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Abstract and Figures

Brillouin spectroscopy, based on the inelastic scattering of light from thermally driven acoustic waves or phonons [1], holds great promise in the field of life sciences as it provides functionally relevant micromechanical information in a contactless all-optical manner [2]. Due to the complexity of biological systems such as cells and tissues, which present spatio-temporal heterogeneities, interpretation of Brillouin spectra can be difficult. The data presented here were collected from gelatin hydrogels, used as tissue-mimicking model systems for Brillouin microspectroscopy measurements conducted using a lab-built Brillouin microscope with a dual-stage VIPA spectrometer. By varying the solute concentration in the range 4-18% (w/w), the macroscopic mechanical properties of the hydrogels can be tuned and the corresponding evolution in the Brillouin-derived longitudinal elastic modulus measured. An increase in Brillouin frequency shift with increasing solute concentration was observed, which was found to correlate with an increase in acoustic wave velocity and longitudinal modulus. The gels used here provide a viable model system for benchmarking and standardisation, and the data will be useful for spectrometer development and validation.
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Data Article
Brillouin microspectroscopy data of tissue-
mimicking gelatin hydrogels
Michelle Bailey
, Noemi Correa
, Simon Harding
Nick Stone
, Sophie Brasselet
, Francesca Palombo
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Exeter, Exeter, EX4 4QL, UK
Machine Intelligence Ltd, South Zeal, EX20 2JS, UK
Institut Fresnel, CNRS, Aix Marseille University, Marseille, F-13013, France
article info
Article history:
Received 13 December 2019
Received in revised form 28 January 2020
Accepted 3 February 2020
Available online 8 February 2020
Brillouin scattering
Tissue phantoms
Brillouin spectroscopy, based on the inelastic scattering of light
from thermally driven acoustic waves or phonons [1], holds great
promise in the eld of life sciences as it provides functionally
relevant micromechanical information in a contactless all-optical
manner [2]. Due to the complexity of biological systems such as
cells and tissues, which present spatio-temporal heterogeneities,
interpretation of Brillouin spectra can be difcult. The data pre-
sented here were collected from gelatin hydrogels, used as tissue-
mimicking model systems for Brillouin microspectroscopy mea-
surements conducted using a lab-built Brillouin microscope with a
dual-stage VIPA spectrometer. By varying the solute concentration
in the range 4e18% (w/w), the macroscopic mechanical properties
of the hydrogels can be tuned and the corresponding evolution in
the Brillouin-derived longitudinal elastic modulus measured. An
increase in Brillouin frequency shift with increasing solute con-
centration was observed, which was found to correlate with an
increase in acoustic wave velocity and longitudinal modulus. The
gels used here provide a viable model system for benchmarking
and standardisation, and the data will be useful for spectrometer
development and validation.
©2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open
access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Palombo).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Data in brief
journal homepage:
2352-3409/©2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
Data in brief 29 (2020) 105267
1. Data description
Microspectroscopic data of gelatin hydrogels at varying solute concentration up to 18% (w/w) were
acquired using a lab-built Brillouin microscope with a two-stage VIPA spectrometer previously
described [3] (see Table 1 for full specications). Pseudo-colour images for different solute concen-
trations are presented in Fig. 1A. A Brillouin spectrum was extracted from each raw image and t
analysis to a Lorentzian functionwas applied to both Stokes and anti-Stokes peaks (Fig. 1B) arising from
the interation of light with acoustic waves or phonons [1]. Average peak parameters were calculated
(see Methods and Fig. 3) and Fig. 1C shows a plot of the Brillouin frequency shift as a function of solute
Using these data, the acoustic wave velocity Vwas determined (see below; Fig. 2A), which re-
produces values previously found in the cornea and lens of the eye [4], and from this the longitudinal
elastic modulus M
was derived. As already noted [2], the longitudinal modulus derived from Brillouin
scattering includes the contribution of the adiabatic bulk modulus that is of the order of GPa even in
water. A plot of M
vs. solute volume fraction xenables the Voigt model (rule of mixing) [5,6]tobe
applied to these data (Fig. 2B) according to the expression:
Specications Table
Subject Biophysics
Specic subject area Brillouin scattering spectroscopy
Type of data Graph
How data were acquired Brillouin Microscopy: Olympus iX73 inverted microscope coupled to a cw 532 nm
Cobolt Samba laser, lab-built dual-stage Virtually Imaged Phase Array (VIPA)
spectrometer (two VIPA etalons; Light Machinery) and Andor ZYLA-4.2P-USB3 sCMOS
Data format Raw
Parameters for data collection Gelatin hydrogels were analysed at room temperature (20
C), approximately 24 h after
Description of data collection Gelatin hydrogels at a concentration ranging between 4 and 18% w/w were placed onto
a glass cover slip and analysed using a lab-built Brillouin microscope with a 60(NA
1.20) water immersion objective.
Data source location University of Exeter
N, 3.5339
Data accessibility Repository name: Open Research Exeter (ORE), University of Exeter, UK
Data identication number: 10.24378/exe.2144
Direct URL to data:
Value of the Data
These data relate to gelatin hydrogels derived from denatured collagen that are biologically relevant homogeneous
materials, useful to extract and understand the information contained within Brillouin spectra.
They can benet the whole BioBrillouin community, providing a benchmark for testing and validation of instruments.
They can also benet life scientists, biologists and clinicians who are interested in novel biophotonic techniques.
In addition, these data can be used to draw comparisons between similar lab-built spectrometers, to gain further insights
and to promote the development of new concepts for faster high-contrast, high-resolution Brillouin spectroscopy.
The use of transparent homogeneous materials that are reasonably stable at ambient conditions adds additional value to
these data for system benchmarking and standardisation.
M. Bailey et al. / Data in brief 29 (2020) 1052672
where M
and M
are the longitudinal elastic moduli of the solute (gelatin) and water, respectively.
All the data presented in this article are available for download and reuse from the Open Research
Exeter (ORE) repository, University of Exeter UK.
2. Experimental design, materials, and methods
2.1. Hydrogel preparation
Gelatin from bovine skin, gel strength ~225 g Bloom, Type B (G9382, Sigma-Aldrich) was used to
prepare hydrogels with solute concentration in the range 4e18% (w/w). Gelatin powder was combined
with the appropriate quantity of distilled water to a total mass of 20 g and the mixture was held in a
Table 1
VIPA-Brillouin microscope system specications.
Parameter Value
Laser wavelength 532 nm
Laser power (on the sample) 6 mW
Laser spectral linewidth (FWHM) <1 MHz
Scattering geometry 180
Objective lens 60x (NA 1.2) WI
Free spectral range 33 ±2 GHz
Spectral resolution 0.9 ±0.1 GHz
Finesse 38 ±6
SNR 17 dB (methanol)
Fig. 1. (A) Pseudo-colour images of the sCMOS outputs for gelatin hydrogels at varying solute concentration, from 0 to 18% w/w. (B)
Spectrum of an 8% gelatin hydrogel before calibration (black line) and Lorentzian t for both anti-Stokes (AS) and Stokes (S) peaks
(red line; R
¼0.97). (C) Plot of the Brillouin frequency shift vs. solute concentration of the gelatin hydrogels. Error bars account for
drift in the calibration spectra during the course of the experiment and encompass intra-sample variability.
M. Bailey et al. / Data in brief 29 (2020) 105267 3
water bath (temperature 55e65
C) for 60 min under magnetic stirring. This was sufcient time for the
gelatin powder to fully dissolve at all concentrations prepared. All gels were left to set at room tem-
perature, covered in paralm to reduce evaporation and measured approximately 24 h after gelation, as
preliminary testing established that this was sufcient time for the gels to stabilise. A small rectangular
piece of gel (<10 mm thickness) was cut from the bulk and placed on a round glass coverslip (Biochrom,
0.17 mm thickness) in an Attouor cell chamber (Life Technologies) for microscopy measurements.
2.2. Brillouin measurements
Brillouin microscopy measurements were conducted using a lab-built setup [3] developed on the
basis of previous works [7,8], comprised of a 532 nm cw laser (Cobolt Samba), inverted microscope
(Olympus iX73) with 60(NA 1.20) water immersion objective (Olympus UPlanApo), and dual-stage
VIPA (LightMachinery, 30 GHz FSR) spectrometer with sCMOS camera (Andor ZYLA-4.2P-USB3). The
laser power measured at the sample was approximately 6 mW and the spectral resolution was eval-
uated as ~0.9 GHz. Full spectrometer specications are listed in Table 1.
The sCMOS output of the dual-stage VIPA spectrometer presents square patterns arising from
different diffraction orders with Brillouin peaks along diagonals. Out of multiple diffraction orders, a
single square with linear edges and uniform intensity was selected. Brillouin measurements of the gels
were acquired with an exposure time of 3 s, as this was found to give the optimal trade-off between
acquisition time and signal-to-noise ratio. All measurements were conducted at room temperature
C), taken in triplicate at varying locations within the sample, and average frequency shifts were
determined for each concentration. Brillouin peaks were identied and a Lorentzian t was applied
using a method previously developed in our lab [3].
2.3. Calibration
Spectral calibration was performed using known values of frequency shift for methanol and water
(5.59 GHz and 7.46 GHz, respectively [9]). Calibration spectra from these standards were collected at
the beginning and end of all experiments. The parameters from initial and nal calibration spectra
were averaged to account for drift during the experiment. To convert the peak position from a pixel to
frequency scale, a scaling factor Pwas determined according to the relation:
Fig. 2. Plot of (A) acoustic wave velocity Vvs. solute concentration and (B) longitudinal elastic modulus M0vs. solute volume
fraction. Red line: t to the Voigt model applied to the data, M0¼6:73xþ2:14ð1xÞ;R
¼0.92. Shading: 95% condence band of
the t.
M. Bailey et al. / Data in brief 29 (2020) 1052674
are the known frequency shifts, and X
and X
the distance in pixels between peaks
from neighbouring dispersion orders (Fig. 3), with subscripts mand wdenoting methanol and water,
The free spectral range (FSR) was taken to be a summation of the measured distance between
adjacent Brillouin peaks (X) and the frequency shift (
) of the standards: FSR ¼2
þPX (see Table 1).
The Brillouin frequency shift
for each gelatin sample was hence determined from the FSR and the
distance Xbetween adjacent Brillouin peaks according to the expression:
2ðFSR PXÞ:(3)
2.4. Longitudinal elastic modulus
The acoustic wave velocity Vwas determined from the Brillouin frequency shift based on the
equation (valid for backscattering geometry):
is the incident wavelength and nthe refractive index of the sample. From these data, the
longitudinal elastic modulus M
was derived according to the relation:
is the mass density of the sample. Refractive indices were measured using an Abbe refrac-
tometer, with distilled water as the calibration standard. Measurements revealed a linear relation
described by n¼0:00217xþ1:331 (R
¼0.996) where xis the solute concentration (w/w). Densities
were calculated by assuming ideal mixing:
Fig. 3. Calibration spectra and Lorentzian t for methanol (red) and water (blue). Distances between Brillouin peaks, Xmand Xw,
were used to determine absolute peak positions. The free spectral range (FSR) between adjacent Rayleigh peaks is shown.
M. Bailey et al. / Data in brief 29 (2020) 105267 5
where mis the mass. Density was taken to be 1.00 g/cm
for water and 1.35 g/cm
for dry gelatin [10].
The density-to-square refractive index ratio, which is relevant in the relation between longitudinal
elastic modulus and the frequency shift (Eqs. (4) and (5)), was found to vary between 0.5628 and
0.5582 g/cm
hence accounting for only 0.8% change in the concentration range probed.
This work was supported by EPSRC and CRUK through the grants EP/M028739/1 and NS/A000063/1
(to F.P.) and a Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship (to S.B.). F.P. gratefully acknowledges support
through the COST Action BioBrillouin (CA16124) for helpful discussions on the topic of this article.
Conict of Interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing nancial interests or personal relation-
ships that could have appeared to inuence the work reported in this paper.
[1] L. Brillouin, Diffusion de la lumi
ere et des rayons X par un corps transparent homog
ene-Inuence de l'agitation thermique,
in: Annales de physique, EDP Sciences, 1922.
[2] F. Palombo, D. Fioretto, Brillouin light scattering: applications in biomedical sciences, Chem. Rev. 119 (2019) 7833e7847.
[3] N. Correa, et al., Image analysis applied to Brillouin images of tissue-mimicking collagen gelatins, Biomed. Opt. Express 10
(2019) 1329e1338.
[4] J.M. Vaughan, J.T. Randall, Brillouin scattering, density and elastic properties of the lens and cornea of the eye, Nature 284
(1980) 489e491.
[5] T.W. Clyne, P.J. Withers, Basic composite mechanics, in: An Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 12e43.
[6] M. Bailey, et al., Brillouin-derived viscoelastic parameters of hydrogel tissue models, arXiv:1912.08292.
[7] G. Scarcelli, S.H. Yun, Confocal Brillouin microscopy for three-dimensional mechanical imaging, Nat. Photon. 2 (2008) 39.
[8] K. Elsayad, et al., Mapping the subcellular mechanical properties of live cells in tissues with uorescence
emissioneBrillouin imaging, Sci. Signal. 9 (2016) rs5.
[9] K.V. Berghaus, S.H. Yun, G. Scarcelli, High speed sub-GHz spectrometer for Brillouin scattering analysis, JoVE 106 (2015)
[10] A. Taffel, CCXXXVI.dthermal expansion of gelatin gels, J. Chem. Soc. Trans. 121 (1922) 1971e1984.
M. Bailey et al. / Data in brief 29 (2020) 1052676
... This can give insight into potential viscous relaxation processes at shorter time scales than those probed in shear rheometry. While on their own they do not directly define fluid mechanics under physiological conditions, they can reveal information on the chemistry relevant for describing the rheological properties, namely the abundance and properties of suspensions or aggregates [65,66]. The measured BLS frequency shift (ν B ) is proportional to the square root of the longitudinal elastic modulus M'. ...
... This is similarly to the elastic modulus, related to the shear (η S ) and bulk (η B ) viscosity via η L = η B +(4/3) η S . While the bulk elastic and viscous properties are understood to be independent from their corresponding shear properties, the longitudinal properties typically exhibit similar trends to as the corresponding shear and tensile properties [26,66,68]. ...
Background: Yielding and shear elasticity of blood are merely discussed within the context of hematocrit and erythrocyte aggregation. However, plasma might play a substantial role due its own viscoelasticity. Objective: If only erythrocyte aggregation and hematocrit would determine yielding, blood of different species with comparable values would present comparable yield stresses. Methods: rheometry (SAOS: amplitude and frequency sweep tests; flow curves) of hematocrit-matched samples at 37°C. Brillouin Light Scattering Spectroscopy at 38°C. Results: Yield stress for pig: 20mPa, rat: 18mPa, and human blood: 9mPa. Cow and sheep blood were not in quasi-stationary state supporting the role of erythrocyte aggregation for the development of elasticity and yielding. However, pig and human erythrocytes feature similar aggregability, but yield stress of porcine blood was double. Murine and ruminant erythrocytes both rarely aggregate, but their blood behavior was fundamentally different. Pig plasma was shear-thinning and murine plasma was platelet-enriched, supporting the role of plasma for triggering collective effects and gel-like properties. Conclusions: Blood behavior near zero shear flow is not based solely on erythrocyte aggregation and hematocrit, but includes the hydrodynamic interaction with plasma. The shear stress required to break down elasticity is not the critical shear stress for dispersing erythrocyte aggregates, but the shear stress required to fracture the entire assembly of blood cells within their intimate embedding.
... Type B gelatin (denatured collagen) was prepared to concentrations between 4 and 18% w/w as previously described. 1,26,27 The refractive index of all gelatin samples was measured by Abbe refractometry with a D line (589 nm) light source as part of a previous work. 1,26 The Raman spectra of gelatin at different concentrations were collected using two systems across different frequency ranges. ...
... 1,26,27 The refractive index of all gelatin samples was measured by Abbe refractometry with a D line (589 nm) light source as part of a previous work. 1,26 The Raman spectra of gelatin at different concentrations were collected using two systems across different frequency ranges. A Renishaw inVia confocal microscope with long working distance 50 Â (NA 0.50) objective and using an 830 nm laser was employed for measurements in the ''fingerprint'' region. ...
Full-text available
In this work, we report the application of Raman microspectroscopy for analysis of the refractive index of a range of tissue phantoms. Using both a custom-developed setup with visible laser source and a commercial micro-spectrometer with near infrared laser, we measured the Raman spectra of gelatin hydrogels at various concentrations. By building a calibration curve from measured refractometry data and Raman scattering intensity for different vibrational modes of the hydrogel, we were able to predict the refractive indices of the gels from their Raman spectra. This work highlights the importance of a correlative approach through Brillouin-Raman microspectroscopy for the mechano-chemical analysis of biologically relevant samples.
... Brillouin microspectroscopy is a unique contactless and non-destructive technique that provides an understanding of local mechanical properties with microscopic spatial resolution by examining the interaction between light and high-frequency acoustic waves (or phonons) within a material [46,59,60]. The change in frequency of the scattered light due to the light-sound interaction is known as BFS (hereafter abbreviated as frequency shift), whose magnitude is directly related to the material's longitudinal elastic modulus [61,62]. ...
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Microalgae have emerged as promising photosynthetic microorganisms for biofabricating advanced tissue constructs, with improved oxygenation and reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. However, their use in the engineering of human tissues has been limited due to their intrinsic growth requirements, which are not compatible with human cells. In this study, we first formulated alginate–gelatin (AlgGel) hydrogels with increasing densities of Chlorella vulgaris. Then, we characterised their mechanical properties and pore size. Finally, we evaluated their effects on cardiac spheroid (CS) pathophysiological response under control and ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) conditions. Our results showed that the addition of Chlorella did not affect AlgGel mechanical properties, while the mean pore size significantly decreased by 35% in the presence of the 10⁷ cells ml⁻¹ microalgae density. Under normoxic conditions, the addition of 10⁷ Chlorella cells ml⁻¹ significantly reduced CS viability starting from 14 d in. No changes in pore size nor CS viability were measured for hydrogels containing 10⁵ and 10⁶ Chlorella cells ml⁻¹. In our I/R model, all Chlorella-enriched hydrogels reduced cardiac cell sensitivity to hypoxic conditions with a corresponding reduction in ROS production, as well as protected against I/R-induced reduction in cell viability. Altogether, our results support a promising use of Chlorella-enriched Alg–Gel hydrogels for cardiovascular tissue engineering.
... For example, Brillouin spectroscopy technique allowed the first ever quantification of the entire stiffness tensors of spider silk, whose diameter is small, and the linear elastic properties could be altered upon mechanical deformation 96 . In addition, Brillouin technique has been used to characterize the mechanical properties of other biomaterials, such as collagen 97 , fibrous proteins of the extracellular matrix 98 , protein crystals 99 , and hydrogels [100][101][102] . ...
Several techniques have been developed over the past few decades to assess the mechanical properties of biological samples, which has fueled a rapid growth in the fields of biophysics, bioengineering, and mechanobiology. In this context, Brillouin optical spectroscopy has long been known as an intriguing modality for noncontact material characterization. However, limited by speed and sample damage, it had not translated into a viable imaging modality for biomedically relevant materials. Recently, based on a novel spectroscopy strategy that substantially improves the speed of Brillouin measurement, confocal Brillouin microscopy has emerged as a unique complementary tool to traditional methods as it allows noncontact, nonperturbative, label-free measurements of material mechanical properties. The feasibility and potential of this innovative technique at both the cell and tissue level have been extensively demonstrated over the past decade. As Brillouin technology is rapidly recognized, a standard approach for building and operating Brillouin microscopes is required to facilitate the widespread adoption of this technology. In this protocol, we aim to establish a robust approach for instrumentation, and data acquisition and analysis. By carefully following this protocol, we expect that a Brillouin instrument can be built in 5–9 days by a person with basic optics knowledge and alignment experience; the data acquisition as well as postprocessing can be accomplished within 2–8 h.
... Type B gelatin (denatured collagen) was prepared to concentrations between 4 and 18 % w/w as previously described 1, 24-25 . The Brillouin spectrum and refractive index of all gelatin samples were measured by high-contrast Brillouin microscopy and Abbe refractometry, with 532 nm and D line (589 nm) light sources, respectively, as part of a previous work 1, 24 . The Raman spectra of gelatin at different concentrations were collected using two different systems. ...
Full-text available
In this work, we report the application of Raman microspectroscopy for analysis of the refractive index of a range of tissue phantoms. Using both a custom-developed setup with visible laser source and a commercial micro-spectrometer with near infrared laser, we measured the Raman spectra of gelatin hydrogels at various concentrations. By building a calibration curve from measured refractometry data and Raman scattering intensity for different vibrational modes of the hydrogel, we determined the refractive indices of the gels from their Raman spectra, with approximately the same accuracy as that of refractometry measurements with an Abbe refractometer. This work highlights the importance of a correlative approach through Brillouin-Raman microspectroscopy for the mechano-chemical analysis of biologically relevant samples.
... This data provides a valuable resource as well as a starting point for researchers interested in the mechanobiology of vertebrate eye development. Bailey et al. presented data collected from gelatin hydrogels using a lab-built Brillouin microscope with a dual-stage VIPA spectrometer [25] . Gelatin hydrogels are of interest because they can be used as tissue-mimicking model systems for Brillouin microspectroscopy measurements. ...
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The gigahertz longitudinal elastic modulus of hydrated gelatin films as a function of water content was studied using Brillouin spectroscopy. It was found that the elastic modulus increases with increasing protein concentration. Two ranges can be distinguished with different concentration behavior, which are associated with different proportions of bonded water molecules. The addition of glutaraldehyde has very little effect on the elastic modulus of hydrated gelatin films.
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Brillouin spectroscopy and imaging are emerging techniques in analytical science, biophotonics, and biomedicine. They are based on Brillouin light scattering from acoustic waves or phonons in the GHz range, providing a nondestructive contactless probe of the mechanics on a microscale. Novel approaches and applications of these techniques to the field of biomedical sciences are discussed, highlighting the theoretical foundations and experimental methods that have been developed to date. Acknowledging that this is a fast moving field, a comprehensive account of the relevant literature is critically assessed here.
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Brillouin spectroscopy is an emerging analytical tool in biomedical and biophysical sciences. It probes viscoelasticity through the propagation of thermally induced acoustic waves at gigahertz frequencies. Brillouin light scattering (BLS) measurements have traditionally been performed using multipass Fabry-Pérot interferometers, which have high contrast and resolution, however, as they are scanning spectrometers they often require long acquisition times in poorly scattering media. In the last decade, a new concept of Brillouin spectrometer has emerged, making use of highly angle-dispersive virtually imaged phase array (VIPA) etalons, which enable fast acquisition times for minimally turbid materials, when high contrast is not imperative. The ability to acquire Brillouin spectra rapidly, together with long term system stability, make this system a viable candidate for use in biomedical applications, especially to probe live cells and tissues. While various methods are being developed to improve system contrast and speed, little work has been published discussing the details of imaging data analysis and spectral processing. Here we present a method that we developed for the automated retrieval of Brillouin line shape parameters from imaging data sets acquired with a dual-stage VIPA Brillouin microscope. We applied this method for the first time to BLS measurements of collagen gelatin hydrogels at different hydration levels and cross-linker concentrations. This work demonstrates that it is possible to obtain the relevant information from Brillouin spectra using software for real-time high-accuracy analysis.
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Acoustically induced inelastic light scattering, first reported in 1922 by Brillouin1, allows non-contact, direct readout of the viscoelastic properties of a material and has widely been investigated for material characterization2, structural monitoring3 and environmental sensing4. Extending the Brillouin technique from point sampling spectroscopy to imaging modality5 would open up new possibilities for mechanical imaging, but has been challenging because rapid spectrum acquisition is required. Here, we demonstrate a confocal Brillouin microscope based on a fully parallel spectrometer-a virtually imaged phased array-that improves the detection efficiency by nearly 100-fold over previous approaches. Using the system, we show the first cross-sectional Brillouin imaging based on elastic properties as the contrast mechanism and monitor fast dynamic changes in elastic modulus during polymer crosslinking. Furthermore, we report the first in situ biomechanical measurement of the crystalline lens in a mouse eye. These results suggest multiple applications of Brillouin microscopy in biomedical and biomaterial science.
Extracellular matrices (ECMs) are central to the advent of multicellular life, and their mechanical propertiesare modulated by and impinge on intracellular signaling pathways that regulate vital cellular functions. High spatial-resolution mapping of mechanical properties in live cells is, however, extremely challenging. Thus, our understanding of how signaling pathways process physiological signals to generate appropriate mechanical responses is limited. We introduce fluorescence emission-Brillouin scattering imaging (FBi), a method for the parallel and all-optical measurements of mechanical properties and fluorescence at the submicrometer scale in living organisms. Using FBi, we showed thatchanges in cellular hydrostatic pressure and cytoplasm viscoelasticity modulate the mechanical signatures of plant ECMs. We further established that the measured "stiffness" of plant ECMs is symmetrically patternedin hypocotyl cells undergoing directional growth. Finally, application of this method to Arabidopsis thaliana with photoreceptor mutants revealed that red and far-red light signals are essential modulators of ECM viscoelasticity. By mapping the viscoelastic signatures of a complex ECM, we provide proof of principlefor the organism-wide applicability of FBi for measuring the mechanical outputs of intracellular signaling pathways. As such, our work has implications for investigations of mechanosignaling pathways and developmental biology.
The goal of this protocol is to build a parallel high-extinction and high-resolution optical Brillouin spectrometer. Brillouin spectroscopy is a noncontact measurement method that can be used to obtain direct readouts of viscoelastic material properties. It has been a useful tool in material characterization, structural monitoring and environmental sensing. In the past, Brillouin spectroscopy has usually employed scanning Fabry- Perot etalons to perform spectral analysis. This process requires high illumination power and long acquisition times, making the technique unsuitable for biomedical applications. A recently introduced novel spectrometer overcomes this challenge by employing two VIPAs in a crossaxis configuration. This innovation enables sub-Gigahertz (GHz) resolution spectral analysis with sub-second acquisition time and illumination power within the safety limits of biological tissue. The multiple new applications facilitated by this improvement are currently being explored in biological research and clinical application.
Brillouin spectra of biological systems may ultimately be related to their intrinsic molecular properties. In some instances the optical properties may be associated with the elastic ones and ultimately with the force constants of the molecules involved. In the present work we have used a triple-pass Fabry-Perot interferometer to measure Brillouin light scattering spectra for refractive tissues of the eye, including cornea, capsule and lens. Combined with corresponding measurements of density, estimates of the real and imaginary parts M' and M'' of the longitudinal bulk modulus have been made for the first time. Measurements have extended over four classes of vertebrate: Mammalia, Aves, Pisces and Amphibia; only small differences have been found between the various samples of cornea, whereas marked differences occur between the different lenses. Hence this account concentrates largely on the latter. The implications of this work lie not so much at the ophthalmological level as at the macromolecular and offer, in conjunction with other scattering techniques, opportunities for probing the lens and its proteins topographically as a function of growth.
Diffusion de la lumi ere et des rayons X par un corps transparent homog ene-Influence de l'agitation thermique
  • L Brillouin
L. Brillouin, Diffusion de la lumi ere et des rayons X par un corps transparent homog ene-Influence de l'agitation thermique, in: Annales de physique, EDP Sciences, 1922.
Basic composite mechanics
  • T W Clyne
  • P J Withers
T.W. Clyne, P.J. Withers, Basic composite mechanics, in: An Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, pp. 12e43.
CCXXXVI.dthermal expansion of gelatin gels
A. Taffel, CCXXXVI.dthermal expansion of gelatin gels, J. Chem. Soc. Trans. 121 (1922) 1971e1984.
  • M Bailey
M. Bailey, et al., Brillouin-derived viscoelastic parameters of hydrogel tissue models, arXiv:1912.08292.