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Vergleich des Nachtschlafpolygramms einer Gruppe schizophren strukturierter Patienten mit einer selektierten Kontrollgruppe



Presents findings of an empirical study of the theoretical basis of G. Ammon's human-structural model in attempting to validate night sleep polygrams as a diagnostic instrument. The sleep profiles of eight healthy controls (selected acccording to defined criteria) were compared to those of nine schizophrenic inpatients of the Dynamic-Psychiatric Clinic Menterschwaige, Munich. It was shown that among the schizophrenic patients, the NREM (nonrapid eye movement) stage IV was virtually absent, and the NREM stage III was reduced. NREM stage I and NREM stage II were increased. Contrary to the hypothesis, the proportion of REM (rapid eye movement) was not reduced in the inpatient group. The controls differed from the schizophrenic inpatients in the following variables: (1) higher number of REM phases, (2) increased intermediary sleep, (3) lack of the usual polarization in delta-wave sleep during the first half, and of the REM pole in the second half of the night.
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