Technical ReportPDF Available

Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO 2 Emissions, Use of Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling

No. C 444
November 2019
Lithium-Ion Vehicle
Battery Production
Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions,
Use of Metals, Products Environmental
Footprint, and Recycling
Erik Emilsson, Lisbeth Dahllöf
In cooperation with the Swedish Energy Agency
Author: Erik Emilsson, Lisbeth Dahllöf, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
Funded by: Swedish Energy Agency
Report number C 444
ISBN 978-91-7883-112-8
Edition Only available as PDF for individual printing
© IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute 2019
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd.
P.O Box 210 60, S-100 31 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone +46-(0)10-7886500 //
This report has been reviewed and approved in accordance with IVL's audited and approved
management system.
Table of contents
Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production ............................................................................................................. 1
Summary ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Sammanfattning ................................................................................................................................................. 6
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2 Scope and Method..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Limitations ......................................................................................................................................... 9
3 Literature Review..................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Car manufacturers’ LCAs ................................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Reports and Scientific Articles ......................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Publications from Argonne National Laboratory .................................................................... 11
3.2.2 PEFCR ...................................................................................................................................... 12
3.2.3 Ecodesign 2019 ....................................................................................................................... 14
4 Energy and GWP in different steps of Battery Production ...................................................................... 14
4.1 Mining & Refining ............................................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Battery Material Production ............................................................................................................ 16
4.3 Cell Manufacturing and Battery Pack Assembly .............................................................................. 19
4.3.1 Drying NMP in anode is more energy intensive than water ................................................... 21
4.3.2 Cell Formation Cycling Losses ................................................................................................. 21
4.3.3 Cell Factory Equipment Energy Consumption ........................................................................ 22
4.3.4 Heat Consumption .................................................................................................................. 22
4.4 Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions from Lithium-Ion Battery Production ........................... 22
4.5 Comparison with Data in the Previous IVL Report .......................................................................... 26
4.5.1 Battery Grade Materials Production ....................................................................................... 26
4.5.2 Difference in the GHG emissions Range ................................................................................. 27
5 Battery Metals with Supply Risks ............................................................................................................. 28
6 Recycling .................................................................................................................................................. 30
7 Discussion ................................................................................................................................................ 30
8 Conclusions .............................................................................................................................................. 32
9 References ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 36
Literature Review Scientific Articles and Reports ..................................................................................... 36
Putting Electricity Mix into Perspective ....................................................................................................... 44
Calculations Estimating Cathode Chemistry Effect on Total Energy Consumption and Total GWP
for Battery Production ..................................................................................................................... 46
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
This report is an update of the previous report from 2017 by IVL: Life Cycle Energy Consumption
and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Lithium-Ion Batteries (C243). It has been financed by the
Swedish Energy Agency.
A literature study on Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) of lithium-ion batteries used in light-duty
vehicles was done. The main question was the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the
production of the lithium-ion batteries for vehicles. A search for standardization of LCA
methodology and new information regarding recycling, and information on the supply risks for
important lithium-ion battery materials was also included in the literature study.
The data is presented as GHG emissions expressed as CO2-equivalents, in relation to the batteries’
storage capacity, expressed as kWh storage capacity. Based on the new and transparent data, an
estimate of 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity was calculated for the most common type, the
NMC chemistry. The difference in the range depends mainly on varying the electricity mix for cell
production. If less transparent data are included the maximum value is 146kg CO2eq/kWh. The
calculated range is substantially lower than the earlier 150-200kg CO2-eq/kWh battery in the 2017
report. One important reason is that this report includes battery manufacturing with close-to 100
percent fossil free electricity in the range, which is not common yet, but likely will be in the future.
The decrease in the higher end of the range is mainly due to new production data for cell
production, including more realistic measurements of dry-room process energies for commercial-
scale factories, and solvent-slurry evaporation estimates that are more in line with actual
production. The former range also included emissions from recycling which was about 15kg CO2-
eq/kWh battery, which is not included in the new range.
Regarding standardization of LCA, Product Category Rules (PCRs) are published for their Product
Environmental Footprint developed by the European Commission.
The average nickel-content is expected to increase and cobalt-content to decrease in newer batteries
as the batteries that are produced are expected to move towards higher energy density and away
from cobalt, which is at supply risk. The supply of nickel may in future also become at risk.
The PEF benchmark reports that twelve percent of the total GHG emissions for batteries is in the
end of life stage in Europe.
There is still a need for more data, especially since the different production steps can be performed
in different ways with different efficiencies. Also, data for electronics production still needs to
become better. A standardized way for data collection is recommended, for example by using the
Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR). Furthermore, more information on the
metals supply chains is needed, as well as better traceability, so that sustainable production can be
achieved and guaranteed.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Denna rapport är en uppdatering av den tidigare rapporten från 2017 från IVL: Life Cycle Energy
Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission from Lithium-Ion Batteries (C243). Denna
uppdatering har, liksom den tidigare, finansierats av Energimyndigheten.
En litteraturstudie av livscykelanalyser (LCA:er) av litiumjon-batterier som används i lätta fordon
gjordes. Huvudfrågan var växthusgasutsläppen (GHG) från produktion av litiumjon-batterier för
fordon. En sökning efter standardisering av LCA-metodik och ny information angående
återvinning samt om försörjningsrisker för metallerna i litiumjon-batterierna ingick också i
Data rapporteras som växthusgasutsläpp uttryckt i CO2-ekvivalenter, i förhållande till batteriernas
lagringskapacitet, uttryckt som kWh lagringskapacitet. Baserat på de nya och transparenta data
beräknades ett intervall på 61106 kg CO2-ekv / kWh batterikapacitet för den vanligaste typen,
NMC-kemi. Intervallet beror främst på variationen i elmix för cellproduktion. Om mindre
transparenta data ingår är maximivärdet 146 kg CO2-ekv / kWh. Detta intervall är väsentligt lägre
än det tidigare 150200 kg CO2-ekv / kWh-batteriet i 2017-rapporten. En viktig orsak till skillnaden
är att vi inkluderat batteriproduktion med nära nog fossilfri el-användning i spannet. Att den övre
gränsen sjunkit beror främst på nya produktionsdata för cellproduktion, vilket inkluderar mer
realistiska mätningar av energiförbrukningen i fabrikernas ”dry-rooms” i kommersiell skala samt
en mer verklighetstrogen modellering av energin som går åt för att indunsta lösningsmedlet i
anoden. Det tidigare intervallet inkluderade också emissioner från återvinningen, som var cirka 15
kg CO2-ekv / kWh, vilket inte det nya gör.
När det gäller standardisering av LCA har produktkategoriregler (PCR) publicerats för
batteriernas produktmiljöavtryck som utvecklats av Europeiska kommissionen, Product
Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR).
Det genomsnittliga nickelinnehållet förväntas öka och koboltinnehållet minska i nyare batterier,
eftersom batterierna som produceras förväntas röra sig mot högre energitäthet och bort från
kobolt, som är kritiskt ur ett försörjningsperspektiv. Försörjningen av nickel kan i framtiden också
bli kritisk.
PEF-studien rapporterar att cirka tolv procent av de totala utsläppen av växthusgaser för batteriets
livscykel uppstår vid återvinningen.
Det finns fortfarande ett behov av mer data, särskilt eftersom de olika produktionsstegen kan
utföras på olika sätt med olika effektivitet. Dessutom måste data för elektronikproduktion
fortfarande bli bättre. Ett standardiserat sätt för datainsamling rekommenderas, till exempel
genom att använda produktkategorireglerna som tagits fram av Europeiska kommissionen
(PEFCR). Dessutom behövs mer information om metallförsörjningskedjorna samt bättre
spårbarhet, så att hållbar produktion kan uppnås och garanteras.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Phrase and/or Definition
Argonne National Laboratory
Battery Performance and Cost Argonne National Lab. A model that can quickly
calculate an estimate of battery costs.
Battery Electric Vehicle
Bill of Materials
Battery Management System
Carbon dioxide equivalents
Greenhouse Gas
The Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation
Model Argonne National Lab (ANL, 2018) Latest
version is from October 2019.
Global Warming Potential
Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle
Life Cycle Assessment
Life Cycle Inventory
Lithium Iron Phosphate
Lithium Manganese Oxide
Lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide
Lithium manganese cobalt oxide
Project Product Category Rules
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
1 Introduction
This project was financed by the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) as an update to a
previous IVL report from May of 2017. (Romare & Dahllöf, 2017) The report focuses on the energy
consumption and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the production of lithium-ion batteries
for light-duty vehicles. Additionally, some of the scarce resources used in batteries will also be
The automotive trends for Sweden, and other EU countries, indicate an increase in the market for
battery-powered cars both globally (IEA, 2018), for the Nordic countries, as well as Sweden
separately (IEA/OECD, 2017). With this increased demand for battery electric vehicles (BEV) and
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) there is a resulting increase in the demand for lithium-ion
batteries. With battery developments in the past decades, lithium-ion batteries can provide enough
power and energy in a single charge to make the driving experience in a BEV comparable to a car
with a gasoline or diesel engine.
In the past decades, the increased awareness of climate change and the limited supply of fossil
fuels has created a need for alternative energy sources for vehicle propulsion. A BEV produces zero
tailpipe emissions during its normal use (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018). However, to make its total
lifetime emissions comparable to a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine vehicle (ICEV) an
in-depth analysis of the battery emissions must also be considered. The battery materials and
battery production are known to be major contributors to GHGs for several years (Ellingsen &
Hung, 2018) (Yuan, et al., 2017). The emissions of the sourcing of materials, manufacture of the
cells, compiling of the battery pack, are therefore of high interest for the proper comparison
between BEVs and ICEVs, as well as the methodology of the life-cycle assessments (LCA) that are
used for comparison.
The 2017 report estimated 150-200kg CO2-eq/kWh as the likely value of GHG emissions measured
as global warming (GWP) to produce lithium-ion batteries. The report was an LCA review, with an
estimate of the GWP-value based on the perceived precision and transparency of the data from the
other authors of scientific articles or reports. This new report uses scientific articles, reports and
information on car manufacturers’ websites to estimate the GWP.
Recycling has also become a relevant issue in recent years, especially regarding some of the metals
that are found in the electrodes of the different lithium-ion battery chemistries. Some metals like
lithium, cobalt, and nickel are crucial to produce the increasing amount of lithium ion batteries and
may therefore be at supply risks. The metals used are often unevenly distributed around the world,
meaning that battery manufacturers are extra sensitive to supply chain disruptions. Additionally,
the mining of these metals is often the cause of both environmental and societal damage to varying
degrees. Due to these supply issues, recycling has become something that most countries consider
necessary for the continued adoption of lithium-ion batteries today and into the future.
2 Scope and Method
Several studies have reported that battery production is a major contributor to a BEVs energy use
during its life cycle (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018) (Yuan, et al., 2017). Our goal was to investigate the
causes for the high energy usage and attempt to find a reliable estimate based on recent studies.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
A literature study and web search were done with the objective to update the production GWP for
battery production. The focus was to find new data that provides further insight into the lifecycle
energy consumption and GHG emissions of lithium-ion batteries today.
The likely energy mixes and energy requirements for the different production steps are considered.
These are used as a basis for the calculations of energy consumption and GHG emissions.
In addition to the update of the battery production GHG emissions we also researched the lithium-
ion battery materials that are at a supply risk.
Some additional points on the methodology are:
The functional unit is kg CO2-equivalents/kWh battery capacity. Less emphasis is placed
on studies that used a different one because changing the functional unit means that the
methodology is different and the studies incomparable in most regards.
The system boundaries for the estimate of battery GWP is cradle-to-gate, thus the recycling
energy or credits is not included in the battery emissions estimation.
We also studied how LCAs are made generally, and specifically we report on the new Product
Environmental Standard developed by EU. One example is the product category rules (PCRs)
developed specifically for lithium-ion batteries for vehicles.
Regarding news on recycling we summarized the current status with the information we got with
another study IVL recently finished for the Nordic Council of Ministers (Dahllöf, et al., 2019).
2.1 Limitations
In this study there is no comparison between BEVs to ICEVs as the LCAs only pertain to a single
component. A comparison between BEVs and ICEVs requires a comprehensive LCA including the
car manufacturing and fuel or energy sourcing as well as considerations of the differences in usage
due to differences in fueling or charging, maintenance (including part replacement). As such, the
system boundaries and the functional unit are different in BEV LCAs than in battery LCAs. For
these reasons, the authors would like to highlight that the estimates in this report are insufficient in
themselves to draw any type of conclusions on comparison between BEVs and ICEVs regarding
The search was limited to current battery technologies, manufacturing techniques, and common
energy mixes. The divisions of the different metal extraction and refining steps, and cell and
battery pack manufacturing steps may be slightly different in this report than the original, but the
energy use and GWP will be comparable as the system boundaries and functional units are the
The battery chemistries will be limited to the most common chemistries in BEVs and PHEVs today.
Advances in battery technologies are happening at a rapid pace today, but only the lithium-ion
battery chemistries will be discussed in this report.
GWP is used to measure the GHGs. In this report we do not include emissions that cause effects of
air quality or toxicological effects that may be caused from the release of chemicals and gases in
each of the production steps.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
3 Literature Review
3.1 Car manufacturersLCAs
A Google search for published data on LCA and GWP from car manufacturers was done to
attempt to find useful data and to investigate the quality of information presented to the public
with respect to lithium-ion traction batteries. Generally, car manufacturers do not disclose high
detail on the production of batteries in their LCA reports or certificates.
There are a few LCA-results available from car manufacturers online. The sizes of the cars vary.
The age span of the LCAs exceeded five years with the most recent one published in 2016. These
reports show a varying amount of information disclosed on the specifics of the LCA, and generally
the information is limited. Only one of the reports described the GWPs of the battery as separated
from the rest of the BEV or PHEV. Only for the 2012 Volkswagen Golf blue-emotion did we
manage to recalculate a GWP in the functional unit of kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity, see Table 1.
Table 1. Data from tables and graphs in the respective reports for each car model. (1)
Car model
Cradle-to-grave car
production GWP [ton CO2-
2012 Volkswagen Golf
blue-emotion concept car (2)
2013 Volkswagen e-up!
2016 Mercedes-Benz E-
Class E 350 e Saloon
2015 Mercedes-Benz C-
Class C 350 e
2014 Mercedes Benz B-
Class Electric Drive
2012 Smart fourtwo
electric drive
2013 BMW i3
57 percent of lifetime GWP,
including End-of-Life
2014 BMW i8
45 percent of lifetime,
including End-of-Life
(1) (Volkswagen Group, 2012), (Volkswagen Group, 2013), (Daimler AG, 2016), (Daimler AG, 2015), (Daimler AG,
2014), (Daimler AG, 2012), (BMW AG, 2013), (BMW AG, 2014)
(2) 153kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity was calculated from the data, using some assumptions about the car model.
Unfortunately, the low transparency of the data in these reports combined with the difficulty of
separating the battery production emissions from the BEV and PHEV lifetime emissions, makes
these car manufacturer’s data incomparable to the data in the rest of this report.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
3.2 Reports and Scientific Articles
The specific reports and articles studied in the survey are included because they:
provide new data on process energies that they measured or bills of materials on batteries,
provide new insights into battery manufacturing and the supply chain,
model process energies with new data from pilot facilities, and
provide information on the standardization of calculation methodologies.
Figure 1 shows a timeline of several sources included in the study. Most sources were scientific
articles, but several reports have also been used. Further descriptions of the sources can be found
in the Appendix.
Figure 1. Timeline of several sources of information for this study, mainly scientific articles.
The research that became the base for the estimated CO2-emissions from car battery production is
found in the following sub-chapters.
3.2.1 Publications from Argonne National Laboratory
Several publications from Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) have been published recently(Dai,
et al., 2017) (Dai, et al., 2018a) (Dai, et al., 2018b) (Dai, et al., 2019) (Kelly, et al., 2019). ANL is
sponsored by the United States Department of Energy and is responsible for The Greenhouse
Wood 2015
Deng 2017b
Deng 2019
Hao 2017
Yuan 2017
Ahmed 2016a
Dai 2017
Dai 2018
Dai 2019
Ecodesign 2019
Messagie 2017
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation Model (GREET) model (ANL, 2018)
and the Battery Performance and Cost (BatPac) models.
The Update of Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries in the GREET Model (Dai, et al., 2017)
focused on battery production and cathode materials production. It provided energy consumption
comparisons to several other sources (such as Wood et al. (2014) and Ahmed et al. (2016a) (2016b),
(2017)) with their own measurements from two manufacturers and one recycling facility in China
(Dai, et al., 2017). They conclude that battery production (not including sourcing of materials)
consumes 170MJ/kWh battery capacity with 30MJ from electricity and 140MJ from natural gas.
They also found that the battery recycler they visited recovers nickel, manganese and cobalt from
lithium-ion batteries.
Two other articles by Dai et al. updated the cobalt supply chain and the bill-of-materials (BOM) of
several cathode materials (2018a) (2018b).
The article Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Automotive Applications compiles the data
from the earlier work by ANL to provide their estimate of the GWP (in kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity)
for NMC 111 BEV batteries (Dai, et al., 2019). The article Globally regional life cycle analysis of
automotive lithium-ion nickel manganese cobalt batteries analyses how realistic variations in electricity
mix in different parts of the supply chain affect the GWP (Kelly, et al., 2019).
See more detailed descriptions of these articles from ANL in the Appendix.
The newest article regards the update of the GREET model 2019 (Dai & Winjobi, 2019) and some
information about the new data is found in chapter 4.1.
3.2.2 PEFCR
EU has developed Product Environmental Declaration methodology to make it possible to
compare similar products from an environmental point of view. The system is currently in the
transition phase which is before the adoption of policies implementing phase. (European
Commission, 2019a) One of the pilot product types was “High Specific Energy Rechargeable
Batteries for Mobile Applications” where lithium-ion batteries for vehicles were included.
Therefore, there are product category rules (PCRs) for LCAs for them and also available data
(RECHARGE, 2018) (European Commission, 2019). It will henceforth be denoted as Product
Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) in this report.
Through some calculations, a figure that could be used for comparison with other battery
production GWPs was obtained. See the Appendix for the calculations. Note that some proxies had
to be used in the calculations of the PEFCR benchmark figures due to lack of some data. They are
found in Table 2. Proxies to be used according to the PEFCR . For this reason, the CO2 emissions
from battery manufacturing may be under- or overestimated to a larger extent than if no proxies
were used.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 2. Proxies to be used according to the PEFCR (2018).
Data gap
Proxy to be used according to PEFCR
Stainless steel slab (X6CrNi17)
Recycling of steel into steel scrap: Steel billet (St)
Cobalt sulfate
Cobalt production (global)
Nickel hydroxide
Nickel production (global)
Lithium Hexafluorophosphate
Lithium hydroxide production (global)
Manganese sulfate
Manganese production (global)
Switch PCB (EPTA)
Populated Printed wiring board (PWB) (2-layers)
Plastic granulate secondary (low metal
Not available, select data according to hierarchy mentioned in
the PEFCR.
Nevertheless, a value of 77kg CO2-eq/kWh was obtained in our study through a comparison with a
modelled NMC 111 battery pack (NMC 111 is equivalent to NMC 333, which is a battery with
roughly 30 percent nickel-, 30 percent manganese-, and 30 percent cobalt-content in the cathode).
However, the GWP in the PEFCR was for the European benchmark which included manganese,
nickel, cobalt and aluminum in the cathode (a mix of different typical battery cathode chemistries)
and no iron phosphate. This estimate included a European energy mix for the cell production and
pack assembly steps. This is a methodological uncertainty regarding battery chemistry but it can
be accepted for an approximate result since NMC 333 is common and energy use in cell production
is very much dependent on the energy use for the dry-rooms which is a common issue for all
chemistries, see chapter 4.3.
The relation between the upstream materials acquisition versus the cell production and pack
assembly GWPs reported from the PEFCR benchmark is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. The total GWP of raw material sourcing, cell production and
pack manufacture for NMC111 batteries, re-calculated from PEFCR
(2018). This was recalculated from a different functional unit (energy
per kWh of the total energy provided over the service life by the
battery system), since the PEFCR measures the entire BEV battery
lifetime. 26 percent of the total GWP was raw material sourcing.
and Pack
PEFCR GWP [kg CO2/kWh battery capacity]
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
3.2.3 Ecodesign 2019
A report for Ecodesign and Labelling also did a lifetime-battery emissions analysis (Lam, et al.,
2019). The results are presented in Table 3. Unfortunately, the data is not as transparent, and the
description of the process steps is not as descriptive as the publications from Argonne National
Laboratory or the PEFCR. It is unclear what the battery chemistry is in the three cases in the report
and what assumptions are made between the BEV and the PHEV. Some of the information
presented in the report can be found in the Appendix.
Table 3. GWP for battery manufacturing in the Ecodesign report for the three base
cases (Lam, et al., 2019). It is unclear if the Ecodesign report’s energies include
materials processing.
GWP [kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity]
Raw materials
Total Production
4 Energy and GWP in different steps
of Battery Production
The impacts are divided in the following steps as shown in Figure 3. These steps are:
Mining & Refining
Battery Material Production
Cell Production & Battery Pack Assembly
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Figure 3. A very simplified outline of the steps in battery production. The main steps are on top and
some of the more energy-demanding sub-steps in each step are included below. Based on EPA (2013),
Dai et al. (2018b), and Yuan et al. (2017).
The steps may differ between two batteries produced in the same continent, country, or even
factory. One reason for this is due to differences in material sourcing. There is also often more than
one chemical process pathway to obtain the desired product. The transportation methods and
routes can also be very different for different sources of the same type of material.
Mining and refining often occur in separate locations and the material refining for one material can
be done in several smaller refining steps (Dai, et al., 2018a). Cell production occurs in a laboratory
facility that needs strict controls on humidity, temperature, and cleanliness. Battery pack assembly
can be done by the cell manufacturer or the battery pack components can be assembled by the
automobile manufacturers (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018). Pack assembly doesn’t have the same
stringent requirements as cell production as the most sensitive parts have already been sealed in
the cell production step (Ellingsen, et al., 2014) (Dai, et al., 2019).
Since different steps can occur in different locations, the choice of the local energy mixes for each
processing step will affect the resulting GWP. Naturally, the choice of energy mix becomes more
critical for the steps that require more energy, because the final GWP-value depends the most on
their values.
The previous report commented on the lack of information of the technology steps required for
battery production (Romare & Dahllöf, 2017). Contributions from several authors, summarized in
Figure 1 have increased the available information on battery production since then.
4.1 Mining & Refining
Several metals are required for the different battery chemistries. Essentially all BEVs for cars today
use NMC or NCA chemistries, and both chemistries require the critical mineral cobalt, in addition
to other metals such as lithium, nickel, copper, aluminum.
Mining &
Mineral mining
Metal refining
Battery Material
NMC Powder Production
1st stage calcination
2nd stage calcination
Cell Production
& Battery Pack
Welding & Sealing
Electrolyte filling
Final sealing
Dry Room
Battery pack assembly
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
In 2018, Argonne released updates to the cobalt chemicals and cobalt metals (Dai, et al., 2018a). In
the report it can be found that energy use in different mines can differ greatly depending of type of
mine and ore. The only energy reported from one mine, the diesel use, was 163kWh/ton mined ore
of 0.32% cobalt and the other mine reported electricity as the only energy use: 61.7kWh/ton mined
ore of 0.51% cobalt, which is interesting information since the data in the GREET model does not
report the variation. There are also new data for the production of lithium hydroxide and nickel
sulphate, but the mining data are not new; it is the calculation that has changed (Dai & Winjobi,
4.2 Battery Material Production
Dai et al. have added some battery materials production in their BOM update for 2018 (2018b). The
document describes the cathode materials and precursors materials and process energy
requirements per kg of material produced for NMC, LCA, and LCO batteries. Their data is used in
a report by Dai et al. from 2019 for NMC 111 batteries where they have calculated the energy
requirements for both the materials and co-precipitation and calcination for the production of
NMC 111 powder to be used in the cell production. The relative energy requirements for each are
presented in Figure 4. The major energy users are the co-precipitation and calcination processes
and CoSO4. The production of the nickel-rich materials was identified as the most energy intensive
by Dai et al. (2018a).
The co-precipitation and calcination are discussed in more detail in preceding publications
(Ahmed, et al., 2017) (Dai, et al., 2017) (Dai, et al., 2018b). There are several other steps required to
produce the battery materials, and presumably these are chosen because they are towards the end
of cathode powder production and because they are very energy-intensive steps.
The co-precipitation step produces cathode precursor from metal sulfates (e.g. CoSO4). Dai et al.
calculated the steam consumption, which was at 200 degrees Celsius, for each type of precursor
and translated it to energy consumption (2018b). The authors visited a plant which produced
cathode powder from the cathode precursor (the calcination step), but the owner of the plant also
owned a cathode precursor production plant (the co-precipitation step) and provided them with an
environmental protection inspection and monitoring report (Dai, et al., 2018b).
The calcination step produces cathode powder from the cathode precursor produced from co-
precipitation. The calcination step requires heating of a calcination kiln to temperatures over 1000
degrees Celsius for over 12 hours (Dai, et al., 2018b). In the plants visited by Dai et al., the kilns are
run over night because they take too long to reach operating temperature from start-up (2018b).
Two-stage calcination is needed for traction applications for NMC and NCA cathodes, and three-
stage calcination is also possible for some cathode materials (Dai, et al., 2018b). The more steps that
are required, more energy is consumed in this step of material processing. Also, NCA and NMC
811 cathode materials require slightly more electricity than NMC 111, while also requiring an input
of LiOH instead of the Li2CO3 to produce the cathode powder (Dai, et al., 2018b).
There are also non-combustion process emissions in the GREET 2018 for calcination in cathode
material production (Dai, et al., 2018b). The mining of metals can also produce non-combustion
emissions (Dai, et al., 2018a) which are not accounted in our estimate because we are only
considering the combustion process emissions.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The processing energy consumption of producing cathode active material was found to be very
similar for NMC 333, NMC 622, NMC 532, NMC 811, and LMO and NCA. The maximum
difference is about two percent according to modelling by Ahmed et al. (2017).
Figure 4 shows the percentage energy used for sourcing of precursors and process energies to
produce NMC 111 powder and Figure 5 shows the energy use for the cathode powder production
relative to cell production, NMC 111 powder and electronics. The other battery materials make up
a large portion of the energy requirements for lithium-ion batteries.
Figure 4. The percentage energy used for sourcing of precursors and process energies to
produce NMC 111 powder which is later used in the cathode in cell manufacture. Data
from Dai et al. (2019).
and Calcination
Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Powder Materials and
Production Process Energies
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Figure 5. The percentage energy used for battery pack materials for NMC 111 lithium-
ion batteries and cell production. Note that the energy for battery pack assembly is not
included. Data from (Dai, et al., 2019). The materials in the ’Other Materials’ are found
in Table 4.
NMC111 powder material requires most of the energy for the battery pack, followed by ‘Other
Materials’, cell production, and finally electronic parts. (Dunn, et al., 2015) wrote that for non-
pioneer plants, the materials’ production stage will likely be the driving impact for batteries. This is
seen to some extent from the relatively low energy consumption reported from commercial
production data by Dai et al. (2019) for cell production (19 percent) energy.
Table 4 details the materials and process energies required for cathode powder materials.
Cell Production
Other Materials
Electronic Parts
Energy Demands for a Lithium-Ion Battery Pack
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 4. Shares of energy consumption of materials, cell production and battery pack
assembly per kg battery. Numbers from Dai et al. (2019).
Share of energy [%]
NMC111 powder
Carbon black
Binder Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)
Electrolyte: Lithium hexafluorophosphate
Electrolyte: Ethylene carbonate (EC)
Electrolyte: Dimethyl carbonate (DMC)
Plastic: Polypropylene (PP)
Plastic: Polyethylene (PE)
Plastic: Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
Plastic: Polyethylene (PE)
Electronic parts
Electric parts
4.3 Cell Manufacturing and Battery Pack
Cell manufacturing consists of several processing steps that eventually produce battery cells.
Battery pack assembly is the assembly of the cells with other components, such as the cooling
system, battery management system, and pack packaging (Yuan, et al., 2017).
The increased demand for batteries has increased awareness in battery manufacturing, and as a
result more accurate data has been collected and more processes are included in the energy use.
Assumptions were made by earlier LCAs that underestimated the energy required for the dry-
room energy requirement, which decreased the calculated energy impact of battery production
(Ellingsen, et al., 2017). Several newer sources note that the energy use in the dry room for cell
production is substantial in comparison to other sources of energy use in lithium-ion battery
production (Ahmed, et al., 2016b) (Dai, et al., 2017) (Yuan, et al., 2017). Yuan et al. conducted
energy measurements of several process steps in the battery pack production in a pilot scale plant
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
and they found the dry room and NMP-drying to be major contributors to process energy use in
cell and pack manufacturing, see Figure 6.
Figure 6. Circle diagram with different sources’ energy contributions to the
total cell production and battery pack assembly energy. Data from Yuan et
al. (2017). The processes included in ’other’ are: mixing, coating,
calendaring, welding & sealing, LiPF6 (electrolyte) filling, and pre-
charging. It is clear here that running dry room equipment and NMP-
drying are significantly larger contributors to process energy use than the
In their study, Ahmed et al. found that the amount of air needed has the greatest effect on the
differences in energy uses in dry rooms (Ahmed, et al., 2016b), meaning that more voluminous
dry-rooms require more energy. Also, the moisture content of the outside air has a direct
correlation with the amount of energy required to keep the air dry in the dry room. The authors
write that the air entering from the outside can vary significantly and cause significant changes to
the energy use of operations. Ellingsen & Hung noted that some regions in China have annual
periods of intense rainfall and warm climate, resulting in humid air that requires more energy to
remove the water content (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018). Heat pumps and condensers need to do more
work in warm and/or humid areas than cold and/or dry areas to keep the air entering the dry-room
at acceptable humidity and temperature. Since the dry-room is so energy-intensive, it can be
expected that the cell factory location has a noticeable impact on the total cell-manufacturing
energy use.
For batter pack assembly, Dai et al. found that it was done manually in the factory they visited in
China and they also noted that any energy used in the assembly step would be trivial compared to
the energy used for the cell manufacturing (Dai, et al., 2017). If the assembly is automated or semi-
automated, then the electricity required will not be very high.
Dry room
Final sealing
Process Energies of Lithium-Ion
Battery Cell Production
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Pack manufacture and assembly was found to be between 0.5-1.2 percent of the battery energy-
requirement in the previous IVL report (Romare & Dahllöf, 2017).
4.3.1 Drying NMP in anode is more energy intensive
than water
The solvent for both the anode and cathode can be either NMP or water, and it needs to be
evaporated from the cell before the sealing. NMP is flammable and therefore its drying process
requires a large amount of heated air-flow to evaporate the gas and simultaneously keep it from
being an explosive hazard (Wood III, et al., 2014). This makes it a considerable contributor to the
energy required in cell manufacturing.
It is common practice to use NMP in the cathode and water in the anode (Dai, et al., 2019).
Previously, Wood III et al. wrote that Japan and South Korea almost exclusively use water in
anodes (Wood III, et al., 2014). However Dai et al. (2019) note that Ellingsen et al.’s (2014) LCA
estimation of the energy required for drying is likely an overestimation due to their assumption of
NMP being used in the anode instead of water .
In theory, either NMP or water can be used as a solvent for both the cathode and the anode.
However, today NMP is most commonly used in the cathode slurry instead of water because of the
difficulty of dispersing the electrode materials properly. Wood et al. and other authors write that
switching to water in the cathode will save large amounts of energy in the cell manufacturing stage
(2014) (Dai, et al., 2017). However, we have not found any indications that this is done in plants
It is common practice to recover and reuse NMP due to high costs and safety and environmental
concerns (Dai, et al., 2019). Less NMP consumed also means that it contributes less to GHG
emissions. An estimated of 98 percent of NMP solvent is used in Deng et al.’s calculations, albeit
this number is provided for lithium-sulfur batteries (2018). We expect a similar fraction is recycled
for lithium-ion batteries.
4.3.2 Cell Formation Cycling Losses
Formation cycling is a production step that requires electricity for the charging and discharging
before the batteries can be used in cars. It is not the same as charging the battery in the use-phase,
and the energy losses from this step are separate from the energy losses during charging and using
the battery. It is required for the battery to function.
Dai et al. estimated a ten percent charge/discharge loss for a 1.2kWh/kWh battery capacity (2017).
Deng et al. estimated a four percent charge/discharge loss (Deng, et al., 2017a). Energy is lost for
each cycle and the level of charging/discharging also affects the energy lost.
One concern is that formation cycling energy may not be reused in practice. If that is the case, there
is potential for a significant increase in the energy used for this step of cell production
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
4.3.3 Cell Factory Equipment Energy Consumption
Some processing equipment cannot be practically switched off without affecting the production.
An example is the calcination kilns which run 24/7 in the plants visited by (Dai, et al., 2018b).
Some equipment consumes about the same amount of energy regardless of the amount of materials
going in or out, such as the over-dimensioned calcination kilns in the battery production plant
visits by (Dai, et al., 2019) and the likely the dry-room (Dunn, et al., 2015).
Wastewater treatment, as pointed out by Dai et al. (2019), may be mandatory in factories. We
interpreted that they include wastewater treatment in the co-precipitation step from the 2018
GREET BOM-update (Dai, et al., 2018b), which they state can be a large energy consumer at 45
percent of the heat demand for co-precipitation.
4.3.4 Heat Consumption
Heat energy needed for cell production has been reported to come from either natural gas, steam,
or electricity (Dai, et al., 2017). Dai et al. chose natural gas as the source of heating for their GREET
model inputs, based on their observations of commercial battery factories (Dai, et al., 2019). The
emissions from a heat source will depend both on the emissions per energy unit and the effeciency
at which the heat can reach the source.
The amount of factory heat recovery also affects the emissions. All other things kept equal, less
energy is consumed from factories with good heat recovery.
4.4 Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions
from Lithium-Ion Battery Production
The energies for the materials and processes of cell and pack production from Dai et al. (2019) are
used to calculate GWPs for different energy mixes. The authors assumedly extrapolated the
energies from a factory at 75 percent capacity and then calculated the resulting emissions. Only
30MJ out of 170MJ come from electricity in Dai et al. (2019), and the rest was estimated as heat
produced with natural gas.
We did not find information about the electricity mix used by Dai et al., but they likely calculated
the emissions from the heating and electricity separately. Their resulting GWP to produce NMC
111 batteries was 72.9kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity. The results from only the upstream materials
sourcing was 59kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity (Dai, et al., 2019).
The energy for NMP recovery was included in the GREET 2017 battery update for battery
production (Dai, et al., 2017). Therefore, we presume that NMP recovery is also included in the
72.9kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity result. (Dai, et al., 2019).
Note that we combine the energy from heating and electricity in the approximations of the
emissions. Different heating configurations in the cell manufacture and battery pack assembly
steps are possible. Table 5 presents the GWPs from Dai, et al. (2019).
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 5. Energy for materials and cell manufacture processes and
GWP from the same study. A row for NMP has been added to
show that no extra energy is consumed since it is normally
recycled. The energy for battery pack assembly is assumed to be
insignificant compared to the rest of the energies (Dai, et al., 2019).
Materials and Processes
Energy [MJ/kWh
capacity battery]
NMC111 powder
Carbon black
Binder (PVDF)
Electrolyte: LiPF6
Electrolyte: EC
Electrolyte: DMC
Plastic: PP
Plastic: PE
Plastic: PET
Plastic: PE
Electronic parts
Electric parts
NMP (recycled)
Cell Production and Battery Pack
1 127
In Table 6, the entire energy demand from the cell production and battery pack assembly are
added to the 59kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity from upstream materials (Dai, et al., 2019) to give a range
of 59 to 119kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity for a clean and a fossil-fuel rich electricity mix, respectively.
Table 7 presents how adjusting the energy mix in cell production can affect the emissions.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 6. Energies and emissions of upstream materials and cell production and battery pack assembly.
The emissions range for cell production and battery pack assembly are calculated with a renewable
electricity mix, estimated at 0kg CO2-eq/kWh consumed, and a fossil-fuel rich mix, estimated at 1kg
CO2-eq/kWh consumed. For reference, (Dai, et al., 2019) reported 13.85kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity
for cell production and 0kg CO2-eq/kWh consumed for battery pack assembly.
Parts or process
MJ/kWh capacity
kgCO2-eq/kWh capacity
Battery materials upstream
(Dai, et al.,
(Dai, et al., 2019)
Cell production and battery pack
(Dai, et al.,
Range: Renewable fossil-
fuel rich electricity mix
Sum of material upstream and cell
production and pack assembly.
1 127
The 216.2MJ/kWh capacity for cell production (battery pack assembly being negligible) in Table 6
can be compared to the 350-650MJ/kWh estimated in the 2017 report, which used earlier LCAs as
basis for the estimation.
The range of emission values is wide, and we believe that the upper range is an overestimate
because electricity is unlikely used for heating in processes that could be heated with more energy-
efficient alternatives, such as natural gas or other fuels. However, some exceptions could be if
renewables are purposely being used to lower emissions, or if the electricity happens to be cheaper
than fuels such as natural gas.
Adjusting only the electricity mix for cell production and battery pack assembly reflects how cell
production facilities may influence the emissions. Because only a small portion (30MJ out of 170MJ)
of energy use comes from electricity in Dai et al. (2019), varying only the electricity mix will not
have a significant effect on the resulting GWP. Since heating can also be from electricity, it is also
interesting how the GWP is affected if the heating sources (i.e. emissions from the rest of the
170MJ) were varied. Additional results are presented in Table 7 where the heating comes from
natural gas or electricity and the electricity mix is varied from a renewable energy mix to a fossil-
rich mix. The fossil-rich mix GWP is similar to the China-mix. See the Appendix for further
discussions on the carbon-intensity of some electricity mixes in different countries. Table 8 presents
the total battery emissions for these calculations, in which the total range became 61-106kg CO2-
eq/kWh capacity.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 7. Scenarios varying only the heat source of cell and pack manufacture. The electricity used is 30MJ/kWh
capacity and the heat is 140MJ/kWh capacity from Dai et al. (2019). A kWh is equivalent to 3.6MJ.
for heat)
Energy sources of cell and
pack manufacture
kg CO2-
GWP, 30 MJ
GWP 140 MJ
from cell and
[kg CO2-
Scenario 1
Electricity: Renewable mix
fossil-fuel rich mix
Heat: Electricity, Renewable
mix fossil-fuel rich mix
Scenario 2
Electricity: Renewable mix
fossil-fuel rich mix
Heat: Natural gas with boiler
efficiency 80%. Calculated
from (EIA, 2016) (2).
(1) Please note that kWh consumption is the energy consumed during battery production while kWh capacity is the specific
energy of the battery.
(2) Calculations: 
 
   
Table 8. The sum of the results of the two scenarios for cell production and pack assembly from Table 7
and the upstream material GWP from Dai et al. (2019) which was 59kg CO2-eq/kWh consumed.
Energy sources of cell and pack manufacture
from cell
and pack
[kg CO2-
[kg CO2-
eq /kWh
Electricity: Renewable mix fossil-fuel rich mix
Heat: Electricity, Renewable mix fossil-fuel rich mix
Electricity: Renewable mix fossil-fuel rich mix
Heat: Natural gas with boiler efficiency 80%.
With some design considerations the emissions from heating could potentially be smaller. For
instance, waste heat from exothermic processes can be used to save energy in other processes that
either require low-temperature heating or that can benefit from pre-heating before using fuel or
electricity for higher temperatures. The heat can also be moved outside of the system boundaries of
an LCA, for instance as district heating if the factory is connected. Both forms of energy-saving
designs require extra pumps and heat-exchangers, which increase the initial costs of purchase and
installation, but can break even after some time in energy-savings. The energy savings would have
the benefit of lowering the required emissions.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The energy required for the production per kWh battery capacity ranges from 61-106 when varying
the electricity mix from a clean (0kg CO2-eq/kWh) to a fossil-fuel rich (1kg CO2-eq/kWh) electricity
mix for a 100 percent electricity powered cell manufacture and battery pack assembly factory using
material sourcing emissions from Dari et al. (2019). With varying the electricity only when natural
gas is used for heating, the emissions range from 70-77kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity.
For the top range of 106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity we consider that on the one hand it is
unlikely for electricity to be used for heating if energy savings can be achieved with heating with
fuels. On the other hand, we remember that battery assembly may be automated rather than done
by hand as the numbers show in (Dai, et al., 2019). This means that there may be some additional
electricity required. Taking these two factors into account, a higher range of GWP is kept at 106kg
CO2-eq/kWh battery.
The lower estimate is kept at 61kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity, partly because other sources of
heating can be renewable fuels (e.g. biogas), electricity from local and nonlocal sources. All or parts
of the required heating energy can come from excess heat from local factories or from other local
sources, which would lower the battery production emissions to the lower side of the estimate.
Understanding the system boundaries in such a situation would be very important, as it could
potentially produce a very low estimate.
For these reasons we estimate a 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity for lithium-ion battery
production from virgin materials.
Using the figures from Dai et al. (2019) for energy consumption of an NMC 111 lithium-ion battery
pack and the BOMs from GREET 2018 (Dai, et al., 2018b) and respective specific energies for
cathode chemistries for NMC 622 and NMC 811, an estimate was calculated of the difference in
total energy consumption and GWP for batteries with NMC 622 and NMC 811 cathodes
chemistries. The results show that a decrease a 7 percent decrease in energy consumption and 14
percent decrease in GWP of NMC 811 battery production compared to for NMC 111. Note that
although there are notably some differences between the chemistries, these estimates do not
account for differences in battery design or process distinctions. See the last section in the
Appendix for details on the calculations.
4.5 Comparison with Data in the Previous IVL
4.5.1 Battery Grade Materials Production
In Romare and Dahllöf (2017) some data for battery grade materials (including electronics, BMS)
were reported. The data from sources had been collected and in table 19 in the report the range was
48-121 kg CO2-eq/kg battery grade material with 216 as an extreme value. Taking transparency into
the judgement, the range became 60-70kg CO2-eq/kg battery grade material as most likely. Dai et
al. (2019) reported 59kg CO2-eq/kg battery materials upstream (including electronics data). Our
calculated value from PEFCR is lower, 48.8kg CO2-eq/kg raw material.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The previous report also included GHG data for production of different metals and their
compounds. In table Table 9 new and older data are reported.
Table 9 Comparison between data reported in Romare and Dahllöf (2017) and data for GREET, 2019 (Dai &
Winjobi, 2019)
From GREET, 2019
From Romare and Dahllöf, 2017
CO2-eq /kg product
Ecoinvent version 3.1
Refined cobalt oxides
Dai et al. 2018
Cobalt in cobalt salts
Dai et al. 2018
Cobalt chloride (CoCl2)
Dai et al. 2018
Cobalt oxide (Co3O4)
Dai et al. 2018
Cobalt oxide (CoO)
Dai et al. 2018
Cobalt sulfate (CoSO4)
Dai et al. 2018
1.45 (including recycled metal with proxy
9-10 (global)
Li hydroxide (LiOH) from
7.84 (no
Dai and
Winjobi, 2019
Lithium carbonate from
2 (global)
Ni hydroxide (NiOH)
3.15 (no
Dai and
Winjobi, 2019
5.25 (44%
10 (global)
4.5.2 Difference in the GHG emissions Range
The apparent decrease in total GWP from the 2017 report (150-200kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity)
to 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity is partly due to that this report includes battery
production with nearly fossil free electricity use which is the main reason for the decrease in the
lowest value. The lowering of the high value is mainly due to improved efficiency in cell
production. Another reason for a decrease is that the emissions from recycling are not included in
the new range. They were about 15kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity in the 2017 report.
The newer data regarded mainly the process energies from, for example, the dry-room and
electrode drying, which are energy intensive processes that have received attention as high energy
consumers in battery production. The main difference now is that the commercial facilities that
Argonne has studied operated close to maximum design capacity and their processes were better
optimized for efficiency than earlier data (Dai, et al., 2019).
Another reason for the differences in emissions is the use of water instead of NMP in the anode in
cell production solvent drying for the LCA modelling. NMP was used in the calculations of the
anode solvent evaporation in (Ellingsen, et al., 2014) which was used in the input data from the
previous IVL report (Romare & Dahllöf, 2017). Water requires much less energy to evaporate
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
because it doesn’t have the same explosive hazard as NMP, and therefore the new estimate for
anode solvent evaporation is much lower. Also, NMP is not consumed in the new estimate because
it is assumed to be reused.
5 Battery Metals with Supply Risks
In addition to energy and GHGs during production, the resource risks of lithium-ion battery
metals that are at supply risk will also be discussed.
The supplies of certain metals are generally more at supply risk when their supply is distributed
unevenly around the world and/or when governance instabilities exist in the countries with the
supply. For example, if there is an embargo for one of these metals in a country that holds most of
the world supply, the available world supply will suddenly drop. The world supply distribution of
certain metals can thus affect the whole battery supply chain, especially when they are difficult or
impossible to substitute with other materials. Recycling batteries is one method to increase the
supply of battery metals that doesn’t involve sourcing virgin metals.
The extractions of some of these metals have more steps than others, which adds up to even greater
supply risks, albeit as temporary deficits. For instance, cobalt is a byproduct of copper, nickel, and
silver (Dai, et al., 2018a), making it more difficult to control the supply flows, especially in the short
In 2015, 17 percent of the copper-cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)
was artisanal (Dai, et al., 2018a), meaning that the workers are not officially employed by a
company or the state.
The cobalt content of battery materials is less in battery chemistries that are planned for future cars
than current batteries (Dai, et al., 2018b). Figure 7 shows the energy density for a selection of
batteries. NMC 811 is a cathode material that battery producers are looking at for next-generation
batteries as the trend is moving towards more energy dense batteries, see Figure 7.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Figure 7. Pack specific energies for different cathode chemistries in
lithium ion batteries (RESEARCHINTERFACES, 2018).
Figure 8 shows how NMC 811 also has the lowest cobalt content and the highest nickel content of
the presented cathode chemistries, per kWh battery capacity. NCA is also used as a cathode
material in many cars, and since both NMC 811 and NCA have high nickel content, the demand for
it in batteries is expected to increase while cobalt will decrease (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018).
Figure 8. Material energy intensities for lithium-ion batteries with varying cathode
chemistries. Moving from the left to the right on the NMC battery chemistries the
amounts of cobalt and manganese required decrease while the amount of nickel
increase. The source is (IEA, 2018) while the data came originally from ANL’s BatPac.
There is a concern that nickel will become critical when its content increases in the batteries. Also,
lithium may become a bottle neck metal for certain periods. Since these questions are very
NCA NMC 111 NMC 433 NMC 532 NMC 622 NMC 811 LFP
Li Ni Co Mn
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
important, several investigations are done, for example by IEA (International Energy Agency,
6 Recycling
Recycling consists of three major steps in which there may be several smaller steps. The major
steps are pretreatment, metal extraction and product preparation. The optimal recycling process is
not yet in place and it is difficult to find new data for GHG emissions. Pyrometallurgy followed
with hydrometallurgy, or hydrometallurgy only are the most common techniques (Dahllöf, et al.,
The mechanical recycling route, which is not in large scale yet, would be most energy efficient
while the hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical routes are less energy efficient (Lv, et al.,
Dai and Winjobi (2019) reported new data on recycling for GREET (2019) based on Argonne’s own
research. According to this report pyrometallurgy has highest energy use, 4.54mmBtu/ton cells
recycled, followed by 2.86 from direct recycling, 2.78 from hydrometallurgical with inorganic acid
leaching and 2.20 from hydrometallurgical with organic acid leaching. There are however more
chemicals needed for leaching and the energy use for their production was not included in the
values. Regarding CO2 emissions, pyrometallurgy causes clearly the highest CO2 emissions from
non-fuel combustion.
The PEFCR battery study reports that twelve percent of the GHG emissions of a lithium-ion
batterys lifetime occurs in the end of life stage (European Commission, 2019b).
7 Discussion
The data for the GWPs are presented in Table 10.
Table 10. Total GWPs comparison between value range obtained from calculations in this report with
data from Dai et al. (see Section 4.4) and other sources.
Source of data
Laboratory (Dai,
et al., 2019)
Argonne National
Laboratory (Kelly,
et al., 2019)
Total production and
materials GWP [kg CO2-
eq/kWh battery
65 (European supply
chain), 100 (Chinese
supply chain)
The range for all the sources in this report is 61-146kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
In our calculations we only varied the electricity mix for cell production and pack assembly, but
also included heat in the variation calculations. In the report from Kelly et al. (2019) the authors
varied the mix for the entire supply chain. We believe that both analyses are reasonable and
realistic, as well as more transparent than other sources. Therefore, these data should carry more
Based on the newer and transparent data found in the literature presented in this report, the new
estimated GWP range is lowered to 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity from the 2017 report.
This range is primarily for NMC 111 lithium-ion batteries for light-duty vehicles.
In comparison to our value of 61-106kg CO2/kWh battery capacity, the PEFCR calculated emissions
were within our estimated range at 77kg CO2/kWh battery capacity. It also includes wastewater
treatment as we believe Dai et al. (2019) did.
As stated earlier, the information on the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling report is not as
transparent as the GREET articles and PERCR report. For this reason, it is not included in Table 10.
In the report, the PHEV battery GWP (146kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity) is higher than the BEV
battery GWP (108kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity), but the reason is unclear. Although it does
include data from more reliable sources, the lack of transparency makes it less comparable to the
data from ANL and the PEFCR than is necessary for a comparison, by our judgement.
The car manufacturer LCAs were unfortunately not comparable as they either
1. had functional units that included the whole car lifetime, or
2. provided insufficient data (153kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacity was obtained for the only
car with the same functional unit as in this report).
Variation of the electricity mix of only cell production (with pack manufacture assumed to be
negligible) gave a considerable range of the total battery GWP (61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery
capacity). This wide range shows the impact that the choice of electricity mix of cell production has
on the total battery emissions. The higher end of this range could potentially be even higher if the
different energy mixes used for material sourcing are especially carbon-intensive, although a
thorough analysis of material sourcing was not part of the scope of this report.
The range of electricity mix carbon intensities should be used with care when calculating GWP.
The minimum and maximum carbon-intensities used to calculate the 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh battery
capacity range only represent snapshots of what the national energy mixes could be. The actual
average emissions produced also requires information about how the carbon-intensity varies
throughout the year. See the Appendix for further discussion on energy mixes. Additionally, apart
from the electricity mix used, the humidity and temperature of the geographical location can have
a large impact on total emissions as the dry-room is responsible for the most energy intensive parts
of cell production.
An additional level of complexity was also added in this report as the energy use in cell production
was divided into heating and electricity requirements according to Dai et al. (2017) (2019). The data
present large-scale industrial production from several commercial battery factories, and thus we
expect the data to be more accurate than that from earlier studies. Since the newer data was based
on commercial-scale cell production factories, we believe that the values are more in line with how
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
battery plants operate today. However, more information on the sources of heating from other
factories is required to narrow the estimate of the emissions. We suspect that the design in newer
factories could utilize heating from local sources and renewable electricity, but that is only
speculation. Additionally, strategic use of energy mixes in energy-intensive processes (such as
peak shaving or night-time production), as well as heat recycling can offset the energy
consumption burden of battery production in surrounding regions even more.
To keep in mind is that transport industry is becoming more involved with the production of
batteries than before. Greater volumes of batteries are being bought and the emissions of battery
factories has been put into scrutiny since they are potentially the main source of a car’s lifetime
GWP. It is therefore highly likely that many newer factories will be more optimized for energy
efficiency. A better energy efficiency for battery production means a lower GWP potential,
regardless of electricity mix, all other things kept equal. The estimated lower energy consumption
(7 percent) and lower GWP (14 percent) of the more modern NMC 811 to the current NMC 111
batteries indicate that it may be possible that future batteries may also benefit from decreased
energy requirements and emissions due to design differences.
Materials sourcing and electronic components emissions have large shares of energy consumption
for battery production compared to cell production (assumedly including wastewater treatment
and NMP recovery) (19 percent energy consumption) with the recent estimates from Dai et el.
(2019). Uncertainties and variations in these parts of battery production can therefore have
relatively large effects on the total energy use and emissions. Specifically, the effect of cathode
powder materials represents 37 percent of the total batter energy consumption, meaning that the
metals proportions in the cathode can have a more noticeable impact on the total energy
consumption than in earlier studies that estimated higher cell-production and pack assembly
figures. Additionally, the energy consumptions of other materials (35 percent) and electronic
components (9 percent) are now also more pronounced in the total.
Cathode materials have evolved towards using less cobalt, more nickel and higher specific energy.
Different battery chemistries will require different ratios of metals, and the question of these
resources, including the recycling of battery metals, will be an important aspect to keep track of in
the future as battery production ramps up in the coming years.
8 Conclusions
Based on the new data, filtered by the reporting transparency, an estimate of 61-106kg CO2-eq/kWh
battery capacity was calculated for NMC batteries in light-duty vehicles. The interval mainly
depends on the electricity mix and the energy source of heating required in cell production. If data
with less transparency are included the maximum value is 146kg CO2-eq/kWh for smaller PHEV
The new GWP range is substantially lower than the earlier reported 150-200kg CO2-eq/kWh
battery. One important reason is that this report includes battery manufacturing with nearly 100
percent fossil free electricity in the range, which is not common yet, but may be more common in
the future. The decrease in the higher end of the range is mainly due to new and more accurate
production data for cell production, including dry-room process energies. The new data is also for
commercial-scale factories instead of pilot-scale factories, which lowered the emissions per unit
produced due to higher production efficiencies. Also, the use of water instead of NMP in the anode
slurry evaporation step in the LCA modelling lowered the calculated GWP. Lastly, the former
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
range also included emissions from battery recycling which was about 15 CO2-eq/kWh battery
Regarding standardization of LCA, Product Category Rules (PCRs) are published for their Product
Environmental Footprint developed by the European Commission. It standardizes the method of
calculating energy use and emissions, which may be different from the methods used by other
authors. The calculated emissions were within our estimated range at 77kg CO2/kWh battery
capacity. Both the PEFCR and our new estimate were calculated for the NMC 111-graphite
chemistry. However, our calculations also show that there is potentially a 7 percent lower energy
consumption and 14% lower GWP for NMC 811 batteries per kWh battery capacity compared to
NMC 111.
Average nickel content is expected to increase and cobalt content to decrease in newer batteries as
the batteries that are produced are expected to move towards higher energy density and away
from cobalt, which is at supply risk, but nickel may therefore become at risk too.
Regarding GHG emissions in the recycling step the PEF benchmark reports that 12 percent of the
total is in the end of life stage in Europe.
It is motivating to see that the estimated GHG values for battery production have decreased, but it
is also important to continue research and development into resource-risks and handling of battery
materials. Recycling will become more important in the future as the batteries produced today will
all eventually reach their end-of-life. When they do, it will become a higher priority to take
responsibility from their resource flows.
There is still a need for more accurate and detailed data, especially since the different production
steps can be performed in different ways with different efficiencies. Also, data for electronics
production still needs to become better. More information on the supply risks of different metals is
also needed, as well as traceability of the metals, so that sustainable production can eventually be
achieved and guaranteed.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
9 References
Ahmed, S., Nelson, P. A. & Dees, D. W., 2016b. Study of a dry room in a battery manufacturing
plant using a process model. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 326, pp. 490-497.
Ahmed, S., Nelson, P. A., Gallagher, K. G. & Dees, D. W., 2016a. Energy impact of cathode drying
and solvent recovery during lithium-ion battery manufacturing. Journal of Power Sources,
Volume 322, pp. 169-178.
Ahmed, S. et al., 2017. Cost and energy demand of producing nickel manganese cobalt cathode
material for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 342, pp. 733-740.
ANL, 2018. Greet Excel Vehicle-Cycle Model, Lemont: s.n.
BMW AG, 2013. Environmental Certification BMW i3, München: BMW AG.
BMW AG, 2014. Environmental Certification BMW i8, München: BMW AG.
Dahllöf, L., Romare, M. & Wu, A., 2019. Mapping of lithium-ion batteries for vehicles, Copenhagen:
Nordic Co-operation.
Daimler AG, 2012. Environmental brochure. smart fourtwo electric drive., Stuttgart: Daimler AG,
Mercedes-Benz Cars.
Daimler AG, 2014. Environmental Certificate Mercedes-Benz B-Class Electric Drive, Stuttgart: Daimler
Daimler AG, 2015. Environmental Certificate Mercedes-Benz C-Class, Stuttgart: Daimler AG.
Daimler AG, 2016. Environmental Certificate Mercedes-Benz E-Class, Untertürkheim: Daimler AG.
Dai, Q., Dunn, J., Kelly, J. C. & Elgowainy, A., 2017. Update of Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-Ion
Batteries in the GREET Model, Lemont: Argonne National Laboratory.
Dai, Q., Kelly, J. C., Dunn, J. & Benavides, P. T., 2018b. Update of Bill-of-Materials and Cathode
Materials Production for Lithium-Ion Batteries in the GREET Model, s.l.: Argonne National
Dai, Q., Kelly, J. C. & Elgowainy, A., 2018a. Cobalt Life Cycle Analysis Update for the GREET Model,
s.l.: Argonne National Laboratory.
Dai, Q., Kelly, J. C., Gaines, L. & Wang, M., 2019. Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries for
Automotive Applications. Batteries 2019, 5(48).
Dai, Q. & Winjobi, O., 2019. Updates for Battery Recycling and Materials in GREET
2019, s.l.:
Argonne National Laboratory.
Deng, Y. et al., 2017a. Life cycle assessment of lithium sulfur battery for electric vehicles. Journal of
Power Sources, Volume 343, pp. 284-295.
Deng, Y. et al., 2017b. Life cycle assessment of high capacity molybdenum disulfide lithium-ion
battery for electric vehicles. Energy, Volume 123, pp. 77-88.
Deng, Y. et al., 2018. Life Cycle Assessment of Silicon-Nanotube-Based Lithium Ion Battery for
Electric Vehicles. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Volume 7, pp. 599-610.
Dunn, J. et al., 2015. The significance of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicle life-cycle energy and
emissions and recycling's role in its reduction. Energy & Environmental Science, 8(158), pp.
EIA, 2016. Carbon Dioxide Emission Coefficients. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed June 2019].
Ellingsen, L. A.-W. & Hung, C. R., 2018. Research for TRAN Committee - Battery-powered electric
vehicles: market development and lifecycle emissions STUDY, s.l.: TRAN Committee.
Ellingsen, L. A.-W., Hung, C. R. & Strømman, A. H., 2017. Identifying key assumptions and
differences in life cycle assessment studies of lithium-ion traction batteries with focus on
greenhouse gas emission. Transportation Research Part D, Volume 55, pp. 82-89.
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Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Ellingsen, al., 2014. Life Cycle Assessment of a Lithium-Ion Battery Vehicle Pack. Journal of
Industrial Ecology, Volume 18, pp. 113-124.
EPA, 2013. Application of Life-Cycle Assessment to Nanoscale Technology: Lithium-Ion Batteries for
Electric Vehicles, s.l.: United States Environmental Protection Agency.
European Commission, 2019a. [Online]
[Accessed 20 September 2019].
European Commission, 2019b. [Online]
[Accessed 20 September 2019].
European Commission, 2019. Results and deliverables of the Enviromnental Footprint pilot phase.
Available at:
[Accessed 20 September 2019].
Hao, H. et al., 2017. GHG Emissions from the Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric
Vehicles in China. Sustainability, 9(504).
IEA/OECD, 2017. Nordic EV Outlook 2018 Insights from leaders in electric mobility, s.l.: IEA
IEA, 2018. Global EV Outlook 2018, s.l.: IEA.
International Energy Agency, 2019.
electric-vehicles-task-40/. [Online]
[Accessed 13 October 2019].
Kelly, J. C., Dai, Q. & Wang, M., 2019. Globally regional life cycle analysis of automotive lithium-ion
nickel manganese cobalt batteries, Lemont: Argonne National Laboratory.
Lam, W. C., Peeters, K. & Tichelen, P. V., 2019. Preparatory Study on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling of
Batteries under FWC ENER/C3/2015-619-Lot 1, TASK 5, Environment & economics - For
Ecodesign and Energy Labelling, Brussels: European Commission.
Lewrén , A., 2019. To be published: Life cycle assessment of nickel-rich lithium-ion battery for electric
vehicles A comparative LCA between the cathode chemistries NMC 333 and NMC 622,
Gothenburg: Chalmers.
Lv, D., Wang, Z., Cao, H. & Sun, Z., 2018. A Critical Review and Analysis on the Recycling of Spent
Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 6(2), pp. 1504-1521.
Messagie, M., 2017. Life Cycle Analysis of the Climate Impact of Electric Vehicles, Brussel: Transport &
RECHARGE, 2018. PEFCR - Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules for High Specific Energy
Rechargeable Batteries for Mobile Applications, s.l.: European Commission.
RESEARCHINTERFACES, 2018. What do we know about next-generation NMC 811 cathode?. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 19 November 2019].
Romare, M. & Dahllöf, L., 2017. The Life Cycle Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from
Lithium-Ion Batteries, Stockholm: IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute.
Tesla, 2018. Tesla Impact Report 2018, s.l.: Tesla.
Tomorrow, 2019. electricityMap, s.l.: Tomorrow.
Volkswagen Group, 2012. The e-Mission. Electric Mobility and the Environment., Wolfsburg:
Volkswagen Group.
Volkswagen Group, 2013. The e-ip! Environmental Commendation - Background Report, Wolfsburg:
Volkswagen Group.
Wood III, D. L., Li, J. & Daniel, C., 2014. Prospects for reducing the processing cost of lithium ion
batteries. Journal of Power Sources, Volume 275, pp. 234-242.
Yuan, C., Deng, Y., Li, T. & Yang, F., 2017. Manufacturing energy analysis of lithium ion battery
pack for electric vehicles. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Volume 66, pp. 53-56.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Literature Review Scientific Articles and
Prospects for reducing the processing cost of lithium-ion batteries (Wood III, et al., 2014)
An article that wasn’t included in the previous IVL report states that there is high interest in
switching to water instead of NMP as a cathode solvent, as well as some of the problems of doing
so. These problems are: difficulty of dispersing the substances in water, agglomeration of particles,
and inferior wetting of the cathode dispersion onto the aluminum collector.
Energy impact of cathode drying and solvent recovery during lithium-ion battery
manufacturing (Ahmed, et al., 2016a)
Studied the effect of the evaporating of NMP and drying. The drying and recovery is found to
require almost 45 times the energy to vaporize NMP. This is partially because the NMP vapor
concentration needs to stay below the flammability limit, which is very low. Therefore, the drying
is a slow process that requires consistent heating.
Study of a dry room in a battery manufacturing plant using a process model (Ahmed, et al.,
A model was done to measure the energy requirements of a dry-room. The size of the room is
found to have a big impact on the energy use in the dry-room. The room size is proportional to the
amount of air that needs to be dehumidified and heated or cooled.
Cost and energy demand of producing nickel manganese cobalt cathode material for lithium-ion
batteries (Ahmed, et al., 2017)
The energy data for a model using process equipment to produce an NMC cathode material using
co-precipitation was presented in this article. The energy demands of different chemical process
pathways of producing NMC 333 were not remarkably different.
Life Cycle Assessment of Lithium-Sulfur Battery for Electric Vehicles (Deng, et al., 2017a)
This article has new process data that was measured in a pilot scale prototyping facility that
produces NMC-graphite cells. The data was used to extrapolate for LCA of lithium-sulfur batteries.
However, there is new process energy data in the supplementary material of this report that can be
used for the purpose of finding the life cycle emissions of lithium-ion batteries.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The dry-room energy usage was measured over 21 days and set at 20 degrees C and 100ppm
moisture content. Although the facilities were pilot-scales, the authors drew an estimation for the
lithium-sulfur batteries in large production scale compared to pilot scale. This estimate is almost
about 15 percent less energy per battery. Although it isn’t stated in the report, a similar reduction
in energy requirement per kWh capacity could likely be made for lithium-ion batteries for data
comparison between pilot scale and large industrial scale.
At full production capacity, the factory produced 100,000 packs annually with 96 10-Ah cells in
each pack. The pack capacity was 61.3kWh. The authors present the energy consumption for each
process step per cell and calculate the dry room energy consumption per cell. This cell production
data is compared to other data in section. Some of the cell production data are similar to what is
found in Yuan et al.’s article on manufacturing energies (Yuan, et al., 2017). The data in this paper
was for NMC, but Yuan et al. was for LFP. We believe that the numbers being similar is an
indication that the authors believe that the processing energies are at least comparable.
Life cycle assessment of high capacity molybdenum disulfide lithium-ion battery for electric
vehicles (Deng, et al., 2017b)
In this article, an NMC cathode is combined with a potential future chemistry, molybdenum
disulfide anode. We are not looking at future lithium-ion battery chemistries, but since this article
measured the energy of the same processes used in lithium-ion battery production, it is still of
The LCA performed in Deng et al.’s project is a cradle to grave, split up into: raw materials
extraction, battery components production, battery pack production, battery use, and End of life,
EoL, (hydrometallurgical metal recycling). The functional unit is defined as “per km driving of a
mid-sized BEV under U.S. average conditions with an overall 200,000 kilometers driving distance,
representing approximately 10-years of service life.” They did a bottom-up approach and assumed
the same energy consumption of battery pack assembly as NMC-graphite batteries.
Life Cycle Analysis of the Climate Impact of Electric Vehicles (Messagie, 2017)
This paper is a review of electric cars, rather than electric car batteries. It summarizes several
papers and reviews on LCAs for all stages of the battery and electric cars.
The report highlights that toxicity levels of batteries are also relevant, stating that LFP-cathode
batteries should score better than other chemistries due to the absence of nickel and cobalt (both
NMC and NCA contain both nickel and cobalt).
The report also highlights that a problem with providing decision makers with a single-digit value
for impacts is that it can lead to different results and interpretations. An example (albeit for electric
cars) is that it can show the same GWP for different cars, one with high fuel consumption but low
weight, and one with low fuel consumption and high weight. The value, on its own, fails to give
the whole picture. According to the paper, it is essential to consider the parameters on the LCA
The author writes that the use of renewable energy (electricity as well as heat) is important for
reduction of electric car lifetime emissions. He also writes that recycling has a positive impact
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
because it saves materials and lowers the emissions from producing batteries from primary
material. He gives the recommendation to increase the recycling efficiency by coupling the vehicle
and battery end-of-life directives.
GHG Emissions from the Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles in China
(Hao, et al., 2017)
This study was a cradle-to-gate GWP analysis of LFP, NMC, and NCA battery chemistries (and
calculated 109.9, 104.1, and 96.6kg CO2-eq/kWh battery capacities, respectively. The emission data
for exploitation, transportation, and production of anode materials for LMO and LFP chemistries
came from a dissertation from 2012. Unfortunately, the data is likely outdated and, additionally,
we couldn’t find the dissertation. Consequently, the report did not have enough transparency for
comparison with other values.
Manufacturing energy analysis of lithium-ion battery pack for electric vehicles (Yuan, et al.,
The authors studied an LMO-graphite 24kWh battery with 192 cells. They obtained a 3.7GJ/kWh
battery capacity as the manufacturing energy. The data they collected were from real industrial
processes in a pilot scale site.
The authors note that the differences in direct industrial data is the cause for the big differences in
energy estimates for lithium-ion battery production. The numbers range from 0.4-22kWh/kg
battery in the seven studies the authors referenced.
Update of Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-ion Batteries in the GREET Model (Dai, et al., 2017)
This update was for the 2017 GREET version. The LCI for cell manufacturing, pack assembly, and
material data for the NMC chemistry was updated with primary data from visits to two battery
manufacturers and one recycling facility in China. Data that was modelled by Ahmed et al. was
also used.
The largest energy consumers were identified to be the dry room operation and electrode drying
for the cell production. The plants use steam for the electrode drying and the dehumidifying
processes, and they use electricity for the rest. However, since the heating for the electrode drying
and dehumidifying can come from other sources, such as electricity, the authors calculated the
energy requirement with a boiler efficiency of 80 percent.
The specific energy consumption of the cell formation, charging, and pack assembly wasn’t
available on their visits. For formation cycling, the authors were told by the workers that the
electricity was reused and that the manufacturers did either 1.5 or 2.5 cycles of
charging/discharging. Using this information and assuming 90 percent efficiency, the authors
could estimate the losses from this step. They also saw that the battery pack production was done
manually and therefore assume no energy loss for this step. They also stated that even if it is done
by robotics using electricity in other facilities, that the energy use would be minor compared to the
other processes.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The authors concluded in this update that the energy requirement for battery production (not
including sourcing of materials) to be 170MJ/kWh battery capacity with 30MJ from electricity and
140MJ from natural gas. These numbers were an estimation from their own battery visit and the
literature review they did.
They also calculated energy use for the recycling of materials and found that the battery recycler
they visited recovers nickel, manganese and cobalt.
Research for TRAN Committee Battery-powered electric vehicles: market development and
lifecycle emissions (Part 2) (Ellingsen & Hung, 2018)
Various articles have pointed out the flaws in cell production values for some articles. Ellingsen &
Hung have stated that the data from studies that modelled the battery cell production facilities,
rather than getting data directly from the manufacturer, show significantly lower numbers for the
energy use. Additionally, they highlight that cell manufacturing is one of the most energy intensive
steps in battery production.
The article/report does a good job of describing and outlining important aspects of battery
production, mineral use and their supply risks and recycling, as well as estimating lifetime BEV
GWP from a literature review. It is a good starting point for someone new to battery production
and still has a good amount of detail.
Cobalt Life Cycle Analysis Update for the GREET Model (Dai, et al., 2018a)
This is another update to the GREET model. The authors collected primary data from three mines
in the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, and modelled the cradle-to-gate LCI of different cobalt
products. There are several cobalt products in the update, but for battery production CoSO4 and
Co3O4 are of interest.
The transportation of consumables and intermediary products was included, as well as the use of
diesel fuel to operate the mining equipment. The type of energy for the average consumption was
split into electricity, natural gas, and diesel. However, depending on the mining location, the
energy source used can vary.
The mining activities do release their fair share of particulate matter and SO2, and although this
report focuses on the GWP, other environmentally damaging effects of emissions may also be
worth noting.
Update of Bill-of-Materials and Cathode Materials Production for Lithium-Ion Batteries in the
GREET Model (Dai, et al., 2018b)
For this update on the 2018 GREET version, the bill of materials of lithium-ion batteries in HEVs,
PHEVs, and BEVs were updated as well as LCIs for cathode materials with more primary data
based on their visit to a leading cathode material producer and a literature review (some references
in Chinese). The authors write that this update is a better representation of industry standards at
the time of publishing.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
In their visit to the cathode material producer they measure the energy required to the calcination
kiln to be, by far, the most electricity-intensive processes lasting up to twelve hours at
temperatures over 1 000 degrees C. All cathode materials used in batteries for traction motors
require at least two-stage calcination. Li2CO3 is used to produce LCO, NMC 111, and NMC 622.
LiOH is used for NMC 811 and NCA. The calcination kilns usually run continuously in the plant,
even at night, as they take a long time to reach the operating temperatures from start-up.
Both the energy and the material inputs were updated. The material efficiency is higher in the 2018
version of GREET.
Steam (likely at 200 degrees C) is used at 13.37 tons per ton of precursor produced and is predicted
to be the only energy source for precursor production. The authors converted the energy required
to natural gas with a boiler efficiency of 80 percent This efficiency is likely different for an
electrically heated precursor production. They also include an equivalent to wastewater treatment
in their energy consumption calculation.
Life Cycle Assessment of Silicon-Nanotube-Based Lithium Ion Battery for Electric Vehicles
(Deng, et al., 2018)
The authors modelled a more advanced type of battery than is focused on this report. The
researchers did an LCA on a 63kWh NMC-SiNT battery meant for a mid-size BEV. The inventory
of the SiNT anode came from their own lab experiments and the inventory of the battery from their
industrial partners’ pilot scale production facilities, but the inventory analyses came from literature
reviews and software.
They did their calculations with NMP solvent recovery and reuse at 98 percent.
It is unclear if there is any new data used in the calculation for the GWP of the batteries. There is a
diagram showing that the LCI is a combination of literature consultation and factory investigation,
but the authors weren’t so transparent on what of data they measured or received in the factory
investigation. They do state that they used anode data from a dissertation from South China
university from 2012.
They used the BatPac model and Argonne 2015 to obtain material data for each of the battery
chemistries. They found that the production of cathode materials and aluminum were the main
contributors to GWP.
The authors write that there is a slight difference between the U.S. and Chinese battery models, i.e.
a battery of the same capacity should have slightly different materials compositions in each of the
two regions. There are some interesting graphs on the summed totals of the GWP and comparisons
with other studies, but it would have been both interesting and useful if the authors had been more
transparent with the acquisition of their data.
Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium-Ion Batteries for Automotive Applications (Dai, et al., 2019)
In this new article from some of the contributors to the recent updates to the primary data in the
GREET model, a cradle-to-gate analysis of NMC batteries was done. The authors use the updated
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
GREET model to do a cradle-to-gate analysis of an NMC 111-graphite battery. The article updates
the energy use in battery production to reflect current day practice.
In addition to the calculations of energy use and GHG emissions, there is also a relevant discussion
on the present state of LCAs, including suggestions for where future efforts would do be of the
most benefit to increase our understanding of the environmental impacts of lithium-ion batteries.
A discussion on the differences in impact by varying the energy sources and materials sourcing is
also included.
They did the study using the battery pack from the GREET Bill of Material (BOM) update of
23.5kWh, 165kg, containing 140 46-Ah prismatic cells. They warn against the direct use of this
number because of varying characteristics with other batteries and they therefore included the
results for 1 kg of battery materials.
Similarly, to their update they assumed that the battery pack assembly is manual and requires no
energy. They also note that NMP use for only the cathode (water for the anode) is common
practice, as is recovering NMP.
They find that the upstream processes require more energy than the cell production and pack
assembly. They also find that the NMC111 powder, aluminum, cell production, and electronic
parts are the highest contributors to energy use and GHG.
Globally regional life cycle analysis of automotive lithium-ion nickel manganese cobalt
batteries (Kelly, et al., 2019)
A new article that examines the emissions from NMC lithium-ion batteries when varying the
energy sources at different production stages. The results were that, for 27kWh NMC 111 lithium-
ion batteries, a European-dominant supply chain generates 65kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity while a
Chinese-dominant supply chain generates 100kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity. The authors conclude that
supply chains powered by renewable electricity provide the greatest emission reduction potential.
We calculated the battery production GWP by taking the entire lifetime GWP for a BEV and
removing the use-phase and end-of-life phase. The results for the production included wastewater
treatment, and some consumption of NMP in the process. One assumption was that the GWP-
value (kg CO2-eq/kWh) was constant regardless of the total capacity of the battery.
The PEFCR benchmark battery was calculated to be 36.8kWh. This number was calculated for the
NMC 333 lithium-ion battery. The battery was 225kg. To estimate the battery capacity, a different
battery that was modelled for a car using the Battery Performance and Cost (BatPac) model by
Argonne National Laboratory, was used as a comparison. The battery for comparison was also an
NMC 333 lithium ion battery which was modelled to weigh 520kg and had a capacity of 85.1kWh.
(Lewrén , 2019)
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The reported emissions for the entire lifetime found in PEF, including the battery End-of-Life were
4298kg CO2-eq. The GWPs for the battery Use-stage and End-of-Life were removed from the total
calculated emissions. The remaining emissions for battery pack production were 77kg CO2-
eq/kWh. This estimate included a European energy mix for the cell production and pack assembly
PEFCR also includes the battery charging losses in the use-phase for the total environmental
footprint of the battery, which is interesting because it is not self-evident to include this into the life
cycle of the battery.
Ecodesign 2019 (Lam, et al., 2019)
In an Ecodesign report from the European Commission, another calculation and estimate of the
GWP was produced with the functional unit of “1 kWh of the total output energy delivered over
the service life by the battery system (measured in kWh)”. Inventories from the GREET2 Model
and the PEFCR on rechargeable batteries have been used as complementary battery information in
the EcoReport tool.
Seven base cases are presented, but only the first three are relevant to light-duty vehicles. Base case
1 (BC1) and BC2 are batteries for BEVs that are different sizes. BC3 is a battery for a PHEV, so it is
smaller than both BC1 and BC2. The weights and battery capacities are presented in Table 11.
Table 11. Weights, capacities, and number of replacements for three cases in
the EcoDesign report.
Weight [kg]
Capacity [kWh]
As in PEFCR, the battery lifetime emissions results are presented, but with several assumptions
pertaining to driving behavior and battery replacements which are outside the scope of our study.
The difference in scope between this report and ours unfortunately means that only small portions
of the report can be used for comparison of battery production emissions.
Some auxiliary materials included in the Ecodesign report are presented in Table 12 after some
simple arithmetic to produce comparable results to (Dai, et al., 2019). The consumption of NMP
requires an additional 6-8kg CO2/kWh.
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Table 12. Comparison between the auxiliary materials during the manufacturing of batteries
between Dai et al. (Dai, et al., 2018b) and the Ecodesign report.
Auxiliary materials during
(Dai, et
al., 2019)
kg/kWh capacity
MJ/kWh capacity, using NMP
energy impacts from (Dai, et al.,
kg CO2-eq/kWh capacity, using
NMP GWP impacts from (Dai, et
al., 2019)
Hydrochloric acid [kg/kWh capacity]
Although several battery chemistries are presented, there is no indication of any differences in
production energies and emissions between them. There is a table with the NMP and hydrochloric
acid (HCl) use during manufacturing, which we take as indication that these substances are
consumed during the manufacturing. There is also no indication that any NMP recovery is
considered in the calculations, so the energy required for this process is likely not included. We
note that the hydrochloric acid is included in the manufacturing category, see Table 12. In contrast,
Dai et al. (2019) don’t include hydrochloric acid in cell production.
Table 13 shows the energy-using processes in cell production and battery manufacture.
Table 13. Three main energy-using processes and the total energy use for cell production and
battery assembly. Values from Dai et al. 2019 are compared to the three base cases in the
Ecodesign report.
Process energy, electricity
and heat combined
(Dai, et
al., 2019)
Electrode drying and dry-room
Cell forming (charging)
Battery assembly
Total manufacture energy
There is no information in the report about which electrodes the used water and/or NMP. This
detail is of importance to the energy use and GWP (Dai, et al., 2019) (Wood III, et al., 2014).
The total manufacture energy for the Ecodesign cases are 30-50 percent higher than the values in
Dai et al. (2019). We are unclear on the reason for the discrepancy and are left to wonder due to the
difficulty of decoupling the production results with the rest of the energy use in the battery
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
The calculated emissions for the Ecodesign report are presented in Table 3 in the main text. Similar
to the energy use, the GWP is around 32-50 percent higher for the Ecodesign cases than Dai et al.
Putting Electricity Mix into Perspective
Several large manufacturing factories for lithium-ion batteries are built or are planned to be built in
China, Japan, Germany, India, Sweden, and Hungary (IEA, 2018). The electricity mix varies
between these countries, and thus the emissions from production will also vary, granted that the
factories use electricity from the local grids. There are also examples of factories that use their own
electricity to varying degrees, such as at Tesla (2018).
The time and season when the production facilities are producing batteries influences the
emissions, as well as the location. Generally, it is more economical to produce energy from energy
sources such as coal, but it is more carbon-intensive. A country like Sweden may have a relatively
clean energy mix when the demand for electricity is low, but during peak hours the mix may
become more carbon-intensive due to import of coal-based electricity.
In addition to time, the mix can vary between locations. It varies between countries and sometimes
between regions in the same country. One country can sell energy to another country at different
rates of energy at different times of the day.
If it is possible, manufacturing facilities can maximize their energy consumption during the hours
of higher renewable energy production to minimize their carbon footprint. For instance, the Tesla
Fremont and Lathrop factories use solar power for peak-shaving (Tesla, 2018), which lowers the
burden on the grid during hours of high demand. There can also be an economical incentive for
factories to consume energy in this manner. Messagie et al. (2017) also highlighted Nordelöf et al.’s
findings from investigating several LCA’s from earlier reports. Although the report focuses on
electric vehicle LCA rather than electric vehicle battery LCA, the finding that the differences in
reported results being due to the differences in allocated average or marginal electricity mix is also
true for battery production. I.e. the emissions from electricity-use can vary significantly merely
from how it is calculated.
Different parts of the supply chain will use energy from different sources. Not only electricity is
used for energy since the options of energy used will depend heavily on the type of process it is
used for.
Figure 9 shows some examples of the range of carbon-intensities of national electricity mixes from
several sources. The actual range is likely wider if more sources are used. As stated in the
Discussion, these ranges are not sufficient in themselves to make accurate predictions of the
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Figure 9. Greenhouse gas emissions from different electricity mixes. The minimum and
maximum values differ because the values come from different locations and time of
day and different sources. The minimum and maximum values are the furthest
extremes of the three sources: (Romare & Dahllöf, 2017) (Messagie, 2017) (Tomorrow,
2019) The range may be wider than shown as only samples are shown. For instance,
Sweden can have a much greater maximum when it imports coal-based electricity.
The wide differences in values for some countries in Figure 9 shows that the values of the
electricity mix carbon-intensities are an important part of the GWP-estimates in LCAs. As an
example, the deviation between the smallest and the largest value for Sweden is 60% if the largest
GWP is chosen for modelling and the smaller value is the real GWP. If the modelled and real GWP
switch places it means that the deviation rises to 150%. For Germany, these respective deviations
are 41% and 70%. There are undoubtedly some errors for the China mix also, if more data-points
from additional sources are added.
Thus, there are large variations of emission-values that can be obtained from variations of the
region of different parts of production, as well as the interpretations of the carbon-intensity of the
electricity in each region for the different parts of battery production. For any modelling to be
trustworthy there needs to be transparency in all steps included (and/or a clear presentation of
assumptions where data is unavailable or unnecessary for the analysis). Essentially this means that
emissions values on their own without information about the electricity mix used to calculate them
hold no, or very little, significance. Alternatively, referencing the reliable source(s) used and/or
stating all assumptions regarding the electricity mix can be presented in its place.
China Sweden Germany India USA
minimum kg CO2-eq/kWh electricity consumed
maximum kg CO2-eq/kWh electricity consumed
Report C 444 - Lithium-Ion Vehicle Battery Production Status 2019 on Energy Use, CO2 Emissions, Use of
Metals, Products Environmental Footprint, and Recycling
Calculations Estimating Cathode Chemistry
Effect on Total Energy Consumption and
Total GWP for Battery Production
The ratio of the specific energy of NMC 622 and NMC 811 to the existing data for NMC 111 was
applied to all materials, but not co-precipitation, calcination and cell production. The relative
amounts of NiSO4, CoSO4, and MnSO4 were compared between the NMC 622 and NMC 811
batteries to the existing data for NMC 111 batteries found in Dai et al. (2019).
The results are shown as percentages of the total energy and GWP for the battery production in
Table 14.
Table 14: Energy consumption and GWP differences between NMC 111 lithium-ion batteries with NMC
622 and NMC 811 batteries. Note that the negative values signify a decrease in the difference, e.g. NMC
811 have an estimated 6% less energy consumption than NMC 111.
Energy Consumption difference in respect to
NMC 111
GWP difference in respect to NMC 111
NMC 111
NMC 622
NMC 811
NMC 111
NMC 622
NMC 811
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd.
P.O. Box 210 60 // S-100 31 Stockholm // Sweden
Phone +46-(0)10-7886500 //
... This kind of battery has been extensively employed in a variety of electronic-based applications, including electric vehicles. Its superiority over other energy storage technologies was attributed to its high energy density, high power density, and long life cycle [2]- [4]. ...
... Globally, the price of LIBs has decreased from about USD 1,000/kWh in the early 2000s to about USD 200/kWh at the moment. At the same time, in just a decade, the specific energy density has increased from 150 Wh/kg to over 300 Wh/kg [2], [4]. In Europe specifically, the price has decreased to EUR 75/kWh in 2022 from EUR 400/kWh in 2013. ...
... Afterward, electrolyte is poured and the cells are sealed. The steps for generating cathode active material will be described in full below [2], [12], [13], [14]. ...
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Innovation for energy storage becomes essential for advancing the electrification goal. Over the past ten years, the trend toward electric vehicles and renewable energy has placed an unexpectedly high demand on battery technology. The development of lithium-ion batteries (LIB) has been touted as a revolution in energy storage technology. Due to its promising performance, LIB has not only performed well for electronic applications but is also well-known for its scalability for mass production. Although it is projected that LIB will continue to dominate the market for the succeeding ten years, the rise of battery giga-factories is still sluggish. The biggest barrier to increasing end-to-end battery production on an industrial scale is the complexity of the manufacturing process and the number of machines used. Because the viability of the firm may be impacted by inaccurate calculations regarding the battery production chain. Investigating how to increase battery cathode production from a laboratory to an industrial scale is therefore important. National Battery Research Institute, one of Indonesia's top battery research centers, contributed as the study's subject. The calculation was focused on NMC 811 cathode active material by considering cost structure factor such as raw materials, machinery, power consumption, and manpower. The result has successfully estimated the total cost for scaling-up 100 Kg production of NMC 811 cathode per batch or 36 Tons in a year. As a note, the data that was discussed in this manuscript limited on machinery, power consumption, and manpower aspect. While raw material cost will be discussed in detail, separately in another article.
... A meta-study by the Swedish environmental research institute IVL presented in 2017, which is probably one of the best-known studies in [Romare & Dahllöf, 2017]. Two years later, in 2019, an update of this study, with significantly lower results, was presented by the same institute, indicating a range of 61 to 146 kg CO2-eq/kWh [Emilsson & Dahllöf, 2019]. One of the main reasons for the lower results is the increase in the proportion of electricity from renewable sources used in battery production to nearly 100%. ...
... The values for battery manufacturing and recycling are based on [Emilsson & Dahllöf, 2019], [Aichberger & Jungmeier, 2020], and further assumptions. The estimated values for the production and recycling of lithium-ion batteries using the renewable electricity mix are taken into account. ...
Electrification has emerged as the optimal approach for achieving higher energy efficiency and reduced emissions in the realm of road vehicles. While electrification is gaining ground in the passenger car and light-duty vehicle sectors, it exhibits a lower degree of maturity in the heavy-duty truck domain. One of the key factors contributing to this situation is the substantial initial investment costs resulting from higher energy consumption and more demanding applications, leading to markedly different economic viability conditions for electric heavy-duty trucks. Conversely, electric vehicles offer the advantage of significantly lower energy consumption and reduced maintenance expenses. Consequently, the economic feasibility of employing electric heavy-duty trucks hinges on whether the higher initial investment costs can be offset by lower operating expenditures, necessitating a comprehensive analysis of operational profiles and working conditions to ascertain the truck's realistic energy consumption for a given application. This analysis enables the prediction of whether electrifying the specific heavy-duty truck represents a viable option. Furthermore, it is crucial to underscore other favorable aspects of electric trucks, such as emissions and noise reduction, as well as enhanced efficiency. To address this matter, this thesis presents a simulation-based approach to analyze and evaluate the electrification potential of a special-purpose heavy-duty truck employed in a specific context. The study investigates the competitiveness of an electric prototype truck, developed within a research project, in comparison to conventional diesel catering lift trucks utilized at airports. Real individual usage profiles form the basis for the assessment. Initially, the relevant operating profiles and work conditions pertaining to the catering lift trucks at Frankfurt Airport are determined. Subsequently, a simulation model is employed to calculate the energy consumption for complete work cycles, encompassing driving and operation of the lifting system, utilizing recorded operational data. Based on the simulation results, an efficiency analysis is conducted for both the driving and lifting systems, as well as the overall vehicle. This is followed by a total cost of ownership analysis, which considers all costs associated with the acquisition, operation, and disposal of the trucks, aiming to determine the economic potential and cost differentials throughout their service lifespan. The life cycle environmental impact of the considered catering lift trucks is also evaluated, with a focus on the aspects that distinguish the environmental balance between the two truck technologies. Additionally, noise emissions from both trucks are measured and assessed during driving and lifting system operation. The findings of this study demonstrate that the electric truck exhibits significant advantages in terms of efficiency improvement and consumption reduction compared to the conventional diesel truck. The total cost of ownership analysis reveals that while the electric truck entails substantial incremental acquisition costs, it compensates for this with notable benefits in operational expenses and residual value as compared to the diesel truck. However, the economic operation and profitability of the electric truck are heavily contingent on the acquisition costs and battery prices. The comparison of the environmental impact between the two trucks indicates that, even when utilizing the current German electricity mix, the electric truck demonstrates a superior environmental footprint in comparison to the diesel truck. This advantage is further enhanced when exclusively utilizing electricity from renewable energy sources. Lastly, the acoustic measurements comparison demonstrates that the electric truck generates lower noise levels than the diesel truck, both during driving and lifting system operation.
... This involves examining the environmental footprint from raw material extraction through to component manufacturing and vehicle assembly. By doing so, we can comprehensively assess the environmental promises of EVs compared to their conventional counterparts (Emilsson & Dahllöf, 2019; Li, Xia, & Guo, 2022). ...
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The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) represents a crucial step towards reducing global carbon emissions and fostering sustainable transportation. However, the environmental footprint of the EV supply chain poses significant challenges that need to be addressed. This review paper assesses the environmental impacts associated with the EV supply chain, focusing on key stages such as raw material extraction, component manufacturing, and vehicle assembly. It highlights the substantial environmental costs, including land degradation, water pollution, and carbon emissions, particularly from the extraction of critical raw materials like lithium, cobalt, and nickel. The paper also explores the lifecycle carbon footprint of EVs, comparing it with that of conventional vehicles, and underscores the importance of sustainable practices in mitigating these impacts. Furthermore, it discusses regulatory frameworks, industry collaboration, and innovation as essential strategies for promoting sustainability in the EV supply chain. The paper concludes with a call to action for continued efforts in research, policy development, and industry practices to minimize the environmental footprint of EVs and advance sustainable mobility solutions.
... For instance, the production of a 40 kWh battery for the Nissan Leaf contributes significantly to its initial carbon footprint. According to the IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, the emissions from battery production are estimated to be around 61 kg CO 2 e/kWh [101], resulting in approximately 2.44 tonnes of CO 2 -equivalent emissions for the battery alone. In contrast, the manufacturing emissions for a comparable ICE vehicle, such as a Nissan Sentra, are generally lower due to the absence of a large battery. ...
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This comprehensive systematic review explores the multifaceted impacts of electric vehicle (EV) adoption across technological, environmental, organizational, and policy dimensions. Drawing from 88 peer-reviewed articles, the study addresses a critical gap in the existing literature, which often isolates the impact of EV adoption without considering holistic effects. Technological advancements include innovations in the battery technology and energy storage systems, enhancing EV performance and mitigating range anxiety. The environmental analysis reveals substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, with lifecycle assessments showing significant reductions for EVs compared to internal combustion engine vehicles, particularly when charged with renewable energy sources. Key comparisons include lifecycle emissions between mid-size battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs), and global average lifecycle emissions by powertrain under various policy scenarios. The organizational implications are evident, as businesses adopt new models for fleet management and logistics, leveraging EVs for operational efficiency and sustainability. Policy analysis underscores the crucial role of government incentives, regulatory measures, and infrastructure investments in accelerating EV adoption. The review identifies future research areas such as efficient battery recycling methods, the potential impact of EVs on grid stability, and long-term economic implications. This study offers insights for stakeholders aiming to foster sustainable transportation and achieve global climate goals.
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The Detroit Big Three General Motors (GMs), Ford, and Stellantis predict that electric vehicle (EV) sales will comprise 40–50% of the annual vehicle sales by 2030. Among the key components of LIBs, the LiNixMnyCo1−x−yO2 cathode, which comprises nickel, manganese, and cobalt (NMC) in various stoichiometric ratios, is widely used in EV batteries. This review reveals NMC cathodes from laboratory research. Furthermore, this study examines the environmental effect of NMC cathode production for EV batteries (including coating technologies), encompassing aspects such as energy consumption, water usage, and air emissions. Although gaps persist in NMC cathode environmental assessments (NMC111, NMC532, NMC622, and NMC811), limited life cycle assessments “(LCA)” have been conducted. Most available data originate from Asia (primarily China), accounting for 85% of the production of EV LIB cathode materials. The concept of battery passports for data collection on LIB components has been proposed to facilitate material traceability as a system for ensuring a sustainable supply chain for critical minerals. The automotive industry’s shift to electrification necessitates a sustainable supply chain from mine to vehicle end-of-life. As the critical mineral supply moves from Asia to North America, environmentally friendly industrial methods must be studied to provide this supply chain direction.
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Modular data centers (MDCs) that can be placed right at the energy farms and powered mostly by renewable energy, are proven to be a flexible and effective approach to lowering the carbon footprint of data centers. However, the main challenge of using renewable energy is the high variability of power produced, which implies large volatility in powering computing resources at MDCs, and degraded application performance due to the task evictions and migrations. This causes challenges for platform operators to decide the MDC deployment. To this end, we present SkyBox, a framework that employs a holistic and learning-based approach for platform operators to explore the efficient use of renewable energy with MDC deployment across geographical regions. SkyBox is driven by the insights based on our study of real-world power traces from a variety of renewable energy farms -- the predictable production of renewable energy and the complementary nature of energy production patterns across different renewable energy sources and locations. With these insights, SkyBox first uses the coefficient of variation metric to select the qualified renewable farms, and proposes a subgraph identification algorithm to identify a set of farms with complementary energy production patterns. After that, SkyBox enables smart workload placement and migrations to further tolerate the power variability. Our experiments with real power traces and datacenter workloads show that SkyBox has the lowest carbon emissions in comparison with current MDC deployment approaches. SkyBox also minimizes the impact of the power variability on cloud virtual machines, enabling rMDCs a practical solution of efficiently using renewable energy.
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Electric vehicles based on lithium-ion batteries (LIB) have seen rapid growth over the past decade as they are viewed as a cleaner alternative to conventional fossil-fuel burning vehicles, especially for local pollutant (nitrogen oxides [NOx], sulfur oxides [SOx], and particulate matter with diameters less than 2.5 and 10 μm [PM2.5 and PM10]) and CO2 emissions. However, LIBs are known to have their own energy and environmental challenges. This study focuses on LIBs made of lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC), since they currently dominate the United States (US) and global automotive markets and will continue to do so into the foreseeable future. The effects of globalized production of NMC, especially LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (NMC111), are examined, considering the potential regional variability at several important stages of production. This study explores regional effects of alumina reduction and nickel refining, along with the production of NMC cathode, battery cells, and battery management systems. Of primary concern is how production of these battery materials and components in different parts of the world may impact the battery’s life cycle pollutant emissions and total energy and water consumption. Since energy sources for heat and electricity generation are subject to great regional variation, we anticipated significant variability in the energy and emissions associated with LIB production. We configured Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET®) model as the basis for this study with key input data from several world regions. In particular, the study examined LIB production in the US, China, Japan, South Korea, and Europe, with details of supply chains and the electrical grid in these regions. Results indicate that 27-kWh automotive NMC111 LIBs produced via a European-dominant supply chain generate 65 kg CO2e/kWh, while those produced via a Chinese-dominant supply chain generate 100 kg CO2e/kWh. Further, there are significant regional differences for local pollutants associated with LIB, especially SOx emissions related to nickel production. We find that no single regional supply chain outperforms all others in every evaluation metric, but the data indicate that supply chains powered by renewable electricity provide the greatest emission reduction potential.
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In light of the increasing penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) in the global vehicle market, understanding the environmental impacts of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) that characterize the EVs is key to sustainable EV deployment. This study analyzes the cradle-to-gate total energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, SOx, NOx, PM10 emissions, and water consumption associated with current industrial production of lithium nickel manganese cobalt oxide (NMC) batteries, with the battery life cycle analysis (LCA) module in the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) model, which was recently updated with primary data collected from large-scale commercial battery material producers and automotive LIB manufacturers. The results show that active cathode material, aluminum, and energy use for cell production are the major contributors to the energy and environmental impacts of NMC batteries. However, this study also notes that the impacts could change significantly, depending on where in the world the battery is produced, and where the materials are sourced. In an effort to harmonize existing LCAs of automotive LIBs and guide future research, this study also lays out differences in life cycle inventories (LCIs) for key battery materials among existing LIB LCA studies, and identifies knowledge gaps.
Technical Report
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As 2018 gets under way, there are probably more than three million electric cars in circulation in the world. There are also more than six hundred million electric bikes, scooters and motorcycles. Plus a few hundred thousand electric buses and other types of quadricycles having an electric motor. The first part of this paper traces the fast evolving market of electric road vehicles. The second part shows that the production of hundreds of millions of battery packs requires a lot of energy and plenty of scarce resources, which affects the real impact of electric vehicles on the climate and the environment and make it necessary to consider the recovery and recycling of used batteries.
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With the mass market penetration of electric vehicles, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with lithium-ion battery production has become a major concern. In this study, by establishing a life cycle assessment framework, GHG emissions from the production of lithium-ion batteries in China are estimated. The results show that for the three types of most commonly used lithium-ion batteries, the (LFP) battery, the (NMC) battery and the (LMO) battery, the GHG emissions from the production of a 28 kWh battery are 3061 kgCO2-eq, 2912 kgCO2-eq and 2705 kgCO2-eq, respectively. This implies around a 30% increase in GHG emissions from vehicle production compared with conventional vehicles. The productions of cathode materials and wrought aluminum are the dominating contributors of GHG emissions, together accounting for around three quarters of total emissions. From the perspective of process energy use, around 40% of total emissions are associated with electricity use, for which the GHG emissions in China are over two times higher than the level in the United States. According to our analysis, it is recommended that great efforts are needed to reduce the GHG emissions from battery production in China, with improving the production of cathodes as the essential measure.
The study presents a life cycle assessment (LCA) of a next generation lithium ion battery pack using silicon nanotube anode (SiNT), Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese oxide cathode, and lithium hexafluorophosphate electrolyte. The battery pack is characterized with 63 kWh capacity to power a mid-sized electric vehicle (EV) for a 320 km range. A novel LCA model is developed through the inventory analyses of the SiNT anode manufacturing conducted based on our lab-scale experimentation, and the inventory of the NMC-SiNT battery manufacturing is constructed from our industrial partners' pilot-scale battery production facilities. The upstream and downstream inventory analyses are performed through professional LCA databases and public literature. The obtained impact results of the NMC-SiNT battery are benchmarked with those of a conventional NMC-Graphite battery pack under the same driving distance per charge baseline. The results show that the NMC-SiNT battery has comparable environmental impacts with the conventional NMC-Graphite battery, with 10%-17% higher impacts in global warming potential and fossil depletion potential while 39%-56% lower impacts in human toxicity, freshwater ecotoxicity, and marine toxicity. In this study, a sensitivity analysis is also performed to investigate the robustness and reliability of the LCA results. Finally, the paper conducted scenario analysis to identify potential ways to improve the environmental performance of the NMC-SiNT battery for future sustainable development in EVs' application.
The various studies that consider the life cycle environmental impacts of lithium-ion traction batteries report widely different results. This article evaluates the inventory data and results to identify the key assumptions and differences in the studies. To aid the identification, we compile the reported life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of batteries. The studies find production-related emissions in the range of 38–356 kg CO2-eq/kW h. One of the main sources of the large variations stems from differing assumptions regarding direct energy demand associated with cell manufacture and pack assembly. Further differences are due to assumptions regarding the amount of cell materials and other battery components. The indirect emissions associated with the use phase depend on the conversion losses in the battery, the energy required to transport the weight of the battery, and the carbon intensity of the electricity. Of the reviewed studies assessing the use phase, all estimate energy use associated with conversion losses while only one considers the mass-induced energy requirement. Although there are several industrial end-of-life treatment alternatives for lithium-ion batteries, very few studies consider this life cycle stage. Studies using the “recycled content” approach report emissions in the range of 3.6–27 kg CO2-eq/kW h battery, while studies using the “end-of-life“ approach report emission reductions in the range of 16–32 kg CO2-eq/kW h battery. The uncertainty associated with the end-of-life results is high as the data availability on industrial process is limited. Based on our findings, we discuss how the life emissions of lithium-ion traction batteries may be reduced.
Lithium ion batteries (LIB) are widely used to power electric vehicles. Here we report a comprehensive manufacturing energy analysis of the popular LMO-graphite LIB pack used on Nissan Leaf and Chevrolet Volt. A 24 kWh battery pack with 192 prismatic cells is analysed at each manufacturing process from mixing, coating, calendaring, notching till final cutting and assembly, with data collected and modelled from real industrial processes. It is found that 29.9 GJ of energy is embedded in the battery materials, 58.7 GJ energy consumed in the battery cell production, and 0.3 GJ energy for the final battery pack assembly.
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery is widely recognized as the most promising battery technology for future electric vehicles (EV). To understand the environmental sustainability performance of Li-S battery on future EVs, here a novel life cycle assessment (LCA) model is developed for comprehensive environmental impact assessment of a Li-S battery pack using a graphene sulfur composite cathode and a lithium metal anode protected by a lithium-ion conductive layer, for actual EV applications. The Li-S battery pack is configured with a 61.3 kWh capacity to power a mid-size EV for 320 km range. The life cycle inventory model is developed with a hybrid approach, based on our lab-scale synthesis of the graphene sulfur composite, our lab fabrication of Li-S battery cell, and our industrial partner's battery production processes. The impacts of the Li-S battery are assessed using the ReCiPe method and benchmarked with those of a conventional Nickle-Cobalt-Manganese (NCM)-Graphite battery pack under the same driving distance per charge. The environmental impact assessment results illustrate that Li-S battery is more environmentally friendly than conventional NCM-Graphite battery, with 9%–90% lower impact. Finally, the improvement pathways for the Li-S battery to meet the USABC (U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium) targets are presented with the corresponding environmental impact changes.
This study presents a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) on a potential next-generation lithium ion battery (LIB) with molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) anode and Nickel-Cobalt-Manganese oxide (NMC) cathode. The NMC-MoS2 battery is configured with 49.4 kWh capacity enabling a 320 km driving range for a mid-sized EV. In this study, the MoS2 anode synthesis is modelled based on our lab-scale experimentation and the battery design is based on the electrochemical parameters obtained from our lab results. The life cycle impact assessment is conducted using the ReCiPe method. The freshwater ecotoxicity impact is assessed through the modified USEtox™ method, based on the characterisation factor of the CNT (carbon nanotubes) is derived. The obtained impact results of the NMC-MoS2 battery are benchmarked with those of a conventional NMC-Graphite battery under the same driving distance per charge. The results show that the NMC-MoS2 battery has higher environmental impacts in most impact categories compared to a conventional NMC-Graphite battery. Impacts on global warming potential and fossil depletion potential are 6%–7% higher while impacts in freshwater ecotoxicity, freshwater eutrophication, human toxicity, marine toxicity, marine eutrophication and terrestrial ecotoxicity are 141%–271% higher. Finally, a sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the robustness and reliability of the LCA results.