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Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system: A case study of self-healing


Abstract and Figures

Abstract Introduction: A 33 year old male had been suffering from Asthma since childhood and he was diagnosed with high cholesterol after he grew up. He has a strong family history of Cardiac Disease with high blood Cholesterol. The prescribed medications for asthma did not help him much. He did not take any medication for Cholesterol. Being a Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) trained Healer he used self-healing protocols. Materials and Methods: This is case study method with detailed analysis of medical records of the patient’s health conditions pre and post YPV healing treatment applied as alternative medicine. Results: Analysis of the patient’s health condition and medical case documents pre and post treatment show positive improvement obtained with YPV healing method for treating high blood cholesterol and Asthma. Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in self-healing and treating High Blood Cholesterol and Asthma. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches that include: Physical exercises, rhythmic yogic breathing, Salt free diet and fruit diet, Meditation techniques, healing by trained and experienced healers, participation in group healing, regular self-practice of specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternatively effective and low cost medicine for various medical conditions. Keywords: Asthma, Breathing Difficulty, Breathlessness, High Blood Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TCH, Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing.
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Case Report
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 131
Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using Yoga
Prana Vidya (YPV) system: A case study of self-healing
V S Nanduri1*, Alok Vasavda2
1Consultant, 2YPV Healer, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Research, Thally, Tamil Nadu, India
*Corresponding Author: V S Nanduri
Introduction: A 33 year old male had been suffering from Asthma since childhood and he was diagnosed with high cholesterol after he grew
up. He has a strong family history of Cardiac Disease with high blood Cholesterol. The prescribed medications for asthma did not help him
much. He did not take any medication for Cholesterol. Being a Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) trained Healer he used self-healing protocols.
Materials and Methods: This is case study method with detailed analysis of medical records of the patient’s health conditions pre and post
YPV healing treatment applied as alternative medicine.
Results: Analysis of the patient’s health condition and medical case documents pre and post treatment show positive improvement obtained
with YPV healing method for treating high blood cholesterol and Asthma.
Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective use of YPV in self-healing and treating High Blood
Cholesterol and Asthma. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches that include: Physical exercises,
rhythmic yogic breathing, Salt free diet and fruit diet, Méditation techniques, healing by trained and experienced healers, participation in
group healing, regular self-practice of specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as
alternatively effective and low cost medicine for various medical conditions.
Keywords: Asthma, Breathing Difficulty, Breathlessness, High Blood Cholesterol, LDL, HDL, TCH, Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the major causes of
death in United States for both men and postmenopausal
women in western world. A study conducted in India
suggests that the prevalence of CHD is about 10%.1
Dyslipidemia is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g.
triglycerides, cholesterol and/or fat phospholipids) in the
blood.2 In developed countries, most dyslipidemias are
hyperlipidemias; that is, an elevation of lipids in the blood.
This is often due to diet and lifestyle. Dyslipidemia is one of
the important modifiable risk factors in CHD.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance which is made in the
liver. It’s found in some foods too. All need some cholesterol
in their bodies just to keep ticking over but having too much
can clog up arteries and lead to health problems in the future.5
It is a waxy substance found in blood. Human body needs
cholesterol to build healthy cells, but high levels of
cholesterol can increase risk of heart disease. With high
cholesterol fatty deposits can develop in blood vessels.
Eventually, these deposits grow, making it difficult for
enough blood to flow through the arteries. Sometimes, those
deposits can break suddenly and form a clot that causes a
heart attack or stroke. High cholesterol can be inherited, but
it's often the result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, which make
it preventable and treatable. A healthy diet, regular exercise
and sometimes medication can help reduce high cholesterol.6
Asthma is a lung disease that makes it harder to move air
in and out of the lungs. Asthma is chronic and one has to live
with it every day. It can be serious, even life-threatening.
There is no cure for asthma, but it can be managed so one can
live a normal, healthy life. With asthma, the airways in lungs
are often swollen or inflamed. This makes them extra
sensitive to things that one is exposed to in the environment
every day, or asthma "triggers." A trigger could be a cold or
the weather, or things in the environment, such as dust,
chemicals, smoke and pet dander.7 Asthma is a common
chronic inflammatory disorder affecting about 300 million
people worldwide. As a holistic therapy, yoga has the
potential to relieve both the physical and psychological
suffering of people with asthma, and its popularity has
expanded globally.3 However, according to the authors, a
number of clinical trials have been carried out to evaluate the
effects of yoga practice, with inconsistent results.3
Yoga Prana Vidya System (YPV)
Patients with common diseases such as cholesterol and
Asthma often face a very unfortunate and worrisome journey
from diagnosis to treatment. The reality of common diseases
is that since a lot of people have them, many take them for
granted. Experience has shown that it is only when the
common diseases become critical, the patients start thinking
of acting upon corrective actions.4 Common diseases can also
become dangerous, because at times some medical doctors
even may not see them. Just by knowing the name of the
disease and correlating the basic symptoms as a due
diligence, the doctors conclude the prescription and medical
line of action. One such example is of high cholesterol in
patients. It has been observed that Yoga Prana VidyaTM,
(YPV) ©, which is a no-touch, no-drug, bio-energy healing
method, has been used successfully to heal patients having
simple to complex and multiple medical conditions. This
paper presents one case study of a patient having a high blood
cholesterol and Asthma issue, successfully healed by YPV©.
There are many recorded medical cases which show that
YPV healing system has been successfully applied in
management and control of various medical conditions such
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 132
1. Diabetes
2. Blood pressure and heart ailments
3. ENT and respiratory ailments
4. Musculoskeletal
5. First aid and emergency cases
6. Dental cases
7. Eye camps
8. Cancer cases
9. Digestive disorders
10. Psychological cases like anxiety, depression, suicidal
tendencies, relationship issues, lack of attention and
11. Criminal tendencies etc.
Some recent publications of noteworthy cases showing
efficacy of YPV healing have appeared in peer reviewed
journals cited in references.1,8-11
The concept of Yoga has to be viewed and understood in
a broader and deeper sense as elucidated by the founder of
the Yoga Prana Vidya System.12 Yoga in recent times is used
to refer to Asanas or postures of physical exercises and
sometimes even to pranayama or a form of systematic
breathing exercise. These are in fact parts of Yoga and not
the complete Yoga. If viewed from the Yogi Patanjali point
of view, Yoga is actually known as Ashtanga Yoga which
means the Yoga consisting of 8 steps. There are many levels
of Yoga in practice. Each of the steps is very important.
As per the ancient Yogic teachings, it is the Soul using
this physical body, the physical body being an important
vehicle of the Soul. This vehicle is extremely important in the
physical world and it must be maintained, sustained and used
for the purpose of the Divine. The purpose of yoga is to
achieve th e union with the Divine and manifest our own
greatness on Earth.
The Soul (referring here to the Incarnated Soul or the
Jeevatma) has 3 vehicles through which it operates:
1. The Energy Body known as Pranamaya Kosha,
including Physical body known as Annamaya Kosha.
2. The Emotional Body or the Kamamaya Kosha
3. The Mental Body or the Manomaya Kosha
Considering the above, it is deduced that to sustain,
maintain and/or regain good health, it is not adequate to treat
just the Physical Body. It also involves maintaining a healthy
state of one’s Energy Body. This is because our Energy or the
Etheric Body is the basic mould of the physical body, which
science now recognises as a bio-plasmic body. Anything that
happens to the physical body, happens to the Etheric Body.
The Etheric Body is therefore referred to as Etheric Double”
in his theosophy literature.13 Any ailment in the physical
body has its effect on the Etheric Body. This is also a reason,
why we use the term “Prana Vidya”. Prana is Life Force or
Energy used for the maintenance of the energy body and
Vidya is the technology of how to do so. The technology of
maintaining the energy body is therefore termed Yoga Prana
Vidya (or YPV) system which offers techniques for
maintaining the physical and energy body and also maintain
the etheric connectivity with the higher self.
Healing is the process by which the energy body can be
renewed thus bringing change in the physical body, because
the former interpenetrates the latter. Used up energy or
diseased energy can be removed and the energy body can be
impregnated with fresh energy. All biological life on earth
has the ability to heal itself. Energy follows thought and
energy accelerates the healing process. So the energy is used
in healing, to accelerate the healing process and the body
heals itself. Healing involves 2 steps: Cleansing, or removing
the used up energy and Energizing, or giving fresh energy.
The air around us contains a life force that keeps us alive.
This life force is also known as "Prana" or the "Breath of
Life". YPV reveals various techniques of using prana in order
to promote good health. Yoga Prana Vidya has been used as
a tool to deal with psychological and emotional issues also to
remedy everyday work and financial stresses of life. It is
primarily used as a no-touch, no-drug, healing system,
complementary (along with) with other healing modalities
like Allopathy, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy. However, there
are numerous instances where the application of YPV healing
alone has been sufficient to alleviate the ailment/disease
(both physical and psychological).
In YPV, the healer becomes a channel of energy who
receives and transfers energy. Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) is a
revolutionary form of energy "medicine". It is an ancient
science and art that has been revived in a new form which is
easily adaptable and in tune with modern day busy life. There
are two modes of YPV healing. In one mode, a healer heals
other persons. In the other mode, a healer can heal
him/herself which is known as self-healing.12
In this paper, the authors are presenting a self-healing
case, where the healer applied YPV Healing on himself to
treat high cholesterol and Asthma over a period of about six
months. In view of the persistent YPV self-healing and
application of associated techniques, the patient got healed
completely without any need of any form of medical
intervention as detailed in the following sections.
Case Report
Patient’s background
A 33 years old male, residing in Ahmedabad City, Gujarat
State, India. Qualified with a Master’s degree, professional
accountancy and working as a corporate executive, married
and has one child.
Pre YPV medical history
The patient was diagnosed to be suffering with childhood
Asthma from childhood, which surfaced first at the age of 6
years. Also, he was diagnosed to be having a high level of
blood cholesterol since the age of 18 years. The patient has a
strong family history of having high blood cholesterol and
associated cardiac ailments. The patient regularly had blood
tests (once in a year) to monitor blood parameters, especially
cholesterol. Looking at the rising trend and the strong family
history, the consulting cardio physician had recommended
medical intervention to bring the blood parameters to normal
range. The patient was guided that once the parameters are
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 133
normalised with medical treatment, he could gradually
reduce drug dependency and maintain normal level of
cholesterol through dietary discipline and regular physical
In the matter of Asthma, in general the period between
November and February months tended to be very difficult
for the patient, since the Asthma gets triggered most easily
during these months. For the rest of the year, Asthma gets
triggered only if rigorous exercise is done or if any kind of
stress is experienced.
Medical Treatment Recommended Before YPV
The patient was advised to take ATORVASTATIN for 6
months. Based on how well the drug responds, the patient
was supposed to modify the dosage and once the level of
Cholesterol comes back to normal range, he would have been
advised gradual reduction in dose. Due to inner resistance, he
never took medicines. Knowing that this was just borderline
high, he avoided medication. Additionally, the patient was
advised to have food with less oil and minimise junk food.
This he could follow quite easily, since general food
preparation at home had less oil and he was not much used to
junk food habits.
The Total Cholesterol Level of the patient usually remained
in a range of 225 to 235 mg/dl. The test conducted on 07
December 2018 confirms this and shows a level of 229 mg/dl
[See Annexure Fig. 1: Report before YPV Healing].
Asthma Condition and medications before YPV
He had Asthma since the age of six. Doctors then told that
this is a childhood Asthma and should get healed naturally by
the age of 12 or 13 years. This did not happen, in fact, the
Asthma issue increased. His Asthma issue was at its peak
while he was around 15 years old. The winter months -
especially between October and February - were the toughest
months for him. After Diwali festival, when the air pollution
levels are high, he used to start feeling breathlessness at night
time. The typical trigger points were:
1. Rigorous exercises (including playing cricket for 15
minutes or more)
2. Speaking continuously for 45 minutes or more
(including reading paragraphs from the school text book
for such period)
3. Eating ice cream or drinking cold beverages (including
cold water)
4. Using “cotton-stuffed” bed or cushions (instead of foam
based bed or cushion)
5. Eating full stomach meals at night and trying to sleep
within 1 hour of dinner
At the age of 15, his parents approached a Homeopathic
practitioner who prescribed some pills that happened to be
very effective. After few months, they coincidently
discovered that these pills contained steroids and they
immediately stopped the treatment as advised by another
doctor. Later he was advised to use Asthalin inhaler on SOS
basis and take Deriphyllin and Asthalin 4 mg tablets. He used
to have the tablets regularly, however, before sleeping use of
the inhaler was mandatory, without which he could not sleep.
Medical opinion indicated that this was more of a
psychological instinct and not a requirement of the body to
take the inhaler, and facing the breathlessness is a different
matter. However, the patient knew that the issue was not
psychological, but quite real. This condition remained the
same for over a decade and in time, use of the inhaler had
become as frequent as having water in between during the
YPV Intervention
In December 2018, when he got the opportunity to join the
One Year Spiritual Intensive Program at the YPV Ashram,
his only concern was that the climate was cooler and more
humid at the Ashram compared to the city. This could trigger
Asthma very easily. Also, the beds and cushions at the
Ashram were cotton-stuffed, being another major trigger
The patient had been a practitioner of YPV holistic
integrative healing system since many years. He had
undertaken many simple to critical healing cases for
numerous people who had requested healing. Around early
December 2018, he decided to work on himself and bring his
health parameters to normal, including the Asthma and High
Blood Cholesterol issue.
The patient followed the following YPV protocols.
1. Rhythmic Yogic breathing, 3 times a day (as guided in
YPV Sadhana App)12
2. Forgiveness Sadhana 2 times daily (as guided in YPV
Sadhana App)
3. Planetary peace meditation once a day (including Super
brain asana in the morning and physical exercise before
and after meditation) - as guided in YPV Sadhana App.
4. Salt-free diet
5. Healing once a day for 1 month (December 2018
January 2019), and once a week for 6 months. (19 March
2019 and 18 September 2019.
Consequent to the above stated YPV healing treatment, the
results are as stated below.
The Total Cholesterol Level came down to 206 mg/dl by 04
January 2019 [Annexure, Fig. 2 - Report during middle of
YPV Healing] and 147 mg/dl by 24 September 2019
[Annexure, Fig. 3 - Report after YPV Healing].
Status of Asthma condition after YPV healing
He applied self-healing protocols upon himself for the entire
month of December 2018 and later once a week from March
2019. No symptom of breathing difficulty experienced
throughout the period of healing. The patient stated that,
“With tremendous gratitude and with utmost honesty I can
say that I have not taken a single dose of the inhaler, nor a
single tablet for Asthma!” As a part of the programme
schedule, he participated in physical exercises for about 90
minutes in a day, walking/running for about 15 minutes in a
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 134
day and breathing exercises for about 40 minutes in a day. He
would not have been able to do any of these under the Asthma
conditions before healing.
Effects on the other parameters
Table 1 shows some physical parameters which are
normalized as a result of holistic aspect of YPV healing, and
also blood pressure measurements.
Table 1: Patient’s physical parameters
Post -YPV
Height, cm
Weight. Kg
Waist, inches
Blood Pressure
Fig. 1: Report before YPV Healing, dated 8 December, 2018
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 135
Fig. 2: Report midway during YPV Healing Intervention
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 136
Fig. 3: Report after YPV Healing completed
In this case study, it was observed that by application of YPV
self-healing and slight changes in life style, the Cholesterol
levels came down to normal range. Also, the breathlessness
and Asthma have been healed completely. YPV healing is a
no-drug healing modality, the patient could successfully
overcome his high Cholesterol and Asthma ailments without
any need of medications. At the present time, the patient is
leading an extremely healthy life, full of vitality, beyond his
It is noted from the research literature that a study by
Nisha Shanthakumari et al. (2013) shows that Yoga, being a
lifestyle modifier incorporating exercise and stress
management training, targets the elevated lipid through
integrated approaches resulting in improved lipid profiles,
lower BMI, and macro-vascular complications in diabetes.14
This case study supports similar findings using several
variants of Yoga applications in health improvements. For
example a systematic review by Paula Chu et al (2014)
revealed that there is promising evidence of yoga on
improving cardio-metabolic health, showed significant
improvements for cholesterol, blood pressure, body weight
and BMI.15
It is further observed that the Asthma condition of the
patient also greatly improved. This outcome supports a study
by Mekonnen and Mossie (2010) using a variant of Yoga that
reported statistically significant reduction in day and night
V S Nanduri et al. Successful healing treatment of high blood cholesterol levels and asthma using
Panacea Journal of Medical Sciences, September-December, 2019;9(3):131-137 137
asthma attacks in the yoga group.16 Another relevant study,
Yoga for Asthma, (Yang et al, 2016) supports this case with
the conclusion that exercise, yogic breathing and meditation
have positive effects on the quality of life for Asthma
It is further seen in this study (Table 1) that the physical
parameters such as weight and BMI have also got normalised
as a result of the holistic nature of YPV healing and
associated techniques. This finding is similar to the findings
on holistic healing results of YPV reported earlier in the
literature references.4,8-11
This case report documents the evidence gathered on the
effective use of YPV in healing high blood Cholesterol and
Asthma. The general conditions under which YPV produces
optimum results is also derived from the fact that YPV uses
a combination of approaches, such as: (a) Physical exercises
including rhythmic yogic breathing, (b) Salt free diet and fruit
diet, (c) Meditation techniques, (d) Healing by trained and
experienced healers, (e) Patient’s participation in group
healing, and (f) Regular self-practice of specified Sadhanas.
YPV has been helping as a preventive medicine, when
the seekers are receptive and undertake regular practices of
the self-practice techniques of YPV such as exercises,
Rhythmic breathing, meditation and salt free controlled diet.
The authors express sincere thanks to Sri Ramana Trust for
giving permission to use their copyright terms, Yoga Prana
VidyaTM and YPV©, and also for allowing them to use the
patient medical reports and data in this report.
Source of funding
Conflict of interest
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... A thorough literature review shows over 100 published research papers narrating how certified YPV healers applied proven protocols to treat various illnesses. Some examples are, chronic and rare diseases treated through long-term YPV interventions [3], diabetes management through long-term YPV interventions [4], arterial block in the heart [5], vision improvements [6], treatment of high blood cholesterol and asthma [7], emergency and first aid cases treated [8], speedy recovery of COVID-19 patients [9][10][11], hypothyroidism [12], anxiety and depression of corporate employees [13], and academic performance of High School Children [14]. Besides treating diseases, VPV has also been used in improving psychological well-being and reducing the criminal attitude of under-trial prisoners [15], improving the social behaviour and cognitive abilities of mentally retarded children [16], and pediatric cases of nocturnal enuresis [17], bronchopneumonia case [18], and a case of cytomegalovirus [19]. ...
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Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is characterized by abnormal urine flow from the bladder back through the ureters, finally reaching the kidneys. The disease is usually symptomless and is diagnosed accidentally when patients suffer from febrile urinary tract infections. Many treatment guidelines are available ranging from medicine to surgery. However, management is a clinical art. Here, we present a pediatric case of VUR healed by Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) therapies without surgery. The normal condition of the patient’s kidneys and bladder was achieved within 2½ months of the YPV healing intervention. This case shows that YPV protocols have successfully treated a pediatric VUR condition without the need for surgery. Further research using appropriate sample and methodology is recommended.
... Literature shows several cases of common diseases healed successfully using YPV healing protocols have been published, for example, diabetes [10], arterial heart blocks [11], Cholesterol & Asthma [12], Thyroidism [13], cases of various types of cancer [14 -16], COVID 19 [17 -19]. ...
A case of a female with an ankle fracture, pre-diabetic, and hypothyroidism was healed holistically and successfully using Yoga Prana VIDYA healing protocols as complementary medicine.
... An example of self-care through self-healing is in a study published by [7]. Skin and respiratory ailments are very common environmental risks that are effectively addressed by the YPV system [8] [9] [10] [11]. Various types of pain are commonly reported by careseeking people in health camps conducted by YPV groups and YPV interventions have been effectively treating these conditions [12] [13]. ...
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Introduction: The Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) System promotes conscious Self-care actions of individuals through informed evidence-based practices. The authors discuss in this paper the concepts with practical applications and examples of evidence from field data. Method: This is a case series study with a compilation of field data of YPV interventions of multiple cases healed by YPV healers. Results: In the case series of a sample of 42 patients (including men, women, and children) analysed, who availed of Self-care non-medical drugless YPV interventions, all achieved noteworthy positive results. The care given was affordable with easy access (through distal healing in most cases). Conclusions: Self-care interventions such as the Yoga Prana Vidya System without any use of drugs can meet a range of health needs, including quality, reliability, evidence-based, and age-appropriate health information. YPV enables the availability and accessibility of moderated self-care interventions; and cost-effective care. In contrast, a range of medical healthcare systems’ challenges often impede the ability of people to access or use healthcare.
... Figures 1 and 2 depict the typical energy bodies of a healthy person and a sick person respectively. Some examples of successfully healed cases are -female infertility, Rheumatoid arthritis, various types of addictions, breast cancer, COVID-19, kidney disease, brain stroke, knee-cap dislocation, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Nephrotic syndrome, serious snake bite, hypothyroidism, emergency and first aid, high cholesterol, eye diseases, arterial heart block, diabetes management and difficult medical cases [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] . Given below is the report of 4cases of people with kidney stones, healed successfully by three independent healers and three cases healed in a healing camp, in a controlled and guided group environment. ...
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Introduction: A kidney stone is a cluster of crystals formed together to create a hard mass in one or both kidneys, bladder and the urinary tract, varying in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres causing severe pain. The majority of stones less than 10 mm in size will pass out of the body in the urine using various remedies, but some medical help is preferable. This paper presents 7 patient cases of kidney stones dissolved and patients relieved of pain, anxiety and worry and associated symptoms successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. Method: This paper uses the case study method, analysing patient medical records, and healers’ records with patient feedback. Results: The kidney stones of patients were fully dissolved within 45 days in respect of cases 1 and 2. In respect of cases 3 and 4, the kidney stones were dissolved within 10 to 14 days of healing. The patients correspondingly experienced complete relief of all symptoms within the same period. In respect of cases 5, 6 and 7, the kidney stones were dissolved within 5 days of healing in an in-house healing camp in a controlled Group environment. Conclusion: YPV healing protocols effectively healed and eliminated kidney stones (renal calculi). Documented and published evidence shows that integrated YPV system of healing protocols have been successfully applied in the treatment of a variety of illnesses holistically both as Complementary Medicine and as Alternative Medicine (CAM). Further research using appropriate samples and methodology is recommended. It is also worthwhile to train frontline health workers such as doctors and nurses in using YPV techniques to complement their respective specialties for the holistic healing of patients.
... Some examples of the published articles are, treatment of infertility for successful pregnancy [4], treatment of PCOS [5], treatment of PCOS symptoms and hormonal imbalance [6], pregnancy of IVF patient [7], Endometriosis [8], and breast cancer [9]. diabetes [10], arterial heart blocks [11], Cholesterol & Asthma [12], Thyroidism [13], cases of various types of cancer [14 -16], COVID 19 [17 -19]. ...
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Introduction: Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a medical condition leading to pulmonary embolism in most cases. DVT occurs usually in lower limb venous system. Studies in India found that DVT is as prevalent as it exists in the West. Anti-coagulation is the common treatment modality. This paper presents a case of DVT of a 42 years old male patient who was successfully healed using Yoga Prana vidya (YPV) healing protocols as complementary medicine. Method: This is a case study method going through patient’s medical reports, YPV healer’s records and patient feedback. YPV intervention consisted of self-practice modules of physical exercises, Rhythmic Yogic breathing and Forgiveness Sadhana. Additionally, the YPV healer conducted healing sessions. Results: Within 5 weeks of healing, all symptoms of DVT disappeared. The patient was able to recover from fear of the disease completely. The patient continued practicing Rhythmic Yogic Breathing and Forgiveness Sadhana regularly to maintain wellness with self-care. He resumed working from office as usual. Conclusion: Yoga Prana Vidya System is an integrated and versatile system of treatment and healing which has treated the DVT condition as a complementary medicine with speedy recovery in this case. Further research is recommended using appropriate sample and methodology. It will be beneficial to train the frontline health care workers such as doctors and nurses in the application of YPV techniques as complementary to their individual specialties.
... A search of relevant literature shows that there are over 60 published research articles on successful applications of YPV protocols in treating a variety of illness conditions as complementary as well as alternative medicine. Some examples of successfully healed cases are -female infertility, Rheumatoid arthritis, various types of addictions, breast cancer, COVID 19, kidney disease, brain stroke, knee-cap dislocation, Hodgkin Lymphoma, Nephrotic syndrome, serious snake bite, hypothyroidism, emergency and first aid, high cholesterol, eye diseases, arterial heart block, diabetes management and difficult medical cases [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]. ...
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Introduction: Yoga Prana Vidya is an integrated and holistic system known to be effective in healing various physical and mental illnesses as complementary and alternative medicine. The objective of this study was to observe the impact of yoga prana vidya healing on the fatigue level and the happiness level of a sample of college students. Methodology: The study design is pre – test and post – test method, with a sample of 25 participants. Quantitative data was collected using the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), and subjective happiness scale (SHS) and scoring the responses of the participants. A YPV healer was asked to give energy healing intervention to the participants through 5 sessions every alternate day over a period of 10 days. The healing consisted of sessions of 15 minutes of divine healing and few other supportive techniques. Data analysis was done using statistical techniques. Results: Data analysis revealed significant reduction in the total fatigue levels. The physical and the psycho – social components were affected significantly, but the affect in cognitive component was not significant. In case of the subjective happiness level measured using SHS scale, analysis showed no change for the group, with 48% participants showing 16% increase and 52% participants showing 13.3% decrease. Conclusions: YPV healing techniques caused significant reduction in the fatigue levels of the college student sample. In case of subjective happiness there was no significant change. One limitation of this study was small sample size. Further research using appropriate sample and methodology with longer and intensive intervention may be considered.
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Skin and Face Regeneration has always attracted human attention. Historically, a variety of methods have been used to stop or lessen the damaging effects of sun exposure or the aging process of the skin. Energy healing distinguishes facial rejuvenation (FR) utilising YPV system protocols as an art and science that is both safer and different from other forms of applications that mostly employ invasive techniques. This study aims to fill the gap in the limited literature on the application of energy healing for FR. Three YPV FR workshops were conducted at different times in different locations, and samples of adult men and women, to examine and document the effects after conducting a single healing session using relevant YPV protocols. Data consisted of photographs taken before and after the intervention, and feedback from the participants. An examination and analysis of the data from 33 participants of the three workshops reveals that noteworthy improvements were seen within 20 minutes of the trial/demonstration period of application of the YPV facial protocols at the demo, and subsequent 30-minute practice in which the participants applied the YPV facial healing protocol on each other in pairs. All participants experienced a glow on their faces at the end of the workshop. Results from this study indicate that after a single session of YPV healing, there are noteworthy improvements in the face and limbs. The YPV system of Energy FR therapy interventions is extremely safe and has no known adverse effects. It has a lot of potential for lengthier interventions with multiple sessions spaced over several days to study the long-term and sustainability effects of YPV FR protocols.
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: Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a consequence of diabetes in patients and causes impairment in vision. Despite advances in science the treatment of DR is challenging. This paper presents a case of diabetic retinopathy treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya healing protocols. : Case study method is used in this study going through patient medical records, YPV healer’s records and patient feedback. : Within 8 weeks of YPV healing intervention, blurriness in vision fully reduced, normal vision restored, and the patient could work longer on computer without feeling strain. Eye drop usage reduced upon medical advice to just once or twice daily. Also, the patient’s diabetes condition was very stable and under control, and stress levels reduced greatly as a result of sustained YPV practices. A follow up after 10 months revealed that the patient was able to sustain the changes, stable and happy. : The integrated and holistic system of Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols have enabled the diabetic retinopathy patient to regain normal vision and stable controlled diabetes with lower stress levels. Further research with appropriate methodology and sample is recommended. It will be helpful for frontline health workers to learn and practice YPV protocols to complement their specialties for holistic treatment of patients.
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Introduction: Anal fissures accompanied by pain and discomfort, are common occurrence in 1 out of 5 people. There are several remedial treatment modalities available. This paper presents a case study of a 32-year-old female patient with chronic anal fissures healed successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Protocols which are non-drug and non-invasive modalities, as she had developed the fissures after the delivery of her child and could not find relief with any other modality. Method: This paper uses case study method by going through patient medical records, healer’s records and patient feedback. Results: After 4 days of YPV healings given by the healer, the pain and symptoms had reduced substantially. Further use of consistent healings given by the healer and self-healing of the patient produced sustained results with negligible recurrence of this condition. Eventually YPV distal treatment delivered a cure and resettled the patient with normal life. The psychological and emotional issues the patient had were counselled and treated by YPV techniques simultaneously. Conclusions: Consistent use of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing protocols have treated the condition of anal fissures successfully without any medicine and without any surgery. YPV integrated therapies are very versatile and holistic in nature whereby a patient is healed psychologically also besides physically through self-healing techniques, in addition to receiving healing sessions from an external healer. Frontline health workers will be benefitted by learning YPV healing protocols to apply complementarily in their respective work areas to treat patients. Further research with appropriate methodology and sample size is recommended.
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Introduction: When some damage to the inner ear occurs, it results in senso neural hearing loss (SNHL). Common causes include exposure to loud noises, genetic factors, or the natural aging process. Medical recommendations generally include hearing aids or assistive devices. This paper presents a case of SNHL treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing techniques helping the patient to fully regain normal hearing capabilities. Method: This paper uses case study method of investigation by going through patient’s medical records, YPV healer’s records and patient’s feedback. Results: After two days of healing sessions, the patient experienced bearable noise level, By the end of 9 sessions, noise almost reduced and hearing was improved by 80%, and PTA test score reduced from 41 to 28. She attended and learnt Healer development programme Level 1 (HDP L1) course, and she continued with self-healing. A follow up after a year and half showed perfectly normal hearing with PTA score of 13. Conclusions: Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing protocols have cured the Senso hearing loss in this case, and further research is recommended with appropriate sample size and methodology. In view of being an integrated and holistic system, it will be helpful for the frontline health workers such as doctors and nurses to learn and practice YPV healing protocols to complement their specialties.
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Background: This case study represented a patient"s case with a relatively uncomplicated arterial blockage of the Heart, and after prompt Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) Healing, was successfully treated thereby avoiding costly bypass surgery. Initial medical investigation report stated 90% block in the arteries of the heart and recommended for open heart surgery. Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of the patient"s health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through lab test records, as well as data collected from follow-up interview of the subject. Results: Analysis of the medical case documents show positive results of improvements obtained with YPV healing method used by healers. Medical investigation after YPV healing confirmed that the arterial blocks disappeared after healing sessions. Conclusion: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective uses of YPV in healing and treating arterial blockage. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternatively effective and low cost medicine for various medical conditions.
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Background: Patients with rare and chronic diseases often face a long journey from diagnosis to treatment. Despite scientific advancements in medical field, and surgical methods available, to cure such cases is difficult. Several such cases were handled by Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, where the patients were healed and now leading normal life with improved health conditions. This paper reports four such cases in detail. Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of the patients' health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through lab test records, as well as data collected from follow-up interviews of the subjects. Results: Analysis of each case shows positive results of improvements obtained with YPV healing methods used by healers and also, some self-healing techniques practiced by the patients, enabling them to lead normal life. Conclusions: This case study documents the evidence gathered on the effective uses of YPV in healing and treating multiple ailments, besides curing some chronic ailments. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternative, effective and low cost medicine for various other medical conditions.
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Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV), which is a non-touch non-drug biofield-energy healing method performed by trained YPV healers, is used successfully as complementary and also as alternative medicine to cure various human ailments, including diabetes.The present study was carried out by analyzing data collected during three years from YPV healing camps in which diabetes patients were healed. The findings show that in the sample of 19 patients healed for type 2 diabetes, there was medically acceptable reduction of blood sugar level for some and appreciable decreased levels for all. This indicates that primarily the targeted YPV healing framework was effective and worked well in the management and control of diabetes for the sample subjects.YPV protocols used in healing Diabetes are examined in detail and YPV process framework and model are presented. The authors conclude that the evidence gathered in this study confirms successful outcome of YPV practice in the management and control of diabetes and offers scope for targeted research in future on bigger scale.
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The present study was conducted on normal healthy volunteers, 41 men and 23 women, to evaluate the impact of Pranayama and Yoga asanas on blood lipid profiles and free fatty acids, in two stages. In stage-I, Pranayama was taught for 30 days and in stage-II, yogic practices were added to Pranayama for another 60 days. A Significant reduction was observed in triglycerides, free fatty acids and VLDL-cholesterol in men and free fatty acids alone were reduced in women at the end of stage-I. A significant elevation of HDL-cholesterol was seen only in the men at the end of stage-I. At the end of stage-II, free fatty acids increased in both men and women, and women demonstrated a significant fall in serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL-and VLDL-cholesterol. The results indicated that HDL-cholesterol was elevated in men with Pranayamam, while triglycerides and LDL-cholesterol decreased in women after yoga asanas. The results of the present study indicate that Pranayama and yoga asanas can be helpful in patients with lipid metabolism disorders such as coronary artery disease, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia etc.
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Yoga, a popular mind-body practice, may produce changes in cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic syndrome risk factors. This was a systematic review and random-effects meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Electronic searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and The Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were performed for systematic reviews and RCTs through December 2013. Studies were included if they were English, peer-reviewed, focused on asana-based yoga in adults, and reported relevant outcomes. Two reviewers independently selected articles and assessed quality using Cochrane's Risk of Bias tool. Out of 1404 records, 37 RCTs were included in the systematic review and 32 in the meta-analysis. Compared to non-exercise controls, yoga showed significant improvement for body mass index (-0.77 kg/m(2) (95% confidence interval -1.09 to -0.44)), systolic blood pressure (-5.21 mmHg (-8.01 to -2.42)), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-12.14 mg/dl (-21.80 to -2.48)), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (3.20 mg/dl (1.86 to 4.54)). Significant changes were seen in body weight (-2.32 kg (-4.33 to -0.37)), diastolic blood pressure (-4.98 mmHg (-7.17 to -2.80)), total cholesterol (-18.48 mg/dl (-29.16 to -7.80)), triglycerides (-25.89 mg/dl (-36.19 to -15.60), and heart rate (-5.27 beats/min (-9.55 to -1.00)), but not fasting blood glucose (-5.91 mg/dl (-16.32 to 4.50)) nor glycosylated hemoglobin (-0.06% Hb (-0.24 to 0.11)). No significant difference was found between yoga and exercise. One study found an impact on smoking abstinence. There is promising evidence of yoga on improving cardio-metabolic health. Findings are limited by small trial sample sizes, heterogeneity, and moderate quality of RCTs. © The European Society of Cardiology 2014 Reprints and permissions:
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The present study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of yoga in the management of dyslipidemia in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus. This randomized parallel study was carried out in Medical College Trivandrum, Kerala, India. Hundred type 2 diabetics with dyslipidemia were randomized into control and yoga groups. The control group was prescribed oral hypoglycemic drugs. The yoga group practiced yoga daily for 1 h duration along with oral hypoglycemic drugs for 3 months. The lipid profiles of both the groups were compared at the start and at the end of 3 months. After intervention with yoga for a period of 3 months the study group showed a decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL, with an improvement in HDL. Yoga, being a lifestyle incorporating exercise and stress management training, targets the elevated lipid levels in patients with diabetes through integrated approaches.
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Asthma is one of the commonest respiratory diseases in Jimma area as well as a significant disease burden worldwide costing billions of dollars. Anti-asthmatic drugs that are available in the market are expensive and have adverse effects. Thus, it is wise to look for an adjunct therapy to alleviate these problems. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to see the effect of yoga on patterns of clinical features, peak expiratory flow rates and use of drugs in asthmatic patients. A preliminary controlled clinical trial study was conducted on 24 volunteer asthmatic patients who were getting support at the missionary of charity. They were grouped in yoga and control groups. An Indian yoga expert through a translator conducted the training on yogic practice, yogic posture, breath slowing technique and discussion at the end. Then, the yoga groups were supervised for four weeks taking yoga exercise daily for 50 minutes. Peak expiratory flow rate was taken using the mini Wright peak flow meter and vital signs were measured in both groups. Data were analyzed using web based Graph pad quick calcs statistical software. The male to female ratio was 1:1 in both cases and control groups, 8(66.7%) were Christian and 9 (75.0%) were farmers. The yoga group showed 66.7% reduction in the use of salbutamole puff and 58.3% salbutamole tablets. There was a 10% increment in the PEFR in the yoga group while only 2% in the control group. There was statistically significant reduction in day and night asthma attacks in the yoga group. Yoga exercise among asthmatic patients resulted in a decreased number of day and night attacks and use of drugs. It also shows significant improvement in the peak expiratory flow rate. Further large scale study is recommended.
Introduction: Exostosis of the external auditory canal is a relatively rare lesion but is the commonest tumor of the bony external ear. Canaloplasty alone is the surgical treatment of choice for Exostosis and other lesions of the external auditory canal. This case study presents how a patient with Exostosis was fully healed using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing system without need of surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: This is a case study method, going through full detailed records of a 64 year old female patient diagnosed as having Exostosis,health conditions pre and post treatments using YPV healing system observed through ear specialist’s reports, as well as data collected from follow-up interviews of the subject. Results: Analysis of this case shows positive results of improvement without surgery obtained with use of YPV healing methods by healers and also some self-healing techniques practiced by the patient, enabling her to have normal hearing and overall health. Conclusions: ThiscasestudydocumentstheevidencegatheredontheeffectiveuseofYPVinhealingand treating Exostosis condition, besides healing some other ailments of the patient holistically. To produce holistic and optimum results, YPV uses a combination of approaches such as, (1) physical exercises including rhythmic yogic breathing, (2) Salt free diet; fruit diet, (3) Meditation techniques, (4) healing by trained and experienced healers, patient participation in group healing, self-healing by patients with regular self-practice of some specified techniques. There is ample scope to conduct further research on the application of YPV as alternative, effective and low cost medicine for various other medical conditions. © 2019 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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