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Health technologies and smart & integrated care – key action 2 stage of the Regions4PerMed (H2020) project

  • Independent Researcher


Consumer and system-wide gains remain limited by an outmoded policy regime. With scientific innovation running far ahead of public policy, physicians, researchers and patients are not receiving full advantage of the latest developments. European health systems require a seamless and rapid flow of digital information, including genomic, clinical outcome, and claims data. Research derived from clinical care must feed back into assessment, in order to advance care quality for consumers. National health systems are heterogeneous; the solutions and required fundamental approaches differ between the European member states and are not entirely portable and scalable. To date, this applies not only to general systemic aspects but particularly to cross-border reimbursement issues and the exchange of treatment and patient data. To answer those needs, an international consortium was established to implement the project “Interregional coordination for a fast and deep uptake of personalised health”: Regions4PerMed. A cycle of international events, such as conferences, in situ visits and workshops, has been planned. Interdisciplinary groups of experts will exchange thoughts and experiences to design solutions that could be implemented in the various healthcare systems. Regions4PerMed aims to coordinate regional policies and innovation programmes in personalised medicine and personalised health to accelerate the deployment of personalised health for patients. Key Action 2 is dedicated to health technologies and smart and integrated care.
Medical Science Pulse 2019 (13) 4
© Copyright by PMWSZ w Opolu
e-ISSN 2544-1620
Thi s is an Open Acce ss article d istribute d under the ter ms of the Creati ve Commons Lice nse
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Reviews DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.7569
Consumer and system-wide gains remain limited by an outmoded policy regime. With scientific innovation
running far ahead of public policy, physicians, researchers and patients are not receiving full advantage of the
latest developments. European health systems require a seamless and rapid flow of digital information, includ-
ing genomic, clinical outcome, and claims data. Research derived from clinical care must feed back into assess-
ment, in order to advance care quality for consumers. National health systems are heterogeneous; the solutions
and required fundamental approaches differ between the European member states and are not entirely porta-
ble and scalable. To date, this applies not only to general systemic aspects but particularly to cross-border reim-
bursement issues and the exchange of treatment and patient data.
To answer those needs, an international consortium was established to implement the project “Interregional
coordination for a fast and deep uptake of personalised health”: Regions4PerMed. A cycle of internationa l events,
such as conferences, in situ visits and workshops, has been planned. Interdisciplinary groups of experts will
exchange thoughts and experiences to design solutions that could be implemented in the various healthcare sys-
tems. Regions4PerMed aims to coordinate regional policies and innovation programmes in personalised med-
icine and personalised health to accelerate the deployment of personalised health for patients. Key Action 2 is
dedicated to health technologies and smart and integrated care.
KEYWORDS: health technology, e-health, m-health, integrated healthcare, personalised medicine, personal-
ized health
G D’E1 EG
M D-S2 EG
• ORCID: 0000-0003-1715-8958
A Z3 EG
• ORCID: 0000-0002-1300-9229
D K3,4 EG
• ORCID: 0000-0003-0255-7163
D K 5 EG
• ORCID: 0000-0002-6996-8920
1 Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences, Siena, Italy
2 International Scientific Projects Section,
Wroclaw Medica l University, Poland
3 Lower Silesian Voivodeship Marshall Office,
Wroclaw, Poland
4 Div ision of Medical Social, Sciences,
Wroclaw Medica l University, Poland
5 Family Medicine Department,
Wroclaw Medica l University, Poland
A–study d esign, B–data c ollectio n, C–statist ical an alysis, D–inter pretati on of data, E–manu script pre paration, F–lite rature rev iew, G–sourcing of funding
With many initiatives launched worldwide for the
personal human genome map (Personalised Medicine
Initiative in the USA, 100,000 Genomes Initiative in
the UK, and the Human Genome Declaration at EU
level), it is possible to envision a future where treat-
ments are tai lored to individua ls’ genetic structures [1]
– a future where Personalised Medicine is fully inte-
grated into real life setting.
In healthcare, newly emergent scientific a nd techno-
logical innovations are either not yet used or are under-
used because of slow adoption, data ana lytics is failing
to reach its full potential, and interdisciplinary barri-
ers in medical science need to be overcome.
To accelerate the adoption of personalised medicine
approaches and enable early interception of diseases,
and deliver new precision and personalised care while
balancing and optimising healthcare expenditures
based on medical and economic value, health technol-
ogies and smart and integrated care must become a key
priority for policy makers. Healthcare organisations
need to be transformed in order to absorb innovative
technologies and deliver more personalised ser vices to
patients and citizens. In this respect, worldwide, the
G D’E, M D-S, A Z, D K, D K
healthcare environment is already changing, and it is
becoming increasingly obvious that affordable high-
quality healthcare cannot be delivered without harness-
ing new ways of delivering care [2]. New technology is a
promising solution to help cope with current challenges
and to improve healthcare and pharmacy practice [3].
H 
Health technology is defined WHO as “the applica-
tion of organised knowledge and skills in the form of
devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems
developed to solve a hea lth problem, improve the qual-
ity of lives”. Health technologies equip healthcare pro-
viders with tools that are indispensable for effective
and efficient prevention, diagnosis, treatment and
rehabilitation [4]. These technologies and, in particu-
lar, connected and integrated care solutions, can offer
users (citizens/patients and health professionals) enor-
mous benefits and amplif y system-wide gains that are
currently limited. Connected health or technology-
enabled care (TEC) is the collective term for telecare,
tele-Health, telemedicine, m-Health, digital health and
e-Health serv ices. Within the health industr y, TECs are
often referred to as smart technologies.
Health technologies can advance diagnosis, predic-
tion and therapies for diseases, and TEC tools, in partic-
ular, can provide specific information from autonomous
data analysis. This can help both the physician and the
patient to predict t he patient’s future health, and foresee
management issues and possible modifications to the
therapy regime and/or health management activities, as
well as interventions targeted to improving the patient’s
wellbeing (such as improving relaxation and positive
emotions or promoting engagement in self-actualising
experiences) [5]. T his will also help healthcare systems
reduce costs for the management of chronic diseases.
Health technologies hold huge potential for the uti-
lisation of health data in transforming healthcare. The
application of analytics, machine lea rning and artificial
intelligence over big data enables identification of pat-
terns and correlations and hence provides actionable
insights for improving the delivery of healthcare [6].
S 
Telecare: a new health service that involves the use
of technology within patients’ homes, such as home
monitoring, safety monitoring, and information ser-
vice technologies [7].
Tele-health: services allowing patients to access
health education and support for self-management
through the Internet, via their home computers or
wireless devices. Patients can obtain personalized edu-
cation materials and coaching and may participate in
online discussions and support groups as an additiona l
means of managing their health [3].
Telemedicine: deliver y of healthcare services where
distance is a critical factor. All relevant healthcare pro-
fessionals will use information and communication
technologies for the exchange of valid information
for diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease
and injuries, research and evaluation. This also aids
the continuing education of healthcare providers, all
in the interests of advancing the health of individuals
and their communities [8].
m-Health: tools providing specific information
from autonomous data analysis. These will help both
the physician and the patient to foresee the patient’s
future health, management issues and make modifi-
cations to their therapy regime and/or health man-
agement activities, as well as interventions targeted
to different aspects of the patient’s wellbeing (such as
improving relaxation and positive emotions or promot-
ing engagement in self-actualising experiences) [5].
Digital health: rapidly expanding medical field
premised on the availability of ever-increasing amounts
of data about people’s lifest yles, habits, clinical histories
and pathophysiological characterist ics [9]. Digital health
includes the fol lowing technolog y: i) all devices t hat have
an effect on health even if they a re not designed only for
health (e.g. smart watches); ii) digital devices that are
designed to prov ide evidence in terms of better health;
iii) dig ital devices t hat have a therapeutic effect, such as
deprexis in UK and Sleepio in USA , and others that inf lu-
ence behaviour and control rehabilitation activities.
e-Health services: use of digital technology to
treat patients, diagnose diseases, conduct research,
support health education, inform and communicate
with patients or other healthcare providers, and gain
an overview of public health in society [10].
Medical decision-support systems (MDSS): com-
puter systems designed to assist physicians or other
healthcare professionals in making clinical decisions.
MDSS can help physicians to organise, store, and apply
the exploding amount of medical knowledge. These are
expected to improve the quality of care by providing
a more accurate, effective, and reliable diagnoses and
treatments, and by avoiding errors due to gaps in phy-
sicians’ knowledge [11].
Semantic interoperability: the abil ity of computer
systems to exchange data with unambiguous, shared
meaning. Semantic interoperability is a requirement to
enable machine computable logic, inferencing, knowl-
edge discovery, and data federation between informa-
tion systems.
Medical communication standards: a set of
international standards for the transfer of clinical and
administrative data bet ween software applications used
by various healthcare providers. These standards focus
on the upper layers in the OSI model. The standards are
mainta ined by several international standard organisa-
tions and a re adopted by other standa rds issuing bo dies.
H 
Smart health should also have the following char-
Health technologies and smart &integrated care – key action 2 stage ofthe Regions4PerMed (H2020) Project
Medical Science Pulse 2019 (13) 4
Help patients streng then their resilience towards
health-negative events.
Strengthen flexibility and adaptation of health
delivery organisations when innovation occurs,
to generate an impact both for individual and
public health.
The exponential rise in TEC requires healthcare pro-
viders to redefine staff roles and responsibilities and
support them to work differently. Currently, health-
care is largely defined by “place” of work and is based
on providing hands-on care to patients. As TEC serv ices
are adopted more widely, staff can undertake e-visits,
write e-prescriptions and track, diagnose and deliver
treatment via remote digital monitoring – delivering
benefits for providers and offering savings in direct
costs and staff time (Figure 1) [12].
As a repercussion of the implementation of TEC, t he
organisation of providers, management of ser vices and
performance improvement processes has beg un adapt-
ing and responding to new models of care, such as inte-
grated health services.
The WHO Regional Office for Europe defined
integrated health services delivery as follows [13]: an
approach to strengthen people-centred health systems
through the promotion of the comprehensive deliver y of
quality services across the life-course, designed accord-
ing to the multidimensional needs of the population and
the indiv idual and delivered by a coordinated multidis-
ciplinary team of providers working across settings and
levels of ca re. It should be effectively managed to ensure
optima l outcomes and the appropriate use of resources
based on the best available evidence, with feedback
loops to continuously improve performance and to
tackle upstream causes of il l health and to promote well-
being through intersectoral and multisectoral actions.
In order to boost the growth of health innovation
for the uptake of personalised medicine innovations,
we have identified some initial challenges that can be
addressed at regional level.
Identified crucial challenges for the sector are the
Data generation along the whole R&D value
chain: generating high-quality, harmonised, reli-
able, annotated, interoperable data that can be
shared, for example for larger integration, inter-
operability and/or where economies of scale are
needed. For instance, a shift in focus to preven-
Figure 1: Example of how mobile technology could be used to connect staff with patients and support staff to work differently [12].
G D’E, M D-S, A Z, D K, D K
tion of disease and diagnosis of pre-disease states
will require data on very large cohorts of healthy
people that are not identified as high-risk.
Integration of technologies for better and
safer products and services: The health indus-
try would leverage new knowledge and technol-
ogies, such as artificial intelligence, connected
health systems, as well as “omics” and nanotech-
nologies, for the enhanced understanding of the
biology of diseases to develop new products and
services for disease prevention, prediction, inter-
ception, inter vention and management. This inte-
gration also includes activities to optimise the
innovation pathways both within and across the
sectors in terms of common standards, models,
platforms, methodologies, etc..
Integration of these products and ancil-
lary services to create innovative health-
care solutions: companies would combine the
existing and/or new innovations across the sec-
tors to create solutions and enable their integra-
tion within the patient care pathways.
Integration of clinical, community, social
and informal care workflows: development of
solutions to support improved operational care
workflows in clinical or community settings.
These ground challenges also present bar riers that
Key Action 2 (K A 2) will address:
Quality of data: accessibility, integrability, rel-
evance, timeliness and rectifiability of data are
essential to develop solutions that can be inte-
grated in hea lth systems. In t his context, Europ ean
regions (intended as local and regional author-
ities), as seen in the context of Key Area 1 (big
data, electronic health records a nd health govern-
ance) have a major role to play. Within K A2 we wil l
focus on key enabling investments that regions
can promote the wealth of health technology.
Regulatory aspects: hea lth technologies make
an essential contribution to healthcare in the
EU for the benefit of European citizens. Medical
devices, for example, are crucial in diagnosing,
preventing, monitoring and treating illness, and
overcoming disabilities. They are also important
to the economy, providing €110 billion in sales
and 675,000 jobs in Europe.
The Europea n Commission has adopted t wo new reg-
ulations which, in order to guarantee a higher degree
of safety for the best interests of European citizens,
pose a burden on health technologies. This might have
consequences, both for the industry and, in general,
in slowing the pace of implementation of personal-
ised medicine. These new regulations are as follows:
Regulation (EU) 2017/745 of the European Par-
liament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on
medical devices, amending Directive 2001/83/
EC, Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and Regula-
tion (EC) No 1223/2009 and repealing Council
Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC.
Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Par-
liament and of the Council of 5 April 2017 on in
vitro diagnostic medical devices and repealing
Directive 98/79/EC and Commission Decision
Within the conference we would like to examine
the potential impacts of the new regulations and the
role regions can play in reducing these.
Trainings for healthcare professionals:
health technologies are often advantageous
for the patient, but health professionals often
encounter dif ficulties in using devices associated
with these technologies, which can increase the
risk of accidents [14].
Patient engagement: there is increasing evi-
dence that having more-informed patients is
starting to improve self-care and adherence to
medication, and boost health and wellbeing [12].
Health technologies are essential to enable per-
sonalised patient engagement approaches by ana-
lysing and providing solutions to the patients’
needs. In particular, health technologies can be
used to for the following:
Increase health literacy, promoting patients’
knowledge on their specific health problems
through dialogue, guidance on trustworthy
sources of information and use of ICT tools.
• Increase self-awareness (SA): SA level will be
assessed using validated tools and improve-
ment will be driven by screening and moni-
toring variables using ICT tools.
Improve risk perception (RP): patients’ esti-
mated vs. perceived risk will be assessed by
validated tools and RP will be computed by
comparing these scores, to enable precision
More accurate prognosis, which will be esti-
mated by systematic use of upd ated risk scores.
Guaranty of receiving state-of-the-art care. PM
programmes will make use of updated algo-
rithms to implement the best individualised
diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
Economic impact of health technology: The
key point for health technology to access the mar-
ket and help implement the personalised med-
icine promise is health technology assessment,
which needs to be discussed to assess market bar-
riers and identify potential solutions.
C  W  –
KA 
Within this key action, there are plans for a set of
meetings and events aimed at explor ing health technol-
ogies and integrated care. The conference and workshop
will explore, amongst others, the following themes:
Health technologies and smart &integrated care – key action 2 stage ofthe Regions4PerMed (H2020) Project
Medical Science Pulse 2019 (13) 4
Improve data for better personalised hea lth tech-
Connecting the regulatory aspect with person-
alised health technologies
Patient engagement: Engage citizens and patients
with tools to better manage their health
Training prog rammes for healthcare profession als
HTA for health innovations
M   KA
The main objectives of KA2 are as follows:
Set the scene around health technology, identify-
ing potentia l solutions to t he identified bar riers.
Engage regional authorities and stakeholders
to understand how the regions can implement
the solutions identified and elaborate key rec-
M    KA
Conference: The conference wil l gather experts,
with the aim to define and highlight the main
technic al challenges connected to K A2 (we expect
at least 30 participants).
In situ visit: In order to study innovative models
and programmes that are having a high impac t on
implementing personalised health tools, we will
organis e two field visit s per each key themat ic area.
The in situ visits, as implemented in the frame-
work of Interreg Projects, have demonstrated high
value for active learning by regions and regional
authorities. In order to st age high-quality techni-
cal conferences and interregional workshops, the
proactive collaboration of all members of t he con-
sortium w ill be fundamental, also taking advan-
tage of the expertise from the Advisory Board.
Interregional workshop: The workshop will
survey the interest of regional authorities and
stakeholders to identify appropriate pol icy instru-
ments and assess the feasibility of actions that
can be carried out both at reg ional level as well as
at multiregional level. The workshop will encom-
pass the aspects of e-Health and m-Health.
Capacity-building: In order to i mprove the sk ills
and knowledge of regional authorities’ to exploit
the knowledge created within Regions4PerMed,
at the end of the interregional workshop we will
dedicate ha lf a day to the regional authority for a
capacity-building workshop. In this context,
representatives of more ex perienced regions wil l
share their expertise with ot her regions and com-
mon knowledge will be created.
C-C  WS  
The involvement of policy makers, representatives
of universities and research hospitals from different
regions is fundamental to acquiring an over view of the
current state of implementation of health technologies
in the smart and integrated healthcare system, as well
as identif ying areas of improvement and where invest-
ments are needed. Thus, the workshop will comprise
plenary sessions as well as parallel working sessions.
To this aim, while the first day will be dedicated
to the overall introduction of the topic and working
sessions, the second day will be focused on collecting
all outcomes of the discussions and defining regional
path(s) towards personalised health. This will include
outstanding “best practice” examples, as well as capac-
ity-building activities and policy co-creation with all
the regional authorities and stakeholders involved.
m-/e-health technologies for continuous
monitoring and self-empowerment
Rationale: The combined intellectual power of
the leading European experts in the field of e-health
and m-health is required to identify possible future
approaches to e-he alth/m-health t hat are capable of rede-
fining our future interactions within the healthcare sys-
tem. Development of m-/e-healt h technologies allow s for
continuous patient monitoring and – perhaps even more
important – building the patient’s self-empowerment.
m-/e-health technologies for data integration
Rationale: All connecting systematic approaches
and platforms require consented, open and interop-
erable connections that follow international stand-
ards. This does not only apply to existing aspects, e.g.
IHE profiling, but also to defining new standards on
topics such as cross-platform authentication and data
exchange. Standardisation in healthcare services is a
major requirement for improv ing patient treatment by
way of modern technology.
Artificial intelligence for predictive models
Rationa le: European health systems require a seam-
less and rapid flow of digital information, including
genomic, clinical outcome, and claims data. Research
derived from clinical care must feed back into assess-
ment in order to advance care quality for consumers.
Currently, there is discrete data on diagnosis, treatment,
medical claims, and health outcomes in pa rts of the sys-
tem, but it is hard to determine what works and how
treatments di ffer across subgroups. As more information
on treatment, lab tests, genomics, and financial costs is
integrated into healthcare, it is hard to incor porate data
from medical history, vital signs, genetic background,
and lab testing into diagnosis and treatment. Predic-
tive modelling represents a way for physicians to move
towards systematic and evidence-based decision-mak-
ing. While the first step toward enabling personalised
G D’E, M D-S, A Z, D K, D K
medicine is to ensure clinicians have access to what is
known about patient gene variants, computer models can
go beyond this approach and predict which treatments
are likely to be most effective given observed symptoms.
Public policy should incorporate rapid learning and
predictive modelling to gain the full benefits of PM.
With the emergence of artificial intelligence (A I), it
is necessar y to deal with the effects t his will have on the
transformation of the market in an appropriate and con-
temporary way. An environment of trust and account-
ability, including new legal and ethical questions, is the
basis of the full profit from the opportunities of AI.
Personal data management
Rationale: Collecting data via e/m technologies
involves ethical aspects and policies regarding personal
data management. Personal data has an increasingly
significant social, economic and practical value. Indi-
viduals must be at the heart of their own data control
and their digital human rights must be strengthened
while companies are able to develop innovative ser-
vices based on mutual trust.
Remote monitoring and tele assistance
Rationale: Personalized medicine is based on per-
sonalised medical data. To improve the quality of care
for a patient with many chronic diseases, it is important
to track their vital signs remotely. Remote cardiological
care is also about enabling continuous monitoring of t he
heart, thanks to a portable ECG signal and breathing
movement recorder. The recorder detects the patient’s
heart rhythm using built-in detection algorithms. The
relevant fragments of the ECG signal recording are
transmitted to the remote medical care centre and sub-
jected to detailed analysis. Collecting a detailed medi-
cal history, in the case of confirmation an anomaly, the
paramedic follows the appropriate pattern of persona l-
ised action. They can then refer the patient to a remote
medical consultation or discuss a specific case with the
doctor on duty. In situations t hat threaten life or health,
the paramedic can call an ambulance. Such remote mon-
itoring systems enable tele care and tele assistance and
have resulted in a more serious focus on home care.
This is also due to the ageing of the population and
the increase in the number of chronically ill patients.
If the patient feels unwell, they can also initiate the
transmission of their data to the monitoring system.
The capacity-building session aims to increase the
awareness, competences and skills of regional authori-
ties and sta keholders about the development and imple-
mentation of projects or initiatives on personalised
health. Personalised health and medicine, specifically
for what concerns the valorisation of patients’ and citi-
zens’ health data, i s characteri sed by common challenges
to be addressed by regional policies and investments.
We believe that the participation of regional stake-
holders in the parallel sessions contr ibutes to the devel-
opment of a shared knowledge of the best practices in
the EU in the field of big data in health. The learning
outcomes of the sessions could provide input to the S3
strategy of the next programming period.
During the capacity-bui lding session, selected best
practices w ill be showcased and the main aspects of each
will be illustrated and discussed. The best practice will
be selected from those that emerge from the main pro-
jects, initiatives and networks in the field of personal-
ised medicine, for example IC Permed Best Practices.
The International Consortium for Personalised Medi-
cine, as part of its work plan, collect, evaluates and pro-
vides recognition to the best practices on each topic.
We will ask the IC Permed coordinator to get access to
these best practices, review and choose the most inter-
esting ones for the Regions4PerMed purposes.
C- 
At the proposal stage, a co-creation meeting was
planned to fine-tune the overall workshop organisa-
tion, by liaising with other European project coordina-
tors (the “PerMed Hub”). However, after the award of
the project, the EC requested the coordinator to estab-
lish an Advisory Board (AB).
Throughout the duration of the project, the AB is
delivering a constant and unique expertise. For this rea-
son, during the planning of K A1, the project partners
have agreed to assign the co-creation meeting a new role
and responsibilities. This meeting is now designed to
gather the members of the Interregional Committee and
representatives of the PerMed Hub (we will ask each pro-
ject listed in the PerMed Hub to send a representative).
It is hoped that this will reach consensus on the main
points of the Key Strategic Area and to maximise the
expected project impact in the following key actions.
S  
We expect a variety of participants at the work-
shop. Starting from the partners, we wil l invite regional
authorities, stakeholders and policy makers. In addi-
tion, the representatives of the European initiatives
on personalised medicine and personalised Health,
the PerMed Hub, will be invited and are expected to
support the activities of Regions4PerMed, providing
input, encouraging networks and exchanges, and max-
imising the visibility of our activities.
E 
The results of the conference and workshop will
be summarised in a report that will provide an over-
view of all the challenges, opportunities and issues
Health technologies and smart &integrated care – key action 2 stage ofthe Regions4PerMed (H2020) Project
Medical Science Pulse 2019 (13) 4
related to the topic of health technologies with smart
and integrated care.
The workshop w ill represent an occasion of exchange
of regional experiences and best practices, and most of
all an important opportunity for a first meeting of the
interregional committee.
The report will also outline a series of recommenda-
tions aimed at identifying a “regional way” towards per-
sonalised health, with a focus on the implementation
of the big data technologies in the healthcare system.
Thanks to the co-creation meeting we will launch
a “position paper” that calls upon the responsibil-
ity of regional authorities to invest on the valorisa-
tion of health-related data. In addition, a commonly
agreed definition of personalised health will be
Lastly, with the capacity-building activities, we wi ll
share best practices and showcase how common chal-
lenges related to the use of health data are being tack-
led all around the EU.
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Background Paper 4. 2010: 1–20.
Word count: 3685 •Tables:– •Figures:– •References:14
Sources of funding:
The Coordination and Support Action Regions4PerMed has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 825812.
Conflicts of interests:
The authors report that there were no conflicts of interest.
Cite this article as:
D’Erico G, Duda-Sikuła M, Zwiefka A, Krzyżanowski D, Kurpas D.
Health technologies and smart &integrated care – key action 2 stage ofthe Regions4PerMed (H2020) Project.
MSP 2019; 13, 4: xxx–xxx.
Correspondence address:
Marta Duda-Sikula MSc, MBA, PhD candidate
International project manager
Head of the international scientific projects section
Wroclaw Medical University, ul. Pasteura 1, 50-367 Wroclaw
Phone: (+48) 71 784 00 34
Received: 30.11.2019
Reviewed: 17.12.2019
Accepted: 30.12.2019
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Introduction: There is continued unmet medical need for new medicines across countries especially for cancer, immunological diseases, and orphan diseases. However, there are growing challenges with funding new medicines at ever increasing prices along with funding increased medicine volumes with the growth in both infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases across countries. This has resulted in the development of new models to better manage the entry of new medicines, new financial models being postulated to finance new medicines as well as strategies to improve prescribing efficiency. However, more needs to be done. Consequently, the primary aim of this paper is to consider potential ways to optimize the use of new medicines balancing rising costs with increasing budgetary pressures to stimulate debate especially from a payer perspective. Methods: A narrative review of pharmaceutical policies and implications, as well as possible developments, based on key publications and initiatives known to the co-authors principally from a health authority perspective. Results: A number of initiatives and approaches have been identified including new models to better manage the entry of new medicines based on three pillars (pre-, peri-, and post-launch activities). Within this, we see the growing role of horizon scanning activities starting up to 36 months before launch, managed entry agreements and post launch follow-up. It is also likely there will be greater scrutiny over the effectiveness and value of new cancer medicines given ever increasing prices. This could include establishing minimum effectiveness targets for premium pricing along with re-evaluating prices as more medicines for cancer lose their patent. There will also be a greater involvement of patients especially with orphan diseases. New initiatives could include a greater role of multicriteria decision analysis, as well as looking at the potential for de-linking research and development from commercial activities to enhance affordability. Conclusion: There are a number of ongoing activities across countries to try and fund new valued medicines whilst attaining or maintaining universal healthcare. Such activities will grow with increasing resource pressures and continued unmet need.
Full-text available
Digital health encompasses a wide range of novel digital technologies related to health and medicine. Such technologies rely on recent advances in the collection and analysis of ever increasing amounts of data from both patients and healthy citizens. Along with new opportunities, however, come new ethical and policy challenges. These range from the need to adapt current evidence-based standards, to issues of privacy, oversight, accountability and public trust as well as national and international data governance and management. This review illustrates key issues and challenges facing the rapidly unfolding digital health paradigm and reflects on the impact of big data in medical research and clinical practice both internationally and in Switzerland. It concludes by emphasising five conditions that will be crucial to fulfil in order to foster innovation and fair benefit sharing in digital health.
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Introduction Previous studies have suggested that telecare can improve interorganisational collaboration within fragmented health care systems, yet this outcome has not been examined in a large-scale setting. This study explores the effects of a large-scale interorganisational telecare programme in Denmark based on home-monitoring on collaboration in a telecare network between municipalities, hospitals, and general practitioners. Methodology Semi-structured interviews and observations of collaborating health professionals from the municipalities, hospitals, and general practitioners were undertaken and then repeated a year later. Collaboration was analysed both at the interorganisational network level and within each part of the network, including its interrelations. Results Collaboration between municipalities and general practitioners was initially intensified as a result of implementing telecare, though this changed over time as the first start-up obstacles were overcome and the patients became more active in their treatment. Conversely, collaboration between hospitals and municipalities and hospitals and general practitioners was unaffected by telecare. Discussion Changes in collaboration among municipal nurses, general practitioners, and hospital staff were related to dependency structures and municipalities’ newly gained central role in a telecare network. While the telecare network was initially characterised by asymmetrical dependency structures, these were partially equalised over time because of the municipalities’ new position in the network.
Link to full paper: The rapid development of sensors and communication technologies enable the growth of new innovative services in healthcare, such as Telemedicine. An essential ingredient in the development of a telemedicine system and its final acceptance by end users are usability studies. The principles of usability engineering, evaluations and telemedicine are well established, and it may contribute to the adoption and eventually deployment of such systems and services. An in-depth usability analysis, including performance and attitude measures, requires knowledge about available usability techniques, and is depending on the amount of resources. Therefore it is worth investigating how usability methods are applied in developing telemedicine systems. Our hypothesis is: with increasing research and development of telemedicine systems, we expect that various usability methods are more equally employed for different end-user groups and applications.
Enabling Personalized Medicine through Health Information Technology
  • D West
West D. Enabling Personalized Medicine through Health Information Technology. Cent Technol Innov Brookings 2011: 21 (online) (cit. 14.11.2019). Available from URL: http://www.brookings.
Connected health: a review of technologies and strategies to improve patient care with telemedicine and telehealth
  • Coye Kvedar J
  • Mj
  • W Everett
Kvedar j, Coye Mj, Everett W. Connected health: a review of technologies and strategies to improve patient care with telemedicine and telehealth. Health Aff 2014; 33: 194-199.
A P5 approach to m-Health: Design suggestions for advanced mobile health technology
A P5 approach to m-Health: Design suggestions for advanced mobile health technology. front Psychol 2018; 9: 1-8.
A medical decision support system (DSS) for ubiquitous healthcare diagnosis system
  • Conejar Rj
  • H-K Kim
Conejar Rj, Kim H-K. A medical decision support system (DSS) for ubiquitous healthcare diagnosis system. Int j Softw Eng Its Appl 2014; 8: 237-244 (online) (cit. 14.11.2019). Available from URL: