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A Primer of Important Natural Numbers and Revisited Fundamental Physical Constants

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Some fundamental physical constants need to be marginally revisited considering the altered relativistic correction determined by the Information Relativity theory of Suleiman. This primer will be constantly renewed and extended as the acceptance by the physical community progresses.
A Primer of Important Natural Numbers and
Revisited Fundamental Physical Constants
Hans Hermann Otto
Materials Science and Crystallography, Clausthal University of Technology,
Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Lower Saxony, Germany
Some fundamental physical constants such as the gyromagnetic factor of the electron or its
charge need to be marginally revisited considering the altered relativistic correction
determined by the Information Relativity theory (IRT) of Suleiman. As a new important
natural number the fifth power of the golden mean is introduced. Also a conjecture is given
connecting Sommerfeld’s structure constant α with the galactic velocity ß
. This primer will
be constantly renewed and extended as the acceptance by the physical community progresses.
The intention of this primer is to fasten the process of the revision of physical ‘constants’ due
to a changed relativistic mass correction, which is suggested by the new Information
Relativity theory (IRT) of Suleiman [1]. In contrast to the as yet applied relativistic mass
correction based on the Lorentz-Einstein theory [2]
is the rest mass of a moving body, v is its velocity, and c is the speed of light, the
new IRT approach for the relativistic mass correction resulted in [1]
is the recession velocity of a moving body.
A first relativistic mass correction of the experimental determined gyromagnetic factor
the electron was recently proposed [3] and should be confirmed or marginally corrected by
the researchers of the original work [4] [5] [6]. Then the Sommerfeld fine-structure constant α
[7] should be adequately corrected, and also the elementary charge of the electron as not
independently defined quantity. The ‘magic’ α constant is given by
where e is the elementary charge of the electron, h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light,
is the vacuum magnetic permeability. The most precise value of α resulted from
comparison of the experimentally measured and calculated value of the gyromagnetic factor
of the electron [4] [5] [6], and the most precise value of the Planck constant comes from
Kibble watt balance experiments [7].
Recently, a new seminal approach of structure and matter was given by Guynn [8] [9],
considering Thomas precession of rotating entities from elementary particles to galaxies. He
has verified the gyromagnetic factor of the electron almost up to its exorbitantly precise
experimental value. He impressively lead back QED to what it actually is, hardly more than a
However, if we speak of constancy respectively physical constants, we can state constancy
only during the small time period people have documented observations and measurements.
But over the time the cosmos existed, constancy may be questioned at all [10].
Fundamental Physical Constants and Important Natural Numbers
In Table 1 important physical and chemical constants as well as important natural numbers
were selected. The red colored quantities were fixed by definition, whereas the blue colored
constants should be revisited. Recently, the Rydberg ‘constant’ was derived for relativistic
conditions [11] [12], but should be further adapted using the IRT theory [1]. Additional
references [13] to [14] are recommended to the reader. As a new important natural number
that governs phase transitions from microscopic to cosmic scale and beyond, the fifth power
of the golden mean respectively its inverse is recommended [15]. Surprisingly, this number
multiplied with the circle constant yields the ratio between the in-sphere volume and the
pyramid volume of the Great Pyramid of Giza [16] [17].
We may point to other approximate relations recently found by the present author, when he
studied the seminal results of Preston Guynn [8] [9]
 !" #$"$
Indeed, these relations can have important consequences, if one could confirm the conjecture
[8] [9]. Guynn’s approach is a cornucopia of overflowing ideas inspiring
metrologists to confirm or measure anew fundamental physical constants. The galactic
velocity 
can also be approximated as scaled product of electromagnetic and strong
coupling constants [8] [18]
 '")'
Vice versa one can determine accurately
using this relation, because the Milky Way
maximum galactic velocity is accurate to eight decimal places [8]
$$ *!!'
Recently, Bhandari and Bhandari set out to demonstrate that an external energy source may
power our universe and that gravity may be due to cancellation of energy lines in the shadow
regions of mass objects, creating an energy vacuum that causes the gravitational force
between the masses [31]. We have just derived that their approach can be reformulated in a
formula in which the G constant is retained. However, the squared distance between the
centers of the masses is reciprocal in both the Newton formula and the new one [32] [33].
Reciprocity relations are frequently observed in physics. Most important is the reciprocal
duality between particles and waves [34]. The reciprocity relation between Sommerfeld’s
structure constant [24] and Guynn’s galactic velocity [8] is another prominent example.
However, Guynn recently also suggested that G is not a constant and suffers periodic
variations due to the influence of Jupiter’s orbit and alignment relative to the galaxy [35] [36].
Jupiter is by far the most massive planet in the solar system.
Recently we related the Higgs mass
to the mass of proton plus electron using the
following result [37] [38]
where 9 is the golden mean and
represents a new (fundamental) angle, derived from our
!A*"*! B"B$C
[1] Suleiman, R. (2019) Relativizing Newton. Nova Scientific Publisher, New York, 2020, 1-
[2] Einstein, A. (1905) Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper. Annalen der Physik und
Chemie 17, 891-921.
[3] Otto, H. H. (2020) Reciprocity as an Ever-Present Dual Property of Everything. Journal of
Modern Physics 11, 98-121.
[4] Odom, B. (2004) Fully Quantum Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Momentum.
Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Massachusetts USA.
[5] Gabrielse, G., Hanneke, D., Kinoshita, T., Nio, M., and Odom, B. (2006) New
Determination of the Fine Structure Constant from Electron g Value and QED. Physical
Review Letters 97, 030802, 1-4.
[6] Gabrielse, G., Hanneke, D., Kinoshita, T., Nio, M., and Odom, B. (2007) Erratum: New
Determination of the Fine Structure Constant from the Electron g Value and QED. Physical
Review Letters 99, 039902, 1-2.
[7] Wood, B.M., Sanchez, C. A., Green, R. G., and Liard, J. O. (2017) A Summary of the
Planck constant determination using the NRC Kibble balance. Metrologia 54, 399-409.
[8] Guynn. P. (2018) Thomas precession is the basis for the structure of matter and space.
viXra: 1810.0456, 1-27.
[9] Otto, H. H. (2022) Comment to Guynn’s Fine-Structure Constant Approach. Journal of
Applied Physics and Mathematics 10, 2796-2804.
[10] Otto, H. H. (2023) Actually There is No Reason for Anything to be Constant At All.
[11] Suto, R. (2021) Theoretical and Experimental Values for the Rydberg Constant Do Not
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 9, 1993-2003.
[12] Suto, K. (2023) The Physical Constant Called Rydberg Constant Does Not Exist. Journal
of Applied Physics and Mathematics 11, 2621-2629.
[13] von Klitzing, K., Dorda, G., and Pepper, M. (1980) New method for high accuracy
determination of the fine structure constant based on quantized Hall resistance. Physical
Review Letters 45, 494-497.
[14] Bettin, H. (2019) How the Avogadro constant was measured for the last time.
[15] Otto, H. H. (2020) Phase Transitions Governed by the Fifth Power of the Golden Mean
and Beyond. World Journal of Condensed Matter Physics 10, 1-22.
[16] Otto, H. H. (2020) Magic Numbers of the Great Pyramid: A Surprising Result. Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Physics 8, 2063-2071.
[17] Otto, H. H. (2021) Ratio of In-Sphere Volume to Polyhedron Volume of the Great
Pyramid Compared to Selected Convex Polyhedral Solids. Journal of Applied Physics and
Mathematics 9, 41-56.
[18] Otto, H. H. (2022) Galactic Route to the Strong Coupling Constant α
) and Its
Implication On the Mass Constituents of the Universe. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Physics, Volume 10, 3572-3585.
[19] The NIST SP 959 CODATA Recommended Values of the Fundamental Constants of
Physics and Chemistry (2019). National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaitherburg,
MD 20899, USA.
[20] NIST CODATA (2018) National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaitherburg,
MD 20899, USA.
[21] Finch, S. R. (2003) Mathematical Constants. Cambridge University Press, New York.
[22] Otto, H.H. (2017) Continued Fraction Representation of Universal Numbers and
[23] He, J. H., Tian, D. and Otto, H. H. (2018) Is the half-integer spin a first level
approximation of the golden mean hierarchy? Results in Physics 11, 362-363., DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20110.66884
[24] Sommerfeld, A. (1919) Atombau und Spektrallinien. Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn,
[25] Davis, R. S. (2017) Determining the value of the fine-structure constant from a current
balance: getting acquainted with some upcoming changes to the SI. American Journal of
Physics 85, 364.
[26] Li, Q. et al. (2018) Measurements of the gravitational constant using two independent
methods. Nature 560, 582-588.
[27] Jiang, Z. et al. (2013) On the gravimetric contribution to watt balance experiments.
Metrologia 50, 452-471.
[28] Ketterle, W. and Jamison, A. O. (2019) An atomic physics perspective on the new
kilogram defined by Planck’s constant. Physics Today?
[29] Tumasyan, A. et al. (2022) Measurement and QCD analysis of double-diffential inclusive
jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions at &D = 13TeV. Journal of High Energy Physics
142, 1-66.
[30] Mozafari, K. (2022) Unified Equation of Fundamental Forces’ Coupling Values, and the
Existence of Subsequent, Fifth and Other, Forces. Journal of Applied Mathematics and
Physics 10, 2499-2507.
[31] Bhandari, P. N. and Bhandari, N. (2022) Fundamental forces are not fundamental as our
3-D Universe is driven by an external energy source., 1-19.
[32] Otto, H. H. (2023) Comment to Bhandari and Bhandari: Fundamental forces are not
fundamental as our 3-D Universe is driven by an external energy source. ResearchGate, 1-6.
[33] Otto, H. H. (2023) Reciprocity Relation Between Alternative Gravity Formulas.
ResearchGate, 1-3.
[34] Otto, H. H. (2020) Reciprocity as an Ever-Present Dual Property of Everything. Journal
of Modern Physics 11, 98-121.
[35] Guynn, P. (2021) Jupiter’s orbit and alignment relative to the galaxy is the physical basis
of periodic variations of gravitational constant G and the length of day.
[36] Anderson J. D. et al. (2015) Measurement of Newton’s gravitational constant and the
length of day.
[37] Otto, H. H. (2024) Creation of Paired Entities is Ever Governed by the Golden Mean:
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[38] Otto, H. H. (2024) Higgs Boson Mass Relations and Hole Superconductivity.
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Table 1. Fundamental Physical Constants and Important Natural Numbers
Numbers in parentheses are the one-sigma uncertainty in the last two digits of the given value [19].
The red colored constants have been fixed. The blue colored values must be revised by means of the
information relativity theory (IRT) [1]
Speed of light c 2.99792458·10
m s
[7] [19] [24]
Planck constant h 6.62607015·10
J Hz
Vacuum permittivity ε
F m
Vacuum permeability µ
Electron mass m
Electron charge e
Gyromagnetic factor g
2.00231909… - [3]
2.00231930436182(52) - [5] [8] [19]
Sommerfeld constant α 0.0072973525693(11) - [19] [24] [25] Inverse α constant α
137.035999084(21) -
Klitzing resistance R
Klitzing speed v
m s
Gravitation constant G 6.674484(78)·10
[25] [35]
!#! !
Gravity acceleration g
9.80665 *) m s
9.809280196(13) m s
[11] [27]
Boltzmann constant k 1.38064903(51)·10
Bohr radius a
Bohr magneton µ
Rydberg ‘constant’
[11] [12] [19]
Galactic velocity ß
- 0.000739437964740 - [8][9]
Strong coupling constant
0.1170(19) - [18] [29] [30]
0.11700522 - [18] [29]
Calibration constants
'!#!$$'!$ )
Isotopic mass
Cs 132.905451933(24) g·mol
**) 9192631770 Hz
***) 6.777265111839
Avogadro number N
Numbers Symbol Numerical Value
Circle constant π 3.14159265358079… - [21 [22]
Golden mean φ 0.61803398874989… - [21] [22] [23]
0.090169943749… - [15] [22]
11.090169943749… -
α/π 0.002322819466 -
·π 0.28327723… [15] [16]
Euler number e 2.7182818284… - [19] [21]
FCT numbers ****) δ
4.6692016091… - [21] δ
2.502907875095… -
8.7210972… -
Constants Symbol Numerical value Unit Reference
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We compare Newton's force law of universal gravitation with a corrected simple approach based on Bhandari's recently presented work, where the gravita-tion constant G is maintained. A reciprocity relation exists between both alternative gravity formulas with respect to the distances between mass centers. We conclude a one-to-one mapping of the two gravitational formulas. We don't need Einstein's construct of spacetime bending by matter.
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Some fundamental physical quantities needs an alternative description. We derive the word average value of interaction coupling constant α_s (m_z ) from the observed maximum galactic rotation velocity |β_g |=|v_g |/c by the simple relation α_s (m_z)=|β_g |/β_0 ∙1/α=0.117005223, where β_0=√3/2 is the velocity, at which the difference between galactic rotation velocity and Thomas precession is equal, and α is Sommerfeld’s constant. The result is in excellent agreement with the value of α_s=0.1170±0.0019, recently measured and verified via QCE analysis by CERN researchers. One can formulate a reciprocity relation, connecting α_s with the circle constant: π∙α_s≈1/(π∙β_0 ). It is the merit of Preston Guynn to derive the Milky Way maximum value of the galactic rotation velocity β_g, pointing to its ‘extremely important role in all physics’. The mass (energy) constituents of the Universe follow a golden mean hierarchy and can simply be related to the maximum of Guynn’s difference velocity respectively to α_s (m_z ), therewith excellently confirming Bouchet’s WMAP data analysis. We conclude once more that the golden mean concept is the leading one of nature.
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In order to find solution to many unsolved mysteries in Physics a new theory has been proposed. This theory proposes an external source of energy which is responsible for all so-called fundamental forces associated with the elementary particles. New dimensions called O-reality and O-imaginary which are source of external energy to our 3-D universe are introduced. These are energy filled totally symmetric dimensions wherein time doesn't exist. Current theory states that energy of elementary particles is by virtue of an external source and not an intrinsic property. This theory integrates Quantum particles with gravitational force and holds potential to solve most of existing unsolved problems. Mathematical model is developed using this theory for calculation of the Gravitational Force. Results of Gravitational force obtained by this model wherein energy source responsible for gravitational force has external origin, are in accordance with Newtonian values. This theory brings Quantum Physics and Gravitational force under one Umbrella and opens the door for the reasoning behind many unsolved problems in Physics. This theory leads to new approach towards explanation of origin of Universe, dark matter. Dark energy, quantum entanglement, Double slit experiment and wave particle duality, superposition, Holographic Universe, Uncertainty principle, Origin of time and its unidirectional property, increasing entropy.
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Sommerfeld's fundamental fine-structure constant α once more gives reason to be amazed. This comment is a Chapter of a publication in preparation dealing mainly with golden ratio signature behind Preston Guynn's famous matter/space approach. As a result we present a relation of α to the galactic velocity g g v c β = , mediated by the circle constant π, which points to an omnipresent importance of this constant and its intrinsic reciprocity pecularity: 2 g α π β ≈ respectively 1 1 g π β π α − ⋅ ≈ ⋅. The designation fine-structure constant should be replaced simply by Sommerfeld's constant. We present golden mean-based approximations for α as well as for electron's charge and mass and connect the word average value of interaction coupling constant () s z m α with g β .
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Sommerfeld's fundamental fine-structure constant once more gives reason to be amazed. This is a Chapter of a contribution in preparation dealing mainly with golden ratio signature behind Preston Guynn's famous Matter/Space Approach.
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Anderson et al. analyzed measurements of gravitational constant G, and found a periodic variation that matched both the frequency and phase of length of day (LOD) variations previously described by Holme and de Viron. Anderson speculated that the variation might not be real but an undetermined mechanism affecting both measurements in a similar manner. The basis for the periodic variations and the correlation between them has been an area of continuing research. Substantiation of the reported periodic variations in G and LOD is of relevance to researchers in fundamental physics, astrophysics, metrology, geophysics, and particle physics. Reported herein is that the physical basis for the periodic variations is Jupiter's orbit and alignment relative to the Milky Way galaxy.
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In many areas of physics and chemistry, the Rydberg constant is a fundamental physical constant that plays an important role. It comes into play as an indispensable physical constant in basic equations for describing natural phenomena. The Rydberg constant appears in the formula for calculating the wavelengths in the line spectrum emitted from the hydrogen atom. However, this Rydberg wavelength formula is a nonrelativistic formula derived at the level of classical quantum theory. In this paper, the Rydberg formula is rewritten as a wavelength formula taking into account the theory of relativity. When this is done, we come to an unexpected conclusion. What we try to determine by measuring spectra wavelengths is not actually the value of the Rydberg constant but the value of Formula (18). came into common use in the world of nonrelativistic classical quantum theory. If the theory of relativity is taken into account, can no longer be regarded as a physical constant. That is, we have continued to conduct experiments to this day in an attempt to determine the value of a physical constant, the Rydberg constant, which does not exist in the natural world.
A measurement of the inclusive jet production in proton-proton collisions at the LHC at s = 13 TeV is presented. The double-differential cross sections are measured as a function of the jet transverse momentum pT and the absolute jet rapidity |y|. The anti-kT clustering algorithm is used with distance parameter of 0.4 (0.7) in a phase space region with jet pT from 97 GeV up to 3.1 TeV and |y| < 2.0. Data collected with the CMS detector are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb−1 (33.5 fb−1). The measurement is used in a comprehensive QCD analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order, which results in significant improvement in the accuracy of the parton distributions in the proton. Simultaneously, the value of the strong coupling constant at the Z boson mass is extracted as αS(mZ) = 0.1170±0.0019. For the first time, these data are used in a standard model effective field theory analysis at next-to-leading order, where parton distributions and the QCD parameters are extracted simultaneously with imposed constraints on the Wilson coefficient c1 of 4-quark contact interactions.