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  • Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network
  • Philippine Association of Medical Technologists Inc.


The spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is one of the smallest odontocetes that commonly strands in the Philippines. Despite its apparent abundance and cosmopolitan distribution, there is no published data on the haematological and serum chemical reference values for this species. This limitation greatly affects the ability of veterinarians and marine mammal rehabilitators to make informed decisions in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and the formulation of action plans when individuals of this species strand alive. This study used blood samples from two subadult female spinner dolphins that were successfully rehabilitated after stranding in 2014 to establish haematological and serum chemistry reference values for the species. The overall resulting values of the blood parameters recorded such as the WBC (5.01-10.45 10 3 /μL), RBC (4.23-6.18 10 6 /μL), and PCV (42-50%) generally demonstrated narrow ranges and were close to the published reference values for other similar conspeci c odontocetes. Although there were only two individuals of the species used in this study, the data gathered serves as a valuable reference tool for future cases of spinner dolphin strandings in the Philippines.
DOLPHINS (Stenella longirostris)
Leo Jonathan A. Suarez, DVM1,3*, Jonalyn I. Paz, MT1, Jean T. Balquin, MT1
and Lemnuel V. Aragones, PhD2,3
1Ocean Adventure, Camayan Wharf, West Ilanin Forest Area, Subic Bay Freeport Zone, 2222,
Philippines; 2Institute of Environmental Science & Meteorology, University of the
Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines; 3The Philippine Marine Mammal
Stranding Network Inc, IESM, UP Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines
The spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) is one of the smallest odontocetes
that commonly strands in the Philippines. Despite its apparent abundance and
cosmopolitan distribution, there is no published data on the haematological and
serum chemical reference values for this species. This limitation greatly affects
the ability of veterinarians and marine mammal rehabilitators to make informed
decisions in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, and the formulation of action
plans when individuals of this species strand alive. This study used blood samples
from two subadult female spinner dolphins that were successfully rehabilitated after
stranding in 2014 to establish haematological and serum chemistry reference values
for the species. The overall resulting values of the blood parameters recorded such
as the WBC (5.01-10.45 103/μL), RBC (4.23 – 6.18 106/μL), and PCV (42 – 50%) generally
demonstrated narrow ranges and were close to the published reference values for
other similar conspeci c odontocetes. Although there were only two individuals of
the species used in this study, the data gathered serves as a valuable reference tool
for future cases of spinner dolphin strandings in the Philippines.
Key words: haematology, blood values, reference range, serum chemistry, spinner dolphin
Philipp. J. Vet. Med., 56(2): 114-121, 2019
mammal that strands in the country (Aragones
et al., 2017). Illness, disease, trauma or simply
getting lost are among a variety of reasons
that may cause a cetacean to strand. One of
the objectives of a stranding response team
for a live stranded cetacean is to rehabilitate
the animal (Gulland et al., 2001; Geraci and
Lounsbury, 2005; Laule et al., 2013). Gathering
objective information on the health status of a
stranded cetacean is important in determining
the possible cause of the stranding and the best
course of action to take towards rehabilitation
The spinner dolphin Stenella longirostris
is one of the most common cetaceans in the
world that occurs throughout the tropics
and subtropics (Braulik and Reeves, 2018;
Reeves et al., 2002). It appears to be the most
abundant and widely distributed cetacean
species in the Philippines (Dolar et al., 2006),
as well as the most common species of marine
(Schwacke et al., 2009). Blood is the most
important diagnostic sample needed to assess,
diagnose, and medically manage a sick animal
(Manire et al., 2018; Flores et al., 2013).
However, haematological reference values
are necessary for the useful interpretation
of laboratory results and assessment of the
health of the animal (Schwacke et al., 2009;
Klaassen, 1999). These values usually vary
among species, between sexes, age groups, and
environmental conditions (Manire et al., 2018;
Norman SA et al., 2013; Kasamatsu et al.,
2012; Bossart et al., 2001). Unfortunately, only
a few comprehensive haematological studies
have been done on marine mammals. The
lack of haematological reference values for the
different species of cetaceans greatly affects the
ability of veterinarians and marine mammal
rehabilitators to make informed decisions in
the diagnosis, treatment, and plan of action
for live dolphin stranders (Sharp et al., 2014).
This challenge is especially important in the
Philippines because majority (65%) of cetaceans
that stranded in the country from 2005 to 2016
were alive (Aragones et al., 2017). As far as the
authors’ knowledge and research is concerned,
there is no published data on the reference
blood values for spinner dolphins despite the
species’ apparent abundance and cosmopolitan
distribution. The objective of this paper is to
establish preliminary haematological and
serum chemistry reference values for spinner
dolphins that may be used for future stranding
cases of the species in the Philippines, as well
as in other parts of the world.
Blood samples from two stranded subadult
female spinner dolphins that were successfully
rehabilitated were used in this study. These
animals stranded in February and March
2014, respectively, in the west coast of Luzon,
Philippines. Based on the auditory brain
response test conducted in April 2014, both
individuals suffered from varying degrees of
hearing loss and were deemed un t for release.
These dolphins were provided with long-term
human care in a sea pen complex of a marine
theme park in Subic Bay Freeport Zone,
Since the two dolphins were already
deemed unreleaseable (see above), both were
trained basic husbandry behaviors, including
blood collection. By October 2014, both dolphins
were already trained to voluntarily present
their tail  uke for venipuncture. Venipunctures
were performed on the ventral aspect of the
tail  uke using 23G x ¾ inch Luer Lock blood
collection set (BD Vacutainer®). Blood was
collected directly into three different vacutainer
tubes containing sodium citrate, serum
separator gel, and ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA), respectively. Complete blood
counts (CBC) were performed manually using
the Unopette system (BMP Leukocheck®) for
white blood cell (WBC) counts, and Hayem’s
diluting reagent for red blood cell (RBC) counts.
WBC differential counts were determined by
microscopic examinations of Wrights-Giemsa-
stained smears. Blood samples in haematocrit
tubes were spun at 11,000rpm for  ve minutes
to determine the packed cell volume (PCV).
Haemoglobin was measured using a Sysmex
XF2000. Mean corpuscular volume (MCV),
mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), and
mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
(MCHC) were calculated using Microsoft Excel
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) was
determined using Westergren ESR system.
The serum chemistry and electrolytes were
identi ed using blood serum analyser IDEXX
VetTest® and VetLyte®, respectively, except
for brinogen, which was tested in another
laboratory using Sysmex CS1600.
Although the two dolphins appeared
healthy and apparently normal after four
weeks in the rehabilitation facility, they
continued receiving medications for another
sixteen months, as several of their blood
parameters were outside the normal ranges
when compared to the haematological
reference values extrapolated from a single
male adult pantropical spotted dolphin. Blood
test results from routine health screening,
follow-ups, and during episodes of apparent
illness between September 2015 and April
2018 were examined. For this paper, only
blood test results from samples collected when
the animals were apparently healthy and not
SUAREZ et al.
receiving medications, and with sera that
appeared normal on visual inspection were
considered. A total of 44 (26,18) blood test
results were included in this investigation.
For some samples, only speci c tests were
requested, so not all parameters were
determined for these. Descriptive statistics
(mean, standard deviation, median, and range)
were used to calculate and summarize the data
using Microsoft Excel 365.
The haematological and serum biochemical
pro les in this study generally showed narrow
ranges (Tables 1 and 2). The means of most of
the blood parameters were equal or were very
close to the median values of the pooled samples.
The results were compared with several
published reference values for rehabilitated
stranded and free-range delphinids, including
rough-toothed dolphin (Manire et al., 2018),
pantropical spotted dolphin (St. Aubin et al.,
2011), Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Goldstein et
al., 2006), common dolphin, common bottlenose
dolphin (Bossart et al., 2001) and Fraser’s
dolphin (Rhinehart et al., 1995) (Tables 3 and
The total WBC count for the spinner
dolphins in this study overlapped with the
reported reference ranges for Fraser’s dolphin
(4.2-7.2 x103/µL), rough-toothed dolphin (6.1-
6.7 X103/µL), pantropical spotted dolphin (7.6-
Table 1. Haematological values extrapolated from the two stranded spinner dolphins.
12.6 x103/µL), Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (7.73-
12.89 x103/µL), and common bottlenose dolphin
(5.6-12.4 x103/µL). Among the  ve species, the
WBC counts for the Fraser’s dolphin and rough-
toothed dolphin had the lowest and narrowest
reference ranges. Samples from the rough-
toothed dolphins were taken from healthy
individuals under human care, and most of
which were collected under a trained voluntary
procedure. The samples from the Fraser’s
dolphins, on the other hand, were taken from
a pod that was trapped in a water inlet. The
trapped Fraser’s dolphins were either  oating,
actively milling, or moving around the water
(Rhinehart et al., 1995). In contrast, the samples
from the pantropical spotted dolphin, Atlantic
bottlenose dolphin, and common bottlenose
dolphins were taken from wild animals
that were captured for health assessment,
including blood collection. Thus, it is possible
that the higher ranges noted for these three
species were in uenced by the effects of stress
after having been chased by boats, captured,
and restrained. On the other hand, the blood
sampling conditions for the rough-toothed
dolphin and Fraser’s dolphin (St. Aubin et al.,
2011), as well as the spinner dolphin in this
present investigation were less stressful. The
absolute differential WBC count in this study
is also generally similar and overlapped with
published values for most of the other species.
However, the lymphocyte count ranges are
lower in the Fraser’s dolphin (387-897/µL),
common dolphin (380-850/µL), and rough-
Table 2. Serum biochemical values extrapolated from the two stranded spinner dolphins.
SUAREZ et al.
toothed dolphin (953-1135/µL). Eosinophil
counts are lower in the Fraser’s dolphin (0-239/
µL) and rough-toothed dolphin (408-712/µL),
and higher in the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin
(2080-4620/µL). Monocyte counts were higher
in the pantropical spotted dolphin and rough-
toothed dolphin in comparison to the spinner
dolphin. The RBC, PCV, and haemoglobin
ranges for the spinner dolphin were similar
or fall within the ranges for the pantropical
spotted and common dolphins.
The serum chemistry pro les in this study
demonstrate some similarities to the published
reference values for the different species.
Several parameters were similar or overlapped,
particularly the liver parameters aspartate
transferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase
(AP). Alanine transferase (ALT) level was
higher in the spinner dolphin compared to most
of the other species but overlapped with that of
pantropical spotted dolphin (86.7-167.3 U/L)
and Fraser’s dolphin (46-156 U/L). Gamma-
glutamyltransferase (GGT) level was higher
in the spinner dolphins than the other species,
while that of total bilirubin overlapped with
reference ranges of most of the other species,
except for the Atlantic bottlenose dolphin
(0.06-0.12 mg/dL) and Fraser’s dolphin (1.1-1.7
The level of globulin was also the same
or overlapped with the reference ranges of the
different species except that of the common
dolphin, which was lower at 1.8-3.0 g/dL. The
serum albumin level of the spinner dolphin
was low compared to most of the other species,
but it was within the reference range of that of
the Fraser’s dolphin (3.1-3.5 g/dL) and common
bottlenose dolphin (2.9-3.7 g/dL). Similarly,
the level of total protein was the same or
overlapped with all of the other species, except
Table 3. Published haematological values of select species of dolphins compared to the spinner
dolphin covered by this study.
while the level of calcium overlaps with those of
all the other species except the rough-toothed
dolphin (8.8-9.0 mEq/L).
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which has
been useful in determining the presence and
degree of in ammation (Bossart, et al., 2001)
and is often used as a prognostic indicator
in dolphins (Manire et al., 2018; Bossart et
al., 2001), was only determined in the rough-
toothed dolphin study. It was higher (4.9-7.1)
in the rough-toothed dolphin compared to the
spinner dolphin. Reference ranges for plasma
brinogen levels, which has been associated
with the ESR and has almost completely
replaced ESR as a laboratory diagnostic test
in domestic animals and humans (Bossart et
al., 2001), were only available for the Atlantic
bottlenose dolphin and pantropical spotted
dolphins. The brinogen level in the spinner
dolphin overlapped with that of the Atlantic
for that of the rough-toothed dolphin, which
was higher (7.5-7.7 g/dL).
Reference ranges for kidney function
parameters in this study overlapped with
that for the common dolphin and common
bottlenose dolphin for both blood urea nitrogen
(BUN) and creatinine. Values for lactate
dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum electrolytes
such as sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) were
higher in the spinner dolphins, compared to
all other species. It must be noted, however,
that the serum chemistry machine of the
laboratory used in this study yielded higher
measurements for these three parameters
when compared to those from duplicate
samples sent to two other laboratories. The
potassium level overlapped with the reference
ranges for common bottlenose dolphin (3.2-4.4
mEq/L), Fraser’s dolphin (2.8-3.6 mEq/L), and
pantropical spotted dolphin (3.3-4.7 mEq/L),
Table 4. Published serum biochemical values of select species of dolphins compared to the spinner
dolphin covered by this study.
SUAREZ et al.
bottlenose dolphin (48.92-227.36 mg/dL) and
was lower than that of the pantropical spotted
dolphin (249.8-488.8 mg/dL).
To further investigate the plausibility
of the extrapolated blood values, parameters
that were outside the normal limits during
the rehabilitation were compared to the rst
twenty blood results of the two dolphins taken
within the rst 11 and 13 weeks of their
rehabilitation, respectively. The two dolphins
had in ammation (elevated WBC count and
ESR) likely from liver insult (elevated ALT and
AST), muscle injury (elevated CK), and possibly
other soft tissue injuries (elevated LDH). They
were dehydrated (elevated PCV) and had
electrolyte imbalances. Their AP, which has
been used as a prognostic indicator for some
species of dolphins (Bossart et al. 2001), were
low. These were the same interpretation of their
blood results when compared to the reference
values of a pantropical spotted dolphin.
Fluctuations in these parameters moved
towards the normal values and plateaued,
particularly ESR, PCV, AST, Na, and Cl.
Conventionally, haematology and serum
chemistry parameters can vary with sex, age,
season, and physiological state (Manire et al.,
2018; Kasamatsu et al., 2012, St. Aubin et
al., 2011, Goldstein et al., 2006). Reference
ranges derived from animals in the wild are
known to differ from their counterparts under
human care, due to physiological adaptations
in captivity, and the stress and physiological
effects of handling for those that were caught
from the wild (Sharp et al., 2014; St. Aubin et
al., 2011; Bounous et al., 2000). Nevertheless,
some studies showed similar reference ranges
for both wild and captive dolphins (Kasamatsu
et al., 2012; Goldstein et al., 2006).
Reference ranges are normally generated
from representative samples of a species or
population in ample numbers (Manire et al.,
2018; Schwacke et al., 2009). The samples for
the reference ranges in this study came from
only two individuals and is not statistically
representative of the species or population.
However, this is currently the only available
reference value for this species and will still
serve as a valuable tool for veterinarians and
marine mammal rehabilitators for future
stranding events of spinner dolphins in the
Philippines. This is critical as the spinner
dolphin is the most common strander in the
country as per the Philippine Marine Mammal
Stranding Database (Aragones et al. 2017).
This study would not have been possible if
the dolphins used in this study were not rescued
and rehabilitated. The following institutions
contributed to the efforts in saving “Valentina”
and “Scarlet”: the Philippine Marine Mammal
Stranding Network (PMMSN), Ocean
Adventure, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources Regional Of ces I and III, the
Provincial Veterinary Of ce and Provincial
Agriculture Of ce of Ilocos Norte. Many thanks
to Dr. Emilia Lastica for her helpful insights
in writing this manuscript. Many thanks to
the trainers and animal care team of Ocean
Adventure for helping us collect the blood
samples and ensuring the welfare of these two
dolphins during and after their rehabilitation.
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... Similarly, an acoustic trauma from blast fishing related study on stranded marine mammals was also investigated ( Paccini et al. 2016) as well as the transmission beam pattern of a spinner dolphin ( Smith et al. 2019). Blood values for the data deficient spinner dolphins has been established from rehabilitated stranders ( Suarez et al. 2019). Moreover, the comprehensive stranding database of the country was tested to elucidate the ecology of these animals (Aragones et al. unpublished data). ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
Stranding of marine mammals is complex and understanding it requires more data and studies. The Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) has collected 952 records of stranding events nationwide from 2005 to 2018. This Technical Report is a follow-up to the first Report (i.e. Aragones et al. 2017), which analyzed strandings data from 2005 to 2016, and this second series covered two years (2017-2018). The next series of Reports will similarly cover two-year periods only. As in the first Report, this second Report will initially give the general trends for the larger data set (2005 to 2018). The bulk of this Report is about the analyses of the stranding records from 2017-2018 (n= 229) for trends in stranding frequency by year, region, season, species, gender, age class, original disposition, release and rehabilitation success. The spatial coverage presented in this report was specific to regions and provinces primarily for administrative purposes. Identification of more specific or smaller spatial areas (i.e. by municipality/ city) for potential stranding hotspots was assessed using Fishnet Tools (using 15 x 15 km grids). Furthermore, seasonality of stranding events was categorized according to the prevailing monsoons. The Northeast (NE) monsoon months are November to February (NDJF), Southwest (SW monsoon) monsoon months are June to September (JJAS), and Spring Inter-monsoon (Spring IM) in October (or Lull before NE monsoon) and the Winter Inter-monsoon (Winter IM) from March to May (MAM, or Lull before SW monsoon). As data analytics advances, future reports will be improved further.
Technical Report
Full-text available
Marine mammal strandings are complex and understanding this phenomenon requires continuous surveillance, monitoring, data collection and research. The Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) has collected 1409 records of stranding events nationwide from 2005 to 2022. This Technical Report is a follow-up to the third Report (i.e., Aragones et al. 2022). As stated in the second Technical Report, the initial biennial analysis, the consequent series of Reports will cover two -year periods. Thus, this fourth Report covers the stranding dataset from 2021 to 2022. However, as in the previous Technical Reports, updates on the general trends for the larger data set (2005 to 2022) are also provided. This Report highlights analyses of the stranding records from 2021 to 2022 (n=223) for trends in stranding frequency by province, region, year, season, month, species, sex, age class, disposition, category, and release and rehabilitation success. The spatial coverage presented in this report was specific to regions and provinces primarily for administrative purposes. Identification of more specific or smaller spatial areas (i.e., by municipality/city) for potential stranding hotspots was assessed using fishnet grids of 15 x 15 km size. In the previous report, total stranding frequency was used to determine stranding hotspots. In this technical report, mean annual stranding rates were used to identify critical stranding areas. The stranding data was also presented in the classic seasonal context of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON. As data analytics advances, future reports will be improved consequently. Strandings in the Philippines have generally increased through time. In a moving average of the annual stranding frequencies from 2005 to 2022, the first six years (2005-2010) was 37, followed by the next six (2011-2016) was 84, and the last six years (2017-2022) was 114. The annual frequencies have apparently plateaued since 2014 but the plateau was starting to decline in 2021. Although a decline in the plateau was observed, the stranding events are still high, and oscillations are expected. The sustained high number of stranding events may be an artifact of various factors. The growing network of PMMSN, accessibility of electronic communication, and to roads, of the masses contribute to this sustained reporting. Aragones et al. (2023, manuscript submitted) identified that the strandings may be caused by various natural and anthropogenic factors including seasonal and oceanographic factors, fisheries interactions, chemical and noise pollution, and diseases. The PMMSN through the Marine Mammal Research and Conservation Laboratory of the UP IESM is continuously investigating the causes and effects of these factors on marine mammal strandings nationwide. The previous Technical Report (TR) showed that there were distinct regional hotspots in each island group of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao from 2005 to 2020 dataset. In that TR (Aragones et al. 2022), the top five regions were Region 1 (n=26), Region 5 (n=26), Region 6 (n=25), Region 4B (n=22) and Region 7 (n=23). In the current TR, the top five regions were Region 1 (n=52), Region 12 (n=25), Region 5 (n=24), Region 6 (n=24), and Region 4B (n=18). Region 1 had doubled its stranding events in the current TR (n=52) from the previous TR (n=26). Region 1, Region 4B, Region 5, and Region 6 remained as regional hotspots based on the previous TR and Region 12 emerged as a new regional hotspot in the current TR. These five regional hotspots accounted for 64% of the total stranding events from 2021 to 2022. Grids of 15 x 15 km were employed via fishnet grids to visualize the specific areas where stranding events frequently occurred. About 35% of the total grids (495 of 1422) along the Philippine coastline had stranding events from 2005 to 2022 (see Figure 1). The grids with strandings were further categorized into very high, high, medium and low based on mean annual stranding rates. A total of 33 municipality/city stranding hotspots were identified (see Table 2). Among the 33 stranding hotspots, seven municipalities/cities have very high mean annual stranding rate grid category. These were Santa Ana (with a mean annual stranding rate of 1.2778), Badoc-Southern Currimao (1.2222), Dagupan City-Eastern Lingayen (1.1111), Western Lingayen-Labrador-Sual (0.9444), Pagudpud (0.8889), Cabugao-Sinait-San Juan (0.8889), and Sanchez Mira-Claveria (0.8333). Ilocos Region remains the primary region of concern since it hosts 14 stranding hotspot municipalities/cities. Moreover, Regions 2, 5, 11, and 12 were considered as areas of concern. The identified municipal/city level areas of concern should be the primary or focal areas of interest for the concerned Provincial Fisheries Officers and BFAR Regional Directors in terms of strategic management or planning for training requests and the like (e.g., implementation of their stranding response). The top five provinces for 2021-2022 data were Sarangani (n=22), Ilocos Sur (n=20), Pangasinan (n=14), Ilocos Norte (n=11), and Cagayan (n=10). This is the first time that the top province (Sarangani) was outside of Luzon. In terms of seasonality, 32% of the total strandings occurred during MAM season (n=72), 30% during JJA season (n=62), 21% during SON season (n=46), and 19% during DJF season (n=43). The majority of the strandings in 2021 to 2022 involved single stranding events (n=201). There were only six records of mass strandings, two out of habitat, and 14 UMEs. Note that most if not all of the UMEs were probably caused by dynamite blasts, and that ~86% (12 of 14) of the UMEs occurred in Region 1. Again, caution must be taken in interpreting these results as the dataset analyzed involved only two years. The top six most frequently stranded species in this period were spinner dolphins (n=34), short-finned pilot whale (n=26), dugong (n=20), Risso’s dolphin (n=17), Fraser’s dolphin (n=16), and pantropical spotted dolphin (n=16). The sustained high stranding records of dugong has been alarming. Based on the previous TR, dugongs had a total of 84 stranding records for 16 years (from 2005 to 2020) nationwide. Meanwhile, from 2005 to 2022, the dugong strandings had increased to 104, with a 20-stranding difference after two years only. This resulted to an increase in the annual average of stranded dugongs from 5 (2005 – 2020) to 6 (2005 to 2022). The top three provinces with the most dugong stranding incidences in the 2-yr period were Sarangani (n=6), Palawan (n=4), and Guimaras (n=3). Overall, about 55% (n=122) of the recorded events in 2021 and 2022 involved live marine mammals. The rest were found dead upon sighting (45%). Out of all stranded marine mammals found initially alive, 54% were released (n=66), 23% died (n=34), 8% rehabilitated (n=10), and 10% have undetermined status (n=12). Out of the 10 marine mammals rehabilitated, eight died, one released, and one transported to Ocean Adventure for long-term and professional care. Again, these trends and patterns of strandings, and releases and rehabilitations would not have been possible if not for the efforts of the PMMSN.
Heart size and blood oxygen (O2) in Dall's porpoises (Phocoenoides dalli), Pacific white‐sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens), and common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) correlate with reported swim speeds and dive behavior. Deep‐dive capacity is often associated with smaller relative lung masses, larger “inexpensive” tissue masses (locomotor muscle + blubber + bone masses), and larger total O2 stores. To gain insight into dive behaviors and surface travel of small pelagic cetaceans, we compared body compositions of Dall's porpoises, Pacific white‐sided dolphins, and northern right whale dolphins (Lissodelphis borealis) to the bottlenose dolphin. Relative lung masses, inexpensive tissue masses, and total O2 stores of Dall's porpoises and Pacific white‐sided dolphins were consistent with deeper dive capacities than in the coastal bottlenose dolphin. In contrast to known low myoglobin concentrations in northern right whale dolphins, inexpensive tissue mass suggested intermediate dive capacity. The estimated body O2 store of Dall's porpoise was among the highest of any cetacean. The relatively large hearts of Dall's porpoises, Pacific white‐sided dolphins, and northern right whale dolphins are hypothesized as especially important during high‐speed surface travel. Based on similarities in locomotory performance, morphology, and physiology to those of the horse, we consider Dall's porpoise a thoroughbred of the sea.
Technical Report
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Stranding of marine mammals is complex and understanding this phenomenon requires continuous surveillance, monitoring, data collection and research. The Philippine Marine Mammal Stranding Network (PMMSN) has collected 1178 records of stranding events nationwide from 2005 to 2020. This Technical Report is a follow-up to the second Report (i.e., Aragones and Laggui 2019). As stated in the second Technical Report the consequent series of Reports will cover two-year periods only. Thus, this third Report covers the stranding dataset from 2019 to 2020. However, as in the first (Aragones et al. 2017) and second Reports, updates on the general trends for the larger data set (2005 to 2020) will also be provided. This Report showcases analyses of the stranding records from 2019 to 2020 (n=220) for trends in stranding frequency by year, region, season, monsoon, species, sex, age class, original disposition, release and rehabilitation success. The spatial coverage presented in this report was specific to regions and provinces primarily for administrative purposes. Identification of more specific or smaller spatial areas (i.e., by municipality/city) for potential stranding hotspots was assessed using Fishnet Tools (using 15 x 15 km grids). Furthermore, seasonality of stranding events was categorized according to the prevailing monsoons. The Northeast (NE) monsoon months are November to February (NDJF), Southwest (SW monsoon) monsoon months are June to September (JJAS), and Spring Inter-monsoon (Spring IM) in October (or Lull before NE monsoon) and the Winter Inter-monsoon (Winter IM) from March to May (MAM, or Lull before SW monsoon). The stranding data was also presented in the more classic seasonal context of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON. As data analytics advances, future reports will be improved further.
Technical Report
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Marine mammals strand for various reasons. The recorded Philippine marine mammal stranding events from 2005 to 2016 was analyzed for patterns on (1) species composition of stranded marine mammals, (2) spatial and temporal variation of stranding events, and (3) proportions of alive and dead specimens, to mention a few. A total of 713 stranding events have been recorded comprised mainly of single stranders (n=638), mass stranding events (n=31), out of habitat (n=15) and Unusual Mortality Events (n=29). The UMEs occurred in Region I only. The annual frequency of recorded stranding events ranged from 24 (2005) to 111 (2015), with an average of 59 events per year. Most of the strandings occurred in Luzon (60%) while Visayas and Mindanao had equal share (20% each). Strandings have been recorded in all regions with coastline and in 64 coastal provinces. The top five regions on a national level which have had the highest number of recorded stranding events (i.e. stranding hotspots) were: Regions I (n= 158), V (n=92), VII (n=68), III (n=53) and II (n=48). The regions with the least number of recorded stranding events were: NCR (n=3), ARMM (n=6), 13 (n=11). In the Visayas, Region VI (n=47) was also an area of concern, apart from Region VII. Similarly, in Mindanao Regions XII (n=44), XI (n=42), and IX (n=25) were hotspots. Region IX was considered as a hotspot primarily because it has the highest proportion of live stranders on record (84%, 21 of 25). Overall, 60% (n=430) of all recorded stranding events involved live animals. In terms of seasonality, strandings were relatively more frequent during the Northeast monsoon (NE) in most provinces than the Southwest monsoon or Inter-monsoon. The bulk of the recorded strandings (76%) came from the top 20 provinces of the 64 represented. The top six provinces in terms of frequency of recorded strandings were Pangasinan (n= 63), Ilocos Norte (n= 52), Cagayan (n= 40), Sarangani (n= 37), Sorsogon (n=30), and Zambales (n=29). A total of 29 species (28 cetaceans plus the dugong) of marine mammals have been recorded throughout the Philippines, mostly confirmed through stranding records. Of the 29 species, 27 have stranding records, with Regions III and V both having the highest number of marine mammal species recorded (n=17); followed by Regions I and II (n=16), and 3 (n=15). The most frequent species that stranded was the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris, n=115), followed by the Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei, n=67), Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus, n=52), melon-headed whale (Peponocephala electra, n=45), Pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuate, n=37), dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima, n=36), and the dugong (Dugong dugon, n=36). Another notable result was that the spinner dolphins was the most common stranded species and had been recorded to have stranded in 15 out of 16 regions. This implies that the spinner dolphin is most likely the most abundant and widely distributed marine mammal species in the Philippines. On the other hand, only 23 (3%) records of baleen whale strandings were documented. Majority of the stranding events involved adults (n=501, 70%). The ratio of stranded females to males was almost even (0.92). Furthermore, a total of 1561 individuals were recorded to have been involved in all (n=713) stranding events from 2005 to 2016: out of habitat = 745, single = 651, mass = 134, and UME = 31. All the out of habitat animals, except three (3), eventually made it back to open seas. Out of the single stranders, 395 (61%) stranded alive. Of these, 329 were released immediately or after a few hours of supportive care, including 5 baleen whales (i.e. adults to sub-adults). Sixty-six individuals were rehabilitated: 48 died (72%), 11 released (17%), 4 (6%) long-term care, and 3 euthanized (4%). The response to strandings has remarkably improved through time. This was mainly attributed to the significant increase in numbers of PMMSN Chapter chapters and trained volunteers nationwide. The PMMSN now have at least 12 collaborating BFAR Regional Offices, 11 with MOAs and 1 currently being worked out. In 2010, 5 years after the establishment of PMMSN, there were 1736 trained volunteers. To date, there are 3690 trained volunteers, including at least 75 veterinarians who underwent a special training on medical management for stranded marine mammals. The existence of active PMMSN Chapters in several regions through the initiatives of BFAR Regional Directors, and local chief executives of provinces and cities/municipalities has enabled better response than before. Further, BFAR Regional Offices in regions I, II, II, IVA, V, VII, VIII, XI, and XIII have either already organized or are planning to organize provincial chapters of PMMSN through their Provincial Fisheries Offices to further enhance their capacity to respond to strandings. Regions IX, X and XII are currently setting up their respective Chapters. However, there are still many challenges. For instance, the coordination between the individual(s) who initially discover stranded marine mammals and trained local personnel (responders) needs to improve. Most often the discovering parties do not know who to call. This is unfortunate because, to date, there are many trained locals, especially in strategic (hotspot) areas, who are knowledgeable about stranding first response protocols. Supposedly, the assistance of the pertinent personnel from BFAR Regional Office (e.g. veterinarian) and/or PMMSN, would be required or immediately pursued only if there was no local individual(s) trained or after the animal has been given first aid and stabilized. Another challenge is finding accessible pond or enclosures for possible use as holding pens for rehabilitation of stranded animals in remote areas. Another noteworthy finding was the significant number of live animals rescued and released back into their habitats. For the last 12 years, at least 329 individuals were released after providing supportive care. That was equivalent to 27 animals per year. Furthermore, the success rate of rehabilitation has increased from 12% in 2010 to 23%, to date. The 11 animals successfully rehabilitated was equivalent to almost 1 animal released per year. Furthermore, four dolphins, mostly victims of dynamite blasts, and therefore are acoustically challenged, and with almost nil chances of survival if released, are now under human care with their conspecifics. The PMMSN has also observed increasing cases of stranders (dead or dying) with compacted GIT by marine debris. A systematic collection of information regarding these sorts of cases and the like is now in place. These would not have been possible if there was no organized national stranding network (i.e. the PMMSN) that looked after their welfare as well as systematically collected data. Ultimately, the engagement of empowered communities (e.g. PMMSN Chapters), especially mandated agencies (i.e. BFAR, LGUs) and their respective leaders, made the difference for the Philippine marine mammal strandings.
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In general, little is known about cetacean abundance and distribution in Southeast Asia. This paper investigates the species composition, interactions/associations, abundance and distribution of cetaceans in an archipelagic tropical habitat characterised by deep, oceanic waters approaching the shore, high water temperatures and deep, stable thermoclines. Abundance is estimated using line transect methods. In addition, the cetacean fauna of the Sulu Sea is compared with those of other tropical marine ecosystems: the eastern tropical Pacific, the western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. The most abundant species in the two study sites (eastern Sulu Sea and the Tañon Strait) was the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris; with a population estimate of 31,512 (CV=26.63%) in the eastern Sulu Sea and 3,489 (CV=26.47%) in the Tañon Strait. Other abundant species were the pantropical spotted dolphin (S. attenuata), Fraser’s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) and the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus). Density and species-abundance rank varied between the two study sites, with generally higher densities in the Sulu Sea than in the Tañon Strait. An exception was the dwarf sperm whale, Kogia sima, whose density was 15 times higher in the Tañon Strait. Fraser’s dolphin ranked third in abundance in the Sulu Sea but was absent from the Tañon Strait. Environmental factors such as depth, site and temperature were observed to have a significant influence on the distributions of various species.
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There is a growing concern about the impacts of stress in marine mammals as they face a greater array of threats. The stress response of free-ranging dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) was examined by measuring their physiologic response to capture and handling. Samples were collected from 168 dolphins during capture-release health assessments 2003-2007 at two study sites: Charleston, SC (CHS) and the Indian River Lagoon, FL (IRL). Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol, aldosterone (ALD) and catecholamines (epinephrine (EPI), norepinephrine (NOR), dopamine (DA)), were measured in blood and cortisol in urine. Mean time to collect pre-examination samples after netting the animals was 22 min; post-examination samples were taken prior to release (mean 1 hour 37 min). EPI and DA concentrations decreased significantly with increased time to blood sampling. ACTH and cortisol levels increased from the initial capture event to the post-examination sample. EPI concentrations increased significantly with increasing time to the pre-examination sample and decreased significantly with time between the pre-and post- examination sample. Cortisol concentrations increased between the pre-and post-examination in CHS dolphins. Age- and sex-adjusted mean pre-examination values of catecholamines were significantly higher in CHS dolphins; ALD was higher in IRL dolphins. Significant differences related to age or sex included higher NOR concentrations in males; higher ALD and urine cortisol levels in juveniles than adults. Wild dolphins exhibited a typical mammalian response to acute stress of capture and restraint. Further studies that relate hormone levels to biological and health endpoints are warranted.
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The current paucity of published blood values and other clinically relevant data for short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, hinders the ability of veterinarians and responders to make well-informed diagnoses and disposition decisions regarding live strandings of this species. This study examined hematologic, clinical chemistry, and physical parameters from 26 stranded common dolphins on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in light of their postrelease survival data to evaluate each parameter's efficacy as a prognostic indicator. Statistically and clinically significant differences were found between failed and survived dolphins, including lower hematocrit, hemoglobin, TCO2, and bicarbonate and higher blood urea nitrogen, uric acid, and length-to-girth ratios in animals that failed. In general when compared to survivors, failed dolphins exhibited acidosis, dehydration, lower PCVs, and decreased body condition. Additionally, failed dolphins had the highest ALT, AST, CK, LDH, GGT, and lactate values. These blood values combined with necropsy findings indicate that there are likely a variety of factors affecting postrelease survival, including both preexisting illness and stranding-induced conditions such as capture myopathy. Closer evaluation of these parameters for stranded common dolphins on point of care analyzers in the field may allow stranding personnel to make better disposition decisions in the future.
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Blood analytes are critical for evaluating the general health of cetacean populations, so it is important to understand the intrinsic variability of hematology and serum chemistry values. Previous studies have reported data for follow-up periods of several years in managed and wild populations, but studies over long periods of time (> 20 yr) have not been reported. The study objective was to identify the influences of partitioning characteristics on hematology and serum chemistry analytes of apparently healthy managed beluga (Delphinapterus leucas). Blood values from 31 managed belugas, at three facilities, collected over 22 yr, were assessed for seasonal variation and aging trends, and evaluated for biologic variation among and within individuals. Linear mixed effects models assessed the relationship between the analytes and sex, age, season, facility location, ambient air temperature, and photoperiod. Sex differences in analytes and associations with increasing age were observed. Seasonal variation was observed for hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, monocytes, alkaline phosphatase, total bilirubin, cholesterol, and triglycerides. Facilities were associated with larger effects on analyte values compared to other covariates, whereas age, sex, and ambient temperature had smaller effects compared to facility and season. Present findings provide important baseline information for future health monitoring efforts. Interpretation of blood analytes and animal health in managed and wild populations over time is aided by having available typical levels for the species and reference intervals for the degree to which individual animals vary from the species average and from their own baseline levels during long-term monitoring.
Rehabilitation efforts for live stranded marine mammals are guided by diagnostic measures of blood chemistry and hematology parameters obtained from each individual undergoing treatment. Despite the widespread use of blood parameters, reference values are not available in the literature from healthy rough-toothed dolphins, Steno bredanensis, with which to infer the health status of an animal. We examined serum or plasma chemistry and hematology data from 17 rough-toothed dolphins either housed at Dolphin Quest French Polynesia or during their rehabilitation at the Dolphin and Whale Hospital in Sarasota, Florida between 1994 and 2005. Blood parameters were compared among healthy animals, rehabilitation animals that were eventually released, and rehabilitation animals that died. This study indicated significant differences in many blood parameters for the poorly known rough-toothed dolphin that are likely to vary between healthy and sick animals. These included aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, bicarbonate, and globulins, which were greater in sick dolphins, and alkaline phosphatase and total protein which were greater in healthy individuals. Total white blood cell counts were lower in healthy animals as were the absolute numbers of neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils. Analysis of first blood sample levels for glucose, sodium, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate may have value for triage and prognostic evaluation.
Objective-To develop robust reference intervals for hematologic and serum biochemical variables by use of data derived from free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and examine potential variation in distributions of clinicopathologic values related to sampling sites' geographic locations. Animals-255 free-ranging bottlenose dolphins. Procedures-Data from samples collected during multiple bottlenose dolphin capture-release projects conducted at 4 southeastern US coastal locations in 2000 through 2006 were combined to determine reference intervals for 52 clinicopathologic variables. A nonparametric bootstrap approach was applied to estimate 95th percentiles and associated 90% confidence intervals; the need for partitioning by length and sex classes was determined by testing for differences in estimated thresholds with a bootstrap method. When appropriate, quantile regression was used to determine continuous functions for 95th percentiles dependent on length. The proportion of out-of-range samples for all clinicopathologic measurements was examined for each geographic site, and multivariate ANOVA was applied to further explore variation in leukocyte subgroups. Results-A need for partitioning by length and sex classes was indicated for many clinicopathologic variables. For each geographic site, few significant deviations from expected number of out-of-range samples were detected. Although mean leukocyte counts did not vary among sites, differences in the mean counts for leukocyte subgroups were identified. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Although differences in the centrality of distributions for some variables were detected, the 95th percentiles estimated from the pooled data were robust and applicable across geographic sites. The derived reference intervals provide critical information for conducting bottlenose dolphin population health studies. (Am J Vet Res 2009;70:973-985)
Hematology, serum chemistry, and plasma hormones were evaluated in 72 pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata attenuata) from the eastern tropical Pacific in an attempt to define the degree of stress associated with chase and encirclement by a tuna purse seiner, and are here reported for the first time for this species. Dolphins had high levels of dopamine and moderately elevated levels of enzymes indicative of the expected muscle damage following exertion of the chase. The length of time between the start of the capture operation and blood sampling correlated with increases in platelet and white blood cell counts and mean cell hemoglobin concentration, while the length of time between net tie‐down and blood sampling influenced platelet, white blood cell, and eosinophil counts. Ten dolphins recaptured 1–3 d after their first capture had significantly lower serum creatinine kinase, thyroid (T4) and globulin levels compared to values in dolphins sampled at nominal first capture. Although small sample sizes and large individual variation limit interpretation, these data indicate a stress response occurred in all dolphins, but the extent of the response is within the expected range for adaptive responses previously measured in limited numbers of wild mammals.
Blood samples taken from 48 4-mo-old wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopova silvestris) were used to establish reference intervals for hematology and serum chemistry values. The study was conducted during September and October 1996. Packed cell volume, total and differential white cell counts, total protein, albumin, glucose, calcium, uric acid, triglyceride concentrations, as well as aspartate transaminase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities were assayed. Reference intervals from wild turkeys are similar to those reported for domestic turkeys.