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Factors Affecting Burnout in Manufacturing
Mochamad Soelton*, Devy Hardianti
Universitas Mercu Buana
Jakarta, Indonesia
Suryo Kuncoro, Jumadi Jumadi
Universitas Brawijaya
Malang, Indonesia
Abstract—This study was to determine the effect of workload,
work family conflict, work life balance on burnout of employees
of PT. Graha Planet Nusantara Tangerang. The object of this
research is employees who work at PT. Graha Planet Nusantara
Tangerang. This study was conducted on 83 respondents using a
quantitative descriptive approach. The results of this study show
that the workload variable has a significant positive effect on
burnout, work family conflict has a significant positive effect on
burnout and work life balance has a significant negative effect on
burnout. The approach used in this study is the Structural
Equation Model (SEM) with a Smart-PLS analysis tool.
Therefore, the results of this research test state that there is a
joint effect between workload, work family conflict and work life
balance variables on burnout at PT. Graha Planet Nusantara
Keywords: work load, work family conflict, work life
balance, burnout
A. Background
Human resources are important factors in the company to
determine the success or failure of the company in achieving its
objectives. Good organizational planning is certainly supported
by the ability of human resources to carry out their work, so
that in the planning process these goals will not experience
many problems. The Problems that often arise in the world of
work today are saturation or work fatigue caused by increased
workload. The company's competition requires its employees
to further increase productivity, with minimal human resources
but more workload. If the increase in workload is not supported
by excellent conditions both non-physical and physical, it will
cause fatigue [1].
Soelton and Syamsu, Gonul and Gokce say burnout is a
prolonged response related to stress factors that continue to
occur in the workplace where the result is a combination of
workers and their jobs [2]. The employees who have the
highest burnout level are mostly likely to withdraw from their
jobs so that the work is not optimal. Meanwhile, if employees
feel that there is a discrepancy given by the company to
employees, such as the existence of unhealthy competition
among fellow employees, lack of support from superiors, this
is what causes symptoms of burnout in employees [2].
According to Soelton and Syamsu, Rahmawati and Amir
burnout conditions will also affect the decline in performance
and work performance and changes in individual attitudes in
the work environment such as: withdrawal from work by
keeping distance (decreasing intensity correlates well with
clients or colleagues work), more absent and have a higher
turnover than other workers [2]. According to Jumadi, Soelton
and Nugrahati, basically the workload imposed on employees
must be in accordance with the capabilities and regulations that
apply, excessive workload (workload) can cause fatigue and
work stress on employees which results in low employee job
satisfaction [3].
In addition to causing fatigue, employees will also
experience physical, emotional disorders and ultimately lead to
boredom. But not all individuals experience fatigue due to high
workloads. As experienced by Dini, the negative conditions
that occur in the corporate environment are actually used as a
tool to provide courage and willingness to actively seek
solutions to problems so that burnout does not occur [4].
Burnout is a term for a decrease in physical condition after
stress that is not cured that is related to work and is
characterized by a disease or physical disorder. Baron &
Greenberg in Saputra, say that burnout is an emotional,
physical, and mental fatigue syndrome associated with a low
sense of self-esteem, due to intense and prolonged stress
suffering [1].
This will be a serious problem for employees and
companies if it has led to the emergence of burnout. Burnout is
a condition of loss of energy both psychologically and
physically. Usually this happens due to working conditions that
do not support or are not in line with expectations. Usually
burnout is experienced in the form of physical, mental and
emotional fatigue. Because it is psychobiological (the
psychological burden of moving to the physical appearance,
it’s easy to be dizzy, not concentrating, easy to get sick) and
usually cumulative, sometimes the problem is not easily solved
According to the National Safety Council (NSC) in
Maharani and Hapsari, it is explained that burnout is a result of
stress that is felt on a general workload, a specific symptom of
work saturation in the form of boredom, pessimism, lack of
concentration, unsatisfactory quality of work, depression,
decreased job satisfaction, absence from work, experiencing
illness or suffering from an illness [4]. Burnout is a crucial
problem in the world of work, because it often inhibits
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB 2019)
Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 46
employee performance which ultimately harms the company.
Cooper et al., in Saputro explained that burnout often arises in
the workforce due to high routine and daily stresses [5]. As
explained, the demands or workload given to employees that
exceed their abilities will result in a decrease in employee
conditions. Excess workload is one of the problems that are
always found in various types of work. According to Gibson in
Saputro everyone has experienced a workload that is too heavy
(work overload) at a time [5]. Excess workloads are too many
tasks or responsibilities with little work time experienced by
workers. Excess workloads often occur in companies that have
high mobility. Excess workload arises because employees
consider themselves unable to do work with a burden that
exceeds their capacity. In general, the workload has its own
limitations. Limitation - the limitation itself can be seen from
the abilities possessed by employees with the workload itself.
In addition to overloading workload, work family conflict
is one of the reasons employees experience fatigue at work.
Usually work family conflict occurs in employees who already
have a family, there are two demands that must be fulfilled,
namely demands in the workplace and in the family that must
be completed simultaneously with limited time and ability.
Soelton and Syamsu, Hanif defines that role conflict is a
psychological symptom experienced by members of the
organization that can cause discomfort in work and potentially
can reduce work motivation so that it can reduce overall
employee performance [2]. Soelton and Syamsu, Handoko, role
conflict is something that happens when an individual /
employee faces uncertainty about the work he expects to do, if
various work requests conflict with each other or if the
individual is expected to do more than his ability [2]. Munda &
Yuniawan explained that work family conflict occurs in
someone who has long working hours and finds it difficult to
balance the demands of work and family which will cause
pressure or stress and have an impact on reducing job
satisfaction [6]. Wulansari mentions both work family conflict
and family work conflict have consequences for employees [7].
However, previous studies discussed more about the effect of
work family conflict rather than family work conflict. This is
because work family conflict is considered to have a more
serious impact on employees compared to family work
In a study conducted by Hakim et al in Wulansari, it was
stated that women often find it difficult to be able to combine
roles in work and family [7]. For example, when there is a
business meeting outside the city or a nighttime meeting can
cause conflict because it coincides with a schedule of family
dinners or parent and teacher meetings which are unlikely to be
in the same two places at the same time. Total demands on
time and energy that begin to be unbalanced will be an
overload or overload for women who work so that they can
trigger fatigue both physically and emotionally (burnout).
Research conducted by Brown and Roloff in Wulansari, shows
that as many as 57% of white collar workers report work-
family conflicts that occur within themselves due to long
working hours [7]. White collar workers, especially women,
have greater responsibilities than non-white collar workers. In
addition to working during working hours, they have to prepare
extra time for needs outside working hours such as meetings,
official trips out of town, and they also have to set aside time
for the family. Time limitations and excessive workload cause
burnout which can be physical and emotional fatigue.
In the study of Kuntari et al., it was shown that there was a
positive relationship between work families conflict with
burnout not only in women who worked, but that men could
also experience work family conflict [8]. So the higher the
work family conflict, the higher the burnout experienced. To
achieve the target well, employees cannot rely solely on skills.
No less important is the balance of employees in managing the
balance of their personal lives with the demands of work. Often
times employees who have excess workloads cannot keep up
with their personal lives. When an individual does not maintain
balance and work too much in organizational settings, this can
lead to psychological (mind, soul) and behavioral
consequences, as a result of low productivity. Work life
balance is well defined as a situation where workers feel able to
balance work and personal life or other commitments [9].
Work life balance means that employees can freely use flexible
working hours to balance their work or work with other
commitments such as family, hobbies, arts, studies, and not
only focus on their work according to Frame and Hartog in
Moedy [10].
Preeti Singh and Parul Khanna suggest that, work life
balance is a broad concept that involves determining the right
priority between "work" (career and ambition) on the one hand
and "life" (happiness, leisure, family and spiritual
development) on the other side [11]. Work life balance is an
important factor for each employee, so that employees have a
balanced quality of life. Clark in Shobita and Sudarsan
proposes a new theory about work life balance, namely how
the boundary between work and life and work or family is the
main one, and separates between physical and psychological
[12]. Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn also defines work life
balance as a person's ability to balance work demands with
their personal and family needs [13]. Work life balance
according to Hill, Hawkins, Ferris and Weitzman refers to the
extent to which individuals can simultaneously balance
emotions, behavioral demands and time from paid work,
family, and personal duties [14].
Looking at the phenomena and facts that have been stated
in the description above, there are several aspects that affect
employee burnout at PT Graha Planet Nusantara Tangerang,
which include workload, work family conflict, and work life
balance so the authors are interested in conducting research and
the author will discuss further with the title "The Influence of
Workload, Work Family Conflict, and Work Life Balance On
Burnout in Employees".
B. Research Purposes
The research objective was to determine the effect of
Workload Conflict, Work Family Conflict, and Work Life
Balance on Burnout at PT Graha Planet Nusantara Tangerang
C. Benefits of Research
The results of this study are expected to contribute to add
insight or research studies and as a basis and comparative and
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
reference studies for similar researchers. The results of this
study can be taken into consideration for the office to
determine the policies to be taken in overcoming the influence
of Workload, Work Family Conflict, and Work Life Balance
on Burnout at PT Graha Planet Nusantara Tangerang
A. Workload
According to Maharani, a person's workload has been
determined in the form of a company's work standard
according to the type of work [15]. If most employees work
according to company standards, then it is not a problem. But
on the contrary, if the employee works below standard then the
workload will be excessive. Human resource needs can be
calculated by identifying how much the company's output in a
particular division is to be achieved. Then this is translated in
the form of length (hours and days) of employees needed to
achieve the output, so that it can be seen in any type of work
that occurs negative deviation or according to standards.
According to Permendagri No. 12/2008 in Aldata states that
workload is the amount of work that must be carried by a
position or organizational unit and is the product of work
volume and time norms [16]. If the ability of workers is higher
than the demands of work, boredom will emerge. But on the
contrary, if the worker's ability is lower than the demands of
the work, there will be more fatigue. The workload that is
charged to employees can be categorized into three conditions,
namely the workload that matches the standard, the workload
that is too high (over capacity) and the workload is low (under
According to Meshakti in Maharani, workload can be
defined as a difference between the capacity or ability of
workers with the demands of work to be faced [15]. Given that
human work is mental and physical, then each has a different
level of loading. The level of loading that is too high allows
excessive energy use and overstress occurs, whereas the
intensity of loading that is too low allows boredom and
saturation. Therefore, it is necessary to try the optimum level of
intensity between the two extreme boundaries and of course
different from one individual to another.
According to Tarwaka, there are several dimensions and
indicators in workload, namely [17]:
1) Time load, shows the amount of time available in
planning, implementation and monitoring tasks.
Too much overtime
There is almost no free time
2) Mental effort load, which means the amount of mental
effort in carrying out a job.
Very little mental effort is needed with full awareness
or very little concentration needed
Enough mental effort is needed with awareness or
sufficient concentration is needed
Very necessary mental effort and high concentration of
activities that are very complex so that full attention is
B. Work Family Conflict
According to Natameyer et al. in Baah defining family
work conflicts as a form of conflict where public demands,
time and tensions that originate from work interfere with
employee responsibilities to the family [18]. According to
Darmayanti in Noviyanti, family conflicts with workers occur
when individuals have to face demands from one domain of
interests (work or family) which causes the interests (roles) one
must defeat the interests of the other [19]. For example, the
more people who experience demands in the role they should
perform at home. Challenging jobs, frequent long trips and the
same working hours can easily lead to conflict with pressures
and desires to participate in family activities.
Whereas in the job role, family conflict - work will cause
work fatigue will affect individual behavior in the organization
such as absenteeism, employee turnover, and ultimately will
lead to the desire to move [20]. According to Ching in Sari,
work-family conflict is a form of role conflict where the
demands of the roles of work and family cannot be aligned in
several ways [21].
Agreeing with Frone, Greenhaus, and Parasuraman in
Noviyanti suggests that work family conflicts occur because
employees try to balance the demands and pressures that arise,
both from the family and from the work [19]. Darmayanti in
Noviyanti states that family work conflict (work family
conflict) has two components as follows [19]:
Family affairs interfere with work (Family interference
with work)
Work affairs interfere with the family (Work
interference with family)
According to Yang et al. work family conflict dimensions
are [22]:
1) Time-based conflict: Time-based conflict occurs when
the time allocated to perform a role causes difficulties to fulfill
demands from other roles.
2) Strain-based conflict: Strain-based conflict occurs
when strains (eg fatigue) are caused by carrying out a role
causing the difficulty to take responsibility for other roles.
3) Behavior-based conflict: Behavior-based conflict
occurs because the tension generated in a role influences the
implementation of other roles.
C. Work Life Balance
According to Greenhaus et al. in Putri, balance is generally
seen as a lack of conflict [23]. But if it is connected and
incorporated into the understanding of work life balance,
balance or balance here comes from effectiveness (functioning
well, productively, success) and positive (satisfying, happy)
effects both for work and family roles. Greenhaus et al in Putri,
defines work life balance as the degree to which an individual
aligns involvement and satisfaction in work roles and family
roles [23].
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
Work Life Balance is well defined as a situation where
workers feel able to balance work and personal life or other
commitments [9]. Work balance in the broad sense is defined
as the level of satisfaction of involvement or compatibility
between multiple roles in one's life [24]. Schermerhorn, Hunt
and Obsorn also defines work life balance as a person's ability
to balance work demands with their personal and family needs
Work Life Balance according to Hill, Hawkins, Ferris
Weitzman refers to the extent to which individuals can
simultaneously balance emotions, demands behavior and time
from paid work, family and personal duties [14]. This role
conflict arises because there are demands that are not in line or
contradictory, for example as a worker who works as a nurse
he must do overtime work but as a mother he must also pay
attention to family needs as well.
1) WIPL (Work Interference With Personal Life): This
dimension refers to the extent to which work can disrupt an
individual's personal life. For example, work can make it
difficult for a person to manage time for his personal life.
2) PLIW (Personal Life Interference With Work): This
dimension refers to the extent to which an individual's
personal life interferes with his work life. For example, if an
individual has a problem in his personal life, this can disrupt
the performance of the individual at work.
3) PLEW (Personal Life Enhancement Of Work): This
dimension refers to the extent to which one's personal life can
improve the performance of individuals in the world of work.
For example, if the individual feels happy because his
personal life is pleasant, this can make the individual's mood
at work enjoyable.
4) WEPL (Work Enhancement Of Personal Life): This
dimension refers to the extent to which work can improve the
quality of an individual's personal life. For example, skills
acquired by individuals at work allow individuals to use these
skills in their daily lives.
D. Burnout
Leiter and Maslach suggested that burnout is defined as
emotional fatigue syndrome, depersonalization, and a sense of
personal decline, achievement, which can occur in individuals
who work with people in the same capacity [25]. Maslach and
Jackson defines Burnout as a psychological syndrome that
includes 3 dimensions, namely emotional exhaustion
(emotional fatigue), depersonalization / cynicism (negative
attitude / cynicism) and inefficacy / reduce personal
accomplishment, which arises due to exposure to stressors that
take place continuously at work [26]. According to Kreitner
and Kinicki, job burnout is a result of prolonged stress and
occurs when a person begins to question his personal values
Hillhouse and Adler, Wright and Bonnet in Rhahmadia
stated that burnout is a problem due to lower morale, reduced
performance, increased delays, job turnover, loss of
productivity, high absenteeism, and poor physical, mental and
emotional health for workers. Burnout is largely described as
an extreme expression of work stress, the final condition of a
chronic process that is deteriorating and frustrating among
individual workers [28]. Burnout is also defined as fatigue due
to excessive demands on energy and resources [29]. Mimura
and Griffiths stated that Burnout was related to despair, delay,
and intention to leave one job [30].
The burnout indicator according to Priansa is as follows
Physical fatigue, such as insomnia, attacks of
headaches, lack of appetite, and individuals feeling sick
Emotional fatigue, such as depression, irritability,
Mental fatigue, such as being cynical about others,
tends to harm yourself, work and organization.
Low self-esteem, such as individuals are never satisfied
with the results of work themselves.
Depersonalization, such as alienating individuals from
the social environment, apathy, and not caring about the
environment and the people around them.
E. Conceptual Framework
Based on the previous description, the following is
illustrated the conceptual framework (chart) of influence
between research variables.
Fig. 1. Theoretical framework.
Research Hypothesis
Workload has a positive and significant effect on
Work Family Conflict has a positive and significant
effect on burnout.
Work Life Balance has a negative effect and is
significant for burnout
A. Research Design
In this study, research design was used, namely the type of
quantitative research. According to Sugiyono, quantitative
research can be interpreted as a research method based on
positivism philosophy, used to examine certain populations or
samples, sampling techniques are generally done randomly,
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
data collection uses research instruments, quantitative /
statistical data analysis with the aim of testing the
predetermined hypothesis [32].
B. Data Collection Instruments
The instrument used for data collection is a questionnaire
submitted to employees. The questionnaire was distributed to
83 employees of PT Graha Planet Nusantara, Tangerang.
C. Population
The population in this study were 83 employees of PT
Graha Planet Nusantara Tangerang.
D. Sample
The sample used is saturated sampling technique or census,
which is a sampling technique if all members of the population
are used as samples. This is often done if the population is
relatively small, less than 100 people, or research that wants to
make generalizations with very little errors.
E. Data Analysis
Data analysis and interpretation for research aimed at
answering research questions in order to uncover certain
phenomena. To analyze the data used The Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) from PLS 3.0 statistical software in the model
and review of hypotheses, structural equation models.
Beban Kerja
Work Family
Work Life
As a result of the modification of the convergent validity
test in Table 1, it can be seen that all indicators have met
convergent validity because they have a loading factor value
above 0.50 and thus all indicators for measuring research
constructs are valid. If all indicators have a loading factor
above 0.5, the proposed measurement model has the potential
to be tested further.
Beban Kerja
Work Family Conflict
Work Life Balance
Work Family
Work Life
Work Family
Life Balance
From Tables 2 and 3 it can be concluded that the square
root of average variance extracted (√ (AVE)) for each construct
is greater than the correlation between constructs one with the
other constructs in the model. AVE value based on the table
above, it can be concluded that the construct in the model
estimated meets the criteria of discriminant validity.
Work Family Conflict
Work Life Balance
Based on Table 4, the test results of composite reliability
and Cronbach’s alpha show satisfactory values, because all
latent variables have reliability composite values and
Cronbach’s alpha ≥ 0.70. This means that all latent variables
are said to be reliable.
Variable Endogen
The structural model indicates that the model on the
Burnout variable can be said to be moderately strong with a
value above 0.67. The model of the effect of independent latent
variables (workload conflict, work life balance) on burnout R-
square value of 0.943 can be interpreted that the variability of
burnout constructs can be explained by the variability of
workload, work family conflict, and work life balance of 94.3
% while 5.7% is explained by other variables outside of those
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
A. Hypothesis Test
After testing the suitability of the model, it can be tested
against the hypothesis. The hypothesis testing of the study was
conducted using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
method with PLS 3.0 software. The basic hypothesis making is
done by comparing the magnitude of the t-table with t-count at
alpha 0.05 (5%) = 1.96. If t-table is less than alpha 1.96 then
the hypothesis is not accepted or rejected, and vice versa if t-
table> 1.96 then the hypothesis is accepted or there is a
significant influence between the two variables.
T Statistics
Positive -
Positive -
Work Life
Negative -
B. The Effect of Workload on Burnout
Based on the hypothesis test in this study obtained the
results of the T-statistic value of 2.471, the original sample
value of 0.238, and the P Values value of 0.000. The T-statistic
value is greater than the T-table value 1.96, the original sample
value shows a positive value, and the P Values value shows
less than 0.05, this result shows that the workload has a
positive and significant effect on burnout. Excess workload is
one of the problems that are often experienced by employees at
work. This was confirmed by the statement of Gibson who
views that every individual has experienced a workload that is
too heavy (work overload) at some time [33]. Other studies
also explain that there is a significant relationship between
workload and work fatigue [34]. This is also in line with the
results of research from Soelton and Syamsu which showed
that workload had a positive and significant effect on burnout
C. The Effect of Work Family Conflict on Burnout
Based on the hypothesis test in this study obtained the
results of the T-statistic value of 5.411 the original sample
value of 0.789, and the P Values value of 0.000. The T-statistic
value is greater than the T-table value 1.96, the original sample
value shows a positive value, and the P Values value shows
less than 0.05, this result shows that work family conflict has a
positive and significant effect on burnout. An individual who
carries out several roles at the same time will surely experience
conflicts that will create tension which can have an impact on
the quality of life. Tension that continues to drag on in work
and family can cause emotional fatigue as a symptom of
burnout. Empirically researchers have found a relationship
between work family conflict and burnout. This research is in
line with the findings of an Allen, et al., and Rupert et al.,
which found higher work family conflict, higher burnout [35].
This is also in line with the results of research from Soelton
and Syamsu which show that role conflict has a positive and
significant effect on burnout [2].
D. The Effect of Work Life Balance on Employee
Based on the hypothesis test in this study obtained the
results of the T-statistic value of 2.982, the original sample
value of -0.487, and the value of P Values of 0.000. The T-
statistic value is more than the T-table value 1.96, the original
sample value shows a negative value, and the P Values value
shows less than 0.05, this result shows that work life balance
has a negative effect and is significant for burnout. Someone
who does not have work life balance will tend to be more
susceptible to burnout than people who have work life balance
or a balance between work and non-work life. Nitzsche et al.
found that more and more people considered life in their homes
to be negative because of their work, and they were at risk of
fatigue [36]. This can mean that bringing work to life at home
or not having a balance between work and non-work life can
trigger job burnout.
This study is in line with research from Shanafelt et al.
entitled Relative to the General US Population and Satisfaction
with Work Life Balance shows that the majority of research
samples that are known to have symptoms of burnout are
described as having a low level of work life balance, because
their working hours do not provide enough time for personal
life and time for their families [37].
A. Conclusion
Workload has a significant positive effect on burnout of
employees of PT. Graha Planet Nusantara. This means
that if the burden of the employee is excessive, the
employee fatigue is high.
Work family conflict has a significant positive effect on
burnout of PT. Graha Planet Nusantara. This means that
if the employee conflicts in a large family, then the
employee fatigue in working high.
Work life balance has a significant negative effect on
employee burnout at PT. Graha Planet Nusantara. This
means that if a person's life balance is low, it will
increase the work fatigue of employees.
B. Recommendation
In the workload variable, the company should give a job
or job not suddenly so that the work can be completed
on time and minimize errors from work.
Employees must limit and control conflicts that occur
within the family not to be brought into work, to reduce
employee fatigue that occurs within the company.
Employees should not miss personal activities,
especially if there is free time, because employees also
need a balanced life between personal and work life.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120
Companies must provide comfort to their employees,
and employees must enjoy work. If employees do not
enjoy work, then the work will feel heavy and
employees feel excessive fatigue.
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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 120