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Interactions between pupils' actions and manipulative characteristics when solving an arithmetical task



In this paper, we explore the use of manipulatives in the classroom to solve an arithmetical task via the concept of affordance. Manipulatives are part of the elementary class culture in different countries, and even if some studies question the efficacy of manipulatives, there seems to have a consensus around the necessity of using it. However, little is known about how mathematics is done with manipulatives. The analysis of pupils' actions helps put to light different affordances of two manipulatives: base-ten blocks and abacus, in a classroom setting where the operations of addition and subtraction are explored with pupils.
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Interactions between pupils’ actions and manipulative
characteristics when solving an arithmetical task
Doris Jeannotte, Claudia Corriveau
To cite this version:
Doris Jeannotte, Claudia Corriveau. Interactions between pupils’ actions and manipulative charac-
teristics when solving an arithmetical task. Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research
in Mathematics Education, Utrecht University, Feb 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands. �hal-02400990�
Interactions between pupils’ actions and manipulative characteristics
when solving an arithmetical task
Doris Jeannotte1 and Claudia Corriveau2
1Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada;
2Université Laval, Canada;
In this paper, we explore the use of manipulatives in the classroom to solve an arithmetical task via
the concept of affordance. Manipulatives are part of the elementary class culture in different
countries, and even if some studies question the efficacy of manipulatives, there seems to have a
consensus around the necessity of using it. However, little is known about how mathematics is done
with manipulatives. The analysis of pupils’ actions helps put to light different affordances of two
manipulatives: base-ten blocks and abacus, in a classroom setting where the operations of addition
and subtraction are explored with pupils.
Keywords: Elementary School Mathematics, Arithmetic, Manipulatives, Affordance.
Research and mathematics education communities at elementary level agree that using
manipulatives promote pupil learning (Moyer, 2001). Some researchers see the use of manipulatives
as a less abstract way of reasoning than with formal mathematical symbols (Lett, 2007, Özgün-
Koca, & Edwards, 2011). According to Domino (2010), Piaget (1964), Bruner (1977) and Diènes
(1973) theories support most of the work on the uses of manipulatives. These theories of learning
are based on the idea that manipulatives are necessary for the development of mental images that
pupils may eventually summon in situations without manipulatives. In a way, the need, more over
the benefit, of manipulatives seems to be taken for granted by many researchers. It leads to many
other assumptions such as “doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math” or
manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects. In our research about
manipulatives uses, we challenge these assertions. Doing math with or without manipulatives aren’t
the same activity. Based on this premise, we developed a project called MathéRéaliser, in which,
we want to understand what it is to do mathematics with manipulatives in a school setting.
Indeed, research shows that the context used to do mathematics structures mathematical activities
(e.g. Lave, 1988; Nunès, Schliemann, & Carraher, 1993). These studies, mainly conducted in
nonacademic contexts, highlight the situated aspect of mathematical knowledge (Noss, 2002). For
example, Pozzi, Noss, and Hoyles (1998) mention that in the professional context (nursing,
banking, engineering, etc.), the tools and objects available to actors shape their mathematical
activity. In other words, mathematical reasoning is developed in coordination with the noise of
the situations in which it takes place (Noss, 2002). In this perspective, doing mathematics with
manipulatives could be something very different from a concrete version of doing mathematics
without them (Corriveau & Jeannotte, 2015). Kosko and Wilkins (2010) were able to show that the
use of manipulatives colors the mathematical discourse developed with it. This aligns with a
sociocultural point of view where mathematical learning is shaped by the historical culture of the
community where the learning takes place and by the learners’ culture and experiences themselves
(Sfard, 2008). Manipulatives when available during a mathematical activity bear a certain culture
and shape the learner experiences.
In this paper, we aim to better understand what it is doing mathematics with manipulative in a
calculation task at the elementary level. To do so, the concept of affordance is convoked to identify
the potentialities of manipulatives in developing number sense through arithmetical operations.
Conceptual Clarification
Manipulatives and arithmetic
In the context of arithmetic, a plethora of manipulatives are available for elementary school. Poirier
(2001) classified manipulatives used for developing number sense in three categories. The first
category refers to manipulatives where units are visible and accessible. For example, if we use 3
free tokens and four transparent bags of 10 tokens to represent the number 43, the tens, represented
by bags that contain 10 tokens, can be “broken” into 10 units (by ungrouping a bag). The second
category refers to manipulatives where units are still visible but not accessible (not breakable).
Base-ten blocks are a good example of this kind of manipulatives: we have to physically exchange
one long for 10 units because the longs are usually unbreakable. The third category refers to
symbolic manipulatives, where units are not visible in tens, nor in hundreds, etc. (e.g. abacus,
Furthermore, manipulatives can become a support or a constraint for the pupils’ mathematical
activity. On the one hand, it can support pupils reasoning. For example, base-ten blocks may help to
explain why an algorithm works. On the other hand, it can be considered as a constraint if we
impose a certain manipulative to solve a task (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2015). By imposing
manipulatives, the task may gain in complexity.
Affordances is linked to interactions between an individual and the environment. Environmental
characteristics (classroom setting, properties of the manipulatives, etc.) cannot be detached from
pupils (their perceptions, their experiences, etc.). They form an inseparable pair. According to Clot
and guin (2004), affordances are characterized, on the one hand, by the fact that objects are
significant, the user’s experience relates on this signification. On the other hand, by its praxis value:
an object is immediately associated with a signification for action” (p. 53). Also, [w]hether or not
the affordance is perceived or attended to will change as the need of the observer changes, but being
invariant, it is always there to be perceived” (Gibson 1977, in Brown et al., 2004, p. 120). So,
depending on the needs, the uses and the properties exploited of manipulatives may vary. e.g., the
base-ten blocks have been designed to help pupils perceived the structure of our numeration system.
As an adult, we can see these properties and exploit them to expose some mathematical patterns.
“We are seeing concepts that we already understand” (Ball, 1992, p. 5). What pupils see is also
related to what they know. Since manipulatives aren’t solely used by pupils, but also by teachers,
what teachers do with manipulatives is also inherently part of pupils’ experiences. Thereby, the
concept of affordance can not only offer an insight on learning processes but also on teaching
For the aims of this paper, we focus only on a part of the data collected from the MathéRéaliser
Project. We conducted a collaborative research that solicits the participation of teachers. As
Corriveau and Bednarz (2016) uphold:
[t]his perspective leads us to re-think […] the relations between the researcher, as being the
expert, and the teacher, as being the novice or the user, as frequently conceived in research in
mathematics education […] [T]he teacher is assumed to be reflective and knowledgeable (pp. 1
In collaborative research, the concept of “double relevance” (Desgagné, 1998) is fundamental and
refers to the construct of argumentation relevant to both communities, research and practice. A
“double relevance” underlines every choice made in the collaborative work. For example, if a task
is chosen to be experimented with pupils, it means that it makes sense for teachers and researches
according to their respective sensible arguments.
Description of the Task
The task we experimented is inspired by Cobb (1994). Three similar questions to the following
were answered by the pupils. The task was presented orally.
“Represent 1009 with your manipulative and then, I’ll ask you a question. [Wait for the
pupil to represent 1009 with base-ten blocks or homemade abacus.] I had a number, I
subtracted 453. [Write it on the blackboard.] I now have 1009. How much did I have at the
Description of the co-constructed Lesson
The task was experimented with two grade 3 classes (910 years old) of 19 and 18 pupils. They
already had learned an algorithm using drawing of base-ten blocks. They were not familiar with the
abacus. Pupils worked by two using either base-ten blocks or homemade abacus. After teamwork, a
whole class discussion took place about 1) the different answers obtained and 2) the strategies used
to resolve the task. Table 1 presents the double-relevance of this task and its experimentation.
Plausible use of the task for teachers
Relevance of the task for researchers
Task congruent with curriculum expectations (choice
of operation, adding and subtracting 34 digit
Curriculum fosters the use of manipulatives.
Opportunity to reflect on the use of manipulative by
their pupils.
Manipulatives seen as a support to solve the task.
Task that could lead to mathematical argumentation
(see Cobb, 1994).
Manipulatives seen as a constraint in this particular
task. Since pupils used to operate by drawing base-
ten blocks, asking them to operate with real base-ten
block or abacus is unfamiliar to them. This
introduction of foreign elements may serve as a
breaching experiment (Garfinkel, 1967) to put to
light usual ways of doing.
Table 1. Double-relevance of the task
Characteristics of the manipulatives
To perform the task, two manipulatives were available. Either pupils worked with base-ten blocks
or with a homemade abacus (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Base-ten blocks and homemade abacus
As each manipulative has his own properties, we can conjecture that each manipulative, in relation
with pupils and the whole class generates different affordances in the classroom (see Table 2).
Base-ten blocks
Homemade abacus
Proportional model;
Units visible but not accessible (not
The value does not depend on the
arrangement of the manipulatives;
The same manipulative “object can only
take one value.
Non-proportional model;
Symbolic manipulatives (units not visible
nor breakable);
The value depends on the arrangement of
the manipulatives;
The same manipulative “object” can
change value.
Table 2: Characteristics of each manipulatives
Analysis and Results
Data analysis has involved three stages. First, to explore the affordance in the use of manipulatives
by the pupils, we watched the videos multiple times (Powell, Francisco, & Maher, 2003). Secondly,
we extracted every pupil’s actions we observed. Every action was then described in association with
the characteristics of the manipulatives. Finally, we grouped actions related to three different
mathematical activities involved with the task and the classroom setting (the use of manipulatives).
One may think that the main difficulties of this task is to choose the good operation and we are
aware that using manipulatives do not help the pupils with this choice. However, in this
experimentation, it did not appear as an issue. Moreover, the use of base-ten blocks and the abacus
helped the teacher to see at a glance who chose the right operation. Actually, most errors arose from
counting strategies. Table 3 presents the analysis of pupils’ actions in relation to the characteristics
of each manipulatives. We grouped the different actions according to the mathematical activity
involved: representing, operating and interpreting.
When representing numbers, most pupils were able to exploit the manipulatives. For base-ten
blocks, they associated the right blocks (units, longs, flats, etc.) to each position. Nevertheless, few
of them disposed the blocks in a way they can “recognize” rapidly the number in front of them. For
the abacus, some pupils struggle with choosing the right column when representing the second term
of the operation. Furthermore, more pupils relied on visual patterning, thus helping them later
interpreting the number.
When operating, other than counting mistakes, difficulties arose from converting strategies. Even if
pupils referred to changing 10 ones for 1 ten (for example) in their discourse, we observed more
than once pupils changing eleven units for 1 long. When using the abacus, to convert a ten into
ones, they move one chip from the tens column to the ones column AND add ten new chips in the
ones column.
One pupil worked with the abacus inconsistently: he represented one thousand nine from right to
left, he managed the calculations, but when interpreting the result, he read the number from left to
right. This gave the opportunity to the teacher to talk about communication in mathematics.
Base-ten blocks characteristics and actions
Homemade abacus characteristics and
actions observed
Counting the blocks needed for each
“place value”: cubes, flats, longs, units.
Disposing the blocks so the highest
value is far left and the other ones on its
right (no empty spaces for zero values).
Piling the blocks (e.g. 9 units on a cube
represent 1009).
Using the space to differentiate
positions: e.g. ten flats (instead of a
cube), then the other flats, etc.
Counting correctly or not the chips and
disposing them in the right or wrong
Disposing the chips in the same order we
read numbers. Only one pupil disposed it
in the opposite order.
In each column, using or not visual pattern
disposition when placing chips in each
column (e.g. 3 rows of 3 to represent 9).
Place value dealing
o Dealing with positions where no
exchange is required first
o Operating from left to right
o Calking the taught algorithm (from
units to cubes)
o Mixed strategies
Intermediary calculations
o Counting (e.g.: when adding 4 longs
to 8 longs, regroup all longs and
count them)
Place value dealing
o First, dealing with columns where no
exchange is required
o Using the taught algorithm (from ones
to thousands)
Intermediary calculations
o Counting (e.g.: when adding 4 chips to
8 chips, regrouping all the chips in one
column and count the result)
o Mental math, articulating
manipulatives and number facts
correctly or not.
Changing one long into ten units (or ten
units into one long)
o by counting correctly or not ten
o (from ten units to one long) by
removing all the units counted or not;
o changing eleven units for a long.
Changing one chip into ten chips in
another column (vice versa)
o by counting correctly or not ten chips
o (from one ten to ten ones) by moving
one chip from the tens to the ones
column and adding 10 new chips.
o (From ten ones to one ten) by
removing all the chips counted or not.
By placing in the right or wrong column
the chips exchanged.
Associating the right value to each sort
of block.
Associate the right column to each
Changing the reading direction from the
one used when representing
Table 3: Actions made by pupils in relation to the characteristics of each manipulatives
With the table presented above, we have tried to better understand what it means to do mathematics
with manipulatives when developing calculation abilities at the elementary level. By examining the
characteristics associated with action, we put to light different affordances. Even if some
affordances are shared, some others are specific to only one of the manipulatives. In this section, we
discuss further one idea that emerged from our analysis. This idea allows to put to light some
differences in pupils’ actions that are related to manipulatives characteristics. Also, speaking of
affordance is speaking of seeing what could be observed but is not. Both, what is observed and what
is not can inform of the manipulative practices in the classroom.
Counting Over and Over
In the first grades of the elementary, children are used to count to solve problems. The teachers then
try to enrich their number sense and to complexify their counting strategies (with number facts,
adding to ten, visual pattern disposition, etc.). However, for most pupils, the counting aspect
brought by the use of manipulatives clearly took over other calculation abilities and some control
was lost in their mathematical activities. When using base-ten blocks, most pupils counted the
blocks even for small quantities. For example, when adding three to nine units, we observed pupils
counting three units, then counting nine units, putting them together, counting the total, obtaining
twelve units, counting ten units to trade them for one long. This may seem trivial insofar as the
counting strategy is achieved with success; it does not mean there is a lack of control. Nevertheless,
we have observed several errors that arise from this way of doing even if pupils know their
numerical facts. For example, a pupil took eight units, but counted nine. Thus, when he added three
units and counted the total, he obtained eleven units (and not twelve). He continued his calculations
with eleven units and obtained a very close answer, but the wrong one. However, we observed him
mentioned to another pupil, further in the video, that nine and three give twelve.
Also, even if pupils are able to group by tens and ungroup, they do not rely on this property yet
visible in the base-ten blocks. They rather count. For example, again, to add three to nine units,
pupils could have taken one long and kept only two units directly, but they count as we described it
above. However, while we observed the same way of doing with an abacus, we also saw more
complex strategies. For example, when adding nine and three, a pupil added to ten. However, he
was not able to coordinate his action with the abacus and the mental operation.
In short, the main action observed during the task was counting. Counting over and over seemed to
divide the global task into counting sub-tasks. After each sub-task, most pupils had to think again
about what they were doing sinking into a vicious cycle: thinking about the global task made them
forget about the counting they did and counting again made them forget about the global task. With
manipulatives, it is difficult, for pupils, to keep track of what is done and what has to be done.
Does this mean that using manipulatives only suggest this way of doing things for those pupils?
There is more than one answer to that question. On the one hand, it does because even if it is not
necessary all the time, there is always some counting to do. Using manipulatives to add or subtract
involve counting physical objects. The physical aspect of manipulatives asks for this way of doing.
However, counting is not always the most efficient strategy to use here. Of course, the environment,
i.e. the usual class activities, certainly contributes to reinforcing this strategy. On the other hand, as
mentioned years ago by researchers (e.g. Bednarz & Janvier, 1982), the tasks performed with the
help of manipulatives relate essentially to number representation and translation”, a work on the
number representation in our numeration system. As pupils presumably used base-ten blocks to
count in the first place and less to operate coordinating other strategies as well, we can think that the
praxis of this manipulative associate it immediately to counting. While we tend to believe that the
use of manipulatives supports mathematical reasoning, in this case, we rather observed that pupils
refer to more basic reasoning than they could have used.
In fact, we observed more advanced strategies with the less familiar abacus than with base-ten
blocks used since first grade. For McNeil & Jarvin (2007), working with familiar manipulatives
might drive the attention of pupils in the wrong. In our case, it is not a wrong direction, but it seems
to lead to more basic strategies and to some lack of control. We could conjecture that using a less
familiar manipulative does not drive pupils to usual uses. Indeed, in terms of affordance, the
meaning constructed in the interactions between the abacus and pupil is less constraint by the
experiences. It gives leeway to integrate skills in a new situation (e.g. visual patterning, use of
number facts, etc.).
Carbonneau, Marley & Selig (2013) said that specific instructional variables either suppress or
increase the efficacy of manipulatives suggests that simply incorporating manipulatives into
mathematics instruction may not be enough to increase student achievement in mathematics
(p. 397). Looking at affordance help understand that not only the instructional setting, but the
culture of the class and pupils’ experiences also play a role when talking about learning with
manipulatives. As manipulatives used to solve this task are by definition physical object, counting
can’t be detached from it. Doing math with manipulatives was not the same activity in this
particular case. We observed that pupils rely mostly on what they used to do with a specific kind of
manipulatives rather than what they used to do without them. The question is then how to help the
pupils rely on other characteristics of these manipulatives? Drijvers (2003) stressed that the
affordance that could be realized in the classroom rely not only on the tool itself, but rather on the
exploitation of these affordances the educational context and the teacher drive that. As base-ten
blocks are often used in grades 1 and 2 when pupils don’t master the table facts, the teachers’ role is
here quite important. They have to help pupils go beyond counting and perceived the power of
organizing manipulatives by exploiting the space to see table fact and not solely rely on it to
count and to represent numbers. To do so, teachers could organize the educational context around
manipulatives to provide wider learning opportunities for the pupils.
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... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
... In this paper, we draw on our previous research presented at the 10 th CERME meeting (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020) about the role played by the manipulatives in students' activity when solving an arithmetical task. We aim to show how some choices made around different variables impact the students' activity. ...
... The few research that studies students' mathematical reasoning when they use manipulatives shed light, indirectly, on some of these variables. For example, the use of familiar manipulatives may mislead students (McNeil & Jarvin, 2007) or, for the same task, two different materials lead students to engage in different reasonings (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). The familiarity and the type of manipulatives are two examples of variables among others that can shape the students' mathematical activity. ...
... In a mathematics class, each manipulative has its own properties and, with pupils and the whole class actions, generates different affordances (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). In other words, the affordance realized in the classroom relies not only on the tool itself, but rather on the exploitation of it, on the educational context and how it is driven by the teacher (Drijvers, 2003). ...
Conference Paper
Full-text available
This study investigates the use of manipulatives by elementary students working on a fraction task. Extending previous work on the role played by the manipulatives in students' activity, we aim at describing how the choices made for the task design disrupt students’ activity, creating opportunities to learn. The theoretical underpinnings allow envisioning the students’ activity through the concept of routine and the manipulatives through the concept of affordance. The analysis of the students' mathematical activity allows us to better understand how manipulatives can serve as breaching elements, leading students to modify their mathematical activity, and thus, creating opportunities to learn.
... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
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The broad development of combinatorial reasoning requires a suitable teaching and learning process, experienced from an early age through schooling. The present research aims to categorize and describe didactic trajectories implemented in Combinatorics lessons by a High School teacher. It is based on the investigation of the Ontosemiotic Approach to Mathematics Instruction and Knowledge by Godino and collaborators, specifically on the theoretical tools of configurations and didactic trajectories. Six lessons were filmed under which the epistemic, teaching and student dimensions of the didactic trajectories were classified. It was observed, in the epistemic trajectory, the active and argumentative states, configured in the resolution of combinatory problems and in the discussion of procedures, demanding justifications for the solutions proposed by the students. In the teaching trajectory, it was observed that the teacher prioritizes the regulation, essentially from the students' monitoring, paying attention to individual comments, redirecting, whenever possible, the discussion to everyone. The students' trajectory indicated the presence of argumentation, exploration and formulation, which configures the students' acceptance for solving combinatorial problems. The didactic trajectories implemented in High School by the teacher indicate that the development of combinatory reasoning requires practices that prioritize the use and comparison of different procedures, and beyond the resolution, that students present arguments that justify the procedures used. Download e-book: Se encuentra en el apartado “Proyectos y Publicaciones” de la página del Centro de Investigación en Educación Matemática y Estadística de la Universidad Católica del Maule ( Allí pueden descargar el libro.
... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
Existe una forma de abordar las pruebas de significación desde un acercamiento informal con ayuda de tecnología; no obstante, poco se sabe acerca del conocimiento de los profesores para llevar esta alternativa a las aulas. Por esto nos preguntamos: ¿Cómo se manifiesta el conocimiento de la materia y de los estudiantes de los profesores de bachillerato en el tema de pruebas de significación estadística desde un acercamiento informal y con ayuda de tecnología digital? Para responder la pregunta llevamos a cabo un curso de actualización en línea con 19 docentes de un bachillerato en México. El curso se planeó como un experimento de diseño en el que los profesores resolvieron en equipo problemas de pruebas de significación utilizando el software Fathom y discutieron respuestas de estudiantes a problemas similares. Al analizar las producciones de los profesores observamos algunas deficiencias en su conocimiento sobre las pruebas de significación y dificultades para adoptar el enfoque con tecnología. Con relación a su conocimiento pedagógico, los profesores no generan modelos de razonamiento que expliquen las respuestas no-normativas de los estudiantes, sino que simplemente señalan los errores y omisiones que estos cometen. Todo lo anterior nos permitió obtener retroalimentación acerca del diseño del curso y hacer algunas recomendaciones para futuros cursos de formación y desarrollo docente. There is a way to teach significance tests from an informal approach with the help of technology. However, little is known about the knowledge of teachers to bring this alternative to the classroom. We explore how knowledge of content and students manifests under this approach by a group of teachers. For this, we carried out an online update course with 19 teachers from a high school in Mexico. The course was planned as a design experiment in which instructors’ team-solved significance testing problems using Fathom software and discussed student responses to similar problems. When analyzing the productions of the professors, we observe some deficiencies in their knowledge about the significance tests and difficulties in adopting the approach with technology. These problems prevented them from generating accurate models to explain the students' reasoning. All the above allowed us to obtain feedback on the design of the course and make some recommendations for future teacher training and development courses.
... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
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En este capítulo se ofrece una perspectiva de la formación estadística que reciben los futuros profesores de matemáticas de educación secundaria en una Escuela Normal de México. El objetivo es mostrar el proceso de uso del programa de estudio de una de las asignaturas que cursan los futuros profesores denominada Tratamiento de la información. Para ello, se analizaron las cuatro fases de uso del programa: currículo escrito, currículo intencionado, currículo ejecutado y aprendizaje de los alumnos. El método de estudio se basó en dos técnicas de investigación: documental y observación. El análisis buscó identificar las orientaciones de enseñanza que se promueven en cada una de las fases, según los enfoques de cultura, razonamiento y pensamiento estadístico. Los resultados dan cuenta de las transformaciones de esas orientaciones durante las fases de uso por las que transita el currículo escrito (programa de estudio). Observamos que los elementos de los enfoques que sugiere el currículo escrito pueden diferir de aquellos que promueve el formador. En este sentido, concluimos sobre la necesidad de ampliar el conocimiento de los formadores para resignificar las sugerencias curriculares, así como la necesidad de que los programas de estudio ofrezcan ejemplos para poner en práctica esos enfoques.
... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
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Esta investigación indaga la formación estadística de estudiantes de profesorado en matemática. Con fundamento en la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico presentamos los resultados de una investigación exploratoria, descriptiva e interpretativa. El estudio se desarrolló con profesores que se ocupan de la enseñanza de la estadística a estudiantes de profesorado en matemática, que realizan sus estudios en instituciones terciarias no universitarias en Argentina. Estas instituciones son las que respaldan gran parte de la oferta de formación docente en Argentina. La investigación requirió el análisis del diseño curricular y el media empleado por profesores destinado a estudiantes de profesorado. Los principales resultados indican un reduccionismo en las praxeologías en torno a la estadística, que se proponen estudiar en la formación de profesores en matemática. Estas praxeologías se centran en aspectos estadísticos descriptivos y resultan ser puntuales y rígidas. Se destaca la ausencia de tareas relativas a los géneros recolectar e interpretar, los que se asumen fundamentales en el estudio estadístico. A partir de los resultados obtenidos proponemos un problema para el estudio de la estadística con sentido, caracterizado en que su estudio demanda recurrir a diferentes nociones de estadística de manera integrada.
... Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) define manipulatives as visual, tactile objects that students can manipulate to perform mathematics. Whether made commercially or by teachers, manipulatives have the potential to support the development of mathematical reasoning in learners (Jeannotte & Corriveau, 2020). Manipulatives can serve a variety of purposes, especially in probability, where they are often used as random devices (Jones, 2009) to generate trials. ...
... That said, there is more to manipulatives than simply making a mathematical activity more concrete. Indeed, Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) prefer to avoid "assumptions such as 'doing math with manipulative is a concrete version of doing math' or 'manipulatives should support the construct of mathematical objects'" (p. 443), suggesting instead that manipulatives have the potential to stimulate more sophisticated reasoning through the discussion it generates (gestures, words). ...
... Secondary textbooks propose hundreds of exercises and problems that refer specifically to manipulatives, but never actually ask students to use them. Yet as Jeannotte and Corriveau (2020) suggested, manipulatives support the development of mathematical reasoning in a variety of ways. It may be that the more abstract (and theoretical) nature of probabilistic tasks at the secondary level is not conducive to using manipulatives, which would be consistent with the fact that there are also generally fewer mathematical representations in probabilistic tasks than at the elementary level. ...
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Brasil vive un momento de amplia reforma curricular, impulsada por la publicación de la Base Nacional Común Curricular – BNCC. Este documento federal, que orienta toda la Educación Básica nacional, amplió el espacio dedicado a la enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Estocástica (Probabilidad, Estadística y Combinatoria), y trajo nuevas exigencias a los docentes, como la realización de simulaciones computacionales en una perspectiva probabilística frecuentista, la realización de proyectos de aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes, desde el inicio de la escolaridad Primaria hasta el final de la Secundaria (de los seis a los diecisiete años), con investigaciones estadísticas a partir de datos primarios, recogidos por ellos mismos. Tales prácticas han sido defendidas por toda la comunidad académica brasileña durante décadas, pero recién en 2018 fueron incorporadas oficialmente. Sin embargo, no existe la contrapartida en la formación inicial y continua de docentes. La carga horaria asignada a Estocástica en las asignaturas de Grado en Matemáticas es la mínima permitida por las propuestas curriculares, mientras que en las asignaturas de Pedagogía es prácticamente nula. Esta contradicción se agudiza en un momento en que la Estadística está en evidencia en los medios, en resultado de la pandemia del COVID-19. Esta realidad nos motivó a realizar una investigación cualitativa, un estudio exploratorio, que busca identificar ampliamente las percepciones de los docentes y futuros docentes sobre su formación para enseñar Estadística considerando el contexto pandemia/post-pandemia, con 92 sujetos (estudiantes de Pedagogía y Matemáticas, pedagogos y licenciados en Matemáticas), con el objetivode evaluar la preparación de los docentes para enfrentar esta nueva realidad y sus expectativas de cambio en los próximos años. Entre los resultados, destacamos que nuestras investigaciones revelaron educadores no solo dispuestos a cumplir con el plan de estudios prescrito, sino también a marcar la diferencia y ser reconocidos por la sociedad. También señalaron profundas fallas en la formación inicial de pedagogos y matemáticos, en particular, en lo que se refiere a la educación estocástica, agravadas por la pandemia del COVID-19 y la precariedad de la enseñanza a distancia nacional, lo que nos lleva en dos direcciones: la necesidad de una amplia reforma curricular en la educación superior brasileña y la urgencia de grandes inversiones en la formación continua de estos profesionales. Sólo así podrán atender las demandas de la BNCC, en particular, las contenidas en la unidad temática Probabilidad y Estadística.
... Tsiapou and Nikolantonakis (2013) examined the use of the Chinese abacus with a group of 12-year-olds, showing that the participants did achieve an understanding of place value concepts when using the tool, but struggled to transfer this understanding to their work in calculations. Jeannotte and Corriveau (2019) explored Grade 3 children's use of base ten blocks and a "homemade abacus" (p. 443), which comprised a colourcoded place value chart with small objects to represent the numbers in each position on the chart, when solving an arithmetic task. ...
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Place value is a foundational competency for primary school mathematics and for this reason we have sought to investigate what the recent and current academic conversations are around this important concept. In this paper we present a survey of literature presented in the Australasian, European and Southern African contexts through a review of purposively selected conference proceedings and journals to establish what the conversations have been about the teaching and learning of place value in these research communities from 2013 to 2022.
... Cette recherche a été amorcée à la demande du milieu scolaire. Nous nous sommes engagées avec des personnes enseignantes du primaire dans une réflexion conjointe dans le but de circonscrire une pratique d'utilisation du matériel éclairé par son potentiel sur le plan des raisonnements mathématiques des élèves (Jeannotte et Corriveau, 2020). Quatre personnes enseignantes et une conseillère pédagogique (2015) et trois personnes enseignantes (2018) ont pris part à une activité réflexive dans laquelle des tâches étaient amenées par des enseignants ou les chercheurs dans le but d'élaborer conjointement des situations d'enseignement à partir de celles-ci. ...
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Dans les recherches collaboratives que nous menons, les situations d’enseignement jouent un rôle central dans la mesure où elles servent de base de discussion entre des personnes enseignantes et chercheures. Or, il arrive que lorsque les personnes chercheures amorcent la discussion en proposant une tâche, elle soit rejetée par les personnes enseignantes. Dans cet article, nous proposons d’étudier plus en profondeur ces cas de rejet. En envisageant la situation d’enseignement sous l’angle d’un objet frontière tel qu’il est entendu par Star et Griesemer (1989), nous analyserons des extraits issus de deux recherches collaboratives dans lesquels des personnes enseignantes rejettent des situations d’enseignement proposées par les chercheurs.
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The first stage of a study in Québec enabled us to draw up a statistical portrait of probability teaching practices self-reported by 626 teachers at the elementary and secondary levels. For the second stage of the study, discussed here, we wanted to elaborate on some of the questionnaire answers and to discuss professional development avenues inspired by the teachers’ experience. We conducted 1-h individual interviews with eight teachers who had taken part in the first stage and whose self-reported teaching practices were considered to be exemplary. By means of a thematic analysis, we explore issues surrounding certain self-reported probability teaching practices through examples related to the social usefulness of probability, professional development associated with probability teaching, the use of the frequentist approach, the connection between probabilistic approaches, unusual tasks, manipulatives, and technological tools for teaching probability.
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L’utilisation du matériel de manipulation en mathématiques est une pratique bien ancrée dans les classes du primaire au Québec. L’apport du matériel est alors abordé du point de vue d’une dualité concret/abstrait; l’utilisation du matériel permettrait de concrétiser les mathématiques. À travers la présentation de deux tâches élaborées en collaboration avec des enseignants, cet article offre une façon différente d’envisager l’utilisation du matériel. Les mathématiques faites à l’aide du matériel de manipulation sont vues comme façonnées par le matériel : dans la première tâche, l’activité mathématique est difficile, voire impossible, sans le matériel, dans l’autre, l’activité mathématique est colorée par les différents matériels utilisés pour résoudre la tâche.
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The term affordances is rising in prominence in scholarly literature in mathematics education generally and in technology in mathematics education in particular. A proliferation of different uses and meanings is evident. The roots and use of the term and some of its applications are explored in order to clarify its many meanings. Its potential usefulness for developing a framework for a new research project which aims to enhance mathematics achievement and engagement at the secondary level by using technology to support real world problem solving and lessons of high cognitive demand is investigated.
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Résumé Nous distinguons d'abord l'approche traditionnelle en enseignement des mathématiques, typique des classes dont le fonctionnement s'appuie sur l'utilisation de manuels, et l'approche « investigative » mise en oeuvre dans des classes dont le fonctionnement est compatible avec la perspective constructiviste. Nous mettons ensuite l'accent sur cette approche « investigative » et analysons les tensions théoriques et pragmatiques qu'elle suscite en relation avec une conception de l'apprentissage des mathématiques conçu à la fois comme processus actif de construction individuelle et un processus d'acculturation. Une attention particulière est accordée aux façons dont le constructivisme et les théories socioculturelles abordent cet aspect. Nous traitons enfin du développement de certaines activités pédagogiques mises en oeuvre dans des classes de mathématiques à fonctionnement « investigatif ».
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Many studies on manipulatives describe communication in mathematics as a component for properly implementing manipulatives in the classroom. However, no empirical research is available to support this relationship. Secondary analysis of data collected by the National Center for Educational Statistics from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study was used to examine whether a relationship between students’ manipulative use and communication in mathematics learning exists. Correlational analyses found a significant relationship between students’ verbal and written communication and manipulative use.
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The use of manipulatives to teach mathematics is often prescribed as an efficacious teaching strategy. To examine the empirical evidence regarding the use of manipulatives during mathematics instruction, we conducted a systematic search of the literature. This search identified 55 studies that compared instruction with manipulatives to a control condition where math instruction was provided with only abstract math symbols. The sample of studies included students from kindergarten to college level (N = 7,237). Statistically significant results were identified with small to moderate effect sizes, as measured by Cohen's d, in favor of the use of manipulatives when compared with instruction that only used abstract math symbols. However, the relationship between teaching mathematics with concrete manipulatives and student learning was moderated by both instructional and methodological characteristics of the studies. Additionally, separate analyses conducted for specific learning outcomes of retention (k = 53, N = 7,140), problem solving (k = 9, N == 477), transfer (k = 13, N = 3,453), and justification (k = 2, N = 109) revealed moderate to large effects on retention and small effects on problem solving, transfer, and justification in favor of using manipulatives over abstract math symbols.
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An analysis of everyday use of mathematics by working youngsters in commercial transactions in Recife, Brazil, revealed computational strategies different from those taught in schools. Performance on mathematical problems embedded in real-life contexts was superior to that on school-type word problems and context-free computational problems involving the same numbers and operations. Implications for education are examined.
Conference Paper
Reflecting on a long experience of collaborative research studies in mathematics education brought us to submit a contribution to this topic study group (Empirical methods and methodologies). This proposition attempts to clarify some foundations of the collaborative research approach in order to better identify, through the way the research is defined and conducted, the methodological issues at stake and to highlight its contributions to the understanding of teachers' everyday practices.
Manipulatives have been used in many mathematics classrooms across many age groups with the aim of helping students to understand abstract concepts through concrete, kinesthetic, and visual experiences. In this paper, after we provide a background for the use of physical and virtual manipulatives in teaching and learning of mathematics, we will describe our experiences with a group of students who complete an activity with a physical manipulative which is followed by a virtual manipulative to study the concept of residuals in a linear regression.