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4 Submitted: 14 Jan. 2020; accepted by Z.-Q. Zhang: 24 Jan. 2020; published: 31 Jan. 2020
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Megataxa 001 (1): 004–008
Copyright © 2020 Magnolia Press MEGATAXA
ISSN 2703-3082 (print edition)
ISSN 2703-3090 (online edition)
Rapid species extinction means that a limited time exists in
which to revitalize taxonomy and explore the diversity of
species on earth. Three actions have the potential to ignite
a taxonomic renaissance: (1) clarify what taxonomy is, em-
phasizing its theoretical advances and status as a rigorous,
independent, fundamental science; (2) give taxonomists a
mandate to organize and complete an inventory of earth spe-
cies and the resources to modernize research and collections
infrastructure; and (3) collaborate with information scien-
tists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to inspire the creation of a
sustainable future through biomimicry.
Taxonomy is in crisis. Species as theory-rich constructs
are being replaced by convenient estimates based on
averaged genetic distances. Taxonomic principles are
rarely found in biology textbooks or classrooms; taxon
experts are not replaced in kind. And natural history
museums, once world centers of taxonomic discovery,
pursue more fashionable areas of biology in search of
funding and recognition.
Taxonomy is misunderstood, maligned, and
marginalized at a time when its particular kind of
knowledge is needed most. Species are going extinct so
rapidly that many believe we are on the brink of a sixth
mass extinction event (Barnosky et al. 2011, Kolbert
2013). At the estimated current rate of extinction, 70% of
species may be gone in just three hundred years. Pointing
to the lack of hard data skeptics question this conclusion
(e.g., Briggs 2017), but every available indicator points
to accelerated extinction (Wilson 2015). Estimates are
based on the loss of habitat, assessed on the ground
and by satellite, and knowledge that many species have
narrow distributions, as well as extrapolations made from
the limited available data on species decline. While the
exact rate of extinction varies by taxon and region and
can be debated, that species are disappearing faster than at
any time in human history cannot be denied. Nor can the
value of creating baseline knowledge about what species
exist and where.
Rather than simply returning support to taxonomy
to complete an inventory, proposals are floated to find a
cheaper, faster, technology-based alternative. Avoiding
the deep scholarship required to interpret complex
anatomical structures, it is suggested that we rely instead
on molecular data. Were our goal to merely tell species
apart, this could be a promising path. But considering
the knowledge we stand to lose with the extinction
of large numbers of species, isn’t this aiming rather
low? Molecular data appropriately joins comparative
morphology, the fossil record, and studies of embryonic
development to expand and enrich our insights into patterns
of relationships among species (Nelson & Platnick 1981).
But no single source of evidence can eclipse the others
without sacrificing valuable knowledge.
Using all relevant evidence, and embracing the
traditional goals of taxonomy, we can discover the most
interesting and useful things about biodiversity. But a
relatively complete inventory of species is a now-or-never
proposition. Millions of species facing imminent threat
of extinction will leave no fossil record and disappear
along with all they could have taught us about their role
in the biosphere, evolutionary history, and adaptations for
survival. Let’s face it, the reason that exploring species is
exciting has nothing to do with their numbers. If natural
selection had only produced millions of identical-looking
species, differing only by percentages of genetic similarity,
we would soon lose interest in naming or conserving
them. Who would care whether one or ten million exist,
so long as ecosystems did not collapse? But evolutionary
history is far more interesting. Dawkins (1986) described
life as statistical improbability on a colossal scale, and so
it is. What makes the study of species fascinating is the
seemingly inexhaustible diversity in anatomy and natural
history. To dumb-down taxonomy to DNA barcodes
and cladograms devoid of species’ improbable attributes
is to miss the most intellectually rewarding aspects of
exploring life.
A taxonomic renaissance in three acts
State University of New York college of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY 13210, United States;
A TAXONOMIC RENAISSANCE IN THREE ACTS Megataxa 1 (1) © 2020 Magnolia Press • 5
Well-intentioned efforts to address the pragmatic
need to identify species and rapidly produce estimates
of phylogenetic relationships, combined with a strong
bias toward the latest technologies, have resulted in
molecular studies largely displacing so-called descriptive
taxonomy. Molecular methods have secured an important
and enduring place in the exploration of species, but must
be integrated with other comparative studies in order that
taxonomy achieve its mission. Imagine that the only
evidence that dinosaurs ever existed was in the form of
DNA sequences. We would recognize their reptilian roots,
and that some are more nearly related to birds than others,
but having almost no idea what they looked like they
would merit little more than a footnote in the chronicles
of evolution. It is the diversity, unexpected anatomical
structures, and sheer size of their fossils, of course, that
have captivated our imaginations. We owe it to future
generations to pass on a good deal more than molecular
evidence of the diversity of species soon to be lost.
The clock is ticking. Tens of thousands of
species go extinct each year (Wilson 1992) taking with
them irreplaceable evidence of their uniqueness and
phylogenetic history. We have access to more, and
more diverse, species than any generation will have in
the future. The opportunity to explore the breadth and
origins of biodiversity is fleeting. We owe it to ourselves
and posterity to complete an inventory of species as
they exist in the early Anthropocene, an inventory that
includes detailed descriptions of each species backed
up by specimens, observations, and tissues preserved in
natural history collections. We cannot permit taxonomy
to be limited to a single data source or reduced to a mere
identification service. Monographs, the gold standard
in taxonomy, have not yet been fully transformed by
information science to dynamic, real-time knowledge
bases they have the potential to become (Wheeler 2008).
We can adapt available cyberinfrastructure to design
a taxonomic research platform that adds efficiency
without sacrificing the traditional goals or standards of
Astronomers before Copernicus believed the sun
circled the earth, but this does not detract from respect
for modern astronomy. There was a time in taxonomy
when ideas about species and their relationships were
largely speculative, but the theoretical revolution sparked
by Hennig changed all that (Williams, Schmitt & Wheeler
2016). Taxonomic theories today stand toe to toe with the
most rigorous science, and far above any other form of
historical scholarship.
Astronomers were not content to limit knowledge
of the unique properties of neighboring planets to what
they could see with earth-based telescopes. Instead, they
deployed satellites and rovers to image planetary surfaces
in detail. Similarly, taxonomists should not accept a single
data source as the extent of our knowledge of species. We
can and must continue to collect and preserve museum
specimens, make careful comparative observations, and
compile detailed descriptions of species. But we cannot
discover and describe millions of species with a declining
workforce and antiquated research infrastructure.
Taxonomists know exactly what ought to be done and
how to do it. We need to meet the needs of taxonomists to
do taxonomy.
A great deal has been written about the decline
of taxonomy, loss of expertise, and the “taxonomic
impediment”—our inability to identify species,
particularly at species-rich sites in the tropics. From the
Encyclopedia of Life to National Science Foundation
grants to digitize museum specimens, dozens of well-
intentioned initiatives and projects have had the stated
aim of addressing the decline in taxonomy, but little has
improved. The rate of species description has remained
more or less constant for decades, between 15,000 and
20,000 species per year, even though large numbers of
new species sit undescribed in herbaria and museums
(Bebber et al 2010 ); few doctoral dissertations include
a taxonomic monograph; and few taxa are revised more
than a few times each century. In general, these failed
projects shared one thing in common: they focused on
the needs of users of taxonomic information rather than
those of taxonomists themselves. If we are serious about
addressing the biodiversity crisis, preserving evidence
of phylogenetic history, adopting evidence-based
conservation goals, and adapting to our rapidly changing
world, then it is time to meet the needs of taxonomy. Even
if your primary concern is the services taxonomy provides
to other life scientists, you can do no better than meeting
the needs of taxonomists themselves. The best taxonomy
results in the most reliable information.
Supporting pure, curiosity-driven species exploration
will result in countless discoveries and enable many other
goals. A comprehensive species inventory would enable
ecologists to drill down to species-species interactions in
any ecosystem; support measurable conservation goals;
reveal the fascinating story of phylogeny; and advance our
search for more efficient, less wasteful designs, materials,
and industrial processes.
Actions to Meet Taxonomy’s Three Greatest Needs
So, what three actions could we take to spark a renaissance
in taxonomy? I suggest that the following actions have
the potential to lay the foundations for a reversal of the
decades-long decline of taxonomy. One action addresses
widespread misconceptions about what taxonomy is, and
where the best taxonomic information and knowledge
comes from. Another puts a fine point on the immediate
6 • Megataxa 1 (1) © 2020 Magnolia Press
opportunity to complete an inventory of species before
extinction has decimated earth’s biota. And the third makes
a strong connection between taxonomic knowledge and
society’s urgent need to conceive sustainable ways to meet
human needs and adapt to changing environments. These
represent a return to the traditional goals of taxonomy, but
with a twist. Taxonomists were ahead of their time when
Linnaeus set out to inventory all species, when billions of
specimens were assembled in internationally distributed
museums, and when they sought to make classifications
natural, reflecting phylogenetic relationships and
explaining similarities and differences among species.
But taxonomy’s time has arrived. Advances in taxonomic
theory, information science, digital technologies, travel,
and communication mean that these planetary-scale
ambitions are finally within reach. We should not judge
taxonomy based on the limitations it faced in the past,
but by the possibilities in its future. Benefits will flow
from a renaissance in taxonomy in the form of advances
in agriculture, medicine, natural resources, and new
generations of truly sustainable designs, materials,
and processes. And in pushing the boundaries of our
understanding of ourselves and our world by revealing
the origins of biodiversity, of which Homo sapiens is one
among millions of species.
Act I—Image Makeover
Taxonomy has an image problem. Many biologists,
poorly educated in taxonomic theory and the philosophy
of science, see non-experimental approaches as suspect.
Taxonomy is frequently derided as “stamp collecting” and
“merely descriptive.” The latter is an odd derision given
the respect afforded mapping of the surface of Mars, the
human genome project, and any number of other merely
descriptive projects. That aside, the best taxonomy today
is replete with explicitly testable hypotheses.
It is imperative that a prejudice against non-
experimental, observational science be confronted. Sadly,
taxonomists have been complicit in tarnishing its image.
Since the 1940s, taxonomists have repeatedly invited
a confusion of their goals with those of more modern
and better funded fields (Wheeler 2008). Taxonomists
must courageously clarify the goals of their science and
unapologetically promote taxonomy done for its own sake.
Its incomparable benefits to other sciences and society
must be touted, too, but as byproducts of its core mission.
This confusion about the aims of taxonomy is
nowhere more evident than in the distinction between
studies of species and speciation. The former is the domain
of taxonomy and concerned with patterns of similarities
and differences among species. The latter is the business
of population biology whose objects of interest are the
processes of speciation. The two are complementary, but
entirely different sciences. Taxonomists compare fully-
formed species while population biologists study species-
in-the-making. Taxonomists must distill attributes that
are shared by all individuals in a species or all species in a
taxon, autapomorphies and synapomorphies in the jargon
of Hennig (1966). In contrast, population biologists
study mutations and their frequencies within and among
diverging populations. As Kierkegaard said of human
events, history must be lived forward, but can only be
understood by looking back. It is the same with species.
Processes of species formation must be studied as they
happen, but we can only interpret the history of species
(phylogeny) by looking back. Each of these sciences
demands its own epistemology, theories and methods.
It is challenging to share the intellectual breadth of
taxonomy when the species identifications it provides
are so vitally important. Taking nothing away from the
importance of such pragmatic concerns, it may help to
describe fundamental taxonomy in space age terms.
Taxonomists are on a mission to discover, name, and
classify every kind of living thing on, under, and above
the surface of an entire planet. Were that not enough,
their mission includes determining what makes each
of millions of species unique and how they are related
due to a common ancestry spanning billions of years.
This mission is so audacious, it is comparable only to
The parallels are striking. Cosmologists must first
inventory the universe to discover what kinds of things
exist, from stars and planets to black holes and dark
matter. Then reconstruct the sequence of events that
explains the universe as we see it, from the Big Bang to the
present. What cosmologists dare attempt for the universe,
taxonomists do for life on earth. We need to support and
welcome wave after wave of discoveries by taxonomists
in the same spirit in which we hail those of astronomers
and cosmologists. One sobering difference between the
two is that the universe will remain largely unchanged and
available for study for thousands of years to come. The
diversity of life on earth will be significantly diminished
within a few centuries.
Recent anthropological discoveries have filled
important gaps in our understanding of the emergence of
modern humans, but anthropologists are only fleshing out
the last of many chapters of our story. Unique human
characteristics are not as unique as you may suppose.
Our impressive brains, for example, are just somewhat
larger and differently wired versions of those shared by
other primates. And our bipedal gate is one of many
modifications of the four-legged condition inherited by
reptiles, mammals, and birds. To fully understand what
makes us human is to explore the entire history of life,
tracing our attributes to ancestors near and distant.
A TAXONOMIC RENAISSANCE IN THREE ACTS Megataxa 1 (1) © 2020 Magnolia Press • 7
It is time to reassert the importance of taxonomy
done for its own sake, coupled with an accounting of the
incredible practical benefits that flow from taxonomic
knowledge. In Consilience, E. O. Wilson pointed out that
historians of science have learned that asking the right
question is more important than finding the right answer.
As he put it, ask a trivial question and get a trivial answer;
ask the right question and be led to great discoveries.
When it comes to biodiversity, the right questions are
those being asked by taxonomists: What species exist?
What makes them unique? How are they related? And so
forth. Pursuing these questions will lead us to great and
unexpected discoveries about our past and inspire us to
make a better tomorrow. Taxonomy rarely gets the credit,
but its work to date has already contributed to fantastic
advances, from the rise of agriculture, to the discovery of
antibiotics, and the idea of evolution (without the pattern
of similarities and differences among species documented
by taxonomists, Darwin’s theory would have had nothing
to explain, Nelson & Platnick 1981).
Act II—Planetary Species Inventory
Taxonomists need a mandate to organize and implement
a NASA-scale mission to complete an inventory of earth
species. With tens of thousands of species extinctions
each year, there is no time to waste. The current
generation of taxon experts has access to more, and more
diverse, species than any that will follow. We alone have
the opportunity to create baseline knowledge of what
biodiversity is like at the opening of the Anthropocene.
Enabling such a mission requires the modernization of
taxonomy’s collections and research infrastructure, and
the education of a new generation of taxonomists.
Molecular data will play important parts in an
inventory, but the lead role will rightly belong to
comparative morphology and details of natural history.
Molecular data can identify divergent populations for
closer scrutiny, associate disparate life stages, contribute
to cladistic analyses, and ease the burden of routine
identifications. But let’s face it, the reason that species
exploration is so enticing is the promise of discovering
the unexpected. The story of evolution is worth telling
precisely because it includes millions of unforeseeable
novelties. The existence of early flowering plants could
not have predicted orchids, sundews or giant redwoods.
People flock to zoos to see elephant trunks and giraffe
necks, not to marvel over species separated by a few
percentages of genetic similarity.
E. O. Wilson’s Half-Earth proposal is a brilliant
combination of science and common sense. By his
estimates, setting aside fifty percent of the globe’s surface
area could result in saving as many as 80% of the world’s
species. But, which of a nearly infinite number of
combinations of locations would best achieve this goal?
Left to a random assembly of places, or limited to places
that are easily set aside based on social and economic
conditions, his plan is unlikely to yield the best possible
outcome. The only way to assure a plan with high chances
of success is to begin with knowledge of what species
exist and where. Only taxonomy can produce the kind of
inventory we need.
A few years ago, I organized a workshop that
concluded it would be possible to inventory ten million
species in fifty years or less (Wheeler et al. 2012a).
This would be rapid enough to inform many decisions
in the Half-Earth initiative and to preserve specimens
and knowledge of millions of species as a hedge against
ignorance. The cost would be significant in absolute
dollars, but trivial compared to what we stand to lose.
Such an inventory must, of course, be an international
effort with rolling decadal goals like those of the astronomy
community. No other big science project has as many
guaranteed returns on investment. A successful inventory
presumes a number of key investments, including but not
limited to the following:
● Educatinganewgenerationoftaxonexperts;
● Enlistinganarmyoftrainedcitizenscientists;
● Modernizing taxonomic research infrastructure, primarily
in the form of a cyberinfrastructure platform, with digital
instrumentation and specially designed software to support
revisionary and monographic studies. This should include
a comprehensive digital library of “e-types” (digital images
of type specimens) and a network of remotely operable
microscopes to connect taxon experts with specimens
around the world (Wheeler et al. 2012b). And some
simple changes, such as mandating the registration of all
nomenclatural acts and making all species descriptions
open access. At its core, this modernization should focus
on bringing monography into the 21st century, making e-
monographs sources of up to the minute information;
● Support for museums to rediscover their leadership role
growing and developing collections and supporting their
use in taxonomic research;
● A knowledge base that includes search strategies for
species attributes with the potential to inspire sustainable,
biomimetic solutions for humankind;
● Attention to making taxonomic knowledge as accessible,
understandable, and useful as possible to all user
● First and foremost, attention to what taxonomists need
to do curiosity-driven taxonomy and produce accurate
descriptions of species and phylogenetic classifications;
● Arecognitionthatexcellenceintaxonomyrequiresthatits
hypotheses about characters, species, and phylogeny be
repeatedly subjected to critical testing and improvement.
An initial planetary-scale inventory is a one-time venture
that must be followed by continuing programs of taxonomic
research in order to deliver all its benefits to science and
8 • Megataxa 1 (1) © 2020 Magnolia Press
Act III—Intersection of Taxonomy with Information
Science, Engineering and Entrepreneurism
Taxonomists need to partner with information scientists,
engineers, inventors, and entrepreneurs to add a valuable
new dimension to their work. Our environment is changing
more rapidly than we are adapting. If we are to conserve
a significant portion of the natural world and maintain a
high quality of human life, then we have no choice but to
conceive a new generation of materials, designs, processes,
and products that reduce exploitation of non-renewable
resources, pollution and waste, and the degradation and
conversion of wilderness. Given enough time, we could
count on serendipity, as we always have, but time is the
one thing we lack. The shortest and most certain path
to a sustainable future is through biomimicry—drawing
inspiration from observations of nature for new designs,
materials, processes, and products (Benyus 1997).
The reason is simple. For billions of years, natural
selection has successfully rewarded good “ideas” with
survival, and weeded out bad ones. The story of species
is one of fierce competition to adapt to life on a constantly
changing planet. There are few, if any, problems faced by
humans that have not been solved by nature, often many
times over. While headlines regularly report exciting
biomimetic inventions (see Benyus 1997 for examples),
they are arrived at more often by luck than design.
Someone must be in a position to connect the dots, to be
aware of a model in nature and recognize its potential to
address a problem. We can do better.
With taxonomy leading, we can open access to
millions and millions of biomimetic models. Working with
information scientists, we can invent search strategies to
not only find a solution in nature, but to identify the best
one. Phylogenetic classifications already point to closely
related species as likely sources for similar, possibly
better, versions of a desirable property found in one
species. We need similarly efficient search strategies for
instances of evolutionary convergence. When a solution
evolves independently in unrelated species, it is likely to
be particularly good one.
Taxonomists need to nurture a symbiotic relationship
with the emerging field of biomimicry. Taxonomic
descriptions, databases, classifications, and collections
can help transform biomimicry from a cottage industry
to an evidence-driven enterprise capable of reforming
economies and industries. In return, biomimicry can help
communicate the amazing attributes of species and what
is possible with taxonomic knowledge.
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