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Low priority of obesity education leads to lack of medical students' preparedness to effectively treat patients with obesity: Results from the U.S. medical school obesity education curriculum benchmark study

Springer Nature
BMC Medical Education

Abstract and Figures

Background: Physicians are currently unprepared to treat patients with obesity, which is of great concern given the obesity epidemic in the United States. This study sought to evaluate the current status of obesity education among U.S. medical schools, benchmarking the degree to which medical school curricula address competencies proposed by the Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative (OMEC). Methods: Invitations to complete an online survey were sent via postal mail to 141 U.S. medical schools compiled from Association of American Medical Colleges. Medical school deans and curriculum staff knowledgeable about their medical school curriculum completed online surveys in the summer of 2018. Descriptive analyses were performed. Results: Forty of 141 medical schools responded (28.4%) and completed the survey. Only 10.0% of respondents believe their students were "very prepared" to manage patients with obesity and one-third reported that their medical school had no obesity education program in place and no plans to develop one. Half of the medical schools surveyed reported that expanding obesity education was a low priority or not a priority. An average of 10 h was reported as dedicated to obesity education, but less than 40% of schools reported that any obesity-related topic was well covered (i.e., to a "great extent"). Medical students received an adequate education (defined as covered to at least "some extent") on the topics of biology, physiology, epidemiology of obesity, obesity-related comorbidities, and evidence-based behavior change models to assess patient readiness for counseling (range: 79.5 to 94.9%). However, in approximately 30% of the schools surveyed, there was little or no education in nutrition and behavioral obesity interventions, on appropriate communication with patients with obesity, or pharmacotherapy. Lack of room in the curriculum was reported as the greatest barrier to incorporating obesity education. Conclusions: Currently, U.S. medical schools are not adequately preparing their students to manage patients with obesity. Despite the obesity epidemic and high cost burden, medical schools are not prioritizing obesity in their curricula.
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R E S E A R C H A R T I C L E Open Access
Low priority of obesity education leads to
lack of medical studentspreparedness to
effectively treat patients with obesity:
results from the U.S. medical school obesity
education curriculum benchmark study
W. Scott Butsch
, Robert F. Kushner
, Susan Alford
and B. Gabriel Smolarz
Background: Physicians are currently unprepared to treat patients with obesity, which is of great concern given
the obesity epidemic in the United States. This study sought to evaluate the current status of obesity education
among U.S. medical schools, benchmarking the degree to which medical school curricula address competencies
proposed by the Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative (OMEC).
Methods: Invitations to complete an online survey were sent via postal mail to 141 U.S. medical schools compiled
from Association of American Medical Colleges. Medical school deans and curriculum staff knowledgeable about
their medical school curriculum completed online surveys in the summer of 2018. Descriptive analyses were
Results: Forty of 141 medical schools responded (28.4%) and completed the survey. Only 10.0% of respondents
believe their students were very preparedto manage patients with obesity and one-third reported that their
medical school had no obesity education program in place and no plans to develop one. Half of the medical
schools surveyed reported that expanding obesity education was a low priority or not a priority. An average of 10 h
was reported as dedicated to obesity education, but less than 40% of schools reported that any obesity-related
topic was well covered (i.e., to a great extent). Medical students received an adequate education (defined as
covered to at least some extent) on the topics of biology, physiology, epidemiology of obesity, obesity-related
comorbidities, and evidence-based behavior change models to assess patient readiness for counseling (range: 79.5
to 94.9%). However, in approximately 30% of the schools surveyed, there was little or no education in nutrition and
behavioral obesity interventions, on appropriate communication with patients with obesity, or pharmacotherapy.
Lack of room in the curriculum was reported as the greatest barrier to incorporating obesity education.
Conclusions: Currently, U.S. medical schools are not adequately preparing their students to manage patients with
obesity. Despite the obesity epidemic and high cost burden, medical schools are not prioritizing obesity in their
Keywords: Obesity, Medical school curricula, Obesity education, Medical student, Medical school education
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* Correspondence:
Novo Nordisk Inc, 800 Scudders Mill Rd, Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Butsch et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:23
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Obesity is a major public health threat and leading cause
of morbidity and mortality in the United States today
[1]. The prevalence of obesity is nearly 40% in U.S.
adults, with higher rates among certain minority groups
[2]. Despite the health and economic impact of obesity
on individuals and society [3,4], medical students re-
main inadequately trained in obesity and obesity man-
agement. A recent survey of medical students found that
understanding genetic and biological factors related to
obesity correlated with better counseling skills for pa-
tients with obesity [5]. This underscores the need to
educate medical students on the disease of obesity to re-
duce bias and improve patient care.
Little progress has been made to incorporate obesity
education into undergraduate medical curricula despite
studies describing insufficient medical student training in
obesity counseling and medical management of obesity [6
8]. In addition, the 2007 Association of American Medical
Colleges (AAMC) call to action report, which con-
cluded that medical education must assure that future
physicians will be better prepared to provide respectful, ef-
fective care of overweight and obese patientsand that
education on preventing and treating obesity should be in-
cluded in medical school curricula, has not led to any
meaningful change in medical education and training [9].
Several studies have uncovered the paucity of nutrition
education, an essential component of comprehensive obes-
ity education, in U.S. medical schools [10,11]. A recent
survey on nutrition education reported students receive an
average of 19 h of nutrition education over the course of
medical school, most within the pre-clinical years, falling
short of the recommended 25-h minimum [11]. In
addition, a recent study found a limited number of refer-
ences to obesity in the United States Medical Licensing Ex-
aminations (USMLE). The USMLE focuses on weight-
related complications of obesity such as type 2 diabetes ra-
ther than the disease of obesity itself [12].
To date, there is no literature describing the state of
obesity education in undergraduate medical education.
The aim of this study is to report how obesity is cur-
rently addressed in the curricula of U.S. allopathic med-
ical schools and provide a benchmark from which we
can assess progress toward as well as understand barriers
to implementing core competencies in obesity.
Between July and September 2018, we sent invitations to
medical school curriculum deans and administrators at
141 accredited allopathic U.S. medical schools identified
from the AAMC membership list to request their volun-
tary participation in this cross-sectional study consisting
of an online survey [13].
Survey participation was limited to allopathic medical
schools in the U.S., excluding Puerto Rico. Responses were
restricted to one representative per medical school to en-
sure consistent data and equal representation of each insti-
tution. Online searches identified a total of 552 potential
respondents within the qualifying medical schools using
their title as an indicator of curriculum knowledge, e.g.,
Dean of Medical Education. Potential respondents received
a postal mailing with a letter identifying the study sponsor
(Novo Nordisk) and key collaborators (Drs. Scott Butsch
and Robert Kushner), study objectives, participation re-
quirements, and a modest prepaid incentive of $50 in the
form of a check. At least one follow-up telephone call, fax
or email was used to remind non-responders to participate.
To participate, respondents had to confirm a current role
in undergraduate medical education and knowledge of
their four-year curriculum.
The survey instrument was comprised of 33 questions
addressing the structure, format, content, and method of
education; it included multiple choice, scalar, and nu-
meric text questions. Using a 4-point Likert scale (great
extent,some extent,very little,not at all), respon-
dents were asked about coverage of topics related to the
core obesity competencies established by the Obesity
Medicine Education Collaborative (OMEC) [14]. We
also asked respondents about their expectations regard-
ing future incorporation of obesity into the curriculum
and perceived importance of obesity education. The
complete survey is available [see Additional file 1].
Statistical analysis
We performed descriptive statistical analysis (means, fre-
quencies) using SPSS Statistics for Windows 15.0.1
(SPSS, Chicago, Illinois) and Stata/IC 14/1. Data are pre-
sented as number and percentage for categorical vari-
ables, and continuous data expressed as the mean ±
standard deviation (SD) unless otherwise specified.
Characteristics of respondents
Forty medical schools (28.4% of U.S. medical schools)
responded and completed the survey. These schools
(Table 1) are representative of the universe of medical
schools in the U.S. [15] in terms of geographic regions
(current distribution: Northeast-28.4%, Midwest-24.1%,
South-34.8% and West-12.8%) and public and private
(60 and 40%, respectively) funding source. Median time
to complete the survey was 9 min. Respondents had nearly
20 years of experience in undergraduate medical education
and 75.0% of them were medical school deans of educa-
tion. More than three-quarters of the respondents were
very familiarwith the four-year curriculum and all ex-
cept two reported teaching medical students. See Table 1
for sample characteristics.
Butsch et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:23 Page 2 of 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
Structure of curriculum
Only 7.5% of medical schools reported offering obesity as a
standalone course while 60.0% integrated a few elements of
obesity education into a broader clinical nutrition or pre-
ventative medicine course. Some medical schools (20.0%)
used virtual learning systems, e.g., Nutrition in Medicine
modules, to provide obesity education. Although only 17.5%
of medical schools reported teaching obesity in an outpatient
clinical medicine rotation, nearly half (47.5%) reported offer-
ing elective shadowing opportunities with non-medical pro-
viders such as dietitians and psychologists who treat obesity.
Content of curriculum
A mean of ten hours of specific obesity education was
taught across the four-year curriculum, however less than
40% of schools reported covering any topic related to core
obesity competencies to a great extent. Core competen-
cies on basic obesity pathophysiology and the physical
examination of a patient with obesity were each covered to
avery littleextent or not at allin 15.0% of medical
schools. Coverage of non-judgmental communication and
use of respectful language with patients who have obesity
was covered to a very littleextent or notatallin more
than one-quarter of the medical schools. Very few schools
thoroughly covered core strategies to develop a comprehen-
sive obesity management care plan such as nutrition inter-
ventions, physical activity, behavioral interventions, and
pharmacological treatments. Policies and public health ini-
tiatives pertaining to obesity were the least covered, with
64.9% of respondents reporting little to no coverage at all
(Fig. 1). Schools which reported having an obesity education
program currently in place were more likely than those
without a program to report most of the core obesity com-
petencies were covered to some extentor a great extent.
Preparation of medical students to manage obesity
On a 4-point scale ranging from not at all preparedto
very prepared, only 10.0% of respondents reported that
their graduating medical students are very preparedto
manage patients with obesity; a majority (62.5%) re-
ported that their students are only somewhat prepared.
Priority to incorporate obesity education in curriculum
Expanding obesity education was a low priority or not a
priority for 50.0% of those surveyed and nearly half of
these schools reported having no obesity education pro-
gram in place and no plans to develop one. Just over one-
third of medical schools reported having an obesity educa-
tion program in place; of those without a program, only
half reported having active discussions on how to incorp-
orate obesity or develop an obesity education program. Of
the one-third of medical schools considering incorporat-
ing or expanding obesity education, most (76.9%) ex-
pected to implement their plans within the next 2 years.
Respondents who stated that expanding obesity education
is not a priority or is a low priority for their school were
less likely to have a program in place or plans to develop
one compared to schools in which obesity education is a
higher priority (Fig. 2).
Lack of room in the curriculum was the most com-
monly reported barrier to integrating obesity education
into the curriculum half of respondents (50.0%) re-
ported it as a large barrierand one-third reported it as a
moderate barrier.Lack of faculty expertise was reported
to be a largeor moderatebarrier for 27.5% of surveyed
medical schools. Lack of student interest was least likely to
be cited as a barrier. See Fig. 3.
Table 1 Characteristics of 2018 Medical School Curriculum
Benchmark Online Survey Respondents (n= 40)
Title/Role n(%)
Dean of medical education/curriculum 30 (75.0)
Administrator 4 (10.0)
Course/Curriculum coordinator 2 (5.0)
Curriculum director 2 (5.0)
Other 2 (5.0)
Academic Experience (years) mean ± SD
Time at current institution 15.3 ± 11.0
Time in current role 6.6 ± 4.4
Time involved in undergraduate medical
19.7 ± 10.3
Role in Undergraduate Education
Actively teach medical students 38 (95.0)
Teach a course to medical students 25 (62.5)
Give lectures to medical students 33 (82.5)
Participate as a tutor to medical students 9 (22.5)
Participate as a preceptor in clinic to medical
16 (40.0)
Other 12 (30.0)
Funding Source n(%)
Public 25 (62.5)
Private 15 (37.5)
Region n(%)
Northeast 9 (22.5)
Midwest 12 (30.0)
South 14 (35.0)
West 5 (12.5)
SD Standard deviation
Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding
Multi-select response options
Butsch et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:23 Page 3 of 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
This is the first study to comprehensively assess the state
of obesity education in undergraduate medical education
in the United States. This Medical School Curriculum
Benchmark Study survey revealed inconsistent and inad-
equate obesity education in U.S. allopathic medical
schools resulting in medical students being ill-prepared to
manage patients with obesity. Despite the recognition of
obesity as a disease by the American Medical Association
(AMA) in 2013 and rising prevalence rates of the disease
[16,17], none of the core obesity competencies were well-
covered by more than four in ten medical schools
surveyed. The survey revealed that in approximately one-
quarter to one-third of the medical schools surveyed, there
was little to no coverage of rudimentary treatments for
obesity, i.e., nutrition, behavioral, and physical activity
These data underline not only the limited coverage of
obesity education, but also the lack of prioritization to de-
velop future curricula in obesity. An overcrowded curricu-
lum was reported as the major barrier to implementing
obesity education in this study; however, external barriers,
e.g., poor faculty knowledge about obesity, lack of stan-
dardized testing on obesity, and overall negative attitudes
about the disease of obesity, are possible reasons why
obesity education is not prioritized. Nutrition education,
Fig. 1 Coverage of Obesity Core Competencies. 2018 Medical School Curriculum Benchmark Online Survey Respondents (n= 40). Note: Some
competencies have been shortened for presentation. Responses of Some extentand I dont knownot shown
Fig. 2 Development of Obesity Curriculum by Stated Priority Level. 2018 Medical School Curriculum Benchmark Online Survey
Respondents (n= 40)
Butsch et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:23 Page 4 of 6
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
one facet of obesity education, is similarly underprioritized
in undergraduate medical education. In a recent study of
medical student perspectives on why nutrition education
is inadequate in medical school, the perception that nutri-
tional care is not the responsibility of doctors was sug-
gested as a barrier [18]. Although our study did not obtain
this information, the role of weight bias and the belief that
obesity is the result of a voluntary lifestyle choice, and not
a biologic disease, may influence decisions and opportun-
ities of inclusion in medical school curricula.
To address the paucity of obesity education in U.S. med-
ical schools, two recent educational initiatives included the
development of core competencies in obesity in health care
professional schools. First, the Provider Training and Edu-
cation Workgroup, part of an activity associated with the
Roundtable on Obesity Solutions at the National Acad-
emies, developed ten high-level provider competencies for
the prevention and management of obesity for health care
professional schools [19]. Secondly, OMEC, which is spear-
headed by the Obesity Medicine Association, The Obesity
Society, and the American Society of Metabolic and Bariat-
ric Surgery, developed 32 obesity-related competencies and
associated benchmarks across the six core domains of the
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME). These obesity-related competencies were devel-
oped for medical undergraduate and postgraduate training
programs to assess learners within a training program [14].
Competencies from both initiatives are the first step to
evaluating obesity knowledge of health care professionals
and developing a structure for standards of care.
There are several limitations to our study including a
response rate of approximately 30%; however, this is
not unexpected given the target audience of medical
school program leaders who have great demands on
their time. To minimize response bias (i.e., inaccurate
responses) in our survey, the instrument was designed
in collaboration with a survey expert to design opti-
mal questions; however, the survey was not validated,
and response bias is possible. Non-responder bias, in
which certain types of respondents are less likely to
respond (for example, schools without a strong obes-
ity program in place), is also a possibility, and could
have skewed the results toward a more favorable out-
look of obesity education in U.S. medical schools. We
believe that positive skewing is unlikely given the
findings of low prioritization of obesity education re-
ported by the respondents. Some of the reported data
are subjective, including extent that the obesity com-
petencies are covered, student preparedness, and the
prioritization of obesity education.
The design of this research places a greater import-
ance on the number of institutions represented rather
than the homogeneity of respondents. It is important
to have homogeneity of the respondents, and we be-
lieve the deans of education and curriculum leaders
were the most appropriate respondents. In our study,
nearly all respondents taught medical students and
more than 75% were very knowledgeable of their curricu-
lum; however, we were unable to control for the influence
of respondentsvaried roles and professional experience on
their responses. Additionally, due to the difficulty of true
random sampling, this research is limited by the extent to
which our sample of 40 schools represents the true popula-
tion of U.S. allopathic medical schools. Development of the
list of contacts was dependent on publicly available infor-
mation, and therefore, the number of contacts identified at
each institution varied. However, our survey sample closely
aligned to the composition of the current medical schools
in the U.S. with regards to regional distribution and source
of funding (public/private). Thus, we believe the sample we
obtained represents the population in question (U.S. allo-
pathic medical schools).
Fig. 3 Barriers to Implementing/Expanding Obesity Education in Medical School. 2018 Medical School Curriculum Benchmark Online Survey
Respondents (n= 40)
Butsch et al. BMC Medical Education (2020) 20:23 Page 5 of 6
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Obesity is a major public health crisis which is clearly
not being prioritized within the context of medical
school education. Our study highlights the need for U.S.
medical school administrators to change their priorities
and recognize the urgency to develop curricula that com-
prehensively address the disease of obesity. Administrators
should take advantage of resources provided by organiza-
tions such as OMEC and incorporate obesity education
into their curricula so that graduating medical students
will be more knowledgeable and prepared to address the
challenges of caring for and managing the nearly 100 mil-
lion people with obesity in the U.S. today.
Supplementary information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Additional file 1. Medical School Curriculum Benchmark Survey;
Description of data: Survey conducted among medical school directors.
AAMC: Association of American Medical Colleges; ACGME: Accreditation
Council for Graduate Medical Education; AMA: American Medical Association;
OMEC: Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative; U.S.: United States;
USMLE: United States Medical Licensing Examinations
The authors would like to thank Megan Winters for her early efforts in this
survey and Rebecca Hahn of KJT Group, Inc. for medical writing assistance
and support. The authors also would like to thank Eric Campbell, PhD for his
assistance with the survey instrument.
WSB, SA, BGS designed the study and developed the study materials. All
authors provided input into the data analyses, contributed to writing the
manuscript, and read and approved the final manuscript.
Novo Nordisk Inc. financed the development of the study design, third-party
blinded data collection, analysis, and interpretation of data as well as writing
support of the manuscript. Both Dr. Smolarz and Dr. Alford, employees of
Novo Nordisk, co-designed the study, interpreted the data, and generated re-
ported conclusions.
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and/or analyzed during the current study are available
from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ethical approval has been waived (exempted) by Western Institutional
Review Board, July 18, 2018, reference number 11095554-1. Prior to
completing surveys, respondents provided informed consent electronically.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
Dr. Butsch is a health consultant for Novo Nordisk Inc. and on an advisory
board for Rhythm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Dr. Kushner is on the advisory board
for Novo Nordisk and WW, and is a clinical researcher for Novo Nordisk; Dr.
Alford is an employee of Novo Nordisk and owns stock in Novo Nordisk.; Dr.
Smolarz is an employee of Novo Nordisk and owns stock in Novo Nordisk.
Author details
Bariatric and Metabolic Institute at Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA.
Novo Nordisk Inc, 800 Scudders
Mill Rd, Plainsboro Township, NJ 08536, USA.
Received: 21 October 2019 Accepted: 3 January 2020
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... Obesity education for medical students and residents remains insufficient. [47][48][49][50][51] In 2018, medical schools reported an average of 10 h of obesity education with 30% of schools reporting no obesity education. 47 The most commonly reported barriers were lack of faculty expertise and limited curricular time. ...
... [47][48][49][50][51] In 2018, medical schools reported an average of 10 h of obesity education with 30% of schools reporting no obesity education. 47 The most commonly reported barriers were lack of faculty expertise and limited curricular time. 47,48 American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM)-certified physicians should be central to curriculum development, as they have demonstrated knowledge and skills in providing evidence-based obesity care. ...
... 47 The most commonly reported barriers were lack of faculty expertise and limited curricular time. 47,48 American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM)-certified physicians should be central to curriculum development, as they have demonstrated knowledge and skills in providing evidence-based obesity care. 52 The ABOM has over 8,000 physicians certified in Obesity Medicine -over 3,000 of whom have GIM as their primary board certification. ...
The number and complexity of obesity treatments has increased rapidly in recent years. This is driven by the approval of new anti-obesity medications (AOMs) that produce larger degrees of weight loss than previously approved AOMs. Unfortunately, access to these highly effective therapies and to integrated team-based obesity care is limited by intra-/interpersonal patient, institutional/practitioner, community, and policy factors. We contextualized these complexities and the impact of patients’ social drivers of health (SDOH) by adapting the social ecological model for obesity. Without multi-level intervention, these barriers to care will deepen the existing inequities in obesity prevalence and treatment outcomes among historically underserved communities. As General Internal Medicine (GIM) physicians, we can help our patients navigate the complexities of evidence-based obesity treatments. As care team leaders, GIM physicians are well-positioned to (1) improve education for trainees and practitioners, (2) address healthcare-associated weight stigma, (3) advocate for equity in treatment accessibility, and (4) coordinate interdisciplinary teams around non-traditional models of care focused on upstream (e.g., policy changes, insurance coverage, health system culture change, medical education requirements) and downstream (e.g., evidence-based weight management didactics for trainees, using non-stigmatizing language with patients, developing interdisciplinary weight management clinics) strategies to promote optimal obesity care for all patients.
... 4 Furthermore, U.S. medical schools do not prioritize obesity medicine education, thereby limiting educational development in this area. 7 Another contributor to the gap in care of people living with obesity is weight stigma and negative perception toward people living with obesity among physicians. 8 Up to 42% of people living with obesity experienced differential treatment due to their weight status, which underscores the prevalence of this issue. ...
... This is consistent with prior studies among residents that have shown negative attitudes toward their weight loss counseling efficacy.15,17,21 These findings may be related to the welldocumented educational gap in obesity medicine4,7 and poor grasp of evidence-based tools necessary for the care of people living with obesity. In fact, few residents in this study highly rated the quality of their prior training in the care of people living with obesity in medical school and residency. ...
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Objective Despite the rising prevalence of people living with obesity, physicians are providing suboptimal care to these individuals, which may be a consequence of inadequate education in weight management and negative attitudes toward people living with obesity. Internal Medicine (IM) residency is an ideal setting to address physicians' attitudes toward people living with obesity. However, there is a paucity of recent literature on this topic. This study sought to assess the current attitudes of IM residents toward obesity as a disease, people living with obesity, and obesity treatment. Methods A cross‐sectional survey was conducted in 2020 across two IM programs assessing residents' attitudes toward obesity as a disease, people living with obesity, and obesity treatment. RESULTS Among 42 residents who participated in the survey, 64% were women; 31 percent were Post Graduate Year 1, 31% PGY‐2, and 38% PGY‐3. Mean attitude scores were high on statements regarding obesity as a chronic disease [4.7 (SD 0.4)] and its association with serious medical conditions [4.9 (SD 0.3)]. Residents had overall positive attitudes toward people living with obesity. In contrast, residents felt negatively regarding their level of success in helping patients lose weight [2.0 (SD 0.7)]. CONCLUSIONS While residents recognized obesity as a chronic disease and had positive attitudes toward people living with obesity, their low ratings regarding weight management success suggest that targeted educational efforts are needed to increase obesity treatment self‐efficacy.
... The participants expressed a strong desire for ongoing education and A key contextual factor contributing to a poor understanding of obesity-related clinical practice was that obesity was not prioritized in medical education at undergraduate, postgraduate or in continuous professional development. 7,37 Obesity was presented as a risk factor for comorbid diseases with latent connotations of it being selfinflicted due to its association with poor nutrition and physical inactivity. This oversimplified presentation of obesity has real-life implications for PwO. ...
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Introduction General practitioners (GPs) have been identified as pivotal in the identification and initiation of treatment for obesity, yet effective obesity management remains challenging in general practice. Despite the growing prevalence of obesity and the central role of GPs, there is a dearth of research exploring their experiences and challenges in managing the disease. Objective This study aimed to understand these challenges by exploring GPs' experiences and to identify factors influencing their obesity management practices to inform the development of targeted intervention strategies. Method In‐depth interviews were conducted with 10 GPs. Data were analyzed using abductive thematic analysis underpinned by the theoretical domains framework (TDF). Findings were mapped to the behavior change wheel (BCW) and the behavior change taxonomy to identify potential future intervention strategies. Findings Participants described multiple barriers to effective obesity management, including knowledge gaps, lack of training, patient factors, and systemic challenges. Key themes identified were the need for increased support, improved patient engagement, and system‐level changes. Conclusion This study offers valuable insights into the challenges GPs encounter when managing obesity in general practice. Application of the TDF and BCW frameworks identified complex interactions between knowledge, beliefs, and environmental factors influencing GP behavior. These findings highlight key areas for targeted interventions to enhance obesity care and drive best practice.
Introduction: Person-centred care (PCC) may hold promise for improved healthcare experiences and outcomes among patients living with obesity. A validated instrument to assess the delivery of PCC to patients living with obesity is, however, currently lacking. This study aimed to validate such an instrument. In this article, we describe the development and psychometric testing of the 40-item and 24-item short version of the Person-Centred Obesity Care (PCOC) instrument. Methods: A total of 590 individuals living with obesity (BMI 33.4 ± 3.9) from a representative Dutch sample completed the 49-item PCOC instrument measuring the eight dimensions of PCC (patient preferences, physical comfort, coordination of care, emotional support, access to care, continuity and transition, information and education, and family and friends), and two measures of satisfaction with care. We performed confirmatory factor analyses to verify the factor structure of the instrument and examined its reliability and validity. Results: Fit indicators of the first model with all 49 items showed that the model left room for improvement (comparative fit index [CFI] <0.90). A 40-item version was obtained with satisfactory-to-good fit (standardized root mean square residual [SRMR] = 0.05, root mean square error of approximation [RMSEA] = 0.06, CFI = 0.90). The instrument demonstrated good reliability, and the relationship between the PCOC and two indicators of satisfaction with care supported the validity of the scale. Shortening the instrument only further improved the fit indicators, resulting in the development of a 24-item short version (SRMR = 0.04, RMSEA = 0.05, CFI = 0.96), with similar results in terms of reliability and validity. Conclusion: The 40-item PCOC instrument and the 24-item short version showed to be reliable and valid instruments for the assessment of PCC among patients living with obesity. Based on the results, the 40 and 24-item PCOC are promising tools that can be used by clinicians and researchers to explore PCC delivery for patients living with obesity.
Objective The prevalence of overweight and obesity among beneficiaries of the Military Health System (MHS) is 41.6% and 30.5%, respectively. This incurs significant medical, fiscal, and military readiness costs. It is not currently known how the utilization of antiobesity medications (AOMs) within the MHS compares with that in the Veterans Health Administration or the private sector. Our aim was to assess the utilization of AOMs within the MHS. Methods A cross‐sectional study was conducted using data gathered from the MHS Data Repository and the inclusion of all adult TRICARE Prime and Plus beneficiaries ages 18 to 64 years who were prescribed at least one TRICARE‐approved AOM during the years 2018 to 2022. Results The total study population included 4,414,127 beneficiaries, of whom 1,871,780 were active‐duty service members. The utilization of AOMs among the eligible population was 0.56% (0.44% among active‐duty personnel). Liraglutide was the most‐prescribed AOM (36% of the total). Female sex, age greater than or equal to 30 but less than 60 years, and enlisted or warrant officer rank were all associated with statistically significant higher odds of receiving AOMs. Conclusions Comparable with the US private sector, the MHS significantly underutilizes AOMs, including among active‐duty service members, despite coverage of AOMs since 2018.
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A obesidade é um problema de saúde pública significativo que afeta muitas pessoas em todo o mundo. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) a considera uma doença crônica não transmissível, caracterizada pelo acúmulo excessivo de tecido adiposo, o que aumenta o risco de desenvolver outras condições médicas. Sendo assim, o objetivo da pesquisa foi revisar os diversos aspectos que norteiam essa patologia para melhor compreensão dos fatores que dificultam o seu combate. Tratar a obesidade é crucial para entender melhor as necessidades de saúde da população. O diagnóstico da obesidade pode ser realizado por diversos métodos. Embora os exames de imagem sejam mais sensíveis para medir os depósitos de gordura subcutânea, os índices antropométricos são mais comumente utilizados devido à sua facilidade de implementação. Um desses índices é o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC), que calcula a relação entre peso e altura e é capaz de classificar o estado nutricional. Além do IMC, a circunferência da cintura também é amplamente usada para avaliar a composição do tecido adiposo. É crucial investir em estratégias de prevenção e intervenção nutricional para reduzir o desenvolvimento da obesidade, especialmente entre os grupos mais suscetíveis. Essas estratégias podem ajudar a diminuir as internações causadas pela obesidade e promover uma melhor qualidade de vida para a população brasileira. Utilizou-se da metodologia de revisão de literatura. E a principal conclusão foi que a obesidade transcende apenas os fatores biológicos e a sua fisiopatologia multifatorial está relacionada às dificuldades no manejo dessa patologia
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Background This study aimed to (1) evaluate the current status of obesity education at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (CWRU) (2), introduce a comprehensive first-year curriculum on obesity, and (3) assess the impact of the curriculum on self-reported attitudes and knowledge regarding obesity among first-year medical students. Methods The preclinical curriculum at CWRU was reviewed to determine the degree of coverage of Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative (OMEC) competencies for healthcare professionals, and recommendations were provided for revising the curriculum to better adhere to these evidence-based competencies. A survey on obesity attitudes and knowledge was given before and after the implementation of the new curriculum to measure intervention-related changes. Changes in obesity attitudes and knowledge were compared (1) before and after the intervention for the class of 2025 and (2) after the intervention for the class of 2025 to a historical cohort that did not receive the intervention. Results Among the 27 competencies examined in the audit, 55% were unmet and 41% were partially met. Of 186 first-year medical students (M1s), 29 (16%) completed the baseline survey and 26 (14%) completed the post-intervention survey. Following the intervention, there was a notable improvement in attitudes and knowledge regarding obesity. Specifically, there was a significant decrease in the belief that obesity is caused by poor personal choices, and knowledge of obesity in fourteen out of fifteen areas showed significant improvement from pre- to post-intervention. Additionally, obesity attitudes and knowledge were significantly better post-intervention when compared to the historical cohort. Conclusions The improvements made to the preclinical curriculum through this project improved obesity attitudes and knowledge among first-year medical students. This method provides a practical approach for evaluating and enhancing obesity education in medical school curricula.
Phenomenon: Despite the importance of diet in the prevention and management of many common chronic diseases, nutrition training in medicine is largely inadequate in medical school and residency. The emerging field of culinary medicine offers an experiential nutrition learning approach with the potential to address the need for improved nutrition training of physicians. Exploring this innovative nutrition training strategy, this scoping review describes the nature of culinary medicine experiences for medical students and resident physicians, their impact on the medical trainees, and barriers and facilitators to their implementation. Approach: This scoping review used the Joanna Briggs Institute methodology for scoping reviews and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist as guides. Eligible publications described the nature, impact, facilitators, and/or barriers of nutrition and food preparation learning experiences for medical students and/or residents. Additional inclusion criteria were location (U.S. or Canada), allopathic or osteopathic, English, human subjects, and publication year (2002 or later). The search strategy included 4 electronic databases. Two reviewers independently screened titles/abstracts and a third reviewer resolved discrepancies. The full-text review consisted of 2 independent reviews with discrepancies resolved by a third reviewer or by consensus if needed, and the research team extracted data from the included articles based on the nature, impact, barriers, and facilitators of culinary medicine experiences for medical trainees. Findings: The publication search resulted in 100 publications describing 116 experiences from 70 institutions. Thirty-seven publications described pilot experiences. Elective/extracurricular and medical student experiences were more common than required and resident experiences, respectively. Experiences varied in logistics, instruction, and curricula. Common themes of tailored culinary medicine experiences included community engagement/service-based learning, interprofessional education, attention to social determinants of health, trainee well-being, and cultural considerations. Program evaluations commonly reported the outcome of experiences on participant attitudes, knowledge, skills, confidence, and behaviors. Frequent barriers to implementation included time, faculty, cost/funding, kitchen space, and institutional support while common facilitators of experiences included funding/donations, collaboratives and partnerships, teaching kitchen access, faculty and institutional support, and trainee advocacy. Insights: Culinary medicine is an innovative approach to address the need and increased demand for improved nutrition training in medicine. The findings from this review can guide medical education stakeholders interested in developing or modifying culinary medicine experiences. Despite barriers to implementation, culinary medicine experiences can be offered in a variety of ways during undergraduate and graduate medical education and can be creatively designed to fulfill some accreditation standards.
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Background Despite evidence that biological and genetic factors contribute strongly to obesity, many healthcare providers still attribute obesity more to controllable behavioral issues rather than factors outside a person’s control. We evaluated whether medical school students’ beliefs about obesity correlate with ability to effectively counsel patients with obesity. Methods Clerkship-year medical students at NYU School of Medicine completed an Objective Structured Clinical Experience (OSCE) that tests ability to effectively counsel standardized actor-patients with obesity. We surveyed these students to evaluate their beliefs about the causes of obesity and their attitudes towards people with obesity. We analyzed correlations between student beliefs, negative obesity attitudes, and OSCE performance. Results The response rate was 60.7% (n = 71). When asked to rate the importance of individual factors, students rated controllable factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and overeating as more important than genetics or biological factors (p < 0.01). Believing obesity is caused by uncontrollable factors was negatively correlated with obesity bias (r = − 0.447; p < 0.0001). Believing that obesity is caused by factors within a person’s control was negatively correlated with counseling skills (r = − 0.235; p < 0.05). Conclusions Attribution of obesity to external factors correlated with greater ability to counsel patients with obesity, suggesting that educating providers on the biological causes of obesity could help reduce bias and improve provider care.
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Background: The provision of nutrition care by doctors is important in promoting healthy dietary habits, and such interventions can lead to reductions in disease morbidity, mortality, and medical costs. However, medical students and doctors report inadequate nutrition education and preparedness during their training at school. Previous studies investigating the inadequacy of nutrition education have not sufficiently evaluated the perspectives of students. In this study, students' perspectives on doctors' role in nutrition care, perceived barriers, and strategies to improve nutrition educational experiences are explored. Methods: A total of 23 undergraduate clinical level medical students at the 5th to final year in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of the University for Development Studies in Ghana were purposefully selected to participate in semi-structured individual interviews. Students expressed their opinions and experiences regarding the inadequacy of nutrition education in the curriculum. Each interview was audio-recorded and later transcribed verbatim. Using the constant comparison method, key themes were identified from the data and analysis was done simultaneously with data collection. Results: Students opined that doctors have an important role to play in providing nutrition care to their patients. However, they felt their nutrition education was inadequate due to lack of priority for nutrition education, lack of faculty to provide nutrition education, poor application of nutrition science to clinical practice and poor collaboration with nutrition professionals. Students opined that their nutrition educational experiences will be improved if the following strategies were implemented: adoption of innovative teaching and learning strategies, early and comprehensive incorporation of nutrition as a theme throughout the curriculum, increasing awareness on the importance of nutrition education, reviewing and revision of the curriculum to incorporate nutrition, and involving nutrition/dietician specialists in medical education. Conclusion: Though students considered nutrition care as an important role for doctors they felt incapacitated by non-prioritisation of nutrition education, lack of faculty for teaching of nutrition education, poor application of nutrition science and poor collaboration with nutrition professionals. Incorporation of nutrition as a theme in medical education, improving collaboration, advocacy and creating enabling environments for nutrition education could address some of the barriers to nutrition education.
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Background: Recent trends in obesity show that over two-thirds of US adults are considered at least overweight (body mass index, BMI≥25 kg/m(2)) and of those, about one-third are categorized as obese (BMI≥30 kg/m(2)). Physicians can address the health impacts of obesity; yet research has suggested that physicians-in-training frequently fail to recognize obesity, are not properly educated regarding treatment options, and spend relatively little clinic time treating obesity. Medical school is a unique opportunity to address this area of need so that the doctors of tomorrow are prepared to treat obesity appropriately. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine perceptions of where clinical training for medical students on the topic of obesity and its treatment should improve and expand so that we could address the needs identified in a computerized clinical simulation. Methods: We conducted a literature review, as well as a needs analysis with medical school students (N=17) and faculty (N=12). Literature review provided an overview of the current state of the field. Students provided input on their current needs, learning preferences, and opinions. Faculty provided feedback on current training and their perceptions of future needs. Results: Most students were familiar with obesity medicine from various courses where obesity medicine was a subtopic, most frequently in Biochemistry or Nutrition, Endocrinology, and Wellness courses. Student knowledge about basic skills, such as measuring waist circumference, varied widely. About half of the students did not feel knowledgeable about recommending weight loss treatments. Most students did not feel prepared to provide interventions for patients in various categories of overweight/obesity, patients with psychosocial issues, obesity-related comorbidities, or failed weight loss attempts. However, most students did feel that it was their role as health professionals to provide these interventions. Faculty rated the following topics as most important to supplement the curriculum: patient-centered treatment of weight, bringing up the topic of weight, discussing weight and well-being, discussing the relationship between weight and comorbidities, and physician role with overweight or obese patients. Conclusions: A review of the literature as well as surveyed medical students and faculty identified a need for supplementation of the current obesity medicine curriculum in medical schools. Specific needed topics and skills were identified.
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Objective: Obesity is a worldwide problem that has been linked to serious medical issues. Obesity-related conditions drain healthcare expenditures globally, and in particular in the U.S. This article suggests methods to forecast future costs associated with obesity-related healthcare in the next two decades. Methods: An Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series analysis was implemented to model the data published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Results: The findings suggest that the proportion of individuals in the population defined as overweight will decline slowly in the next 20 years. However, the proportion of the population considered obese will increase substantially and could represent as much as 45% of the entire population by 2035. The proportion of morbidly obese will also increase considerably. These trends are likely to impact the actual costs of healthcare considerably. Conclusions: Policy makers in the healthcare sector should be aware of this trend and prepare to deal with increasing numbers of medical problems related to obesity. Concrete recommendations for policy makers are put forward in the discussion as well as avenues for future research.
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Purpose . To assess the state of nutrition education at US medical schools and compare it with recommended instructional targets. Method . We surveyed all 133 US medical schools with a four-year curriculum about the extent and type of required nutrition education during the 2012/13 academic year. Results . Responses came from 121 institutions (91% response rate). Most US medical schools (86/121, 71%) fail to provide the recommended minimum 25 hours of nutrition education; 43 (36%) provide less than half that much. Nutrition instruction is still largely confined to preclinical courses, with an average of 14.3 hours occurring in this context. Less than half of all schools report teaching any nutrition in clinical practice; practice accounts for an average of only 4.7 hours overall. Seven of the 8 schools reporting at least 40 hours of nutrition instruction provided integrated courses together with clinical practice sessions. Conclusions . Many US medical schools still fail to prepare future physicians for everyday nutrition challenges in clinical practice. It cannot be a realistic expectation for physicians to effectively address obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hospital malnutrition, and many other conditions as long as they are not taught during medical school and residency training how to recognize and treat the nutritional root causes.
Objective: Obesity Medicine Education Collaborative (OMEC) was formed to develop obesity-focused competencies and benchmarks that can be used by undergraduate and graduate medical education program directors. This article describes the developmental process used to create the competencies. Methods: Fifteen professional organizations with an interest in obesity collaborated to form OMEC. Using the six Core Competencies of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education as domains and as a guiding framework, a total of 36 group members collaborated by in-person meetings, email exchange, and conference calls. An iterative process was used by each working subgroup to develop the competencies and assessment benchmarks. The initial work was subsequently externally reviewed by 19 professional organizations. Results: Thirty-two competencies were developed across the six domains. Each competency contains five descriptive measurement benchmarks for evaluator rating. Conclusions: This set of OMEC obesity-focused competencies is the first evaluation tool developed to be used within undergraduate and graduate medical training programs for both formative and summative assessments. Routine and more robust assessment is expected to increase the competence of health care providers to assess, prevent, and treat obesity. In addition to dissemination, the competencies and benchmarks will need to undergo evaluation for further validity and practicality.
Objective: The aim of this work is to develop a practical, tangible, measurable, and simple standard of care for the treatment of adult obesity that provides guidance for both clinical providers and community settings. Methods: Three roundtables with relevant stakeholder groups were convened by the STOP Obesity Alliance at The George Washington University to develop the proposed standard of care. Results: The proposed standard of care for adult obesity treatment proposes practices for the spectrum of clinical, community, and digitally based entities and for clinical providers. Coverage and payment policy standards are also provided. Conclusions: These standards are intended to augment published guidelines developed for obesity care providers and can also be viewed as the first step to define an optimal benefit package.
Obesity is associated with serious health risks. Monitoring obesity prevalence is relevant for public health programs that focus on reducing or preventing obesity. Between 2003–2004 and 2013–2014, there were no significant changes in childhood obesity prevalence, but adults showed an increasing trend. This report provides the most recent national estimates from 2015–2016 on obesity prevalence by sex, age, and race and Hispanic origin, and overall estimates from 1999–2000 through 2015–2016.
Approach: Examination items that included obesity-related keywords were identified by National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) staff. A panel of 6 content experts evaluated all items and coded obesity-relevant items using the American Board of Obesity Medicine (ABOM) test outline rubric into 4 domains and 107 subdomains. Findings: There were 802 multiple-choice items containing obesity-related keywords identified by NBME, of which 289 (36%) were identified as being relevant to obesity and were coded into appropriate domains and subdomains. Among the individual domains, the Diagnosis & Evaluation domain comprised most of the items (174) for all 3 Step examinations. Fifty-eight percent of items were represented by 4 of 17 organ systems, and 80% of coded items were represented by 6 ABOM subdomains. The majority of obesity-coded items pertained to the diagnosis and management of obesity-related comorbid conditions rather than addressing the prevention, diagnosis, or management of obesity itself. Insights. The most important concepts of obesity prevention and treatment were not represented on the Step exams. Exam items primarily addressed the diagnosis and treatment of obesity-related comorbid conditions instead of obesity itself. The expert review panel identified numerous important obesity-related topics that were insufficiently addressed or entirely absent from the examinations. The reviewers recommend that the areas identified for improvement may promote a more balanced testing of knowledge in obesity.
Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States. However, physicians feel poorly trained to address the obesity epidemic. This article examines effective training methods for overweight and obesity intervention in undergraduate medical education. Using indexing terms related to overweight, obesity, and medical student education, we conducted a literature searched PubMed PsycINFO, Cochrane, and ERIC for relevant articles in English. References from articles identified were also reviewed to located additional articles. We included all studies that incorporated process or outcome evaluations of obesity educational interventions for U.S. medical students. Of an initial 168 citations, 40 abstracts were retrieved; 11 studies were found to be pertinent to medical student obesity education, but only 5 included intervention and evaluation elements. Quality criteria for inclusion consisted of explicit evaluation of the educational methods used. Data extraction identified participants (e.g., year of medical students), interventions, evaluations, and results. These 5 studies successfully used a variety of teaching methods including hands on training, didactic lectures, role-playing, and standardized patient interaction to increase medical students' knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding overweight and obesity intervention. Two studies addressed medical student bias toward overweight and obese patients. No studies addressed health disparities in the epidemiology and bias of obesity. Despite the commonly cited "obesity epidemic," there are very few published studies that report the effectiveness of medical school obesity educational programs. Gaps still exist within undergraduate medical education including specific training that addresses obesity and long-term studies showing that such training is retained.