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Importance of Data Distribution
on Hive-based Systems for Query Performance:
An Experimental Study
Hilmi Egemen Ciritoglu∗, John Murphy∗, Christina Thorpe∗ †
∗Performance Engineering Laboratory, School of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
†Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
Abstract—SQL-on-Hadoop systems have been gaining popu-
larity in recent years. One popular example of SQL-on-Hadoop
systems is Apache Hive; the pioneer of SQL-on-Hadoop systems.
Hive is located on the top of big data stack as an application
layer. Besides the application layer, the Hadoop Ecosystem is
composed of 3 different main layers: storage, the resource
manager and processing engine. The demand from industry
has led to the development of new efficient components for
each layer. As the ecosystem evolves over time, Hive employed
different execution engines too. Understanding the strengths
of components is very important in order to exploit the full
performance of the Hadoop Ecosystem. Therefore, recent works
in the literature study the importance of each layer separately.
To the best of our knowledge, the present work is the first work
that focuses on the performance of the combination of both the
storage layer and the execution engine. In this work, we compare
the Hive’s query performance by using three different execution
engines: MR, Tez and Spark on the skewed/well-balanced data
distribution through the full TPC-H benchmark. Our results
show the importance of data distribution on the storage layer
for overall job performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems and
empirically showed even distribution improves performance up
to 48% compared to skewed distribution. Moreover, the present
study provides insightful findings by identifying particular SQL
query cases that the certain processing engine deals exceptionally
Index Terms—SQL-on-Hadoop, Hadoop, HDFS, Data distri-
bution, Software Performance
The business world has been shaped by data-driven decision
making. Business these days is more agile and heavily focuses
on adapting to customers’ needs. To remain competitive,
companies invest their resource in exploiting all potentials
of their data. Accomplishing such a goal starts with data
collection from various sources (site visits, sale figures, cus-
tomer enquires, etc.). After that, the collected data is in
process continuously either on-the-fly or in data warehouses by
various jobs (from simple data aggregation to iterative complex
ML algorithms). Consequently, the scale-up solution was not
enough to meet with the requirements of such immense
data processing. Therefore, scale out (distributed systems)
became critical for business operations. This demand led to
the usage of distributed data-intensive clusters. Thus, Apache
Hadoop [1], the open-source implementation of the simple
but powerful paradigm, MapReduce [2], and the distributed
file storage system (HDFS) [3] quickly gained popularity.
Enterprise environments started to employ Apache Hadoop to
store and process their immense data on the reliable distributed
system. The high adoption of Hadoop led to the development
of an entire ecosystem on top of Apache Hadoop. For instance,
Apache Hive [4] was developed as an SQL-on-Hadoop system
and is a widely adopted application in the industry. Since the
whole ecosystem stands on HDFS, the performance of HDFS
became decisive for the entire ecosystem.
In data-intensive clusters, the performance of the job de-
pends heavily on data locality [5], [6]. Data locality means
that the job is run on the same machine where the data is
located. It is not always easy to find the available node (ready
for processing) that stores the data given that the data set is
distributed on the cluster. Therefore, sometimes, data needs to
be transferred from one node to another in order to continue
processing. In general, having evenly balanced data distribu-
tion provides better performance [7]. However, the data set can
become imbalanced over time. Even though multiple copies of
the data is stored on the cluster, this skewed distribution can be
the critical bottleneck for the system performance. The most
well-known case that leads to imbalanced data distribution is
when new nodes are added to the cluster without balancing the
data set. Consequently, these lately added nodes do not store
data at all, which leads to the imbalanced data set distribution.
Another and much less known reason for the imbalanced
data distribution is the replica deletion algorithm of Hadoop, as
we reported in our previous study [7], [8]. The current replica
deletion algorithm of Hadoop can cause the imbalanced data
distribution as it only tries to balance overall disk utilisation
for each machine in the cluster. This issue can be identified,
particularly in the replica management frameworks [9], [10].
The replica management frameworks adjust the number of
replicas in response to the popularity of data in the cluster. If
data gets popular, a replica management framework increases
the replication factor in order to achieve better performance.
On the contrary, it reduces the number of replicas in the cluster
if data loses its popularity.
The performance is a critical aspect of data-intensive sys-
tems. Thus, there are several attempts to understand the
performance characteristics of SQL-on-Hadoop systems in the
literature [11], [12]. More recent studies even looked at the
underneath layer of Hadoop and highlighted the importance of
JVM and OS parameter tuning [13], [14]. However, all these
performance studies treat HDFS as a black-box and do not
consider the data distribution. To the best of our knowledge, no
previous study has investigated the impact of data distribution
on the performance of SQL-on-Hadoop systems.
The main objective of the present study is to inspect
and analyse the performance impact of data distribution in
different scenarios on Hive. In this study, we particularly look
into the performance impact of i) data distribution, ii) three
different execution engines (i.e. MR Engine, Tez and Spark)
and iii) various data size. In order to conduct the performance
test on data distribution, we created a skewed distribution by
using the real replica deletion problem in Hadoop, and we
created an evenly balanced distribution by using our previous
data-distribution aware approach [7].
Our experimental results reveal the importance of dataset
distribution on the cluster for SQL query performance. Com-
pared to skewed data distribution, evenly balanced data dis-
tribution reduces the execution time approximately 27.1%,
38.4% and 48% for MR, Spark and Tez, respectively. More-
over, the present study shows that disk I/O (unbalanced data
set) is a critical bottleneck for Tez.
The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: In
section II, we provide background information about Hadoop
Ecosystem. Section III identifies previous related work in
the literature. Section IV describes the environment for the
experiments. Section V presents results of our evaluation.
Finally, section VI concludes the present paper.
A. Hadoop
Hadoop is a well-known highly scalable open-source frame-
work for large-scale data-intensive computing based on the
simple MapReduce paradigm [2]. Hadoop uses a master-slave
model and is designed to be highly efficient and run on
commodity machines. Briefly, Hadoop is composed of four
core modules: 1) Hadoop Common 2) Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS) 3) Hadoop YARN and 4) Hadoop MapRe-
HDFS stores data on distributed nodes. Hadoop MapRe-
duce is an execution engine (MR). Hadoop YARN is a
resource manager for Hadoop clusters that allows dynamic
mapper/reducer allocation. Hadoop Common includes com-
mon utilities for other Hadoop modules. Hadoop follows
a component-based approach as shown in Figure 1. This
approach allows improvements and promotes the development
of more efficient components for different purposes (e.g. Tez
or Spark can be used as an execution engine instead of MR)
and possible changes between more efficient modules.
When Apache Hadoop first started, it was developed for
running large batch jobs such as log mining and also contained
Engine Application
MR Engine
YARN (Yet Another Resource Manager)
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
Fig. 1. Hadoop system under test
static limitations. For instance, the number of map/reduce
tasks is fixed (limited) in Hadoop 1. These static, hard-
wired configurations do not allow Hadoop to start new tasks
after the fixed numbers are exceed, even when the cluster
has free resources. Therefore, Hadoop has to wait for one
of the running tasks to finish in order to run another task.
However, prominent industry demands to the distributed pro-
cessing helped Hadoop to evolve. With Hadoop2, YARN was
announced as a resource manager that provides flexibility
to run different types of jobs in addition to the ability to
manage simultaneous jobs effectively. All of the improvements
in Hadoop has led to a whole ecosystem being developed
on top. For example, Apache Sqoop [15] is designed for
ingesting data to HDFS from relational databases. Another
popular example is the SQL-on-Hadoop systems. From SQL-
on-Hadoop systems, Apache Hive is the most popular as it is
the first instance of its kind.
B. Hive
Apache Hive [4] is a popular data warehouse application
that works on top of Apache Hadoop. Hive is adopted widely
by the industry as it supports SQL-like queries, HiveQL.
Metastore, metadata of Hive, contains information for the table
definitions. Hive uses built-in Apache Derby by default for
Metastore; however, other relational databases (e.g., MySQL)
can also be used instead of Apache Derby. In order to query
data that is stored on HDFS, Hive can cooperate with three dif-
ferent execution engines (MR, Tez and Spark). The execution
engine can be changed by modifying the hive.execution.engine
property. Moreover, Hive can store its data in various storage
formats such as Avro [16], Parquet [17], ORC [18] and benefits
fully from well-known query optimisations such as predicate
Every query processing starts with the submission of the
query to either CLI or HiveServer2. Hive first parses the
HiveQL query, and translates it to Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
Subsequently, the generated AST is utilised to produce a
logical plan for the submitted query. The logical plan is
optimised by employing logical query optimisation (e.g., pro-
jection pruning and predicate pushdown) and then converted
into a physical plan. The physical plan is an operator tree of
Hive which is composed of fundamental data operations as de-
scribed in the Javadoc1, e.g., table scan (TableScanOperator),
filter (FilterOperator) or grouping (GroupByOperator). Hive
also benefits from physical query optimisation (e.g., partition
pruning). Hive’s task compiler converts the optimised physical
plan to Hadoop jobs by compiling for the selected execution
engine (i.e., MR, Tez and Spark). Finally, the generated job is
executed by negotiating with the YARN’s resource manager.
C. Tez
Apache Tez [19] is a framework for building data-flow
driven processing on top of YARN. Apache Tez was designed
to be efficient and scalable by implementing the idea of data-
flow centric processing. Tez allows for small data sets to
be handled entirely in memory. Such optimisation improves
the performance significantly. To do that, Tez uses Directed
Acyclic Graph (DAG) in place of constraining only map and
reduce functions [19]. Another improvement Tez brings is
late-binding run time optimisation. For instance, the execution
order between scan and join operations could be commutative.
To accomplish this, Tez’s DAG API provides the full abstrac-
tion of user’s jobs. Moreover, Hive’s optimised queries can be
translated directly to Tez DAG API. To use Hive on Tez, we
need a change for set hive.execution.engine=tez as indicated
in Hive’s documentation [20]. However, we would like to
highlight Tez itself is not only an engine; in fact, it is a library
to build engines as founders of Tez underlined [19].
D. Spark
Apache Spark [21] is a unified engine that is particu-
larly designed for iterative big data processing in order to
overcome the bottleneck of the MR engine. The core idea
of Spark is the use of the abstraction, Resilient Distributed
Datasets (RDD) [22], that allows distributed fault-tolerant in-
memory calculations. RDD is an immutable object, and as the
name refers, it is distributed over the cluster. Spark passes data
between jobs in memory instead of the Hadoop’s replicated
intermediate data passage approach; consequently, Spark can
process data much more efficiently, particularly for iterative
jobs. In iterative jobs, the output of the previous job is the
input of the next job; therefore, it requires multiple data
exchanges through expensive disk I/O. Many ML algorithms
include this iterative characteristic by their nature [21]. In
such a scenario, Spark can significantly improve the system
performance. RDDs are lazy-binding, which means that they
are created on-demand. Moreover, Spark’s scheduler follows
a similar approach to Tez’s approach; examines RDDs and
build a DAG of stages for the execution. Therefore, it could
optimise DAGs before the execution. Spark’s agnostic cluster
manager approach allows Spark to run on either YARN or
Apache Mesos [21]. The reasons for selecting YARN for the
present work are: first, YARN is used for the convenience in
big data platforms; second, YARN allows us to make a fair
comparison between execution engines.
As Hadoop became a prominent solution in the big data
ecosystem, different tools have been proposed on top of
that. SQL is one of the most convenient and efficient way
to query data in order to extract the meaningful knowledge
from the data; hence, Hive [4] was the first SQL-on-Hadoop
tool released. Its successful adoption in business led to the
development of other SQL-on-Hadoop tools or MPP-based
systems (e.g. Presto [23], SparkSQL [24], Impala [25]).
Performance is a critical aspect of the big data ecosys-
tem, and thus, considerable amount of research exists in
the literature to understand capabilities and characteristics
of SQL-on-Hadoop systems [11], [26], [12]. Additionally,
understanding characteristics for different layers of Hadoop
is crucial for SQL-on-Hadoop systems. For example, Poggi
et. al. [27] compared the performance for Platform-as-a-
Service (Paas) against on-premises deployments. Pirzadeh et.
al. [26] investigated the performance impact of storing data in
different formats (Text, Parquet, ORC) as well as the different
SQL-on-Hadoop systems. More recent study [14] investigates
performance impact of OS parameter and JVM tuning.
Numerous studies have performed investigations to identify
bottlenecks on different layers of the Hadoop Ecosystem;
however, the present work is first to show the importance of
execution engines and its data distribution for SQL-on-Hadoop
systems. If replicas are not distributed fairly, a few nodes
become ‘hot’ spots in the cluster. This means whenever data
processing starts, data needs to be transferred from ‘hot’ spots
to other nodes that are storing less data. So, placing these
blocks (replicas) is an important factor for the performance
of clusters. In fact, Hadoop clusters are long-running systems
and data set can become imbalanced over time in the cluster.
In this work, we focused specifically on such a case and
observed what is the impact of unbalanced data distribution
on performance on SQL-On-Hadoop systems.
This section describes both hardware and software config-
urations as well as the testing methodology and benchmark
used in the paper.
A. Hardware Configuration
We conducted our experiments on the Performance Engi-
neering Laboratory’s research cluster. Currently, the cluster
has 21 dedicated machines (1 master and 20 slaves). Hardware
configurations of slave computers are exactly the same: Intel
Core i5 (5th generation) processors, 8 GB of RAM and 1 TB
hard drive. The master node has the following specification:
Intel Core i7 (6th generation) processors, 16 GB of RAM and
1 TB hard drive. Machines are connected to each other with
a Gigabit Ethernet switch (single rack).
The OS in the cluster was Lubuntu (kernel Linux 4.4.0-
31-generic), and the java version 1.8.0 201 was installed. All
tests were run on Hadoop version 2.7.3 (native and WBRD’s
implementation), Tez version 0.9.2 and Spark version 1.6.0.
We deployed Spark on top of YARN and used 40 spark
executors with 2 cores, 4 GB memory each to utilise all
resources in slave nodes. Configurations of MR, Spark and Tez
were configured according to the community suggestions [20],
[28]. Moreover, all the configurations and the benchmark are
publicly available and can be accessed from the URL2.
B. TPC-H Benchmark
TPC-H [29] is a well-known decision support benchmark for
relational databases and consists of 22 read-oriented queries.
After the SQL-on-Hadoop frameworks became the one of the
main use cases in Hadoop, the TPC-H benchmark also became
common practise in the SQL-on-Hadoop frameworks [12],
[13], [27]. In production, a user submits their ad-hoc queries
through query-like frameworks [30]. Therefore, we run the
TPC-H benchmark on Hive. We leveraged the implementation
from previous study [31] and improved the script by including
tests on different execution engines. We also would like to note
that the test run via the Hive CLI and used three different
sizes: 50 GB, 100 GB, 200 GB for our experiments.
C. Methodology
In this section, we discuss the methodology that was used
for generating data set distributions and running benchmarks.
In a cluster, the data can become imbalanced over time as new
nodes added to the cluster or with Hadoop’s replica deletion
algorithm [7]. In this work, we used Hadoop’s replica deletion
algorithm and WBRD (Workload-Aware Balanced Replica
Deletion) [7] in order to create different data distributions
and compare the performance of two distributions. We already
reported the replica deletion algorithm in Hadoop causes
imbalanced data distribution; WBRD tries to reach the perfect
data balancing.
First, we import the data set to HDFS. Consequently, the
replication factor is increased from 3 to 10, and then the
replication factor is decreased back to 3. It is important to note
that even though we select 10 as a higher replication number
any replication factor greater than 3 causes the same effect. We
followed precisely these steps on Hadoop and WBRD. By fol-
lowing the described methodology, we generated two different
data distributions: a skewed distribution via Hadoop’s replica
deletion algorithm and a balanced distribution via WBRD’s
replica deletion algorithm. We will discuss the created data
distribution in the following section. Each test in this paper
runs five distinct times, and we normalised the results by
taking the average of these runs for statistical soundness.
The reasoning behind the methodology (replica deletion) is
that different approaches for replica management are proposed
Block Count
Fig. 2. Datasets’ block distribution on the cluster
in the literature [10], [9]. All these approaches adapt the
replication factor to find the ‘optimal’ replication factor for
both ‘hot’ data and ‘cold’ data, with different methodologies.
The ‘hot’ data can become ‘cold’ data after some time interval,
and the replica management system reduces the replication
factor. Therefore, the data set’s data distribution on the cluster
Through the experiments in the present work, we try to
answer the following questions:
(Q1): What is the relationship between data distribution and
query performance?
(Q2): How does the data distribution affect the execution en-
gine’s performance?
(Q3): Is there a particular query characteristic that performs best
on the specific engine?
(Q4): How does the results change when the data set’s size
In this section, we detail and discuss the results of experi-
A. Block Distribution
Before discussing the benchmark’s results, we would like
to show that the data set’s distribution satisfies the desired
condition. Figure 2 shows the block distribution per node in
the cluster of 20 nodes using the five-number summary. The
data set’s name in the graph includes two properties: the size
of data set (50 GB, 100 GB and 200 GB) and the type of
data set distribution: SD (Skewed Distribution), BD (Balanced
In the graphs marked with BD, the standard deviation is
approximately 1.9 for 50 GB, 1.8 for 100 GB and 2 for 200
GB in terms of the number of blocks. Moreover, we can
see the minimum and maximum values are always close to
the median, and the inter-quartile range (mid-spread) is quite
narrow. This means that the data set is distributed equally on
Spark Tez MR
Q1 216.84 123.63 272.19 122.54 231.88 140.19
Q2 125.00 100.66 97.15 65.07 175.25 156.39
Q3 278.13 146.83 383.38 184.26 324.42 214.68
Q4 264.88 162.56 392.70 189.14 F ailedαF ailedα
Q5 377.54 193.26 402.79 200.15 387.26 257.49
Q6 192.73 107.68 220.55 91.63 183.76 77.98
Q7 384.03 249.56 426.46 258.98 557.25 512.71
Q8 356.16 208.76 374.32 197.11 483.28 356.96
Q9 551.90 434.28 598.22 422.92 885.95 767.67
Q10 248.34 143.07 378.10 218.12 342.00 263.80
Q11 117.46 96.36 88.83 64.58 145.87 128.61
Q12 239.26 124.12 377.96 156.11 253.62 146.17
Q13 126.29 97.94 115.48 86.69 149.81 120.18
Q14 198.24 110.91 283.81 117.56 210.26 129.28
Q15 206.36 119.60 285.14 132.12 F ailedβF ailedβ
Q16 130.10 102.98 125.75 100.18 F ailedαF ailedα
Q17 480.26 279.38 505.95 222.26 574.74 366.15
Q18 451.03 259.03 705.85 333.39 F ailedβF ailedβ
Q19 236.68 138.71 296.77 126.99 226.99 153.68
Q20 286.43 168.42 264.60 176.28 F ailedβF ailedβ
Q21 727.87 411.24 832.78 351.52 946.23 604.32
Q22 125.31 109.62 153.76 123.35 203.60 178.54
{4,15,16,18,20}293.05 180.94 341.67 177.04 369.54 269.10
AM 287.30 176.75 344.66 179.13 - -
the cluster and every node stores similar to the number of
On the contrary, the inter-quartile range is wide in the graphs
marked with SD. On one extreme, ranges start from 0, which
means some of the nodes in the cluster are not involved
with storing the data set. One the other extreme, maximum
values show that some nodes keep a full copy of the dataset.
Consequently, the high standard deviation is observed: 87.4
for 50 GB, 169.3 for 100 GB and 342.2 for 200 GB. This
highlights that data becomes more unbalanced as the standard
deviation increases radically when the data set’s size scales-up.
B. Wall time
Table I reports the full of 22 TPC-H queries’ execution
times on a 100 GB TPC-H dataset by using different execution
engines and using two different distributions: SD/BD. The
bold text indicates the best (shortest) execution times during
tests with the skewed distribution. Addition to this, the bold
text in circle indicates the shortest execution time within
the six different runs (different execution engine and data
distribution). Even though there was no error observed for the
test on Spark and Tez, five queries failed during the tests on
the MR engine. As we prefer to use the same configuration
for every query, we did not override the configurations, and
we noted as a failure. Failed queries showed as F ailedαand
F ailedβrepresents the error of GC overhead limit exceeded
and Java heap space exceeded allowed limit, respectively.
(Q1): What is the relationship between data distribution
and query performance?
The results of experiments confirms the importance of the
block distribution for queries’ execution times. Improvements
depend on the query characteristics and input data size.
Nevertheless, in every case, the test on well-balanced data
distribution outperforms the skewed distribution. Moreover,
tests on the balanced distribution achieve better execution
time compared to tests on skewed distribution by shorting
the execution time approximately 27.1% for MR 38.4% for
Spark and 48% for Tez on average.
(Q2): How does the data distribution affect the execution
engine’s performance?
Tests with unbalanced (skewed) data distribution show
Spark is the best-performing execution engine in sixteen
(a) Q2 (b) Q6 (c) Q10
Fig. 3. Tests with different dataset sizes
different queries, whereas this is only five queries for Tez.
However, when the data is well-balanced, the number changes
to eleven queries for Spark and ten queries for Tez. In fact,
with the balanced distribution, Tez starts performing as well
as Spark (e.g. Q1, Q9). Although Spark outperforms during
the test with Q1, Q17, Q21 on the skewed distribution,
this behaviour changes when the data is well balanced,
and Tez outperforms Spark. The results highlight that disk
I/O is a more critical bottleneck for Tez than for the other
two execution engines. We believe the reason behind this
is Tez’s efficient re-use containers and DAG optimisation
that minimises the number of data reads and shortens the
query wall time. Therefore, these unavoidable data reads can
easily become the bottleneck of the system if the data is not
(Q3): Is there a particular query type that performs best
on the specific engine?
Our result show that Tez and Spark deal particularly well
with certain query types independent of data distribution. For
example, we can see Spark’s superiority for Q10 and Q12. On
the other hand, Tez is superior for Q2 and Q11. At the same
time, MR deals particularly well with Q6, the simplest query,
and it requires only a scan with four different conditions. As
a rule of thumb, we found that Spark performs particularly
well with queries that include hash joins, e.g. Q10 contains
four different tables and three joins. Whereas Tez performs
better if a query is composed of different queries such as
Q2 and Q11 (both contains three queries with two tmp tables).
(Q4): How does the results change when the data set size
Scalability is another critical matter for SQL-on-Hadoop
systems. Therefore, we decided to include scalability tests.
For this, we selected three distinct queries: Q2, Q6, Q10, and
scale-up dataset sizes (namely, 50 GB, 100 GB and 200 GB) in
order to see the behaviour of the execution engines. The main
reason behind the selection of these three queries is that every
engine deal particularly well with a different type of query
as we identified in the previous section. Figure 3 shows the
results of the same experiments on different dataset sizes with
selected queries. We can see results are consistent in every
case. Tez, MR and Spark perform best for Q2, Q6 and Q10,
On the other hand, we can see the importance of data
distribution as the scale increases. Compared to unbalanced
data distribution, well-balanced data distribution can improve
the performance on average, 34.3% for MR, 25.8% for Spark
and 41.1% for Tez during the test with a 50 GB dataset. This
number increases up to 37.2% for MR, 41.1% for Spark and
46.7% for Tez on a 200 GB dataset.
In this paper, we conducted a performance evaluation on
Hive, the pioneer of SQL-on-Hadoop application, in order
to understand the performance impact of data distribution
on different execution engines. The results highlight the
importance of dataset distribution on the cluster for SQL
query performance, and show the balanced data distribution
shortens the execution time by approximately 27.1% for MR
38.4% for Spark and 48% for Tez. We also observe that the
optimisation performed by the Tez engine is only effective
when the data distribution is balanced. This suggest that the
Tez engine is I/O bound. Even though we see that a balance
data distribution always improves performance of SQL-on-
Hadoop systems, there is no one-size-fits-all execution engine
for all SQL queries. However, the present study provides
insightful findings and underlines Spark performs particularly
well with the queries that involves only many hash-joins, and
Tez performs better if a query is composed of different queries.
Further scale-up experiments confirm the observed behaviour
is consistent. We believe the present work’s insightful findings
help us to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of adaptive
replication factor frameworks. In future investigations, we
would like to extend the present work by conducting further
tests on current behaviours under various configurations (e.g.,
storage throughput (SSD/HDD), different memory sizes and
network throughput).
This work was supported by Science Foundation Ireland
grant 13/RC/2094 and co-funded under the European Regional
Development Fund through the Southern & Eastern Regional
Operational Programme to Lero - the Irish Software Research
Centre (
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