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An investigation of Early medieval / Anglo-Saxon bead making in England using hot glass bead making skills to replicate the techniques of the ancient bead makers. Tools and materials are discussed and illustrated steps are given to show how some types of beads are made.
Painng of the necklace from Snape Grave 10. This is a reconstrucon of the neck-
lace showing the beads as they would have looked before deterioraon.
I would like to thank Dr Catherine Hills for her encouragement and help; Jo Caruth of Suolk Archaeology CIC for
advice and for providing access to the Eriswell beads and unpublished material from Eriswell. Dr Tim Pestell of Nor-
wich Castle Museum for all his help and for providing access to the beads in the collecons. Thomas Risom for illu-
minang discussions about furnaces. Dr David Neal for advice about Roman glass tesserae. Mike Poole of Tillerman
Beads who gave me my rst glass beadmaking lesson and for useful discussions on beadmakers techniques. Also
Alan Burchell for discussions about beadmaking and furnaces; Julie Kennard of Suolk Archaeological Service for her
help; Laura Pooley of Colchester Archaeological Trust for providing access to the West Clacton tesserae.
© Sue Heaser 2018
All illustraons and photographs are by the author unless otherwise credited.
Credits for permission for photography are given under each image.
Anglo-Saxon cemeteries provide us with large quanes of beauful colourful beads. There have been many studies
in the past aempng to create a reliable typology and dang framework for these nds. More recently there have
been studies on the chemical properes of the beads (Peake 2013) to trace the origins of the glass used.
For several years I have been studying the bead collecons held in museums and archaeological instuons in
England and have used my skills in hot glass beadmaking to invesgate how the beads would have been made. My
ndings suggest that to date very few aempts have been made to assess Anglo-Saxon beads using the skills of the
beadmaker and this paper aempts to begin to redress that situaon. My ndings show that the exisng literature
has many erroneous assumpons as to how the beads were made. This means that the terminology used to classify
beads is oen wrong.
The current percepon in many studies (e.g. Peake 2013; Brugmann 2004) is that workshops were responsible for
making beads in Anglo-Saxon Britain. Several types of bead are only found in Britain and not on the European
mainland which suggests that they were made by indigenous makers, parcularly in East Anglia where many of
these beads are found. Examples are Brugmanns so-called Trac Lightbeads, annular twist beads and various
Norfolkbeads . I would like to challenge the idea of beads only being made in an established bead workshop. I can
make 30 to 50 beads in a day, similar to Anglo-Saxon styles and using a few simple tools. I suggest that the beads
could have been made by a travelling arsan who would have carried his tools and materials with him. The amount
of glass needed for a necklace is small – about 50 gms for a 45cms necklace, depending on the bead size. Thomas
Risom (2013), working on the Viking beads from Ribe, Denmark, has shown that a small clay furnace for
beadmaking can be made in a day. This could have been used to make beads for a small community, then
abandoned when the beadmaker moved on. Hardly any trace of the furnace would remain aer weathering.
Hot glass or lampworkbeadmaking is pracsed
today by arsans around the world using
techniques that go back to ancient mes. The term
lampworkrefers to the small heat source
(originally an oil lamp) that is used to melt the glass
to make beads one at a me on a mandrel.
Modern beadmakers use gas blowtorches but
otherwise the basic techniques have changed lile
since Anglo-Saxon mes. These are the skills I have
used to achieve an understanding of the
techniques of the Anglo-Saxon beadmakers.
A replica Anglo-Saxon bead being made with a modern mandrel
and blowtorch by Mike Poole of Tillerman Beads.
The mandrel is the main tool of the glass beadmaker and is used for all wound beads which make up the majority of
Anglo-Saxon beads. It is a simple iron spike, about 30cms long tapering from about 8mm to 1.5mm at the p. It
would have to be made of metal and most likely of iron because any other materials would not withstand the
temperatures required to melt glass.
I have not found any reference in reports idenfying mandrels in excavaons in Britain but this is possibly because
excavators are unaware of these objects. Also, a mandrel is such a simple thin piece of iron, they have either
corroded completely or if traces are found, they are not recognised for what they were. The illustraons below
show the suggested shape for a typical mandrel. A beadmaker may have had several so that beads could be made
one aer the other without the need to remove the bead from the mandrel each me. The p is the important part
and beads would normally have only been made in the last 10 cms of the point with the rest of the mandrel used as
a handle to keep the hands away from the ame. The shape shown mirrors the internal measurement of the holes
of typical beads from Anglo-Saxon cemeteries although some have larger holes of about 5 to 10mm or more such as
the common annular blue beads and larger beads such as annular twists.
Mandrels may have been set into wooden handles
in the same way as awls and therefore could show a
square secon at the handle end. Another possible
shape is with a hollow end like a ferrule to aach a
wooden handle. However, my experiments show
that a thicker handle is more dicult to control
when winding a bead so it seems likely that they did
not have wooden handles. The heat of the ame
does not travel very far down the mandrel so a
wooden handle is not necessary for avoiding heat.
Possible mandrels: Taershall Thorpe hoard;
Hyderabad Barracks, Colchester; Swallowclie
Down bed burial; Theord. Detail of the p of the mandrel. The mandrel was made using
tradional blacksmithing.
The last 10 cms of the point
tapers from 4-5mm to 1.5mm
at the p.
This end forms the handle and
would normally be about
8mm diameter.
Reconstructed iron mandrel
The following tools are all that are needed to create Anglo-Saxon beads. Not all are essenal and simple beads can
be made with just a few mandrels, a knife for shaping, and a furnace.
These are used to make long thin stringersof coloured glass for decorang
beads with coloured trails (see page 11). Quite delicate tweezers are required,
ideally 16cms long or less and with ne tapered points. They could be bronze
or iron. The at-ended tweezers found in Anglo-Saxon graves could be used
too but pointed ends are more useful to a glass beadmaker.
Examples: Flixborough—alloy tweezers
Iron tongs Wooden tongs
A rectangular bead being
shaped with mashers
Mashers are used by modern glass beadmakers for shaping beads and especially for disc
beads, square beads and rectangular beads. They are a pair of small tongs with wide aened
ends. A simple at surface could be used instead with a at blade to press the bead down with
(see Marver overleaf).
Spiral disc beads and rectangular Trac Lightbeads (see right) would be easier to shape
using some form of mashers rather than simply pressing them down on a at surface. Iron
tongs are found in Anglo-Saxon sites and a small pair of these would have been suitable. Also
likely are wooden tongs of the type shown below. They would need to be soaked in water
before use to prevent them burning.
There is no need for strength in these tools—they are simply for shaping small pieces of hot
glass. The best size for bead-shaping is about 18-20cms long.
Spiral bead (top) and
bead with twisted
trail from Eriswell.
(Courtesy of Suolk
Archaeology CIC)
These would be used to cut hot glass when making rods or wrapping beads. They
would have been relavely small and light like those found as weaving tools—about
15 cms long is ideal.
Examples: Flixborough; Taershall Thorpe; Harford Farm; Theord.
This is a simple iron rod used by glass-workers to plunge into a crucible of molten glass to remove a gatherof
glass for working. Ponls are also used as handles where they are aached to glass being worked in the ame.
Beadmakers would also use ponls for melng tesserae. A ponl for beadmaking would be similar in size and
shape to a mandrel but would need less of a point. Mandrels may well have doubled for this task.
A marver is a at surface used to shape beads. It could be a knife, a chisel or any at piece of iron. Wood could be
used if it was weed rst.
The term marveredis frequently used wrongly in archaeological reports to describe polychrome beads that have
applied decoraon ush with the surface. Applied decoraon on polychrome beads can be smoothed into the
surface by simply heang the bead in the ame. The added trails and dots will sink into the surface completely
without the use of any smoothing tool. Any bead that is spherical in shape has not been marvered, it is the natural
shape resulng from heang a blob of glass while the mandrel is constantly rotated to prevent the glass slumping.
A marver is used mainly to shape beads that are not spherical. Glass will always return to a rounded shape when
heated so a marver is used to form any shape with a at surface such as a cylinder, bicone, square or rectangle.
A chisel being used as a marver. A cylinder bead is shown being
rolled on the at surface to shape it.
A modern marver with the paddle end made
from graphite. Metal or wood can also be
A heat source was required to melt the glass. To date no bead
furnaces have been idened in excavaons in the United
Kingdom. The remains of beadmaking furnaces have been found
at Viking sites in Scandinavia. Thomas Risom, working at Ribe,
has shown that a small furnace of about 22cms diameter and
45cms high can produce high enough temperatures to make
beads. The drawing shows a furnace that Risom has used in his
experiments (Risom, 2013). So glass melts at a temperature of
around 900°C and a simple furnace of this kind with an opening
at the top is capable of this temperature when used with wood
as fuel. The furnace causes a natural dra and bellows or blow-
pipe are not required.
Risom has also experimented with similar furnaces using bellows and
charcoal and discovered that this causes vitricaon of the inside of
the furnace. All the furnaces found at Ribe that had been used for beadmaking had no vitricaon so Risom
suggests that this simple furnace without an added air source was what the beadmakers used.
A small furnace like the one shown would appear the same as any small hearth in an excavaon because the top
would soon weather away leaving only the re surface. Flat disc-shaped stones with a central hole have also been
found at Ribe and Risom suggests that these could have been used on the top of the furnace to direct the heat
more intensely. Another possibility is that they were used to plug the boom re hole aer lighng so as to
increase the dra.
Sketch of a Volcano-furnace
aer Thomas Risom, 2013
The main requirement was glass and analysis of glass from Anglo-Saxon cemetery beads has shown that beads
were made using several kinds (Peake 2013) including Roman glass and glass imported from the Middle East. There
is no evidence that glass was made in Britain but a lot of glass was imported into Europe during the Roman peri-
od from the Near East and it is suggested that this connued to some extent during Anglo-Saxon mes.
Making coloured glass from raw glass would be beyond the capabilies of an inerant beadmaker. The furnace
described above would not supply sucient heat. Beadmaking skills require manual dexterity but not high temper-
ature furnace skills and in the same way as beadmakers working today, it is likely that the Anglo-Saxon beadmakers
acquired their glass ready-coloured.
Types of Glass
The Anglo-Saxons made beauful vessels as well as beads. But while the glass used for vessels is usually transpar-
ent and in subtle shades, the glass used for beads is mainly opaque and in brilliant colours. This shows that bead-
makers sought a dierent colour range of glass for their work.
Excavaons at Ribe, Ahus and other Scandinavian sites as well as Dorestad in the Netherlands have produced large
quanes of tesserae in a rainbow of dierent colours that have been shown to have been used for bead making
(Risom 2013, Callmer & Henderson 1991). Very few glass tesserae have been found in Britain even from Roman
excavaons and Romano-Brish mosaics are normally made from stone tesserae. But glass tesserae would have
been a very convenient way to trade and transport coloured glass in small quanes for beadmaking. West Clacton
Reservoir has produced about 200 opaque coloured glass tesserae from an isolated ditch (Paynter & Kearns 2011)
and it is likely that this could have been a travelling Anglo-Saxon beadmakers materials and not of Roman date.
David Neal (pers. comm) considers that these glass tesserae are unlikely to be a Roman mosaicists stock due to the
rarity of glass used in Romano-Brish mosaics.
Roman and Byzanne glass tesserae were made in all the colours that appear in Anglo-Saxon beads. James Peake
notes that there have been few nds of glass tesserae in Britain so that beadmaking using them was unlikely
(Peake 2013). But there have been virtually no nds of other types of glass cullet or raw materials in Anglo-Saxon
sites either and none in bead colours. The colour match between Roman and Byzanne tesserae and Anglo-Saxon
beads seems too close to ignore. There appear to be no other objects made with these colours of glass. Enamelling
has some similaries but the quanes required for enamelling are very small compared to beadmaking.
Tesserae can be used with ease to create beads. No crucible is needed for melng glass inside a furnace and the
beadmaker has only to pre-heat a tessera slightly before holding it in the ame to melt it and then wind it round a
mandrel to make a bead. Stringers and twises are also easily made from tesserae for decorang beads with trails
and dots.
1. Tesserae
Tesserae from West Clacton—in many of the most common bead colours. By permission of Colchester Archaeological Trust.
2. Waste glass or cullet
Roman scrap glass has turned up occasionally in Anglo-Saxon excavaons (West Stow; ) and was another source of
material for the beadmaker. Somemes a piece of broken Roman glass from a vessel has been found in a womans
grave, oen contained in a bag or box to suggest it was treasured. Perhaps the woman had been waing for the
next visit of the glass beadmaker? However, most Roman cullet is transparent glass and transparent beads are in
the minority. The later doughnut beads have been shown to have been made with Roman glass.
3. Glass cakes
The West Clacton nds contained the remains of two glass cakes.
These are large discs of glass, about 25mm thick and about 16cms
diameter, which were the products of glass making workshops and
probably from the Mediterranean or Near East (Paynter et al. 2011).
They are usually cut into scks of glass and then tesserae but would
be equally useful for cung small pieces for melng to make beads.
Hot glass will sck rmly to metal so modern beadmakers dip their
mandrels in a clay slip to aid removal aer the bead is made. Clay
has been found inside bead holes at Ribe and it is reasonable to
assume that the Anglo-Saxon beadmaker used a similar resist. The
beads below show possible resist in the hole. This could be soil ac-
cumulaon although these examples are well adhered and look like
resist. The photograph (right) shows replica mandrels that have
been dipped into modern bead resist and allowed to dry. Aer the
beads are made the mandrels are soaked in water to soen the
clay and the beads twisted from the mandrel. The resist is then
cleaned from the bead holes with a small le, or by pulling wet
string through the hole. Residue oen remains.
Parts of a glass cake from West Clacton
by permission of Colchester Archaeological Trust
Bead from Langton Quarry—showing possible rem-
nants of bead resist. Photo credit: Archaeological
Research Services; Langton Quarry report. 2009
Two beads from Eriswell showing possible bead resist. Courtesy of
Suolk Archaeology CIC.
I have experimented making replicas of Anglo-Saxon beads using the above tools and materials but replacing a fur-
nace with a modern blow-torch for convenience. My beads look remarkably like the ancient beads and I have been
able to work out how many are made.
The following is a brief overview of the most common techniques.
Various studies on Anglo-Saxon beads have suggested that scrap glass or broken cullet is melted in a crucible placed
inside the furnace and a glob of glass (or a gather”) is scooped up on the end of an iron rod (a ponl) and wound
round the mandrel. This is only one possible way and there are two others:
Step 1
The glass tesserae are warmed by
placing them close to the furnace
heat. This is so that they will not
crack when held in the ame.
Next, a ponl (or spare mandrel) is
heated unl red hot and pressed
onto a tessera which will sck to
the hot metal.
Step 2
The tessera is heated fully in the
ame unl it starts to melt and
glows pale orange. It is then rotat-
ed to heat all the glass evenly.
Meanwhile a mandrel is heated
unl the end is red hot.
Step 3
The red hot glass is touched
against the mandrel, about 3-4
cms from the p. It will sck to
the hot metal which is rotated
while the molten glass winds onto
it. This takes skill to keep the glass
at the right temperature.
Step 4
When the bead is the right size, the ponl holding the molten glass is
pulled away. The bead is rotated connually in the ame unl it becomes
perfectly round. This is the point at which decoraon can be applied. Oth-
erwise, the bead is cooled slowly by pulling it gradually out of the ame. It
will then be removed from the mandrel immediately or allowed to cool on
the mandrel before removing. In either case, it will need to be cooled very
slowly to prevent cracking (see Annealing on page 11).
1. Using a Tessera:
2. Using a glass rod:
This is the technique used today but there are many examples of glass
rods found in Merovingian and Viking sites to suggest that that bead-
makers in the rst millennium CE knew the technique. Glass rods are
usually about 5 – 10mm thick and 30cm long is a good working length.
They can be made from a gather of molten glass taken from a crucible
by dipping the end of a ponl into it. With the glass sll molten, a small
part is grasped with tongs and pulled into a rod which cools and solidi-
es as it is pulled. Using the melted end of a glass rod to create a bead
on a mandrel gives more control than using a gather of molten glass
scooped onto a ponl.
The glass rod is warmed in the ame, then heated to pale orange hot.
The melted end is pressed onto a heated mandrel which is rotated as
the hot molten glass is wound onto it. Only the end of the glass rod is heated to liquid point so that the rest of the
rod remains cool and rigid. This is used as a handle by the beadmaker to control the hot glass at the other end as it
is applied to the mandrel.
These are made in exactly the same way as round beads using a larger diame-
ter mandrel. Several beads can be made on one mandrel. Starng about 15
cms from the mandrel point, a bead is wound, then heated to smooth and
then cooled slightly. The next bead is wound about 2 cms from the rst and so
on. It is important not to let the earlier beads into the ame again or they will
shaer. The gap between adjacent beads is therefore important.
These are made by wrapping the glass over a longer length of the mandrel. The bead is heated to smooth out the
wrap. Finally the bead can be rolled on a at surface (marvered) to smooth the cylinder sides. The ends of the
beads can be marvered as well to aen them if required.
Many other shapes can be made with the simple tools: cubes, melons, rectangular, spiral, bicone, constricted
and doughnuts. I will cover these in detail in my forthcoming book.
Glass stringers made by the author and
showing the imprint of tweezers at the
ends. The stringers need to be about 1mm
thick or less for ne lines. These are then
applied to the hot glass bead and melted
in. If they are made any thicker, the glass
spreads and the delicate line becomes too
thick. Stringers are very fragile and a
beadmaker would have needed to make his
own because they could not survive
transporng or imporng. They can be
made from tesserae or small scraps of glass
or even failed beads.
Using tweezers to pull a
stringer of hot glass.
Gather of hot glass on
a ponl
Monochrome Anglo-Saxon beads are relavely easy to make. I have managed to re-create most of the common
types with only a few hours of pracce. The decoraon is more challenging but sll not within the capabilies of a
fairly novice beadmaker. However, I have the advantage of a gas blow-torch with predictable temperatures.
Most polychrome beads are decorated with lines (or trails) and spots and here is a brief overview of the main
techniques. It has been suggested that monochrome beads could have been made elsewhere and then decorated
at a later date but this is unlikely as there is no advantage gained. Reheang a bead to melng point oen causes it
to crack while decorang skills are not much more dicult than making beads.
These are thin spaghe-like lengths of glass that are a stock-in-trade for all glass beadmakers. I have not yet seen
them menoned in a report on Anglo-Saxon beads. They are relavely simple to make and a beadmaker will make
a selecon in dierent colours for decorang beads.
First a small piece of glass is melted on the end of a ponl. Tweezers are used to grab a small piece of molten glass
and the whole is removed from the ame. Then the tweezers are pulled away from the glass melt to make a long
thin strand about 1 or 2mm thick. The glass sens as it cools and the end of the pull results in a straight length.
Once the basic bead has been made, it is kept hot just out of the ame and
allowed to cool a lile so it is not too so. The mandrel is connually rotated
to stop it sagging. A stringer of a contrasng colour is heated and then used
to draw a line onto the bead. Waving trails such as the one shown are com-
mon designs or it could be a simple stripe, or crossing lines which involve go-
ing round the bead twice. As with the rod, only the p of the stringer is heat-
ed so that the rest is used as a rigid handle.
When the design is nished, the bead is rotated in the ame so that the
added glass sinks in ush with the surface. Note that no marvering is nec-
essary to achieve a smooth nish—just heat.
Somemes the lines are not heated into the surface to give an embossed
eect. This could also be accidental—the furnace possibly cooling down
before the lines can be melted in. Thicker stringers will give thicker lines.
This is another frequently used mof on Anglo-Saxon beads. Again a stringer
is used, the p heated and then pressed onto the bead. The whole is moved
nearer the ame and the stringer pulled away so that the glass separates in
the heat leaving a raised dot.
Once the dots are nished, they can be heated into the surface, or le
proud. Larger dots are made with glass rods instead of stringers.
Bergh Apton green stripes Morningthorpe dot and trail Great Chesterford dots
These are frequently used in Anglo-Saxon beads to provide twisted trails. The stringers have to be made rst and
then cooled into scks of glass. The technique shown here uses two dierent coloured tesserae or pieces of glass.
Glass rods could also be used. Opaque yellow and transparent dark green are the usual colours.
Step 1
The tesserae are pre-heated and then a red hot iron
rod is pressed onto the yellow tesserae. This is heated
in the ame unl it become slightly molten when it is
pressed onto the pre-heated green tessera.
Step 2
The two tesserae are heated further unl they begin
to melt and become one gather of glass in two sepa-
rate colours. Then a second red-hot rod is pressed
into the gather to make a second handle for twisng.
Step 3
The glass connues to be heated unl it is evenly
glowing all through. It is then removed from the heat
and aer cooling slightly, each rod is rapidly turned in
an opposite direcon while the rods are pulled gently
apart. This makes a thin twisted stringer.
Twisted stringers should be about 2mm thick for the
results seen on Anglo-Saxon beads.
These disncve beads are considered indigenous to Britain and are not found on the Connent. Brugmann calls
them Trac Lightbeads but this is not an ideal name and it covers too many dierent designs, both round and
cylindrical in her typology (Brugmann 2004). The disncve yellow/green twisted trail is found on black cubic beads
as well. Perhaps TWYGbead could be a shorter basic term referring to the coloured twisted trail and standing for
Twisted yellow green”. This gives the opportunity to further categorise: Red cylinder TWYG; Black cuboid TWYG,
Red rectangular TWYG etc. Other colours of twist are found but much less frequently.
Step 1
A red cylinder bead is made. The bead
is kept in the ame and a twisted
stringer is wrapped round the bead.
Step 2
The bead is rotated in the heat so
that the twisted trail sinks ush with
the bead surface.
Step 3
Finally the bead is rolled on a marver
to correct the cylinder shape and
make it sharper.
Beads have to be cooled slowly to avoid cracking aer they have been made and this process is called Annealing”.
Coecient of Expansion (COE)
Modern glass is given a coecient of expansion rang such as COE 90 or COE 104. This is to ensure that glass-
workers only use compable glass in one piece. Ancient glassmakers were probably unaware of this but we can see
traces of the problems they had as a result in some beads.
The Annealing Process
When the bead has lost its red hot glow, the mandrel, with the bead sll on it, can be plunged into hot sand or ash-
es to cool down slowly. Alternavely the bead can be knocked from the mandrel immediately aer it has lost its
glow which is at a point when the iron has contracted more than the glass. Beads can then be placed inside a pot
and buried in hot ashes to cool down slowly.
Modern beadmakers anneal their beads by placing them in a kiln and heang them to 500C and then allowing them
to cool slowly over a few hours.
Problems with annealing
If beads are not annealed and cooled too fast, applied decoraon can
fracture and fall away. White beads from Bergh Apton and several oth-
er East Anglian sites exemplify this. They show a groove where the
waving trail has fallen out, due to either poor annealing or incompa-
ble glass types, or possibly both. The missing glass is probably blue as
beads of this design are found without deterioraon. These beads
could be the work of a single beadmaker or even one batch of beads.
This gives the possibility of studying the work of a single arsan and
the distribuon their work. Examples are : Bergh Apton Grave 56; Er-
iswell Grave 195; Hadleigh Road; Icklesham; Dover Buckland Grave 42;
Morningthorpe Grave 288, Mucking Graves 845, 924B.
Comparisons of the chemical composion of these beads from Bergh Apton and Eriswell from James Peakes analy-
sis (Peake 2013) show they are of the same type of glass: Saxon II (natron).
When beads are annealed at too high a temperature, they can melt
slightly and if they are lying adjacent to each other, they can became
joined. The example shown is a double bead from Eriswell Grave 353.
Beads like this are somemes assumed to have been made next to
each other on the same mandrel but this would be very dicult to
achieve if the beads are decorated with trails close to the join like the
one shown.
Some beads that have been classied as Hourglasscould have been
a result of over-hot annealing rather than a deliberate aempt to
make double or triple beads.
Beads from Bergh Apton showing a lost col-
oured trail between the red dots. Courtesy of
Norwich Castle Museum.
Bead from Eriswell Grave 353. Courtesy of
Suolk Archaeology CIC.
Beadmaking waste has been found in Scandinavia and
several sites in mainland Europe but not so far in Britain.
If Anglo-Saxon beadmakers were solo inerant arsans,
this may explain the lack because the amount of waste
that results from beadmaking is small. The photograph
(right) shows my own waste from making a few hundred
beads. All of this can be recycled as well so it is hardly sur-
prising that no traces of this work have been found. The
collecon shows failed beads, ends of glass stringers and
rods, as well as droplets of glass that fractured from a rod
being heated too quickly.
Glass materials for making TWYG beads: yellow and
green twisted stringers and a red glass rod next to
replica beads.
Glass rods that are now too short to use. They will be
recycled by melng the ends and pressing two of the
same colour together. Or they can be cut into short
lengths and melted like tesserae.
Modern glass tesserae with replica stringers pulled
from them next to replica beads made from the
Pulled rods made by the author to produce striped
decoraon on beads. These are within the
capabilies of a relavely novice beadmaker.
The skills, tools and materials required for these two cras are very dierent. Therefore the two types of arsan
would be unlikely to share a workshop. The dierences are summarised as follows:
Making glass vessels requires handling larger quanes of glass and therefore larger and hoer furnaces
with melng tanks or large crucibles.
The glass colours used in vessels are mostly dierent to beads. Nearly all are transparent glass and in more
subtle colours such as amber, light blues, olive green and pale green.
Scrap vessel glass (cullet) is usually found in considerable quanes where vessels were made in Saxon and
Roman periods to supply the requirements (Glastonbury, London). This was not used for beadmaking.
The tools are dierent. Beadmaking requires small, light tools and mandrels. Vessel-making requires heavier
tools and blow-pipes.
Thomas Risom (2013) has shown that beadmaking furnaces can be small and used at a lower temperature to
furnaces used for vessels. They were probably red with wood and did not need bellows.
Vessel-making requires assistance for the glass-blower. A beadmaker can operate singly-handed or with
some un-skilled help stoking the small furnace.
Beadmaking waste would have been very small and mostly recycled immediately. Materials could have been
glass tesserae or small cakes of glass as well as coloured glass scrap.
My aim in this paper is to demonstrate the process of glass beadmaking as probably used in Anglo-Saxon and
earlier mes. I feel there has been a lack of understanding of the processes in the past by archaeologists and this is
reected in many reports where erroneous assumpons are somemes made and then perpetuated in the
literature. I hope that this paper will help to improve accuracy of bead terminology and descripon.
The evidence of glass beadmaking from Anglo-Saxon excavaons is almost non-existent and this is most likely due
to the ephemeral nature of the glass beadmakers cra. Tools are simple and not unique and waste would be
largely recycled. Also, as I have demonstrated, beadmaking was likely to have been the pracce of individual
inerant arsans and not larger workshops.
Further study on the analysis of glass to aempt to associate parcular styles of bead with a single maker could
make it possible to idenfy the work of individuals. Aer studying hundreds of beads from Anglo-Saxon sites I am
beginning to idenfy details that could suggest individual makers and I plan to invesgate this further. I am also
studying the arrangement of beads in single strings to create painted reconstrucons and idenfy taste and design
choices of the women.
More recent reports on Anglo-Saxon cemeteries have somemes only shown the beads photographed from one
angle, looking down on one of the pierced sides. This is a real problem for analysing decoraon and shape,
parcularly if the beads are now inaccessible or lost. Two views are essenal , parcularly of the side of the bead
visible when it is worn, and I do hope this will return to being the norm in the future, whether it is drawings or
photographs of beads.
Sue Heaser
Suolk 2018
Adams, K., 2005. The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking. Lark, New York.
Archaeological Research Services Ltd., 2009. Lanton Quarry, Northumberland. Specialist reporng on artefacts and ecofacts.
Brugmann, B., 2004. Glass Beads from Early Anglo-Saxon Graves: A Study of the Provenance and Chronology of Glass Beads
from Early Anglo-Saxon Graves, Based on Visual Examinaon. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Burchell, A.D., 2015. Understanding Viking glass beads A.D. 800 – 1200. Exeter: University of Exeter.
Callmer, J. and Henderson, J., 1991. Glassworking at Ahus, S. Sweden. (Eighth Century AD). Archaeological Research Laboratory
Stockholm University.
Evans, D.H., Loveluck, C., 2009. Life and Economy at Early Medieval Flixborough, c. AD 600-1000: The Artefact Evidence.
Oxbow Books.
Evison, V.I., 1987. Dover: The Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery. English Heritage. London
Filmer-Sankey, W. and Pestell, T., 2001. Snape Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: Excavaons and Surveys 1824-1992. EAA 95.
Gerrard, J., 2009. Dumps and Tesserae: high-status building materials from 33 Union Street, Southwark. London Archaeologist.
Green, B., Rogerson, A., White, S., 1987. The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Morning Thorpe, Norfolk, EAA 36.
Green , B., Rogerson, A., 1978. The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Bergh Apton, Norfolk: Catalogue, EAA 7.
Guido, M., 1999. The Glass Beads of Anglo-Saxon England c. AD 400-700: A Preliminary Visual Classicaon of the More
Denive and Diagnosc Types, Report of the Research Commiee of the Society of Anquaries of London No. 58.
Woodbridge: The Boydell Press.
Hills, C., Penn, P., Ricke, R., 1984. The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Spong Hill, North Elmham. Part III: Catalogue of Inhumaons.
EAA 21
Hinton, D., 1993. A Smith's Hoard from Taershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire: a synopsis. Anglo-Saxon England. Vol 22.
Hirst, S., Clark, D., 2010 The Mucking Anglo-Saxon Cemeteries. Museum of London Archaeology.
Kanungo, A., 2004. Glass Beads in Ancient India and Furnace-wound Beads at Purdalpur: An Ethnoarchaeological Approach,
Asian Perspecves Vol 43, No.1: University of Hawaii Press.
Ooway, P., 2016. The Products of the Blacksmith in Mid-Late Anglo-Saxon England.
Sue Heaser is a writer and illustrator and has published many non-con books on jewellery making and other
cras. She studied Art at the Sadat School of Art in Beirut, and at Falmouth School of Art, UK. A degree in
Geography and Archaeology followed at Exeter University. She rst worked as a Finds Assistant for the Museum of
London and then as an Archaeological Illustrator for the (then) Inspectorate of Ancient Monuments, drawing nds
from many of the great Anglo-Saxon sites such as Dover Buckland, Great Chesterford, Mucking and West Stow. She
has studied a wide range of cras and in parcular jewellery-making techniques and has skills in silversmithing,
enamelling, ligree, lampwork beadmaking and metal and polymer clays. She has published 15 internaonal books
on jewellery making and other cras. Her books have been translated into many languages.
Sue has now returned to her main interest of archaeology and is using her arsan skills to beer understand the
techniques of the ancient craspeople. Her next book on Anglo-Saxon beadmakers is in the works. She can be
contacted through her website:
Par, K., Anderson, T., 2012. Buckland Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Dover: excavaons 1994. Canterbury Archaeological Trust.
Paynter, S., Kearns, T., 2011. West Clacton Reservoir, Great Bentley, Essex. Analysis of Glass Tesserae. English Heritage.
Peake, J.R.N., 2013. Early Anglo-Saxon Glass Beads: Composion and Origins based on the Finds from RAF Lakenheath, Suolk.
Cardi: University of Cardi.
Price, J. (Ed.) 2000. Glass in Britain and Ireland, AD 350-1100. Brish Museum Press.
Risom, T., 2013. Perlemageren fra Ribe: Historien, Materialerne og Teknikkerne, Sydvestjyske Museer, Forlaget Liljerget.
Tait, H. (Ed.) 1991. Five Thousand Years of Glass. Brish Museum Press.
West, S., 1995. West Stow: the Anglo-Saxon Village. EAA 24
West, S., 1988. The Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Westgarth Gardens, Bury St Edmunds, Suolk: Catalogue. EAA 38.
Wilmo, H., Welham, K., 2013. Late Seventh-Century Glassmaking at Glastonbury Abbey. Journal of Glass Studies Vol. 55.
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Mosaic glass tesserae were imported to Dutch sites during the Early Medieval period, probably to address the demand for coloured glass needed in ornamental bead manufacture. Although challenging, because of the uncertainty of the material’s context, the Wierum Early Medieval collection represents an extraordinary opportunity, being the most significant find of glass tesserae in the Netherlands to date. The combined use of electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) and hand-held X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (HH XRF) allowed us to examine glass tesserae and other vitreous samples from the site. Low levels for magnesium and potassium oxides (<1.5 wt%) and the chemical components linked with the silica source, fluxes, opacifiers and chromophores are compatible with an older Roman soda-lime-silica glass production. Alumina and calcium oxide contents together with the adoption of antimony-based opacifiers are compatible with mosaic tesserae of a first to third century AD Roman tradition. We assume that these tesserae were collected during the spoliation of a lavish building and reused for glass objects produced locally. The hypothesis seems to be confirmed by the presence in the collection of tesserae still embedded in mortar, stone tesserae fragments and a rounded fragment of Egyptian blue.
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ABSTRACT Between 1989 and 1991, extensive excavations were undertaken adjacent to the former settlement of North Conesby, in the parish of Flixborough, North Lincolnshire. This English Heritage-funded project unearthed remains of an Anglo-Saxon settlement associated with one of the largest collections of artefacts and animal bones yet found on such a site – over 15,000 individual recorded finds, large quantities of bulk finds, and some 2 million animal, bird and fish bones. Analysis has demonstrated that the excavated part of the settlement was in use throughout what have been termed the ‘Mid/Middle’ and ‘Late’ Anglo-Saxon periods. In an unprecedented occupation sequence from an Anglo-Saxon rural settlement, six main periods of occupation have been identified, with additional sub-phases, dating from the 7th to the early 11th centuries; with a further period of activity between the 12th and 15th centuries AD. The remains of approximately forty buildings and other structures were uncovered; and due to the survival of large refuse deposits, huge quantities of artefacts and faunal remains were encountered compared with most other rural settlements of the period. Together, the different forms of evidence and their depositional circumstances provide an unprecedented picture of nearly all aspects of daily life on a settlement which probably housed elements of the contemporary social elite amongst its inhabitants, between the 7th and 11th centuries. Furthermore, and perhaps even more importantly, the detailed analysis of the remains also provides indications of how the character of occupation changed radically during the later first millennium AD, when the area of what is now North Lincolnshire was incorporated, in chronological succession, within the Kingdom of Mercia, the Danelaw, and finally, the West Saxon and then Anglo-Danish Kingdom of England. The site assemblage from Flixborough is exceptional amongst excavated English sites of this period, both in terms of the sheer quantity of finds recovered, and for their variety; these help to shed light upon many aspects of everyday life, and upon the various crafts and industries practised within this settlement during this period. As the academic referee for this volume succinctly observed: “Many of the artefact classes represent the largest single-site groups of their kind, or contain unusual or exceptional examples; a significant number are of types associated with elite lifestyles and activities; others have important implications for the understanding of local, regional, and international economic activity.” The chronological range of material presented within this volume extends from the Mesolithic to the post-medieval period, but the vast bulk relates to the Middle and Later Saxon periods. Thematic chapters present a very extensive array of dress accessories in a variety of materials, certain luxury items and objects associated with specialist activities (such as hunting, riding, ceremonial dining, and literacy), and a wide range of tools and implements associated with a variety of crafts and industries (e.g. woodworking, iron-working, leather-working, and non-ferrous metalworking); other chapters look at the fixtures and fittings associated with buildings, the tools and equipment used in agriculture, fishing and fowling, and, last, but by no means least, the pottery and coinage in use in this settlement. The volume, as a whole, presents a currently unique window onto the daily life of people living at an important rural settlement, between the 7th and 11th centuries AD, in eastern England; it also sets out the evidence for its wider trading and exchange contacts with other parts of Britain and Continental Europe – a theme which is examined in greater detail in Volume 4 of this series. The discussions and catalogues are richly illustrated, with 213 blocks of figures and 67 plates of photographs (mostly in colour). {This is Volume 2 of four volumes devoted to the Flixborough excavations, and published by Oxbow Books.]
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Today glass beads are a major product of India from at least three different locations, using altogether different techniques. Each production process leaves behind debitage unique to its individual manufacturing process. Archaeologically, it is imperative to identifY and record the production techniques of glass bead manufacture and to identify the various specifIc waste products rather than merely speaking of beads and production centers on the basis of statistics. There have been a number of studies on Indo-Pacific bead production, but few on other methods. An ancient and important technique of bead manufacture, used even today, is the "furnace-winding" technique. Beads produced by this technique have been found in large numbers at various archaeological sites. This paper discusses the details of beads and bead waste produced by the furnace-winding technique and the specific criteria of production. It also uses the results of a detailed ethnographic analysis at a manufacturing village, Purdalpur, to understand the production and dispersal mechanisms. An understanding of these mechanisms allows us to formulate certain criteria that can be used to draw better inferences about archaeological sites in which bead debitage has been found. KEYWORDS: Banaras Beads Limited, debitage, furnace-wound beads, India, Purdalpur.
Excavations at Glastonbury Abbey, undertaken between 1951 and 1964, revealed the most extensive remains of early medieval glassmaking found in Britain. However, the complete excavation archive and finds have only recently become available for study. Re-evaluation of these records suggests that the remains of five different furnaces were located, and radiocarbon dating demonstrates that they were in operation during the late seventh century A.D. Compositional analysis of the glass that was worked there has confirmed that it was largely imported from eastern Mediterranean sources, rather than being scavenged Roman cullet, and there are indications that the glassmakers may have come from Gaul. Consequently, many parallels can be drawn between the glassmaking at Glastonbury and that at other early monastic sites in Britain, and the pivotal role played by the church in the reintroduction of glassmaking to Britain is further emphasized.
During 1981, excavation of a large sand and gravel pit in Tattershall Thorpe, Lincolnshire, revealed many traces of Neolithic occupation and three Roman pits (fig. 8). In the southwestern part of the site, a sub-rectangular feature, aligned approximately east-west (pl. IIa), was found to contain a large number of iron tools and other objects, including Roman coins and glass which initially caused the material to be reported as Romano-British. Subsequently, however, a few objects were identified as post-Roman, and they are enough to show that the material was buried in the seventh century or possibly a little later. Because the soil in the area is very acid, conditions for the survival of organic material were poor, but a few fragments of human bone were recovered nevertheless, and it is therefore assumed that the feature was a grave with an inhumation. The objects had been deposited in two discrete assemblages, at each end of the grave.
The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking. Lark
  • K Adams
Adams, K., 2005. The Complete Book of Glass Beadmaking. Lark, New York.
Understanding Viking glass beads A.D. 800 -1200
  • A D Burchell
Burchell, A.D., 2015. Understanding Viking glass beads A.D. 800 -1200. Exeter: University of Exeter.
Snape Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: Excavations and Surveys
  • W Filmer-Sankey
  • T Pestell
Filmer-Sankey, W. and Pestell, T., 2001. Snape Anglo-Saxon Cemetery: Excavations and Surveys 1824-1992. EAA 95.