), and hydraulic) and two FOSs (fiber Bragg grating and microbend FOS) that are integrated with or positioned under the bed at three levels of unobtrusiveness. We identified 15 parameters, with heart rate (14) and respiratory rate (13) being the most frequently measured. These parameters are generally categorized into three applications: disease-related diagnosis (18), general sleep analysis (9), and general well-being (11). The results indicated that sleep apnea (5) and insomnia (2) were the most frequently detected sleep disorders. Additionally, 59.1% (13) of the systems were tested in a lab environment, with only one undergoing clinical trials. In summary, there is a clear lack of convincing proof of the systems’ effectiveness in continuous in-home sleep monitoring.
... The environmental unit that will be used in the bedroom to measure air quality, humidity, temperature, environmental sound, and luminosity will be the final component of the smart mattress cover. The raw data measured by the mattress cover and environmental unit will be fused in accordance with the methodology outlined in earlier works in order to extract a sleep quality index [18]. Data from the smart mattress cover will be used to to gather additional pertinent physiological parameters (heart rate [19] [13], breathing rate [20] with the potential to detect sleep apnoea events). ...
Conference Paper
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Precision and personalized medicine is an advanced approach to healthcare that involves the use of smart technologies to collect population-wise data. It aims to empower clinicians to predict the most effective treatment for patients and to improve routine medical and public health practice. The potential clinical benefits of advancing precision and personalized medicine include early identifying people at risk for disease, modifying treatments based on large data sets, longitudinal monitoring of healthy people and patients, and better management and outcomes of diseases. Clinical data are largely based on this approach, and smart sensors will represent enabling technologies for personalized and precision medicine to consider also daily-life data of patients. TOLIFE is a project funded by the European Union to collect daily-life data of patients with complex chronic conditions, such as COPD, using non-invasive smart sensors. The sensor will be used to predict exacerbations, assess health outcomes, and characterize the patient’s health status. The smart sensors will be commercial or adapted for TOLIFE purposes. This work focuses on the architecture of the data collection approach in TOLIFE, the rationale of the selection of each sensor, the associated raw data, and high-level health-related parameters.
Apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by breathing interruptions during sleep, impacting cardiorespiratory function and overall health. Traditional diagnostic methods, like polysomnography, are unobtrusive, leading to noninvasive monitoring. This study aims to develop and validate a novel sleep monitoring system using noninvasive sensor technology to estimate cardiorespiratory parameters and detect sleep apnea. We designed a seamless monitoring system integrating non-contact force-sensitive resistor sensors to collect ballistocardiogram signals associated with cardiorespiratory activity. We enhanced the sensor’s sensitivity and reduced the noise by designing a new concept of edge-measuring sensor using a hemisphere dome and mechanical hanger to distribute the force and mechanically amplify the micromovement caused by cardiac and respiration activities. In total, we deployed three edge-measuring sensors, two deployed under the thoracic and one under the abdominal regions. The system is supported with onboard signal preprocessing in multiple physical layers deployed under the mattress. We collected the data in four sleeping positions from 16 subjects and analyzed them using ensemble empirical mode decomposition to avoid frequency mixing. We also developed an adaptive thresholding method to identify sleep apnea. The error was reduced to 3.98 and 1.43 beats per minute in heart rate and respiration estimation, respectively. The apnea was detected with an accuracy of 87%. We optimized the system such that only one edge-measuring sensor can measure the cardiorespiratory parameters. Such a reduction in the complexity and simplification of the instruction of use shows excellent potential for in-home and continuous monitoring.
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Sleep is an important part of the human daily routine. Restoring sleep is strongly related to a better physical, cognitive, and psychological well-being. By contrast, poor or disordered sleep leads to possible impairments of cognitive and psychological functioning and to a worsened general physical health. In this context, understanding changes in sleep quality becomes a research imperative that leads to the need for the definition of what restoring or quality sleep means. This understanding of what ``sleep quality'' means requires a cross-domain investigation. It arises the need for a comprehensive study that offers a complete taxonomy of sleep monitoring systems, with a focus on sleep quality, and that gives useful insights about which combination of metrics, signals, and sleep variables is the best in relation to different categories of users. The proposed study is focused on systematically categorizing the methods and approaches for sleep quality understanding, with an emphasis on technological approaches, including wearable, on-bed, and actigraphy devices. It offers a systematic review for researchers who are interested in sleep quality identification tasks, and highlights strengths and weaknesses of state-of-the-art metrics and solutions in order to suggest the best choice for new potential research challenges in the field. Another important outcome of the proposed work is the study of the impact on the identified signal metrics and solutions of the different target user populations with their specific user requirements.
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Nonintrusive monitoring and long-term monitoring of vital signs are essential requirements for early diagnosis and prevention due to many reasons, one of the most important being improving the quality of life. In this paper, we present a comparative study using various algorithms, i.e., wavelet analysis, cepstrum, fast Fourier transform, and autocorrelation function for heart rate measurement. The heart rate was measured from noisy ballistocardiogram signals acquired from 50 subjects in a sitting position using a massage chair. The signals were unobtrusively collected from a microbend fiber-optic sensor embedded within the headrest of the chair and then transmitted to a computer through a Bluetooth connection. The multiresolution analysis of the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform was implemented for heart rate measurement. The error between the proposed method and the reference electrocardiogram is estimated in beats per minute using the mean absolute error in which the system achieved relatively good results (10.12±4.6910.12\pm 4.69) despite the remarkable amount of motion artifact produced owing to the frequent body movements and/or vibrations of the massage chair during stress relief massage. In contrast, the error between the proposed method and the reference signal was very large when other algorithms, i.e., cepstrum, fast Fourier transform, and autocorrelation function, were implemented for heart rate measurement.
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Objective: Light pollution has become a social and health issue. We performed an experimental study to investigate impact of dim light at night (dLAN) on sleep in female subjects, with measurement of salivary melatonin. Methods: The 25 female subjects (Group A: 12; Group B: 13 subjects) underwent a nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG) session with no light (Night 1) followed by an NPSG session randomly assigned to two conditions (Group A: 5; Group B: 10 lux) during a whole night of sleep (Night 2). Salivary melatonin was measured before and after sleep on each night. For further investigation, the female and male subjects of our previous study were collected (48 subjects), and differences according to gender were compared. Results: dLAN during sleep was significantly associated with decreased total sleep time (TST; F=4.818, p=0.039), sleep efficiency (SE; F=5.072, p=0.034), and Stage R latency (F=4.664, p=0.041) for female subjects, and decreased TST (F=14.971, p<0.001) and SE (F=7.687, p=0.008), and increased wake time after sleep onset (F=6.322, p=0.015) and Stage R (F=5.031, p=0.03), with a night-group interaction (F=4.579, p=0.038) for total sample. However, no significant melatonin changes. There was no significant gender difference of the impact of dLAN on sleep, showing the negative changes in the amount and quality of sleep and the increase in REM sleep in the both gender group under 10 lux condition. Conclusion: We found a negative impact of exposure to dLAN on sleep in female as well as in merged subjects. REM sleep showed a pronounced increase under 10 lux than under 5 lux in merged subjects, suggesting the possibility of subtle influences of dLAN on REM sleep.
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Sleep plays a vital role in brain function and systemic physiology across many body systems. Problems with sleep are widely prevalent and include deficits in quantity and quality of sleep; sleep problems that impact the continuity of sleep are collectively referred to as sleep disruptions. Numerous factors contribute to sleep disruption, ranging from lifestyle and environmental factors to sleep disorders and other medical conditions. Sleep disruptions have substantial adverse short- and long-term health consequences. A literature search was conducted to provide a nonsystematic review of these health consequences (this review was designed to be nonsystematic to better focus on the topics of interest due to the myriad parameters affected by sleep). Sleep disruption is associated with increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, metabolic effects, changes in circadian rhythms, and proinflammatory responses. In otherwise healthy adults, short-term consequences of sleep disruption include increased stress responsivity, somatic pain, reduced quality of life, emotional distress and mood disorders, and cognitive, memory, and performance deficits. For adolescents, psychosocial health, school performance, and risk-taking behaviors are impacted by sleep disruption. Behavioral problems and cognitive functioning are associated with sleep disruption in children. Long-term consequences of sleep disruption in otherwise healthy individuals include hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, weight-related issues, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and colorectal cancer. All-cause mortality is also increased in men with sleep disturbances. For those with underlying medical conditions, sleep disruption may diminish the health-related quality of life of children and adolescents and may worsen the severity of common gastrointestinal disorders. As a result of the potential consequences of sleep disruption, health care professionals should be cognizant of how managing underlying medical conditions may help to optimize sleep continuity and consider prescribing interventions that minimize sleep disruption.
Conference Paper
Due to a globally aging population, there is a growing demand for smart home technology which can serve to monitor the health and safety of older adults. Sleep monitoring has emerged as a crucial element of this monitoring. While polysomnography (PSG) is an effective and accurate tool for sleep monitoring, it is obtrusive as the user must wear the instruments during the experiment. Therefore, there has been a growing interest in deploying unobtrusive sleep monitoring devices, specifically for long-term patient monitoring. This paper performs a comprehensive investigation on long-term sleep pattern changes by investigating bed occupancy, number of bed exits during day and breathing rate variability. Measurements were made using unobtrusive pressure sensitive sensor arrays on data captured from several participants collected in a long-term basis, which provided a large volume of data. Multiple algorithms are proposed that can be described as movement detection, sensor data fusion and bed occupancy detection. The methods developed in the paper and the related findings can be of interest for future clinical remote patient monitoring systems.
p>A supervised learning algorithm (Scaled Conjugate Gradient, SCG) with superlinear convergence rate is introduced. The algorithm is based upon a class of optimization techniques well known in numerical analysis as the Conjugate Gradient Methods. SCG uses second order information from the neural network but requires only O(N) memory usage, where N is the number of weights in the network. The performance of SCG is benchmarked against the performance of the standard backpropagation algorithm (BP), the conjugate gradient backpropagation (CGB) and the one-step Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno memoryless quasi-Newton algorithm (BFGS). SCG yields a speed-up of at least an order of magnitude relative to BP. The speed-up depends on the convergence criterion, i.e., the bigger demand for reduction in error the bigger the speed-up. SCG is fully automated including no user dependent parameters and avoids a time consuming line-search, which CGB and BFGS use in each iteration in order to determine an appropriate step size. Incorporating problem dependent structural information in the architecture of a neural network often lowers the overall complexity. The smaller the complexity of the neural network relative to the problem domain, the bigger the possibility that the weight space contains long ravines characterized by sharp curvature. While BP is inefficient on these ravine phenomena, it is shown that SCG handles them effectively.</p
While much effort in smart textile technology development has been put on acquiring biomedical signals such as ECG/EMG or tissue bioimpedance, an important alternative is mapping the pressure which is applied to the textile substrate itself. The modality has inspired researchers to instrument a wide variety of daily items and wearable garments for interactive controlling and activity monitoring in the recent years. To offer a guideline for implementing such systems, this chapter will introduce textile-based pressure force mapping sensing technology, from comparisons with other smart textile technologies to sensing principles, driving circuitry and finally several application examples.
Conference Paper
A bed exiting monitoring system with fall detection function for the elderly living alone is proposed in this paper. By separating the process of exiting or getting on the bed into several significant movements, the sensor system composed of infrared and pressure sensors attached to the bed will correspondingly respond to these movements. Using the finite state machine (FSM) method, the bed exiting state and fall events can be detected according to specific transitions recognized by the sensor system. Experiments with plausible assessment are conducted to find the optimal sensor combination solution and to verify the FSM algorithm, which is demonstrated feasible and effective in practical use.