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Effect of saliency and L1-L2 similarity on the processing of English past tense by French learners: an ERP study



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ExLing 2016: Proceedings of 7th Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental
Linguistics, 27 June 2 July 2016, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Effect of saliency and L1-L2 similarity on the
processing of English past tense by French
learners: an ERP study
Maud Pélissier1, Jennifer Krzonowski2, Emmanuel Ferragne1
1Laboratoire CLILLAC-ARP, EA 3967, Université Paris Diderot, France
2Laboratoire DDL, UMR 5596, CNRS Université Lyon 2, France
This study explored the effect of saliency and L1-L2 similarity on the processing of
second language morphosyntax. ERP responses to violations of past tense morphology
were obtained from adult intermediate French learners of English. Results show that
participants processed L2-specific violations as salient events and not as
morphosyntactic incongruities.
Key words: ERPs, L2 processing, syntax, L1-L2 similarity, saliency
The way the syntax of our first language (L1) interacts with the syntax of
a language we are trying to learn (L2) remains a much debated issue in
the field of SLA. Some of the possible facilitating factors include the
presence of similar structures in the L1 and the saliency of the
morphosyntactic structure under scrutiny in the L2 (MacWhinney, 2005).
In this study, we focused on a structure that contrasts these two factors:
ERP responses to morphosyntactic violations of the past tense in polar
questions in French learners of English with the auxiliaries DID and
HAD. Polar questions using HAD followed by a past participle work in
a way that is similar to French, where the past tense is marked both on
the auxiliary and the main verb. On the contrary, questions with DID are
specific to English in that the past tense is marked only on the auxiliary.
However, violations of past-tense inflection are phonologically more
salient with DID, where a past morpheme is added to the main verb,
than with HAD.
26 intermediate French learners of English (5 male, aged 18.5 ± 1) took part in
the experiment. They were first year University students of English having
spent less than a month in an English-speaking country.
M. Pélissier, J. Krzonowski, E. Ferragne
Materials and Procedure
The material consisted of 192 simple polar questions, half of them containing
the auxiliary DID (DID Condition) and half HAD (HAD condition). Half of
the sentences in each condition were made incorrect by varying the presence of
the past morpheme. 120 sentences containing other agreement violations and
120 sentences containing a semantic violation were added as fillers.
Participants were asked to focus on the meaning of the sentence and
evaluate its semantic acceptability while EEG data were recorded. A
fixation cross appeared first for 500 ms and remained on the screen
during the auditory presentation of the stimulus and for 1000 ms
afterwards. A screen then prompted the participant to evaluate the
semantic acceptability of the sentence by pressing a coloured button. As
soon as the participant answered or after 2000 ms, the fixation cross
appeared again and the next stimulus was presented.
Participants also completed a timed Grammaticality Judgment Task
(GJT) with similar stimuli and additional fillers.
EEG data acquisition and analysis
EEGs were recorded with a Biosemi ActiveTwo system with 32 active
electrodes, referenced on-line to the two mastoids and re-referenced off-
line to the average of the two mastoids. Data were filtered on-line
between 0.1 and 100 Hz. Electrode impedance was maintained below 20
Ohms and the signal was sampled at a rate of 512 Hz. Epochs from -200
ms to 1000 ms around the critical point (beginning of the critical past
morpheme) were extracted from continuous data. After baseline
correction (-200-0 ms) and low-pass filtering at 30 Hz, trials for which
peak-to-peak amplitude exceeded 70 μV on the EOG channel or 100 μV
on the other channels were automatically rejected. Electrodes were
divided into central and lateral sites, the latter also divided into
anterior/posterior region and left/right hemisphere. The following
temporal windows were selected: 600-900 ms for the P600 and 300-500
ms for the LAN or N400.
Behavioural measures: the GJT
A sensitivity index (d’) was computed for each participant and each
auxiliary. Analyses showed that the participants’ d’ was marginally better
in the Had condition (F(1,25)=3.48, p=.07) but their response time was
shorter with DID (F(1,25)=7.98, p<.01) : on average, it took them 562
ms to respond to sentences containing DID and 634 ms for sentences
containing HAD.
The processing of English past tense
EEG results
A repeated-measures ANOVA with mean amplitude in the P600 window
as dependent variable and Condition (Correct / Incorrect), Auxiliary
(DID / HAD), Hemisphere (Left / Right) and Region (Anterior /
Posterior) as within-subject variables showed an effect of the interaction
between Condition and Auxiliary (F(1,28)=9.15, p<.01). Post-hoc
analyses revealed that the effect of Condition in this time window was
limited to sentences with DID (p<.001). A similar ANOVA was
conducted on the mean amplitude in the 300-500 ms window and an
effect of the Condition × Auxiliary interaction (F(1,28)=25.68, p<.001)
was found. Post-hoc analyses revealed that with DID, the amplitude was
greater in the Incorrect than in the Correct condition (p<.001) but that
with HAD, the amplitude was more negative in the Incorrect than in the
Correct Condition (p<.001).
Figure 1. Difference wave (Incorrect Correct) for each Auxiliary at Pz.
Violations in the DID condition thus elicited a P600 as well as a positive
peak in the 300-500ms window, resembling a P3 component. These
violations involve the presence of the past morpheme in a context where
it should be absent. They are therefore more phonetically salient than
violations with HAD, which are due to the absence of this same
M. Pélissier, J. Krzonowski, E. Ferragne
morpheme. These results are therefore consistent with the hypothesis
that the P600 reflects, as the P3 does, the subjective salience of the
stimulus (Sassenhagen, Schlesewsky, & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, 2014).
Besides, polar questions with DID represent a complex L2-specific
structure, since they involve the movement of the inflectional morpheme
from the main verb (where it would be in a declarative sentence) to the
auxiliary. This represents an additional processing cost; yet participants
were faster to decide for these sentences. This apparent discrepancy, as
well as the presence of the P3, suggests that the P600 effect observed
here in the DID condition is not a reflection of a better perception of
the morphosyntactic error at hand but of an explicit reaction to the
superior saliency of this violation.
Violations in the HAD condition elicited a negativity in the 300-
500ms window that was not limited to anterior sites, thus more
reminiscent of an N400 than a LAN. N400 effects have been found to
be elicited by morphosyntactic violations even in native speakers (Tanner
& Van Hell, 2014), possibly because those speakers rely more on lexico-
semantic information to process their native language. It thus seems that
these violations with HAD were not perceived as subjectively salient
events but as lexical violations.
These results suggest that when the processed structure does not
exist in the L1, other cues such as the phonological salience of the
violation are used to process morphosyntactic violations. These findings
also have theoretical relevance since they strongly support the P600-as-
P3 hypothesis.
This research was supported by an IUF grant awarded to Dr. Emmanuel
MacWhinney, B. 2005. Extending the Competition Model. International Journal of
Bilingualism, 9(1), 6984.
Sassenhagen, J., Schlesewsky, M., & Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, I. 2014. The P600-as-P3
hypothesis revisited: Single-trial analyses reveal that the late EEG positivity
following linguistically deviant material is reaction time aligned. Brain and Language,
137, 2939.
Tanner, D., & Van Hell, J. G. 2014. ERPs reveal individual differences in
morphosyntactic processing. Neuropsychologia, 56(1), 289301.
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Full-text available
The P600, a late positive ERP component following linguistically deviant stimuli, is commonly seen as indexing structural, high-level processes, e.g. of linguistic (re)analysis. It has also been identified with the P3 (P600-as-P3 hypothesis), which is thought to reflect a systemic neuromodulator release facilitating behavioural shifts and is usually response time aligned. We investigated single-trial alignment of the P600 to response, a critical prediction of the P600-as-P3 hypothesis. Participants heard sentences containing morphosyntactic and semantic violations and responded via a button press. The elicited P600 was perfectly response aligned, while an N400 following semantic deviations was stimulus aligned. This is, to our knowledge, the first single-trial analysis of language processing data using within-sentence behavioural responses as temporal covariates. Results support the P600-as-P3 perspective and thus constitute a step towards a neurophysiological grounding of language-related ERPs.
Full-text available
This paper presents an extended formulation of the Competition Model. The extended model, called the Unified Competition Model, is designed to account for a larger range of phenomena in first and second language acquisition, including bilingualism. As in the classic version of the Competition Model, competition is at the core of a set of non-modular interacting forces. However, the various inputs to competition are now described in terms of six additional subcomponents: arenas, mappings, chunking, storage, codes, and support. Learning is viewed as a resonant process that relies on storage, chunking, and support to acquire new mappings.