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Median Nerve Variation: A Complete Spin before Terminal Branching

Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury

Abstract and Figures

Median nerve anatomy is of great interest to clinicians and scientists given the importance of this nerve and its association with diseases. A rare anatomical variant of the median nerve in the distal forearm and wrist was discovered during a cadaveric dissection. The median nerve was deep to the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) in the carpal tunnel. It underwent a 360-degree spin before emerging at the lateral edge of FDS. The recurrent motor branch moved from medial to lateral on the deep surface of the median nerve, as it approached the distal carpal tunnel. This variant doesn't fall into any of Lanz's four groups of median nerve anomalies. We propose a fifth group that involves variations in the course of the median nerve. This report underscores the importance of recognizing variants of the median nerve anatomy in the forearm and wrist during surgical interventions, such as for carpal tunnel syndrome.
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Median Nerve Variation: A Complete Spin before
Terminal Branching
Amgad S. Hanna1Zhikui Wei2Barbara A. Hanna3
1Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Wisconsin School
of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
2Department of Neurology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States
3College of Letter and Science (Premed), Undergraduate Student,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj 2020;15:e1e4.
Address for correspondence Amgad S. Hanna, MD, Department of
Neurological Surgery, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and
Public Health, 600 Highland Avenue, MC 8660, Room K4/830, CSC,
Madison, WI 53792, United States (e-mail:
Median nerve anatomy and variations have fascinated both
clinicians and researchers. Classically, the median nerve is
described to be derived from both the lateral and medial
cords of the brachial plexus. It runs down the upper arm
without any branches, and enters forearm between the two
heads of pronator teres. In the forearm, the median nerve
travels between exor digitorum supercialis (FDS) and
exor digitorum profundus. It then gives out the anterior
interosseous nerve from the dorsolateral aspect. In the wrist
and hand, median nerve travels deep to the exor retinacu-
lum (transverse carpal ligament) and gives out its terminal
branches, including the recurrent motor branch on the
lateral side, and the palmar digital branches medially.
While textbook descri ptions provide an excellent baseline
for understanding the anatomy of this nerve, it does not
represent the whole reality of median nerve anatomy, as
seen by surgeons and researchers. Median nerve anatomical
variations have been frequently reported in the literature.
We report a rare median nerve anatomical variant that was
encountered during a cadaveric dissection. The median nerve
was deep to FDS in the carpal tunnel and showed a 360-degree
spin before dividing into its terminal branches. To our knowl-
edge, this has never been described before. Recognition is a key
since this anomaly may put the median nerve at risk of injury
during surgery for carpal tunnel release.
Case Presentation
This is a cadaveric dissection of an 82-year-old femalesleft
upper limb. There were no signs of trauma or previous surgery.
Once the exor retinaculum was opened, only tendons of FDS
were seen (Fig. 1). Normally the median nerve is located
betweenthe exor retinaculum and the FDS. Furtherdissection
revealed thatthe median nerve madea 180-degree spinaround
the lateral border of the FDS tendon to the index nger toward
the distal end of the carpal tunnel (Figs. 1 and 2). The median
nerve and its branches then travelled medially supercial to
FDS, along with the supercial palmar arch (Figs. 1 and 2).
carpal tunnel
exor digitorum
median nerve
Abstract Median nerve anatomy is of great interest to clinicians and scientists given the
importance of this nerve and its association with diseases. A rare anatomical variant
of the median nerve in the distal forearm and wrist was discovered during a cadaveric
dissection. The median nerve was deep to the exor digitorum supercialis (FDS) in the
carpal tunnel. It underwent a 360-degree spin before emerging at the lateral edge of
FDS. The recurrent motor branch moved from medial to lateral on the deep surface of
the median nerve, as it approached the distal carpal tunnel. This variant doesntfallinto
any of Lanzs four groups of median nerve anomalies. We propose a fth group that
involves variations in the course of the median nerve. This report underscores the
importance of recognizing variants of the median nerve anatomy in the forearm and
wrist during surgical interventions, such as for carpal tunnel syndrome.
June 3, 2019
accepted after revision
August 28, 2019
ISSN 1749-7221.
© 2020 Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Stuttgart · New York
Case Report e1
Published online: 12.02.2020
When the FDS tendons were separated, the median nerve was
found to have another 180-degree spin around itself proximal
to the carpal tunnel deep to FDS, thus completing a 360-degree
spin (Fig. 2A). An interfascicular dissection was then per-
formed to separate the palmar recurrent branch. This was
found to be on the medial aspect of the median nerve in the
proximal carpal tunnel, and then it travels on the deep surface
of the median nerve to head laterally toward the thenar
muscles in the distal carpal tunnel (Fig. 2B). We completed
the dissection byexposing the mediannerve in the cubitalfossa
and the upper forearm (Fig. 3).
Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common forms
of entrapment neuropathy, often requiring surgical release
of the transverse carpal ligament. Common causes of
carpal tunnel syndrome include changes that led to the
increased tissue turgor, hypertrophy of connective tissue,
or deposition of metabolic products in the tissue. These
changes could be the downstream effects of traumatic,
hormonal, metabolic, vascular, inammatory, neoplastic,
or aging processes.
Fig. 1 (A) Dissection of the palmar aspect of the left hand and forearm. Only tendons of exor digitorum supercialis (FDS; 1) were visible once
the exor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) was opened. The median ner ve, while not visible in the carpal tunnel, its branches (2)
appeared distally toward the radial aspect of FDS and crossed medially supercial to FDS along with the supercial palm ar arch (3). (4) represents
exor carpi radialis and (5) i s the exor carpi ulnaris. H, hypothenar muscles; T, thenar muscles; arrow, cut end of the transverse carpal ligament.
(B)Magnied view of A.
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury Vol. 15 No. 1/2020
Variation of Median Nerve Hanna et al.e2
Stancićet alstudied 100 hands and found that less than 50%
of them aligned with the median nerve anatomy described in
textbooks.1Thus, they proposed that knowledge of these
variations should be applied preoperatively to minimize chan-
ces of incomplete decompression of the nerve during surgery.
Henry et al proposed that variations in median nerve location
and branching in the carpal tunnel are not onlyexisting but are
common, and carpal tunnel release should be approached
from the ulnar side to minimize further injury in surgery.2
Vinding et al identied a rare anatomical variant of the thenar
branch that originates from ulnar side and runs supraligmen-
tously close to the top of the transverse ligament which carries
great risk of injury during endoscopic release for carpal tunnel
syndrome.3Hanna classied the motor branch of the median
nerve into types I-IV based on location on the median nerve,
and A-D based on the angle it takes.4Spagnoli et al reported a
high division of the median nerve proximal to the carpal
tunnel, also known as a bid median nerve, and itsassociation
with carpal tunnel syndrome and with persistent median
vessels.5Lis et al reported a variation of the median nerve
that passed through the head of the exor digitorum super-
cialis.6Atoni and Oyinbo identied a splitting of the median
nerve into medial and lateral divisions in the proximal one-
third of the forearm to accommodate an anomalous muscle
which could be a source of median nerve compression.7
Papathanassiou found a variation of the median nerve that
gave a motor branch more proximally than expected, thus
passing through the exor retinaculum.8
Lanz supported the ulnar approach in surgery, reporting
29 variations in 246 hands. He classied the variations of
median nerve in the wrist into four groups. Group I includes
variations of the thenar branch. Group II includes variations
that involve accessory branches of the median nerve at the
distal end of carpal tunnel. Group III includes median nerve
with high divisions, and group IV includes variations that
involve accessory branches proximal to the carpal tunnel.9
Among group I, four variations are identied and these
include subligamentous, transligamentous, ulnarwards,
and supraligamentous courses of thenar branch, in addition
to the standard anatomy, extraligamenous thenar branch.9
Interestingly, our case identied an anatomical basis for the
ulnarward origin of the thenar branch which is due to a
proximal rotation of median nerve deep to FDS rather than
actual variations of the terminal branches of median nerve
itself. This warrants adding a separate group, may be group V
that includes variation in the course of the median nerve.
Fig. 2 (A) When the exor tendons were retracted, the medianner ve(M) was observed making a 360-degree spiralturn deep to the FDS tendonsto emerge
lateral to then supercial to FDS. (B) Interfascicular dissection showing the palmar recurrent branch (yellow vessel loops) moving from medial to lateral on
the deep surface of the median nerve toward its destination to the thenar muscles. FDS, exor digitorum supercialis; T, thenar muscles.
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury Vol. 15 No. 1/2020
VariationofMedianNerve Hanna et al. e3
This case highlights the importance of recognizing varia-
tions of the median nerve anatomy in the forearm and wrist
region, and their signicance with regard to the diagnosis
and treatment of conditions, such as the carpal tunnel
syndrome. It is crucial to gather as much information as
possible regarding the anatomy prior to surgery, as well as be
able to recognize the variations when encountered intra-
operatively, to minimize the possibility of iatrogenic events.
Conict of Interest
None declared.
1StancićMF, Eskinja N, StosićA. Anatomical variations of the
median nerve in the car pal tunnel. Int Orthop 1995;1 9(01):3034
2Henry BM, Zwinczewska H, Roy J, et al. The prevalence of
anatomical variations of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel:
a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One 2015;10(08):
3Vinding MT, Tarnowski JR, Benyahia M. A rare anatomical variant
of the thenar branch discovered during open decompression of
the median nerve. J Plast Surg Hand Surg 2010;44(06):322324
4Hanna A. Classication of the variations of the palmar recurrent
branch of the median nerve with special emphasis on angulation.
J Neurosurg 2019:18. [Epub ahead of print]
5Spagnoli AM, Fino P, Fioramonti P, Sanese G, Scuderi N. Bid
median nerve and carpal tunnel syndrome: an uncommon ana-
tomical variation. Ann Ital Chir 2017;88:9596
6Lis M, Solewski B, Koziej M, Walocha E, Walocha JA, Klimek-
Piotrowska W. The median nerve penetrating through the radial
head of the exor digitorum supercialis muscle: Case report.
Folia Med Cracov 2018;58(01):107111
7Atoni AD, Oyinbo CA. Anatomic variation of the median nerve
associated with an anomalous muscle of the forearm. Folia Med
(Plovdiv) 2017;59(01):106109
8Papathanassiou BT. A variant of the motor branch of the median
nerve in the hand. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1968;50(01):156157
9Lanz U. Anatomical variations of the median nerve in the carpal
tunnel. J Hand Surg Am 1977;2(01):4453
Fig. 3 The entire course of the median nerve is observed from the cubital
fossa, under the exormuscles, and then distally making a 360-degree turn
until it branches distal to the transverse carpal ligament. 1, common exor
tendon originating from the medial epicondyle of the humerus; 2, exor
carpi radialis; BR, brachioradialis; FDS, exor digitorum supercialis; M,
median nerve; T, thenar muscles.
Journal of Brachial Plexus and Peripheral Nerve Injury Vol. 15 No. 1/2020
Variation of Median Nerve Hanna et al.e4
... e median nerve is classically described as originating from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus and, from there, coursing down the brachium without branching. [3] e median nerve then enters the proximal antebrachium between the humeral and ulnar heads of the pronator teres before branching to innervate its target muscle groups. [3,10] One such muscle is the flexor pollicis longus in the anterior compartment, located laterally and deep to the flexor digitorum profundus, the primary flexor of the thumb. ...
... [3] e median nerve then enters the proximal antebrachium between the humeral and ulnar heads of the pronator teres before branching to innervate its target muscle groups. [3,10] One such muscle is the flexor pollicis longus in the anterior compartment, located laterally and deep to the flexor digitorum profundus, the primary flexor of the thumb. [9] e main branch of the median nerve continues deep in the proximal forearm between the flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus to then supply the anterior interosseous nerve. ...
... [9] e main branch of the median nerve continues deep in the proximal forearm between the flexor digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus to then supply the anterior interosseous nerve. [3,9,10] At the wrist, the palmar cutaneous branch runs superficial to the transverse carpal ligament, while the main median nerve branch travels deep to the transverse carpal ligament. [3] e median nerve then gives off the terminal palmar digital and palmar recurrent (thenar, motor) branches. ...
Full-text available
Background The median nerve anatomy and its clinical presentation are crucial for surgeons to consider avoiding iatrogenic injury and performing effective surgical interventions. Case Description An atypical presentation of median nerve anatomy proximal to the carpal tunnel was found during cadaveric dissection. The median nerve was located deep to a uniquely double-headed flexor carpi radialis and curved medially around the tendons of the forearm to enter the carpal tunnel superficially. Conclusion The atypical presentation of median nerve anatomy can assist surgeons in adverse event reduction during surgeries such as carpal tunnel and pronator teres syndrome releases.
Wrist and hand anatomy may present several clinically relevant variants that involve bones, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Thorough knowledge of these abnormalities and their appearance in imaging studies is useful for proper management. In particular, it is necessary to differentiate the incidental findings that do not represent a trigger for a specific syndrome from those anomalies causing symptoms and functional impairment. This review reports the most common anatomical variants encountered in clinical practice and briefly discusses their embryogenesis, related clinical syndrome if present, and their appearance using different imaging techniques. The information each diagnostic study (ultrasonography, radiographs, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging) may provide is described for each condition.
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The forearm is a body region of numerous anatomical variations. Due to its favorable anatomy flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (FDS) is commonly used in tendon transfer surgeries. In this study a unique combination of abnormalities was found in a single forearm: the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle penetrated by the median nerve, one of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendons early division and absence of the palmaris longus muscle. Described variation potentially may lead to the clinical manifestation of the median nerve compression and should be also considered during FDS surgery.
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Documented anatomical variations are important not only for the study of the subject of anatomy, but also in clinical situation. This knowledge would aid surgeons in planning a preoperative strategy for surgical procedures and reconstructive surgery. The right forearm of a 35-year-old embalmed male cadaver present a splitting of the median nerve in the proximal 1/3 of the forearm to form medial and lateral divisions that accommodate an anomalous muscle. The split median nerve reunites at the distal 1/3 and continues as a single nerve. The anomalous muscle arises by muscle fibers from flexor digitorum superficialis and inserted by tendon into flexor digitorum profundus. There was no such variation in the left forearm. The knowledge of such anatomical variations is important to clinicians and surgeons in interpreting atypical clinical presentations and avoiding unusual injury during surgery.
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Background and objective: The course and branches of the median nerve (MN) in the wrist vary widely among the population. Due to significant differences in the reported prevalence of such variations, extensive knowledge on the anatomy of the MN is essential to avoid iatrogenic nerve injury. Our aim was to determine the prevalence rates of anatomical variations of the MN in the carpal tunnel and the most common course patterns and variations in its thenar motor branch (TMB). Study design: A systematic search of all major databases was performed to identify articles that studied the prevalence of MN variations in the carpal tunnel and the TMB. No date or language restrictions were set. Extracted data was classified according to Lanz's classification system: variations in the course of the single TMB-extraligamentous, subligamentous, and transligamentous (type 1); accessory branches of the MN at the distal carpal tunnel (type 2); high division of the MN (type 3); and the MN and its accessory branches proximal to the carpal tunnel (type 4). Pooled prevalence rates were calculated using MetaXL 2.0. Results: Thirty-one studies (n = 3918 hands) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled prevalence rates of the extraligamentous, subligamentous, and transligamentous courses were 75.2% (95%CI:55.4%-84.7%), 13.5% (95%CI:3.6%-25.7%), and 11.3% (95%CI:2.4%-23.0%), respectively. The prevalence of Lanz group 2, 3, and 4 were 4.6% (95%CI:1.6%-9.1%), 2.6% (95%CI:0.1%-2.8%), and 2.3% (95%CI:0.3%-5.6%), respectively. Ulnar side of branching of the TMB was found in 2.1% (95%CI:0.9%-3.6%) of hands. The prevalence of hypertrophic thenar muscles over the transverse carpal ligament was 18.2% (95%CI:6.8%-33.0%). A transligamentous course of the TMB was more commonly found in hands with hypertrophic thenar muscles (23.4%, 95%CI:5.0%-43.4%) compared to those without hypertrophic musculature (1.7%, 95%CI:0%-100%). In four studies (n = 423 hands), identical bilateral course of the TMB was found in 72.3% (95%CI:58.4%-84.4%) of patients. Conclusions: Anatomical variations in the course of the TMB and the MN in the carpal tunnel are common in the population. Thus, we recommend an ulnar side approach to carpal tunnel release, with a careful layer by layer dissection, to avoid iatrogenic damage to the TMB.
Objective: Iatrogenic nerve injuries are devastating to both the patient and the surgeon. This study focuses on the anatomical relationship of the palmar recurrent branch with the parent median nerve in an attempt to identify higher risk types. Methods: The palmar recurrent branch was dissected in 75 embalmed cadavers. The median nerve was divided into 4 sections from lateral to medial, defined as zones 1-4. The angle to the axial plane of the median nerve was also measured and classified as 0°, 45°, 60°, and 90°. Results: Accessory recurrent branches were found in 36.2% of cases. The recurrent branch originated from zone 1 in 32.42%, zone 2 in 61.54%, zone 3 in 6.04%, and zone 4 in 0%. These are respectively classified as types I, II, III, and IV. The motor branch made an angle with the median nerve of 0° in 17% of cases, 45° in 37.4%, 60° in 26.4%, and 90° in 19.2%. These are respectively classified as types A, B, C, and D. Conclusions: Close attention should be paid to the potential anatomical variabilities when performing nerve surgeries. For the palmar recurrent branch, the more medial the origin and the greater the angle it makes with the median nerve, the more dangerous it is. This classification is helpful in unifying the language and comparing results.
Dear sir, one of the most common entrapment neuropathy syndromes in clinical practice is "Entrapment of median nerve in carpal tunnel" also called "Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)" (Aydin et al., 2007; Huisstede et al., 2010). This syndrome is caused by entrapment of the median nerve in the wrist (Preston and Shapiro, 2005) when the pressure increases in the carpal tunnel. A high division of the median nerve proximal to the carpal tunnel, also known as a bifid median nerve, is a rare anatomic variation that may be associated with CTS and with persistent median vessels (Lanz, 1977). This anatomic variation has an incidence of 0,8% to 2,3% in patients with CTS. Lanz (1977) has characterized this anatomic condition of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. These anatomic variants have been classified into four groups: - Group 0: extraligamentous thenar branch (standard anatomy); - Group 1: variations of the course of the thenar branch; - Group 2: accessory branches at the distal portion of the carpal tunnel; - Group 3: divided or duplicated median nerve inside the carpal tunnel; - Group 4: accessory branches proximal to the carpal tunnel. During dissection of the wrist performed for the treatment of a CTS under local anesthesia, we found an anatomical variation of the median nerve that was divided in two branches inside the carpal tunnel (Group 3 of Lanz Classification) and in which its radial branch passed through its own compartment. The two parts of the nerve seems to be unequal in size (Fig. 1). Moreover the nerve passed in carpal tunnel associated with a median artery, so we classified this variation in the group 3b of Lanz Classification (Fig. 2). The persistence of median artery coexisting with a bifid median nerve has been widely reported in surgical literature (Lanz, 1977; Barbe et al., 2005). Before surgical intervention clinical evaluation of patient and electrophysiological examination showed no differences compared to a non bifid median nerve entrapment syndrome. In conclusion the bifid median nerve may facilitate compression of median nerve in the carpal tunnel because of its increased cross sectional area even if it has no electrophysiological or clinical differential diagnosis in case of CTS. The aim of this letter is aware the physicians in order to borne in mind the possible presence of a median nerve variation during dissection of carpal tunnel in order to avoid the damage of this non common anatomical structures.
The median nerve was explored in 100 hands and the variations classified by the Lanz system. Only 47.7% of hands showed the standard anatomy described in textbooks. Rare variations were also found. Knowledge of the variable anatomy of the nerve could help to avoid incomplete decompression at operations for carpal tunnel entrapment and injury to the thenar branch of the nerve. The possibility of double thenar innervation must be considered in preoperative evaluation and in the follow up of median nerve injuries.L'objet de ce travail est d'valuer la frquence des variations du nerf mdian dans le canal carpien. Le nerf mdian a t tudi sur 100 mains et les variations ont t classes selon le systme de Lanz. Quarante-sept, sept % des mains seulement taient conformes la description classique (anatomie de Gray). Dans le groupe 2 les auteurs ont observ une variation rare, dcrite en 1904 par Chevrier. La connaissance des variations anatomiques du nerf mdian permet d'viter les complications les plus communes: dcompression incomplte et lsions iatrogniques de la branche thnarienne. Lors de l'valuation pr-opratoire ainsi que lors de la rvision post-opratoire il faut envisager la possibilit d'une double innervation thnarienne.
We describe a rare anatomical variant of the thenar branch of the median nerve during open release of the carpal tunnel. The thenar branch originated from the ulnar side of the median nerve and traversed supraligamentously close to the top of the transverse ligament. A high resolution clinical photograph shows the relation between the anatomical structures when the thenar variant is present in the carpal tunnel. This is one of the dangers faced by surgeons when doing open or endoscopic release of the carpal tunnel.
In 246 hands in which the carpal tunnel was explored at operation, 29 variations in the course of the median nerve were found. Accessory branches at the distal portion of the tunnel were found in 18 hands, a high division of the median nerve in seven, and accessory branches proximal to the tunnel in four. Based upon these findings and including published reports of others, the variations were classified into four groups: I-variation in the course of the thenar branch; II-accessory branches at the distal portion of the carpal tunnel; III-high divisions of the median nerve; and IV-accessory branches proximal to the carpal canal. The thenar branch variations in 100 cadaver hands (Poisel) were extraligamentous in 46 percent, subligamentous in 31 percent, and transligamentous in 23 percent. The findings emphasize the importance of approaching the median nerve from the ulnar side when opening the carpal tunnel.
A variation of the motor branch of the median nerve is described in which this branch arose more proximally and pierced the flexor retinaculum. Its significance during a carpal tunnel decompression is pointed out.