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Abstract and Figures

Sleep is a necessary function of life. Fetuses and neonates spend most of their day sleeping, making it paramount to place emphasis on adequate and optimal sleep. As the current body of literature continues to expand, we have increased our understanding of sleep and its role in development. Sleep disturbances, particularly early in life can affect all aspects of health such as neurological development, emotional well-being, and overall growth. This article aims to provide a primer on sleep development from fetal life into the neonatal period, discuss sleep in both the home and hospital settings, explore the tools used to measure sleep, and review common interventions applied to those infants experiencing poor sleep. Lastly, there is a mention of long-term outcomes and how early recognition and implementation of measures could help to improve overall growth and development throughout childhood. [Pediatr Ann. 2020;49(2):e82-e87.].
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e82 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
Newborn Sleep: Patterns,
Interventions, and Outcomes
Theodore V. De Beritto, MD, MS
Sleep is a necessary function of life. Fetuses and neonates spend most of their day
sleeping, making it paramount to place emphasis on adequate and optimal sleep. As the
current body of literature continues to expand, we have increased our understanding
of sleep and its role in development. Sleep disturbances, particularly early in life can af-
fect all aspects of health such as neurological development, emotional well-being, and
overall growth. This article aims to provide a primer on sleep development from fetal life
into the neonatal period, discuss sleep in both the home and hospital settings, explore
the tools used to measure sleep, and review common interventions applied to those in-
fants experiencing poor sleep. Lastly, there is a mention of long-term outcomes and
how early recognition and implementation of measures could help to improve overall
growth and development throughout childhood. [Pediatr Ann. 2020;49(2):e82-e87.]
Over the past few decades, there
has been an increased focus and
growing number of studies that
implicate the importance of sleep on
newborn and infant health. Sleep is an
essential part of life and is a necessary
function of proper development. As the
literature expands, we have increased
our understanding of sleep, particularly
as it pertains to growth, neurological de-
velopment, and emotional well-being.
Sleep deprivation or disturbances in
sleep during early development can lead
to poor overall health, decreased emo-
tional regulation, poor decision-making,
inattention, increased adiposity, and
decreases in academic performance.1
These findings were first noted in adults,
but recent studies also suggest that signs
of these deficiencies can be seen as ear-
ly as the neonatal period.2 Attention to
these details is important, as early sleep
intervention can have lasting positive ef-
fects on development.
Sleep has been defined as a revers-
ible state of minimal interaction and de-
creased responsiveness with the environ-
ment.3 Although it is a physical decrease
in responsiveness, it can be argued that
it is a time of enhanced neurological
function and physiologic activity. Sleep
is composed of four primary stages
including the awake state, transitional
sleep, active sleep, and quiet sleep.
Each category carries a different level
of wakefulness and is defined by a pro-
gression of changes regarding physical
characteristics (Table 1).
In the awake state, eyes are open
with regular or slowing eye move-
ments, the body continues to have nor-
mal movements with an increase in
startling, there continues to be irregular
respirations, an electroencephalogram
(EEG) will demonstrate a continuous
medium voltage pattern, and an am-
plitude integrated EEG (aEEG) will
show a narrow bandwidth. In the tran-
sitional state, eye movements begin to
slow with lengthened periods of eye
closing, both motor and facial activity
will start to decrease (although vocal-
ization begins to increase), respirations
become more regular, and the EEG will
show a continuous high voltage pattern
while an aEEG will show a variable
bandwidth. As sleep progresses to the
active state, eyes will be closed with
rapid eye movement (REM). Motor
and facial activity will be limited with
occasional slow twitches and bursts of
vocalization, and respirations will be ir-
regular. The EEG in this state will show
continuous low voltage and the aEEG
will have a narrow bandwidth. Lastly,
in the quiet sleep phase, eyes will be
closed with relatively no eye or body
movements. Facial expressions will be
limited, and the infant will have occa-
sional sighs. The EEG in this state will
Theodore V. De Beritto, MD, MS, is a Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellow, Division of Neonatology,
Department of Pediatrics, LAC+USC Medical Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern
Address correspondence to Theodore V. De Beritto, MD, MS, Division of Neonatology, Department of
Pediatrics, LAC+USC Medical Center, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, 1200
North State Street, IRD Building, Room #820, Los Angeles, CA 90033; email:
Disclosure: The author has no relevant nancial relationships to disclose.
PEDIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 49, No. 2, 2020 e83
be slow, but have a wide range of volt-
age, and the aEEG will show a wide
It is important to recognize that as
an infant develops, these sleep states
continuously change. For instance, the
number of sleep cycles during the day-
time will decrease as an infant gets old-
er.4 Other alterations in sleep that can
vary with age include lengthening of
the interval between sleep, decreased
REM activity, decreased active sleep,
increased quiet sleep, and shortening
of the time spent in the transitional
sleep stage.5 The sections to follow
will outline the changes in sleep based
on key milestones in development.
Although simple movement in the
fetus can be detected as early as 7 to
8 weeks postmenstrual age, conscious
movement and distinct patterns of mo-
tion are not noted until 15 weeks ges-
tation. Even later are sleep states, as
these are not present until the second
half of gestation. During this latter
half of pregnancy, it is speculated that
the cyclical rhythm of fetal wake and
sleep patterns are guided by the pla-
cental transfer of maternal melatonin.6
Regarding the amount of time spent
sleeping, in fetal lamb studies, sub-
jects were noted to be in both active
and quiet sleep for the majority of
gestation with only occasional peri-
ods of wakefulness. This observation
is largely due to environmental factors
in-utero that promote sleep, includ-
ing both warmth and various chemi-
cals (prostaglandin E2, pregnanolone,
adenosine, and allopregnanolone).
Breathing and body movements once
thought to be a component of the
awake state, occur during sleep states
and are important in strengthening the
respiratory muscles responsible for ex-
trauterine life.
Episodes of true wakefulness are
rarely observed in-utero, but when
they occur, they are defined as periods
of vigorous activity with increases in
heart rate and swallowing. As the fe-
tus approaches 28 weeks of gestation,
awake states will occur more frequent-
ly, and distinct activity patterns can be
noted more clearly.7
Similar to the fetus, a premature
neonate can have clear periods of ac-
tive and quiet sleep that can be de-
tected as early as 25 to 27 weeks of
gestation. Postnatally, these infants
can spend upward of 90% of their time
sleeping, compared to their full-term
counterparts who sleep only about
70% of the time.7 The key difference
with age is the amount of time spent
in active sleep with REM activity. A
premature infant will spend about 80%
of their time in active sleep, whereas a
full-term infant will spend most of the
time in the quiet sleep phase. Although
the term baby spends less time in the
active sleep phase, they experience
significantly more REM activity when
Sleep State Characteristics
Sleep State Characteristics
Awake Eyes: open with rapid or slow eye movements
Motor: rapid startles with normal movements
Facial movements: frowning, smiling, crying, grimacing (with vocalization)
Respirations: irregular
EEG: continuous, medium voltage (70-100 mcV)
aEEG: narrow bandwidth
Eyes: periods of opening and closing, slow eye movement
Motor: slow startles with minimal movements
Facial activity: grimacing, intermittent sucking (with increased vocalization)
Respirations: regular
EEG: continuous, high voltage (100-200 mcV)
aEEG: variable bandwidth
Eyes: closed with rapid eye movements
Motor: low tone with small, slow twitches
Facial movements: frowning, smiling (with bursts of sucking and vocalization)
Respirations: irregular
EEG: continuous, low voltage (30-70 mcV)
aEEG: narrow bandwidth
Quiet sleep Eyes: closed with no eye movements
Motor: minimal to no movement
Facial movements: rhythmic mouth movement (with occasional sighs)
Respirations: slow and regular
EEG: slow, medium to high voltage (30-200 mcV)
aEEG: wide bandwidth
Abbreviations: aEEG, amplitude integrated EEG; EEG, electroencephalogram.
Adapted from Anders et al.7 and Werth et al.12
e84 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
compared to the preterm infant. This
indicates better organization of the ac-
tive sleep phase and a noted overall ma-
turity of sleep-wake activity patterns
that occurs with age.8 Low or frag-
mented REM activity is often found in
neonates with developmental delays.
Infants with higher medical risk scores
often have less REM activity during
their active sleep phases. These same
infants have increased fussiness and
longer periods of crying.9
Once a premature infant is correct-
ed to term gestational age, they can ap-
preciate sleep-wake cycles similar to
full-term neonates. Extremely prema-
ture neonates have in fact been noted to
mature their sleep-wake cycles sooner
than their term counterparts. Through-
out the first few months of life, pre-
mature neonates will have longer sleep
durations during the day and night as
well as have an increase in number of
nighttime awakenings when compared
to term babies. At age 6 months, infants
born prematurely have been noted to
be noisy breathers while sleeping and
will also have an increase in number
of apneas or hypopneas. Some studies
suggest upward of 80% of premature
neonates will experience one or more
apneic or hypopneic events per hour.10
This number, however, decreases with
age and seldom requires intervention.
Infants in the neonatal intensive
care unit (NICU) are subject to several
issues contributing to poor sleep. This
is compounded by the fact that pre-
mature infants and those with certain
diseases are at an increased risk for
abnormal neurological development
(Table 2). Over the past decade there
has been an increase in literature sug-
gesting that sleep disruption caused by
even routine handling of neonates can
lead to poor brain maturation.11
In the NICU, several components
of care can contribute to sleep dis-
turbances. These include frequent
interventions (laboratory testing or
procedures), pharmacologic treat-
ment (sedation or antiepileptic medi-
cations), loud or disruptive ambient
noise, abnormal day-night cycles, and
bright lighting.
One study11 observed neonates for
a 4-hour block of sleep that found that
only 50% of these patients were able
to complete a full sleep-wake cycle
before being disturbed for care. Dur-
ing provider contact, 57% of these
patients had some level of awakening.
Often these awakenings were associat-
ed with desaturations or apneic events
and potential further arousal with any
needed intervention.11 Although there
have not been any studies that associ-
ate sleep disturbances with the need
for respiratory support, it is important
to recognize the potential for negative
impact on sleep.
Observational Methods
There are many tools for the mea-
surement of sleep that range from ob-
servational, which is least invasive, to
more technology-dependent invasive
methods. The clinical assessments that
are least invasive include assessment
of heart rate and behavioral classifica-
tion of sleep. Each are well studied,
reliable, and do not need any techno-
logical support. Furthermore, they do
not cause any long-term damage and
can be used as an assessment method
for a significant length of time.
Heart rate assessment or monitor-
ing of heart rate variability has been
studied as a marker for neonatal sleep.
This method is more commonly used
in both adults and pediatrics to assess
disease-state progression. In this case,
an assessment of beat-to-beat variabil-
ity is conducted. Any dynamic changes
in slowing or increase in heart rate re-
flects the autonomic nervous system.
The interaction between neural inputs
of the parasympathetic and sympa-
thetic systems guide these changes
and variabilities in heart rate. After
about 30 weeks corrected gestational
age, these heart rate variability moni-
tors can interpret slowing as it relates
to sleep and quickening as is associ-
ated with periods of wakefulness.12
Although neonatal sleep is best
assessed through technology, inter-
pretation of a neonate’s physical ex-
amination findings and behavioral
patterns can help to determine which
sleep state they are in. As described in
Table 1, each sleep state has several
distinguishable motor movements.
Most commonly eye movements
(opening and closing), vocalization
(no vocalization to mild sighing),
and motor coordination (from normal
movements to startles or small jerks)
can be used, as each characteristic has
a pattern corresponding to a distinct
sleep state. It is important to be mind-
ful of respirations as well, as respira-
tory rate and quality can also be useful
in classifying sleep.12
Although the gold standard in mea-
suring sleep lies with technology and
more invasive monitoring, clinical
observation can be especially useful
in settings where this technology is
not available. In these situations, be-
havioral classification in conjunction
with heart rate variability may be able
to give observers the best estimate of
a neonate’s sleep status.
Technology-Dependent Methods
The more invasive methods of sleep
measurement include aEEG, EEG,
and polysomnography. Each of these
modalities requires a technological
interface and use of probes and moni-
PEDIATRIC ANNALS • Vol. 49, No. 2, 2020 e85
tors to achieve a more comprehensive
assessment of an infant’s sleep.
The least invasive is an aEEG. With
this modality, two leads are placed bi-
parietally on the neonate’s head (each
probe corresponding to the parietal lobe
on that side of the head). The clinician
in this instance can detect the presence
of the sleep-wake cycle at the bedside. A
wide bandwidth corresponds with quiet
sleep, whereas a thin or narrow band-
width will be associated with wakeful-
ness or active sleep. Cyclic variation of
the aEGG can first be seen in neonates
at 26 weeks gestation, and the more tra-
ditional sleep-wake cycle will be seen at
about 31 to 32 weeks of gestation.13
More invasive than aEEG is the tradi-
tional EEG, described in the neurology
literature. In addition to a more in-depth
description of brain function, this mo-
dality allows clinicians to observe brain
and central nervous system maturation
over time. Although its reliability begins
only after a neonate reaches 30 weeks
corrected gestation, it is a much more
comprehensive look at the sleep-wake
cycle. However, it is more sensitive to
the dulling effects of pharmacotherapy.14
Finally, polysomnography is the most
complete picture and the current gold
standard when measuring sleep. In ad-
dition to EEG, this modality includes
pulse oximetry, electrooculography,
electrocardiography, and chin electro-
myography. With this technology, the
clinician can measure sleep states, tim-
ing of apnea events, as well as the nature
of the events (central versus obstruc-
tive), ultimately giving a global assess-
ment of an infant’s sleep.15
Healthy and normal sleep in new-
borns depends largely on a consistent
routine. Proper management of daytime
and nighttime routines is essential in op-
timizing an infant’s developmental and
physiologic sleep requirements. As this
varies from child to child, it is important
to remain adaptable while also recogniz-
ing issues with sleep and intervening
in a timely manner. Evidence-based in-
terventions that can be implemented in
every setting include light modification,
sound modification, infant massage, and
skin-to-skin contact.
Light modification is a simple and
relatively effortless change that can be
made in every setting, particularly in
the NICU. The benefit can be achieved
through maintaining darkness or creat-
ing a day and night type pattern with the
lighting. Studies demonstrated an asso-
ciation with shorter time to full feeds,
decreased length of stay, and possible
fewer ventilator days.16 An additional
benefit is that with day-night cycled
light pattern, infants develop a routine
and tend to sleep longer in the night pe-
riods versus infants who did not have a
cycled light pattern.17
Sound modification can have tremen-
dous benefits. Infants who are exposed
to excessive stimulation have been
known to suffer from apnea, increased
heart rate, and hearing deficits, thereby
casuing possible speech and language
difficulties in later development.18 A
positive modification in addition to cha-
otic noise reduction would be that of
music therapy. Neonates exposed to mu-
sic have shown improvements in sleep,
feeding, and heart rate stability.19 This
effect is most prominently seen in pre-
term infants; however, all neonates can
benefit from sound reduction and the
bonding that comes from music.
Sleep Disruption in Common Neonatal Conditions
Condition Sleep Disruption
Chronic lung
Definition: prolonged ventilator or oxygen support leading to signifi-
cant respiratory disease
Sleep alteration: increased respiratory events (desaturations and apnea),
hypoxia, and respiratory-related arousals during sleep
Congenital heart
Definition: anatomical cardiac deficits that lead to poor oxygenation
and hypoxemia
Sleep alteration: delayed sleep-wake cycle for corrected gestational age
Definition: disruption of cerebral blood flow leading to potentially poor
neurodevelopmental outcome
Sleep alteration: delayed sleep-wake cycle (progressively worse with
more severe injury)
Inborn errors of
Definition: disorders caused by enzyme deficiencies essential to meta-
bolic pathways
Sleep alteration: spectrum of findings from no sleep-wake cycle to
normal cycling, depending on the enzyme deficiency
Definition: abrupt discontinuation of maternal drug use to the chroni-
cally exposed fetus during pregnancy
Sleep alteration: opiate exposure leads to more active, but fragmented
sleep, and the infant is easily arousable; selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitor exposure leads to more active sleep and increased motor
activity during active sleep
Adapted from Barbeau and Weiss.5
e86 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated
Infant massage is an area of growing
interest. Although there does not seem to
be any direct benefit with regard to neu-
rodevelopmental outcomes, the value of
massage comes with its relative ease of
learning, infant-parental bonding, and
the alterations in sleep patterns. Infants
demonstrate a decrease in sleep latency,
remain asleep longer, and have fewer
nighttime awakenings. Other benefits
include decreased crying, lower pain
scores, and increase in heart rate stabil-
ity. Some studies have suggested an add-
ed importance in the preterm population
with improvement in weight gain and a
decrease in length of NICU stay.20
Lastly, is the well-studied and now
widely adapted use of skin-to-skin con-
tact (SSC). From as little as 1 hour per
day over a 2-week period, benefits seen
with this intervention are both physi-
ologic and physical in nature. Neonates
undergoing SSC had an increase in vi-
tal sign stability with fewer episodes of
bradycardia, higher oxygen saturations,
decreased hypothermia, and decreased
respiratory rates. These infants also
experienced improved overall growth
with associated increases in the rates of
exclusive breast-feeding and decreased
episodes of hypoglycemia. Infant-
parental bonding is also improved, as
studies have demonstrated decreases in
both infant and parental cortisol levels
during times of SSC. Regarding sleep,
neonates who benefited from SSC had
fewer awakenings from sleep as well as
better sleep organization.21
Infant sleep is often discussed dur-
ing routine pediatric visits. These con-
versations consist of issues with sleep
latency, short duration of sleep, and
frequent nighttime awakenings.22 The
recognition of these sleep deficiencies
and providing early intervention can
be crucial in preservation of a positive
developmental outcome. Although the
body of literature continues to grow,
there seems to be a positive correlation
between good sleep behavior and neuro-
developmental health.
The effects of poor sleep are mani-
fold and can last throughout childhood.
The deleterious effects can be observed
across many systems, the most promi-
nent being metabolic. Although the
exact causality has not been identified,
infants with abnormal sleep and short-
er nighttime sleep duration were more
likely to be overweight. These same
infants also had the propensity to be
overweight into childhood. This effect
is also compounded further by poor diet
and exercise habits.23
Regarding mental health, studies on
sleep highlight the social-emotional is-
sues with sleep disruption. Infants and
children with later bedtimes and re-
duced nighttime sleep often showed
more issues with separation distress, in-
hibition, anxiety, and depression. These
social-emotional problems were magni-
fied 5 times with just a small reduction
in sleep time, 11 hours per day versus
the average 13 to 14 hours.24 When
studied at age 1 year, infants with lower
sleep quality were predicted to have be-
havioral issues and attention-regulation
problems at age 3 to 4 years, reiterating
the importance of optimal sleep at an
early age.25
Sleep is perhaps one of the most es-
sential, but commonly overlooked ele-
ments of newborn growth and develop-
ment. Although there has been a recent
increase in the number of studies pub-
lished on newborn and infant sleep,
much is still left to be explored with fur-
ther research. Evidence suggests that it
is necessary to consider the implications
of poor sleep on long-term outcomes,
and furthermore understand how we can
use markers of sleep disturbance to im-
plement earlier interventions.
As a practitioner working with new-
born and pediatric patients, a few other
variables to recognize are parental edu-
cation level, health literacy, socioeco-
nomic status, and cultural differences
that may influence sleep practice. Fur-
thermore, the emphasis on maternal
health with depression screening, stress-
ing the risks of co-sleeping, and provid-
ing resources to temper parental burnout
are also crucial in creating a positive
sleep environment.26 Being mindful of
interventions and therapies in this way
are not only beneficial in establishing a
thoughtful parent-practitioner relation-
ship, but ultimately contribute positively
to the care of each child.
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... Sleep is a necessary and essential function for life and one of the human resources for homeostasis [1][2][3]. The duration, quality, and structure of sleep evolve throughout the human lifespan, with particularly significant changes occurring during the first five years of life. ...
... Newborns spend up to 80% of the day asleep, while most infants and preschool-aged children sleep for up to 50% of the day [3]. Inadequate sleep, particularly at early ages, has adverse effects on overall health, endocrinological and metabolic functions, and also neurocognitive and emotional development [1,2,[4][5][6]. There are cultural differences in the duration, patterns, and habits of sleep in infants and children [3,6,7]. ...
... Promoting healthy sleep practices from birth has a positive effect on the quality of sleep for infants and their families [3,10,11]. These practices include establishing sleep routines; exposure to natural sunlight, with reduced lighting at night; bathing and/or massage at the end of the day; skin-to-skin contact; and reducing sound stimuli and activity in the hours before sleep [2,3]. ...
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Abstract Introduction Promoting healthy sleep practices from birth has a positive effect on infants and their families. Our goal was to implement measures to promote safe and healthy sleep practices for infants and to evaluate their impact. Methods A quality improvement project was developed in the maternity ward of a level II hospital in Portugal. The study comprised three phases: evaluation of the information provided to parents and infants’ sleep habits by a telephone survey between two and three months of age; intervention through the application of measures, which included informative leaflets, posters, and training sessions for medical and nursing staff; and evaluation of the implemented measures after one year, applying the same survey. Results We recorded an increase of 13% in parents informed about safe sleep surfaces (p=0.001) and position (p<0.001). Additionally, 19.3% more infants were sleeping in the supine position (p<0.001). Only 74.7% were sleeping in a crib, and bed sharing was still a common practice (20.9%). Regarding sleep habits, we recorded a 7.6% increase in infants sleeping in the dark at night (p=0.216), and a 17.2% increase in the use of the night light (p=0.003) for diaper changes/feeding. Discussion Our project was effective in improving parents’ knowledge concerning safe sleep practices, increasing the proportion of infants sleeping in the supine position, and reducing light exposure at night. However, we had no effect on bed sharing, which remains frequent, related to our population's cultural background.
... Sleep is an essential part of life and necessary for proper development. 1 In the same way that cognitive, social, motor and speech milestones evolve through early childhood, sleep is a maturational process with the infant rapidly learning and establishing a regular sleep-wake cycle. Sleep and wakefulness, like all physiological processes, are regulated by both a homeostatic and a circadian process. 2 Sleep deprivation experiments have shown that the body tolerates a certain amount of wakefulness each day before sleepiness (sleep pressure) reaches a point where sleep is required to maintain normal neurophysiological function. ...
Background: Healthy sleep is vital for optimal child development, yet over 30% of Australian parents report having children with disrupted sleep affecting all family members. These sleep difficulties might co-exist with sleep breathing disorders, contributing to morbidity and reduced quality of life. Objective: This article aims to provide general practitioners (GPs) with an evidence-based, biopsychosocial approach to managing common sleep problems in infants and preschool-aged children. Discussion: Strategies and techniques are outlined to aid GPs in promoting healthy sleep during infancy, educating parents on typical sleep patterns and supporting families in managing problematic sleep patterns in toddlers. Emphasis is placed on a tailored approach to developing a healthy sleep environment to meet the child's needs and parental values. Valuable resources and indications for specialist consultation are included.
... Findings from the current study, which suggest greater AD severity is associated with poorer infantile sleep outcomes, provides some cause for concern as poor infant sleep has been found to predict impairments in infant mood, and can be associated with future developmental delays including behavioural issues and attention-regulation problems [14]. ...
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Background While the impacts of atopic dermatitis (AD) on maternal and child sleep outcomes have been previously explored, less is known about the associations between infantile AD and sleep quality and quantity. Objective To describe the perceived causes of AD-associated maternal sleep disturbances and the association between AD severity and infant sleep outcomes. Methods Mothers with infants aged < 19 months old with a diagnosis of AD were recruited from social media and medical clinics in Winnipeg, Canada between October 2021 and May 2022. Infant AD severity was classified using maternal-reported data on the Patient-Oriented Scoring Atopic Dermatitis tool (PO-SCORAD). Quantitative data were collected via a series of questionnaires with a subset of mothers subsequently completing semi-structured interviews. Quantitative and qualitative data were integrated in the discussion. Results Mothers of infants with moderate/severe AD (6/12) were more likely to report their infant suffering from a higher degree of sleeplessness (i.e., ≥ 5 on a scale of 0–10) over the past 48 h compared to mothers of infants with mild AD (0/18). This was supported by qualitative findings where mothers described how their infant’s sleep quality and quantity worsened with AD severity. Additionally, 7/32 mothers reported that their child’s AD, regardless of severity, disturbed their sleep. Maternal sleep loss was most commonly attributed to infant itching (6/7), followed by worry (4/7). Conclusion Infantile AD severity was associated with worse sleep outcomes for both mothers and infants. We propose that maternal and infantile sleep quality and quantity can be improved by reducing AD severity through adherence to topical treatments.
... Painful interventions in the neonatal period may have negative effects on patients in the long term as well as acute effects. Sleep disorders can negatively impact many prospects of health, including neurological development and overall growth, particularly in the early stages of life 25 . Proper development of sleep and sleep-wake cycles during the early periods of life positively affects neurodevelopment in infants. ...
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Background Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) is the first choice approach in neonates with sufficient respiratory effort that require respiratory support. The type of nasal interface used in NIV affects both efficacy and patient comfort. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of different nasal interfaces used in NIV support on neonatal patient comfort.Methods Our study evaluated patients who received NIV support for 24 hours. The patients were randomly divided into two groups according to the type of nasal interface used, which were RAM cannula and short binasal prong (SBP). The patients’ demographic and clinical data were noted. Their sleep was monitored for 24 hours with an actigraphy device.ResultsA total of 82 patients were evaluated. The sleep efficiency in the RAM cannula group was significantly higher (respectively, 65.7% [10.22-95.25] vs. 57.81% [2.49-77], p=0.004). Although not statistically significant, the neonates in the RAM cannula group exhibited longer total sleep time (respectively, 10.4 ± 4.28 hours vs. 9.02 ± 3.73 hours, p=0.161). Comparison of heart rates and respiratory rates indicate that the patients in the RAM cannula group were more comfortable.Conclusions Our study found that infants who received NIV support through a RAM cannula experienced more efficient sleep. Holistic approaches in neonatal intensive care units are vital for better neurodevelopmental outcomes in newborns. Although non-invasive, the interface used in NIV should also be a part of this holistic approach.
... Sleep patterns tend to shift with age in both men and women; however, there are significant differences in sleep patterns between male and female individuals, although it is not clear exactly when these differences first appear. Studies investigating sleep in newborns indicate that sleep is consolidated at around 3 months of age, but remains very dynamic up until 6 months of age (De Beritto, 2020); however, few studies have examined sex distinctions in newborn sleep, with some suggesting that there are no sex differences, although others have reported longer "active sleep" periods in boys and more "quiet sleep" periods in girls (Paul et al., 2003;Cubero-Rego et al., 2018). ...
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Sleep is a fundamental biological behavior that affects various aspects of health and wellbeing. However, there are some differences in respect of sleep between men and women. Notably, there are sex differences in relation to sleep problems and the potential comorbidities, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, that are associated with these problems, with some evidence suggesting that women may have a greater predisposition to sleep disturbances. This narrative review provides a comprehensive analysis of the literature in respect of sex differences in the sleep, with the main focus being on women. Basic research has investigated sex-specific distinctions in sleep architecture, sleep quality, and circadian rhythms, while clinical studies have examined sex differences in sleep disorders, such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless leg syndrome. This narrative review also highlights the impact of the periods of hormonal fluctuations that occur across a woman's lifespan - such as during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause phase - and examines their effects on sleep. It also explores the influence of social and cultural factors on sleep patterns in women. Taken together, the evidence suggests that women may be more susceptible to sleep disturbance, and that gender-specific factors should be considered when evaluating sleep in clinical practice. Further research is warranted to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie this and help guide the development of sex-specific interventions to improve sleep quality and promote holistic health in women.
... Sleeping constitutes the main state of newborns [26]. Normally, newborns fall asleep between 1.5 and 2 h after birth [27], possibly through two mechanisms. ...
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Breast crawling in newborns to propel themselves to their mothers' breasts normally occurs upon skin-to-skin contact with mothers immediately after birth but is often missed by the neglect of hospital staff and insufficient evidence support. Hence, this study described the behavioral characteristics of 135 newborns from China during breast crawling and further explored the factors influencing newborns' self-locating mothers' breasts (measured by whether fail to experience the familiarization stage, initial time and duration of the familiarization stage) using multivariable analysis. The findings supported and extended previous studies that newborns could emerge in nine instinctive stages and corresponding spontaneous behaviors early in life. Moreover, abnormal fetal heart rate during labor appeared to interfere with newborns experiencing the familiarization stage (aOR = 9.27, 95% CI: 1.41 to 61.07, P = 0.021), while using synthetic oxytocin (β = 5.94, 95% CI: 0.35 to 11.54, P = 0.037), using antibiotics (β = 11.09, 95% CI: 4.11 to 18.07, P = 0.002), and newborns' gender (β = -5.69, 95% CI: 11.26 to -0.12, P = 0.045) would alter the initial time of the familiarization stage. Finally, this study proposes evidence-based strategies to prevent abnormal fetal heart rates and improve medication use.
Aim: Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic skin disease with relapses that are frequently encountered in infants. The relationship between AD and infant sleep is not clearly known, but it is an essential area of research because sleep plays a vital role in infant development. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the sleep quality of infants with AD and their mothers admitted to the pediatric allergy and immunology outpatient clinic and to examine the relationship with disease severity. Methods: Eighty patients diagnosed with AD between 1-12 months of age and their mothers constituted the patient group. A control group was formed with 80 healthy infants of the same age group. The BISQ-R (Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire-Revised) was used to assess the sleep quality of the infants in the patient and control groups, and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to determine the mothers' sleep quality. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the patient and control groups regarding age, gender, and maternal age. There was a statistically significant difference between the BISQ-R and PSQI scores of the patient and control groups (p=0.002, p=0.001, respectively). Infants and their mothers in the patient group had worse sleep quality compared to the control group. A moderate positive linear relationship was found between the objective SCORAD scores of the patients and the PSQI scores of the mothers (p: 0.04, r: 0.32). A highly negative linear relationship was found between the objective SCORAD scores of the patients and the BISQ-R scores (p < 0.001 r: -0.78). It was found that the presence of food allergy had a negative effect on infant and maternal sleep quality, whereas breastfeeding had a positive effect. Conclusion: In this study, the presence of AD was found to negatively affect the sleep quality of the infant and the mother. As the severity of AD increases, the sleep quality of the infant and the mother is more negatively affected. AD patients with food allergies and their mothers should be monitored more closely for sleep disturbance. Encouraging mothers to breastfeed may positively affect infant and maternal sleep quality.
We discuss the evolution and composition of breast milk and briefly describe how mammalian evolution resulted in lactation, which played a crucial role in infant growth and development. We focus on three teleological factors that significantly contribute to breast milk composition: (1) biological sex at birth, (2) gestational age, and (3) circadian rhythms. We also explain how these factors lead to variability in human milk composition. We emphasize the importance of standardizing the definitions of "preterm" and "term" to accurately study the effects of gestational age on milk composition. Finally, we discuss the role of the circadian clock in regulating lactation and the impact of breast milk on fetal and infant sleep. Investigators may integrate these critical factors when designing a research study that involves the collection of breast milk samples. Teleological factors greatly influence milk composition, and these factors may be considered when designing a study that requires breast milk. We provide both the rationale and application of solutions to address these factors.
The third trimester is a critical period for the development of functional networks that support the lifelong neurocognitive performance, yet the emergence of neuronal coupling in these networks is poorly understood. Here, we used longitudinal high-density electroencephalographic recordings from preterm infants during the period from 33 to 45 weeks of conceptional age (CA) to characterize early spatiotemporal patterns in the development of local cortical function and the intrinsic coupling modes [ICMs; phase–phase (PPCs), amplitude–amplitude (AACs), and phase–amplitude correlations (PACs)]. Absolute local power showed a robust increase with CA across the full frequency spectrum, while local PACs showed sleep state-specific, biphasic development that peaked a few weeks before normal birth. AACs and distant PACs decreased globally at nearly all frequencies. In contrast, the PPCs showed frequency- and region-selective development, with an increase of coupling strength with CA between frontal, central, and occipital regions at low-delta and alpha frequencies together with a wider-spread decrease at other frequencies. Our findings together present the spectrally and spatially differential development of the distinct ICMs during the neonatal period and provide their developmental templates for future basic and clinical research.
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Dalak Yokluğu Yada Fonksiyon Bozukluğunda Ateş Berfin ÖZGÖKÇE ÖZMEN Yenidoğanda Fototerapinin IL-6 ve IL-8 Düzeyine Etkisi Gonca VARDAR Aysu SAY Çocukluk Çağı Romatizmal Hastalıklarında Kardiyovasküler Sistem Tutulumu Nuran BELDER Şeyma KAYALI Çocuklarda Human Papillomavirüs (HPV) Enfeksiyonları Ömer GÜNEŞ Bebeklerde Uyku Sağlığı ve Uyku Eğitimi Selçuk GÜREL Çocuklarda Yeme Bozuklukları Ayben LEBLEBİCİ Vitamin B12 Eksikliği ile Takip Edilen Çocuk Hastaların Retrospektif İncelenmesi Celenmesi Derya DUMAN Gonca USLU Barış MALBORA
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The purpose of this review is to serve as an introduction to understanding sleep in the fetus, the preterm neonate and the term neonate. Sleep appears to have numerous important roles, particularly in the consolidation of new information. The sleep cycle changes over time, neonates spend the most time in active sleep and have a progressive shortening of active sleep and lengthening of quiet sleep. Additionally, the sleep cycle is disrupted by many things including disease state and environment, and the amplitude integrated EEG can be a useful tool in evaluating sleep, and sleep disturbances, in neonates. Finally, there are protective factors for infant sleep that are still being studied.
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As an approach of unobtrusive assessment of neonatal sleep state we aimed at an automated sleep state coding based only on heart rate variability obtained from electrocardiography used for regular patient monitoring. We analyzed active and quiet sleep states of preterm infants between 30 and 37 weeks postmenstrual age. To determine the sleep states we used a nonlinear kernel support vector machine for sleep state separation based on known heart rate variability features. We used unweighted and weighted misclassification penalties for the imbalanced distribution between sleep states. The validation was performed with leave-one-out-cross-validation based on the annotations of three independent observers. We analyzed the classifier performance with receiver operating curves leading to a maximum mean value for the area under the curve of 0.87. Using this sleep state separation methods, we show that automated active and quiet sleep state separation based on heart rate variability in preterm infants is feasible.
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Unlabelled: Sleep problems have been defined using a variety of definitions. No study has assessed the longitudinal association between infant sleep problems and childhood overweight or obesity using existing definitions of sleep problems. This study used longitudinal data (n = 895) from the multi-site Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (SECCYD) to investigate the effects of infant sleep problems on childhood weight status in Grade 6. Infants with sleep problems in Phase I (1991) and with complete data through Phase III (2004) of SECCYD were included. Sleep problems were assessed using maternal reports of night wakings and duration of a waking episode. Sleep problems were defined using Richman (1981), Lozoff et al. (1985), and Zuckerman et al. (1987) definitions. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the association between sleep problems during infancy and childhood weight status in Grade 6 while controlling for birth weight, race, sex, breastfeeding, maternal poverty, family structure, and maternal education. After adjusting for all covariates, children with a history of sleep problems were found to be overweight in Grade 6 using Zukerman et al. (Odds ratio (OR) = 1.68; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-2.55) and Richman (OR = 1.76; 95% CI: 1.05-2.97) definitions, but not using Lozoff et al. Definition: Infant sleep problems were not found to be associated with being obese. The study found differential effects of infant sleep problems on childhood overweight in Grade 6 per different definitions of sleep problems. Findings highlight the need to construct a single definition of infant sleep problems.
There is a range of breathing problems which occur and may persist in preterm infants, such as central apneas, obstructive apneas and periodic breathing. Preterm infants may also suffer from respiratory distress syndrome and chronic lung disease necessitating prolonged use of oxygen therapy after discharge from the hospital. Due to these persistent breathing pattern abnormalities in preterm infants, there is a higher risk of altered sleep and apparent life threatening events. Polysomnography can be a helpful tool to identify those infants who have abnormalities in their breathing pattern, to identify those infants who have an increased risk to get a sleep related breathing event at home and to decide about the discontinuation of oxygen therapy.
Neonatal sleep is a crucial state that involves endogenous driven brain activity, important for neuronal survival and guidance of brain networks. Sequential EEG-sleep analysis in preterm infants provides insights into functional brain integrity and can document deviations of the biologically pre-programmed process of sleep ontogenesis during the neonatal period. Visual assessment of neonatal sleep-EEG, with integration of both cerebral and non-cerebral measures to better define neonatal state, is still considered the gold standard. Electrographic patterns evolve over time and are gradually time locked with behavioural characteristics which allow classification of quiet sleep and active sleep periods during the last 10 weeks of gestation. Near term age, the neonate expresses a short ultradian sleep cycle, with two distinct active and quiet sleep, as well as brief periods of transitional or indeterminate sleep. Qualitative assessment of neonatal sleep is however challenged by biological and environmental variables that influence the expression of EEG-sleep patterns and sleep organization. Developing normative EEG-sleep data with the aid of automated analytic methods, can further improve our understanding of extra-uterine brain development and state organization under stressful or pathological conditions. Based on those developmental biomarkers of normal and abnormal brain function, research can be conducted to support and optimise sleep in the NICU, with the ultimate goal to improve therapeutic interventions and neurodevelopmental outcome.
Infant sleep problems have been the focus of a growing literature over the last few years. The current review is based on literature searches of Pubmed and PsycInfo for studies published over the last few years including randomized controlled trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses on infant sleep problems and resulting developmental effected, risk factors and interventions. Several risk/protective factors for sleep problems have been identified including health literacy, TV in the room, feeding, close contact and arousing activities at bedtime, intolerance for infant crying, co-sleeping, maternal depression and infant temperament. Cross-cultural differences have been noted both for infant sleep problems and parents’ perceived distress by those problems. A number of interventions have been tried to ameliorate infant sleep problems including consultations, teaching sessions on extinction and bedtime fading, internet-based interventions and nighttime massages by parents. Some of these studies have shown improvements and others have suggested only short-term or negligible effects. Significant methodological problems exist with this literature including the almost sole use of parent report as well as the mixed age samples and the potential confounding variables.
Twenty four premature infants were evaluated in their homes at seven ages during the first year of life to determine whether sleep-wake state organization was related to ither neonatal assessment or short-term developmental outcome measures. A model assessing environmental and biological influences on the maturational course of selected sleep-wake state parameters was also evaluated. Sleepwake state variables and neonatal assessment items were related to each other, and both predicted developmental quotients at 6 months and 1 year of age. Concordance was present primarily in the domain of motor activities. Waking motor behaviors and motor activity in sleep seem to independently reflect an infant's level of developmental organization. Individual sleep-wake state variables were influenced by both biological and environmental factors during maturation. The developmental course of quiet sleep is primarily biologically determined, as evidenced by its relationship to the infant's birth status (gestational age or birth weight); the infant's behavior that results in being taken from the crib during the night, and the course of his/her sleep that occurs between midnight and morning are dependent on both biological factors (perhaps infant irritability), and postbirth experiences (perhaps the caregiver'S response to infant irritability). The course of active sleep and wakefulness are dependent solely on environmental influences, and not on maturity at birth.
Skin-to-skin care (SSC) and rooming-in have become common practice in the newborn period for healthy newborns with the implementation of maternity care practices that support breastfeeding as delineated in the World Health Organization's "Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding." SSC and rooming-in are supported by evidence that indicates that the implementation of these practices increases overall and exclusive breastfeeding, safer and healthier transitions, and improved maternal-infant bonding. In some cases, however, the practice of SSC and rooming-in may pose safety concerns, particularly with regard to sleep. There have been several recent case reports and case series of severe and sudden unexpected postnatal collapse in the neonatal period among otherwise healthy newborns and near fatal or fatal events related to sleep, suffocation, and falls from adult hospital beds. Although these are largely case reports, there are potential dangers of unobserved SSC immediately after birth and throughout the postpartum hospital period as well as with unobserved rooming-in for at-risk situations. Moreover, behaviors that are modeled in the hospital after birth, such as sleep position, are likely to influence sleeping practices after discharge. Hospitals and birthing centers have found it difficult to develop policies that will allow SSC and rooming-in to continue in a safe manner. This clinical report is intended for birthing centers and delivery hospitals caring for healthy newborns to assist in the establishment of appropriate SSC and safe sleep policies.
Background: Potential benefits and harms of different lighting in neonatal units have not been quantified. Objectives: • To determine effectiveness and safety of cycled light (CL) (approximately 12 hours of light on and 12 hours of light off) for growth in preterm infants at three and six months' corrected age (CA).• In separate analyses, to compare effects of CL with those of irregularly dimmed light (DL) or near darkness (ND), and effects of CL with those of continuous bright light (CBL), on growth in preterm infants at three and six months' CA.• To assess, in subgroup analyses, the effectiveness and safety of CL (vs control interventions (DL, ND and CBL)) introduced at different postmenstrual ages (PMAs) - before 32 weeks', at 32 weeks' and from 36 weeks' PMA - and to compare effectiveness and safety of CL for small for gestational age (GA) infants versus appropriately grown infants. Search methods: We used the standard search strategy of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group to search the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL; 2016, Issue 12), MEDLINE via PubMed (1966 to January 2016), Embase (1980 to January 2016) and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL; 1982 to January 2016). We searched clinical trials databases, conference proceedings and reference lists of retrieved articles for randomised controlled trials and quasi-randomised trials. Selection criteria: Randomised or quasi-randomised trials of CL versus ND or CBL in preterm and low birth weight infants. Data collection and analysis: We performed data collection and analyses according to the methods of the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group. We used the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach to assess the quality of evidence. Main results: We identified one additional study enrolling 38 participants for inclusion in this update, for a total of nine studies reporting on 544 infants. In general, the quality of the studies was low, mainly owing to lack of blinding and small sample sizes.Six studies enrolling 424 infants compared CL versus ND. No study reported on weight at three or six months. One study (n = 40) found no statistically significant difference in weight at four months between CL and ND groups. In another study (n = 62), the ratio of day-night activity before discharge favoured the CL group (mean difference (MD) 0.18, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.17 to 0.19), indicating 18% more activity during the day than during the night in the CL group compared with the ND group. Two studies (n = 189) reported on retinopathy of prematurity (stage ≥ 3) and reported no statistically significant differences between CL and ND groups (typical risk ratio (RR) 0.53, 95% CI 0.25 to 1.11, I(2) = 0%; typical risk difference (RD) -0.09, 95% CI -0.19 to 0.01, I(2) = 0%). Two studies (n = 77) reported length of hospital stay (days) and noted a significant reduction in length of stay between CL and ND groups favouring the CL group (weighted mean difference (WMD) -13 days, 95% CI -23 to -2, I(2) = 0%; no heterogeneity). The quality of the evidence according to GRADE was low for this outcome. One study (n = 37) reported less crying at 11 weeks' corrected age (CA) in the CL group compared with the ND group (MD -0.57 hours/24 h, 95% CI -1.09 to -0.05). Tests for heterogeneity were not applicable.Three studies enrolling 120 infants compared CL versus CBL. Two studies (n = 79) reported significantly shorter length of stay in the CL group compared with the CBL group (WMD -16.5 days, 95% CI -26.2 to -6.8, I(2) = 0%; no heterogeneity). The quality of the evidence according to GRADE was low for this outcome. One study (n = 41) reported higher mean weight at three months' CA among infants cared for in the CL nursery (P value < 0.02) and a lower mean number of hours spent awake in 24 hours at three months of age (P value < 0.005). Data could not be entered into RevMan or GRADE. One study (n = 41) reported shorter time on the ventilator in the CL compared with the CBL group (MD -18.2 days, 95% CI -31.40 to -5.0). One study (n = 41) reported a shorter time to first oral feeding in the CL group (MD -6.8 days, 95% CI -13.29 to -0.31). We identified no safety issues. Authors' conclusions: Trials assessing the effects of CL have enrolled 544 infants. No study reported on our primary outcome of weight at three or six months. Results from one additional study strengthen our findings that CL versus CBL shortens length of stay, as does CL versus ND. The quality of the evidence on both comparisons for this outcome according to GRADE was low. Future research should focus on comparing CL versus ND.