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Novel new, interesting mathematics. Explore active areas of research in applied mathematics and topics in linear and matrix algebra. Reviews and surveys, taxonomies. Approximate and exact solution, bootstrap sample, clustering, constrained optimization, convex optimization, dimension reduction, eigensolver, high dimension solution, image classification, fault detection, fault detection and sensors, fuzzy logic, fuzzy programming, fast algorithm, forecasting with predictive model, hierarchical tree, image analysis, image and vision, image classification, iterative control, linear matrix inequality, linear programming, machine learning, massively parallel, neural net, parameter estimation, parameters linear and nonlinear, parameter uncertainty, pattern analysis, periodic solutions, predictive model for control, principal component analysis, sentiment detection, rank, slow fast decomposition, time interval, statistics, variable detection, variable selection, variance, variance and covariance.
2017 Novel linear matrix
Stephen Cox
2017 Novel linear matrix reading list by Stephen Cox, 2017 Math and science reading list vol 3 maths and various. Novel new,
interesting mathematics. Explore active areas of research in applied mathematics and topics in linear and matrix algebra. Re-
views and surveys, taxonomies. Approximate and exact solution, bootstrap sample, clustering, constrained optimization, convex
optimization, dimension reduction, eigensolver, high dimension solution, image classification, fault detection, fault detection and
sensors, fuzzy logic, fuzzy programming, fast algorithm, forecasting with predictive model, hierarchical tree, image analysis, im-
age and vision, image classification, iterative control, linear matrix inequality, linear programming, machine learning, massively
parallel, neural net, parameter estimation, parameters linear and nonlinear, parameter uncertainty, pattern analysis, periodic
solutions, predictive model for control, principal component analysis, sentiment detection, rank, slow-fast decomposition, time
interval, statistics, variable detection, variable selection, variance, variance and covariance.
A continuous linear optimal transport approach for pattern analysis in image datasets, S Kolouri, AB Tosun,
JA Ozolek, GK Rohde - Pattern recognition, 2016 - Elsevier
A fast model predictive control algorithm for linear parameter varying systems with right invertible input
matrix, L Cavanini, G Cimini, G Ippoliti - Control and Automation (MED), . . . , 2017 -
A fast randomized eigensolver with structured LDL factorization update, Y Xi, J Xia, R Chan - SIAM
Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014 - SIAM
A further study of large payloads matrix embedding, X Li, S Cai, W Zhang, B Yang - Information Sciences,
2015 - Elsevier
A fuzzy linear programming enterprise input–output model for optimal crisis operations in industrial com-
plexes, RR Tan, KB Aviso, CD Cayamanda, ASF Chiu.. . - International Journal of . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
A linear complementarity problem formulation for periodic solutions to unilateral contact problems, MB
Meingast, M Legrand, C Pierre - International Journal of Non-Linear . . . , 2014 - Elsevier
A linear programming formulation for autonomous intersection control within a dynamic traffic assignment
and connected vehicle environment, F Zhu, SV Ukkusuri - Transportation Research Part C: Emerging . . . ,
2015 - Elsevier
A modified Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy with adaptive penalty function and restart
for constrained optimization, VV De Melo, G Iacca - Expert Systems with Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
A new approach to state bounding for linear time-varying systems with delay and bounded disturbances,
HM Trinh - Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
A new fuzzy programming method to derive the priority vector from an interval reciprocal comparison
matrix, L Chen, Z Xu - Information Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
A new hybrid enhanced local linear neuro-fuzzy model based on the optimized singular spectrum analysis
and its application for nonlinear and chaotic time series . . . , M Abdollahzade, A Miranian, H Hassani. . . -
Information . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
A new preconditioner for indefinite and asymmetric matrices, C Wang, TZ Huang, C Wen - Applied Math-
ematics and Computation, 2013 - Elsevier
A non-matching finite element-scaled boundary finite element coupled method for linear elastic crack prop-
agation modelling, ZJ Yang, XF Wang, DS Yin, C Zhang - Computers & Structures, 2015 - Elsevier
A novel adaptive approach for hourly solar radiation forecasting, E Akarslan, FO Hocaoglu - Renewable
Energy, 2016 - Elsevier
A Novel Approach for Supporting Approximate Representation of Linear Prediction Residuals in Pattern
Recognition Tools, A Cuzzocrea, E Mumolo - . . . Conference on Computational Science and Its . . . , 2017 -
A novel approach to delay-fractional-dependent stability criterion for linear systems with interval delay, J
An, Z Li, X Wang - ISA transactions, 2014 - Elsevier
A Novel Approach to Exact Slow-Fast Decomposition of Linear Singularly Perturbed Systems with Small
Delays, VY Glizer, E Fridman, Y Feigin - SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2017 - SIAM
A novel approach to stability analysis for switched positive linear systems, X Zhao, Q Yu, J Zhang, Z Li -
Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel approach to the regulation of a self-sufficient energy system using a system-state matrix, B Drobniˇc,
A Pirc, M Mori, M Sekacnik - International Journal of Electrical . . . , 2013 - Elsevier
A novel colour image encryption algorithm based on linear canonical transform, H Sharma, N Khatri -
Nascent Technologies in Engineering .. . , 2017 -
A novel computing multi-parametric homotopy approach for system of linear and nonlinear Fredholm integral
equations, Y Khan, K Sayevand, M Fardi, M Ghasemi - Applied Mathematics and . . . , 2014 - Elsevier
A novel density-based fuzzy clustering algorithm for low dimensional feature space, M Javadian, SB Shouraki,
SS Kourabbaslou - Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2017 - Elsevier
A novel expansion iterative method for solving linear partial differential equations of fractional order, A
El-Ajou, OA Arqub, S Momani, D Baleanu.. . - Applied Mathematics . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
A novel family of P-stable symmetric extended linear multistep methods for oscillators, X You, Y Zhou, X
Cheng - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel finite-time stability criterion for linear discrete-time stochastic system with applications to consensus
of multi-agent system, M Hu, J Cao, A Hu, Y Yang, Y Jin - Circuits, Systems, and Signal . . . , 2015 - Springer
A novel framework for fault diagnosis using kernel partial least squares based on an optimal preference
matrix, J Yi, D Huang, H He, W Zhou, Q Han. . . - IEEE Transactions on . . . , 2017 -
A novel group key transfer for big data security, C Hsu, B Zeng, M Zhang - Applied Mathematics and
Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel high level canonical piecewise linear model based on the simplicial partition and its application, X
Gao, Y Jiang, D Huang, Z Xiong - ISA transactions, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel illumination-robust local descriptor based on sparse linear regression, Z Yang, Y Wu, W Zhao, Y
Zhou, Z Lu, W Li. . . - Digital Signal . . . , 2016 - Elsevier
A novel image encryption algorithm based on piecewise linear chaotic maps and least squares approximation,
M Ghebleh, A Kanso, D Stevanovi´c - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2017 - Springer
A novel linear predictive control approach for auxiliary energy supply to a solar thermal combistorage, MF
Pichler, W Lerch, A Heinz, G Goertler. . . - Solar Energy, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel linear transformation model for the analysis and optimisation of chemical kinetics, T Methling, M
Braun-Unkhoff. . . - Combustion Theory and . . . , 2017 - Taylor & Francis
A novel method for deriving the diffraction transfer matrix and its application to multi-body interactions in
water waves, JC McNatt, V Venugopal, D Forehand - Ocean Engineering, 2015 - Elsevier
A novel method for solving linear programming problems with symmetric trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, A
Ebrahimnejad, M Tavana - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014 - Elsevier
A novel multilevel-SVD method to improve multistep ahead forecasting in traffic accidents domain, L Barba,
N Rodr´ıguez - Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2017 -
A Novel Riemannian Metric Based on Riemannian Structure and Scaling Information for Fixed Low-Rank
Matrix Completion, S Mao, L Xiong, L Jiao, T Feng. . . - IEEE transactions on .. . , 2017 -
A novel unified approach to invariance conditions for a linear dynamical system, Z Horv´ath, Y Song, T
Terlaky - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017 - Elsevier
A practical method for the evaluation of eigenfunctions from compound matrix variables in finite elastic
bifurcation problems, DM Haughton - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2011 - Elsevier
A Review of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network Based Intelligent Control Design for Discrete-Time Systems,
Y Jiang, C Yang, H Ma - Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016 -
A semi-analytical approach to Biot instability in a growing layer: Strain gradient correction, weakly non-linear
analysis and imperfection sensitivity, P Ciarletta, Y Fu - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
2015 - Elsevier
A survey of linear matrix inequality techniques in stability analysis of delay systems, S Xu, J Lam - Inter-
national Journal of Systems Science, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Abel lemma-based finite-sum inequality and its application to stability analysis for linear discrete time-delay
systems, XM Zhang, QL Han - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
Adaptive robust actuator fault compensation for linear systems using a novel fault estimation mechanism,
D Ye, JH Park, QY Fan - International Journal of Robust and . . . , 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Almost output regulation of switched linear dynamics with switched exosignals, C Yuan, F Wu - International
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear . . . , 2017 - Wiley Online Library
An adaptive non-linear constraint control of mobile manipulators, M Galicki - Mechanism and Machine
Theory, 2015 - Elsevier
An inexact parallel splitting augmented Lagrangian method for monotone variational inequalities with se-
parable structures, M Tao, X Yuan - Computational Optimization and Applications, 2012 - Springer
An integrated framework for distributed diagnosis of process and sensor faults, A Bregon, M Daigle. . . -
2015 IEEE Aerospace . . . , 2015 -
An introduction to infinite-dimensional linear systems theory, RF Curtain, H Zwart - 2012
An operator expansions method for computing Dirichlet–Neumann operators in linear elastodynamics, Z
Fang, DP Nicholls - Journal of Computational Physics, 2014 - Elsevier
Analysis and synthesis of linear hybrid systems with state-triggered jumps, C Yuan, F Wu - Nonlinear
Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2014 - Elsevier
Approximate fuzzy analysis of linear structural systems applying intervening variables, MA Valdebenito, CA
erez, HA Jensen, M Beer - Computers & Structures, 2016 - Elsevier
Capacity fading in lithium/sulfur batteries: A linear four-state model, S Risse, S Angioletti-Uberti, J Dzu-
biella. . . - Journal of Power . . . , 2014 - Elsevier
Cauchy matrix for linear almost periodic systems and some consequences, M Pinto, G Robledo - Nonlinear
Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2011 - Elsevier
Characterization of the equivalence of robustification and regularization in linear and matrix regression, D
Bertsimas, MS Copenhaver - European Journal of Operational Research, 2017 - Elsevier
Clustering multi-way data: a novel algebraic approach, E Kernfeld, S Aeron, M Kilmer - arXiv preprint
arXiv:1412.7056, 2014 -
Coarse-grained traffic matrix estimation for data center networks, Z Hu, Y Qiao, J Luo - Computer Com-
munications, 2015 - Elsevier
Combined use of MILP and multi-linear regression to simplify LCA studies, J Pascual-Gonz´alez, C Pozo. . .
- Computers & Chemical . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Compliant linear-rotation motion transduction element based on novel spatial helical flexure hinge, R Wang,
X Zhou, Z Zhu, Q Liu - Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015 - Elsevier
Composable Platform-Aware Embedded Control Systems on a Multi-Core Architecture, J Valencia, D Gos-
wami. . . - Digital System Design . . . , 2015 -
Consensus control laws with guaranteed performance in presence of fixed delays, PP Menon, A Seuret, C
Edwards - Control Conference (ECC), .. . , 2014 -
Consensus rate regulation for general linear multi-agent systems under directed topology, T Feng, H Zhang,
Y Luo, H Liang - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015 - Elsevier
Consimilarity of quaternions and coneigenvalues of quaternion matrices, ST Ling, XH Cheng, TS Jiang -
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015 - Elsevier
Control synthesis problem for networked linear sampled-data control systems with band-limited channels, G
Hui, H Zhang, Z Wu, Y Wang - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Cost-sensitive learning of hierarchical tree classifiers for large-scale image classification and novel category
detection, J Fan, J Zhang, K Mei, J Peng, L Gao - Pattern Recognition, 2015 - Elsevier
Covariance matrix estimation and linear process bootstrap for multivariate time series of possibly increasing
dimension, C Jentsch, DN Politis - The Annals of Statistics, 2015 -
Curvature dependent surface energy for a free standing monolayer graphene: some closed form solutions
of the non-linear theory, D Sfyris, GI Sfyris, C Galiotis - International Journal of Non-Linear . . . , 2014 -
Decentralized Control of Compartmental Networks With Tracking Performance, P Li, J Lam - IEEE Tran-
sactions on Industrial Electronics, 2013 -
Decentralized event-triggered consensus with general linear dynamics, E Garcia, Y Cao, DW Casbeer -
Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
Delay-dependent H[?] fuzzy observer-based control for discrete-time nonlinear systems with state delay, HN
Wu - Fuzzy sets and systems, 2008 - Elsevier
Delay-distribution based stability analysis of time-delayed port-Hamiltonian systems, P Mukhija, IN Kar,
RKP Bhatt - Signal Processing, Computing . . . , 2012 -
Delay-distribution-dependent robust stability analysis of uncertain Lurie systems with time-varying delay, P
MUKHIJA, IN KAR, RKP BHATT - Acta Automatica Sinica, 2012 - Elsevier
Design of a robust fault detection based observer for linear switched systems with external disturbances,
DEC Belkhiat, N Messai, N Manamanni - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid . . . , 2011 - Elsevier
Design of LMI-based global sliding mode controller for uncertain nonlinear systems with application to
Genesio’s chaotic system, S Mobayen - Complexity, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Designing fully distributed consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs, Z Li, G
Wen, Z Duan, W Ren - IEEE Transactions on Automatic .. . , 2015 -
Deterministic analysis of distributed order systems using operational matrix, PLT Duong, E Kwok, M Lee -
Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016 - Elsevier
Developing BiCOR and CORS methods for coupled Sylvester-transpose and periodic Sylvester matrix equa-
tions, M Hajarian - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015 - Elsevier
Dimensionality reduction via variables selection–Linear and nonlinear approaches with application to vibration-
based condition monitoring of planetary gearbox, A Bartkowiak, R Zimroz - Applied Acoustics, 2014 -
Discovery of optimal factors in binary data via a novel method of matrix decomposition, R Belohlavek, V
Vychodil - Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 2010 - Elsevier
Double linear regressions for single labeled image per person face recognition, F Yin, LC Jiao, F Shang, L
Xiong, S Mao - Pattern Recognition, 2014 - Elsevier
Efficiency status of a feasible solution in the Multi-Objective Integer Linear Programming problems: A DEA
methodology, E Keshavarz, M Toloo - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2015 - Elsevier
Efficient approximate linear programming for factored MDPs, F Chen, Q Cheng, J Dong, Z Yu, G Wang. . .
- International Journal of . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Energy import resilience with input–output linear programming models, P He, TS Ng, B Su - Energy
Economics, 2015 - Elsevier
Essential spectral equivalence via multiple step preconditioning and applications to ill conditioned Toeplitz
matrices, D Noutsos, S Serra-Capizzano, P Vassalos - Linear Algebra and its . . . , 2016 - Elsevier
Estimation of first excursion probabilities for uncertain stochastic linear systems subject to Gaussian load,
MA Valdebenito, HA Jensen, AA Labarca - Computers & Structures, 2014 - Elsevier
Estimation of the inverse scatter matrix of an elliptically symmetric distribution, D Fourdrinier, F Mezoued,
MT Wells - Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2016 - Elsevier
Evaluation of massively parallel linear sparse solvers on unstructured finite element meshes, S Koric, Q Lu,
E Guleryuz - Computers & Structures, 2014 - Elsevier
Event-triggered H[?] control for a class of nonlinear networked control systems using novel integral inequal-
ities, XM Zhang, QL Han - . . . Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Exponential stability of integral delay systems with a class of analytic kernels, S Mondie, D Melchor-Aguilar
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic . . . , 2012 -
Fast approximate computations with cauchy matrices, polynomials and rational functions, VY Pan - Inter-
national Computer Science Symposium in Russia, 2014 - Springer
Fast linear solver for radiative transport equation with multiple right hand sides in diffuse optical tomography,
J Jia, HK Kim, AH Hielscher - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Fault detection and diagnosis of non-linear non-Gaussian dynamic processes using kernel dynamic indepen-
dent component analysis, J Fan, Y Wang - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Finite dimensional linear systems, RW Brockett - 2015
Finite-time control of linear systems under time-varying sampling, T Shi - Neurocomputing, 2015 - Elsevier
Finite-time control of linear systems: a survey, F Amato, M Ariola, M Carbone, C Cosentino - Current
trends in nonlinear . . . , 2006 - Springer
Finite-time filtering for switched linear systems with a mode-dependent average dwell time, J Cheng, H Zhu,
S Zhong, F Zheng, Y Zeng - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Flatness for linear fractional systems with application to a thermal system, S Victor, P Melchior, J Levine,
A Oustaloup - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
Further improvement on delay-range-dependent stability results for linear systems with interval time-varying
delays, PL Liu - ISA transactions, 2013 - Elsevier
General similar sensing matrix pursuit: An efficient and rigorous reconstruction algorithm to cope with
deterministic sensing matrix with high coherence, J Liu, M Mallick, F Lian, CZ Han, MX Sheng, XH Yao -
Signal Processing, 2015 - Elsevier
Generalized Gabor expansion associated with linear canonical transform series, D Wei, YM Li - Optik-
International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014 - Elsevier
Generalized wavelet transform based on the convolution operator in the linear canonical transform domain,
D Wei, YM Li - Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2014 - Elsevier
Generation of fiducial marker dictionaries using Mixed Integer Linear Programming, S Garrido-Jurado, R
Munoz-Salinas. . . - Pattern Recognition, 2016 - Elsevier
Global asymptotic stability of stochastic fuzzy cellular neural networks with multiple discrete and distributed
time-varying delays, MS Ali, P Balasubramaniam - Communications in Nonlinear Science and . . . , 2011 -
Global quantum discord in matrix product states and the application, ZY Sun, YE Liao, B Guo, HL Huang
- Annals of Physics, 2015 - Elsevier
Graph regularized and sparse nonnegative matrix factorization with hard constraints for data representation,
F Sun, M Xu, X Hu, X Jiang - Neurocomputing, 2016 - Elsevier
Homogenization a la Piola produces second gradient continuum models for linear pantographic lattices, Y
Rahali, I Giorgio, JF Ganghoffer. . . - International Journal of . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Improved neural solution for the Lyapunov matrix equation based on gradient search, Y Chen, C Yi, D Qiao
- Information Processing Letters, 2013 - Elsevier
Improved robust stabilization method for linear systems with interval time-varying input delays by using
Wirtinger inequality, Y Liu, M Li - ISA transactions, 2015 - Elsevier
Inexact Bayesian point pattern matching for linear transformations, J Christmas, RM Everson, J Bell, CP
Winlove - Pattern Recognition, 2014 - Elsevier
Infinitely many Zhang functions resulting in various ZNN models for time-varying matrix inversion with link
to Drazin inverse, Y Zhang, B Qiu, L Jin, D Guo, Z Yang - Information Processing Letters, 2015 - Elsevier
Input–output finite-time stabilization of impulsive linear systems: Necessary and sufficient conditions, F
Amato, G De Tommasi, A Pironti - Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2016 - Elsevier
Interactive fuzzy stochastic two-level linear programming with simple recourse, M Sakawa, H Katagiri, T
Matsui - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Isometries of the Toeplitz matrix algebra, D Farenick, M Mastnak, AI Popov - Journal of Mathematical
Analysis and . . . , 2016 - Elsevier
Iterative refinement for a system of linear integro-differential equations of fractional type, SA Deif, SR Grace
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2016 - Elsevier
Junction detection for linear structures based on Hessian, correlation and shape information, R Su, C Sun,
TD Pham - Pattern Recognition, 2012 - Elsevier
Kinematic synthesis of a novel rapid spherical CRS/PU parallel manipulator, MA Hosseini - Mechanism and
Machine Theory, 2015 - Elsevier
l1-gain performance analysis and positive filter design for positive discrete-time Markov jump linear systems:
A linear programming approach, S Zhu, QL Han, C Zhang - Automatica, 2014 - Elsevier
Large dimensional analysis and optimization of robust shrinkage covariance matrix estimators, R Couillet,
M McKay - Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2014 - Elsevier
Learning Discriminative Recommendation Systems with Side Information, F Zhao, Y Guo - 2017 - peo-
Learning robustly stable open-loop motions for robotic manipulation, W Wolfslag, M Plooij, R Babuˇska, M
Wisse - Robotics and Autonomous . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Least squares approach in wavenumber domain for sound field recording and reproduction using multiple
parallel linear arrays, T Okamoto, S Enomoto, R Nishimura - Applied Acoustics, 2014 - Elsevier
Linear Matrix Inequality-Based Nonlinear Adaptive Robust Control of Quadrotor, DW Kun, I Hwang -
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2015 -
Linear reconstruction measure steered nearest neighbor classification framework, J Zhang, J Yang - Pattern
Recognition, 2014 - Elsevier
Linear stability analysis of self-excited vibrations in drilling using an infinite dimensional model, UJF Aarsnes,
OM Aamo - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016 - Elsevier
Linear unsupervised hashing for ANN [Appoximate Nearest Neighbor] search in Euclidean space, J Wang,
XS Xu, S Guo, L Cui, XL Wang - Neurocomputing, 2016 - Elsevier
List-wise probabilistic matrix factorization for recommendation, J Liu, C Wu, Y Xiong, W Liu - Information
Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
LMI approach to exponential stability of linear systems with interval time-varying delays, VN Phat, Y
Khongtham, K Ratchagit - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2012 - Elsevier
LMI condition for sampled-data fuzzy control of nonlinear systems, GB Koo, JB Park, YH Joo - Electronics
Letters, 2015 -
LMI-based Stability Analysis and Robust Controller Design for a Class of Nonlinear Chaotic Power Systems,
MS Sadeghi, N Vafamand, MH Khooban - Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2016 - Elsevier
Localizing scene texts by fuzzy inference systems and low rank matrix recovery model, S Ghanei, K Faez -
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2016 - Elsevier
Low-rank matrix factorization with multiple Hypergraph regularizer, T Jin, J Yu, J You, K Zeng, C Li, Z
Yu - Pattern Recognition, 2015 - Elsevier
LPV-IO controller design: An LMI approach, S Wollnack, H Werner - American Control Conference (ACC),
. . . , 2016 -
Matrix Completion from O(n) Samples in Linear Time, D Gamarnik, Q Li, H Zhang - arXiv preprint
arXiv:1702.02267, 2017 -
Matrix measure strategies for exponential synchronization and anti-synchronization of memristor-based neu-
ral networks with time-varying delays, H Bao, JH Park, J Cao - Applied Mathematics and Computation,
2015 - Elsevier
Model predictive control using reduced order models: Guaranteed stability for constrained linear systems,
M Loehning, M Reble, J Hasenauer, S Yu.. . - Journal of Process . . . , 2014 - Elsevier
Modeling nonbilinear total synchronous fluorescence data matrices with a novel adapted partial least squares
method, AV Schenone, A de Ara´ujo Gomes, MJ Culzoni. . . - Analytica chimica . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Multiple rank multi-linear kernel support vector machine for matrix data classification, X Gao, L Fan, H Xu
- International Journal of Machine Learning and .. . , 2015 - Springer
Multiple rank multi-linear SVM for matrix data classification, C Hou, F Nie, C Zhang, D Yi, Y Wu - Pattern
Recognition, 2014 - Elsevier
Multiple-mode observer design for a class of switched linear systems, X Zhao, H Liu, J Zhang, H Li - IEEE
Transactions on . . . , 2015 -
New fractional matrix with its applications in image encryption, F Zhang, Y Hu, R Tao, Y Wang - Optics
& Laser Technology, 2014 - Elsevier
New results on asynchronous H[?] control for switched discrete-time linear systems under dwell time con-
straint, J Xiao, W Xiang - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
New results on stability analysis for time-varying delay systems with non-linear perturbations, PL Liu - ISA
transactions, 2013 - Elsevier
New stability analysis for linear neutral system via state matrix decomposition, X Nian, H Pan, W Gui, H
Wang - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009 - Elsevier
Non-linear elastic micro-dilatation theory: Matrix exponential function paradigm, H Ramezani, J Jeong -
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2015 - Elsevier
Non-linear free vibration analysis of laminated cylindrical shells under static axial loading including accurate
satisfaction of boundary conditions, EL Jansen, R Rolfes - International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,
2014 - Elsevier
Non-linear model reduction for the Navier–Stokes equations using residual DEIM method, D Xiao, F Fang,
AG Buchan, CC Pain, IM Navon.. . - Journal of . . . , 2014 - Elsevier
Non-negative matrix tri-factorization for co-clustering: An analysis of the block matrix, N Del Buono, G Pio
- Information Sciences, 2015 - Elsevier
Novel alternating update method for low rank approximation of structured matrices, J Bai, J Li, P Dai -
Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
Novel criteria for finite-time stabilization and guaranteed cost control of delayed neural networks, P Niamsup,
K Ratchagit, VN Phat - Neurocomputing, 2015 - Elsevier
Novel delay-dependent robust H[?] control of uncertain systems with distributed time-varying delays, MS
Ali, R Saravanakumar - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
Novel delay-dependent stability criterion for time-varying delay systems with parameter uncertainties and
nonlinear perturbations, W Wang, SK Nguang, S Zhong, F Liu - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Novel discrete-time Zhang neural network for time-varying matrix inversion, D Guo, Z Nie, L Yan - IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and . . . , 2017 -
Novel distributed robust adaptive consensus protocols for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs
and external disturbances, Y Lv, Z Li, Z Duan, G Feng - International Journal of Control, 2017 - Taylor &
Novel estimations for the eigenvalue bounds of complex interval matrices, MH Matcovschi, O Pastravanu -
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
Novel Global Exponential Stability Criterion for Recurrent Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delay, W
Luo, X Wang, Y Liu, H Lan - Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2013 -
Novel H[?] state estimation of static neural networks with interval time-varying delays via augmented
Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional, MS Ali, R Saravanakumar, S Arik - Neurocomputing, 2016 - Elsevier
Novel higher order mass matrices for isogeometric structural vibration analysis, D Wang, W Liu, H Zhang -
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics, 2013 - Elsevier
Novel linear algebraic theory and one-hundred-million-atom electronic structure calculation on the K com-
puter, T Hoshi, K Yamazaki, Y Akiyama - JPS Conference Proceedings, 2014 -
Novel LMI conditions for observer-based stabilization of Lipschitzian nonlinear systems and uncertain linear
systems in discrete-time, S Ibrir, S Diopt - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2008 - Elsevier
Novel ranking method of interval numbers based on the Boolean matrix, D Li, W Zeng, Q Yin - Soft
Computing, 2017 - Springer
Novel Stability Analysis for Uncertain Neutral-Type Lure Systems with Time-Varying Delays Using New
Inequality, Y Wang, L Xiong, Y Li, H Zhang, C Peng - Mathematical Problems in . . . , 2017 -
Novel Structured Low-rank algorithm to recover spatially smooth exponential image time series, A Balachan-
drasekaran, M Jacob - arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.09880, 2017 -
Numerical method for solving arbitrary linear differential equations using a set of orthogonal basis functions
and operational matrix, S Hatamzadeh-Varmazyar, Z Masouri.. . - Applied Mathematical . . . , 2016 - Elsevier
Numerical solution for the variable order linear cable equation with Bernstein polynomials, Y Chen, L Liu,
B Li, Y Sun - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
On biunimodular vectors for unitary matrices, H Fuhr, Z Rzeszotnik - Linear Algebra and its Applications,
2015 - Elsevier
On elimination of overflow oscillations in linear time-varying 2-D digital filters represented by a Roesser
model, M Rehan, M Tufail, MT Akhtar - Signal Processing, 2016 - Elsevier
On the benefits of the LDLT factorization for large-scale differential matrix equation solvers, N Lang, H
Mena, J Saak - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
On the generalized low rank approximation of the correlation matrices arising in the asset portfolio, X Duan,
J Bai, M Zhang, X Zhang - Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
On the positive definiteness and eigenvalues of meet and join matrices, M Mattila, P Haukkanen - Discrete
Mathematics, 2014 - Elsevier
Optimal solution of multi-objective linear programming with inf-- fuzzy relation equations constraint, DC
Li, SL Geng - Information Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Optimization of a trapezoidal cavity absorber for the Linear Fresnel Reflector, MA Moghimi, KJ Craig, JP
Meyer - Solar Energy, 2015 - Elsevier
OPUC, CMV matrices and perturbations of measures supported on the unit circle, F Marcellan, N Shayanfar
- Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2015 - Elsevier
Parallel GMRES solver for fast analysis of large linear dynamic systems on GPU platforms, K He, SXD Tan,
H Zhao, XX Liu, H Wang. . . - Integration, the VLSI . . . , 2016 - Elsevier
Parallel maximum likelihood estimator for multiple linear regression models, G Guo, W You, G Qian, W
Shao - Journal of Computational and Applied . . . , 2015 - Elsevier
Parameterized solution of linear interval parametric systems, LV Kolev - Applied Mathematics and Compu-
tation, 2014 - Elsevier
Performance and robustness analysis of stochastic jump linear systems using Wasserstein metric, K Lee, A
Halder, R Bhattacharya - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
Phase retrieval via matrix completion, EJ Candes, YC Eldar, T Strohmer, V Voroninski - SIAM review,
2015 - SIAM
Piecewise controller design for affine fuzzy systems via dilated linear matrix inequality characterizations, H
Wang, GH Yang - ISA transactions, 2012 - Elsevier
Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation and Transformations of Matrix Structures, VY Pan - International
Workshop on Computer Algebra in . . . , 2013 - Springer
Position constraint based face image super-resolution by learning multiple local linear projections, Y Li, C
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Classification of the pixels in hyperspectral image (HSI) is an important task and has been popularly applied in many practical applications. Its major challenge is the high-dimensional small-sized problem. To deal with this problem, lots of subspace learning (SL) methods are developed to reduce the dimension of the pixels while preserving the important discriminant information. Motivated by ridge linear regression (RLR) framework for SL, we propose a spectral-spatial shared linear regression method (SSSLR) for extracting the feature representation. Comparing with RLR, our proposed SSSLR has the following two advantages. First, we utilize a convex set to explore the spatial structure for computing the linear projection matrix. Second, we utilize a shared structure learning model, which is formed by original data space and a hidden feature space, to learn a more discriminant linear projection matrix for classification. To optimize our proposed method, an efficient iterative algorithm is proposed. Experimental results on two popular HSI data sets, i.e., Indian Pines and Salinas demonstrate that our proposed methods outperform many SL methods.
We present a novel algorithm to perform the Hessenberg reduction of an n×nn\times n matrix A of the form A=D+UVA = D + UV^* where D is diagonal with real entries and U and V are n×kn\times k matrices with knk\le n. The algorithm has a cost of O(n2k)O(n^2k) arithmetic operations and is based on the quasiseparable matrix technology. Applications are shown to solving polynomial eigenvalue problems and some numerical experiments are reported in order to analyze the stability of the approach
Robust pole assignment using velocity-acceleration feedback for second-order dynamical systems with singular mass matrix, THS Abdelaziz -ISA transactions, 2015 -Elsevier Robust spiked random matrices and a robust G-MUSIC estimator
  • Z Xu
  • Y Zhao
  • Yang
  • . . . Shao
Robust iterative learning control with quadratic performance index, Z Xu, J Zhao, Y Yang, Z Shao... -Industrial & engineering..., 2012 -ACS Publications Robust maximum power tracking control of uncertain photovoltaic systems: A unified TS fuzzy model-based approach, CS Chiu, YL Ouyang -IEEE Transactions on Control Systems..., 2011 Robust output-feedback model predictive control for systems with unstructured uncertainty, C Lovaas, MM Seron, GC Goodwin -Automatica, 2008 -Elsevier Robust pole assignment using velocity-acceleration feedback for second-order dynamical systems with singular mass matrix, THS Abdelaziz -ISA transactions, 2015 -Elsevier Robust spiked random matrices and a robust G-MUSIC estimator, R Couillet -Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015 -Elsevier Robust stability of stochastic fuzzy impulsive recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, M Syed Ali -Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2014
-Springer Robust stabilization of linear discrete-time systems with time-varying input delay, A Gonzalez -Automatica, 2013 -Elsevier Robust static output feedback control synthesis for linear continuous systems with polytopic uncertainties
Robust stability of stochastic uncertain recurrent neural networks with Markovian jumping parameters and time-varying delays, M Syed Ali -International Journal of Machine Learning and..., 2014 -Springer Robust stabilization of linear discrete-time systems with time-varying input delay, A Gonzalez -Automatica, 2013 -Elsevier Robust static output feedback control synthesis for linear continuous systems with polytopic uncertainties, J Dong, GH Yang -Automatica, 2013 -Elsevier Robust switching-type H[?] filter design for linear uncertain systems with time-varying delay, D Ye, GH Yang -Information Sciences, 2011 -Elsevier
-Wiley Online Library Sensitivity and Hessian matrix analysis of structural reliability for uniformly modulated random seismic response, Q Liu
  • Te Alqado
  • Nikolakopoulos
Semi-active control of flexible structures using closed-loop input shaping techniques, TE Alqado, G Nikolakopoulos... -Structural Control and..., 2016 -Wiley Online Library Sensitivity and Hessian matrix analysis of structural reliability for uniformly modulated random seismic response, Q Liu, J Paavola -Mechanics Research Communications, 2014 -Elsevier Set Point and Trajectory Tracking of Constrained Systems in Takagi-Sugeno Form, KJ Diepold -2016
Tensor Product Model Transformation Based Control and Synchronization of a Class of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems
Tensor Product Model Transformation Based Control and Synchronization of a Class of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems, S Kuntanapreeda -Asian Journal of Control, 2015 -Wiley Online Library
Robust pole assignment using velocity-acceleration feedback for second-order dynamical systems with singular mass matrix
  • C Lovaas
  • Seron
  • Gc Goodwin -Automatica
Robust output-feedback model predictive control for systems with unstructured uncertainty, C Lovaas, MM Seron, GC Goodwin -Automatica, 2008 -Elsevier Robust pole assignment using velocity-acceleration feedback for second-order dynamical systems with singular mass matrix, THS Abdelaziz -ISA transactions, 2015 -Elsevier Robust spiked random matrices and a robust G-MUSIC estimator, R Couillet -Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2015 -Elsevier Robust stability of stochastic fuzzy impulsive recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays, M Syed Ali -Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2014