In recent times, several advances in nanotechnology can enhance building performance efficiency, as it introduces several potential strategies into an entirely new way of manufacturing. In architecture, nanotechnology has a great influence on the methodology of thinking about material efficiency according to the new solutions and options that nanotechnology offers. Nanotechnology has the ability to change the properties of local materials and enhance their efficiency. Current nanomaterials and nanotechnologies could reach the goal of sustainability in architecture using their applications in solar energy, lighting, water, air filtration, and nano-enhanced solar cell technologies. Nanotechnology provides the architectural field with more efficient resources that can reduce the negative impact of the building on the environment and enhance the performance of the building. This paper goes through three stages; the first is to discuss the goal of sustainable architecture and the use of advanced technologies to reach sustainability goals. The second is to discuss the impact of nanotechnology on architecture, the capabilities of technology to find solutions and its benefits. The third phase focuses on the applications of nanotechnology in architecture and measuring the impact of using nanotechnology in architecture.
This paper go through three stages, The first is to discuss the goal of sustainable architecture and using advanced technologies to reach this goals sustainability where technology challenges capabilities to create solutions, the second is discuss how the impact of nanotechnology towards sustainability that the technology has the potential to change the properties of local materials and enhance their efficiency and the third stage focus on the applications of nanotechnology in architecture and measuring the impact of using the nanotechnology in architectural for enhancing the building performance and achieving sustainability goals.
Keywords: Sustainability - Nanoscience - Nanomaterials - Sustainable Nanoarchitecture - Nanotechnology Applications in Architecture