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The Influence of the Aerobic Training on Muscle Hypertrophy: Literature Review



The literature presents some studies that show that aerobic exercise is responsible for mediating muscle catabolism. Thus, it is interpreted that continuous aerobic exercise produces little or no increase in muscle hypertrophy. The purpose of this review was to demonstrate the effects of aerobic training on muscle hypertrophy alone or in conjunction with resistance training. The present study is characterized by a review of the narrative literature, the databases of SciELO, Google academic and PubMed were consulted. Many studies show that aerobic training (AT) can promote hypertrophic responses in untrained individuals, however, these responses are related to exercise variables such as intensity, volume, frequency, and modality. Higher, continuous or interval intensities, at least 80% of the HRR, seem to be capable of promoting hypertrophic responses when compared to low intensities. In addition, the training volume may also influence this response and different modalities may have a distinct response to muscle hypertrophy. While the combination of TA and resistance training (TR) corresponds to concurrent training (CT), the literature demonstrates that AT in CT can negatively affect acute and chronic hypertrophic responses depending on intensity, volume, mode and training schedule. Keywords: Exercise. Physical Education and Training. Metabolism. ResumoA literatura apresenta alguns estudos que mostram que exercício aeróbio é responsável por mediar o catabolismo muscular. Dessa maneira, interpreta-se que o exercício contínuo aeróbio produz pouco ou nenhum aumento na hipertrofia muscular. O objetivo desta revisão foi demonstrar os efeitos do treinamento aeróbio sobre a hipertrofia muscular de forma isolada ou em conjunto com o treinamento resistido. O presente estudo caracteriza-se um delineamento de revisão de literatura narrativa, foram consultadas as bases de dados do SciELO, Google acadêmico e PubMed. Muitos estudos mostram que o treinamento aeróbio (TA) pode promover respostas hipertróficas em indivíduos não treinados, entretanto, estas respostas estão relacionadas às variáveis do exercícios como intensidade, volume, frequência e modalidade. Intensidades mais altas, contínuas ou intervaladas, no mínimo 80% da FCR, parecem ser capazes de promover respostas hipertróficas quando comparado a baixas intensidades. Além disso, o volume do treinamento também pode influenciar esta resposta e diferentes modalidades podem ter resposta distinta sobre a hipertrofia muscular. Enquanto a combinação do TA com o treinamento resistido (TR) corresponde ao treinamento concorrente (TC), a literatura demonstra que o TA no TC pode interferir negativamente nas respostas hipertróficas de maneira aguda e crônica dependendo da intensidade, volume, modalidade e programação de treinamento. Palavras-chave: Exercício. Educação Física e Treinamento. Metabolismo.
The Inuence of the Aerobic Training on Muscle Hypertrophy: Literature Review
J Health Sci 2019;21(4):382-5
Anderson Geremias Macedo*a; David Michel de Oliveirab
The literature presents some studies that show that aerobic exercise is responsible for mediating muscle catabolism. Thus, it is interpreted that
continuous aerobic exercise produces little or no increase in muscle hypertrophy. The purpose of this review was to demonstrate the eects of
aerobic training on muscle hypertrophy alone or in conjunction with resistance training. The present study is characterized by a review of the
narrative literature, the databases of SciELO, Google academic and PubMed were consulted. Many studies show that aerobic training (AT) can
promote hypertrophic responses in untrained individuals, however, these responses are related to exercise variables such as intensity, volume,
frequency, and modality. Higher, continuous or interval intensities, at least 80% of the HRR, seem to be capable of promoting hypertrophic
responses when compared to low intensities. In addition, the training volume may also inuence this response and dierent modalities may
have a distinct response to muscle hypertrophy. While the combination of TA and resistance training (TR) corresponds to concurrent training
(CT), the literature demonstrates that AT in CT can negatively aect acute and chronic hypertrophic responses depending on intensity, volume,
mode and training schedule.
Keywords: Exercise. Physical Education and Training. Metabolism.
A literatura apresenta alguns estudos que mostram que exercício aeróbio é responsável por mediar o catabolismo muscular. Dessa maneira,
interpreta-se que o exercício contínuo aeróbio produz pouco ou nenhum aumento na hipertroa muscular. O objetivo desta revisão foi
demonstrar os efeitos do treinamento aeróbio sobre a hipertroa muscular de forma isolada ou em conjunto com o treinamento resistido. O
presente estudo caracteriza-se um delineamento de revisão de literatura narrativa, foram consultadas as bases de dados do SciELO, Google
acadêmico e PubMed. Muitos estudos mostram que o treinamento aeróbio (TA) pode promover respostas hipertrócas em indivíduos não
treinados, entretanto, estas respostas estão relacionadas às variáveis do exercícios como intensidade, volume, frequência e modalidade.
Intensidades mais altas, contínuas ou intervaladas, no mínimo 80% da FCR, parecem ser capazes de promover respostas hipertrócas quando
comparado a baixas intensidades. Além disso, o volume do treinamento também pode inuenciar esta resposta e diferentes modalidades podem
ter resposta distinta sobre a hipertroa muscular. Enquanto a combinação do TA com o treinamento resistido (TR) corresponde ao treinamento
concorrente (TC), a literatura demonstra que o TA no TC pode interferir negativamente nas respostas hipertrócas de maneira aguda e crônica
dependendo da intensidade, volume, modalidade e programação de treinamento.
Palavras-chave: Exercício. Educação Física e Treinamento. Metabolismo.
The Inuence of the Aerobic Training on Muscle Hypertrophy: Literature Review
A Inuência do Treinamento Aeróbio Sobre a Hipertroa Muscular: Revisão de Literatura
aAnhanguera University, Physical Education Course. SP, Brazil.
bFederal University of Goiás, Department of Physical Education/ Special Unit of Sciences. GO, Brazil.
Recebido em: 22/04/2019; Aprovado em: 02/07/2019
1 Introduction
In literature it is not clear the role of aerobic training
(TA) on the muscle hypertrophy yet. Some evidences in
the literature show that aerobic exercise is responsible for
mediating muscle catabolism.1 Atherton et al.2 led a pioneering
study that explained the dierences in the responses of the
intracellular signaling between two types of exercises. Using
an animal model, the isolated plantar exor muscle of rats was
stimulated in two ways, with high frequency intermittently,
simulating the stimulus of the resistive exercise or low
frequency continuously simulating continuous exercise. The
analyzes after the intervention showed that the low frequency
stimulation increased the phosphorylation of activated protein
kinase (AMPK by adenosine monophosphate ) and high
frequency stimulation reduced the phosphorylation of this
protein. However, the phosphorylation of threonine\serotonin
tyrosine kinase (AKT) protein increased with the stimulus of
high frequency and reduced by stimulation of low frequency.
Thus, it seems that the intracellular responses via AMPK or
AKT may be mediated by the type of exercise. In addition,
the opposite intracellular signaling can reduce the adaptive
responses of skeletal muscle through the interaction between
these two proteins2.
However, some studies demonstrate that the TA alone
can promote the hypertrophy by increasing the activation
of rapamycin (mTOR) a protein important in the process of
intracellular signaling in the anabolism process3,4. On the other
hand, the TA when performed together with resistance training
(RT) seems to compromise the hypertrophic adaptations
J Health Sci 2019;21(4):382-5
Macedo, AG; Oliveira, DM
promoted by the TR5.6.
The purpose of this review was to demonstrate the
eects of aerobic training on muscle hypertrophy alone or in
conjunction with resistance training.
2 Development
This study aims to outline the literature of review narrative.
Books were analyzed regarding the theme and international
scientic articles found in the Scielo databases, Google Scholar
and PubMed. The following words were used in the Virtual
Health Library (VHL) in Portuguese: “hipertroa muscular”,
“treinamento aeróbio”, “treinamento resistido”, “treinamento
concorrente” and English: “hypertrophic muscle”, “ aerobic
training”, “ resistance training”, “concurrent training”. For
the inclusion criterion an analysis was used by checking the
studies that showed a relation with the theme of this study.
2.1 Discussion
2.1.1 Eects of aerobic exercise on the hypertrophy
Some studies in the literature show that TA can promote
hypertrophic responses in untrained individuals . With 12
weeks of TA it was able to promote increases in skeletal muscle
mass in men and untrained women 7. This answer seems to be
mediated by increased anabolic mediated by insulin signaling;
increase in the transport of amino acids; increased blood ow
and perfusion in skeletal muscle; reduction of the catabolic
signaling proteins as myostatin; increase in the number and
size of the mitochondria1,6,7. However some training variables
should be analyzed in adapting cardiomyopathy induced by
TA such as intensity, volume, frequency and type1.
Some studies in the literature indicate that higher
intensities are necessary for achieving signicant muscle
growth through the TA1.3. Trape et al.8 observed a decrease
in the cross-sectional area (AST) of approximately 20%
in the bers of type I and II after 13 weeks of TA with low
intensity for marathon race. This shows that the TA with this
intensity is not benecial to hypertrophy. In spite of not being
established in the literature which specic intensity that the
TA promotes hypertrophy, it is suggested that the minimum
intensity of 80% of heart rate reserve (HRR) being continuous
or intervals seems to promote the best hypertrophic gains
induced by TA. The high intensity interval training increased
AST at around 24% in middle-aged individuals with diabetes
type 2, indicating a relation between the intensity of TA and
muscular hypertrophy6.
The impact of the volume may be dependent on the
frequency. Scharwts et al.9 compared changes in body
composition in young men and elderly patients after 6
months of the TA protocol. The results showed an increase
in muscle mass only in elderly men with no change in young
men. However, the authors emphasized that adherence to the
training protocol was higher for elderly individuals, this way
the hypertrophic benets found in this population are involved
directly by the training frequency.
In relation to the hypertrophic responses mediated by
dierent modalities of TA, they are still not clear. Some
studies involving this theme has used the cycling and have
demonstrated increased muscle growth1. Whereas Schwartz
et al.9 found an increase in muscle mass only in elderly
individuals after 6 months of training protocol involving the
modalities of walking and running. On the other hand, Sipila
and Suominen10 showed that elderly women who underwent
combination of step and race with intensities above 80% of
the FCR did not show signicant increases after 18 weeks of
training. Agreeing with these ndings, Jubrias et al.11 showed
that the AST of elderly men and women did not suer changes
after 24 weeks involving climbing and rowing exercises types
being that the training protocol consisted of progressive
increase to up to 85% FCR. Thus, the hypertrophic response
induced by other forms of aerobic exercise with the exception
of cycling still require further investigation.
2.1.2 Eects of isolated continuous aerobic exercise on the
TA is often combined with the TR to accelerate the
reduction of body weight, improvement in sports performance,
or both. This strategy is called concurrent training (CT), this
type of training has demonstrated positive eects on body
weight maintenance12. However, some evidences show that in
TR programs, TA can inuence or even aect muscle growth.
The negative eects of TC on the hypertrophy is known as
chronic interference. The hypothesis of this interference
seems to occur by the fact that skeletal muscle is unable to
maximize its = morphological and metabolic adaptations
to TR or TA5. Similar to the hypothesis of interaction of
AMPK-Akt, chronic interference of both training seems to
promote competitive adjustments that produce dierences in
intracellular responses reducing the hypertrophic gains.
Despite the logical foundations of the hypothesis of the
interferences of TA in hypertrophic gains induced by RT, these
eects are not well understood in humans yet. Some studies
have shown that the combination of TA and TR prevents the
anabolic signaling induced by RT13,14, others seem that the TA
does not aect this signs15. However, the acute eect of TC
does not seem to aect the muscle proteins synthesis 16,17.
Although the TA does not aect acutely the synthesis of
proteins induced by RT, chronically TA seems to negatively
aect muscle growth. Acutely TA can interfere with the TR
ability, which can cause fatigue, through the increase of local
metabolites and/or depletion of substrate, compromising the
TR quality17. So, the muscle adaptations are harmed by the
reduction of capacity, intensity and reduction in the volume
of the session of the TR these being important factors in the
process of stimulus to the myobrillar growth6. Another
potential mechanism of TC which can compromise the
hypertrophic process is overtraining. Because when the
The Inuence of the Aerobic Training on Muscle Hypertrophy: Literature Review
J Health Sci 2019;21(4):382-5
volume or intensity of training exceeds the capacity of the
body recovery the anabolic process is compromised. In
addition, stress added by TA can promote an increase of
catabolic hormones6.
Studies that investigated the results of TC in a chronic
form on the muscle adaptations showed that the TA seems
to aect the muscle growth. The meta-analysis by Wilson
et al.5 showing the size of the eects for muscle growth was
reduced by around 50% in weight lifters when the TA was
added to RT. Kraemer et al.18 showed that after 12 weeks of
training, the TR group presented an increase in the AST of
the bers type II, IIa and IIc, whereas the CT group there was
only an increase of AST of type IIa bers. Agreeing with these
ndings Bell et al.19 found similar results with active students,
after 12 weeks of TA in the stationary bicycle, TR and TC.
The TR group presented an increase in the AST of bers of
type I and II, but the TC increase occurred only in the bers
of type II. However, there are several factors by which the TA
can inuence the muscle adaptations associated with the RT.
In particular, the variables of the TA such as intensity, volume
and frequency, modality and programming are fundamental
in this answer.
Some evidences suggest that the model called sprint
interval training of high intensity is more harmful to the
intracellular anabolic ags that the model moderate intensity
continuous training19. Apparently due to the great interference
associated to high intensity training, it seems that TA with
lower intensities is more indicated to maximize muscle
hypertrophy during TC. However, the results and conclusions
of these studies were through acute responses of TC.
The volume can have a big impact on hypertrophic
interference associated with TC, potentially related to
the symptoms induced by overtraining through muscle
catabolism induced by the hormonal system and glycogen
depletion20. Wilson et al.5 revealed a statistically signicant
negative correlation between muscle hypertrophy and volume
(duration and frequency) of TA during TC, specically the
duration presents a strong inverse correlation with muscle
But the frequency variations of TA may also inuence the
responses of TC. Jones et al.21 demonstrated that individuals
have gone through a protocol of RT for 3 days per week and
TA were added to this Protocol. The results showed that the
circumference of the quadriceps was greater for the protocol
that performed only TR (+4.3%) for the groups that underwent
1 and 3 days of TA, there was an increase (+2.8% and 1%,
respectively). These results indicate that the frequency of TA
can decrease the muscle hypertrophy in TC.
Among the modalities of TA, the most studied ones
are running and cycling. The meta-analysis by Wilson et
al.5 revealed that running has particular negative eect on
hypertrophic adaptation associated with TR, while cycling
seems not to harm the hypertrophic response. In contrast,
Panissa et al.22 demonstrated that training with high intensity
cycling promotes greater harm to strength gains compared to
running high intensity before starting the RT.
Depending on the purpose of the training program, the TA
can be done in the same session of TR or on alternate days.
Some studies have assessed whether the order of TA and TR
in the same session of TC may aect intracellular responses.
Coey et al.13 investigated the acute eects of a combined
training session involving the knee extension and cycling
with moderate intensities. Biking performed before exercise
resulted in the increase of Akt but a reduction of IGF1 mRNA,
in opposite sequence there was an increase in the IGF1 mRNA
and increased IGF1 mRNA. On the chronic eect of exercise
order of TC in the same session show that the gains of forces
are similar regardless of the order23.24. Therefore, it seems that
the mechanical tension seems not to be aected by order of
TA and TR in the same session of TC. Cadore et al.25found
similar results of muscle diameter increases regardless if the
TA or TR was done rst in the TC session. Similarly, Davit et
al.26 observed that the changes in the body composition were
not aected by the TA performed before or after the TR. These
studies seem not clarify safely yet on the importance of the
sequence of TA and TR in TC on the muscle hypertrophy. The
literature has pointed out that the recovery period between the
TA and TR of few hours or alternate days seems to minimize
the eects on hypertrophic adaptation5. Although the sequence
of TA seems to interfere in the hypertrophic response, studies
involving this issue are still scarce in the literature.
3 Conclusion
Unlike the thought of a large majority of the professionals
of physical education, TA can promote muscle hypertrophy in
sedentary subjects, being these gains especially in the bers
of type I. However, some factors such as intensity, volume,
frequency and modality may inuence this response. Training
with intensity above 80% of HR seems to promote greater
gains in muscle mass. TC may interfere in the hypertrophic
adaptations, particularly the TA with high volume seems to
impair the hypertrophy. The negative eects of TC can be
minimized if the recovery between TA and TR is a few hours
or alternate days.
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... Aerobic exercise, which effectively induces hypertrophy, is highly dependent on adequate intensity, duration, and frequency to reach a large number of muscle contractions. Previous studies reported that the moderate-and high-intensity exercises are sufficient to elicit muscle hypertrophy (Osawa et al, 2014;Brightwell et al, 2019;Macedo et al, 2019). ...
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Excessive fructose intake disrupts carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the kidney, resulting in kidney injury. Exercise has proven to improve the renal fatty acid metabolism, but the effect of various exercise intensities in preventing renal disorders is still unknown. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of various exercise intensities on anthropometric parameters and renal damage in high fructose-induced mice. The subjects were thirty-six male mice (20–30 g), aged 8 weeks were obtained and randomly assigned into 4 groups: HFr-Sed (sedentary), HFr-Ex1 (low-intensity exercise), HFr-Ex2 (moderate-intensity exercise), and HFr-Ex3 (high-intensity exercise). They were fed standard chow and high fructose solution (30%), per-oral, ad libitum for 8 weeks. The exercised groups underwent swimming, with 80% maximum duration/session, 3x/week, for 8 weeks. The result showed that there were significant differences in body weight (p < 0.001), body length (p = 0.001), Lee index (p = 0.020), Body Mass Index (BMI) (p = 0.004), and serum creatinine (SCr) level (p < 0.001). However, the glomerulosclerosis index and interstitial fibrosis degree were not significantly different in all groups. It can be concluded that various intensities of exercise affect the body composition and SCr level, especially moderate-intensity exercise, but do not impact the improvement of the histological kidney in high fructose-induced mice.
Background: High levels of abdominal adiposity mean higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Aerobic exercise per si reduces the risk of developing this type of diseases. Radiofrequency and shockwave therapy showed to be effective in the reduction of localized abdominal fat. Aim (s): To compare the effects of prescribed moderate aerobic exercise associated with 6 sessions of shockwave therapy or radiofrequency, in the subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, in overweight female individuals in fertile age. Methods: Randomized clinical trial, with 30 volunteers in fertile age with overweight and/or obese, randomly and equitably allocated in two experimental groups (1-shockwave therapy and 2-radiofrequency) and one control group. Aerobic physical exercise was prescribed to all groups. The values of anthropometric measurements were measured in two moments. The intervention protocol was performed in a clinic for six weeks, with one session per week. The ANOVA test, paired samples t test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Wilcoxon test were used to compare the results, for a significance level of 0.05. Results: Of 28 participants completed the study. There were significant differences in waist circumference reduction between the experimental group 1 and 2 when compared to the control group (p = 0.005 and p = 0.014, respectively). There was a statistically significant reduction in navel level circumference in experimental group 1 when compared to experimental group 2 (p = 0.024) and with the control group (p = 0.016). Conclusion: Both resources were effective in reducing abdominal measurements when compared to the control group. However, SWT was superior in reducing the navel level circumference.
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Concurrent training is defined as simultaneously incorporating both resistance and endurance exercise within a periodized training regime. Despite the potential additive benefits of combining these divergent exercise modes with regards to disease prevention and athletic performance, current evidence suggests that this approach may attenuate gains in muscle mass, strength, and power compared with undertaking resistance training alone. This has been variously described as the interference effect or concurrent training effect. In recent years, understanding of the molecular mechanisms mediating training adaptation in skeletal muscle has emerged and provided potential mechanistic insight into the concurrent training effect. Although it appears that various molecular signaling responses induced in skeletal muscle by endurance exercise can inhibit pathways regulating protein synthesis and stimulate protein breakdown, human studies to date have not observed such molecular 'interference' following acute concurrent exercise that might explain compromised muscle hypertrophy following concurrent training. However, given the multitude of potential concurrent training variables and the limitations of existing evidence, the potential roles of individual training variables in acute and chronic interference are not fully elucidated. The present review explores current evidence for the molecular basis of the specificity of training adaptation and the concurrent interference phenomenon. Additionally, insights provided by molecular and performance-based concurrent training studies regarding the role of individual training variables (i.e., within-session exercise order, between-mode recovery, endurance training volume, intensity, and modality) in the concurrent interference effect are discussed, along with the limitations of our current understanding of this complex paradigm.
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The interference effect attenuates strength and hypertrophic responses when strength and endurance training are conducted concurrently; however, the influence of training frequency on these responses remain unclear when varying ratios of concurrent strength and endurance training are performed. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to examine the strength, limb girth, and neuromuscular adaptations to varying ratios of concurrent strength and endurance training. Twenty-four men with > 2 years resistance training experience completed 6 weeks of 3 days per week of (a) strength training (ST), (b) concurrent strength and endurance training ratio 3:1(CT3), (c) concurrent strength and endurance training ratio 1:1(CT1), or (d) no training (CON) in an isolated limb model. Assessments of maximal voluntary contraction by means of isokinetic dynamometry leg extensions (maximum voluntary suppression [MVC]), limb girth, and neuromuscular responses through electromyography (EMG) were conducted at baseline, mid-intervention, and postintervention. After training, ST and CT3 conditions elicited greater MVC increases than CT1 and CON conditions (p ≤ 0.05). Strength training resulted in significantly greater increases in limb girth than both CT1 and CON conditions (p = 0.05 and 0.004, respectively). The CT3 induced significantly greater limb girth adaptations than CON condition (p = 0.04). No effect of time or intervention was observed for EMG (p > 0.05). In conclusion, greater frequencies of endurance training performed increased the magnitude of the interference response on strength and limb girth responses after 6 weeks of 3 days a week of training. Therefore, the frequency of endurance training should remain low if the primary focus of the training intervention is strength and hypertrophy.
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In order to compare the effects of leisure physical activity (LPA), aerobic training (AT) and aerobic plus resistance training (AT+RT) as part of a 6-month interdisciplinary therapy in body composition, insulin resistance and leptin concentrations in obese adolescents, 72 volunteers (n=24 in each group) ages 15-19 years were evaluated. Delta (Δ) body mass (kg) and Δ BMI (kg/m2) was different between AT and LPA groups and in AT+RT group compared to both LPA and AT groups; Δ body fat mass (kg and %) was different only in AT+RT group compared to both LPA and AT; Δ body lean mass (%) was different only in AT+RT group; Δ body lean mass (kg) was negative only in AT and positive and different from AT in AT+RT group; ΔHOMA-IR did not differ among groups; Δ leptin (ng/ml) was negative and different from LPA for both AT and AT+RT groups. In conclusion, both AT and AT+RT promoted a reduction on leptin levels, however, the adolescents subjected to AT+RT presented better results in body composition than the AT group. These results highlight the importance of associating aerobic and resistance training with nutritional and psychological approaches in the treatment of obese adolescents.
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The current dogma is that the muscle adaptation to resistance exercise is blunted when combined with endurance exercise. The suggested mechanism (based on rodent experiments) is that activation of adenosine-monophosphate-activated protein-kinase (AMPK) during endurance exercise impairs muscle growth through inhibition of the mechanistic-target-of-rapamycin-complex 1 (mTORC1). The purpose of this study was to investigate potential interference of endurance training on the signalling pathways of resistance training (mTORC1 - phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1)) in human muscle. Ten healthy and moderately trained male subjects performed on two separate occasions either acute high intensity and high volume resistance exercise (leg press, R) or R followed by 30 min of cycling (RE). Muscle biopsies were collected before, 1 and 3h post resistance exercise. Phosphorylation of mTOR (Ser(2448)) increased 2-fold (p<0.05) and that of S6K1 (Thr(389)) 14-fold (p<0.05), with no difference between R and RE. Phosphorylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2, Thr(56)) was reduced ~70% during recovery in both trials (p<0.05). An interesting finding was that phosphorylation of AMPK (Thr(172)) and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC, Ser(79)) decreased ~30% and ~50%, respectively, 3h post exercise (p<0.05). Proliferator-activated receptor-γ-coactivator-1 (PGC-1α) mRNA increased more after RE (6.5-fold) than after R (4-fold) (RE vs. R: p< 0.01) and was the only gene expressed differently between trials. These data show that the signalling of muscle growth through the mTORC1-S6K1 axis after heavy resistance exercise is not inhibited by subsequent endurance exercise. It is also suggested that prior activation of mTORC1 signalling may repress subsequent phosphorylation of AMPK.
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We determined myofibrillar and mitochondrial protein fractional synthesis rates (FSR), intramuscular signaling protein phosphorylation, and mRNA expression responses after isolated bouts of resistance exercise (RE), aerobic exercise (AE), or in combination [termed concurrent exercise (CE)] in sedentary middle-aged men. Eight subjects (age = 53.3 ± 1.8 yr; body mass index = 29.4 ± 1.4 kg·m(2)) randomly completed 8 × 8 leg extension repetitions at 70% of one repetition-maximum, 40 min of cycling at 55% peak aerobic power output (AE), or (consecutively) 50% of the RE and AE trials (CE). Biopsies were obtained (during a primed, constant infusion of l-[ring-(13)C(6)]phenylalanine) while fasted, and at 1 and 4 h following postexercise ingestion of 20 g of protein. All trials increased mitochondrial FSR above fasted rates (RE = 1.3-fold; AE = 1.5; CE = 1.4; P < 0.05), although only CE (2.2) and RE (1.8) increased myofibrillar FSR (P < 0.05). At 1 h postexercise, phosphorylation of Akt on Ser(473) (CE = 7.7; RE = 4.6) and Thr(308) (CE = 4.4; RE = 2.9), and PRAS40 on Thr(246) (CE = 3.8; AE = 2.5) increased (P < 0.05), with CE greater than AE for Akt Ser(473)-Thr(308) and greater than RE for PRAS40 (P < 0.05). Despite increased phosphorylation of Akt-PRAS40, phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (Ser(2448)) remained unchanged (P > 0.05), while rpS6 (Ser(235/236)) increased only in RE (10.4) (P < 0.05). CE and AE both resulted in increased peroxisome proliferator receptor-γ coactivator 1-α (PGC1α) expression at 1 h (CE = 2.9; AE = 2.8; P < 0.05) and 4 h (CE = 2.6; AE = 2.4) and PGC1β expression at 4 h (CE = 2.1; AE = 2.6; P < 0.05). These data suggest that CE-induced acute stimulation of myofibrillar and mitochondrial FSR, protein signaling, and mRNA expression are equivalent to either isolate mode (RE or AE). These results occurred without an interference effect on muscle protein subfractional synthesis rates, protein signaling, or mRNA expression.
Over the last 30+ years, it has become axiomatic that performing aerobic exercise within the same training program as resistance exercise (termed concurrent exercise training) interferes with the hypertrophic adaptations associated with resistance exercise training. However, a close examination of the literature reveals that the interference effect of concurrent exercise training on muscle growth in humans is not as compelling as previously thought. Moreover, recent studies show that, under certain conditions, concurrent exercise may augment resistance exercise-induced hypertrophy in healthy human skeletal muscle. The purpose of this article is to outline the contrary evidence for an acute and chronic interference effect of concurrent exercise on skeletal muscle growth in humans and provide practical literature-based recommendations for maximizing hypertrophy when training concurrently.
Concurrent training (i.e. combination of endurance with strength training) may result in negative interference on strength performance. Moreover, there are indications that the magnitude of this interference is dependent on endurance exercise mode. Thus, this study aimed to verify the acute effects of previous running and cycling on strength endurance performance. After the determination of the maximum intensity reached (Imax) during treadmill running and cycle ergometer pedaling and half-squat maximum strength (1RM), 10 physically active males were submitted to three experimental conditions: control condition (S) comprised of four sets of maximum repetitions at 80% 1RM, intermittent running (RS) and cycling (CS) conditions (15 x 1min:1min in the Imáx) followed by the strength exercise (S). Maximum number of repetitions (MNR), total session volume (TV), and vastus lateralis electromyographic signal (VLRMS) were analyzed. It was observed that MNR and TV performed in set 1 in the S condition was superior to that performed in set 1 in the RS (P<0.001) and CS (P<0.001) conditions; and set 2 in the S condition was superior to set 2 only in the CS for the MNR (P=0.032) and TV (P=0.012). For the VLRMS there was a main effect for repetition, with higher values in the last repetition compared to the second one (P<0.01). In conclusion, an aerobic exercise bout prior to strength exercise impairs the subsequent strength-endurance performance. In addition, the magnitude of the interference effect was higher after the aerobic cycling exercise.
Current dogma suggests aerobic exercise training has minimal effect on skeletal muscle size. We and others have demonstrated that aerobic exercise acutely and chronically alters protein metabolism and induces skeletal muscle hypertrophy. These findings promote an antithesis to the status quo by providing novel perspective on skeletal muscle mass regulation and insight into exercise-countermeasures for populations prone to muscle loss. Although not commonly associated with gains in skeletal muscle mass, aerobic exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis and skeletal muscle hypertrophy.
While both endurance (E) and resistance (R) exercise improve various health and fitness variables, there is still debate regarding the optimal ordering of these modes of exercise within a concurrent bout. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of performing E before R (E-R) or R before E (R-E) on strength, VO2max, and body composition over the course of an 8-wk exercise program. Inactive college females (N = 23, 19.8 ± 0.22 yrs; 61.0 ± 2.5 kg) were randomly assigned to either an E-R (n = 13) or an R-E group (n= 10). Subjects trained 4 d/wk over the 8-wk study. The E portion consisted of 30 min of aerobic exercise at 70-80% HRR. The R portion utilized a 3-way split routine with subjects performing 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for 5-6 different exercises using a load equal to 90-100% 10RM. There were 2 days of testing before and after 8 wk of training to determine performance and body composition. There were significant improvements in chest press (P<.001), leg press (P<.001), VO2max (P<.001), and LBM (P = .005) across both groups. Weight significantly increased (P =.038), but %BF did not change (P =.46). There were no differences as a function of group (P>.267). There were significant improvements in performance and LBM over an 8-week concurrent training program in inactive college females, regardless of the order in which R and E were performed. It appears that fitness markers improve similarly regardless of the order of R or E in a 4 d/wk program in inactive females. Therefore, the order of these modalities for beginning exercisers should be based on personal preference as well as to facilitate adherence.
This study examined the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on neuromuscular and endurance characteristics compared to strength or endurance training alone. Previously untrained men were divided into strength (S: n=16), endurance (E: n=11) or concurrent strength and endurance (SE: n=11) training groups. S and E trained 2 times and SE 2 + 2 times a week for strength and endurance during the 21-week period. Maximal unilateral isometric and bilateral concentric forces of leg muscles increased similarly in S and SE by 20-28% (p<0.01) and improvements in isometric forces were accompanied by increases (p<0.05) of maximal muscle activation. Rate of force development of isometric action (p<0.05) improved only in S. The increase in muscle cross-sectional area of the quadriceps femoris in SE (11%, p<0.001) were greater than in S (6%, p<0.001) or in E (2%, p<0.05). SE and E increased maximal cycling power (SE: 17% and E: 11%, p<0.001) and VO(2MAX) (SE: 17%, p<0.001 and E: 5%, ns.). These results suggest that the present moderate volume 21-week concurrent SE training in previously untrained men optimizes the magnitude of muscle hypertrophy, maximal strength and endurance development, but interferes explosive strength development, compared with strength or endurance training alone.