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Full-scale two-story steel frame building under near-field explosions


Abstract and Figures

Explosions may have severe consequences on the integrity of structural or non-structural elements of a building. Being considered events with a low probability of occurrence, they are not considered directly in the design, except in certain special situations (accidental design situations). For far-field explosions, blast parameters and effects can be measured and modeled with relatively good precision. On the other hand, near-field explosions are more complex and more difficult to predict (intensity and distribution of the pressure, pressure-structure interaction, effects on materials). In addition, there is a limited amount of experimental data for near-field explosions, which makes the validation of the calculations (analytical, numerical) even more difficult. In this study, a full-scale steel frame building was subjected to a series of near-field explosions until a complete column removal. However, because of the limited amount of gravity loads, no progressive collapse was initiated. A numerical model was validated by comparing both the local strains in the most affected steel elements and the global deflections of the structure. Numerical modeling was done with Extreme Loading for Structures, ELS.
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Whistler, BC, Canada
September 16-17, 2019
I. Marginean, PhD.
Str. Ioan Curea nr.1, Timișoara, Romania, 300223
Tel: +4 0256-403925
Full-scale two-story steel frame building under near-field
F. Dinu1,2, I. Marginean1, D. Dubina1,2, A. Kovacs3, E. Ghicioi3, R. Laszlo3, A. Khalil4, E. De Iuliis4
1 CMMC Department, Politehnica University Timisoara, Romania
2 CCTFA Research Centre, Romanian Academy, Timisoara Branch, Romania
2 National Institute for Research and Development in Mine Safety and Protection to Explosion, Petroșani, Romania
3 Applied Science International, LLC, Durham, NC 27704, USA
Explosions may have severe consequences on the integrity of structural or non-structural
elements of a building. Being considered events with a low probability of occurrence, they are
not considered directly in the design, except in certain special situations (accidental design
situations). For far-field explosions, blast parameters and effects can be measured and modeled
with relatively good precision. On the other hand, near-field explosions are more complex and
more difficult to predict (intensity and distribution of the pressure, pressure-structure interaction,
effects on materials). In addition, there is a limited amount of experimental data for near-field
explosions, which makes the validation of the calculations (analytical, numerical) even more
difficult. In this study, a full-scale steel frame building was subjected to a series of near-field
explosions until a complete column removal. However, because of the limited amount of gravity
loads, no progressive collapse was initiated. A numerical model was validated by comparing
both the local strains in the most affected steel elements and the global deflections of the
structure. Numerical modeling was done with Extreme Loading for Structures, ELS.
Keywords: robustness, progressive collapse, blast wave, overpressure, moment resisting frame.
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
Explosions may have severe consequences on the integrity of structural or non-structural
elements of a building. The detonation of explosive devices in the proximity of the structural
elements can cause major damage, which in turn can propagate and may cause progressive
collapse. Progressive collapse may cause more injuries (or fatalities) than blast overpressure and
flying debris. However, progressive collapse can be prevented first by reducing exposure
(increasing safety distance), and second by increasing robustness. The ability of a structure to
resist such extreme actions without being affected at a disproportionately high level is also
required by the design rules in force (e.g. EN 1991-1-7[1]). Awareness of these risks requires
appropriate measures in the design and execution of building structural systems ([2],[3]). Direct
evaluation of the effects of an explosion is more complex than for other types of actions. There is
complexity both in terms of action modeling (e.g. maximum pressure intensity and distribution
over elements) and in terms of effects on the materials or elements (e.g. the effect of high
loading rate on the mechanical characteristics or explosion-structure interaction). The complexity
of the behavior gets even higher as the stand-off distance reduces and the explosion occurs in the
proximity of the structural elements, i.e. near-field explosion. In such situations, numerical
models calibrated against experimental data can be used to obtain more accurate results
([4][5][6][7][8][9]). A more convenient approach is the Alternate load path method (APM),
where for simplicity it is assumed that one column is lost (for example due to explosion) then the
capacity for carrying the redistributed loads is checked ([10][11][12][13][14][15]. However, it is
not yet well established if APM is representative of all types of explosive threats ([16][17]).
The paper presents the results of recent research carried out in the FRAMEBLAST project
(2017-2018) on the safety of building structures under extreme actions. A two-bay, two-span,
and two-story steel frame building was tested for different blast loading conditions to evaluate
the consequences of near field explosions on the structural elements. The experimental data were
combined with the numerical modeling to investigate the residual capacity of steel columns and
the potential for progressive collapse resulting from such extreme loading. Numerical modeling
was done with Extreme Loading for Structures ELS [18].
2. Description of the experimental model and blast testing
The steel frame building has two bays, two spans, and two stories (Figure 1.a). The bays and
spans measure 4.5 m and 3.0 m, respectively, while stories are 2.5 m high each. The structural
system is made of moment resisting frames on the x-direction (transversal direction), while on
the y-direction (longitudinal direction) concentrically braces are introduced in each frame. The
secondary beams are spaced at 1.5 m intervals. The extended end-plate bolted beam-to-column
connections at the moment resisting frames are designed as fully rigid and fully restrained
connections using M24 gr.10.9 bolts on a 16 mm thick end plate. Secondary beam-to-column
connections and secondary beam-to-main beam connections are pinned. The column bases are
welded to steel plates bolted to reinforced concrete girders, that constitute the foundations of the
structure. These connections are fully rigid and restrained. The design of the structure was done
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
considering the seismic design condition, combining the permanent actions (dead load D = 5
kN/m2), the variable actions (live load L = 4 kN/m2) and the seismic action (low seismicity,
horizontal acceleration = 0.10 g). Horizontal and vertical tying requirements for accidental
design situation were also verified using EN 1991-1-7 [1] provisions. The design resulted in
HEB260 section for columns, IPE270 section for main beams, IPE200 section for secondary
beams between columns, and IPE180 section for intermediate secondary beams. Note that
structural steel in beams, columns, and plates is S275 (yield strength of 275 N/mm2) and bolts
are class 10.9 (ultimate strength of 1000 N/mm2). Eight sensors have been used for pressure
measurements at four different locations near the structure (see also Figure 1.b):
- 1st location: 2.5 m from the middle perimeter column C2, and collinear with the explosive
- 2nd location: in front of the corner column C1 and in line with the explosive charge;
- 3rd location: 4.5 m away from the 2nd location and in line with the explosive charge;
- 4th location: 4.5 m away from the 3rd location and in line with the explosive charge.
At each location, a pair of two sensors, one normal and one aligned to the front frame, were
installed. 27 strain gauges were arranged on the structural elements to measure the history of
strains in the elements, i.e. columns (webs, flanges), beams (webs, flanges) and the end plates of
the beam-column joint (Figure 1.c). The strain gauges were used to measure specific
deformations in elements, and to determine the distribution of the stresses in front frame beams.
A total station was also used to measure global deflections in 20 different locations. 14 tracking
marks were tagged on the front frame (R1 to R14), and six on the left side frame (L1 to L6). Two
high-speed cameras were used to record and analyze the blasting events (see Figure 5). Before
testing, gravity loads with an equivalent load of 7.5 kN / m2 were placed on the floors. Note that
the loads were added only on the first bay. During the loading process, strains and deflections
were measured in the points indicated in the previous section. With the structure loaded, eight
blast tests were performed on the structure. The details are given in Table 1.
Table 1. Blast testing, with mass and position for each charge
Test name
Charge mass [g]
Distance, D [mm]
Height, H [mm]
- Distance D is measured from the front face of the central perimeter column C2
- Height H is measured from the column base plate
- Details about E8 are not provided for security reason
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
a) b)
Figure 1. Overview of the steel frame structure: a) 3D geometry; b) photo before testing with the position of the
pressure sensors; c) detailed views with the strain gauges
3. Experimental results
Tests E1 and E2 (explosive charges less than 560 g) did not produce any plastic deformations in
the steel members (column, beams). However, following the E3 test, deformations remained at
the level of the column web at the level of the explosive charge and also in the column’s flanges,
see Figure 2.
a) b) c)
Figure 2. Central perimeter (view from inside) for test E3: a) view with the position of the strain gauges; b) history
of strains at locations T1-T4 (left flange); c) history of strains at locations T13-T15 (web)
Sensor 1
Explosive charge
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Time, s
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05
Time, s
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
Figure 3 shows the plastic deformations and fracture of the web produced in the column
following tests E4, E5, and E6. Figure 4 plots the variation of the overpressure in the shock wave
and the maximum values recorded at each position of the pressure sensors for the test E6. The
difference between the maximum overpressure at locations 1 and 2 is 61% (center column vs
corner column), while the difference between sensors 3 and 4 is much less (22%).
a) b) c)
Figure 3. Views of central column after tests E4 (a), E5 (b) and E6 (c)
Figure 4. Pressure during test E6: details of the pressure ramp and maximum values highlighted at each location
After the test E8, the central column C2 was completely removed, see Figure 5. The adjacent
beams from the 1st and 2nd floors (C1-2, C2-3) also underwent residual deformations relative to
the initial stage (before the loss of the column), see Figure 6.
Figure 7 presents comparatively the wave propagation around the structure for tests E6 and E8. It
can be noticed that in case of the test E8, the incident shock is largely reflected at the contact
with the column, which also leads to an increase in the pressures recorded at pressure sensor
locations 1 and 2. For E6, the clear space to the column allows the propagation of the incident
wave inside the building and thus the reflected pressure is reduced.
270.0078 210.7333
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Preassure, mbar
Time, ms
sensor 1
sensor 2
sensor 3
sensor 4
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
Figure 5. Central column failure mode after E8 test
Figure 6. Vertical displacements of perimeter beams from the first floor (C1-2 and C2-3) after experimental tests
Figure 7. Shock wave propagation: a) test E6; b) test E8
0 2.25 4.5 6.75 9
vertical displacement, mm
position on the beam span, m
initial gravity loading
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
4. Numerical modelling of near-field explosion
4.1. Model calibration
The numerical analyses were performed using Extreme Loading for Structures (ELS) software,
which employs a nonlinear solver based on the applied element method [19]. The experimental
data obtained from the blast tests were used to calibrate the numerical model, see Figure 8. The
3D geometrical model of the specimen was constructed as an assembly of small (discrete)
elements, connected by springs which are generated at contact points distributed around the
element’s mutual surfaces, paired as one normal and respectively two perpendicular shear
springs. These springs can be removed when strain values reach the separation strain or can be
generated when contact occurs between elements, thus resulting in the modeling element
separation and collision. The material models were defined by their main characteristics, i.e.
elastic properties, yield strength, ultimate strength, maximum allowable elongation, and
separation elongation. Structural steel S275 was assigned for all steel elements (beams, columns,
plates) and class 10.9 bolts were used for connections.
Figure 8. Geometry of 3D numerical model and the representation of the blast in ELS
The experimental data obtained in the testing program were used to calibrate the numerical
model. Based on the pressure values measured at the four points (see Figure 1.b), pressure curves
were obtained for each explosive charge. Figure 9 shows the curve pressure vs. distance for an
explosive charge of 2574 g. In Figure 10 is shown the distribution of the peak pressures on the
central column in the area adjacent to the explosion for a load of 2574 g TNT positioned at 0.2 m
(test E6).
Figure 11 shows the residual vertical displacements in the two perimeter beams from the first
floor (C1-2, C2-3) for the test E8, which was selected because it was the only test leading to
complete column removal. It can be noticed that the values obtained in the numerical analysis are
very close to the experimental ones.
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
Figure 12 shows the strain vs time at two locations on the web of the central column C2, i.e. T13
and T15. At location T15 (top side of the column), both maximum and residual strains from
numerical analysis are lower than the experimental ones. These differences are most probably
attributed to the underestimation of the pressure at the point of interest. At location T13 (bottom
side of the column), the experimental and numerical values are much closer.
Figure 9. Pressure vs distance for an explosive charge of 2574 g TNT
Figure 10. Pressure distribution in the areas adjacent to the detonation point, test E6
Figure 11. Vertical displacements in the first story perimeter beam, test E8, experimental vs. numerical results
0 2.25 4.5 6.75 9
vertical displacement, mm
position on the beam span, m
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
Figure 12. Strain history in the column web from test E6: a) location of strain gauges T13 and T15; b) experimental
vs. numerical strain curve
Fig. 20 shows the evolution of normal strains in the column C2 during the test E6. It may be seen
that the strains are larger on the edges of the web (close to the fillet between web and flange)
where the plate is stiffer. Also, at same distance from the point of detonation, the strains are
larger at the top side of the column, also due to larger stiffness of the plate at the contact with the
continuity plate of the beam-to-column joint.
Figure 13. Evolution in time of normal strains in the web column C2, test E6
Figure 14 shows the evolution in time of the initiation and propagation of the rupture in the
central column C2 and the state of damage after the test E6 (2574 g TNT at 0.2 m from the
column web) both in the test and in the numerical simulation. It can be seen that numerical
analysis shows compliance with the experiment results and therefore can provide further details
on the development of failure and the residual capacity of the element, respectively of the
0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003
strain, μm/m
Time, s
T15 num
T15 exp
T13 num
T13 exp
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
a) b)
Figure 14. Comparison between state of damage in the column (fracture and separation of the web), numerical vs
experimental, test E6: a) initiation and development of fracture in the column web, numerical;
b) view after experimental test
5. Conclusions
Explosions may have severe consequences on the integrity of structural or non-structural
elements of a building and implicitly to the safety of the occupants. While for far-field
explosions, blast parameters and effects can be measured and modeled with relatively good
precision, near-field explosions are more complex and more difficult to predict (intensity and
distribution of the pressure, pressure-structure interaction, effects on materials).
For this reason, a two-bay, two-span, and two-story steel frame building model was tested for
different blast loading conditions to evaluate the consequences of near-field explosions on the
structural elements. The results of the blast tests showed that the interaction between the shock
wave and the structure may result in a significant increase in the maximum pressure and
implicitly in the level of deformations in the structure. Also, increasing the safety distance is the
most effective measure of damage reduction in the structure.
The specific instrumentation (pressure, strains, video) provided extensive data that allowed to
calibrate the numerical models and to go deeper into the blast-structure interaction process and
sequences of failure. The data will be further used for the design of new blast tests where the
gravity loads will be increased, and the structure tested again after the damaged elements are
replaced by new ones. This will allow to develop a full view of the direct and indirect effects of a
PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
near field explosion and to provide the measures to increase the robustness of frame building
structures in case of extreme loading conditions.
This work was supported by Ministry of Research and Innovation of Romania, CNCS-
UEFISCDI, application number MC 936, within PNCDI III.
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PROTECT 2019: 7th International Colloquium on Performance, Protection and Strengthening of Structures Under
Extreme Loading and Events, Whistler, BC, Canada, September 16-17, 2019
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... Experimental Work 2.1.1. Steel Structure Configuration Direct simulation method using A.T.-BLAST model will be verified using the experimental data provided by Dinu et al. [27] in which a 3D steel frame building consisting of two bays, two spans, and two stories was tested for different blast loading conditions. The structural system is made up of moment resistant frames that run in the x-direction (transvers direction) and braces are introduced in each frame concentrically on the ydirection (longitudinal direction). ...
... According to Table 1 for [27], eight blast tests were performed on the structure. The chosen test for validation in this study is test E6 in which explosive charge equals 2574 g, distance from the front face of the central perimeter column C2 was 200 mm and height of charge from base was 1750 mm. ...
Full-text available
This paper investigated the blast performance of a three-storey composite steel building subjected to external explosion by a package bomb. Analysis was based on load combinations and damage criteria in accordance with three general design approaches relevant for civil design applications in predicting blast loads and structural system responses. The main objective is to provide a rapid blast evaluation and simplify the model when blast wave first impacts the structure. For first dynamic stage, direct simulation method was chosen for modelling blast loads on members exposed to explosion using the Friedlander blast load equation, and an empirical A.T.-BLAST method estimated its parameters to deduce the simplified blast-wave overpressure profile. For second static stage, the original Alternate Load Path method was used to check the probable stability of columns’ damage due to heat after blast on adjacent elements using the standard temperature-time curve due to local fire. Results showed that structural elements were deformed away from their elastic limit and yield points, resulting in plastic behavior with considerable post-yielding deformations so ductility ratio, plastic hinge rotation, internal forces limits, Demand-Capacity-Ratio (DCR shear/moment) and material damage model are the judged adequacy in blast design and structural members’ evaluation considering blast load as the initial cause of failure. After explosion, re-loading process resulted in structure’ stability (non-collapse) due to ductility and introduced vierendeel effect to be reused again. Some guidelines have un-provided data on damage evaluation limit criteria while others overestimate the realistic damage conditions.
Conference Paper
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Explosions produced in urban areas by the detonation of explosives are low-probability but high-impact events. When they occur in the immediate vicinity of buildings, the explosions can pose a high risk to the structural integrity (local/global failures) and to the occupants (risk of injury, death). Therefore, the design and the construction of the buildings should contain preventive measures to increase the robustness of the structures. The paper presents the results of recent research carried out on the safety of building structures under extreme actions. Blast tests performed on two identical 3D specimen extracted from a typical moment resisting steel frame structure, allow to calibrate the numerical models of a full scale building structural frame system and evaluate the consequences of close-in detonations on the structural elements. The data of the experimental testing, combined with the numerical modelling, allow to investigate different factors, such as dynamic factors that affect the local failure mechanism and the residual capacity of steel columns under different blast scenarios.
Conference Paper
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During last decades, there was an increased interest from research and design professionals to provide effective strategies in protecting buildings and other assets from the direct effects of blasts or other incidents. Experimental tests, conducted over a large range of distances and charge weights, helped at developing analytical approaches and charts which can be used to calculate blast parameters. Due to the lack of test data and inapplicability of common scaling rules, in the last years special attention was devoted to close-in blasts, located in the proximity of the structural elements. Such explosive charges may cause extreme lo-cal damage of the elements or even complete loss of load bearing capacity. In the study presented in the paper, two types of beam-column assemblies have been tested under explosive charges detonated close to the specimens. Numerical models, developed using Extreme Loading for Structures software, were validated using the test data collected in the experimental program.
Technical Report
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This document presents the results of the tests of a mechanism that can be used to prevent progressive and catastrophic collapse of steel structures in the event of a blast attack and elimination of one of the exterior columns. The concept that was tested and verified is proposed by the Skilling, Ward, Magnusson, Barkshire (SWMB), Structural and Civil Engineers, Seattle to be used in a new building. The concept consists of placing horizontal cables in the floors and on top of the top flange of the girders along the exterior column line. By using Catenary action of the cables, the load of the eliminated column can be transferred to the rest of the structure. The test specimen was full-scale representative of one floor of a typical steel building structure with its floor slab, steel deck, supporting beams, girders and columns. The specimen was designed by the SWMB and the test set-up was designed jointly by SWMB and UC-Berkeley engineers and researchers. The size of the specimen was 19'x60'x6'. The test plans consisted of constructing the specimen inside the UC-Berkeley, Civil Engineering laboratory in Davis Hall, adding instrumentation to the specimen, removing a middle column, pulling the bam-column joint of the removed column down, observing and collecting data on performance of the structure after removal of the column. A total of four tests were conducted which were 19.8-inch, 21-inch, 24-inch and 35-inch drop of column. The tests indicated that after removal of the column the Catenary action of the cable-supported floor was able to support 110 kips, 140 kips, 160 kips and 190 kips of column load respectively for 19, 21, 24 and 35 inches of drop of the column joint. These load values were based on using hydraulic actuator to apply the load. The corresponding gravity loads that could be applied to the column were 85, 108, 123 and 146 kips.
The beam-to-column connections of moment-resisting steel frames should exhibit capacities that allow them to transfer the forces that develop under normally expected loading conditions. However, when a column is lost owing to accidental loading, these conditions change, and the forces are redistributed to the adjacent beams and columns. In such cases, the connections must be capable of resisting the combined axial and flexural loads and allow for the redistribution of the loads, so that progressive collapse development is prevented. In this study, we investigated the performances of four types of beam-to-column connections, namely, the welded cover plate flange connection (CWP), the haunch end plate bolted connection (EPH), the reduced beam section welded connection (RBS), and the unstiffened extended end plate bolted connection (EP), against progressive collapse. Two span frames were constructed and tested under a central column removal scenario until failure. The results from the experimental tests were used to validate finite element models. The CWP, EPH, and RBS specimens showed good ductility, with the catenary action making a significant contribution to the ultimate load resistance. Further, the ultimate rotations of the beams were greater than the deformation limit given in the latest Unified Facilities Criteria guidelines for design of buildings to resist progressive collapse. Specimen EP showed the lowest ductility and ultimate load resistance, with the bolts in the rows under tension fracturing before the catenary action could develop. Further, the failure mode for specimen EP indicated that bolt strengthening is necessary for improving its progressive collapse resistance.
Multistory steel frames are expected to provide resistance to progressive collapse following local damage or failure caused by extreme loading events. Features like ductility and continuity provide more deformation capacity and redistribution of loads so that the structure can bridge over damaged elements. Special measures should be taken to ensure that the connections can withstand the extreme loading and deformation demands arising from the occurrence of local failure. In addition, two-way frames will enhance the progressive collapse resistance over planar systems as the loading demand on each element reduces. In this study, we investigated the response of two-way steel frame systems under the removal of a central column. Extended end-plate bolted connections were used to join the beams to the columns. First, an experimental test was carried out, and then, a numerical model was validated using the advanced nonlinear dynamic analysis software Extreme Loading for Structures. The system was capable of developing large deformations associated with catenary response in the beams without failure of the connections. The beam ultimate rotation is larger than the deformation limit given in the codes.
A new extension for the Applied Element Method (AEM) is introduced. Using this method, the structure is modeled as an assembly of distinct elements made by dividing the structural elements virtually. These elements are connected by distributed springs in both normal and tangential directions. This paper describes the applicability of the AEM for different fields of analysis and structure types and it deals with the formulations used for RC structures under monotonic loading. It is proved in this paper that the structural failure behavior including crack initiation and propagation can be simulated accurately with reasonable CPU time and without any use of complicated material models.
Much of past research in the civilian area on the response of civil structures to explosive loading has focused on large detonations in the far field that result in relatively uniform pressure distribution over the structure and specific structural elements. A paucity of research has been conducted that investigates the effect of explosive loading in close proximity to key structural elements. The studies that have been conducted focused primarily on loading perpendicular to the strong axis of bending that result in global deformation, but no rupture or loss of material. Through experimental testing and finite-element simulation, the present study investigates the effect of blast loading on wide flange columns loaded perpendicular to the weak axis of bending. This loading scenario is critical for such columns because the near field shock wave can rupture the web, and in some cases, lead to material loss; both conditions can potentially jeopardize the axial load carrying capacity of the column as a result of increased demands on flanges and possible local buckling of the unrestrained flanges. Therefore, this critical scenario needs to be considered for developing blast resistant measures or assessing the remaining axial and bending capacity of the column. Finite-element simulation can be used for this purpose; the analyses conducted as part of this study replicate, with reasonable accuracy, the experimentally obtained localized deformation, ruptures, and loss of material as a result of blast load, although the finite-element simulation is less successful at replicating the global deformation of the column. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.