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Abstract and Figures

Sporting events attract high volumes of people, which in turn leads to increased use of social media. In addition, research shows that sporting events may trigger violent behavior that can lead to crime. This study analyses the spatial relationships between crime occurrences, demographic, socio-economic and environmental variables, together with geo-located Twitter messages and their ‘violent’ subsets. The analysis compares basketball and hockey game days and non-game days. Moreover, this research aims to analyze crime prediction models using historical crime data as a basis and then introducing tweets and additional variables in their role as covariates of crime. First, this study investigates the spatial distribution of and correlation between crime and tweets during the same temporal periods. Feature selection models are applied in order to identify the best explanatory variables. Then, we apply localized kernel density estimation model for crime prediction during basketball and hockey games, and on non-game days. Findings from this study show that Twitter data, and a subset of violent tweets, are useful in building prediction models for the seven investigated crime types for home and away sporting events, and non-game days, with different levels of improvement.
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International Journal of Geographical Information
ISSN: 1365-8816 (Print) 1362-3087 (Online) Journal homepage:
Spatial crime distribution and prediction for
sporting events using social media
Alina Ristea, Mohammad Al Boni, Bernd Resch, Matthew S. Gerber &
Michael Leitner
To cite this article: Alina Ristea, Mohammad Al Boni, Bernd Resch, Matthew S. Gerber & Michael
Leitner (2020): Spatial crime distribution and prediction for sporting events using social media,
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1719495
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UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis
Published online: 06 Feb 2020.
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Spatial crime distribution and prediction for sporting events
using social media
Alina Ristea
, Mohammad Al Boni
, Bernd Resch
, Matthew S. Gerber
and Michael Leitner
Department of Geoinformatics, Doctoral College GIScience, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria;
Boston Area Research Initiative, School of Public Policy and Urban Aairs, Northeastern University, Boston,
Product and Analytics, CyberCube, San Francisco, CA, USA;
Center for Geographic Analysis,
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA;
Department of Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg, Salzburg,
Department of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA,
Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Sporting events attract high volumes of people, which in turn leads
to increased use of social media. In addition, research shows that
sporting events may trigger violent behavior that can lead to crime.
This study analyses the spatial relationships between crime occur-
rences, demographic, socio-economic and environmental variables,
together with geo-located Twitter messages and their violent
subsets. The analysis compares basketball and hockey game days
and non-game days. Moreover, this research aims to analyze crime
prediction models using historical crime data as a basis and then
introducing tweets and additional variables in their role as covari-
ates of crime. First, this study investigates the spatial distribution of
and correlation between crime and tweets during the same tem-
poral periods. Feature selection models are applied in order to
identify the best explanatory variables. Then, we apply localized
kernel density estimation model for crime prediction during basket-
ball and hockey games, and on non-game days. Findings from this
study show that Twitter data, and a subset of violent tweets, are
useful in building prediction models for the seven investigated
crime types for home and away sporting events, and non-game
days, with dierent levels of improvement.
Received 2 May 2018
Accepted 19 January 2020
Crime prediction; local kernel
density estimation; violent
1. Introduction
With massive social data available, research directions are spreading and changing views
of politics, health, education, social and behavioral sciences. The popularity of social
media and its contextual complexity facilitate the observation, analysis, and, occasionally,
the prediction of human behavior based on the routine activities of the participants. The
contextual complexity of social media data raises many obstacles when it comes to
understanding human behavior patterns (e.g. people can talk about dierent ideas).
The questions raised include how can we focus on the causality or explanation of the
patterns in order to achieve a more error resistant prediction. While dealing with social
CONTACT Alina Ristea
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
media for crime analysis, the questions tackle what sort of social behavior can suggest the
development of criminal behavior.
Crime occurrences are highly dependent on many factors, such as population distribution,
socio-economic status, environmental components, weather, and citizen behavior during
routine days and organized events. For example, during crowded event days, peoplesroutine
activities vary slightly, which can lead to a short-term crime displacement (Marie 2016).
Research shows that sporting events attract a high volume of people in specic activity
nodes, such as sporting arenas or in pubs or bars to watch the games. These activity nodes
can be criminogenic places, dened as crime attractors or generators (Brantingham and
Brantingham 1993,1995). In addition, a higher number of people use transportation routes
that separate them from their normal routine trajectories. All these changes also have an
inuence on specic crime types because of fan behavior (Montolio and Planells 2016)or
hooliganism (Caruso and Di Domizio 2013).
While considering Cohen and Felsons theory of Routine Activities, which states that the
coexistence of a motivated oender and a suitable target, and the absence of a possible
guardian, increases the crime probability (Cohen and Felson 1979), we propose an event-
routine activity, suggesting that spatial crime patterns are similar on event days and more
dissimilar on non-event days. We follow a home-away game day versus non-game day
(control day) approach (Kurland 2014,Marie2016, Montolio and Planells 2018). The spatial
distribution of crime and associated tweets for home games is expected to show important
changes in the spatial distribution, considering the attendance at the venue and the gathering
of small crowds across the city or city establishments to watch the game. Away games may
increase criminal activities throughout the city, considering that people gather in social areas
(pubs, bars, restaurants) to watch the game together, while home games may increase crime
occurrences around the arena as well. In addition, we argue for the usage of dynamic features
in short-term spatiotemporal crime prediction models, such as the integration of location and
semantic information from Twitter data.
An important research focus today is crime analysis and prediction using social media
activity (Wang et al.2012, Bogomolov et al.2014). While the crime prediction models outlined
in the literature include historical crime data, demographics, socio-economic, and built envir-
onment data as explanatory variables, this study proposes the integration of geo-located
Twitter data and a subset of violent tweets as dynamic data for higher predictive accuracy.
Although Twitter data was discussed in previous literature, based on geolocation or topic
extraction (Gerber 2014, Al Boni and Gerber 2016), the evaluation of a violent subset in crime
prediction models is novel. Our study conrms the importance of extracting valuable informa-
tion from a high volume of data instead of using all the available data without understanding
its complexity. Moreover, another important outcome considers analyzing the citywide pat-
terns of crime occurrences and crime prediction models during two sporting events, basketball
and hockey, in an enclosed venue using social media data.
The following two main hypotheses are tested in this research:
(1) Spatial crime patterns have a dierent distribution when a sporting event occurs at
a venue compared to control days, i.e. when there are no games at the stadium.
(2) Geo-located Twitter messages and a subset of violent tweets improve crime pre-
diction models for dierent crime types and enrich the information from historical
crime data and additional explanatory variables.
2. Related work
2.1. Crime, social media and sporting events
Researchers have pursued spatial crime analysis for sporting events such as football in
Europe (Caruso and Di Domizio 2013, Kurland 2014, Struse and Montolio 2014, Montolio
and Planells 2016,2018, Marie 2016, Kurland et al.2017) and basketball (Yu et al.2016),
and for catastrophic events such as hurricanes (Curtis et al.2006, Leitner and Helbich
2011, Leitner et al.2011). In addition, similar types of events are strongly emphasized in
social media text mining (Popescu and Pennacchiotti 2010, Fraustino et al.2012, Corney et
al.2014,Hu2014, Alqhtani et al.2015, Lin 2015, Zhao et al.2015).
Using a constructive dataset to represent a population or peoples locations during a
specic timeframe is of high importance for crowd-based events. Integrating social media
data in spatial crime analysis is done by considering Twitter messageslocations as a proxy
for ambient population and using this in crime rate calculations, thus, showing crime
hotspots (Malleson and Andresen 2015b,2016). Spatial crime analysis has been improved
by incorporating a population density variable that is calculated using geo-coded social
media messages (Malleson and Andresen 2015b,2016, Kounadi et al.2018), aggregated
mobile phone counts (Botta et al.2015, Malleson and Andresen 2016), human mobility
data (Kadar et al.2017), and population data from modeling such as Landscan (Andresen
2011, Kurland 2014, Malleson and Andresen 2015a).
2.2. Crime prediction using dynamic features
Spatiotemporal crime forecasting tools have received much attention in recent years from
academics, private companies, law enforcement and police departments (Perry 2013).
Traditionally, for crime prediction, historical crime data is used alone or together with
crime attractors and generators (which can be demographic, environmental, and so on) in
diverse types of prediction models (Caplan et al.2011). For example, researchers used past
crime data to predict burglaries by running dierent classiers such as support vector
machines (SVM), neural networks and Naïve Bayes (Yu et al.2011), or self-exciting point
process (SEPP) (Mohler et al.2012). Others introduced demographic information from census
blocks together with spatial data while using a General Additive Model (GAM) (Wang and
Brown 2011, Ohyama and Amemiya 2018). However, these additional variables areconstant
with low changes over time and do not account for the dynamic occurrences of crimes.
Location-based services (LBS), including social media, have become widespread in recent
years and they include spatial and temporal dynamic variability, which can be a valuable
addition to traditional prediction models. The availability of big datahelps bridging the gap
between low and high computational models for crime (Zhao and Tang 2018).
Crime prediction models in conjunction with social media data have been able to
achieve a signicantly better rate of success for certain crime types, compared to tradi-
tional crime prediction models (Gerber 2014, Al Boni and Gerber 2016). Machine learning
techniques together with linear and logistic modeling (Wang et al.2012, Alruily 2012,
Wang and Gerber 2015, Burnap and Williams 2015), density based models (Featherstone
2013b,2013a, Bendler et al.2014a, Cheng and Smyth 2015, Al Boni and Gerber 2016b,Hu
et al.2018), risk terrain modeling (Perry 2013), and Geographically Weighted Regression
(Bendler et al. 2014b, Ristea et al.2018, Ohyama and Amemiya 2018) have been used to
predict crime occurrences.
Many of the models are theory-driven, mostly from environmental criminology (Caplan
et al.2011). Most targeted prediction models use classication strategies (predicting crime
(1) or no crime (0)), while fewer researchers are considering crime incident counts. For
example, Vomfell and colleagues built a multi-model solution for predicting the number
of crime incidents per census tracts by combining demographic, social media, and taxi
ow data, showing that dynamic variables inuence prediction of property crime more
than of violent crime (Vomfell et al.2018).
The aim of recent research has been short-term crime occurrence prediction using
human behavior and mobility data from diverse mobile networks. Check-ins from
Foursquare, local search and recommender mobile app are used to calculate visitor
entropy, region popularity and other parameters to be later introduced in the prediction
models (Kadar et al.2016, Zhao and Tang 2017, Rumi et al.2018). Moreover, besides
check-in information, researchers have introduced data about pick-up and drop-ofrom
taxi ows and regional Point of Interest (POI) data (Wang et al.2016), as well as subway
data and other static information (Kadar and Pletikosa 2018). Recently, Yang et al. released
CrimeTelescope, the rst online system for crime hotspots prediction, which fuses static
urban information (demographics) with POI information from Foursquare and social
media (i.e. Twitter) (Yang et al.2018).
However, previous works has not studied the eect of sporting events and their impact
on crime likelihood by adding dynamic features to prediction models. Dynamic information
is accessible nowadays, and it is important to integrate it into crime prediction models
together with information about changes in the city, such as public events occurring.
3. Data and methods
We present a spatial crime analysis in the city of Chicago, the home location of the Chicago
Bulls of the National Basketball Association (NBA) and the Chicago Blackhawks of the
National Hockey League (NHL). The analyzed period contains two seasons, 20122013 and
20132014. The United Center, where the home games of these two teams take place, is the
largest such venue in the United States and hosts many types of events per year, including
concerts, family events, television and political events (United Center 2018). On average,
21,776 and 22,623 fans attended Blackhawks games in the 20122013 and 201314 seasons,
respectively (HockeyDB 2018), while 21,876 and 21,716 attended the average Bulls game in
those years (ESPN 2018). Crime and geo-tagged Twitter data for all home and away game
days for both teams, together with control days, were collected. Tweets are semantically
analyzed, and a subset of violent tweets is extracted for the same categories mentioned
above. The analysis is based on a 200m x 200m cell size grid applied to the City of Chicago.
We dene ve temporal subsets, called binsin the rest of the text, according to the two
sports teams playing at the United Center venue: home games for Bulls; away games for
Bulls; home games for Blackhawks; away games for Blackhawks; and control days. Seven
crime types are analyzed, three violent crime types (robbery, assault and battery) and four
property crime types (criminal damage, motor vehicle theft, other oense (such as telephone
threat and harassment, other vehicle oense, violate order of protection), and theft). Spatial
prediction models from this study include demographic, socio-economic and environmental
variables. In order to dene the main features contributing to higher crime prediction, we
use a random forest classier. Although certain features appear to be good crime predictors,
it does not imply a causal eect. Such ndings are important, though, and provide useful
insights for crime analysts.
3.1. Data
In summary, this study uses crime occurrences, Twitter data, and demographic, socio-
economic and environmental data about the city of Chicago. Each source is described in
more detail in the following sections, together with the applied preprocessing steps.
The city of Chicago oers an open data portal, which includes a multitude of freely
available information about the city regarding administration and nance, buildings,
community, education, environment, events, public safety, sanitation and transportation
(City of Chicago 2018). It is possible to download reported crime incidents as of 2001 and
up until the most recent seven days using the portal. These incidents are extracted from
the Chicago Police Departments CLEAR (Citizen Law Enforcement Analysis and
Reporting) database; the crime location data considers geo-privacy concerns (e.g. appro-
priate geographic masking is applied to preserve geospatial privacy). Also, it is worth
mentioning that crime data have their own shortcomings (Quillian and Pager 2001) due to
under-reporting to the police (e.g. due to a fear of reporting crimes, less serious crimes are
less frequently reported) or other reasons.
In this study, we extract 111,936 incidents that occurred between 10/31/2012 and 04/
14/2014 (only for specic dates as further discussed in Section 3.3). We extract the
latitude-longitude locations, the timestamp, and the crime type of each incident. The
aggregated crime data covers 30 crime types. Patterns for crime types are demonstrated
to be dierent in time and space (Andresen and Linning 2012), so this study shows results
for aggregated and disaggregated crime types. For the disaggregated crime types, we
focus on seven types of crime, which together account for ~70% of all crimes. Table 1
depicts the per-type frequencies of these crimes. These types are selected because they
are some of the most prevalent in Chicago (narcotics is another prevalent crime type that
is not analyzed in this study).
Researchers show the importance of considering the built environment in spatial crime
analysis (Kinney et al.2008, Grubesic and Pridemore 2011, Groand Lockwood 2014), so
we extract spatial features from the same data portal to characterize the physical
Table 1. Reported crime records in Chicago, Illinois, US Chicago police
departments CLEAR (counts for the ve bins used in this study) *relative
total includes just the seven crime types considered in this study; the real
value includes 30 crime types.
Crime Type Frequency
Assault 6,446 (8.32%)
Battery 18,875 (24.35%)
Criminal damage 11,010 (14.20%)
Motor vehicle theft 4,837 (6.24%)
Other oense 6,978 (9.00%)
Robbery 4,046 (5.22%)
Theft 25,313 (32.66%)
Relative Total* 77,505 (100%)
environment: hospitals, parks, bike racks, liquor stores, bars, restaurants, major streets,
neighborhoods, rail roads, pedestrian streets, pedestrian ways, police stations, Chicago
Transit Authority (CTA) stations, CTA bus stops, CTA rail lines, CTA routes, safe passages,
and schools. The complexity of crime characteristics in space and time, and all the factors
that may be crime attractors, generators, or other explanatory variables, inuence the
displacement and the dynamic behavior of crime occurrences (Braga 2005, Braga and
Bond 2008, Braga et al.2014).
We extract demographic and socio-economic data at the census tract spatial resolution
(Manson et al.2018, City of Chicago 2018). In order to disaggregate the information for
the unit of analysis in this study, we use the function summarize withinin ArcGIS (ESRI
2018). Besides the housing information from the Census, we also add information about
Airbnb locations and prices to complement the residential information (Center for Spatial
Data Science 2018).
The most widely applied population statistic in crime analysis is the residential popula-
tion. The population distribution from the census is collected at dierent spatial scales (e.
g. neighborhoods, grid cells, or city level). However, the residential population is an
inappropriate statistic for mobile crime types (e.g. street robbery), so there is a need for
ambient dynamic population data. Researchers suggest dierent ways of calculating the
ambient population for crime analysis (Zhang et al.2012, Malleson and Andresen 2015b,
2016, Kounadi et al.2018). The LandScan global population model, which represents the
ambient population, is modeled by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory using spatial data,
imagery analysis, and a multi-variable dasymetric modeling approach to disaggregate
census counts within administrative boundaries (Bright et al.2016). In this paper, we
create population at crime risk (ambient) models (resolution 200m x 200m cell size) for
each of the ve bins by using LandScan data as the source zones and Twitter data as
ancillary points, following the model and code proposed by (Kounadi et al.2018). The
population at crime risk or at risk of falling victim to a crime is an explanatory variable
complementing the Census data.
Finally, tweets are extracted using the Twitter API (Twitter Inc 2018). Only geo-tagged
tweets are considered since the purpose of this study requires geospatial, temporal, and
semantic analysis. All tweets can serve as a proxy for general online activity in the city of
Chicago. No text lter is applied when extracting the Twitter data. Several practical
questions may arise because the geographically located tweets represent no more than
5% of all tweets posted online (Zhang et al.2016). However, GPS has much better spatial
and temporal quality compared to other localization approaches such as cell-towers.
Therefore, tweets might be less representative but more accurate. We use a bounding
box lter within the Twitter API, dening the upper-right corner as 87.52413, 42.02303
and the lower-left corner as 87.94011, 41.64454. We collect 9,436,276 GPS-tagged tweets
authored by 644,514 dierent users within Chicago between 10/31/2012 and 04/14/2014.
In addition to GPS coordinates, TwittersAPI provides each tweet with a timestamp and
textual content.
Online databases (Gracenote 2018, Sportradar 2018) are used to extract home and
away game days for the basketball and the hockey team. In this research, we select the
entire day in which a game was played, without considering the start and the end times of
games. This means we use 24 hours of aggregated crime and Twitter data and we are
discussing daily patterns. Criminal behavior may change across day/night time periods for
specic crime types; however, we do not focus on those dierences in this paper.
3.2. Methods
The purpose of this study is to investigate how spatial crime distribution is inuenced by
sporting games at the United Center venue and the correlation between crime occur-
rences and the density of geo-located Twitter data. In addition, the study explores the
impact of tweets as a possible crime predictor.
Because of the limited time between the hockey and basketball games, we have
diculties in nding a reasonable subset of data that was comparable. We do not include
days in which one of the teams has a home game and the other an away game, or when
both teams are playing away in this analysis. This is done to partially avoid misunder-
standings in the patterns, such as changes regarding a lost away game for basketball
while there is a home hockey game it would be dicult to dene whether (any) changes
occur for a particular reason. These issues lead us to reduce the data to 30 days for each
bin. We dene the control days in relation to the home and away games. Namely, we
select similar days of the week in the same month where no sporting event occurred at
the stadium. Table 1 shows the number of crimes per crime type used in this study. The
control period for game days is on the same day of the week and at the same time of the
year (Brimicombe and Cafe 2012). If that is not possible, the control is a similar day of the
week (Table 2). Week days are considered to be Monday to Thursday and weekend days
Friday to Sunday normally, Friday is not a weekend day, however, according to criminal
patterns for some crime types it is more relevant to consider it as a weekend day
(Brimicombe and Cafe 2012).
Furthermore, we determine a method of extracting violent messages, tweets where
users are using violent words, hate words or swear words. Firstly, we use a joined lexicon
of hate-related terms from hatebase (Hatebase 2018)a repository of crowdsourced
speech terms (Gao et al.2017, Davidson et al.2017) and noswearing (No swearing 2018)
a crowdsourced database of swear words (Founta et al.2018). We extract all the geo-
located tweets that contain at least one word from these predened dictionaries pre-
viously used in literature. Hate speech and sentiment analysis have a close relationship,
with several approaches showing the importance of using sentiment analysis as auxiliary
classication (Schmidt and Wiegand 2017). Thus, secondly, we apply sentiment analysis
by using the NRC lexicon (Mohammad and Turney 2010,2013), after which we extract
only the negative messages. The resulting subset is used as violent tweets’–dierent
subsets according to the bins. The messages can contain oensive language; include hate
crime elements or other negative connotations. Thus, we assume that a daily violent
tweet hotspot is helpful to predict daily crime hotspots. In addition, we expect to have
Table 2. Day selection for the ve bins.
Bulls Blackhawks
home away home away Control days
Mon-Thu 20 19 17 20 19
Fri-Sun 10 11 13 10 11
more violenttweets during sporting events than during comparison days, and by their
spatiotemporal relationship with crime occurrences, it will improve prediction.
As shown in previous literature, many types of data can potentially contribute to
prediction accuracy in appropriate contributions. However, by having an increased num-
ber of features, we can encounter more noise in the data. Thus, we address the problem of
feature selection in order to derive a signicant size and improve prediction while
avoiding noisy or irrelevant data. We use the library partyin R, which is an implementa-
tion of the random forest and bagging ensemble algorithms utilizing conditional infer-
ence trees as base learners. By applying the function cforest, we obtain the importance of
each value in the dataset with crime type as the dependent variable. We eliminate the
features with importance coecient below 0.05. We did not nd a clear statement about
calculating a specic threshold, thus we selected the value from which the importance
shows a growing path. Figure 1 shows the most important features that will be used in the
Finally, all data subsets and additional features are clipped for the study area and
aggregated to 200m x 200m cell size of a regular grid, which is superimposed over the city
of Chicago. Grids with the same resolution are frequently used in criminological research
(Gerber 2014, Hoeben et al.2014, Al Boni and Gerber 2016b, Al Boni and Gerber 2016a,
2016c, Rummens et al.2017). Figure 2 shows a schema of the data used in our analysis,
while Table 3 shows the predictor variables used in this study.
3.2.1. Spatial distribution, correlation, and regression analysis
To determine the spatial distribution of crime, tweets, and violent tweets, density maps
are created with the 200m x 200m cell size as the base unit (a total of 15,574), and the days
from each bin aggregated per grid cell represented in map pie charts (Figures 57).
Considering the methodological framework and the purpose of showing dierences
during game days and control days, we present density maps for a zoom-in analysis
within a 1 km buer around the stadium because this distance around the stadium
suggests an elevated risk of oenses during game days (Kurland et al.2014).
In order to study the spatial relationship between crime and tweets, we use the Local
Indicators of Spatial Association (LISA) approach in two dierent ways. First, we test each
Figure 1. Feature selection using random forest.
of the crime and tweets datasets for spatial autocorrelation and calculate the global
Morans I values (Formula 1). Second, we use the bivariate spatial correlation statistic
and calculate bivariate Morans I values (Formula 2) for each of the bins as input data and
each of the tweets datasets as lagged data (Anselin 1995, Anselin and Kelejian 1997,
Anselin et al.2006). We present spatial autocorrelation indexes for the city of Chicago and
for a zoom-in analysis within a 1 km buer around the stadium. A spatially lagged variable
(a sum of spatial weights multiplied with values for observations at neighboring locations)
is essential for spatial autocorrelation analysis. Thus, for the bivariate case in this study, the
y-axis pertains to neighboring values for tweets or violent tweets, while the x-axis
considers the locations of crimes.
Figure 2. Data used in this case study.
Table 3. Summary of predictor variables used in this analysis.
Crime history variables:
Historical crime data before prediction day for the ve bins
Demographic variables:
Population at crime risk (dierent for the ve bins), residential population; population white, population black or
African American, population Asian, population 62 years and over, foreign-born (%), 25 years and over high school
or General Educational Development, total 25 years and over, 25 years and over less than high school, 25 years and
over some college, foreign-born, household with individuals under 18 years, population 18 years and over total,
households by type: non-family, households by type: husband-wife family, Bachelors or higher studies (%), 25 years
and over bachelors degree or higher, Hispanic or Latino (of any race), average household size of occupied housing
units by tenure: owner-occupied, average household size of occupied housing units by tenure: renter-occupied,
median age by sex for both sexes
Socio-economic variables:
Vacant housing units, homeowner vacancy rate (%), unemployed, households below poverty (%), below the poverty
level (%), rental vacancy rate (%), occupied housing units, hardship index, income per capita, the price per person for
Airbnb, Airbnb locations
Environmental variables:
restaurants, bars, bus stops, buildings, bike racks, transportation routes: density
stadium: distance
Dynamic variables:
Geo-located Twitter data for the ve bins: density and distance
Violent Tweets for the ve bins: density and distance
i=nðFormula 1Þ
where nis the number of observations, S0¼P
wij as the sum of all the weights, and wij
as the elements of the spatial weights matrix.
IBV ¼PiPjwij xi
ðFormula 2Þ
where values are similar to (Formula 1), with the exception of xiwhich is the lagged
variable value at a particular location. It can also be considered the slope of a regression
of Wyon x, where xis the explanatory variable and Wyis the spatial lag of the
dependent variable (all variables are standardized, and the spatial weights are row
3.2.2. Spatial prediction
We adopt our crime prediction models from Gerber (2014). This model treats crime
prediction as a classication problem, where the units of classication are spatial points
pand the response is binary for the rst part of modeling (see chapter 4.2), indicating the
odds of observing a crime at point p. In other words, the model estimates the relative risk
of crime type Tat point pusing a set of predictor features. To build our crime prediction
models, we rst discretize the geospatial surface of an area of interest. We create a grid of
points with a xed cell size. Each of these points is labeled NONE (for the non-occurrence
of crime). Then, we create points from the locations of all known crimes of type Tand
combine these points with the NONE points. In cases where a NONE and Tpoint coincide,
we remove the former. Next, we use all points (NONE and Tpoints) to train a binary
classier with the following form (Formula 3):
Pr Labelp¼Tjf1θp
ðFormula 3Þ
where f1θp
are features describing point pwith parameters θp. In other
words, our model contains coecients representing the relationship between (1) crime
occurrence and non-occurrence at point pand (2) various features of p. These coecients
apply uniformly to the entire study region. This formulation allows for building a wide
range of models by quantifying appropriate features. We use two types of spatial density
features, including kernel density estimation (KDE), and localized kernel density estima-
tion (LKDE). The KDE is formally dened in Formula 4:
Ph X
 ðFormula 4Þ
where Pis the total number of spatial points (e.g. crime incidents, tweets, location of bus
stops, etc.), his a smoothing parameter (bandwidth), pis the point at which a density
estimate is calculated, ||·|| is the L-2 norm, and Kis an interpolation (kernel) function. The KDE
method is frequently used for hotspot mapping. It is one of the most widely used methods
in spatial crime analysis, along with other hot spot techniques such as Gi*, choropleth
mapping. For KDE, three parameters need to be set: grid cell size, interpolation method
(kernel function), and search radius (bandwidth). We used the kde function from the ks
package in R, optimizing the bandwidth with the Hpi heuristic for the 200m x 200m cell size.
The localized version (i.e. LKDE algorithm; introduced in (Al Boni and Gerber 2016b,
2016c) uses data-driven localized estimators to produce non-smooth density estimates.
LKDE parameters are automatically optimized using a genetic algorithm: In LKDE, the
interpolation method can vary with respect to each cell depending on the kernel weight.
The approach requires decisions about kernel size and convolution values. In addition,
LKDE computational power is faster than KDE. In order to create the density estimate, the
LKDE process involves building an overlay grid, counting the incident frequency per grid
cell, xing the center of a convolutional kernel in each cell and performing a convolutional
operation. Therefore, we chose to use LKDEs to estimate historical crime density features
and KDEs for the remaining spatial features. Such features (e.g. restaurants, bars) estimate
the spatial density of entities at p, as measured by yet another KDE (e.g. the value at pof
the KDE built from police station locations). We use LibLinear to estimate coecients
within the logistic regression model (Fan et al.2008, Gerber 2014). This is an open source
library for large-scale classications, supporting logistic regression and linear support
vector machines, from which we use L2-regularized logistic regression. Crime occurrences
are concentrated in a few hot areas and sparse in others, thus making the training set very
imbalanced. Thus, the classier tends to over-predict the absence of crime. In order to
cover class imbalance (more grid cells will be empty compared with the ones including
crimes), we set LibLinear to negative/positive counts of points in the training set. The
prediction results consist in probabilities, which are then used in the evaluation methods.
Next, we present six models including various subsets of features mentioned above. It
is worth mentioning that for this study design we can use two dierent parameters for the
predictors: density and/or distance. Distance features indicate the linear distance from an
analysis point to the spatial entities, whereas density features quantify the spatial density
of those entities at that point. We chose the density and distance-based measures for the
tweets and violent tweets, instead of choosing one parameter. We are planning to discuss
the dierence between parameter choices in future work. Figure 3 shows these models
for a fair understanding.
(1) Historical Crime Density Model (Historical) is a model that includes only an LKDE
feature of historical crime records.
(2) Historical Crime and Additional Data Model (Additional and historical) is a
model that adds to the Historical model the additional density features (see Section
2.2 Data for a detailed description of these features) that characterize the demo-
graphical, socio-economic, and physical environment in Chicago.
Figure 3. Prediction models design.
(3) Historical Crime and Tweets Model (Tweets and historical) is a model that adds
to the Historical model a KDE feature, estimated from all geo-tagged tweets from
the same days as crimes.
(4) Historical Crime, Additional, and Tweets Model (Tweets, historical and addi-
tional) is a model that adds the same additional features (see Section 3.2 Data for a
detailed description of these features) as above to the previous model.
(5) Historical Crime and Violent Tweets Model (Violent tweets and historical) is a
model that adds to the Historical model a KDE feature estimated only from violent
geo-tagged tweets from the same days as crimes.
(6) Historical Crime, Additional, and Violent Tweets Model (Violent tweets, his-
torical and additional) is a model that adds the same additional features (see
Section 3.2 Data for a detailed description of these features) as above to the
previous model.
3.2.3. Evaluation methods
We evaluate the performance of prediction models using the Area under the Curve (AUC) of
surveillance plots (Gerber 2014).Theseplotsshowtheproportionoftruefuturecrimes(y-axis
or sensitivity) that occur in a percentage of the most threatened area predicted by the model
(x-axis). AUC is calculated as a summary of the surveillance plot (Figure 4). Researchers have
discussed a number of evaluation models for crime prediction (Chainey et al.2008,Levine
2008, Gerber 2014), a well-known one being the Predictive Accuracy Index (PAI), which is
calculated as the hit rate (ratio of incidents occurring in the hotspots divided by the total
number of occurrences) divided by the ratio between the total area of predicted crime and
total area of study (Chainey et al.2008). Surveillance plots generalize the PAI to include
prediction performance for the total area analyzed. The interest is twofold: rst, to have curves
that approach the upper left corner: the example below shows that in the top 20% of the most
threatened area of the city of Chicago, 50% of the real incidents are captured; second, to have
curves with higher AUC scores, which shows better performance for the entire city.
Figure 4. Example of surveillance plots for other oense for two dierent prediction days, home
games Chicago Bulls.
The AUC measures the accuracy of a quantitative test, and it has values between 0 and 1.0
(a good classier should have a higher AUC than 0.5). In this study, we do not apply the area
under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve in its initial form (Fawcett 2006).
4. Results
4.1. Spatial crime and tweets distribution and correlation
We analyzed crime and tweets density for a one-kilometer buer around the United
Center for the ve bins. Crime densities showed mixed information for the area around
the stadium (Figure 5). In one of the arenas grid cells, most of the crimes occur during
home game days, 11 of them for Bulls and 8 of them for Blackhawks. We noticed that near
the southern part of the stadium, only one crime was reported during the home games for
the Bulls. This might be related to police recordings: When a crime occurs at the stadium,
it is recorded in a specic location that can take place at one of the stadium entrances. We
noticed more crime occurrences in the grid cell above the southern part of the stadium. In
many grid cells in the west and southwest parts of the stadium, the crime occurrences
have high rates in all ve bins showing clear hotspots regardless of the events in close
proximity. Yet, there is a dierent distribution of speciccrime types. Criminal damage
occurrences happen more during home games of the Bulls than during home games of
the Blackhawks. Other oenses occur more frequently during home games of the
Figure 5. Density distribution of crimes around the venue, where gray squares represent areas with
similar crime densities, and brown square with higher crime density during game days; red dots circle
is the 1km buer around the venue.
Blackhawks. Motor vehicle theft shows similar occurrences for both Bulls and Blackhawks
home games.
Interestingly, while performing spatial density analysis on geo-located tweets (Figure 6)
around the stadium, we noticed that, in the grid cells containing the stadium almost 43% of
the tweets were written during home games of the Blackhawks (i.e. 5,066 tweets). About
32% of the tweets were written during home games of the Bulls (i.e. 3,717 tweets). During
away games, the density of tweets was similar, with 1,117 tweets for Blackhawks games and
1,280 tweets for Bulls games; just 691 tweets were posted on the control days. All these
tweets are extracted from the grid cell where just one crime was reported in Figure 5,
supporting the information that coordinates for the open crime data are geomasked (i.e.
crime incident locations are moved from incident location to random points within the
crime street segments or blocks). During control days, the arena might hold other types of
events during which people post tweets. However, these other events, such as concerts or
circus shows, have not been previously linked to crime occurrences. In one grid cell south-
west of the stadium, a large volume of tweets was observed, somewhat evenly distributed
across the ve bins. Strikingly, the location matches with the crime locations were also
almost evenly distributed (see Figure 5). In the rest of the area, tweeting behavior tends to
have a similar distribution across the bins.
Finally, we repeated the spatial density analysis with violent tweets. In Figure 7,we
observed a higher number of violent tweets in the arena grid location (i.e. 51% for
Blackhawks home games and 22% for Bulls home games). In contrast, during away games
and control days, less than 10% of violent tweets occurred in the same place. On the west side
Figure 6. Density distribution of geo-located tweets around the venue; red dots circle is the 1km
buer around the venue.
of the stadium, in many grid cells we noticed a similar distribution between the ve bins. This
shows that Twitter data is valuable for detecting the occurrence of a public event based on a
higher number of messages and whether the writing tends to be oensive or not. Violent
tweets are almost equally distributed in the southwest part of the stadium with a high volume
of tweets and crime. While 43% of the geo-located tweets in the stadium area were written
during Blackhawks games, they account for 50% of violent tweets.
Next, we performed a spatial autocorrelation analysis using Morans I Index (Figure 8).
Aggregated crimes showed a moderate positive correlation with the highest value for
Chicago Blackhawks home games. In all ve bins, crime occurrences had an index
between 0.382 and 0.401. This means that the cell density values for crimes were
positively associated with each other throughout the study area. The spatial weight matrix
needed for calculating the Morans I index is based on a rst order queen contiguity.
Interestingly, when applying the same index to the 1 km buer around the stadium, the
average for the ve bins was 0.177, with the highest values seen during home and away
games played by the Bulls, with values of 0.262 and 0.247 respectively, while during the
Blackhawks home and away games the values were lower (0.101 and 0.088, respectively).
While battery and theft showed a signicant ~0.20 Morans I index in the city boundary,
other crime types did not reach values over ~0.10 (Figure 8). There is low variability
between the ve categories. When analyzing the 1km buer zone around the stadium,
criminal damage and theft had a value of ~0.17 during the Chicago Bulls home game
days, while the other categories had low values, under 0.05 (except for criminal damage
during Blackhawk away games). All the other crime types generally had values under 0.10,
Figure 7. Density distribution of violent tweets around the venue; red dots circle is the 1km buer
around the venue.
while some are even negative. The crime type other oensehad a negative spatial
autocorrelation of 0.334 during the control days, which diered signicantly from game
days, for which the value was around 0.
Geo-tagged tweets showed a moderate positive spatial autocorrelation, with an aver-
age of 0.371 and the highest value of 0.3965 during Blackhawks away games. Tweets in
the 1 km radius were not clustered in any of the ve bins and had an average of 0.030
Morans I index (0.058 for home games of the Blackhawks). The average Morans I for
violent tweets was 0.231 with a low to moderate spatial clustering for the ve bins.
Morans I values were slightly higher during home games of the Bulls and away games
of the Blackhawks, with values of 0.240 and 0.245, respectively. This suggests that
oensive messages tend to be clustered across the city. There was almost no correlation
around the stadium, with the highest values occurring during home games of both teams
(0.060 and 0.064). Overall, the violent tweets tended to be less clustered than the geo-
located tweets, while crimes and geo-located tweets had similar MoransI.
4.2. Spatial crime prediction
Our framework considered four comparison days, so 26 days were available for training
prior to the last four days (part of the second sporting season). We trained six prediction
Figure 8. Morans I index for aggregated and disaggregated crime types, tweets and violent tweets;
unit of analysis is the city of Chicago and a 1km buer around united center.
models that are described in detail in Section 3.2.2, for which we split the 26 available days
into two equal parts. The rst part contained a lag of 13 days (i.e. featured values for
training points selected mostly from the rst season). Feature values for the prediction
day were selected from the next 13 days, which fell mostly into the second season, except
for the last game. This approach generated a single prediction for each of the seven crime
types for each of the six types of models.
We follow a sliding window approach for the last four days of each time period in order
to achieve a more generalizable prediction (Figure 9). Due to the limited days in the
analysis, we considered just four prediction days. If we made a prediction only for the last
day of the championship, the results might be skewed by dierent factors, which may be
mitigated by averaging four dierent results. In this study, we considered the temporal
path for the 30 days (e.g. the last four days will be in March and/or April when the second
championship for both of the teams is coming close to an end). The results might still be
skewed and randomizing the selection of training and prediction days would obtain
dierent results. However, this research was beyond the scope of the current study. In
section 3.2.2, 840 scenarios were mentioned that we calculated in this case study. The
values for the four prediction days were averaged (Figure 9). For instance, if we were
interested in the prediction models for Chicago Bulls home games, the rst window
would use the prediction day 03/11/2014, the second window would use the prediction
day 03/13/2014, the third window would use the prediction day 03/17/2014, and the forth
window would use the prediction day 03/22/2014 (these are the last four days when the
basketball team played in 2014). Thus, the four AUC values were averaged in order to give
a more reliable estimate than using just one day. The results were twofold: First, we
compared crime types and temporal bins. Second, we compared the game days and
comparison days.
4.2.1. AUC comparison between crime types and the ve temporal bins
We present our model evaluations in Section 3.2.2 covering 840 scenarios (six models,
four predictions days, ve bins, and seven crime types). We present the averaged AUC
value between the four prediction days. In terms of the dierences between the four
prediction days, we calculated the standard deviation for each crime type in each of the
bins. The values were generally under 0.05, so we will discuss only the aggregated values.
Figure 9. The sliding window prediction approach.
However, we will consider researching the prediction aggregation eect in future work.
AUC showed an improvement in all crime types by adding social media data.
Figure 10 shows bar charts for the AUC improvement of each crime type. For assault, the
gure also shows the real values of the AUC. Generally, the AUC values ranged between 0.70
0.76 for assault, 0.740.79 for battery, 0.650.70 for criminal damage, 0.600.74 for motor
vehicle theft, 0.650.77 for other oense, 0.650.79 for robbery, and 0.720.77 for theft. For all
crime types, we noticed that the highest improvementsoccurredforthemodelsincluding(1)
tweets, historical and additional model and (2) violent, historical and additional model. Assault
showed the highest values during Bulls home games; battery showed the highest values
during Blackhawks away games and on control days; criminal damage showed similar values
over the bins; motor vehicle theft had the highest values during Blackhawks and Bulls home
games; other oense had the highest values during away games of the Blackhawks; robbery
had higher values during Blackhawks home and away games and on control days; and theft
showed similar values over the bins. It is interesting that motor vehicle theft had a 10-
percentage point improvement in AUC for Chicago Bulls home games. During Blackhawks
home games, the violent tweets model performed worse than the historical crime model. In
addition, regarding the AUC values, the highest values, above 0.70, occurred during
Blackhawks home games.
On control days, assault prediction was improved by at least 4 percentage points
through adding tweets or violent tweets in the model. For assault, the away Blackhawks
Figure 10. AUC and AUC improvement for the seven crime types *AUC real values are presented only
for assault in order to save space.
game days and control days had the highest AUC dierences between bins. For criminal
damage, the Bulls home and away games had a higher AUC increase. Other oense
models had the highest AUC during Bulls away games, and almost all models improved
for this bin by at least 6 percentage points. Robbery AUC improved by more than 8
percentage points by integrating tweets during control days and violent tweets for
Blackhawks away games. Compared to the other crime types, battery and theft showed
the smallest improvements in the AUC (i.e. under 2 percentage points). For theft, adding
additional measures made the model performed worse than the historical crime model.
4.2.2. AUC comparison between game and control days
Because of the high attendance for sporting events, such as basketball and hockey games,
plus additional people watching the games through other media sources at dierent
locations throughout the city, we expected a change in spatial crime patterns and an
increase in geo-located Twitter messages mostly in the subsets of violent tweets. The
density results indicated that spatial crime pattern changes between the ve bins occur
mostly during Bulls home games. There was a general slope pattern, the lowest AUC for
the historical crime model, increasing systematically in the next ve models (Figure 11).
For Chicago Bulls home games, the highest improvement occurred when adding
tweets and violent tweets for motor vehicle theft, and then for robbery. These two
crime types showed more than a 6 percentage points increase in the AUC. Theft and
battery had low increase values (2 percentage points at the most), and the AUC for theft
decreased by 2 percentage points when adding additional data. Major improvements for
motor vehicle theft, other oenses, and robbery were shown for Chicago Bulls away
games. The theft AUC decreased when adding additional data during home games.
While there were more tweets and violent tweets in the city during Blackhawks home
games compared to other bins, the prediction models showed lower improvements than
for other bins. The maximum AUC improvement in this bin was 2 percentage points for
Figure 11. AUC and AUC improvement for the ve bins *AUC real values are presented only for home
games Chicago bulls in order to save space.
some models, while other models decreased in accuracy compared to the historical
model. For Chicago Blackhawks away games, robbery and motor vehicle theft showed
high AUC improvements while including violent tweets together with additional data (10
and 8 percentage points, respectively), followed by assault with a 6 percentage point
improvement; theft, battery and criminal damage showed low improvements of 2 per-
centage points or less. While expecting lower improvements using tweets for control
days, the models showed high improvements for assault, motor vehicle theft, other
oense, and robbery.
5. Discussion
This study provides further insight into the spatial relationships between crime occur-
rences and geo-tagged Twitter messages. It also integrates demographic, socio-eco-
nomic, and environmental information for the city of Chicago during basketball
Chicago Bulls and hockey games Chicago Blackhawks. Aside from discovering
valuable spatial dependencies, this research adopts a localized kernel density estimation
(LKDE) model for crime prediction during game and control days. We assume that some
future crimes will occur in similar locations where historical crimes and historical tweets
were posted, and our assumption was conrmed by higher prediction performance for
models including social media data compared with traditional ones based only on
historical crime. Yet, the models are applied for only seven crime types, each one of
them including various subtypes that have diverse space-time patterns associated,
implicitly routine activities. Whilst both property (motor vehicle theft, other oense)
and violent crimes (assault, robbery) display gains in performance due to social media
inclusion, this does not extend to every crime type (i.e. battery and theft). Cross-crime
type interactions may be adding prediction power for crimes where historical data has
clear space-time patterns.
5.1. Spatial distribution of crime occurrences and social media data
While analyzing aggregated crime typesdensity for 1 km radius around the United
Center, two highlights emerged: shifting crime hot spots in the immediate vicinity of
the stadium (i.e. higher crime volume during home game days for both teams) and static
crime hot spots in the western part of the stadium, supporting the notion that crime
behavior shifted in space and time (Malleson and Andresen 2015a). The static hotspots
can be linked to the highly clustered African-American population residing there, which,
as shown in previous literature, may be correlated with higher crime rates (Quillian and
Pager 2001, Gabbidon and Greene 2018). Encountering racial discrimination has the
potential to increase African-American oending, also because of over-policing a well-
known phenomenon in the United States (Weitzer 2017). Other researchers suggest that
higher poverty rates (in both predominantly white and black neighborhoods) might
explain dierences in crime rates rather than intuitions or assumptions about racial factors
(Hannon and DeFina 2005).
Aggregated crimes and geo-located tweets form moderate spatial clusters in the city of
Chicago, and violent tweets have a low positive correlation. We observed battery and
theft to be more spatially clustered than all other crime types. Battery is a criminal oense
that is lower in the violence ranking than assault, which involves oensive physical
contact with another individual. In contrast, theft involves the illegal taking of another
individuals property. Assault, criminal damage, motor vehicle theft, robbery, and theft
show a more spatially clustered pattern during game days. For some crime types, like theft
or drug handling, a spatial link between networks of criminals exists. For example, when
small crime clusters are identied in the eld, they may represent acts of the same gang or
group members in specic locations, such as the city of Chicago (Block 2000, Klein and
Maxson 2010).
Geo-located Twitter messages and violent tweets had higher densities around the
United Center. In the surrounding areas (1 km radius), the density is similar in all ve bins.
While analyzing the entire city, bivariate spatial autocorrelations between crimes and
tweets show higher spatial clustering during days where the Chicago Bulls played a home
game but not for the Chicago Blackhawks. This may indicate that there is more spatial
connectivity between crime locations and the use of social media when the basketball
team plays home games. This nding is consistent with the density analyses, in which a
dierent crime count between home game days and comparison days is apparent. Fans
can become violent or distracted after games, irrespective of whether a game is won or
lost, causing violence and potentially trac negligence (Smith 1979, Wood et al.2011).
Research shows that game outcomes can cause negative or disruptive behavior in sports
fans (Andresen and Tong 2012, Copus and Laqueur 2014). However, analyzing the out-
come of a game would imply sociological and psychological explanations, which was not
the purpose of this study.
5.2. Covariates explaining crime occurrences
Many covariates need to be considered when analyzing crime occurrences and imple-
menting crime prediction models. Usually, researchers tend to use enduring character-
istics as covariates, such as demographics, socio-economics, and environmental factors (e.
g. parking areas, lighting, bars, buildings). Our study supports recent research showing
the importance of dynamic variables in crime prediction. For example, urban events,
policy changes in the use of social media, new crime prevention models, neighborhood
watch, highly changeable weather conditions, emerging events (e.g. protests, transport
blockage, tourist seasons), and others constitute elements which show dynamic spatial
and temporal characteristics. In this study, we used geo-located tweets and violent tweets
as dynamic spatiotemporal data. Despite the fact that tweets are unlikely to explicitly
detail the planning of a crime or its characteristics, messages which refer to various violent
actions can be quantied. Although social media text analysis was still a challenge, we
used a method of extracting an inuential explanatory variable, namely violent tweets,
through sentiment analysis and bag-of-words extraction. In order to extract the most
important explanatory variables, we applied a Random Forest classier with the depen-
dent crime data.
As such, in our approach, we considered violenttweet density and crime density,
regardless of whether they referred to a specic crime or not. The 24 hours aggregation
assumes crime and tweets occur at the same time interval, yet there is a chance that a
group of tweets is posted before or after a crime event occurs. Most games happen in the
(early to late) evening, so the time frame for tweets following a crime is short. Crime
occurrences are sparse per location and time frame, hence by aggregating them per hour
we may have too few points at least for the way our models are built. Through the
24 hours aggregation, we assumed to have more violenttweets during sporting events
than during comparison days. However, while this is clear around the stadium, the pattern
dissipates across the city. Crime prediction models show performance improvements
while adding Twitter data not only for game days but also for control days, which
supports the idea that social media plays a role in city-wide prediction if only the area
around the stadium is considered, the performance may or may not be higher during
game days.
In addition, we used Twitter data in combination with ambient LandScan data to create
a new variable, entitled population at-crime risk,for each of the ve bins. Although this
feature showed high importance during Random Forest feature selection, there is litera-
ture investigating dierent ways of calculating the ambient population. However, to date,
there is no unanimously accepted method in the eld of spatial crime analysis for
calculating whether a population is at risk.
5.3. Is twitter data inuential for crime prediction models?
As explained before, a key contribution of this study was applying density and spatial
autocorrelation techniques in order to show the spatial patterns of crime and social media
on a buer around both a venue and for the entire city, after which important explanatory
variables for crime prediction models were selected.
The prediction models focused on KDE and LKDE density methods. KDE assumes that
areas with historically high crime occurrences are more likely to encounter crime in the
future. LKDE addresses two limitations of KDE, showing lower computational complexity
and the kernel function choice. This method establishes a dynamic bandwidth and
exponentially decaying interpolation kernel according to the data fed in the algorithm.
Practically, the LKDE creates focused convolution kernels when dense data is available
and enlarged kernels for spread data. One potential shortcoming of both methods could
be that both begin by overlaying a grid (with nequally sized cells) on top of the study
area. Current literature oers some guidance to determine grid cell size (Caplan et al.
2011, Kennedy et al.2011), but there is no fully accepted rule about it. A density estimate
based on the center points of each grid cell was calculated, and thus changes in this
parameter would probably yield dierent results. There are various ways to approximate
an integral value for a grid square (e.g. by using multiple points in a grid instead of the
center). We acknowledge that by using a dierent approach than the center point, which
might produce dierent results. Ultimately, building the logistic regression models using
a LibLinear classier started once the density estimates were obtained. For future work,
we are planning to test multiple classiers.
By integrating geo-located tweets and violent tweets into prediction models we
noticed various improvements. The outcomes were highly dependent on historical
data that was fed into the prediction model. The predicted areas represented an
extrapolation from past crimes, so they were highly dependent on the quality of the
historical crime data. Biases introduced in the training data will likely skew the predic-
tion outcomes. For example, if a specic pattern is shown in the training data, the model
will most likely predict according to that pattern. Thus, if the prediction day is an outlier
of the pattern, the outcome will show inaccurate values. At the same time, an increase
in social media messaging or violent posts when crime is stable can also modulate the
prediction. Thus, historical crime and Twitter datasets present limitations, which
resulted in a relative prediction improvement.Nonetheless, our results, complemented
by previous literature, indicate the feasibility of using Twitter data in capturing irregular
routines, and thus crime.
As a follow-up, historical data can often be a cause of inconsistency in the prediction
values while analyzing Chicago Blackhawks home games. The maximum AUC improve-
ment in this bin was 23 percentage points, while in the other bins we found values that
improved by 68 percentage points. In addition, some of the models were worse than the
historical crime prediction. Considering the volume, more tweets and violent tweets were
posted in this bin, but they were not able to exhibit signicant increases in the AUC. While
testing other prediction days for Blackhawk home games, we noticed a greater improve-
ment than the one discussed in this study for the averaged four days. It could be that
information from the explanatory variables showed inconsistency for the prediction days
or those other elements should have been considered for the prediction days (e.g.
weather conditions, higher attendance at the stadium, other events in the city, policy
change). A more detailed analysis is needed from criminological and sociological per-
spectives to determine the sources of these inconsistencies.
We expected higher AUC during game days in models including tweets and violent
tweets because more individuals use social media messages to express themselves about
sports, as past literature has already shown (Corney et al.2014). Interestingly, we noticed
that our models also improved for control days. This highlights the importance of
considering the prediction day and environmental factors in an analysis, as their integra-
tion can change the prediction patterns observed. The results were for the entire city of
Chicago, so these results might also show that regardless of whether there is a game at
the stadium, integrating tweets and mostly violent tweets were able to improve predic-
tion models. While behavioral criminology and spatial crime studies show that changes in
crime occur around a stadium when home games are played, these results for the entire
city show prediction improvement for all the selected days.
Overall, Twitter data can capture routine activities associated with crowd-based events
in a way that would be impossible without an advanced data infrastructure that can
capture micro-level population changes. Compared to other dynamic big datasources
recently introduced in crime prediction models, Twitter data is highly accessible and
includes a wide level of detail (personal, temporal and content-wise).
5.4. Crime types space-time patterns: distinct prediction outcome
Regarding prediction for crime types, distinct improvements were seen after introducing
social media variables. Battery and theft, which had the highest density in our dataset and
were among the most spatially clustered crime incidents, yielded the lowest model
improvements. This shows that when the crime data is dense and widely spread over
the prediction territory, together with spatiotemporal stability, additional data will inu-
ence the prediction but not as much as it inuences less dense crime types. These crime
types can also have temporal patterns that predict activity in the immediate feature, such
as repeats and near repeats (Chainey 2012), so additional data could harm the accuracy of
the prediction. While, in general, tweets and violent tweets improved prediction accuracy
compared with the historical prediction models, other oenses and motor vehicle theft
were identied to be the main crime types for which the Twitter data had the highest
inuence in prediction models.
For a venue with diverse visitors for sporting events in a given time interval, correlation
with some specic crime types occurs because of the presence of victims and oenders
together in a greater concentration. Large events attract high attendance and they
change the normal cycle of activities in an area, thus representing an irregular routine,
an event-routine activity for a location that can attract or generate criminal behavior.
Twitter data capture potentially criminogenic movement patterns, which are dicult for
authorities to extract from other data sources: individual personal information, where
people are located, what are their feelings, what are their plans and other information.
Motor vehicle theft is a property crime and it refers to the theft or attempted theft of a
motor vehicle (Federal Bureau of Investigation 2018). This crime type has a strong seasonal
trend and is one of the most commonly occurring crimes in the USA, with 689,527 reported
incidents nationwide in 2014 (Piza et al.2017). People may oer opportunities to oenders
by parking their cars in low-security parking areas and also by leaving valuables in the car,
which can serve to generate crime (Brantingham and Brantingham 1981,Kinneyet al.2008).
Furthermore, the car model and the low lighting may be a risk factor for motor vehicle theft
(Clarke 2002). Twitter data oers a unique opportunity to measure how many people, and
by proxy cars, are in an area at a specic time. Moreover, at the individual level, statistical
and graph analysis can be applied to classify user proles based on suspicious tweets and
identify inuencersbackground to nd connections with criminal activity. For this study, we
are not approaching the individual level, yet it is important to mention the important role
played by Twitter analysis.
Compared with theft and battery, which are dense and show clear spatial clusters,
motor vehicle theft is scarce, revealing the need for additional information in under-
standing it. This study shows that Twitter data captured part of the content needed for
predicting vehicle theft in space and time. Future research should consider additional
explanatory variables for this crime time in order to understand it better.
Another property crime, criminal damage, showed the highest improvements when
adding violent tweets and additional data in the models for Chicago Bulls home and
away games. Criminal damage occurs when someone willfully destroys or damages prop-
erty without the consent of the owner (Federal Bureau of Investigation 2018). This crime
type typically refersto property damage such as vandalism, damage to a vehicle, or damage
to state property.
The other oense crime type is a complex amalgamated category, and it can include
telephone threat, possession of burglary tools, harassment by telephone, violation of
order or protection, other crimes against a person, other crimes involving property,
compounding a crime, and others. This type of crime can happen in the awareness
space of a person that can overlap with the action space of a possible oender
(Brantingham and Brantingham 1981). In addition, it can represent hooliganism beha-
viors, and such events might be associated with irregularly large groups of people that are
not associated with traditional correlates of crime. Examining basketball fan behavior
during home and away games may prove to be an interesting sociological study, similar
to football hooliganism studies in the United Kingdom (Dunning et al.2014), where
stadiums act as crime attractors and generators (Brantingham and Brantingham 1981).
5.5. Limitations
An important limitation concerns the modiable areal unit problem (MAUP) (Openshaw
and Openshaw 1984). The spatial units used in this study were squared grid cells of 200m x
200m over Chicago, which can oer an overview of crime distribution at this scale. However,
while changing the scale, and shape, we would likely have found dierent results. For
example, grid cells that are considered to be crime hot spots can easily become neutral. This
is very important for law enforcement and can lead to inaccuracy in crime prediction, and,
ultimately inappropriate spatial assignment of police patrols. In addition, we acknowledge
the problem of temporal aggregation in 24 hours slots, which is similar to the spatial
aggregation discussed in the MAUP. While for this research we obtained daily predictions
with daily general patterns, for a real-time crime prediction model, the design needs to be
changed to other temporal aggregation. This brings ideas for future research: dierent
aggregation bins, moving average, times of the day, and others.
Another concern is related to crime data quality and geo-privacy aggregation, namely
at the street level or block level. Practically, if the real coordinate for a crime occurrence is
50-100m away from the analyzed location, then the analysis is just relative. Crime loca-
tions are extracted from freely available data made available by the Chicago Police, with
unreported crimes not represented in this study. In addition, the temporal stamp of some
crime types is unclear, adding additional uncertainty in the analysis. This limitation is
widely-known to criminologists and other researchers using crime data. Therefore, when
using limited crime data and publicly available subsets of Twitter data, we need to be
careful in assessing the usefulness of social media data for crime prediction (e.g. the
results are relative, and they can be skewed from both sides for both crime and tweets).
The methods presented in this paper can be used with real locations if available, and it
would be interesting to see the change in patterns and the eects of spatial and temporal
aggregation using the most accurate data.
6. Conclusion
Findings from this study suggest that using Twitter data can have a signicant inuence
on building predictive models for seven crime types, when used in conjunction with their
time stamps, into spatial prediction models. Our study reinforces the strength given by
learning about individuals and groups from only analyzing their behavior in social media,
allowing the integration of human mobility (where people are at certain times) for
possible improvement of space-time crime prediction. Injecting tweets or violent tweets
into prediction models led to an improved prediction accuracy of crime occurrences
compared to a prediction where only historical crime data was considered.
The results of this work, supplemented by additional research, can be helpful in under-
standing the spatial distribution of criminal activity during basketball and hockey games
and the usability of implementing geo-coded social media data (and violent tweets) on
predicting future crimes. The outcomes of this study point to several future paths, includ-
ing (1) further tailoring of social media text analysis for extracting signicant features,
include message topics, helping to extract pre- and post- crime messages; (2) incorporating
additional dynamic spatial data (mobility data, mobile phone data) in crime prediction
models and extracting possible crime risk factors; (3) exploiting the results to incorporate
information about public events in the city in a single prediction model that can be robust
and transferable. The current research can be applied to other types of events and to other
locations. In addition, it is worth mentioning the necessity of studying more prediction
evaluation methods. In this analysis, we used the surveillance plots, which measure the
percentage of true incidents captured on the prediction day that occurred within the
percentage of the area surveilled, for which we presented a summary of their AUC.
In future work, we are planning to analyze dierent outcomes when covering dierent
percentages of an area. Moreover, we will investigate more evaluation metrics, such as the
ones proposed by Adepeju and colleagues (2016). Note that accurate predictions do not
automatically lead to major crime reductions, but they can be relevant in decision-making.
However, results may vary because of the geographical space, along with culture, religion,
education, socioeconomic factors, and human behaviors that are dierent across the globe.
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This research was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) through the Doctoral College
GIScience at the University of Salzburg [DK W 1237-N23].
Notes on contributors
Alina Ristea received her Ph.D. from the Interfaculty Department Geoinformatics Z_GIS, University
of Salzburg in 2019 and currently works as postdoctoral research associate at Boston Area Research
Initiative (BARI), School of Public Policy and Urban Aairs, Northeastern University. Her research
interests include geoinformatics and its application to urban systems, forecasting analytics, spatial
crime patterns, safety perception, neighborhood disorder, social media mining, predictive analytics.
Mohammad Al Boni received his Ph.D. in Systems and Information Engineering from the University
of Virginia in 2017 and currently works as a lead data scientist at CyberCube. His research interests
include computational intelligence, text mining, data fusion and pattern recognition. Al Boni is a
member of the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, and he received a Fulbright Scholarship in 2012.
Bernd Resch is an Associate Professor at University of Salzburg's Department of Geoinformatics -
Z_GIS and a Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (USA). His research interest revolves around
understanding cities as complex systems through analysing a variety of digital data sources,
focusing on developing machine learning algorithms to analyse human-generated data like social
media posts and physiological measurements from wearable sensors. Amongst a variety of other
functions, he is an Editorial Board Member of IJHG, IJGI and PLOS ONE, a scientic committee
member of various international conferences, and an Executive Board member of Spatial Services
Matthew S. Gerber was an Assistant Professor of Systems and Information Engineering at University
of Virginia until 2019. He has research interests in Cyber-Human Systems (CHSs), which couple
humans and computing to advance human capabilities and wellbeing. He is investigating how
humans perceive their environment (e.g., its safety and risks), how these perceptions inuence
behavior, and spatiotemporal risk prediction.
Michael Leitner received his Ph.D. in Geographic Information Science (GISc) at the Department of
Geography, State University of New York at Bualo, US in 1997. He is currently a Professor of
Geography in the Department of Geography and Anthropology, Louisiana State University, US. He
was the recipient of the 2007 Meredith F. Burrill Award from the American Association of
Geographers and of a Fulbright Scholarship to the Institute of Geography and Spatial
Management, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland from 2017-18. He was appointed editor of
the Cartography and Geographic Information Science (CaGIS) journal from 20082014. His main
research interests are in GISc and their applications to spatial crime analysis, medical geography,
and geospatial privacy.
Alina Ristea
Bernd Resch
Michael Leitner
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Explorations Newsletter, 20 (1), 112. doi:10.1145/3229329
... Environmental criminology addresses the spatial distribution of crime (Bruinsma & Johnson, 2018) based on the assumption that spatial distribution of crime in a city is not random (Anselin et al., 2000;Block & Block, 1995;Fitzgerald et al., 2004;Kounadi et al., 2020;Ristea et al., 2020). Additionally, it is important to consider the context (e.g., the built environment) in the spatial analysis of crime (Fitzgerald et al., 2004;Kinney et al., 2008;Lama & Rathore, 2017), as reported offences vary from one area to another in response to the interaction of urban context with diverse variables (Kounadi et al., 2020). ...
... Additionally, it is important to consider the context (e.g., the built environment) in the spatial analysis of crime (Fitzgerald et al., 2004;Kinney et al., 2008;Lama & Rathore, 2017), as reported offences vary from one area to another in response to the interaction of urban context with diverse variables (Kounadi et al., 2020). Kinney et al. (2008) focus on the "when" and "where" of urban crime, identifying characteristics that could make places attractors, generators, or detractors of crime (Kinney et al., 2008;Ristea et al., 2020). Crime attractors are places in cities with characteristics that provide opportunities for criminals. ...
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This study assessed the influence of socioeconomic and demographic indicators on different types of crime and explored the spatial and temporal dynamics of crime. Between 2014 and 2020, 174,365 criminal events registered in Quito, Ecuador, were collected and aggregated at an administrative area level. Time-series decompositions, spatial autocorrelations, and regression models were applied, considering different types of crime as dependent variables. A marked seasonal component of crime and crime hotspots in the center of the study area was identified. Crime events are likely to increase significantly by 2025. We also found that unemployment, schooling, unsatisfied basic needs, and especially the density of bars and night clubs are socioeconomic indicators influencing crime. Urban crimes present specific spatial and temporal patterns, and crime events can be explained by urban socioeconomic conditions.
... Worldwide, the perception of those affected and actors involved in the security of sporting events varies according to the country and the current regulatory framework. In Australia, security protocols are well developed and based on a preventive approach with the collaboration of the police, organizers and private security providers, which generates a positive perception of their effectiveness, although weaknesses persist in the face of unexpected incidents such as crowds (Ristea et al., 2020). In Japan, the perception of property protection is also generally positive thanks to strict regulations, advanced technology and a culture of compliance, although during large-scale events, such as the Olympic Games, protection can be compromised by the large Carranza, F., M., P. (2025) Barriers and Limitations in Protocols to Protect the Right to Property in Sporting Events from the Perspective of the SDGs number of attendees, representing a logistical challenge for the security system (Mohammadnejad et al., 2022). ...
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Objective: The study examined the barriers and limitations in current protocols to protect the right to property in sporting events, considering the importance of citizen safety and the need to improve the effectiveness of such protocols under a systematic review model. Theoretical Framework: The right to property is a fundamental human right, widely recognized in both national legislation and international instruments. From a historical perspective, the right to property has been a fundamental axis in the development of civil law and has been closely linked to the protection of individual freedom and economic development. Method: A basic, non-experimental, descriptive and systematic review study was considered, 18 articles from three high-impact and citation databases (Scopus, Web Of Science, Doaj) were systematized. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the lack of inter-institutional coordination, the limited training of security personnel, and the insufficient technological infrastructure constitute the main barriers that hinder the effective protection of property in sporting events. Research Implications: It was concluded that the implementation of a comprehensive approach, which includes improved coordination, specific training and the use of advanced technologies, would contribute to overcoming these limitations and optimizing the efficiency of security protocols in sporting events. Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by examining the barriers and limitations in protocols for protecting property rights specifically in the context of sporting events, an area that has received limited academic attention. The research offers an innovative approach by combining a systematic review of high-impact databases with a focus on how security protocols align with the objectives of sustainable development (SDGs), particularly in terms of ensuring justice and strong institutions (ODS 16).
... They implemented sentiment analysis to delve into user behaviors and utilized a Markov Model-based part-of-speech tagger and Brown clustering for an in-depth tweet analysis. Ristea et al. [52] investigated the spatial interconnections between criminal activities and demographic, socio-economic, and environmental variables with geo-tagged Twitter messages, focusing on game days for basketball and hockey compared to non-game days. This examination involved analyzing the spatial and temporal alignment of crimes and tweets, employing feature selection models to pinpoint essential variables, and adopting localized kernel density estimation for projecting crime occurrences about sporting events and during regular days. ...
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Online social networks, especially Twitter, have become focal points for illicit activities, providing unique criminal investigation opportunities. This paper introduces an innovative methodology that uses social media sentiment analysis to predict criminal activities. One major challenge in sentiment analysis is the uneven distribution of sentiment classes, where traditional models often fail to accurately classify instances of the minority class due to the overwhelming presence of majority class data. To tackle this issue, we propose a model that combines a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm with a scope loss function. The RL approach uses a reward mechanism that assigns a more significant value to correctly predicting minority class instances over majority class ones. The scope loss function ensures an optimal balance between utilizing known data and exploring new data, thus maintaining a delicate equilibrium between accuracy and generalizability. Our model employs a series of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to extract significant features from textual content, which are then utilized for sentiment classification. We also incorporate an advanced artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization technique to refine the model’s hyperparameters. The effectiveness of our approach was empirically tested using two distinct datasets: one consisting of crime incident reports from the Chicago Police Department covering the period from September 2019 to July 2024 and another comprising tweets containing crime-related terms related to Chicago. The predictive capabilities of our proposed model were benchmarked against existing models, demonstrating superior performance with accuracies of 96.411% and 94.088%, respectively. This breakthrough highlights the potential of integrating sentiment analysis with reinforcement learning to significantly enhance the predictive accuracy of crime-related activities in online social networks, offering valuable insights for law enforcement and criminal investigation applications.
... Sporting events often garner substantial media attention and coverage [10], drawing large numbers of fans to various media channels [30]. This is beneficial for athletes, as their participation in events, whether international or national, typically attracts media coverage. ...
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This research investigates the strategies by which Olympic athletes can engage with and connect to fans during the four-year interval between Olympic Games. Fifteen professionals from media, marketing, and academia participated in qualitative interviews. The insights from experts underscored several vital strategies, including crafting and distributing content on social media; increase exposure through mass media; engaging in and covering various sporting events; establishing partnerships with brands; sharing personal aspects of their lives; and organizing fan clubs and events
... Research on the nexus between crime and sports has examined major events related to football, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, and racing (e.g. Block, 2021;Block & Kaplan, 2022;Kurland & Piza, 2018;Mares & Blackburn, 2019;Piquero, Piquero, & Riddell, 2021;Ristea, Boni, Resch, Gerber, & Leitner, 2020) while similar efforts have even been extended to theme parks (Han, Nobles, Piquero, & Piquero, 2021). Many of these studies have explored the influence of specific offenses, such as auto theft (Pyun & Hall, 2019), human trafficking (Finkel & Finkel, 2015;Milivojević & Pickering, 2008;Piquero et al., 2021), and intimate partner violence (Boutilier, Jadidzadeh, Esina, Wells, & Kneebone, 2017;Card & Dahl, 2011). ...
The Ironman Triathlon is a globally recognized event; however, there is a lack of research concerning its influence on crime in host cities. This study examines the extent to which the Ironman Triathlon, as a multi-day and mobile event, influences crime across and within the host city. Using city-wide and census tract- level crime data surrounding the May and September 2019 Ironman Competitions held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) analyses explore the potential temporary effects of the event. Results indicate city wide changes in crime, as well as tract-specific effects, but most achieved only marginal statistical significance, and all were limited to the May event.
... However, sentiment analysis cannot be applied to high-dimensional and complexing enquires in crime data. Also, it faces challenges such as lexical diversity and dataset imbalance [12]. Fig. 1 shows the general work flow of ML and DL model. ...
The goal of crime prediction is to help law enforcement authorities to prevent crimes before they happen by identifying and reducing potential future crimes. In present days, crime cases are rapidly occur so it is a challenging task to accurately predict and classify the future crimes, as criminal patterns are adaptable and constantly evolve, making it a challenging task. Sentiment analysis is essential for deciphering the feelings conveyed in text since social media has grown into a popular venue for individuals to communicate their thoughts, feelings, views, and comments. This analysis is particularly valuable for making informed decisions in business, politics and government agencies especially to identify crimes. However, it faces the difficulties like lexical diversity and dataset imbalance. In order to make better decisions and maybe lower the risk of predicting the suspects in a crime, early crime prediction has lately made use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models like Deep Learning (DL) and Machine Learning (ML). When applied to crime data, ML and DL models may assist pinpoint possible crime hotspots and foretell when crimes may occur. Crime prediction and categorization using social media posts is covered in depth in this paper, which offers a comprehensive overview of several ML and DL frameworks. Initially, different ML and DL based crime prediction models designed by many researchers are examined in brief. The next step is to do a comparison research to learn about the shortcomings of those frameworks and provide an alternative method for effectively predicting crimes based on social media postings.
... The number, volume, and coverage of archives news channel and online newspapers are examples of web-based news resources, which has exploded, and they now contain both relevant and authentic data [20]. However, because the data in the archives is not well organized and categorized, extracting relevant information about specific or intriguing criminal incidents might be difficult [26]. ...
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It is said that prevention is better than cure. Hence the idea of preventing crime from occurring is the best for public safety. This can only be achieved if the law enforcement agencies have a prior knowledge of where and when a crime will occur. A crime is an act that is criminal under the law. It is detrimental to society to comprehend crime in order to prevent criminal action. In order to prevent and solve crime, data-driven research is beneficial. Bandit crime has been on the rise in Nigeria, thereby causing public disorder. In this study, from the perspective of artificial intelligence, a novel hybrid deep learning model for crime prediction is proposed. Bandits crime datasets are obtained online through news archives which are less expensive. Spatial crime analysis was carried out on the novel bandit crime dataset obtained and prediction were made using the newly proposed DeCXGBoost model. A comparative analysis was performed with respect to precision, recall, f-measure, and accuracy with other crime predictions algorithms and the proposed model outperformed the other algorithms with accuracy of 99.9999%.
In this chapter, the authors analyze online shopping crime, drug trafficking via the dark web, and cyberstalking to illustrate the wide range of problems that arise when trying to criminalize, prevent, and police these activities on social media. An in-depth examination of cybercrime while recharging DTH cases and their newsworthiness in traditional media is a difficult endeavor that is beyond the scope of this research. Instead, this chapter focuses on the process of agenda-building, especially as it relates to social media, the impact of the social environment, and the potential of “ordinary” people to affect agenda definition. They also investigate the reach of the intended audience, the possibility of a “trial by social media,” and the function of social media in relation to pre-crime, monitoring, and preventive concerns. Finally, they urge criminologists and social scientists to be more daring and critical in confronting the difficulties provided by new technology.
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Abstract Nowadays, Location-Based Social Networks (LBSN) collect a vast range of information which can help us to understand the regional dynamics (i.e. human mobility) across an entire city. LBSN provides unprecedented opportunities to tackle various social problems. In this work, we explore dynamic features derived from Foursquare check-in data in short-term crime event prediction with fine spatio-temporal granularity. While crime event prediction has been investigated widely due to its social importance, its success rate is far from satisfactory. The existing studies rely on relatively static features such as regional characteristics, demographic information and the topics obtained from tweets but very few studies focus on exploring human mobility through social media. In this study, we identify a number of dynamic features based on the research findings in Criminology, and report their correlations with different types of crime events. In particular, we observe that some types of crime events are more highly correlated to the dynamic features, e.g., Theft, Drug Offence, Fraud, Unlawful Entry and Assault than others e.g. Traffic Related Offence. A key challenge of the research is that the dynamic information is very sparse compared to the relatively static information. To address this issue, we develop a matrix factorization based approach to estimate the missing dynamic features across the city. Interestingly, the estimated dynamic features still maintain the correlation with crime occurrence across different types. We evaluate the proposed methods in different time intervals. The results verify that the crime prediction performance can be significantly improved with the inclusion of dynamic features across different types of crime events.
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Predictive hotspot mapping plays a critical role in hotspot policing. Existing methods such as the popular kernel density estimation (KDE) do not consider the temporal dimension of crime. Building upon recent works in related fields, this article proposes a spatio-temporal framework for predictive hotspot mapping and evaluation. Comparing to existing work in this scope, the proposed framework has four major features: (1) a spatio-temporal kernel density estimation (STKDE) method is applied to include the temporal component in predictive hotspot mapping, (2) a data-driven optimization technique, the likelihood cross-validation, is used to select the most appropriate bandwidths, (3) a statistical significance test is designed to filter out false positives in the density estimates, and (4) a new metric, the predictive accuracy index (PAI) curve, is proposed to evaluate predictive hotspots at multiple areal scales. The framework is illustrated in a case study of residential burglaries in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2011, and the results validate its utility.
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Crime prediction is crucial to criminal justice decision makers and efforts to prevent crime. The paper evaluates the explanatory and predictive value of human activity patterns derived from taxi trip, Twitter and Foursquare data. Analysis of a six-month period of crime data for New York City shows that these data sources improve predictive accuracy for property crime by 19% compared to using only demographic data. This effect is strongest when the novel features are used together, yielding new insights into crime prediction. Notably and in line with social disorganisation theory, the novel features cannot improve predictions for violent crimes.
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Abstract Traditional crime prediction models based on census data are limited, as they fail to capture the complexity and dynamics of human activity. With the rise of ubiquitous computing, there is the opportunity to improve such models with data that make for better proxies of human presence in cities. In this paper, we leverage large human mobility data to craft an extensive set of features for crime prediction, as informed by theories in criminology and urban studies. We employ averaging and boosting ensemble techniques from machine learning, to investigate their power in predicting yearly counts for different types of crimes occurring in New York City at census tract level. Our study shows that spatial and spatio-temporal features derived from Foursquare venues and checkins, subway rides, and taxi rides, improve the baseline models relying on census and POI data. The proposed models achieve absolute R2 R2R^{2} metrics of up to 65% (on a geographical out-of-sample test set) and up to 89% (on a temporal out-of-sample test set). This proves that, next to the residential population of an area, the ambient population there is strongly predictive of the area’s crime levels. We deep-dive into the main crime categories, and find that the predictive gain of the human dynamics features varies across crime types: such features bring the biggest boost in case of grand larcenies, whereas assaults are already well predicted by the census features. Furthermore, we identify and discuss top predictive features for the main crime categories. These results offer valuable insights for those responsible for urban policy or law enforcement.
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The concern that mass media may be responsible for aggressive and criminal behavior is widespread. Comparatively little consideration has been given to its diversionary function. We test for the effect of television entertainment on crime by leveraging the randomness inherent in the scheduling of sporting events. We compare Chicago crime reports by the half hour when Chicago’s sports teams are playing to reports at the same time, day, and month when the teams are not playing. We conduct the same analysis for the Super Bowl, National Basketball Association Finals, and Major League Baseball World Series. We find consistent decreases in crime during games. Short-term crime displacement is minimal or nonexistent.
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The use of social media data for the spatial analysis of crime patterns during social events has proven to be instructive. This study analyzes the geography of crime considering hockey game days, criminal behaviour, and Twitter activity. Specifically, we consider the relationship between geolocated crime-related Twitter activity and crime. We analyze six property crime types that are aggregated to the dissemination area base unit in Vancouver, for two hockey seasons through a game and non-game temporal resolution. Using the same method, geolocated Twitter messages and environmental variables are aggregated to dissemination areas. We employ spatial clustering, dictionary-based mining for tweets, spatial autocorrelation, and global and local regression models (spatial lag and geographically weighted regression). Findings show an important influence of Twitter data for theft-from-vehicle and mischief, mostly on hockey game days. Relationships from the geographically weighted regression models indicate that tweets are a valuable independent variable that can be used in explaining and understanding crime patterns. © 2018 Canadian Association of Geographers / L'Association canadienne des géographes.
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Urban safety and security play a crucial role in improving life quality of citizen and the sustainable development of urban. Traditional urban crime research focused on leveraging demographic data, which is insufficient to capture the complexity and dynamics of urban crimes. In the era of big data, we have witnessed advanced ways to collect and integrate fine-grained urban, mobile, and public service data that contains various crime-related sources as well as rich environmental and social information. The availability of big urban data provides unprecedented opportunities to enable us to construct advanced urban crime research. Meanwhile, environmental and social crime theories from criminology provide better understandings about the behaviors of offenders and complex patterns of crime in urban. They not only can help bridge the gap from what we have (big urban data) to what we want to understand about urban crime (urban crime analysis); but also can guide us to build computational models for crime. In this article, we give an overview to these theories from criminology, summarize crime patterns observed from urban data, review state-of-the-art algorithms for various types of computational crime tasks and discuss some appealing research directions that can bring the urban safety and security research into a new frontier.
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In recent years, the field of crime prediction has drawn increasing attention in Japan. However, predicting crime in Japan is especially challenging because the crime rate is considerably lower than that of other developed countries, making the development of a statistical model for crime prediction quite difficult. Risk terrain modeling (RTM) may be the most suitable method, as it depends mainly on the environmental factors associated with crime and does not require past crime data. In this study, we applied RTM to cases of theft from vehicles in Fukuoka, Japan, in 2014 and evaluated the predictive performance (hit rate and predictive accuracy index) in comparison to other crime prediction techniques, including KDE, ProMap, and SEPP, which use past crime occurrences to predict future crime. RTM was approximately twice as effective as the other techniques. Based on the results, we discuss the merits of and drawbacks to using RTM in Japan.
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Crime prediction based on traditional socio-demographic data is of limited value because it fails to capture the complexity and dynamicity of human activity in cities. With the rise of ubiquitous computing, there is the opportunity to improve crime prediction models with crowdsourced data that make for better proxies of human activity. In this paper, we propose the use of Foursquare data for crime prediction. We employ feature selection techniques to investigate the power of different features derived from Foursquare check-ins in predicting crime counts in New York over a period of 5 years. Our study shows that the number of venues (as a metric of neighborhood popularity) and the venues entropy (as a metric of neighborhood diversity) are the most discriminative features when considering all incidents. The number of users and their interactions with the venues in form of check-ins in specific types of venues (as proxies for the functional decomposition of the neighborhood) become relevant for certain types of incidents.
The violence associated with football matches has long been acknowledged. In this chapter, we adopt a novel perspective that uses the framework of environmental criminology, whose principal concern is patterns of crime events focusing not on who engages in violence but on where and when violence occurs on football match days and why such patterns might emerge. We address questions about patterns of football‐related violence events, such as “Do hotspots of football‐related violence emerge around stadiums on match days and, if so, where?” and, related to this, “Do such hotspots (if they occur) appear in the same places (and times) on match and nonmatch days?” We present evidence that violent offending associated with football matches was clustered in space and time in data taken for a case study area. We also illustrate forms of analysis that can inform crime prevention and consider what sorts of strategies might be used to reduce this kind of violence.