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International Journal of Applied Ayurved Research ISSN: 2347- 6362
Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal1 Chandaliya Deepali Sachin,2
Kaloge Smita Vinayak3 Daware Pournima Macchindra.4
1Associate professor and Head of Department, Department of Panchakarma, College of
Ayurveda and Research Centre, Akurdi, Pune-44.
2Associate Professor and Head of Department, Department of Rasashstra, S M B T Ayurveda
College, Dhamangaon, Nashik.
3Assistant Professor, Department of Roganidana and Vikrutividnyana, S M B T Ayurveda
College, Dhamangaon, Nashik.
4Assistant Professor, Department of Panchakarma, College of Ayurveda and Research
Centre, Akurdi, Pune-44.
Intake of Sneha (unctuous) articles before Vamana and Virechana is mandatory
preprocedure. The dosage of Sneha is managed in such a way that it shall reach to every cell
of the body to loosen the bonds of humours with that of channels. It is a widely accepted
assumption that Charaka had advocated the dose of sneha in a Madhyama matra (quantity of
sneha which will get digested in twelve hours) while Vagbhata suggested it in an Uttama
Matra (highest quantity of sneha which will get digested in twenty four hours). But after
critical analysis of texts it is found that Charaka actually advocated both Uttama and
Madhyama Matra for Shodhana (purificatory procedures which expel humours from the
body) while Vagbhata suggested only Uttama Matra. In the present article the basis for this
theory is hypothecated and proven in “Panchavayava method in (five steps to prove a
principle)” method.
Key words:Uttama Matra, Shodhana, Charaka.
INTRODUCTION:Being preprocedures
in the panchakarma (a group of five
procedures), Chapters viz. Snehadhyaya1
& Swedadhyaya2 are described initially in
Kalpnachatushka3. Therefore, the things
explained in them may be seen majorly in
the context of Shodhana (process of
purification). So when dosages of Sneha
dravyas (unctuous material) for the
oleation are explained4, it is very obvious
that the dosages meant for purification will
be explained first. So if the dose of Sneha
in Madhyama Matra (quantity of sneha
which will be digested in twelve hours)
was the only dose meant for purification, it
would have been placed first during the
explanation of indications. But Uttama
Matra (highest quantity of sneha which
will get digested in twenty four hours) is
explained first in a sequence.
There is a doubt about the claim
made by Chakrapani that Uttama Matra
shall be used for shamana (the treatment
of passification of humours) only and not
for shodhana (treatment of purification)5.
It does not satisfy the logic that the dosage
meant for shamana will be explained at
first (uttama matra), followed by Shodhana
(Madhyma Matra) and then again by
Shamana and Brumhana (providing
strength to the body)(Heena matra). It can
be said that Uttama Matra of the Sneha
administration too is meant for Shodhana
Purpose along with Madhyama Matra.
[Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal et al :A Critical Review Of Purpose Of Dosage Of Sneha In Uttama Matra Suggested By
The purpose of the present article is to
point out that the perception of Chakrapani
is Ekantika (one sided) and Uttama Matra
as per charaka is meant for Shodhana also.
Role of Uttama Matra in Panchakarma
Uttama Matra (the dose in highest
quantity) and Madhyama matra (the dose
in medium quantiy) of Sneha (Unctuous
material) can be used for the shodhana
purpose as per Charaka.
HETU (Grounds or methods)
A.Opinion of Vagbhata:As Vagbhata is
considered as the best interpretator of both
Charaka & Sushruta, he must have some
valid thinking behind stating that Uttama
Matra shall be used for the purpose of
B.Role of Uttama Matra:Sneha used in
Uttama Matra clears the diseases
immediately when used in a proper
manner. This quantity scraps the humours
(Doshanukarshini) from the channels and
it spreads into all the channels. It
strenghens the body, renews the body-
sense organs and Mind7.
1.Probable Purpose of Uttama
Matra:Uttama Matra can do two things.
Either it will passify the humours
(Shamanartha) or it will loosen or remove
humours from the channels to expel them
from the body (Shodhanartha). It is
certainly not meant for the Brumhana
purpose as explained similarly in the
indications of Hrasva Matra (the dose in
the minimum quantity). Vagbhata also
advocated the minimum quantity of Sneha
for the purpose of Brumhana8.
2.Probable Indications of Uttama Matra
if as used Shamana sneha : If one is
using the Uttama Matra for the Shamana
purpose, the condition of Vata
dominance(with dry property) or stage of
Vatavyadhi (the diseases created by Vata)
must be there as an indication. But the
indications of Uttama Matra say that it
must be used in the people who are
consuming sneha routinely in maximum
quantity9. So, the body in which Uttama
Matra is going to be used, does not need
Sneha for the shamana or Brumhana
purpose as the body must be having sneha
property aiready in it. Use of Sneha in
Uttama Matra in the body, which already
is having a lot of Sneha inside it, will not
absorb it.
Thus, Dosage in Uttama Matra will not be
useful for shamana Purpose as suggested
by Chakrapani.
The dose in Uttama Matra cannot passify
doshas because it is bringing them out of
the channels where in Brumhana or
shamana, doshas are passified when they
are at their place.
3.Uttama Matra for Shodhana purpose:
i.Uttama Matra is said to be “Dosha
Anukarshini”10. Karshana literally means
scrapping off the humour from the body.
Sneha in uttama matra spreads through all
over the body, into all the channels and
carries out the scrapping of the humours.
They are removed from the channels
forcefully and made into circulation. These
scrapped humours will automatically be
removed from the body through shodhana
only. The word ‘Doshanukarshini’ is
plural word which means all the three
humours are scrapped. So, Dosha
Karshana is the extraction of humours
only. Sneha used in Uttama Matra itself
helps to extract the humours. Uttama
Matra definitely removes humours from
channels which have to be removed by the
panchakarma method only. Anukarshita
humours from the channels cannot be left
[Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal et al :A Critical Review Of Purpose Of Dosage Of Sneha In Uttama Matra Suggested By
inside the body to vitiate the other
nonvitiated organs.
i. Visarpa, Sarpa Dashta, Unmatta11
etc are the other indications of Uttama
Matra which have the dominance of
Kapha-Pitta or Tridoshas in all. In the said
cases, Uttama matra is said to be doing
Karshana (means scrapping) of humours
from the channels. The Sneha used in
maximum quantity (Uttama Matra) will
act quickly, passify the disease.
Sneha in Uttama Matra must be
administered in the condition of Uttama
pavaka Bala. There will be need of much
more dose of sneha for provocation of the
Kapha in the condition of strengthened
Agni. If one is having Uttama Bala of
Agni, it definitely will digest the sneha
administered in lower quantity than that
needed for the Ulkleshana of Kapha.
Instead it will certainly try to passify the
The application of Sneha must be in
the context of Agni only. The arrangement
of this dosage system is based on the
ability of Agni to digest the unctuous
material in a particular sequence. It could
have been suggested some measurements
of the Sneha to be administered
A. Role of Madhyama Matra:
1.Benefits of Madhyama Matra are stated
as it creates lesser complications. It will
not extract excessive Bala (strength of the
patient). It oleates the body smoothly and
it can be used for shodhana13. Some
inferences must be drwn as -
A.The utility of Madhyama Matra is not
solely devoted to its use for shodhana
only. Shodhana is one of the purposes and
not the only one.
B.The whole sootra is in relative terms. It
is in comparison with Uttama Matra
a. If it is said that it is not “Ati Bala Harini
(extracting a strength or energy of the
patient)”. So there is another type which
needs a good strength to bear the digestion
of sneha, and it is Uttama matra sneha.
b. If it is said that this is “Manda
Vibhramsha” which means it creates lesser
complications,then it is in terms of another
type which might be having more chances
of creating complications and that type is
Uttama Matra.Uttama Matra carries a risk
of complications or Vibhramsha. So, it
will not be fruitful or practical to achieve
the Samyaka Snehapana symptoms
through Uttama Matra every time.
c. If it says “Sukhen ch Snehayati”, then it
is in relation with another type of Sneha
which is tougher to get digested and that
type is the sneha administered in Uttama
d. So, in the same line, if this verse says
that Shodhanarthe ch yujyate, it means
along with these benefits it can also be
used as “shodhanarthe ch Yujyate”.
1. There is a difference in following two
statements -
A. Madhyama Matra is /can/may be used
for Shodhana.
B. Only Madhyama Matra shall be used
for Shodhana. (It means no other dose of
Sneha can be administered for Shodhana).
The statement given by Charaka is the type
A statement. It just highlights the utility of
Sneha in Madhyama Matra. This
statement doesn’t say that Uttama Matra
must be used for Shamana Chikitsa only
and one can never use it for shodhana
[Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal et al :A Critical Review Of Purpose Of Dosage Of Sneha In Uttama Matra Suggested By
1. Similar Suggestion of variation in the
mode of treatment based on the strength
of the patient:
1. Charaka had advised the administration
of Sneha on the basis of the strength of the
patient. The patients having different
strengths will have to be oleated with two
different sets of dosage systems.
2. The process of purification is also based
on the strength of the patient. Only the
patients with Madhyama & Uttama Bala
are advised to undergo the process of
A. Shodhana for Uttama bala –
1. In Langhana Brumhaniya chapter, it is
said that Shodhana can be suggested when
Shleshma and Pitta are in a maximum
quantity and are associated with Vayu, the
body structure will be bigger and the
patient is having a good strengthe14.
2. Even sneha in Uttama Matra shall also
be advised into the patients having good
strength of Agni and having good physical
B. Shodhana for Madhyama Bala –
1. The patients having Madhyama Bala
(strength of medium nature) can be
administered shodhana but before that they
must be administered pachana treatment16.
2. Even sneha with Madhyama Matra can
be advised to the patients who are having
strength with medium nature17.
2. Use of Relative terms: Use of
relative terms as explained in the benefits
of Madhyama Matra can be seen in the
signs & symptoms of Kshudra Shvasa.
The patient does not suffer in sever
body pains, the organs or body parts are
not damaged, the acts of having food or
drinks does not get affected, Indriyas do
not get affected by sufferings, they do not
affected by pains in Kshudra Shwasa18.
These symptoms are expressed in
relative terms with other types of Shwasa
like Urdhwa, Chhinnashwasa etc which
are creating a lot of tough signs &
symptoms to that of Kshudra Shwasa.
3. Use of the word Karshana as
scrapping or langhana at various places:
1. The word Karshana is popularly used
for Samshodhana at a lot of places. Niruha
Basti (medicated enema given through the
medium of emulsified mixture dominated
by decoction) does the Karshana (removal
or scrapping) of provocated of body
factors like feces, Kapha etc as explained
with the word “Vit-Shleshma-Pitta-Anil-
Mootra Karshi (scraps the feces,
Shleshma, Pitta, Vata and urine from the
body)19” or
2. The word Apakarshana is famously
used for the extraction of Krimi
(Helminths) from the body20 and the tools
used for the extractions are
Shirovirechana, Vamana, Virechana and
1. As proven earlier, the utilities explained
in the Madhyama Matra are in comparison
to that of Uttama Matra. For any type of
comparison both the sets must have some
common ground. Use of both the types of
Sneha for Shodhana is the common
ground for comparing the utilities.
2. It had been clearly indicated the utilities
of Madhyma Sneha as Shodhanarthe ch
Yujyate and Rhasva Sneha as Snehana-
Brumhani. In the similar way, the efficacy
of Uttama matra sneha is expressed
through the word “Doshanukarshini”.
3. Achieving the Samyaka Sneha
Lakshanas (signs & symptoms of proper
oloeation) and loosening of the bonds of
humours with the channels is important.
The fixation of dose either in Madhyma
matra or Uttama matra is the secondary to
[Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal et al :A Critical Review Of Purpose Of Dosage Of Sneha In Uttama Matra Suggested By
the main purpose of Shodhana. Both the
doses shall overcome the strength of Agni
to create Utleshana of Kapha and pitta
from the body.
4. The loosening of the bonds is important
to free humours from the channels than the
dose of sneha used for the purpose.That is
achieved by both the dosage forms.
5.Even Uttama Matra being
Doshanukarshini, alone might have the
ability to drag the humours from channels
and bring them to Koshtha. It itself might
bring down the humours on its own and
may not need any other means like
swedana to be ready for Panchakarma.
6.The patients with Uttama Sharira Bala
and Uttama Pavaka bala will digest the
Sneha that administered in Madhyama
Matra easily and will not be able to
provoke or create Utlekshana of Kapha in
sufficient quantity needed for Shodhana.
On the contrary, the patients with the
Madhyama Bala of Agni & sharira cannot
tolerate the virya (potency) of Sneha in
Uttama Matra.
7.That is why the patient with Uttama
Bala will have to be oleated with the
dosage in Uttama Matra while the patient
with Madhyama Bala shall have to be
administered the sneha Dose in Madhyama
1. Charka indicates that Uttama Matra acts
as Dosha Anukarshini. This word indicates
the extraction of Doshas.
2. Charaka is famously known for the
promoter of the use of Madhyma Matra for
3. Thus, Charka definitely proposes the
use of two types of dosage forms for
shodhana viz Uttama Matra and Madhyma
A. Uttama Matra for Uttama Bala of Agni-
body and Doshas. It can have
complications as compare to Madhyma
matra if administered in weak patients.
B. Madhyma Matra for Madhyma Bala
and some other indiations. It has lesser
4. Thus, there shall be no confusion or the
conflict of opinions between the wisest
disciple of Charaka that is Vagbhata and
Charaka Himself. Both are in the same and
Chakrapani had erred in considering
Uttama Matra of Sneha for shamana
purpose while commenting on Charaka.
1. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13.
2. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 14.
3. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13 to 16.
4. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13/29-43.
5. Chakrapanidatta. Ayurveda Dipika
commentary on Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji, editor.1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Sutrasthana
13/ 29-40).
6. Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridayam
(Sarvangsundara and Ayurveda Rasayana
commentary). Kunte, Navare, Paradkar
HS, editors. 7th ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhamba Orientalia; 1982.
Sutrasthana, 16/19.
[Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal et al :A Critical Review Of Purpose Of Dosage Of Sneha In Uttama Matra Suggested By
7. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13/ 31-34.
8. Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hridayam
(Sarvangsundara and Ayurveda Rasayana
commentary). Kunte, Navare, Paradkar
HS, editors. 7th ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhamba Orientalia; 1982.
Sutrasthana, 16/ 20
9. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13/ 31.
10. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Sutrasthana
11. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 13/ 32.
12. Arundatta. Sarvangasundara
commentary on Ashtanga Hridayam,
Kunte, Navare, Paradkar HS, editors. 7th
ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia;
1982. Sutrasthana 16/17,18.
13. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Sutrasthana
14. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor. 1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan; 1994.
Sutrasthana 22/19.
15. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor. 1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Sutrasthana
16. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji, editor. 1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Sutrasthana 22/20-21.
17. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor. 1st ed. Varanasi.
Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Sutrasthana
18. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994.
Chikitsasthana 17/65-67.
19. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Varanasi.Choukhamba Prakashan;1994. Si
20. Charaka. Charaka Samhita,
Yadavaji Trikamji,editor.1st ed.
Prakashan;1994.Vimanasthana 7/15.
Corresponding Author :
Dr Chandaliya Sachin Shantilal,
MD (Panchakarma), Associate professor
and Head of Department, Department of
Panchakarma, College of Ayurveda and
Research Centre, Akurdi, Pune-44.
Source of support: Nil
Conflict of interest:None